#depends on the level of inebriation
apologies if this is outside your scope but do you have any advice on making anthro species cuisine reflect the diets of the animal they are based on, while still having the level of depth that human cuisine has?
oh, i love fantasy cuisine as a concept. It might help to research the diet and then also research human foods with similar ingredients, especially if you can find historical dishes from the area those ingredients originated in!
there are some food types that show up in many different cultures, which can serve as a basis for making fantasy foods.
soups!! making broth is as simple as boiling things in water for a really long time, and broth is the basis for pretty much all soups. it's not limited to meat broths! vegetable broth is also a thing that exists. soup just needs Liquid and Food Chunks. it's very easy.
bread! there are so many different forms of bread in so many cultures. wheat, rye, millet, corn, almond; pretty much any grain or nut (and even other things!) can be turned into flour, and that can be made into some form of "bread" depending on how far you stretch the definition of bread. tortillas, naan, rolls, biscuits, dumplings, etc etc. pan fried, oil fried, baked, boiled, whatever. yeast not required.
alcohol. honestly, one of the most common things in the world. wild animals get inebriated from eating fermented fruit all the time. they could most certainly make alcohol if they were sapient enough to do it on purpose.
preserved foods! pickled things, jams, jerky, fermentation, etc. finding ways to keep food safe for long periods or time is very important in pretty much every culture, and some foods require long term preservation methods to become edible in the first place, like fermented shark.
herbs and spices! number one way to make food more interesting. salt is a bare minimum: a lot of animals seek out salt as a dietary supplement! though your non-primate people species may not be able to eat things like garlic and spicy peppers (since they tend to make most animals sick) there will probably be other flavorful herbs and spices they can add to their food.
I hope that's helpful for you! good luck!
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
Worksheets (Yandere!Alhaitham/Reader)
A/n: What's this, Ansy? Planning on two Alhaitham fics??? Are you not loyal to Dain or Ayat– Speak not, my comrade. Don't tell me that the new Archon Quest wasn't delectable lmao. Also, today was the first time I got a tip, and I??? I've never known happiness quite like that. I'm crying. I will remember you forever, "mommy milkers", I'll dedicate this fic to you ;;-;; (I'm pretty sure I know who you are "*chomp* *chomp*" but that name is entertaining lmao.) On another note, kinda loved how this fic turned out and this is prolly the closest thing I'll ever write to a "lime" lmao.
Unreliable Synopsis: (Student!Alhaitham era) Studying 20 languages is quite an exhausting task. It's a great thing Alhaitham is eager to help his "study buddy".
Cw: yandere themes, implied drugging and non/dubcon. Please don't read this if you're sensitive to the content mentioned. Your mental health matters.
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Alhaitham, like you, is not the type to strike up an amusing discussion while he has a book in his hands. So he laid down his book and decided to take yours as well.
As Akademiya students, you are both bound by a single, exhausting clearance requirement: master 20 languages before graduation. So far, you think you're passable at best on writing romanized Inazuman script and laughable at worst on pronouncing proper Liyue intonations. You can already count yourself as one of the many students that won't see the light of employment next year, but Alhaitham won't let you sulk so readily.
"Time's up. You're done, right?"
He slid the textbook off the table and began flipping through your work.
You didn't reply. Instead, you felt the weight of your head on both palms. It's not that you're unable to reply. You just don't want to admit how illiterate you are in foreign linguistics.
"(Y/n), look at me when I'm speaking."
"I accept my fate." You muttered, soundly defeated. And then, you let yourself rest on the table. "Here lies (Y/n) (L/n). May they finally learn how to pronounce 印 properly in the afterlife."
Alhaitham rolled his eyes.
"Should I help send you off to Aaru Village? Want a proper goodbye from your old study buddy?"
"That would be quite nice, yes."
"Sure. I'll be happy to do that." He stopped flipping through the pages and focused all his attention on you. "If you started acting hysterical and destructive. But you're not. You're just miserable and reserved."
"Thanks for that wonderful assessment, Professor Alhaitham. I'm sure studying neurophilosophy helped you come up with that conclusion. Oh, your brilliance never ceases to surprise me!"
Alhaitham chuckled. His chuckles are almost always short-lived and 100% condescending. 
"(Y/n), language is simply not your forte. But you do wonders in mathematics since we are almost on the same level."
You glared, finally meeting his gaze.
"Must you always brag about yourself whenever you try to cheer me up?"
"Lord Kusanali– don't tell me you haven't noticed that about yourself…"
He lightly smacked your head with your textbook. You winced, exaggerating your pain.
"Our conversation isn't about me, it's you. Now, enlighten me, how on earth did you manage to mistake Snezhnayan scripts in a Liyue assignment?"
You snatched your book back.
"Holy shit. You're right."
You may not like beer, the first time you drank one it tasted funny, but at that moment you decided that once exams are over you're going to get completely inebriated.
Alhaitham watched you reread your work and fondly memorized the way your eyebrows knitted and your eyes skimming through the pages. Your fingers gripped that book as if your life depended on it. That might as well be true knowing your passion for your degree, but he simply wished you will spare part of that zeal for him.
He used to study alone until you showed up. Freshman year was brutal and unkind, but when you insisted on becoming his partner the world had taken on a vibrant hue. Alhaitham never asked for a partner, but your proposal was enticing that he had to say yes. He lied and said he merely wanted to see where this would lead him before, but now he is proud to say he did not regret that decision. It's a shame that your persuasive techniques do not work well with complex Liyue scripts, if they did you would've aced these tests.
"Ugghhh... I hope I get buried raw so I wouldn't have to worry about funeral expenses too..."
Alhaitham did not mind that he's helping you work on your quote-unquote "bane of existence." Students at the Akademiya sometimes fear group work, but he's not one of them. He hopes for one in each subject should it entail that you'll be beside him. Should the assignment be on a frost-prickling mountain, he still wouldn't hesitate to tag along if it meant sharing his cloak and warmth with you. Alhaitham doubts he cares about any other factors. As a friend and intellectual collaborator, you've become irreplaceable.
That's why he won't let you fall behind.
"Chin up." He patted your head like you would a cat. 
"I said chin up," Alhaitham spoke, uncharacteristically soft. "I'll be right here beside you until we graduate."
You smiled, not at all comforted but grateful for the gesture. You sat up straight. "Thanks, Haitham."
When given the option to either comfort or critique, Alhaitham doesn't hesitate to choose the latter. This small moment made you happy. Back then, he used to be rather cold and skilled at getting you off his life. You subconsciously began to grin. Your friend Lisa was right, he softens when he's with you–
"Which is why I'll be sending you additional practice sheets for you to work on," Alhaitham added bluntly, his words dropping like a hammer. "I'm not letting you play games until you perfect writing these scripts."
Your eyes stared coldly back at him.
Nevermind. Forget it. He's the same as he had always been.
"Way to ruin the moment, Future Grand Scribe."
Three days have passed and it's the last day of your dreaded linguistics exams.
Well, that sounds more significant than what it is. It's the last day of ALHAITHAM'S MOCK EXAMS, which is what it actually is, but you can't help but feel nervous as you would in a real graded performance. He takes practice exercises and their punishments very seriously. Last time was just a surprise quiz, so the intensity differed greatly.
Alhaitham took a seat at an adjacent table. He was amusingly dressed in a pair of glasses and an Akademiya professor uniform. You'd mock him for believing in you when you claimed you wanted the exam to be as immersive as possible, but his execution is far too effective for your liking. For crying out loud, he even received the alchemy professor's signed permission to borrow his room!
"For your last test, you need to translate this Liyue text back to Sumeru scripts. I'll give you… 30 minutes for this." He said, adjusting his timer. 
