#anyway now my wisdom teeth are doing things lol
s-ccaam-era-crepe · 23 days
i need to be on call with people when I play video games like this lmao
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azzibuckets · 4 months
drunken confessions [pazzi]
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
a/n: azzi’s appearance in this is heavily inspired by her sexy ass damelio fit .. also i feel like this is very similar to my wisdom teeth blurb lol…anyways my mind is so fucked rn like i’m about to fall asleep and the ending makes no sense wyf
summary: azzi drinks just a bit too much and confesses things to paige that neither of them are ready to hear yet
word count: 1.7k
part 2 | masterlist
Paige knew she had no right to be jealous over Azzi. Azzi was her best friend, had been her best friend since they were little twerps in high school. They’d both dated other guys and girls, had changed in front of each other, did all the typical shit that normal best friends did. But this fiery pit at the bottom of her stomach, stoked from seeing Azzi grind on a random stranger that had bought her a drink earlier that night, had started to become an achingly familiar feeling over the last few months.
As soon as the sickeningly bright orange sex on the beach had landed in front of Azzi, the bartender nodding his head at the pretty blonde unashamedly staring from across the bar, Paige had retreated into her shell, brooding in the corner of the room and rejecting all her teammates’ invitations to sing karaoke or play pool, things she normally did with glee. And when she saw the blonde approach Azzi, brushing her hand against her best friend’s shoulder and guiding her to the dance floor where she held her hips as they danced, the pit in her stomach had become a furious tornado.
Paige swished the last few drops of beer in her glass around, trying to look at anything but her best friend. But she made the mistake of looking up for one more glance, and locked eyes with Azzi, who smirked as if she knew, and started making her way over.
“Babe,” Azzi slurred. As she got closer, Paige saw the glazed over look in her eyes, the sway in her step, and the red flush in her cheeks, undoubtedly due to the copious amounts of tequila that she’d downed that night. “Babe,” Azzi repeated when she got closer. “What’s got you all grouchy over here?”
Paige looked away, unable to control the fury expanding in her chest from seeing Azzi casually getting so intimidate with another woman. “Nothing,” she muttered. “Why don’t you go back to your girlfriend?”
“My girlfriend?” Azzi reached for Paige, who brought a hand up to steady her. But before she knew it, Azzi was leaning even closer, overwhelming the blonde with the scent of her vanilla perfume combined with the sour odor of alcohol. Azzi hooked her leg around Paige’s and oh. She was now fully sitting on her lap, her hips straddling Paige’s, looking down at her with an intensity that Paige didn’t recognize.
“Az,” Paige said lowly. “What are you doing?” She didn’t make a move to change their positions though, instead placing her hands on Azzi’s waist.
In the recent months, their dynamic had shifted, and both of them knew it. They’d gradually allowed themselves to touch each other in ways that were dangerously far from platonic, but they’d had a silent agreement, a tension binding them together to not show this intimacy to anyone else, to not let anyone else see it because this, whatever this was, was only for themselves.
But now Azzi was breaking this silent pact, was all over Paige’s lap in front of throngs of college students, looking at Paige in a way that electrified her entire body.
“What?” Azzi challenged. She rolled her hips for a moment, allowing herself to grind down on the blonde. “You want me to leave?”
“Fuck,” Paige hissed, looking up at her with half lidded eyes. Azzi had never looked sexier, her hair in long braids falling down her back, a light sheen of sweat covering her neck, her lips plump and pouting. “Don’t you dare fucking leave. I’m jus’ saying, we shouldn’t be doing this right now.” Paige might’ve had a beer, but she was still acutely aware of the looks they were gathering from their teammates, who could sense the sexually charged air between them as Azzi grinded down again on Paige’s lap, eliciting a soft moan from the blonde.
“You don’t want me?” Azzi’s voice was hard. Her hands found her way to the ends of Paige’s shirt, grabbing and scrunching the cotton as she brought her face closer to Paige’s, breathing heavily.
Paige groaned as she let her hands travel over her best friend’s body. Azzi was wearing a crop top that barely covered her boobs, showing the sharp lines of her abdomen. Paige traced her fingers down Azzi’s stomach, relishing the way Azzi’s muscles flexed and hardened under her touch. The blonde bit her lip as she caught sight of the younger girl’s shiny belly piercing. She sent a quick prayer of thanks to the gods for whoever invented such a sexy piece of jewelry. “Azzi, you’re making this so hard for me right now,” she breathed.
Azzi stiffened, her expression now cold and distant. “Fine,” she said calmly. “I’ll just go back and dance with some other girl.” She got up to move, but Paige’s hands gripped her waist even tighter and firmly pulled her down, until every inch of their bodies was connected, their hips fitted together like perfect puzzle pieces.
“No,” Paige said roughly. “You’re going home now. With me.”
Azzi squirmed, trying to get out of Paige’s grasp. “You can’t control me,” she said threateningly. “I’m having a good time. Stop being such a party pooper.”
“I’m cutting you off,” Paige said, her tone leaving no room for argument. “You’re wasted as shit and you’re gonna feel like hell during practice tomorrow. You should be thanking me.” She stood up, lifting Azzi off her lap.
Azzi, clearly annoyed, moved to turn around and return to the dance floor, but Paige grabbed her wrist. “Azzi Fudd,” she gritted through her teeth. “Stop making a scene.”
“Paige,” the younger girl whined, stomping her foot like a little child. When Paige fixed her with an icy glare, Azzi finally relented, allowing herself to be pulled through the crowd until they exited the stuffy bar, the frigid Connecticut air hitting their faces.
Paige led Azzi to the car. She helped her into the passenger seat, reaching over her to buckle her seatbelt. As the lap belt clicked into the buckle, Azzi leaned in, putting her mouth against her ear. “I love it when you do that.”
Paige shivered at the feeling of Azzi’s breath tickling her cheek, her lips gently brushing her earlobe. “Do what?”
“Take care of me.” Azzi bit her lip sensually, so drunk she was unaware of the effects she was having on the older girl. “No one does it like you.”
“I’d hope so,” Paige chuckled dryly. “I’m your best friend.”
Azzi’s eyes glinted, her smile sharp. “We both know we aren’t just that.”
