#demo submissions
rhythm86radio · 3 months
EDMTunes New Music Friday – Week 24
Listen to the most flavour-packed tracks we discovered this week. Music makes the world go round. And in that regard, we’re constantly on the lookout for new, exciting tunes to share with our audience. We’ve found some that cause goosebumps, and make you open your eyes and get up from your chair to dance. So put on your best pair of headphones, or turn up your speakers, and enjoy this week’s New…
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tag-if · 10 months
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Ladies, gents, and nons, it's the moment you've all been waiting for;
The Demo Is Now Here
the page will be a little boring for the moment, i'll worry about description, graphics, etc. at a later date (maybe after Christmas), so i apologise
additionally; the autosave currently does not work as intended, so please make sure to save manually, and should you wish to continue your save in the update do not save on the final thank you/demo end screen as it will be removed in updates
In this demo you can (and will);
learn a little bit (just a little bit) of context behind your situation;
choose the gender of A. Bellefleur and T. Bellefleur;
decide whether your MC will (start out) bloodthirsty, indifferent, or guiltridden;
also decide whether you were hired for your military knowledge, your diplomacy, or your charm/etiquette;
sort of meet the King and Queen.
it is a relatively short prologue, i will admit, but i do hope you enjoy!
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 6 months
JADE: dont fear boys! the engineer is engi-here!
ROSE: I'm a lesbian.
JADE: engi-queer!
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pawnguild · 5 days
been off contract for a month and still feel Immense anxiety 🤪
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lemondemonpickuplines · 4 months
i could be your Cabinet Man (Demo) (Bonus Track)
ugh this is so hot
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royal1asset-if · 2 years
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My Very First Interactive Novel.
Links: Character's Animal Pics,
Character's Badges, Character's Masquerade Mask
Teasers: 1,2,3
Spotify Playlist
Snippets: Dustin Wither, Amelia Payne, Luna Du Couteau, Serena Fairclough, Elric Graves, Conrad Hoyer
RO's Review Reaction: 1
Demo: Prologue up to Chapter 1
(Tip: On your mobile phone, go to your browser's setting and click on desktop site.)
Royal Asset is an interactive novel, about a group of people with exceptional skills that were tasked to defend the kingdom and it's crown. There are 6 love interest for you to choose from, 3 males and 3 females each with their own past and secrets for you to learn!
(Note: The RO's are not final. I might add more in the near future and that no romance is not a option. Also, I want this novel open as much as possible not restricting itself to the medieval time era or any kind of era. For example, I might put modern music in the novel.)
(Warning: 18+ Viewer discretion is advised! The story includes the following: Violence, Sexual themes, self-doubt, depression and many more will be added in the future.)
The game itself is currently in progress, where each chapter will be updated as I finish it.
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The king is sitting on his throne, fidgeting anxiously.
Thinking how his life flashed before his very eyes, one assassin infiltrated his castle in the middle of the night and almost succeeded in taking his life.
" Haha! brooding my king?" his Royal Protector asked him.
"That obvious huh? Leon." the king said to his protector.
"Be quit, Leon! can't you leave the king in peace?" the king's Royal Wizard says annoyed, chastising Leon.
"You're always so grumpy! Leona!" he says to the wizard.
The king listening to the banter of the two, just can't help but to forget his present problem and laugh at their argument. Thinking how many years have passed, before they were children and playing around. These two are his most treasured friends and he can always rely on them to watch his back.
"Reminiscing my king? I can see tears forming on your eyes." Leon says.
"Yes, Leon I'm just thinking the good old days, now I have to manage this kingdom and ensuring safety to the people, not to mention almost getting killed in my sleep." the king says wistfully.
"Just remember you're not alone Hendrik!" Leona says gently, putting her hands on the shoulder of the king.
"I know, it's just taxing to oversee this all by myself!" he says frustated, hands clutching tightly
"That's what you get for being the heir." Leon deadpan. Before the king can something, Leon immediately cut him off.
"But worry not!, me and my sister here have thought of a plan to make your life easier!" he says triumphantly, fist raise in the air.
"Please do tell!" the king said tiringly.
"Hendrick, why not make a team that consist of people from different divisions." she says to the king confidently.
"We know the divisions have their differences and they are always at each other's throat, but this crazy plan might work!. he exclaimed skeptical.
"We just need to think of a group name, that will strike fear to the hearts of heathen and will be a beacon of light to the people.