Alhaitham cast a sidelong glance at you, pretending not to see your apprehension. His fingers lingered over the reset and split buttons.
"Are you ready?" 
You felt your palms beginning to sweat.
He didn't care what your answer was– no professor would ever wait for a student. Alhaitham flipped the test paper to its front page.
"Timer starts now."
Nervously, you picked up your pen and paper and started reading. Alhaitham left the timer on top of the table and went back to drinking his cup.
Alright, here we go.
Decoding it was simple, at first. The start felt like a canned script for a traditional romantic light novel. You translated the messages back to your native tongue. Then, things started to become a bit complicated.
'I've decided to be entirely honest and truthful in this letter, so I'll start from the very beginning. I used to despise you.'
Your nose scrunched, amused. What an introduction. You pointed your pen in his direction.
"Is our friendship over, Haitham?"
He glared. "Quit talking. 29 minutes and 38 seconds–"
"Alright, alright. Geez."
'But you were so relentless that I couldn't help but cave in. Who wouldn't? You're personable and you share my beliefs about research autonomy. It's difficult to find someone who is an expert at both. You'd know that best.'
'It's pitiful that I can't handle the notion of losing you once this is finished.  Many people do not consider me to be empathic and they frequently misinterpret my lack of emotional expression as a lack of empathy. But you've always been so accepting of me.'
'It's a shame that you left me when morning came. I've never felt solitude quite like that wake-up call.'
You grimaced as you continued to read the rest of the paragraphs. Whoever wrote this must be seriously lovelorn and obsessed because they wrote as if they've hopelessly known that their affections will remain unreciprocated beyond half a decade. 
The author went on to describe how they had watched their beloved enjoy their life blissfully ignorant of the misery they had caused him. Given that Alhaitham creates everything by hand, the stark contrast between the material and his precise letterings does nothing to express the writer's frantic confession.
'I can't get the thought of you out of my mind. It's exhilarating. I've never been this stimulated before I met you.'
'I need you, even after our partnership is over.'
You can't get over how, in Alhaitham's fine handwriting, the author gradually spiraled from unrequited love to an obsession that can't be helped.
'You have qualities that no one else possesses. Traits that I want in a lifelong companion. You taught me things I didn't know I wanted for myself. And you are on top of that list.'
'As you're probably aware, you do have a guardian angel. I sometimes answer your assignments for you. Every morning, I pay for your coffee and leave sticky notes in case you overlook your deadlines. These are all unpaid acts of kindness, but they make me feel like I'm laying a better foundation for a relationship with you.'
'I admit, I don't mind following you around like an affectionate dog every now and then. Your schedule is predictable. You even handed me a duplicate with your new phone number on it. It's both pleasant and difficult for me to watch you from a distance, but what else can I do? Everyone knows I'm rather socially inept for this to play out as smoothly as I'd hope so I had to stoop to this method.'
'At least I learned not to break doors this time."
'Once we both graduate, I might not be able to see you again in my life. We will no longer work together as much as we did before. I wouldn't be able to see you laugh or make excuses just to touch you. I like being near you. Even if you consider me as a one-night stand. Even if you consider me as your biggest mistake.'
You looked at Alhaitham with a face that ridiculed his choice of picking this creepy excerpt. He didn't so much as move and continued sitting at the table, staring at you robotically calm.
You hope this Liyue person has already been apprehended by the Millelith.
You resumed deciphering after deciding to trust whatever bizarre letter Alhaitham had assigned to you. You were beginning to feel sorry for the person Alhaitham obtained the love letter from and its intended recipient... You wouldn't be astonished if Alhaitham pulled this letter from the hands of a mad scholar and deemed it a worthy linguistics exercise.
'You're mine and you will learn to love me. I've already decided on that.'
'I'm sure that declaration is bound to scare you, but I genuinely meant it. I can understand if you react violently. I wouldn't hate you if you tried to contact the authorities, but just know that eremites are useless against me.'
You scowled. Perhaps your study companion wanted you to be wholly aware that translating is not an easy task. If so, you're impressed by his dedication. You'd never read a letter like this again.
Then it got worse.
'That's why I need to take control again.'
'I need you to open your eyes– I need you to know that without me, you cannot survive in a world beyond academics.'
'You need me just as much as I need you, too.'
'So when will you invite me back to Dorm 569?'
You stopped reading and you felt the clip of your pen snap. 
Slowly, you turned the paper to its back. Your eyes were glued to the table, unable to look at your study partner's face.
"Alhaitham…" You laughed sheepishly. "Do… Do you have to go above and beyond writing such a… personal sounding example? You know, the Akademiya doesn't allow plagiarism—especially when it's a creepy love letter."
Being batch-mates with Alhaitham, you're well aware of his eccentricities. And being batch-mates with you helps him pretend that there's nothing creepy about knowing a few minor details too.
But this is… is not one of them.
Alhaitham placed his mug down and began to peek through your worksheets behind you.
"Five minutes left, I'm guessing you're on the last paragraph?" He spoke as if your concerns were nonexistent.
"Of course I'm on the damn last paragraph!!!"
You immediately covered your mouth, looking around the room if you had disturbed others, before being staunchly reminded that you are alone. With him.
It's like reading a horror story at home alone on the weekends. The setting is safe, you trust Alhaitham, but your heart is restless.
Dorm 569. 
It's your dorm number but it's not an innocent suggestion if– when it comes from him. The implication was sinister and cruel. There is a historical context that vastly changes the flow of this conversation. A context that you don't want to address plainly.
"This is just a joke, right?" You gulped dryly. Despite your treacherous nerves, you made a joke. "You're not stalking me, are you?"
He raised an eyebrow.
Alhaitham steadily reduced the gap between you two by holding your chair with both hands. Before you could realize it, he had already closed off all means of escape. You felt his breathing brush against you. Every inch of your body begged for a sprint as his green-orange eyes peered through your soul, calculating as they had always been.
You need to leave.
"You're going to brush off the rest of what you've read and focus on such a minor detail? You're not going to ask if I have feelings for you like a normal person?"
His breath smelled like coffee.
"I would if this fucking letter sounded anywhere close to normal!" You yell-whispered.
You combed your hair back with your fingers, feeling your entire body shaken by his implied agreement. 
"Shit, Alhaitham… I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell your ears out– I'm just a bit…" You laughed, sinking your weight on the chair's cross rail but he inched closer, maintaining the distance you had before. "Moved? I'm so bad at vocab, is that the word? Yeah, moved by that love letter, I suppose."
"Don't be sarcastic. You're frightened."
You scoffed.
"D-Duh, making jokes is a coping mechanism. Something you wouldn't relate to, I know."
He didn't move from his position.
You breathed in sharply. "What?"
"You still haven't asked."
"Asked what?"
"If I like you romantically."
"W-Well, you still haven't answered me either."
"Answered what?"
"... Is it true? Are you stalking me?"
He did not hesitate to answer. "In a sense, yes."
Your stomach flipped at his nonchalant reply. He tilted your chin up. The short distance between you two began to diminish as you felt Alhaitham's hair against your cheek.
"How else would I know your dorm number if I didn't, right?"
You slapped his hand away. "You know what I meant. This isn't funny at all. Please answer me seriously."
"I thought you think of me as a guardian angel. You wanted the truth and I gave you my thoughts." Alhaitham pressed. 
You don't want to believe it.
You don't want to acknowledge that it was someone you trusted who forced you to bed.
"I am stalking you. Tell me– who else would've fucked you senseless that night? Go on, tell me, (Y/n)."
But you knew deep down that it was him.
