#deich thoughts
justdeich · 11 months
I have Scout on my mind so send art requests!
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Plz I wanna draw my boy but I'm low on ideas. Art block do be like that qwq
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zeondraws · 1 year
To print out for diary
So I just came back from a three week class trip. Haven't drawn much but I am getting back to things, atleast my tiny Philosophy is just that I don't have to worry about not drawing alot for an extended period. Because I still know how to do it.
It was a great experience being outside with my classmates and just having a fun time, I'll try to write down how each week went so that I could perhaps remember if I wanna look back
So first week was somewhat exhausting, this has to do with the fact that I had my wisdom teeth pulled out two weeks prior and having to lay in bed for a week. The first 4 days after the operation were difficult, thankfully the pain slowly went away but I got an infection on the 4th day at around 4am (it was super painful and uncomfortable) and I had to wait until I could call my dentist. Thankfully antibiotics did their thing and all my wounds from the operation are healing up just fine
The drive to the house we'd stay is somewhat long but I connected my phone to the minibus so we just listened to my Spotify while other classmates occasionally suggested something they liked. It was already promising that we very much enjoyed the drive there since the next weeks would be very fun/get more crazier.
Next day would just be us going through buildings and talking about the species that live in and outside the benthos of the wadden sea. And in which areas they'd occur. Also some talks about the geology of Germany.
We would do a small walk around the area in the evening and I remember going on a morning on this day, mainly to check if I could find any feathers. I didn't find much, the area is kept super clean and the lawns are getting mowed frequently. But it was quite interesting being near the military, or well somewhat intimidating. And I THINK I did another walk inbetween these two walks, waaa.
It must've been like morning walk was me just walking on this grassy Deich to look for feathers, I saw sheep and my classmates coming back from their jogging. And after a few presentations from our teacher later, I went out again and then saw the military areas around me. And then we did another walk in the evening, I already felt tired because I don't sleep well in new areas for the first night but my legs were feeling this the next morning.
We went out with the ship the next day, it was pretty fun, we were collecting samples which ment catching a bunch of animals inside and on the benthos and sorting them/keeping a few for our aquariums. Also collecting plankton which looked adventurous.
There was this dude.. who was operating this arm of the ship, which is needed to carry around the heavy machinery and he smoked like 15 cigarettes on that day or more, I think he smokes an entire package or two. He seemed somewhat angry but apparently that's just how he is, he does his job well amd pretty much keeps the ship rust free, only thing the crew would have to deal with are his mood swings but I bow to that guy and his commitment to his work.
That day went by quickly, it wasn't too bpring, it wasn't too exciting. Was some perfect neutral, would I be interested to do this as a job? I don't know, I would have to do this more often to get a clear opinion. All the things we did on this trip were exhausting but kept me on my feet and I got enough social interaction which helped me to not dwell on my thoughts too long. At least I can't remember what I was feeling bad about. The thoughts just poofed!
The next day was rather annoying for me, I think it was because I was struggling to understand how to identify these animals, too many odd words in these ID books, everything in English which shouldn't be a problem for me. But it had so many unknown words in there that I couldn't get it into my head and I pretty much just let the others do it. Not thw greatest move, hm I think I would've been happy if we got some more slight assistance but that's my thought of that day
We went to the wadden sea museum on Sunday, I found it spectacular, a bunch if different floors, with different themes and my favourite was the display of different species in one room. And ofc the birds and uh also the cetaceans room. Yes, I bought souvenir too, always gotta buy the magnets. When I have my own apartment or just like ne in 10 years there will be soooo many magnets on my fridge. It'll be full I tell you.
I also enjoyed the tern colony we visited, a bummer that it was just placed on this concrete platform but it also had a very good function. The colony ws protected from any dangers from the mainland, only thing that could come would be peregrines but those birds also have to feed their chicks! So the researchers don't mind if a falcon catches one of the birds, part of life as they say. I think only downside was that they don't really have any job offers since I have to look for a job in about 2 months. Alot of job offers are usually for Uni students, hopefully I will find something soon.
We were allowed to givename suggestions for future terns, they gave all their terns a name, so I ofc suggested my own name, which isn't known by alot of folk around here.
Wellll and on that evening we were preparing to pack our stuff to go to Helgoland, I packed quickly as I usually do. Didn't have much stuff to bring, but I know I would bring a bit more atuff back home duo to the stuff you can buy there.
How do I explain this week.. it was a bit more stressful than the first week. Also the schedule was so tightly packed on that day we only had time to buy food at around 5pm and realised almost all grocery stores would close at 6pm!! I think one was open for longer but we all just walked to one/two of them when we could and I pretty much grabbed whatever.
It was fun day because we also got to see the Fanggarten, where they catch birds and ring them on the island. The volunteer had a song thrush and a Greater Whitethroat in his bags. Birbs are so beautiful up close.
I completely forgot that we like put our stuff in our rooms earlier this day and directly afterwards our teacher talked about the geology of the island. Maybe I forgot this because of the sheer exhaustion I felt on that day. It was interesting but also sad to hear what happened to the island during the war
I was not a big fan of where we stayed, the washing machine costed money, the rooms were tiny (ok these are probably very stupid complaints but I think I was used to different things so much that this was a pain in my eyes) and oh my god the showers, they were in another room and thankfully seperated by cabinets, but the actual showers were terrible, I didn't feel clean afterwards, these showers are typically in public swimming pools.
The next days were just getting specimens, identifying them and going to the city part of the island and looking at things to buy, I got magnets, postcards, rum, a knife, tictacs (yes), uuh food, and prolly other souvenir I forgot about.
I also spend a good portion at the beach, there were eider ducks calling in the distance which was incredible, they have the most goofiest sound of all time. Pure entertainment right there. Later I saw some classmates vibing so I just joined them for a bit and then returned to collect some seaglass. I also found feathers on that beach which was nice
We looked at the rock formations and also walked up the big staircase, hoh boy it was super exhausting on the first day, I think it got better the next days since I walked so much.
And on some evenings we started drinking alcohol, this peaked on the last night we stayed there, I thankfully didn't drink on that night. But many from my class got drunk, vomited or just were grumpy. Including me because my classmate who slept in a room with me vomited in her bed, which led to me not having alot of sleep on that day. It just shows that sleep is important otherwise I just become grumpy. But I wasn't angry at her for long.
But before everyone got drunk on that day we visited the dune island next to the main island, which was prolly the most fun part of helgoland (next to the breeding colony on the main island, this one is also very fun to look at). And I pretty much walked everwhere I could, I found red flint, a bunch of feathers and birb bones. Nothing too crazy but I was amazed how beautiful this island looked like. I haven't really been on any sandy beaches in a while.
Helgoland is pretty but I think I'd have to stay there for longer to get a proper picture of it.
I also had an encounter with a strange man on my last evening there, I think he was flirting with me but was also keeping boundaries. Only thing that was suspicious was the way he spoke to me. I was able to just bring him to the dining room where ny classmates were and then get rid of him later when we finished speaking and I had to vacuum.
It probably messed with my emotions on that day duo to lack of sleep. Surely this guy is waaay too old for me but it made me wonder about relationships. Do I want to be in one? Do I even have a desire for it? Like am I even interested in this? Romantic relationships feel weird to me, I made bad experiences with guys/men who wanted to exploit me or were only interested in one thing. I have no positive experience about this because I never was in a relationship to begin with. It feels like you firstly need to love yourself, be confident and do well with criticism and need to find some partner that would fit your criteria. I don't even know what criteria I'd look out for. I don't even feel like googling, since I am not interested to spent time on this. It feels very weird to me to just commit alot of time to nourish a specific relationship, since I like to be alone most of the time. Imagine having to juggle your hobbies with a romantic relationship, I don't know what to imagine. It's rather scary.
