#delsin rowe one shots
gladii0lus · 3 days
Hello everyone! I will be extending the giveaway for ONE MORE WEEK!!
For newcomers, I have a giveaway for an acrylic stand of Delsin Rowe that I have made!
Prizes: 1st Place: Acrylic stand of Delsin Rowe! 2nd Place: Half Body/Bust shot drawing of a character of your choosing (simple rendering) 3rd Place: Headshot drawing of a character of your choosing (simple rendering)
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If you haven't enter yet this will be your last time! Submit your entries by either DMing me or posting it here, on tumblr or both! Just don’t forget to tag me!
PLEASE, look back on the giveaway rules if you are just now joining!!
Click the link for the giveaway rules: HERE
UPDATED DEADLINE: September 24th, 2024 (11:00 PM Pacific Standard Time (PST))
There will be an extra day after the 24th for me to decide the winners and finalize all the submissions.
My Discord is breadshibas! If you can't contact me via discord please contact me through Tumblr DMs or Instagram!
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ragingdumpsterfire · 10 months
Infamous Second Son OC: Juno Moore x Delsin Rowe
It was supposed to be a simple task; take out the DUP agents guarding the hastily assembled holding cells, and break open the chainlink fence holding the suspected conduits hostage. Juno had heard the stories from Delsin of all the attempted arrests he had disrupted, the way he flew in with a dazzling display of smoke, knocked the guards out, and heroically freed the terrified hostages. Delsin had agreed with Juno that it was something she should be able to do with ease, and together, they had waited on a nearby rooftop until they saw their chance. Everything went according to plan, Delsin taking out the guards while Juno dismantled the cell lock. There were five people in the cell, including one young teenager with a hurt ankle. Juno’s fingers flew as she cut the lock with bolt cutters, helping the scared group flee. Delsin glanced over at Juno, warmth filling him as she reassured the suspected conduits, pointing them towards safe spaces with a smile and a gentle hand, and helping the teen to safety.
It was only when Delsin glimpsed the armored vehicle rounding the corner that the plan fell apart, the hulking metal vehicle catching sight of Juno and the teenager limping aside her. Delsin yelled out to Juno, warning her of the oncoming danger, telling her to get away, but he didn’t take into account the way the kid clung on to her, incapable of moving out of danger on their own. In a streak of burning embers, Delsin raced to Juno’s side, standing between her and the tank. He expected her to run to safety, let him handle the new enemy. What he didn’t expect was for her to raise her free arm, and aim her fingers towards the tank, or the way an opaque rainbow formed around her hand and jetted out at the tank’s turret in a splash of vibrant hues. Her fist closed with a sense of finality, and the substance hardened in the turret, rendering it completely useless.
Delsin turned to high five Juno for her quick thinking, but was confused as he saw her face screw up in pain, her body dropping to her knees slowly, so slowly. Delsin’s ears rang, the sound of blood rushing through them, the loud metallic firing of a gun echoing in his head. He barely registered the screaming of the teen that Juno had been helping, or that she limped away to safety. All he knew was the red blood pooling under Juno, the way her breathing was jagged, and the bullets peppering the area around them. Blindly, Delsin shot out exploding cinders towards the source of the bullets, only satisfied once the shooting ceased. Looking back towards Juno, he picked her up, and dashed to safety in a trail of smoke.
Juno’s small body slumped against the dingy alley, one hand gripping her side. Her trembling fingers were slick with crimson as Delsin frantically pressed his hand over hers, warmth and light emanating as he tried to aid her slowly healing wounds. Juno’s brows furrowed as she winced sharply, but she gave an impish, albeit tired grin.
“Think I’ll have some kickass battle scars?”
Delsin’s only reply was an irritated sigh, and he continued healing the bleeding gunshot. She rested her head against the brick wall, letting her eyelids close as she focused on breathing intently through the pain. It wasn’t searing like fire anymore, but it throbbed with an intensity unlike any other she had felt before.
“It’s really not that serious, Del,” Juno mumbled, focusing on the way his fingers brushed gently over her side. “It was just a bullet, I’ll live.”
“Dammit, Juno, it—this isn’t a fucking joke!”
There was a simmering rage beneath his words that caught Juno off guard, and she immediately felt her brows raise with the sudden change in tone. Incredulous, she opened her eyes and stared at Delsin’s face, trying to read his sudden outburst, but he wouldn’t meet her gaze. He only glared at the spot where he was healing. Juno could feel irritation building as the silence grew between them.
“Oh that’s funny,” Juno snapped, “coming from the guy that throws himself at every fucking DUP agent in the entire city of Seattle and then laughs it off.”
Juno could feel her voice rising, and despite the healing aid Delsin gave to her, the pain was still there, clouding her thoughts.
“How many times have you been shot, huh? Tell me, Delsin, how many times? Because I don’t ever recall treating you like an asshole any time you got hurt.”
Juno hated how much her voice wavered, and she gritted her teeth, clenching her eyes shut. She hadn’t cried from the pain, and no way in hell was she going to let herself cry now. The warmth stopped, and she could feel Delsin remove his hands. He had done all he could do for her. The pain of the wound was manageable, her own body could manage the rest of the healing process. Footsteps told her that Delsin had gotten up and moved to the other side of the alley. Juno slowly got up, testing her footing, running her fingers over the area that had been gaping and bloody only a few minutes prior. Her shirt was shredded in the area, but she could fix it. Probably.
She glanced up at Delsin, who had his back turned to her, one hand resting on his waist, the other presumably massaging his temples. This was so unlike him, to be so off, so serious. Minutes passed, and he just stood there.
“Dammit,” he muttered under his breath, just loud enough that Juno could hear.
Delsin turned to face her, all anger gone from his face. He looked tired, scared. His eyes darted down to where Juno’s wound was, eyes softening at the sight of her fully healed skin. His hands clenched, then flexed, and he took a step towards Juno, slowly closing the gap.
“Juno, I’m sorry” he stammered, one hand gesturing as the other rubbed his neck sheepishly.
“I didn’t mean to be an asshole, I just—I thought that you—I’m so sorry…”
Delsin rambled on for a minute, tripping over his words and stumbling for exactly what it was he wanted to tell her, hands gesticulating in a way that caused Juno to relent and crack a smile.
“Fuck, Juno,” he murmured, gazing down at her in a way that extinguished any remaining hostility in her. His warm eyes darted down to her lips, and back up to hold her gaze. He stood in front of her, gently grabbing her smaller, blood stained hands, and took a deep breath.
“I thought that I was gonna lose you,” he softly spoke, thumbs rubbing gentle circles over her skin. He was so close to Juno now, lips a breadth away. So close, so easy to just jump. Juno didn’t realize she had been holding her breath.
“I love you, Juno. I fucking love you.”
And with those words, she jumped.
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hellzaneshots · 5 years
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Local graffiti artist vandalizes golden fish by his very presence
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neonlovebites · 2 years
Masterlist (WIP)
Delsin Rowe x f!Reader | Infamous Second Son
Stressed Out - One Shot (Ao3) | 18+
Eddie Munson x f!Reader | Stranger Things
The King’s Throne - One Shot | 18+
Lara Croft x f!Reader | Tomb Raider
Requiem in D Minor - One Shot (Ao3) | 18+
Samuel Drake x f!Reader | Uncharted
Wrench x f!Reader | Watch Dogs 2
Anarchist’s Lullaby - Unfinished/On Hiatus (Ao3) | 18+ One More Birthday Present - One Shot (Ao3) | 18+ Birthday Cake - One Shot (Ao3) | Fluff Space Jam - One Shot (Ao3) | 18+ Breaking the Law - One Shot (Ao3) | 18+
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elreyconducto · 3 years
Raven in a Pear Tree
Fandom: inFAMOUS: Second Son
Rating: T
Characters: Delsin Rowe, Reggie Rowe, Abigail "Fetch" Walker, Eugene Sims
Words: 8,673
Warnings: violence, assault, character vomiting (towards the end in a hospital), mentions of offscreen character death, language, vivid description of injuries. Whump, all the whump.
Notes: my first prompt for @amonthofwhump 12 Days of Whumpmas and a gift for @cooldadmondmiles for the Infamous ProtoCreed_Dogs 2021 Winter Gift Exchange!
Collection Summary: A collection of semi-related one shots for Whumpmas 2021 featuring one Delsin Rowe. Oh, the poor unfortunate soul. Lots of Delsin whump, but he will have plenty of comfort from the people that love him. Rowe bro feels and Delgenetch
Chapter Summary: Delsin, having taken a much needed trip back to Salmon Bay to visit his tribe and his brother for about a week, returns to Seattle back to his boyfriend and girlfriend.
Or, he would have, if not for being assaulted on the way there. His not so distant past has caught up to him in the worst possible way. Reggie, multiple Akomish, and Eugene and Fetch are worried sick about him. They search well into the night...but what they find chills them to the bone
(AO3 Link) | (FF Link)
Prompt: 1) Partridge in a Pear Tree: Tied to a Tree | Given as a Gift | Putting up the Tree
Raven in a Pear Tree
Months after fighting Augustine, saving Seattle, and healing his tribe, Delsin still did not feel like the hero people made him out to be. He was just one guy in his twenties who barely had his life together. Even though he was there, smack in the middle during all of this, whenever he heard someone talk about it or heard about it on the news, it always felt…surreal. Like it wasn’t actually him mentioned. As if it was some other Delsin.
He tried to push those thoughts aside right now.
He was having a decent day. His depression was manageable today and he didn’t want to work himself into a downward spiral.
Stopping in his walk, he leaned against a tree and took a deep breath, placing a hand against his chest. Five seconds in, eight seconds out. ‘If you feel yourself getting overwhelmed,’ he could hear his therapist’s voice in his head, ‘stop everything you’re doing if possible and breathe. You’d be surprised how much that will help, even if just for a few minutes.’
He had been doing alright for most of today. He had gone back to Salmon Bay to visit his tribe, both wanting to make sure that everyone was okay and just to see some familiar faces and places. Living in his apartment in Seattle was great, but he had been with the Akomish his whole life—he had missed them. Betty had been a sight for sore eyes—her pies an even better sight for his sore (hungry) stomach, and hearing the kids running around all over the place calmed him. There had been a handful of kids that he had thought weren’t…weren’t going to make it when they were suffering from the concrete. One five-year-old, Stephanie, had an incredibly weak immune system while two ten-year-old twins, Jessie and Jennie, already had problems that affected their healing. He didn’t know the exact details as he wasn’t a doctor, but Delsin was aware that they had always been in and out of the hospital since they were very young.
Getting to spend some time with Reggie was better than expected. Refreshing, even. After his brother had been ki—had been thought to be dead, Delsin was not proud to say he had gone to a dark place after taking down Augustine. He still felt like he was in that place some days…But, joking around with Reggie, eating their favorite junk food, and binging bad TV had made him feel less anxious. Less jittery. Had brought back a sense of normalcy that put him at ease.
Now, he was walking away from the reservation through the woods that surrounded the area. As much as he liked going fast-paced, it was times like these that he liked to take the scenic route. Literally, in this case. He had spent much of his childhood running around between the trees around here, so he wasn’t worried about getting lost. I was born in this area thanks to my parents, and I was born again as an active Conduit here too.
The only good that had come out of meeting that asshole Hank, other than coming into his powers, were Fetch and Eugene. They had become fast friends during The Shit Show, then even more than that when things calmed down.
The ringtone for a video call coming from his phone broke him out of his thoughts. When he pulled out his phone, he was unsurprised to see it was from the group chat he was in with Fetch and Eugene. Speak of the devil. Well, more like devils.
“Hey, D!” Fetch’s voice chirped once he joined the call.
“Hey, Delsin,” Eugene’s greeting was less energetic, though happy to see him, nonetheless.
Delsin smiled. Hearing their voices always made him feel better. “Sup, guys? Missing me that much already? Didn’t think a week away would be so hard on you.”
Eugene snorted while Fetch rolled her eyes. The video shook a bit as the phone was taken and refocused on Eugene’s face. He looked good. Still styled to cover part of his forehead, his bangs didn’t hang so much in front of his glasses anymore. Must have gotten a trim. Delsin liked it as it shaped his face handsomely. “Please,” their angel fiddled with one of his hoodie strings with his free hand, “not uh, not that much. Not to say we didn’t! Um, we to-totally did, but you were busy, and and, you know—“
This time, Fetch took the phone before Eugene’s nervousness grew too much. Her pink hair had grown a bit after getting some actual nutrition and supplements after moving into Delsin’s apartment. It was to the length now that she had it up in an intricately braided bun. One that a single person wouldn’t be able to do. Did Eugene know how to braid? “Don’t get an inflated head, now. You wouldn’t be able to fit into your beanie if that happens.”
“Ha ha, very funny. Such a comedian.”
“I live t’ please, my good man.”
The feeling of autumn leaves trailed under his fingertips as he brushed his fingers against multiple bushes while walking. He loved this weather. “So now that I know you guys weren’t missing my pretty face, what’s up?”
This time Eugene pressed into Fetch’s space instead of taking back the phone. Not that she minded. “We knew you’re coming back to Seattle today. Just, you know, wanted to check on you.” Even dating them for a few months now, Eugene still had times of shyness he struggled with. “Not that you can’t take care of yourself! But…we know what the Akomish are to you.”
“Thanks, ‘Gene,” he smiled at him. He felt something in his chest soften at the concern and thought. They weren’t Akomish, but they were steadily climbing up to that same level of importance in his life. Very steadily.
“Plus, I need to know the latest gossip,” Fetch’s purple eyeshadow shimmered when her eyes crinkled with her grin.
He looked around for a second. About another ten minutes of walking and he would get to the bus stop that would take him to Seattle. Sure, he could use his powers to run or fly there, but that would take energy and just make him tired. And he could work on some sketches while riding on the bus, so that made it an easy decision. “There’s always gossip, so which do you want to hear first? Martha Zee and Jen’s relationship or the ongoing bake-off between Miss Meg and Miss Shiro?”
