#delsin rowe imagine
ragingdumpsterfire · 1 year
Delsin swings his legs back and forth as he looks out on the city sprawled beneath your feet, curiosity and youthful defiance written on his face. He examines the street, gleeful over the lack of DUP patrols in this section of Seattle, a fact he proudly claimed was his work. You didn’t doubt it with the way he easily took up the mantle of “hero”. The two of you frequently came up to this billboard at night to take in the sights and sounds of a quietly bumbling city, sometimes huddled together under a shared coat when the rain softly fell. It was a long standing tradition ever since the two of you met all those years ago, and now you were both quietly taking in the late night, a comforting pause in the conversation.
The lanky figure next to you radiates heat, his shoulder that playfully bumps into yours sending waves of warmth soaking into your skin. Delsin was always like that, your own personal 6’3” ray of sunshine. The only difference now was that he always carried the scent of a day old campfire. You didn’t mind it, the way your clothes smelled like him after you entered your apartment and dropped your jacket. If he had been particularly friendly that day, you smelled like him too.
A burst of icy air comes over the rooftops, chilling you to the core. Without hesitation, and with a trace of familiarity, Delsin wraps a tattooed arm around you, pulling you close to him and enveloping you in that addictive heat. His fingers tenderly grip your shoulder without trepidation, as if they’d always belonged there. He doesn’t notice the way you look up at him, the way your heart beats a little too fast, the way your breath catches in your chest every time he smiles so brightly it could light up a room. The way you have to hold back from playing with the dark strands of hair that tumble over his eyes when he takes off his hat. The way you wonder what he looks like when he first wakes up, sleep still lingering in a tired grin. He doesn’t notice, but he still knows. It’s why he lets his pinky finger entwine with yours when your hands meet. It’s why he brings you up here, off of the city streets of the average citizen and into his world. It’s why he trusts you.
And it’s why, as you turn to gaze into his dark eyes, lips a breath away, he doesn’t pull back.
No, he doesn’t pull back, as his hand slides up to the back of your neck, fingers softly tangling in your hair. As his eyes flicker down to your lips.
He doesn’t pull back.
He dives in.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 1 year
Last Week
Delsin Rowe x Male reader
Request - Delsin rowe x conduit!male reader request. It’s Christmas time and also after the events of the game (good ending and reggie is fine!!) Delsin and reader fell in love over the course of the game. And Delsin is talking about how he wishes there was more snow. So the reader goes “i got it!”
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Delsin went to your apartment for movie night and just hang out. You always smile more when he is around and he does the same thing.
“I got the movie. So you definitely say ‘I saw the movie top gun” Delsin smiled.
“You are so dramatic. You should have been an actor” You said.
You told him you never saw the movie Top Gun which came out in 1986. He got the movie and it was his idea to have a movie night and you said yes.
You are making spaghetti and chicken, while Delsin is telling facts about the movie.
“Y/n, check this out,” Delsin said.
He wanted to show you a video on his phone. You stepped away from the stove and you watch the video with him, it's a funny animal video. Then the smoke comes from the kitchen and the food is burnt. The spaghetti and chicken are badly burned and you used your ability water to stop the fire
“Good thing it didn't get worse,” Delsin said.
“Yeah, but the food is badly burnt,” You said.
“Sorry, I distracted you with the video” Delsin said.
“It’s okay. Wanna have dinner at the mall? They opened a new place to eat” You said.
Delsin smiled. “Yeah, we can have dinner at the mall”
You and Delsin head to the mall, then got on the line to order the food with Delsin. Christmas music starts to play and you see him getting annoyed.
“What?” You asked.
“I'm tired of hearing this song. They have been playing it since November 1st” Delsin said.
He is talking about the song ‘All I Want for Christmas Is You’ by Mariah Carey.
“We can't escape the song,” You said and start to laugh.
He starts to laugh also. You and Delsin are liking the food and he starts to talk about why he likes Top Gun.
Delsin went with you to buy a Christmas tree and other stuff. Back at your apartment, Delsin helped you set up the tree. Now you two start to put the decorations on it
“So... Are you going to bring a date to the party?” Delsin asked.
“I'm not sure. What about you?” You said.
“I want to ask this guy but I’m not sure if he would say yes,” Delsin said
“I think you should take a chance,” You said.
“Maybe...” Delsin said.
Earlier, you baked Christmas cookies and you take them out of the oven. But Delsin wanted the cookies now, and he didn't wait for them to cool down. He starts to eat them fast but he is burning his mouth and you're laughing.
“Slow down, I won't it take away from you” You laughed.
“I like my cookies hot” Delsin smiled.
You give him a glass of milk then you start to eat the cookie. Later, you and Delsin finish decorating the tree and the living room.
✬ ✯ ✯ ✫
Cole told Delsin why you're in the hospital and he went to see you. The window is open and you see Delsin come through the window.
“Nice entrance,” You said.
“Thanks. How are you feeling? Cole told me what happened. And I got this for you” Delsin said.
He bought you a get-well teddy bear and you think it's cute.
“Thanks. I'm a little sore but the medication is helping. I will be here for a few days,” You said.
“I did something for you. Come out here” Delsin smiled.
He helped you get out of the medical bed. He helped you get on the roof, across the hospital there is another building. He did a mural for you and he is smiling at you.
“Wow, it's amazing,” You said.
“Thanks. I thought it would cheer you up, Y/n” Delsin said.
“Saying thank you is not enough,” You said.
You and Delsin stare at each other, he leans in and you feel his lips on your lips. He starts to kiss you and he put his hand on your cheek.
“Y/n, I wanted to kiss you for so long,” Delsin said
“Me too. I always had a crush on you” You said.
“I feel the same way. Maybe... Maybe you want to be my boyfriend?” Delsin said.
You kiss him back and smiled.
“Yes, I will be your boyfriend,” You said.
“Cool,” Delsin smiled.
You are feeling much better, you and Delsin went to see the others. You and Delsin surprised everyone when they saw you hold his hand. Delsin was proud to tell everyone that you are his boyfriend and he can't stop smiling.
Everyone goes outside to watch the snowfall.
“Finally, we get snow,” You said.
“Wish there was more snow,” Delsin said.
“I got an idea,” You said.
“What is it?” Delsin asked.
“Just watch,” You said.
He watches your eyes change colors and you made more snowfall. He starts to smile and everyone is happy with more snow.
“Y/n, this is great!” Delsin smiled.
He gave you a peck on the lips and you can't stop smiling. Now you and Delsin have a snowball fight with the others, everyone is having fun.
