#despising draco malfoy
wrtrgrl-spacewitch · 1 year
Despising Draco Malfoy - Chapter 64: Home
In which Draco proves that he ALWAYS gets what he wants, and "no" is not an answer he will accept.
‘I’ve got about five minutes before McGonagall figures out where I am and kicks my arse,’ Draco says, his voice hard and rough as he glowers down at Harry. ‘So I’m going to say something and you are going to shut the fuck up and pay attention, because I don’t have time to repeat myself.’
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kk1smet · 4 months
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It’s just the messy hair (would run his hands on it), those ugly forest-green eyes (would stare at them all day) and his towering savior title that made him look taller. Really.
Previous Harry was supposed to be this but the beard and long hair just spilled out. Your reactions were lovely (and quite feral), and I share the same sentiment, folks. I really do.
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iamnmbr3 · 3 months
cannot believe in book 7 draco somehow found the audacity to look straight at ron and hermione who were entirely undisguised and pretend not to be sure who they were
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lavndvrr · 1 month
watching me slowly fall down the drarry hole
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ultcrackshipskirmish · 9 months
Round 1: Adrichat (Adrian x Chat noir) vs Drapple
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fanfic-lover-girl · 4 months
Why I don't care much about Draco calling Hermione a mudblood
I have stated many times that I don't care much that Draco calls Hermione mudblood across various posts I have written. Now rude Hermione stans will simply say or have simply said I am a misogynist or just a brainless Draco stan and move on feeling morally superior. But I have three very basic reasons why JKR is at fault for me not caring.
Being muggleborne is not a disadvantage
As much as I love Draco, whenever he mocks Ron about his socioeconomic status it bothers me. Partly because I can relate to having a family who financially struggles. But I see how Ron's poverty (the Weasleys should not be poor but that's a different convo) affects him. He gets second-hand clothes. He does not have proper school supplies (eg Charlie's broken wand). He only gets the things he wants when he accomplishes something (getting a broom when he becomes prefect). It has caused him embarrassment. I can probably go on. I feel sorry for Ron.
But how does being muggleborne affect Hermione? Well, there are some cultural concepts she would not know, eg the mudblood slur. However, against all logic, Hermione is the top student even showing up purebloods like Ron who GREW UP in the wizarding world. Besides Draco calling her a mean name, what prejudice does Hermione face?? If anything, she is favoured too much (eg time turners). And then Bella tortures her in book 7...only for Hermione to simply walk it off. After a chandelier fell on her. Wow, I should feel so much sympathy for Hermione! JKR gives me so many feels for Hermione's plight as a muggleborne girl!
I would infer that Hermione's yearning to prove herself with good grades partly stems from being muggleborne but I can't recall if this was an explicit part of her character or something JKR left up to our interpretation. I get the vibe that Hermione was like this even in muggle school.
Muggbleborne discrimination is not the biggest concern
Aside from certain purebloods, the wizarding world treats mugglebornes as regular wizard citizens. There is definitely pureblood favouritism - how the hell is Mr Weasley head of the Muggle Artefacts department over any muggleborne? And JKR is quick to point out muggleborne bigotry. If Lucius or Draco so much as glares at Hermione, we know it.
What's the bigger concern for me is the discrimination that JKR insidiously lets go unchecked. JKR lets her so-called good characters engage in casual bigotry against muggles and magical creatures. She only has one developed muggle family. So any abuse the Dursleys suffer is under the guise of them getting their dues. We see the Order of the Phoenix members have basically no respect for muggles. And it's played as comedy. We see magical creatures have no rights. JKR makes Hermione's elf campaign into a joke. She makes the goblins unpleasant so the readers don't have a bad taste in their mouths when the golden trio betray them.
Hagrid attacks Dudley, a defenceless child, in book 1. Traumatizing this 11-year-old kid for years to come. And the readers are meant to applaud this and/or find this funny.
Compared to the suffering of muggles, Hermione's struggles are nonexistent and hardly worth my time.
It seems to bother Hermione very little
As I mentioned before, Hermione lacked knowledge of certain prejudices. So when Draco called her mudblood, she didn't even know what he meant. And in future interactions, it seems more like an annoyance to Hermione, not something that impacts her self-worth. And that's a good thing! Draco has no power over her! She was never Draco's helpless victim. Good for her! Just because a bully tries to belittle you, it does not mean it has to hurt you.
While that's great for Hermione's mental well-being, it kind of impacts my ability to care too. If Hermione cares little, why should I?
In a nutshell, Draco calling Hermione mudblood means little in the grand scheme of things. It's wrong and Draco should be punished for it (why is Draco not punished for publicly using slurs in a school?). I certainly don't think Draco is in the right for using slurs. But it hardly helps to endear Hermione to me as a reader when it comes to this aspect of Draco's bullying.
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phas3d · 5 months
Celebrity Crush|| Slytherin Boys
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type :: fluff
tw/cw :: suggestive jokes (all)
contains :: draco malfoy, tom riddle, mattheo riddle, theodore nott, lorenzo berkshire
summary :: you're either friends or enemies and they see you freaking out over your celebrity, making them jealous. they search them up only to find out that the celebrity looks almost exactly like them
alternative :: your celebrity crush looks nothing like them
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DRACO (enemies)
Your group just watched the newest movie that came out
Ever since then, you couldn’t stop gushing about how hot the villain was
Although the villain was an awful person, you still went on rants about how fine he is
Your friends kept laughing at how out of pocket your jokes were
“I can fix him I swear, just give me a chance” you grieved as if someone died
"I'm gonna get on all fours and start hitting my chest like a gorilla if he keeps looking this fine" you said with passion, not scared of the whole school hearing you
Draco, despite not wanting to say it, was extremely jealous as he gripped his fork extra hard as he heard you
He was a dick, why didn’t you like him? Maybe he wasn’t hot enough? He’s always been slightly insecure about his appearance
The second lunch ended, he ran to the bathroom and secretly looked up the actor
But as he looked at him… he realized he wasn’t too far off from the actor
Their faces were almost completely different but, they both had short bright blonde hair, cold blue eyes, always wore green, and had similar body types
From seeing that, he smirked to himself and got an ego boost
He goes to sleep with a fat ass grin on his face
He won’t directly say the actor looks like him, but he’ll know it deep down
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TOM (friends)
Although Tom could stand being around you, he wished he could mute you out
You two were studying together in his room
Or… he was studying while you kept replaying the same edit of some random celebrity
“He could take my eggs and eat it like skittles”
Tom has literally killed and tortured people but he still widened his eyes slightly at your comment
He felt a small bit of jealousy, but he wasn’t sure if it was because he was scared of losing his only friend or because he liked you
(It’s because he likes you but he’s not that emotionally aware)
Tom has always been nosy, so he tilted slightly to see your phone
That’s when he saw a man with pale skin, brown eyes, and wavy brown hair
But beside those basic attributes, he also had the same nose as him along with a resting bitch face
He doesn’t show it, but on the inside he felt much calmer
It gave him a small sense of hope that maybe one day, he could actually be seen as attractive by someone
No one has ever confessed or even liked Tom romantically throughout his whole life due to his insane hobbies
He sleeps a little bit better with the thought that maybe someone could like him
And he really hopes it’s you :)
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MATTHEO (enemies) (I made this so long on accident... whoops)
You two clash constantly due to Mattheo’s class clown behavior and your goody-two-shoes attitude
He was always cracking mean jokes and bullying your friend group since you were kinda nerdy
You despised him and have beaten his ass multiple times (with magic) but he still doesn’t learn his lesson
But that's mainly because he thinks it's hot when you beat his ass and yell at him
Once again, he was walking towards your group to pick on you guys once more, especially you
But that’s when he heard you freak out over some random character
At first he thought it was just some lame anime character, that's how you usually are
But when you start showing your friends the photo-card in the back of your phone, he realizes it’s a real person
Instantly, he's pissed and jealous of a stupid piece of paper
He stalks you until you repeat the celebrities' name so he can google him and ruin his career
But once he looks up the idol, he sees that he also has dark curly hair with deep brown eyes
He actually researches and tries to learn about the idol more so he can take note on what you like
That's when he learns that the idol is known as a funny and protective person, just like him
He giggles to himself and decides to be insanely cocky
He prints out a photo of himself in the same pose as the idol, rounds the corners, and even puts his own signature on the back
The next day, he hands it to you and is smirking to himself
But... surprisingly... you didn't know it wasn't the idol????
You smiled widely and freak out, you thank him and quickly put it in the back of your phone case
From that, he smiles insanely widely. Not only at how cute you were from freaking out, but by also knowing he's on the back of your phone without you even knowing
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THEODORE (friends)
He's always known you were a fangirl but it was normally for weird things
You've had a few celebrity crushes over the years, but it's never been this extreme before
"GOD I WANNA LIVE IN HIS TOILET!!!" You shouted as you stared at a photo of the celebrity
Theo never understood how people got so attached but he was curious
How hot was this guy for you to like him THIS much? and why was he so jealous?
Theo has always been confident in his looks since he pulls bitches left and right
But, for some reason, he's suddenly strongly craving your validation
He asks you to show him the celebrity, only to see an almost exact clone of himself
Light fluffy brown hair, green eyes that were the same shape as his, thick brows, and a strong jaw
Theo smiles lightly and shakes his head, you perceived it as him making fun of your crush
You hide your phone from him and proceed to watch a pile of edits of this man on loop
Although he didn't get the hype of being a fangirl, he supported this one
He researches the celebrity during his free time and tries to become more like him slightly
Of course, he doesn't change anything drastically
But he might get the same shirt or shoes as him
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LORENZO (rivals?) (can you tell he's my favorite?)