Paige recoiled, her mouth slightly dropped at Azzi’s acknowledgement of the tension between the two of them. They’d been dancing around each other for so long, both of them refusing to explicitly mention the fact their dynamic hadn’t been the same for a while. It was almost comforting, this middle ground where neither of them was obligated to make a move and they could just go with the flow. But with just a few words, Azzi had let all of the pretenses come crashing down. “Let’s just go home,” Paige said finally, shutting the passenger door resolutely.
Azzi leaned her head against the window, hoping to absorb some of the coolness of the glass and relieve her pounding headache. She looked at Paige, who was staring straight ahead as she drove, her hands gripping the steering wheel so tight her knuckles were turning white.
“You’re really fucking great.”
Paige’s expression remained stony, but the muscle in her jaw flickered. “Mhm.”
“And you’re so gorgeous. And I know you know that, cos all the girls online are all over you. But none of them can see how beautiful you really are. None of them know you like I do.” Azzi paused. “I think about you all the time, and whenever I do I get this warm fucking feeling in my chest that won’t go away no matter how hard I try and-,”
“Stop.” Paige hit the brake pedal a little bit too hard, and the car jolted. “Stop it, Azzi. We’re not gonna talk about your feelings until you’re sober, alright?”
“No, I need you to know. I’ve been keeping this to myself for so long and it hurts so fucking bad not being able to kiss you.” They were at the apartments now, and Paige aggressively put the car in park before rubbing her face with her hands.
“You should stop talking before you wake up tomorrow and regret everything you say,” Paige warned, helping her best friend out of the car and into their home.
Azzi swiveled, pushing Paige against the wall. “I won’t,” she said defiantly. “I won’t regret it.”
Paige looked at her with such soft eyes, and Azzi bit down hard on the inside of her cheek, trying to keep the tears from leaking out. Paige brought her thumb up, softly stroking it against Azzi’s cheek. “You’re too special,” Paige said breathily. “You’re too special to me for us to have this conversation while you’re wasted like this.”
Azzi’s eyebrows furrowed. “Can I at least kiss you?”
The blonde laughed at that, gently pushing Azzi away to create more space between them. “Not like this.”
Azzi pouted then, and Paige had to put her hand over her mouth to physically stop from laughing, an action she knew would upset Azzi even more. “How ‘bout tomorrow?” the dark haired girl suggested, a dopey smile on her face. “We can kiss then? I’ll be sober, I swear.”
Paige’s smile faltered, and she crossed her arms, as if to restrain herself from reaching out to Azzi again. “I don’t know if you’ll wanna do that, Az,” Paige said, her voice gentle.
“Why wouldn’t I?” Azzi’s hands were on her hips, a questioning look on her face.
“Because we both know you’re not ready to address whatever the fuck we are.” Paige looked away. “If you were ready, you wouldn’t be telling me all this while you were wasted. You’d have the guts to be mature and tell me sober.”
“That’s not fair.” Azzi sounded choked. “This isn’t easy, Paige. We’ve been friends for so long. How am I supposed to be okay with the fact that we can never go back to what we were before?”
“That’s why when we wake up in the morning, I know you’re gonna ignore me and pretend like this never happened.” Paige brushed hair out of Azzi’s eyes, letting her fingertips linger as they touched her temple. “I know you, Azzi. You run away from your problems. This won’t be any different.”
Azzi’s arms fell to her side. “Maybe if you stopped making assumptions then this wouldn’t be so difficult.”
A tired smile formed on Paige’s lips. “It’s late, Azzi. We’re both exhausted and grumpy. Can we just go to sleep and figure it out in the morning?”
Azzi opened her mouth to argue, but realized that the older girl wouldn’t budge. “Fine,” she grumbled. “Whatever.” She stormed off into her room, making sure to slam the door loudly behind her. She knew she was being immature, but she hated how stubbornly cynical Paige was being, acting as if there was no chance that they could work out.
Azzi laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling until she was in that half asleep state, mind hazy with the beginnings of dreams but still slightly conscious. She almost thought it was a dream when Paige slipped into her room, standing over her with a pensive expression on her face. She thought it was a dream when Paige bent down, planting a kiss to her forehead and stroking her braids. “P?” She murmured, rolling to her side.
“Whatever happens between us, just know that I love you.”
“Nothing bad will happen.” Azzi yawned, still unsure of whether she was asleep or not. She buried her face in Paige’s shirt, and Paige wordlessly climbed into her bed, joining her under the cover and wrapping herself around the younger girl, resting her chin onto her head.
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trigunsbbygirl · 1 year
Human Things that Confuse Knives Part 2
Made a second one since I had more ideas lol
content warnings: teeth, use bomb in an analogy, mention bruises. this one gets more into the body/anatomy idk what all people are comfy with so just in case
•Knives already thinks dreams are kinda weird, but those surreal ones and the utterly weird ones that just make no sense or seemed so real you wonder if it actually happened? he wants to know what's going on in your brain. Knives will listen to you as you recount your dream, he won't say much or make any facial reactions, but part of him is kinda amazed that your can brain come up with the weirdest, coolest and/or creepiest things ever.
•the concept of having baby teeth and adult teeth weirds Knives out. when Knives learns that you do lose your teeth as a kid he's staring at you like you've just grown a second head. don't tell him that you have wisdom teeth that usually need to be taken out via surgery as a teenager. (Vash is kinda grossed out by it. found out when a kid he was playing with ran up to him and was like 'look! my tooth fell out!:D' he panicked, thinking they got hurt, but it's replaced with horror, disbelief, slight disgust and concern when he finds out every human looses a set of teeth. he hates it a little. has no idea what to do when a kid tells him that a tooth fell out. help him)
•also. imagine Knives surprise when he learns about the appendix. you had been talking with a friend when you mentioned appendicitis and that you had to have surgery. it peaked his interest and when you're done talking, Knives asks about it. he stares at you in uncertainty and disbelief the further you explain. what do you mean there's a small pouch in your stomach that serves little to no function that can essentially become a bomb? Knives doesn't actually believe you until he looks it up. he wonders how humans have survived with bodies like that.
•same wonder when it comes to you having to take vitamins and other supplements because sometimes a body won't produce enough of something or too much.
