#delta executor
shuttershocky · 5 months
dear gods, good luck with your work shift today! but also! are you excited for the new ak event? I wish you a very get all the operators you want to roll for! i don't suppose you have any suggestions for past events to reread and/or skim so that i'm not completely lost?
I'm pretty sure this event is a sequel to just Lingering Echoes, though Arturia herself is Executor's cousin so it wouldn't hurt to read up on Executor the FedEx Driver's event as well.
I'm excited for Arturia because do you know who's been much, MUCH better than the internet has given her credit for? Valarqvin.
The general consensus about Valarqvin has been she didn't do too much on her own since her Necrosis damage scaled off her ATK stat and her ATK stat wasn't very high. I even advised someone awhile back who struggled to use her to just wait until Ebenholz delta / Arturia arrived to back her up.
I will say that after using her and going S2M3, I was wrong about her not being very good on her own. She fucking rules actually, because bosses — who are normally immune to most status effects and come with high defensive stats— get absolutely fucked by Necrosis, since not one of them has any Elemental RES.
50% ATK down on top of an unreduced 12k damage is so fucking good. I beat Clip Cliff in EX-8 without using the heat vents (and then had to go do it again with the heat vents when i found out it had a medal attached) by alternating Croissant's S1 with Valarqvin's S2 + Mousse S1 to make Croissant survive Clip Cliff's revolver skill.
That thing was designed to kill even Nian and Hoshiguma with their skills down unless the Heat Vents reduce Cliff's damage, while Cliff's 2.5k DEF and 70 RES meant he was so tanky not even Mlynar was gonna kill him without help or the heat vents.
With Necrosis debuffing him when Croissant's skill was down though? I didn't even need a DPS. I just burned this guy down.
I've been bringing Valarqvin to all sorts of stages since, from the SSS towers to IS4 where her IS4 exclusive talent really makes her shine.
I got Ebenholz's level 3 delta module ASAP to take advantage of Valarqvin's Necrosis. Can't wait to get a 6 star Ritualist and really go crazy with my new favorite gimmick.
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yukipri · 7 months
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Maxed my Executor today in SWGOH, and now i am back to Fleet rank 1✨
I'm only a few pieces of salvage away from relic-ing my SLKR too, and have relic'ed 3/5ths of the main CLS team, the other 2 getting close. Getting super close to a full g12 Geos team for Wat missions too. In other words, getting super close to completing all my immediate goals!
Also, I have a reasonably strong hunch that they're going to finally bring Crosshair into SWGOH with TBB S3, or possibly after it, once we know where his story goes. Either way, wondering if that means he'll become the solid 5th member of the TBB team, since currently, I know different folks use Omega/Shaak Ti/Rex/Cody etc as the 5th. Or rather, Omega was meant to be the 5th, but others sometimes work better?
I really hope they'll bring in other characters who appear in TBB too (mostly clones…c'mon, Wolffe, Gregor, Howzer, Delta Squad…)
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tainbocuailnge · 2 months
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phantom's base redeployment time is 18 seconds (16 seconds at pot3). his attack interval is 0.93 seconds, so that's about 16 seconds of deployment where he's continuously attacking for him to have no redeployment time at all, not accounting for the clone's attacks having the same effect. his redeployment timer effectively starts ticking the moment he's deployed rather than the moment he's retreated, which was already the case for the clone. the clone's redeployment timer is 45 seconds at e1 and 35s at e2, but if the clone is out so is phantom. assuming my math is right then if they're double teaming an enemy it's about 8 seconds for phantom to have no redeployment time and for the clone it's 14 seconds at e1 and 11 at e2 (since its timer already starts ticking once it's deployed)
his s2 is 10 stacks at m3, so just letting him use all those stacks will reduce his redeployment time to a mere 6 seconds, and if the clone is also out attacking people then his redeployment time is already down to 0 before you even use all the stacks. if "every attack" includes hitting enemies with s3, dropping him on a crowd will also make his redeployment time pretty negligible and you can just keep having him throw out those binds/stuns/slows
since deploying the clone will reactivate his skill (and possibly allow him to gain more than 10 stacks of s2?) it's possible to have phantom stay on the field and attack trash to reduce his clone's redeployment timer and then still get his damage back whenever it's time to kill something more dangerous. it also means if you drop both him and the clone with s3 you get a total of three s3 hits, and again if enemies hit by s3 count for the redeployment time reduction that means both he and the clone are going to have effectively no redeployment time and the only limit is how fast you can print dp for him
it's really annoying that this is an IS exclusive module because phantom being able to be in two places at once and being the only executor who you can leave on the field without losing his damage buff (since it's stacks instead of seconds duration) are the only things he can do that texas and yato can't and this module heavily leans into that in a way that both looks like an actual sidegrade to texas and yato rather than strictly worse, because his thing is now that he may have less damage but you can throw him out way more often, and just looks incredibly fun to play with. like this is pretty much what he'd look like if he was designed as a new unit today instead of having existed for years. I guess since the base module effect is something phantom exclusive they did it this way because they couldn't figure out how to make a delta executor module that would save phantom without just putting the other two way ahead of him again anyway, but there's a very easy solution to that called just don't give the other two a delta module lmao
since it's IS exclusive anyway though the collectible synergy is pretty clear. aspd collectibles won't do nothing for his s2 anymore because it now means you can drop the clone more often to reactivate s2. you can do big spinach gaming with s3 or even s2 reactivations. he can use stun/bind damage and duration collectibles and reliably reapply those. he can use /shift strength/ collectibles and can now be dropped often enough for that to mean something. empty fowlbeast works on him because the clone is a summon. you could get fucking hilarious with sui's wrath lmao. I'm pretty excited to try this out once it hits global because he looks flexible and versatile enough now to be worth not using your hope on a beast like texas/yato/lee/gladiia/etc instead
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lilyblackdrawside · 9 months
Still not over how bad I find the Reaper modules, so I'm going to write about modules. I'll mark the ones that I don't like for redesign, which will be in one group at the bottom. I know the concept of Delta modules exists and I could just make a Delta module but I don't want to.
Long post. Flip open to read.
Deadeye X: Distance = damage - it's fine. Some under the hood math makes it worse than it looks, apparently. Y: no kill = sp - it's good.
Core Caster X: -10 Res - exceptional and boring. Core Casters are boring, so it fits. Y: get sp - it's good.
Hookmaster X: pull = hurt - it's good. Performs better than it looks like on paper.
Dollkeeper X: Doll Atk+ - it's fine. Y: Doll Hp+ - it's fine, or would be if it wasn't the same as X.
Musha X: <50% hp = tank - Exceptional. You really feel the difference between having this and not.
Swordmaster X: more skill damage - It's good. Does exactly what 90% of them want. Y: -70 Def - it's on the wrong operators. Or rather, the only Swordmaster who wants this (Bibeak) doesn't have it. They gave this to Irene to Ireign her in. "But Bibeak deals Arts damage with her skills" - the one skill everyone uses on her might as well do 0 damage. That's not its purpose. She just wants to poke people to death.
Marksman X: air = damage - it's good when it applies and fits the subclass. Y: ground = fast - it's good.
Artilleryman X: -100 def - boring and irrelevant. Y: blocked = ouch - functional.
Chain Caster X: more slow, less falloff - it's good. Y: no falloff - boring, same effect as X
Hexer X: hit = weak - it's good and fits the subclass.
Summoner X: 1st summon = robot - very good and makes people actually use them in more stages Y: more summon - it's good
Besieger X: heavy = damage - it's good, fits with the subclass. Very functional.
Therapist X: sneak and resist - very good, removes the flaw innate to Therapist (has to heal self to get Resist) and Medics in general (Want to deploy late, don't want to get hit) Y: no falloff - boring. It's just numbers. Won't redesign cause Medics aren't my department. I won't even write down the other Medic modules.
Executor X: life insurance - it's fine, more comfy to use them. Y: alone = damage - it's good and fits the subclass.
Merchant X: discount - exceptional.
Dreadnought X: blocked = damage - it's good. Serves their duel purpose. Y: +1 Life - exceptional. Exciting and functional. Duel beyond death, come back stronger, it's got it all. Still doesn't get me to use them much though.
Heavyshooter X: become executor - exceptional. Gives them a totally different feel. This is what I want, not boring number increases. Y: become Reimu - exceptional. Fuck those dodgy idiots. Would be nice if it was spread around better among the <6 stars, but we have Melanite now.
Guardian X: Does this even exist? Probably ups healing. Y: take less damage - boring, but functional. Patches up their relative frailty.
Duelist X: have sp regen - exceptional, but goes agains their subclass identity. Allows them to receive sp-support too. Ptilo like doubles the reduced regen they have with this just by hanging out. Y: become buff - boring, but fits the subclass. Just have more stats. Duelists are the big stat class.
Ambusher X: slow - it's good, gives them better uptime. It's a slow, not a Slow, so it stacks. Y: more dodgy - 30% reduced odds of taking a hit, very strong.
Pioneer X: gain stats while blocking - it's good, it's boring. Y: first deploy = cheap - Exceptional. Exciting! Enter mission, have a 9 cost Saga, drop her onto the field immediately. Wonderful.
Splash Caster X: become Core - not as good as it sounds. The relevant Splash Casters either don't have this (Skyfire, Mostie) or have range-increase skills that ignore the module (Leonhardt, Dusk, Mostie) Y: become "cheap" - accidentally exceptional. The base effect is already good, don't underestimate it, but Dusk's and Mostie's Y module have such a strong impact on their performance that they warp the perception of SPCY to being even better than it is.
Decel Binder X: get sp - Very good. Works well for these guys in every way.
Mystic Caster X: charge more - it's good. It does what they do but more. Y: charge fast - it's fine. Isn't Ebenholz the only one who has this anyway?
Charger X: more dp, always full refund - exceptional. This is one of the best module base effects. It doubles their DP generation and allows them to always be retreated for full cost. Does everything they want. Y: execution damage - it's good. They're a duelist type, so it works well, but you pretty much always want X because it does so much.
Flinger X: more - it's good. What's there to say?
Protector X: more def Y: more block. I don't know which is which.
Push Stroker X: more push - it's good. Y: refund half current DP cost when retreating from ranged tile - Why. Could've just put nothing.
Trapmaster X: trap crit - This is good but I don't like it because it does nothing for Frost but she's stuck with it now. The talent buff effect on it is good, but the base effect is meh (for her. Don't decapitate me, Dorothyheads.)
Phalanx Caster X: retain some def while attacking - it's good.
Mech-Accord Caster X: more drone damage - it's so bad. It amounts to nothing.
Reaper X: heal more FUCK this module. Yes, this still was about the Reapers all along. I'm still not over it.
I don't like how when a Module X for a new class comes out, all the existing <6 stars get that one instead of just leaving some without it so they can get the Y type if it fits better. I'd rather have nothing than a module that amounts to putting +25 Levels onto the operator who got it.
So here's the redesigns:
Dollkeeper Y: Substitute has more HP. This is fine and I wouldn't care, if the X type didn't have the exact same effect.
Instead of this, I'll just do this: Substitute has +1 Block. or this: Switch back to main body faster. The +1 Block could be pretty interesting, especially for Laurentina who is just so beefy with her squad support and the faster swapping is just a boring, but generally good effect.