You shoved him off, but he was stronger than you are. You've seen him in action, he did not lie when fighting eremites are child's play to him. You're his study partner, and you, unfortunately, know him best as he stated in that letter.
Dorm 569. That night was a blur and you've changed rooms since then. Another student, Soraya, began living in your old room. You couldn't bear to visit and see how the freshman was doing. 
You never actively seek parties, and Alhaitham was the same. But one night, you both decided to finally experience the infamous "college life" by attending one. Your brain refused to unfold everything that transpired. Pieces of your conversations occasionally resurface, but they're all mundane yet bitter. Retracing your steps had a major discrepancy from drinking beer to waking up in your dorm with a broken door.
Nothing explained why your study partner was naked beside you, lovingly caressing your hair.
"Were you fantasizing about another man? One of our seniors, perhaps? Are you one of those people who get off on unbalanced relationship dynamics?" 
There was no explanation as to why you woke up screaming. 
And there were no words spoken about it the next time you bumped into each other.
He never mentioned it again.
And you foolishly thought that was the end of it.
"If not our old seniors…  Was it our Ethics professor?"
Your heart dropped.
Alhaitham laughed. His usually calm green-orange eyes that soothed you swirled with what you assumed was jealousy and self-loathing. Two emotions you have not seen before, or at least, did not acknowledge.
You both knew you were scared to face reality. But he doesn't want to play these mind games any longer. Alhaitham already decided on it. You will recall everything. 
His grip on your chin tightened. 
"It's him, correct? I won't forget the way you moaned 'Sir' when I pulled your hair. If I wasn't confident, I wouldn't be wearing this stupid pair of glasses and uniform just to woo you."
You could no longer speak. Alhaitham took it as permission to do anything he wants with you. Just like that night.
His lengthy fingers pinched your inner thigh.
"Then again, I don't think I can keep acting like him. Spiking a drink would be in his list of unforgivable actions I'm sure."
You trembled.
"Still won't answer, (Y/n)? Or would you prefer I call you Mx. (L/n)?"
Alhaitham scoffed, grinning.
"You don't have to answer. We have the classroom all to ourselves to test that hypothesis."
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tarotfairy0919 · 2 months
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜Colours symbolistic in tarot
©tarotfairy0919 - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter or repost my work.
Please REBLOG if you find this information useful! ༄˖°🪐.ೃ࿔*
Colours play a significant role in tarot readings, as they can carry rich symbolism and add layers of meaning to the cards. Different colours can evoke emotions, represent elements, and convey themes within a reading.
By paying attention to the colors present in the tarot cards drawn during a reading, you can tap into a deeper level of interpretation and understanding.
These colours can help illuminate the underlying themes and messages within the cards, enhancing the overall reading experience.
It's important to remember that the meanings and interpretations of colours in tarot can vary from reader to reader, so it's helpful to study and understand the specific colour symbolism of the deck you are using, as well as develop your own intuition and understanding of colour meanings.
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Colours can influence human behaviour.
Colours can influence human perceptions.
Colours can influence the taste of food.
Colours can influence attractiveness.
Here are some common interpretations of colours in tarot:
White - is purity
the starting point
completion and healing
new intellectual territory
truth and sincerity
wholeness and joy
perfect union and purification
colour of God or the colour of death
mortal chill
hope, faith
Grey - is conservative
unconscious state ( ‘shadow’)
lack of prejudice
unknown outcome
Black - is authority and mystery
the unknown
visible shadow
mental or emotional darkness
new territory
creative magma
death impulse
Red - attracts the human eye
mentality or disposition
blood and soil
material world
animal realm
animal violence
health, strength,
physical energy
intense emotions
Yellow - is a happy colour
self-expression, self-esteem
active intelligence
dry mind without emotions
mental dissonance (’shrillness’)
mental activity
ability to rationalise
Gold - related to royalty, wealth, and money
being conscious
Orange - feelings of enthusiasm and excitement
a passionate approach
Blue - is the most used office colour
the blues
inner peace and harmony
receptivity to the earthly power
a balanced spiritual understanding
psychic, philosophy
Light Blue -  tranquility and peace
open sky/heavens
receptivity to the celestial power
dependence upon the father
Green - is the most restful colour
connected to the celestial power
the plant realm
dependence upon the mother
Dark Green - is the colour of the natural world
close to nature
nurturing nature connected to the terestrial powers
Beige - simplicity, comfort, wisdom and trust
the human body
 person that is sensitive, determined, resilient, and dependable
Brown - health, nurturing, and dependability
material world
Violet - energies and mindfulness
borderline experience
psychic abilities
spiritual awakening
ancient wisdom
third eye chakra where psychic vision and inner eye reside
supreme wisdom
colour of sacrifice
colour of living
the present life
example of ambiguous
both good and bad
life carnal pleasure
animal violence
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡oopsie you already reached the end ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡
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thatstonedwriter · 1 year
Trip Out w/ Me
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A/N: I love this prompt so much, and I may turn this into a Headcanon Set involving more characters. Post is named after my "getting high" spotify playlist. I also made this from a platonic perspective, but it could be perceived as romantic, if you squint.
Contents; mentions of substances, platonic relationships, swearing, gender neutral reader
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It was a pleasant surprise when Loona asked if she could join you for one of your sessions. To make sure you're both comfortable, you go out and make sure you have all the necessary supplies. There's more planning that goes into it than some may think..
For the set up, you've got a small speaker playing some trippy music, or maybe a small T.V or computer to watch something on. There's a light projector with patterns that dance across the walls- or maybe some fairy lights. You can never go wrong with fairy lights. You've got your vape pen, edibles, bong, etc. (whatever you're down to use). Of course, you can't forget your beverages of choice. Gotta stay hydrated, after all. Whatever your preferred set up/environment, you're now prepped for a fucking awesome sesh.
Now, there are many different kinds of high, especially depending on what strain you use. Regardless, Loona appreciates the relaxed atmosphere. Whether your high involves laying in bed and watching movies, hyperfixating on something, or just laying on the floor and listening to music, Loona is down for pretty much anything. With you, she doesn't need to worry about making a good impression or masking.
Munchies can be a bitch, so if Loona isn't smoking or drinking, she'll be happy to be your designated driver. Y'all could go through some fast food place or go to a sit-down restaurant, it doesn't matter. If both of you are inebriated, then it gives you an excuse to order food for delivery. Eliminates the need to go anywhere and you don't have to interact with more people than necessary. Win-win.
It's easier to laugh at shit when you're high. It's great. Especially since Loona's laugh is so loud. It's that kind of laugh where you're on the floor, gripping your sides, tears welling in your eyes. It's the kind of laugh that's contagious, that makes you feel free.
On the flip side, however.. if either of you get a little too high and the anxiety starts to kick in, it's important to have a contingency plan. Noise cancelling headphones, soft blankets, a jacket, water, and lots of hugs/cuddles (if physicality helps).
I strongly believe that Loona's favorite part of any sesh would include the "making a pillow-fort and watching something" segment. Not to get angsty, but she's never had a concrete sense of safety, stability, or comfort (except for some moments with Blitz). That's why she appreciates these sessions so much.
Personally, I think weed makes us more genuine/honest, and I think Loona would be anxious about that at first. What if it brings out the worst in her? This could all go horribly wrong.. But it doesn't, much to her surprise. There may be a point where you both trauma dump or have deep talks, which makes Loona feel seen for the first time... ever, really. To be honest, she'd probably end up sleeping over.