•the fact the humans shed/lose hair. Knives knows that, but it kinda grosses him out a bit. he hates seeing your hair strands, makes you clean them up. (I hc that the twins just have little to no body hair and they don't actually lose hair strands.)
•double jointed people also weirds Knives out. what do you mean you can twist or bend a joint further than normal? it doesn't exactly creep or gross him out, but he doesn't like it. he'll never admit that, but he won't look/talk to you for a bit after you show off that flexibility.
•Knives is fascinated by the way your skin can change colors. (don't mention that he can turn a lovely shade of red, he gets all huffy.) but, anyways, he loves examining your face, watching as your face gets darker with certain things he does. (also likes seeing your facial expressions. humans are so expressive..) he also likes seeing your bruises and watching as the bruise changes colors over time as it heals. you joked one day that you could give him a bruise of his own that he can watch. he didn't like the joke (he prefers to give you (consensual) bruises.)
•now let's get into reverse Isekai for a bit.
•Knives does not fucking understand social media lmao. why the hell do you have to tell people you've never met what you did or thought that day and why are so many people interested? why do people do stupid things for views??
•he hates online discourse and always tunes you out when you try to talk about something that happened online. he doesn't care and thinks it's stupid.
•do NOT let him find out about stan culture or chronically online people. he's gonna lose any faith he had in humanity again. I wouldn't worry about that too much though. he has zero online presence, never uses social media outside of YouTube and even then he only uses it to watch documentaries or how to videos.
•memes confuse him a lot, especially how fast they come and go. you don't even know how to explain them to him. "why is this picture of a man just standing so funny?" "it just is? I don't know either." how do you even explain memes and internet culture to someone who's never been on the internet lol
•Knives thinks you're really weird if you've got a skewed sense of humor where something dramatically falling over makes you laugh(thinking of that waffle video.) he watches those types of videos with a straight face and when the video ends he just stares at you, wondering if you seriously think that's funny.
•he hates those youtube poop and deepfried videos. not only does he find them stupid and doesn't understand them, but they just bother his ears.
•bonus: Vash thinks the circadian rythym is pretty neat and that some people just know when to wake up. it took Vash a while to develop one, or at least, something like that since he doesn't technically need sleep. it'll never quite be the same though since he doesn't exactly get tired like humans do. it took decades for that type of tiredness to become present, but even still, he doesn't need it to survive.
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aprincessofthevoid · 3 months
The filling that fell out almost a year ago has finally come back to haunt me... could hardly sleep last night cus my face hurt so bad. TWO naproxen didn't even touch the pain. (Tho that's nothing new tbh). Don't want a long aas post clogging up anyone's dash, so rest is under the cut.
Also didn't proof read this super well cus now that I'm not as sore I'm getting sleepy cus I didn't sleep much last night so if it's a Lil choppy I apologize lol.
Over the years, I noticed pain meds never really worked, so I didn't bother with them. The option was to take the max dose, or potentially more to get relief, but doing that consistently was just not something i was down for. But at the dentist for the filling that fell out more recently, dude dipped into multuple syringes of the lidocaine, and had to numb the nerve in the hinge of my jaw for me to not feel him digging around in my face.
Found the same when I had an iud inserted, took meds before as instructed, even brought a joint lmao. As well as going for the discomfort of that giant ass 10g needle stabbed into my cervix, and it did NOTHING... I've got a fairly high pain tolerance, but I stg I had a better time when I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed at once... and those were ALL infected, two were impacted, and when treating said infection, I had a freak reaction to the amoxicillin for the first time in my life... go me...
ANYWAY, shit I tried off Google and how it worked...
Sensitivity toothpaste rubbed into my gums/teeth helped a very short time. Sent the bf for orajel the next morning n honestly it worked about as well as the toothpaste, just for longer.
Also strongly mint?? Like specifically just peppermint antacid in my mouth helped rhe ache?? Apparently it's a thing lol. Honestly was just looking for a distraction from the ache n felt like the minty feeling might help.
Salt water rinse helped a little too. Did a rinse but a VERY gentle swish, better to puff out your cheeks and roll your head back n forth. Kinda burns but it will help kill any infection as long as it's minor.
Had some tea earlier on with sage, lemon balm, clove and rosemary. As all of them have geberal anti inflammatory or anti bacterial properties. Weirdly another tip I found was just a damp black tea bag placed against the affected area, actually felt FANTASTIC but the downside was it made my spit SUPER bitter if I swallowed it, so my option was wanting to gag at how gross it was, or be in pain... and obviously couldn't sleep with it in there cus that would be dangerous. Might try just drinking some black tea or brewing the black tea with the other herbs for some extra kick, no honey sadly but I'll have to deal with the bitterness.
Acetaminophen worked a lot better than the naproxen here. Was told by a Dr for a different pain I was in, that I COULD take them together tho (as in one of each), but since the naproxen didn't seem to do fuck all I'm gonna just do 2x extra strength Acetaminophen. Which also isn't ideal long term, but I CANNOT sleep with the pain I'm in so for a temporary situation I'm just gonna have to drink extra water or sum...
Other option is the T3 I had leftover after my tooth removal, had some ibuprofen too but left those when I moved away from fam. I'd rather take an extra Tylenol than the codeine tbh. Just feels a Lil less harsh on the system.
Fingers crossed the boyfriends work insurance goes thru so I can get this delt with... otherwise I might have to just have to be in pain to give my organs a break from all the drugs 🙃 gonna try my netti pot to hopefully clear any gunk out my sinuses as the ear on that side is a Lil plugged too (tip. Take a deep breath, close mouth, plug nose, and swallow. Works WAY better than plugging your nose and blowing).