Well now I'd like to move to the last week/this week of events
Next day was great (even tho I clearly didn't sleep enough again becauseI was listening to music >:) heheh) we went to Spiekeroog, I must say it is a very beautiful Island, I wish I could work there immediately. There are like actual sandy beaches! and they're so long that I was just in awe. I walked barefoot while we walked on the beach. Just me walking around finding feathers and stomping around the water here and there. Could ask for nothing more on that moment, all my needs are met.
My feet felt super soft afterwards, my classmates found it weird that I talked about feet but come on! Wouldn't you like clean and soft feet? Don't lie to yourself, this isn't about the fetish. Feeling clean is nice dhskdbsjdj
I didn't find too many crazy things on that island, but I bought a bird book!! heheheheheheheh
Next day was basically just us driving around the mini bus, listening to music and occasionally listening to our geology teacher about the region and the components used in churches. It was awkward when we went inside the church minutes before the session there started, mist be weird having a class shortly visit and then walk out very soon. Sorry about that
Nothing much to say about that day, tho on each evening we played ganes or just vibed together... in one night I wanted to go to the toilet but one of my classmates was literally hiding on the toilet because... our other classmate was snoring?! No clue why he was hiding from that but I hushed him out of the bathroom so that I could use the toilet.
Next day was us walking through the wadden sea.. hoh boy it felt annoying, only fun part was when the guy (who would take us through the wadden sea and lead a save route) didn't speak 638382838 things and tried to test us as if we were taking an exam.
If there is one thing I hate, is exams. Last months I realised or atleast because the finals are soon.. that school is just teaching me how to learn for exams. I had so many struggles irl while having to juggle exams that I couldn't even get myself interested in most topics, because I was too busy thinking about the next exam. I think covid also added stress since I caught that last year. But yeah, I really don't wanna go to uni or anything after this, I find exams only to be semi good. When I look at job applications I realise how much I didn't learn, because we focused so much on grades that it's just ridiculous. At this point I feel like I have to teach the remaining things I didn't learn myself, because how do I get into this field? They want people who already worked! This goes for both fields I am interested in, well art feels more intimidating.
Because I am just someone out of thousands, I have less chances in art than in smth museum based. But I am ofc always trying to get better at things. And just continue to learn new things all the time. Can't wait to not worry about exams anymore, I'll feel free
Anyways, sonxe this guy made me feel anger towards exams I shall continue ze trip talk.
My favourite part was when we reached the sandy part of the wadden sea, my legs obv sank into the mudd when we were in the muddy area. It wasn't tooo bad just very exhausting. I wouldn't mind doing it again
But yes when we reached the sandy part, I saw the perfect opportunity to just run for a bit, and breathe in the fresh air. Since I won't get another chance in a long while to walk around the literally sea floor. It felt very nice, it felt freeing in some way. Just running around for a bit and just letting your inner child have fun.
When we reached the mainland again we cleaned ourselves up and went to buy groceries again. Well I walked into the store barefoot.. which is quite the experience because I immediately got the thought "will anyone notice? Will it be weird?" But I thought naaah whatever I am just walking barefoot, I ain't breaking rules. Atleast I noticed that I never thought about what it would be like to walk *barefoot* into a store.
I mean I can say that the floor feels nice and smooth, but it also felt cold and my clothing was still semi wet duo to the walk through the mudd/washing our legs afterwards.
when we were back in our house I changed clothes and laid in bed for a bit. When I took a shower on that day I made it extra warm, I needed that after shivering for a good while.
We collected samples ofc, I collected some cool hermit crabs there. We put them into the aquariums and would identify the species on the next day. That went by quickly we didn't find many species. maybe 15 or so
Well and when that was concluded we pretty much had free for the day, we still discussed a few things and did a small trip around the institute again to look at the machinery or see what the other scientists are doing.
On that evening we played games, talked about random stuff, I talked about bus lore (my classmates asked some very intimate bus lore questions which I found hilarious. I think I answered them all) which reminds me I also wrote some bus lore on some days, I had a small break though with some plottholes which I'll try ti implement the coming days, through tumbkr and toyhouse.
We played a card game on the last evening, I don't know hie it was called. But I didn't care if I would fin or not, I had my good laugh on that evening.
Oh shit I remember, we went to a restaurant on that day too. All you can eat buffet! I troed out so much, I was quite full but I got like 3 plates full of food. I even tried out wallaby meat and a whole tiny octopus? Or squid I think
I think the only thing I didn't like was a specific type of ice cream, so I did the only. logical thing: I asked my classmate to try it out and watch her face turn from neutral to literal disgust in mere seconds.
I also laughed way too long at one point, I apparently found something suoer funny and just started laughing for 3-5min straight. And then my classmate comes at ne with a thanos joke... thanos but as a whale (whanos) I just. I just couldn't stop laughing
The meme was so terrible but I knew anything would make me laugh out loud at that point.
I still remember how we all sat in our room before we went to bed. My 4 classmates were all huddled together in one bed while I laid in the other. There isn't a big reason why I laid alone. I just like laying a bit seperate from people. But it just felt nice being together with people whom you trust and already knew for a while and just hang out for 3 weeks. I think I will never forget this trip. I think it taught me a lesson but I don't know how to put it into words.
I hope with this new knowledge I can progress further and try out new things or just experience life to the fullest.
When I was younger I was always an outcast of some sorts, never fitting in. I always wanted to experience something normal people experience. Well I think I did experience something like that now, I tried out so much and was just being myself
Seeing that people appreciate me for who I am and enjoy my company.
Life seems scary for me at times, my main things that scare me are exams, finding an apartment to live in and finding a job to make money.
I wish we could spent more time just socialising and enjoying life, rather than thinking about money, or atleast live a bit more stress free.
I wouldn't mind going kn a trio that would last a year with my classmates. Ik that is just sone random imagination but it would sound nice, just enjoying our time together and not overworrying too much. At least I think my problems just poofed away quickly. I wasn't angy at people for long, maybe at one classmate but then I forgot why I was angry.
So yes this was my trip, I also pretty much just laid down and vibed tonight. No music or listening to music or whatever. Just in my room in silence. Feels needed
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strawberryclothing · 2 months
Official Liv morgan summer slam T shirt
Official Girls Will Be Girls Kamala Harris 2024 T Shirt
Brat Kamala Harris 2024 shirt
Kitchen Dwellers Fall Tour 2024 Poster Shirt
Deich Festival Artwork 24 Vintage T Shirt
Official Coming Soon Kamala Harris 2024 T Shirt
Official Liv morgan summer slam T shirt
Henhouse Prowlers Tour In Chicago IL On November 29 2024 Poster Shirt
Hulk Hogan Trumpamania supporters 2024 shirt
Official Kamala Harris Vote Vote Vote T Shirt
New York Giants American Football Team NFL Signatures shirt
2024 Trump Vance Take America Back Shirt
Official 2024 Minnesota yacht club festival T shirt
Dreamy Draw Music Festival Nov 1 2 2024 Scottsdale Civic Center Scottsdale Arizona Poster Shirt
Official Liv morgan summer slam T shirt I first thought it was Official Liv morgan summer slam T shirt . But, since then, whenever I showed her something that might be visually stimulating, like other cats on Youtube, or an animation for cats on TV, she would perk up and run into my room when she heard the sounds, but when she had seen the pictures on the screen, she immediately checked behind the screen to see if it’s real or just a display. If she realized that it was only TV or a laptop or an iPad, she would immediately turn away. I don’t know if this really is something special, though.
