#delly speaks
My Thoughts on the Mario Movie
I just opened this blog and I'm stuck bored at the laundromat, so now seems like a great time to ramble. Will be getting into spoiler territory.
Just to give background, I literally grew up on this franchise. SMB3 was the first game I ever beat. My favorite cartoon was The Super Mario Bros. Super Show (if you can't tell by the blog URL). I started to write at 9 years old after stumbling onto a Mario fansite and being inspired. This was my introduction to fandom.
When I initially saw the movie, I had mixed feelings. I was floored when they acknowledged and even expanded upon the original story of how the brothers made it to the Mushroom Kingdom. Yes, they're just some guys from the real world, that's the point! They're just some guys!
For the negatives: The pacing is awful. They don't take long enough to pause on any one moment or expand on any point made. They immediately jump to the next thing each time. My boy Luigi barely got any screen time. The voice acting wasn't bad, but it wasn't great (but I can look past that). I'm still not a fan of the final fight taking place in Brooklyn because then that raises a lot of questions that aren't answered (How do the citizens of Earth react to a massive turtle dragon attacking the city??? Did this get news coverage??? Are we just handwaving this??? What????).
As for the positives on my initial viewing: Loved Bowser. They nailed his personality. I knew they would the moment they announced that Jack Black would be voicing him. I loved every moment he was on screen. Zero complaints. The casting of Charlie Day as Luigi was also perfect in my book (even if that one was more controversial for some reason?). It just... Fits. Anya-Taylor Joy needed better direction, but her voice worked well enough and you can tell she really enjoyed her role from the previews. Chris Pratt was certainly there but not as bad as I was expecting.
And the references! God. The references. The movie really looked at its older audience and said "Hey. This is for you too." (I'm hoping the blue toad with glasses was supposed to reference Toadbert, but that may have just been me hoping.)
But, as I said, my feelings were mixed.
But then I thought about the movie more and more.
What's important in the Mario franchise is that the CORE is there. I'm not talking "giant turtle kidnap princess saved by plumber the end." I mean the brothers. It's Super Mario BROTHERS.
This was my biggest fear going into the theatre. Mario and Luigi actively care for each other in the games, first and foremost. They bicker sometimes. Luigi can get a bit jealous in some of the games. But in playing the games, it's explicitly clear: They care for each other. They'll protect each other. They'll risk their lives for each other. In the Mario&Luigi games especially, they're not afraid to comfort each other and show affection for each other. "Toxic masculinity" does not exist here.
My fear going in, especially Chris Pratt as lead, would be that this would be outright abandoned. This movie was produced here in the USA, and us USAmericans tend to be HIGHLY touch-averse, to the point of it being cultural taboo. It would have been far too easy for them to ignore or change their relationship to the more 'typical' depiction you see of brothers in media.
But.... no.
The most important part of the series! THEY NAILED IT!!!
Mario and Luigi's interactions are PERFECT in the movie! That's them! As they should be! Constantly reassuring each other before they're separated! Mario standing up for and protecting Luigi since they were kids! Luigi insisting that Mario isn't bringing him down like their dad says! When they reunite! THE FOREHEAD TOUCH! They're on the verge of tears! They only care that the other is safe even though they're in the middle of a massive battle!
The pacing is awful. The voice acting is okay. I still don't like the final battle taking place in Brooklyn without showing consequences. But in the end, that doesn't actually matter to me! This is going to be an introduction to the franchise for so many people! So many new fans, so many kids, so many people who will grow to love it as I do, and the most important part is THERE! The movie is far from perfect, but that doesn't matter to me as much now!
Hopefully we get more of the brothers in the next movie (There's DEFINITELY a next movie). I am actively excited for what the first movie brought and can't wait to see it expanded. It's perfect for what it needed to be.
(Also Donkey Kong's "WELL YOUR DAD'S RIGHT" is the funniest subversion of that trope I've ever seen and had me in tears in the theater, gotta give credit where credit is due.)
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oolhan · 1 day
Too Many Beds (Part 2)
okayyy so I finally had the time to continue the little fic I wrote about reverse trope of having too many beds instead of sharing one like they got used to do. I'm publishing it on ao3 here so I can navigate it easier. Give it some love there! Oh, read part 1 here. This will be in three parts, so enjoy this second one! Thank you!
Part 2:
Peeta’s bed was long empty before she even blinks sleep from her eyes. She hears some laughter outside their room as she puts on her robe but, well, it just could happen everybody is awake already.
“Oh, do you remember that time I got detention just from eating cookies in class?”
Hold up. It’s a familiar feminine voice and definitely not Jo’s or Annie’s. Katniss quietly peeks through the corner between the little dining set up and the hallway.
“No, no, Madge, I totally forgot that part after I was in detention for the first time,” Peeta accuses with sarcasm from the dining table.
Oh god, Madge? In France? Sitting prettily on a quaint chair eating some pastry in the morning? WITH PEETA?
“eh, tu l'as bien mérité,” Madge sips her coffee.
God, she’s French now, too?
Of course she is, because the Undersees flew to France shortly after their only daughter’s high school graduation, sending Madge off to a fancy college and never got the hang to be in touch with everybody. Well, except maybe for Annie and Delly. Madge Undersee was pretty popular in their batch, having been the student body president and an active advocate for several political issues. She fell into their group because Delly was part of her council and because she was, quite literally, head over heels for Peeta at the time.
Katniss can still hear the gasps in the school gym when Council President Madge Undersee tripped on her feet confessing to newly titled wrestling champion Peeta Mellark just after finishing his match. Katniss was stupidly giddy that day and had to keep herself from smiling because one, it’s horrible to be weirdly satisfied with someone’s embarrassing moment in public and two, Peeta gently rejected her confession.
It’s not that Katniss secretly hates Madge, not really. She respects her especially her courage in speaking out for different causes, as nonchalant as she may seem. It’s just that the girl’s advances towards Peeta comes off annoying as hell for someone like her. She’s always so sweet and so fluid with her walk and her hand gestures and she’s always speaking truth against the government and really smells so good whenever she arrives and always requests Peeta to bake her some strawberry shortcakes because why wouldn’t you bake for someone so irritatingly good? They really match well considering Peeta’s not only active in sports but also in social commentaries-
“Fuck!” Katniss hissed as Cinna placed a hand on her shoulder.
“What are you doing peeking here this early?” He whispers.
“Why is Madge here?” Katniss seethes, narrowing her eyes at Cinna’s bed head.
“Oh right, sorry. Hadn’t had the chance to tell you last night. She was in the city and heard about you guys from Delly. She got in very late,”
“Yeah, yeah,” Katniss agrees and turns when she hears another fit of laughs. She finds Peeta’s head thrown back from laughing while holding his mug. Cinna follows her line of sight.
“After all these years, huh?” He mocks, smiling knowingly.
“Good morning, Peeta!” Cinna cuts her off by walking into the dining room, joining them in the laughter. Katniss huffs and go as well.
“Madge Undersee. It’s been a long time,”
“Oh Katniss! Katniss Everdeen! It’s been a long time!” Madge stands to hug her and had no choice but to wrap her arms around the blonde who still smells like strawberries and frosting. Shit, she also has a French accent now. If she speaks against some corrupt government leader it’s much sexier.