“The bake-off!” Eugene’s enthusiasm could be felt through the phone.
“We gotta know, did Miss Meg sabotage Miss Shiro’s oven again?” Fetch was hungry for an answer. He couldn’t blame her; the intense bake-off between the two older women had been going on for the past year. It had escalated from a simple disagreement over the best way to cook brownies to prank-level full-on sabotage between two women into their seventies.
He plucked a big yellow leaf from a low hanging branch. He would use it as a texture pressing later. He couldn’t help himself as he said, “Would you believe it was Miss Shiro this time that switched Miss Meg’s cocoa powder with brown pastel powder?”
“She what?!”
“You’re kidding!”
Delsin took great joy in giving them the juiciest new details in the ridiculous, but hilarious, old lady battle. Sometimes sabotaged foods were sullied beyond saving, but more often than not, the ‘not good enough, not simply good enough’ baked goods were just fine for hungry stomachs and sticky fingers around the place. Reg and himself took no shame in hunching under the windowsill and nabbing a mini pie or three.
Or five.
Same diff.
The sun was starting to get low, but not quite to the point of sunset. Four o’clock in the fall was not the same as four o’clock in the summer. Just as he was about to get into details of the loudest argument he had heard between the two women, he felt something slam hard into his side. He was sent flying several feet, coming to a stop when his back hit a tree.
He groaned. Or, he made the approximation of a groan since he was trying to get his lungs to work again. The leaves and dirt under his hands were cool as he pushed himself up. He did not know where the hell his phone went. A cough rattled out of his chest. “The fuck…?”
“Finally found you, you son of a bitch,” a hostile voice hissed from behind him.
Delsin was fast, but apparently this person was faster. Before he could even turn his body to see who in the hell had hit him, he felt a sharp, hard force strike his head. A cry fell out of his mouth. He collapsed back onto the ground. Ringing sounded in his ears and nausea began to make itself known. He blinked, but the spots in his vision did not disappear.
Somehow, he had managed to hear the person speak over the growing ringing in his ears. “Time to make you pay, ‘Hero of Seattle’.”
His vision swam and his hearing became muffled.
Darkness soon claimed him.
The smell of dampness and autumn decay hit him first.
Then a bitch of a headache walloped him like a sack of bricks being slammed against his skull. Specifically the back of his head. He groaned. He was about to move his arm to try and rub the ache away until his body jerked in place. He shot his eyes open, vision blurry for just a few seconds—he was restrained against a pole? No. A clearer look around, seeing the dirt, grass, leaves, and bushes, made him realize he was tied against a large tree.
Trying to maneuver himself gave him a worse enlightenment. His hands, which were tied behind him, were covered in a thick slab of something hard. He tried to manipulate the material, but no success. It was too solid to have been neon, video, or smoke, and if it had been concrete, he would have been able to manipulate it. It was too smooth. Metal?
What in the hell happened…?
The pain in his head was making it difficult for him to focus. He remembered walking back from visiting his tribe, taking the long route through the forested area around Salmon Bay. He had been talking to…someone? Had there been someone there with him? He racked his mind and then remembered, oh yes, he had been on a video call with his partners. And then…and then…
He swore. And then someone had attacked him and knocked him out. What the fuck?
“Nice to see you awake, hero,” the same voice from earlier said.
From a thick tree to his left and in front of him leaned the person who, assumedly, had been the one to attack him. She was about Fetch’s height, although leaning towards the much bulkier side. Her hobby must have been benchpressing or something, because the muscles in her arms seemed to strain her shirt as she crossed her arms. (He was only a tiny bit jealous.) Her pale skin contrasted against the deep blue of her hat and bubble vest. Her black pants and boots, however, were fairly nondescript and looked like she could have gotten them anywhere.
He would have said she could have looked like anyone he would come across in the street, but her peculiar stare and pinched frown did not speak to a person from the common masses.
Having no idea what she wanted or what she was going to do to him—well, he had an inkling if the attack and restraining him were to go by—so he thought it best to play it cool as possible. If he said the wrong thing, he didn’t want to know what she would do. “Ah, I hope you haven’t been speaking to the, er, ‘fanclub’ that likes to follow me around. I’m just a regular artist, you see. Like to visit people, tag different places, and eat good food. I would say it’s a pleasure to meet you, but,” he shimmied his shoulders to indicate his bound status, “not really that pleasurable to be like this. Think you can let me go?”
The woman snorted, then shook her head. “I don’t know what he sees that you are. You’re ridiculous.”
Wait a second.
That was not the voice he heard in the forest.
His surprise must have shown on his face because the woman gave a small smirk. “Oh yeah, I don’t want anything really to do with you. It was just my job to get you here.” She pointed to a large thicket of bushes adjacent to him, “He’s the one that you have to deal with.”
Delsin whipped his head to where she was pointing and saw a stupidly tall man. Like, Delsin wasn’t short by any means, but the angle he was at and the height of this man was ridiculous. Probably close to seven feet or something. He really must have been eating his Wheaties since he was born.
“I hate Wheaties,” the man said. Yep, that was the voice from earlier for sure.
Oh, did I say that out loud? Delsin adjusted his wrists to try and wring out the ache from his bound hands. Didn’t work that well. “That’s okay, because you and me both, pal. I swear, my brother used to swear by those things when he wanted to get ahead in his baseball team prac—”
A sharp pain across his mouth cut him off. He hissed at the pain, wondering what the hell happened until he saw a marble-sized metal ball rolling on the ground next to him, shiny with slick red. He licked his lips, and there was a metallic taste in his mouth. He shot his eyes up to meet a pair glaring straight at him, the owner’s hand raised in the air. With a flick of a finger, the man brought back the bloodied ball back to him, sneering at its dirtied surface.
Shit, another Conduit.
And a pissed off one at that.
“Christ, you’re so fucking annoying. Never can keep your mouth shut, can you?” The man shook his head. “Never mind, I already know the answer. I’ve seen you all over the news and online, hero. A chatterbox to a fault. I don’t know how the people of Seattle look up to someone like you.”
Delsin spat out some of the blood that was dripping into his mouth and shot the guy a look. “Hey man, I don’t know what the hell you want with me, but I promise you’re not gonna get that much. I’m close to broke, so if you’re looking for money, you’re not getting any here.”
Metal Man looked like he wanted to set Delsin on fire, which, to be fair, was a look he was kind of used to getting from some people (mostly D.U.P.s). “I don’t want your damn money, you idiot. I want you to suffer!”
He blinked.
His mouth activated quicker than his brain did. “Wow, you sure do sound like a stereotypical movie villain. I don’t think—”
Another ball of metal struck him again, this time larger in size and more forceful in strength. The wind got knocked out of him when it connected with his stomach. Thanks ADHD…getting me into another hole… Breathless, he managed to croak out, “G-Great pitch, man. Must have, hnnn, been in little league as a kid. Though, gotta say, I’m insulted that you want me to suffer so bad. I’ve never even met you before.”
He felt the metal around his arms constrict to the point of feeling the joints of his elbows creak against the trunk of the tree. He couldn’t help the low fuck that escaped his lips, but that seemed to make Metal Man gleeful. Delsin only knew this guy for a few minutes and already decided that he was a bastard. “You may have never met me before directly,” Metal Man started, “but you’ve affected my life in ways that I will never be able to recover from.” It was at this point that Metal Man walked closer to Delsin, and it was something in his face and the way that he moved that set Delsin even more on edge than before.
The bound Conduit was silent when Metal Man squatted in front of him, still dwarfing him with his size. “And what pisses me off even more is that you have no idea what you even did, do you?”
The man was being vague on purpose, which did not help Delsin’s nerves in the slightest. “Like I said before,” he said carefully, “I don’t know you, so I don’t know what I could have done to you. I’m sorry, but I don’t.”
“Tch,” Metal Man rolled his eyes as if he expected the answer, “Of course you don’t.”
He punched Delsin right across the face.
Delsin’s head snapped violently to the side. Lights danced in front of his eyes and that ringing in his ears from earlier made its presence known once again. He groaned, trying to reorient himself. At this rate, his face was going to end up a looking like a messy, old watercolor paint palette.
“My name is Russel Simon, and you, Delsin Rowe, are the murderer of my sister.”
As soon as those words made it to his ears, Delsin could not believe what he was hearing. Him, a murderer? No, no, no that couldn’t be right at all. He’d never killed anyone in his life! Even getting into tussles with D.U.P.s and Akurans, he’d always left them alive. Hurt, but alive. And he made sure he told this guy just that. “You have the wrong person. I don’t know who your sister is, but I didn’t kill her. I’ve never killed anyone before.” Even saying this, his anxiety began to tick up slowly—this situation felt something out of a fever dream. A bad one at that.
The man, now known as Russel, shot out his hand to pull Delsin closer by the collar of his hoodie. The snarl that was present on his face reminded Delsin of some of the feral cats that used to hide away in the cannery. The ones ready to attack someone of they sneezed wrong. He didn’t dare move a muscle right now. “Bullshit! I know for a fact that it was you. My sister was D.U.P., and even though I didn’t always agree with what they did, my sister had a steady paying job that was good for her.” Russel shook Delsin, hand still clutching his hoodie, “So imagine how I felt when I get a call from her superior officer that Sharon wouldn’t be coming home because she was dead.”
Russel threw Delsin back in disgust and the bound Conduit watched him pace irradicably, clutching a hand to his chest. “One of the checkpoint stations got attacked, and oh no, not by some run of the mill thug or criminals looking to cause trouble. No, no…I find out that it was a Conduit who fucking blew up the damn station! And not just any Conduit.” With every word that Russel was saying, dread and fear welled up in Delsin’s chest. He didn’t want to hear anymore.
He didn’t have a choice.
“A smoke-wielding Conduit in a red beanie and hoodie.” He pinned him with a glare that should have vaporized him on the spot. “You, Rowe. You killed my sister that day. It was yourfault the whole scaffolding came down on everyone, and, and—fucking hell, a serrated piece of metal decapitated her! All because of you!”
No, no, nonono, he…No, that couldn’t…Delsin wanted to vomit. His chest hurt, his head throbbed, and it was getting hard to breathe. All he could do was sit there, helpless, and stare at the man in front of him with disbelieving eyes.
But everything he said made sense.
Everything made sense in a sick sort of way.
He had been the only Conduit attacking checkpoint stations when he had first set loose on Seattle with Reggie. Oh God.
He didn’t know how much time had passed. Was he against the tree still? Had it been hours? Minutes? There was too much of everything because how could he have done that? He had done his damnest to make sure all his opponents came out alive, and now he was a murderer.
Her head had gotten decapitated. Because of him.
He was a murderer.
A tight grip on his face brought him back to the physical reality a bit, his wide eyes meeting those of Russel. The manic look from the man’s eyes had disappeared, but Delsin supposed the mania had transferred to him. His body started to shake, and it had nothing to do with the fall chill. “Ohhh, I am glad you finally realized what you’ve done,” Russel’s voice was a stark contrast from earlier: low, almost calm, though darker than before. Dangerous in a way that was making Delsin panic. “Because now…” he stood up straight, looking down at Delsin.
He smiled. “Now, I’m going to take my time with you.”
Fetch, Eugene, and Reggie were besides themselves with worry.
Delsin had been missing for hours now, and there was still no sign of him. None.
The two Conduits had immediately contacted Reggie when Delsin’s call had gotten cut off. They explained that they saw Delsin being tackled by someone and heard them saying something threatening to him before their call cut out. That had been around four o’clock. They had flown via Eugene’s video to the Salmon Bay area faster than ever before—they had set a new record.
Reggie set up a police search in the area as soon as possible. Technically there should have been a waiting period to file a missing person’s report, but Reggie was the Sherriff, and his officers knew Delsin. Everyone knew he wouldn’t have disappeared with no contact like that, especially after such a nice visit to the reservation. Word had spread quickly, despite Reggie’s efforts to not panic the tribe, and before he knew it, a third of the tribe was helping to search, another third was offering to keep a look out around the reservation, and the other third of those who were not able to help were beside themselves. Betty and the kids that looked up to Delsin in particular.
“He was just here. How could something have happened so quick?” Betty had rubbed a hand on her bad knee, as if trying to work out any worry that had manifested as pain. “I just spoke to him before he left.”
“Didn’t Del just leave? Let’s go!” the twins Jessie and Jennie had wanted to go out themselves, but 1) due to them being ten, and 2) getting over pneumonia, the answer had been a firm ‘no’.
Little Stephanie had been in tears thinking that something bad had happened to Delsin. Despite Reggie trying his best not to let the news get to the kids, she had, somehow, been one of the first to have found out. (Her getting worked up had always been detrimental to her health, so Reggie had worried she was going to make herself sick…again.)
It was after eight at night now and there was still no sign of Delsin.
Fetch felt the neon under her skin buzzing with her nerves, while next to her, edges of Eugene’s body kept flickering into pixels. They both had their hands alight with their respective elements for light. Hearing their boyfriend being attacked with no clue as to who did it or why, it was eating at them. They had passed the bus stop that was closest to the reservation. It was the one that went straight to Seattle, the one that Delsin had been planning on taking.
“If he didn’t make it on the bus, and had left the reservation just before disappearing, then he should be somewhere around here, right?” Eugene said.
Reggie hummed, but it wasn’t a good one. Hanging out with Delsin consequently made them spend some more time with the older brother as well; they recognized that hum. “You’re right, but that’s the problem. My officers have looked all over the place starting from the rez and even going past here, but they haven’t found anything yet. Even the tribe has looked all over and come up with squat.”
Fetch swore under her breath. She started to pick up the pace more into the forest, ignoring her name being called behind her. “Then we gotta get movin’! Look even more!” She wanted to burst into neon and just run all over the area to find Delsin, but Reggie would not have been able to keep up. Plus, moving at that speed had the potential to miss something. Searching for a person was an endeavor that required more precision.
And hell, that thought made her frustrated with herself. Neon was the most precise, something she prided herself about. Failing in being precise and not yet finding Delsin made her grit her teeth. She should have been better than this.