You watched him play with the kids, they start to chase him. Delsin fell and you start to laugh and the kids cover him in snow.
“Y/n, help they are trying to kill me!!” Delsin yelled.
The kids laugh and they keep covering him with snow. You couldn't stop laughing and you take a picture with your phone. But you did help him stand up. Later, you make a snowman with the kids and Delsin tries to make a bigger snowman than you, he is cocky about it.
Much later, Delsin goes to your apartment. He is making hot chocolate while you put extra blankets on the couch. You and Delsin want to watch a Christmas movie but haven't picked one yet. He starts to talk about he thinks Die Hard the movie is a Christmas movie. While the movie, you and Delsin started kissing each other and didn't pay attention to the movie.
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morastfrck · 2 months
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@gladii0lus 👀
Well rip del fr now
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darling-i-read-it · 10 months
Neon Eyes
Delsin Rowe x fem!reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: heavy insinuations to smut (like basically leads up to smut and then afterwards but I’m always too lazy to write it. Use your imagination lol), delsin nervous you wont accept him 
Author’s Note: the annual playthrough of second son had begun <;3 
Summary: Delsin struggles to tell you about his new powers, even though he wants nothing more than to be held by you. 
Song: Polaroid by Imagine Dragons was weirdly on repeat. 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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Delsin looked at his phone. He flicked through his contacts, hovering over each one. The air was crisp in Seattle. It felt much more processed than it did back home, like it was muffled by all the smoke coming out of buildings. Granted, he couldn’t exactly complain about the smoke thing. It happened to be incredibly beneficial to him. 
He hovered over Betty’s name. He should call her back. He had been avoiding her calls, though not intentionally. She just kept calling him at inopportune times. He passed her name. Reggie was at the top of his recently called list. Delsin skipped him easily. As he kept going, he landed on a name that filled his stomach with warmth. 
He should call you. No, he shouldn’t call you. He wanted to call you. There was a difference. Delsin kicked his feet back and forth, looking down past his phone. He was sitting on a balcony, a couple floors above the ground. The world had turned into specks below him. He wanted to call you. 
He didn't want to get you in trouble. 
He wanted to hear your voice. 
“Goddamnit,” Delsin muttered and pushed your name. It highlighted and then started to ring. Immediately regretting it, Delsin hung up. He shouldn’t have done that. You had surely heard about what happened with the tribe, maybe even heard about his new condition. Maybe Reggie had called you already. Delsin made a face at the thought. He didn’t want his brother talking to you period, let alone about him. 
Delsin jumped. His phone was ringing. Your name hovered on his screen. 
“Oh fuck,” he grumbled. He held the phone with both hands so he wouldn’t drop it. He stared at it for a moment too long, listening to his ringtone. 
After a long moment, he answered the call. 
“Hey D! Did you call me on purpose?” God, he was right. Your voice had already soothed him. Childhood friends, turned something else, staying something else. 
“Butt dialed, my bad!” He scratched the back of his neck. “Actually, I lied.” 
“You tend to do that.” He chuckled, looking down at his feet, dangling. 
“It’s nice to hear your voice,” he said and he meant it.
“Yours too.” Your voice had gone soft. “What are you doing? Are you around home?” He shook his head even though you couldn’t see it. 
“No. I’m in Seattle.” 
“With all that shit going on?” you asked. Even though your voice was practically disembodied, it felt like laying in soft grass in the summer or getting in bed after a long day. It made him weirdly emotional. 
“Yeah, I chose the worst time for a vacation.” 
“Is Reggie with you?”
“Why would I bring Reggie on a vacation?” 
“Is anyone with you?” “Reggie.” You laughed. It felt like a cloud. Your words started with a hum, a comforting noise. Delsin hadn’t noticed how badly this whole thing had affected him. He had been going without stopping for so long he hadn’t even thought about it. His home was effectively ruined if he didn’t finish this. His life had been turned upside down by these new powers and responsibilities. 
“Seriously though, what are you doing out there? Is this about that attack on the tribe?” 
“You could say that. So Reggie hasn’t called you?” 
“Nope. You Rowe boys are avoiding me like the plague these days.” He chuckled. 
“We’ve just been busy,” he explained. “You haven’t talked to Betty?” 
“Nope. Believe it or not, I’ve been stuck in Seattle too. I came down yesterday for a concert and got stuck with all this DUP stuff. Guess we both have bad taste in day adventures.” 
“I guess we do.” You didn’t know. You had no idea what he was. He was just Delsin to you, the same person he had always been. ”Well while you’re stuck here, you wouldn’t wanna meet up would you?” 
“Are you staying somewhere?” 
“This isn’t a booty call,” he promised, voice deadly serious.
“I know that Delsin.” Your laugh moved to a small giggle. “I just meant, where should I meet you and it came out more aggressive than I intended.” 
“Oh! Oh yeah. I didn’t mean it either.” 
“I want to see you. Where are you?” you said slowly, in case he didn’t get it. 
“I’ll come to you. I’m quick on my feet these days.” 
“Alright well I’m staying in Capitol Hill, by the market. I’lll text you the address.” 
You were waiting in the lobby for him. There was smoke trailing behind him as he came in through the automatic doors. He knew he had more pressing things to do. He had people to save and he had things to break.
But at the moment he couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. 
“Delsin!” you exclaimed, standing up. You stood up, putting down the book you were reading. He practically hopped over to you, always light on his feet. He threw his arms around you and engulfed you completely. “Oof. You alright?” 
“Better now.” 
“Delsin, you’re acting weird,” you noted. He pulled away, holding your arms in his hands. “Why do you have a chain around your wrist?” You watched him, eyes scanning his figure. Something was up, you just couldn’t put your finger on what. 
“I need to tell you something.” 
“You’re scaring me,” you whispered. He looked around the lobby. There were stragglers around, too many people to give you any kind of demonstration. 
“I was back home when a conduit broke into The Lodge.” Your eyebrows furrowed. “Augustine caught this guy, Hank, and he had these weird smoke powers. He tried to hurt Betty and Reggie. I grabbed him and something happened. I like, grabbed his hand and saw his whole life. And then…then I like..” He was fidgeting out of anxiety. He looked around again. He was practically oozing with stress. 
“He gave me some of his powers.” You stared at each other, eyes locked, mere inches apart. 
“What do you mean?” Your voice had hushed. He didn’t answer right away, which made you antsy. “Delsin.” 
