#deputyash's writing
deputyash · 8 months
Soo I ended up losing track of time to post the WIP Asks I was sent last time so I'm going to post it now as this week's WIP Day haha. Luckily the asks sent are for the same piece so it works!
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Asks were sent by @shallow-gravy and @strafethesesinners for the WIP "Izel and Astarion being silly at the Elfsong". I was also tagged by @wrathfulrook for a general WIP Day! Thank you!
Tagging: @harmonyowl @derelictheretic @teamhawkeye @purplehairsecretlair @peachyaliien @redreart @statichvm @shellibisshe @glowwormsmith @isobel-thorm @adelaidedrubman @blissfulalchemist @direwombat @jacobseed @mel-eficent @cassietrn @beemot @englass @shallow-gravy @bardic-inspo @bg-brainrot @weekend-writer @miss-jennifer-cormier and anyone else who'd like to post!
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Astarion practically tackles Izel, pushing her back onto the cushions of the lounge. His arms bracket around her head as he looks down at her. As their laughter dies down, he can’t help but get lost in her eyes. Such a lovely shade of red, like ripe sweet berries.
She stares back up at him, getting caught up in the same moment. They both let out soft breaths as they gaze at one another. Astarion’s lips part and his tongue swipes over his bottom lip in anticipation. 
A gleam catches in Izel’s eyes then and she tilts her head up just enough to plant a quick lick to the tip of his nose. Astarion immediately pulls away and lets out a disgusted noise, “Ugh! Did you really just lick me?”
Izel lets out a laugh, “You get to bite me all the time. Don’t I deserve a little taste too?” She says with a mocking pout. 
“You cheeky little thing—“ he cuts himself off as he dives back over her, his hands coming to meet her sides, sending ticklish waves across her skin. 
Izel lets out an uncontrollable laugh and begins to squirm in his grasp. “No! Astarion!” She laughs.
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englass · 7 months
WIP Round-Up
Tagged by: @deputyash @fadedjacket @shallow-gravy @just-mint-to-be -- thank you, much love to you all! 🤗🥰
Tagging (optional as always): Everyone back, as well as @weekend-writer @starsandskies @words-and-seeds @littlegoldfinchh @chyrstis @chazz-anova @derelictheretic and anyone else that wants to do it.
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPS or how many you want
A/N: Oof been a while… depression is wild, y’all. Anyway, gonna count this towards WIP day tags as I’ve not really been working on anything lately, only occasionally jotting notes and things down.
Another fight scene attempt
Platonic (Yandere maybe) Genshin Impact ideas - Neuvillette
The Cold of a Steel Heart (Yandere robot/AI)
Yandere x Reader - Comfort
In The Arms of Comfort (FF14)
Copy of Home - FF14 thing
Platonic Star Rail - Welt
Final Hour - FF14
***: Weapon Description/Story #1
Walls; monster idea
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derelictheretic · 1 year
💭💭💭 Anya and any other of your lovely OCs for Dove! :3
Anya having a Moment upon seeing Dove lolol (Spoiler she goes back to the same trail every day after this <3)
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Anya near stumbles under the gaze of two amber eyes, the soft face framed by short wavy locks disarming to say the least. The gentle gradient of her hair was mesmerising and the friendly smile on her face left Anya somewhat dazed. So dazed in fact she nearly didn't hear her gentle greeting.
"Good morning." Anya offers back after the sweet words register, her voice slightly hoarse from not having been used all morning. She hadn't run into anyone until now and she cursed the slight crack in her words. The other woman stops a foot away from Anya on the trail she'd been walking down, fingers playing with a bunch of wildflowers.
She looks like something out of a mirage, a fairytale princess in a flannel shirt and pale blue jeans. It's then Anya notices the camera hanging around her neck, her periwinkle eyes flicking between her face and the camera. She should ask about it, or, she'd like too, but her words are caught in her throat.
That was new. She didn't normally fall flat when a beautiful woman approached her, not that many did. Not any with such kind and earnest eyes anyway. She stiffens as the other woman tilts her head, an inquisitive noise leaving her throat, shit—she'd been staring. Good job Anya, what a charmer.
She clears her throat and walks on briskly, embarrassment flooding her as she tries not to look back. What the fuck was that? Whatever it was, Anya firmly notes the trail and convinces herself she will not be returning to it—lest she embarrass herself again. But, it would be nice to catch those dazzling eyes again, at least once more.
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Based this in the Single Parents Crossover AU, they will be bffs at the end of it all I feel it in my bones <3
"Miss Dove is nice," Caleb muses, handing his dad a dish to dry. Dean hums, nodding in agreement and turning to look into the living room. Dove sat on the ground with Ace in her lap, Phoebe and Charmeine putting on an intense puppet show for the both of them with sock puppets.
She was a kind woman, who was fiercely protective of her daughter. She was a single mother doing her best to keep her safe, something Dean could relate too heavily. It wasn't easy, especially not with the added stress of a cult takeover. And despite the crazy situation they were in she managed to be optimistic, which was definitely appreciated.
"She is, isn't she?" He smiles and Caleb nods, dutifully scrubbing at a plate. Of course his kids already loved her, which admittedly helped him warm up to her as well—kids were an excellent judge of character after all. He was honestly thankful to have her around, it'd been a while since he'd had anyone to help take care of the kids. It'd been a long time since he trusted anyone enough to help him.
