#delilah green doesnt care
getwreckedddd · 5 months
And Delilah had gotten through life by putting herself first, only concentrating herself with what she knew was true, because she’d learned a long time ago that she couldn’t control anyone but herself. She couldn’t change anyone’s mind, couldn’t make someone love her who had no interest in doing so, and couldn’t keep someone from leaving her if that’s what they wanted to do.
Ashley Herring Blake, Delilah Green Doesn't Care (Bright Falls, #1)
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2oppositesidesof1coin · 11 months
I might break my mold and actually write a review on Goodreads for a book I actually liked.
I dont know why so many people didnt like Delilah Green Doesnt Care or at least didnt like Delilah. Yes, shes bitchy. But we as the audience know she has alot of trauma to unpack from being the unwanted stepchild, the weird child you couldnt fit into high society, and the queer trauma. I dont know; I didnt find her annoying or insufferable
I thought she was relatable....
Either I'm a bitch or I've been around alot of complicated queer people in my lifetime. Or both.
I may post my review here later
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lizpaige · 2 years
delilah green sirius black doesn't care [wip] part one | part two
“Well, I’d appreciate you throwing me a bone here. I’m not very good at this.”
Remus sighed, cheeks burning. “Flirting.”
“Is this you flirting with me?” 
Remus was going to die of embarrassment. He looked down and bit the inside of his cheek, about to turn to leave, when he felt a hand on his forearm. He followed the trail of ink to the man’s face, nearly missing the wink he threw at him.
“I’m kidding,” the man assured him with a smile. “I know exactly what’s going on here.” 
“You do?” Remus replied a bit dumbstruck, caught in the man’s piercing gaze. “So you’re…”
The man leaned forward, his knee brushing Remus’ thigh, his lips brushing his ear. Remus’ breath was shallow, hitching at each point and moment of contact. “I am,” the man whispered. 
Remus closed his eyes and swallowed the lump in his throat, letting out a breathy, nervous laugh. “That’s um… good,” he began. “Good to know, I mean.”
The man pulled back, but only just. Remus could feel his warm breath fan over his cheeks, smokey from the whiskey. The man’s eyes were dark, his pupils were dilated, no doubt matching Remus’ own. “Is it?” 
Remus felt his cheeks burn; he sheepishly looked down, surprised that this seemed to be going so well. He was about to say something more when he heard a familiar voice behind him, back toward where Peter was sitting. 
“Where’s Remus? Is he stuck babysitting again?” Regulus asked, standing beside Peter and taking Remus’ abandoned glass from the table and downing the rest of it. 
Remus turned his attention back to the main, who was also following the commotion behind them. “That’s my, um, friend,” Remus explained. “He’s getting married in two weeks. Bit on edge.”
“Oh yeah?” the man replied, leaning back and away from Remus, who pathetically missed the contact already. 
“Yeah,” Remus continued, pausing to take a nervous sip of his whiskey. “He’s marrying a real… well, she doesn’t seem that great.” 
The stranger’s eyes widened and he smiled knowingly. “Oh no?” 
“No, well… me and Pete don’t really like her, but he’s our friend so…”
He heard Regulus’ voice, a bit raised and aggravated, float over from behind them. “You’ll never believe what my brother did,” he ranted. “Well, no, you probably will. It’s just like him to…”
Regulus’ brother, Sirius, moved away from Godric’s Hollow as soon as he graduated high school. He was a year older than them, but they lived in a small town, so there was no escaping the Black brother feud. Sirius was different from his family, he always had been, and he, in Remus’ eyes, was the only one brave enough to question his parents’ strict and frankly ridiculous standards. When Orion Black, their father, died of a heart attack, their mother only seemed to tighten the reins. Regulus didn’t understand why his brother couldn’t just play along, why he always had to go against the grain. Their relationship was strained at best, a tumultuous fiery disaster at worst. So when Sirius moved away, Regulus didn’t talk much of Sirius to Peter or Remus, but they knew he missed him. Deep down… somewhere.