Katniss doesn’t now how her ears are reacting, much less how Peeta is reacting.
“Yeah, I think it was your father’s home vacation when I last saw you. You look… good.” She almost said French.
“Well, I didn’t really keep in touch with the lot of you but thankfully Delly and a few added me on their socials so I still hear some high school drama. If you know, you know, yeah?” Madge winks as she sits and proceeds to drink her coffee. “Coffee, Katniss?”
She blinks.
“Katniss doesn’t drink coffee in the morning. Would you like some hot chocolate?” Peeta supplies abruptly, leaving Katniss rendering what Madge was implying. She notices Cinna smiling swirling his mug.
“Uh-yeah, sure,” Peeta stands up to make her one. She sits on his chair and takes some sliced bread.
“So, uh, how are you finding living in Paris?”
“Ugh, je suis épuisé, please, don’t make me rant about shit here,” Katniss smiles at this because all these years, it’s still amusing to know how nice-pretty-sweet achiever Madge can talk so vulgar. She sips from Peeta’s mug while waiting.
“I’m sorry, just tired and all. Hopefully this trip to Venice won’t leave me feeling guilty for resting,”
“You’re going with us?” Katniss blinks as Peeta places her mug and drinks his.
“Yes, I just found out just before you came in. Apparently, we need her as tour guide for Venice.” He sits beside her and reaches for some bread like they didn’t fight the night before.
Well, they didn't really fight. It was just some awkward exchange of disagreement, so she lets him take a bite from her toast and lay his arm around her chair.
They eat as Madge discusses on what's been occupying her all these years while partly helping Cinna every Paris Fashion Week when she questions, "Okay, so I know it's early to ask but…” Madge seeks Cinna’s eyes and he nods.
Katniss and Peeta anticipates.
“I'm curious how are you two? did you finally hit it off? you seem like an old couple."
Katniss chokes on her hot choco and Peeta coughs his toast, suddenly remembering their encounter the night before and how those skimpy shorts were underneath her robe right now.
"Oh, no madame, you're very wrong. They're still friends," Cinna laughs as he helps Madge kills the curiosity.
"Come on madame Madge, like you didn't just tripped confessing to me in high school," Peeta teases her to dispel the awkwardness he feels rising beside him. Madge gasped dramatically.
Katniss was still coughing when Cinna hands her some water. Peeta tries not to pat her back. Like patting her would make it more awkward.
"Please deflate that ego, Peeta Mellark. I just didn't know how small your dick was compared to frenchies I've sucked," Madge throws and Katniss bursts out laughing at this.
Yep, totally vulgar.
Not at all awkward.
She’s fumbling her braid, trying not to act so annoyed hearing Peeta and Madge conversing beside her. Despite not sleeping enough the night before, Katniss feels well rested on the flight to Milan, waking up to her head resting on Peeta’s shoulder. But the rest she felt quickly turned sour when Madge woke up beside Peeta and started catching up with old news from their social circles.
She planned on watching Before Sunrise with him as a quick remedy from their awkward tension just a while ago. It seems they’ve been hanging on some tension ever since they separated beds last night. Weird. Thankfully, after hearing Madge’s comeback they heard Annie shriek from surprise followed by a sleepy Finnick, waking up Delly and the others. They got to pack by lunch time and wished Cinna the best before getting on the short flight to Milan.
She felt dread when coincidentally, Madge’s seat was beside Peeta, and Katniss at his left. Great. What if she switches with Jo?
No, it’ll turn more awkward than it already is. Jo will just tease her.
And yet now she wishes she switched places with Johanna as she sighs, tapping buttons on the TV panel until the film starts. She tries very hard to fade out their annoying nostalgic conversations on high school memories.
Like can’t Madge just move on from their high school era? She thinks and crosses her arms, really, really focusing on Jesse and Celine.
“Oh! Before Sunrise! Haven’t watched that in a while,” Peeta suddenly turns to her, his face a huge ball of energy.
“Yeah, I haven’t too,” Her annoyance is simmering, she can feel it.
Why is she so annoyed though? It’s not like something is off with her or with him. Or with Madge.
“Imagine watching that when we were in Vienna, seems like some cathartic experience. Too bad we didn’t think of it,” Peeta continues, making her more irritated.
“Hmm,” she just nods.
Madge suddenly panics, tapping furiously at Peeta. “Arm cramp! Arm cramp!” she hisses, trying to stretch her arm and avoids yelling in pain.
Katniss tries really hard not to roll her eyes when Peeta takes Madge’s arm and massage it to calm her muscles. “it’s okay, I get this all the time,” Peeta soothes.
She can’t focus on the fucking movie.
Peeta's beginning to get suspicious. He doesn’t like this strange feeling at all. Like they’ve been avoiding each other at the same time laughing and bantering like usual. He can feel it from her subtle distance, like when he offers her a snicker bar on flight but she declines.
And when he tries to take her suitcase from the baggage counter she dismisses him, mumbling she can carry it herself and catches on with Annie and Delly.
Maybe he's just overanalyzing things. Especially since he noticed the bags under her eyes when he made her tea this morning. Guess she's just tired.
"Okay! old routine everyone. Just drop your bags and freshen up. Come back here in 20, we'll find some late dinner, sleep, then catch the train first thing in the morning. Chop chop!" Delly directs before following Thom to the right of the hallway.
Peeta's eyes automatically goes to Katniss, a little nervous. A little expectant.
Gale and Finnick go left. Johanna stands with Madge and Annie, leering their suitcases away conversing.
He gulps down when Katniss walks towards him. From relief? tension? He doesn't know, what he knows is she won’t meet his eyes, but she’s still share a room with him.
"Let's go, we're 1208," she dangles their key room and walks past him, his eyes on her form and his feet stumbles before following her.
The door's creak fills the silence. They are quiet as they enter the standard room with Italian accents, and even more quiet as they see the single queen bed on the center of it. Why the fuck's so awkward and tensed? it's not like they never shared a bed. Peeta coughs and drops his bag on the left side facing the window.
"Dibs on this side," he tries casually, tossing himself on the bed and letting out a tired groan, closing his eyes. A moment later he felt the mattress dip and he glances to his right, seeing two pools of droopy grays and a soft smile.
"I'm tired, Peeta." She whispers and closes her eyes for a bit. He stares at her soft skin and long lashes. Oh, the things he'd do just to freeze this moment and live in it.
He lets out a sigh of relief and closes his eyes, smiling.
Yes, that explains her silence. She's just tired, that's all. It's just some jet lag. Nothing that cannot be dispelled.
Except it is not nothing.
Katniss’ scowl isn’t new to him, but seeing her scowling standing by the side as he takes a picture of Madge in front of an Italian antique store gives him an odd feeling.
The group is finally walking and exploring the city all afternoon after nearly missing their train in Milan because of Katniss and Peeta. They accidentally slept their way through the night and woke up from Delly’s insistent knocking and suddenly stumbled from one another’s limbs. Well, maybe just Katniss. He notices some pink blushing her cheeks when she stands up to open the door, but his mind is still asleep. Guess he must be imagining things.
