#democrats = democracy republicans = dictatorship
sher-ee · 2 months
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This weeks cover of The New Yorker.
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mysharona1987 · 2 months
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mortaljortlebortles · 2 months
I missed this and needed to make sure you didn't!!
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Trump is quite possibly suggesting that he will put a stop to democracy!!
Vote Democrat
Or your letting a man have a dictator ship
Even if you disagree with Harris on somethings or whatever
This cannot happen.
If you aren't American don't think this won't affect you
It will
This has the 25 seconds before - a man arguing I was misleading said I needed to show this to.
It doesn't change my mind on the point I have made - though as I have said in a later reblog I have my life and you have yours so maybe you haven't been hurt by Trump and you trust him and so you don't think this has any weight and/ or context beyond just the words or you think the first 25 changes the last 20- I think his presidency informs my listening and I hope that it informs others as well. If you benefited from trump it will influence yours. I wish you could be in my shoes except I really don't want that.
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
If he wins he will make it that people will never have to vote again. He will make himself this country's forever leader aka dictator... like Putin.
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Powerful and continuing nationalism
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2. Disdain for human rights
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3. Identification of enemies as a unifying cause
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4. Supremacy of the military
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5. Rampant sexism
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6. Controlled mass media
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7. Obsession with national security
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8. Religion and Government entwined
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9. Corporate power protected
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10. labor power suppressed
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11. Disdain for intellectuals and the arts
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12. Obsession with crime and punishment
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13. Rampant cronyism and corruption
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14. Fraudulent elections
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A very truthful talk by this blogger about why the "Biden Old" crap has gotta stop
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beauty-funny-trippy · 1 month
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tomorrowusa · 5 months
Never mind the 22nd amendment. Some Trumpsters are already talking about a THIRD Trump term.
The American Conservative magazine published an article last week in which the author, Peter Tonguette, argued that Trump should be able to run for a third term in office in 2028. This drew some attention in non-Trump circles as a potential trial balloon by Project 2025, the authoritarian policy agenda that is guiding Trumpworld right now. Tonguette argued that Trump’s victory in the GOP primary contest this year shows that voters still support him—and that they should be allowed to do so indefinitely. “As the primary season has shown us, the Republicans have not moved on from Trump—yet the Twenty-second Amendment works to constrain their enthusiasm by prohibiting them from rewarding Trump with re-election four years from now,” he wrote, perhaps getting ahead of himself a bit. I do not doubt that Trump would run for a third term if he could. He has addressed the possibility before, suggesting in 2020 that he should get to run for one “because they spied on my campaign,” referring to his political opponents. And at a closed-door fundraiser in 2018, Trump also favorably referred to Chinese President Xi Jinping for eliminating the two-term limit in that country. “He’s now president for life, president for life, and he’s great,” he reportedly told his supporters. “And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday.”
Maybe Trump's campaign slogan for 2028 should be: Make America Belarus. The dictator of Belarus, a Putin satellite, has been using rigged elections to remain in power since 1994.
Never mind the US Constitution. Trump's trained seals on the US Supreme Court will gladly find some loophole allowing him to be president in perpetuity.
If somebody says he wants to be a dictator, believe him – especially if he's already a big fanboy of despots like Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, and Xi Jinping.
It's almost always easier to prevent a dictator from taking power than it is to get rid of one who is already in power.
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marktaylor-canfield · 4 months
Robert DeNiro: Trump Is A Wannabe Dictator - His Election Would Result I...
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prigorie · 3 days
i'm still waiting for usamericans to understand that the democratic party is not even remotely left wing
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sher-ee · 2 months
Important Project 2025 breakdown ⬆️
If you haven’t seen the Trump speech Rev. Karla references, please see my other posts.
Vote BLUE to save our democracy.
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mysharona1987 · 10 months
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asymmetricallyanxious · 11 months
So… it has come to my attention that with bidens stance on Israel… hordes of people have decided to just… not vote? Listen, I don’t agree with Biden on this issue, I don’t think that should be all that shocking. But PLEASE VOTE.
Republicans are actively planning the implementation of a literal dictatorship in the event that they win in 2025. It’s called project 2025, it’s a literal manifesto please look into it if you think I’m exaggerating. Republicans are planning what they will do WHEN they win… not if, WHEN.
I understand viscerally hating the idea of voting for Biden but the alternative is terrifying. Do not think for a second that most or even some republicans won’t be voting, at the very least trumps cult will be foaming at the mouth at the poles. This is serious. The only way a voting strike would work is if NO ONE voted and I guarantee you there are people that will vote and the effects will be disastrous.
No one expects you to agree with Biden, obviously he’s in the wrong on this one. It sucks that he’s even a candidate but do you know what sucks worse?
What’s worse than a rerun of Biden as president?