But they'd come a long way from pointing guns at each other and being on edge when in the same room, now they'd fallen into a sort of rhythm and Dean was starting to hope when all of this was over they could stay friends. Well, not like they'd have a choice—Charmeine and Phoebe were slowly becoming inseparable and he doubted Charmeine would stand for not seeing her new best friend every day.
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direwombat · 7 months
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tagged variously by @corvosattano, @inafieldofdaisies, @carlosoliveiraa, and @socially-awkward-skeleton to do these picrews (picrew 1 | picrew 2 | picrew 3) and some uquizzes (linked below)
deputy sybille la roux (fc5) | paola orsini (uncharted) | saoirse monaghan (c*d)
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How Fandom Would See You If You Were A Fictional Character
tragic. You're the sympathetic villain who does not-quite-bad-enough-stuff-to-be-hated for a very good reason. And you're redeemed by dying. Everyone's angry about it, you could have had an amazing redemption arc if you lived.
well, fortunately for syb's fictional fanbase, i know how dissatisfying the "redemption via death" is and it's exactly why she lives (despite her best efforts) and reaches that healing arc where she starts facing her sins and making amends rather than wallowing in misery.
which philosophical view are you? 
cynicism (ca. 4th century bc). you feel alone; a sickening loneliness that is stuck in your bones. you are proud to be alone, to be the dog. they don't understand you, they never have, you are one of a kind. you yearn to be touched and to be loved, but you do not let yourself have it; if you love, you risk losing it. and you are tired of losing.
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How Fandom Would See You If You Were A Fictional Character
mentor. You might not be the main character, but you're still very important. You're the older, or at least wiser one, who guides all those little youngins to victory. They may not always listen to you, but at least they respect you. The fandom looks on you as either a MILF/DILF, the lovable cooky old guy, or the one who really, really needs a break. Maybe all three. Probably all three.
i mean. she was literally a university professor and teacher (altho she was also the kind of instructor who has made students cry, but it usually came from a place of "i know you can do better.")
which philosophical view are you? 
mazdakism (late 5th century CE). you are too kind, my friend. too loving, too giving towards people who don't deserve it. at some point you will run out of things to give, and you will start giving pieces of yourself. you wish they would give too; you wish for your selflessness to be repaid, to be acknowledged. but if you never write your name on the card, how will they know the gift came from you?
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How Fandom Would See You If You Were A Fictional Character
mom friend. You're the character who carries snacks, who takes care of the rest of the cast. You make sure they eat, stop them from dying, and keep them out of trouble as best you can. and when they do get into trouble, you try your best to get them out of it. Good on you, dude.
*f;lkasjfda;lsdfjkd ok this is a funny result because while saoirse is just as reckless and willing to throw herself into danger as the boys are, she would get mischaracterized by fandom as the mom friend because 1) she is prepared, 2) she's compassionate, and 3) she's a woman. so.
which philosophical view are you? 
british empiricism (17th - 18th century BCE). you feel too much and sense too little. no one is ever around when you break, you keep it to yourself. you think they don't notice, but the pain sticks to you like tar and the smell fills every room you enter. but you would never let them hold you, you're afraid it might be contagious.
tagging back for any picrews/uquizes you haven't done yet, and also tagging: @marivenah, @cassietrn, @trench-rot, @harmonyowl, @fourlittleseedlings, @purplehairsecretlair, @aceghosts, @adelaidedrubman, @finding-comfort-in-rain, @voidika, @locustandwildhoney, @testyfestyenthusiast, @strangefable, @alexxmason, @deputyash, @josephslittledeputy, and anyone else wanting to do any of these! (taglist opt in/out)
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adelaidedrubman · 9 months
sorry. i guess i have to do this a second time
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wip. whatever. i just woke up
been tagged by dears @henbased @socially-awkward-skeleton to share a wip! sadly haven’t gotten much new writing done following a stressful weekend, so here’s a short little piece from one of the comfort prompts that got way too long. warnings for discussions of stalking and graphic violence, you know how they get.
“How did —” she runs a frustrated hand through her hair, pushing it back towards the opossum still clinging there. “How did you even find my spot?! You stalkin’ me now?” A sharp grin carves itself into his face to push back the modest rounds of his cheeks and deepen the sag of his laugh lines, his eyes lighting up with an irritatingly proud twinkle.  He slides a hand beneath his vest, pulling out a sleek smartphone with a cross insignia on its case. “Scathing negative reviews of Snowshoe Lake suddenly popped up last night on Fishbrain, FishHub, ANGLR — even AllTrails and 27 Crags mentioned the nearby mountain pass being subpar.”  “You saw somewhere with shitty reviews and figured you belonged there?”