You and Lorenzo were constantly at the top of your charms class within the entire school
Both of you have constantly gone head to head with each other just to compete for first place, only to tie for it together
There was no hatred or extreme feelings, just a fun rivalry that was oddly flirtatious at times
While you were in the library with a few friends studying, you suddenly start slamming your fist on the desk
Lorenzo was often in the library in order to check out new books to read in order to beat you
He looked over, worried that something bad happened
But all he saw was you on the floor, as if you melted, with your phone held high showcasing a man
He was curious as to how you got to the floor so fast despite banging on the table only 2 seconds ago, but he didn't care
Many people in the school shipped you and Lorenzo, but you both always denied it in order to not make it awkward
But, Lorenzo has liked you for ages. Despite that fact that he's a fuckboy, he would give up everything just to kiss you
"I would save his nail clippings and make a necklace out of it" You said in a harsh whisper that made all your friends hold back a laugh
Lorenzo was shocked, he's never seen you be so vulgar
He felt slightly hurt, not only by the fact that you were freaking out over some celebrity but also because he's never seen you act like this with him
"The things I would do for this man is un-ex-plain-a-ble" You aggressively whispered as you slammed your fist on the desk again
The librarian came around and told your whole group to shut up, which made Lorenzo happy
He decided to do his usual routine, he walked up to you and flicked you on the head as a joking gesture
You wince and hold your forehead, that's when he looks at your phone and sees the name of the celebrity
He repeats the name over and over and over and OVER in his head until he gets to his dorm and instantly searches him up on his phone
That's when he sees how similar he is to the celebrity
At first, he was doubting it since he didn't want to be cocky
But he told Theo and Theo instantly agreed, saying the celebrity looks just like him
Sharp jawline and cheekbones, fair skin, soft light brown hair, brown eyes, and even the same body build
He smiled to himself, feeling a bit of self love for himself from seeing how similar he is to your favorite celebrity
He's always been slightly insecure of his body build due to most of the guys in Hogwarts being buff as shit while Lorenzo was slightly more lean
But seeing the celebrity be called the heart-throb of the year made him really happy
After he knows all of this, he's much more confident around you and even finds subtle ways to bring up how he knows your type
Uses this as evidence against you to make you blush during petty arguments
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suugarbabe · 3 months
mattheo riddle | lore
first and foremost Mattheo is the heir to the Dark Lord
making his father the one and only Voldemort, Tom Riddle Jr., Voldy if you will
Mattheo's mother is Bellatrix Lestrange (which is what makes him the cousin of Draco Malfoy; Bellatrix and Narcissa being sisters)
unsurprisingly, growing up with the Dark Lord as your father doesn't make for the greatest of childhoods
Mattheo was tasked with challenges to prove his loyalty and worth to his father's cause at a young age
every failed task came with punishment, some mental some physical
often he was subjected to the cruciatus curse as punishment
other times were simple curses or jinxes to cause humiliation or pain
one of the most easy to see is the scar left over his eye and through his eyebrow
his home (if you could call it that) often felt cold and deserted despite the family living there
Mattheo would spend as much time as possible at the Malfoy's
while that doesn't seem like that better of an option, to Mattheo is was his saving grace
Narcissa showed Mattheo the love her sister seemed so void of
because of this Mattheo and Draco's bond and relationship became more like brothers
Mattheo became proficient in the majority of the dark arts before the age of 12, much to his father's delight and his despise
however, with subtle guidance from his Aunt Cissy, Mattheo formed his own thoughts and opinions about blood purity and 'how things should be in the wizarding world'
Mattheo was often feared by other children growing up
both because of his namesake and also his general demeanor
this caused him to find making friends extremely difficult
however the other Slytherin boys knew him growing up and therefore formed a bond with him early on
while he's not one to be sappy, Mattheo is grateful for their loyalty
Mattheo's childhood environment caused him to become incredibly observant
always able to keep a watchful eye of the entire room he's in
this comes from previously keeping an eye out for his father or his most loyal disciples.
while Mattheo often displays as closed off or cold, in reality he's only being protective of himself
because what else would you learn while growing up with the Dark Lord?
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batwingsrosa · 2 months
Snape and what a victim is supposed to look like.
Or: The reason you all hate him so much while making up excuses for other characters!
Would he still be so despised by the fandom, if he had been portrayed as weaker? As more emotional?
No, i don’t think so.
Others have said this before and i have to agree with what they said:
Y‘all are angry, because he is not the perfect victim.
He is not what you would expect a victim of abuse and bullying to look like.
He is confident.
He is strong.
He is sharp.
And he is bitter.
He is so, so bitter.
he harbours resentment.
He does not forgive those who wronged him.
When that is exactly what you would expect from a victim, is it not??
A victim is supposed to look weak and behave weak and to suck it up.
And to forgive.
When you tell people they have to forgive their tormentors, do you really tell them that so that they can heal?
Or…. so you don‘t have to deal with the mess?
Maybe, so you don‘t have to adjust your world view?
People are not obligated to forgive their tormentors.
It doesn‘t matter if they have changed.
What matters is how they made the victim feel.
And if the victim feels if they can forgive them.
And if they chose not to forgive, they turn in something else in your eyes.
They turn into the hater, the bully, the bad guy.
Bacause the victim is supposed to forgive and forget and let it go and not be bitter about it.
A victim is supposed to turn into a good person.
To learn from their experiences to be kinder to others.
To not treat others like they have been treated.
They are not supposed to not be able to let it go.
And if they are not able to do that, well then there‘s something wrong with them.
If a victim doesn‘t turn out the way they wanted them too, well - then they had it coming from the beginning and they probaly deserved what happened to them because they would have turned out bad either way!
Snape is the opposite of what a victim is supposed to be like.
Severus turned into a resentful and bitter adult.
He was never able to move on and heal from his trauma.
And at the same time, he knows who he is and what and doesn‘t make up excuses for his behaviour and instead just accepts himself the way he is.
And that is what makes you so fucking mad.
He turns into an asshole and is not sorry about it.
He is openly resentful and at times hateful.
And he is not fucking sorry about it.
And it makes all of you mad because that is not what is supposed to happen.
And let‘s not lie to yourselves- if he didn‘t have greasy hair and a hooked nose- you would look at him from an entirely different angle.
Like you do with Tom Riddle, or Regulus Black or Draco Malfoy.
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bestnottoask · 19 days
Falling For You?
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Pairing- Draco Malfoy x Fem Potter Reader 
Request- No
Summary - You’re starting to notice a change in Draco Malfoy’s behavior which is strange because ever since day one he has had it out for you and your twin brother Harry. What will happen when you are hurt badly during a quidditch match causing you to fall from a fatal height?  This takes place in the 5th year. No use of Y/N.
Genre- Angst, Fluff 
Warnings - Blood, Angst, Potential enemies to lovers? multiple Pov, swearing, mentions of nausea, fainting, violence, physical fighting, I think that's it,  
A/N - This is my first ever fic, so I hope you enjoy it. Sorry I haven’t posted much life has just gotten a bit out of hand recently, but I have managed to produce this and its finally time to share it! so enjoy. 
Word count - 5.7k 
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Growing up without parents and living with your abusive Aunt and Uncle with their Spoilt Brat for a kid wasn’t easy; and you honestly didn’t think you would have survived without your twin brother. For the longest time you too were inseparable. You were each other’s only family left. And that’s why you were crushed with guilt every time you look at those shining grey eyes.  
It was no secret that Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy were enemies. Most people despised Malfoy due to his cruel demeanor and outdated world views, where he saw himself on some pedestal above everyone else; which he would reticule you from if you dare thought otherwise. Of course you were one of the people who disliked him. How could you not be?  
You’d just wish your heart would listen to your brain when thought of him. He was a cruel person who found fun in making other people’s lives difficult, especially you and your friends. So why did you find your eyes lingering on him for a second too long? Looking around the great hall at dinner just to get a glimpse of him. It wasn’t right, and you knew it. But it didn’t help that he had really grown into his looks and gotten a lot taller over the summer break. And while there is an undouble rivalry between Malfoy and both Potter twins since the first year, you couldn’t help but notice that Malfoy had become slightly more tolerable lately. He would make less snarky and unnecessary comments, start less arguments and not take the arguments that he did start as far as he used to. Was he getting tired of it? Or was he maybe he was finally maturing. Either way, you were grateful for it as you have been seated next to him for potions until the end of the year, courtesy of Snape’s seating plan.  
In fact, you had noticed that ever since you had been seated next to him at the beginning of the year, he was slowly becoming more tolerable, and you were becoming less annoyed by his presence.  
You had explained your thoughts to Hermione stating that maybe he was ‘growing on you’ but she just replied saying that it was more likely that he was just ‘wearing you down’, to which you chuckled along with.  
For a while now, more times than you’d like to admit was spent dwelling on your changing feelings for him. A part of you hoped that he was perhaps changing and that maybe it could lead to something between the two of you. You had to admit he was funny at times and had slipped up and shown you a different side of him before. Only in subtle ways like picking something you’d dropped on the floor and handing it to you without any snarky comment or passing you something you were looking for. If anyone else did this, you wouldn’t think twice about it. But it wasn’t anyone. It was Draco Malfoy.  
You were pulled out of your own thoughts by Ron leaning upwards to look over you and your brothers head to see the Slytherin table  
“Can’t wait to wipe that that stupid smug smirk off of Draco’s face” Ron said through gritted teeth as he began to sit back down still keeping an eye on the Slytherin table behind you where Draco sat in his quidditch uniform talking with his teammates.  
“He’s been extra cocky today about winning this match” Ron grumbled as he turned to the food in front of him.  
“Tell me about it” Harry sarcastically sighed “I had to deal with him and Blaise all of first period” Harry grumbled. You peered over your shoulder to see the loud commotion happening behind you, which mainly consisted of the Slytherin quidditch team chanting about them winning the upcoming match. It didn’t take a genius to tell they were overly confident.  
“No worries, we’ve trained for this,” you said turning back to the table and rolling up your sleeves. As much as you like your quidditch uniform its arm sleeve length got in the way when you were trying to eat.  
“One more hour until we can destroy them!” Ron said with a laugh to which Harry returned with a grin.  
“You both are so competitive” Hermione chimed in as she rolled her eyes before looking back at the book in her hands.  