“C’here.” He grabbed your wrist and pulled you out the front doors. You followed him wordlessly as he took you around the back of the building where there were nothing but cars. You watched him attentively as he let go of your hand, raised his, and shot something out of the sky. 
You yelped in surprise. 
“Delsin?! What was that?!” 
“I’m...I'm a conduit,” he said, voice quiet. It still felt weird on his lips, like the words weren't exactly true.
You stared at each other, eyes wide and searching. You went very quiet for a moment. He swore he could hear his heart beating in his ears. For some reason this was scarier than feeling the powers at all. 
You had heard all the propaganda about bio terrorists. You had seen what they could do to your home and your family. You also were very aware of the man standing in front of you. This was your best friend, the man you’ve loved for years. You knew that the DUP was killing people like him. 
And Delsin looked scared. 
You took a slow step forward. 
“Right?” he hissed. “I can float and stuff. And turn into smoke or something, I don’t know how it works biologically. I just know I can do a lot of things my body couldn’t do before.” You closed the distance and grabbed his hands, putting his palms to the air. You traced the creases, shaking your head. 
“Shit Del,” you muttered. “What did Reggie say?” 
“He still thinks we’re here to find a cure. "I'm here to get Augustine’s powers and help the tribe.”
“You think it’ll work?” 
“It’s all I got right now.”
“So why did you call me?” 
Delsin's whole body had relaxed with your reaction. You didn’t see him any differently. There was no fear in your eyes. He wanted to complain about everyone else's reactions, fill you in on everything that had happened. 
“I just wanted to see you.” Your face softened. 
“Maybe I could crash at your hotel room too.” You scoffed, hitting him. “I met this other girl too though, she lives in a billboard. I could always crash with her…” 
“Alright alright. You’ve guilted me into it.” 
It was a one bed hotel room. Delsin didn’t mind that one bit. You offered it to him easily and after some light banter, you agreed you should just share it. 
The sun had gone down over the Seattle skyline. Delsin sat at the edge of the bed as you got dressed for bed. He had no extra clothes. He would make some joke about sleeping naked and you would likely let him strip down to his boxers. You had seen him naked before.
“Are you gonna sleep in that beanie?” 
“When have you ever seen me sleep in the beanie?” You shrugged, coming out of the bathroom door.
“Could be a new thing you’re trying.” You sat down beside him. He turned to you, both of his feet still planted on the ground. You put your legs underneath you and faced him with your entire body, taking the beanie off his head. You ran your hand through his hat hair that was smashed down. “Can I see the neon again?” He laughed. 
“I’m like your circus clown.” 
“My court jester.” 
He put up his finger, lightly tracing the air with a pink neon. He spelled out your name in the empty space. You smiled like a child, watching eagerly. You turned your head back to him, eyes narrowing gently. 
He put his hand on your thigh. The silence was familiar and comfortable. 
“Do you think your eyes go neon when you…you know,” you quipped, your smile turning sly. He rolled his eyes with his whole head, squeezing your thigh. 
“You wanna find out?” 
Delsin rested his head on your chest. It was the most relaxed he had been in days. Weeks. You had your arm wrapped around his shoulder, your hand playing in his hair. You were tracing circles into his scalp, pulling lightly at his roots, brushing out his knots. 
He hadn’t been this safe since he first got his powers. 
“I did think you were gonna blast a smoke hole through me,” you said, voice quiet. The air conditioning was the only actual sound in the room. The lights were off, submerging you in darkness. 
“I had it completely under control.” You tilted your head down to look at him, laughing a bit. 
“That pillow is only feathers now,” you accused. 
“The pillow isn’t you.” You shook your head a bit. He nestled into your chest, putting his arm tighter around you. 
There was a long beat of silence. Just breathing. A room empty of any expectations. 
“Thank you for not freaking out when you saw me,” he breathed. 
“Thank you for not changing who you are.” You pressed a kiss against his head and it stayed there, lingering. “You’re in the line of fire now D.” 
“I know.” 
“I don’t want you to get hurt. You or Reg.” 
“I know.” 
“Can you promise me you won’t get hurt in the name of sheer goodness?” He nodded sleepily. 
“I’ve never broken my word to you babe.” You liked it when he called you babe. It came off his lips so effortlessly. “Thanks for letting me crash here.” You scoffed. 
“You’re always welcome to whatever bed I sleep in. You knew that.”
“I did.” 
He fell asleep soon after, his breathing evening. The police were searching for him and he was with you, pretending there were no other problems in the world. He deserved that much.
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gladii0lus · 8 months
the song “cooler than me” is delsin frfr
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yandere-plague · 1 year
[Yandere Delsin Rowe](Headcannons)
Human reader
// mentions of manipulation, other stuff sos I'm tired rn.
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He only starts becoming a yandere when he gets his powers.
At first you're friends, maybe even lovers. But since he's discovered his powers, he wants more of you.
He's even more protective of you now, he can and will kill anyone who even glances at you funny.
No offence but, you're weak af as a human. Fast healing is unfortunately a Conduit exclusive.
The DUP would probably try and use you as leverage.
So he doesn't keep you out of his sight for long.
He doesn't want you to be afraid of him, but at the same time, he kinda does.
"Oh I'm not gonna hurt you, how many times do I have to tell you that?"
You can hurt him all you want, after all. Why have fast healing if you don't have anything to hurt you?
He considers it bonding, even though its far from it.
After every power he becomes more of a monster, more deranged, more selfish.
He manipulated Fetch and Eugene. So why not you too? Not too much though, all he wants is for you to see things from his point of view.
He always keeps his promises, mostly to himself mind you. He's going to attempt to heal the Tribe back home. Per his brothers wish.
Though of course the Akomish / Betty disbands him. The final turning point being Delsin trying to blackmail her. Everyone will die without him there. And if he's gone, well, goodbye Akomish.
After that, the Delsin you knew is gone. Now replaced by a megalomaniac who runs the streets of Seattle.
As for you? You're his girl/boyfriend and damn to hell everyone in Seattle knows about it.
Delsin will do anything to keep you with him. Romantically and literally.
He'll do anything you want him to, ask and he'll do it before you could even say please.
"I rule these streets baby!! Oh, and before I forget..."
"I love you." kissing your cheek before he headed off to the 'conduit club'. Disappearing with a neon trail. He'll be back for you tonight. Don't worry :D
But for now you're in the most luxurious room with everything you can imagine. Nobody will say no to Delsin, alive that is.
"All of this, I've done for you! Aren't you great full of me? Aint I the best Boyfriend ever."