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strongheartneteyam · 4 months
UPDATE: I mention a bacteria thing and teeth hurting down below but this is an old post and I'm all recovered now ♡
y'all I had planned to go back to posting my fics regularly but so much has happened lately, including me going to our public 24/7 emergency care (don't know how to describe it better in Eng but we call it UPA) last night and getting scared (both me and my parents lol) but thankfully it was nothing major, just some bacteria or something similar I got from food and the doctor just prescribed me some pills and I was back home in no time. I feel better already ahahah also, my wisdom teeth are SCREAMING in pain lol but it's not as bad as it could be, at least not for me as I have a real high pain tolerance bc of fibro 👁👄👁 anyways... I'm really busy still, just focusing on living life, having time to relax, taking care of my cat, focusing on my relationship, spending some quality time with my family and friends and working on my new small business. So, idk when I'll be back to some kind of routine when it comes to posting my works but I just wanted to give y'all a little update. I'm enjoying my break, tho ♡ even with some challenges along the way ahahha hope u guys are doing good 💌 and thank you SO much for all the recent likes and comments in my writings. Makes me incredibly happy and proud of the effort I put into my art. <3
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bioethicists · 9 months
hi! just saw your post asking for advice, and while hopefully there's someone who can give more concrete advice than mine, i have experience with what you're talking about.
i have either gastroparesis or cyclical vomiting and it's tied into my dysautonomia, which skews my advice. but other than zofran my best practical tips are 1) avoiding heat and humidity at all costs (when i'm feeling sick my first lines of defense are ice packs to the back and scalp, cool water to sip, fans and excessive ac.) 2) humming and singing as loud as possible. it doesn't prevent much for me but it does seem to stabilize, i think it calms the vagus nerve? 3) other things that make my gi system relax are using a tens unit on my lower back and doing extremely gentle core exercises. i have a back injury so this is me anecdotally saying my pt for that helped my gastric emptying lol. 4) the most effective thing is definitely a long shot, but if you have access to supplementary oxygen, going on my oxygen machine for 15-30 min after eating keeps my stomach from spasming. it's "experimental" but it works. i know some places sell cans of oxygen for runners now and it may not work the same at those doses but it could be worth a shot if you're experimenting. some people recommend diaphragmatic breathing which could be worth something, i just hate it personally.
btw, it may be too late to get it anyway, but i've heard that some gi's that are stingy with zofran will prescribe the scopolamine patch. other than that benedryl tends to take the edge off for me- at the very least it lowers my throat inflammation a bit which helps, and it lets me sleep. i also chew on rock salt, which is likely not an option, but salt tablets might be, or something like pedialyte. ginger and mint are obvious but they help me a lot. ime they're most effective for preventing esophageal spasming from heavy burns, and i've definitely survived off the sugar in candied ginger before, yikes. id be careful of ginger fibers but mint tea is ideal.
i did throw up post wisdom teeth surgery several times. i got dry socket but it was most likely unrelated. either way i would majorly advise irrigating the areas as much as or more than recommended and doing a full rinse of the whole mouth and all the healing areas post vomit, as well as a sinus rinse if that's allowed and something you can manage, as i've found that minimizing burns in the area reduces sinus infection risk. i also always keep at least 1000mg of mint tums on me and take them right before i throw up, and id recommend that too, to neutralize as much of the acid as possible before it hits the mouth.
anyway best of luck to you. i don't have a magic bullet but if i figure if i throw enough stuff at you, even if you already know most of it, maybe something will be helpful. also happy to come off anon.
thank u so much this is so thorough!!! the worst of the wisdom tooth nausea has passed but i am perpetually nauseated for some reason or another so this will definitely be helpful. i don't see a GI doctor partly bcuz i have no insurance + partly bcuz my stomach problems are caused by my eating disorder so i feel too embarrassed/afraid to talk to anyone about it, especially since i feel like most of them would be like "wtf do you want me to do about this???"
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what-the-fuck-khr · 5 months
so there’s this piece of gum that’s always kind of say over my back lower left molar. used to be longer but the flabbier piece died and fell off lmfao? anyways it’s otherwise fine. normal piece of gum, where wisdom teeth would be, just happens to sit a bit over the molar back there. yeah well with my tooth issue atm it’s swollen up. a lot. yesterday I couldn’t eat bc my tooth hurt. today I can’t eat bc the gum has swollen up and over the tooth and now my upper molar hits the gum first instead of the tooth. so I’ve got an ice pack on my jaw for idk how long and I’m gonna be rinsing my mouth with saltwater for a while to hopefully make it go down. bc before I could at least eat softer, bulkier things very slowly and carefully. now I can’t do shit at all bc my teeth won’t meet without me hitting the gum and hurting myself. 👍🏻
good news though is originally I’d have had to say in a waiting room all day to see if there was a cancellation and otherwise would be on the cancellation list and they’d call me. new update! I got told they had a cancellation on Friday! do I have to figure this… nightmare out for another two days? yes. unfortunately. but do I actually have a set date for this tooth? yes! and I’m likely gonna tell them just rip the fucker out I don’t think we can fix it! lol
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
I'm getting my wisdom tooth out and I ain't scared at all, to be honest I just wanna get rid of the pain right now. The reason why I ain't scared is because I'm used removing my teeth when I was young, I used to wear teeth bracelet, I could've just let my teeth there but then I would look and smile like a horse, so I removes 4 moral teeth, kept the teeth bracelet for about 2 years and now I'm shinning!
How was you're experience with your wisdom tooth? It would be super cool explaining the brothers since they aren't used to humans stuff, you get what I mean. I bet mammon and levi would've been shiting themselves.
Ahhh good luck anon!!
I still have all my wisdom teeth. It's weird, I know, especially since I'm so old. But every time I go to the dentist they're like everything looks good! I've asked them 'cause I was like uh... don't I have to get those removed at some point? And they were like yours are fine so we don't think it's necessary!
I think I just got lucky in the teeth department. I've also never had a cavity... though I HAVE had to have three baby teeth pulled because they wouldn't come out and the other teeth were coming in. I actually still have one baby tooth because there just... is no adult tooth there lol.
Anyway, I can't say I've ever had a teeth bracelet. That's a pretty unique item, especially if it's made out of your own teeth.
I kinda think the brothers would be confused about all the teeth stuff. Presumably, they never had baby teeth due to never having been babies. Though it seems like perhaps demon children are a thing, so I wonder if Diavolo already explained it to them?
Anyway, I'm just imagining Lucifer on the pain meds that make you loopy. Like I want him to get all silly and talk about how much he loves his brothers and Diavolo and MC... kinda like how he is when he's drunk but even worse.
