#detective gumshoe imagine
climbs out of the woods shaking and sweating. aa won't give us detective gumshoe back because they're afraid of how hot he'd be after the 7 year gap. they're scared of his dilf (detective i'd like to fuck) powers. phoenix and edgeworth wouldn't stand a chance in the popularity polls
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alynnl · 1 year
Sometimes I take one good look at my purest most cinnamon roll favorite character and feel the urge to give them angst
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stoat-party · 2 years
Ace Attorney AU where nothing changes, except the first time Franziska hits Gumshoe with her whip Miles teleports into the courtroom and punches her.
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papyrusgayfont · 18 days
Look I haven’t played the Apollo Justice trilogy yet, but I do know that Gumshoe (and Franziska) are, I think, the only reoccurring characters to not appear (I think Gumshoe is in like, a flashback, but that’s it)
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So if the reason he’s not in the AJ trilogy is because the developers thought he would be “too old” to be a detective, then in canon he’s probably retired, and if that’s the case, then like, why couldn’t he just start working at Phoenix’s offices or smth like that?
I mean it’s not THAT out there, he’s done it before.
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So if he’s too old to be a detective, then just let him show up at the Wright Anything Agency (I think that’s what Phoenix’s new office is called? Idk) as an assistant or smth.
Like if Larry can return, why can’t Gumshoe (and Franziska smh)?
(Also, wdym you couldn’t imagine him being a detective 7 years in the future? He’d be like, 40, it’s not like he’s dying 💀💀💀💀)
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nortsauce · 1 month
I’m gonna ask a bunch of narumistu shippers this but how do you think Iris would react seeing that happen? Also how would your dream Narumitsu wedding play out, and would pearl be invited? I just have so many questions! I also love your art!❤️❤️❤️
HELLO!!! First of all THANK YOU FOR THE COMPLIMENT you make me blush 💝
Now onto the questions. Y’all know i love to talk and answer these types of questions.
1) Iris.
I love iris and I believe that she truly wants to see Phoenix happy, and Phoenix views her as someone important to his life.
Phoenix was willing to swallow glass for her (and dahlia) and it’s hard to find someone that devoted to you. But i think they both realized that their time has passed.
Iris still holds her late sister in high regards despite everything she’s done, and Phoenix has grown up since college and become a more honest person. They both know that it wouldn’t work. Their directions in life have changed and Iris needs to do whats good for her and take some time to heal, and Phoenix needs to do what’s best for him and distance himself from the necklace incident as much as possible. But you know that will be harder to do and they still visit eachother as friends. Perhaps locked in a “in another life, perhaps”
I think Iris would be happy for Phoenix, and possibly even find a friend in Miles considering they have similar feelings of guilt. Maybe they accidentally run into eachother at group therapy and share stories!!!
I truly and deeply believe in my heart that their wedding goes TERRIBLY.
First off, the proposal happens and Phoenix wants to propose but he keeps losing the ring due to hijinx and murder. He fears that miles is gonna get to it first, or possibly not even want to marry in the first place, but what he DOESN’T KNOW is that Miles has been TRYING to propose for SO LONG but hijinx keep interrupting him and he loses his nerve.
When they finally propose, it goes as swimmingly as you expect. Literally. They propose at the same time just exasperatedly finally and they drop their rings into a lake, only for our national hero LARRY BUTZ to jump out of the bushes where he was filming and grab both of the rings in mid air as he falls into the lake splashing them all with water.
Onto the wedding. Maya, Pearls, Franziska and Trucy create the worst team of wedding planners known to man. They all have different things set in mind. Where Maya wants to wing it, Franziska plans to perfection. Where Trucy wants to put a gag, Pearl insists on pure romance. Things get heated and it falls apart when they all separate to plan different parts of the wedding and it looks AWFUL. It ends with the venue being set on fire. The dream team then panic and have a breakdown, only for them to say “We’ve been doing this wrong. What would they want?”
They set up a beautiful venue outside, big enough to fit all of their found family. Its either near the courthouse or the gate-water hotel something sentimental and it’s almost perfect 💝
Now the ceremony goes, oh you guessed it: TERRIBLY.
