#detail-oriented but my details don't even turn out really good.
kittensbooksart · 2 months
I made a doll
After making historical doll clothing, I got this idea that what if I made a doll myself. I was coveting a doll I could sew clothes for and then pose them for the clothing, but I don't really like that much of any of the design of commercial posable dolls and I'm broke so I can't in good conscience buy an artisan ball jointed doll (and I anyway don't like how thin most of them are). So I did the reasonable thing - I bought very cheep air dry clay (I do have "normal" clay but I don't have access to ceramic oven and it takes much longer to dry it and burn it etc, and I was literally just trying this out) and just started making it myself. I didn't plan ahead because it felt very overwhelming since I have never customized dolls beyond making them clothing and repainting their faces nor have I ever even owned a ball jointed doll. I went with the learning through mistakes rather than theory. The route I most often take. So just bear with me (real doll makers I'm sorry for the cringe).
Without further ado, here's Aune, my vampire OC (from my wip Be All My Sins).
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I wanted to make her look like a porcelain doll, because I love their aesthetics. I did lean towards more realism than they were historically like though. Here's all her body parts before painting. (Some of the pieces in the picture are not actually fully smoothed and sanded, but it is right before I started painting the face. My brain just works in a way, where I jump around between the working stages. I'm very much incapable of doing anything organized and straight forwardly.) I have been wanting to do clay sculpting for a long time (it was so fun, when I was a kid in afternoon art school), and this was small scale enough to be manageable so it was so much fun. I will be definitely making more.
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Here's her face before and after the paint. I'm quite happy on how the face sculpt turned out, but the paint job was a bit messy. As I mentioned I have done couple of repaints of doll faces, but I'm still not very good at it. When I paint traditionally I'm not often this detail oriented and painting on a 3D surface feels very different.
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Here she is before and after getting her hair. I made her hair from wool yarn just by unraveling the yarn. It's the first time I made doll hair and I didn't want to buy proper doll hair for this or learn to curl it (I don't even have any curling irons or literally any other hair shaping appliances than a hair dryer, which I don't even use for my hair but for painting with water colors). It doesn't fall down nicely, but it has roughly the look I was going for.
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Because I didn't plan at all ahead, the proportions are a little wonky (her arms especially are too thin imo and he legs could have a little more shape too) and the joints are not great. Worst of the joints was the hips, which attach to the torso in a weird way. The biggest issue that I had was not taking into account how much the varnish would add to the size. It's not a visible amount, but enough to make fit of the joints very poor and basically making it very hard for her to stand. (Her index fingers already broke of when she fell from my desk after I had made her stand there djfkjds. I was able to glue them back.)
Here's couple more picture of her!
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It's not perfect at all, but I do still love her if only because it's such a cool feeling to be able to just have a lump of clay and two weeks later have a posable doll. It somehow feels magical to be just able to make a real physical thing from scratch.
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dryonsenpai · 3 months
If u do headcanons can I please ask for headcanons for the kings + Zagan and Belial (or only the kings if is easier) going to the pool with the mc?
If you don't take headcanons I understand. Thank you. <3
First time someone's ever asked me for headcannons hahaha. Thank you, I'll do my best 😊
Headcannons for the kings, Zagan and Belial on the pool with MC (you)
Warning: NSFW, like, almost too NSFW for a headcannon/gender neutral MC
Pools in Gehenna aren't a big thing due to the country's poverty, but that doesn't mean that you won't have a good time with Satan
You know how pale this guy is? You're gonna enjoy applying sunscreen on him, feeling even the slightest details on his muscled body
He's gonna do the same thing to you later on, even though he doesn't really need the excuse of the sunscreen to touch you
Inside the water, his white wet hair shines under the sun, you just can't help but touch it and caress it as if it was a treasure
Then Satan would hug you tight and start touching you on an even more lewd way
Now is the time when you can leave scars and marks all over Satan's body, so he follows your orders and let you do whatever you want to him
There's only one issue, water doesn't let him spank you properly. Problem solved! He's strong enough to lift you up and keep spanking you
Pools in Tartaros are just like palaces, full of gold and oriental decorations. If you sunburn easily, Mammon would demand to build a special indoor pool just for you
No matter if you're indoors or outdoors, Mammon wants to protect his master at all costs. That's why he would demand servants (even the nobles if you want to) to apply sunscreen to you
If you want the very own king to do it, he'll gladly oblige. He'll be very careful to not hurt you with his strong, beautiful and veiny hands
Then, he would just grab you with one arm without difficulty to the pool and get you inside
He won't swim, he would just cuddle with you while touching your butt. But if you do want to swim for a bit, he would be happily looking at you (and your butt) waiting for your return to his arms
Even if he's a golden (no pun intended) retriever, he still wants to do... Things to you, the swimsuit perfectly captures your curves and body shape (again, butt)
And so does his. Sir, where are you going with that? That should be illegal. Still you want to touch it, so both of you succumb to your desires
Mammon's huge cock normally would have a hard time (again no pun intended) fitting inside you, but water made the job much easier
Drying up time! You're tired after the passionate time on the pool, he wouldn't let you move an inch so that you can rest, he is the one drying you up and then probably let you to sleep
"Pool? Are you a child or what?... Ok, but ONLY I will be with you". No matter if you try to say that you want to be alone, he just won't let you, he wants to be with you but won't say it
The only pool you're going to on his watch is a pool inside the Hades palace. Servants are there watching and doing maintenance, Levi just kicks them out cuz only him can see you in a swimsuit
Have you seen Diabolik lovers? The scene where Ayato throws Yui on the pool?... Yup, that's Levi
Water is perfect for his breath control fetish. You don't even have time to reach out to the surface before he gets your head back under the water, seeing you grasp for air turns him on
He wasn't thinking on getting into the water on the first place, but that sight of you? He doesn't have a swimsuit so he just got naked and got in with you
Now Levi makes you give him a blowjob under the water. The water is so crystal clear that he can perfectly see you. Then you would proceed to have sex until both of you are tired
He would take you to a club at night time. You can either get in with swimsuit or naked. Most likely naked, Beelzebub would just tear the swimsuit out of you so that he enjoys aaall your views
The water of the pool cannot get rid of your body odor. Beel then starts to smell you, your neck, your armpits... And his favourite, your private parts
He can't do what he wants to do under water, so he sits you on the border of the pool and gets your legs open. Surprise! You're not exactly sitting on the floor, you're sitting on the lap of a copy of Beel
Beelzebub 1 burries his face on your private parts, then starts licking it. Beel 2 takes care of your nipples by pinching and pulling at them
People in the club are watching, their king having sex with the new fella? Turns all of them on, if you let Beel know that makes you uncomfortable then he would take you to a private pool, which is better cuz now you're only his
This guy is literally a sex machine, you have sex on almost every position in the Kamasutra and outside of it
When he dries you up, he's still touching you on your "pleasure areas". What? You thought he'd be done? He's Beelzebub!
Unluckily, the water finally removed your natural odor from you, but now there's an almost even better smell... Sex smell
How can you stop Beelzebub? Good luck
Before going, he's going to give you a safety lecture. He doesn't know your name but he does care about you
He won't take you to a pool. Instead, he would take you to a river/lake in Paradise lost full of beautiful flowers and animals, comparable to the very same Eden. Don't worry, nobody really goes there
If there happens to be any dangerous animals in there, he would command them to go somewhere else until you leave the place
He doesn't like that either of you wear swimsuits. After all, he wants to be with you just as God brought both of you to the world
Bro burns fast af so you offer to apply sunscreen on him. At first he declines, but then he accepts on one condition: don't touch his scar or wings
Congratulations! Your touch turned him on, but he can hide it for now... FOR NOW
Lucifer's a doctor, so he would be anatomically studying your perfect body while applying you sunscreen. He can still hide that he's hot
Water time! When you submerged your head and then came out, he can't control himself anymore. Those water drops on your face look like the tears he loves
If you happen to have long black hair & light color eyes, you'll inevitably remind him of Michael. Does that stop him? Oh Hell no!
Remember his bite? You ain't escaping that, it hurt for a little but then it felt like incredible pleasure that let down real tears. Water would carry your blood away, which also happens to turn Lucifer on
Let's remember that the slightest penetration of an angel causes an orgasm, imagine what would happen to you being on Lucifer's hands
The thought of both of you being together makes Zagan happy, but he's really shy to ask you out. So he tells you to go together to the pool because it's summer and it's really hot, you obviously accept
When he sees you in a swimsuit he can't help but blush, you're the most beautiful creature he's ever seen
You suggest playing volley, you had to explain to him what that is cuz they don't call it that way in Hell
You soon find out that he's an excellent player, but he's letting you win cuz he wants you to be happy
After a while, you're both sweaty. You notice he's blushing, but it's not because of the heat, remember he has kinesophilia
Still you decide to go to the pool to cool down. When you swim, it triggers back his kinesophilia
Zagan wants it, but he's not going to ask you. You notice and tell him that you want it too
When you're done & it's time to get out, he'll carry you on his arms because he can't let you slip and get hurt
Pool day? Okay! But Jjyuu stays at home playing videogames and watching anime, a habit he took from Belial
You suggest playing music on your phone, but he declines because he wants to listen to you singing, if you can't sing or you're too shy then humming is okay too
He lays down on your lap & listens to your beautiful voice, you know he's staring at you with shiny eyes even if you can't see them
"I love your voice", he writes with his finger on your tummy. You may sound like a donkey with diarrhea, he's still gonna love your voice and truly mean it
When you get in the water & keep singing, you remind him of a mermaid
Suddenly, those words on your tummy get marked red (like in his h-scene), it turns you on and you just can't control your heat. Don't worry, he can't control it either
When you're done, he's gonna ask you to sing for him again
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Aita for not making any of my characters, that I have to crank out daily, pansexual/polysexual/omnisexual specifically and only making them bi?
🏳️‍🌈👶🏼 so i can recognize this later lmao also I'm not panphobic or anything, this isn't about the validity of the label, pan is fine.
So i (20snb bi) have a project I'm working on where I take all the characters from a specifc media I'm into and pair them up with each other to make every possible ship kid from every possible ship(excluding characters who are kids themselves or are related or something, that shit is gross). Basically taking every character and pairing them up with another and creating a kid I think they'd have. Its a big project with lots of characters and I'm easily over 400 at this point. I really enjoy this, even if I'm not even 25% complete.
However I set a schedule for myself that at least one ship kid needs to come out each day which, considering I draw them, color them and give them some development and some even have siblings, (The refs themselves easily take me an hour to an hour and a half) I have to make lots of them quickly to keep up with my daily grind. I've been doing this project for over a year and although it's stressful, I can get them out quickly with breaks for myself.