Loona loves having you in her life. Not only can you provide a safe, relaxed environment for her to exist in, you're just one of her favorite people. Don't be surprised if she asks to hang out more often. Whether if its a trip to the dispensary, getting high in one of your rooms, or just existing together, Loona couldn't ask for a better person to be around.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Ending Note; Don't drive while under the influence of any substances. Your tolerance level doesn't matter. Safety is the most important thing when it comes to enjoying yourself in these situations. Know your limits, know your environment, and know the substance. There are more cases of drugs being laced with fentanyl so make sure your sources/dispensaries are reliable. Do your own research, and know what works best for you. Be safe y'all.
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punksocks · 1 year
Heyyy , how’s ya day going so far ? How is a Neptune in the 8th house sex like ?
Neptune in 8th (18+ Only)
*minors dni, adults only
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Hi there! I’m doin good thank you for asking c:
Okay let’s get into it. This is a super interesting placement imo. Anything with Neptune has to deal with the subconscious and the confusing and ethereal, yet the 8th house is all about revealing the deep and the painful and the taboo. Having such a Scorponic (?) influence over your dreams and deeper field of thought can be quite the journey. For s*xuality I’d say that you’re all about connecting with someone at a soul level when your intimate with them. With these two influences (depending on the planet ofc) you’d always be digging deeper and deeper to learn everything you can about your partner’s deepest desires. I’d assume that you’d go to great lengths to uncover all their fantasies and embody them in anyway you can. In addition, I’d also assume you’d have some taboo fantasies of your own that you would want to explore with whoever you’re connected to. (I’m on tumblr so I don’t really know what’s taboo anymore lol, with the 8th house I’d expect a lot of power play, a lot of switching/vying for control over each other and not usually knowing where that would be headed. I’d also guess that you’d want to try to sleep with someone while inebriated and like have that physical connection while your mind is sort of a drift under the influence. But with Neptune here it’s a sort of like anything goes and whatever you try you’ll know when you feel it if that’s like a deep desire you have. Synastry here might be a bit overwhelming but I think you’d enjoy having physical and mental access and envelopment with your partner on that immersive level.
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socialshakespeare · 4 months
Return of the drink-through!
We haven't done one of these in a while, huh? Here's the deal:
Rules are here
On the signup there are several options depending on your comfort level. We will not cast anyone in a drink-through who doesn't want to (or legally shouldn't) be there
We'll most likely only have one of these - the rest will be our regular whacky readings!
During the call, point out drinking cues in the chat as they come up! We'll have a list of Skype emoji handy
Most of us do SocShakes (physically) alone, and inebriating without company has its own risks. Please keep an eye on your levels and remember to hydrate - the game still works with water!
We're excited to bring this back and hope you are too! Now what are you waiting for? Sign up for Midsummer!
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kalamity-jayne · 6 months
heya! baby-ish tgirl here. i've been on E since dec now (current regimen 6mg E sublingual/100mg spiro per day). anyway i have a nasty needle phobia but i also really kinda want to switch to injections and i think i might be stubborn enough to overcome it. what do you think? worth doing?
Well, I'm not an endocrinologist, and this is very much a conversation you should be having with one. With that caveat out of the way though I'd say it depends. First of all, if you're Estrogen levels and testosterone levels are in the ideal ranges and you're feeling good about the results you’ve been seeing thus far, I would say there's no real reason to make that change. If you’re levels are good and your mostly satisfied but just want to get a lil extra juice out of your regimen, you may want to consider just adding in Progesterone.
Many trans women swear by injectable but obviously there's nuances here. The old axiom "your mileage may vary" absolutely applies. The big advantage you have with injectable estrogen is that you bypass the stomach and the liver and thus you don't have to worry as much about how much estrogen is actually available for your body to use or your body's receptors' ability to bind to the estrogen. When I first started I took oral estrogen, but it was really challenging to get my T and E levels in the correct ranges (for context I had incredibly high levels of testosterone before HRT, even by cis male standards). After trying a few different dosages of Estradiol and Spiro (and eventually progesterone as well) and still not getting the levels right, I made the switch to injectable. Once I made the switch it felt like I was cooking with gas. So I very well may have been one of those people who wasn't effectively binding to the estrogen taken orally.
The main disadvantage to injectable estrogen is really just the needles if you’re someone who feels nervous about that. Now with injectable there’s two formats, intramuscular and subcutaneous. Both are equally effective, the only big difference between the two is that intramuscular comes with a slight risk of scarring. Both are pretty easy, and you’ll get the hang of it fairly quickly. As far as avoiding pain and scarification my main advice is: 1. don’t do your injections when you are tired, in a rush, inebriated, or under any other condition that might cause your hand to be less than steady and 2. Be swift with the needle.
Another big difference, that is neither better or worse just different, is that your hormone levels will fluctuate differently. When you take hormones orally, you get your initial E spike and it tapers off over the course of the day, which is why you generally take two doses per day. With injectable you get your initial estrogen spike after injecting, and it slowly tapers off over the course of the week until your next does (this is why it's recommended you get your bloodwork done halfway between doses). So if/when you make the switch, you may experience some mild mood swings (not everyone does though, I only experienced noticeable mode swings during the first 3 months of progesterone) and you may experience a few other signs of hormonal fluctuation such as mild non-inflammatory acne on the sides of your nose (if you experience this talk to your end, you may need the dosage adjusted and definitely re-evaluate your skin-care routine as you may need to start treating the nose with salicylic acid).
Now there are a few other delivery methods to consider, such as the Patch and the Pellet, but I don't know as much about them so I'm not as comfortable speaking on them.
I hope that info is helpful baby-girl! But definitely take all of that with a grain of salt and go talk to an actual endocrinologist!
🌷Mother Calamity🌷
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hongtiddiez · 10 months
i think tumblr might have eaten my ask (if you got it and just haven't had time to answer yet please ignore this!)
there is a certain, well, let's call it vibe between all of the gang members in not me. which gang members do you think got to know each other biblically before white's arrival? and how did those trysts come to pass? (who started it, was/is it a recurring thing, are they honest about it if asked?)
god tumblr has been eating like half my notifications as well lately, idk why. (i've gotten a big influx of followers lately so idk if its just like, catching up, or if this site is just held together with gum and a dream <- probably that one)
I definitely think Sean and Yok fooled around, mostly Yok and almost everyone. I think he's more free with his affection and I think for him love and sex are very different things. He strikes me as the type that's able to separate them in a healthy way and appreciate sex as just a way to unwind and have fun. So that's kind of my blanket, I think Yok has fucked everyone at some point.
I think Sean and Yok were a one night thing; it was nice but not anything either one needed to repeat. Maybe they were drunk or stressed or whatever. They're honest about it, never really tried to hide it.
I think Yok and Gram was a little deeper, a little more feelings involved. Gram was lonely, mopey, and Yok assured him he was desirable, and showed him just how desirable he was. It's something they've repeated a few times and both feel better afterwards. I think Gram doesn't want to mention it, so Yok respects that.
Yok and Black have NOT fucked. They'd kill each other, I think. And not in a fun way.
We ALL know how I feel about Gumpa Yok but honestly? I don't think they've fucked, at least not prior to White and the events of the show. I don't think Gumpa would want to risk making any of the boys uncomfortable.
I can't really see Sean and Gram happening? They seem distant, like two people who just happen to be fighting for the same thing. We don't really see anything that connects them on any deeper level than the surface.
Sean and Black... There may have been a hate fuck between them, maybe. Depends on adrenaline, inebriation, relationship status, etc. I think both of them agreed to forget about it - especially after Black abandoned Sean.
Black and Gram... I think Gram thinks about it a lot, he wishes he knew what he could do to get Black's eyes on him like that. I'm a BlackGram truther until I die, but I just don't think it's happened for them yet.