“It’s almost concerning” you chuckled in agreement.  
“Don’t act like you don’t want to see them lose” Ron replied with a tone making it sound like he was defending himself.  
“I want to see us win” you explained.  
“How’s that any different?” Ron questioned with a mouth full of food and a raised brow.  
“Because she’s finding pleasure in her achievements rather than others loses” Hermione said firmly closing and placing her book on the table, to which Ron replied with another eye roll.  
“Yeah, but it Slytherin” Harry said as if he was to be proving some point, but you and Hermione looked at each other then back towards him as he missed the point all together.  
“So?” you replied.  
“So, I guess it’s alright to be happy when they lose” Harry said with uncertainty in his voice because as he was saying it out loud, he was beginning to hear how he may be in the wrong.  
“Don’t get me wrong I want us to win, but I think you two are a bit too hateful towards Slytherin. I mean sometimes you both say something I’d expect a Slytherin to say about a Gryffindor. Which is definitely not a good look”. You explained, hoping to talk some sense into them so try and defuse the rising tension between the house that always comes before a big quidditch match. Harry and Ron didn’t reply, they just shared a look between them realizing that you may have a point; as they do get quite competitive.  
The conversation quickly changed as Oliver Wood appeared and made the team gather around and talk strategy.  
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You wouldn’t call yourself a confident person, but usually before a quidditch you would feel fine. Prepared. You were a strong player, and everyone knew it. However, today you weren’t feeling as prepared as you normally are, and you were unsure as to why. You just had a bad feeling about the match.  
As you walked out onto the field with your team, broom in hand, the icy wind almost imminently pricked at your skin. You looked up and saw that the sky had been painted with all different shades of grey clouds, indicating an upcoming storm.  
Everyone took their positions on the field and as you did you saw some of the Slytherin boys whisper something to each other while looking over at you and some of your teammates. This made you feel even more uneasy, and you tried to shake it off, but it kept dwelling on you that something was going to go wrong.  
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The game began and everything went as expected aside from Slytherin taking the lead by a few points but nothing that couldn’t be overturned by the end of the game. It soon started to lightly rain, a sprinkle of water coating the stadium, making it a bit harder to see since the wind was moving the rain into your eyes.  
As the score got closer everyone understandably got more competitive and began to push the boundaries a tad, such as shoving someone a little harder than what is normally allowed during a match, but no student would ever report this to a teacher. It was like an unspoken rule that when the game got close the so could the players.  
You had flown to the side of the field after successfully passing the quaffle over to Oliver while avoiding being knocked off your broom. Oliver had managed to gain Gryffindor points with the quaffle pushing the score so that Gryffindor was now ahead of Slytherin. This did not sit well with the two Slytherins that were on your back trying to prevent you from passing the quaffle over to Oliver just moments ago.  
One of them was Marcus Flint. And although you couldn’t see the glare, he gave you from behind, you could almost feel it. Only a minute or two later something sharp caught the corner of your eye. You looked over to your right, but it had disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. You had shrugged it off and continued to play the game but was shortly interrupted by a small, very bright blue flash across the field. You flew up high staring wide-eyed trying to find it again eyes scanning everywhere, hoping someone else had also seen it and that you weren’t going crazy. But you didn’t have much time to ponder as soon the bright light was headed straight towards you once again. You instantly flew away, occasionally checking behind you to see if it was still on your trail. Adrenaline coursed through your body as you flew at full speed before slowing down once you realized that it was no longer behind you.  
Shocked from the surprise of it all, you weren’t paying attention until you heard what sounded like distressed arguing. You saw Fred and Seamus from afar, you squinted trying to figure out what they were doing as it looked like they were either arguing or very worried. You began to make you way over there ignoring your surroundings, heading straight towards them, but before you could make it there someone came out of nowhere and sped past you, nearly knocking you off your broom. It was unlike anyone to race that fast at someone during the match so high off the ground even with the unspoken rule. You continued forward when once again someone flew right in front of you. You suddenly came to a halt and spun your head around to see what was happening behind you. You could feel the cold, icy air prick at your skin and make your nose pink and sore. Your hair was blowing rapidly in the wind, impairing your vision. You looked over and saw Ron from afar clutching his upper left arm with Oliver beside him. As you were about to fly over to them to make sure Ron was alright, when something sped past you, hitting you on the right side of your head.  
It knocked you hard, causing you to face forward again and even jolt a little bit on your broom. You were still able to maintain a steady grip with both hands on her broom; but that was quickly forgotten about when you began to feel a wave of nausea and dizziness. It quickly became a struggle to focus on anything, the world felt like it was spinning and your whole body felt numb aside from a slight tingle.  
But the numbness didn’t last long as soon a strong burning sensation formed above your right eyebrow. Still accompanied by the nausea, after only a few seconds you felt something wet run down the right side of your face. But this wasn’t the cold rain that was pouring all around you. This was warm and running fast.  
You slowly brought your hand up to the source of the pain and brought it back down only to find it covered in a bright red liquid. As if on cue, your hearing began to fade and soon you couldn’t hear anything around you; not your teammates, not the crowd, or even the cold wind that had been floating around all week. The only thing you could hear was your own racing heart. Your breaths were slow and deep as you tried to stay conscious, while your heartbeat was as fast as ever. The rain that was already trickling down you only helped spread blood down your face beginning to cover your quidditch uniform.  
Only a few seconds prior, Hermione had noticed the small flash fly across the field once again, but this time it went towards you, and seemingly hit you before you could see it coming. Hermione jumped out of her seat the second she saw you get hit. She was squinting her eyes and leaning ever so slightly over the banister trying to see what happened. Neville was quickly by her side using his binoculars to try to see what was happening. Hermione glances to her side at Nevilles binoculars and quickly snatches the binoculars from Nevilles grasp and places them before her eyes. Completely ignoring the fact that they were strapped around his neck, and he was now uncomfortably pulled into her personal space. Hermione saw your face slowly turn red, and she imminently dropped the binoculars, allowing Neville to stand up straight once more. “Oh Merlin” she whispered to herself, but loud enough for Neville and Luna who had also joined her side to hear and it, make them both look at her, unsure of what she saw.  
Unaware as to what everyone else was facing, Harry was speeding along the perimeter of the field, not far from the ground with Draco to his Left. Their knees collided and both of their gazes were strongly focused on the small golden snitch flying not far in front of them. The light rain and the air resistant due to their fast speed was causing them both slightly to squint into order to see. They both would push against each other with their shoulders in hopes that the other would fall off course. Their hair flew rapidly behind them as they tilted their heads forward, both trying to increase their speed. However, Draco’s gaze shifted to the stadium when he heard some loud yelling. But it wasn’t the normal yelling that happened during a quidditch match. This sounded like panic. He couldn’t make out what was being said but when he looked above Harry as he saw the Gryffindor podiums crowds’ gazes fixated on something behind and above him; and judging by their expression and stances with their arms pointing at whatever was causing the commotion, it wasn’t good. Draco only heard the yelling because he and Harry were flying right beside the crowd, however, Harry seemed to be too focused on the snitch flying just out of his reach to take interest in the sound. Draco turned his head to his left and after a quick scan of the field and the people on it, he saw what the commotion was about.  
Draco’s shoulder sunk and his eyes were wide fixated on the image in the distance. He wasn’t sure if what he was seeing was real. He saw you on your broom way up in the air. But you weren’t flying around. Instead, you sat up on your broom with only one hand gripping the broomstick. Your opposing hand was held to the side of your head, the palm painted red. His stomach dropped when he saw her face. Blood was pouring down the right side of it, covering the dazed expression. You were looking slightly over your right shoulder, towards the Gryffindor podium and crowd, which he was under. That’s probably why he heard them yelling. They got the best view of what had happened and started to panic.  
You felt a light head, and suddenly the overwhelming burning pain didn’t matter anymore. The frequency of your blinks increased significantly, as you tried to stay awake. You could taste the rain as your mouth hung open, desperately trying to take deeper breaths. But soon you realized that it was no good. Black dots began to appear, and you felt yourself falling. The last thing you saw was your broom only a few feet above you.  
Draco eye widened and he was quickly filled to the brim with panic, as he saw your figure in the distance go limp and fall to the side, beginning to make its way to the ground. Within less than a second of your body falling, Draco’s broomstick was pointed your way and just as before he was tilting his head and body forward increasing his speed. His gaze was focused the unconscious body in a bright red and gold Gryffindor uniform; and just like for you before, everything around him was a blur and he could only hear clouded muffles of what he would assume is the crowd being loud as per usual; not that he gave any thought to it, he didn’t care, in fact it seemed as if for the first time in his life he didn’t care about anything else; he was only focused on getting to you on time.  
Harry noticed Draco’s absence when he went to make a quick glance between him and the golden snitch. But as Harry noticed he was no longer next to him he was quick to notice a Slytherin uniform blowing in the wind flying away from him. Harry slowed his chase after the snitch and took notice of what Draco was chasing after. Rather than who he was chasing after, Panic swept through the boy as he was quick to follow Draco’s path, but Draco was significantly ahead of him.  
Flying through the rain at such a speed made the rain drops feel as if ice was pinching at Draco’s pale skin, but nether the less Draco was able to catch Potter’s limp body before you went crashing onto the ground. He held a tight grip, but the impact of catching you and trying to hold you on his broomstick made him lose control of his broom and he began to make his way to the ground. He was able to pull his broom upwards right before he collided with the ground, softening the fall for both students. Once you both hit the ground, Draco was thrown over you and landed roughly 5 meters in front of her. You were laying half on your stomach and half on your right side on the soft, wet grass. Your hair which you had freshly washed this morning, was scattered over your face, absorbing blood from the small pool that was forming under your rested head. Draco on the other hand found himself fully on his stomach with his head facing to his left, with his left shoulder taking most of the impact. Both uniforms were muddy and blowing slightly in the wind as they lay there on the wet grass.  