Their character sheets all have some pretty basic info like their name, gender, pronouns, personality and more but it also includes their sexuality/orientation. I have a pretty basic list of options for what their sexuality will be: straight, lesbian, gay, Enbian, bi, Aro, ace and aroace with a few random things like polyam, WLW and a good amount of the something-loving-something/juvelic terms. I did this because, well, there's not many entirely unique orientations outside of them and although I love mogai/xenogenders and complex identities, I dont want to potentially drag up discourse or bring problems to my budding art blog over it. Its just not worth it to me to turn something I really care about on its head, even if I like microlabels.
In this case, I'm using bi as an umbrella term as most of the other terms share the same definition with slight variations in wording or action but not much difference in practice. We all like everyone, it's basic stuff. However, apparently this is a problem.
I've gotten one or two anons asking me questions about my guides asking some kind stuff like is this lesbian ship kid a butch or femme or Is this picture of them now or just at the age you put on the ref and other harmless stuff. Then things got rude with some Nbphobia but thrice now I've gotten asks:
1. Asking snarkily if im a panphobe
2. insulting me for not specifically writing pan or Omni and just writing bi.
3. Saying that I "clearly dont care about pansexual representation." Then brought up how my primary oc is native american so i clearly care about representation but that oc used to be a sona and I'm native?? Its confusing. (And Lowkey racist shit to just assume any native character is a "diversity quota" character instead of just a person existing but I digress-)
Im not pan, im bi so ig these people assume I'm not cool with pan people which isnt true? I have nothing aginest them, they are just pretty similar and I dont feel like it matters if they are specfically bi or pan or poly or any other label. I don't go into details like that for any other sub-group, not even pronouns and I included combinations and some common Neopronouns. I understand the importance of representation but my project has less than 50 people looking at it every day, Im not netflix or something. I'm one guy on the most LGBT blogging site with a big project and very little audience, I'm not showing people who wouldn't already know what pan is that pansexuality exists.
This project isn't that deep considering the characters in question aren't human/dont have human characteristics.(no it's not hazbin/helluva) Also ive never spoken about lgbt discourse or stated anything remotely close to it beyond the guides just passively having characters who are an LGBT identity. I've not even mentioned all the potentional orientations they could have so I'm not sure where/why this came up in the first place. The most politcial things ive said are calling out a creator in my fandom who outed themselves as a transphobe and mentioning im pro-palestine. That's it.
I mean this is pretty low stakes, I can just block these people and be done with it and this some seriously online shit but I just wanna check.
Am I being an asshole for just writing bi instead of specifying their mspec label because I have to produce characters quickly and I don't see enough of a difference to warrant a change/specification that would ultimately slow and clog an already stressful and complex project?
I dont think I am but idk lol
What are these acronyms?
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adobe-outdesign · 2 months
Have you reviewed the Farfetch'd line?
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Back in the early days of Pokemon, it was more common to see Pokemon based on specific Japanese references that English audiences wouldn't necessarily understand (not that this doesn't still happen, but they seem to acknowledge they're an international brand more these days).
In Farfetch'd's (that name looks so wrong as a possessive) case, it's based on the Japanese proverb "a duck comes bearing spring onions". Ducks are often cooked with onions, so the saying is referring to something that's an unlikely opportunity (the closest English version would probably be a "sitting duck").
The concept is fun, but being a Gen 1 design, it's also maybe a bit too straightforward—it's a duck with a leek, nothing less and nothing more. I do like the expression with those big ol' brows, and it's perfectly fine-looking, but it feels like it could've been pushed more. (I'm kind of surprised it didn't have leek elements built into it and be part grass-type, given that it already has the leak shape built into its head feathers.) It always seemed like the perfect kind of Pokemon to evolve, and apparently GameFreak agreed... kind of.
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My major beef with Galarian Farfetch'd is that it exists in the first place. That sounds harsh, but what I mean is that regional-only evolutions are fine when they only make sense coming off a regional with a different concept. For example, Cursola wouldn't make sense when evolving from regular Corsola because the bleached coral theme would come out of nowhere; Obstagoon wouldn't make sense evolving from regular Linoone because it has no reason to turn into Gene Simmons out of nowhere, etc etc.
But with G. Farfetch'd? It's not really all that different from regular Farfetch'd at all, and I definitely don't think Sirfetch'd needed to evolve from a regional; it would've made just as much sense evolving from Kantonian Farfetch'd. So all G. Farfetch'd does is make regular Farfetch'd feel even more obsolete than it already did.
Now, I will say that visually, I do prefer G. Farfetch'd's design. The stupidly huge leek is super fun and brings a lot more to the table conceptually when combined with its extra serious expression and increased strength (especially because it's apparently based on how leeks are bigger in England than Japan). The darker colors are also nice, and it's a nice little touch that the head feathers switch orientation. It's a good improvement over the original, just once again frustrating from a practicality standpoint.
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I should also mention really quick that originally, Farfetch'd had this scrapped evo called Madame. I'm... not a big fan, to be honest. I don't know if it's meant to have an SM thing going on with it or if it's just meant to be masquerade-themed, but either way that element comes out of nowhere and the main focus of Farfetch'd, the leek, is too de-emphasized. The feather detailing also feels like too much.
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Pre-evo beefs aside, I do really like Sirfetch'd as a design. The concept of just taking the leek and making it into a sword and shield is extremely fun and straightforward, and I like the little details like the sheer length of the sword, the handle being the unpeeled base, and the leaves being the shield. The white body works well with the white parts of the plant and gives it a "white knight" kind of vibe, which is really emphasized by its super stocky body. Conceptually it makes logical sense as an evo; visually, it's fun and easy to understand. No complaints here.
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As a whole: Farfetch'd is fine but feels like it could've been pushed more conceptually. G. Farfetch'd has an improved concept and design, but also didn't really need to exist and robs original Farfetch'd of an evo. Regardless, the evo itself is a great design with a solid concept.
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zippidi-dooda · 30 days
"We can have breakfast at eight and bed at eight. Normally I tale my showers right before breakfast, so we can push it to nine that way you can wash up too ...."
Rollo drawled on about the schedule he had down in his notepad, jotting down adjustments he thought would be best to accommodate for you.
You sat on the couch, pillow on your lap, watching him with a taught smile on your lips.
He wore a cream colored tunic and pressed trousers, a red and purple sash wrapped around his waist. He had long ago gotten ready for the day, hair fluffy and downy soft. The first round of chores for the house had already been completed before you had a chance to wake up and food was being prepared as you spoke.
You always knew he was an oriented person, but till now, you had never seen to what extent. Already you could tell this "arrangement" was going to be a tad overwhelming.
"Rollo, we really don't need to worry about small details like that."
He looked up at you.
"Well I understand the meal schedule will have to be flexible since you'll be getting cravings at random times. But the rest I think should be easy to stick to."
"It's not that." You put the pillow to the side, going over to lean against the counter. "It's just I don't think a tight schedule will work for me."
"Oh, nonsense. It won't happen the first few days, but you'll get into the flow of it in due time. This'll be good for you, trust me."
He hummed, turning to tend to the stove.
"We really don't need a schedule."
"'Don't need a ...?'" He faced you, brow furrowed as if you had said the most ridiculous thing in the world. "Y/N, a schedule is necessary so as to not fall into temptation again. We can avoid more trouble this way."
Slowly, you frowned, placing a hand over your stomach. "Are you saying I caused you trouble?"
"That's not-"
"You know, it wasn't just me who went out to the pier every night. You had a hand in this too."
"Y/N, I-I'm not ... I know how we got here. I just think ... that planning it would have been more ideal."
Your brow curled.
"This came unexpectedly and we can't fix it. But we can, and should, make adjustments so we aren't burned by the fortuitous again. That's the only point I'm trying to make."
You glared at his turned back, chest feeling tight.
"Do you regret doing all of that with me?"
"That is not what I said."
"Well it sure as hell sounds like it." You murmured leaving him in the kitchen, stowing over his words.
"Y/N ...," he called, exasperated.
He looked between you and the meal on the stove, sucking in a breath before deciding to finish the food first.
His eyes were a stormy gray, lingering on the circular tan on his finger that had been left behind after years of having a ring shielding it from the sun's rays.
The same ring had been placed upon your hand not even a week ago and he could still feel the ghost of it on his finger.
He hadn't had quite enough to buy you an actual engagement ring yet, so you wore the ruby jewel even now.
It's absence on him meant the definity of the situation.
You and him had shared those passionate moments under the cover of night. He hadn't wasted those days agonizing over having given in to his desires. You were going to be here now. The two of you were now going to do this the traditional way. He was going to be a father. He was going to be your husband. You were going to be his.
His wife.
Eyes closed, he let out a sigh, and tucked his handkerchief to his lips.
Usually he always led things, arranged, planned, ordered them. And people were expected to, and would, follow his decisions no questions asked.
From the start, you weren't the type to mindlessly go along with him. But it had never caused any major problems for you two.
It was only now he could foresee this being an issue.
And he wasn't entirely sure how he'd be able to handle it.
But in hopes to attain that picturesque life, he conceded that perhaps he could stand to leave some slack between his reins.
Finished cooking, he turned off the stove, grabbed a tray, plated the food nicely, poured some café au lait, and headed towards the room you were staying in.
You were curled up on the bed, back facing the door, ire thick in the air.
His foot tapped the doorframe in a knock, announcing his entry.
He sat at the corner of the bed, mattress dipping under you, and placed the tray on the bedside table.
"You know, breakfast is an essential meal for your day."
"I hope you don't mind what I prepared. It's what I eat everyday." He took a sip from his cup.
"Y/N, I ... don't regret how we got here. And I apologize if that's how you heard it. We can discuss routine another time if you'd like."
You looked at him from over your shoulder.
"The officiant says he'll be there at midnight. If you are still agreeable to my proposal by then, I'd be most relieved. But if not, tell me so I can save him the trouble of waiting in the dark."
You fully turned over, head resting between your arms.
"Of course I want to go through with this. It's just you're very ... detailed. You thrive with repetition. I want to align our schedules, really, but I'll go mad if I do the same thing at the same time every single day. And the way you're saying things makes it seem like you wished things were different. It's upsetting."
He stared into his cup for a moment, carefully trying to pick his next words.
"I am greatful for this ... opportunity. You and I pair wonderfully." He looked at you with a smile, "I'm only trying to protect you is all."
You took one of his hands in yours, him angling his face away from you.
"I appreciate it. But I really will be fine Rollo." He hid a frown. "I haven't experienced any big changes yet anyway, we don't need to fuss too soon."
You sat up, leaning forward to press a kiss to his cheek.
"So, tell me what exactly it is you made here."
That night ended up being the best in your entire life.
The marriage had been swift, no room for invites or even tears.
Both of you had dressed up in your nicest clothes, Rollo in a suit freshly steamed and pressed, you in a simple white dressed.
You met up with the officiant down by the same river your journey first began, moon sparkling beautifully against the water's surface.
Very little was spoken beyond the usual vows and pronouncement, but you were in a daze.