Artilleryman X: Ignore 100 Def when attacking. Ignoring 70 Def as Swordmaster is fine, because you're a fast-attacking, low damage/hit class, but Artilleryman is a subclass that hits you once every five seconds for big damage. 100 more or less def won't make a difference, except for Jieyun but that's life I guess.
Redesign: -8 Deployment Cost. "But this is just SPCY" Yes.
Chain Caster Y: No damage fall-off for chained attacks. This would, again, be fine if X didn't already reduce fall-off. We don't need two modules that do the same thing.
Redesign: +1 Jump. Simple, boring, effective. Or this: Increased jump range. Could increase it to the point where it can reach across an entire tile. Would be interesting to let Chain Casters cover two lanes that are a tile apart.
Splash Caster X: +1 Attack Range. Splash Casters need help. I like the +1 Range module so this is more of a "Delta" idea.
Take 1: Increased Attackspeed per enemy in range. Take 2: Increased SP regen per enemy in range.
Splash Casters suck without a skill up and both variants amend this by either making them better without a skill up (1) or shortening the time they spend without a skill up (2). Now, these are the tame versions. If I were to actually get to make these they'd be like this: Take 1: Increased Aspd per enemy on the map. Take 2: Increased SP regen per enemy on the map.
Push Stroker Y: 50% current DP refunded when retreating from a ranged tile. Again I will ask: Why? Who came up with this? Did they design other modules? Surely this was just some intern who got onto their educator's computer, saw an open document for module design proposals and put this in with their eyes closed. What's the reasoning behind it? Are we really shuffling Push Strokers around this much that we need a discount? How frequently are we putting them on ranged tiles anyway? Whenever I use one, I have them on the floor because of their pretty good performance in melee combat.
So why don't we do this: Halved redeploy time when retreating from a ranged tile.
This, just like the actual module, promotes an alternative (in my eyes) playstyle. With this you actually can shuffle them around all over the map, so long as you play into the restriction.
Mech-Accord Caster: Damage cap of drone increased to 120% (from 110%). So this is just silly. Here's how much of an increase this is: You go from dealing 210% damage at full stacks to 220%. This is a 4.5% increase. If you have two drones it goes from 320% to 340%, which is 5.9% more. At three drones you get 6.5% more damage. This is so whatever. It's also just boring. You do nothing with this. If we have to stick with this, at least make it 130% (which was the number I wrote down for my module predictions. I predicted this very predictable module, big shoulder pats). With that you get +8.9% damage with one drone (basic performance), 11.1% with two and 12.3 with three. This is respectable, good even.
So now that Module X is fixed, let's whip up a funny Module Y: When defeated, doesn't retreat for 10 seconds, gains +1 drone during that time.
A non-irrelevant number of M-A Casters perform in a rather haphazard manner, so I think this is a suitable thing to give to them. And Kjera. I don't care if this makes Susie overpowered, she's already really strong, I just want something nice for my granny.
Reaper X: Recovers 60 HP per enemy hit during attacks, up to Block count. I hate this. It's boring and dumb. I can understand wanting to make a module that increases the self-healing of Reapers, I really do, but this is not the way.
Watch me do it right: Recovers 50 HP per enemy hit during attacks.
No target limit. This still increases their sustain, but only when they're in a "many whelps, handle it" situation as they should be. Seeing many numbers pop up at once is exciting! Seeing a 60 instead of a 50 isn't.
So now I fixed Module X, but I don't want that for La Pluma so I'll make the Y one. In my module predictions I wrote down "+1 Block", "Deal increased damage to low health% targets" and "Gain increased Aspd at lower health". These are all shit. Derivative and boring.
Let's try to do better:
Reaper Module Y: Whenever an attack interval passes without making an attack, build up Execution Counters. Inflict % of max health physical damage to target per Execution Counter. Doubled Reduced vs Bosses.
Is this practical? Not usually, no. This entirely goes against their common use of sitting on high-traffic lanes and instead promotes putting them on low-traffic ones.
Does this even work for La Pluma? No, hardly. She wants a bunch of kills. But just think of the moments where it does work. That's what it's about. It doesn't have to be good always, it has to be exceptional sometimes.
Do Reapers even need a base module effect in the first place? No, they don't. Reapers are already a premium subclass that excel in a widely applicable field, that is handling trash waves and occasional strong enemies. They're incredibly strong with just their basic traits and attacks and have flexibility in their positioning thanks to their odd attack range. You can let them tank, you can place them around a corner and let someone else tank or combine them with another offensive melee fighter, you can put two of them side by side or use two reapers to hold one lane with a corner position or whatever else. With such a strong base, we should do something wacky.
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recoverandroiddata · 3 months
How To Fix Roblox Upgrade Error (2024 New Fixes) | Delta Executor
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apkdrv · 8 months
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delta apk, delta roblox apk
Zihinsel Yetenekleri Zorlayan Eşsiz Bir Labirent Deneyimi
    Bilinçli zihinleri ve stratejik düşünceyi harekete geçirmek için tasarlanmış olan Delta Executor, bulmaca oyunlarına yeni bir soluk getiriyor. Tapio'nun dehası ile kusursuz bir şekilde birleşen bu labirent oyunu, oyuncuları akıl almaz seviyelerde bir zorlukla baş başa bırakarak sürükleyici bir maceraya davet ediyor. Zorluklar ve Heyecan Dolu Seviyeler: Delta Executor, 7. seviyeye ulaşmaya çalışan oyunculara benzersiz ve karmaşık labirentler sunuyor. Bu seviye, oyuncuların zekalarını, reflekslerini ve stratejik düşünce becerilerini sınayarak gerçek bir ustalığa ulaşma şansı tanıyor. Her seviye, öncekinden farklı bir deneyim sunarak sıkıcılıktan uzaklaşıyor ve oyunculara sürekli bir heyecan vaat ediyor. Zihinsel Potansiyeli Açığa Çıkarın: Delta Executor, sadece oyuncuların becerilerini test etmekle kalmıyor, aynı zamanda onların zihinsel potansiyelini açığa çıkarmak için tasarlanmış bir platform sunuyor. Oyun, karmaşık tasarımları ve görsel olarak çarpıcı detaylarıyla birlikte, oyuncuların zihinsel sınırlarını zorlayarak eğlencenin ötesinde bir deneyim sunuyor. Sonsuz ve Çeşitli Labirentler: Delta Executor, sonsuz sayıda labirentle oyunculara çeşitlilik sunuyor. Taş oyunlarından tapyoya ve karmaşık labirentlere kadar farklı bulmacalar, her biri öğrenmesi kolay mekaniklerle ustalık için çeşitli katmanlar ekliyor. Oyuncular, her adımda yeni bir deneyimle karşılaşırken sürekli bir öğrenme sürecine dahil oluyor. Neden Delta Executor? Delta Executor, görsel zenginlik, dinamik oyun ve çeşitli labirent tasarımlarıyla diğer bulmaca oyunlarından ayrılıyor. Akıllıca yerleştirilmiş zorluklar, sezgisel kontroller ve ustalık için katmanlı mekanikler, oyunu bağımlılık yaratan bir deneyim haline getiriyor. Oyuncular, Delta Executor efsanelerinin saflarına katılarak 7. Seviyeyi fethedip şampiyonluklarını kanıtlayabilirler. Sonuç olarak: Delta Executor, zihinsel becerilerini zorlamak ve eğlenceli bir labirent deneyimi yaşamak isteyen oyuncular için mükemmel bir seçenek sunuyor. Oyun, çeşitli seviyeler, heyecan verici labirent tasarımları ve görsel açıdan etkileyici detaylarla dolu bir macera sunarak, oyuncuları kendine çekmeyi başarıyor. Delta Executor'u hemen indirin ve zihinsel yeteneklerinizi sınayarak bir şampiyon olma yolculuğuna başlayın! Read the full article
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tacticalhimbo · 1 year
and the second fireteam, which consists of seven members, is the advanced puruist team (apt); aka the raid squadron. these soldiers are your more typical fireteam, operating under the unsc's unicom/specwar guidance. this team consists of:
ishtar tanzi (she/her) - designation 338; spartan 4. she's the fireteam's leader, and operates using the mirage iic armor. this armor is a lightweight, multi-role, powered assault armor that meets baseline gen3 mjolnir standards.
damon elliot (he/him) - designation 879; spartan 4. he's the fireteam's combat trianer/specialist, and operates using the mark vii armor. this armor refreshes the mjolnir line with breakthroughs in neural interfaces, shielf emitters, fusion power, and armor formulation.
katniss kadyrov (she/her) - designation 434; spartan 4. she's the team's gunner, and operates using the mark v [b] armor.
lenka pražak (they/them) - designation 448; spartan 4. they're the fireteam's chemical/explosives expert, and operate using the eaglestrike armor. this armor is hardened against radiation, harsh environments, and covenant arcanotechnology.
zacarias rey (he/him) - designation 653; spartan 4. he's the fireteam's medic and environmental analyst, and operates using the hazmat armor. this armor is designed for surviving extended operations in extremely harsh working and combat enivornments.
azel pagano (he/him) - designation 227; spartan 3. he's a former headhunter who was adopted into the spartan 4 program, and now works as the fireteam's techie and infiltrator specialist. his armor is the rakshasa set, which was battle tested by delta-6 hunter-killer teams, and has multiple levels of subsystem redundancy and an integral self-repair system.
zero (it/its) - designation 000; executor. a unique member of the team, as it's a reclaimed ai from the forces that cortana and warden eternal created. as a result, zero isn't even human, and is programming bound to the chimera suit of armor it wears. zero was reclaimed by the unsc and placed under azel's direct supervision, and it operates as the fireteam's ai.
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fredborges98 · 1 year
Bom dia!
Por: Fred Borges
Contribuição: Fabiola Bocchi Barbosa
Contribua ou continue contribuindo com o Clube de Leitura; PIX/CPF: 42297729553- Frederico Vianna Borges Banco Itaú 341 Agência: 3888 CC: 22197-9
Pensar,Fazer e Ser é disruptivo e fascinante!
Baseado em parte integrante de uma entrevista cedida por Steve Jobs ( SJ) em 1990.
Entrevistador: "O equilíbrio entre pensar e fazer. Quero dizer, uma das coisas nos semicondutores era que você tinha pessoas que arriscam.
Bob Noyce aprende a voar de asa delta aos 40 anos.
Essas pessoas gostam de arriscar o traseiro.
Qual a importância disso nos primeiros dias? Quero dizer, estamos voltando para 1975.
Bem, novamente depois de ver ... toda a minha vida foi passada apenas em uma indústria que é esta. E, mas estou nisso há cerca de quinze anos e já vi muitas pessoas fazerem muitas coisas.
Eu vi muitas pessoas falharem em muitas coisas.
E meu ponto de vista sobre isso, ou minha observação, é que os que fazem são os principais pensadores.
As pessoas que realmente criam as coisas que mudam esta indústria são tanto o pensador quanto o executor em uma pessoa.