Remus hadn’t seen Sirius for ten years or so. He knew he was meant to be coming to Godric’s Hollow for the wedding festivities. The Blacks were always trying to keep up appearances, but Remus sort of thought that Regulus secretly wanted his brother to be there for him. Not that he would ever accuse him of that out loud.
The last he heard about Sirius, he was off in New York as a fairly successful photographer. He may or may not have googled his photos that was showcased at a few small galleries in Brooklyn last year. Still, he hadn’t seen Sirius since they were kids and…
Remus’ eyes shot down to the suitcase and back up to those familiar gray eyes. “Wait…”
“There you are Remus,” Regulus said, clasping a hand on his shoulder, but as he approached he caught sight of… “What are you doing here?” his voice was tight. 
“Hello, brother,” Sirius grinned.
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hmmitsliz · 2 months
I'm reading Delilah green doesn't care (great book btw) and I have a soft spot for Josh lol
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letgoandfallforyou · 9 months
I'm half way through Delilah Green Doesn't Care, it's been on my tbr for so long and it's amazing I'm in love. Might write an unhinged review even I'm finished
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a-kind-of-merry-war · 3 months
I just got sent an endorsement/blurb for Stars, and I was like. I know that name.
So I googled them and OH YEAH this is a pretty popular queer author AAAAAAA
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youreonyourown-kid · 1 year
Okay okay maybe it's my mommy issues talking but I just finished Delilah Green Doesn't Care and I know there are more books following other girls in the group but I'd love a book following the mother.
Again I've only finished the first and we probably see more of her in the next that follows Astrid. But idk I feel like it would be fun to have a story where the overbearing mother character is actually queer too and some hot young butch comes in and shakes up her entire world.
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littlexscarletxwitch · 11 months
── ༊*·˚⋆ 𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗴𝗮𝗺𝗲
paring: florence pugh x fem!reader
tag(s): fluff, based on endgame by taylor swift (you don't understand how much i'm loving this song), cute gf flo
warning(s): grammatical errors, unedited
word count: 2.2k
note: omg, it's finally here. I'm so sorry it took me sooo long, it just I was super busy. Was this inspire by Ms. Taylor Swift? Yes, yes it was. I really hope you guys like this one. I'm not a native english speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake. Love you all so much <3
note 2: guys, I'm currently reading 'Delilah Green doesnt' care' and it's giving me so many ideas for fics. So would any of you be interest in more mum!florence? Please let me know. Xoxo, M
requests are open! + check my rules here + masterlist <3
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Your eyes were closed, your head was on her chest listening to her steady heartbeats, a soft smile formed on your lips.
“Promise me this is forever,” you whispered. 
You knew she was awake, she was doing the same thing as you, enjoying the moment, living in the present.
Your eyes found hers already looking at you. 
“I promise,” she said, her smile mirroring yours. 
Her lips found yours as if sealing the promise forever, but nothing ever lasts forever. The kiss that was first sweet and soft and filled with love, turned bitter, harsh and cold. You pulled back confusion written all over your face. 
You blink once then twice, and suddenly you were waking up on your bed, alone. You cursed yourself at the stupid memory. It was so pathetic to still think about Florence that way. You two were history, long forgotten, just a memory of your adolescence. 
You shook your head, trying to wake up your foggy brain from the nap you had taken. And decided to get some work done as a way to clear your head from your silly old fantasies.  
You made yourself a cup of tea, grabbed your notebook and put your headphones on. You only had three more months to finish your second album. The deadline wasn’t much of a concern of yours, what bothered you was the lack of inspiration. Every lyric you would write down was just trash, it was as if you were missing something. So far you had only five finished songs, and you needed ten more to have the album finished. 
You were humming, moving your head to the beat as you let your brain come up with the right words, but it felt as if you were stuck.