“I figured it was the work of my clever, reclusive little angler slyly marking her territory.” A slow bat-batting of his eyelashes punctuates the statement. “And lo and behold, here you are.” The hinge of her jaw; her nose twitches. “I like my privacy,” she drawls slowly, so that he may understand. “Now that we’ve gone over the how, maybe we can move on to why the fuck you’re here? And when you’ll be fucking leaving?” If it’s within the next ninety seconds, perhaps she can still salvage her perfect day.  “Why, you haven’t been keeping track?” His tongue clicks against his teeth with a furrow of his brow in a contrived display of woundedness. “We’re celebrating our one month anniversary today!” She snarls and bugs her eyes. “Great! Our fake relationship reached a fake milestone I wouldn’t even celebrate if it was real!” “Do you think that attitude could have been a contributing factor to the death of your real relationship?”  She thinks how beautiful her fishing knife would look lovingly buried to the hilt in his jugular, the sweet glug glug glug he would make choking on his own blood. She thinks about how pretty he would look with that sharp grin sliced to gape and droop like a catfish’s mouth.  “I think interrupting my fishin’ time is about to be a contributing factor in your death,” she settles on. “The only way you’re gonna be any good to me around here is if I chop you up into little bits and use you to bait my fucking hook.” 
no pressure tags out to @wrathfulrook @fourlittleseedlings @galaxycunt @cassietrn @florbelles @g0dspeeed @unholymilf @belorage @shallow-gravy @roofgeese @socially-awkward-skeleton @corvosattano @inafieldofdaisies @direwombat @afarcryfrommymain @poetikat @blissfulalchemist @deputyash @confidentandgood @captastra @voidika @just-another-wasteland-merc @strangefable @8bitpizzacoupons @stacispratt @orionlancasterr @v0idbuggy @jackiesarch @strafethesesinners @henbased @simplegenius042 @clicheantagonist @firstaidspray @quickhacked @miyabilicious @nightbloodbix @thedeadthree @shellibisshe + join/unjoin my wip day tag list by liking/unliking here!
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wrathfulrook · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
I've applied to my schools and I'm writing again <3 I've been tagged by a million people these past few months... sorry
Tagging @skoll-sun-eater @socially-awkward-skeleton @adelaidedrubman @trench-rot @cassietrn @dumbassdep @thedepyuty @direwombat @josephslittledeputy @locustandwildhoney @roofgeese @voidika @afarcryfrommymain @purplehairsecretlair @strafethesesinners @deputyash @inafieldofdaisies @josephseedismyfather and anyone else with something to share! As always, no pressure and apologies for duplicates... <3
Here's a bit from something that is blatantly not Wrathling. I'm still working on Wrathling but here's an AU instead...
When it all ended, when the National Guard came, they all ended up behind bars. Joseph, Jacob, John, and Faith. Tucked away where they could never hurt anyone ever again. In the aftermath, her own name and face were plastered all over the news. Her statements were used in each trial, printed in papers nationwide. And so the courts had been all too willing to grant her petition for a name change. Patience Ekner ceased to be, and Patience Rook was born.
Patience Rook left Hope County, left Montana, never to go back. She put it all behind her and moved forward, the only reminder she chose to keep the new surname she took, her nickname from those brutal, bloody days. Of course, there were other reminders she hadn’t chosen. The tattoo of her sin, for one. Wrath, he’d assigned her. Not that she ever believed, but she found wrath fairly fitting at the time.
In hindsight, he’d chosen wrong. It shouldn’t have been WRATH she spent hours getting covered up with flowers that she didn’t think particularly suited her. No. In retrospect, it should’ve been LUST.
But the tattoo wasn’t her only reminder of that time, of him. There was also the child she’d birthed, the child she adored. Her son. Hers. But, oh, did he look like his father. His hair dark where hers was blonde, eyes blue where hers were grey. He even had that same charming smile, the one that had worked so well on her those many years ago. The only thing of hers she could see on her child were her numerous freckles. But while her freckles remained always, her child had outgrown them by the time he hit high school.
Every now and then, he would say something, make some face, talk with his hands in a way that she was hit full force with the memory of his father. Both the horrible things he’d done and those stolen, secret nights they couldn’t keep apart from each other…
But mostly, usually, she looked at her boy and saw only him. James. Her perfect miracle baby. The gift that made everything about those dark days worth it in her eyes. He was such a happy, smiley baby. Always giggling and gurgling. He’d been talkative long before he learned how to speak. Always so sweet and kind. Petting her hair and telling her “Okay mommy… s’okay mommy…” as she purged herself of a stomach bug he’d brought home from daycare when he was too small to even form full sentences, while she in turn tried to reassure her baby that mommy was ok.
Even now, he was her perfect child. Still sweet, still happy. But now his own person. And she was so amazed by the person he’d become. He was funny. Funny in a way she never was. And so clever. Amazing grades as well as a quick wit. Patience loved her child and she knew how much he loved her too.
Even despite how he’d recently been pulling away.
James wondered how many signs he’d missed over the course of his life. How obvious it should have been. His mom had always told him she didn’t know who his father was. He recalled once, in one of his earliest memories, that she’d told him she chose his name because she’d always liked it, but also because she thought his father would like it too. He’d asked her about it later, and she said that she’d never said it. And he believed her. He was so little at the time; it could’ve easily been a false memory. He still wasn’t sure it’s not. After all, he had a memory from around the same time of flapping his arms and flying like a bird throughout the house, and that memory feels equally as real.
But whether or not she’d told him his father would like his name, she knew. His mom knew who his dad was the whole time. Because he looked exactly like one of them. The Seeds. The cult leaders. He looked exactly like John Seed. The Baptist. The sadistic monster who tortured and murdered and starved innocent people. Just reading about his crimes had been enough to give James nightmares for a week.