Black Gumpa tho?? I think Black is the only person Gumpa MAY have had relations with. Black seems like the kind of person that can separate feelings and sex in a cold way and Gumpa would know it wouldn't get complicated - if anyone was going to get complicated feelings here it'd be him and he has enough control over himself to ignore them. He knows Black a little too well, the fact he knows every callous on Black's hands? Suspicious. They definitely don't mention it, it doesn't mean anything so there's no reason to.
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sammmyy223 · 6 months
I run a shit post dnd game. The players and I refer to it by one of two names. Weednd or The Brewicide Squad. The players and I get inebriated before and during each sessions.
This is the information I provided to the players when we were planning on starting the game. The hook so to speak. There are also the 4 unique feats you can choose depending on where you are from.
Brethea is a land of wonders and holds many a great deal of things. The land is ruled over by 4 major factions
The Weed Wizards-
One more Rip- once per long sesh user pulls out a spell rolled joint and can cast any first level spell
The Miller High Mages-
Feat: Gods Drunkest Driver- once per long sesh the user down a teener and spawn a set of car keys. The car keys are a magical item when used that summons a magical car that will take you where you need to go,
The Pack Priests of Stanktopia-
Herbal Remedies- one per long user can heal the party 1d8 as they share a medicinal blunt. The healing power increases by 1d8 at level 6, 10, 14, 18
The Wocky Warlocks-
Double Cup Alchemy- one per long sesh the player may roll a d20 in order to generate a double cup potion.
Brethea a land of rich and deep lore, built upon the ashes of many a sesh amongst the leaders of the four groups.
One day a black spot opened in between the four kingdoms and since then evil has been plaguing the land, trying to claim the holy relics of the kingdoms to resurrect an evil demon.
The four great rulers of the nation, Franko Skunkberry of Stanktopia, Yung King of Wocky, Flooberus Bobsnarl Jr. of the Miller lands, and Quincavius Diesalbrau of the wizards have come to an agreement that shall recruit aspiring heroes of their nation and pair them in teams of adventurers to stop the forces of evil. You are a team of those heroes. Your goal is to get as much information you can on the upcoming evil and potentially put a stop to it!
Short sesh, or long sesh instead of short or long rest.
I also wanted to share the current list of side quests I have for the players
Side Quests
Trivia with Tim-
Guppy’s MTV Crypt Episode
The fat king and the praising staff- you have to compliment the king or get put to death
Zoober Zone- a multidimensional plane of existence where the Hashtral Projectionists hang out
Minecraft ravine exploration
The fermented lake and the micks chosen select ultra can that whoever brings it up from and drinks it, becomes the king of beertopia. Beertopia is like el dorado of beer.
Devil fruit sesh
Chaos Sparkplugs
Metro 42033
Killing the Council
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redvanillabee · 11 months
Trick-or-Treat! I have come knocking on your Tumblr door asking for a treat. You can answer with a meme, a bit of art/fic, a fic recommendation, pictures of candy, or something else! Then go to your mutual’s Tumblr door and ask them for a treat! Happy Halloween! 🎃👻 (don’t answer until October 31)
You get a snippet from a WIP!
She levels a glare at him, her eyes surprisingly clear despite the obvious inebriation. 'Are all you men like that?' He stares back, trying to gauge what she's getting at. (It is not unlike being stared down by Carter; it's unnerving.) 'Depends on what you're talking about. Who hurt you?' ‘My fiancé. Well, ex-fiancé now. Said he was over his last girl. But he wasn’t.’ ‘When you say ex-fiancé…did he dump you when you found out?’ ‘No, I broke it off.’ There is a hint of pride in her drunken slur.
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wickedsrest-rp · 1 year
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Name: Alan Duarte Species: Werewolf Occupation: Real Estate Developer Age: 45 Years Old Played By: Amélie Face Claim: Pedro Pascal
"It was your decision to refuse my generous offer. A poor decision for certain… "
From the beginning, things were meant to be easy for Alan. Although his childhood bore the mark, both physical and psychological, of strict, old-fashioned parenting, Alan grew up with the belief that this was perfectly normal, although exhausting sometimes. Hard work, he was taught, was something to be proud of, and benevolence, he learned, could sometimes take the shape of high expectations.
The Duartes prided themselves with the successes of their children, although the 4 siblings rarely heard those compliments firsthand. Their failures were always underlined and had to be fixed, their successes were acknowledged, at best, with only first place being considered a suitable accomplishment.
With parents obsessed with results, how could you not eventually learn how to cheat the system?
Alan was expected, as the first-born son, to be perfect, of course. And, to the eyes of many, he was. The young man presented himself as both excellent on the football field or with a pen in his hand, and many were those who believed that, including his parents who were thrilled to see him follow the paths they had chosen for him.
This was how Alan bought himself peace: by playing by their rules whenever he could, and through certain truths, half-truths, and absolute lies. Some truth was always necessary, for a story to be believable.
Yes, he mostly brought home As, but most of his home assignments were not exactly his. An absolute lie. Studying for table exams wasn’t exactly thrilling either, but it was the least he could do to avoid getting eventually caught. A half-truth. It wasn’t that he wasn’t smart enough to shine bright, it was that he didn’t want to make twice the effort for the same results. A truth.
Besides, who needed to know all those formulas and dates by heart anyway?
Earning himself a place at the US Air Force Academy, like his father and his grandfather before him, Alan studied business there, and then served in the army for a few mandatory years.
Through contacts made while attending the Academy, it wasn’t long before Alan was offered an entry level job at a real estate developing company. The job was simple: knock on doors, see if people are interested in selling, and for how much. It wasn’t long before he figured a way to make himself look good to the eye of his employer and obtained his first raise.
Alan was a pleasant young man, and most people felt confident they were making the right move, following his word of advice.  
Sweet talk got him far enough, lying even further, but eventually, frightened people were those who sold the fastest to him. It didn’t take more than that truth for Alan to change his ways of doing business.
Depending on the perspective, he was either this brilliant young man with an entrepreneurial flame ablaze within his heart, or a horned hollow creature, incapable of compassion.
Yet, there were aspects of this issue that weren’t a matter of perspective: the man’s success was easily quantified through his bank account or the number of people he employed.
All of this, however, could have come to an end in one night, when an inebriated Alan cut through the woods to get back home, oblivious to the dangers that inhabited the Wicked's Rest wilderness. Bitten by what he thought to be a mangy wolf, Alan thought a trip to the hospital would solve the problem.
His first transformation remains to this day the most painful and frightening event he ever went through.
He had grown up in Wicked's Rest , and he had heard those stories, but it wasn’t until you experienced them firsthand that you truly started to believe them. Oblivious as he was, it didn’t take more than a few more painful nights for the man to realize he hadn’t been attacked by a regular wolf.
After the pain, it was the loss of control he detested the more. He knew nothing about his condition, and although Alan saw the kind of damage his lupine alter-ego could cause, feral violence would be of no use to him, at least if he couldn’t control it at all.
It wasn’t until he was approached by a more seasoned wolf that Alan became aware of how little he knew about the town he lived in most of his life.
With a whole world of possibilities being offered to him on a platter, Alan did what he did best: he used it to his advantage. The damage he could cause, the threats that no longer fell flat… His business was thriving more than ever now, and he could even afford to hire supernatural folks to do some of his dirty work now.
But it all comes with a price, and the more his financial situation improves the more enemies he makes.
Eventually, Alan will either target the wrong person, or make a difficult decision to climb further up the food chain, it is only a matter of when…
Character Facts:
Personality: Ambitious, selfish, manipulative, charming, efficient, determined, fun, opportunistic, vicious, aloof
Alan has both dyslexia and dyscalculia and was followed by the same pathologists from age 8 until age 14. He generally learned how to counter it over the years, but also tends to prefer either graphic novels or audio books.