“What? You just woke up? You two didn’t even fucking told us you planned on staying in last night and you just woke up?” Delly nearly shouts, helping Katniss with her bags while she washes her face in the bathroom.
“Sorry Dell,” Peeta rises and rubs his face from sleep, quickly opening his luggage for fresh clothes.
“Just wash your fucking faces and get down in 10! Everybody’s ready! We’re running to the station,” Delly almost slams the door, annoyance from having to baby her completely-capable-to-wake-up-on-their-own friends.
Despite their rushing, he still feels warm from waking up next to Katniss, and he tries not to smile as he feels a rush of giddiness. He pulls his shirt off and rummage for his toothbrush, walking towards the bathroom seeing her brushing her teeth as well.
Their eyes meet on the reflection on the mirror, and Katniss quickly looks away.
And she continues looking away from him all day. In fact, he feels her distance when she sat beside Gale and Johanna on the train ride. He had no choice but to seat beside Madge and listen to her antics for two hours.
He thought they were okay after sleeping again together. He clearly thought wrong, and he’s determined to find out why.
“Peeta! One more!” Madge grins a perfect smile as she poses in front of the camera.
Of course, Peeta is the guy with the camera on these kinds of trips. He delights on taking pictures of everything, from sceneries to his friends, especially when Katniss rarely wants one. But he’s distracted all afternoon because he still didn’t have a picture of Katniss. Or a picture of both of them. And they were on their fourth place of Delly’s itinerary.
He steals another glance on Katniss when Madge pulls Delly and Annie for another picture. He sees her looking back at him and she quickly takes her eyes off, heading towards Finnick, Thom, and Gale. He takes another picture.
She stands beside Finnick, “seems like we need to put some time limit on picture taking,” she rants.
“Come on, they’re just taking souvenirs. Why not join them?” Finnick defends, eating del Moro’s.
“Yeah, Catnip, what’s up with you today? You’ve been kinda silent,” Gale supplies.
“Relax, she’s just envious of Madge,” Johanna says, walking into the conversation with some street food for Gale. Katniss huffs.
“What? That’s not true! I’m just—”
“You’re what? Just exhausted? I can read you like a book, Kat. You’ve been jumpy ever since Frenchie here joined us yesterday.”
“and why would I be jealous of her?” She snaps, taking the pasta from Finnick and eats it. That’s such a ridiculous notion, even for her.
Because yes, Madge is pretty opposite from her. Prettier, funnier, easier to get along with. But that’s not why she’s upset. She doesn’t even know why she’s grumpy at all.
“Ugh, this is so high school all over again. You were always this stubborn and seething when miss pretty president is in our table,”
“and poor Peeta always suffer with it,” Thom laughs. What does that even mean?
“Suffer from what?” Peeta suddenly stands beside her and she tries not to choke on the pasta.
“Suffer from taking hundreds of pictures of the same pose,” she supplies casually, glaring at Jo’s wicked smile and the guys’ snorting.
“Okay come on, it’s nearing sunset” Finnick pats her on the back, looking around to see Annie and the girls buying from the stall far from where they stood. He clears his throat and whispers, “Jo, make sure she’s distracted enough when we walk to the bridge, talk with Delly and Madge.”
“Wait, what? What’s going on?” Katniss seems clueless, and Jo rolls her eyes. “He’s proposing at sunset, brainless.”
“I thought Peeta told you?” Finnick’s brow crinkles. Katniss looks to Peeta, annoyance bubbling.
“Uh-I-I couldn’t find a moment, sorry.” Peeta clears his throat, avoiding her eyes.
They were walking all afternoon and he didn’t have two seconds to tell her? Katniss’ tone almost borders on shouting, “and I’m just finding out now?”
“I was just told on the train!” he turns to her, his patience exceeding.
What’s wrong with her?
What’s wrong with them?
“Will you two just don’t be children for a second?” Jo sighs, exasperated. “This is for Annie and Finnick, alright? Calm your assess off.” She scolds, watching as Peeta and Katniss blush from embarrassment. They were indeed acting like children.
“Okay, they’re still paying. Peeta, camera’s still good?”
“Gale, record it on your phone, okay?”
“Got it, boss.”
Finnick heaves out a nervous exhale. He still can’t believe he’s doing this, in a bridge in Venice, of all places. Peeta notices his nervousness and pats him on the shoulder.
“You got this, man. It’s been a long time coming,” he says warmly, easing his friend’s nerves.
Peeta has to admit there’s a small part of him envious of Finnick. No, scratch that. Envious of Finnick and Annie’s tooth-rotting relationship. Their group always knew they end up married to one another, as their love can’t be mistaken when they glance at one another, but Peeta; Peeta witnessed this romance from day one, when Finnick went home to their dorm from his first date with Annie and declares right then and there he’s marrying that girl one day. The sparkle on Finnick’s eyes leaves no doubt.
“This would’ve happened anyway, Finnick.” Katniss adds, and Peeta’s eyes automatically goes to her. He can’t help but picture himself looking up into those gray eyes filled with all the things he needed, kneeling in front of her with a ring.
His heart aches from the longing, and Katniss can’t help staring back at him, feeling a weird sensation in the pit of her stomach.
“Okay they’re coming.”
Katniss looks away, exchanging the weird feeling with annoyance on having been the last one to know.
“Okay, come on. Tell me,” Peeta catches up to her, his camera dangling. They are headed for Ponte delle Guglie, a bridge with the most beautiful trajectory of the sunset at the right moment.
They are the last one on the walk, with Madge, Jo, and Delly distracting Annie ahead of them. Peeta thinks it’s the perfect timing to get her to talk.
“Tell you what? The fact that I don’t know my two friends are going to be engaged by sunset because you didn’t tell me?” She snaps, her words thick with sarcasm.
“Well, it’s not like I could talk to you.” He retorts, eyebrows crinkling from impatience.
“How can I even talk to you when you’re busy taking pictures of Madge’s ass?”
“Oh, so this is about Madge now? You can’t even look at me, you’ve been weirdly distant, and—"
“No! this isn’t about miss pretty little sunshine!” Katniss yells. She knows she’s becoming irrational now.
“Well, I’m sorry I was bonding with our friend that I hadn’t spoken to for a long time!”
“No, Peeta. This is about you not telling me things I’m supposed to know. Imagine if I hadn’t been there awhile ago! I would’ve look stupid for not knowing!”
“You’re the one to talk. As if you’ve been honest with me on why you’re so annoyed all of a sudden. Is this about us sleeping?”
Katniss gets caught off guard from the question. She inhales, ready to answer back, only to hear Annie shriek from surprise.
“Shit!” Peeta runs off from her, positioning his camera near a kneeling Finnick and a crying Annie, rushing to snap the moment.
Katniss suddenly feels ill from their argument and from almost ruining Finnick's proposal. What a memorable trip this is becoming.