James had spent the past weeks learning everything he could about the Project at Eden’s Gate. And he was horrified at the thought his mom would ever willing have any sort of relationship with any of those men. He almost hoped she hadn’t. But if one of those men was his father, and his mom had in fact not been voluntarily involved with any of them… No. James couldn’t stomach the thought of that either.
No matter what the circumstances were back then, the situation now was that James was had told his mom he was spending the long weekend camping with a friend’s family, when in reality he was on a bus to Montana to meet the man who might be his dad. It had been surprisingly easy to contact John Seed.
James’ first letter hadn’t received a response. Probably because he had intentionally been a bit light on the details. Eventually he’d tried again, this time including his mom’s former name and, after much mental back-and-forth, a photo of himself.
And that had received a response.
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bardic-inspo · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by the wonderful @deputyash. Thank you so much!
If anyone sees this and wants me to tag them to participate in future WIP memes, feel free to give this post over here a like.
Tagging back @electricshoebox, @locallegume, @bakuliwrites, @calico-heart, @totally-not-deacon, @kharonion, @halkuonn, @grenanigans, and @vixstarria if you'd like to share something you're working on (on whatever day you so choose). No worries if you'd rather not!
More from my ascended Astarion x Vampire Bride Tav smut fic, Blood in the Mortar. A bit NSFW (so be warned). Experimenting with headcanons of service dom Astarion and blood bride lore from some of the supplementary guides/handbooks folks have been discussing. More specifically, the idea of a mental link between vampires and their brides/grooms.
I feel like I've previewed and yammered about so much of this one already, but it is really keeping me motivated. 😶
The writing is rough (but the sex is mostly sweet):
Without warning, his grip tightens. Naomi stifles a huff of surprise as she’s taken down, marble kissing smooth to her spine. A pale hand cradles her head, cushioning her fall. In a blink, he’s hovering over her bare body and dipping down to catch her in a fever of a kiss. It’s a needy, sweltering latch of lips, tangy with her own sweetness as much as his. “Here?” She near-purrs, into his lips still sealed. She lets him feel the way the word alone makes her body tense. Waiting. Wanting. Their bond curls with it, crooked and beckoning in his head. The same way his fingers flexed a few minutes before, buried in the heat of her. A long breath passes out through his nose, his eyes sliding half shut. A smirk tugs at the corner of her mouth. But his head turns by just the barest hair, and Naomi’s attention follows after his. Music flutters, breathy, off the black and white keys. The piano stays a pretty picture of perfection, among the deaths little and large they’ve littered throughout the ballroom. “There.” His teeth swipe the angled edge of her ear. Naomi keens with the sting of it as she’s swept from the floor.
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simplegenius042 · 8 months
Music Monday
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @adelaidedrubman @strangefable @strafethesesinners @shallow-gravy @cassietrn @chazz-anova @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @bitchofedensgate @nightbloodbix @afarcryfrommymain @inafieldofdaisies @carlosoliveiraa @skoll-sun-eater @henbased @trashcatsnark @corvosattano @wrathfulrook @g0dspeeed @minilev @softtidesworld @deputyash @dephellseed @deputy-morgan-malone @snake-in-the-garden @derelictheretic @ladyoriza @florbelles @fourlittleseedlings @la-grosse-patate @megraen @onehornedbeast @voidika @titiagls @redreart @starsandskies @thewanderer-000 and @vampireninjabunnies-blog
Three songs for three series, The UnTitledverse, Far Cry The Silver Chronicles and Life, Despair & Monsters, underneath the snippet below:
During some time in The Omniscience Rule saga, Joaquin Cobalt finds himself at the mercy of Archibald Thanatos, the current Head of House Thanatos, of which the patriarch has a deal for the boy; face his untimely death or become his Count because the heirs of House Thanatos are shortly staffed. The irony here is that Joaquin is on the receiving end of being convinced to do or join something, with the exact same song he used no less.
"Right here, right now I put the offer out I don't wanna chase you down I know you see it You run with me and I can cut you free Out of the drudgery and walls you keep in So trade your typical for something colorful And if it's crazy, live a little crazy You can play it sensible, a king of conventional Or you can risk it all and see
Don't you wanna get away From the same old part you gotta play 'Cause I got what you need So come with me and take the ride It'll take you to the other side 'Cause you can do like you do Or you can do me Stay in the cage, or you'll finally take the key Oh, damn! Suddenly you're free to fly It'll take you to the other side."
"Okay, my friend, you want to cut me in Well I hate to tell you, but it just won't happen So thanks, but no I think I'm good to go 'Cause I quite enjoy the life you say I'm trapped in Now I admire you, and that whole show you do You're onto something, really it's something."
"So go and do like you do I'm good to do like me Ain't in a cage, so I don't need to take the key Oh damn! Can't you see I'm doing fine I don't need to see the other side."
I was listening to Camila Cabello's "Shameless" when I wrote the fight between Silva and her Bliss hallucination of a former opponent from the Apostles, Zhan Tiri, that will occur in Silva's Hope (it's not really her old foe, merely a manifestation an overexposure of untamed Bliss is projecting through Silva's own psyche/trauma), which I showed in this snippet post here.