It didn’t take long for both teams to make their way to the scene, Oliver arriving first with Ron by his side clutching his upper left arm. They both kneeled by your side; Oliver gently pulling you onto your back, revealing what was once clear skin framing a soft smile, but was now a blood-covered face decorated with scratches. Oliver and Ron are both taken back by the sight, eyes scanning over the injury on your head. But before Oliver could even think of what to do next the whole Gryffindor quidditch team had made their way over and began crowding around them. Harry arrives at the scene and stumbles off his broom running and forcefully pushing his way through his teammates, only coming to a small stop when he finally sees his blooded-up sister on the floor; half her face covered in blood with her hair stuck in it, and the parts of her face that somehow weren’t bloody, were pale and lifeless. Before anyone could say anything to him, he was on his knees next to her, with tear-filled eyes and his hands clasping over her forehead in an attempt to try and stop the bleeding. He tried to reach for his wand to use a healing spell but cursed under his breath as he moved his hand back to your head after feeling his empty pocket. A reminder of the rule stating that no personal magical objects can be found or used by any player during a match.  
Draco was woken by his teammates pulling him up to his knees after he was briefly knocked out from the impact with the ground, and he was very winded; but he didn’t even assess or take note of the damage done to himself before he began carefully making his way up to the small crowd of both Gryffindor and Slytherin quidditch players, trying to peek through. By the time he made it through the crowd, he only got a glimpse before he spun his head around at the sound of an angry professor storming over to the scene.  
“Move aside!” Professor Snape called out while waving his arms out to push anyone out of his way. He was followed by Professor McGonigal who had her hands holding up her robes so she could hurry over. Behind her were Hermione, Luna, Nevile and a hand full of other people with worried expressions written all over their faces. Everyone stepped aside to let the professors in. Harry looked up at them with tear-soaked eyes, his hands were on his twin sister’s face; one on her cut and the other on her jawline, holding her face. For a second Harry could have sworn he saw Professor Snape’s eyes widen with concern. Within a second Snape was by Harrys side, he pulled out his wand and softly murmured a healing spell causing the slash on her forehead to slowly heal over. Professor McGonigal began questioning the students around her about what had caused this incident, but her tone made the questions sound like accusations. Relief filled Harrys body and he let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding. His sobs calmed down and he felt a hand on his shoulder, and he looked over and it was Hermione who gave him a reassuring smile; telling him it would be alright. Draco also felt a gush of relief wash over him, and unfortunately for him, it didn’t go unnoticed. Hermione gave him a questioning look as she saw the relief on his face when he saw that her dear friend way going to be alright. Draco noticed Hermione’s stare when he made eye contact with her. Panic boiled within him at being caught and his cheeks blushed a little from embarrassment and he immediately looked away and avoided her gaze, staring at the grass below him acting as if he didn’t care.  
Harry returned his gaze to his sister who was being picked up by Snape. Snape was now standing up holding your still unconscious body in his arms.  
“I suggest you follow me to the infirmary Wesley” Snape suggested, referring to the fact Ron was clutching his upper left arm with a little bit of blood seeping out of it.  
“You got hit?! Are you alright Ron?” Hermione explained, turning to see the state he was in.  
“Better than her” Ron shrugged referring to you as he made his way over to Snape with the intent to join his trip to the infirmary.  
“Malfoy?” Snape said in his usual cold tone.  
“Huh?” Draco said, looking up a little surprised as he was in his head and not paying attention. Snape noticed that the boy was oblivious, and he let out a small disappointing sigh before replying.  
“Care to join us at the infirmary?” It almost sounded like a statement rather than a question because of Snapes usual cold tone. Draco looked down at his dirtied uniform and bruised hands. He will admit that his arm and back did hurt from the landing and he was sure he had a fair share of bruises underneath his uniform, and as much as he would like to follow, he knew that if he did he would want to check up on you, and that would draw a lot of unwanted attention and suspicion to the relationship between you and him, and after saving you there was enough speculation coming his way, he didn’t need anymore.  
“Uh- no I think I’m alright” He shrugged. Without any further questioning Snape turned around and began walking back to the castle accompanied by Ron. Harry stumbled to his feet and quickly began to follow Snape but was stopped by Professor McGonigal placing her arm in front of him.  
“I think you should stay; I need to have a word with you and everyone else here to figure out what happened today”, and with that Harry sighed, he wanted to protest and go with his sister, but he knew that she was in good hands; and he too wanted to know what causes her sister to bleed all over the Quidditch field.  
Professor McGonigal took the Gryffindor team to the side of the field to question them first, leaving the Slytherin team plus Hermione, Luna and Neville alone, while the crowd was told to go back to the great hall.  
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There was only small chatter between the students before a few Slytherin students began chuckling. “Surely this means we win right? I mean we managed to get two of the Gryffindor players out of commission.” Marcus Flint chuckled rather loudly to his friends.  
Hermione shot them a quick glare, but they were seemingly unfazed by it. She knew they had something to do with what happened today. Draco, who had been standing around in silence avoiding any questions from his teammates while holding his still sore arm, shot a firm glare towards the Marcus Flint, having also caught on that he was up to something.  
“What?” Marcus mockingly questioned when he noticed Draco’s cold glare.  
“What did you do?” Draco asked coldly as he began walking over to the boy.  
“What does it look like, I won us the game mate!” Marcus chuckled while looking around at his friends who were also seemingly enjoying this.  
“You cheated!” Hermione exclaimed, “I saw a small flash of blue light move around the field”.  
“And what does that prove?” Marcus replied, with his horrific smile hung high.  
“You used a spell; you’ve got your wand with you” Hermione pointed out gesturing to his wand that couldn’t quite fit properly into his pocket.  
“Yeah, and what are you going to do about its Granger” Marcus stated as he began walking into Hermione’s personal space, towering over her in an attempt to make her feel threatened.  
“You put two people in the infirmary!” Nevile chimed in trying to see if Marcus had any remorse for his actions.  
“Congrats the boy can count” Marcus laughed while waving his hand in the air mockingly which was followed by laughter from his surrounding friends. “It’s not like anyone is going to miss those two” Marcus scoffed as he turned back to his friend.  
Draco glanced at the red stained grass then back up to Marcus who was chuckling alone with his friends like nothing had even happened. The boy was showing no remorse, so he wasn’t going to either. Hermione saw something change in Draco’s eyes, they suddenly went dark and before she could say anything he was clenching his fists and angrily walking up to Marcus. The second Marcus turned to acknowledge Draco’s precents, Draco swung his fist violently and fast at the boy’s left cheek, causing him to stumble to the ground. The pain in Draco shoulder was long gone, covered by his anger for the boy in front of him.  
“The fuck is your problem!” Marcus exclaimed as he stood up and swung back at the blonde boy. Cries were heard from the people around them as Draco took the punch given to him, but almost immediately returned it and managed to push Marcus back to the ground. Marcus brought Draco down with him and they continued to swing at each other, grabbing each other’s collars and pushing the other down. It wasn’t until Draco managed to pin Marcus beneath him and was mercilessly slamming his fists into the boy’s face before he was pulled back. Arms wrapped around him as he tried to push against them.  
“Stop! He’s not worth it” Oliver wood exclaimed as he was holding Draco back along with Fred Weasley.  
“You Piece of shit!” Marcus spat at Draco with blood coming out of his mouth, while trying to reach him; struggling against Blaise and Goyel grip.  
“ENOUGH!” Professor McGonigal exclaimed as she glared at the two boys, making them stop struggling to free themselves.  
“The Two of you, my office NOW!” McGonigal glared at the boys as they slowly stumbled to their feet with hung their heads low as they walked by her side to her office. An angry glare was exchanged between the boys ever so often as they made their way back to the castle.  
“What on earth has gotten into everyone today!?” Oliver exclaimed looking around at all the stunned students.  
“Malfoy beating the living shit out of Flint, now that's something” Seamus answered, not hiding his amusement  
“Yeah, but why?” Oliver continued  
“Because he cheated during the match, He was the reason your team got hurt” Hermione Chimed in.  
“What?!, That bastard!” Harry spat.  
“Why would Malfoy be so upset about Slytherin cheating? Wouldn’t put it past him to do it himself” Fred replied.  
“Merlin knows” Seamus sighed.  
“So are we just going to ignore the elephant in the room” George asked, causing everyone to send him questioning looks.  
“Which one” Seamus chuckled.  
“The fact that ‘The prince of Slytherin ‘abandoned chasing the golden snitch to catch and most likely save the life of the one and only ‘princess of Gryffindor’”. George explained. To which Fred replied with a small chuckle “well when you say it like that”.  
“Does seem a bit curious don’t you think” Luna gently stated.  
Harry shared a confused look with Hermione, both acknowledging that they needed to talk privately.  
“Whatever, I’ll discuss this later with McGonigal; we should pack-up and clear out of here before this rain becomes a storm” Oliver said he began making his way off the court, still pissed about how the match went down. Everyone soon followed him.  
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Everyone had been told to go about their day as usual, but nothing about what had happened earlier was usual. Hermione had gone to speak to professor McGonigal about her suspicions involving Marcus Flint and his cheating. To which McGonigal was able to confirm when assessing the recent spells used through his wand. Quidditch matches had been suspended for the month due to foul play and to say everyone was upset was an understatement. Harry had spent most of the day by your side, with Ron as company. A few hours later you had woken to a killer headache and harry was quick to inform Hermione so she could come and see you, which of course she did and used the time to fill you in on what had happened.  
You were jaw-dropped shocked when Hermione informed you that the Draco Malfoy had flown over to you on a whim to catch you. Not only that but he had beaten up Flint because he was the one who was cheating and hurt you and Ron. None of this made any sense but for a moment it made your heart flutter with the idea that he actually cared. To some degree at least. But to be fair he must care quite a bit to have been the first person to rush over to help you. If you weren’t in so much pain, you would be eager to get out of the infirmary just so you could see him in potions but unfortunately that didn’t look like it was happening anytime soon.  
