#depressing episode but really good
That was the premiere of Ghosts Season 3!!
I really enjoyed it, it was a great episode :D
Now, first off, elephant in the room: I did not really expect them to go full tilt with the sucked off event! But at the same time, I wasn't totally sure, so I was still plenty scared xD. Mostly for Nigel but I felt he was a bit too obvious as well. I didn't spend a lot of time thinking about who it was gonna be, though, so I wouldn't stress out, so hmm xdd. But just. . . gosh. It's so sudden 😭. I don't deserve this xd.
I will say I think it's not quite as depressing as BBC's loss of Mary, but I still think it hit hard and well <3. Flower wasn't my favorite character (but they're pretty much all right up there lol) but I absolutely adored her and I'm so gonna miss her :((. Especially the humor she added - obviously they all have humor, it's a comedy xD, but her just out-of-it-ness was so fun sometimes :'D. Sighh :')) :'(. Flower <33. If she is that bird now, she's flying high and loving it <3.
After attacking Jay and finished the life cycle since she was attacked by a bear lol.
Anyway, more on her at the end <33
First of all: so glad Nigel and Issac are okay <33. Loved the angst of them searching for each other though :D (after the fact - I was S T R E S S E D in the moment lol, as you could see xD). But guys come on xDD wait on the engagement party lol
I do kiiinda get it in like a "well we can't stop our lives" and to be fair she would want them to be happy, but also, nah xD. Did my family have a murder mystery the night of my grandmother's funeral? Yes. Doesn't mean you can have the engagement party then xD. But hey, what's his face went back down to the basement lol, so you can have next week!
Poor Pete xD. Man was going through it lol. I mean, not as much as like, Thor (which we'll talk about in moment) lol xd, but still. He did say "just a basement ghost", however. On the other hand,
so did all of we lol.
So hey, who are we to judge xD. Loved him trying to make it right though :'). And I just love that they were friends with Flower <3. That's so accurate, so her :). And I'm glad they invited the basement ghosts to the memorial <3. They deserved it :').
Thank you Nancy though for ruining the relations again lol, we need some space away from the groups (like them away from each other) xD.
Also Hetty and Alberta were being icons <33 as always xD glad to see them back to friends :')) I assume we'll still see more repressions of that all in the future but given that the situation was all that it was I'm glad they were friends this episode <3
Hetty shares a room with Flower :(
I just realized that :((
Oh my GOSHHH I don't deserve that. So ill thank you very much, oh my gosh 😭😭💔💔❤️
Hetty trying to sleep but all she can think about is the deafening silence- I'm not okay
They never even really got a chance :'((
AOUGH anyway xd. I'm okay lol (no I'm not)
Trevor knowing about ornithology was iconic xD Good for him lol. Poor guy was going through it with the basement ghosts encroaching on his territory though lol. Also Sass just wanting Thor to continue "wanting" a bird 💀. Sas no xD. Love the idiots lol <3.
Also AYYY Crash sighting!!! We love to see it :DDD. Really nice to see him again 🥰. Genuinely I loved seeing him, and it's nice for consistency's and making sense's sake lol <3.
Jay was also really going through it xdd. I am glad he stood up for himself and needing to get the thing done (I know they don't have a lot of control over their [after]lives but sometimes living stuff just really does need to come before ghost stuff xd), but I'm also glad he felt for Thor and was there for him <333. Jay really is just the best :')).
And Sam was also trying her best to be there for them this episode! She always does her best and seeing her get upset to be reminded that she's grieving herself is just ouaugh 😭😭💔❤️. So good <3. This is a lot sadder of a premier than Abbott lol. Anyway xD. I loved that bit, and I'm so glad she was supporting both the ghosts and Jay <33. I'm glad it all worked out :').
Now onto Thor.
I feel so bad for him DDD': 😭. Bro was alone for so long and then he saw Flower (those flashbacks were absolutely illegal by the way), and he loved her 😭❤️. I know he stopped being totally alone a while before that but it still wasn't many. He's constantly been getting left behind (ouch this is starting to hurt even more I knew it would bring out even more emotions in me xd) and just to have someone, to have her choose him, and stay with him despite the hard stuff and the bumps :'). And then to have it all ripped away :'( 😭. You can just see his heartbreak :'(. I really hope Flower's living her best (after after, lol) life, but I can't wait for Thor to join her <3. Although of course I want to keep him around as long as possible :'D. They just. . both deserve it <3.
I will say I like the way the Ghosts-verse does getting sucked off. Or, "death", I guess, lol, as I always about to say xD. It sudden, like death is in life. I think even when it's something you know is coming for a long time and expect, it's still surprising somehow. It's having something be there one day, and vanish from your life the next. It's terrifying and crushing and awful, but at the same time? You want to be happy for them. Because, at least for me, you believe in some place beautiful for them. I hope Flower gets that <3. This is rough to experience, especially being reminded of losses in my life, but it helps to imagine her thriving, and just waiting for the rest of them <3 :). She is absolutely living her best life <3.
