incorrectsinnohquotes · 9 months
Johanna: History repeats itself every five days, it’s fine.
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greentrickster · 2 years
🐭 but only because you've got Big Fic That Has Kept Going (a skill i severely lack because i continue to overestimate my investment and ability to write for long stretches of time).
(looks up from shredding the last of the charts) I- oh wait, slightly intimidating? (looks at my metrics) ...dangit, I'm going to need to remake these charts, aren't I?
On a more serious note, thank-you! And I can understand why you'd find that intimidating, please also keep in mind that my mega!fic is the result of skill and talent that I've been honing for a long time. I've been writing since I was twelve, writing fanfiction since I was eighteen, and began work on my first (still not fully published) mega!fic when I was twenty-seven. Meaning that my current undertaking with Saturation is backed by twenty-two years of experience, classes, practice, trial, error, and experimentation. Not to mention, I didn't go into Saturation thinking it would be a mega!fic - as is still shown in the first chapter's AN, the remains of that two-week period where it was nearly just a one-shot.
Even after it became multi-chapter, I never thought it would grow so big, let alone so popular. You can tell I didn't know, because I wouldn't have even tried writing it if I had - I would have thought it was too big, to complicated, way beyond my capabilities. Sometimes I still think it is. The only thing keeping me from falling prey to those fears really is that I want to know how this story ends, and see the journey it takes to get there, more than I'm afraid of publicly messing up. Which says a lot about how much I want to get there, because my social anxiety and fear of public ridicule is enormous. (You can ask any of my family you like, they've had to deal with me and my panic over my ability to continue matching the standards I keep setting for myself for almost three years now!)
And finally... please don't underestimate your own level of skill. I've left as long a trail of incomplete works behind me as any other writer out there - the only difference is that I write all my work out by hand and stopped publishing incomplete works really early in my fanfic career. If you look at my life as a whole, it took me thirty-one years to both achieve my current level of skill and find a story whose completion was more important to me than any other story I came across before or since. So keep going, keep trying, keep learning, and keep looking - you'll find the story that catches you and doesn't let go eventually. :)
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color-palettes · 9 months
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Yikes - Submitted by @destinywillowleaf
#6e5feb #03320d #fb7dbc #2a5644 #1bf36c
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tinyreploid · 8 months
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A full body sketch comm for @destinywillowleaf of Metalman and Burstman sharing a tender moment alone. (:
First time I've ever drawn burst hehe!
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Group B, Round 3, Poll 2:
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Propaganda under the cut
She is the very essence of gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss. She was born a bad bitch, literally. She says it is part of her programming. She appears throughout the Transformers media with different adaptions, but in each one she is scheming, manipulating, and winning.
So listen, people may submit Starscream, no disrespect. But he WISHES he had an ounce of what Blackarachnia had. If anything, she gaslight, gatekeep, and girlboss'd HIM in the show, multiple times! Starscream always is and will be a failgirl. (Disclaimer: He's my favorite character in Transformers.)
Since she is such a girl boss she attempted to kill meta knight
Propaganda by @destinywillowleaf:
#she girlbossed her way into being included as one of the three episodes in the Kirby Dream Collection back in 2012 for the 20th anniversary
#that weapon she's holding is so much more than a knife. it's a grappling hook and a flamethrower and a bazooka launcher and a machine gun.
#she's voiced by OG Ash Ketchum. her episode is the reason we know the name of Galaxia. she might have the power to wield it.#she shows up again at the end to help fight the big bad and helped steal ships.
#despite how little screentime she has Sirica is still one of my favorite characters of all time. across multiple series. she's my girl
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HarmoNia News Broadcast
it’s that time of the month for another Harmonia News Broadcast!!!
Announcements: [there are no announcements at this time.]
