#dentist that do braces
the-valiant-valkyrie · 6 months
actually i'm making this a different post. i think that post the death engine, solaris has grown detest needing to visit the doctors. whether it's for little stuff, or serious things. it's not that she's scared*, it just dredges up old memories she would rather be avoiding, and more often than not she figures she can just walk it off.
normally, she would resign herself to visiting the zoraxis medbay if she needed to go anywhere at all. those guys have her medical history, at least... they give her treatments for the radiation. they don't have to ask questions about "what the hell happened" to her, because they already know that good and well.
post quitting zoraxis though i honestly have no clue where she goes. or if she even goes at all.
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partrin · 11 months
it's 3:26AM and my brain is riddled with the most ridiculous thoughts, but hear me out:
question #1
if rin gets really old and all his teeth fall out, what kind of dentures would his dentist recommend him? would he wear:
a) regular ass dentures with normal teeth, or;
b) some bizzaro set of dentures lined with razor-sharp canines
question #2
if rin's teeth are ALL canines (as in, he doesn't even have molars), how does he chew his food? does he just tear the living shit out of his vegetables like he's a wolf ripping meat out of a fallen deer or?
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question #3
does this mean rin doesn't ever need to floss his teeth, considering how triangular his teeth are? like, there are literal gaps between all his teeth, so why would he need to floss amirite?
question #4
how many tongue piercings has rin accidentally given himself by accidentally biting his tongue?
question #5
what does rin's toothbrush look like?
i need to KNOW.
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sapphicdib · 13 days
Them migraines of yours improved? 🥺
Kinda! I started a new medication for them and so far I haven’t had any that are too bad since, and if I did I just take the meds I have for “migraine attacks” and they usually work (but they tend to make my elbows feel wiggly. which is weird)
the only problem is they make me clench my jaw and i’m not joking when i say my bottom teeth have shifted a concerning amount and like. i had braces so i can definitely tell, even wearing a like, dorky ass mouth guard hasn’t really helped 😬
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safyresky · 8 months
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boy HOWDY have some THURSDAY NIGHT SCRIMBLES! 🥳 Now in magical TECHICOLOUR! It's older Twins! Fino and Fiera!
Design stuff below the cut 🤗🤗
My god I'm having fun with these markers. But the colours are LIMITED as I only have like 2 starter sets and they're FUN but deffs I could use a few more in betweens.
Doing my boy first bc we already had fun with Older Fiera ages ago lmao
I'd been wanting to share his older design for AGES tbh! Had it in me head around the same time as I shared the older twins and Jacquie scribbles lol. ANYWAY
He is SEMI fancy! Big fan of button downs and vests/waistcoats!
Doesn't ALWAYS wear the vest
His shirts 9/10 times have funky patterns. Like fungi or flowers or just the weirdest fucking designs you EVER did see. His siblings and orc friend (Kenothy) all make it a fun game to find him the most OBNOXIOUSLY WEIRD SHIRTS. His collection is HUGE and VARIED and HURTS THE EYES FIFTY PERCENT OF THE TIME
he is like a walking mullet but the business is on top, the party is below. He is a jeans man through and through and you can pry his converse/kicks off his cold, dead feet tbh. they are ALWAYS red. he probably has like 10 pairs like some kinda cartoon character
belt is pink bc fiera's magic! the inside of his cloak is rainbow, like his twin's fire :D
the cloak also does have a big old hood and covers his whole him so he can look mysteriouse
and then give people whiplash when he whips the cloak back and pulls the hood down and. well. on fire colourful schemey looking young man
everyone's usually like "i didn't expect the freckles. or the fungi shirt"
the fungi shirt is his fave
plz picture a fungi pattern all over his shirt!
when he uses his staff, the flame turns rainbow too and the snowflake glows :3
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Fino's warlock aesthetic is "i live in your local forest and i love my family and i'm making it everyone's problem"
the outside of the cloak is a nice forest green! bc he likes forests (if that wasn't obvious lol)
he's pretty chill but has resting plotting face. generally if he's looking like that he has examined every angle of a situation and is about to make a bigger one. or fix the current one. or both!! and is VERY proud of himself!!!! (as he SHOULD be!)
he and Fiera ARE the same height but I drew Fiera first and started Fino top down as you do but neglected to watch the height lol. so just know. they are BOTH tall and BOTH the same height!!!!