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aerequets · 2 years
even twilight
Summary: He sat isolated in the middle of the empty warehouse, far from any walls or scrap that could be utilized as weapons. A thin stream of blood trickled down his temple from where he’d been struck on the head and taken out. Even Twilight couldn’t get out of this one.
read on ao3 
a/n: so im not really sure what this is, or if i like it that much in terms of the writing, BUT i just think twiyor should kiss and smile at each other in love. thats all
also joint missions. i need them to rub off on each other
Twilight’s wrists and ankles were bound to the back of a chair in iron cuffs, looped around several times over in thick metal chains. The chair itself was metal as well, the legs smooth, leaving no room for splintering wood giving any semblance of an advantage. He sat isolated in the middle of the empty warehouse, far from any walls or scrap that could be utilized as weapons. A thin stream of blood trickled down his temple from where he’d been struck on the head and taken out. 
Even Twilight couldn’t get out of this one. This was a fact that one smug Zachary Deich knew well. 
Zachary had unwittingly struck gold earlier that evening when one of his men discovered the infamous spy, Twilight, rifling through his office during the time Zachary was at work. For such a well known spy, the man was an idiot. He was bare faced and so absorbed in looking for—Zachary assumed—the financial ledgers about seizing Westalian citizens’ assets that he didn’t even notice the ambush coming from behind until he was knocked out cold. And besides, what reasonable politician kept volatile documents like that in their main office? Zachary almost couldn’t believe that the underwhelming man he caught was the Twilight, but he knew he wasn’t mistaken. He’d wasted no time in leaving work, getting the spy transported to a remote location, divesting him of his guns, and tying him down.
He wasn’t going to let this kind of golden opportunity slip.
“Hey.” He patted Twilight’s cheek twice, none too lightly, before slapping him outright. Twilight coughed and slowly pried his eyes open. “Rise and shine. Oh, wait. That kinda goes against your whole ‘twilight’ schtick, doesn’t it? My bad.” 
Twilight said nothing, only glared, drawing a chuckle from Zachary. “I guess you’re not a man of many words. Not to worry. We have all the time in the world to get into conversation.” Zachary slowly paced around Twilight, circling like a predator did prey. “All the tales about you had me expecting…more. You’re not as big as I thought you’d be.” He slapped the side of Twilight’s head—the side matted with blood—snickering with delight. “Not as smart or tough, either. All it takes to catch the best Westalian spy is to sneak up from behind with a lead pipe, huh?” 
Twilight maintained his silence. This time Zachary’s jaw ticked in annoyance. “You won’t be so keen to bite your tongue when my guys get in here.” He leaned in close, musty breath washing over Twilight’s ear. “There are lots of people that want you dead out there. Not me. I want you alive. Just barely enough that you’ll wish you were dead and beg within an inch of your life. Maybe, just maybe if you do everything I ask, I’ll let your sorry ass live.” 
With calculated slowness, Twilight opened his mouth. His voice was far gone, nothing more than a throaty rasp. “You’re pretty confident.”
“Huh?!” Zachary straightened up before bursting into full-bellied laughter. “Hey! You should be a comedian instead. What the hell is that? Confident? You’re the confident one, spewing that shit while you’re tied in chains!” His laughter echoed throughout the empty warehouse before receding into an annoyed growl. He consulted the expensive watch on his wrist. “Dammit. Where are those bastards?”
As if on cue, one of the big doors to the warehouse creaked open, letting in watery moonlight. A group of 6 men walked in, carrying two large crates between them. Dubious instruments with a variety of spikes, prongs, and sharp edges poked out of the boxes. 
“Finally. What took so long?” Zachary asked.
“Sorry, boss.” The man at the front, Eddie—the same one that had knocked Twilight out—apologetically rubbed his head. “Got caught up with the truck. Engine gave out.”
“Whatever. Just get over here.” Zachary eagerly rubbed his hands together. “The fun’s about to begin.”
“You wanted to seize Westalian assets,” Twilight suddenly said. His voice was less raspy, but still off. “Not just any assets, but those belonging to civilians. Innocents.”
“No such thing as innocent Westalians,” Zachary replied as he rifled through a crate, holding up a pair of pliers in consideration. “You should know that, shouldn’t you? Western pig.” 
“Do you know the best way to lower someone’s defenses?” Twilight asked. Zachary raised a brow at the abrupt change in subject.
“Suddenly chatty? Should we see if that changes if we take out a tooth or two?”
“You could get close to them, sure. But there is a better way,” Twilight continued, undeterred by the threat. And really, what was wrong with his voice? It sounded light and airy, completely unbefitting of the situation, making Zachary’s face redden with anger. The politician plunged his hand deep into the crate and pulled out a shucking knife. 
“I’ve decided. We’ll start with your eyes. Don’t need to see to talk, right?” 
He was hoping to see at least a little fear in the asinine spy’s face. Infuriatingly enough, Twilight grinned and said,“The best way to get someone to lower their defenses is to make them think they’ve already won.” 
“Enough with your bullshit,” Zachary seethed, quivering with barely suppressed rage. He shoved the knife into Eddie’s palm. “Hurry up! Let’s see if he wants to blabber with an empty eye socket.”
“On it, boss,” Eddie replied. He then slammed the hilt of the knife into the neck of the man hefting the crate up. The tools clattered onto the ground along with the goon’s body. 
Zachary leapt back, face contorting in a mixture of disbelief and rage. “E-Eddie?! What the hell are you—”
A sharp popping sound cut him off. He turned back to Twilight just in time to see him rip his arms out to the side, thick ropes of metal shearing apart as if they were strings of yarn. He did the same with his legs, effortlessly kicking out and snapping the chains constricting his ankles without a visible ounce of effort. 
That was not possible. That was not physically possible. Twilight was not supposed to be able to rip metal apart with bare muscle.
“You’re right,” Twilight said as he stood. Only then did Zachary realize he’d spoken out loud. “Twilight can’t. But I can.” Then, he reached up and ripped his own face off. Zachary’s knees gave out and he slumped to the dusty floor, uncomprehending of what he was seeing.
“Zachary Deich,” the stranger murmured, in that light, airy—feminine—voice. “May I have the honor of taking your life?”
Zachary was so out of sorts that he didn’t even notice Eddie, his closest man, spinning around and knocking out his three remaining goons with well-placed hits. He did the only thing he could think of. He reached inside his coat for his gun.
Twilight was faster. He—she?—lashed out and gripped his hand in a vice hold, grinding bone together and crushing the gun. A scream tore out of Zachary’s throat right as the gun in his hand fired off into his own torso. He was dead before his face hit the floor. 
It was just Twilight and Eddie in the warehouse, surrounded by bodies, metal shards, and torture instruments. A macabre sight indeed. 
Eddie ripped his face off; Loid ruffled his hair. “That went well.”
“Phew.” Yor shrugged off the padded suit jacket mainly responsible for increasing her visual bulk. “I think we managed to make good time, too.”
Loid carefully stepped around the growing pool of Zachary’s blood. He touched a gentle hand to Yor’s temple. “How’s your head?”
“Oh, this? Pretending to be knocked out by something that felt like a leaf landing on my head was a little challenging.” She smiled and leaned into his palm. “It was honestly harder keeping that sweaty mask on.”
“Yeah?” Loud smiled and picked a stray piece of wax off her face that had stuck. “You looked cool for the big reveal, though. It seems like all that practicing paid off.”
“Thanks.” She blushed a pretty pink. “Your kicks were really good, too.”
“I learned from the best.”
Yor sighed in contentment as Loid leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. Was it weird that she found their current setting romantic?
They were soon interrupted by the sound of footsteps stomping into the warehouse. They pulled apart just as Franky stormed in.
“Come ON! This is already way above my paygrade, I don’t need you two wasting time kissing on top of everything else! I swear you guys only do this to get on my nerves.”
