wulfhalls · 7 months
u heard about doomed by the narrative now get ready for doomed by my mum and her coven of space eugenics cult sisters thru their 10k year long breeding program
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fjordfolk · 9 days
Pretty sure if you checked my most-uttered phrase every year for the last 10 years would be "no, Sparta."
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onenicebugperday · 2 months
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I wanted to share photos of a little mantis I found in Croatia. :)
Wow........he's emotionally contemplating the sunset. We've all been there.
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We don't talk enough about how much of an all time evil motherfucker Justin Trudeau's dad was who is still revered today by shitlibs as the best Canadian PM literally if there is a hell that piece of shit is getting roasted in Satan's air fryer 24/7 baby
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spidernickelss · 10 months
oh tbh is your autism creature? well this is MY autism creature so get on my level
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anglerflsh · 4 months
we jest we laugh but doesn't the thought that we aren't even free of nobility as a ruling class make your blood boil. Yes yes by the modes of the present the current ruling classes are the capitalists the hegemonies the monopolies but we can't even say we exchanged one for the other. They're literally still here. It's so inconcievable to me. What the hell
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darth-sonny · 2 years
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never forget
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 1 month
roxy and eridan heals the soul
I just think it would be really funny if eridan got added back into the fold, nobody is particularly enthused about him being there (including karkat, whom he is paledating), having his emotional problems addressed does not actually make him less annoying (in fact, his insistence that magic is real and that he's a wizard of it kind of makes him MORE annoying), and then as soon as he steps off the meteor, he says some deranged shit and gets hit with the quadrant 2x combo for it
ERIDAN: [batshit insane rant about magic, wands, being a wizard, murdering his enemies, murdering his friends(!?), blowing up stuff using the power of believing in himself]
also, does anyone remember this tidbit from roxy's wizard fanfic?
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the guy paused to remove his glasses and polished them on his sash. it came off as a seriously dramatic gesture, just as intended and also as explicitly stated in the text.
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porterdavis · 2 months
Serious people had a serious look at the prospects of a second Trump presidency. Extended war game simulations by people who know the game.
Their conclusions will scare the shit out of you.
Defeat Trump or kiss democracy good-bye. Forever.
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Search for Psychiatry Psychiatrist Psychiatric Mental Health Facility on the Planet Earth - Time Travel Crime - Violent Crime - Witness Intimidation and Evidence Tampering or Concealment - Non-Voters Labelled as Artificial or Proven Criminals
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wulfhalls · 7 months
corrupted godhood. reluctant false messiah. prophecy as a creeping all consuming malady. does the oracle see the future or make the future? the horror of trapping yourself inescapably on purpose. the chains of destiny dragging you towards the path you are fighting tooth and nail to free yourself from. there never having been a chance to begin with. no other choice to make. but making that choice regardless.
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perilegs · 11 months
I think Gortash's design is very interesting. Yeah sure even his coat's description mentions "a maddening attention to even the most minute details of the filigree," but what I really enjoy about is the sharpness of it all. Humans are all soft, rounded teeth, round ears, even sharp features are in reality, very soft. Gortash's coat's details are all sharp. You couldn't hug him without several pointy miniature horns poking at you. His right hand, has a metal claw on every finger. If you're not careful, even a handshake with Gortash could draw blood. On his left hand, only the ringfinger and pinky are clawed. A gentle touch from that hand could be followed with a sharp blade cutting skin.
His back however? Completely bare from any decoration. He doesn't think anyone will approach, or even see him from behind. His clothes are meant to be seen standing, in front of a crowd, maybe on a throne. Ruling over everyone. However, it's a strange choice to leave your back so bare from what protects you on all other sides. Maybe he thinks his god has his back. Maybe he knows there's no one there. Maybe his trust in himself and those under his rule is firm enough.
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beauzos · 7 months
i know Nahyuta's whole thing is he's extremely calm and well-put together but i want this dude to be constantly under the threat of disintegrating. he definitely is calm and put together SURE and that is a core element of him no matter what (and i like that about him!) but i also like the idea of, once he no longer has to be that perfect person to survive, that the reality of everything, all his anxieties n guilt n discomfort with himself comes crashing in when it's finally safe for him to feel this way. a miserable kind of catharsis, but a catharsis nonetheless. a necessary one for him to unravel the real version of himself he had to keep deep inside. do you understand my vision
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quibvsposts · 4 months
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sacrificial lamb
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god ok because i am unable to be chill now that im thinking about it: monstrous hua cheng thoughts
emerging from the kiln changes a ghost. yes, it crystallizes their resolve into devastating power; but more than that, it distills who they are into their truest form.
hua cheng’s true form is that of a roguish, wild young man who gave up an eye to honor his god, and who dresses in the red and silver of a mother he hardly remembers.
but he has another form, just as true, that he refuses to allow His Highness to see.
it is as monstrous as he knows himself to be. his ears taper to a point; his body is tall—so tall—and emaciated. his hair flows down his back, dissipating into a thick, red-black smoke that leaves a trail of blood as it shrouds his heavy boots. all of him is sharp: his jaw, his fangs, his claws. even disgusting as this form is, it still serves His Highness. a weapon to wield against his enemies, a shield to defend his honor. this form could be forgiven for its nauseating appearance, hua cheng imagines, if not for the centerpiece of its damned face.
that eye. its sclera is red, growing darker as it approaches the slitted pupil. it glows blood-red in the darkness that shrouds this form. even in pitch darkness, the damned thing can be seen. it burns through patches, refusing to be hidden. he has clawed it out in fits of rage again and again; and each time, it returns minutes later.
this form is just as true as the one His Highness says he loves. hua cheng can’t help but imagine that should He ever see it, it might be the thing that finally disgusts Him enough to send him away. so hua cheng keeps it hidden, bound tight beneath the skins far more pleasing to His eyes.
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