He is the BEST warlock of the current era he is warlocking in. If Uncle Pyros was around he'd be mad jealous. Same with Granny Frost tbh. Grandpa Winter would like, lift him up like Simba like "THAT'S MY GRANDBSON! THE BEST WARLOCK IN THE WHOLE WORLD!"
(if the bio grandparents were around, you bet it would be a big case of "the in-laws don't get along" lmao)
pink is her fave colour and the colour of her magic, so her shirt, shoes, AND hair ribbons are all pink, but it's a lil light, innit? like i said, limited colours lol
HOT PANTS! SHE'S GOT HOT PANTS!!! They're not that dark blue, bit of a lighter wash for her denim (but I don't have a lot of blue options lol)
suspenders are red bc FINO'S MAGIC! one is always hanging off of her, the other is always up. she doesn't do this on purpose it just HAPPENS bc she doesn't actually really need them? it's the FASHION. the STYLE.
sometimes hair ribbons are red too, bc Fino magic :3
ALSO wears converse but the boot like ones, bc I've always wanted a pair of boot converse! They look SOO COOL and SOO INCONVENIENT, AND THEY ARE COLOURFUL! I mean. Fiera's are pink but I'VE SEEN ALL THE COLOURS. AND I WANT.
I mean. why make OCs if not for them to wear the things you can't have/afford/pull off?
she's not THAT buff tho she is pretty strong. i am a writer by trade so my doodles are not to scale (read: scrimbly). anyway, she's probably usually a tank/halter top person??? this doodle just really wanted to be a t-shirt!
both twins have elements of their outfits inspired by the fam, not TOTALLY on purpose but it did make me cackle as I noticed them so TAKE THIS QUICK SYNOPSIS:
dress shirt, belt over suspenders: blaise vibes
big ol cloak: winter vibes
comfortable shoes: jacquie vibes
vest: jack vibes
suspenders: jack and blaise vibes (both are known to wear them as an accessory instead of for their intended purpose of keeping pants up)
hot pants and boot like shoes: jacquie vibes
hair buns: winter vibes
man, I love the older twins. the SHENANIGANS they get INTO! they're a dream team, you won't know what hit you by the time they're through with you 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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derpinette · 9 months
too many males getting veneers when really they should be investing in hair transplants if anything
#you can clearly afford it & you are going to turkey for it anyway#& do NOT cheap out replace that whole scalp you never know how ruthless norwood is going to be on you else you get The Hair Band#just do it in one surgery#i advocate for teeth crookedness anyway i wish i could just yank out my braces to push my canines into yaeba i especially like#that thing people have where they teeth grow atop of others my cousin had that but the dentist just REMOVED them instead of realigning...#really makes me wish death on aesthetic dentistry STOP that madness.#i sincerely believe that teeth hold so much character & it genuinely pains me to see people get them replaced with chiclet piano keys#all straight & uniform uber white colored YUCK#honestly having thin hair as a male is a sign of genetic failure whereas misaligned teeth is not#at least you can fix that with braces that you will later take off ( when will it be my turn to... ) nothing added All You#it really sickens me to see just goes to show poor decision making skills. thin hair is infinitely more humiliating than “ugly” teeth#but there are situations where better teeth aremore of an improvement TBH if a man wants to self harm for looks go ahead IDC but ♯JustSayin#i wish you could have seen it but one time a classmate came to class to let our teacher know that he was leaving in the seventh grade#& she was like Erm why what excuse could you possibly have & he uncovered his mouth to reveal several of his teeth broken & missing#turns out he had them knocked out by an upperclassman who pushed him onto a pole while playing a game#i still laugh out loud whenever i remember it was so absurd literally the last thing i expected it was like a tom & jerry gag IRL#he was crazy rich so thankfully he got them all replaced like immediately but imagine being anyone in that situation. even the mom#i mean i felt bad for him that must have been so painful but i cannot help but burst into laughter whenever i remember
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tangledinink · 1 year
... the fuck you mean you've had too many teeth broski.
