#demon's at the church
kazik-izakk · 1 year
Chapter 30!!! TW: Graphic violence!
Matthew makes a contract...
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hinamie · 5 months
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we may not get forever / but forever is far
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lazycranberrydoodles · 3 months
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transfems your wangxian
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one-time-i-dreamt · 9 months
Was promised a party. What I got was a friend dragging me to her church where a bunch of demons escaped and I was forced to write articles about them.
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antikristvs · 5 months
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fallenxangel-13 · 15 days
insatiable thoughts of corrupting a virgin angel at the altar. blessing them with their first orgasm, their purity-quivering cries a testament to their devotion to sin. abominable gasps of pleasure, a rippling hymn through the heavens. possessing them over and over until they utter my name like a sacred prayer.
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egg-but-with-style · 2 months
Okay..what if..ghost was a knight. hm?????????
He'd been told he was going to become a knight since birth, serving the country as a whole, then if he was good enough, the nobility. When his training begun, he hated the idea of being the knight of any old noble that thought people poorer then them were the dirt beneath their boot.
He eventually became hardened by years of training and fighting, not to mention the occasional shipping out to a random village where he had killed more then a few men.
Then one day it was decided that the princess needed a personal knight, for a young lady needed to be well protected. At first he scoffed at the idea. A princess? One that stayed in castle walls like a caged bird? Why did she need protection?
When the day he was supposed to meet you came around, he quickly learned it wasn't for your safety per say, more so to curb your stubbornness. He couldn't deny the portraits of you in the hall with your family made his checks slightly flush. A beautiful round face and plump body. The redness wore off once he found out that, you had refused to come to the meeting to be assigned your guard, which he chocked up to the pretty princess not wanting to talk with a common like himself.
Until as he was getting a tour of the ground for security purposes, he saw a woman gardening. The woman was wearing a much nicer dress then he expected for a gardener. The woman was also quite a bit taller, chubbier, stronger. That's one thing he did like about noble women, their plump forms, but it was unusual for a worker. Maybe she was just a very good gardener. The woman quickly took notice of him and with a hop in her step, went up to greet him. She looked strangely...familiar?
"You're the new knight, yes?" He looked a little surprised, not expecting this person to be so talkative, but he was polite. "Yes..I am. Would you have any idea where the princess might be?" You giggled, taking off your sunhat and wiping your forehead with your sleeve. "You're looking at her."
He was stunned, he hadn't been paying too much attention to you before, but now that he was, the portraits on the walls of the castle matched you perfectly, yet they couldn't capture your beautiful round cheeks and a gorgeous smile as well as the real thing. He then snapped out of his thoughts and kneeled before you. Hearing you scoff at his actions. "You know you don't need to do that, right? Your little tour guide isn't even here anymore, not that he would've shown you around better then I can."
Ghost looked up and around. It's true, he was alone, with you he supposed. He then looked to your face, it being the only shade on his eyes from the blinding sun, making you look like you had a halo around your head. An angel. That's what you looked like.
"Cmon, get up." You said, as you stretched out your hand to help him up. He looked surprised, but grateful, his job was hard on his knees. Taking your hand once he was sure no one else was around, he wasn't sure if you'd be strong enough to help all that much, but you pulled him up with ease. "Now what's your name, oh noble knight?" The words falling from your lips, with a slight sarcasm imbedded. But not filled with ill will. "Ghost, my lady" your smirk fell slightly, and you sighed. You knew it couldn't be helped, honorifics were basically beat into every guard and maid.
"That's an odd name. I don't believe you're a spector."
You giggled, and he became surprised the longer you talked, so sasy, so informal. Felt more like talking to a fellow guard then the to be leader of the country. He stammered again, being put off guard (hahaha, get it?) "It's.. it's a given name by the knights guild."
You hummed in acknowledgement. You had heard of some guards only ever using their given names, but you had never seen it with your own eyes.
"Interesting. Well, I suppose you need a new tour guide, don't you?" He thought about it for a moment, perhaps, from a tactical standpoint, a person who lives in the castle, especially someone as rambunctious as you, would probably know more then the average persons about the castle. So for safety reasons, or maybe it was just him justifying a reason to get to know you better, he agreed.
"I suppose I do." You were still glistening with sweat from the heat of the sun, and the exertion of pulling weeds in a rather tight corset. Skin being smeared with splotches of dirt. He was feeling bold, and asked a question that any other noble would've had slapped him for. "You're quite the trouble maker, aren't you, my lady?" You only giggled
"You bet your shiny ass I am. Now cmon, there's like 20 different places that old fart hadn't show you yet." He only had moments to question your vulgar choice of words, then you were off, walking, almost jogging down the cobble path, with his heart in hand. So he could only follow.
Authors note: you know how I said I had ideas about the 141? Ghost consumed those thoughts. Eat up, babes. Again I don't know who made the knight au for ghost? If anyone knows, please tell me so I can tag them for credit. Cause this idea is so yummy. Thank you for reading, bye bye!!!!
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notherpuppet · 3 months
Curious on your thoughts on radiobelle? While personally I'm not crazy into it, it always seemed to get more hate than it deserves.