Another ten or so minutes later, and they were at the halfway point between the bus stop and the reservation. Reggie’s flashlight and Fetch and Eugene’s power lights met up with flashlight beams coming towards them. It was the other search group. When the met at the middle, the smaller group could see from the look on the larger group’s faces that they had not been successful.
“Yo, Reg,” a man that neither Fetch nor Eugene recognized in a red sweater called out. “We’ve been out here for hours, and I’m not getting a good feeling. You sure he didn’t make it back to Seattle?”
“No,” Fetch answered for him. “Eugene ‘n I were on a video call with him when he was attacked. He hadn’t made it to the bus stop yet.”
A woman who had on a headlamp, leaving her arms free to cross tightly over her chest, swore. Fetch didn’t know her name, but she recognized her from the several times her and Eugene had been over to the reservation. “Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, I hate this. What if some Bio—excuse me, Conduits came after him?” She directed her question at the present Conduits, “You guys are well known, especially being in the news so much. Do you think there are some Conduits that want to hurt him?”
Eugene shared a look with Fetch. He knew what she was thinking and he didn’t like it. “…P-Possibly. Ah, although most Conduits like us, there were a few that we’ve come across, that um, that r-resent us. Why? I dunno…” Curdun Cay had been hell for the years that Eugene had been there. Even though they were all there for the same reason, being Conduits, some turned on others for several reasons. Eugene shivered, remembering the ways he was used against other Conduits. Maybe he had an idea to Delsin’s kidnapping after all. “Uhh, actually, it could have been a Conduit from Curdun Cay that might have resented Delsin. For power, maybe? Or just for ‘siding’ with non-Conduits.”
“…That…actually make some sense,” Reggie frowned. “Helping Delsin against Augustine, we came across some Conduits that hated non-Conduits for not having powers and resented them for being able to go out in public without worrying about being detained like they did. Almost got an ear blown off by one. Don’t ask,” he said when he saw the man in the red sweater open his mouth.
“So we’re looking for a Conduit?”
“Possibly, but that just makes this even harder now,” Reggie replied. He turned towards Fetch and Eugene, “Do you think this Conduit would have been able to take him out of the immediate area? Should I get in contact with the Seattle precincts?”
It wasn’t improbable that could happen. Fetch could travel via burning neon light in the blink of an eye and Eugene could travel from one point of the city to another as fast as it took to send a text or email through his video. Hell, if they really thought about it, flying up and out of the area could be as easy as—
Fetch blinked.
Eugene froze.
The others saw their expressions and grew concerned. Before anyone could ask, Fetch exclaimed, “Flying up! Up!” She grabbed Reggie’s arm that was holding his flashlight and pointed it into the trees, this time much higher than they had been searching before. “You said that your officers were looking all around and found nothing, right? If we’re looking for a Conduit, we also have to look up high!”
The group looked at her like she graced electricity to mankind. One guy in the back of the group slapped his forehead hard.
Reggie, well-versed in doing so as the Sheriff, took charge in the blink of an eye. “Anyone who can’t zip up the trees, go get some ladders from the sheds and the cannery! Grab some more lanterns and keep an eye out. We don’t know if the Conduit is still here!”
Fetch took it upon herself to put herself into use by starting to manifest neon rings around tree branches and trunks here and there to start lighting up the area. Eugene had already lifted himself into the air, producing floating balls of fizzy, glowing pixels where her neon started to wane. The forested area wasn’t a vast maze, but it was dense enough that it was going to take some time.
“Thanks, you two.”
“No need,” Eugene said from above. In a rare tone of confidence, he declared, “We are going to find him if it takes all night. We have to.”
They had to.
Everyone looked high and low for Delsin, growing more and more stressed as time went on without any sign of him. It was close to eleven at night. Even with the aid of his brother’s partners lighting up the area and searching heights that the non-Conduits couldn’t, there was a fear in the back of Reggie’s mind that Delsin could be…
No, don’t think like that, Reggie! He’s strong and can handle himself in bad situations. He’s alive, he sighed. He has to be. Their family was small, and they had already lost their parents. If he lost Delsin too…He wasn’t sure he would make it. Not without his brother in his life. Exhaustion weighed down his body, and it was during times that he worked this late that he was aware he was getting older. He took a moment to lean against a tree, rubbing his forehead with his free hand. Sleep called him, but it would have to wait.
He felt something wet drop on his head, prompting him to rub it away in irritation. It hadn’t rained today, but the night often brought with it dew that clung to the trees that stuck around through the early morning. The temperature had already dropped when the sun went down, but he knew from checking his weather app earlier that it was going to sink to the mid-thirties tonight. Delsin hadn’t been wearing his thicker hoodie when he had left. If he was out here when it got that cold…Reggie didn’t want to think about it. Conduits run warm…right?
Two drops in quick succession fell onto his head and slid down his hairline to his forehead. “Why didn’t I grab a hat or something?” he said as he wiped the water away. “I’m not Delsin, but cold water…on my…head…”
He trailed off, staring at his hand illuminated by his flashlight.
There was liquid on his hand.
It wasn’t water.
There was red smeared on his skin.
“Oh my god.” His heart leapt into his throat. He wrenched himself out of his leaned position against the tree and snapped his head up. His flashlight beam wildly searched for the source, finding it in three seconds. There, at the very top of the tree at least two stories up, was his brother wrapped in a heavy chain against the trunk. From what Reggie could see from his position at the base of the tree, Delsin was unconscious and dangling from the chain like dead weight—please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead. Although he could not make out specific details, he could see injuries all over his face and neck. His vest was gone and his white hoodie…there wasn’t much white left to it.
A dark trail that began from him ran down the tree, just about stopping where Reggie had been standing. Nausea made his stomach churn—that was too much blood. For how long he had been missing, that was more than too much blood. “O-Oh my god, Delsin!”
He called out to the rest of the group, “Guys! Hey, I found Delsin and we need to get him down right now!” Fuck, what he wouldn’t give to be able to fly or some shit right now like Delsin or Eugene or Fetch could.
They must have tuned into the panic in his voice because soon a bright burst of pink and orange manifested into Fetch at his side while Eugene coalesced into his physical body, trailing bright blue pixels. Soon after came the rest of the group running to his position. Before any of them could ask where Delsin was, Reggie’s flashlight directed them to him.
“Oh, no,” Eugene breathed, eyes wide behind his glasses.
“D!” Fetch covered her gasp behind her hand.
One of his officers, Markus, swore something that would make a sailor blush and Reggie felt like doing the exact same. “Christ, what did they do to him? How are we going to get him down?” ‘Safely’ was left unsaid yet known to all of them.
“I don’t think our ladders will be able to reach him.”
“Oh my god, how could someone do this to him?”
Marissa turned to Reggie, but he had to squint in order to see her face clearly through the brightness of her headlamp. “If we jostle him too much, we could make any injuries that he has worse. I’ve been studying as a nurse, so I might be able to get him semi-stable enough until we get an ambulance here. And speaking of—”
“On the phone with them now!” one of the other group members said.
Reggie bit his lip. Marissa had a point, but if they didn’t get him down ASAP, then—he didn’t want to think what would happen. “Can either of you two get him down without shaking him up?” he asked Fetch and Eugene.
While being prone to anxiety, Eugene’s nerves were making his it spike hard. His leg was shaking like it was trying to fly off his body. Both Fetch and he could go vertical whenever they wanted; however, the problem was that they weren’t going to be going up a reinforced wall or the side of a building. Trees were flexible if enough force was put upon them and wouldn’t stay still like a concrete wall would. From what he could see, whoever did this to Delsin—Eugene had to swallow a thick anger that was starting to sour his mouth—precariously balanced him in the bend of one of the thicker branches. But, it was high up and an old tree. One wrong move could cause even more damage.
“I, ah,” Eugene started, “I can hover close to him, but my powers aren’t precise like Fetch’s. I’d be able to get up there, but if I tried to break the chain holding him, I…I might end up hurting him.”
Fetch took his hand. Her gaze bore into him with an intensity that he gave back, despite his anxiety. He knew how she was feeling right now: angry, scared, frustrated, worried. “Then fly me up. I’m pretty sure I can balance myself on that branch that’s under him, and you’d just have to be ready to scoop him up.”
He nodded. Determination steadied his limbs enough to kick himself into gear. He manifested his wings behind him, the sharp blue and white washing the surrounding area as thick as the paint Delsin used at home. He pulled on her hand to draw her close. She slung her arm around his shoulder while he secured her using an arm on her waist. They both kept one of their hands free just in case.
Before they took off, Reggie said, “I’m going to go towards the road to direct the EMTs here. The ambulance won’t be able to drive here, so they’re going to have to get here on foot.” And then, tone heavy, “Be careful, please.”
For Delsin, was left unsaid.
“Got it,” Fetch assured him, and with that Eugene glided upwards towards their boyfriend.
It only took a few seconds and then they were right in front of Delsin. Both of them gasped at the state of him, shocked at his appearance—seeing it up close only made him worse. He had the beginnings of deep bruises on his skin, the usual healthy brown tone of it having turned pale. Deep cuts marred his face and his neck, and the ones that weren’t sluggishly leaking were filthy with dried blood and dirt. His beanie was barely clinging on to his head, and underneath, his dark hair was an absolute mess. The brightness of Eugene’s pixels only further illuminated his injuries. There was a large split above his eyebrow, the eye below it swollen like he had taken several punches to that part of his face. His lips were near colorless. There was a thick split at the corner of his mouth. She could see one of his canines. Oh hell. Being this close, she could hear the weak rattling in his chest and see large, shiny dark stains coming from his left side and right shoulder. The stains were the same color as the trail leaking from him down the tree. Blood. So much blood. Too much blood. He looked sick and on death’s door, and it made it hard for Fetch to breathe. She had to bite her lip and forcibly inhale and exhale on counted measures to fend off an anxiety attack that was creeping up on her.
Even fighting against Augustine and D.U.P.s, he’d never looked this bad. This wrong.
“Is..Is he..?”
She reached out a shaky hand to him, and held in a cry at how cold he was. Then, she wanted to let out a sob of relief when she felt a pulse at his neck under her fingers. It was faint and irregular, but a pulse was a pulse and that was what she was going to focus on.
“F-Fetch, Fetch.”
“I know, ‘Gene. God, I-I know. C’mon, we need to help him.”
She felt Eugene nod against her head, using her hair to hide his face for a moment to collect himself. “Right. Right.” Carefully, he deposited her to the thicker branch under the one that was barely holding up Delsin, then positioned himself next to and just under the other man. If Delsin slumped either way, Eugene would be ready with open arms. Under examination, she could see the chain holding him up was looped around him about three times, but not tied or locked in any way. The metal fused together at opposite ends far too clean and seamless to have been dpme with any welding tool.
A metal Conduit’s work, then.
She would be furious later when Delsin was safe and awake.
She would have to focus her powers to a pinpoint release. If she went too fast, the chains would snap instantly, sending Delsin tumbling rough and possibly killing him at the jarring motion. Or worse, she might set the tree and their boyfriend alight if she pushed too much power. The neon Prime took another steadying breath, put her index and middle fingers together, and focused her energy at the tips of her fingers. The air hummed around her as she put all her focus at keeping the beam small, steady, and power levelled. The metal of the chain began to melt and cut under her power slowly. When the thick link was cut about a quarter way through, the chain began to slack. She reached up and held onto Delsin leg to keep him steady while Eugene placed his hands on his shoulders when he started to lean due to the slack.
A few more minutes and she was halfway though.
Smoke began to curl behind the link she was working on, making her swear and tick back her output a bit. But then, it wasn’t enough to cut keep cutting the chain. She felt a bead of sweat trickle down her neck.
Jaw clenched, she had to tick up her output once again. The smoke and smell of hot wood met her nose. Shit. It would just take another minute!
But within that minute, the bark lit up.
“Fuck! Eugene!”
“I got him!”
She slashed her fingers to slice the rest of the chain and used the thickness of her jacket sleeve to slap at the flame. The chain clinked and clanked as it unwound like a snake. They heard it crash down on the ground, but that was the least of their worries. Eugene was quicker than a falling chain, and although he bopped in the air with the sudden added weight, it was thanks to his powers that he was able to stay aloft holding Delsin’s larger body. Slowly, carefully, he began to float back to the ground.
Fetch jumped off the branch, phasing into neon as she ran against the bark of an opposite tree. On the ground, she sat on her knees and extended her arms to her boyfriends who were just out of her reach. She steadied Delsin’s legs first, then she and Eugene maneuvered him so that they were both holding and cradling him in their arms.
Eugene’s hands were stained heavily while Fetch’s manicured ones only began to be painted with Delsin’s blood.
The other two people that had stayed to help—the others had followed Reggie towards the ambulance—were forgotten now that Delsin was in their arms. They could have been ghosts for all Fetch and Eugene cared. For the two, it was just the autumn trees around them, reaching for the skies, and the colorful leaves underneath them, cushioning their knees. One of Eugene’s hands clutched the bottom of Fetch’s jacket while Fetch had one of hers fisted around Delsin’s soiled beanie. They both held Delsin close, too afraid that if they loosened their arms, he would fade away.
Eugene could hear the two other people shout to the returning group that they had finally gotten Delsin out of the tree. In the slight distance, the heavy sounds of EMT’s carrying equipment were drawing closer. Between one breath and the next, he could feel shaking. Was Delsin shaking? Had he been doing that before? He looked at his hand that was cradling the back of Delsin’s neck.
Oh, that was him who was shaking.
God. A keening noise escaped him. Suddenly, all the energy he had left him, making him hunch over their boyfriend and one of Fetch’s knees, his face pressed against one of the few clean spots on Delsin’s hoodie covering his abdomen. A strong, yet slender hand rubbed his back. He felt the warmth of Fetch’s body press closer—as if that was even possible—to him as she drew him close. Her warmth was such a stark contrast to Delsin’s coldness that it made it him want to start crying. He hated crying.