Miles has worked himself into a state of pure anxiety and Phoenix has disassociated. They both can’t believe that this is actually happening. Larry is Phoenix’s best man and Gumshoe is Miles’s.
oh yeah and Kay is was Mile’s bridesmaid and Maya was Phoenix’s because they had both a best man and a bridesmaid.
I’d imagine Larry and Gumshoe go through the same exact thing that Max and Pascal went through from that one Tangled short where Eugene and Rapunzel are getting married but i can’t describe that here without just explaining the whole short so just go watch it here and imagine Gumshoe and Larry.
Anyways, the reception goes on even after “the ring fiasco 2, electric boogaloo” and then the power goes out before the ceremony completes. Screams are heard and the lights come on, and the Vicar is lying dead on the ground.
IT’S TIME FOR AN INVESTIGATION where EVERYTHING GOES AWRY. But luckily they got the best Legal and Detective minds this side of Japanifornia! So Apollo Trucy and Athena immediately hop into action. Miles and Phoenix are discussing what they saw in handcuffs, Maya and Pearl are attempting to channel anyone they can but nothing is working(?) Franziska is attempting to keep everyone in order so she can investigate and question, Gumshoe has the police force looking into it, Klavier and Blackquill are taking statements in a church confessional, Ema is taking samples, and all around it is a DISASTER: BUT
They realize after this fact that they have NEVER solved a case this fast ever.
(Turns out the Vicar had mafia connections and ex members of the clergy were planning to turn the church into a gang front but the priest wouldn't let them but took them in as his children regardless and a rival gang was involved it was a whole thing thats a story for another ask though.)
Anyways the whole thing had them thinking about all working together more often than not, and not only was a marriage planned, but more unions were planned and they had gathered new recruits to help change the law system of their country.
and then Phoenix and Miles kissed and they lived happily ever after.
All in all a disaster but it wouldn’t have gone any other way (:
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goosedoes-fics · 1 year
Spiderman Noir x Reader
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Content warnings: alcohol mention, no use of y/n, first person (reader pov)
Notes: if you look closely you can see the exact moment that I lost all inspiration to actually finish this oneshot!! anyways yea I was gonna have it from Noir's POV but it would be harder for the reader to be gender neutral if that was the case
The young shamus' office was colder than a summer night in Antarctica. A single light dangled overhead, dimly illuminating the room just enough that the corners were pitch black, but everything else was a bit visible. I had heard tales of the hard-boiled gumshoe, the only private eye in New York to wear a mask. It was pretty dang smart, really. Protecting his identity and all that jazz.
His feet were propped up on his desk, clad in worn leather boots that seemed to have dirt caked in from his many adventures. His fedora covered where his eyes would have been, had he not been wearing a mask that already concealed them.
I took notice of the bottle of moonshine on his desk, picking it up and inspecting the label. "Bit ironic for a detective to be drinkin' hooch, ain't it?"
For a moment, I thought he wouldn't respond, as he didn't look up nor tilt up his hat, but he leaned forward slightly as he addressed me. "Don't blow your wig, pal. You can't convince me ya haven't stepped into a speakeasy a few times."
His retort earned a quiet laugh out of me as I placed the bottle back in its original spot.
The private investigator finally took his feet off the desk and looked up at me. I could only imagine his piercing gray eyes inspecting me. The thought somehow got me flustered, subtle heat rising to my cheeks.
"You got somethin' to say, or are you just gonna stand there gawkin'?" He eventually asked, snapping me out of my stupor.
He reached into a drawer on his desk and took out a cigar, lighting it and putting it up to the fabric of his mask where his mouth would be. "Usually people come in here for me to solve a mystery."
"Oh!" I laughed nervously. Had I been staring at him? Idiot. "Right. Yeah."
Reaching into my back pocket, I retrieved a small photograph, sliding it across the table like an 8 ball in a game of pool.
"My grandma." I tapped the photo. "Y'see the necklace? It's been in my family for decades. And today, it wasn't in the safe."
The detective's interest seemed piqued, at least from what little I could deduce from his body language. "Touched it lately?"
"Not since two months ago. It's only for VERY special occasions." I shrugged, taking a glance at the nameplate on his desk. "Mr. Noir... can you find it?"
The silence was thicker than 5 year old expired eggnog. Golly, how I wished I knew what he was thinking. The only thing I could decipher was a bit of curiosity from the slight tilt of his head.