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You have the most powerfull Conduit wrapped around your finger, congratulations!
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asoutherngothic · 4 months
Infamous: Second Son Fancast.
Because I'm replaying the game.
Infamous Second Son Fancast!!
Delsin Rowe - D’Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai, couldn't find anyone young enough to protray Delsin, cause there aren't enough Indigenous Actors. I like up and coming actors rather than known, it gives more options and more talent to emerge, But I really like D'Pharaoh.
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Reggie Rowe - Martin Sensmeier, Chaske Spencer, or Kiowa Gordon. I'd really say Martin, because his skin tone matches D'Pharaoh. Probably simple minded to think that, lol. (I'm black btw. 1% Indigenous lol). Though I really like Chasake, he got the older brother who's just tired of younger brother vibe. And Kiowa was really good in Dark Winds. (I recommend you to watch, it's a good show).
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Betty - Tantoo Cardinal (The only older woman I could find to play Betty...But also because Tantoo is a really great actress).
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Brooke Augustine - Sigourney Weaver Or if Male, Anthony Starr. Sigourney is an obvious choice to play strong evil villain lady, but imagine it being Anthony Starr. He creeps me out on The Boys so much, but like...he's also...yeah. But he plays such an evil asshole, that I think he would do good as Augustine. Bruce Augustine...lol.
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Henry Daughtry - Oliver Jackson-Cohen. I liked him in The Haunting of Hill House and the other trilogy whatevers lol. If he can pull out a Texan or Southern accent out his ass, he'd be pretty neat. (I'm Southern also btw).
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Fetch (Abigail Waller) - Odessa A'zion, honestly couldn't find anyone I liked.
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Eugene Sims - Evan Peters, Devon Bosick. I know Evan is tired of playing evil twisted roles. But he made a really good superhero in X-Men. He also gives Introvert nerd that hacks into databases. So does Devon Bosick, I started back reading The 100 fanfictions, and he'd make a good choice.
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Shane -Boyd Hollbrook, Anthony Starr, like I said before. Evil. Villainy. He's amazing at it. Also Boyd played a good bad guy on Logan...I love his acting and his face..
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I love doing fancast.
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conduiitz · 1 year
Okay. Put your money where your mouth is. Random headcanons about your OCs, GO
Be careful what you wish for B) how many do you want? And I will give you random fact instead bc head canons are already canon in my head :P
Since it's the infamous release day i will give you only my conduits/head world! :D <3
He's 25% Canadian, 25% Italian and 50% Swedish, and yes he can speak Italian, and he understand Swedish but isn't the best at speaking it. Thanks to his dad being Swedish and mom half Italian/Canadian. :P
His dad was a fisherman! Mom is an Italian teacher so that's why he learned Italian as well :P
Yes I've killed his dad c:
All his senses are cranked up to 11, that gives him damn good hearing, sight, smell, anything really, thanks to his powers.
He's also super strong but i mean hello all conduits are.
He's Bi, but he do like girls a lot! (oh here's a real head canon, he's dating a girl named Candy Behr from The sims 4! I made him in sims and he really fell for her so that's a head canon i carry with me now lol!)
Also a head canon! Due to his powers are glass. And glass is made of part of sand. That will mean he can use sand if he really have to. He will need to be really drained from his glass and his body needs to be in real fight or flight mode. Then he can use sand. It will be really hard for him to control tho since its such a soft material compared to glass that's he's used too.
It's the DUP that made him so fucking big. He was originally a really skinny man before they fucked him up. He was working as a chef in eastern Canada. Then he somehow ended up in Curdun Cay and they turned him into a glass beast.
His powers are also glass!
He's around 2m tall.
He can speak french fluently!
Just like Luca's eyes, Isaac's also glow in the dark. Depending on how much powers he has stored and/or how drained he is.
He has really electric blue eyes tho.
This guy love to cook.
Another head canon! Conduits and their freaky bodies needs to eat a lot to power their powerhouse to body. Isaac being so big need to eat a lot and him cooking his own food makes him keep the cost down. Have you seen the amount of food really strong ppl eating? Yeah? Its' a lot.
Zion is 16 years and has cool smoke powers.
This guy is also Swedish! (bc i am)
But he can speak it fluently! Since he moved to Seattle when he was 5 with his family, mom left the second they arrived in the States, and dad and Zion is still living together.
His biggest hero is Delsin Rowe, and when Zion got his power and learned Delsin also has smoke made him so starstruck.
Zion collect Delsin merch. Like... a lot.
Zion is small! Like 155-160cm.
Nature made him small to avoid the DUP easily (I'm nature)
Him still being in school with super powers isn't easy as he has to take weird turn and avoid the DUP checkpoint at all time, when his friends can just walk straight thru them. That isn't suspicious at all?
Zion thinks his dad don't know he has powers but this guy smells like a camp fire all the time the dad is starting to wonder.
"As long as it's not cigarette smoke I don't really mind, he's having fun that's whats important"
Random world head canons:
So yeah this is still set in Seattle, the timeline is a mix from First Light to the middle section of Second Son i'd say. Like DUP is still here and kicking doors.
I'd like to imagine Luca being used in the last part of First Light (where you chase after Shane), to hunt Fetch. Like he's training is almost done at that part and ready to be released into the wild to hunt conduits. This part is kinda like a "last test" for him. He tracks down Fetch in the snowstorm and bring her back to the facility, and then she's being put in the truck and you know the rest lmao.
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liquiid-saand · 2 years
We need a Sony Playstation franchise crossover title.
With an actual story. And not a Smash clone like PSASBR, make it a first/third-person hybrid (hah) or something.
I imagine Delsin Rowe and Dante would get along nicely. Same with Ellie (TLoU) and Elizabeth (Bioshock).
Sly Cooper and Nathan Drake would be friendly rivals.
Ratchet, Clank, Jak, and Daxter would be the jokesters of the crew. Raiden (MGR) and Kratos (Reboot) would be the "we need to get serious" guys... You could fit practically every crossover event archetype into such a game.
Maybe have "bond events" like the Warriors Orochi games have. And don't forget to slip in some Daiki Kasho music.
(Get it? Hybrid? Because Resistance?... Forget it.)
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pluto-parker · 5 years
Shatter *Delsin Rowe x Reader*
Summary: The one where you’re rescued by a fiery smoke conduit looking to acquire your deadly power.
Warnings: Violence and a teeeeeny bit of angst and a butt ton of flirty fluff!