“I wanna be your endgame,” you sang to the beat. “I wanna be, I wanna be your… ” you threw your head back in annoyance, frustration getting the best out of you. 
You had been sitting on the floor for the last hour, trying to finish this one song but you were not even close to it. You took a deep breath trying not to lose your shit. Your phone buzzed, the screen lighting up with a new notification and that took your whole attention. 
“Y/n Y/l/n and Drew Starkey spotted out for dinner,” you read out loud and couldn’t help rolling your eyes at the link your manager and best friend had sent you.
According to the news, you were dating both Drew Starkey and Joe Keery. You also almost got engaged the week before to Rudy Pankow, but apparently cheated on him with Maya Hawke. You knew better than to actually pay attention to fake news, but you couldn’t help to. After all that was now your life, the life of a startpop in the making, so much for a boring Oxford kid. 
Your reputation precedes you, in rumours you were knee-deep. But there was nothing you could do about it. Exhausted from your social life and the poor lack of motivation to do the one thing you loved the most, you decided to go out on a walk, hoping it would help to clear your thoughts about both the fake news and Florence, who you tried to ignore from thinking of. But ever since that dream you found yourself thinking about her more often. 
You knew she was as famous as you were, maybe even more. You had to admit to yourself that some nights you found some kind of comfort in her movies, watching her cute pouty face, the one she was most known for. 
She was your first love, she taught you how to love, what it was to be loved. Of course it wasn’t easy to forget about her, even after all these years, some part of you still craved her love. It wasn’t that you didn’t love each other when you both decided to go separate ways, it was because things weren’t so simple anymore. You two weren’t just two teenargs in love, you were slowly becoming adults. She had booked roles and you were making your way into the music industry. 
And without the two of you knowing you two just drifted apart, the two of you too caught up in your careers. But you loved her, so you decided to let her go, hoping and praying to the universe that maybe she would come back to you one day. 
Your thoughts were interrupted as you opened the door to your local cafe and someone bumped into you. 
“Sorry, I wasn’t… “ but you stopped cold once you saw the strangers eyes. 
“Y/n?” she asked, her voice as soft and raspy as you remembered. “What are you doing here?” a smile formed on her face, as if she was genuinely happy to see you. 
You shook your head trying to clear out your mind, was Florence really in front of you? “I, um, I lived here,” you blinked once, twice and she was still there. “Just around the corner,” you added, cursing yourself for being so awkward. “What are you doing here?” 
Was this a sign of the universe? Have your prayers been answered? 
“Visiting my family,” right her family, you thought. “Well, not just that, I’m also working,” she scratched the back of her neck. “I was actually hoping to see you, too.”
“Really?” that had to mean something, the universe couldn't be messing around with you this cruelly. Right?
“Yeah, I have, um… I have been thinking about you.” she smiled at you and you felt the butterflies in your stomach. “I think we should talk.”
“I, um,” what were you supposed to say? Were you willingly going to agree to spend time with the love of your life as if the two of you were going to be just friends? What was that supposed to mean?
“Yeah, sure. When are you free?” you finally agree.
You mentally checked your schedule, you were supposed to finish your songs but taking a break wouldn’t hurt anybody. Plus, you were going to get your coffee and get back to it right away. 
“Um, what about now?” 
Shit, you thought. She wasn’t going to give you any time to prepare yourself. Well, you better get into it, rip it off like a band aid. 
“Okay, I was going to get a coffee and then we can…”
“Yeah, yeah, take your time. I’m going to find us a table.”
You order your coffee while mentally preparing for the conversation the two of you were going to have. What was she on about? Was it really a big coincidence? Did the universe put her in our path for some reason? You shook your head, you needed to stop thinking about the universe’s way of working for a second.
They handed you your coffee and now you had no more excuses to avoid her, not that you wanted to. Some part of you long to be near her, but you were scared of what this whole thing was about. 