“Don’t worry, Delsin,” Fetch whispered as she moved her hand to cup Delsin’s injured, pale cheek. “Help is coming, We have you.”
“We have you,” Eugene echoed.
They would make sure he made it, even if it killed them.
Delsin came back to the world, only to be met with stiffness, confusion, and pain. Everything in his body ached and it felt like it was made of limp spaghetti. His lungs hurt with every inhale—nearly worse with every exhale—and when his mouth opened to let out a groan, a sharp pulling at his lip made him groan louder.
Where was he? Why…
“Delsin!” two familiar voices exclaimed.
With herculean effort, he opened his eyes, only to screw them back shut when bright light assaulted them. Oh my god, why is the sun inside? He managed to open them a sliver a minute later, thankfully without the stinging. So, he decided, it was safe to open them further. As he did so, he turned his head in the direction he heard the voices exclaim. He was met with the sight of his partners by his bedside.
Bedside? This wasn’t his home. A white band around his wrist, however, told him everything. The hospital, aw fuck.
“Delsin,” his name was repeated, though this time softer, quieter. Fetch was sitting on the edge of the bed near his knees while Eugene was leaning over the rail, close to his abdomen. What made him frown was the expressions on their faces. Fetch’s updo was frayed and falling out, probably due to her messing with it due to stress; it was one of her anxious tics. She looked like she had been crying, eyes red and itch-swollen. Eugene’s glasses were slightly askew like he had been constantly adjusting him, and a quick glance at one of his hands on the rail revealed chewed cuticles. Nerves, then.
He was confused why they looked like that and why he was in so much pain. He slumped down a little and closed his eyes. Racking his brain, he tried to go over everything that had happened to him that he could remember. He had went to Salmon Bay to visit the tribe and spend a week there with Betty and Reggie, he…he had been walking towards the bus stop that would take him back to Seattle…What else? What else…? Ah, he had been having a video call with his partners until…until…
He let out a low, “Shit.”
Right, he had gotten jumped by some crazy metal Conduit.
A metal Conduit whose sister…Delsin had…killed…
His stomach gave a sudden lurch, and he was barely able to make out a, “’M gonna be sick,” before twisting painfully to the side. Thankfully, a lined trashcan had been already next to his bed because he vomited right into it. Each heave made him want to cry because the pain that burst from his side with each one was going to kill him.
Hands rubbed his back, then gently eased him back against the pillows when he was done. After catching his breath, he accepted the cup of ice chips that was given to him with gratitude. It wasn’t water, but sucking on them would get the acrid taste out of his mouth, just slower. “N-Not a good look for me, huh?”
“Oh, Delsin,” Eugene reached out to take the hand not holding the paper cup, tone a mixture of fondness and something else that made Delsin want to hold him. Or be held. Same thing. “Idiot. You’d look great wearing a garbage bag.”
Quiet, Fetch tacked on, “Or, um, without the garbage bag. I’d take that, too.” He would have blushed if not for sensing her discomfort. He wasn’t used to hearing her so shaky and low. He didn’t like it. In fact, he hated it because he knew he was the cause of it.
“I’m sorry,” he said around a piece of ice.
“The only reason I’m not smacking you on the head is because you’re injured, and I don’t want to risk you losing any more braincells,” she frowned at him. “Shut up, it’s not your fault that you got attacked.”
But it is, though. It’s literally all my fault and more. How would they feel knowing he was a murderer?
“Fetch is right,” Eugene said.
“As always.”
“As always,” the angel continued. “You—you can’t think this is your fault, can you? Del, Del, we saw you get tackled. They wanted to hurt you and they did!” His voice cracked at the end.
Delsin looked away.
He didn’t say anything.
His chest throbbed.
The beeping of the heart monitor slowly picked up the pace.
“D,” Fetch intoned seriously. “Delsin, you know this isn’t your fault, yeah?”
Eugene hooked a finger around Delsin’s pinky, “Delsin?”
They couldn’t know. They-they couldn’t. They would be disgusted and horrified with him, leave him alone, and never want anything to do with him ever again. He wouldn’t blame them—no one would want to be near a murderer. He could neither hold in the tears that welled in his eyes nor the hitch in his chest. They had to know. They wouldn’t stop asking him.
“H-Hey, what’s wrong?”
He didn’t have a choice, and he hated drawing things out like the plague.
Do it like a bandaid. Rip it off and get it over with. “It’s my fault.” And when he saw them open their mouths to interrupt, “No, no, it is. I-I-I, his sister,” he croaked. “His sister is dead. I k-killed her.”
They blinked at him. He ducked his head because he didn’t want to see the rest of their reactions. The room was quiet all but his shaky breaths and the beeping of his heart monitor. A few more moments passed, and it was at this point where he began to cry outright—he just wanted them to hurry up and leave and stop drawing out this silent torture. Please.
He felt a touch on his chin that raised his head. His wet eyes met theirs, Fetch having moved right next to Eugene. “Delsin Rowe, we know you and we know that’s not exactly what happened.”
It was then that he hunched over himself, covering his eyes with his hand and told them what happened. His side protested with every shuddering breath and gasp, and his tears and crying only made his head hurt worse.
His face was brought to rest in Fetch’s neck as she carded her fingers through his messy hair. Eugene wrapped his arms around both Delsin and Fetch, and Delsin felt him press his hand on his non-injured side. Hair tickled against his ear, Eugene’s face pressed on his shoulder. “That’s not your fault,” Eugene said. The conviction in his voice wasn’t something that was heard often. The injured man latched onto it like a lifeline. “That was an accident, Delsin. We know you’re not a killer—you don’t do that, no.”
“You kept me from killing people, D,” Fetch’s voice was like a warm balm, soothing to the cold fear in his chest. “I coulda kept sniping drug dealers like I used to, but you helped me. We’ve seen you fight—you go out of your way to not kill the stupid D.U.P.s, as much as they probably deserve it. That, what happened to that woman, that wasn’t your fault.”
“It was an accident,” Eugene comforted him.
Delsin swallowed something thick in his throat. Everything hurt and he wanted to just not exist like this just for a few minutes.
“Let it out, D.”
“We have you.”
He felt like he was falling apart at the seams. Another wave of sobbing broke through the dam of his lips. It was going to take a long time to believe what they were telling him, but he didn’t want to think about that right now. He just wanted to sink further into their embraces and forget for a while. Forget for a long while. He was a big ball of hurt, but he knew that as long as they had him, he would be okay.
Maybe not right now, but eventually.
“I love you guys” he sniffled.
“We love you, too.”
Published: 12/30/21; Published on Tumblr: 2/3/22
A/N: Good Karma Delsin does his best to do the right thing. He helps people, he disarms assailants, his avoids killing. (I know that if you straight up kill people, you lose karma points.) He is a person who cares, and does so deeply, so something like finding out that he inadvertently killed someone? Oh, that’s gonna fuck with his whole sense of self. He didn’t even kill Augustine even though he really wanted to, but here comes this random Conduit saying he was the cause of his sister’s death? This is something Delsin is going to carry with him for a looong time, poor guy.
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lupinzapezit · 3 years
❀ What is a muse you want to play but haven’t? Why haven’t you played them yet?
munday asks, accepting.
man idk !! i've given most muses that i've wanted to write a shot in some way or another but i'll include a brief list of ones i entertained briefly / have written in the past and wanna write again. for all of these, i either didn't think i could write them properly or lacked strong muse / the rpc was tiny.
vanya har.greeves (the um.brella academ.y), sasha james (the mag.nus arc.hives), aelita schaeffer (code lyoko), Q (bond films but just the daniel craig ones), ashley macgrath (fallout oc), delsin rowe (infamous second son), the weeping monk (cursed), lena oxton / tracer (overw.atch), cole (dragon age), padm.e amida.la (star w.ars)
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Howdy everyone, hope y’all have been good despite all the suckiness of last year and this pandemic. I took some time off from this blog. Honestly i just couldnt really bring myself to write much. I’ve still been struggling with that but i think it’s gotten better. I havent been working on any John Wick stories lately (even tho i still love him and Keanu with all my heart). I’ve actually been working on this Delsin Rowe (i guess one shot?) story. My infatuation for that punk has come back pretty strong so yeah expect a new story about him to land here pretty soon. I still might write some John Wick stories, im just not totally sure about how soon but it’s not over for me. Anyways, i hope you enjoy the Delsin story when it comes out and i hope you all remain safe and healthy. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Ghost of Tsushima Review: A Beautiful Homage to Akira Kurosawa
Ghost of Tsushima is a daring departure for Sucker Punch, who since 2009 has worked solely on the Playstation-exclusive Infamous series. While those games were steeped in modernity, offering sprawling cityscapes players could explore from top to bottom via superpowered “conduits” Cole MacGrath and Delsin Rowe, Ghost of Tsushima’s open world is set in feudal Japan. It’s here that we meet young samurai Jin Sakai, who must defend his homeland, the titular island of Tsushima, from an invading Mongol army.
Right off the bat, the shift in time period and milieu to 13th century Japan is notable because Sucker Punch handles it so brilliantly, especially for the team’s first foray into the samurai genre. Japanese history and culture are woven into every single facet of the game so elegantly and organically that you’d think the team had been developing games set in feudal Japan for the past decade, not sci-fi superhero romps. More than anything, Ghost of Tsushima is a moving homage to Japan, its history, and its people.
The story opens with a massacre. A massive Mongol army, led by the cunning Khotun Khan, storms the beaches of Tsushima and is met by the island’s woefully outnumbered samurai contingent. When the leader of the samurai challenges Khotun to a one-on-one, fair fight, the Khan renounces the honorable gesture in gruesome fashion, literally setting the courageous samurai on fire in front of both armies. The rest of the samurai are obliterated on the beach, while Jin’s uncle, Lord Shimura, is taken prisoner by the Khan. Jin is also fatally wounded but is miraculously nursed back to health by a new ally, a thief named Yuna who needs his help in return.
These opening moments set the tone for the rest of the game. The philosophical conflict between honor and deception is the beating heart of the story and permeates the gameplay in riveting ways. As you fight to take back Tsushima from the Mongols, you can approach enemy encounters in two ways. You can choose to fight honorably, like a true samurai, and challenge enemies to a “standoff,” a quick-reflex mini-game of sorts in which you and one of the baddies face off one-on-one and see who flinches first before one of you slashes his blade through the other. You’ll then have to take on the rest of the enemies all at once, which is no easy task.
The other option is to fight like a “Ghost,” sneaking into enemy camps, killing the bad guys in their sleep, poisoning them, using intimidation tactics to scare them into fleeing battle. It’s an effective way of evening the odds between you and your foes, but it rails against everything the samurai stand for.
Countless games offer the player the option to approach combat either stealthily or head-on. This is far from a novel concept, and in this respect, the combat in Ghost of Tsushima offers little innovation. But what is innovative here is how Sucker Punch has taken the classic device of stealth vs. frontal assault and given it new life by expertly integrating it with the themes of the story.
Jin meets a handful of allies on his journey, each with their own multi-chapter story arcs that delve into their respective backstories. There’s sensei Ishikawa, a master archer whose protege has gone rogue and joined the Mongols. Lady Masako is a warrior and grandmother whose entire family was murdered by the Mongols, though she suspects they may have died after someone close to the family conspired with the enemy.
Each of the characters explores the honor vs. dishonor theme in unique and surprising ways. The dichotomy is most starkly represented in the clash of ideals between Lord Shimura, who is unshakably honorable and would rather die than gain an unfair advantage in battle, and Yuna, who understands that, to beat an enemy who fights dirty, you may have to put honor to the side for the sake of saving your people. Of course, Jin is caught in the middle and struggles to decide what kind of man he wants to be.
Aside from the ties to the story, the gameplay is fun and engaging. The swordplay combines parries and dodging with a more strategic approach to melee, as you try to find ways to build up your enemy’s stagger gauge. You can also use “ghost weapons” to give you an edge in battle, like kunai (throwing knives), smoke bombs, arrows, and more. There are also four stances to master, with each being effective against a different enemy type. Switching between stances is integral to combat and becomes second nature over time. There’s also an insanely cool fifth stance that I won’t spoil here, but it’s spectacularly badass.
Stealthing is strikingly similar to what you’d see in an Assassin’s Creed title (this is a compliment), and the game gives you myriad ways to kill enemies without raising alarms, like throwable wind chimes and firecrackers that allow you to manipulate their positioning or hallucinogenic darts that turn them against each other. Again, this is all stuff we’ve seen before, but it’s pulled off well here.
Release Date: July 17, 2020 Platform: PS4 Developer: Sucker Punch Productions Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment Genre: Action-adventure
Unfortunately, there are little gameplay flaws that needled at me, especially in the later hours of my playthrough (it took me around 45 hours to finish the game). The swordplay requires quick reflexes, and mastering parries and dodging is absolutely pivotal to your survival. The problem with the swordplay is subtle, and a little difficult to explain, but I’ll say it like this: in most games that are particularly challenging, when I die, I feel like it was my fault because I made a mistake, I just wasn’t fast enough, I hadn’t mastered certain skills. But on many occasions in Ghost of Tsushima, I felt like I died because the game didn’t give me a fair shot, like it was the game’s fault that I failed, not mine. It’s possible that I just wasn’t very good at the game, but it felt at times like I wasn’t given a choice in the matter. Your mileage will vary with the game’s difficulty level.
There are other things that bugged me, too, like the unreliable climbing mechanics (I swear, sometimes hopping onto a rope or branch that’s literally right in front of you is way, WAY too difficult). But overall, I had a great time playing the game and felt super powerful by the time I’d filled out my skill trees, which is no surprise considering the game was made by the same folks who made Infamous.
On a nuts and bolts gameplay level, Ghost of Tsushima doesn’t feel all that unique — there is some very familiar open-world stuff here. But on a presentation and storytelling level, the game is out-of-this-world amazing. Visually, the game looks stunning. The late-stage PlayStation 4 graphics really deliver, and coupled with the strength of the art design, Ghost of Tsushima is a true head-turner. The character models look fantastic and can emote on a level that supports the drama of the story. And while the different suits of armor that Jin acquires offer unique gameplay perks, I honestly just collected and upgraded them almost exclusively as an aesthetic indulgence. They look so freaking cool.