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Hermione excused herself from your presence and began to make her way to the detention classroom which she had heard Draco had been placed in, leaving a trail of small clicks behind her as her shoes tapped the store floor. The room felt cold and isolating, only accompanied by the sound of rain against the rather large windows.  
Hermione slowly stepped towards Draco, where he was sitting on the edge of a crooked chair, silently looking down at his hands. Entering his field of view Hermione waited, expecting some form of acknowledgement but Draco held his gaze on the icepack he was holding in his pale and muddy hands.  
Hermione spoke softly, almost as if she was afraid that if she started him, he would disappear. “I heard McGonigal yelling from down the hall” She paused for a moment when he didn’t respond. “How long were you given?”.  
“8 weeks” Draco quietly grumbled after a few seconds.  
“And Marcus?”  
“12.” His tone was empty and careless.  
“Makes sense” Hermione said as she stepped closer to the boy, fiddling with her hands.  
“She woke up” Hermione quietly commented referring to you. She took note of Draco’s reaction. He had moved his eyes up but stopped before they met with hers and brought them back down to his hand; almost as if he didn’t want them to leave his hand in the first place. It was a small reaction, but it was still there.  
Hermione decided to continue figuring he was curious and wasn’t going to respond. “She is doing fine by the way; she’ll be out of the infirmary very soon.” Draco just nodded softly in repose still avoiding her gaze.  
“Draco” Hermione said softly and took a step closer, she waited for him to look at her and once he did, she was almost taken back a bit. She had never seen such a plain soft expression him this boy. His face always contained a scowl and a mischievous smirk. She has to blink herself back to reality and out of her thoughts.  
“You did a good thing today; you probably saved her life. The fall could have taken her out” Hermione tone was so genuine that Draco didn’t know how to respond.  
“So, thank you” Hermione finished softly with a small smile. Draco pressed his lips together in acknowledgement before Hermione turned to walk out the room, leaving Draco alone with his thoughts.  
Although Draco hadn’t said much to Hermione, a lot was exchanged, and she knew that she was going to revisit her conversation with you about his change in behavior. Draco was left dreading how mad his father was going to be about his actions, but once he remembered why he did them, his mind shifted, and he didn’t care as much about what his father was going to say, only what he was going to say to you. 
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talesofadragon · 11 months
𝟓𝟎 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧
Summary: In a twist of fate, the seemingly heartless and enigmatic Draco Malfoy found himself falling deeply in love. His affection for Y/N knew no bounds, but he couldn't resist the temptation to test her patience. However, when he succumbs to the advances of a particular Slytherin girl, he soon realizes that he may have gotten more than he bargained for.
Warnings: Sexual themes. Minors DNI.
Pairing: Draco x Reader
Genre: Fluff | Smut  
Word count: 2.1K
All Masterlists | Draco Malfoy Masterlist
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𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐠𝐥𝐨𝐰. Unapologetically and effortlessly, those people embrace the lackluster, emanating an aura that brings the moons and the stars of the universe to their knees. 
Draco Malfoy fell into that category. 
In the middle of the raging lights and the tumultuous fray, he sat back in the dark corner of the Slytherin Common Room, leisurely sipping a glass of Firewhiskey. At first glance, he was imposing. Veiny fingers, undoubtedly dexterous in their deathly ministrations. A chiseled jaw that commanded obedience from every man. And eyes that, although we’re mesmerizing pools of silver, held a hint of acidic intensity with every gaze.
Draco Malfoy was thought to be darkness in human form. Perhaps several individuals would concur, whether out of fascination or apprehension. But that was because none of them saw him through my eyes. 
In his nights, I saw the moon. In his shades of obsidian, I found depths unknown. In his prowess, I sought the nightjar, whose darkened plumage painted my soul with a mesmerizing array of vibrant hues.
And I despised, abhorred, anyone who dared to try and get close enough to bask in his glow.
“Y/N, sometimes I regret ever introducing you to Draco,” Clarissa remarked. I shot her an unimpressed glance. She continued dancing without missing a beat, leaving me the only one standing idle in the middle of a crowded room. “You have that devilish look in your eyes.” 
“Well, the she-devil has her eyes, and hands, all over him.” 
Clarissa's lips twitched, forming an amused grin. Her gaze shifted towards the girl with dark hair and an extremely form-fitting dress, which left little to the imagination, who shamelessly ran her hand along my boyfriend's arm.
“He’s not even looking at her.” 
“He’s letting her touch him!” 
“He’s not.” She rolled her eyes, brushing off the comment. One of her hands took mine, urging me to dance to the upbeat tone of the music that engulfed us. “He’s looking at you and is most likely enjoying getting under your skin.” 
“He’s being a dick,” I groaned in frustration. Clarissa was giving me her “well duh” expression. 
“He’s Draco. If you ask about him, you’ll have a porn site worth of dick picks and stories that perfectly describe your aggravating boyfriend.” 
I arched an eyebrow, subconsciously convincing myself that it was a common behavior and not something unique to Draco. “Remind me again what his relationship to your boyfriend is. Oh, that’s right, he’s his brother.” 
“Atlas is a sweetheart! Sometimes, I sincerely think he was adopted,” she argued. 
“Clearly not,” I countered. I nudged my head toward the table, catching sight of the girl in the navy dress leaning her body closer to my boyfriend’s chest. “If he’s licking his lips at the sight of that girl’s cleavage.” 
Clarissa whipped her head at the speed of light. I was surprised her neck didn’t snap. Her rage immediately molded into distaste when she noticed that Atlas wasn’t licking his lips as I said, but he was straining his neck, attempting to look away from the boob job that was begging for attention. 
“She’s a bitch.” 
“As am I,” I replied swiftly. Clarissa frowned, glancing back at me. By that time, the sound of my heels clicking against the marble floor had already begun, even though the music drowned out their noise.
Draco seemed impervious to the blaring musical notes as his silver eyes locked onto mine, capturing my movement. He had the audacity to smirk against the rim of his glass, going as far as to open the palm of his hand, indulging in the girl’s ministrations. 
Atlas, seated on the same couch as his brother but a few feet away, wore a bemused expression. He bit his lip, gaze wandering between me and Clarissa, who was trailing after me. 
As I crossed the two steps that separated me from my boyfriend, the harsh clicking of my heels echoed through the room. The blush on my cheeks seemed to mirror the hue of my dress, drawing attention toward me. Perfect, I inwardly mused, locking eyes with Draco. He observed my every move with his now grey irises, resembling a tempestuous landscape anticipating the thunder to unleash its chaos.
Confident and without a hint of hesitation, I made my way to his table, disregarding the curious onlookers, the girl with longing eyes, and even our friends. Choosing to ignore them all, I straddled his lap, allowing our lips to collide.
He must have expected my harshness or maybe my fire, but it was clear that he hadn’t anticipated my dominance. Draco Malfoy faltered, proved by the sound of the glass shattering on the floor and the shrieks of the nameless woman beside us. 
One of his hands fisted the fabric of my dress, clinging to the small of my back, while the other slithered into my hair. My hands, on the other hand, assaulted his neck. One wrapped itself around it while the other trekked down his collarbone, swiftly uncaging the second button of his shirt. 
As expected, Draco tried to dominate the kiss, attempting to force my tongue into submission. And while on a regular day, when my body was electrified by the dominance of his touch and my consciousness succumbed to the pressure of his pleasuring body, I would have relented. Today was anything but a regular one. 
I pushed past the overwhelming ecstasy that clouded my racing thoughts, attempting to transform them into incoherent murmurs, and assaulted Draco’s tongue. His hands began to trail my body, the one in my hair errantly moving towards my own neck. 
Immediately, I tightened my hold around his neck, restricting him further from the air we both so desperately craved. He gasped, hands falling to my waist and clutching me tighter. I teased him, bringing my lips close to his, allowing him to steal the breath coming out of my own mouth and greedily take it for himself. 
It lasted no more than two seconds because I knew this was a punishment and not a reward. I dove in again. Tongue-first, exploring the walls and ceiling of his mouth. Draco couldn’t keep his own tongue at bay, and I didn’t want him to. Before he could coax me into accepting his sensual offer, I let go of his lower lip and sucked on his tongue. 
Draco moaned. A sound that was both undiluted and unrestrained; I was sure he had forgotten where he was. His hips jolted, searching for friction. And when I didn’t grant it willingly, his hand found my thighs and hoisted me up until I was shamelessly grinding on him. 
“Moan for me,” he commanded huskily, voice breaking at the seams from being a captive of pleasure. 
I didn’t just want to moan. I wanted to roar from the way his crotch caressed my clothed pussy, squeezing the juices out of me and letting them trail down my thighs. 
But I didn’t. “Moan for me,” I rebuked, letting my fingers cradle the nape of his neck, pulling on his silver locks. Another moan rippled through the air, reaching my clit. And I knew if I didn’t stop any time soon, I would be the one moaning and begging on this very couch. “Good boy.” 
Draco’s eyes widened at the remark, his sharp eyes piercing mine. Immediately, I let go of him, standing up.
I dusted my dress, adjusting the neckline which almost exposed my breasts completely. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there,” I commented with feigned innocence. This particular area only had a handful of students huddled around, and the one closest to us was a mere few feet away. The girl beside my boyfriend, Pansy Parkinson, didn't need an education to understand that I was directing my words at her.
Her jaw ticked, breath coming out ragged—maybe she was having a sex marathon in her head, getting off on the thought of my boyfriend and me. “I wish I hadn’t seen you at all,” she conceded, hastily scurrying away.
As she left, I saw Clarissa standing behind me. A shadow of confusion crossed over her features, quickly replaced by amusement. “Well, now that she’s gone. Why don’t we give Draco a few minutes to hide that bulge he’s sporting? Atlas, wanna dance?” 
“After what just happened, I won't let any chance slip away to have you close to me, Clares.” He wasted no time getting up. He side-eyed his brother for a moment, unable to hide his smirk. “Here.” Atlas reached out for his Elf Wine, extending it to Draco. “You look flushed. Why don’t you cool off a bit like a good boy?” 