"How about, "The Elites." she says.
"Too common Leona! we need something unique, "The Vindicators!" he says.
"Really Leon! "The Vindicators" the people upon hearing that, will think that they are mercenaries or thugs." she says exasperated.
The king closed his eyes and block out the noise of the arguing siblings and ponder what name will sound better.
"The Royal Assets!" he says aloud, it's name, reverberating through the castle walls.
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The kingdom of Devontae, thrived and lived happily. King Hendrik rules his kingdom with a stern but caring hand. Ensuring the safety of it's people and punishing those who will disrupt the peace of his kingdom. With the council and advice of his "Royal Protector and Royal Wizard". His most trusted and treasured friends, ensuring that he will not fall from grace. But as time goes by, the king became weary as shouldering the weight of his kingdom alone is slowly taking a toll on him and one assassin almost succeeded in taking his life. His friends noticing this, decided to devise a plan that will help the king govern and protect his kingdom at the same time protecting the king himself.
They recruited the following people.
"Victoria Dare ,The Inquisitor. From the Knight Division"[F]
"Dante Bancroft, The Grandmaster. From the Assassin Division"[M]
"Ailwyn Elffire, The Sanguiner. From the Mage Divsion"[M]
"Kenred Ryder, The Hunter. From the Ranger Division"[M]
"Beatrice Delia, The Divine. From the Cleric Division"[F]
"Alessia Young, The Spectre. From the Rogue Division[F]
This warriors together, defended the people from injustice and dispose anyone who will do harm to the king. Operating both in the light and the shadows, they ushered the kingdom to peace and tranquility.
But as time goes by, our protectors grew in aged and wisdom. As well as their enemies becoming more powerful and cunning. Our protectors knows that time is against them and set out on recruiting new students. They started teaching, training and passing their knowledge to their new students.
As well as seeking the one who is worthy to bear their mantle and continue their legacy.
Will you be the one that will keep the peace in the kingdom or will you be it's liability and caused it's downfall?
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MC's gender is locked to non-binary
*Customize your MC's physical appearance.
*Make choices that will affect the story and the people around you.
*Choose your class and mastery.
*Choose how the people will view you, will you be a merciful protector or a cruel warrior doing what any means necessary.
*Find love among the characters, know their story, see what makes them tick. 3 males and 3 females with their own personality.
*Will you follow your fate or make your own destiny.
*Each class has their own different story, so have fun exploring.
*Battle liches, dark knights, tackle conspiracy and many more!.
*Lead the team and be known as " The Peerless Dragon"!.
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"Dustin Wither, The Roaring Lion. Knight Division" [M]
Role: Tank
Physical Appearance:
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Weapons: Sword and shield.
"Guess, I'm built different."
A knight with a savior complex, they will always be the first one to the fray. Wanting to take most of the hits, so the team can hit back even harder. Their passion for protecting the innocents burns wildly, disregarding their own safety. Even it means dying they will not falter in their step, knowing that they will die honorably in battle and doing it for the greater good.
Ready to sacrifice themselves for the mission and for their friends. No matter what happens, they will always protect their friends even if it means losing a limp in the process, just to make sure their friends go home in one piece.
"Can your love endure the searing heat or will you be consumed by the raging flames?
"Elric Graves, The Watchful Eagle. Ranger Division"[M]
Role: Tracking
"What's life without risk?"
Physical Appearance:
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Weapon Choice: Bow and short sword
Adventurous and care free is the word to describe them. Getting restless when staying for a place too long and doing nothing. To them life is supposed to be dangerous and exciting. A dancer and joker, they will always have a joke ready for every situation even in a life or death situation.
A daredevil and laughing at the face of death, they are always ready to accept any mission despite the risk. Always seeing the silver lining in everything even in seeing someone dying. To them seeing the team sad and glum is a horrible curse to bear.
"Will your love aim true or will it be broken in two"
"Conrad Hoyer, The Observant Owl. Mage Division." [M]
Role: Planner
"Why ever use your heart for thinking?"
Physical Appearance: Hair color blonde like gold, shaved short, reaching to their ears, Eye color calculating gray. Standing at 5'7 and skin color pale white. Lean body type.