"Don't speak, no, don't try It's been a secret for the longest time Don't run, huh, no don't hide Been running from it for the longest time
So many mornings, I woke up confused In my dreams, I do anything I want to you My emotions are naked, they're taking me out of my mind
Right now, I'm shameless Screaming my lungs out for ya Not afraid to face it I need you more than I want to Need you more than I want to Show me your shameless Write it on my neck, why don't ya? And I won't erase it I need you more than I want to Need you more than I want to
No, uh, uh, don't wanna do this now No, uh, uh, don't wanna do this now No, uh, uh, don't wanna do this now No, uh, uh, don't wanna do this now."
And here's a song for The Thorned Crown Of Iron Thrones, focusing on Corvus Targaryen's relationship with his sister, Rhaenyra, their friend Alicent Hightower, his uncle who he despises, his cousin Caecilius "Cecil" Royce, as well as the rest of his family and friends (Viserys, Laenor, Laena, Rhaenyra and Alicent's children, and Otto when the older man is tolerable), as he tries to make sense of the tragedy in the making while out on a ride on his dragon Stormreign (and later Maleficent), as well as resist against the Court King squats rent free in his head.
"If you're not the one for me Then how come I can bring you to your knees? If you're not the one for me Why do I hate the idea of being free?
And if I'm not the one for you You've got to stop holding me the way you do Oh honey, if I'm not the one for you Why have we been through what we have been through?
It's so cold out here In your wilderness I want you to be my keeper But not if you are so reckless
If you're gonna let me down, let me down gently Don't pretend that you don't want me Our love ain't water under the bridge If you're gonna let me down, let me down gently Don't pretend that you don't want me Our love ain't water under the bridge Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-whoa, oh-oh Say that our love ain't water under the bridge
What are you waiting for? You never seem to make it through the door And who are you hiding from? It ain't no life to live, like you're on the run Have I ever asked for much? The only thing that I want is your love
If you're gonna let me down, let me down gently Don't pretend that you don't want me Our love ain't water under the bridge If you're gonna let me down, let me down gently Don't pretend that you don't want me Our love ain't water under the bridge Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-whoa, oh-oh Say that our love ain't water under the bridge."
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deputyash · 8 months
WIP Day/Last Line/WIP Round-Up
(WIP Round-Up) Rules: Post the names of all (or some of) the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
Tagged by: @shallow-gravy @simplegenius042 @adelaidedrubman @cassietrn @blissfulalchemist @shellibisshe 
Tagging: @strafethesesinners @harmonyowl @derelictheretic @teamhawkeye @purplehairsecretlair @peachyaliien @ri-a-rose @statichvm @glowwormsmith @isobel-thorm @direwombat @wrathfulrook @mel-eficent @beemot @englass @laindtt @miss-jennifer-cormier @bardic-inspo @bg-brainrot @radiojamming
A/N: Soo for some reason I have put most of my WIPs for BG3 in one document called "Astarion Makes a Mistake" so I’m gonna do a little breakdown of that doc to act more like multiple WIPs lol. Also, I just included BG3 stuff for now cause my WIPs for FC5 and Dishonored are kind of all over the place and I can’t remember what’s most recent/has been posted about before haha
Astarion Makes a Mistake -
Miscellaneous Chunks of the Act 2 Confession Scene
Izel & Astarion being Silly at the Elfsong Tavern
Pretty Little Consort Banter (But it’s a Reversal)
Izel’s First Tears
Izel Comforting Astarion with Singing
Izel’s Fear of Intimacy vs Astarion’s Plan
Satine x Astarion Ideas - 
Durge!Satine Being Confused by Feelings (Act 2 Confession Edition)
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Plus here's a little freebie to count as my regular WIP Day:
“You did this for me once. Let me do the same for you…let me be your mirror.” 
Izel crosses her arms. “I know exactly what people see when they look at me. A sad little urchin. A thief. A nuisance. A devil.”
Astarion places his fingers under her chin and lifts her gaze gently. “Then let me tell you how wrong they are.” He says, voice coming out soft and low.
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englass · 10 months
Tagged by: @deputyash @fadedjacket — thank you darlings!! 🧡 Sorry I’m so late 😭
Tagging (completely optional as always): @chyrstis @chazz-anova @starsandskies @littlegoldfinchh @weekend-writer @shallow-gravy @derelictheretic — and anyone else that wants to participate.
A/N: Keep forgetting to respond and share… 😓 Anyway, I’m literally going to give a paragraph or two of a few of the stuff I’ve been drafting/playing around with recently as compensation. Hope it’s okay…
P.S. All WIP’s are reader insert, even if reader is not noted in the mini titles below.
FFXIV – Hythlodaeus & Hades – Platonic/Romantic (unrequited?)
Too tired to wince at how rough your voice sounds you blink at the shape in front you. Anxiously wait and watch as it moves, revealing the dopey smile on your friend's face as he peers at you across the small gap between you.
“Apologies, my friend,” he says, only slightly insincere, “you were sleeping so deeply we didn’t think we’d wake you. Ah, but hopefully seeing you as such will put our friend’s mind at rest. He won’t admit it, stubborn as he is, but he was frightfully worried when he heard of the state you returned in.”
Hythlodaeus’ hand breaches the distance. Lithe fingers brushing over a noticeable cut across your exposed cheek. Wincing at the raw sting his signature mischievous smile dims, softens into something you can not quite name as he quietly admits, “we both were.”