I do think Mammon and Levi would be anxious about the situation. But I kinda think Beel would be like sad puppy 'cause I don't think you can eat much for a little while after... or at least you gotta eat only ice cream? Okay, maybe he wouldn't mind then lol. I'm just trying to remember what I've been told, since I haven't experienced it myself.
Belphie would just sleep through it. Asmo might have an issue with his cheeks getting puffy. I think Satan would just power through it.
We know the have Devildom dentists thanks to that one daily chat in NB, so maybe they all would have to get their wisdom teeth or some kind of equivalent removed at some point?
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princessaurorasdiary · 7 months
Diary 2/26: life update cause it's been 6 months at least
Hi 👋🏼, It's been a long time, about 6 months about. I'm 23 now
I have a lot of up and downs and haven't felt like writing, and my main creative outlet has been TikTok because to be honest, I feel less alone when I can see that people saw my video, and maybe ever gave it a like or comment
I guess I'll talk a bit about the last 6 months, I work at a craft store now, quit my old horrible job that mistreated me constantly, got COVID soon after quitting the old job, went and saw a medium sized artist I like in concert, second ever concert, her name is Tessa Violet, dragged my bff with me cause we planned it for her to come down and visit me during Spring Break.
I also confessed to my crush, they said they like me too and have just as long as I have but she thought me flirting was pitty compliments cause ADHD runs through both of us lol, it's been moving really slowly cause things keep happening to her, the universe is just slapping her weekly bro.
I don't hate my job at the craft store, but I miss doing a version of my chosen career as a baker/cake decorator, really wish that place wasn't so toxic and that I had a car already.
I'm still trying to get a car, it took me 3 months to get a new job after quitting my old one, the COVID thing was a month of that but also just this job market sucks, origami current job was seasonal, but I have really good numbers on the register and I'm good at the other parts like stalking and sorting and fixing things on the shelfs so I got kept on. I make sure not to give a ADHD 100% anymore, it killed me at my old job and whenever I only had a normal person's 100% they acted like I was failing when I was just doing a normal amount instead of a crazy amount, so I learned not to grind myself to the bone.
I can't remember if I've mentioned this, probably not tho, I go to a weekly crochet club for months now, it's all older ladies and me but it's better than nothing with how I don't really have friends other than my best friend. They care about me and I care about them and it's nice to talk to others once a week.
I kinda ran outta steam for finding friends the last 2 months, I was trying and trying and I'm just tired after months and months or trying 🤷
I think about making a post all the time, but also feel like I'm writing into the void, which has been terrifying me lately, the void that is, long story short, I was stressed AF and couldn't sleep for days the day before Halloween and tried to smoke to fall asleep, but before I'd just taken a hit or two of my brothers sleep type vape, but actually smoked it that night for the first time and instead tripped horribly and it's still affecting me mentally, the memory of the horror that was that night.
Editing a note: I was basically trying to test for a bit if a sleep strain of weed would help with my at the time rampid insomnia since sleep meds either don't work on me or give me bad side effects, but after that night I'm probably never touching it again so ✌🏼
I also am just not feeling great medically, I just got my broken tooth pulled through and did my wisdoms at the same time and already feel better even with the jaw pain, so hopefully some of the not feeling well was because of my teeth, I've been working on trying to finally fix my teeth as well and I think it might actually happen now
Anyways, it's after 3:20am so I'm gonna go lay down even if I don't sleep till 4 cause laying down is better than nothing
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eddywoww · 1 year
Ok so dental saga continues,
Final fillings appointment was yesterday and apparently if your cavity is really far back they have like a rubber doorstop kind of thing they put between your teeth on the other side to keep your mouth open?
Yep that was way too close in texture and function to not have me thinking about things. Could have been bigger though if I'm gonna rate the experience.
Tomorrow is nitrous day for getting my wisdom teeth out and I'm worried that I'll say something about all of this. Does it lower inhibitions? I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable, and I can't like flip a brain switch and turn off feeling subby. Help me eddywives 😭
Ive never been on nitrous! Super fun fact, my teeth were literally fine until this last year and then bam, one fucking awful bad one 💀 like it was trying to over do it. So I got a root canal and filling and preeeetty sure the dentist fucked it up so now the tooth is probably gonna go bye bye lmao luckily it’s not horribly visible or anything and I have some like cramping on that side from my youth so if they gap, it shouldn’t be horrible
Anyway that’s a weird tooth update lol and I hope it goes okay for you!!! And isn’t that scary or painful or anything! Dentist trips rly do suck
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mauxanhduong · 2 years
hi xuân!! how are you bestie? i don't go to word of honor (yet? 👀) but love to see you having fun lol, i've been meaning to check it out actually!! is it good? anyway just wanted to check in to see how you were doing, hope you're doing well dear!! 💕
omg hi gaby!!! i’ve been pretty good!! just got my wisdom teeth out a week ago but i’m recovering pretty well, and i’m on break from school, so things are pretty nice :) how about you, how are you doing??
LMAO thank you sm <33 and YESSSS i’ve been loving word of honor so far!! tbh i was initially hesitant to start it because i was like. the last wuxia drama i watched, the untamed, it took a while to get a hold of the plot and characters and now that i was starting smth new i was worried it was gonna be boring and confusing? but in the end i was like whatever i ended up loving the untamed and i can always stop watching it when it gets boring. and then i started it and genuinely fell in love w word of honor after like. the second episode LOL. fully invested
the characters and their dynamics are just so interesting and there’s never a dull moment when they’re onscreen!! they’re so vivid and i loved them all SO much immediately. trying to describe it without spoiling it is hard but. the feels and the layers and the feeling of running out of time… WAUGH. it’s just such a fun show to watch i’m obsessed
gonna be honest the first episode is kind of more of a plot one? i initially did skip through the “boring” parts but then i ended up missing. quite a lot. and then i had to go back and rewatch it and be like HOLY SHIT. because i had a belated plot twist epiphany LMAO so be careful with that. and then episode two i fell in love with *gestures* EVERYTHING. but honestly i love this show so so much i actually can’t put it down 😭😭 i would def recommend it if you’re looking for something new to watch!! it’s 36 episodes and on youtube and netflix and viki :))
either way thank you so much for asking after me!! it’s so nice to hear from you bestie 💛💛 hope you’re doing well!!