Weapon Choice: Magic and staff
A pragmatic person and believing that the heart is the reason why people do things that they will regret later. Mind over matter, to them everything has a reason to why it came to pass. A perfectionist and straight-forward person. Not afraid to voiced out their thoughts and opinions on anyone. Not to mention drawing the ire of everyone.
They will ensure that the mission will go according to plan no matter what. Making sure that every data or analysis are 101% foolproof, even it means not sleeping or eating for many days.
"Can your love make them beat their heart one's more or will you be discarded like a failed experiment?"
"Luna Du Couteau, The Vicious Wolf. Assassin Division" [F]
Physical Appearance:
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Role: Reconnaissance
"Emotions makes you hesitate and hesitation leads to death"
Physical Appearance: Hair color white as the moon, very short above their ears, eye color blue as ice. Skin color is fair like the light of the moon. Alethic body type. Standing at 5'8.
Weapon choice: Sword and dagger.
Their stare cold as ice and emotion locked deep within their heart. A virtuoso in the arts of assassination, may be in land, sky or water they will always hit their mark. As a lone wolf, they always distant themselves from others. Afraid that getting close to someone might open old wounds. Spent many years hardening their heart making it hard as steel and cutting out all emotions both heart and soul, making sure that it will not get in the way of completing their mission.
To them mission is first priority if it means sacrificing their friends. Using every resources at their disposal may it be life's or favors, they will not hesitate to do so, if it means securing the mission.
"Can your love thaw the wall of ice around their heart or will you freeze and cracked under pressure.
"Amelia Payne, The Zealous Bear. Cleric Division."[F]
Role: Healer
Physical Appearance: Hair color ginger like dying leaf, skin color is mocha like cinnamon, eye color is brown like their skin, Standing at 5'7 .Lean and athletic body type.
Weapon Choice: Hand to hand combat
"Even sadness can be a good thing, because it reminds that we are only humans.
The sunshine in the group, they are optimistic and supportive, but a very shy bunch. Believing that the world is not so simple as black and white. That there is more to cherish and explore in life. Don't mistake their kindness for weakness, for when provoked they will unleash their fury. Overprotective when it comes to their friends and showing their genuine concern to those who needs it, making them a motherly figure to everyone.
To them, the safety of their friends is what important ,than completing the mission, even it means if the king's life is at stake. Their very same friends who have been with them through thick and thin, making them family and a home to go back to.
"Can your love progress into something more or it will remained" stuck in first base?"
"Serena Fairclough, The Cunning Fox. Rogue Division." [F]
Role: Security Breaker
Physical appearance: Hair color is midnight black, skin color is warm ivory, eye color is swirling caramel. Standing at 5'6. Lean and small body type.
Weapon Choice: Escrima sticks and short sword
"They say never steal from a thief, but I think you got something that belongs to me."
A charmer and occasional poet, they always seemed to get what their heart desires. Gifted with a silver tongue, they can sway men and women both young and old. Not to mention has a knack for cracking open locks and safes. To them love is just a game, stealing hearts and after draining it's usefulness they will discard it afterwards. When the dust settles they, will ensure that they are the one left standing even it means fighting dirty to achieve what they want.
No mission will be safe from their hands and lock picks. No matter the difficulty they will always find ways to crack it. A improviser, they will always have a plan made on the spot just in case a mission gone awry.
"Can your love steal their heart or will they be the one that got away?
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holliwoobz · 7 months
SHE'S DONE (kinda) (sorta) (not at all we didn't even get to vampires)
baby's first jam has gone pretty damn well! i've learned so much about sugarcube and twine, and also re-gotten comfy with using my coding brain. here are some final thoughts!
the good: i REALLY dug in on research and historical accuracy--most of this shit is painstakingly researched and factchecked, unless its been strategically moved around for entertainment reasons. i also thought i did a good job for being a one man team
the bad: DIDN'T EVEN HIT THE VAMPIRE PORTION. tbh, vampires are not my thing so i'm fine w the solidity of the story considering that fact. but i feel the story could use some heavy editing eek.
the ugly: like i said this bad boy needs to be edited big time. also, there are def some bugs near the end of the demo that i didn't have time to iron out but im so burnt out on this mf.
if i had more time:
non romance route
name suggestions scraped from a name generator
more options
and obviously i'd have loved to finish out the chapter that i'd originally intended to be the end of the demo.
final thoughts: this was a successful first jam! tho i didnt get to everything i wanted to do i finished a project within the given time and learned a lot about coding and writing along the way. im ngl, the passion for finishing this story is pretty gone, so it's prob a one-and-done unless people are interested in how it ends. super super excited to do more stuff in the if community and in future game jams!!!!