E se realmente voltarmos e examinarmos, você sabe, Leonardo tinha um cara ao lado que estava pensando cinco anos no futuro o que ele pintaria ou a tecnologia que usaria para pintá-lo, claro que não.
Leonardo era o artista, mas também misturava todas as suas próprias tintas.
Ele também era um químico razoavelmente bom.
Ele sabia sobre pigmentos, sabia sobre anatomia humana.
E combinar todas essas habilidades, a arte e a ciência, o pensar e o fazer, foi o que resultou no resultado excepcional.
E não há diferença em nossa indústria.
As pessoas que realmente fizeram as contribuições foram os pensadores e os realizadores.
E quando você - muitas pessoas, é claro, é muito fácil levar o crédito pelo pensamento.
O fazer é mais concreto.
Mas alguém, é muito fácil dizer que pensei nisso três anos atrás.
Mas geralmente quando você se aprofunda um pouco mais, descobre que as pessoas que realmente fizeram isso também foram as pessoas que realmente trabalharam com os difíceis problemas intelectuais também."
Texto original:
The balance between thinking and doing. I mean one of the things in the semiconductors was you had risktakers. Bob Noyce learns to hang- glide at age 40. These people like laying their butts on the line. How important was that in the early days? I mean we’re going back to ’75.
Well again after seeing… my entire life has been spent only in one industry which is this one. And but I’ve been in it now for about fifteen years and I’ve seen a lot of people make a lot of things. I’ve seen a lot of people fail a lot of things. And my point of view on this, or my observation is that the doers are the major thinkers. The people that really create the things that change this industry are both the thinker and doer in one person. And if we really go back and we examine, you know did Leonardo have a guy off to the side that was thinking five years out in the future what he would paint or the technology he would use to paint it, of course not. Leonardo was the artist but he also mixed all his own paints. He also was a fairly good chemist. He knew about pigments, knew about human anatomy. And combing all of those skills together, the art and the science, the thinking and the doing, was what resulted in the exceptional result. And there is no difference in our industry. The people that have really made the contributions have been the thinkers and the doers.
And when you – a lot of people of course, it’s very easy to take credit for the thinking. The doing is more concrete. But somebody, it’s very easy to say I thought of this three years ago. But usually when you dig a little deeper, you find that the people that really did it were also the people that really worked through the hard intellectual problems as well.
Quando Steve Jobs cedeu está entrevista ele pontuou que não deve haver divisão entre os que pensam e os que fazem.
Pessoas realizadoras pensam e fazem ao mesmo tempo, pois habilidades e competências devem estar fundidas e integradas pela inteligência.
Não há como separar dados, informações, conhecimentos e a inteligência competitiva.
Não há como obter competitividade sem unir as vantagens comparativas e competitivas, pois não haverá estrutura sem estratégia e vice-versa.
Há uma mania dos seres humanos dividirem, estratificarem, separarem, identificarem, catalogarem, as coisas, num processo de separação entre partes cuja sincronia, sistemática, processos, produtos e pessoas estarão sempre em harmonia, o que podemos chamar de homeostase dinâmica, esta sinergia e visão e atuação sistêmica das coisas e pessoas permite enxergar o quanto estamos distantes dos conceitos e práticas metafísicas, o que faz com que percamos a essência de nossas existências, a integração entre arte e ciências, entre o material e o metafísico.
Este rotulação do ponto de vista didático é muitas vezes necessária para compreender a ordem das coisas e dos fenômenos, ou a fenomenologia de um ato.
Compreender por exemplo a inovação, o processo criativo, envolve uma educação que envolva a transdisciplinaridade ou seja ir além das matérias, para saber maximizá- las e optimilizá-las da melhor maneira possível para unir a arte a ciência, não perdendo a essência da sobrevivência de uma e da outra.
Ou seja artes e ciências são e devem ser compatíveis no processo de criação, criatividade, inovação, agregação de soluções para e pela sociedade, em pró , por exemplo, da cura do câncer, das patologias psico- psíquico e comportamentais para se antecipar, planejar, se organizar em torno de uma sociedade com o mínimo de previsibilidade.
Lhe dar com ciência é lhe dar com a previsibilidade, caso contrário não é e nem nunca será ciencia, mas o mero experimento químico, biológico, social e filosófico do pensar e agir.
Somos o que pensamos e fazemos.
Virtuosamente nos dá inteligência a capacidade de analisar e criticar o objeto e sujeito, protagonista e princípio ativo da fórmula ou da formulação matemática e estatística do simples ato de viver!
Como dizia SJ:
“Quando crescemos dizem que o mundo é do jeito que é, que você só deve viver sua vida dentro do mundo e tentar não se debater demais contra as paredes.
Mas essa vida é muito limitada.
A vida pode ser muito mais ampla depois que você descobre um simples fato:
Tudo a sua volta, que você chama de vida, foi feito por pessoas não mais inteligentes que você.
E você pode mudar isso. Pode influenciar. Pode construir suas próprias coisas, que outros podem usar.
É algo para afastar essa noção errônea de que você só vai viver a vida em vez de abraçá-la.
Mude-a. melhore-a. deixe sua marca nela.
E quando aprender isso… você nunca mais será o mesmo.”
Nunca serás o mesmo nenhum dia de sua vida, pois a inteligência foi colocada no homem para mudar sua realidade, sem conformismo, a conformidade é escalável, por esta razão somos levados a sermos repetidores, repassadores de produtos ideologias, doutrinas e religiões, o drama é humano, chorar e sorrir ao mesmo tempo é humano, doença e cura, metástase e sofrimento, adversidades, diversidades e oportunidades estão aí, carpe dien, para não se conformar, sem conformidade, aceitar a deformidade, o erro, mas continuar perseguindo a excelência.
Jobs decidiu que queria fazer uma aventura pela Índia e mergulhar no estudo do Zen Budismo.
Essa abertura para uma nova experiência – e imersão na Índia – levou Jobs a um dos lemas mais reconhecidos dos produtos Apple, que é manter as coisas simples.
O que parece ter tornado Jobs único foi seu notável foco, combinados com a criatividade proporcionada por um intelecto acima da média e uma abertura ao novo extremamente alta.
Não há amor sem dor! Não há conquista sem luta!Não há perfeição sem cicatrizes, orgulhe-se de suas feridas, dores, dissabores, decepções, inimigos, afinal sempre haverá a Apple e a face oculta da Bad Apple!
Keep It Simple!
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coolwizardprince · 2 years
openGauss 3.1.0 |Enhanced Features-Vectorized Executor and Hybrid Row-Column Storage Engine
Vectorized Executor and Hybrid Row-Column Storage Engine
In a wide table containing a huge amount of data, a query usually only involves certain columns. In this case, the query performance of the row-store engine is poor. For example, a single table containing the data of a meteorological agency has 200 to 800 columns. Among these columns, only 10 are frequently accessed. In this case, the vectorized execution technology and column-store engine can significantly improve performance by saving storage space.
Vectorized executionFigure 1 shows a standard iterator module. Control flow travels in the downlink direction (shown as solid lines in the following figure) and data flow in the uplink direction (shown as dotted lines in the following figure). The upper-layer node invokes the lower-layer node to request data and the lower-layer node only returns one tuple to the upper-layer node at a time.By contrast, the vectorized executor returns a batch of tuples at a time, which significantly improves performance using column store.Figure 1 Vectorized executor
Hybrid row-column storage engineopenGauss supports both the row-store and column-store models. Users can choose a row-store or column-store table based on their needs.Generally, column store is applicable to OLAP service scenarios (The range statistics query and batch import operations are frequent. The update, deletion, point query, and point insertion operations are infrequent. The table contains many columns, that is, a wide table. Only a few columns are involved in the query.) The row store is applicable to OLTP service scenarios (The query, insert, delete, and update operations are frequent. The range statistics query and batch import operations are infrequent. The number of table columns is small. Most columns are queried.)The hybrid row-column storage engine achieves higher data compression ratio (column store), index performance (column store), and point update and point query (row store) performance, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2 
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Hybrid row-column storage engineThe restrictions of the column store engine are as follows:
For DDL statements, only CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE, and TRUNCATE TABLE are supported.Partition management using DDL statements (such as ADD PARTITION, DROP PARTITION,** MERGE PARTITION**,** and EXCHANGE**) is supported.The CREATE TABLE LIKE statement is supported.The ALTER TABLE statement is partially supported.Other DDL statements are not supported.
For DML statements, UPDATE, COPY, BULKLOAD, and DELETE are supported.
Triggers and primary foreign keys are not supported.
Psort index, B-tree index, and GIN index are supported. For details, see “SQL Reference > SQL Syntax > CREATE INDEX” in the Developer Guide.
Data compression in column storeInactive and earlier data can be compressed to free up space, reducing procurement and O&M costs.In openGauss, data can be compressed using delta encoding, dictionary coder, RLE, LZ4, and ZLIB algorithms. The system automatically selects a compression algorithm based on data characteristics. The average compression ratio is 7:1. Compressed data can be directly accessed and is transparent to services. This greatly reduces the preparation time before accessing historical data.
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theterribletenno · 3 years
Day 1, subject 5692Delta. Clinical trial 5. Tenno Operator [REDACTED] has failed to achieve more than 50% compatibility with any standard warframe model. Results thus-far have ranged from total non-responsiveness to total loss of control. After the critical failure of the Ember trial, I am told this may be brought to the attention of Executor Ballas. I would prefer that he not become involved, as [REDACTED] has shown abnormal levels of sensitivity to [REDACTED] [CORRUPTED DATA] The Ash model is sufficiently different from most other warframe archetypes that it may be compatible with the problem child. This is our last chance.
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Day 4, After a rocky start, [REDACTED] and the Ash specimen 5692Delta have begun to synchronize. Although the Delta has limited responsiveness to transference commands, it is also not in apparent danger of overriding the Operator's control. A highly unusual pigmentation change has occurred, the body of the Delta Ash is turning a pinkish-white. Under normal circumstances Tenno influence causes pigment production to increase but it appears that [REDACTED] has triggered this specimen to cease pigmentation of its cells, leading to partial albinism.
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Day 11, Eureka! The cause of albinism in 5692Delta is not some kind of deficiency in the Operator, it is exactly the opposite! The loss of pigmentation was the result of the specimen stockpiling nutrients for a metamorphosis. Specimen Delta was initially believed to be a rudimentary template Ash, but exposure to [REDACTED] has caused it to shed this apparent larval state and evolve. I have been told that this phenomenon is incredibly rare, and that this "prime" Ash is quite valuable. Whether or not the specimen can be considered a true "prime" will require additional research, but for now we finally have a usable warframe for our problem child!