But the real stars of the show are the environments, which look picturesque from every conceivable angle. The wind-swept, verdant hills of Tsushima are intoxicatingly pretty, to the point where I’d get caught up ogling for minutes on end at the smallest of details, like the way the moonlight bounces off blades of grass or the way Jin kicks up crimson-red leaves that have blanketed the ground over time. I could go on forever about the dynamic day/night cycle, the beautiful rendering of different fabrics and materials, the horse animations. But instead, I’ll just say that this is the most breathtaking game, visually, that I’ve seen in recent memory.
A lot of love also went into infusing the game with Japanese cultural references, particularly in how the developers pay homage to the samurai genre. Each mission, for example, is bookended by cinematic intertitles that evoke old samurai cinema, Japanese characters, and all. But without a doubt, the most obvious/most amazing homage is “Kurosawa Mode,” which presents the game in black and white, with one of the best film grain filters I’ve ever seen in a game, resulting in an experience that looks almost exactly like a film from the iconic Japanese auteur’s oeuvre, right next to Sanjuro and Seven Samurai. If you’re a long-time fan of Kurosawa, turning the mode on may even elicit an “I’m not crying…you’re crying!” response — it’s that pretty.
I initially intended on playing the entire game in Kurosawa mode but quickly realized that it would be problematic to do so for a few reasons. Some missions require you to “follow the (insert color) flowers,” which is obviously impossible in black and white. And in combat, blockable enemy heavy attacks are signaled by a blue glint, while unblockable ones have a red glint. Combat is tough enough as it is, so…yeah. I only turned the mode on when I was riding on my horse through the countryside and I felt like treating myself to some eye candy.
Taking time to smell the cherry blossoms and have a respite from the game’s many missions and side missions is crucial because Ghost of Tsushima is a long, long game. The missions aren’t overly repetitive — most of them feel really special actually, like when you climb a mountain in freezing cold weather and must race from campfire to campfire on your ascent, or one armor quest comprised of several one-on-one duels with straw hat swordsmen scattered about the map, each with a distinct personality. But 40-plus hours is 40-plus hours, and while the main tasks of infiltrating enemy camps, liberating farms, and searching for special gear can lead to questing fatigue at the tail end of the game, the nice thing is is that you can always slow things down and just enjoy the scenery to break things up. There’s even a nifty photo mode to play with, and if any game warrants a photo mode, it’s this one.
Jin’s story isn’t just a means to an end, or a lazy excuse to drag the player from gameplay scenario to gameplay scenario. The story is incredibly well written and profound in its messaging and imagery, so much so that I believe it’s one of the best modern entries in the samurai genre, regardless of medium. All of the characters you meet and the little tales that unfold across Tsushima are filtered through Jin’s inner struggle with what honor really means and whether or not it’s worth dying for, which gives the story an incredibly strong narrative backbone. Despite the game’s epic scope, Jin’s journey actually feels quite intimate and personal. The same could be said of Kurosawa’s best work, and that’s just about the highest compliment I can give.
The post Ghost of Tsushima Review: A Beautiful Homage to Akira Kurosawa appeared first on Den of Geek.
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pluto-parker · 6 years
Shatter *Delsin Rowe x Reader*
Summary: The one where you’re rescued by a fiery smoke conduit looking to acquire your deadly power.
Warnings: Violence and a teeeeeny bit of angst and a butt ton of flirty fluff!
Word Count: 1.7k
(A/N: I know I’m like SUUUPER late (Like three-four years late??) to writing this fanfic but I finally got and finished Infamous: Second Son and fell in love with Delsin. This’ll probably be the only imagine I write for him, unless someone out there wants a part two)
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It was hard being a conduit.
At every turn, danger awaited you as you roamed the streets of Seattle.
An outcast, a threat, a target; that’s what you were in the eyes of the D.U.P..
They always shot first. 
The blood on your hands wasn’t your fault. If you had the choice you would never kill again, but they forced you to become the monster they thought you were with their guns and concrete bombs. And there was no way in hell you were going to go back to Curdun Cay. You were done being one of Augustine’s little lab rats. Done being poked and prodded for the powers you possessed. 
When Hank wrecked the D.U.P truck a couple weeks back, you ran like hell with Fetch and Eugene. You fought your way to freedom before tailing it away from them, too. The three of you may have fought together to survive, but none of their actions were done with any concern for anyone else but themselves. You couldn’t trust them.
And now, you stood alone in the middle of the street, surrounded by a swarm of D.U.P brain-dead soldiers as you took your last stand. You weren’t going back to Curdun Cay, you’d either survive, or die fighting.
Power coursed through your veins as you stared down the D.U.P.. 
They took the first shot. 
Then all hell broke loose.
Focusing your power into your hands, you sent a wave of sharp glass straight at a cluster of soldiers, tearing them to shreds. A bullet tore through the back of your shoulder and you turned toward the source, blasting a shard bomb straight at the man. His remains cascaded with the explosion. You tore up flesh, blew up cars, scaled buildings, and threw down men, but they kept on coming and coming and coming.
Eventually, you ran low on fuel, cornered by a swarm of soldiers in an alleyway with no way to escape. In a last ditch effort to survive, you pulled out your last trick. The exertion to pull it off could kill you, but it was all you had left: The Crystal Hellfire. Mustering every drop of energy in your battered and bruised body, you launched yourself into the air, floating like an angel as all of the windows on buildings and cars in a half-mile radius shattered instantaneously, the small fragments flying toward you, building on one another until large shards of glass circled around your glowing form. With a piercing cry, your arms spread open like wings as you spiraled violently in the air, reigning the spears down on the men, piercing straight through them from head to toe, and staking them to the ground with a sickening crunch.
Collapsing onto your knees, you gasped in haggard breaths as you stared at your surroundings. It was horrible, disastrous carnage. All of it.
It sickened you to your stomach as you glared at your handiwork, but the quiet that settled over the scene helped ease your upset heart.
“I see the target!”
Your blood ran cold. There were more.
Another wave of D.U.P. circled around you like hungry sharks.
Exhausted, completely drained, and stricken with grief, you closed your eyes and accepted death, waiting for the onslaught of bullets that would soon rip through your aching body.
But the shots never came.
Your eyes flashed open in confusion as the terrified yells of the soldiers reached your ears.
“It’s him, the smoke conduit!”
Your gaze scanned your surroundings, searching for Hank, but finding a mysterious man floating in ash as he took down the D.U.P.s with lethal blow after lethal blow instead.
The conduit took only minutes to take out the rest of the soldiers, and you could feel yourself slip in and out of consciousness as you watched his performance. Moments later, he landed a few feet in front of you, out of breath but unscathed with hands held up in resignation as he approached with slow and careful steps.
“I’m not gonna hurt you,” he said, his irises filled with sincerity as he gazed into your eyes.
Exhausted, you struggled to get to your feet, only managing a few staggering steps before collapsing to the ground.
Instead of hitting hard concrete, your body landed in the gentle arms of your rescuer, and you just barely registered his quiet murmured assurances before blacking out.
You woke up on a mattress, groggy and head pounding, with a jean jacket splayed over your body. You kept your eyes closed as the events before you blacked out flashed through your mind.
The D.U.P.. The Crystal Hellfire. The carnage.
The smoke conduit.
Your eyes flashed open and you sat up stick straight, immediately regretting your fast movements as a wave of nausea churned your stomach and spun your head. Sucking in a few deep breaths to ground yourself, you scanned your surroundings. You were on a rooftop next to a small fire that had no visible source but was burning and warm all the same.
“Glad to see that you’re awake.”
The deep voice cut through the calm silence save the crackle of the fire and you sprung to your feet, ignoring your nausea and exhaustion as you focused your power into your hands and stared down the man standing in the shadows.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let’s calm down, angel. I’m not going to hurt you,” the man said before stepping into the light with his hands up.
It was the smoke conduit that saved you.
You immediately relaxed against your better judgement. He did rescue you after all.
His eyes widened in shock at you standing down, “Oh, wow. You’re the first conduit I’ve met that I haven’t had to fight before we talk.”
You let out a soft chuckle at his words, sitting back on the mattress, finally letting your exhaustion shine through. You could just imagine Fetch and Eugene’s reactions when they met the guy. Not pretty.
“Yeah, well my heads screwed on a bit tighter than Eugene and Fetch’s.” You gazed at him curiously, admiring the way his eyes glistened with humor in the firelight. “Why did you save me?”
He seemed surprised by your words, “We’re conduits. We have to look out for each other.”
Your eyebrows shot up in disbelief, skeptical, “Bullshit. Everybody wants something in this world.”
He scratched the back of his neck, contemplating his next words before finally speaking, “Okay. You caught me. But, that still is part of the reason you know.”
“Uh huh, sure... so tell me what you---
“What’s your name?” he interrupted.
You were surprised once more, but decided to tell him without giving him a hard time. “(Y/N).”
He smiled, “I’m Delsin... Delsin Rowe.”
Another pause, then you spoke, “So, Delsin Rowe,” he smirked as you said his full name, making your cheeks go slightly pink. You had to admit, the guy was handsome. “What do you want?”
“If we weren’t wanted ‘criminals’? To take you out on a date, but seeing how difficult that would be with all the D.U.P.s around, we’ll have to wait until after you help me take down Augustine.”
Your face was bright red now, and you struggled to keep your composure as he began to walk closer to you, “And what makes you think I can help you take down Augustine?”
He sat next to you on the mattress, his knee brushing yours ever so slightly, sending waves of electricity through your body, “I saw your finishing move. It was crazy badass, angel. With that move, we could beat her for sure.”
There was that pet name again.
“Angel?” you gulped.
His eyes were piercing as he held your gaze, and you ran a hand nervously through your hair as you averted your eyes, embarrassed.
“Seeing you flying in the air like that? I thought you were one, kind of still do,” he quipped confidently.
You grew even more flustered, struggling to think of what to say when the image of the agents you killed earlier flashed through your mind.
You met his gaze once more, your eyes going dark, “Trust me. I’m no angel.”
“Hard to believe,” he scoffed, rolling his eyes before changing the subject, “What do you call your finisher?”
You hesitated for just moment,“The Crystal Hellfire.”
He let out a whistle that started high and ended low, “God damn. Now that’s a fucking name.”
Suddenly, he turned toward you, his hands inches from your own as he stared deep into your eyes, “(Y/N), my conduit ability isn’t smoke. I can... I can learn other conduits’ powers. I have neon and digital, too, from Fetch and Eugene. I won’t take away your power; you’ll still have glass, but I need you to let me have yours, too, to take down Augustine. So, I know it’s a lot to ask but, will you let me have your power?”
You stared down at your hands. The feeling of your power coursing through your veins was constant, and you knew that glass was one of the most, if not the most, deadly conduit power in the world. Did you really trust this man you just met enough with that sort of ability?
Sucking in deep a breath, you murmured just loud enough for him to hear, “Are you going to kill her? ...Are you going to kill Augustine?”
He didn’t even hesitate, “No. The things she has done are horrible but she doesn’t deserve to die. She needs to be tried for her crimes and locked up; she needs to experience the pain that she inflicted on so many innocent people.”
You smiled at his answer, satisfied, and the genuine look in his irises was all you needed to say yes.
“You can have my power, Delsin... on one condition.”
He waited for you to continue, curiosity in his features.
You grinned humorously, “No seafood.”
His eyebrows knit together in confusion, “What?”
“Our date. I don’t like seafood.”
“Oh,” he said stupidly before collecting himself, his signature smirk reappearing on his lips, “As you wish, angel.”
And then, in a flash, his hands were under yours, pulling them toward his lips to place a swift kiss on your knuckles, sending another shock wave through your body just before your past flashed before your eyes and white crystals of glass began to flow between your fingertips, glowing bright around the both of you before you succumbed to the darkness once more.
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taruyison · 6 years
I just now realized I've never seen/read a fanfic with just Watch Dogs and InFamous SS. The original WD, that is. Everything with Aiden Pearce and Delsin Rowe is just unfinished, half-assed crossovers with Desmond Miles, Lucy Stillman (or Shaun Hastings) and Alex Mercer in it as well.
So I went to check.. Keep in mind that the only field I filled in was the fandoms one.
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Ten results, and I bet my ass that all of them are one-shots. Let's take a closer look at one of them...
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What did I say at the start? Crossovers between more games than just WD and InFamous SS. How about we take a look at the tags.
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Well isn't this just marvelous. A reader insert! And this reader supposedly has sex with absolutely every single character that's in the story too. I haven't read it, so I wouldn't know, but I've seen enough fanfics to know the general idea with massive reader inserts.
But wait, what is this?
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Oh yoy! Delsin Rowe and Aiden Pearce all by themselves. And it's updated this year! *gaaasssppp* But wait! I don't know that language :D
*three hours of Taru whacking tables with books and throwing cars at other cars until they burn, explode and vanish into thin air*
Well, hasn't this been a pleasant journey into the world of fanfiction. Let's go again next year to get the absolute same horrifying results :D
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ragingdumpsterfire · 1 year
Don’t Look Into the Void
Infamous Second Son OC: Juno Moore x Delsin Rowe
Content Warning: Juno gets chased by a very bad guy, bad guy things ensue.
I start this with a warning that I haven’t written much in a while. The ol’ writing brain just hasn’t been there, but the prompt of decay/surrender had me excited. So I gave it a shot. Here is the resulting blurb from the 20 monkeys mashing keyboards in my brain.
Hard concrete comes into contact with heavy boots, ringing footsteps a cacophony of fear as wide eyes dart around, trying to find some vestige of safety in the dark city streets. The dark buildings around held no passing thought for the chase happening in their midsts; they were merely silent observers. Tears start running down windchapped cheeks, a scream threatening to burst forth into the world.