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saltboroughs · 10 months
Honestly I’m rather upset with how they made it impossible to recreate certain real life cat colors and how they talked about “decimated visual” with same-color or darker undercoats. My cat is a light orange tabby without white, I can’t make anything even close to what he looks like, there will always be white because no matter what undercoat color I choose it turns white. Tigerface looks like it was inspired by ticked tabby but now you can’t make actual ticked tabby because the body will always be something like 100x lighter (I really wanted to make a ticked tabby, I have an oc that is ticked tabby, that was literally first thing I tried).
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ask-strider-siblings · 10 months
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hands this fella , dont worry he doent bite ( i think )
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SEB: That thing has horns. Who knows what it got that from. Why don't you put it down, and we can--
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rhythm86radio · 3 months
EDMTunes New Music Friday – Week 24
Listen to the most flavour-packed tracks we discovered this week. Music makes the world go round. And in that regard, we’re constantly on the lookout for new, exciting tunes to share with our audience. We’ve found some that cause goosebumps, and make you open your eyes and get up from your chair to dance. So put on your best pair of headphones, or turn up your speakers, and enjoy this week’s New…
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Medic boot worship fic is in the work... thank u for inspiring me king
YESSSS man that's what I should work on next lol
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cemeteryknives · 2 years
"Me and the guy next to me freaking out collectively" @girltotheleft 's video of demolition lovers at newark night 1!
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Since submitting is open again, I'd like to submit some more characters! Sorry if I request someone already added, I really can't remember who was here and not from this year 😔(Note that I don't know the names of some of the characters shown in the MVs, or if they even have names, sorry ;w;)
I had requested Splitter and Disposable last year, so I'd also like for weevildoing's Irreverent Girl, Fainéant Girl and Machine Girl to be added as well for next year!
The three characters from RIP's "The Monochrome Mentality" (I know they have names, I just can't remember)
Now onto the characters that I'm not sure of their names (Or if they have names) but would like to see added if they count!
The characters from GHOST's "Chelovek", "Uncanny", "Aura", "DEATHBODY" and "SCAPEG♾️AT"
The deer man from RIP's "Chronic Wasting Disease", as well as the characters from "Finders Keepers", "Fruiting Bodies", "It Should've Been Me", "Pyrite Girl" and "The Medical Anomaly"
The cameraman (Murderer? Vlogger? Singer? idk the one holding the heart lol) from Vane Lily's "Paparazzi Murder Party"
I can understand if these can't be added if they don't have an name (I think), but if they do, I'd love to see em!
I can definitely add the weevildoing characters and potentially the monochrome mentality characters (if anyone can please tell me their names that would be very nice). For the rest, I can Try to put them in if I can but I would prefer them to have names. Some of the unnamed ones I figured out aliases that work for them but I’ll see.
First half of your submission should totally work though
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lovestruckprincess · 1 year
~ * Tag Dump * ~
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m1shapanda · 1 year
hmmmm well. you can either shorten one of your long ideas, or make a new short idea,,,, whichever one comes to you better,.
YEP YEP plus i have around a week before otome jam starts and it lasts for 2 months i don't think i have to rush too much cause i'm either gonna make a short otome game OR a demo of a slightly bigger story^^
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if-whats-new · 3 months
What's New In IF? Issue 12 (2024)
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By Erika, Marjorie, Axelle, and Noi
Now Available!
Due to the early release of this issue, any release or update during June 28th unmentioned here will be included in next week's issue.
Itch.io. - Keep Reading below
Due to Internal things, the June and July issues will only update on events and games. We hope to resume regular activities and include more pages by August. Note: while Axelle is mentioned, they are currently on a break.
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The Rayuela (Spanish IFComp) released the ranking for this edition. Congratulations to the winners!
Both the Otome Jam and the Josei jam have ended this week, totaling almost 200 new VNs intended for female audiences.
Love/Violence also recently ended, with a dozen entries about love… and violence!
Eleven entries were submitted to the French jam Nouvim3000, with less then 3000 words!
Thanks to the record breaking submission count, the Neo-Twiny Jam managed to raise over $600 this year!
The 17 entries of the ParserComp are ready to be played and judged! Until the end of July, you can cast your votes!