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Day 19, apparently I was premature in declaring the metamorphosis of 5692Delta complete. It has continued to change morphologically and internally. The patterning and texture of its epidermal layer is changing in such a way as to almost appear intentional, but as far as we know that should be impossible. Equally astounding is the well-defined facial features that have emerged from the template Ash's head. I know very little of the technological and biological elements of the warframes themselves, my specialization is in behavioral therapy and child development. One of my fellow archimedians identified this as one of the known Ash sub-templates, which he called a "Bai-hu." By Executor Ballas's request a separate record has been created for the problem-child operator, [REDACTED] which can be found in [CORRUPTED DATA]
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Day 25, changes to the physical shape of 5692Delta have slowed considerably, with the most observable change over the last week being the growth of a pair of protrusions from the Ash specimen's shoulders. Although I was alarmed at first my archimedean partner assured me that this was also normal. The albinism appears to have gone into full remission, with the pigmentation of Delta's entire body becoming darker and richer. It does not appear that the specimen will return to its original coloration, and has instead taken on a brownish and pinkish appearance. The mental wellness of the former problem child, [REDACTED] has improved significantly, displaying much better behavioral patterns [CORRUPTED DATA] which can be read in full in the supplementary records.
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Day 32, Subject Delta's albinism is completely gone, with almost no indication of it remaining whatsoever. Compatibility index between 5692Delta and [REDACTED] is now over 85%, and transference has been completely stable with no drops in over two weeks. [REDACTED] is also demonstrating near-total control over Delta's body and abilities. Fine motor skills require improvement. May be correlated with mental state more than physical fitness. I have some new psychological therapy exercises I would like to test on [REDACTED] both in and out of the warframe. My partner wants to move [REDACTED] on to the next step, introducing a new warframe for the child to control. I do not believe [REDACTED] is ready yet. [CORRUPTED DATA] a 'problem child' anymore, just different. More data in attached supplement.
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Day 50, after some minor changes to the growths of armor plating on Delta's body, the physical appearance seems to have reached a more permanent 'final' form. I can hardly believe this intimidating armored black figure is the same scrawny albino that could barely walk five weeks ago. [REDACTED] and 5692Delta have both undergone enormous transformations, both on the inside and outside. [REDACTED] was observed initiating physical contact with other Tenno for the first time yesterday, indicating that the [REDACTED] [CORRUPTED DATA] full remission and begun to heal [CORRUPTED DATA] would not exactly call "total normalcy" but [CORRUPTED DATA]
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Day 71, I am being forcibly removed from this project. I have been denied permission to see [REDACTED] or subject 5692Delta. None of the other archimedeans could tell me what was happening and Executor Ballas made... threatening remarks when I pressed him for justification. I have no choice. If [REDACTED] begins losing ground on all the progress we've made together [CORRUPTED DATA]
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1826 Monday 1 May
9 3/4
3 1/4
Kisses the same as yesterday but better
At breakfast at 10 3/4 M- [Mariana] down 1/4 hour before me - She walked with me to Northgate - got there at 11 3/4 a minute or 2 after Mr and Mrs Edwards of Pyenest - we three 2 hours looking all over the house - at last, agreed with Mr Edwards that Mrs Lees is to have the house and walk and 2 pews in the old church for £70 per annum, to lay out whatever money she pleases, and as she pleases, not exceeding £200, for which she is to pay, in addition, after the rate of 7 1/2 percent - she is to have a lease of five years with the power to relet subject to our having the 1st refusal, to which I shall add the subject to our approval of the tenant - we to have nothing at all to do at the house, but put the roof in good repair, and the under drawing of the atticks - and to wall off the court and hang the close gates at the bottom - my father and sister to leave the house by the 10th of next month - Asked afterwards if they could stay till the end of the month so as to leave the house empty of furniture and everything by the 1st of July - To have an answer as to this matter tomorrow -
Bottomley of Southowram, the mason recommended by Mr Freeman, waiting at Northgate above an hour - shewed him the ground where the remain of the old cottage stood, and explained what I wanted - he thought he could built a comfortable shop which, quite complete, would cost about £160 using up the old material and let for £20 a year - now if I could have the key and all ready for the tenant to enter for £200, and a rent of £20 a year, it would be worth while doing the thing - told the man if I considered to do it, I would get a plan from Washington and let him (Bottomley) know - in the mean time if he chose to make any plan of his own, he might bring it to me here -
About 2 1/4 before we got off from Northgate, expecting to meet Washington, Hinchcliffe, and co., at 2, about measuring off the coals - met these 2 and Charles Howarth in returning - Told Hinchcliffe I was not pleased at his having taken no further notice about the £30 my uncle thought they ought to pay for the coals that were still under water - said they must pay for the coal road - I could not afford to forgive them the rent as my uncle had done, and that, if they had not satisfied John Bottomley with respect to fencing it off, he had my father’s orders to keep the gate locked -
Walked forwards with M- [Mariana] along the road to Charles Howarth’s, thence along the new footpath in Lower brea wood, the walk, etc and came in at 4 3/4 - the 2 young men gas-tarring the railing in Lower brea wood - desired James Sykes to leave off mowing the low garden till he had finished planting out all the hollys - Staid down talking to my aunt till 5 1/2 - Dressed - Dinner at 6 - Mr Freeman came about 7, and staid till 8 1/2 - he mad no exact offer for the stone in yew trees wood, but when I said I had made many inquiries on the subject, and found that if I could not get what I wanted per annum from one person, I might let off quarries to several, he said he might as well give me a little more as lose it by opposition - I observed that I wanted the money wanted to make £100 a year certain - he agreed to ensure me this sum, on condition that if he did not get the quantity in one year, he should be allowed more time to get it in - he gave me some written memoranda for an agreement, and I asked him into the dining room where after taking 4 glasses of port he left us, my aunt being rather impatient about her warm bath being ready at 9 - to further this we had had tea and coffee brought in at 8, and set upon the dining table before the wine was removed -
M- [Mariana] and I sat downstairs talking (after my aunt went away at 9 1/2) till 12 40/60 my aunt having spoken to M- in the dismals fearing our income would scarce be sufficient for us, I wrote out a statement of our probable expenses and receipts, and satisfied M- that we might get on very well - we shall have a clear thousand a year after all from this I got on the subject of making my will said that if she lived with me I would provide for her I would leave her so much (did not say what) so long as she did not marry again but should she do this all was to be forfeited she was annoyed at this had rather I left her nothing would not take if it was the very way to make her with to marry again it was not fair would seem as if I had no confidence in her said if she married again she ought to have a man who could keep her but that I would not leave her without a sufficient provision if she had nothing from delta [Charles Lawton] it would make a difference she said this was acting like her mother I disclaimed the charge said I was not going to cajole her out of her inheritance or leave her in the least uncertainty she said that when I read her the will I had already made she would not say anything at the time but she could not bear it thus to be classed with Miss Maclean Mrs Barlow etc when I left the room for a moment she had looked to see if my will was uppermost in the drawer I had left open and if it had she should have crossed her name out she would have some distinction made between her and the rest anything to distinguish had rather I did not mention her at all or left her the least if I only added that I loved her best said how this astonished me for she herself had taught me to make no apparent distinction for she could not bear anything in her present situation with delta [Charles] that could at all mark her connection with me at least so she had written to me on the occasion of my letter to her mother that she would not let me send in January last but I should be glad to understand her differently and make any distinction she liked she said she had made a will and left me all she had saved for my life I joked her on finding that she had left me merely the trust of the money that is to pay the interest to William Milne as long as I lived and the principle to be paid after my death fancying inadvertently that because the principle was not to be paid in during my life she had left me the use of it forgetting that I was to pay interest quizzed her about this she said I should have known her intention was to leave me all for my life - asked what she thought I ought to leave her now she at last said fifty pounds for she had before begged me merely to leave her her own no said I will take care you have this without paying legacy duty I will not seem to give what I do not give in reality she said I was ambitious of leaving all I could to my heir at law and this was my first consideration I used not to think so much of this was changed since my uncles death did not say much to confirm or contradict this asked what annuity she thought I ought to leave her supposing her to be living with me she said three hundred a year asked her to guess what I myself thought she guessed downwards to fifty pounds a year I said no I thought of more but her guessing lower and had struck me forcibly we became gradually affectionate I said she had persuaded me that what she said would be right in her own case and I would make no condition of forfeiture in case she married again but she had agreed that if I left her executor or guardian of my heir at law it was quite right all this power should then cease -
Thus we sat up talking after having gone upstairs. Letter this morning from Mr Walker Priestley of Kebroyde - memoranda of matters necessary to be attended in making an agreement for letting stone to be quarried - Very fine day - went up to bed at 12 40/60 - EO.
Reference: SH:7/ML/E/9/0094 - SH:7/ML/E/9/0095
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awhilesince · 4 years
Sunday, 5 June 1831
12 50/’’
Pi (Mariana) came at eight and ten minutes  after I had been at the water closet and she staid with me in bed till nine  had a kiss  breakfast at 10 – my aunt came very soon after – C– (Charles) was gone to Bartholmley Church – M– (Mariana) and I went to church (Lawton) at 11 – Mr Carter, the curate, did all the duty – preached 17 minutes from 1 Peter iii. 21. afterwards M– (Mariana) and I walked about the grounds till 2 – then luncheon for 1/2 hour – then walked about again till 5 50/'' – saw the stables new and old, gardens etc 
long talk told her tho I had not originally intended it about bringing Lord Pollington in for Halifax  about flirting with Lady Gordon and my marrying for rank some old peer of seventy and then as Pi (Mariana) observed she might leave Delta (Charles) on the first grand quarrel my rank might support her she said she had thought of this before but should not have named it for fear I should think her wordly I hardly know which of us mentioned the thing first  slight mention of my will  Delta (Charles) to be executor and she afterwards on condition of her not marrying again  said I had seen young Lister in Paris just before we came away merely said he he was very well better than I expected   Had a goodish situation as head surgeon on board an India man Pi (Mariana) promised to go to my aunt and order about her funeral if necessary if I was not in the country –
dressed – dinner at 6 20/'' – did not have the dining room till 8 3/4 – tea – came to my room at 11 – Delta (Charles) in capital humour – Mr L– (Lawton) gave me a small bottle of Kirchenwasser in return perhaps for the 10 lb. box of Chinois I gave him that I had brought from Marseilles, or rather bought then and that came with the Stuart de R–’s (Rothesay’s) things – Pi (Mariana) came to me for half hour at eleven and twenty minutes  had a kiss then  wrote the above of today in pencil – very fine day – Fahrenheit 64° between 7 and 8 p.m. by Mr L–’s (Lawton’s) thermometer and 66° now at 12 tonight in my room –
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solohux · 5 years
What are your top 10 favorite Star Wars starships?
I think I can quite certainly say that no one has ever asked me this before! But it gave me something to think about to thank you for this ask! ❤
1. Millennium Falcon
2. TIE Fighter (I’m going to be general and say all TIE’s!)
3. X-Wing
4. Star Destroyers (the Finalizer is cool but Vader’s Executor is the best!)
5. Jedi Starfighter - Delta 7
6. Nubian Royal Starship
7. Sith Infiltrator
8. Slave I
9. A-Wing (they’re chunky!)
10. the Ghost
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crisontumblr · 7 years
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So this just happened as I was nearing the end of @nick-nocturn's videos on Marble Hornets. At first I thought it was part of some of the special effects distorition that was happening in the videos? It was not. My room is completely dark. It's past midnight. And one of my Routine Coughing Fits™ has started up. Shit.