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taegularities · 2 years
RID!! HELLO MY LOVE 🫶🫶 how are you? any uni updates??
oh god i just got my wisdom teeth out, im in pure pain. i got 2/4 out, the rest im getting out in may 😔
tinder guy updates!! i cant remember the last thing i told you about him, but the date itself went good! but after the date idk, i have a strange gut feeling? my gut feeling is never wrong and i started to feel anxious/uneasy when he would text and stuff, so im trying to keep my distance 🤷‍♀️
anyways i hope you enjoyed that BLESSING of a live that jungkook gave us 🙏 have a good week my love ❤️❤️
- wife from war anon
babe, i'm so sorry i'm getting to this so late, like i feel so bad :') ngl, my mental health has taken a rapid decline in the past weeks, so i'm trying to recover lol but we're alive !! no big uni updates yet – but i'm thankfully enjoying most of my classes except like one !!
and nooo, wait is the wisdom teeth situation better now? sending careful hugs and lots of luck for may 😭 it's good that you're keeping your distance, bc gut feelings are rarely wrong, so please do what you feel comfortable with 🥺 i absolutely understand what you mean.
WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE LIVE LMFAO i'm still scarred. but i need more too </3 have a good weekend and upcoming week, love 💕
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purplesurveys · 2 years
another rare pokémon aka a two-in-one
1 - Are you interested in any reality TV shows? Yes, but I only watch their snippets on social media more than anything; I was never the type to seek out whole episodes even if it’s a reality show that I enjoy.
2 - When was the last time you made plans with someone? What are you going to do with that person? I haven’t made super sure plans recently but I do know that this Christmas I have at least two get-togethers happening – a Powerpoint party with Angela and Reena; and a reunion with my entire college friend group.
3 - How often (if ever) do you use moisturizer? Never. I don’t even own some.
4 - Name five things you can touch from where you’re sitting right now: This chair I’m sitting on, my phone, the edge of the table, another chair, and my scrunchie. Not a varied selection considering I’m at the rooftop and the most I can touch is just...air, lol.
5 - Have you had any of your wisdom teeth removed? What was the reason? (eg. infection, impaction, lack of space). Yeah, I’ve had two removed. By the time I needed to get them extracted, they were decayed and had reached a point where they were causing excruciating pain throughout my head.
6 - What was the reason for your last hospital visit? Urine and blood tests.
7 - Where was the last place you had an itch? My right knee. I think I had an allergic reaction on that spot since I recall seeing rashes on it the other night.
8 - If you’re on a long car journey, would you rather drive or be the passenger? Depends on who I’m with. If it’s a road trip with family, I’d rather my dad drive; if it’s with friends I’m fine either way and I’d actually prefer if a friend and I would take turns driving.
9 - What’s the earliest time you’ve had to wake up for work? What about the latest time you’ve clocked off for the day? I remember having to wake up at like 4 AM during my INTERNSHIP because we had a client who was going to be on a morning talk show. Looking back though I have little to bitch about because at least I got free breakfast out of it ha.
Latest time I’ve clocked out...probably 1 AM? I can recall a couple of instances off the top of my head where I had no choice but to work through the evening. 10 - Do you use a laptop, desktop, tablet or phone to take your surveys? Always a laptop. I don’t have a desktop; haven’t used the iPad in years; and I imagine it would be a bitch to answer 50-60 questions through a touchscreen.
11 - Are you fussy when it comes to how your surveys are formatted on your blog? Yep, a little bit. I don’t mind doing things manually as long as it’s able to keep my finished surveys exactly the way I usually format them to be.
12 - How old were you when you first got internet access at home? Was it broadband or did you have dial-up first? Technically I was like 3 when I first had a taste of dial-up internet - my parents mainly kept it around so they could email one another while my dad would work in another country. I never used it though lol, because what was there for a 3 year old to do on the internet in 2001?
Anyway, the first time I got to use the internet for real was in 2008, when I was 10. Back then the laptop still had to be plugged into the router at all times if we wanted to keep online. 
13 - When was the last time you painted your nails? Not sure. A couple of months ago, I think.
14 - What’s your typical order when you go to Starbucks (or wherever your favourite coffee shop is)? Iced caramel macchiato, in grande. I try to make the pastry different every time but I am quite partial to their dark chocolate macadamia cookie.
15 - What’s your favourite thing to have on toast? Just butter is fine.
16 - Do you have any debt? If so, are you on top of paying it all back? Yeah like P200 to my dad because I didn’t have cash on-hand to pay for a recent package I received hahaha.
17 - What was the last thing you purchased with a credit card? Continued from...Tuesday or whenever it was. Technically it was my dad’s credit card and the last and only thing I bought with it was my current phone.
18 - Have you been to college/university? If so, has your degree been useful to you or was it a bit of a waste of money? I did go to college but I got to enjoy free tuition for like 7 out of 8 sems, so I wouldn’t be a good judge for worth it-yness. As for my degree, it has been useful to a degree – I’m not a journalist per se but I have stayed within the profession, and I can say it’s helped me out.
19 - How often do you travel by public transport? Never. I would use it if it were as reliable as the ones I see in like Korea or Europe, but alas I live in the Philippines. I’d much rather drive.
20 - Do you have an instagram account? If so, how often do you post on there and what kind of things do you post? I do. I mainly post stories, but my overall profile (when I do occasionally post) is basically a recap of all the museums I go to, and the artworks I see. If anyone’s familiar with RM’s Instagram profile, my own profile is essentially the same thing minus the nature and minus photos of myself haha. My Instagram is strictly dedicated to art.
21 - Are you close to your extended family? Do you wish you were closer? Some! I’m very close with my mom’s side of the family; but I’ve also been making an effort to be closer with my dad’s side as we are not getting any younger.
22 - Do you prefer to give your pets human names or not? We give them human names that just so happen to also be suitable for pets, if that makes sense? Like I wouldn’t name a pet Mark or Lisa, but we’ve named our pets Kimi (after Kimi Raikkonen) and Cooper. Only Agi’s isn’t human-like.
23 - Do you like having ice in your drinks? Only when I’m outdoors. 
24 - When was the last time you went to a BBQ restaurant? Couple of months ago when my uncle Rocky visited from the States and wanted to get Korean barbecue.