Your heart fluttered blithely as Rollo held your hands. His eyes locked onto yours as he stated his vows, voice calm and steady as if he had nary a worry in the world. But his hands were clammy, holding yours tightly, and he was unable to hide the deep rouge coating his face behind the delicate violet fabric he so loved.
And your breath stilled as he leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours, sealing in your shared promise, bonding you together till the day the other was was no more.
You returned home that day, glowing smile impossible to wipe of your face, pulling him in for kiss after kiss, christening the house under your unity of love, and truly believing that two of you could get through any issue that may be thrown your way for the first time
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swords-of-a-soilder · 9 months
My QSMP Headcannons vs in game Canon
Feel free to correct me if I get the Canon wrong.
•Tallulah uses hearing aids-this one is actually cannon but people tend to leave it out in art.
•philza uses a walking cane after purgatory- while Phil stated multiple times that the condition of his wings gave him poor balance, even though his wings are somewhat better I imagine the constant back and forth for someone who was never really good a balancing paired with the weight of his new wings probably make it very difficult to stay balance while walking.
•Fit, Tubbo lost limbs in purgatory- correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure Tubbo didn't lose a lib in Canon, and I'm also not sure if the texture of Fit new skin is meant to be read as a prosthetic but I like the idea.
•Richardslyson has a prosthetic leg- this isn't excalty clear whether or not it's canon, we know his model in game has a leg that doesn't connected to his shell but it also important to note that Phil adjusted Richards statue to reflect a prosthetic leg, so you could technically consider it canon.
•Phil is demi-romantic- I know Phil never gave a clear sexual orientation to his in game character, but watching them interact with other love interest he gives the vibe of a demi-romantic person.
•Fit and Phil are divorced on really good terms- the kind were you realize your better as friends, which would also play a part in Phil discovering his is demi-romantic. Obviously in canon they was no clear past relationships established between them.
•Bolas actually does see Phil as a father figured- obviously Cellbit calmed he was joking when he called Phil dad, however Baghera still seems to call him that. I also really just want Cellbit to have a good father figure lmao.
•Rose is Phil's mother- I could go into detail of how the goddess of life birth the angle of death, but I equate it to her being his mother as God is your father but like she's his mother directly. She made him, she raised him, she'll protect him like her like depends on it.
In canon Rose just seems to be the Spawn entity but I like to imagine her as his Spawn entity. That would mean that she spawned him into existence in the hardcore world.
•the federation isn't evil, just misunderstood- I'm not saying they are good, just more morally grey. They do horrible experiment and treat the residents curly in our eyes, but in their eyes this is normal.
They do things thinking the residents don't know any better and therefore their complains are invalid, quite like a narcissist parent.
•the eggs can shape shift- I love the idea of the eggs taking on physical traits of the person (s) that they feel loved by slowly the more fond they become of them.
So the original Chayanne would stay an egg for the first two days then shock his parents by appearing as a little boy with blond hair.
When badly injured they go back to egg form.
•Charlie is in fact part slime and that's how he shape shifted into gegg- technically the qsmp info channel confirmed this in the qsmp full story videos
•Jaiden was a part of project blue bird- again not confirm, but I really like the idea that she was raised by Cucuchroo and that's why she naturally acts kinder to him (but she doesn't remember)
•the island has a respawn entity- following the concept of Rose aiding Phil's spawn, I like to imagine the whole island has a entity that revives players after death, and thus respawning in other demension ie the nether, takes much longer as that a different entity all together.
•the radiation of the blast from purgatory turned Foolish into a shark human hybrid, I mean technically canon since has the speed fins now.
•Forever has a survivor complex- this is up to interpretation of whether or not it's canon but I perceive Forever's behaviour as someone who feels he had to save everyone; He is the president after all.
•Forever likely still has feelings for Phil- or better yet the feelings have developed into genuine love as opposed to obsession, but from observing Missa learnt the best way to love Phil is to respect his wishes.
•Lovejoy is canon in the qsmp and is sponsored by the federation hence why Wilbur often leaves for tours. I'm actually not sure if this is canon or not, I recall Phil joking about it but I don't know if that's the Canon explanation as to how he's allowed to leave the island.
•Missa like Wilbur is sent on sponsored trips by the federation; in which he gather information on other islands, the resources of said island and whether or not their populated
•The codes are corrupted dead eggs- I'm mostly getting this theory from the codes disguising themselves as eggs and codaflipa, but I really like the idea that the codes are eggs that have died in the past with past residents and are restless.
A good backing for this is how Sofia found the eggs to be non organic, which makes me think that in a way they are computer programming, an sentient artificial life.
That does however bring the lore question of how their ghost can return, I think codes are a store of ghost form for them, with the code of their existence being shattered after a while they degraded to code monsters.
This would explain why they kill eggs (they want more company) and how they're able to disguised as them. Codaflipa can only return a few times because it's difficult to keep that form with shattered codes.
Now it is hinted at that the eggs are artificial, Sofia and the details of A1 being hints at that, but there is no Canon confirmation of such to my knowledge
I also know that Etoiles seem to believe the code killed eggs because they were being controlled by the federation, but I don't believe that seeing as the federation went out of their way to get the eggs back.
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teaberrii · 1 year
Chapter Eighteen: The Mistakes We Make
Alhaitham has the looks and the smarts. He will also be the stand-in CEO for his grandfather's company for a year.
But, he's been mysteriously cursed to turn into a cat every night since his eighteenth birthday… until he meets you, an employee at his grandfather's company, who rescues him as a cat and changes him back with one kiss.
Cross-posted on AO3
Female reader
Chapter index at the end of chapter one
Alhaitham isn't beside you when you wake up the next morning. However, the delicious smell from the kitchen tells you exactly where your boyfriend is. When you get there, you see him making breakfast. Alhaitham is so focused on the food that he doesn't notice you standing at the kitchen door.
“Need some help, handsome?”
Alhaitham smiles. “A kiss for the chef sounds good.” So, you walk up and give him a quick peck on the lips. Then, he chuckles. “I wasn't expecting you to get up so early."
"Was this supposed to be a surprise?"
Alhaitham kisses your head. "You were supposed to wake up when I brought you your breakfast in bed.”
You laugh. “Oh, so I guess I ruined it, huh?”
Alhaitham sighs a little dramatically. “I’ll have to work faster next time.”
You eventually head back to your place for a quick shower. When you return to Alhaitham’s apartment, you see the table set and your breakfast ready for you on the table. As you and Alhaitham eat together, he tells you about the conversation with Thoma at the police station in detail.
"That reporter is out of his mind," you mutter. "That aside... I can't believe Thoma still hasn't told Ayato about what really happened. Maybe there's a possibility that love doesn’t have anything to do with the curse. Could the secret be enough to break it?" 
“Assuming that a secret can break the curse”—Alhaitham looks you in the eyes—“would that mean there’s one between us?”
You put your elbows on the table and stare at him. "It's time to spill the beans, Catman. What are you hiding from me?"
Alhaitham chuckles. “I… don’t think I’m hiding anything.” 
“No secrets?”
“None.” He leans closer. “What would you like to know?”
“...Well, what about your parents? You know about mine, but I don’t know much about yours.”
“Well, as you know, both of them are still overseas,” Alhaitham says. “They used to come and go, but they moved permanently when my mother got a promotion."
"You didn't want to go with them?"
"I was still building a career at Akademiya then. It wouldn't have made sense for me to move and start fresh when everything was going well for me here."
You nod. "How long have they been abroad?"
"At least four years now." Alhaitham slightly smiles. "My parents are very career-oriented people… and they didn't want children."
“...Really? What made them change their minds?”
“They came to a compromise with my grandfather. He was the one who wanted them to have three children, but they settled on one.”
"I guess it's good they came to a compromise."
"I thought so, too. But... there are some things that I don't believe should be compromised. They were away a lot, and it was not until I was older that I got to spend more time with them. But even then, I never thought it was enough."
"...You must've been lonely."
"...Which is why, despite what I might say, I am thankful to Kaveh."
You smile. "Well, your parents must have incredible parenting skills. Or"—you chuckle—"are you a result of Kaveh's efforts?"
"No," Alhaitham says flatly, and you laugh. "Raising children is in a league of its own.”
“I’ll say.” You look at Alhaitham. “Since we’re on this topic… have you thought about having kids and starting a family after things didn’t work out with your ex?”
“I haven’t seriously thought about it,” Alhaitham admits. “But, this decision isn’t mine alone.” He looks you in the eyes. “It would be ours.”
“I think you know my answer."
Alhaitham smiles. "Then, you should know mine. I chose you for you, not because of anything else."
You laugh. “As romantic as that may sound, it seems like the curse chose me for you.”
“It was because of it that I met you. Perhaps we would’ve met under different circumstances, but surely our fated meeting is one for the books.”
“Oh, definitely. A clueless, defenceless woman kisses an innocent cat who turns into a shirtless, handsome man on your bed. What a fantasy.”
Alhaitham slightly raises a brow. “You thought I was handsome when we first met?”
“Erm… well…”
His smile turns into a slight smirk. “Because I thought you were attractive.”
You almost spit out your water. So, in other words, he thought you were hot. “Riiight. Me in pyjamas and holding a slipper, ready to end your life. Very attractive.”
“Beauty is subjective, is it not?”
“We’re getting off-topic, sir.”
“Pardon me. Shall we get back on track?”
You clear your throat. “Well… I can’t think of anything else I’d like to know.”
“...Then, may I ask a question?”
“...May I know about your ex?”
“What would you like to know?” you ask.
“Was he an inspiration for the initial relationship between the characters in Love in the Spotlight?”
Well, that’s one question you definitely aren’t expecting, but you welcome the thoughtfulness.
“You’re very observant,” you say, crossing one leg over the other. “You’re right.”
“...What was the story behind it?”
You smile slightly. "If I'm going to talk about him, I should start even before we got together since… that's where the true inspiration for the characters began."
Alhaitham nods.
“...Because of what my mother was going through after my father’s death, she didn’t have the energy to really look after me when I was young. And... if only I was more mature, I wouldn't have made such stupid decisions."
“You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself,” Alhaitham says. “We were all young once.”
"I suppose... but I was in a different league." You force a little smile. "I started getting influenced by a lot of the shows and movies I watched. This would’ve been okay… if I could distinguish fantasy from reality. You can’t achieve anything by luck alone. Boys aren’t going to like you because you act cute or you have a ditzy personality. Not the good ones, anyway.
“I used to think that if I acted like the main characters I saw on TV, my life would be like theirs. Things would just fall into place for me at the end. My friends would always be there for me. I would get the guy at the end. It took a hard slap to the face for me to realize that is definitely not the case." You sigh. "I was the one who liked my ex first. He was popular, and I was a quiet bookworm, I guess. And, well, you know how the story goes in dramas… but… reality was much different.” A small pause. “He took advantage of me.”
“...Don’t tell me he—”
“It… wasn’t like that,” you say quietly. “Not exactly, at least.” You take a small breath. “At first, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but… in a little under a year, he started to change. I kept making excuses for him since I thought things would work out in the end until...