Word Count: 1.7k
(A/N: I know I’m like SUUUPER late (Like three-four years late??) to writing this fanfic but I finally got and finished Infamous: Second Son and fell in love with Delsin. This’ll probably be the only imagine I write for him, unless someone out there wants a part two)
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It was hard being a conduit.
At every turn, danger awaited you as you roamed the streets of Seattle.
An outcast, a threat, a target; that’s what you were in the eyes of the D.U.P..
They always shot first. 
The blood on your hands wasn’t your fault. If you had the choice you would never kill again, but they forced you to become the monster they thought you were with their guns and concrete bombs. And there was no way in hell you were going to go back to Curdun Cay. You were done being one of Augustine’s little lab rats. Done being poked and prodded for the powers you possessed. 
When Hank wrecked the D.U.P truck a couple weeks back, you ran like hell with Fetch and Eugene. You fought your way to freedom before tailing it away from them, too. The three of you may have fought together to survive, but none of their actions were done with any concern for anyone else but themselves. You couldn’t trust them.
And now, you stood alone in the middle of the street, surrounded by a swarm of D.U.P brain-dead soldiers as you took your last stand. You weren’t going back to Curdun Cay, you’d either survive, or die fighting.
Power coursed through your veins as you stared down the D.U.P.. 
They took the first shot. 
Then all hell broke loose.
Focusing your power into your hands, you sent a wave of sharp glass straight at a cluster of soldiers, tearing them to shreds. A bullet tore through the back of your shoulder and you turned toward the source, blasting a shard bomb straight at the man. His remains cascaded with the explosion. You tore up flesh, blew up cars, scaled buildings, and threw down men, but they kept on coming and coming and coming.
Eventually, you ran low on fuel, cornered by a swarm of soldiers in an alleyway with no way to escape. In a last ditch effort to survive, you pulled out your last trick. The exertion to pull it off could kill you, but it was all you had left: The Crystal Hellfire. Mustering every drop of energy in your battered and bruised body, you launched yourself into the air, floating like an angel as all of the windows on buildings and cars in a half-mile radius shattered instantaneously, the small fragments flying toward you, building on one another until large shards of glass circled around your glowing form. With a piercing cry, your arms spread open like wings as you spiraled violently in the air, reigning the spears down on the men, piercing straight through them from head to toe, and staking them to the ground with a sickening crunch.
Collapsing onto your knees, you gasped in haggard breaths as you stared at your surroundings. It was horrible, disastrous carnage. All of it.
It sickened you to your stomach as you glared at your handiwork, but the quiet that settled over the scene helped ease your upset heart.
“I see the target!”
Your blood ran cold. There were more.
Another wave of D.U.P. circled around you like hungry sharks.
Exhausted, completely drained, and stricken with grief, you closed your eyes and accepted death, waiting for the onslaught of bullets that would soon rip through your aching body.
But the shots never came.
Your eyes flashed open in confusion as the terrified yells of the soldiers reached your ears.
“It’s him, the smoke conduit!”
Your gaze scanned your surroundings, searching for Hank, but finding a mysterious man floating in ash as he took down the D.U.P.s with lethal blow after lethal blow instead.
The conduit took only minutes to take out the rest of the soldiers, and you could feel yourself slip in and out of consciousness as you watched his performance. Moments later, he landed a few feet in front of you, out of breath but unscathed with hands held up in resignation as he approached with slow and careful steps.
“I’m not gonna hurt you,” he said, his irises filled with sincerity as he gazed into your eyes.
Exhausted, you struggled to get to your feet, only managing a few staggering steps before collapsing to the ground.
Instead of hitting hard concrete, your body landed in the gentle arms of your rescuer, and you just barely registered his quiet murmured assurances before blacking out.
You woke up on a mattress, groggy and head pounding, with a jean jacket splayed over your body. You kept your eyes closed as the events before you blacked out flashed through your mind.
The D.U.P.. The Crystal Hellfire. The carnage.
The smoke conduit.
Your eyes flashed open and you sat up stick straight, immediately regretting your fast movements as a wave of nausea churned your stomach and spun your head. Sucking in a few deep breaths to ground yourself, you scanned your surroundings. You were on a rooftop next to a small fire that had no visible source but was burning and warm all the same.
“Glad to see that you’re awake.”
The deep voice cut through the calm silence save the crackle of the fire and you sprung to your feet, ignoring your nausea and exhaustion as you focused your power into your hands and stared down the man standing in the shadows.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let’s calm down, angel. I’m not going to hurt you,” the man said before stepping into the light with his hands up.
It was the smoke conduit that saved you.
You immediately relaxed against your better judgement. He did rescue you after all.
His eyes widened in shock at you standing down, “Oh, wow. You’re the first conduit I’ve met that I haven’t had to fight before we talk.”
You let out a soft chuckle at his words, sitting back on the mattress, finally letting your exhaustion shine through. You could just imagine Fetch and Eugene’s reactions when they met the guy. Not pretty.
“Yeah, well my heads screwed on a bit tighter than Eugene and Fetch’s.” You gazed at him curiously, admiring the way his eyes glistened with humor in the firelight. “Why did you save me?”
He seemed surprised by your words, “We’re conduits. We have to look out for each other.”
Your eyebrows shot up in disbelief, skeptical, “Bullshit. Everybody wants something in this world.”
He scratched the back of his neck, contemplating his next words before finally speaking, “Okay. You caught me. But, that still is part of the reason you know.”
“Uh huh, sure... so tell me what you---
“What’s your name?” he interrupted.
You were surprised once more, but decided to tell him without giving him a hard time. “(Y/N).”
He smiled, “I’m Delsin... Delsin Rowe.”
Another pause, then you spoke, “So, Delsin Rowe,” he smirked as you said his full name, making your cheeks go slightly pink. You had to admit, the guy was handsome. “What do you want?”
“If we weren’t wanted ‘criminals’? To take you out on a date, but seeing how difficult that would be with all the D.U.P.s around, we’ll have to wait until after you help me take down Augustine.”
Your face was bright red now, and you struggled to keep your composure as he began to walk closer to you, “And what makes you think I can help you take down Augustine?”
He sat next to you on the mattress, his knee brushing yours ever so slightly, sending waves of electricity through your body, “I saw your finishing move. It was crazy badass, angel. With that move, we could beat her for sure.”
There was that pet name again.
“Angel?” you gulped.
His eyes were piercing as he held your gaze, and you ran a hand nervously through your hair as you averted your eyes, embarrassed.