The backpedal of legal gay marriage
A nationwide abortion ban
Zero healthcare to trans people
The backpedal of legal interracial marriage
Anti sodomy laws
Jim Crow laws
Criminalization of mental health issues
Criminalization of unions
Literally so much more just look into it please.
Biden is not a good person. I understand that. But please think of the people who will be tortured and die under a project 2025 America.
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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wilwheaton · 6 months
The notion that the United States is “polarized” into two conflicting, equally stubborn and extreme camps infects much of the mainstream news coverage and everyday chatter about politics. Washington is “broken.” “Gridlock” is a problem. “No one goes out to dinner with someone on the other side.” Such mealy-mouthed language masks a stark dichotomy: Democrats have to move to the center to get bipartisan support; Republicans have become radicalized and unmovable. This is not “polarization.” It is the authoritarian capture of much of the GOP by a right-wing movement bent on sowing chaos. Turkey, Hungary and other countries with autocratic strongmen are not polarized; democratic forces try their best to prevent their country’s ruin and collapse into total dictatorship. Our political scene, sadly, has come to resemble the global authoritarian assault on democracy. [...] The bipartisan border compromise ... was sunk by Republicans. Republicans in the House overwhelmingly opposed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, commonly known as the “Bipartisan” Infrastructure Bill (which President Biden modified to get bipartisan support); almost every Republican voted against the Chips Act, they all voted against the Inflation Reduction Act, and some even voted against the Pact Act, which would have helped veterans. House Republicans have launched phony, baseless impeachment hearings. Senate Republicans filibustered reenactment of a key part of the Voting Rights Act, blocked a bipartisan Jan. 6, 2021, commission and overwhelmingly refused to convict four-times-indicted former president Donald Trump. The assertion that hyper-partisanship, chaos and nihilism (e.g., threatening to shut down the government, egging on a default and refusing to even vote on Ukraine aide) is equally divided amounts to an outright fabrication — or utter cluelessness.
The radicalization of the Republican Party is not ‘polarization’
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communist-ojou-sama · 6 months
I really do have an honest question for libshit voteblues, and it seems like it isn't an honest question because that's what I call them but it's merely an honest descriptor:
Anyway, two questions.
Question the first: If Republicans have managed to game the formal structure of the democratic system so that they threaten to end it each and every election cycle, and the proximate consequence is transition to a fascist dictatorship under God Emperor Trump and his Project 2025, then what the FUCK is the appeal of democracy supposed to be? Why are we supposed to fight to keep this system in place instead of inaugurating some other system that categorically excludes fascists from access to political power?
And closely related question the second: if you really believe, if you really, really believe that the Republicans are getting ready to send my family and me back to the plantations and open up death camps for every central American immigrant and Muslim in the country, then why aren't you moving to make the Republican party fucking illegal? Why aren't you firebombing their offices or assassinating their ideologues? Because that's what people have done in the past in similar situations and your insistence on simply forestaying their sweep into power until 4 years later is not commensurate with the seriousness of the consequences in imminent loss of life that you're claiming to believe is at stake.
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reddest-flower · 1 month
We believe that alliances with social democracy are an opportunistic manifestation of class collaboration and a serious obstacle to revolutionary struggle; the conformation of fronts of that nature will always be a liquidating element of the Communist Party; and the absence of a communist party is the biggest attack on the working class and its immediate and historical objectives.
There are, for example, expressions of those alliances that have no justification, and one of them is support for the Democratic Party of the US Communist Party. And it is that when the perspective of the interests of the working class is set aside and the logic of the “lesser evil” is placed even the imperialist policy of the Democratic Party may seem better to the imperialist policy of the Republican Party. Thus several communist parties justify their support for bourgeois policies under the pretext of struggle against the "ultra-right" and fascism.
We have great respect for the communists' policy against fascism during World War II, but we cannot deny that some elements of that policy are connected to browderism, to the opportunist platform of the 20th Congress of the CPSU, to Eurocommunism, and in some way they form a platform of certain similarities to that of opportunism in the II International.
It is a paradox that those who oppose the elaboration of a unified revolutionary strategy hold a common opportunist strategy on the grounds that the generalization of experience excludes the importance of national struggle, the specificities, the particularities; as a contraband they have a general strategy based on the possibility of a peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism - which has already demonstrated its unfeasibility in Chile and in the strongholds of Eurocommunism (Italy and France); in national ways to socialism, all of them with the same components: denial of the dictatorship of the proletariat, alliance with social democracy, pluriclassist political formations, capitalist management of economy, elevation of bourgeois democracy to absolute value, or if to put it roughly, that the communists manage the governments of capitalism.
Communist Party of Mexico (PCM), Our Tribute to the Communist International: Keeping the Flag of Proletarian Internationalism High, 2020
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