While playing football for the WCHS team, Alan took home the regional champion title two years in a row and took his team to the national semifinals on his Senior Year.
He was deployed in Iraq as an Air Battle Manager, ranking as a captain for the U.S. Air Force. Serving in the army as an officer was required as part of his scholarship’s requirements. He was more than glad to get back to civilian life, even if this made his parents awfully proud.
He’s passionate about model making. Although he started building planes with his father as a child, he also likes to recreate characters from pop on his free time. He keeps a few of his favorite creations on his desk at work.
Alan no longer plays football as much as he used to. He spends some of his free time at the nearest aerodrome and took an interest in sailing.
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idigitizellp21 · 1 month
What makes a mosquito weak in the knee? Find Out What They Hate Most
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“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” 
While this might be great advice for people, most would agree that it wasn’t meant to include mosquitoes! These pests can become a problem in late summer, especially when there are warmer temperatures or water nearby.
Although mosquito prevention is tricky, it’s very doable. The key is to discover what mosquitoes dislike so that you can keep these pesky insects out of your home, out of your yard and out of your life. Depending on the level of your infestation, you may need to layer multiple approaches to fight back against the bugs.
Known Mosquito Repellents
The most effective mosquito repellents are based on an understanding of how these insects operate. Mosquitoes are wired to find their next meal through visual cues, scents, heat and even the carbon dioxide in your exhales. By confusing their senses, you can enjoy a nice evening outside without being eaten alive.
Here are 10 things mosquitoes hate to keep them out of your backyard and off your skin. 
1. Mosquito Repellent
Evidence shows that mosquito repellents can help keep mosquitoes away from you for a certain amount of time. DEET, picaridin, IR3535 and lemon eucalyptus oil are all used in various bug sprays, though picaridin has proved to be even more effective — and less oily — than DEET. Some natural, DEET-Free insect repellents have also been found to be effective in protecting against insect bites such as mosquitoes.
2. Certain Herbs
Mosquitoes are turned off by several natural scents, including citronella, peppermint, cedar, catnip, patchouli, lemongrass, lavender and more. You can add some of these plants to your landscaping to fend them off. Or, try these scents in essential oil form or buy torches and candles that have been designed to scare off these pests. Your evening will be cozier and insect-free!
3. Artificial or Natural Wind
Surprisingly, mosquitoes aren’t very good at flying. That’s good for us humans because it means we’ve just got to create a bit of wind to keep mosquitoes from coming near. While you can’t control the elements, you can bring a fan outside and turn it on high. The mosquitoes won’t be able to get close enough to bother you.
4. Scent of Garlic
Bring on the garlic! Lucky for us, mosquitoes hate the delicious vegetable. Try cooking with garlic and eating your meal or snack before you go outside. If you happen to be one of the few who doesn’t like garlic, you can sprinkle minced garlic a few feet from your porch for a similar repelling effect.
5. Loose Clothing
Mosquitoes don’t really care if your clothing is in style or not, but they do care a whole lot about getting to your skin. Loose clothing makes it harder for the nasty bugs to get a good grip for a tasty bite of you. Unfortunately, though, mosquitoes can usually go right through thick clothing like denim or corduroy.
6. Sober Individuals
Add this to the list of merits for being the designated driver — mosquitoes might skip over you to feast upon your inebriated buddies instead. Possibly because of the smell, mosquitoes seem drawn to people who are drinking beer. Drinking can also make people warmer, causing them to sweat — and mosquitoes like sweaty skin.
7. Light Clothes
Mosquitoes like things they can see easily, and dark clothing makes you far more visible to a hungry mosquito. Light clothing allows you to blend into the background, making you harder to spot. If you wear light clothing, you’re less likely to be a target for mosquitoes.
8. Smoke
Chances are you didn’t bring enough marshmallows to share, and that’s a good thing because mosquitoes probably won’t show up to your campfire anyway since they don’t like smoke. Not having a campfire? Light the corner of an egg carton on fire, and set it somewhere safe — like on top of your barbecue. It will continue to smoke for a long time, keeping mosquitoes out of sight.
9. Dry Areas
Mosquitoes are attracted to moist places. In fact, they need standing water to breed. Some common places you might find standing water are gutters, buckets and swimming pools. Stay away from marshes — especially at dawn or dusk when mosquitoes are most active — keep standing water out of your yard, and put on plenty of bug spray if you’re going to be somewhere near the water.
10. Scent-Free Lotion
Because mosquitoes are attracted to sweet smells, it’s a good idea to wear scent-free lotion and other products when you’re going to be outside. It’s easier for mosquitoes to find you if they can follow these scents. Keep mosquitoes away and protect yourself from bites by foregoing your sweet perfumes when you’re going to be outside.
Ultima Search: Mosquito Control Services and products available online: 
An efficient and effective kill mosquito solution program commences with a detailed survey to determine the quantum and species of adults and larvae in your vicinity. Our ultimate aim is to eliminate the breeding spots to ensure a stop of reproduction whilst the mosquito control treatment is ongoing. Larvae can be controlled through various spraying for mosquito products. Our USP is utilizing Eco-friendly spraying products coupled with fogging during down or at sunrise which coincides with adult mosquito activity periods. 
Here are a few tips and tricks to get rid of mosquitoes in and around your vicinity. 
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generalb · 9 months
Super Power Name: Disease of the day
Super Power Description: the Owner of this Power will get a random superpower when caught with sickness, or disease. The strength and magnitude of this Power vary on the strength of the sickness.
Super Power Pros: With the power of vaccines and treatments available today, it is easily possible to control one’s level of sickness. This Power offers versatility, unpredictability, and will blossom under the growth of an Owner who has a creative mind.
Super Power Cons: if you have half a brain you might notice that I’ve spewed utter bullshit in the ‘pros’. That is because I cannot honestly think of a way to actually gain benefits from this power. The effects are random, so you can’t guarantee what you’ll get. The strength depends on the sick, so if you get a weak ass cold then the best you’ll get is shorting water out with the pressure of a sink. And most importantly of all, the Owner is still sick! The Power does not effectively dampen or lessen the sickness, meaning that in order for the Power to be used functionally, the Owner will have to be inebriated by whatever disease they have.
Honestly. It’s 3 in the morning and I don’t even know why I wrote this down. Eh, maybe I’ll return to it later and lessen the downsides. Maybe the Power does dampen the sickness a bit? Or maybe there’s randomness but with a theme? Like diseases that get you hot will have hot effects, ones that make you sneeze and cough a lot create status conditions for enemy Owners? I’ll come back to this when I have a stable mind.
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aspnss · 1 year
timeline of the events leading up to, during, & after the kidnapping of izidora & carina banks.
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disclaimer: please read this at your own risk. please read this at your own risk. this post will deal with topics regarding d/omestic v/iolence, d/rug a/buse, s/exual a/buse, s/ex t/rafficking, & m/urder. i do not plan to go into detail about any of the specifics for my own comfort as well as yours, but it is something that this muse has dealt with very extensively, and it does shape a lot of her mannerisms & actions moving forward which is why i felt the need to break certain events down by age/events. if you would prefer to read a far more redacted version of her history, i encourage you to read this headcanon post instead. stay safe, love you, please read this at your own risk.