You stiffen.
“What are you doing?” you asked.
When your boyfriend had said he wanted you to come to hang out at his house, you weren’t expecting him to suddenly lock the door.
His predatory red eyes landed on you. “There’s a reason I called you here, babe.”
“I thought we were just going to hang out and grab some food.”
He rolled his eyes, but his smile quickly returned. As he walked toward you, your mind was telling you to run, but there was still a small part of you that kept giving him the benefit of the doubt. 
“It’s been a while since we last had sex, don’t you think?” His touch on your cheek made you step back. He slightly pouted. “You don’t want to?”
No, you didn’t. Not now, at least.
“...I’m sorry I haven’t been answering your messages," he continued. "You know that I’ve been busy with that internship I told you about. It’s competitive out there.” He took another step. “We finally have some alone time.” When you still said nothing, he sighed. “Okay, fine. I’m not going to force you.”
“...Are you upset?” you asked as he turned around.
He looked over his shoulder. “Of course I am. The one chance I get to spend some quality time with my girlfriend, and… she rejects me.” He turned around and gave you a sad, little smile. "I really missed you, you know. I always thought about you when things got rough at work. I managed to endure whatever came at me."
After a small silence, you asked, “Will… will it be quick?”
The small smirk was gone as quickly as it came. "...Of course, babe."
To this day, you still can’t believe how stupid you were. 
“It… wasn’t even me who made the decision to break up with him,” you say. “It was when I met Dehya. She was the one who really snapped me out of it.”
“...Was this also when you met Candace?”
You nod. “I was quite surprised they gave me such serious but harsh advice. It felt like a slap to the face, but it was awfully refreshing since all I’ve ever gotten from my friends were half-hearted talks.”
“It's very important to have good people around you, especially when you’re young.”
“Agreed. It was also after the breakup that my mother and I finally got our lives back on track.”
“Was this also why you got into screenwriting? To create good role models for young women?”
“Yes. It wasn’t until I got out of that relationship that I started piecing together why I made the decisions that I did." 
“It’s an inspiring story," Alhaitham says with a small smile. "You really turned a terrible experience into something positive. Not everyone can do that.”
You smile back. “At least I got good money out of it.”
Alhaitham chuckles. “That is also another way to look at it.”
Even though it’s the weekend, Childe is driving to work on a shoot with Ayato. However, Childe can’t stop thinking about the conversation with you. Familial love. Will that really break his curse? But why would it start now? Since that day, he still hasn’t spoken to his parents. His mother also stopped trying to contact him. Childe sighs as he remembers what he said to her that night.
“I don’t need parents like you.”
They have their fair share of problems, but Childe has never said something that harsh. Is that what triggered it? That one sentence?
Childe’s phone goes off, and just as the car rolls to a stop at a red light, he pulls it out and sees it’s an update from his colleague at work. Then, he looks down and sees the conversation between him and Lumine from yesterday night.
There’s something I want to show you.
He doesn't want to overthink anymore. If this curse brought you and Alhaitham together, maybe it would be the same for him.
Childe pulls into the parking lot and sees some of his colleagues sitting with a bunch of camera equipment.
It looks like Ayato isn’t here yet.
Childe parks the car and gets out. As he walks towards his colleagues, he’s about to say hi when he overhears a bit of their conversation.
“I’ve been thinking about that, too! Is it really true that Ayato’s been turning down lead roles? Why would he do that?”
“Who knows? Maybe he doesn’t have the confidence for one. All he’s been doing are minor roles and commercials, anyway. He doesn’t have a lot of experience.”
“But he has the looks. I’ve seen the comments online. A lot of his fans want him in a lead role.”
"Yeah, well, looks can only get you so far. If he doesn't get a better role soon, he's digging himself into a rut, in my opinion."
“Hey.” His colleagues turn around and see Childe smiling at them. “Ayato will be here soon. Shouldn’t we get ready?”
“...Ah, yeah.”
Childe slides a hand inside his pocket. People are so quick to judge when it's not their problem.
Lumine blinks once. Twice. Three times.
“Why do you keep staring at me?” Aether asks.
“Why… are you dressed like that?”
“Dressed like what?”
It’s the first time Lumine is seeing his brother dressed so… nicely. Fashionable almost. She has only seen him wear the same three types of casual shirts. But this time, he’s in a tight-fitting white shirt and a black street jacket.
“Are you going somewhere?” Lumine asks.
Lumine rolls her eyes. “You suck at lying, you know.” She leans against the doorframe and crosses her arms. “Is it Ayaka? Are you taking her on a date?”
“What! No! I—”
“You’re blushing!”
Aether quickly covers his cheeks with his hands. “No, I’m not!”
Lumine sighs. “Alright, lover boy, just make sure to have her back at a reasonable time.”
“Are you her mom?”
“She just got out of the hospital, didn’t she?”
“I know, I know. Don’t worry. I’ll keep her safe.”
“...Why do I sense it’ll be the other way around. But okay.”
As Aether puts on his shoes, he says, “I saw you working on something the other night. What was it? It looked pretty interesting.”
Lumine still hasn’t told anyone that she accepted her teacher’s offer on the competition, but while she’s been constantly drawing, she’s been throwing away all of her designs. None of them felt right.
“It’s nothing,” she says. “I’ve just been drawing in my free time.”
Aether stands and frowns. “You say I’m bad at lying, but you’re the same. What’s going on?”
“If I tell you now, you’re going to be late for your date. You wouldn’t want to make a bad impression.”
“...Fine. I don't know what's going on, but I still want to say this."
"I'm listening."
"You're a perfectionist. Stop being so hard on yourself." 
Lumine chuckles. “Didn’t expect to hear such wise words from you, Aether.”
“I try to make you feel better, and here you are making me feel like an idiot.”
“No, no! That’s not what I meant!”
Aether smiles and opens the door. “Well, see ya!”
Once Aether leaves, Lumine walks back to her room. Maybe it won’t hurt to get some advice from others about what she has so far. Her mother is out with friends for the day. You’re probably spending the day with Alhaitham. Then, she thinks of Kaeya and Childe. Kaeya’s in a similar field, so of course it won’t hurt to get feedback from him but…
Lumine opens her phone and sees her conversation with Childe from yesterday night.
Childe: I already told your sister you’re coming with me to Zhongli’s wedding… so no take-backs. (¬‿¬)
You’re not five years old.
Childe: Always a kid at heart.
Their conversation goes on for a little while before Childe brings up another strange question.
Childe: …If I told you people can turn into cats, would you believe me?
Are you drunk?
Childe: I’m not. 100% sober.
That just makes it even more suspicious, but okay.
Childe: There’s something I want to show you.
Well, whatever Childe wants to show her, it apparently has to wait until the evening. Lumine puts her phone away and turns on her computer. Hopefully, drawing will take her mind off things.
Aether immediately gets up when he sees Ayaka running toward him. It’s his first time seeing her in something other than a hospital gown, and he can already hear his heart hammering in his chest.
“Did you wait long?” she asks.
“Nah, just got here!”
Well, he got here fifteen minutes early, but she doesn’t need to know that.
“So, um, my sister might have found out that we’re together today,” Aether says.
“My brother found out, too.”
“Really? And he doesn’t mind?”
“I don’t think so. He just told me to be careful.”
“Hopefully, that wasn’t about me,” Aether jokes.
Ayaka smiles but it doesn’t reach her eyes. “No, it wasn’t. Don’t worry.”
“Is something wrong?”
“...Ah, it’s nothing. I just think he worries a little too much.”
Aether almost takes her hand but stops himself before doing so. “It might be because you just got out.” He scratches his head. “If my sisters were in the same situation, I probably would be, too.”
“I told him I'll be careful. It’s just… I wish he didn’t treat me like I was going to break.”
“You’re going out?”
“It’s only for a little while,” Ayaka said, putting her little messenger bag over her head. “I’ll be with Aether.”
“Where is he taking you?”
Ayaka turned around. “...The amusement park.”
“...Amusement park? It’s only been a few days since you got discharged. It’s a little fast to be going somewhere like that, don’t you think?”
“I’ll be fine. I have my medication with me, and the doctors said it’s fine if I do some light exercise.”
Ayato crossed his arms. “Going to the amusement park seems a little much if all you want is some light exercise.”
Ayaka frowned. “I’ve been sitting at home for the past few days.”
“School starts for you soon. You—”
“I know,” Ayaka said, sounding more peeved than she actually is. “So, I want to go out and have some fun with a friend. Is that too much to ask?”
Once they got their tickets and enter the amusement park, Aether hears someone call Ayaka’s name. However, Ayaka doesn’t look too happy.
“What are you doing here?” one of the girls exclaims.
The other girl looks at Aether. “Who’s he?”
“My friend,” Ayaka answers.
“Why’d you bring her to a place like this?”
Aether is a little baffled at the question. What is that supposed to mean?
“Don’t you know she has heart problems?”
Aether frowns. “And are you telling me this because you’re worried about her or what?”
Now, it’s time for the girls to look baffled.
“Of… of course we’re worried.”
“Well, that isn’t what it sounds like,” Aether says flatly. He takes Ayaka’s hand and looks at her. “Let’s go.”
Aether doesn’t know he’s still holding her hand until Ayaka stops him a distance away. Then, he quickly pulls his hand back and awkwardly looks away.
“I never expected you’d do something like that,” Ayaka says.
“...Kinda out of character, huh?” Aether sighs. “Maybe it’s just me, but I didn’t get a good vibe from them. Who were they, anyway?”
“...My classmates.” Ayaka smiles at him. “Let’s forget about them. We came here to have fun.”
Aether smiles back. “Yeah, you’re right.”
Then, she surprisingly takes his hand.
“...And cut!”
There’s a collective sigh as everyone starts to relax. 
“Great work, everyone!”
It's nearly late afternoon when filming finally wraps up and the crew starts putting away the equipment. Childe is helping out when he suddenly hears, "Need some help?"
He looks over his shoulder and sees Ayato. “You’re the star of the show. I couldn’t ask you to do something like this, can I?”
“Oh, but you can. I don't mind doing some manual labour.”
So, Ayato starts helping Childe put away the camera equipment. 
“...By the way,” Childe begins quietly, “What do you think about the theory that love might be the key to breaking our curse?”
Ayato doesn’t want to admit that he’s been doing a little self-reflection since the argument with Thoma. Is Ayato using his curse as an excuse? He isn’t, right?
“...Who knows?”
“Sounds like you don’t wish that’s the case.”
Ayato folds a stand together and hands it to him. “It’s very abstract,” he says. “...It’s not really clear what we should do.”
“I see your point.”
“...But then again…” Childe turns to him just as Ayato says, “Perhaps this is what it’s meant to be."
"Well, if you ask me, I think I'd like a curse that comes with a grimoire."
Then, Ayato’s phone suddenly goes off. As Childe turns away to finish packing the rest of the equipment, he suddenly hears Ayato say, “I’ll be right there.”