“Seeing you flying in the air like that? I thought you were one, kind of still do,” he quipped confidently.
You grew even more flustered, struggling to think of what to say when the image of the agents you killed earlier flashed through your mind.
You met his gaze once more, your eyes going dark, “Trust me. I’m no angel.”
“Hard to believe,” he scoffed, rolling his eyes before changing the subject, “What do you call your finisher?”
You hesitated for just moment,“The Crystal Hellfire.”
He let out a whistle that started high and ended low, “God damn. Now that’s a fucking name.”
Suddenly, he turned toward you, his hands inches from your own as he stared deep into your eyes, “(Y/N), my conduit ability isn’t smoke. I can... I can learn other conduits’ powers. I have neon and digital, too, from Fetch and Eugene. I won’t take away your power; you’ll still have glass, but I need you to let me have yours, too, to take down Augustine. So, I know it’s a lot to ask but, will you let me have your power?”
You stared down at your hands. The feeling of your power coursing through your veins was constant, and you knew that glass was one of the most, if not the most, deadly conduit power in the world. Did you really trust this man you just met enough with that sort of ability?
Sucking in deep a breath, you murmured just loud enough for him to hear, “Are you going to kill her? ...Are you going to kill Augustine?”
He didn’t even hesitate, “No. The things she has done are horrible but she doesn’t deserve to die. She needs to be tried for her crimes and locked up; she needs to experience the pain that she inflicted on so many innocent people.”
You smiled at his answer, satisfied, and the genuine look in his irises was all you needed to say yes.
“You can have my power, Delsin... on one condition.”
He waited for you to continue, curiosity in his features.
You grinned humorously, “No seafood.”
His eyebrows knit together in confusion, “What?”
“Our date. I don’t like seafood.”
“Oh,” he said stupidly before collecting himself, his signature smirk reappearing on his lips, “As you wish, angel.”
And then, in a flash, his hands were under yours, pulling them toward his lips to place a swift kiss on your knuckles, sending another shock wave through your body just before your past flashed before your eyes and white crystals of glass began to flow between your fingertips, glowing bright around the both of you before you succumbed to the darkness once more.
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ragingdumpsterfire · 4 months
Delsin Rowe x Juno Moore: inFamous Second Son OC 18+
Fingers hesitantly brushed over delicate lace that was currently playing peekaboo, slipping out from under a low cut tank top. It was clingy—too clingy?—and left little to the imagination. Hands move to rest on hips, a lip bite, and a sigh.
“God, you’re outdoing yourself,” Juno muttered, staring at herself in the full length mirror in her apartment. Was it too much? Probably. Did she care? No. She thought of the way he’d look at her when he came in that day for some coffee (oatmilk latte, occasionally with hazelnut) glancing down with those deep brown eyes, seeing them darken as his glance lowered and—
“Alright, you’re hot, stop worrying about this,” repeats the reflection in the mirror, serving as an impromptu pep talk. Skeptical blue eyes stare back at her, taking in the outfit for a moment more, and, with a final sigh, Juno grabs her bag and phone, and leaves for work.
The morning crawls by, regular after regular coming in, grabbing their caffeine, and leaving. She catches more than one customer glancing down as they order, drink after drink, but none of them boast a scribbled Delsin. Part of her starts to worry that maybe he isn’t coming in today, that she might have stressed over an outfit for no reason. Sure, she might have had a couple people try flirting with her, but that wasn’t what she wanted. She knew what she wanted.
And finally—finally—in he bounds, lanky form gravitating towards her and filling the space like a beam of sunlight. He practically radiated warmth, reflecting the way a heat was blossoming over Juno, prickling and pleasant. She catches his eye through the bustle of the coffee shop, notices the way he grins when she notices him, the way he slightly bounces on his heels, hands in his pockets, as if he couldn’t contain some pure energy within him.
Juno only half processes what the line of customers order, heart thudding in her chest as he moves closer with each drink fulfilled. Oh god, should she have worn something else? What if it looks stupid? What if it’s too much? Is it too obvious? Fuck, she should have asked Nora or Athena if the outfit was okay. And finally, he’s standing in front of her, strands of hair peeking from his beanie, towering over her. She can smell the campfire smoke on him, such a tantalizing scent filling her senses, and she gazes up at him, a small, innocent smile on her lips as she studies him.
“Hi Delsin,” she breathes out softly, acutely aware of the way she was leaning slightly against the counter, displaying the lacy black bralette a little more. He’s still smiling his lopsided grin, gazing down at her, and that’s when Juno catches the way he glances down, so quickly, quick enough to miss with a blink. He’s fully aware of the way she’s displaying herself, her breasts barely covered by her shirt. Fully. She sees it now, holding his gaze, subconscious lip bite as she sees his eyes darken, nostrils flare slightly as he inhales a little deeper. Almost daring him to take another look. And he does. Oh, she’s got him good.
“Your usual? Or…do you want to try something different today?”
Oh, he was definitely staring now. Juno could only imagine what was running through his head as he remained silent, mouth opening slightly and closing back up as he thought of his next words. Thoughts ran through Juno of her legs wrapped around him as his mouth roughly explored her neck, hands gripping her thighs as he held her up against the wall, a trail of bite marks that she’d only vaguely try to hide, or the way he’d kiss the soft skin around the edges of that lace, teasing underneath as his hands ran up under her shirt. The way he’d react when he eventually found her piercings, small hands running through his hair, or-or his hands grasping her head, the sounds of him gasping, her mouth finally around—
“Whatever you want to give me, I’m sure I’ll like it.”
The words rip Juno out of her fantasy, returning to Delsin staring down at her, eyes burning. She felt so small, so vulnerable. So incredibly turned on. The way he drank the sight of her in, the expression on his face, it betrayed to her the unspoken thought running through his head: you know exactly what you’re doing to me in that outfit. And she did, the lust was written plainly in his eyes. Part of her expected, wanted him to lean over that counter and kiss her, pull her into him, carry her into the back room and fuck her. She didn’t even care anymore if the other patrons heard, she just knew that she needed him. They’d spent so long exchanging flirtatious quips, and now she needed more, oh so much more. But an impatient and exasperated clearing of a throat dragged Juno away from that thought, nails gripping the entire way to remain there in that moment. Two irritated eyes poked out from behind Delsin, glaring and scoffing, an impatient foot tapping, arms crossed defiantly.
“Hey, before you two fuck right here, can I at least get my coffee?”