“So, um, what’s up with Drew?” she tried to pretend she didn’t care but was actually dying to know if you were actually dating him, not that you noticed it.
“Drew? Starkey?”
“Oh, yeah, Drew,” you chuckled, silly you for forgetting your own friend. “He’s just a friend, a really good friend,” was it your imagination or did she just let out a breath of relief. “What about Ashley?” you asked before taking a sip of your coffee. 
She smiled at you, “She’s also a really good friend.”
“So, um…”
“Listen, Y/n…”
The both of you chuckled. 
“You go first, Flo”
That nickname. It was stupid because everyone who knew her would call her ‘Flo’, but coming out of your lips felt different. She had missed hearing her name on your lips, she had missed you. 
“I’m just going to say it, okay?” you only nodded. “I lied earlier, I’m not here for work or visiting my family. I came here to find you,” your lips parted in disbelief. “Ever since we broke things apart, I had been feeling like something was missing, Y/n. And I recently realised it was you. Well, I saw the article about you getting married and all I could think of was that something wasn’t right.”
“Florence I…”
“No, please let me finish,” she cut you off. “I understand that  we are strangers to each other, but I would love to get to know you once again. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, it can be like a fresh start. I just really need you in my life, Y/n. I miss my best friend.”
You took another sip of your coffee, stealing time before giving her an answer. The truth was you already knew what you wanted, you knew it the moment you sat at the table, but you wanted to mess with her just a little bit. 
You put your cup down, and finally your eyes found hers, “I would like nothing more.”
Ever since that day, Florence and you had been spending everyday together. Catching up with each other and going back to old habits. 
The more you hang out with her, the more you could feel your old feeling coming back. But you didn’t want to rush things just to ruin them again. But one particular afternoon you couldn't hold back anymore and decided to do something about it. 
She had fallen asleep 30 minutes ago, you chuckled as you realised her current state because she had picked out the movie but turns out she was more tired than what she let you see. 
You headed to your small studio and decided to get back to the song you were working on before running into Florence. You  knew exactly what you wanted to say, having found your new inspiration a few weeks ago. 
You pressed play and the music started playing, you already had a few things written down in your notebook you just needed to put all your ideas together. 
You were so lost and immersed in finishing the song, going at it back and forth, changing some lyrics, singing some ideas, writing and crossing out some bits, that you didn’t realise someone was watching you just when you were about to finish. 
You had already recorded the whole song and were just checking it out when Florence leaned in the frame door. 
Florence smiled as she listened to your sweet voice. She wondered who this song was about. 
Knew her when I was young, reconnected when we were little bit older
Both sprung, I got issues and chips on both of my shoulders
She didn’t want to get her hopes up.
Reputation precedes me, in rumors, I'm knee-deep
The truth is, it’s easier to ignore it, believe me
She felt her heart shrinking in her chest.
Even when we'd argue, we'd not do it for long
And you understand the good and bad end up in the song
She listened closely to the song as you hummed to it.
For all your beautiful traits and the way you do it with ease
For all my flaws, paranoia, and insecurities
Her heartbeat and body temperature were rising.
I've made mistakes and made some choices, that's hard to deny
After the storm, something was born on the 4th of July
I've passed days without fun, this end game is the one
With four words on the tip of my tongue, I'll never say it
She couldn't take it any longer. 
“I like it,” she said, getting closer to where you were sitting. “It’s catchy,” she said, trying to shake her feeling away. That song could be about anyone.
“I feel like something’s missing,” you scrunch your nose.
“Sing the corus to me, please,” she looked at you with her doe eyes and you swear you could have melted in that moment. 
You shook your head with a smile on your face and compiled, “I wanna be your endgame, endgame,” you finished singing the chorus. “And then it goes. Big reputation, big reputation. Ooh, you and me, we got big reputations, ah,” you sang, trying to not look at Florence. 
“You know, it sounds awfully familiar,” she teased, wanting nothing more than for it to be true. 