Honkai: Star Rail – Welt Yang – Platonic
“Do you want it?”
Startled you look up, peering out from the shade of your hood to meet the wise eyes of Mr. Welt Yang. The familiar soft brown, an almost burnt orange in certain lighting, a comfort to you and your simmering anxiety in this bustling and foreign city.
Eyes wide and brows furrowed, you hum high and questioningly at the older man as he stands beside you. Cane firmly planted on his far side as his free hand rests comfortably behind his back, refined but at ease. Smile light but fond as the midday sun catches on his glasses.
“The model kit,” he says, turning to look at said kit behind a nearby display window, “you were staring at it quite intently. Did you want to get it for our next journey? I’m unsure how long we’ll be travelling before we reach our next destination, and it could be a good way to pass the time before we get there.”
A thunderous crash draws your alarmed gaze, the cacophony of wailing voices and guttural roars overwhelming as a centipedeian creature barrels into a building down the street. Windows shattering in a blast that tussles your robes, the fabric of your hood flapping violently in your ears. Watch in horror as the monstrosity tunnels through and out of the building floors higher, shrieking and flailing wildly as glass and rubble tumble down around it and onto the burning street below. The structure caving in under the combined force of its assault and its own weight, a slow motion fall that has the anguish rise in your breast; the destruction of your blazing city reflected before your glassy eyes.
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derelictheretic · 2 years
(Ship ask game) Lola and Sharky for the chaos haha XD And for self-indulgent purposes, Anya and Dove. I'm curious to know more of how you think they'd interact :3
Oh my god the entire county would be on fire,  they'd be banging all over the place and setting everything on fire like every other second ajsjsjajsj Honestly it would be kind of cute, Lola would decimate anyone who insulted Sharky and he'd just follow them around like a horny lovesick puppy ahajshshdhdb No one would make it out alive if these two were together, they'd go down in a blaze of glory that would make Clutch Nixon proud. (One could call it a real,, Disco Inferno,,)
I think Anya and Dove would be a powercouple on multiple fronts, I feel like they'd be able to form a really strong bond and trust which would make them impossible to shake and they both can handle themselves in a physical altercation so together I imagine they'd kick ass. The vibes would definitely be 'unassuming badass lady with her scary guard dog gf' and Anya would follow Dove around like a puppy (or more appropriately a giant house cat). Also like, maybe the tiniest hint of a Gomez and Morticia vibe? Like Anya is reserved but she'll look at Dove like she's the moon and talk to her like no one else is around yanno?
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direwombat · 6 months
wip music monday
long time no see re: (quasi) writing related tag games y'all! it's good to share something again! tagged by @marivenah, @aceghosts, @inafieldofdaisies, @g0dspeeed, @voidika, and @simplegenius042 over the past week or so to share some music inspiring me and my wips
katc ch 7 is still the bane of my existence, but hey, i've got brainworms for a new original project (featuring a slightly modified version of syb as "The Daughter of Cain"/a bounty hunter operating in the wyoming territory circa 1873), so here's are two songs that have struck some font of inspiration for that
Tear the roots up from the floor Board and tar against the door Murder! Murder! Murder! Murder! Sink the tooth into the wood Still the horses with a hood Murder! Murder! Murder! Murder! Raise the book and cast the oil Fingers in the father's soil Murder! Murder! Murder! Murder! Murder be thy name, out, out Murder be thy name
Well damn your stubbornness and damn your pride To hell with your truths and heavenly lies Blood in the water Blood in the sand Hounds of hell been doggin' this man Put my grave next to daddy's stone If I lay dead 'fore I make it home It's been so long cuz I've been runnin' With a smokin' heart and a broken gun
tagging: @statichvm, @cassietrn, @trench-rot, @harmonyowl, @fourlittleseedlings, @carlosoliveiraa, @purplehairsecretlair, @adelaidedrubman, @finding-comfort-in-rain, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @locustandwildhoney, @testyfestyenthusiast, @strangefable, @alexxmason, @deputyash, @josephslittledeputy, and anyone else wanting to share some music! (taglist opt in/out)
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adelaidedrubman · 10 months
wip. well. it’s close enough.
i was tagged today by @socially-awkward-skeleton and @inafieldofdaisies to share a wip of the week!
same as it ever was more hl&s dumb bickering picking up from last week’s almost moment of intimacy to get back to childish dick size insults
“I could ask you the same about why you would take a breakup with fellow fishers so hard,” John replied, shuffling to catch up with her. “All that disdain for mankind, rejecting polite society in favor of fish — only to find that the few human beings that had done the same would end up rejecting you.” He brought a hand up to cover his mouth as he chuckled, as if politely trying to hide it. “Thrown back like an undersized catch. Perhaps the problem wasn’t society after all, hm? But the woman living in it?”  “You’re so fucking insightful,” she snapped, her arms swinging violently at her sides. “Still can’t believe you managed to wreck a relationship, when you can read people so fucking well. Tell me — what exactly was it that didn’t work with the Ryes? Your incisive armchair psychology somehow failed to impress for longer than one date? Or you just weren’t as good in the cockpit as you thought you were? Oh, was —”
She smacked her tongue against her cheek, shaking her head. “Was your cockpit just not big enough to satisfy two people?” 