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saltandpepperbox · 2 months
absolutely devastating quotes about Delly from Otter in his post game I’m fucking crying about it
“There’s nobody in here that deserves it more than him”
“I live with him so I’ve been through everything he has this year”
“He works his butt off and never had a bad attitude”
“There’s not a lot of people that are happier for him than me, that’s for sure.”
that’s his best friend y’all
also yes Delly still lives with Otter & Kennedi apparently he’s been on dish duty to pay rent
And his brother still wears Delly’s jersey and i am so fine about all of this actually (lying)
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mega-aulover · 2 months
Sneak Peek Wednesday 10 or 14 Days Late!
@thelettersfromnoone I am shamefully behind on the sneak peeks...lol you are the sweetest for tagging me...gah! so bad at this... So I am going to give a sneak peek of a story that I'm working on...posted and I'm tagging @safeinpeetasarms @waywardangel-wilds @hayffiebird @mollywog @rainymyx @mtk4fun @oakfarmer @alwayseverlark @katnissdoesnotfollowback @endlessnightlock @rosegardeninwinter @pookieh @thesweetnessofspring please join in and reblog with your latest endeavor's Let's get the word out there about HG Fics!
I'm going to give you a sneak peek of my Gelly Fic... I know Gale X Delly isn't as popular but I hope you guys like it...
“Mmmm…” Katniss mumbled before continuing, “Said Gale was serious about someone.”
“Did…did Gale say who he was serious about?”
“No,” Katniss said. “But Hazelle said that she’d never seen Gale like this before. He really doesn’t date anyone. Just casual encounters.” 
Hearing this information made Delly’s shoulders droop. She was just another conquest to him, while the other woman was the one he spoke to his mother about. 
Delly was about to speak when Katniss blurted, “How far along are you?”
“I’m sorry.”
“Cut the crap Cartwright.” Katniss’s voice was stern.
....and there you go my sneak peek of my Gelly story...I was thinking of naming it The Way We Were but not sure?...
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whitestopper · 9 months
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Bisexual media
Note: This should not be taken as a declaration of quality or my personal likings - I haven’t read most of the books that are listed nor have I fully watched three of the series listed. Not all of the fictional series focus on a bi protagonist but all do have at least one bi main character; a summary of main initial plot is provided. I will edit this post with updates intermittently.
TV Series
The Bisexual (2018) - Leila explores her attraction to men after identifying as a lesbian alongside her girlfriend and friends for the past decade, while her new roommate tries to get a grip on his relationship with a younger woman.
Black Mirror’s San Junipero - Yorkie meets Kelly in the strange setting of San Junipero. What’s the deal with this place, and what can make them stay?
Bob and Rose - Bob is gay. Rose has a boyfriend. Can I make it any more obvious? (I can - they find that they’re attracted to each other and deal with the implications and expectations of that.)
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - Rebecca pursues her ex-boyfriend in the hopes of finding happiness. With a drastic move to West Covina, will she learn what happy feels like?
Cucumber - Henry’s life is upturned in one evening, then another, and then some more, while boyfriend Lance and new acquaintance Freddie come to terms with the present and the past.
Everything Now - Newly out of recovery from anorexia, Y11 student Mia is determined to complete her bucket list and be seen as normal.
Feel Good - Mae and Charlotte navigate a relationship challenged by Mae's drug addiction and Charlotte's new sexual discovery.
High Fidelity - Young record store owner Rob revisits her past relationships in order to sort out her singledom.
Kieta Hatsukoi - Aoki lies about having feelings for classmate Ida to protect the feelings of his crush Hashimoto. But misunderstandings and revelations cause a hullabaloo.
Torchwood - this Doctor Who spin-off features a collection of characters solving alien crimes.
Appropriate Behaviour - Brooklyn dweller Shirin deals with her ex-girlfriend, family expectations, job struggles and more.
City of Lost Souls - a German musical exploring the experiences of LGBT people, black people, Jewish people and immigrants in post-WW2 Berlin.
Disobedience - Ronit returns to her old Orthodox Jewish community after her father passes away, having been shunned for not adhering to cultural expectations.
Shiva Baby - While at a Jewish funeral service with her family and community, college student Danielle navigates an awkward situation with her sugar daddy and her ex-girlfriend.
Non-fiction books
Bi Any Other Name: Bisexual People Speak Out
Bi: Notes for a Bisexual Revolution
Bi: The Hidden Culture, History and Science of Bisexuality
The Bi-ble Volumes 1 and 2
Claiming the B in LGBT - Illuminating the Bisexual Narrative
Go the Way Your Blood Beats - On Truth, Bisexuality and Desire
A History of Bisexuality
Purple Prose - Bisexuality in Britain
Alicia Champion - Bi
Ana Carolina - Homens e Mulheres
Ani DiFranco- In or Out
Anne Marie - Perfect to Me
Bali Bandits - Girls & Boys
Book Of Love - Pretty Boys and Pretty Girls
Cariño - Bisexual
Christina Aguilera - Not Myself Tonight
Delli Boe - Bisexual Problems, Bisexual Problems 2
Domo Wilson - Becoming Myself, Bi Pride, Bisexual Anthem
Halsey - Bad At Love
HOUSE OF SAY - Boys Girls
Jão - Meninos e Meninas
Jessie Paege, Lucy & La Mer - Not a Phase
King Kitty - Bisexual
MIKA - Billy Brown, Blame It On The Girls
Miley Cyrus - Midnight Sky, She's Not Him
Missy Higgins - Scar
Mitski - Cop Car
Peaches - I U She,
Peter Allen - Bi-Coastal
Poppy - Girls In Bikinis
Torrey Mercer - Boys / Girls
Ysa Ferrer - To bi or not to bi
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>> pt.2 of canon-divergent coryo-stays-with-lucy-gray-in-12 au (a mouthful but i honestly have no title for it), albeit more lucy gray and more everlark
part 1
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"There you are, sweet pea." Nana Lucy Gray greeted me as soon as I entered her workshop: a little cabin studio located behind the main house. There were materials strewn over the wooden floor boards, tucked into cabinets and on top of drawers. Remnants of unfinished projects lined the window sill and crowded the table— the ones she did finish were all inside the house, both displayed and used. She was seated in front of an unfinished canvas. She turned to me with a teasing smile. "I was startin' to wonder if you'd come back last night. Thought that baker boy might've whisked you off."
My expression soured. "Grandpa told you, didn't he?"
"Course he did. Coryo can't keep secrets from me." She returned to her canvas, splashing the surface with a mish mash of colors. The hues were too discordant for my liking, but of course I didn't tell her that. After a few moments, she spoke again. "He seems nice, y'know— the Peeta boy. Reminds me a bit of your grandfather when he was younger, very charming."
"Yeah," I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess he is."
"You like him enough, darlin'?"
"What does that even mean?" I picked at the splatters of dried paint on the table. Why was everyone suddenly pushing the Peeta Mellark agenda on me? Madge nudging me towards him, Delly calling us lovebirds, Jo suggesting we make out, Finnick giving us knowing looks. What if all their actions were actually making Peeta uncomfortable?
"Like him enough to date him?"