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girlbossk · 6 years
inform me about star wars spaceships pls. as many as u can.
t65-b x-wings are the quintessential star wars ship. fast. maneuverable. sexy. they’re made by incom who makes x-wings but not y-wings or a-wings bc i googled it today 
y-wings are the bad star wars ship. slow. not maneuverable. not sexy. they aren’t made by incom. 
a-wings are the other -wing and they’re faster than an x-wing but slightly less maneuverable and sexy. they are made by kuat drive yards (KDY) who is pretty cool but not on the CEC’s level 
oh fuck i’ve been infected i’m agreeing with the corellians 
so now onto some star destroyers! you’ve got your standard imperial-class star destroyer, which is like, probably the most common? tarkin had an imperial-i class called the executrix. 
then you have the imperial-ii classes! more commonly referred to as “impstar deuces” at least in legends. i’m not sure about canon. this would be the avenger. from esb. lorth needa’s ship. it’s a bit bigger and better than a standard imperial, much like darth vader. 
okay now your third type of ship you’d recognize would be a super star destroyer (SSD) which is like way way bigger. the executor was a super star destroyer, and in fact SSDs were also referred to as executor-class star destroyers. 
there is also the venator-class star destroyer which is what the republic used during the clone wars, so these are like, the original. they aren’t as good and can be recognized bc they have a different shape. like a wedge, but slender
yes i had to say that of course i did 
ok next is the victory-class star destroyer! these are bigger and better than the impstars, i think. i only know that pash blew one up back in legends. 
fun fact about SSDs- one time an a-wing took one out all by itself. well with a little help. yeah. 
so anyways, both the star destroyers and the a-wings are manufactured by KDY, as well as... 
delta-7 and delta-7b aethersprite-class light inteceptors! i think that’s their name? this is your jedi starfighter from attack of the clones. 
one thing the delta-7s, the a-wings, and the star destroyers all have in common (aside from their manufacturer)? their SHAPE! these are all ships that are commonly referred to as being wedge-shaped in various star wars books, because they are all triangles. i guess KDY just really loves wedges. 
other notable shipbuilders include the corellian engineering corporation (CEC) which has produced ships such as: 
the CR90 corvette. you know, the tantive iv. bail organa’s ship. the one leia was on in a new hope. the one that was under the command of captain raymus antilles. fun fact about CR90s: they are used diplomatically like with bail, but also used to run blockades. they’re reall fast. 
the yt line of ships! yt models include:
 a yt-1300 light freighter, which is the type of ship the millennium falcon is, though the falcon was heavily modified. a standard yt-1300 is a lot less dangerous, though smugglers like them bc they are very easily modified 
a yt-2400 freighter which i believed belonged to this dude named dash rendar and also the millennium falsehood once disguised itself as a yt-2400 with the 2400′s identifying feature being stuffed full of explosives and detachable 
they also made a vcx-100 which is a pretty sweet ship. lando seems to think so, at least. 
the CEC also produced various star destroyer models for the empire using KDY designs but the corellian ones were better, according to han. 
other notable ships include the hammerhead corvette, officially a sphyrna-class corvette which waas used in rogue one. there is also various mon cal cruisers such as home one and the mon remonda. 
lambda-class shuttles are the imperial thingy 
i will not be going into specifics of the TIE line in this ask, please send another if you would like something in-depth like this but specifically devoted to tie fighters 
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orokinarchives · 6 years
The Sacrifice
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(Update 23 splash)
A tortured vision sends the Operator on the hunt for a warframe unlike any other.
Previous story quest: Apostasy Prologue
Starting the quest
After completing the Apostasy Prologue, this quest can be initiated in the Codex. Upon starting the quest, the Lotus can be heard faintly whispering in the Orbiter.
Lotus: "Tenno… Tenno…."
The Tenno is prompted to examine the Lotus' helmet in their Personal Quarters. Upon interacting with the helmet, the introductory cinematic begins.
Intro cutscene
[On Earth, in a broken-down and overgrown courtyard, dense fog swirls around a dead cherry tree in the deep purple light of evening. Lua looms in the sky, gold-ringed and fractured. A warframe falls to its hands and knees on the courtyard stones. It appears to be a dark-coloured variant of the Excalibur warframe, but with a black scarf-like fabric hanging from its neck, and golden Orokin detailing, including protruding, crescent-shaped prongs along its arms and legs. The warframe plants a nikana in the ground – its pommel featuring the same crescent motif – and briefly leans on it for support. The warframe looks at its own hands, its body language somehow indicative of horror, and throws back its head and howls at the stars. Sparks and beams of light erupt from the warframe in its agony. Exhausted, the warframe slumps over, but immediately whirls around when a refined voice carries softly over the courtyard.]
Ballas: "Howl all you want. It won't bring him back."
[Ballas is leaning on a stone obelisk, obscured in shadow. As the warframe turns to face the Orokin Executor, it becomes apparent that the courtyard is in fact a graveyard. Ballas steps out of the shadow of the obelisk and walks forward a few paces, turning sideways to angle his elongated right arm out of view. Six of the Orokin tombstones ripple with blue energy particles as their forms shift, resolving into Sentient fighters similar to Battalysts. The warframe, on guard, analyses the situation quickly and summons its Exalted Blade. Two of the Sentient fighters raise their arm cannons and fire beams of destructive energy. The warframe deflects them both with the Exalted Blade before Slash Dashing forward and striking down all six Sentients with two swipes of its blade. It then dashes to Ballas and holds the Exalted Blade to his chest. The tip of the blade glances off a personal shield protecting the Orokin, generating a purple glow. Ballas does not seem concerned. His eyes glow orange as he communicates telepathically with the warframe.]
Ballas (Transference): "Lua brings you strength, Umbra—"
[A burst of red energy dissipates Umbra's Exalted Blade, and the warframe clutches its head, disoriented, before quickly collecting itself.]
Ballas: "—but you cannot defy your creator."
[A Sentient – much larger than a Battalyst, but smaller than an Teralyst – emerges from the fog behind Ballas and hovers forward to his side. Ballas steps towards the warframe, gloating.]
Ballas: "Even I make mistakes. Like you."
[The Sentient raises its left arm and vaporises Umbra with a beam of purple energy. After the flash of light, all that remains is Umbra's nikana, still standing upright by the dead tree.]
[on board Orbiter]
[The Operator flinches as their consciousness returns to their body, arm still outstretched towards the helmet. They look around the room frantically to orient themself.]
Ordis: "Operator? Are you alright? Your delta waves spiked for a moment. Ever since she—abandoned you—was taken…. Ordis knows just what you need! A comforting memory from my data store!"
Operator: "Ordis, don't!"
Lotus (recording): "Forgive me. This is who you really are: a Tenno. More than human… but once a child like any other. What do you—"
Operator: "That's enough, Ordis. Scan for Sentient energy on Earth. Recent activity."
Ordis: "I don't think… oh, what's this? Marking on Navigation. How did you know— oh, Ordis, this is the Operator we're talking about!"
First Mission: Investigate Sentient Energy (Lith, Earth)
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(Grineer Forest tileset remaster concept image)
The mission takes place on the Grineer Forest tileset at night. There are no enemies initially.
Ordis: "I am not sensing any Sentients, but there is something… oh no, Ghouls! Something must have disturbed their incubation sacs. A disgusting lifecycle."
Ghouls will burst out of the ground. The Tenno may engage them or bypass them. A waypoint leads deeper into the forest.
Ordis: "Operator, I am just a bug-addled Cephalon, but… if you ever need to talk… Ordis would be happy to hear how depressed you are!"
The waypoint leads to an Orokin door with a complex locking mechanism. The door is also overgrown with roots. Upon destroying the roots with damage, Ordis will being unlocking the door. The Tenno must hold their position at the door as the Ghouls assault them. Once the door opens, the Tenno can follow the path through a rocky crevasse that leads to the courtyard from their vision.
Operator: "I saw this place."
Ordis: "How? Did she… did the Lotus show you?"
Operator: "I don't know, but I think she wants me to see this. I'll scan the scene. Check for warframe traces."
The Tenno must scan the nikana Umbra left behind, as well as three fragments of Umbra left behind by his violent demise. Part of Umbra's helmet rests in a pile of ash to the left of the tree, the scarf is hanging from the rock walls on the right side of the courtyard, and one of the golden arm-crescents is lying on the ground at the top of the courtyard, near the entrance.
(upon scanning the nikana) Ordis: "This blade may pre-date everything in your arsenal. Very faint traces of mineral exposure. From Lua."
(upon scanning the first warframe trace) Ordis: "Remnants appear to be of warframe composition. I am not familiar with this design."
(upon scanning the second warframe trace) Ordis: "Almost… crude. If you can get another scan, I may be able to synthesise a partial schematic of the victim."
Ordis: "I know what you're going through. With the Lotus, I mean. Remember how you abandoned me? But look at how—angry—happy I am now! Don't worry, Operator, we'll find her."
(upon scanning the third warframe trace) Ordis: "Processing. I have extraction ready. I think you should hurry."
As the Tenno heads through the passage to extraction, loud cackling can be heard echoing through the tunnel.
Operator: "Ordis? What's going on?"
Large numbers of Ghouls will be waiting at the end of the tunnel, at the Orokin door.
Ordis: "Are they… coordinating an ambush?! I may have underestimated Ghoul intelligence! Expect resistance toward the extraction zone."
The Tenno must get through the Ghouls and reach extraction.
[on board Orbiter]
Ordis: "I've reconstructed what I could. Check your Foundry, Operator."
Upon checking the Foundry, the Excalibur Umbra blueprint will be present, but unable to be built. The build components are undetermined, and the blueprint will be labelled "More data required".
Ordis: "Uncertain if any Tenno has linked with this design. The Transference bolt seems different, but we cannot build this without more data."
Operator: "What about Lua? You said there were traces on the weapon…."
Ordis: "Right. One step ahead, aren't you, Operator! Marking on Navigation."
Second Mission: Explore Lua (Pavlov, Lua)
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(Orokin Moon tileset expansion concept image)
The mission takes place on the Orokin Moon tileset. There are no enemies present.
Ordis: "Are you sure we want to build this warframe? It could be dangerous."
Operator: "What I saw… what the Lotus showed me… this warframe knew Ballas. It tried to attack him."
Ordis: "What? The warframes are Transference-controlled. Battle envoys for the Operator to command… I don't understand."
Operator: "This one is different."
An Orokin console blocks further access. Upon accessing the console, a set of three rings covered in symbols appears. The Tenno must rotate the rings to display the correct symbols in the correct order, but no combination will be able to be selected.
Ordis: "An Orokin cipher! Impossible to bypass. They use mnemonic code-glyphs drawn directly from your memory. Perhaps search the area?"
On the right wall of the chamber with the console are two symbols, etched into the ivory wall. Another pair of symbols are on the wall in the room preceding the chamber. Upon approach, the markings will glow and project the symbols in the air in swirling blue energy particles.
(upon finding the first symbol pair) Ordis: "Curious. These markings seem fresh. Are there more?"
(upon finding the second symbol pair) Ordis: "Another. Is that a paired symbol there?"
Operator: "The order may be important for the cipher."
The pairs of symbols represent the first two and the last two symbols in the three-symbol code for the Orokin cipher, with the middle symbol being shared by each symbol pair. The symbol pairs, when put together, reveal the correct order of the three code-glyphs for the cipher. Upon accessing the console again, the symbol pairs will be displayed above the cipher for the Tenno to easily reference, and the symbols will glow blue when the proper code-glyph is selected.