Crimson barely began to describe the shade of Juno’s face, she couldn’t meet the customer’s stare. Stammering out a reply and an apology as Delsin stepped to the side, looking a little too smug, Juno returned to her job, rushing to catch up on the line. Chuckling to himself, Delsin moved to wait for his drink by the pick up counter, a slight blush gracing his face. He watched the girl work, hands flying as she made drink after drink, a rainbow latte here, a cappuccino there, and eventually handed off a flock of drinks waiting to be picked up. Delsin sorted through to find his, one hand in his pocket, the other on his drink as he stared at the cup, grin slowly growing. On the cup, next to his name, was a heart, a phone number, and a message: tonight, your place or mine?
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starwrite-er · 7 years
D.U.P Helpline - Delsin Rowe x Reader
A/N: the snippets of convo with the DUP Helpline whenever Delsin graffitis a billboard are acc great lmao so here’s my spin on the situation lol. also shoutout to Zoe for helping me with a phone operator name lmao
 “Hi, you have reached the D.U.P helpline, do you have a Bio-Terrorist incident to report?” I answer the call, taking the place of my coworker. After around the seventh call about someone spray painting one of the DUP billboards littered across Seattle, she’d had enough and needed a break. Unsurprisingly, his most recent call had revealed him to be ‘Delsin Rowe’, the guy that had been wrecking havoc on the D.U.P across the city recently.
 “You’re not the lady that usually picks up.” The man on the other end of the line states.
 “She’s on a break,” I reply. “Too many billboards being defiled.”
 “Damn, and I was just about to get her to finally introduce herself.” The man laughs, making it clear that this is the guy that’s been pissing off my coworker the past couple days.
 “If I were to hazard a guess and say that another one of our billboards has been vandalised, would I be wrong?” I question.
 “Not at all.” The man taunts and hangs up. Hm, I can see why my coworker was so worked up about this guy.
 Maybe I’ll cover her shift again.
 And like clockwork, the next day another call is received. “Hi, you have reached the D.U.P helpline, do you have a Bio-Terrorist incident to report?” I ask, as per protocol.
 “Hey, it’s you again. You taking over the other lady’s job?” The guy from before is the one making the call.
 “Well, after she called you ‘infuriating’ amongst other things, I offered. Another billboard?” I answer.
 “You all make it so easy.” I can practically hear his grin. In the spur of the moment, I decide to humour this hobby of his.
 “I’m surprised you haven’t tagged the billboard in the Waterfront district,” I mention, knowing fully well I shouldn’t encourage him. “I mean, after all, it is the only sign our, ah, mutual friend has to walk by every day.”
 On the other end of the line, I can hear the man chuckle. “Oh, you aren’t what I expected.” With that, he hangs up.
 The following morning, Tina walks in, absolutely fuming. “That dirty bio-terrorist defiled the billboard by my apartment!” She rages, slamming the folder she’s carrying onto her desk. I bite my lip, repressing a grin as, right on cue, we get a call in. Tina glares as I pick up.
 “Hi, you have reached the D.U.P helpline, do you have a Bio-Terrorist incident to report?” I ask in the same manner as usual.
 “Yeah, hi, I was just wondering if you had any plans tonight? I know this great billboard that’s been recently painted over, it’s quite lovely.” The now-familiar voice of Delsin Rowe replies, and I let a small smile slip onto my face.
 “Well, Mr. Rowe, I’m not allowed to disclose that information, but, hey, my coworker was just talking about it!” I respond, eyes darting over to Tina. I lean back in my chair and give her a small wave, grinning. “I have her right here, wanna say hi?”
 “Y/N, what on Earth...” Tina watches me, eyes narrowed.
 “I’m afraid I see your friends coming my way, but send her my love!” Delsin Rowe continues the joke, hanging up as the D.U.P troops arrive at his location.
 “He sends you his love.” I smile innocently at my coworker, her eyes still trained on me as she shakes her head. She turns away, mumbling insults directed towards Bio-Terrorists under her breath.
 I take a moment, taking a deep breath as I question my choices. It was more than draining to work in a business built up around the fear and loathing of conduits, but at the time, I was in desperate need of a job, and the D.U.P was hiring.
 To be honest, it’s a miracle that their genetic testing only showed me as being gene-positive rather than activated.
 That evening, on the way home, I purposely took a detour to check out the billboard Delsin just graffitied over to piss off my coworker. I pause on the street, looking up at the painted bird. I duck into an alley and, glancing around to check no one is around, flick my wrist and send myself propelling upwards.
 I land on the metal mesh and take a seat, mulling it all over. I’m not sure what I’m expecting - it’s not as though I’m going to meet the conduit I’ve spoken to over the phone the past couple days.
 That being said, there’s nothing stopping me from leaving a note.
 Guilty, I check around once more, a marker in hand as I write a small message in the corner. ‘Sent your love to Tina the Helpline Operator - dunno if it’s requited though’. As subtly as I can, I manipulate the pigment around the message, arranging the paint into a little blue cartoon telephone that contrasts against the red background.
 “You aren’t painting over my work, are you?” I jump as a voice breaks the quiet of the rooftop. Taking a few rushed steps back, I see the man standing on the other end of the platform, leaning back against the billboard.
 “Uh, no,” I say, internally cringing at how suspicious I look and sound. He raises his brows at me in what seems like disbelief, when something clicks. “Wait, your work?”
 The guy smirks at me as I realise that this must be Delsin Rowe. He takes a couple steps towards me, looking down to see the message, mumbling the words under his breath as he scans over what I’d written.
 “So, you’re the girl that’s answered the helpline the past couple days?” He makes the connection and grins at me.
 “Yeah.” I shrug, unsure as to how to continue. He studies my face for a moment, the cogs in his head whirring.
 “For a D.U.P employee, you’re pretty relaxed around a conduit.” Delsin remarks, and I laugh dryly.
 “I’m only there because they paid well enough and their systems were faulty at my time of application.” I respond, to which I receive a look of mild confusion. I wiggle my fingers in the direction of the message I wrote, making the small painting of the telephone dance around the writing. Delsin watches, slack-jawed.
 “You’re a paint conduit?” He questions, casting his gaze back towards my face. I nod in answer, and a grin breaks out across his face. “Hey, I noticed an untagged D.U.P billboard on the way over. Wanna check it out?”
 “At this rate, you’re gonna run out soon,” I laugh. “That being said, I’d love to.”
 I take up his offer, and he takes my hand.
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ambergerwrites · 7 years
“Yeah uh--yeah no, that sounds awful.” Delsin Writing Prompt p1
   “We can go along the beach, get some ice cream and shit—it’ll be great!”
