desi-lgbt-fest · 1 year
Hello Gaysis!!!
I see you all waiting with bated breath!! Never fear, the prompts are finally here!!!!
It is our pleasure to bring to you the 30 day prompts for the Desi LGBT Fest 2023!!!
Feel free to draw, write, sing, dance, anything you want, anyhow the inspiration strikes you with the prompts! It can be a simple sketch, elaborate painting, a nonfiction piece, a sweet story, a poem, a cherished memory. Create and share and become a part of this small place online we're carving for ourselves...
Tumblr media
The over all theme of this year's Fest is:
"Queer As In Defying Conventions: What Does It Mean To Be Convention Defying In South Asian Contexts"
This means describing what queer defiance means to you and how you navigate your world within it. However, the prompt theme is merely a suggestion and not a requirement, so feel free to use the prompts as you wish! And if you do not want to use specific prompts, you can share something based on the overall theme with us.
Throughout the event, we will be signal boosting charaties, organizations, marches, as well as reblogging some of our favorite highlights from last year!
Head over to this post for rules and guidelines for posting the prompts. The image description is under the cut.
Image description: A flyer with a rainbow background. The title states Desi LGBT Fest 2023 Prompt List. The subtitle and theme states "Queer as in defying convention: What does it mean to be 'Queer' in South Asian Contexts of being unconventional?" Below, the 30-day prompts are given as follows:
Prompt List 
Theme: "Queer as in defying convention: What does it mean to be 'Queer' in South Asian contexts of being unconventional?" 
Dream Gay Aesthetic 
Ten Steps Forward, Two Steps Back 
A Little Freedom is All I Need
5+1 Things 
Faith/Rituals of Love 
The acceptance you hoped for vs. the acceptance you got 
“They bring me flowers” 
One Fine Sunday…
The First in Your Family to: 
Once upon a time in _____
Public Transport 
Top 5 Desi Ways to Come Out 
Raat ki Roshni (Nightlife) 
Rainbow Sparkles 
The Box of Pictures in Ma’s Attic 
Sketching Life 
A Song That Fits Us 
Joy Yet to be Found 
Phati (torn) Shirt, Stitch It Up For Me 
A Folksong/Folklore 
Saptiya? (Did you eat?)
Retro Desi Gays 
Kotha (talk, speak) 
Walk of Pride 
Defiance: of gender, of expectations
“We are who we choose to be”
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desi-lgbt-fest · 1 year
DESI LGBT FEST 2023 Rules and Guidelines
All work will be posted with due credit and the creators retain all rights for it.
This event is limited to Tumblr. However, if you want to post your work elsewhere as well, you definitely can, as long as you credit the Desi LGBT Fest for which it was made. If you want your work reblogged in our fest, then provide the link and tag us in a Tumblr post.
Late submissions are accepted. Please allow mods at least 24 hours to do their due diligence. 
Any work cannot involve purposeful hate, direct attacks or otherwise bashing of any other queer identity. Any depiction of homophobia/transphobia/etc. needs to be tagged as such. If deemed too inauthentic by any of the Mods of this blog, then we reserve the right to not reblog or promote such content. 
Any work cannot involve purposeful hate, direct attack, or otherwise bashing of any religion, ethnicity, or real-life persons. Any such content needs to be tagged as such. If deemed too inauthentic by any of the Mods of this blog, then we reserve the right to not reblog or promote such content. 
Please provide ample content warnings if your work features any difficult subject matters. 
If you want to submit photographs, essays, nonfiction, or stories of any kind that involves real events, people, or places, three things are mandatory:
Cite the sources
Consent of people featured as much as possible
Respect, above all.
This event is to encourage new creations as much as possible, but if you have any existing art, stories, or content that you want to get featured on the blog, you can submit it. Just be sure to tag us properly so we can reblog. 
Regarding content in non-English languages:
It will be featured as it is. Others are welcome to translate it for accessibility with the permission of the creators. But the main purpose of the fest is to create Queer Content for the Desis and it’s important that the content in your own language also gets a platform.
All NSFW content should/will be properly tagged. This Fest is for all, minors included!!! There’s nothing inherently 18+ about queer identities and minors should feel safe participating in this event as well.
Reblog, reblog, reblog! The more people this festival reaches, the more content we can all share, love, and create!
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desi-lgbt-fest · 1 year
Oh Hello there, Gaysis!
In the words of our wisest one, og mod: “If you can’t find queer media that represents you, then make it yourself!” 
Truer words have never been spoken, and by honoring those words, we bring you a space of love, acceptance, and creativity. A space to use your voice and become the visionary of what it means to be Desi, queer, and a survivor. So, once again, calling out to all the many many talented writers, artists, poets, directors, leaders, biographers, dreamers, lovers, or those who simply want to tell your story…come and show us what it means to be you. 
The Desi LGBT Fest Mods welcomes you to,
✨ Desi LGBT Fest 2023!!!✨
Where we share stories, poems, essays, art, photographs, and more: 
Queer in themes: this is inclusive of trans, asexuals, aromantics, and all the other niche identities of the LGBTQIA+
Set around desi characters and/or desi settings. Desi including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Shri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, etc.
That’s it! It can be any genre, any desi language, any length. Engage as much as you want, as many times as you want, however you want. 
The main tags that will be featured for this year’s fest are: 
#desilgbtfest23 for the overall main contents
#dlf23day[#] (ex. #dlf23day1) for submission-specific prompts each day of the fest
Mods and Creators can include any tags they deem necessary outside of these two for their content, however, if you want your work featured in our blog, then MENTION US at @desilgbtfest on your post and use the tags above. 
And of course, follow the blog for future updates
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