Ignoring our collective laughter, Draco swatted the glass away from his face. He regarded me with an air of irritation, his pupils heavily dilated. 
“Remember when I warned you that it’s much harder for men to mask their wants? Bet you wish you were less of a dick now,” I taunted, earning myself a loud cheer from Atlas and an uproarious laugh from Clarissa. 
Draco had yet to say anything, and I knew he was meticulously considering the retributions he would inflict upon me for this audacious move. But I didn’t care. With a skip in my step, I turned around and strutted away. But before I could make my grand escape, a hand firmly wrapped around my wrist, halting my movements. In the blink of an eye, I was flung onto the couch, landing right where my boyfriend had been sitting just seconds before.
“Draco!” Atlas chastised. He was already taking a step forward, visibly astounded by his brother’s brisk action. Even Clarissa was worried. 
But I wasn’t. 
Draco didn’t spare either of them a glance as he let his gaze fall onto mine. The pools of silver were sizzling, menacing, and fierce—ready to consume me whole. But they were also lustrous, encasing ardent desire. And I found myself getting far more aroused than afraid by the visceral passion they exuded. 
Draco took three meaningful steps toward me, his agile strides reminding me that I was the prey to his snake. He stopped at a short distance, letting one of his hands extend to the back of the couch while the other casually reached for an abandoned shot on our table. 
“Open that sinful mouth of yours, Y/N.” I obeyed. Because if I didn’t, I would self-combust. Screw whatever punishment the devil has for me. I would take it without another word if it meant relieving some of that desire between my legs. “Good girl. Take it all, but don’t you dare swallow yet,” Draco demanded as he filled my mouth with the electrifying drink. 
My eyes welled up, stinging from the searing pain that consumed my mouth and pierced my heart, yet I resisted the urge to close them. Draco disregarded the empty shot glass and tenderly stroked my cheek with his free hand. The weight of the onlookers' gazes bore down on us, but I felt a profound sense of gratitude that the Malfoys were influential and esteemed enough that no one would dare intervene in what they were witnessing.
I squeaked when Draco took my cheek between his fingers and forced the burning drink outside of my mouth. I could feel my heart shuddering as the liquid trailed down my neck to my chest and the valley of my breasts. 
I couldn’t stop staring at Draco while desperately clenching my thighs. Of course, he was too engrossed with the trek the alcohol was taking down my body. 
“Draco,” I whined, practically begging for his touch. The bastard smirked, ever so slowly coming closer. 
“Starshine,” he breathed against my breasts. Immediately, his hand sneaked down, reaching for my thighs. His fingers dug deep into my skin. I moaned, then I cried out in pleasure when his tongue darted out of his mouth, tracing the remains of the alcohol all the way from my chest to my mouth. He hovered over my lips, his silent exhale caressing my mouth. “If I were any less of a dick, I’m sure you’d still cry out for me.”
He pushed himself off my body, the sheer abruptness of his actions causing me to wince. “Wh—”
“Go dance, Y/N,” he said. No, he dared. It was obvious what he was doing. Bold and bright in the middle of the night. He knew I needed him, craved him. And he reveled in the thought. 
So, I did what any sane woman would do. I straightened my hair, fixed my clothes, and rushed to his arms. “I wanna dance with you,” I whispered against his lips. He met mine in a sensual dance, and before I knew it, he was already leading me out of the Common Room and into his arms.
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Draco Taglist:
@imabee-oralizard @ameliaphoenix @arcana-greenleaf @dittos-blog-dylanobrien
So this happened unexpectedly. Slightly inspired by that one scene from Culpa Mia (My Fault). Hope y’all like it.💚
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machiavellli · 5 months
Some Lorenzo Berkshire headcanons˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
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Notes: after a month I made them. I am truly sorry, I am the ceo of procrastination. But I had so much fun writing those though, because Lorenzo is my silly lovely boy, I wanna hug him so bad, he too precious. And this song, reminds me of him so bad, like every time I listen to it, my mind immediately jumps to him.
Honestly I got a bit carried away, I wanted to cover maybe other parts, like how he is as a boyfriend, but well-. You read it and of course you can tell me what you think after :)
Pairing: Lorenzo Berkshire x reader
Infos: pretty much just fluff, possible dramatic scene, no use of y/n, Lorenzo being cute, mutual pinning, English is not my first language (please if you find any mistake report them to me!).
Lorenzo Berkshire, the most precious slytherin boy:
You two first met when you were just children because of your families
And I don’t know about you, but I used to despise boys so much when I was little, until I was seven (or perhaps even eight), so I kinda imagine your first meeting to be not that charming.
Like little Enzo panicking because he can’t understand what he did wrong, why this little girl is making such a disgusted face for him
But as you two grow more comfortable around each other, he becomes your best boy friend.
You two have many chances to see each other during your childhood and you always tried to make the best out of each encounter.
The type of kids that would cry when they have to separate after playing all day together.
And also the type of children that would definitely try to pull a prank on little Draco, just for them to get chased down by Lucius Malfoy himself after and cry frightened.
But something inside you two changes when you both are forced into your first ballroom dancing class (I headcanon that all the high-ranking families in the magical society enjoy hosting elegant dinners and balls, so follow me on this)
The proximity between you two, the touch of her hand, totally make little Enzo go all flushed.
Therefore, that soft innocent crush in the heart of the two children starts to blossom.
You drew hearts next to his name in your diary, imprisoning your feelings at the edge of a paper too scared to burn at the sight of the light, too scared to show this growing affection.
Little Enzo would sometimes pick a flower from his garden, trying to build some courage in himself for giving it to you. But that never happens.
When you get to Hogwarts he is your rock.
Perhaps if you an introvert he is the one introducing you to people or literally bringing you inside a friend group.
Ever heard of the trope “extrovert adopts an introvert”? Like that I mean.
Anyway, the crush is still there, of course, but none of you dare to even consider talking about it. Because no one has the guts to risk losing their favorite person.
Lorenzo is very cheerful, a ray of sunshine, and as he grows more people start to notice. And that’s a problem.
You are jealous, terribly.
Seeing those girls approaching him, giggling like infants, even when you are right at his side, hurts you.
He always refuse them politely and you smile in you mind.
Lorenzo is such a gentleman and everybody knows it.
Always giving you his arm while walking, opening doors,
moving chairs,
asking “how did you sleep darling?” or “have you eaten today dear?”
hugging you every time you see each other,
Offering his jacket to you as soon as he notice that it is becoming a little cold
Listening you ramble for hours about your favorite subject or a book you just read, always with that delicious little smile painted on his face.
And if he finds you crying for whatever reason he will take you into his arms immediately.
Listening to you explain through your tears what happened, while one hand strokes your hair gently and the other your back.
Seeing you hurt has an effect on him, definitely will let a couple of tears slip while you can’t see him.
Lorenzo is an empath, he will understand you and he will comfort you.
Also I feel like his love language is debatable, but he will definitely like to touch you, to feel your presence concretely.
Even if you two are not together he will often try to pull out an arm around your shoulders, always respecting your decision to refuse it and your personal vital space though.
Perhaps, sometimes, as you are all focused making your pen run during your studies session, he will look at your hand, wishing to be able to linger over it without an explanation.
He is also jealous, of course, because no one knows how desperate he is for you, how he feels blinded by how beautiful you have grown.
He feels his eyes and heart burning when a guy at a party tries to hit on you.
The golden retriever energy is suddenly gone and Theo will pull out a worried look for his friend.
But you aren’t his, how stupid it is of him to ache himself for something he never had.
After another scene of this kind, Theo decides to ask him about this totally not subtle behavior of his. (You already know that I headcanon Enzo and Theo to be best buddies shhh)
It takes a while for him to confess, but either for the tipsy state or the exhaustion that this situation has brought to him, he confess.
After years, let’s say it happens in the 6th year, he finally tells someone, felling already a bit lighter.
Theo looks at him, trying to not laugh, but miserably fails: “mate do you need glasses?”
And then he explains to him that anyone can see that something is going on between the two.
That you look at him like he is the sun lighting your existence and so does he with you.
Perhaps it is time to act now, to not fear, to be brave.
He won’t ask you directly though, I see him more prone to writing down a letter to you
Pouring on paper his feelings, how exceptionally well you make him feel, in conclusion, his love for you.
The angel sent from above that you are in his eyes, that he always had and always will e have at his side if he seals with ink his emotions.
Perhaps it could look something like this:
My Dearest,
In the quiet corners of my soul, I've carried a secret for what feels like an eternity, my heart dances to the rhythm of your name. Amidst youthful dreams and uncertain tomorrows, your laughter echoes in my thoughts, painting vivid hues in the canvas of my days. With each passing day, your radiance grows, illuminating the path of my existence. Today, in this moment of bravery, perhaps taken by a Gryffindor spirit, I dare to confess what has long lingered unspoken: I adore you beyond measure.
Yours sincerely,
And do we want the realization dramatic? Of course, is that even a question?
You recive his letter in a moment of privacy, perhaps in a quiet corner of the library while you are studying.
A first year approach you and quickly says “It is from Lorenzo Berkshire, he wants to know what you think then” before running away.
You look at the letter puzzled, looking at the delicate handwriting in which your initials are written on the outside.
You open the letter and everything just stops.
Only your eyes move, running desperately over and over again on the words overflowed by pure love.
How is it that you never noticed?
How is it that someone can love you so deeply?
The clock has continued its tireless dance for too long and you finally had enough.
There it won’t be peace until you found him.
An exceptional energy, filled with excitement, happiness and love, takes over you.
You suddenly snap, lifting yourself up from your cozy spot, leaving everything behind, because your real everything is in front of you.
The sound of your shoes, tirelessly beating against the hard floor as you run, is all you can hear.
People send concerned look in your way as you brush not so cordially their shoulder, trying to make your way to your lover.