I hadn't even realized I was holding my breath until I started getting dizzy.
Eventually, he spoke up. "The question ain't can I, toots. It's will I. And the answer is yes."
A small smile spread across my lips as he stood up, handing me back the photograph with a slight tilt of his head.
"Thank you, sir."
The apartment I lived in was quite small, and hardly luxurious. Despite our family heirloom being one of such high worth, we weren't a wealthy family. But I managed to get by. Even if it wasn't large, it was cozy.
"This is your place?" His body language betrayed no thoughts. It was really quite frustrating how little I could infer from him, with only his voice and movements to determine what he was feeling.
"...it's not much," I admitted carefully, "But I do like it."
"And you never thought to sell the necklace?"
"No, sir. It's too important to our family."
Noir hummed softly, inspecting the safe when I pointed it out. He dragged a gloved finger over the surface, a thin layer of dust now coating his fingertip like ash from a fireplace. The motion somehow made me nervous, as if he was convincing me I had something to hide.
Noir looked up at me after a moment's pause. "...Listen, if you can't pay, I can-"
"No." I cut him off. "I can pay. I wouldn't have hired you if I didn't set aside some money."
The vigilante didn't respond. He merely turned back to the safe, closing the door of it before standing up straight again. He looked down at me, and I could practically feel his eyes burning into me.
"...I can't take your money, darlin'."
Frustration boiled inside of me as I took a step forward. "Yes you can. I don't need pity, detective."
A small sigh could be heard through the fabric of Noir's mask. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep myself from having an outburst.
In a swift, almost imperceptible movement, Noir took one of my hands in both of his. The investigator's huge gloved hands dwarfed my own. "You don't understand. I know what happened with yer necklace, I can't ask you to pay me for such a quick job."
It was hard for me to choke out any words. "But-"
"No buts."
"I have to pay you. This is your job," I protested.
Noir was quiet for a moment before cupping my face in his hands. I was aware of heat rising to my cheeks. If he noticed how flustered he was making me, he didn't say anything. "You really wanna pay? I'm not gonna bump gums with you about this."
I nodded stubbornly. Perhaps I didn't quite understand the implications of his words, because after lifting up his mask just above his nose, he kissed me square on the lips.
The light pink on my cheeks doubled, turning my face red as I slowly began kissing back. My mind clouded, halting any racing thoughts and focusing only on the gentleness of his lips.
When he finally pulled away, it felt too soon. I couldn't squeak out any words as he took a step back from me, tilting his hat by the brim with a small nod.
My mind was still in a bit of a daze when he started to leave. "By the way, darlin'." I looked up at him as he spoke to me. "Check the coffee table."
And sure enough, there was the necklace, hidden from view next to a stack of magazines.
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postoctobrist · 6 months
Now I'm a 1950s film noir detective, see
Not some tweedly little gumshoe fella neither I got some callouses on my lungs and some tar in my thumbs
Im tracking the whereabouts of where's abouts someone could get ahold of one of them dresses you was wearing at the liveshow if they had the wherewithal for one.
Pickin up what I'm puttin down? Maxi length, tiered ruffles descending from the sky like monochromatic rain, or the joyful tears of an adopted foundling leaving the orphanage on 8th and 147th. Just enough sleeve to leave some shoulder on hold for the imagination. And pink, the colour of money.
Sorry. Um. But where was it bought/sourced from if I could be overly nosy and ask, for a friend?
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Oh, this old thing?
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'Whoooooooooooop! Detective Gumshooooooooooooe!' is such a perfect moment. I mean mostly, it's just fucking hilarious. But then if you go back to the scene after the trial
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it's obvious Edgeworth isn't just saying happy new year to Gumshoe. He's trying to thank him, in the most awkward, unhinged way possible.
Which suggests that, a few days after the trial that he was still shell-shocked from, Edgeworth was sat thinking something like, "Hmm, Detective Gumshoe stuck by me through all of this. I don't know how to thank him. Wait... Ms Fey gave me directions on how to appropriately express my gratitude, didn't she? It seems foolish, but perhaps I should try it. To the police precinct!"
Or that's how I imagine it went down. Fwiw I also headcannon that Edgeworth was the one who secretly nominated Gumshoe for the award he won in RFTA.