“Thanks, Franky,” Loid called after the informant/babysitter/getaway driver as he plodded out of the warehouse like a petulant teenager. Yor couldn’t help but laugh.
“I feel kind of bad now.”
“Don’t,” Loid grumbled. “I paid him plenty to simply hotwire a car. He almost left me stranded, too.”
“But you got the documents, didn’t you?” Yor asked.
Loid pulled a sheaf of papers out of his jacket pocket, Zachary’s scrawled signature on the sheets visible. “Of course. I think these will make good kindling if we ever decide to go camping.”
“Ooh, I think Anya would really enjoy camping!” Yor craned her neck, gauging the position of the moon in the sky through the warehouse door. “Speaking of Anya, I think we better head back. She’s probably driven Yuri up the wall by now.”
Their daughter had done it no small number of times before. Sometimes Loid thought she saw it as a game, seeing how fast she could put Yuri in tears. He was unable to keep a grin off his face at the thought. 
In the past, that—not being able to keep down a smile—would have thrown him into an internal frenzy about losing his edge as a spy. But he could contend with being a bad spy if it meant having what he had now. An enigmatic, frustrating, wonderful daughter. A warm apartment, one mall ticked with marks measuring her height. A dog that had too-good instincts and shed way too much fur. Even an overzealous brother-in-law. 
A family. 
And none of it would be possible without the woman beside him. Sometimes, when he had a rare ounce of free time and was feeling particularly introspective, he tried calculating the odds of their chance meeting. The chance that Anya would have said just the right words for Yor to inquire about his first (actually fake) wife. The chance that, just somehow, he’d managed to meet perhaps the only other person who could, and did, accept him as he was. 
The result was always tiny. Infinitesimal. And yet, against all odds, here they were.  
“Mmm.” Without warning, he planted another kiss on her lips, drawing a startled laugh out of her. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Your brother will take his time in leaving,” he replied. Another kiss. “This is the last chance I’ll have to do this for a while.” 
Yor wound her hands around his neck, eyes darkening in the way Loid knew meant that she was about to put all of her focus into what she was doing—
The truck outside revved, loud and angry. Yor jumped back, concentration broken, and Loid’s eye twitched as he thought of 62 different ways to shave Franky’s head. 
“We really should get going.” Yor giggled and took his hand. He let out a sigh, letting all thoughts of Franky go for the moment. They stepped around the fallen bodies, puddles of blood and torture instruments together, strolling in the dark warehouse as if it were just another day. Was it weird that he found their current setting romantic? 
Yor twined her fingers through his. The action brought another smile to his face. Smiling was so easy now. It had been for a while; the nature of Operation Strix was like that of a spider web, entrapping him thoroughly and rendering him helpless.
Even Twilight couldn’t get out of this one. But he found that he didn’t mind. 
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celiarmedias · 6 years
Dearcadh na hÉascoilte
(Uncleftish Beholding as Gaeilge)
Murar léigh tú "Uncleftish Beholding" le Poul Anderson, Seo é an bunsaothar agus má tá suim agat leis, féach ar r/anglish ar reddit. Ní haistriúcháin direach é, ach lean mé na rialacha céanna. Níor úsáid mé ach focail dúchais gaeilge (gan iasachtaí Béarla, Laidin, Gréigis, etc.) Bhí craic air dóigh agam leis an smaointurgnamh seo.
If you haven't read "Uncleftish Beholding" le Poul Anderson, here is the original and if you're interested, check out r/anglish. This isn't a direct translation but I followed the same rules; I only used words of native, Irish origin (no English, Latin, Greek etc.) I had alot of fun with this as a thought experiment)
Cuid is mó a n-aoise, ní raibh a fhios ag na daoine na bunaonad dar déantar gach rud; Ní fhéadfadh siad ach a shamhlú. Thosaíomar a fhoghlaim, de bharr an fás na n-eolaíochtaí, agus tá dearcadh¹ ábhair agus fuinnimh againn a fhulaingíonn ár bhfairísí, sa dhomhan na hoibre agus sa dhomhan an bhaile.
Is é na dúile a nascann ar a lán bealaí le tionscnamh an chuid eile. Bhí a fhios againn faoi dhá dhúile is nócha, idir {Uisceghin}, an dúil is éadroime, agus {Nuadha-ábhar}, an dúil is troime. Rinneamar níos mó anois, Mar {Léarábhar} agus {Donnábhar}.
Tá na dúile ann mar cáithníní darb ainm {éascoilteanna}.
Tá siad an-bheag go deo; Tá an ríomh éascoilteanna i ngrán uisceghine amháin thart ar a dó os comhair dhá neamhnithe is fiche. Cónaisceann formhór éascoilteanna chun {troimíní} a dhéanamh. Mar sin,
tá dhá éascoilteanna Uisceghine i dtroimín Uisceghine, dhá éascoilteanna i dtroimín {Géarghine}, agus araile. (Cloíonn cineálacha áirithe leo féin, amhail {Grianábhar}; Comhghreamaíonn cuid eile mar oighreacha an tan² a bhfuil siad ina seasamh daingean³, amhail Iarann; agus tá níos mó cuingbhealaí ann fós.) An tan a nascann dhá éascoilteanna éagsúla i dtroimín, déanann siad
{comhdhúile}. Mar sin, is uisce é an chomhdhúil dhá éascoilt uisceghine
le héascoilt géarghine, agus is féidir a bheith na céadta céad céad éascoilteanna i dtroimín amháin feola; uisceghin, géarábar, {gualábhar} agus {neamhábhar} den chuid is mó.
Ar dtús, creideadh gur liathróid crua é an éascoilt nach bhféadfadh a scoilteadh níos faide, agus sin fáth an ainm. Tá a fhios againn anois go bhfuil cáithníní níos lú isteach. Tá {eithne} throim ann a bhfuil lucht tintrí deimhneach aici, agus timpeall uirthi, tá cáithnín amháin nó níos mó a bhfuil lucht diúltach air. Is é uisceghin an éascoilt is lú. Is cáithnín deimhneach amháin é a eithne, darb ainm {céadachán}. Tá cáithnín diúltach amuigh, darb ainm {tintreachán}. Tá troime ar an gcéadachán a 1840-oiread níos mó ná mar atá ag an tintreachán. Chreid na heolaithe san am fadó go bhfithisíonn trintreacháin thart ar an eithne, amhail an Domhain thart ar an Ghrian, ach tuigimid faoi láthair go bhfuil siad mar a bheadh tonnta nó scamaill ann.
Faightear cáithnín eile leis an gcéadachán i ngach éascoilt eile, chomh trom leis an gcéadachán ach gan lucht atá air, darb ainm {díbheochán}.
Tá fhios againn faoi chineál uisceghine ina bhfuil díbheochán amháin san eithne; agus tá dhá dhíbheocháin i gcineál eile. ach tá an dá chineál gann go deo.
Grianábhar is ea an gcéad dúil eile, a bhfuil dhá chéadachán agus dhá thintreacháin inti. Tá dhá dhíbheochán ag an ghnáthchineál. Má tá níos mó ná níos lú ann, beidh sé ag réab as a chéile go luath. Beidh níos mó sonraí faoi seo níos déanaí.
{Clochábhar} is ea an tríú dúil, trí chéadachán atá inti, agus a cuid féin díbheocháin. Agus mar sin de,
thar gnáthábhar mar gualach (sé chéadachán) nó iarann (sé is fiche)
go dúile a fhuarthas níos déanaí. Ba Nuadha-ábhar í an deireadh, gur thosaíomar ag déanamh cuid níos airde fós.