“Is something wrong?”
“It’s Ayaka,” Ayato says urgently. “She’s in the hospital."
Chapter Nineteen
End notes: The ex will make an appearance soon... any guesses? It's a Genshin character XD
Tag list: @suoshiii @lordbugs @seirenspinel @lxry-chxn @sakiimeo @ash-in-lavender @ceylestia @forsh4dow @deathkat657 @kalpie @elernity @sentieence @chichibleeps @sunsethw4 @hjjks @tanspostsblog @nqctre @just-simping-over-genshin @uchihaeirin @vynbin @ayanokomu @dksfl920 @alatus1808 @itztaki @thetwinkims @imkaaayy @angeilix @starlighttotheleft @letthewindlead @thelonelyarchon @certaindreampost @winterpein @theprinceofkhaos @vvyeislazzy
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bereft-of-frogs · 3 months
hey. look at that! they figured out a framing device, good for them.
ok no that sounds really snarky but I really like how the episode ends with both sisters about to get a bigger picture of the night of the fire (Osha, already prone to visions, diving into the Force under the helmet, and Mae hearing Sol's side of the story), as a lead in to the flashback. I know there's been a lot of theories floated around that Sol/someone manipulated Osha's memories....but I actually think the flashback episode is presented as being true to life. I think if this was meant to be on a tight Osha perspective (with a fundamentally altered memory), I don't think we'd have also gotten scenes that she had no way of witnessing, like the conversations between Aniseya and Koril, or the advisors scene after the girls have been sent to bed. And I don't think whoever manipulated her memories would have left in the part where she hears the scream from the coven, as presumably they're killed. Like that seems like a big clue you'd try to remove if you were trying to convince someone that a bunch of people died in a fire and not in some single concentrated act.
so I do think that the next episode will be the same way: roughly everything on screen is as it really happened, an objective version, but given their current orientations to the truth, it will change the twins' perspective in different ways. Osha has been completely trusting of Sol and blaming Mae: finding out Sol was more at fault that she believes could shift her vengeful anger onto him (and make it easy to manipulate her into a darker turn). Mae blames the four Jedi, but might understand their perspective better (because I'm still on team the Jedi 'thought they were doing the right thing' and made mistakes but were generally acting defensively, rather than in cold-blood slaughter 🙄) and be willing to forgive.
But yeah, this double framing device actually works for me. Almost makes up for not having one last flashback episode.
Anyway now it is time to ✨log tf off✨ because it is a long weekend, I think I need to stop theorizing before I spin myself off into chaos, I'm pretty confident with my general expectations, if not the details — but I should stop overthinking this...and also some of the theories floating around are ✨upsetting me.✨(...Vernestra/Indara/Sol as the Sith master, any variation of 'the Jedi came to Brendok to purposefully cold-blooded massacre the coven, no nuance' (there's a bunch of variants of that I'll be really disappointed if they end up being true), Qimir is Imri (stahp), Sol broke Osha's brain and that's why she can't use the Force (reddit, she's seen struggling before she even meets Sol, what are you even doing—), Indara faked her own death for some reason, etc etc.) And that means it's time for a break! Touch grass! Or....tree. Lake. I'm going to go look at a lake. Peace, see you next week
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giantcypress · 6 months
Into the gap
One of the things that resulted from the COVID pandemic was that I wound up teaching the OCIA course for our church (long story). The students got their sacraments at the Easter Vigil Mass, and I decided to make crucifixes for them as a gift. This should be a pretty straightforward project — mill out pieces of wood for the upright and crosspiece portions of the cross, cut a lap joint, glue, finish, and attach the corpus and INRI plaque.
But it is a truism in woodworking that the smaller projects are the hardest to do, because you see every detail. And for this crucifix, there was a detail that bugged me.
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On the lower part of the bridle joint to the left, there's a bit of a gap. That's where I went a little off my line. It happens. Structurally, this joint would be fine, but visually this stuck out to me like a sore thumb. The good thing is that this is pretty easy to mitigate.
The way I fix small gaps in joinery like this is to use plane shavings to fill in the void. The first thing is to figure out the best orientation for that shaving. You want the shaving to go with the grain of one of the two parts of the joint. In this case, it would be along the grain of the crosspiece.
Then make some shavings from another piece of wood that's the same species as the piece. (It does occur to me that if you use a contrasting piece of wood for this, you've moved from fixing a gap in a joint to making inlay.)
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Japanese planes are well known for their ability to make gossamer-thin shavings less than 0.001" thick. That's not what we want here.
I test fit the shaving until I find the section that fits well, and then trim down the shaving with a pair of scissors.
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Then glue up and clamp the joint. I'm a big fan of liquid hide glue overall, but it's especially good in this situation because it makes the shavings slippery enough so that everything fits together. Don't worry that the joint will look like one of Phyllis Diller's outfits. We'll fix that later.
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After the glue dries, the joint will look like a mess. Again, don't worry.
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Now I use a chisel to get rid of most of the shavings hanging off the joint as well as the dried glue squeeze out, and a plane to bring everything flush. The joint looks much better now.
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As it turned out, I was also making a small divider for a container that sits in one of our kitchen drawers, and left a little gap in that joint as well. I used the same technique to fix that, even though it will sit in a drawer, and will never see the light of day, because that's what woodworking has done to me.
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For the crucifix, I used shellac and wax for the finish, and attached the corpus and INRI plaque. It turned out pretty nice.
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And that's when I noticed that Jesus's head would have covered up that gap anyway. I guess Jesus really does save.
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eloeloanna · 4 months
About John Hammel
I didn’t know much about this guy so this was very interesting! In some questions I didn’t go very far since I really don’t know If you are that into knowing more about him and his relationship with Paul. If after this you want to know more, let me know! So then I can go deeper in some areas that I thought needed more details.
So, here we go!
This for entertainment purposes only (don't sue me John Hammel, I loved your chaotic energy 🤣).
Check my readings! here
What did Paul think of John (H)?
I think Paul proposed an opportunity to John when he saw that he was a reliable person. It seemed to Paul that John was very honest and probably he heard from someone else that he was actually very calm and unbothered, so for him, it was an “ideal” candidate. I think since the beginning Paul saw what he could do of John, what would be the real reason of having him near, but I don’t think he took that decision quickly, even when he made the move, he wasn’t very sure about it. But it turned out that John was actually very good at his job, he excelled. For Paul even was VERY satisfactory, because John could be a REAL BITCH, like I’m not kidding, I’m seeing The Devil’s card 😭. He knew exactly how to be Paul’s bulldog. When Paul could see this attitude in John, he would feel that he needed to do “more” for him, but at the same time, John never asked for anything directly. It was like John was okay, but Paul still thought that he needed to take “care” of him more, but then regretted it. Paul felt very secured with him at his side.
What did John (H) think of Paul?
This energy was so messy 🤣 I need to know his zodiac sign 🤣🤣🤣.
At the beginning, the cards are showing me this: “Am I recognised enough for my efforts? I would like to be recognised for my efforts”. But then he would think that he was actually OK, even when he had to do some shady shit for this “queen” (the literal card that I’m seeing, sorry 🤣). But it was like he didn’t know what to do. It was like those thoughts could be intertwined…it was like everything’s ok but then don’t???!!! And then he would think that if he ended the relationship, if he did something differently, something worse could happen (?). And it was very messy honestly, because when Paul could notice what would happen with him, John wouldn’t like to show much emotion, but it was like a fuel to him! It was like “YES HE CARES! IT’S TRUE! HE ACTUALLY DOES LIKE ME!!!!” 😭😭😭 but then he would think “no, he doesn’t”. “But I’m good here. He pays me good money 😔❤️”. But then again it would hit him the “reality” and he would wonder about his own happiness. It came to a moment where he actually wondered if working with Paul was the reason why he hadn’t find good relationships. He needed to “expand” himself.
Was this relationship more of a work relationship or they would consider themselves friends?
A little bit of this and a little bit of that.
Here is what the cards said.
It is obvious that this was a work relationship. It seemed that it worked in that way, but it was like both of them had different ideas about what this would mean. So they would check all the boxes when it came to do the business side of the things, but on the other hand, it seemed that they had very little boundaries. It seems to me that it was unconscious, but that didn’t sit well all the times with one of the parts…but then he would convince himself that everything was ok. But then it wasn’t. I think in this part of the timeline, because he realised something wasn’t right, he made clear what he felt. They fought very nasty. But that led for them to have a “peaceful” result (not the best, but peaceful). I think also they would start a new way to have this relationship, and to be near (for convenience??? Because they liked to???).
Was this relationship like a romantic relationship or just a work-oriented relationship?
I will show you the pictures and everything on this because…it’s something 😭😭😭
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The cards start telling me about very complicated feelings. When you are even feeling anguish because of them. It’s too much. How can I feel better? It was like there was no way, because the relationship was in a way what it was. It shouldn’t be different. But that was difficult to accept, and difficult to understand. Why am I feeling like this if everything it’s supposed to work? But it wasn’t. It wasn’t at all. The thing is, even with these feelings they continued how they were, until one of the parts decided that he needed to end their relationship, and to think more about what to do. The thing is, he actually regretted it and decided to stay (he convinced himself that the work relationship was necessary), but it wasn’t what it made him feel good. But it was like he and the other part were meant to have that relationship…and being together in that moment was such a good time, so much happiness, even when the other part seemed to have more “benefits”. It seemed that the other part offered a way to do the things. Very specific rules, even could be perceived as “cold” and “strategic”. That he didn’t like it at all. It was very messy honestly. It was like for him there was no limit between the work and the life. It was like even a present would be seen as threatening because…it is a work reward or a “love” reward?
For that mixed feelings one of parts decided to end this relationship, the other part tried to reach, but it was very difficult to know the real intentions, and the damage was very hard.
Reading this was very hard to have an idea. In one part I can believe that some sort of affair could happen, it’s like if you connect the dots that would be very possible, but the lack of “romantic” feelings or even sexual, it’s what makes me doubt. Everything seemed so “mental”. On the other hand, I can understand this dynamic because it was very similar to what I felt with Brian. Like, you don’t know when Paul is really flirting with you or not 😭. If you want me to go deeper in this relationship dynamic I can try again and be more specific.
I actually liked John’s energy. It was like when I read for the first time John’s (L) energy. A lot of chaos in his head 😭.
What Heather Mills wanted to accomplish mentioning John Hammel?
I think Heather knew in a way that she was losing the battle, so this was a way to show that Paul had a imbalanced relationship with someone. I think in this timeline she could see that they were having some issues. So for her this was one of her strategies. Paul was a shitty boss 🫠.
What does John Hammel think of the relationship between John and Paul?
I think for John (H) was difficult to understand why that relationship worked if there was so messy things going on in the business aspect. But really didn’t choose to have an actual opinion about it. It was like “he didn’t care”. If someone would ask him about them, he would answer very impartially, like he was above all of that, and would try to come with a very simple answer. The thing is, he could’ve said more, but chose not to do it.