I looked up when I felt her eyes on me. She had a glint behind them, but also a hint of curiosity. I avoided her gaze almost immediately. "I don't know. I haven't thought about it."
Lies. All lies. I have thought about it, over and over in fact. I've thought about it enough to know that I'd yearn for it, for him. Peeta was the constant crux of every silly little daydream I've had since I met him.
"Well, no one's rushin' you anyway." Nan shrugged her shoulders. "You're barely sixteen."
I didn't respond. She asked me another question. "Does he like you?"
"I don't know, nan. I'm not sure. I think he does." Or maybe I'm just delusional. Again, I hindered myself from saying the last part out loud. Nan didn't need to know that. Still, I blushed. I wasn't prepared for how blunt the question was.
"Why d'you think he does?"
"He gives me bread." I responded. Now that I've said it out in the open, I realized how foolish it sounded. So what if he gave me bread? His family owns a literal bakery, of course he's gonna give me bread… platonically.
Nan looked back at me, and I could tell she was trying so hard to be open-minded about my lackluster response. "That's adorable."
I cleared my throat uncomfortably, feeling slightly embarrassed. I could see the image slowly forming on the canvas she was painting on. The colors made much more sense now. "That looks pretty."
"Does it?" She hummed. "I'm trying to paint some of the mountains I used to play in when I was a child."
Before I could speak any further, there was a knock on the door. The hinges creaked with age as they were pushed open. grandpa entered carrying a paper bag with the Mellark family bakery's signage printed up front.
"The baker boy is at the front door waiting for you." grandpa told me off-handedly. He opened the paper bag, pulling out two rolls. He handed one to Nan and ate the other.
I rushed to the porch immediately, running through the narrow strip of land between the wall and the fence instead of going inside for a quicker route.
Peeta turned to face me just as I reached the front steps. It's humiliating to admit how quickly I blushed when I saw him. His hair shined golden in the winter sun. He held up a hand to keep the glare away from his eyes, but enough light filtered through his fingers to make his eyelashes shine just as prettily.
"Katniss, hey." He grinned.
I walked closer. I tucked my hair behind my ear. "Hi. I wasn't expecting to see you."
He shrugged his shoulders. "Had to cover for my brother so I had to handle all the deliveries on this side of town."
"Ah," I nodded my head thoughtfully. "I'm glad my grandpa didn't scare you off."
"Not at all. Mr. Snow's nice." He shook his head. As if he just remembered something, he dug into his bag and pulled out a simple paper bag. It has a little note attached to it. "A thank you for hanging out with me last night."
When Peeta left, I rushed inside the house and up my bedroom. I opened the paper bag and inhaled the scent of cheese buns. Whilst I busied myself with eating, I unfolded the note attached. It was an illustration of a cluster of yellow dandelions held together by a green ribbon. On the corner of the page, in Peeta's messy scrawl, it said: "I hope this will last you until spring."
Uncharacteristically, I squealed so loudly that grandpa came knocking on my door a minute later. He peaked in from the door frame, his eyes closed after I once chastised him about a teenage girl needing her privacy inside a household.
"What's wong?" Always one for reigning in his composure, he asked calmly. His nostrils flared. "Is there a snake?"
Prim, who noticed the commotion from her room across the hall, stood behind grandpa. She noticed the paperbag on the desk and the note in my hand then smiled purposefully. I heard her mutter a "Finally." before pulling grandpa out of the doorway.
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 4 months
3rd POV-Peeta Masterlist
Created: February 18th, 2024
Last Checked:--
A Turn of Events-endlessnightlock (ao3) Summary: Peeta feels like an ass when Katniss walks in on him in the shower, but maybe all hope isn't lost.
all the very best of us string ourselves up for love-hotpielookedlikehotpie (ao3) Summary: When your feet are tied to hers, why search for another? An invisible thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break.
Birdbath-fyreflys (tumblr) Summary: Peeta giving Katniss a long and thorough bath after he plants the primroses in canon.
Blue Lips-swishywillow (ao3) Summary: Mockingjay, pg. 241: “All around the dining hall, you can feel the rejuvenating effect that a good meal can bring on…I listen to Finnick telling some ridiculous story about a sea turtle swimming off with his hat. Laugh before I realize he’s standing there. Directly across the table, behind the empty seat next to Johanna. Watching me.” Peeta’s take on the dining hall scene.
Cats Will Be Cats-JHsgf82 (ao3) Summary: Canon-compliant. Post MJ. Growing Back Together Period. All Peeta wants to do is settle into bed for the night with Katniss. But Buttercup has other plans.
Dumpster Dive-thesweetnessofspring (ao3) Summary: Peeta throws out a semester's worth of art only to find his friend Delly's new roommate saved one of them from the dumpster.
Easy as Pie-mollywog (tumblr) Summary: Peeta baked when he was stressed and lately he’d been stressed. Multiple parts.
Farm to Table-flyingcarpet (ao3) Summary: Peeta Mellark has bread to bake, a struggling business to protect, and a reality show to film. Oh, and somehow he has to work up the nerve to speak to the girl of his dreams.
Fishing in the Dark-Pookieh (ao3) Summary: Katniss Everdeen is full of surprises. When she invites Peeta out for a late night lake adventure, a turn of events leaves Peeta with more than he could ever have hoped for. Everlark AU one-shot.
Prompt 71. “y-you’re not…. w-wearing anything under that, are you”-endlessnightlock (ao3) Summary: Peeta wakes up to Katniss screaming for him, three houses down
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lasthaysileeshipper · 2 months
hypothetically speaking. if I were to write a gale/delly 74th games au. do you think she has enough kindness in her heart to volunteer for like… a very weak looking 12 y/o? or should I just have there be no volunteer at all? I’d say gale would volunteer for rory but rory turns 12 in cf, so… and I don’t think he’d volunteer for anyone else.
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So I know in the age of the Hunger Games renaissance we have a lot of post-war Katniss and Peeta parenting headcanons however, I’d like to take a moment to talk about their FRIENDSHIPS post war new and old because I love them and they deserve the best support systems.
- One of Greasy Sae’s grandchildren, a scrawny dark-haired man, who asks to be apprenticed in Peeta’s bakery since the coal mines are no longer safe to work in. A quiet man, with a lot of love in his heart for iced cakes, since his daughter likes to look at them in wonder through the glass.
- Johanna Mason and Katniss having four-hour long phone calls AT LEAST once a week.
- a poorer capitol couple who always dreamed of life in a smaller town end up buying one of Victor’s Houses. They’re nervous to say the least, but Peeta helps them settle in the town and Katniss eventually helps them to get comfortable in the woods. When their dog has puppies, the couple gifts them two.
- Gale never returns to District 12, but his siblings, Rory and Posy do. A friendship that’s sparked by reminiscing about cold mornings is now fueled by hot summer evenings, and bonfires, and roasted apples and singing.
- Peeta and Katniss visiting Annie in District three and swimming at the beach with her.
- Delly Cartwright rushing to the bakery to relay the gossip she just happened to hear at the post office.
- Haymitch’s house not being in a fit state, so Katniss and Peeta helping him to host his Senior Veterans’s support group at theirs.