Is iad na tintreacháin a neascann éascoilteanna le chéile, mar sin socraíonn a n-ionnas cad é iompar na dúile agus cé na troimíní is féidir léi a dhéanamh. {Measceolaíocht} is ea an eolaíocht faoin iompar seo, dá ilchineál ar bith. Chonaic measceolaithe, fad a leanann an scéal na dúile ar aghaidh, go bhfuil tréithe ag formhór na ndúl cosúil le cinn atá rompu, in aiste athfhillteach.
Mar dheismireacht⁴, ní féidir le clochábhar (3), salannábhar (11),
Feamainnluaithábhar (19), deargábhar (37), ná seallghlasábhar (55) a nascadh ach le haon éascoilt uisceghine amháin, cé gur féidir le gualábhar (6), dragartábhar (14), uiledhuineábhar (22), stán (50), agus luaidhe (82) a nascadh le ceithre chinn. Feictear é seo go soiléir, má chuirtear gach dúil sa {chlár athfhillteach na ndúl}.
An tan a fhaigheann éascoilt tintreachán os cionn a cuid féin, tagann lucht diúltach uirthi. Tan a chailleann sí tintreacháin, tagann lucht deimhneach uirthi. {Fánaí} a thugtar ar a leithéid de cháithnín, mar cuirtear comhlúth air ag na luchtanna éagsúla. Tan a chomhlúthaíonn tintreacháin asaibh féin, is féidir leis a beith ann mar saighead gealáin, drithle de roinnt ábhair dhaingin, nó an gnáthshreabhadh tintreachán trí shuaithní⁵.
Maidir leis an éascoilt féin; tá níos mó céadacháin agus díbheocháin ag eithne níos troime. Agus tá na díbheocháin ina bhformhór go luath. {Comhaghaidheanna} a thugtar ar na héascoilteanna a bhfuil líon céanna céadachán ach líon éagsúil díbheochán uirthi. Mar sin, tá ocht ndíbheochán agus ocht gcéadachán ag gnáth-ghéarghin, ach tá cineálacha eile ann le cuig, sé, seacht, naoi, deich agus aon chéadachán déag. Cuirtear síos ar chomhaghaidheanna mar óghas⁶ an dá cháithnín eithne, mar sin tá géarghin-13, géarghin-14 agus mar sin de; ach tá géarghin-16 is gnáthúla go mór agus go fada. Ó tharla go bhfuil an líon céanna tintreachán agus céadachán acu, gníomhaíonn na comhaghaidheanna dúile ar an gcaoi chéanna ó thaobh measceolaíochta. Ach tá éagsúlachtaí beag eatarthu i ndáiríre, na dúil throime go háirithe, agus is féidir leas a bhaint astu, chun comhaghaidheanna a scagadh as a cheile.
Is gearr a mhaireann an cuid is mó de na comhaghaidheanna. Briseann a n-eithní as a cheile. Agus briseann gach ceann ar a luas féin, darb ainm {leathré}, eadh ón⁷, an t-am ina bhfuil leath de na héascoilteanna in athriocht.
{Meath gaghníomhach} a thugtar ar an athrú seo. Is féidir leis seo a tharlú go mall nó go tapa, agus i meathbhealach ar bith as na céadta dubha acu, ag brath ar airionna na heithne. Is féidir le heithne dhá chéadachán agus dhá dhibheochán a chur amach, eadh ón, eithne grianábhair, agus mar sin léimfidh sí síos dhá chéim ar an Chlár, agus ceithre throimí éascoilteacha. Is féidir leis tintreachán a chaith as díbheocháin, agus ar an gcaoi sin déanann céadachán den dhibheochán. Mar sin, ardaítear an éascoilt céim amháin ar an chlár, ach coinníonn sí a troime féin. Caitheann eithní áirithe {fritintreachán}, cáithnín chomh troime leis an dtintreachán is ea, ach tá lucht deimhneach air. Teilgtear í céim amháin síos ar a chlár mar sin, agus coinníonn sí a troime féin freisin.
Is chomh minic a chuirtear cáithnín amach atá gan lucht ná troime, darb ainm an {díbheochtáinín}. Agus cáithnín gile⁸ ina tonnfhad anghearr a thugtar le formhór de mheath gaghníomhach.
Cé go n-oibríonn gile mar tonn, formhór an ama, Is féidir a fheiceáil air mar cáithnín, an {gileagán}. Dúramar cheana féin, gur féidir le cáithnín ábhair a oibriú mar cloch ach mar tonn chomh maith. I measc na n-éascoilteanna, ní tharlaíonn eachtraí go leanúnach, ach titeann siad in éineacht, ag léimneach transa seasúna atá faoi chosc. Leagtar an smaoineamh seo amach ag {Dearcadh Léime}.
Agus murar leor sin, níl éagsúlacht ann idir ábhar agus fuinneamh. Ba chirte a rá gur ionann iad, agus is féidir ceachtar acu a bhaint as an ceann eile. Is ea an cothromú eatarthu gurb é fuinneamh an t-iolrach ábhair faoin ceathrú cumhacht luais na gile.
Chlaochlaigh eolaithe comhaghaidheanna dúile go dúil eile trí cáithníní a scaoileadh chun eithní. Mar sin, rinneadar learábhar agus donnábhar de nuadha-ábhar, agus chuadar tharstu seo. Is an-ghaghníomhach iad na dúil antroime agus ní fhaightear iad lastall de na ceartaibh na ndaoine.
Tá ard-chomhaidheanna áirithe {éagobhsaí}. Eadh ón, tan a bhuaileann díbheochán ar an eithne nuadha-ábhar-235, mar dheismireacht, briseann sí ina heithní níos lú agus saor-dhíbheocháin; agus is féidir leis an dara ceann níos mó nuadha-ábhar-235 a scoilt. Tan a tharlaíonn sé seo, déantar fuinneamh as troime. Ní a lán den céad troime, ach mar sin féin tá sé uafásach.
Má tá neart go leor ann, is féidir éascoilteanna éadroime a chomhleá. Sa ghrian, agus trí sraith bualtí, déantar éascoilt grianábhair de ceithre éascoilteanna uisceghine. Cialltear roinnt troime mar fuinneamh, agus arís, tá an fuinneamh go mór mór le taobh an fuinneamh a fhaightear ó imoibriú measceolaíocht mar tine.
Sa lá atá inniu ann, beartimid an dá ghnímh éascoiltí againn, le cogadh a fhógairt; agus tugann scoilteadh eithní teas agus tintríocht duinn. Tá súil againn déanamh mar an gcéanna le comhleá, agus is féidir leis coire ainsic⁹ a thabhairt le leas don chine daonna.
Is dócha go bhfuil na blianta mochta orainn!
¹ Dearcadh = Teoiric
² Seasamh Daingean = Pas Soladach
³ Tan (a bhfuil) = Nuair (a bhfuil)
⁴ Mar dheismireacht = Mar shampla
⁵ Suaithne = Sreang
⁶ Den Sean-ghaeilge "Ógus" = Lánsuim
⁷ (Gan ghá de réir na rialacha) Den Sean-ghaeilge "Éd ón" = Is é sin le rá... ("i.e.")
⁸ D'fhéadfadh "solas" a bheith ó Shean-Ioruais
⁹ Coire Ainsic, coire dofholmhaithe an Daghdha
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marginalgloss · 6 years
her gravity
The Commodore by Patrick O’Brian represents a sort of homecoming for its characters, and a significant promotion for one of them. It is here that Jack Aubrey is given a promotion and put in charge of a squadron of ships with two aims: the first being to damage and disrupt the African slave trade (then only recently made illegal in England), and the second to stop a French squadron landing troops in Ireland. It has been several books since Jack and Stephen were back in England, and a certain amount has changed in their absence. There is still the shadow of a conspiracy around them both, one which reaches into the most remote branches of the aristocracy. Closer to home, Jack’s wife Sophie has been getting a little too friendly with the local reverend. And Stephen’s wife is still conspicuously absent. 