“Ah, I see. Clearly you were broken up with because you were simply too mature, and Skylar and Sherri couldn’t handle it. Don’t worry — I’m sure they’ll grow up and realize their mistake. Unless they already did…” “Not before Rick and Jim —”  “Nick and Kim — you know that —”  “— beg you from the bottom of their hearts to get back together!” she bit out. “Look!” she cried, feigning a gasp as she pointed up towards the stars. “I think I see ’em putting the sky writing up now — ‘John, please come home and subject us to more of your vapid philosophizing!’” “Not the snappiest sky writing slogan, from someone criticizing verbosity.” “Could be because the message is designed to appeal to its fuckin’ recipient,” she grumbled in reply, hands firm on her hips. “If it were the sake of expressing my own feelings, it would just say ‘Fuck you, John!’” “God, you’re a poet,” he announced with head thrown back, as if shouting the revelation to the heavens. “Why do you even bother using a rod and reel? You could simply charm fish onto your hook with a few words.” “You actually catch more fish by being quiet,” she hissed, teeth clicking between the sharp whistle of her breath. “You should try it,” she offered, turning back with a scowl. “Start practicing right now by shutting up.”
sending no pressure wip whenever tags out to beloveds @direwombat @corvosattano @roofgeese @shallow-gravy @strangefable @8bitpizzacoupons @stacispratt @orionlancasterr @v0idbuggy @jackiesarch @quickhacked @strafethesesinners @firstaidspray @clicheantagonist @henbased @simplegenius042 @miyabilicious @nightbloodbix @thedeadthree @shellibisshe @blissfulalchemist @deputyash @confidentandgood @captastra @voidika @poetikat @afarcryfrommymain @josephslittledeputy @florbelles @unholymilf @g0dspeeed @belorage @cassietrn + opt in for wip day tags here!
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nightwingshero · 1 year
Ships as Tarot Cards
I was tagged by @alexxmason @sstewyhosseini @simonxriley @jillvalentinesday @marivenah to take this uquiz for my ships. Thank you lovelies!
Tagging: @ghastlyrider @pen-in-hand @oathofoaksart @water-writings @voidika @inafieldofdaisies @madparadoxum @shegetsburned @chazz-anova @marivenah @glowwormsmith @playstationmademe @deputyash @poisonedtruth @aceghosts @braveonionknight @jinfromyarikawa @anonymousmalkavian @pheedraws and anyone else who wishes to participate. I apologize if you've already been tagged, I'm a little late to the game.
Wren x Leon
the two of cups + the star
your romance is a wish granted. finally, finally, they're here. finally, *it's* here! the time where you don't have to feel lonely anymore - you'll never feel that way ever again. laughter, joy, sweetness, kisses - be at ease. all of these are things you have found someone to share with. your love is a dreamy fantasy of love and devotion and miracles. at first, your chest gets too tight when they're around - until they become as natural as the air in your lungs. deck: ethereal visions tarot.
Athera x Solas
knight of pentacles + the magician
if there's something you want, you will GET IT. nothing escapes your fingertips. after all, you're the power couple. your pairing sparks pure cosmic energy. you're fiercely driven to your goals - whether that be status, fortune, or power. you're also fiercely protective of one another. with the knight's earthy energy, you both prefer to purposefully make your way towards your ambitions, rather than playing cards too early or acting too loosely. meanwhile, the magician's half makes gives you a little fire. if they get too close, onlookers and threats to your relationship may get burned. deck: modern witch tarot.
Evune x Cullen
the tower + the lovers
meeting this person shook your whole world. crumbling down is everything you thought you knew about life and love. their warmth, their generosity, their naivete, their knowing...! you don't know how anything made sense before them. all you know is that nothing will make sense afterwards. deck: the tarot of the divine by yoshi yoshitani.
Imogen x Chris
the tower + the lovers
meeting this person shook your whole world. crumbling down is everything you thought you knew about life and love. their warmth, their generosity, their naivete, their knowing...! you don't know how anything made sense before them. all you know is that nothing will make sense afterwards. deck: the tarot of the divine by yoshi yoshitani.
Adrasteia x Bayek
the devil + the emperor
there's only one religion for the two of you, and that religion is the other. you two are very nearly unhealthily obsessed with one another, and that's just how you like it. when they touch you, they can feel the blood pumping under the surface of your skin. your hearts beat for one another. when the day comes that one stops, the other will soon after. until then, you both will live out your lives in perfect, gothy paradise. deck: the tarot of vampyres.
Alessandra and Ezio
ace of cups + ten of cups
your romance is the love story that seems only possible in movies. it starts from a youthful first meeting, innocent. and from what may seem like a lifetime later, you both end up happily in union, perhaps even married! your coupling is the epitome of emotional fulfillment and devotion. neither of you thought you'd end up here, but damn if you aren't glad you did. deck: thelema tarot.
Wren x John
the devil + the emperor
there's only one religion for the two of you, and that religion is the other. you two are very nearly unhealthily obsessed with one another, and that's just how you like it. when they touch you, they can feel the blood pumping under the surface of your skin. your hearts beat for one another. when the day comes that one stops, the other will soon after. until then, you both will live out your lives in perfect, gothy paradise. deck: the tarot of vampyres.