After life, that is ;').
Flower is wild. She was silly and crazy and wacky and FUN. She was just such a fun and enjoyable character, and I really am sad to see her go <3. I also think it has to be acknowledged that she had such an impact on the other characters. They all do, obviously, but you look at Flower and you see it at every turn. She helped Hetty liberate herself from society a bit, she helped Pete learn about what people can be with the basketball, she helped Thor learn to love again and compromise (as well as living with more balance), owls, she taught them valuable lessons with her life, the story of her robbing the bank, and her death (and all that surrounds it, like the movie and such). She was unexpectedly wise, and often underestimated, but she always proved them wrong in her own way. She's awesome. I'm going to miss her so much, but it was an honor to have her here while she was here <3. A soldier's salute, men. 🫡 Ah, I originally said that because I didn't think I had that emoji, but then it suggested it and I searched it, so yeah. Both are staying though :). She deserves it <3. Owls :)).
Rest in Peace, Susan Flower Montero. You are an icon, and I love you <3 ❤️🥰.
Overall, this was an amazing episode :D. Sad but lovely xd. It had some great plots going on, even/especially just the little things like the recurring bits (the turf thing with Trevor for example lol), still managed to have plenty of funny bits amongst the sadness, and was just all around a really amazing episode. I loved it so much <33.
What a great start to Season 3 :D! This was an angsty and awesome first episode lol, and I'm so excited for the next one (ghost power!! And Sas!!) and the rest of the season :DD. 🥰😍🤩❤️.
See you guys later!!
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casart · 1 month
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..•Perception Distorted•..
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strawbie-doodle · 3 months
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havent drawn all of them in a WHILE ✸
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melaugo · 20 days
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Offers you inuyasha fanart
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bigcatbulges · 3 months
Hey, real talk for a second, I'm considering not uploading anymore and only turning this is to a reblog only account because of the AI choices from Tumblr. I truthfully feel incredibly guilty that, even though I was crediting the artists and linking everything, I was still submitting their work to be used for AI thru Tumblr and that is not fair to the artists that worked incredibly hard on their art. I'm gonna try and do a bit more research before I make a final choice in the matter but I want to thank everyone for thier kindness the past couple of years and im grateful a small community spawned on discord!
I'll update this post when I think I've figured everything out and any artist out there please give me any advice on how you would handle this situation please! My options right now are to delete all the pictures I've uploaded or maybe nuke the blog entirely? I'm not sure but again, I'm grateful for everyone's kindness and I hope we can keep being kind together.
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floatinyourorbit · 24 days
okay i’m sorry i was scrolling through tiktok and i got a video of the eras tour intro and i started crying so hard because what the fuck do you mean that i’m going to see and hear that in EIGHTEEN DAYS. those violins start playing, i hear "it's been a long time coming", i imagine the dancers coming out with those outfits and i just start sobbing like a little kid
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britneyshakespeare · 2 months
i feel bad for raquel lee bolleau and i feel like what she's saying about the lack of transparency behind quiet on set is a bigger issue that the consumers of this type of content don't want to talk about or criticize. social media has led to a huge boom in tragedy porn and trauma porn about the entertainment industry but especially the children's entertainment industry, especially especially from the eras when the largest demographic in that audience were consuming it themselves.
it's already been problematic in itself that there is an oversaturation of unresearched and repetitive videos on the exploitation of former child stars. it seems like the creators and audience don't often ask themselves "have we gotten enough of this? do we need another take on it? is another video full of dan schneider rumors and gossipy forum posts really adding to the public discourse?" i don't know quite at what point it becomes exploitative that this content continues to be made, and be evergreen in social media algorithms. the volume, the reach, and the general lack of quality control are the evil triad. because we are far past the point where i really believe everyone consuming this stuff cares about exploited children. there's far too many people gawking and not reevaluating the systems of power involved. or, to put it more concretely: how many times do we all need to watch those clips of ariana grande squeezing the potato and spilling water on her neck? at what point is this just personally disrespectful and retraumatizing for the victims that for the most part we, the consumers of internet content, are claiming to advocate for?
quiet on set is the first time traditional media got involved in this niche. there is still a lot of value in some of the discoveries made by the series. but it does not have completely clean hands in this either. it does not feel like everyone involved in making the executive decisions cared nearly enough about the vulnerability of former child stars they recruited to share their stories, or hell, whose stories were told without their involvement, such as amanda bynes and racquel in episode 5. these people did not even give statements.
the focus of this docuseries was far too broad and not coherent enough at the end of the day. and they did not give enough support to all of the people they roped in to tell their stories about childhood trauma. i have a hard time trying not to be completely cynical about its whole production, because i really want to believe that many of the people who worked on it do care. not every individual involved knew or had control over the injustices that happened in its own production. but the executives? fuck em. they greenlit this thing, and probably incentivized the creators to make these episodes as fast as possible, because they knew it would be a cash cow. something as sensitive as THIS series should not be so poorly produced just because it will be a guaranteed smash.