On the whole this is a solid, well-balanced instalment in this series. The author’s prose is in fine form; limpid, smooth, and always a pleasure to read. And for the most part it is all very laid-back. The plot is not really a central driver of interest here. The mission against the slave trade is well within Aubrey’s abilities, and Maturin is never seriously threatened by the dark forces supposedly mustered against him. We can also be fairly certain that O’Brian won’t rewrite history to the degree of inventing a successful French invasion of Ireland. But it is full of charming period detail, pleasant little set pieces, and delightful incident on a smaller scale. 
It might be the most fun I’ve had with one of these books for a while. I loved the little flashback to a duel between Aubrey and his old pal Heneage Dundas (‘Half a dozen passes, the blades clashing, and when Jack cried out ‘Oh Hen, what have you done?’ Dundas gazed for a moment at the spurting blood, burst into tears, whipped off his shirt and bound up the wound as best he could.’). As ever the scenes in England on Aubrey’s little estate are gentle, knockabout fun. Even a gloomy dinner between Maturin and Joseph Blaine is punctuated by little moments of levity (‘Even in spite of my boiled fowl and my pint of claret and your company I find my spirits much oppressed.’) 
But I think it is in this book that O’Brian’s affection for Irishry turns a little strange. It starts to seem less like cultural flavour, and more like cultish preoccupation. We are introduced to the daughter of Maturin and his wife Diana; in a faintly gothic image, he finds the young girl living alone in the care of Clarissa Oakes, who we last met in the novel of that name. Oakes is alone and somewhat disgraced in the eyes of the local community, while Diana seems to have effectively abandoned her child altogether. When we meet the girl, Brigid, she is almost entirely mute. She is polite and mannered to excess but entirely uninterested in adult affairs. It is only when she is introduced to Stephen’s Irish servant Padeen that her father discovers she is capable of open communication:
‘The paper dropped from [Stephen’s] hand. It was exactly as though he had heard a faint childish voice cry ‘Twelve!’ or something very like it. Twelve in Irish, of course. With the utmost caution he stood up and set his door on the jar, with a book either side to prevent it moving. ‘For shame, Breed, honey,’ said Padeen, ‘it is a dó dhéag you must say. Listen, sweetheart, listen again will you now? A haon, a dó, a trí, a ceathir, a cúig, a sé, a seacht, a hocht, a naoi, a deich, a haon déag, a dó dhéag, with a noise like yia, yia. Now, a haon, a dó …’ The little high voice piped, ‘A haon, a dó … ’ and so right through to ‘a dó dhéag,’ which she said with just Padeen’s Munster intonation. ‘There’s a golden lamb, God and Mary and Patrick bless you,’ said Padeen kissing her. ‘Now let you throw the hoop on the four, which will make twelve altogether so it will too: since eight and four is twelve for evermore.’
She will only speak in Gaelic, though it’s unclear how she ever learned it. Brigid has had a difficult upbringing, though we only hear of it second-hand. It is evident that she’s suffered most of all at the hands of Aubrey’s mother-in-law, Mrs Williams. That lady is perhaps the most direct subject of the author’s contempt here; one need only look at how Mrs Williams describes her preferred approach to Brigid (‘...a good shaking, the black hole, bread and water and perhaps the whip answer very well and at no cost...’). Today we might say Brigid has Asperger’s or some degree of autism. But what is evident above all is that she is in many ways the perfect child in relation to Maturin. In her eyes, she is idealised. Well, of course she is — she’s his daughter. 
Still, the novel seems to place her on a small pedestal in a way that feels uncanny. At one point Stephen says that in Ireland those like her are known as ‘leanaí sídhe’, and it often seems like the book cleaves too closely to that vision of he as a magical, special creature. She doesn’t really feel like a real child. Certainly she has moments of wonder (as when she is first taken to sea, to go with Clarissa to spend time with the nuns in Spain). But she is not at all messy, rough, or uncouth. To Maturin, all these things are distasteful in the extreme (in spite of his own personal shabbiness). She has all of her father’s fascination with the natural world, and his affinity for animals, and at times she often seems like a nascent, underdeveloped female version of Stephen. I like this moment where he notices that in spite of her implacable reserve, she is not incapable of affection: 
‘An ancient white-muzzled kitchen dog shuffled in after them and the first relief to Stephen’s quite extraordinary pain – extraordinary in that he had never known any of the same nature or the same intensity – came when the old dog sniffed at the back of Brigid’s leg and without stopping her left hand’s delicate motion she reached down with the other to scratch his forehead, while something of pleasure showed through her gravity.’
I suspect Stephen hopes that one day he too might be the recipient of head-scratches. After all, his life has been devoid of direct affection for quite a long time. At sea he is widely liked but not often received with much intimacy; most of the sailors respect him rather than welcome him. Clarissa was fond of him but it was never exactly reciprocal. There is Jack, of course, but for the course of this novel Jack is necessarily busy with the business of being a Commodore. And Diana is once again entirely absent from this book. She is mentioned only in rumour by the other characters: she has been gambling, buying and selling horses, and perhaps having affairs. Though we spend quite a bit of time in England, she never appears in this book until the final lines. 
Given that Diana’s been afforded so few pages in these novels so far, I shouldn’t find this surprising. But it does seem like an inexplicable way of passing an opportunity, and it left me with the sense of a great deal being swept under the rug. It is a difficult situation, and this author’s way of dealing with really difficult situations is to not deal with them at all. Instead, they will be handled off stage (in cases of spectacular confrontation), or the question will be fudged to make it seem as though there was never really any problem. 
The solution here to Maturin’s family life is a combination of both. Diana is conveniently absent, so we don’t have to deal with the problem of her; and the emergence of Brigid turns out to be purely delightful. Mrs Williams and her ilk are easily swept aside. But there’s something that creaks uncomfortably underfoot throughout all this. It is hard not to feel the Irish flair becoming something of a fetish here, and harder still to shake the sense that this stems from the author’s own curious affinity for Ireland.
The afterword to my edition still makes vague mention of the author’s ‘peripatetic Anglo–Irish childhood’, but it is now generally quite well known that O’Brian invented both an Irish surname and an Irish childhood for himself. It might be real affection, but it seems to have been based on an idealised version of that nation, not from his own personal history with it. In later years it became apparent that he either fictionalised or concealed a certain amount of his early life, and despite the efforts of two biographers, much about him still seems obscure. 
Perhaps, in the end, the biographies didn’t help at all; the broader question of how his work might relate to his own family experiences is too contentious to be a serious matter for debate. Does it really matter if any of this is inauthentic? Perhaps it does: a post-colonial reading might consider it a sort of appropriation. There is something overly comforting in that perpetual image here of the Irishman (a republican) and the Englishman (a High Tory) arm in arm, fighting the greater fight. Much difficult history is glossed over in this regard. One might take a hard look at the sequence late in this novel where Stephen talks down the Irish locals from raiding a beached French ship to take their weapons. I feel like we would have seen more than a little conflict in his mind regarding such moments in earlier novels; now he is quicker to reconcile the correct thing to do, and the English thing to do, in the same thought.
Perhaps it is all very fanciful. Perhaps this is what prevents O’Brian from becoming a really first-rate novelist. And yet I’m willing to tolerate a certain amount of fancy from my reading. As we’ve seen throughout the theme of leaving one’s responsibilities on shore and lighting out for the territory has been a consistent one throughout these novels. Why should their approach to the those ultimate matters of family be any different? Why should an author not allow their characters a certain measure of the happiness that perhaps they would be denied outside the sheltered pages of a book?  