- Speaking of veterans, Katniss’s mother visiting with one, a second-hand ring on her finger. He’s from District 11, a towering battle-scarred soldier but his eyes betray the people he’s lost in his time. His gravelly speaking voice would scare away even the tamest birds, but his hands coax rainbows out of the ground and Katniss is proud of her mother for being happy.
Now, I don’t think Katniss would ever get a full time job, with her mental health and Capitol stipend. I also don’t think she would become a doctor or apothecary, like her mother and sister. But in her late years, when she’s too old for hunting and no need for it anyway, I like to imagine she becomes a midwife. Idk, I think she would have a lovely no-nonsense bedside manner and a deep love for every baby she helps deliver and it is nice to think about. I just weep imagining her helping to deliver Posy’s first baby, or checking up on Newborn mothers around the town with gift baskets full of helping herbs and freshly-baked buns and being a familiar face for everyone in 12.
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thesweetnessofspring · 7 months
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Roses and Pearls by HalfHope (thesweetnessofspring)
Rated: E
Description: Peeta Mellark is the sole victor of the Quarter Quell. With District 12 nothing but ash, he rebuilds his life by moving to the Capitol and falling in love with Rosalia Snow, granddaughter to Coriolanus Snow.
Then people Peeta thought long dead kidnap him and Rosalia, including the one person he hates more than anyone: Katniss Everdeen. They say he's been hijacked. They say that he used to love her. Locked away in District 13, Peeta is determined to protect his mind and his fiancée from the rebels. But while imprisoned, videos disprove his memories and his feelings toward Katniss grow confusing. Who can he trust, and what really happened in his past?
Thanks again to @louezem for beta-ing! This beta job is more than doing a chapter-by-chapter read, as I have many chapters more than what is released and am making revisions constantly. Keeping up with all of these updates and talking through the fic as a whole is a lot of work and Loueze is absolutely fantastic for giving me feedback across all these changes!
Read Chapter One | Read Chapter Six
Chapter Six
There is a strange dichotomy to District 13. On the one hand, it’s monotonous and dreary. Other than a few hours during the week when another guard takes her place, Katniss guards me. I go through the same routine: eat, work at the bakery, and go to my therapy. Katniss and I barely speak to each other after the incident that first day in the dining hall. On my part, I don’t want to have to deal with Katniss’s acting again, though I can’t tell why she hardly ever speaks to me. Gale usually joins us for dinner, sitting by Katniss and the two of them murmuring to each other too low for me to hear anything. Finnick and Annie make appearances now and then, but they’re floating above all of the war and rebellion now that they have been reunited. Unfortunately, to stagger the work in the bakery, Delly and Bron have different mealtimes than me. 
Day in, day out, it’s the same.
But also, everyone here, including myself, is tense at the war. There’s a certain hardness to their voices, even when telling a joke and the laughter in response. They’re as scared as I am about the war, I can feel it. I’d hated District 13 for bombing District 12 for such a long time, I’d never been able to imagine them as anything other than disgusting mole-people. And now being among them, I begin to pity them. Pity them for having leaders who are forcing them into this fight, where many of them will likely die. And so I reserve my hatred for those who deserve it, most especially Katniss.
Continue reading on ao3
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clown-moss · 2 years
More stuff our N Fictive does that I'll disguise as headcanons!
N Harmonia Headcanons
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This man has never eaten Mint Chocolate ice cream before but he thinks it's an abomination to society.
This man does not like sweet foods, can not stand them. He doesn't understand how somebody can eat a whole slice of cake or eat a chocolate bar, it makes him gag going near chocolate as he HATES the stuff. He does love pie though so I guess you can give him that.
N is definitely more of the savoury and spicy type, his favourite chip snack is Red Rock Dellie's Salt And Vinegar. Favourite dinner to eat are these spicy noodles, absolutely loves them.
If you find the ice cube tray missing or ice cubes missing that's probably him because he loves to chew on ice cubes, no clue why.
Whenever he's expecting a guest he cleans like a madman, clean, dust, vacuum, take out trash, light candles, he even prepares food! He always complains if we don't vacuum because he's rather die than be seen as "unclean."
He has intensive mood swings, he can go from crying one minute to being happy the next. Whenever he's done having an emotional break down (Fun Fact: Before The Winter Began was actually based on true events, all the things described about him in that fic was stuff he actually did. This include the crying about how he doesn't understand, this happened when he met our friend Winter for the first time) he gets incredibly silent and his voice gets very soft, mostly because his throat is coarse.
His notes are in cursive, and I mean very cursive. It's just his natural (ha) handwriting, heres an example;
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Full doctor's note handwriting, he can read it perfectly though.
He falls asleep on the floor more often than he sleeps on a fucking bed, he slept on the floor for roughly 5 months at some point. No clue why he does this he just does.
He was addicted to Red Mountain Dew at some point in his life, he's tried takis and hot Cheetos and choked even though he loves spicy food because he hated it so much.
This man has climbed random as trees and sliced his hand on some barbed wire fence because he didn't see a women approaching him and she scared the ever loving shit out of him.
He can't even go into the kitchen when somebody is cooking red meat because he literally gags and plugs his nose, this man fucking hates red meat and prefers to eat vegetarian foods.
N loves custard and cheese cake, this man had gotten his hands on some strawberry cheesecake and it was gone faster than he could ever speak. He loves that shit fr.
Man maybe if my memory wasn't so shit I'd remember more... Oh well
- Mod Ivor 💗
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wip snippet ask game
was tagged by @grasslandgirl my beloved fellow mutual in long unfinished fics and a million wips <3 thank you so so much for tagging me <3333333 this is also only my fic folder bc otherwise this list would be a million times longer and it's already long enough. also stealing from sav and putting the fandom in parenthesis next to the titles. also i chose not to include the wip titles that got asked last time that i have made absolutely no progress on in the last year and two months because i have made no progress on them and have nothing new to say about them :(
“Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag people! This isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DnD campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!”
bad ends for hardwon & moonshine (naddpod)
marvel fic (thg)
bad kids parent issues
never tasted as sweet a poison as you have. (thg)
d20 rarepair zine original (d20, acoc)
i fought and fought hard and i should've died. (thg)
callieder fic (naddpod, c3)
i know there's something waiting for us in the light. (d20, tuc)
penny fic (d20, the seven)
die trying right now. (incryptid)
and it's hard to be at a party when i feel like an open wound. (d20, spyreverse thg au)
delly tribute au fic (thg)
fig & being a tiefling (d20, fh)
the bad kids road trip (d20, fh)
please tell me someday i'll at least be able to sleep. (d20, spyreverse thg au)
thg daemons (thg)
cashmere fic (thg)
the kind of radiance you only have at seventeen. (thg)
i spend nights stitching up the loose threads of my soul. (d20, spyreverse thg au)
patia fic (exu calamity fic)
fate is to all appearance more unavoidable than unexpected. (thg)
evil pete fic (d20, tuc)
we must be killers. (the old guard)
i can take a hit i ain't scared of the pain. (thg)
let's raise a glass to all the people you're not speaking to. (d20, aso)
everyone thinks that they're too young to die. (d20, spyreverse thg au)
pamelia fic (d20, acoc)
haymitch fic (thg)
[first house discord exchange fic] [*this is not the actual name of the doc i just needed to redact it for spoilers reasons bc i can't talk abt it yet] (tlt)
katniss sole victor au (thg)
cytherea and pro (tlt)
only code it knows is rote survival. (thg)
og lyctor secret history (tlt)
caramanda (d20, acoc)
kasya fic (d20, acoc)
my titles are so simple (unless i actually manage to name the fic before i finish it) mostly bc i have a million docs in my google drive and i want to be able to find what i want to write quickly. i say this as though half the time searching a character's name won't get me to the doc i want faster than digging through my google docs but still
tagging: @cav-core, @dubiousfruitsalad, @browncesario, @aberfaeth, @nakdraws, @thelongestwalk, and anyone else who wants to do it (this means you who is reading this) <3333 also if i tagged you and you don't want to do it do NOT feel obligated mwah love u <33333
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achy-boo · 8 months
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Delano Bloodstone
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Name: Delano Bloodstone
Romaji: Bloodstone Delano
Quote#1: "Why try to be good or evil? Staying neutral is the best decision.."