“And you heard about me, ooh. I got some big enemies,” you kept on going.
“What are you trying to say, Y/n?” she kept on pushing you. 
“Big reputation, big reputation. Ooh, you and me would be a big conversation, ah. And I heard about you, ooh. You like the bad ones, too,” you finished, trying to tell her that you were thinking exactly what she was thinking. 
She was so close to you now, her knees brushing against yours, sending electricity throughout your body. You could feel her hot breath on your lips. 
“I want to…” she didn’t finish her sentence because you were already nodding and she smashed her lips to yours in a second. 
You felt as if a wave of cold water was washing over you. Her lips felt both familiar and new at the same time. You felt at home as she wrapped her arm around your waist and her other hand cupped your cheek. You didn’t want to ever stop kissing her, but both you and her needed to breathe so ultimately pulled apart. 
She rested her forehead on yours, both of her hands cupping your cheeks, caressing your skin with her fingertips. 
“I wanna be your endgame,” you quietly sang to her. 
She chuckled before kissing you again and again and again. 
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Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! &lt;3
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seattlesellie · 11 months
wlw book recs!!!
far from you, she gets the girl, she drives me crazy, delilah green doesnt care, imogen obviously, forget me not, tryst six venom, colorblind, last night at the telegraph club
the way u guys have such good recs woah im like saving all of these !! thank u babie 📚🐛💗
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patrochillesposts · 9 months
this is mildly related to my name but
why are all of the gay romance books I’ve read in a sentence “I would recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world,” (The Song of Achilles, Madeline Miller).
and then the lesbian romance books are like Delilah Green dOesNt caRe, sHe HaS TaToOs, and isNT liKe tHe oTHeR GIrlS like I’m not upset but just I want some sweet lesbian or sassy gay like blend it up a little
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sudaca-swag · 1 year
I read a bunch of tiktok books this year so you dont have to these are my thoughts:
The atlas six: overhyped for sure, very forgettable absolutely nothing has stuck of this book with me, i dont think i will read the sequel. It was neither good or bad, just entertaining for a while but srlsy i remember nothing of it and i have a great memory. If u want a book that is actually "magical dark academia" pick up Babel by rf kuang.
Gideon the ninth: yeah def. I was so confused through all this book but the vibes are amazing, its funny, its a great sci fi book the world building is amazing but dont expect to understand much of it.
Crescent city: absolutely no, dont do this to yourselves if youre not an sj maas fan bc the next book in this series is going to involve all her other series and me personally i dont want to ever read ACOTAR. Its 800+ pages of boring writing, this book could have been an email.
A dark and hollow star: good if you were manipulated into the shadowhunter world like i am, its entertaining but that its, a little immature, solid beach read and i did like that the mcs are all queer.
The green bone saga: fucking read it, asian inspired urban fantasy with clan wars and magical powers, the family relationships are so good, the kaul siblings own my heart. Its heartbreaking.
Criers War: i liked the sapphic romance between the main characters, the fantasy element is a bit weak if youre mainly a high fantasy reader but its enjoyable.
Delilah green doesnt care: i wanted to love this book so badly but it fell kind of flat for me, i didnt like delilah and clare bored me. Its a solid read though, like 3.5 out 5 its worth checking it out.
Red, white and royal blue: absolute usamerican and british propaganda lmao, its as if mcdonalds was a book but imagine the most redneck mccombo you could get, asides from that the romance between the main characters was cute (and kudos to the author for erasing the harry potter references in the latest versions when jk rowling did all the terf shit). But read Boyfriend Material instead if youre past the age of 17
If this gets out: yeah, i cried my eyes out with this one lmao but its clearly based on larry stylinson ajwkckw cute and angsty mlm romance book.
The poppy war trilogy: absolutely yes
Six of crows: yeah, but it took me a re read to really like it bc the spanish translation was ass, i hated the main grishaverse trilogy though bc its more targeted towards younger audiences.