YEAR FIFTEEN. izidora & her twelve year old sister carina are living between the households of her protective paternal grandmother tala (a bloodline witch based in the philippines) and her uncaring maternal aunt sherise, with her grandmother maintaining primary care. at this time, izidora has awoken her own powers, and actively practices a blend of albularyo & mangkukulam magic with her grandmother as her teacher. most of her magic is dedicated to healing at this age, as well — the reason for this being on account of the extremely volatile relationship that her aunt entered with a boyfriend, nico. while nico did not directly harm either of the girls just yet, he was incredibly abusive towards them verbally: belittling them often, picking fights at random, berating their aunt in front of them to establish dominance. he also began to get their aunt hooked on recreational drugs, escalating quickly to the use of narcotics such as o/xy & h/eroin openly. their grandmother attempted to intervene — but the relationship between the very little maternal & paternal family left had been far from amicable after izidora's mother noelle was sent to prison for the murder of her father angelo.
YEAR SIXTEEN. izidora is physically hit by nico for the first time after defending a thirteen year old carina from another spew of bullying. their aunt becomes fully addicted to narcotics & entirely dependent on nico, leaving him as the head of the household via more sinister income. as such, he starts to impose 'rules' within the house, including limiting their phone usage & how often they went to live with their grandmother. once he begins to conduct business meetings within the house, izidora & carina are later forced to withdraw from after school activities and are no longer allowed a bedroom door after another round of arguments. because they aren't living with their grandmother as frequently as they were in the past, izidora is unable to continue practicing albularyo or, by extension, kulam — she is only able to use surface level healing magic for their minor injuries. izidora begins to secretly apply to colleges & universities early into her junior year, hoping to move her & carina out of the state for a degree in graphic arts. their grandmother falls ill, and nico forbids them from seeing her at the hospital.
YEAR SEVENTEEN. the final argument happens only days after her 17th birthday passes, brought on once izidora acquired a cell phone from a classmate so that she & fourteen year old carina could speak to their grandmother tala. once nico discovers the phone hidden in izidora's school bag, her & nico enter a screaming match that turns physical — after which he forces izidora & carina to pack a bag with a week's worth of clothing & loads them into a truck, telling an inebriated sherise that he was taking them to his mother's for discipline. instead, he drives them to a townhouse in staten island in the middle of the night, placing them alone in an empty room with a single bed for hours. he is not alone when he returns to pick them up. from this point on, izidora & carina are held with a handful of other girls, and are forced to endure s/exual a/ssault. izidora, after a full month of refusing to comply, eventually breaks after nico threatens carina and lula in front of her.
YEAR EIGHTEEN. izidora comes to terms with her & carina's situation & that they likely aren't coming home. they are constantly moved between houses in different boroughs, are t/rafficked for 'parties' with a group of girls throughout the city, in new jersey, and as far as pennsylvania, & are forced to remain in dark, windowless rooms for the majority of their time in each location; often for days & weeks at a time. this is when izidora's eyesight first begins to decline due to staying in dim lighting conditions, infrequent eating, & beatings. after izidora turns eighteen, she & carina are forcibly separated following an incident, with carina being sent "upstate". izidora goes through a period of grief & distress following this, and she begins to bond with the other girls in captivity after developing an attachment issue.
YEAR NINETEEN. carina remains upstate, and has not been seen by any of the other girls that come & go from the locations. izidora's eyesight continues to subtly decline, suffering from frequent headaches around certain light types & blurry, spotty vision. after being punished by one of the older women in captivity for burning food too many times, a sympathetic errand runner is able to convince the captors to keep a nightlight in the girls' room — they are also occasionally given additional clothing, snacks, and items of distraction in secret whenever certain errand runners visit the locations. this is the year izidora receives a small sketchbook to continue drawing in.
SHAH. at some point during the year, izidora meets a woman whom she called shah. once they are alone, shah reveals herself as a former pupil of tala — after spending hours gaining izidora's trust, she begins to teach her & help her continue with albularyo & kulam, introducing black magic forms of mangkukulam in order to defend herself. she gives her a concealment charm & encourages her to sneak out whenever possible to meet at their mutually agreed upon spots. despite receiving lessons on albularyo & using healing forms often with the girls she's bonded with, izidora develops a fixation with black magic & seeking revenge against her captors. after months of convincing shah & eventually begging for her help, shah teaches izidora her first deadly curse with a promise — you'll use it when you know you'll need it.
YEAR TWENTY. many of the original girls that izidora first bonded with have either ran away, were forced upstate, or were dead. she hears plenty of rumors & is taunted frequently by her captors, but still believes that carina is alive. izidora & the girls who remain resolve to run away for good, often discussing what they would do & who they would become when they leave. they never get to run, though — once one of the less sympathetic women kept captive discovers their plans, izidora is d/rugged, attacked severely for hours, & nearly killed. hardly able to breathe through a bloody broken nose & unable to see, izidora remembers the last thing shah told her after their lessons — once she's taunted into giving her last words, she recites a cursed incantation six times; grinning while each of the abusers in the house fall to their screaming deaths, their organs boiled bloody. once izidora eventually frees herself, she returns to the girls' rooms, eye swollen shut & covered in blood, and politely tells them to get their shit & go.
YEAR TWENTY ONE. after being cleaned & clothed, izidora returns to shah. she is able to actively practice kulam properly with shah, as well as plot her revenge. over a period of ten months, izidora tracks down each of her assailants & sends every single man & woman complicit in her abuse to their cursed deaths while freeing any girls remaining. once she finally tracks down nico, she curses his soul with permanent unrest. when she watches his house burn down with his mangled body inside, she can't stop laughing.
YEAR TWENTY SIX. izidora has gained far more than she's lost: including her craft, her sister, tala, her girls, and an immunity to death from the spirits that guide her. she heals her community, & curses those who try to destroy it. every so often, she looks at her kulam altar fondly — souls filled with anguish, swimming inside of an amulet — they all died so that she could live.
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Benefits of Sativa THC Tinctures
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Sativa THC tinctures are a preferred method of cannabis consumption. Tinctures are a type of cannabis extract that can be ingested under the tongue or added to food or beverages. Particularly from the Sativa strain of the cannabis plant, which is renowned for its uplifting and energizing qualities, come Sativa THC tinctures.
Sativa THC Tinctures' advantages include:
Energy and Attention: Sativa THC tinctures have to energize and stimulating properties that make consumers feel more alert and concentrated. They are therefore a fantastic option for daytime use, particularly for people who need to be productive and focused all day.
Mood Elevation: Sativa THC tinctures can also assist in elevating mood and easing anxiety and depressive symptoms. This is due to the cannabis plant's Sativa strain's higher concentrations of terpene limonene, which is well-known for its capacity to elevate mood.
Pain Relief: Sativa THC tinctures can also help individuals who have chronic pain or other painful ailments like arthritis. This is so that the body's endocannabinoid system, which can help lessen pain and inflammation, gets activated by the THC in the tincture.
Creativity: Sativa THC tinctures are renowned for their capacity to foster creativity and a more broad and open state of mind. For authors or artists looking for a way to unlock their creative potential, this can be especially helpful.
Hunger Stimulation: Sativa THC tinctures can also help increase appetite, which is beneficial for people who are losing their appetite as a result of medical illnesses or treatments.
How to Use Sativa THC Tinctures:
Various applications for Sativa THC tinctures are possible, depending on the user's preferences and requirements. Taking them sublingually, or under the tongue, is one of the most common ways to use them. This enables faster and stronger effects since the THC can enter the bloodstream directly.
Simply slip a few drops of a Sativa THC tincture beneath your tongue and hold them there for 30 to 60 seconds before swallowing. This makes it possible for the THC to be absorbed through your mouth's mucous membranes more quickly and effectively.
Sativa THC tinctures are an excellent option for those who prefer a more covert manner of intake because they can also be put into food or beverages. Simply incorporate a few drops of a Sativa THC tincture into your preferred recipe or beverage to add to your meal or drink.