‘…She herself was well, mildly happy, reading as she had not read for years, and she liked the nuns’ singing: sometimes she went with Padeen (who sent his duty) to the Benedictine church for the plainchant. Enclosed was a small square piece of paper, not over-clean, with a drawing of a wolf with teeth and some words that Stephen could not make out until he realized that they were Irish written phonetically: O my father fare well Brigid.’
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vb-news-24 · 3 years
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earnyourbacon · 5 years
[:en]”Honey, don’t you want to visit your buddy again?” Completely unselfishly I had the idea last November to spend the winter holidays in Florida – the route over the Florida Trail already planned in my head. Two years ago, on my hike from the lake to the ocean, I realized that the flat sunshine state is not so bad after all. After all, one of the eleven National Scenic Trails, all of them long distance hiking trails, leads once through the whole state. Over 1,300 miles of playground on the Florida Trail for Caro.
But since the Florida Trail is not only rich in palm trees and swampland, but also leads through asphalt roads and shadowless dikes, I chose something more wooded for my five days. At least that’s what I thought.
The first day – roasting non-stop
Around 10 am I am dropped off at the large parking lot for the boat friends and start to stomp on the dike. A flock of mixed birds is fighting over some fish remains on the banks of the Kissimmee River. Vultures, seagulls, herons, storks and pelicans – here nobody takes anything from each other when it comes to easily earned food.
The two-lane service road runs straight through the meadows. Time enough to record the first videos. Stupid that I have activated the photo mode and just talk the first clever sentences into the void. At the same time I analyze the tracks in the sandy grooves. Relatively shortly before me at least one man with trekking poles must have walked through here. That’s easy to say, because no car has yet driven over the footprints.
After about 8.7 brooding hot miles finally some trees come into sight. Actually I wanted to take a break after 6 miles. But when Guthook advertises shady places in 2.5 miles, you just waft further through the heat. Close to a lock a few high palm trees and oaks provide wonderful shade. I let myself fall into the grass and unpack my food bag.
“Hey there” it suddenly sounds from behind. Suddenly a hiker is standing behind me… with trekking sticks. I’m getting better at tracking. We chat briefly and share the information about the day’s goal. There is another hiker arriving. The two obviously belong together. Because I have just started my break, I let them go and hear the murmur “That is a much better place than hiding behind a car.”
After my break I suddenly find myself on an asphalt road. It’ll be fine, I think. Only much later I realize that I am on a nearly 8 miles long road section. What the heck. Roadwalking is just part of it in Florida.
After several exhausting miles I see the two hikers coming out of the thicket in front of me. But as much as I try hard, from here on we have about the same speed on the oven-like road. I am distracted by a vulture, which is attacking a raccoon carcass and the sand hill cranes want to be photographed, too. At the next shady place at the roadside I find them again and join them. I am also distracted by a vulture, which attacks a raccoon carcass and the sand hill cranes want to be photographed as well.
  At the next shady place at the roadside I find them again and join them. Warren and Jason, later known as Major + and 50 Percent, are war veterans who are sponsored by an organization to hike long distance trails in the USA. Pretty cool stuff! Both intend to thruhike the 1,200 miles completely. From that moment on, we decide to hike together for the rest of the day, because we have the same goal: the campground in Yates Marsh.
On the last few meters the trail turns out to be what you imagine Florida to be – green, bushy, tropical. At the trailhead there is a little bit of trail magic. Since I have enough food with me, I take only a small bag of antiseptic cream with me.
Camping in paradise
Yates Marsh South Campground is a so-called primitive campground. There are no toilets or other amenities, but several benches, a fire ring and even water from a pump. In addition, there are beautiful campgrounds surrounded by palm trees and ancient oaks. Nothing more is needed to please the hiker’s heart.
From my research on YouTube and Guthook I know that there is supposed to be a pond with a four meter long female alligator nearby. Unfortunately our shoes flip so loudly that we only hear the alligator disappearing with a big splash. For a short time I can still see the eyes peeking out of the pond, then the mighty animal has submerged. What a pity, we spend the evening at the campfire, untypically for thruhikers. Pity.
We spend the evening at the campfire, untypically for thruhikers. Untypical because we are actually much too tired. But since the sun already sets at 6 pm, the fire is on early and will be off pretty soon. Around 7 pm we withdraw into our tents and read a little bit. At 8 pm the lights are out. Everywhere.
[:de]Looking for the English Version? Endless Roadwalk
„Schatz, willst du nicht mal wieder deinen Kumpel besuchen?“
Völlig uneigennützig kam mir letzten November die Idee, die Winterferien doch in Florida zu verbringen – die Route über den Florida Trail in meinem Kopf schon quasi fertig geplant. Vor zwei Jahren hatte ich auf meiner Wanderung vom See zum Ozean festgestellt, dass der flache Sonnenstaat doch nicht so schlecht ist. Immerhin führt einer der elf National Scenic Trails, allesamt Langdistanzwanderwege, einmal durch den ganzen Bundesstaat. Über 2.000 Kilometer Spielplatz auf dem Florida Trail für Caro.
Da der Florida Trail aber nicht nur reich an Palmen und Sumpfgebiet ist, sondern auch etliche Passagen über Asphaltstraßen und schattenlose Deiche führen, suchte ich mir für meine fünf Tage was eher Waldiges aus. Dachte ich zumindest.
Der erste Tag – Braten am laufenden Band
Gegen zehn Uhr vormittags werde ich auf dem großen Parkplatz für die Bootsfreunde abgesetzt und stiefele los auf den Deich. Eine Schar gemischter Vögel streitet sich am Ufer des Kissimmee River um einige Fischreste. Geier, Möwen, Reiher, Störche und Pelikane – hier lässt sich keiner vom anderen was nehmen, wenn’s um leicht verdientes Futter geht.
Schnurgerade zieht sich die zweispurige Servicestraße durch die Wiesen. Zeit genug, schonmal die ersten Videos aufzunehmen. Doof nur, dass ich den Fotomodus aktiviert habe und die ersten schlauen Sätze einfach nur ins Leere quatsche. Nebenher analysiere ich die Spuren in den sandigen Rillen. Relativ kurz vor mir muss mindestens ein Mann mit Trekkingstöcken hier durchgewandert sein. Das lässt sich insofern leicht sagen, weil noch kein Auto über die Fußspuren gefahren ist.
Nach rund 14 brütend heißen Kilometern kommen endlich erreichbare Bäume in Sicht. Eigentlich wollte ich schon nach zehn Kilometern mal ein Päuschen einlegen. Wenn aber Guthook mit schattigen Plätzchen in vier weiteren Kilometern wirbt, wabert man eben weiter durch die Hitze. Nahe einer Schleuse spenden ein paar hohe Palmen und Eichen herrlichen Schatten. Ich lasse mich ins Gras fallen und packe meinen Fressbeutel aus.
„Hey there“ ertönt es auf einmal von hinten. Da steht auf einmal ein Wanderer hinter mir… mit Trekkingstöcken. Ich werde besser im Spurenlesen. Wir schwatzen kurz und teilen die Info, was das Tagesziel ist. Da kommt ein weiterer Wanderer an. Die beiden gehören offensichtlich zusammen. Weil ich meine Pause gerade erst begonnen habe, lasse ich die beiden ziehen und höre noch das Gemurmel „That is a much better place than hiding behind a car.“
Nach meiner Pause finde ich mich auf einmal auf einer Asphaltstraße wieder. Wird schon gehen, denke ich. Erst viel später realisiere ich, dass ich mich auf einem fast 12 Kilometer langen Straßenabschnitt befinde. Was soll’s. Roadwalk gehört in Florida eben einfach dazu.