Once the proper combination of code-glyphs have been entered, the gate will open, allowing the Tenno to proceed. In the room on the other side is a Sentient fighter, disguised as an Orokin pillar. The Sentient will reveal itself upon being approached and begin attacking the player with its beam weapons. Like Battalysts and Conculysts, it possesses the ability to adapt to the damage types it encounters, but is weak to the Operator's Void attacks.
Operator: "Ordis! What are these? Some new Sentient design?"
Ordis: "An old design! Mimics! Sentient Mimics! These haven't been seen since the Old War!"
(upon killing the Mimic) Ordis: "How did Mimics get to the Origin System? Operator, be vigilant when approaching… uh… 'things'."
Operator: "'Things'…."
Ordis: "Sorry, I can't be more specific."
More Mimics will be present throughout the mission, disguised as pillars, death orbs, resource deposits, storage containers, or lockers, attacking on approach. Eventually, the Tenno will come to a sealed dome, protected by another Orokin cipher, this one with a five-symbol code. The Tenno must find four symbol pairs in the rooms adjacent to the cipher. Each symbol pair is guarded by a pair of Mimics.
(upon finding the first symbol pair) Ordis: "You found one! Memorise it."
(upon finding the second symbol pair) Ordis: "Another. And look, a different marking beside it!"
(upon finding the fourth symbol pair) Ordis: "That should be the last one. Now… to figure out the correct ordering."
(if player takes too long with hacking the console) Ordis: "You have all the codes, but the order seems wrong."
After entering the correct code, the dome will open, revealing a doorway to a laboratory of some kind. In the lab, an Orokin sentry turret is still active and will fire upon the Tenno until it is destroyed.
Ordis: "These markings signify danger. Was this a containment cell for something?"
Operator: "Umbra. Cave-ins must have compromised the enclosure."
Ordis: "Likely. There are still strong aftershocks from when you pulled Lua out of the Void."
The Tenno must search the lab. Eventually they will find an Orokin data-storage device on the bench to the left. Interacting with it will display a spiral of memory-glyphs, one of which glows blue and is labelled "ENEMY". Selecting it will open up a voice recording of Ballas, while warframe blueprints are displayed in gold on black.
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(The Orokin words are, from top to bottom, "sample" and "hand".)
Ballas: "It is with the greatest of risk that I commit this recording. The codices within reveal the hidden weakness of your most feared enemy. My creations. My frames of war."
Ordis: "A Vitruvian – this is rare Orokin technology! Incredible it survived this long…. You should destroy it immediately."
Operator: "What? No. We need to get inside… but it's locked to a new set of codes [sigh]. I'm bringing it back for analysis."
Ordis: "I was afraid you'd say that."
More Mimics, as well as Battalysts and Conculysts, will attack the Tenno on their way to extraction.
[on board Orbiter]
Ordis: "Operator, I'd rather not connect that Vitruvian to my systems. It could—make me crazy—affect my systems in unforeseen ways."
Operator: "This may have belonged to Ballas. He's our only way to the Lotus. Please, Ordis?"
Ordis: "You had to say please, didn't you?"
The Tenno can install the Vitruvian in the lower level of the Orbiter, just outside of the Somatic Link chamber.
Ordis: "Ordis, you need to learn how to stand up for yourself. To say no, and mean it, even if it is the Oper-a-TTTORRR_OR_OR_OR—"
Ordis will glitch out heavily upon connecting to the Vitruvian. The Orbiter will begin to list to starboard, and the lights will go out. After a few seconds, the lights will come back on and the Orbiter will right itself. Ordis will now speak with a completely toneless cadence and will no longer display any glitches.
Vitruvian Ordis: "I have been upgraded, Star-Child. Your warframe blueprint now has the required data. Check Foundry."
In the Foundry, the Excalibur Umbra blueprint now displays the required build materials: 10.000 credits, 1 Orokin cell, 60 kuva, 1.200 nano spores, and 1.600 alloy plate. It will take 10 seconds to build, and be already Rank 30. Once completed, the Tenno will be prompted to equip it in the Arsenal. Upon doing so, the Arsenal interface will disappear as a cutscene begins.
[Umbra rejects Transference control and howls, releasing arcs of energy and damaging its helmet. After recovering, it lunges forward and grabs the Operator by the throat, pulling them out of Void mode. Up close, it can be seen that the damage to the warframe's helmet has exposed biological flesh beneath, and a white eye where one would be expected on a human face. Umbra throws the Operator against the wall of the Orbiter, then follows up by trapping them against the bulkhead, holding their neck within one of the crescent prongs on its forearm. Golden energy ripples across the helmet as Umbra makes itself whole, mending the helmet to obscure its flesh once more. Struggling, the Operator raises their arm and grabs Umbra's shoulder, initiating Transference.]
Inside Umbra's mind, the Operator finds themself within a memory. Umbra's point of view is from a person confined to a bed in an Orokin medical facility. To the right of the bed stands a Dax soldier at attention. To the left sits Ballas, reclining with one leg crossed over the other. Directly in front of the bed is the doorway, but nothing is on the other side but a cherry tree in bloom, surrounded by water, backlit by harsh white light. The Tenno can look around the room, but cannot move, as Umbra is lying in the bed.
Ballas: "Good morning, old friend."
Umbra: [urgent grunts and muffled attempts to speak]
Ballas: "I'm afraid the disease has taken your voice, but we've prepared the finest serums to treat you. Shall we pass the time with a game of komi? Like old times."
Ballas gestures to a 5x5 game board resting between him and Umbra. A clicking and hissing noise can be heard, presumably a Transference bolt engaging in Umbra's brain. Ballas' eyes glow orange as he uses Transference to communicate with Umbra without speaking aloud.
Ballas (Transference): "You remember this game, don't you? Think your move and the board senses…."
Umbra: [grunts]
Ballas (Transference): "Oh, this… I've had them fit you with a Transference bolt. In honour of our… history together."
Ballas: "And look… look who hasn't left your side since you took ill."
Ballas (Transference): "Look at him, old man. Look at your son."
(if the Tenno does not look) Ballas (Transference): "Look at your son. Do it."
Ballas indicates the Dax soldier standing next to the bed. When the Tenno sees the Dax, the soldier glows blue, and a memory-glyph is unlocked. The Dax breaks his stance and steps forward.
Dax: "Can he hear me? Father? It's me, Isaah. Do you remember me?"
The visor of Isaah's helmet retracts, revealing his face. Isaah sits next to the bed, close to Umbra.
Ballas: "Of course he remembers you, young Dax—"
Ballas (Transference): "—which will make this reunion all the more tragic… when you watch him die."
Umbra: [frantic attempts to speak]
The view will shake as Umbra tries desperately to move or leave the bed, and the memory fades into darkness.
Back in the Orbiter, the Operator will collapse to the floor, breathing rapidly and clutching their throat. Umbra is nowhere to be seen.
Operator: "Ordis? What happened?"
Vitruvian Ordis: "The warframe I warned you not to build, that you built anyway, caused a massive Transference overload and damaged my precepts. It has escaped out into the System."
Operator: "When I linked to it… there was something there. A… a memory."
Vitruvian Ordis: "Warframes are Transference proxies for the Star-Child. They do not have memories."
Operator: "Well, this one does. Might be why it's unstable… Ordis, let me look at the Vitruvian."
In the Vitruvian, a different symbol will be highlighted: the symbol unlocked when seeing Isaah, labelled "BLASPHEMY". The recording of Ballas continues over a blueprint of the Sentient unit that was seen earlier in the Operator's vision of the courtyard.
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(The Orokin words are, from left to right, "Sentient", "Natah", and "data".)
Ballas: "What led us here? You did. You vile blasphemies. Machines… thinking… breeding…. You were to bear us a new, promised land. But when you arrived at that distant world… you knew that in time, we would bring ruin to it as well. As we had to Earth. And so it was… we came to war."
Operator: "Ordis. We need to track that Umbra warframe."
Vitruvian Ordis: "Done, Star-Child."
Third Mission: Search for Umbra (Nuovo, Ceres)
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(Grineer Shipyards tileset remaster concept image)
The mission takes place on the Grineer Shipyard tileset, with the usual Grineer enemies.
Vitruvian Ordis: "Star-Child, are you seeking revenge for its damage to me? Will you destroy this Umbra warframe?"
Operator: "No. The codes are in his memory. If I can get close, I'll go in again and try to recover them. He's the key to finding the Lotus, I can feel it."
As the Tenno progresses through the map, dead Grineer bodies can be seen scattered on the ground. Eventually, Umbra can be found attacking Grineer with his nikana and his full range of warframe abilities.
(when Umbra is spotted) Vitruvian Ordis: "There it is. Approach with caution."
Umbra is immune to all damage, and will attack the Tenno if no Grineer remain alive. His attacks can cross through the Void to damage the Operator in Void mode, but he can be temporarily stunned with Void Blast. The Tenno must use Transference on Umbra while he is stunned.
(if the Operator does not use Void Blast, variant) Vitruvian Ordis: "Star-Child, use your Void Blast to weaken him."
(if the Operator does not use Void Blast, variant) Vitruvian Ordis: "Star-Child, you must use Void Blast to wear him down."
(if the Operator does not use Void Blast, variant) Vitruvian Ordis: "Void Blast, Star-Child. Use it."
(upon stunning Umbra, variant) Vitruvian Ordis: "Now… use Transference."
(upon stunning Umbra, variant) Vitruvian Ordis: "Star-Child, you have an opening. Use your Transference."
(upon stunning Umbra, variant) Vitruvian Ordis: "He may recover, Star-Child. Quickly, use your Transference."
Using Transference on Umbra will take the Tenno into another memory. The scene continues from the previous memory with Ballas and Isaah, although now small patches of Technocyte can be seen growing on the pristine Orokin walls.
Ballas: "Your move."
On the komi board, Ballas has placed a single white stone, which is surrounded on three sides by Umbra's black stones. Beside the board is a panel which keeps score (currently 0-0) and explains the rules of the game. It is similar to the board game Go. The panel indicates that the first player to capture 3 stones wins the match, and points out that Ballas' stone can easily be captured in a single move. During komi play, Ballas will periodically urge Umbra to play, or comment on his move. These lines are spoken during all komi scenes throughout the quest.
(if the Tenno idles, variant) Ballas: "Go on. Make a play."
(if the Tenno idles, variant) Ballas: "It's your move, old friend."
(if the Tenno idles, variant) Ballas: "I'm waiting. Make your play."
(if the Tenno idles, variant) Ballas: "Your turn."
(if the Tenno idles, variant) Ballas: "Take your time."
(after the Tenno makes a move, variant) Ballas: "Finally."
(after the Tenno makes a move, variant) Ballas: "Curious."
(after the Tenno makes a move, variant) Ballas: "A fine move."
(after the Tenno makes a move, variant) Ballas: "Hmmm."
(after the Tenno makes a move, variant) Ballas: "Well played."
(after the Tenno makes a move, variant) Ballas: "I see."