Dosage and Safety:
It's crucial to start slowly and increase the dosage of Sativa THC tinctures. This entails beginning with a low dose and progressively boosting it over time until you find the dose that best suits your requirements.
The effects of Sativa THC tinctures can differ based on the user's body weight, tolerance, and metabolism, so it's crucial to keep that in mind as well. This implies that what functions for one person may not function for another, and it's crucial to experiment to get the ideal dose for your particular requirements.
Sativa THC tinctures are usually regarded as safe for usage by most adults when consumed in moderation. However, it's crucial to be aware of the possible risks connected to cannabis usage, such as the possibility of addiction or dependence and driving while inebriated.
Furthermore, it's crucial to be aware that Sativa THC tinctures may cause adverse effects like dry mouth, drowsiness, and accelerated heart rate. Although these side effects are usually minor and pass on their own, it's crucial to visit a doctor if you have any that are severe or chronic.
Frequently asked questions about Sativa THC tinctures:
What are Sativa THC tinctures?
A Sativa-dominant strain of the cannabis plant is used to create a Sativa THC tincture, a liquid form of cannabis extract. These tinctures frequently contain high levels of THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis that gives users a "high" after ingesting it.
How should I utilize a tincture of Sativa THC?
You normally use a dropper to apply a few drops of a Sativa THC tincture under your tongue. Then, after briefly holding the liquid in your mouth, you drink it. The tincture's effects usually start to take action in 30 to 60 minutes.
What are the effects of Sativa THC tinctures?
The cerebral, uplifting high that Sativa THC tinctures are known to provide can be energizing and joyful. They are a popular choice for daytime use because they may also improve creativity and focus.
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Physical and Optical Properties of Amethyst Gemstones
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Amethyst is a gorgeous quartz crystal with a purple tint which is regarded as a healing stone. The Amethyst Jewelry is the birthstone jewelry for the month of February. Amethyst is a beautiful gemstone that is used to create a variety of Gemstone Jewelry. Amethyst stones have exceptional abilities to arouse feelings and nourish the body to balance the chakras for wellness. You would receive luck, prosperity, and healing from this gemstone. Additionally, many people choose it on their sixth wedding anniversary. When worn frequently, Amethyst Jewelry will bring you various benefits.
Amethyst is renowned as a spiritual stone in addition to being a stone of healing. With the aid of this stone, you can sharpen your mind and increase your capacity for lucidity. Wearing Amethyst Jewelry helps prevent evil ideas from occurring, establish enlightenment, and boost cognition by fostering a fuller insight. It was recommended that you set your amethyst with Sterling Silver Jewelry to maximise the advantages of the Gemstone Jewelry piece. It enables those who possess it to adopt fresh concepts and execute on their ideas. By boosting intuition, Amethyst purple crystal is also said to have fantastic, beneficial impacts on creativity and imaginative abilities.
History of Amethyst
The history of Amethyst is vast and dates back to 25.000 BC. The Greek phrase for not intoxicated is the source of the name amethyst, which has Greek roots. The extraordinary qualities of the gemstone, which prevented even people who consumed alcohol from becoming inebriated, were first recognized by the Greeks. With the use of this grounding stone, crystal cups were created for drinking. They thought Amethyst Jewelry would prevent someone from collapsing after excessive drinking.
Other than the Greeks, the Amethyst stone was thought to have mystical abilities by the Egyptians and Romans. Clarity is one of the many advantages that amethyst provides for you. The pink and purple hues of this stone might vary. You can locate an amethyst crystal in any of the tones between the raw amethyst stones' delicate pink and dreamlike deep purple hues. Putting together stunning Amethyst Jewelry for you. The Amethyst Ring has held a particular place throughout history. It is thought that wearing this gemstone jewellery along with Sterling Silver Jewelry will positively evolve your life and bring you harmony, knowledge, prosperity, and healing.
The spiritual qualities of the Amethyst stone were acknowledged by people of numerous religions and beliefs. They are worn by spiritual leaders as a tool for meditation and protection from evil. Amethyst is frequently employed in alternative remedies for numerous physiological, mental, and metaphysical issues by reiki practitioners and ayurvedic physicians. People who have worn Amethyst Jewelry have allegedly experienced miraculous changes as a result of this stone. Depending on your needs and preferences, everyone can benefit from this stone in different ways.
Healing Properties of Amethyst
Amethyst is well renowned for its therapeutic benefits and for being a stone that shields the wearer from evil. People once held the belief that Amethyst Jewelry made their dreams more vivid. You would find serenity, clarity, and quiet with this stone. Your body, mind, and soul will benefit in all levels. Ancient people thought that natural amethyst could cleanse the body of all poisons. Ancient Greeks thought that wearing the stone prevented intoxication and helped the wearer maintain a level head. Amethyst is a strong and shielding gemstone. Amethyst stones were placed on the sick to draw out infection, and wine was taken from wine glasses containing the stones to avoid intoxication. A sturdy and protecting stone is Amethyst.
You would be shielded by this stone from any attacks by evil forces. You would receive protective and loving energy from this stone. Your stress and anxiety would be relieved and you could live a tranquil, stress-free life if you wore an Amethyst Ring, Amethyst Earrings, Amethyst Necklace, Amethyst Pendant, or other jewelry. Amethyst is a natural relaxant that calms agitation and reduces stress. It is a fantastic stone for people who experience erratic mood swings and aggression. Amethyst will make you happy and assist you in improving your depressed mood. Amethyst increases psychic talents and awakens spiritual consciousness. This stone will help you develop your psychic talents and connect you to your intuition. The advantages of amethyst are increased when worn with Sterling Silver Jewelry.
The stone Amethyst helps your body produce more hormones. Your immunity is boosted, and it provides pain relief of all kinds. This stone has cleansing properties, making it an excellent choice for purifying your body's blood. This Gemstone Jewelry reduces tension and eases headaches. It heals illnesses, lessens damage, and minimises bruising. Lung and respiratory system disorders can be cured by Amethyst. You can recover from any aberrant skin diseases or cellular disorders with the use of this stone.
Physical Healing Properties
Amethyst has a number of physiological healing qualities. On a physical level, amethyst is thought to promote cell regeneration, which in turn promotes the growth of hair and nails. This characteristic of amethyst makes it a fantastic stone for the skin. Wearing this Gemstone Jewelry can promote rest and sleep as well as strengthen immunity. It's a stone that will help you maintain both hormonal and metabolic equilibrium. In addition to all of this, Amethyst's purplish colour guarantees that the mind, body, and spirit are kept clean and detoxed. Amethyst can also help dispel the clouds for folks who get migraines or a cloudy head.
Amethyst is a stone that promotes mental sanity. You could use this stone to help you choose wisely. It encourages mental acuity and sobriety. It motivates readers to maintain composure because doing so is necessary for making wise decisions in life. When the mind is clouded, it is impossible to make the right choice. The Amethyst gemstone is renowned for its astounding capacity to support the body's resiliency and ward against conditions and diseases that can seriously harm a person's health and wellbeing. With all these advantages, it makes a perfect stone for people who struggle with making decisions. This makes it easier for folks to make sense of everything.
Your respiratory system is strengthened by Amethyst. Your blood would be cleansed by this stone, aiding in the healing process for your body. Your body would experience a better level of healing because to this stone. Both, people who have trouble falling asleep and people who sleep excessively should wear Amethyst Rings since they will aid in achieving a healthy sleep balance. Amethyst, a gemstone renowned for helping those who deal with insomnia, astounds with its capacity to provide an abundance of vitality and rest.
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