“Juno”. The word is long and drawn out, taunting and sneering and bouncing off the brick walls around the woman. Following her. Chasing her. Hunting her. 
“Look at you run, Juno”.
A moment passes, then a cold, snarling laugh rips through the alley, closer to Juno than it should be. It sends waves of tremors through her body as her feet hit the pavement, a vain attempt to carry her away from her predator. Her hands plead with the environment around her as she runs, trying to grasp any source of energy that would serve as fuel for an attack. Nothing happens as she desperately reaches out, a sob choking her as her lungs burn from the exertion. Juno frantically runs through a route in her mind for the thousandth time, left down here, then right down there, jump the fence if the gate is locked. This is a path she had traveled hundreds of times, and her feet now move mostly by instinct. 
The corner of the alley approaches, twenty feet, ten feet, five, and Juno stumbles, fingers pawing at the ground in an attempt to keep herself upright and moving. She can feel the skin scrape up against the rough ground, but she pushes off the ground with momentum, uprighting her body again and skidding around the corner. She knows there should be pain, but she can’t feel it yet. All she can feel is her heart thumping wildly in her chest and the screaming pain in her body to keep moving. The scream telling her to keep running at all costs is cut short by a different scream, one telling Juno that something is horribly, terribly wrong. 
Oh no. No no no no. NO!
Juno’s eyes look around in a frenzy, a wave of nausea hitting her. There wasn’t supposed to be a wall at the end of this alley. There was never a wall here. Juno had taken this alley many times, hell, a hundred times, just to cut through traffic. There was never a wall here. There was never a fucking wall here.
“Fuck!” The yell reverberates down the alley, muffled sobs breaking the frigid night as Juno slumps to the ground, back against the wall like a cornered, dying animal. There aren’t any fences to climb, windows to jump into, escapes of any kind. Movement at the end of the alley causes Juno to focus on the invader, eyes locking with a tall, dark figure. This man, this monster, stalks towards her, hands behind his back as he surveys his prey. He was dressed in all black, long body blending with the shadows that seem to bend around him. His face was hidden with a hood, always having an advantage over those he hunted. Something oozed from the ground beneath his feet, black as the void and flooding the alley with an acrid scent. It permeated Juno’s senses, burning her nasal passages and filling her eyes with stinging tears. A clicking sound emits from the man, now five meters away, then a sigh. Juno is filled with a burning rage as the familiarity dawns on her.  She’s heard this before. The sound was that of an authority figure before hitting a misbehaving child. 
“Whatever am I going to do with you”, crooned the velvety voice. “You’ve made me chase you all over town. You’ve caused me quite the inconvenience, did you realize?”
Juno’s eyes dart into the darkness under the man’s hood where facial features should be, but the space is unnaturally dark. Something deep inside her screams at her to run, to fight, to do anything. She knows the man is looking right back at her, she can feel his gaze. And for a moment, something like a glint in his eye shimmers. 
“What the fuck do you want from me,” Juno spits out, rage flowing through her words. Her body aches, muscles and ligaments pushed past their limit, body scraped up and powers absent. She glares up at the man as he wanders closer, inspecting her. There’s a soft chuckle, and she can tell that from under his hood, he’s grinning. 
“Well, it’s really quite simple, Juno,” he begins slowly, as one does when explaining to a young child. “Like you, I am also a conduit. Unlike you, however, I don’t get my power source from such quaint places as yourself.”
He paces in the alley slowly, always clasping his hands behind his back, always keeping his gaze towards Juno.
“You, my darling, get your power from…oh what was it…” 
He pauses, cocking his head and putting his finger to his lips, mocking her. 
“Ah yes,” he says in that velvety, predatory tone, causing Juno’s skin to crawl. “You get your power from deposits of pigment in the world, perpetuating brightness and light in a circle of creativity. How adorable.” The last word is drawn out far too long, venom dripping on his lips. But it is the hunter’s next action that makes Juno flinch back, feeling the rough wall digging into her skin. As he drops down into a crouch, close enough for Juno to see glints of light reflecting off his pointed teeth, he gestures to the pool of black tar underneath him.
“You see, I am the antithesis to your abilities, darlin’. I grab life around the throat and throttle the hell outta it.” 
As he lazily waves his hand over the tar, it moved to match his motion, dripping upwards against gravity to meet him, tendrils wrapping around his fingers like a vine. Quiet rustling from the side of the alley catches Juno’s attention, but she doesn’t take her eyes off the man in front of her. She inhales sharply as he swivels his head towards the noise in a hawklike motion, staring down the source. Juno’s eyes trail cautiously over to join the man’s line of vision, and sees a young rat, small nose wriggling as it sniffs and rifles through decaying leaves. It doesn’t heed them any attention, and Juno internally yells for it to run, to just get away from the inevitability that Juno can sense. 
A low growl of a chuckle leaves Juno’s pursuer as he sees her distraught expression, and he raises a finger towards the animal. Like a viper strike, the black tar lunges forward, wrapping around the rat in a tight embrace. It emits a high-pitched series of squeaks as it thrashes against the tar, trying to break free. Juno’s attention is brought back to the dark figure beside her as he clears his throat, peering at her. The rat’s shrieks drill into Juno’s consciousness.
“Now as you can see,” the man explained wryly, “I drain my power source from living things. And depending on how I’m feeling at the moment, I can make the experience quite painless, given—oh no no no, look at me—given my power source doesn’t struggle.” There’s a sinister emphasis on the last word, and Juno shrinks under his invisible stare. The frantic squeaks become calmer now, and when the man nods towards the animal, Juno’s eyes follow. The rat is grayer, more fragile than before. It had aged in moments, its life force slowly sucked out of it by the tar and into the man. A hand darts out and grabs Juno’s chin roughly, bringing her focus back to the dark, faceless hood. 
“And what happens if they struggle and fight back, you ask? Well, honey, that’s when the real fun begins.” 
Juno’s hands rush up to cover her ears as the alley is flooded in a piercing squealing. Her eyes dart back to the rat, and is met with an image of flesh ripping and disintegrating, peeling off in shreds and revealing bones and organs spilling onto the hungry tar. Bile rises in Juno’s throat at the putrid sight and smell, her eyes burning, and the contents of her stomach spill out on the ground beside her. Within mere moments, all is silent once more, and the only remnants of what once was a living creature were bones. Rapid aging and decomposition happening right in front of her eyes, a horrific power for a conduit to wield. She couldn’t stomach the thought of how many people this monster had used this ability on.
Juno wipes her mouth off on her sleeve, trying to erase the image of the tortured animal from her retinas. A hand appears in front of her face and the fingers snap. 
“Hey, hey, look up at me,” demands the voice, and Juno’s eyes follow to once more peer into the void staring at her. “Now I’m going to tell you what I was trying to tell you before you ran off earlier.” A small huff comes from the man, and he continues. “I need a constant living source to pull from to keep myself full. As you can see,” he said, gesturing to the remains of the rat, “can’t do shit once my source is dead. So, I’m gonna give you two options.” He held his v-shaped fingers in Juno’s face to further emphasize the point. “My suggestion would be to come with me all quiet like. I absorb my energy from you, and in exchange I keep you safe with me. As long as you do what I say, you won’t end up like our little friend over there.”
He paused, his demeanor darkening.
“If you decide to fight back, well…..let’s just say I’d much rather you not. I’d really prefer to not have to clean brain matter off my clothing so soon. And trust me, if you make me do that, I’ll be sure to make it as painful as possible.”
The pounding of Juno’s heart had to be audible to the man crouched next to her, and with a sinking feeling, she realized she had no way out of this situation. Become fodder for a fucking vampire conduit, or be brutally murdered in some Seattle alley. It felt like the world was crashing in on her, smothering her and ripping her apart as she lost focus on her surroundings. Fuck, no, this can’t be it. I…I have so much shit I wanted to do…
Juno barely registers the man stirring next to her, suddenly standing up and looking around, but then she looks up, and her brows furrow in confusion. The man cocks his head to the side, seemingly tired of paying her attention. She has no fucking idea what he would be focusing on after hunting her down like this. But then the scent hits Juno’s senses, the familiar, safe smell of burning ashes, and the alley is bathed in a fury of red light and embers that solidify in front of her. Within a split second, a figure kneels down in front of her, arms out wide to protect her, to save her. 
And the realization that Delsin is here hits Juno, and she starts sobbing, stinging tears rolling down her face and falling onto her sweater. Relief to not be alone washes over her, only to be replaced by the sudden horror that Delsin will be attacked by this hunter too. Warm, large hands come up and cradle Juno’s face, thumbs wiping away her tears as dark brown eyes look into her own. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, it’s-it’s me, babe, it’s me. Shhh, it’s okay, I gotcha.”
“Delsin—Delsin, listen, you need to get the fuck out of here.” Juno’s speech is frantic and racing, her hands gripping onto Delsin’s wrists as her eyes plead with him to escape. “He’s a fucking maniac, Dels—he’s going to fucking kill us!”
Moments pass as the two lock eyes, deep brown into stormy blue, and something inside Juno snaps as she sees resolve in Delsin. He leans down towards Juno, sliding a hand up to gently cradle her neck, and crashes his lips into hers with a burning need. She can taste smoke and ash from a million wildfires on his lips, and in a moment, he’s gone, standing to face their foe. 
No, no—he can’t do this, god no, please Delsin, don’t do this! I fucking need you, Delsin!
Juno can’t distinguish the words being spoken as her head spins, an ocean roaring in her ears as she fights to stay conscious. A cold, harsh laugh. A chain dropping to the ground. Delsin kneeling down on the ground, the ooze of tar nearing him. 
“And you’ll leave her the fuck alone if you have me, right?” 
A deep, quiet chuckle, and a nod. And then the strands of tar surround him, leeching into him, swallowing him up. He’s facing away, but Juno can see the way his skin fades and grows brittle, his hair turns to streaks of gray, the way his clothes start to drape off him limbs and he shrinks and ages prematurely. There was no sound from Delsin, just the quiet acceptance of someone trying to protect their loved one. And as quiet as a whisper, he was gone from this world, leaving Juno alone with his remains and the hunter. The hunter who was now causing the tar to recede back from where it came from.
“Poor fool was so ready to die that he didn’t stop to think about how miserable you’d be. Ah well,” he stated with a smirk, “that’s a you problem, not a me problem.” And with a faint, frigid breeze, he was gone. 
At first, Juno sat there, just staring at the pile of clothes, the bones sticking out. Her eyes locked with it, glazed over. Her fingers absently rubbing over her arms, nails scratching at her skin. Tears poured down her face silently, her vision a blurry world of gray. Her lungs wouldn’t fill with enough air, and she was drowning, chest starting to rise wildly in any attempt to get oxygen. It wouldn’t come. Juno threw her head back and let the scream rip out of her that had been building, fists beating on the ground as she wailed. Her knuckles grew bloody and shredded, scrubbing at her face as if she could just wake up and end all of this. If she could just wake up. Wake up….just….wake up. 
Juno’s eyes burst open as she sat up, arms fighting against something pinning them down. She couldn’t move them, and she screamed a long, mournful wail. She was surrounded by darkness.  
“No, let me go, get the fuck off of me!”
“Juno?! Babe, it’s me, it’s Delsin—babe, you’re okay, it’s okay, just listen to me.”
Juno turned wildly in the dark, only to meet two wide brown eyes gazing at her with concern, brows knitted downward. She knew those eyes, those were safe eyes. Those were Delsin’s eyes. He had his arms wrapped around Juno to keep her from thrashing and hurting either of them, circles under his eyes. He was half covered with their quilt and shirtless, and Juno’s awareness grew to recognize her pillow, the soft moonlight out the window of their apartment, the hum of a fan. They were safe, Delsin was safe. 
“Oh my god Delsin, you’re safe, you’re here—oh my god.” 
Juno’s arms flailed out to wrap Delsin in a tight hug, Delsin readjusting and wrapping his arm around Juno’s shoulders. He tucked a pillow up behind them, getting comfy against the wall behind their bed, and pulled the quilt up to cover them better. He softly grabbed her hand with his free hand, rubbing circles into the skin.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, I’m here, we’re safe, and I’m not going anywhere. It was just a bad dream, that’s all. Listen babe, I got you. It’s okay.”
Juno nodded slowly, head heavy with exhaustion, and she collapsed against Delsin’s warm chest, closing her eyes again, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart. The room was comfortably quiet, and eventually her heart rate slowed to a normal pace. Now that the adrenaline had worn off, sleep beckoned her. She hadn’t experienced a nightmare like that in such a long time, it had been so real. But the warmth from Delsin and his quiet snores invited her into a deep sleep, one that provided much needed rest.
In the morning, as the delicate sunlight played through the window, Delsin’s arm was still around Juno when she woke up “Hey,” came a raspy, sleep-laden voice, warm as the morning sun. It filled Juno with comfort, feeling the embrace tighten.
“I’ll always keep you safe, babe.”
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Roleplay partners wanted!
My name is Rhys. I am 21 years old, she/her, from the CT, love the color magenta, and own two orange tabbies. I’m looking for partners in my conquest to write! While I can't get responses in every day, I am almost always open to chatter and geeking out about all sorts of things.
  I write third person, past/present tense, and paragraph form. I'm a novella-ish writer, and do try to crank out at least four-six paragraphs each time I get a response in. Like previously mentioned, I want to stress that while I can't respond every day, everything I do write is full of TLC! I always want to mention this to partners beforehand, because I know some people would rather do rapid fire responses than one or two a week. My limits are pretty general; toilet stuff is a no-no. I don't like to write out top/bottom stereotypes or "seme/uke" tropes. Beastiality, pedophilia, and the like are icky things I would rather avoid.
  I write for all genders, ethnicity, and orientations! I am open to any pairings, and beyond that, varying genres.
  No unrealistic stereotypes of queer relationships, please. Yaoi, yuri, seme/uke, etc. Can't do that. Characters need to both have versatile roles; switching, so it's fair for everyone. Though, my characters do tend to be a lot more dominating!