(when Ballas wins a match, variant) Ballas: "Mine."
(when Ballas wins a match, variant) Ballas: "And so I take another."
After completing a match, the board will clear and a new game will start immediately, with Umbra having the first move.
(if Umbra wins) Isaah: "He loves this game. I'll never forget the time I finally beat him… but now I'm thinking he just let me win."
(after the third match) Ballas: "You served with distinction, old Dax. We commissioned a portrait in your honour, there on the wall."
(if the Tenno does not look) Ballas: "A beautiful portrait, don't you agree?"
Behind Ballas, on the left wall of the room, is a portrait of a Dax standing tall on a hazy plain, with scattered wreckage faintly visible behind him. When the Tenno looks at the portrait, another memory-glyph is unlocked.
Isaah: "The Sentient battle at Hull… I can't imagine…. You were awarded the Lua Cross for valour."
Ballas: "Will you follow in your father's path?"
Isaah: "Of course."
Ballas (Transference): "He will, and his children will. You see… these are the stakes of this little game. Each stone I capture will be another, and another, and another… culled from your subversive bloodline. You thought you could outplay me? I've had lifetimes to plan my defection. You spied on me, intercepted my communications. But I saw your move long before you took it. And so… we come to the consequences…."
Umbra: [frantic attempts to speak]
Isaah: "Father? You… you alright? Please! Do something for him!"
The memory fades to black and the Tenno returns to the mission.
Vitruvian Ordis: "Star-Child, were you successful?"
Operator: [gasping] "I couldn't breathe…."
Vitruvian Ordis: "Somehow you are inverting the flow. Not from Tenno to warframe… but warframe to Tenno. There may be residual effects. Return to the ship."
Umbra is nowhere to be found, but Grineer bodies will continue to litter the ground on the way to extraction. Sentient fighters will also appear and begin attacking the Tenno, along with the remaining Grineer forces.
[on board Orbiter]
The Vitruvian interface will be brought up upon returning to the Orbiter, and the Tenno must select the glyph they saw in the memory: "WARFRAMES". The Vitruvian displays an Infested mass as Ballas continues to narrate.
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(The three circles are labelled, from top-left to bottom-right, "Figure 1", "Figure 2", and "Figure 3", and the central drawing is labelled "Infested".)
Ballas: "Our hubris shone like a black star… for our technology, our war-machines were your kin. How easily you turned them against us. We were forced to older means. Not circuits, nor light… but flesh and disease. Our horrors past, our ravaged outer colonies… became gardens!"
Continuing to the next section of the recording shows the blueprint for the chair from the Helminth Infirmary.
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(The Orokin words are, from top to bottom, "test", "simulation", and "Helminth".)
Ballas: "We cultured the Infestation, conceiving of a hybrid. Transformed, but only just. The Helminth was created, born to yield these new warriors, worthy of battle against you, the great and terrible Hunhow."
The next schematic is of a human.
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(The Orokin text says "test subject" and "Infested".)
Ballas: "We took our greatest, volunteers or not, and polluted them with these cultured reagents. They transformed. They became Infested…"
The next schematic is the same human, but now in the process of becoming infested, looking very similar to a Nidus warframe.
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(The Orokin text says "test subject" and "sword-steel".)
Ballas: "…but only just. Their skin blossomed into sword-steel. Their organs, interlinked with untold resilience. Yet their minds were free of the Infested madness. Or so we thought. We set them upon the battlefield, bio-drones under our command."
The next schematic is the same human, now resembling an Excalibur warframe.
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(The Orokin text says "test subject" and "warframe".)
Ballas: "The warframes… all of them… failures. Surprised? They turned on us, just as you did. And so we had no choice… but to commit them to grave. This is all you know, Hunhow, but there is a hidden half, a secret, that lies within a place forbidden to you and your kind. I speak of the Void."
Vitruvian Ordis: "Star-Child, repairs continue. Allow me to test vestigial precepts for a moment. Like 'caring'."
The lights in the Orbiter will temporarily shut off as Ordis reverts to his previous self.
Ordis (heavily glitching at first): "Operator, you need to stop this! You could suffer permanent harm from Umbra's memory. What if you internalise all this?"
Operator: "I feel like… he's leading me to the truth, about Ballas…. Right now, it's all I have to go on."
Fourth Mission: Pursue Umbra (Triton, Neptune)
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(Corpus ship redesigns, DevStream 117)
The mission takes place on the Corpus Ship tileset. There are no living Corpus units, only bloody corpses. High numbers of Sentient Battalysts and Conculysts are present throughout the map.
Ordis: "Ballas must be tracking Umbra now. I'm detecting increased Sentient presence in the area."
Umbra can be found in a large room, fighting against several Sentients. He now has shields that protect him from the Operator's Void Blast. Upon approach, he will emit a Radial Howl that will blind the Tenno and kill all the Sentients. After recovering, the Tenno will find that Umbra is gone.
Ordis: "The area is locked down. We need to take care of those Mimics."
Five Mimics will be hidden in the room, and must be hunted down and killed before the lockdown can be lifted. Following usual Mimic behaviour, they will reveal themselves when the Tenno nears them, and attack.
Ordis: "Keep searching, they are here somewhere."
(after the last Mimic is killed) Ordis: "Lockdown ended, very good. Now, where is that warframe?"
Umbra will be alone in another large room and will attack the Tenno's warframe or Operator (whichever is under active control) on sight relentlessly with all his warframe abilities. As before, his attacks can harm the Operator in Void mode.
(when spotting Umbra, variant) Ordis: "See him, Operator? Advise you approach with caution!"
(when spotting Umbra, variant) Ordis: "Operator, please be careful… he's not in control."
Umbra's shields must be depleted before he can be stunned by Void Blast, but they can only be damaged by Void Beam or an Amp.
Ordis: "Normal attacks won't work. Try using your Void Blast?"
(upon stunning Umbra) Ordis:"That did it! Now is your chance – use Transference!"
Back in the memory, the Infestation has covered more of the walls – it is clear now that the encroaching Technocyte is a delirious projection of the Infestation growing within Umbra. Another komi game with Ballas is in progress, with the scoreboard noting that Ballas is already winning by 2. The layout of the board makes it impossible to prevent Ballas from winning the game in a couple of moves.
Ballas: "Trouble concentrating, old friend? Look at all your komi stones I've taken."
Ballas (Transference): "This one, a brother. These three, his children. And on and on, all of these gone to the Jade Light."
(after Ballas wins the komi game) Isaah: "Father, do you remember your shawzin? Remember how you'd sing to us 'Smiles from Juran'?"
Ballas: "A fine instrument."
The shawzin is on a stand by the right wall of the room, behind Isaah's chair. Looking at it will unlock another memory-glyph.
Ballas: "How thoughtful, to remind him of his better days. Come now, your move. Only a few stones left."
A new game of komi will be on the board, half-completed. Two of Ballas' komi stones are about to be captured, and the board glows with hints as to the proper moves. Performing either move will capture a stone.
(when his stone is captured) Ballas: "Isaah, looks like your father still has his sharp wit."
Isaah: "My father understands the game better than anyone."
Ballas (Transference): "Yet you couldn't understand why I'd give my secrets to our enemy. How could I betray my own kind? But you have never had to sacrifice your love for faith. Imagine – to live, forever, with only one memory: seeing the one you love, die."
Ballas places another stone on the board and passes the turn to Umbra. One of his komi stones is still vulnerable, and the board highlights the proper move to capture it. However, attempting to place the stone causes Umbra to lose focus on the board.
Ballas (Transference): "But you won't have to imagine. A lovingly-cultured Infestation swarms within your blood. Your transformation has begun—"
The Infestation in the room spreads visibly and Umbra begins frantically struggling to move or speak.
Ballas (Transference): "—reshaping you into a sacred surrogate of the unholy Tenno… a warframe with but a single, burning, memory. It is… a miracle!"
Umbra places his komi stone on the board, but instead of capturing one of Ballas' pieces, the stone lands on a different space than the one selected, placing it right into a trap that Ballas has set, ready to be captured on the next move.
Ballas: "But all miracles require sacrifice."
The memory fades to black and the Tenno returns to the mission.
Operator: [gasping] "He's gonna kill him!"
Ordis: "Who's going to what?"
Operator: "Ballas. He's going to kill my… his… son, Isaah."
Ordis: "But aren't these memories, Operator? You cannot undo what has been done."
On the way to extraction, Corpus units will begin appearing to attack the Tenno, along with remaining Sentient fighters.
[on board Orbiter]
In the Vitruvian, the shawzin memory-glyph appears, labelled "TENNO". Selecting it will display a blueprint of an interstellar ship – the Zariman 10-0 – while Ballas narrates.
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(The Orokin word to the right says "Zariman".)
Ballas: "Before the vain faith, our people held Dualism as truth. That all things were of two parts. Mind and body. Consciousness and matter. Of our world… and the Void. It was from there that our answer finally came."
The next blueprint is of a Tenno, kneeling in front of a warframe.
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(The Orokin text labels the warframe as "body" and the Operator as "mind", and says "Tenno" on either side of the figure.)
Ballas: "Distorted by vague horrors, we kept the Zariman survivors within a secret Reservoir. They were the missing half. Transference-linked: the warframes, the body; and they, the mind. I give you now the coordinates and codes to this place. But do not underestimate these devils, Hunhow. They did what we could not. We had created monsters we couldn't—"
The Tenno abruptly terminates the recording.
Operator: "I know what I have to do."
The Operator Transferences out of the warframe and arrives at the Navigation Console of the Orbiter.
Ordis: "Operator?"
Operator: "I don't need to hear it. I lived it…. Prepare the landing craft, Ordis. I'm going in… myself."
Ordis: "I hope that doesn't mean what I think it does."
Fifth Mission: Confront Umbra (Tycho, Lua)
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(The Sacrifice hype image)
The mission takes place on the Orokin Moon tileset. The Tenno arrives in Operator mode and has no warframe. There are no enemies.
Ordis: "Operator, please reconsider. You know how dangerous this is. The Sentients will be here in force! This is why you bring a warframe to these things!"
Operator: "My warframe is here. I just have to find it."
(when Umbra is spotted, variant) Ordis: "See him, Operator? Advise you approach with caution!"
(when Umbra is spotted, variant) Ordis: "Operator, please be careful… he's not in control."
As before, the Tenno must deplete Umbra's shields, stun him with Void Blast, and use Transference on him, while avoiding his attacks. Without a warframe to recover or distract Umbra, the fight is somewhat more difficult.
In the memory, the room is now completely overgrown with Infestation, even the hospital bed, and black particles fall like snow from the ceiling – whether ash or Technocyte particles or something else is not clear. The komi board is unchanged from the last memory, the game still in progress.
This time, the Operator is present, standing in the doorway, addressing Umbra directly.
Operator: "You have relived this moment countless times. But our minds are linked now. We'll face this together."
The growth of the Infestation can be heard audibly, and Umbra begins breathing rapidly, straining from the effort. Neither Ballas nor Isaah react to this, nor to the Operator's presence.
Operator: "This poison he's given you, it has taken your will away. You are a victim, as much as your son."