25 - When was the last time you re-arranged the furniture? Is this something you like to do often? Literally just this weekend since we put up our Christmas tree and had to move some stuff around to make space for it. We don’t do it a lot and actually it just only happens around the Christmas season.
26 - Have you ever used a fire extinguisher? Would you know how to use one without reading the instructions? Never had to, and no. I really should learn how to, come to think of it...
27 - What’s the worst thing you’ve ever had to deal with at your job? Clients with expectations that are just wildly unrealistic and force us to find a way to make it realistic.
28 - What was the last thing you used your mobile phone for? I used Spotify to play music while I take surveys.
29 - Did you used to play The Sims? What version or expansion pack was your favourite one to play? I did! I was never a big follower though and just bought whatever kind my dad happened to buy. I played Sims 2 on the PS2 a lot when I was younger; and then Sims 4 a bit with the PS4.
30 - What was the last thing you used a lighter for? I’ve never used a lighter for anything haha. Scared of fire.
Would you tell your co-workers what underwear you have on? I imagine I’d only do so outside of a work environment, like if we were having dinner somewhere as just friends and not co-workers.
Do you make your bed each morning? Yes. It helps me calm down and get into the Right Mood for work. Having a messy environment subsequently messes with my ~condition for the day.
How many family photos do you have in your home? We have a handful of them perched along our stairs, and I believe my parents also keep a few family portraits in their bedroom.
Are you concerned about the economy? Yes, mostly on how it affects the poor and how it makes them poorer. I’m very fortunate and privileged to be in a place wherein inflation doesn’t noticeably affect me and my family’s situation, but it shatters me a little bit every time I read the news and see a student have to stop schooling or jeepney drivers being forced to stop working because gas just costs too much now.
What is the most interesting food you’ve eaten? This Filipino fusion place in Pobla that had unique takes on local cuisine. I’m not a big fan of Westernized or fancified takes on Filipino food,  but their dishes were quite tasty!
Do you remember anything you learned in school? Yeah man, like most of them haha. They’ve been helpful.
Are you happy with how much money you make? I am, but because I am selfish and materialistic I am always wanting more lol.
How do you feel about people who drive SUVs? Whatever? It’s the way people drive that would help form my opinion around them.
When is the last time you saw your real hair color? A couple of weeks ago when I still had my roots + brown hair. Recently dyed my whole hair purple though.
Are you the type of person that will parallel park? Yes. It’s easy for me because I have cute lil car hahaha.
Will you drive around the block to look for a spot? As much as possible, no. I’d rather wait if it means I get to secure a spot close to where I need to be.
What do you like to collect? K-pop merch... 😬
How many pancakes could you eat in 5 minutes? Barely one. I am an excruciatingly slow eater.
Do you think cheese and mustard together on a sandwich is gross? I’m not sure as I’ve never had it, I think. I’d still try it though.
How do you feel about babies? I like them.
What is the worst taste to have in your mouth? Spoiled stuff.
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black-ajah-hq · 2 years
WoT S1E1 Retrospective Part 2
 Full Spoilers Below!!
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^ so THIS is where Rand's thought process about Aes Sedai came from lol!!! Rand is directly in the background and he is taking mental notes!
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^ so funny how Tam’s and Bran’s opinions of Aes Sedai affect/foreshadow their children’s opinions down the line. Tam is wary, while Bran is accepting. Cool. 
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^ That’s such a baby Rand thing of him to do. Thinking with his heart not his head 
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^ This one little scene communicates so much about Moiraine and Lan’s relationship. 
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^ Another moment of great characterization in this episode (for both Rand and Eggy). Egwene has to make a decision and we as the audience already know which one that she truly wants to make, and which one Rand wants her to make. The depth of their relationship makes this all the more dire. 
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^ now Fain’s whistling theme wasn’t something I noticed upon my first watch but it’s such a nice detail in hindsight hehe
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^ homage to Peter Jackson’s Fellowship! Feels very fitting considering the influence Tolkien’s works had on EotW
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^ OH MY GOD THIS ACTOR. Amazing. Flawless. Perfect for the role. Also... now that I’m looking at this image...did they really color grade this shot to make his teeth look more yellow? The whites on the mountains look way more yellow as well which is why im suspicious. 
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^ Yeaaa the mountains were definitely color graded. Anyways, what does that greeting have to say about YOU as a merchant, Fain, HUH?? 
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^ “What do you have for me this year?” Damn, Mat. It’s been a whole year and all you could come up with was 1 bracelet which you stole the very night before?...Mat is king of procrastination
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^ Meanwhile Rand is doing his typical thing...having an existential crisis on a mountaintop
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^ I want to believe that after everything forthcoming, that Rand goes back to the Two Rivers and builds a house and raises sheep. (╥﹏╥) 
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^ A lot of people cite this right here as Rand showing acceptance of Egwene’s decision to become the Wisdom’s apprentice, thus reducing the final act of this season. I disagree. I think he says this to her now for her sake, but doesn’t truly believe it for himself until the critical moment in the final episode. There’s a stark difference between simply saying that you “accept” her decision (and being upset about it deep down), and truly wanting her to live the life that she wants for herself. 
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^ Zoe’s acting appreciation sidenote!!! This is sooooo very Nynaeve
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^ So I doubt they actually turned the old wisdom away because she was a peasant. Literally Siuan showed up in a skiff with nothing but a small sack of belongings and rose to become Amyrlin. 
Nyn has the right to be mad, regardless. Hell, the old wisdom walked for months only to be turned away???  I’d be pissed and spread the nastiest rumors about those “witches” when I got back.
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^ cozy sweater appreciation
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^ Nooo not the sheep :( 
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^ Awww i always love seeing how close friends Rand, Mat, and Perrin are. the OG ta’veren. ≧◡≦
Ending it here...