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shellibisshe · 1 year
— which part of you holds your soul?
tagged by @corvosattano and @unholymilf to take this uquiz for some clowns!
tagging @bloodofbhaal @loriane-elmuerto @queennymeria @jackiesarch @chuckhansen @risingsh0t @nightbloodbix @confidentandgood @leviiackrman @florbelles @adelaidedrubman @shallow-gravy @blissfulalchemist @socially-awkward-skeleton @roofgeese @indorilnerevarine @poisonedtruth @strafethesesinners @nuclearstorms @inafieldofdaisies @heroofpenamstan @deputyash @katsigian @devil-kindred @purplehairsecretlair @moonmothers @gwynbleidd @henbased @shegetsburned and anyone else!
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at your core you're full of love that never stops filling yet never stops leaking. you can't help but spill your love everywhere. in every fiber of your being, your love spills all over the carpet, down hallways, filling every room in which you enter. you can't help but spread your love to all around you. it's too heavy. the burden is far too great. you need someone to take some love from you, it's far too difficult to manage alone. spilling out is stargazing and letter-writing. laughter in the kitchen, and quick kisses in place of goodbyes. the longing when the other is gone. at your core, you are emotions of love, attachment, compassion, trust, and passion. at your lowest, you may deal with emotional issues like anger, lack of trust, anxiety, jealousy, fear, and moodiness. at your best, you are compassionate, caring, optimistic, friendly, and motivated. your love was never meant to be kept to this heart of yours. there was never a leak. it was wide open by design
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hold. you hold on tight. you hold so tight that you may break. your grip is so strong that others are concerned, but you can't stop because you're the one holding it together. the "organized" in "organized chaos". the calm that exists within the eye of the hurricane. a level of order that is required of detectives during a true crime murder investigation. the wearied satisfaction of a life sentence. you manifest in emotions like ego, anger, and aggression. you might struggle with depression, lack of self-esteem, anger, and perfectionism. your hold is suffocating, but it has reason. you hold not only for yourself, but for everyone you love
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strafethesesinners · 1 year
Oc Tag Game
Tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton @nuclearstorms and @strangefable to fill out this list for my ocs thank you!
Tagging @deputyash @depyotee @unleashed111 @shallow-gravy @florbelles @adelaidedrubman @henbased @inafieldofdaisies @trench-rot @afarcryfrommymain @wrathfulrook @deputy-morgan-malone @direwombat @roofgeese @clicheantagonist @allthearchetypes @nightwingshero @detectivelokis @8bitpizzacoupons @amistrio @cobb-vanthss and whoever wants to!
Favorite OC
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What can I say? He’s my best friend, he’s my pal. He’s my homeboy, my rotten soldier. He’s my sweet cheese, my good-time boy. He’s my everything really. Cooper was the first ever OC I’ve ever made for a fandom and he helped free me from a years long stretch of no writing ideas. I’m still so excited about him and I think about him every day. I love that he’s become so iconic because he means so so much to me. I will hopefully get around to telling his full story soon.
Oldest OC
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Once again it’s Cooper! Well, if we’re counting still active OCs. Technically I have some older for original stories but I don’t make stuff for them anymore. I made Cooper in May of 2020 and the rest is history. Haven’t looked back since.
Newest OC
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Ward Drachen (real name Edward Smithfield) is my most recent OC. I made him uuuuh I honestly don’t remember exactly when but towards the end of last year I think, for rdr2/rdo. I still don’t have much for him, but I really wanted a red dead OC and came up with a basic idea. Hopefully more will come!
Meanest OC
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Ward is the meanest OC hands down. This is one mean sunovabitch. He’s taciturn an standoffish, and has no discernible sense of humor. He sometimes delights in cruelty towards his enemies (who luckily can’t be called innocent by any stretch). Ward doesn’t give a shit about other people or their feelings, unless they get close to him and that’s a difficult feat.
Softest OC
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It’s Valor! Valor puts on a bit of a tough guy act occasionally but it’s easy to see through, and honestly, he doesn’t try that hard to maintain it. This guy is a sweetheart honestly. He’s open and generous, friendly and upbeat. Once might even say bubbly. He’s a criminal but has never hurt anyone in the course of crimes (pre the events of his story) since they mostly consist of vehicle theft and sometimes data theft. (Cooper loses this one by having a little bit of a mean streak to him; he likes starting fights a little too much).
Most aloof/standoffish OC
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Again it’s Ward. He’s not a people person.
Smartest OC
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Heath is a pretty smart cookie. He was validictorian for his class in high school and all that and could have easily gotten in to most colleges if he hadn’t decided to join the army instead and then go onto the DEA after getting out. He’s also a little bit of a sleuth. He has a knack for investigation and moved up fast in the DEA because of it.
Dumbest (affectionate) OC
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Sigh. Cooper was made to be a little bit of a himbo at first but gradually got dumber. This man went on the run from the law without changing his name or anything about his appearance. He can’t do basic math. He has a huge amount of trouble focusing on anything and is absent minded to the max.
OC I’d be friends with IRL
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Valor! I love Cooper but he and I don’t have much in common so I think it would be hard to keep conversations going. Valor and I could totally talk video games and go out on the town together and look for hot guys. Valor is also interested in learning about new things and has a curious mind and great sense of humor so I think we’d get long great. I’d love to be friends with Coop but Valor is a more realistic option for someone I’d actually be friends with.
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