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Maybe more of a stretch given how anti-award Edgeworth seems at this point. But on the other hand, Gumshoe wasn't exactly popular with his superiors or the prosecutor's office at the time. And I feel like diligence is something Edgeworth genuinely values in Gumshoe. Plus even if he claims not to care about awards himself, he could likely still see how much it would mean to Gumshoe to be recognised for once. Also, it'd be another way to thank him without having to actually, y'know, thank him.
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makaira-art · 7 months
Valentine's Day and White Day Gyakuten Snapshot Translations
Scans from Court Records by JapaneseGIRL
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Hello, I'm the second illustrator for "Ace Attorney", Tatsuro Iwamoto. I will be drawing Ace Attorney in this space for a bit. Thank you for having me! The theme for this first commemorative illustration is "Valentine's Day". As the 2 members of the Fey family don't really understand the relationship between chocolate and valentines day very well, Larry and Edgeworth are called to help. It has that sort of vibe, doesn't it? Larry, who is skilled with his hands, is the general manager, while in contrast it seems that Edgeworth is forced to do the menial work. Pearls must have been the one that inspired Maya with the existence of Valentine's Day. Everyone, please imagine all sorts of things. It's also about characters that aren't present. For example, Lotta probably came to sell stolen photos of Phoenix under the guise of materials for making the chocolate. Detective Gumshoe could be about to smell the chocolate and rush in. And I wonder if Oldbag is making her own chocolate bust of Edgeworth.
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The theme for the second drawing is "White Day", which has become an illustration in response to the previous theme of "Valentines Day". The fact that Edgeworth is serving Maya and Pearls means that Edgeworth may have received chocolate from the girls. The Steel Samurai on top of the cake was likely made by Larry. If Franziska was invited, does that mean she gave chocolates as well? Wright is… He might be unsatisfied with how small he is in the illustration despite being the main character. By the way, what kind of sweets are generally gifted on white day? I feel like there was speculation that in the past, marshmallows were given, but I haven't heard that lately. I had a lot of trouble deciding what Edgeworth would have to give.
Prosecutor's Office Corner:
Postcard 1:
Edgeworth: Here, Detective Gumshoe and I will introduce the postcards. Thanks for having us. Gumshoe: Thanks for the quick postcard! I was surprised by the expression on prosecutor Edgeworth's face when making the Wright-style chocolate, wow!* Edgeworth: Look forward to your next month's salary assessment…
Postcard 2:
Edgeworth: Hmm. An Ace Attorney orchestra concert?
Gumshoe: I have to eat instant noodles every day in order to go to this concert!
Edgeworth: More importantly, it seems that Justice has an announcement as well, so I'm looking forward to it.
*tn: I assume Gumshoe is expressing shock-- he uses an expression for when one is taken aback and thinks something is amazing, terrible, etc. Could be like "the face you made was amazing!"
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d-e-w-p · 8 months
How is there no ace attorney/ detective conan crossover.
Can you Imagine Conan as phoenix's assistant. Can you imagine him with gumshoe at a crime scene.
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clownowo · 8 months
Ace attorney characters ranked based on how well I think they dance
Phoenix Wright: 6/10 he’s nothing to write home about but he took a musical theater class or two in college so he can keep a beat at least.
Mia Fey: 6/10 no real interest in dancing but she's not bad or anything. could keep up with Diego well enough
Apollo Justice: 4/10 he wouldn’t suck so bad if he could just loosen up.
Athena Cykes: 9/10 very fit. does cardio. has taken some dance classes for fun.
Maya Fey: 8/10 what she lacks in skill she makes up for in spirit
Pearl Fey: 6/10 has the physical abilities to dance but not the confidence. also has very little reference for how she could be dancing
Trucy Wright: 8/10 performer with good dexterity for sleight of hand. Music isn’t really her area of expertise but she does well enough. enjoys playing just dance with Athena
Miles Edgeworth: 3/10 he can do one dance and it’s the Steel Samurai season 4 ending credits dance and he does it flawlessly but nothing else. took ballroom dancing classes with the von Karmas but he wasn’t particularly adept.