  {{Very welcoming of BDSM, dom/sub, but this does not mean someone needs to be penetrated every single time in order for the dom to dominate. Get it? This can also apply to heterosexual relationships. I would literally love to see female characters who top, if you know what I mean. If given the chance, I will definitely have dom!females in bdsm-related situations}}
  Furries; blegh, no thanks. Beastiality, nekos, anything of sexual animal-related nature is a no-go, fam.
  Vore, scat, bathroom stuff, pedophilia. You know the drill! ((I am not opposed to consensual, legal age and non-reproducing incestuous relationships in FICTION! Sex is fine, just no children resulting from it. Reminder; this is fictional.))
  Okay, so despite those few limits, I am actually pretty welcoming of anything else. Smut, of course. Some kink a little out there that you want to suggest? Let's do it, dude. I am open to polyamorous relationships, any queer shit you're willing to throw at me lmao I am super OOC friendly and I am pretty much a garbled mess when I get to know you! I am open to crooked relationships, ones that don't function right, fluff and all cuteness, unconditional love-- my interests fluctuate! I am down, 24/7, guys! Here's a list of fandoms and pairings below.
Handsome Jack/Rhys
Handsome Jack/Rhys/Nisha
Handsome Jack/Nisha
  Until Dawn
Josh Washington/Chris
  Life is Strange
Max Caulfield/Chloe Price
Max Caulfield/Kate Marsh/Victoria Chase
Nathan Prescott/Warren Graham
Rachel Amber/Chloe Price**
Rachel Amber/Frank Bowers
Frank Bowers/Damon Merrick**
Dick Grayson/Jason Todd**
Dick Grayson/Koriand'r
Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson
Dick Grayson/Wally West
Oliver Queen/Dinah Lance
Harley Quinn/Pamela Isley
Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent
  Batman: Telltale Series
Bruce Wayne/John Doe**
Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle
Bruce Wayne/Jim Gordon
Bruce Wayne/Harvey Dent
Bruce Wayne/Harvey Dent/Selina Kyle
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Tony Stark/Bruce Banner
Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson
Thor/Bruce Banner**
Clint Barton/Pietro Maximoff
Peter Parker/Harry Osborn
Peter Parker/Wade Wilson**
Gwen Stacy/Peter Parker/Harry Osborn
Peter Parker/Wade Wilson/Vanessa Carlysle
Nathan Drake/Samuel Drake**
Nathan Drake/Harry Flynn**
Chloe Frazer/Nadine Ross
Samuel Drake/Rafe Adler
  Game of Thrones
Arya Stark/Gendry Waters
Sansa Stark/Margaery Tyrell
Daenerys Targaryen/Jon Snow
Asher Forrester/Gwyn Whitehill
Rodrik Forrester/Arthur Glenmore
Mira Forrester/Margaery Tyrell
Gryff Whitehill/Elaena Glenmore
Gared Tuttle/Finn
Gared Tuttle/Josera Snow
  The Walking Dead
Rick Grimes/Shane Walsh
Rick Grimes/Negan**
Daryl Dixon/Paul “Jesus” Rovia
Javier Garcia/David Garcia**
Clementine/Gabriel Garcia
Javier Garcia/Paul “Jesus” Rovia
  The Mortal Instruments
Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago
Simon Lewis/Jace Lightwood
Isabelle Lightwood/Lydia Branwell
Alec Lightwood/Magnus Bane
  Infamous: Second Son
Delsin Rowe/Reggie Rowe
Delsin Rowe/Eugene Sims
Delsin Rowe/Hank Daughtry
  Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator
Anyone/your dadsona (for the love of god someone give me a good, not cliche john doe dadsona and you will win my heart!! I just want to play a dad lol bring me some great ass ocs)
  Far Cry 3
Jason Brody/Vaas Montenegro
  The Last of Us
  Some basic ideas that I do have pretty big doc ideas for;
  A few marine biologists go to an island off the coast to study the marine life there, which in turn, turns out to be something much bigger. (Mermaid/siren prompt!)
  Soul mates; it can be like some of those AU’s where you don’t see color until you meet them, your tattooed timer counts down until then, or maybe even soulmates continuously reincarnating and one of the two has killed them for centuries in order to be “immortal”. For the first time, the victimized partner gets close enough that the other begins to fall and they start aging, together.
  Character A has an awful time living in the city; alone, and without mom's guidance, completely lost. One day they receive a call about a deceased relative, one they'd never heard of and apparently left their estate and everything in their will to A. With nothing but the clothes on their back, A took a shot and drove out to this presumed "estate", only to find that it's a mansion in a tiny little town with an eerie vibe and populated by the typical small town churchgoers and farm folk. Living in this town was a hell of a challenge; everyone was nice, too nice, and people were missing. Character B is an exceptionally charismatic, charming person and the only mechanic/handyman in town. A and B become friends, partially, when A needs to fix up the piping in their estate. A stumbles upon the attic one day, and for once, they start to get why this whole town reeked to the roots in weird shit-- their deceased relative was tracking something here in this town, having to do with all of the MIA townsfolk. DR has a board of possible suspects, and at the center? B. OSJFODSFHSDJSODFJD!!! Bonus content: B is, in fact, not the murderer, instead a vampire on a mission to track down the monster, same as DR. small towns give me honey moon vibes and I??? am so down for some kinky, albeit eventually fluffy romance between people who are trying to make it work. I actually have a doc for both TBD characters and a location. None of this is set in stone, so please share your thoughts.
  A doesn’t have any memories of their life, only being conscious and staring down at a mutilated body in a ditch. When they meet B, they learn why; welcome to limbo, they say. You just died. A has unfinished business; finding out who murdered them, why, and what else is holding them here. B is a reaper intent on helping lost souls pass over-- they were never born, and A shows them the delights of life before it’s taken. B learns to love A, and A doesn’t want to leave limbo. While A’s soul is clinging between realities, B must make a pivotal decision; squeezing tight on the concept of love, and letting A go. (BONUS!! REINCARNATION; A & B ARE GIVEN THE GIFT OF LIVING AGAIN, TOGETHER.)
  Coming of age story between two childhood friends who are separated by circumstance, and after ten years, reunite and learn that your first love doesn’t have to be the one that got away.
  Two friends drop their whole lives to go on a road trip once they turn thirty-- they elope together, leaving their unhappy lives behind them and in this grand scheme of mental breakdowns and tearful smiles, they find that love may be the only cure to a broken existence.
  In a post-apocalyptic world where a pandemic has killed off most living species, Character A is a lone wolf with little to do with other people that don't benefit him, except for a select few. A is especially rough around the edges, as he's lived through some sick shit and lived to tell the tale. A had once been part of a group dedicated to finding a cure, but things went south, and a lot of people died. A had a close bond with the leader of said group, and coincidentally they were the only survivors.  Their past together, having been deeply demented and twisted, caused them to fall out. Said leader has rebuilt a new group in the ten years since the last time they'd seen A. Character B is the only known immune person alive, and has dedicated their life to being a resource to finding a cure. A and his (current) contact/partner in crime have something taken from them, and are determined to get it back. They do some searching, and are confronted with this group-- they have what they need, but are only willing to give it to them for a favor in return. No one can outrun their past forever. (Last of Us-inspired!)
  An architect/treasure hunter is being funded an expedition to find a lost treasure and they are forced to bring along a reporter in order to receive the funds. the reporter and architect certainly don't get along in the beginning— they bicker, and clash on most fronts. the expedition wasn't meant to be dangerous. what was initially thought to be a simple job turned into something treacherous; bandits, a team of hired hitmen and their leader looking to take the treasure for themselves, and some rather supernatural elements that they both couldn't quite put a finger on. the treasure hunter and the reporter have to work together to get out of this alive, and get to the artifact before someone else does.
..and many more!! Thanks so much! If you've read through, please contact me at [email protected] and mention kiwi somewhere in your email. n_n
Rhys xoxo
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
Roleplay ad!!
Hey, guys! Name's Rhys, twenty one years old, and living in the CT. Currently, I am looking for both fandom and original roleplays-- I do want to mention beforehand, I don't want to be the one upholding the creation of story development. For the past few years, I've been forced into this, and I am especially burned out with having to deal with it all by myself. I need teamwork, cooperation, or a partnership won't work out, sorry. I do third person, past/present tense, and paragraph form. Semi-lit, please be prepared to do more than just a few sentences. Four-five paragraphs preferred, but I totally understand if the situation just calls for shorter responses, but not all of the time. The link right below this is a doc to some of my writing samples. Feel free to check them out! https://docs.google.com/document/d/18n3iuj4m9X1hBo9P2IezrKdTfkTrSKt0H34ZP6v3hHs I do m/m, f/f, m/f, f/m, any relationships; trans/nb, trans/cis, nb/cis, etc. I welcome all the LGBT, as I am of the queer community myself! Email or google docs only, please. LIMITS ------ -No unrealistic stereotypes of queer relationships, please. Yaoi, yuri, seme/uke, etc. Can't do that. Characters need to both have versatile roles; switching, so it's fair for everyone. Though, my characters do tend to be a lot more dominating! {{Very welcoming of BDSM, dom/sub, but this does not mean someone needs to be penetrated every single time in order for the dom to dominate. Get it? This can also apply to heterosexual relationships. I would literally love to see female characters who top, if you know what I mean. It's a pretty common thing, but not many people here seem down with it lol}} -Furries; blegh, no thanks. Beastiality, nekos, anything of sexual animal-related nature is a no-go, fam. -Vore, scat, bathroom stuff, pedophilia. You know the drill! ((I am not opposed to consensual, legal age and non-reproducing incestuous relationships in FICTION! Sex is fine, just no children resulting from it. Reminder; this is fictional.)) Okay, so despite those few limits, I am actually pretty welcoming of anything else. Smut, of course. Some kink a little out there that you want to suggest? Let's do it, dude. I am open to polyamorous relationships, any queer shit you're willing to throw at me lmao I am super OOC friendly and I am pretty much a garbled mess when I get to know you! I am open to crooked relationships, ones that don't function right, fluff and all cuteness, unconditional love-- my interests fluctuate! I am down, 24/7, guys! Here's a list of fandoms and pairings below. ------ ***=Craving Borderlands -Handsome Jack/Rhys*** -Handsome Jack/Rhys/Nisha*** -Rhys/Axton -Handsome Jack/Nisha*** -Fiona/Athena -Fiona/Vaughn -Rhys/Vaughn Until Dawn -Josh Washington/Chris -Chris/Mike -Jess/Mike -Sam/Beth -Matt/Jess -Emily/Matt/Jess Life is Strange -Max Caulfield/Chloe Price -Max Caulfield/Kate Marsh/Victoria Chase -Nathan Prescott/Warren Graham*** -Rachel Amber/Chloe Price*** -Rachel Amber/Frank Bowers DC -Dick Grayson/Jason Todd*** -Bruce Wayne/Dick Grayson -Dick Grayson/Koriand'er -Dick Grayson/Wally West*** -Oliver Queen/Dinah Lance -Harley Quinn/Pamela Isley -Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent -Diana Prince/Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Marvel -Steve Rogers/Tony Stark -Tony Stark/Bruce Banner -Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes -Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson -Clint Barton/Pietro Maximoff -Peter Parker/Harry Osborn*** -Peter Parker/Wade Wilson -Gwen Stacy/Peter Parker/Harry Osborn Uncharted -Nathan Drake/Samuel Drake -Nathan Drake/Harry Flynn*** -Chloe Frazer/Nadine Ross -Samuel Drake/Rafe Adler*** Game of Thrones -Arya Stark/Gendry Waters -Sansa Stark/Margaery Tyrell -Daenerys Targaryen/Jon Snow TTGOT -Asher Forrester/Gwyn Whitehill -Rodrik Forrester/Arthur Glenmore*** -Mira Forrester/Margaery Tyrell -Gared Tuttle/Finn -Gared Tuttle/Josera Snow The Walking Dead -Rick Grimes/Shane Walsh -Rick Grimes/Negan*** -Daryl Dixon/Paul “Jesus” Rovia -Luke/Nick -Javier Garcia/David Garcia*** -Clementine/Gabriel Garcia*** The Mortal Instruments -Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago -Simon Lewis/Jace Lightwood*** -Isabelle Lightwood/Lydia Branwell -Alec Lightwood/Magnus Bane Be More Chill -Jeremy Heere/Michael Mell*** -Chloe Valentine/Brooke Lohst -Jake Dillinger/Rich Goranski Dear Evan Hansen -Evan Hansen/Connor Murphy*** Infamous: Second Son -Delsin Rowe/Reggie Rowe -Delsin Rowe/Eugene Sims -Delsin Rowe/Hank Daughtry Steven Universe -OC/OC verse welcome! Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator -Anyone/your dadsona (for the love of god someone give me a good, not cliche john doe dadsona and you will win my heart!! I just want to play a dad lol bring me some great ass ocs) Heathers -Kurt Kelly/Ram Sweeney -Heather Chandler/Veronica Sawyer -Veronica Sawyer/Jason “JD” Dean - Some basic ideas that I do have pretty big doc ideas for; -The Last of Us inspired, using the general plot of the game. -Literally anything zombie-apocalypse inspired -Sugar daddy or mommy/Sugar baby*** -Big shot CEO/Rookie -Gladiator/Royal heir -Criminal/Law enforcer -Hero/Villain, Hero/Anti-hero, etc. -Jock/Nerd (this trope is my shit omg) -Medieval families, arranged marriages -Extrovert/Introvert*** -One night stands turned into something more -Childhood sweethearts -Supernatural; demon/spirit, demon/hunter, demon/human, angel/human, angel/demon -Best friends turned lovers -A few marine biologists go to an island off the coast to study the marine life there, which in turn, turns out to be something much bigger. ((Loosely based mermaid plot, can go into much bigger detail!))*** -Super expansive GOT-like fantasy plot with backgrounds, continents, etc. -Rivaling supernatural gangs (say, werewolf packs or vampire clans) -Soul mates; it can be like some of those AU’s where you don’t see color until you meet them, your tattooed timer counts down until then, or maybe even soul mates continuously reincarnating and one of the two has killed them for centuries in order to be “immortal”. For the first time, the victimized partner gets close enough that the other begins to fall and they start aging, together. -Young person (A) inherits an old mansion in a rural town from an unknown relative. A finds that the town is off-- people are starting to disappear, and no bodies are being found. A discovers their relative was hunting the “beast” by all of the information piled up in the attic and salt smeared in the cracks of the floors. B is a disguised demon in the small population-- they initially intended to get rid of A’s relative in fear of being exposed.. but it turns out, there is a much bigger threat than B or any of the other inconspicuous supernaturals among the town--- a monster is coming, and with it, a potential end to the world as they know it. Will B and A team up together? Can A look past B’s true evils, and can B learn to help a descendant of the infamous ‘monster’ hunters? -A doesn’t have any memories of their life, only being conscious and staring down at a mutilated body in a ditch. When they meet B, they learn why; welcome to limbo, they say. You just died. A has unfinished business; finding out who murdered them, why, and what else is holding them here. B is a reaper intent on helping lost souls pass over-- they were never born, and A shows them the delights of life before it’s taken. B learns to love A, and A doesn’t want to leave limbo. While A’s soul is clinging between realities, B must make a pivotal decision; squeezing tight on the concept of love, and letting A go. (BONUS!! REINCARNATION; A & B ARE GIVEN THE GIFT OF LIVING AGAIN, TOGETHER.) -Coming of age story between two childhood friends who are separated by circumstance, and after ten years, reunite and learn that your first love doesn’t have to be the one that got away. -Two friends drop their whole lives to go on a road trip once they turn thirty-- they elope together, leaving their unhappy lives behind them and in this grand scheme of mental breakdowns and tearful smiles, they find that love may be the only cure to a broken existence. ..and many more!! Thanks so much! If you've read through, please contact me at [email protected] and mention kiwi somewhere in your email. n_n Rhys xoxo