Quote#2: "Halloween..Now that is the only holiday I wish would last longer.."
V/A: Jack Skellington from Nightmare before Christmas(English) + Sebastian Michaelis from Kuroshitsuji(Black Butler) {Adult}, Ryuu from Akagami no Shirayuki-hime(Japanese; Snow White with the Red Hair) + Shippo from InuYasha(Japanese)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Questioning right now
Age: 20
Birthday: October 31st at 3 am
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Eye color: lilac purple
Hair Color: pale-ish purple
Height: 5'10
Weight: 120 lbs
Race: Human??
Homeland: Scalding Sands
Family: Unknown mother, father and two brothers. Jamil Viper(Cousin)
School Status and Fun Facts
Dorm: He is in RSA
School Year:3rd year
Class: 3-B
Student Number: No.31
Occupation: A babysitter and waiter (Never told anyone)
Club: In NRC, he is a part of the tea club with Sapphire Lake Dorm
Best Subject: Flying and History
Favorite Color: Lilac, red, black and grey
Favorite Food: He likes cheesecake(or anything sweet)
Least Favorite Food: Raw octopus
Likes: Teasing Jamil, quietness, reading, observing people, daydreaming, school, Yuuken(sometimes), being quiet and mysterious, Idia(the Introverts), children and animals
Dislikes: Getting to unwelcome trouble, chaos, drama, Kalim(which he later grew to fond of), Sebek due to his yelling, Che'nya's pranks, Riddle's rules, Crowley, The rivalry between NRC and RSA, being forced to speak, Najma's teasing
Hobbies: Visiting Jamil, dancing, singing, baking, avoiding the trouble from NRC and RSA
Talents: sense lies and trouble from afar, taking to animals, stealthy walking, training with knives and any other weapons
Nicknames: Del(Neige), Halloween Boy(Che'nya), Prince Halloween or just Prince(The girls of Sapphire Lake Dorm)
Other Nicknames: Delly(Jamil), Mysterious boy(Malleus), Le prince d'Halloween(Rook)
Appearance and Personality
Appearance: Normal; He has long lilac hair that reaches his lower back, he has pale-ish purple eyes and light brown skin, he has these markings on his face which he never had any clue how or why they are here. He wears the normal RSA uniform but it's more Halloweenish theme due to his seasonal UM. On Halloween, his eyes are black and orange, his lilac hair turns black with orange-black ends, his hair now reaches near his bum, he wears a suit that is black, orange and grey.
Personality: Delano is quiet yet calm. He has a few words to speak and he is the silent Halloween boy in RSA. Due to the fall out between him and his mother, he had no contact with her and one of his siblings but does not mean he will not be protective of his friends and his family. He is very friendly though he had a hard time speaking. On Halloween however, he is more...abnormal. He speaks in riddles, crypts words or even in a polite tone that makes people more uneasy around him. He is more expressive with his emotions and even talks more but not too talkative. He is still protective and fiercely loyal and willing to help people to safety on Halloween.
- Halloween Dance is his primary UM
-On Halloween: he has a seasonal UM called The Pumpkin King’s Ball or Jack Skellington's Halloween Party
-He was called a demon child by his mother due to his time of birth.
-He was supposed to go to NRC by his mother but his father change it to RSA at the last minute.
-He visits Jamil and Najma when he had the time
-His favorite holiday is of course Halloween
-His entire appearance and personality changes on Halloween
-He might be the only RSA student who had two in three things.
-As a child, he refused to speak to anyone thus result of him getting bullied for it
-His normal voice is soft yet husky but in Halloween though, its deep and seductive
-He has a pet ghost wolf named Hollow
-Normal; He has a hair pin of a smiling skull but on Halloween; His hairpin is a smiling pumpkin in a bow at the lower part of his hair
-He hates Azul and certain NRC students the moment he step his foot on NRC
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sergeantnarwhalwrites · 5 months
Voice claims through music
An excuse to geek out about my characters and music. Gonna throw down some songs/artists I think my characters sound like some is purely vibes. And toss down some explanation. I can toss down a playlist of all the songs if y'all want to go for that ride, I'd have to find a system for some where I just said the artist or an entire album.
Sorry for the chaos this is to read.
Tag list: @the-void-writes @aether-wasteland-s @magefaery @kk7-rbs @jezifster @winterandwords @liv-is @outpost51 @nanashi23 (Let me know if y'all want me to take you off or add you. Just making assumptions about who wants to see some character stuff)
-Fucked at Five-
Saz: Got that swoon worthy kinda voice swoon worthy as in she can really make you feel it when she speaks. Cracks pretty often, especially when she's got strong feelings about what she's saying. Half morphed voice gives a more ragged feel, cracks less but it's more intense. Still haven't figured out if any of the morphers can talk with words when fully morphed.
Her voice normal: Tracy Chapman (specifically her self titled album)
Half morphed form: Eat You Alive by Limp Bizkit and Hollywood Baby by 100gecs
Ian: Not to say it's whiny but it kinda is. It's voice has got the bass (think that's the word) and a sort of down low feel but it's got like that whiny edge that follows some of the shit he says. Stresses sounds on certain words that don't really need it. Kinda feels like he's being condescending at all times if you don't know him well. His half morphed form's voice still has that waving pitch stressed sounds thing going but arguably less intense. Personally I'd say his voice remains about the same octave maybe a tad bit higher.
Normal voice: The Vaccines and Blink-182
Half morphed form: Friend of a Friend by Weezer and Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus
Elliot: His voice isn't very deep and I definitely wouldn't call him soft spoken either. His voice is typically full of energy. His joy is typically contagious when not annoying. Of course his voice does fluctuate depending on the situation. Shock will either make it shoot up super high or drop really low. I think his half morphed voice is more noteable. Has more of a presence, maybe struggles to speak during his halfway form though.