I get where people are coming from as someone who prefers the paternal/mentor relationship they potentially have, but I don't think it's as bad as people make it out to be sometimes. Even with dad beat dad considering Al's parts were probably only partly honest at best.
Also, just to piggy back, any Charlie ships you like outside of Chaggie?
It's not for me but I am not a hater! Many fans of that ship churn out some of the most beautiful art! Really skilled fandom out there, it's crazy.
I personally prefer their parental/mentor relationship because Alastor gives such queer uncle energy to me
(IS IT JUST ME??? LIKE IDK, i have a great relationship with my queer uncle).
i also really love the idea of there being drama between Alastor and Charlie's parents haha, like messy soap opera fanfic energy hehe
also i'm maybe too much of a chaggie stan to really appreciate any other charlie or vaggie ships lolll. i loooove charlie and vaggie together.
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mirthandir · 11 months
Thinkin about how in Bloodborne everyone is too concerned with the werewolfisms and oldgodisms to bother asking what the living fuck is going on with those grannies on Hemwick Lane
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devildarlindumbass · 2 months
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Spontaneous wedding? Sure I love tax benefits
(@kastle-thrones separate post because the other one was LONG and I'd already reblogged))
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diabolicphallus666 · 3 months
"These days the mass media is filled with the so-called 'Satanic" groups proclaiming Satan as a man-made construct. The ideas that they spew forth are declared as 'Real' and Modern.
They embrace the Atheistic Delusion that arises from Disillusionment and Agnostic Trends. This is why we completely reject Modern Popular 'Satanic' organizations fraudulent and exploitative. But all who know of Satan - know of His reality. His existence was before and will continue eternally - when mankind ceases to exist.
Satan provides the function and necessity of Chaos. Satan is the Lord of Strength and Force, the epitome of everything harsh, terrifying and strange in nature. Satan is the Slayer, Adversary and Destroyer of the False God within each of us and without.
He is more real than we are real. His nature has been observed by man for thousands of years and His reality is found in each and every culture or religion. We did not create Satan - Satan has always been there."
- Valentin Scavr, Res Satanae
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newgameplus · 2 years
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be not afraid [ID: A digital illustration of Vash the Stampede based on the later Trigun Maximum design. He stands among clouds in varying shades of yellow, bending back slightly, his red coat billowing around him. His silhouette is a stark black, his orange glasses the only distinguishable feature on his face. A single white wing sprouts from his right shoulder, arcing upwards and behind him. Grey smoke emanates from an unseen source level with his mid-back, spanning the illustration and eclipsing the clouds. The sky behind Vash is a yellow-to-purple gradient. The illustration is colored mostly in flat colors, the only shadows and highlights placed on Vash's glasses, the underside of his coat, and his left arm prosthesis. end ID] (image description by @laevateinn ) lineless version + id under the cut bc i cldnt decide which one i liked better
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[ID: The same illustration lineless. The black of Vash's silhouette and prosthesis are muted red rather than black. end ID]
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rorykillmore · 6 months
can't remember the exact exchange but when the priest asks margaret if she can finally hear god's voice and she's like "no. just my own." and stabs the shit out of him............ dolores westworld moments
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spookingstand · 2 months
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The sulphur ash fills your lungs and stings your eyes.
Lake of fire, by me, 2023 (based off of the painting in terraria)
Check out my etsy store :)
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mrokat-art · 8 months
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Hell House aka Baba Yaga linocut print
Original prints available in my shop
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theology101 · 5 months
Literally in the first episode of Fantasy High, I watched an arguement that I had several times with my conservative uncles. It boils down to “According to the main message of your faith, our Divinity accepts everyone who is good of heart and kind - hating people for any reason is antithetical.” Kristen was arguing positive points using her faith as a guide
Which like - im not a christian or religious anymore (raised southern baptists and decided that if God exists he’s cruel) but the immediate writing off of everyone who’s part of a Main Stream Religion as Problematic really pisses me off, ya know?
Like sure, Wolfsong has waterslides and snowball fight and a lot of entertainement during a major holiday and then everyone is trying to figure out how they’re evil ehen they’re just having fun. Hey, my former church (Prestonwood Baptist Church and Benttree Community church in Dallas Texas) i have met so may deeply devout and scripture oriented people who are so incredibly loving and giving that they are leagues above anyone else I know, and for Good Friday they still had a wayer slide cause that shit is fun. Some of the most hateful people I know ALSO use religion as an excuse.
I get that organized Religion can house a lot of hate and evil (im writing my thesis on American Fascism and evangelical faith is a big part) but so many people who are Religious are just good people? Like the basic morals of the Torah+Talmund, the Bible and the Qur’an are really positive? Half the catholic church is socialist?
It just speaks to the religious illiteracy in America. Helio isn’t bad - the racist worshippers who through ‘as above so below’ influence their god ARE bad. Brennan says the Harvestmen are a fringe Minority - newsflash, the KKK is a christian group and the majority of christians reject them and find their message to be a spit in the face to Jesus. Why would it be different in Fantasy High if its supposed to be a commentary? I think Helio chose Kristen because he wanted her to free him from the racist status quo (he was giving her spells for all of freshman year supporting her against Sol up until Spring break if not beyond)
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