Nach etlichen mühsamen Kilometern sehe ich die beiden Wanderer vor mir aus dem Dickicht kommen. Cool, ich habe sie fast eingeholt. Aber so sehr ich mich auch anstrenge, ab hier haben wir etwa die gleiche Geschwindigkeit auf der backofengleichen Straße. Zudem lenkt mich ein Geier ab, der sich über einen Waschbärenkadaver hermacht und die Sandhügelkraniche wollen auch fotografiert werden.
Beim nächsten schattigen Platz am Straßenrand finde die beiden wieder und geselle mich zu ihnen. Warren und Jason, später bekannt als Major + und 50 Percent, sind Kriegsveteranen, die von einer Organisation gesponsert werden, um Langdistanzwege in den USA wandern zu können. Ziemlich coole Sache! Beide haben vor, die mehr als 2.000 Kilometer komplett zu wandern. Von dem Moment an, beschließen wir, den Rest des Tages zusammen zu wandern, denn wir haben dann doch dasselbe Ziel: den Campground im Yates Marsh.
Auf den letzten Metern wird der Weg dann doch noch so, wie man sich Florida vorstellt – grün, buschig, tropisch. Am Trailhead gibt es ein wenig Trail Magic. Da ich genug Essen dabeihabe, nehme ich mir nur ein kleines Tütchen antiseptische Creme mit.
Campen im Paradies
Yates Marsh South Campground ist ein sogenannter primitiver Campingplatz. Es gibt keine Toiletten oder sonstige Annehmlichkeiten, aber mehrere Sitzbänke, einen Feuerring und sogar Wasser aus einer Pumpe. Dazu wunderschöne Campingflächen umringt von Palmen und uralten Eichen. Mehr braucht es nicht, um das Hiker-Herz zu erfreuen.
Von meinen Recherchen auf YouTube und Guthook weiß ich, dass sich ganz in der Nähe ein Teich mit einem vier Meter langen Alligatorweibchen befinden soll. In Flipflops machen Warren und ich einen Abstecher dorthin. Leider flippen unsere Schuhe so laut, dass wir den Alligator mit einem großen Platsch nur noch verschwinden hören. Ganz kurz sehe ich noch die Augen aus dem Teich luken, dann ist das mächtige Tier abgetaucht. Schade.
Den Abend verbringen wir ganz thruhiker-untypisch am Lagerfeuer. Untypisch deshalb, weil wir eigentlich viel zu müde sind. Aber da bereits um 18 Uhr die Sonne untergeht, ist das Feuer früh an und auch ziemlich bald aus. Gegen 19 Uhr ziehen wir uns in unsere Zelte zurück und lesen noch ein wenig. Um 20 Uhr ist das Licht aus. Bei allen.
[:en]Hiking the Florida Trail Day 1 – Endless roadwalk[:de]Auf dem Florida Trail Tag 1 – Endlose Straßen[:] [:en]"Honey, don't you want to visit your buddy again?" Completely unselfishly I had the idea last November to spend the winter holidays in Florida - the route over the Florida Trail already planned in my head.
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hbsides · 5 years
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also on coming sat. and tue.
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- breminale / deich / --pm cool stuff happening there too.
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justdeich · 2 months
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While I'm fighting art block again have this
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vaughnbasaldua-blog · 7 years
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If you are actually heading to turn over your tough made bucks for a pricey professional item, are sure that is actually a timeless that will definitely go beyond trends and also last greater than one period. There are handful of business people which are inviting you to working from your house in your underclothing as well as you will definitely be abundant and also happy for the rest from your life. Now in my life I am actually financially relaxed, but absolutely not rich through any kind of criteria (although I have actually had as well as wasted more than my fair share). The variation between the poor guy as well as the rich guy is actually presented by the differences in exactly what he or she acquires along with his or her loan. As you may observe, in all its kinds, has a rich record, filled with romance as well as elegance. Now comes the absolute most crucial concern, the one that I feel actually recognizes the wealthy coming from rich. I currently prepare in your home most of the moment, but my hubby is actually a much bigger food lover in comparison to me and also as long as he loves my cooking food, there are factors that I refuse to create at home such anything deep-seated seared for which our company have to reach a restaurant. We believe the poll is going to create an extraordinary contribution toward aiding us comprehend what rides contributors to give and also what they need to have to provide efficiently," Michael Deich, representant director from public law at the Gates foundation told me in 2007, when the study was announced. Additionally the average bank teller wage is actually twice the minimum wage so I don't know exactly what she is actually speaking about, I am actually working minimum." When they don't make much cash split lease with several individuals, most younger individuals I know that are actually not financially foolish. The extent of classification developed off individuals to cover entire nations (wealthy country vs. poor nation). Aspect of the being overweight and diabetes outbreaks relate to vast volumes of refined sugar contributed to foods and also consume alcohol that effectively produce all of them extra palatable as well as addictive - however the more you eat the greater the risk of diabetes for example. If you are actually trying to find the absolute most economical ride coming from Zadar Flight terminal, Lukas and his colleagues may ensure that you and your baggage get to and also from the flight terminal swiftly as well as securely. Considering that I recognize I could make sufficient cash to survive whilst delivering market value to my consumers. A lot of affluent folks are actually a great deal like you and me. They just know a technique that, while unbelievably reliable, isn't really incredibly hot. However if I get chosen president, I will definitely carry that back larger and also far better and also more powerful compared to before, and also we will definitely make United States excellent once more. I gott; Rich papa inadequate daddy, Mans hunt for meaning, brand new psycho-cybernetics, fire in the stomach and atlas shruged off (total amount under FIFTY buck!) Still obtained a lengthy list of publications that I want to review. Your distinctive surges blended along with the wealthy highlights will certainly reflect the sunshine and produce a captivating look. Only when you find out ways to release these sorts of opinions as well as to absolutely approve the view that this is actually OK for you to get cash and riches may you begin when traveling to being rich. On top of that, eating apples is a reliable means to avoid lower leg edema and make the skin layer shiny reddish. There's something wrong with you if you can not bring in a good offer along with a politician. Organisations are actually terrific because the quickest means to create funds is to utilize leverage, as well as in companies you can easily make use of a lot of take advantage of. Every day I possessed a brand-new Internet Marketing assumed that was visiting make me rich, then the upcoming digital book arrived as well as I was actually out on something brand new. He uncovered there was an astounding variation between the practices of the affluent as well as the poor. Throughout my job I have discovered 5 groups of individuals: 5% is going to never create it in lifestyle, 30% is going to battle all their lifestyle to create ends meet, 30% will arrive at center management or even equivalent standing, 30% will certainly achieve success and also 5% will certainly be actually the top dogs. But the greatest tip is actually when you attempt to do or even say something to create you appear cool, at that point that is actually the most significant tip off for her. 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And also obviously he is author from pair of best sellers, The Millionaire Next Door" and The Millionaire Thoughts" and has actually sold greater than 300 copies. Our team're likewise visiting have to alter our field, migration and economical policies to earn our economic climate powerful once again. This post informs you of methods on effective ways to receive wealthy by spending a little bit of effort and time alongside a small amount of money. This's basically component of their service version: enrich people think unique and afterwards rip them off. Endless wealth to immediately purchase product goods may look like a shortcut to joy and happiness from the pauper's perspective, yet the rich guy knows it's certainly not. When you are actually looking for a home organisation, you have to keep an eye out for folks who make claims that seem to be as well good to be accurate.
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justdeich · 3 months
I'm sorry WHAT
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Not my silly am selfship getting attention
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justdeich · 5 months
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This will help me get out of an art block
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justdeich · 1 year
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Oh damn it's Friday the 13th
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justdeich · 5 months
Have a proof that I have been doing nothing but sewing and embroidering this whole week
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No they won't be bold. I'll add hair later.
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