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1d1195 · 10 days
SAMANTHA WDYM YOU JUST LEFT THE ENDING LIKE THAT?!? HELLO BESTIE WTF😭BUT YOU KNOW I LOVE THE DRAMA OF A CLIFFHANGER!!! Idk where to begin bc I feel like I gobbled this part up right up that I might have missed some details lol anyways LOVED knowing that Harry missed her birthday and yelled at her just so he can suffer a bit more 😁 I also love how you write them having their domestic moments with Cece, it’s just so adorable! Kinda also loved that he spiraled just a tiny bit thinking she was pregnant when she asked about paternity leave HAHAH(idk what’s wrong me bc I’m loving seeing honey H suffer?!?) but omg the Christmas part he literally stayed for her😭😭 he’s so in love omg 😭 now bestie what was going through his head picking her up like that with no warning?! If I was her I would short circuit 😭 and their first omg😭😭 my mind is literally going crazy on how this will all pan out in the next part! You of course did an amazing job! Loved it as always❤️
I totally get being afraid of dentist! Personally never had problems with them but the idea of having someone put tools in one’s mouth is crazy! But I’m so glad you finally found a good dentist!! Especially since it gave us toothpaste 🤭 but no really having actual health care professionals that you feel comfortable enough with is the biggest WIN!
15k WORDS?!?! Omg that’s genuinely so impressive! But I do love that sudden inspo especially when in the moment you’re so in love with the idea! It’s a pretty addicting feeling lol I don’t blame you for not wanting to let them go! I fear I will feel the same when we get the final part 😭
I do love donating things in general but my books have always been a struggle lol I’m currently in the process of donating some of my “middle school era” books and I’m having so much fun skimming/re-reading them bc I WAS CRAZY for reading them in the first place HAHA
Girl I wish it was 50-60 degrees right now😭 we’ve had such a horrible heat wave this past week and this past weekend was BRUTAL😭 lowest was about 90 😔 I also had a power outage which was LAME!! Anyways I say decorate for the fall! I bet you’re absolutely amazing at decorating!! It just seems like your vibe and I love that for you!
Hope you had a lovely weekend whether it was productive or not! Also sending you the best vibe for the start of the week!you absolutely got this!! LOVE YOU!!-💜
FULL NAME!!!! I put it in one of the tags of feedback reblogs but I think missing a bday is my favorite micro-trope. I'm right there with you I love to make him suffer 💕 I've been hanging out with my baby niece (actually cousin) more recently and frequently and so my baby fever is like 💥 right in my face so I have a LOT of ideas for Cece and such. He's so jealous it's unreal. I love it so much 😍 HE'S SO EXTRA but also like really trying to make it casual when he touches her. He's so 😍 She def short-circuited. I probs didn't do a good job of writing it as such because I was focused on how it would feel to have him pick her up hehehehehe thank you for enjoying it 💕
I totally get being afraid of dentist! Personally never had problems with them but the idea of having someone put tools in one’s mouth is crazy! But I’m so glad you finally found a good dentist!! Especially since it gave us toothpaste 🤭 but no really having actual health care professionals that you feel comfortable enough with is the biggest WIN!
Omg I also have tons of dental issues all the time. The character trait I share most with the MC is that she and I both have cavities ALL the time. I also had to have some reconstructive surgery as well (thanks genetics) plus wisdom teeth. Etc. I had so many issues all at once I genuinely thought I could have been a dentist because I learned so much. I grew up in a small town so my neighbor is actually my dentist but I didn't have the right health insurance for a while to go to her practice (America, ya know?) so it was a lot.
I LOVE a reread of my middle school era books. I think I told you I was a huge Twilight fan. Nothing makes me feel more alive than rereading Twilight snippets 😍 I also loved this trilogy about this girl who could see other people's dreams like really lucidly. I loved it so much and I refuse to part with it through all my book donations. I also read this series that was semi-supernatural? I don't have a better word for it. She could like see the future through touch and through sculpting. I think it was my favorite series ever the male main lead was named Ben and I was OBSESSED. Okay actually I thought of like five more YA books I read and obsessed over so I'm going to stop here before I never shut up 😭
HEAT WAVE POWER OUTAGE. I would sit in the shower. Ugh. 90 🤮 I would scream. It's like 70-80 here. AND the heat compressor broke so my room was a balmy/toasty temperature this morning when I got to work. INSANE. I decorated 😍 Idk if I'm any good at it, but I just enjoy fall a lot and I like fall things. I did what I could. I'm def not a cover every surface but I try to make it look tasteful and not tacky.
I DID have a lovely pretty relaxing weekend. I'm having a pretty good week too *knock on wood* busy but productive 💕
Are you up to anything fun? You have time off before your term restarts right? I hope you have fun things planned and you get to go thrifting and to a drag show brunch 😍 LOVE YOU!
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audiovisualrecall · 10 days
the new laptop has arrived and i got win 11 pro so i would be able to get around having it be a microsoft account, which eventually i was able to find out how to do. so that's good, had to look up how to align the taskbar to the left because they had it in the middle??? anyway, i downloaded chrome and mozilla (there are some things i use chrome for, at least to have access to my bookmarks from my other laptop's chrome browser) and libreoffice (started using it to write 2 stories last night lol), now i just need to create a mozilla account on my art laptop's browser so i can log in to it on this one and be able to import my bookmarks from there... and then i need to use a flashdrive to transfer files to this laptop from the art one.
my dad also suggested we take a look at the RAM on the art laptop, since it's running so slow, to see if maybe we can add more RAM. (and also since i have a ton of files on that laptop it might be affecting the virtual ram which uses hard drive space, so the files i'll be transfering to this laptop to use on here may also help slightly with the functionality of the art one) basically im hoping ill be able to get that laptop to work better so i dont feel like buying this one was a waste of money.
(part of me was like maybe i shouldve just bought a new art computer, whether pc or laptop, but i needed something to use for NON-art things around the house, something more portable and lightweight and simple anyway, and if the other laptop can be made more functional for its one main use....itll be worth it. hopefully. also a new art computer would be way more expensive than this and i have a bunch of expenses coming up ;_; used up all of the money currently on my HSA card for the implant crown yesterday and still had to spend $700 of my own money towards it, and at some point i need to do the extractions for the two wisdom teeth, so. this laptop was like $600 total or something, inc tax, but i NEEDED something to use, i was putting off using a laptop at all because my other one is so so frustrating, and theres a bunch of thinhs that are just so much easier to do on a laptop or that i would prefer to do on a laptop or that can ONLY be done by laptop/pc and not phone. so.)
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