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I think the reason trans girl mob goes off so hard is because… the show is inherently about a kid who’s an outcast learning to be his best most happy self. Like people always say be yourself yeah but that usually doesn’t actually mean anything.
Mob psychos thesis statement is you are NOT special, and that is beautiful because it means you can be anything. Just because you’re a good artist and a shit singer doesn’t mean you should do art instead of singing, you should do what makes you happy and strive to be as good at it as you can, because mediocre is an achievement when you aren’t special, it’s about self improvement, not being the best.
And then you get a kid, who’s constantly terrified of his own emotions and how they effect others and is seen as naive, who doesn’t fit the stereotypical masculine world well (weak as hell, cares a lot about emotions, pacifist) and doesn’t fit the stereotypical feminine world well either (reserved usually, in the body improvement club, horrible fashion, not able to read a room) and you say part of being the best, happiest possible version of yourself is realizing your gender, and it’s not a sad thing, and it’s not about anyone else, it’s about being the best you possible.
I don’t think mob in show is trans or would be any better or worse at being a girl than he is at being a boy, because it isn’t about that. It’s about the idea that when people do the things that are important to them without regard for what other people might think and only focus on being who they want to be (not who they think they should be, not on who they are, who they WANT to be, who would be both a good person and make them happy) that that is the best, happiest, most successful version of them. And I think that’s beautiful.
#trans girl mob#trans mob#Trans Sheigo Kageyama#mob psycho 100#meta thoughts#trans#just thinking about if everyone’s not special then maybe you can be who you want to be again#and you’re the protagonist of your own life#might be because I saw the episode with the depressed room and the cultural fair again#and how they thought the one guys problem was being unable to grasp his own life#mob and serizawa both having breakdowns about possibly wasting their lives and mob deciding he doesn’t want his age#to be the only thing that changes#and how mob worked really really hard on the costumes and the result was no one said anything good but no one complained#and how he got 70 in the marathon which isn’t a lot but is over TWO HUNDRED places further than before#and body improvement club in general#the beauty in you don’t have to be special and aren’t and that’s fine because everything is still beautiful and impressive in its own way#like yeah I might be living in one room and sharing living space with people I don’t know#instead of my own apartment or house#but I’m still fucking doing it and I’m happy and it’s cheaper than my last place#it’s important to hold onto and chase what matters to you#without clinging to things just because you always have and it feels safe or like you want it bc it used to be important#and to not want soemthing so bad that what you have now doesn’t matter#but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still reach for something better#anyway I’m rambling if you haven’t watched mob psycho go do it it genuinely changed my life for the better
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blue-b-bro · 7 months
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Actually, I'm still pissed
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nocturnalxsaturn · 2 months
Today’s a good mental health day for once 😃
(is completing sudokus without my dots)
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headaching · 11 months
*guy who hasn’t posted in 8 weeks voice* um. hi for the love of god hello
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hollypies · 2 years
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Yesterday was my friends @pepperscorn s bday!!!! Go give them lots of love!!!! Thanks for being just. Super cool and funny Reid!!! Love you lots!!
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chrisginny · 6 months
the way i've had nutcracker performances on neil perry's death day for 2 years in a row now is crazy like haha i'm doing a fun silly performance wow what a neil perry moment lol haha i hope i don't go home afterwards and kill myself lmao
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I had these weird recurring dreams I had in middle school that I mostly forgot but kept using as fuel for melodramatic daydreams where I was a secret agent slowly dying by poisoning or just me, a kid, dying slowly of brain cancer and it took me like most of a year to figure out that the reason all those angsty middle schooler daydream scenarios I was playing out in my head in the car or in bed at night had a strange edge of deja vu to them because they'd started out as barely remembered dreams. I think it clicked when I was sitting in an airport waiting to board a redeye flight to visit family. there's a certain feeling about sitting in an airport when it's dark out and you're tired. everything is a little bit off. it's a liminal space by definition but as a kid it has a strange melancholy to it that somehow I felt like I'd felt before, and it scared me. it wouldn't get out of my head. I didn't know it them but I was about to spend that entire trip, nearly two weeks, locked in that strange melancholy deja vu darkness. and the thing is that a part of me enjoyed it. was compelled by it. I was scared but it wasn't in a bad way. I called it bad dreams because I didn't have any other words to explain why it made me nervously excited to daydream my own death. it was a feeling of mystery, almost, and bittersweet. but the sweet in that word comes at the end. it was melancholy and I felt like I'd been there before and would die in that feeling. but I always wanted to know more about it. always wondered about the strange recurring dreams and imaginary worlds they sparked. there was always something fascinating about those to me. it always struck something in my emotions that nothing else really can.
and that's what listening to Circa Survive feels like to me
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fictionalfish · 3 months
the fact i got into the groundhog day musical AFTER groundhog day makes me so fechefui hlned uihbwfcjh
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spooky-dice · 5 months
“fhjy is not sad” some of us are lonely and in tuition deficit!!!!!!!!!!!!
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