Like every July, the IFComp has opened once more their website for intent of submission, a required step to submit your game! You have until August 1st for the intent, then August 28th for the game! They are also looking for an artist to design their yearly logo! (paid)
While it is not IF-focused, the Anti-Romance Jam is once again looking for anti-romance submissions!
Did you submit an intent to the IntroComp? The deadline to submit your prototype is coming up! Don't forget, on July 31st!
The deadline for the Fix the Worst Visual Novels (Jam) has been extended until July 15th!
Are you a fan of Bluebeard? A jam focusing on the tale and its interpretations is ending this weekend!
Thinking of trying to make a Visual Novel? Try your hand at the O2A2 Jam, where you can only have one asset (of each type) and 1.000 words!
For the francophones, the French IF community is organizing a summer-long camp to create parsers. Join the Confiture de Parser if you're interested!
Until the end of July, a chill IF (text-only) game jam is happening on itch, from the Interactive Fiction Club.
The Interactive Fiction Showcase is still running! If you have completed an IF piece this year, consider submitting it! It is happening only on itch!
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The Siren's Bet (Twine) is a short fantasy text game, where your path crosses a siren's. @kessielrg
Summer Night (Twine) is a short slice-of-life game about meeting friends. @lokeloski
Don't forget to check the events mentioned in previous pages! There were a lot of really cool entries!
Secunda Reforge (RenP’y) is a highly stylistic dark-fantasy and gothic visual novel. @secundareforged
Hubris (Twine) is a dark-fantasy project where you incarnate the Champion of the Gods. @hubris-the-if-game
Dragon Kin (CScript) is a high-fantasy project about struggled and power.
The Devils Privilege (CScript) is a young adult modern-fantasy project with twists.
Prismatic (CScript) is a personality-based death game with a focus on horror.
Wake to weep (CScript) is a mature mystery project with sci-fi tones.
Eschaton: The Rebirth (CScript) is a high-fantasy project with a battle for good and evil.
Phantasmagoria (CScript) is an extension project of a previous short game based on Greek Mythology.
A Shriek of Ash and Fire (CScript) has updated, doubling its word count, over 100k. @krogpile
Path of Martial Arts (CScript) has updated their Patreon's demo.
Drink Your Villain Juice (CScript) has made the last major update public. @drinkyourvillainjuice
Oh Mother, Where Art Thou? (CScript) has added extra content to the demo.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (CScript)'s Patreon demo has been updated. @doriana-gray-games
Luuckey United F.C. (CScript) has doubled its wordcount.
Scarlet Sorceress (CScript) has updated the demo.
Citadel (CScript)'s last update is now available to everyone. @bouncyballcitadel
Agents of Lucifer (CScript)'s demo now includes chapter 8 and 9. @aprismaticodyssey
One Knight Stand (CScript) has added the second part of Chapter 2 to the demo. @oneknightstand-if
The Bar of the Abyss (CScript) has been updated with extra content. @thebarontheabyss
The Thousand of Us (CScript) updated both the Patreon and public demo. @ivanwm-05
Honor Bound (CScript) has released Chapter 7 for the public demo. @hpowellsmith
Attollo (Twine) has released the Pariah's route for the Patreon's demo. @attollogame
Honor Among Thieves (CScript) made a quick update to the demo. @leoneliterary
The Story of Sin (Twine) added two full chapters to the demo. @devilishmango
The Abyssal Song (Twine) added Chapter 3 to the demo. @ri-writes-if
A Sun Asunder (CScript) almost doubled the wordcount of the demo. @asapostapocalypseif
The Curse of Cassandra (Twine)'s demo has been updated with more content. @thecurseofcassandra-if
The Queer Games Bundle (@queergamesbundle) is still available on itch.io for another week! Support a bunch of queer creators (including Interactive Fiction authors!) by purchasing the bundle!
The new issue of the Amare Fortnightly Bulletin is out! Check it out here! @amaregames
Tears of Tianchao (Twine) is looking for beta testers. @redbeanbunsworld-if
The Dragon's Flagon (CScript) is looking for beta testers.
Let's Make IF is back for a second season of tutorials on how to make Inform 7 games. @golmac
We apologize if we missed an update or a release. We are but volunteers trying to find as much info as possible, but sometimes news pass through the cracks.
Please, let us know if something should have been added to the zine, and we will shout it out next week!
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