The halls are full, the rain is once again pouring outside, you don’t even know where you are going, simply drove by the now fully ignited sentiment.
Lorenzo is repaired outside in the viaduct courtyard, waiting for his friends to be done with their smoking when he sees you.
You, bravely exiting the library annex, making your way to the viaduct bridge, looking left and right, looking for him.
Without a word to the others he starts running in your direction, the rain quickly wetting him entirely.
You are now both running, from opposite side of the bridge, people gathering around looking as the scene consume before them.
It is cold,
It is wet,
The nature is gray under the fog.
But two hearts beat ferociously, desperately trying to approach the other.
Your drenched hair flows with your movement, hands in a fist, your vision lightly blurred.
And in the middle of the bridge he catches you.
An hug full of every word neglect for so long.
He spins you around for has many years he had to wait for this, before he lets you go, moving his hands to cup your face gently as the rain harshly pours on you.
Eyes so desperate to crawl into the other’s spirit.
“I sense my letter has reached you” he will say smiling like an idiot drunk on love
You giggle, like the kids you used to be.
Because you have known each other for a lifetime, but only now he has found you.
“My dear, I love you” he will say before kissing you, warming your body, lighting your existence.
Everything faded then, from the cheers of the other students looking at the theatrical scene, to the screams of the various professor trying to pull you inside.
Your heart finally funded his.
I hope you liked them🫶✨
my ask box is open btw!
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inheartofwinter · 1 month
Drarry Fic Rec List: Us Vs The World
The list I want to show you to day is one I especially adore: fics with strong vibe of "us against the world". They could be good, they could be bad, they could save the world, they could destroy it, they could simply go on with their lives. No matter what, they will always have each other.
- Hell & Other Places (M; 2,5k) by @tepre
OR: 9 times Draco said ‘I love you’ and 1 time he didn’t.
Draco & Harry are sent to investigate a haunted Bed & Breakfast.
- Vis-à-Vis-à-Vis (E; 49999) by @vukovich
Harry's assignment was simple. Close out Draco Malfoy's missing persons case so he can be declared dead.
But who's making withdrawals from Malfoy's vaults? How is a death omen-turned-Unspeakable involved? Is an organization known as the Moirai to blame?
Harry brushes it off until he can't. Until The Prophet is flooded with sightings of dead people. Until Robards throws himself on his sword. Until Ron turns on his own family. Until Harry scarcely trusts his own reflection in the mirror and trusts the stranger in his bed even less.
Until all that stands between war and peace is Harry, a name plate, a stadium of murderers, and Draco Malfoy.
God save the Ministry.
- Basement Level 9 (M; 2k) by @fw00shy
Draco was behind the bomb that blew up Level 10, though they didn't talk about it.
- Stay with Me 'Til Morning (R; 8,4k) by Lucilla Darkate
In a once upon a time world, white magic would triumph over black, good would carry the day, evil would be vanquished, the valiant would stand and be true, and always, always, true love would end with a happily ever after.
- Purple Words (E; 67k) by FangirlWolfie
“High five me.”
James immediately put Harry down and gave him a high five.
- In Grey Worsted (M; 2,8k) by literaryspell
Harry's only chance at happiness is slipping away, one piece at a time. He isn’t about to give up, though.
- Ever Fixed Mark (T; 1,1k) by @shealwaysreads
In which Harry decides to burn the world, and Draco watches on with adoration.
Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.
O no, it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken
Shakespeare, Sonnet 116
- Dead Ends (E; 18,8k) by @toxik-angel & @melcarrianna
Head Auror Harry Potter is the best at his job. Head Auror Harry Potter always saves the day.
But someone has been picking off ex-Death Eaters one by one. Someone has been abducting Harry's friends right out of their homes. Someone is fucking the Minister for Magic.
The Minister for Magic and Head Auror are both very concerned about it.
- Because Potter Is Allergic to Poppies (M; 41,1k) by Lomonaaeren
Auror Harry Potter is in hospital being treated for a curse when someone tries to kill him. Obviously it is up to bored, trapped Apprentice Healer Draco, who was only admitted to the Healer Program in the first place to do the menial work, to find out who did it. Because then they will promote him. No, it’s for no other reason, thanks.
- Toujours pur (T; 21k) by Veralynn
"Malfoy would never confess truth to an enemy, and we’re enemies to him. That’s way I made a plan.”
“A rat,” Harry said.
“Exactly. Someone I can trust one hundred per cent about You-Know-Who. Someone who knows well Malfoy and his past. That makes you the perfect candidate.”
- REVOLVEVLOVER (E; 46,3k) by @firethesound & zeitgeistic
The work Harry does is justifiable. It’s justice. He works for his country, and his country is a republic—the magical side, anyway. It’s not laudable work, it’s not work he’s proud of, but it’s necessary work. Harry has always taken the necessary jobs that no one else has the stomach for.
It’s just that he’s never deciphered a kill sheet and seen Draco Malfoy’s name on it.
Career Choices: Harry: Hit Wizard; Draco: Anti-Government Extremist
- Who we are in the shadows (E; 99,7k) by @quicksilvermaid
What happens when you’re forced to become the very thing you despise?
Ex-Auror Harry Potter, tossed out of the Ministry for something he had no control over, has been looking for a way back to his former life. When he comes across Draco Malfoy in the criminal underbelly of Wizarding London and in need of protection, Harry figures bringing him in to face the Ministry's justice is his ticket back to everything he's lost.
But nothing is exactly as it seems. Not even Harry himself. And as he gets drawn further and further into Malfoy's world of honour and deception he finds himself questioning everything he thought he knew—about his childhood nemesis, the Ministry job he misses so much, and most of all, about himself.
What happens when you’re forced to see that you were wrong?
- Draco Malfoy and the Heart of Slytherin (T; 34,9k) by sabershadowkat
At the heart of every Slytherin.
- The Boy and the Sleeping Prince (E; 26,7k) by @phoenix-acid & @writcraft
Harry is miserable and tired of being an Auror, coasting through life until he’s forced to make some changes. Spurred on by his passion for drawing and working with best-selling author Draco Malfoy, Harry develops a charm which gives children a magical, interactive reading experience. But when it’s time to test the spell, the two men find themselves trapped in a nightmarish fairy tale world. Can they escape unscathed, or is Draco right in his assertions that there is no such thing as a happily ever after?
Career Choices: Harry: Illustrator; Draco: Writer
- When Death Comes Calling (T; 2,6k) by @mystickitten42
It’s All Hallows’ Eve and as Harry investigates a string of seemingly related deaths, there’s one he hopes to prevent.
He looks over Harry’s shoulder and Harry turns too. They both see it, the dark translucent figure making its way to shore.
~ Or ~
Getting together in the face of Death. Literally.
- Servile (E; 68,5k) by calrissian18
“I would love anything you gifted me, My Lord, but this,” silver eyes, the same shade as the dragon that marked Harry's arm, glinted in his direction under the Death Eater’s hood, “is exquisite.”
- The Corruption Sequence series (E; 94,2k) by beren
Harry Potter is captured by Voldemort and the Dark Lord has plans for him that involve the essence of many different dark creatures. What Voldemort cannot know is that the presence of Draco Malfoy will affect the outcome of his plots and change everything.
- More Powerful Then Experience (M; 89,7k) by flightinflame
Harry's life changes when he is three, when his parents are murdered and the Dark Lord takes him to raise as his own.
Draco's life changes when he is six, when he finds himself given to a strange green-eyed boy who speaks Parseltongue and casts impossible magic.
Remus's life changes three years later, when a chance meeting proves to him that somehow James and Lily's son is still alive.
- The Gryffindor Prince (G; 6,3k) by @mfingenius
“Do not come near us again, evil Slytherins!” he exclaims, pointing his wand towards them again. Pansy and Blaise look more amused than anything, really, but they hold up their hands in surrender. 
“Alright,” Pansy says, agreeably enough, a smirk on her face. “But Potter, Draco’s a Slytherin, like us. He’ll have to come back eventually.”
Harry’s eyes narrow, and, a moment later, he is throwing Draco over his shoulder, arm tight across the back of his thighs so he won’t fall, and Draco yelps.
Have fun reading!
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acciosriracha · 1 month
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God(Crooks) & his Malfoy Servant
They act like they despise each other but can't actually stand being away from one another too long.
Also Draco smothers Crooks with kisses at night to keep him away from their bedroom. They both pretend to hate the nightly ritual.
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animeyanderelover · 2 months
Please may I have Yandere! Harry Potter and Hermione and Ron Weasley and they all share the same darling headcanons and how they reacted and all behaved when Draco flirted with their darling on purpose...knowing full well that darling belonged to the Yanderes..darling sensed danger and basically told Draco to stop before he did something that he would regret and obviously Draco didn't listen and it was starting to make their darling uncomfortable..their darling didn't like Draco whatsoever and darling sent the yanderes slient pleas for help. It is Platonic because the golden trio and Draco are in third year in Hogwarts..it isn't romantic yet at all.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, clinginess, manipulation, threats
Flirting gone wrong
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Of course it had to be Draco who had to do this to you. You aren't exactly surprised by his actions as he has a personal vendetta against the Potter boy and everyone who associates themselves with him. So it comes to no surprise that you are very high on his list as you are exceptionally close not only to Harry but also to his best friends Ron and Hermione. After all the four of you have been going through thick and thin ever since your first year in Hogwarts and you all also are part of Gryffindor. It isn't really a secret that you mean a lot to the trio either, pretty much everyone knows that they are attached to your hips, especially Ron and Harry. Hermione tries not to be as clingy as the boys as she is the only one who I can call with confidence lucid about the growing obsession she and her friends are going through the more time passes on as she is also essentially the one who tells Ron and Harry to tone it down since she doesn't want people to find out. Harry already is cause enough for attention.