   You stole a glance up at him before looking down into your bowl, cradling your cereal close to your face, chewing almost thoughtfully before swallowing loudly.  You met his gaze with a stony expression, gripping your spoon just a little more tightly than before, “No.”
   Delsin’s expression fell, and despite your grunt of protest, he sat next to you on your couch, removing the bowl from your hands to place it on the coffee table before clasping your palms in his own.  He pushed closer, the cushions dipping underneath your combined weight, and you heart began to race; “Please.”  His voice was a quiet plea, his lower lip pushed out into a pout, “I’m still a little nervous around her, and you being there would make me feel so much better.”
   Your cheeks were red, you knew they were.  All your years of friendship with the persistent man and still, he could get you all flustered.  You hated it—always have—but there was always something in his obnoxious laugh, something in his wide smile and big brown eyes that got you like putty in his hands.  You wish that you could say this was the last straw, but you could already feel your expression softening.  Still, you didn’t wanna make this easy on him, especially with how torturous the experience was sure to be when you did inevitably agree, so you yanked your hands from his grip and furrowed your brow.
   “Tell me the truth.”
   He backed away from you, his eyebrows raising in badly feigned innocence, “What do you mean?” he asked, “Riley said that she wanted to see you too!  I’d love it if you were there, you love the beach, Riley likes you, there’s really nothing else to it.”  Delsin brought a hand up to adjust his beanie.
   “You liar!”  You jumped up, and brought your arm up slowly to place your pointer finger directly on his nose, “tell me what’s really going on or I’ll call Riley myself and let her know that I can’t come because her boyfriend’s a huge fucking liar.”
   Delsin’s entire frame deflate on your couch, and he gave you an apologetic look before grabbing your forgotten bowl of cereal from it’s place, and bringing the spoon up to take a bite.  “Okay,” he spoke between crunches, “fine, you got me.”
   You crossed your arms over your chest and stood with a cocked hip, your eyebrows raised, “and?”
   He took another soggy spoonful, and you silently reveled in the fact that at least your food was doing you justice, “I’m sorry” he murmured, his face guilty, “she wants to set you up with one of her friends.”
    You rolled your eyes and ran your hands through your hair, sighing in frustration, “Delsin, why did you have to lie to me about that?”
   “You wouldn’t have gone if I hadn’t,” he defended, placing the empty bowl once again on the coffee table.  He leaned forward, bringing his elbows on his knees, and you prayed that he didn’t notice the way your eyes unwillingly raked over his strong frame.  He was damn annoying, but damn good-looking.
   You took a seat next to him, shaking your head, “you’re right,” you spoke shortly in irritation, but your tone quickly softened into one of hurt at your next words, “but that still doesn’t mean that you had to lie to me.”
   “Shit…Y/N,” he spoke quietly, bringing his hand up and placing it on your knee.
   You didn’t speak, turning your head the other way so as to avoid seeing his face.  You could feel the heat of his hand through your thick pajama bottoms, and you forced yourself to breathe deeply, even if you knew that it was only a matter of time before you gave in.
   “Hey…” he murmured, “c'mon.”
   Still nothing.
   You heard him sigh, and there was another moment of tense silence before you felt him leave your side. You almost let yourself feel relief, but there was no time; he was already in front of you, pushing his face inches from your own.
   “I know now that what I did was super shitty,” his frown deepened, and your heart throbbed, “you don’t have to go.  I shouldn’t have asked.”
   You let another moment of silence pass between you two, and then suddenly, your hand was in his face, pushing it away.  “I forgive you,” you muttered reluctantly, “and I’ll go,” his face instantly brightened, “but, nothing’s gonna happen between me and whoever she’s bringing.  Also, you’re buying me my ice cream.”
   Delsin took you into his arms and jumped high, a big grin on his face.  His joy was infectious, and you found yourself smiling alongside him, shoving away the ache in your heart at the fact that this glee wasn’t caused by you; not really. He put you down but kept his arms around you, pulling you tightly into his chest; “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” he whispered, and you almost let yourself be happy, but then he laughed, “she makes me so nervous, I have no idea what I’d have done if you weren’t there to keep me in check.”
   You swallowed thickly and then pulled away, placing your hands on his solid chest to keep him from grabbing you close again, “let me go get ready.”  You walked away, running your fingers through your tangled locks in an attempt to tame them.
   “I’m so excited,” he shout after you, “I’m gonna be all suave and handsome and shit; I’ll buy you and her ice cream and I’ll look like a total stud, it’s gonna be great.”
   You winced at the picture of him and his inflated ego, “yeah uh—yeah no, that sounds awful,” you called back to him, and closed the door of your room quickly so as not to hear his response.
   It was gonna be a long day.
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Halloween Drabbles Day 30
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Delsin Rowe x reader
Prompt: Store decor
“If I see one more Christmas tree in a store window I’m going to kill someone,” Delsin muttered. The two of you were walking down the streets of Seattle, hand in hand. Halloween was still a couple of days away but Christmas decor was already in full swing.
“I wouldn’t say that so loud, considering your track record. You’re lucky they didn’t kick you out of Seattle completely,” you commented. He scoffed, swinging your arm back and forth dramatically. There were horror movie billboards up still, along with other Halloween festive things in the windows.
“I literally dont’ care. What are they gonna do, arrest me?”
“My brother is...was a police officer. They wouldn’t.” You rubbed his hand with you thumb. It still hurt to talk about Reggie, you knew it did.
“You’re right. Go ahead and threaten murder all you want. I won’t be bailing you out of jail.”
“I just feel like you’re lying to me.”
“Yeah?’ How so.”
“You would bail me out. Life would be oh so boring without me,” he commented happily. You rolled your eyes.
“Delsin I’ll cut you loose and you can hang out here with the Christmas trees.”
“You won’t do that either.” You started to let go of his hand, letting your arm lay limp and he quickly brought your hand back. “Hey now, no need to test my theory.” You smiled cheekily and nudged him with your arm.
“Watch your tongue then Rowe.”
“Duly noted.”
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gladii0lus · 11 months
yall my friend sends me any troy baker voice acting on youtube whenever he sounds like delsin and im delulu
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runningthe-maze · 3 years
Miscellaneous Masterlist
Fantastic Beasts & Where To Find Them Newt Scamander
- You're Not At Fault
Infamous Second Son
Delsin Rowe
- First Stop
The 100
John Murphy
- I Don't Wanna Blow It
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