He would think that the relationship had so much potential, but it was like because of their poor management, they couldn’t keep going, even if they were very compatible creatively. The thing is, John (H) would think that the separation was the best thing they could’ve done in their situation. If he ever had another idea of this relationship, he rejected it. It is very weird in this part, because he purposefully wanted to believe this. He didn’t want to think other things.
I think he was very uncomfortable if someone would talk to him anecdotes about John and Paul. It was like he didn’t want to hear it. He didn’t want to know more about John (L) either. And he didn’t like AT all when he knew about the possible reunion they would have in 1980.
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
Coming over here to bother you about my EAH AU thoughts because I want to write but this stupid fatigue wall let me write my daily prompt and nothing else today. Spent a good chunk of time staring at the document file.
I'm thinking about the Zeldas. Obviously most of them will fit in as the miscellaneous princesses for their respective Links, but not all of the stories even have princesses in them.
Artemis/Athena: Obviously I could just have her be Athena, but I feel like she could also do a Mulan story. She could match with Warriors, they could be Greek mythology buddies.
Flora: I think the thing that really sets her apart is her role in TotK, but there aren't any old fairytales about princesses that turn into dragons, so the best I've got is this book by E. D. Baker that I read when I was a kid. It's probably close enough? I'm already going to have to fudge things for Wild anyway.
Sun: Her whole thing is being the reincarnation of Hylia, so I feel like she should be either a full-on mythological goddess or the avatar of one. I feel like there aren't really any good real-world mythology equivalents because LoZ lore has such a distinct vibe to it. Since Sky's story is going to be about fighting the Jabberwocky, she's probably also from Wonderland, I just need to figure out her role.
Fable: I feel like she'd fit into one of the Charming families alright. Alternatively she could be one of the princesses from Oz, most likely Gayelette if she's related to Legend because they both would inherit magical abilities and Gayelette was both a princess and a sorceress. No clue how that's going to work with Camelot. Maybe Legend could have dual citizenship or something. Although I could be mean and say she's a human princess who fades into obscurity because he outlives her.
Dusk: I can't find any good old fairy tales about princesses that involve puppets or wolves. I'm probably going to have to fudge the entire thing. Which shouldn't be horribly difficult since TP is literally just a fairytale anyway, but I was really hoping to find something.
Tetra: Definitely a pirate. Probably Blackbeard or Bluebeard. Maybe one of those lady pirates that were 100% lesbians. (Side note: The Great Sea could totally be the ocean that Atlantis is under. Wind's divine parent could be one of the gods that sunk it or something.)
Dawn & Aurora: I feel like being miscellaneous princesses actually works in their favors because that's pretty much what they are in canon. I can probably just gloss over the details a little bit and say they're cousins and that Hyrule helped rescue them while he was out killing giants.
Dot: I'm just going to say she's the princess from the story about the four brothers since it fits perfectly. Least amount of work to give her a role. Honestly sort of wish she could be Dorothy from The stories about Oz because of her nickname, but that wouldn't work. She deserves a QPR with Four so that's what she's getting.
Lullaby: I don't think she really does much in OoT other than be Sheik? So my best idea is Mulan, but with the whole ocarina thing she could also be a type of magical princess like Fable, but those are in surprisingly limited supply.
Honorary mention of ST!Zelda: She should be a ghost. A victim of train assassination, maybe Orient Express style. Ends up befriending ST!Link and they get along like a house on fire and she helps him get used to being a ghost after he dies in a tragic train accident.
- I am still so so so so so obsessed with Sky and the Jabberwocky I am absolutely just eating that up dude, and I can’t wait to see what you end up deciding for Sun
- A PRINCESS SORCERESS FOR FABLE GOES SO HARD and you’re right that is mean >:( im eating it up tho
- I suppose red riding hood wouldn’t work for Dusk? There’s gotta be SOME fairy tale about wolves out there, I dunno the rules of EAH but there’s gotta be at least some vague one
- Dot as Dorothy would be soooooo good, and slay her havin a qpr with Four
- Any Mulan story I see I will absolutely eat up and encourage, that’s one of my favorite Disney movies
dude i am so excited for all this I love it soooo much!!! please come bother me about it whenever!!
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kissingrhi · 1 year
the kim x reader headcanon post has my life in shambles. oh my fucking GOD. i love her so much, thank you for writing that, the well is so dry for kimreader stuff <3 <3 <3 i appreciate it more than you know. i know you seem busy with rqs (i loved the latest batch of them so much as well!!!) but could i put in one for a praise kink oriented kim x reader? reader could be her new paralegal or something, she makes you really, really flustered with all sorts of what you think are friendly, innocuous comments until she makes a bold move (and you end up fucking in her office after hours, i'm thinking like S&C era?) thank you so much again, i love all of your posts!
detailed requesters, you have my heart and soul. lovely people get me out of writers block mwah!! haven't written for bcs in a while, but this is waking my brain up! i love kimberly wexler.
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cw — reader has female anatomy, some gendered-terms used (good girl mainly), many mentions of reader masturbation, so much sexual tension it is sickening, employee/employer relations, kim seems mean at the beginning but she folds, thigh riding, light dom/sub dynamics, oral sex/fingering (kim goes down on reader), tons of dirty talk, hint of overstimulation, PRAISE KINK
"hey, hey." you were snapped out of your trance. "you there?"
you noticed your shaking leg, instantly stopping and sitting right up. "yeah, yeah." you were extremely unconvincing, catching the slight eyebrow raise kim sent you. "i just had a rough night." her eyebrows rose more. "i was up late. with a- project. haha!" your tone was unconvincing, but she didn't push. you were obviously lying.
god, this was awkward.
nonetheless, she sent you a glimmering smile, her beautiful blue eyes softening. "that's okay." her voice echoed throughout her office. how she managed to sound gentle in such an empty, void space was beyond you.
you noticed a stack of papers in front of you that weren't there before. "well, these are some new forms i need put on file for mesa verde. can you have them in by tomorrow?" she asked, firmly now, switching right back into her professional tone. you took a deep, harsh breath in at the sheer amount of paperwork. she chuckled, "i know you're new and this is a lot to take in, so if you would rather me take on some that's perfectly fine. this-" she motioned to the papers " -is a lot to get used to."
"no, that's alright. i've got it." you grinned, almost giddy to take on the job. the apples of your cheeks crinkled under your eyes, a genuine smile being returned to the one she threw earlier. you noticed a twinkle in her eye, but you were sure you were imagining things. that's what you get for not getting enough sleep.
"good." was all she said, her heel now clicking over and over again on the floor. "how about brunch tomorrow?" she asked, a look on her face you couldn't quite figure out.
"sure." you replied, grabbing the papers and your bag. you started to make your way out, but not before adding a, "goodnight, kim." quickly you caught yourself, turning around, face slowly heating up. "wait- i can call you kim, right? am i being unprofessional?"
she cracked a downturned smile at that one, holding back a laugh. "no, no. you're not being unprofessional. yes, you can call me kim." her smiled remained even when she said, "we don't want any weird power dynamics." she tilted her head at you, pursing her lips before beginning to put on her jacket.
"right- okay." you smiled again. "goodnight. see you tomorrow."
"okay, brunch." was all she returned with, yet somehow it wasn't uncomfortable at all.
the next morning, you woke up extra early. jumping in the shower at a fresh 5'o clock, you made sure to look your most presentable for kim. you didn't want to fumble your new job as a paralegal on the first day. you even started to work on the forms a little bit, ignoring the grueling headache that was beginning to form from not being able to drink coffee first thing in the morning, since you'd boldly decided to wait until brunch.
when you finally arrived at said brunch, almost all of the stack was gone. maybe you got a little carried away trying to impress your new boss, but when has being a people pleaser ever done you wrong?
you were fidgeting with your watch when kim walked in, grinning at you as she sat down in front of you. "so, paperwork? i know you're loving it." her voice was still a little groggy from just waking up, and you'd be lying if you said it didn't make you feel a certain way. her makeup and hair were a little unkempt, but she seemed more relaxed than the day prior.
"oh, just having the time of my life." you returned her energy, resulting in snickers from the both of you. "actually, i just-" you pulled out the last few papers. "i need to finish these few and i'll be done."
kim was impressed. not that you could tell. "that's-" she coughed, getting herself more comfortable in her seat before crossing her hands over the edge of the table. "that's really good. good work. good job."
"thank you." you cautiously replied, unsure of why she was repeating the word 'good' so goddamn much. it was kind of making you sweat. "can we get some coffee?" you cut the silence.
"of course."
brunch went well, the two of you actually hit it off extremely well. you found out that you have a lot of the same interests, tastes in art and music, and the same favorite breakfast food. french toast, obviously. you found that working and communicating with her was a lot easier than employers you'd previously dealt with. you also found that kim was incredibly hard to read, as she loved saying off-putting things that made you unsure if you were doing something incredibly wrong or incredibly right. like when you two were discussing your work ethic, you shamelessly spouted that you're willing to do more than what's asked if you, even if there's no reward. to which she replied, "that's very satisfactory. i'll definitely keep that in mind." you tried to ignore the sudden feverish feeling that swept over your body at her prideful tone. she was just being polite, being your employer.
the next few days seemed to fly by, and you noticed it was the first occurrences of you ever being genuinely excited to come into work. you woke up earlier, paid more attention to your attire, did things for extra credit, and most of all: built a relationship with kim. this relationship was interesting: you weren't quite sure what to call it.
you weren't sure if she knew just the affect she had on you, if she knew you had an affinity for praise, so much of an affinity, however: that it made you feel weak and fuzzy inside, made you feel like you were going to spontaneously combust and melt into the ground with every lasting touch she made to your shoulder or each time she complimented you on how "talented of an employee you were." it made your blood run hot every single time, feeling waves of bashfulness run throughout your entire body, especially your suddenly twisting stomach. any sort of compliment turned you into a blubbering, sweaty mess and you absolutely hated it. you were trying to prove yourself to be a professional after all. for your employer.
you brushed it off, though, knowing that she was the most experienced lawyer you'd ever met, and not a meek employee whose knees buckle at the mere mention of how good of a job they're doing. definitely not someone who fantasized about their boss late at night.
you swallowed the lump that was suddenly building in your throat as you stepped into her office to give her some notes from interested corporations in a new pursuit, which she hadn't even asked for. you set them down gently, since she was intently typing on her computer. as you got up to leave, you were held back by a simple, "what's this?" her tone was indecipherable. as you turned, you saw her quickly finding and staring directly into your eyes.
"i- i knew you wanted to add more clients besides mesa verde, so i gathered a few." you felt like a pushover all of a sudden, humiliation starting to run deep in your veins. you stared down at your feet. "is that okay?" you internally cringed at how docile your voice sounded. you looked up to find her amused, looking at you like she knew something you didn't. it made you shudder.