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fabulanova-ffxv · 7 years
Gaming questions: 4 5 16 please? ❤
4. Name a game that everyone else loved that you didn’t care for.
Multiple LOL. But probably any of the fps games like COD, Battlefield, CS even Overwatch. I never really understood the hype for FPS games tbh. The first person concept makes me a little dizzy, I get nervous when I shot people, and my aim is like 0/10. I think in my whole life I’ve only played one FPS game, and that was the 2002 Medal of Honour: Allied Assault. I was like what, 10 when I played it LOL. Never touched another one since. 
5. Name a game that that everyone else didn’t care for that you enjoyed.
Nintendogs is game of the year, get out of here 
Infamous Second Son. I don’t remember seeing much hype for it (or maybe I was just late to the party.) Regardless, it was a fun game! I never played an Infamous game before, but I remember watching a gameplay of it on my usual days of browsing YouTube and was intrigued. The concept of having powers like smoke, neon, video and concrete was really unique, and it was something I’d never really seen or thought about before. The story too was enjoyable, and the characters were pretty cool. (Plus, Delsin Rowe was pretty bae, okay)
16. Name a game you wish you liked better. 
Final Fantasy Type-0. Okay but like at first I bought it for the Episode Duscae demo. And after playing that 50 times, I finally decided to give Type-0 a try XD. Did I enjoy it? Yes, the beginning was pretty fun and I was interested. But the longer I played, the more dragging it became. Having to finish side missions before mission day was like URGGHHH. I felt like I couldn’t pace myself properly and I was being rushed to finish things ASAP. And the process of levelling up 14 characters was just getting ridiculously tedious. Especially if my characters are under levelled for certain missions. Like YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING MEEEEE??
This may also apply to why I haven’t touched and finished the game in multiple months LOLOLOL. Enjoyable, but not something I would replay. But besides that, the story is interesting, and the music is A+. 
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delzinrowe · 8 years
Count With Me (Reggie Rowe x Reader)
Tumblr media
Word Count: 990 Warnings: angst/anxiety disorder mention, please don’t read if this triggers you Mentions: [ If you wish to be mentioned just ask! ] A/N:This was requested by @native-snowflake
Your hands were trembling and yet again you tried to get rid of the sweat by wiping them on your jeans. Your anxiety attacks had become worse, and more since the incident with Augustine had taken place. It hadn't even been a week since then and you hadn't heard a word from either Delsin or Reggie. You were nervous and anxious, but most of all; you were worried about them. You didn't know what happened.
You tried to call the brothers, but they didn't pick up. You didn't know if they ignored you or if they were just busy. You knew the situation in Seattle, you also knew what Delsin was and what he could do now. It seemed Betty had seen your thoughts in your face, you had always been an open book to her.
"You're not thinking about going after them, are you?", her usual soft brown eyes turned stern as she looked at you. Even without the following discussion, you knew that she wouldn't just simply let you walk out. There was too much to do around the Longhouse and you wanted to help each member of the tribe as best as you could. But the worries weren't easy to deal with when you didn't even know if the brothers were still alive.
"No, Betty.", you sighed defeated, you knew she wasn't actually asking about your thoughts. She wanted to know if you planned on actively following them. Your answer was hesitant but she seemed satisfied with it. She shot you a small, but warm smile and turned around in her wheelchair.
You turned your head to the window, watching the clouds pass on the sky as wondering what else you could do. But truth be told, helping around the Longhouse was all you could do. You had no powers, you didn't have much strength, you didn't even know how to fight. If you did follow the brothers you'd surely die within two hours. Pushing all these thoughts aside you slowly made your way to the kitchen of the Longhouse and started to prepare meals for everyone.
The days passed and you still hadn't heard a word from either Delsin or Reggie, which only made your condition worse. You had excused yourself from the others and found a quiet place in the forest, not too far away. You were currently sitting against a tree, knees bent and your arms around your legs. Tears were streaming down your face. You tried to count to five, ten, twenty,... But it was no use. Your breathing was fast and irregular, it felt like someone had put a weight on your chest. Your palms were sweaty and your whole body was trembling with anxiety. This was the second anxiety attack you had today.
When the brothers were around you never got this bad. They were your anchors, holding you down when you were about to explode. They knew how to calm you down and they had their way with comforting you, especially Reggie. He knew just what to say and do to make you ease up and release the tension. But he wasn't here.
You felt guilty, you couldn't rely on them any minute, you had to get yourself through this, but how? How were you supposed to pull yourself up in this situation?
The hot tears streaming down your cheeks left a burning sensation. You were almost hyperventilating because of your difficulties to breathe when you suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder. Followed by two strong arms that were wrapped around your shivering body. You couldn't even hear how that person neared you, they were just there all of a sudden.
As soon as they pulled away you could see the familiar brown hair and the soft brown eyes you had missed so much. Reggie put his hands on each side of your face, making you look into his eyes and nowhere else.
"Count with me, alright? Count with me!", his voice wasn't as calm as it used to be and if you hadn't been a shaking mess you would have noticed all the worry it held. You tried hard to control your breathing. When you didn't start to count with Reggie he put his arms around you one more time, bringing you closer to him.
"It's alright, listen I'm here. Everything is in place, please. Focus on me.", he realised quickly that this time it wasn't as easy as usual to calm you down. His lips were next to your ear and he only had to whisper. All your attention shifted to his voice as he once again started to count.
"1... 2..., come on, you got this, count with me... 3...", he kept counting and after what seemed like hours you could control your breathing enough to join him in counting.
He slowly pulled away from you and once again looking into your eyes. Your gaze shifted to his lips as you tried your best to concentrate on every word that left Reggie's lips. He had stopped counting a while ago and was saying something else. You were to focused on his moving lips to listen to him.
"Did you hear me?", he asked you a few minutes after he stopped talking and hadn't gotten a reply from you yet. You shook your head, signalling him no, for some reason a wide smile spread on his face. For a minute you were confused enough to forget that you were still trembling. He pulled closer to you and put his lips on yours. Instinctively you kissed back, completely forgetting the situation you had been in. The kiss was soft and only lasted for a short while, then he pulled back and once again looked into your eyes. His gaze was comforting and filled with love.
"Come on, let's get back to the Longhouse.", he knew that you had questions and he would answer any of them, but for now, he planned to get you home and cuddle with you until you were feeling better again.
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daddydrakes · 8 years
Impossible Possibilities Chapter 1 (Delsin Rowe x Reader)
You watched him struggle on the ground, conflict grazing across his tanned features.
“I’m… I’m a conduit” he whispered the words as the silent shock went around the group of people surrounding the Akomish boy. There was Delsin, your Delsin, sitting there in front of the woman you now knew as Brooke Augustine. Helpless, defenseless. Everything Delsin wasn’t- but laying in front of the authoritative mastermind- he was. What concerned you even more was the fact that you yourself could not help him. Delsin. Your best friend. The man you have been in love with for years.
You tried to scream out in protest to what the woman was doing to him, but the only thing that came out was an agonizing cry that was ripped out of your throat as concrete pillars embedded themselves into your legs. You heard Betty cry out next- first your name, then the tormenting howl as the same fate that was set upon you happened to her. You felt the heaviness of your body collapsing as your eyelids began to droop, and before you finally succumbed to the darkness you heard Delsin scream out your name.  A loud howl that echoed through your mind as the warmth from the sun dulled to a freezing cold and the numbness of your unconsciousness took reign of your body.
You never liked your dreams. They continuously danced around the dangerous idea of Delsin. The idea of you and him together. Sometimes they would be innocent: you two talking along the banks of the shore, a thing that has happened time and time again in reality, but sometimes your desire for the boy would shine through. The heat of his touch, the softness of his lips against yours; it was something you wanted so badly and your dreams knew it, but you knew it could never be. A friendship as strong as yours could crumble down at the slightest hint of romantic interest; so you hid it, and you became the master of creating that façade.
You remembered the shoreline again. The sky was painted with orange and yellow as the sun dipped lower into the horizon. You looked to your left and saw Delsin, his signature red beanie absent as was his vest and hoodie. He was dressed only in a plain white t-shirt and grey sweatpants, and you don’t recall seeing him ever as beautiful as you did then. He gazed out towards the water and took your hands in a warm grip, his calloused thumb gently rubbing your hand in comforting motions.
“I love you, you know that right?” he spoke softly breaking his gaze from the water back to you. His words bore the weight of unconditional adoration, his love for you poured out in three simple words: I love you. And as much as you hated your dreams for presenting the idea of impossible possibility, you still tried to desperately cling to the last fragments of the dreamscape as it slowly melted away.
You finally awoke to the sounds of a muted television and the dull moans of people around you. You blinked a few times until the scene materialized: it was the Longhouse, but it was made into a makeshift hospital as you, along with multiple members of the tribe lay on thin mattresses with concrete still adhered to the bodies of the men and women who endured the wrath of that terrible woman.  You felt the pain shoot up from your legs again as you let out a painful moan and felt the previously unnoticed grip on your hand tighten. You whipped your head to the side and saw Delsin sitting there, adorned in his usual attire: red beanie, vest, and hoodie. You remembered your dream instinctively, the memory of being struck by his beauty, and again here you were, being entranced by his loveliness. You now realized that every time you saw him you thought he was more beautiful than previously.
“Take a picture it will last longer” he attempted to joke, but the words came out in a dull murmur. You feigned a smile as you observed his brown eyes were now rimmed with red- he had been crying you thought with a painful realization.
“How are you Del? How long have I been out?” you asked in a strained voice.
“I’m okay, don’t worry about me, I’ve got magic running through my fingers now- remember? And you’ve been out for about a week, I only just got up too. I just saw Betty and the others before I found you. They’re hanging on, but barely.” His voice slightly shook at the last words. Now you tightened your grip on his hand before speaking up.
“Delsin, this is not your fault. Don’t even think for a second that it is. We’re going to figure something out and it will all be okay” He paused for a moment before speaking, his eyes lingering on yours in hesitation.
“That’s why I’m going to Seattle. Me and Reggie. I’m going to fix this, I’m going to fix you and all the others” His voiced urged a finality that couldn’t be argued, you could never argue with him anyways. You wanted to say something, you wanted to go with him, but the concrete on your legs said otherwise. Tears began to form at your eyes and threatened to spill out as Delsin put his hands on either side of your face a pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“I love you, you know that right?” he said softly getting up from the side of the makeshift bed. You squeezed your eyes shut and nodded your head subtly
“I love you too” you said in a soft breath. He tightened his grip on your hand one last time.
“I’ll be back in no time, you won’t even know I’m gone” he said with a smirk, although his eyes were still weighed down with sadness and desperation. He drifted around the corner and you watched him until he was out of sight. The tears now freely fell from your eyes as the words he said echoed in your mind: I love you, you know that right? Except his words were laced with the weight of friendship, the burden of loving someone, but not being  in love with someone.
You started to feel the weight of unconsciousness again, the warmth of his body still radiating against you and lulling you into a dream that was unknown to you. You first heard the steady stream of water, like the waterfall that you often frequented with Delsin; however, he was not in this dream. You were by yourself in a dark abyss with only the sound of streaming water stimulating your senses. Until suddenly you saw tiny bubbles float in front of you: floating, I’m floating! You finally realized you were submerged in water, yet you were breathing perfectly fine. Dream physics you thought lightly, encouraging the dream to continue. You took your hands and pushed them in a downwards motion, producing the effect you thought might happen: you shot towards the top of the water in an astonishing burst of movement. As you shot above the water you instantly recognized the waterfall that was producing the sound you first heard. You landed gently on the mossy ground and picked up your hands to try to take advantage of the endless dreamscape possibilities. Water shot from your hands in an endless spurt until you dropped them again. Motioning towards the ground in a downwards stroke water sprung from your hands again picking you up from the ground and hauling you to the other side of the waterfall, producing a delightful laugh.  Once you landed, you gestured your hands in a semi-circle around your upper body generating a shield of water that encompassed you. You looked through the refracting dreamscape with a fascinated stare before it started to crumble away again as consciousness grabbed you from the dream thrusting you into reality once again.
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