OH well when I was like eight I had an extra tooth that was trying to grow upwards, like, into my nose, so they had to go in and surgically remove that one. smh. it fucked up all my other teeth somehow so then i got braces immediately after. i have really good mouth genetics actually.
#unfort i was EIGHT YEARS OLD#and therefore not capable of taking care of braces#so then they removed them#and then when i was like twelve i had another oral surgery#to remove that flap of skin like? under your lip#just below your nose and above your front teeth?#the place where you get a smiley piercing#yeah i dont have that they cut it out#and then immediately after THAT surgery i got braces again#and then when i was fourteen i had to get a root canal#coz ig my teeth have pits in the backs of them?#which makes it easy for bacteria to crawl up in them? or smth#anyway i had an abscess and a massive infection#was in horrible pain had a fever etc etc and we went to the dr and he said go to the dentist so we went to the dentist#and the DENTIST said i was just being DRAMATIC abt my braces and to ignore it#and then i happened to see my orthodontist like a week later and he was like#yah uh the color on that tooth is weird i wanna xray it#OH YEAH ACTUALLY THERES A HORRIBLE INFECTION. were referring you to an oral surgeron#and then i went to the oral surgeon for the consult and she said mmmm actually im like?#super dupes worried that the infection is gonna move into ur brain and kill u like. literally any minute now so uhhhhh can we do the surger#like#RIGHT NOW??? ill cancel all my other appts#so we did#but then the infection was so bad that it came back so a week later we did a second surgery#but this time they went in thru an incision in my gums to like. scrub out all the infection i guess#and it had eaten away a part of my jaw so i got a BONE GRAFT#and like sixteen stitches#but now its okay :)#i have a gum scar#anyway now my wisdom teeth are doing things lol
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comradejoanmir · 1 year
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polarfarina · 4 months
Went to the dentist last Tuesday and it was the most reassuring dental appointment that I have had in a while. I'm lucky enough to have good insurance (until November anyway) so I go every six months and the last couple have been like "obviously you need to floss more" (I floss at least once per day, often more times than that) and "you need to brush this area more" (when I have already put so so much focus there and apparently my efforts are useless) but this time I said preemptively "sorry there's so much buildup on this area of my teeth, I floss and floss and I can't get it perfect" and the hygienist was like "oh this is a problem area for literally every human being that goes through this office. Yours looks awesome compared to most people" and that alone took such a big burden off my dental worries. Also my gums have receded a bit and before they had just said to me "brush gentler" but this time she explained that it's actually really common for people who grind their teeth (I do that) and that wearing a night guard (I have one) does a lot to mitigate that gum recession and I was like "Oh so I'm already doing everything I can?" And she goes "yes :)" and it was like. Oh. Nice.