"of course it's okay, thank you. just don't take on too much, okay?" she answered, looking at you sternly like her statement wasn't up for debate. "i want you to have time for yourself." she added, lips quirking slightly. you couldn't tell if she was genuine, slightly making fun of you, or both. maybe she was endeared. you didn't want to think too hard about it.
"okay." was all you answered. your mouth felt dry, and you were mindlessly fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. she noticed your coyness, adding insult to injury: "that's a pretty color on you." you paused your fidgeting, looking up at her. "i'll see you tomorrow. get some good sleep in." her timbre was assertive. without saying a word, you quietly left her office, instantly releasing a breath you didn't even know you were holding. you had to zip to a bathroom, patting your face with cold water and cursing yourself for the sinful thoughts slowly approaching your mind.
you finally arrived home that night, slinging yourself onto your bed with a frustrated sigh. you felt petulance at yourself for feeling so lustfully towards your boss, who was merely doing her job. you felt stupid. you felt like a whore.
'maybe that's what she'd call you if she knew.'
that thought instantly led to many others, and you found your body moving before your brain could stop it. when you got yourself off that night, desperately riding your fingers to gain some sort of release from the intense thoughts filling your head, you never took off the shirt that she told you you looked pretty in.
you felt insanely ashamed the next morning, waking up in the same clothes from previously, feeling mortified when you looked at your clock. you were late. you scrambled to get up, not even bothering to shower. you threw on random clothes, trying to ignore how flustered you felt. you masturbated thinking about your boss. if you could disappear, you would totally take that opportunity.
you didn't even bother checking the speed limit as you rushed to get to the office, touching yourself up in your rearview mirror before haphazardly pulling into your parking space, almost running inside the building. you mentally prepared yourself for having to deal with what you'd done the night before and with what kim had to say about your late arrival.
you twisted the doorknob as slowly as you possibly could, almost tripping over your feet as you were caught with her disappointed stare.
"you're late." she said, matter-of-factly, standing up. she was glaring so hard you thought she could see right through into the wall behind you. you knew you were fucked. you'd only been working for her for a couple weeks, and you'd already screwed up. you swore you were tearing up, just from the sheer embarrassment. "we'll talk after 5." she curtly stated, pointing to you and then your desk.
5 had never come slower. you didn't move from your desk the entire day, except to pee one time. when you did, you felt her eyes boring into your back. the silence was deafening, and the anticipation had you tingling the entire workday. when the forbidden hour finally arrived, you shakily grabbed your stuff, wobbling towards her desk, avoiding looking into her eyes.
"look at me." of course, you instantly did, your eyes wide with hesitation. "i'll let you being late slide for today. don't let it happen again." you felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. "there's actually something else i wanted to talk to you about." once again, you couldn't decode what she was trying to say from her tone alone. timidly, you took a seat on the chair in front of her desk, leaning your back against it in a lame attempt at looking unbothered. anyone could tell you were a wreck. she took the opportunity to walk around the vicinity of the front end of her desk, leaning against the front, so that she was situated just in front of you.
"what'd you do when you got home last night? since you know, it was obviously a lot." she asked, a smirk plastered on her face.
you furrowed your eyebrows. you had no idea where this was going. you really hoped you were a good liar. "i, uh- i did what people normally do, you know- ate dinner, showered, got some work done, slept." she let your words seep into the tension-filled air of the room, your lies settling in the quaint atmosphere. she looked at you through her eyebrows. "no i mean, really. what did you do?" you could tell she didn't believe you. you still played dumb.
"i don't really know what else to add. i watched a movie." you were lying straight through your teeth, and it was insanely obvious. you couldn't even look her directly in the eyes. you were staring at her nose, barely blinking. barely breathing at that point. she reached forward to place your chin between her pointer finger and her thumb, lifting your head up to an embarrassingly high position, just to see if you'd swat her away or go pliant. "oh, come on, tell me more." she was being condescending, her heeled foot going to separate the two feet you had crossed on the floor.
your breath hitched, and your brain started to short circuit. you couldn't tell if this was really happening. "be good and tell me." oh, if that didn't make you feel intoxicated with her presence. the words made you tremble, a speedy pulse being shot throughout many areas of your body. you couldn't look away even if you wanted to. it was like every aspect of her being was itching for you to respond.
your voice broke when you barely whispered, "i touched myself." she saccharinely grinned, going back to sit in her chair, leaving you speechless and extremely embarrassed. you were definitely getting fired. she glanced at you, intently staring like she was debating on what to say. "you know- when i say you're one of, if not, the best employees i've had, i truly mean that." she seemed indifferent. "you're just so-" she paused again, still not breaking eye contact. "well-behaved." you felt dazed. "thanks." she laughed, a real laugh this time. "see, you're proving my point! come sit." she patted her leg, watching you connect the dots and shakily walk over.
"now i want you to be a doll for me, and tell me what you thought about." she rasped, gently grabbing your hips to straddle her clothed thigh. "should we be doing-" she shushed you instantly. you squeezed your eyes shut, hips ghosting against the firm muscle. you started talking first. "i thought about-" she pushed your body down, guiding you. a tiny gasp escaped your mouth and you wanted to bury your head in her neck. "keep going for me." your hips stuttered at her low, barely audible voice, as you began to squirm. you found your rhythm, barely panting, trying to keep your composure as you explained yourself. "i thought about you- telling me what to do." you sighed after the admittance, needily grinding your body down more, reveling in her pleased chuckle. she added on, her hands finding a spot on your ass, barely touching you. "i was telling you how good you are?" she teased, mocking the high-pitched 'uh-huh' you released right after.
she stopped you before you could do too much. "can you take your pants off for me?" she asked, but it was more of a demand than anything else. you've never moved more quickly in your life, instantly shedding your trousers, not even feeling exposed in front of the domineering woman. "there you go." she purred, lightly pushing you to sit on her desk. she took in your state, totally opposite to the professional, eager employee she knew you to be. you looked lust-struck, like you were stuck in a haze you couldn't shake. "look at you, obeying me. you have no idea how crazy you make me feel." she sunk down in front of where you were sitting, just behind her name plate. her veiny, nimble hands found their way to your supple thighs, easing them apart. you instinctually whined, feeling exposed. she groaned, hands gripping your skin.
"it's just so cute how much you're willing to do for me. you're such a good girl, hm?" her eyes glimmered, smiling at your nod and sexually frustrated stare. she wanted to reward you for your good behavior. she started to press open mouthed kisses along your thighs, still staring up at you. her eyes glistened in the low sunlight that slipped through her blinds. "can i finger you?" she was concise, giggling again at your shyness. "yeah."
"need to reward you," she mumbled against the top of your underwear band, before reaching to pull them off, but not before neatly setting them beside your trousers, which made you laugh. "what? i like it neat, ok?" she had you so smitten you just beamed at her, not even questioning that she just cleanly folded your (very wet) panties. she ran her pedicured nails just over the outside of your pussy, listening for the hushed, obedient "kim" she desperately craved to hear. she kindly placed her mouth to your clit, feeling herself grow more and more aroused at how your whining turned into pleading for her to continue. "god, you're so beautiful, you've got no idea." she sensually whispered against your tender flesh, her hands going to push your thighs closer to her face.
she licked a single stripe from your hole all the way up to your sensitive clit before sneakily sticking two fingers into your aching hole, she moaned lowly in unison with you when she did so. you bit your lip, head falling back on your shoulders as her fingers started to quicken their pace, her thumb going to rub broad circles into your clit. you cried out at the sudden pleasure, "kim- oh my- shit!" she sped up her pace, practically urging for you to shove your cunt closer to her face. "that's it, doing so good for me. sweet girl." the vibrations of her voice didn't help the coiling heat threatening to snap from inside of you.
she didn't stop speeding up until you were rutting your hips against her face like a bitch in heat. her fingers were ruthless against your desperate figure, spreading your hole apart and pushing as far as they could to make you feel stuffed. to make you go stupid. she was stretching you open, and the pressure was almost too much. "my god- kim-" you stammered, your moans escaping your mouth like a mantra. you weren't even thinking at that point, all you knew was kim and her talented fingers.
you were quaking, your submissive moans echoing throughout her empty office space, not even feeling shame anymore. all you could focus on were her fingers, how deeply she knew to reach you. your muscles were tightening when her tongue slipped in alongside her fingers, which were now toying with your g-spot. "kim, please- please let me cum." to which she replied, "only because you asked so nicely." the way that you naturally pleaded made her throb, speeding up her pace even more to push you further than you'd known before.
instantly, you came against her face, trembling with aftershocks. she pulled away from in between your legs, only to say, "you'll be good and take what all i give you, right?" before diving right back in.
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roomofshroom · 1 year
kyman headcanons part 2 !!!! SFW (cartman oriented!!!)
since yall liked my kyman headcanons so much i thought id give it another try and write down sum more ! :D
part 1: here
cartman would plan little fucking schemes to see if kyle really loves him (text him from a fake instagram profile, pay a girl to make a move on him, shit like that)
motherfucker craves attention so much, so he like pretends he's sick or dying or that something really serious happened to see if kyle comes running to him
kyle quickly realizes this is not a one time thing and is really annoyed w him but manages to come running everytime cartman pulls something like this, eric always treats him with a big smile when hes at the doorstep ("you came! :D " "ofc i came you said ur fucking mom was dying?! where is she?" "oh she just went shopping" "so you made it up?! you know how fucked up that is?!" "technically, my mom IS dying, we are ALL dying every second of every day ever since we were born, kHAL...")
cartman uses like an unhealthy ammount of emojis in every message, sends shit ton of tiktoks, reels, youtube shorts and has a completely different types of conversations w kyle on every social media platform all at once (like on instagram he's venting to him about how he doesnt feel appreciated enough by the world while hes sending him memes on discord and streaming himself playing fall guys or smth i dont fucking know)
kyle's style of texting is very simple, he doesnt like long messages, he doesnt really send memes or tiktoks or anything but he religiously watches everything eric sends him, responds to him asap and writes medium sized messages with emojis because cartman is super fucking clingy and goes on a rampage if kyle doesnt respond for more than 3 hours or if his response isn't "enthusiastic" enough (*eric sends a meme of cats with a "this is so us" comment* kyle: <3 eric: do you hate me? kyle: no wtf i dont??? why? eric: idk just seems like you hate me)
cartman hangs out w kyle's mom and makes kyle's mom unknowingly share embarrassing details of kyle's life just to tease him w the information later, they also look through baby pictures together
eric and kyle's mom love gossiping together and they watch say yes to dress together and critique the dresses ("the mermaid style dress with HER LEGS!? i thought she'd wanna show them off!" "yes, such a shame, wasted potential")
sometimes cartman just goes to kyle's house solely to hang out with his mom ("oh hey cartman, i wont be able to hang out today, i need to-" "no worries, I'm here to watch tlc w your mom")
cartman's love language is words of affirmation, obviously, and he makes kyle say everything he loves about him at least twice a week as a "communication exercise, so that their relationship stays good and they both feel appreciated" (its honestly just a way for eric to get praised, he loveeees that shit)
he knows kyle's love lang is acts of service (hes known him for years, kyle didnt even need to tell him) so while he's at his house he'll wash the dishes and fold his clothes but he won't admit to it, he actually hides it and feels embarrassed, kyle just knows ("hey, did you clean my room while i was downstairs?" "no?" "look, its clear you did, just say so" "i don't fucking know what you're talking about, khal" "...thank you, eric" "...shut the fuck up, jew, as if I'd touch your dirty ass room")
cartman's actually very shy with showing affection when its just two of them and when kyle says something sweet unprovoked, cartman usually blushes and shuts him down, turns it into a joke or straight up ridicules kyle ("you're actually very pretty, cartman" "yeah, you're pretty too... pretty gay, HAHA")
kyle's shy with showing affection in front of others and cartman fucking takes that and runs with it sometimes, doing everything to make kyle uncomfortable, he's being all lovey dovey infront of kenny and stan to see kyle cringe internally and awkwardly smiling on the outside to 'not seem like a bad boyfriend' (cuz when he once couldn't take it and told cartman to shut the fuck up, cartman got fake sad and stan came to kyle afterwards and gave a speech about "sometimes having to put up with stuff you don't like to make your girl, uhm sorry, to make your... significant other happy")
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vampire-superstar · 1 year
WELCOME BACK TO "I rate things because it's fun!"