Normal voice: Hopeless Romantic by Breezy Supreme and Out of My League by Fitz and The Tantrums
Half morphed form: She's Got Balls by AC/DC and I Just Wanna Live by Good Charlotte maybe a bit of Saturday by Remember Sports
Julie: Pretty normal in range and melodic. Her voice definitely has range though. Probably the kind of person who's voice gets higher when they're irked or attention gets put on them unexpectedly. But her voice can also drop a few octaves easily. Her half morphed form voice is still pretty melodic but the words are slower. A breath away from being off with the cadence.
Her normal voice: Breakin' My Heart (Pretty Brown Eyes) by Mint Condition
Half morphed form: Satan is Motor by Cake
-Robots & Gardens-
Peace: On the deeper end but not super deep. I don't think the octave in her voice fluctuates much. It doesn't really go lower and she can't really make it higher without her voice cracking or it just becoming silence. A bit of a slower speaker. She'll leave you hanging on her words sometimes but not painfully so. When she's angry her speech is usually faster and more aggressive.
Normal voice: Making Love to Me by Pink $ock and Party Sickness by Hope Tala and Lovely Day by Bill Withers
Angry tone: Iwss by Dellie Boe
Tone and vibes purely-> her speaking with Green: Sweet Tooth Baby by Ark Woods and My Baby Loves Me by Cyberbully Mom Club maybe a splash of Me and My Husband by Mitski
Green: Her voice is gruff and low. It's got a rumble to it. Like it comes from her throat and chest. The force/intensity varies with her mood. The happier/more at ease version is more of a rumble. The angrier version's get more bite it's deeper. The sound of her words clash together so it's almost like she's just growling at you the whole time.
Normal voice: Twisted Transistor by Korn and FMLYHM by Seether
Happy/Happier voice: Monkey Wrench by Foo Fighters and ULTRAnumb by Blue Stahli and Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leppard
Angry/highly irritated voice: I Saw Your Mommy... By Suicidal Tendencies and Pain by Soulfly and Man of the Year (Tree City Sessions) by Dance Gavin Dance.
Tone and vibes purely-> her speaking with Peace: Love Soft by Cyberbully Mom Club and When I Come Home by The Drums and a sprinkle of Michelle by Sir Chloe
Digits: More easily described as all over the place. I wouldn't say her voice is high. I'd actually say her voice is typically more monotone and even. She's just doing fucky shit with her voice all the time to make points. That's just how she talks. Excited? It's like she's chanting. Irritated? Whiny white boy voice activated. Hurt? An amalgamation of things who knows. Peace actually finds Digit's funny because of this.
Normal voice (more like her most comfortable): Mindless Self Indulgence (Frakenstein Girls Will Seem Strangely Sexy album mostly) and I'm Not Laughing Anymore by Left at London.
Annoyed voice: Glaive (in general) and gwen by wilt
Silly goofy voice 1: I Fucked Yr Mom by Sorry Mom and I Fuck Everything Up by Mom
Donnie: Sir is mute so their's is gonna be about their tone and the vibes they give off. He gives the vibes to me of a comforting kind of tone that can flip really quick. It's on the edge at all times. Except for when he's joking most likely. Though I find his annoyance a bit funny cause they can be a little snippy a bit of an asshole real quick.
Normal tone: Piss It All Away by Puddle of Mudd and Candy Rain by Soul Rebel
Sarcasm vibe/voice: Don't Kill Yourself, You're Too Sexy by salior mel
Annoyed tone: Suffocate by Cold and Heavy by Theory of a Deadman
Hollis: On the higher side but it's got a sway/waver to it. I'd argue it can be very melodic. It has some range to it but usually just higher not necessarily deeper. When she's more serious it will mellow out and her speed will usually slow down. You can definitely hear the hurt in her voice because the pitch usually remains in the same range so sudden changes (dips or highs) is usually pretty indicative of how she's feeling.
Normal Voice: Indigo De Souza
Serious tone/voice: Wasting Your Time by Indigo De Souza and Fireman by Frankie Cosmos
Sarcastic/Smartass tone: Doritos & Fritos by 100gecs and sex money feelings die by Lykke Li
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Food Comas
A/N- A light little fluffy thing for Thanksgiving! Thought about how the biggest thing I think we all experience is the huge food coma induced nap after the huge meal. That gave me everything I needed for this, and the rest came very easy. Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving if you celebrate it, and are surrounded by everything you are thankful for. Enjoy!
Also, PS- Johale appears, with their boys! Yay!
Peeta picks up a few plates as he yawns and walks through the living room.
Thanksgiving was a strange holiday for Pamen to restore once the Capitol was overthrown. Though Peeta has his own thoughts connecting it to how common starvation was before the Rebellion. For people who've lived through such terrible times with food never a sure thing, the idea of being able to come together with loved ones around a large meal shared with everyone, and celebrating the gifts they’ve been given sounds like a fitting one.
And with the large meal, warm fire, and pleasant company, their guests seem to have easily fallen into a nap.
Haymitch has fallen asleep on the single lazy chair, his head back and loudly snoring. Delly and Effie had both opted to excuse themselves, and while Effie was likely napping in the guest room, he’d caught a peak of Delly on the chair in the office. The couch was taken over by Gale, Johanna, and their twins. Gale snoozes while sitting much like Haymitch, with Jo tucked into his side. Ash and Alder are on either side of them.
The loveseat was shared by Katniss and his kids. Willow cushions her head on the arm of it and she has become little Rye’s pillow. As he walks past, he balances the handful of plates to kiss both of their heads.
He goes into the kitchen to find the missing person from the sleepy, peaceful picture in the living room. Katniss sleeps on the table, her head resting on folded arms while she leans forward. His wife is sleeping so soundly that he nearly doesn’t wake her, but decides to anyways; thinking about how her back will feel after a full nap in that position. Once the dishes are placed in the sink, he takes the chair next to her and gently begins rubbing her back to rouse her.
“You should go lay down on a bed if you want.” He says pressing a kiss to her cheek. Instead of it, she leans into him. Pillowing her head on his shoulder sideways. Wrestling to grab his hand for her own to hold.
“Willow, Rye-” After a moment once her mind is more awake.
“Both in dreamland, on the loveseat. Everyone’s fallen victim to full bellies it seems.” That seems to ease her completely and she leans on him heavily enough that he worries she’s fallen right back out. But he notices a wide smile and her eyes blinking back open.
“Bed?” She says.
“Bed. I’m sure someone will wake us up if they need anything.”
They make their way to the bedroom they share and leave the bedroom door open in case they were needed and lay themselves on their bed, Peeta's head on a pillow and her head using him for one. Half awake, a very sleepy Katniss decides it’s the time to speak. “I have a list for days like this.” She says quietly.
“A list for what?” He is well aware of her list, of her keeping track of all the goodness, the joy she sees, and collecting it to keep them all close. He doesn't mind listening to her explain it though when she is so tired, and evidently wants him to know.
“Everything good, everything and everyone to be thankful for. It’s a long list, lately.” She hugs him tighter. “A lot of them are here today.”
“A long list indeed.” He says back. Kissing her forehead before drifting off himself.
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rookiestars · 8 months
wyatt is speaking french to delly in that locker room right now
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