Vicious: YES im bound for a re read. I wished there was more of victor and the family in the second book though :(
Priory of the orange tree: definitely yes.
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hyperfixationsstation · 7 months
Does anyone have any gay book recs
ahh yes gay books bring em on
i have a couple (now i don't necessarily think these books are peak literature just gay and enjoyable)
cleat cute
Delilah green doesnt care books series (im not sure if the actual series has name but theres 3)
written in the stars- alexandria bellefleur
the priory of the orange tree i have yet to finish it but i know its gay
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lizpaige · 2 years
delilah green sirius black doesn't care [wip] part two | part one
“Oh, it’s not that bad,” Remus had to bite his cheek to stop from laughing. 
“It’s awful,” Teddy said, now a bit too loud. He threw his arms up and groaned. 
“What’s awful?” 
Remus turned to see Sirius, camera hung around his neck, hair pulled back, looking over his shoulder at them. “Nothing,” Remus muttered.
“These clothes,” Teddy replied, desperate for someone to be on his side. 
“Can I see?” 
Teddy wrenched the hanger covered in plastic from the dry cleaners and rushed over to Sirius. “See?” 
Sirius barked out a laugh. “Oh yeah that is awful, kid. Sorry.”
“See, dad?” 
“Thanks, Sirius,” Remus said with a glare.
“You’re Sirius?” Teddy asked, eyes wide.
“Been Sirius my whole life,” Sirius said with a smirk thrown at Remus. 
“You’re Reggie’s brother?” 
“Reggie, eh? He lets you call him that?” Sirius raised an eyebrow. “You must be Tedward.” 
“Teddy,” Teddy corrected with a giggle.
“Right, well, Teddy, I had to wear a lot of dress up clothes when I was your age and I hated it,” Sirius said, getting down so he was eye level with the boy. “So I had a lot of practice trying to make it look cooler and I think I can help you.” 
“You’re just going to have to trust me,” Sirius said solemnly with a pinky out. “I swear I will make you look cool.” 
Teddy chewed his lip and looked back at his dad with wide eyes. Remus would literally take any help he could get right now and was too exhausted to care really so he nodded his head. Teddy smiled and they sealed the deal with a pinky swear. Sirius grinned and stood up, pulling the camera strap over his head and handing his camera to Remus as they ducked into the half bath to get dressed. 
Remus just stood there stunned and a little irritated. Why was everyone cooler to his son than he was? He thought that wasn’t supposed to happen until his teen years. He was at least four years too early. He waited patiently and sure enough, Sirius stepped out of the bathroom first, shutting the door behind him and taking his camera back. 
“Give him a second,” he said with a smile. 
Moments later, Teddy emerged nearly radiating with confidence. He changed to the black trousers, but swapped out the shiny dress shoes for his black converse. He wore the white button down, untucked, and the vest overtop, unbuttoned. He held out his arms and Sirius went over to push up his sleeves a bit. 
“Teddy Lupin, you look very cool,” Sirius said with a smile.
“Yeah?” Teddy asked excitedly. He looked cautiously at his dad. “Is it okay?” 
Remus sighed, relieved and ruffled his son’s hair a bit. “Yeah, it’s perfect, Ted.”  He managed to usher Teddy into the party, but not without mouthing a thank you over his shoulder at Sirius, who had his camera raised and ready to capture it on film.
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valkysrie · 8 months
i want to start reading again - and by again i mean im 26 and havent read books for fun since i was in high school - so i read delilah green doesnt care as my first book back cause its easy and gay so i knew i’d get through it and it was cute but it read like a fanfic to me :-/ so please someone recommend me good books pleeeeeaase
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monstersanonymous · 1 year
delilah green doesnt care au and make it pynch
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sapphicgarlic · 1 year
queen of the damned will arrive on monday and in the meanwhile i will be reading delilah green doesnt care
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