Today we are rating full forms (?) Of characters but I have to be practical-ish
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First off we have
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Honestly, I can only say good things about him, this is by far my favorite design, however. I feel like they could've given him either a loincloth or harem pants, not both (I might be wrong and that's one piece) I still feel like it doesn't fit. It looks Arabian prince inspired (once more correct me if Im wrong), but the fur collar isn't add anything to the outfit. I feel like if they just accentuated his gold collar more it would have the same effect of fullness :]
Overall: 8.5/10
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For some reason his png is huge so points off but even then, I want to draw attention to those sticks on his head. The bat bones? Kinda lacking. I feel like instead they should've just been tattered but other than that he's pretty cool. Tail might have to be fixed though
Overall: 9.5/10
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First off when doing a quick glance compared to every other character, his demon form is the most traditional and simple. Because of this, I'm a little disappointed that the outfit didn't have much pop, you know? As the avatar of pride, you'd think you'd want his outfit to draw your eye but no ;( Instead of the flowy waistcoat maybe an actual peacock fan and more feather in his design. A problem you can't really fix but I feel like instead of to impress, he'd display the fan and open his wings to full size to look bigger and intimate
Overall: A disappointing 6/10
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Much like Luci, his design looks more traditional and unlike him, his outfit makes up for it. However, my ONLY complaint is the orientation. It's good but not spread properly. All the detail seems to be drawn to the chest so maybe remove the jacket and do a full harness? Or do a full jacket with a harness peeking underneath. Also solid pants and combat boots to match
Overall: 9/10
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For some reason all the pngs are different sizes idk how to fix it BUT not too many critiques on this. Just remove the jacket and go full turtleneck and suspenders. Or go full oversized hoodie. As usual, the pants are atrocious but they all are so no points off
Overall: Our first 10/10
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A ten followed by an immediate -20. It's tacky and overpopulated like they added stuff and forgot they already had something there. It's atrocious and Asmo would never stand for this. The top should be without that collar (what's solomares obsession with non-practical ugly collars) and move the scorpion to his upper arm or turn it into a corset design. Scrap the quilt design and more evenly space the roses. Make the pant legs both black but add small chains and harnesses to get the same effect. Heels.
Overall: 🤢/10
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This is atrocious for someone born from Luci. Putting aside my previous bias, it's an ok outfit. The top could slay but the pants drown it out. Bigass Gucci belt buckle also gots to go. Keep the boa because it's kinda cute. The tail looks like it pinches, no thanks. Keep that
Overall: 7/10
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Not many complaints though it looks very similar to Mammon and Satan. Maybe not all three belts, just the one white one and the black one
Overall: 9.5/10
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I'm speechless. All of it looks like another opportunity that was wasted. Buckles, no, he's highwatering those pants, I know his ankles ashy. Why are your pants spotted? Why is there a random horseshoe?? Also please just erase the other eye, it looks like a ghost eye. WHY ARE HIS SLEEVES CUT OUT.
OVERALL: -100/10
I don't have the room for the angels but I'm giving Simeon a 9/10 and Luke an 8/10 just because I feel like there's more they could've done for an angel form than just white clothes. Wings at least.
Overall the Design Score for demon forms is: 67% kinda average, not much past good. Still decent though. Levi, Dia and Tan carried. Next up, everyday outfits! But like next week
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pespillo · 11 months
Hello! I hope u don't mind my questions, but regarding the Emperor's Acolyte AU, is it possible for you to elaborate further about Raine's relationship with King and his position in the Kingdom of the Red Sun? And what of Edric and Emira and their position in the moon court (i think?) I absolutely LOVE the concept and the possible exploration in the day-to-day life of the people stuck within the kingdom, INCLUDING that incredibly interesting play! How did King even find Luz's manuscript, anyway?
first of all just posted smth explaining the militia so i think thats a good point on where to start thinking abt everyone´s places in all this vv
second of all , King´s been around Raine for as long as they been turned into head of the bard coven , King always holds a certain curiosity for everyone in the castle ,but his interest turned further when he took notice of Eda´s relationship with them when he was "kidnapped" in the Owl House for a bit (if you check my #emperor acolyte au tag for a sec youll see a small fic of a scene between luz n king transcurring at that time)
Since King starts seeing the Owl Lady as a maternal figure for him (it sorta starts off as wanting to get something Luz has but really, King just needs honest affection and Eda´s doesnt feel like it has any ulterior motive) , King sorta turns Raine into a royal "advisor" bard figure but in reality he sorta rlly just wants to matchmaking them n Eda so they can form his own idea of a family ,King likes to hear their music before sleeping and they unequivocally bond over extremely similar trauma in the hands of the Emperor´s Coven, to the point it makes Raine feel extremely guilty they didnt try getting him outta it much sooner considering they are realizing this is a 9 yr old whos been treated like a dog by the worse person in the Isles not even allowed to talk to other people besides the Emperor n Kikimora, in a way this guilt drives Raine further to not leave the castle to the small rebellion that Darius n Eber been forming.
Speaking of Darius n Eber, Darius n King has a small confrontation/argument that lead to their leave, Eber at first didnt actually mind the way King was running things since it was all sorta thrilling and battle oriented , but since hes inseparable from Darius he aint gnna be ditching his buddy ya know. Darius was just trying to get information of his old mentor, because King KNOWS about the way he died because Belos told him , at least his own version of it, but the more heated Darius got at King´s avoidance of the details, he ended up saying something that made the kid snap at him like "You care more about your mentor more than Hunter, where is he now? what would your mentor think about the way you treated him up until now?" which pretty much shut down that whole conversation, parting ways.
Regarding Luz´s manuscript, it was unfinished, she wanted to join that writer´s competition just as she did in the original episode but some other adventure ended up calling up to her ,so she just sorta forgot abt it or decided it leave it for other day. When the Owl House got raided by the Emperor´s coven n everything was sent to a warehouse, King came up to that warehouse to get Owl Lady´s stuff n move it into his new castle basically , he came upon it while just looking thru Luz stuff n decided to read it through because hes nosy ( he did the same with eda´s diary before), he´s never rlly been allowed to write his own stuff even when he was taught to write and read, so he decided to take it upon himself to make it "his" novel, and subsequently his play , as a way to vent all out his feelings of the world , his feelings towards Luz and everything else, plus to make a big statement culturally for the Isles.
for Edric n Emira, they were dragged into the Moon Court for Collector´s favor , because they were essentially living around them for a good while before turning into King´s Right Hand . Odalia´s been disposed off but not killed (because Emira convinced em to Not Kill their mom as much as the twins n Amity hate her because thats already so much trauma), Alador has run off to join Darius growing group as a way to find a solution to this whole, mess.
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korya-elana · 6 days
Academics are weird with DID
Note: The whole System has been pretty active in a stagnant way (I know this makes no sense I'm sorry lol) and we're feeling more like parts today than distinct alters so we will be using "I" to refer to the collective and using parts language.
I've had significantly bad luck with higher education. I have an associate's I can't use, both due to developing disabilities while getting the degree and because they won't give me my diploma due to things they admit they did on purpose (also why I can't get my credits transferred). My very first college insists I've never attended and so can't send me any credits to transfer despite having photos of me there. Which doesn't surprise me because I found out from someone else that my yearly renewal was denied because I was disabled. My last college took away my entire straight A, full ride semester because my scholarship agency fucked up but wouldn't take responsibility.
It's been a fucking lot. But after three years, we're trying again.
We're working on getting into a program in the spring that would allow us to get a job with WAY better pay that might actually pay us enough to live. It would only be a year and that could support us through our actual degree, but we have a few pre-tests we have to take. Studying for them has been absolutely wild.
Take biology. One part (Em) is massively academic and thrives in things like science but tends to struggle with a few concepts, particularly if they're math-oriented as I struggle with dyscalculia. But evidently the nice part of DID is that not all of me does? We came back after an outing, some part looked at the notes we'd taken and the quiz scores and wrote down a few impossibly clarifying details and definitions that Em had really been struggling with.
And then I just sat back like. Huh. That's a thing. Evidently my academic memory is also fragmented, which isn't something I'd ever considered before. But this part just brought this information up like it was nothing where Em had been swearing under their breath with frustration trying to wrap their part of the mind around the subject.
It makes sense though, in a way. Em was involved with a significant CSA perpetrator throughout my Junior year of High School and I have very, very little memory of that as a whole. While our grades have always been on the higher side of passing (honestly besides Junior and Senior year in high school due to ongoing abuse, I'd mostly been a straight A student, even in college), I'm starting to recall details that show that DID was at play long before I knew about it. A grade C on an English exam in middle school when Ashley was host but had known the source material inside and out and couldn't explain why she'd chosen the wrong answers "she" had. My AP bio teacher insisting that I'd never turned numerous things in and was trying to force a D on the whole year.
It just makes so much sense now but this is the first time post-Syscovery that this situation has come up and it's been ... both frustrating and enlightening. I think the knowledge will help me and individual parts stop beating myself up for not knowing something when maybe it's just compartmentalized somewhere else. I think it'll aid in System relationships, communication and exploration in trying to find specific answers that specific parts don't hold. I know it'll cause frustration (lots and lots and lots) but I think overall this might be a good thing and help us work more cohesively as a whole, at least where academics are concerned.
If anyone has any advice for having a CDD and successfully making it through a bachelor's (and then a Master's and then a PhD ... ) I'd be VERY grateful for tips ways to navigate this. Especially Systems who deal with AuDHD on top.
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