This month, we’ve reached 682 followers, and on the road to 700. 22 edits were made, which is 2 more than last month, totaling in 94 edits this year. The edit with the most cumulative notes is Lopunny with 289 notes (2 comments, 87 reblogs, and 200 likes.) this might be the post with the most notes on my blog, which is insane to me. Thank you guys!! The edit with the second most notes is Galarian ponyta with 182 notes (150 likes, 32 reblogs).
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faN art
I’d like to take a moment to feature these three lovely artists today. We have two lopunny Ns drawn by @overtheimaginationwall and @dreammcatcherr, followed by both yveltal Ns drawn by @destinywillowleaf.
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some of you guys made me giggle or laugh throughout the month, and I thank you for that. Be on the look out for the next few edits rolling out starting may 1st!
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applecranberryjuice · 6 months
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Hello!! I send this out in asks with my anon— so hi @destinywillowleaf :DD !! Here's again the card I did for you
Hope everyone is having a good holiday season!! And a great year end (*≧∇≦)ノ
Thank you to @ninjago-events for hosting this and giving the opportunity for ppl like me that don't have much time to participate on bigger projects! ( 〃▽〃)
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phopollo · 6 months
This one goes out to @destinywillowleaf , who's in love with the idea of Bu Ling with a giant hammer ever since I made a silly Tokyo New Mew & Ninjago crossover/outfit & weapon swap drawing, and was so in love they reblogged it twice, which I appreciate so so much
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This was also 1000% an excuse to draw this crossover/outfit & weapon swap again
Maybe I'll draw Cole using the Pudding Rings too later
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ninjago-events · 6 months
Ninjago Low Effort Secret Santa 2024 Reminders
To all those participating this year: as a reminder, please wait until Dec 25 before posting your card. You may post it to your tumblr and then tag your secret santa (optional to tag this blog also) or send it directly to your secret santa's tumblr via submission.
List of participants this year:
@im-m-azing (? please lmk if this is not you, im-m-azing-ninjas)
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arcanesprite · 3 months
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@destinywillowleaf Hey, wanna buy a bird.
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iliketrainmen · 3 months
Roark ‘my birds commit so much crime but I love them so it’s not my problem’
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I like to think they make it his problem 90% of the time
(Sygna suit Roark design by @destinywillowleaf ! )
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incorrectsinnohquotes · 9 months
Johanna: We were sure, in fact, that you could not eat taco. Dawn: But by diddly Mesprit I can eat potato!
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Turn Back the Clock (Steam Powered Giraffe)
A little girl sits/And she's laughing/She looks just like her golden curls/The smile's there/It's not the same smile/Where'd my girl run to? Will she be back soon?
"Out living the ones you care for"
Be Nice To Me (The Front Bottoms)
I got boulders on my shoulders/Collar bones begin to crack/There is very little left of me and it's never coming back/There are certain things you ask of me/There are certain things I lack/The beginning, we were winning/Now we're just making up facts
"It's got a perfect mix of strained vocals, burned-out honors student vibes, and desperation to be heard and listened to for *once* when no one wanted to listen before. He's tired, and angry, and the fact that the title is just "Be Nice to Me" says a lot. The singer wants a break and for the world to be kind for a while and it's not intend on letting that happen. also roark pokemon vibes."
Turn Back the Clock submitted by @silver-tounges-and-golden-lies
Be Nice To Me submitted by @destinywillowleaf
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[original tags from the OP of the last reblog, @destinywillowleaf]
I want this for christmas
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lorekeeper-backset · 3 months
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New sprite! Made @destinywillowleaf's OC Quartz as a thanks for the art she made of Mare and Quartz hanging out.
It's a bit rough around the edges and I'm very unhappy with the legs but I can go back and redo the parts I'm unhappy with later. For now, have what is essentially a rough sketch.
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greentrickster · 3 years
ask and ye shall receive trickster. one frog
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FROGGIE!!! Lookit this happy frog, got a nice li'l pond, got some lovely mud to sit on in the sunshine with a couple'a plants, life is good for this frog! <3 Thank-you so much!!!
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