I had braces as a teen and my parents had to basically get a loan to pay for them so I've been heavily aware of the cost of my good teeth health. Last year I had to get a filling and it was like I failed to keep my teeth perfect 😱😰. But cavities are common. Most adults have fillings if they can afford to get them. It can happen to anyone and it's not me letting anyone down. It's me being human
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bootyful-seventeen · 1 year
damn i might be getting a root canal on friday the 13th if they can't save my crater of a cavity by trying to fill it the regular way
#if i was on mobile i would be putting in so many skull heads rn#like damn but yea i went to the dentist today after not going in a few years since i got busy with work and school and covid#so it pushed dental to the back burner and im also finally gonna get my wisdom teeth removed after my birthday so yahoo for me!!!!!#my mom said i should do it before but i had a tiny bf about it since im going out with my friends and i want to have spicy food on my bday#and spicy food is on the no no list for wisdom teeth removal from what i rememer. its all soft and not spicy and possibly bland#so im lik hey i dont want to be miserable with pain for both halloween and my birthday since that is the highlight of my year#and id rather be miserable closer to christmas cuz its not a fave holiday and i dont like the winter much either#so i seem to be a bit masochistic and want to be extra miserable during the winter lmao#but this dentist even asked me if i wanted braces to make my teeth a little straighter to close the gap and all i could think was damn#my old dentist was never that thorough with the exam and just did cavities and wisdom teeth and thats about it#my mom was adament i get braces cuz she said i had hella crooked teeth but i think mine look fine and kinda cute and gives it some characte#but i will say that ive never gone to a dentist where the tv was bolted to the ceiling cuz i could hear a tv playing in my room and thought#that they covered the tv with a painting for aesthetic until i laid back and there is some real estate show on above me#but its so smart tho cuz most people or at least people with good vision will focus on the tv and move their head#but if its on the ceiling then you are just looking up and not getting in the way of the denist#especially since a little kid under 8 was there and was sitting so still in his chair cuz the tv was above him lmao
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alexturner2005 · 1 year
i’m boo boo the fool. my retainer broke last year and i didn’t replace it bc anxiety and depression and bc mean girls from high school work at the orthodontist, and i finally went in for a new retainer and they suggested 10-12 months of braces again 😫
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little-pondhead · 2 years
I feel like as a child I was Strange and Unsettling Enough ™ that my mother had suspicions about how weird I was, but I was her first kid so she just chalked it all up to Normal Child Behavior ™ every time I did something new.
Now we’re both realizing I was just really fucking weird.
#i got diagnosed with adhd after highschool#and we both looked at each other and went ‘oooooooooh’#also some stories from my childhood just sound like something that belongs in a weird monster story#or just like#a modern story about changelings#maybe human are space orcs????#oh this small child has an obsession with art? yeah that’s normal#oh the teachers literally have to restrain the child and make them go last during arts n crafts time?#that’s less normal but still acceptable#oh shit the child needs braces do we have dental insurance??#hey the child kinda forced their own teeth to grow straight now we don’t need to go to the dentist:)#yeah that’s perfectly fine:))#yknow maybe we should not let her cut her own nails she keeps filing them into points#where are these bruises coming from? who knows#this child has a concerning ability to stay quiet when something is wrong#like when SHE FRACTURED HER NOSE AND NOBODY KNEW#this child learned so many animal sounds!! that’s so cool:)#young child why do you know about the donner dinner party you are in fifth grade#why do you know how to mummify a person in extensive detail this is sixth grade#ah yes#carving atalatals for fun is a completely normal activity side note where did she get the knife#I’m calling myself out in third person#listen I did a lot of weird shit and I was a little bloodthirsty bitch#especially with my two brothers#by the time the girls were born I mellowed out and instead started corrupting the kids#i still bite tho#no bark and all bite#pondhead rambles
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astramachina · 1 year
american healthcare be like "yeah, the current state of your overall mouth is extremely dangerous and needs correcting ASAP that'll be $7K" and then i'll tell them that my insurance only covers $1.5K a year for dental and they'll simply say "okay so whenever you get that extra $5.5K we'll begin trying to save your face".
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feral-and-or-horny · 2 years
Yknow what, it's just not my day
We had the dickwad earlier, then a terf in my askbox, then that ass who tried to body shame me.
And now I just realized I have a cavity 🙃
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raven · 1 year
i tried making a dentist appointment ans they were like "sorry our next availability is in february" and like ok. well the thing is that i will kill myself if you dont let me in
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nothingbizzare · 2 years
I went to the dentist had a good time and then I see the most gross tags in my life
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
I already have regular appointments with THREE different kinds of doctors and I am about to have to add TWO MORE to that list meaning I'm gonna have 3-5 appointments per month for the foreseeable future and they each cost a minimum of $30 per visit 🙃
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