Ron and Harry also tend to get quickly jealous, although for different reasons. Ron gets quickly jealous out of insecurity as he is clumsy and also has a lot of older brothers who are great whilst Harry tends to be more possessive due to his background as the Dursleys essentially isolated him and never allowed him to have any friends. Maybe he is a bit selfish and a part of him actually knows that but he is too deceived by his own obsession to give this too much thought. Hermione is the brain who basically does her best to keep the two boys in check from being too clingy but she is due to her awareness also the strictest one of the bunch. Ron is the complete opposite as he is very delusional and clingy. He is low-key a worshipper who can't see you doing anything wrong and despises seeing you sad which causes him to try to do anything to make you smile again. Harry is possessive and also very protective because as popular as he is, he has learnt that there are a lot of people who want him dead and he knows that you may also get dragged into it.
They have been aware of Draco tormenting you for a while now as you never see any reason to keep a secret from them. Also there is the fact that all three of them usually always are with you, such as Harry or Ron who are clingy, or at least watch you silently from afar, such as Hermione who at least tries to give you some privacy. So normally there is always at least one of the three who has an eye on you, they literally agreed to this without your knowledge. For all three of them to be away, they must have been quite busy with something, mostly related to schoolwork. When all three notice that no one is watching you, Ron and Harry are the first ones who start running to find you whilst Hermione is chasing after them in futile hopes that they can be at least a bit more discreet. They're not. When the two boys finally find you, there is no time to feel relief though as their blood starts boiling when they see Malfoy doing what he does best by making someone, you, uncomfortable.+
When the blond bastard spots the three sorcerers, he gives them a disgustingly smug grin whilst continuing to flirt with you and even touching you a bit, his eyes darting constantly back to Harry, Hermione and Ron to further provoke them. Ron's head turns red with anger, Harry clenches his jaw and his fists whilst glaring darkly at Draco whilst Hermione, next to also glaring at the Slytherin, can't help but also glance worriedly over to you. It is Ron who is the first one to storm towards Malfoy as his emotions get the better of him, as they do often around you, his face redder than his hair. As soon as he stands in front of Malfoy, he pushes him away from you before grabbing you and pulling you behind him. He hasn't thought much about what to do as his first instinct was getting Malfoy away from you but Harry and Hermione aren't far behind him as they also join Ron. Harry even has his wand in his hand as he just continues glaring at Malfoy whilst the blond boy just gives him a taunting grin.
There is tension and Hermione knows that as her eyes go back and forth betwee you, her friends and Malfoy. She wouldn't put it beneath Draco to provoke a fight and she definitely knows that Harry and a bit later also Ron would fall for it but everyone would get in troubles if this were to happen. She doesn't want you to get into unnecessary troubles for something that isn't even your fault and she knows that neither Ron nor Harry want that either. So she is the one actively attempting to de-escalate the situation and to get you away from the scene whilst Harry and Draco are verbally insulting each other, Draco with a hint of arrogance and Harry with growing anger as the Slytherin knows that he merely has to speak about you to trigger Harry. Ron, who also feels the tension and is feeling a tad bit nervous, still joins Harry in his insults towards the blond boy. Even Hermione won't hold back with passive-aggressive comments if Draco should grace her with his attention.
All of them feel flattered the moment you start defending them if Draco were to insult any of your friends, although Hermione will still scold you lightly later on for only prolonging the argument and further allowing Malfoy to get under everyone's skin. The situation is dismissed when a professor appears who has been hearing the arguing voices, especially since Ron, Harry and you have gotten louder as your nerves got the better of all of you. The moment they are told to leave, Harry gives Draco one last glare before he grabs your hand and drags you away from the other boy as fast as possible. His hand is squeezing yours in an attempt to comfort you as well as himself. Ron is right beside you, hastily questioning you if you're feeling fine and if that Malfoy did anything to you. Hermione is right behind you, telling Ron to ask you one question at a time and to let you answer whilst occasionally looking back to make sure that none of Draco's friends are following you around.
They all do their best from that day on to spend more time with you so that Malfoy never gets the chance again to catch you all by yourself. The boys are even dedicated enough to accompany you to the toilet. It is safe to say that Malfoy is receiving constant glares from Harry and Ron from that day on. Hermione tries to ignore him but she can't suppress the occasional cold glare either before going back to ignoring him and she advices you to do the same as attention will only fuel Draco's inflated ego. Harry and Ron are obviously not listening to her though. Especially Harry is very likely to approach Draco when he is alone to warn him to stay away from you. He's acting like a coward by approaching you instead of facing him straight away. The next time he tries something like this, Harry will use his wand.
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phas3d · 5 months
can i request something where the reader is sick and she doesn’t eat cause she’s scared to puke so they try to make her eat until they slowly can
this is optional
((but then she feels like a “burden” on her stomach? idk how to explain it ahahah))
You're Sick || Slytherin Boys
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type :: comfort
tw/cw :: puking/vomiting (all)
contains :: draco malfoy, tom riddle, mattheo riddle, theodore nott, lorenzo berkshire
summary :: how they help you when you're sick! i hope the requester isn't sick cause I just got better from a fever and omfg i wanted to cry
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He cares deeply for you but he HATES being sick
When you text him that you're sick, he's sad but he won't say that
"Finally a day away from you" but then he'll instantly text you that he misses you
Sends you soup and any snack that you're hungry for
But he won't go near you
He'll enter your room but he won't get super close to you
He's scared to get sick since he literally despises it
Last time he was sick, he stayed sick for almost 2 weeks straight
His immune system is weak asf and can't handle germs that much
He loves you, but he's gonna send you kisses from 6 feet away
But when you get super sick, to the point where you can't eat or even breathe properly, he gets worried
He does his best to be there for you for everything
When you vomit, he's mortified but he holds back your hair and looks the other way
He'll help feed you, but he'll definitely be wearing protection of some kind
Like a mask, gloves, goggles, and more
It's a bit dramatic (Very fucking dramatic) but you don't mind
He helps feeds you slowly spoon by spoon
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I think that he has a strong immune system so he doesn't understand how being sick can affect you so much
But he comforts you in his own ways
Such as, being in the same room as you, making sure all of his devices are muted, sneaking in headache pills in your food, etc
Brings you food from the banquet and feeds it to you spoon by spoon
But sometimes, he pretends he's going to feed you but then feeds himself
You tell him to not do that since you're sick and ate off the same spoon
But he doesn't care and kisses your cheek as extra evidence
When you refuse to eat, he doesn't care and continues to spoon feed you
Even if you deny it, he just rams the spoon on your face, making the soup fall on your clothes
So either you eat the soup or you get covered in it
When you say you're scared to vomit, he groans
He thinks you're being a big baby LMAO since he thinks puking is completely normal
But when you get really upset and start to tear up due to your fear of puking, he panics and sees you're being fr
He goes to the school medics and ask them how to help you
They give him a special vial that allows you to eat and not vomit, which is super perfect for you
He helps you throughout it all and makes sure to care for you :)
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He has a strong immune system too so he doesn't care about being near you
He'll lay in the same bed as you and kiss you, he doesn't care
Probably makes fun of you for being sick and teases you
"You would have never gotten THIS sick if you just ate dirt as a kid"
Promotes the worst health advice you've ever seen
Probably tries to convince you to go jogging or do some weight lifting
Do NOT do that, don't listen to this man
But he is really sweet with you, just in his own way
When you do anything, he's so proud of you cause he knows how hard it is for you
Like when you finally get up to go pee
"WOOOOO GOOD JOB!!! LETS GO!" He shouts, as if he's watching you take your first ever steps
Will spoon-feed you but definitely adds sound effects
Train noises, bird noises, airplane, fucking everything that moves
Definitely teases you still by pretending he's going to feed you, but the eats it himself
But when you don't want to eat it, he genuinely doesn't understand
"If you want to get better, you have to eat. That's how it works"
But if you keep denying, he'll try to make little promises for you
"If you just eat half of this soup, then when you're feeling better, I'll take you on a shopping spree!"
Will coax you into it and eventually you'll give in
But if you throw up, he feels really bad and guilty
Definitely runs to the school nurses to get medicine for you and everything possible
He holds your hair back and rubs your back reassuringly :)
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Despite smoking a shit ton and drinking a lot, his immune system is actually pretty good
He’ll give you small pecks and cuddle but he won’t kiss your lips directly
Gives you a ton of tissues and hugs you all the time
He skips class to spend time with you and make sure you're okay
Doesn't care that he's missing an assignment or two because he's smart enough to just learn the material on his own
My headcanon for him is that he's secretly kinda nerdy and has the best grades out of the Slytherin boys
So when you're napping, he does all of your missing assignments for the day
He's such a good caretake it's crazy
Fluffs your pillows, tucks you in, plays your favorite movies, makes sure you always have water and that the temperature of the room is perfect for you
Goes to the dining hall to get you some food and soup
And if they're not serving soup for the night, then he'll buy some himself
I also headcanon that he's pretty good at cooking :) So he might just make you some
But if you deny the food, he'll reassure you and comfort you that you won't throw up
He spoon feeds you and talks about his day
He makes sure you're not eating too fast or too big of bites to make sure you can avoid puking as much as possible
Such a good boyfriend :))
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Has an okay immune system but it's pretty weak at times, always has allergies
But even though he knows he's gonna get sick from you, he's still gonna skip all his classes to be with you
Loves this because he has an excuse to skip and spend all day with you!!!
Definitely cuddles with you all day and doesn't care
Takes naps with you and rests besides you
If you struggle to take your liquid medicine, then he'll pour himself a little spoon of it as well
Even though he's perfectly healthy, he'll take it just to make you feel better :)
Does this with pills as well
Brings you food from stores instead of the school's banquet
Buys you fancy and nice dishes that are hot so you can get the best quality possible
When you're scared to eat because you're worried you might puke, he's super fast to reassure you
"It's okay! You need to eat or else you won't get better, love."
Does his best to coax you into trying at least a few spoons of it
And makes sure to tell you that it's from the finest places in town
If you don't like it, he'll just buy you more and more dishes until you finally like one
Anything you want, he'll get for you :)
He will 100000% be sick after you get better, but it was all worth it to him in the end
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