Ballas looks over at Isaah, then makes his move on the komi board, capturing the stone that Umbra had misplayed previously. The komi stones disappear from the board – Ballas has won.
Ballas: "Sorry, Isaah. The time has come."
Ballas languidly rises from his seat.
Operator: "We are together."
Isaah rises and stands stiffly at attention, bowing respectfully.
Isaah: "I… am honoured… to be your son."
Operator: [points to Ballas] "Ballas did this, not you."
Ballas (Transference): "Don't worry, old friend. I'm not going to kill your boy…"
Ballas extends his elongated right arm and gestures commandingly at Umbra.
Ballas: "…you are."
Umbra's view shakily turns to look at Isaah, who reacts with surprise.
Isaah: "Father? Father!"
Umbra jumps towards Isaah and the memory goes dark.
The Tenno Operator will find themselves in a new place, a curving path suspended in midair leading to a cherry tree. Motes of light and swirls of energy surround the scene. Everything is cast in black and outlined in gold, obscuring detail and texture. The Tenno cannot use any abilities or parkour manoeuvres, and can only walk along the path. As they walk, memories of Isaah's voice sound out in the dark.
Isaah: "Father?"
Isaah: "It's me. Isaah."
Isaah: "Do you remember your shawzin?"
Isaah: "Father? Father!"
Isaah: "He loves this game. I'll never forget the time I finally beat him…."
Isaah: "Father? You… you alright?"
A figure is huddled at the base of the tree. As the Tenno approaches, a cutscene begins.
[The Umbra warframe kneels on the ground, hands pressed to the side of his head, shaking violently as if weeping intensely. The plucked strings of a shawzin can be heard as the Tenno draws close to Umbra and slowly sits in front of him in the traditional Tenno seiza position. Ballas' narration from the "TENNO" Vitruvian entry, which the Tenno had interrupted earlier, plays as the Operator begins to meditate with Umbra.]
Ballas: "—We had created monsters we couldn't control. We drugged them, tortured them, eviscerated them… we brutalised their minds, but it did not work. Until they came."
[Umbra stills and stops weeping. He settles back on his ankles and places his hands on his hips, mirroring the Tenno's sitting position. As Ballas continues, the scene fades out of the black-and-gold rendering and is visible in normal colour.]
Ballas: "And it was not their force of will – not their Void devilry – not their alien darkness… it was something else. It was that somehow, from within the derelict horror, they had learned a way to see inside an ugly, broken thing—"
[The Operator's sitting position swivels to become aligned with Umbra's, and the Operator melts into the Umbra warframe as if through Transference, leaving only the kneeling Umbra.]
Ballas: "—and take away its pain."
The Tenno helps Umbra assimilate the traumatic memory with a dialogue choice:
(Sun) Operator: "We use this memory. It fuels our wrath."
(Neutral) Operator: "We accept this memory and move beyond its reach."
(Moon) Operator: "We return this memory to the Void and find peace in our emptiness."
Back on Lua, Umbra slowly rises from his seated position, glowing with Transference energy. The nikana is embedded in the ground before him, and Umbra grasps the hilt, then draws the blade with a flourish. The scene transitions into gameplay, with the Tenno now controlling Umbra through Transference.
Ordis: "Operator! You did it! Your Transference signal is clean, synchronised with that warframe!"
Operator: "Mark a path to extraction. We've got one last mission before this is done."
Ordis: "Marking, but I'm detecting a mass of Sentient forces converging on your location. Quickly; you may be able to escape."
Operator: "No. Let them come."
Excalibur Umbra is similar to the base Excalibur warframe, with his Radial Blind ability replaced with Radial Howl, which has the added effect of eliminating Sentient resistances. His nikana is named the Skiajati, and will grant temporary invisibility upon performing finisher attacks. Both the warframe and the nikana are max level. If the Operator Transferences out of Excalibur Umbra, then Umbra will retain control of the warframe and fight alongside the Operator, using the equipped weapons and abilities. Battalysts, Conculysts, and Corrupted will begin to appear and attack the Tenno, but they do not need to be killed in order to extract.
[on board Orbiter]
Ordis: "Operator, we have no idea what Ballas is capable of. Please, reconsider this. Why would you risk it?"
Operator: "Ordis. I'd like to hear her."
Ordis: "Yes. Yes, of course… accessing data-store… which should I play?"
(Sun) Lotus (recording): "Now we fight on two fronts, my child. The war without… and the war within."
(Neutral) Lotus (recording): "Dream… not of what you are, but of what you want to be."
(Moon) Lotus (recording): "My child… so beautiful to behold. How do you feel?"
Ordis: "Operator, there is much to be done. Please consult the Navigation console."
Examining Excalibur Umbra in the Arsenal will show that he has an Orokin Reactor installed and is already equipped with three new mods: Umbral Intensify, Umbral Fibre, and Umbral Vitality, which are primed versions of Intensify, Steel Fibre, and Vitality, respectively. They each also grant an amount of resistance to Sentient attacks, and belong to the Umbral mod set, which enhances the stats of each mod the more are equipped. The Skiajati has an Orokin Catalyst installed and is equipped with Sacrificial Steel and Sacrificial Pressure, which are primed versions of True Steel and Pressure Point. Each also adds bonus damage against Sentients, and belong to the Sacrificial mod set, which enhances the stats of each mod the more are equipped. All five new mods are already rank 5, and can be ranked up as much as desired before continuing. The Exalted Umbra Blade also comes equipped with the Sacrificial mods. The next mission cannot be started if either Excalibur Umbra or the Skiajati is unequipped.
Sixth Mission: Return to Earth (Lith, Earth)
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(The Sacrifice teaser image, DevStream 112)
The mission takes place on the Grineer Forest tileset at night, with the map identical to the first mission. The Ghouls are no longer present, but Sentient fighters are present throughout.
Ordis: "He is waiting for you, but I'm detecting powerful signals emanating from the courtyard. They are calling out for reinforcements across the entire System. You don't have long."
As the Tenno enters the courtyard, Ballas can be seen standing next to the cherry tree.
Ballas: "I tried to release you from your torment, but it seems those devils rebuilt you."
Operator: "What have you done with her? Ballas, where is the Lotus?"
Ballas: "Has the wolf become a dog? Is this Umbra, or some Tenno?"
Operator: "Both."
Ballas: "Then both will burn!"
Ballas will generate a protective shield around himself, which also lights the cherry tree on fire. Tombstones all around will reveal themselves as Mimics and engage the Tenno, while Battalysts and Conculysts arrive as well. Upon killing all the Sentients, the Operator will Transference back into Excalibur Umbra (if they were out) and a cutscene will begin.
[Umbra advances on Ballas with his blade drawn. Ballas steps forward and extends his left hand.]
Ballas: "STOP."
[A wave of purple energy radiates from Ballas, washing over Umbra, who freezes in place. Ballas smiles with satisfaction as he saunters over to stand directly in front of Umbra, regarding him haughtily.]
Ballas: "You think you can defy me? Not even your Tenno devil can—"
[The sound of steel cutting flesh interrupts Ballas, who gasps and looks down. The Skiajati, still held in Umbra's hand, has impaled Ballas through his left abdomen. Ballas looks up at Umbra in shock.]
Ballas: [gasps] "I… created… you…."
[Umbra's hand trembles, and releases the nikana momentarily, before the Operator's hand materialises to guide Umbra to grip the handle again, and together they drive the blade in deeper, causing it to emerge out of Ballas' back. The Operator releases Umbra, who withdraws the blade, causing Ballas to fall back and stumble to the ground at the base of the tree. The Operator, backed by Umbra, looks down at Ballas and rebukes him. Ballas has different replies based on the dialogue choice.]
(Sun) Operator (angrily): "Squirm, like the maggot you are!"
Ballas: "I… am just the stone…. She is the hand."
(Neutral) Operator: "This was inevitable."
Ballas: "Yes… yes… she has foreseen it."
(Moon) Operator: "The cycle is broken."
Ballas: "Now I know… [gasping breath] what she sees in you."
[Ballas goes limp, seemingly dead. Sentient Mimics drop from the sky and arrange themselves behind the cherry tree, readying their arm weapons. The Operator runs forward, demanding answers from Ballas' corpse.]
Operator: "Where is she? Where is the Lotus?"
[A loud, discordant sound rings out, followed by a sonic boom as a large Sentient drops down from the sky, destroying the burning cherry tree. It is the same Sentient seen earlier, in the courtyard with Ballas. It is purple-coloured, composed of the same wood-like, sinewy material as the Eidolons, about two or three times larger than a normal human. A large pair of arms end in pincer-like claws, which earlier had vaporised Umbra's body. Another pair of arms, ghostly and ethereal, are extended forward, and a third pair of strongly humanoid arms are held together, in front, as if praying. A purple carapace, extremely similar to the Lotus' helmet, is lifted off of the face by a tail-like appendage, revealing the Lotus herself. The skin of her face is now segmented into discrete portions rigged to the skeleton beneath, producing an disturbing robot-like appearance when she moves or speaks. Her voice, though familiar, is toneless and devoid of the little affect she had previously displayed.]
Lotus: "I am here, Tenno."
[The Operator is shocked and horrified.]
Operator: "What? What have they done to you?"
Lotus: "Nothing. This… is what I am."
[The Lotus' ethereal arms have picked up Ballas' body while she was talking to the Tenno. The dozen-odd Mimics behind her suddenly fire their arm beams at the Tenno in unison, but Umbra, with seemingly prescient reflexes, leaps to the Operator, grabs them with one arm, and leaps back, shielding the Operator with his body while bringing them to safety. Both Umbra and the Operator land in battle-ready stances, and the Operator immediately Transferences back into Umbra. The Lotus begins to radiate orange energy as Excalibur Umbra readies his Skiajati and the cutscene ends.]
Lotus (voice distorted and echoing): "Drifting, gaunt beyond the bleak star…. Mother… I am coming home."
The Mimics fly up into the sky, and the Lotus soon follows, taking off like a rocket and warping away in a blast of purple light, leaving only the charred, broken stump of the cherry tree. Instead of heading to extraction, the mission fades to black and ends automatically.
[on board Orbiter]
Operator: [sighs] "I saw her, Ordis."
Ordis: "But it wasn't… 'her', was it?"
Operator: "No. I— I don't know. But I'm going to find out."
After the quest is complete, the Tenno will receive an inbox message from Ordis containing the Excalibur Umbra Sunder helmet (the damaged helmet Umbra had initially, with the exposed eye), the courtyard on Earth as a Captura scene, and unique noble and agile animation sets for Excalibur Umbra.
Inbox message: More Vitruvian Secrets
After close examination, Ordis has determined that the Vitruvian contained several more designs for Umbra-related items! I have taken the liberty of constructing those items for you.
Your loyal Cephalon, Ordis
After the quest is complete, the next time the Tenno encounters the Man in the Wall on their Orbiter, a short interaction will play out.
Man in the Wall: "Feelin' better, kiddo?"
Operator: "I killed him… Isaah."
Man in the Wall: "Did you now? Is that how you remember it?"
Operator: "Yes."
Man in the Wall: "Good." [vanishes]
This quest can be replayed from the Codex.
Next story quest: Chimera Prologue
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