Franziska von Karma: 4/10 she found the aforementioned ballroom dancing classes tedious but damn if she wasn’t going to perform in them perfectly. she can’t do anything else and refuses to try
Godot: 7/10 he can do a killer tango
Klavier Gavin: 2/10 despite being an internationally famous rockstar, when performing he usually has a guitar in his hands so he’s never needed to dance. he cannot dance. he doesn’t particularly want this info getting out
Simon Blackquill: 6/10 danced with Athena a fair bit growing up. knows several anime dances
Nahyuta Sahdmadhi: 7/10 i haven't met this guy yet but my friend tells me they think he'd know a fair bit of traditional dances.
Winston Payne: 0/10 or 10/10 no in between. he's either literal garbage or so bad it loops back around to incredible. he had insane disco game in the 70s but now all the rookies laugh at him.
Larry Butz: 8/10 best dancer between him, Phoenix and Miles. he’s gotta be getting his girlfriends somehow
Dick Gumshoe: 5/10 a little too clumsy and can't keep a beat well but bonus points for his enthusiasm
Ema Skye: 1/10 doesn't even try
Kay Faraday: 10/10 incredible dexterity and physical ability. lots of whimsy and spirit.
Sebastian Debeste: 3/10 despite the baton, no real sense of rhythm
Manfred von Karma: 4/10 the one to sign Franziska and Miles up for ballroom dance lessons
Matt Engarde: 2/10 he got the jammin samurai killed so I don’t think he can jam
Dahlia Hawthorne: 8/10 she can boogie. gets down at clubs and parties. arguably the most normal about dancing
Sister Iris: 7/10 had to learn to boogie to properly emulate her sister but she isn’t quite as suited for it and has much less experience
Kristoph Gavin: 1/10 he likes watching but he doesn’t dance at all
Ryunosuke Naruhodo: 10/10 the most beautiful dance of deductions you've ever seen in your life
Susato Mikotoba: 10/10 while she's not particularly skilled with a koto, she learned to dance from the best
Herlock Sholmes: 10/10 THE dancer. THE ONE AND ONLY great detective known for his dance of deductions
Iris Wilson: 10/10 raised by the aforementioned one and only herlock sholmes
Yujin Mikotoba: 10/10 took to tap dancing incredibly well during his time in britain
Kazuma Asogi: 6/10 he's not particularly good but he somehow makes it look cool anyway
Barok Van Zieks: 7/10 used to be much better, before the professor kililngs he actually enjoyed dancing a fair bit. took classes growing up. retained a lot of the muscle memory
Gina Lestrade: 6/10 she doesn't have any training but if she did she'd do fairly well
Tobias Gregson: 2/10 he's the best investigator at scotland yard according to Sholmes, so you can imagine how bad the rest of the yard is at dancing
Maria Gorey: 8/10 she can dance just fine she just has no interest. the one time they got her to dance Herlock had very courteously offered his body up for dissection. "AFTER I'M DEAD, WOMAN!"
Albert Harebrayne: 1/10 he can't. he tries. Barok tried to teach him. he understands the theory! he knows the steps! he can't do it. he can't.
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robby-bobby-tommy · 3 months
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SVSSS x Ace Attorney!!!
this au was created by amazing @crowlyne (sorry for tagging), but that's just my spin on this and might not be fully compliant with her version. Check her out for the og au version (and amazing art)
here's my take on OG LBH and MBJ for the au. explanation: I imagine that LBG is a prosecutor who tries to get SJ to jail. And MBJ serves as his right hand man/detective. Basically Edgeworth and Gumshoe but they're demons and rude.
LBG is his usual flirty self, but becomes super irritated when Phoenix tries to defend SJ in court. He probably bought his licence in the Abyss somewhere. Mb forged an evidence or two, but no one knows about it (except MBJ, cuz he helped him)
MBJ is the scary and cruel detective. He works for LBG and is very loyal to him. MBJ accompanies LBG in every case they work on, and never let's any attorney to the crime scene. I imagine Phoenix always getting shivers down his spine while talking to him. Also MBJ probably doesn't even look at Phoenix' direction if he isn't addressed with proper respect.
This drawing is based on Shi-Long Lang's and Shih-Na sprites from Ace Attorney Investigations.
Also, as per usual, they bully Phoenix cuz why not.
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alynnl · 1 year
Edgeworth’s Hardest Investigation (AA: I2 plot bunny)
I just had a thought pop into my head slightly related to this post, where one of my observations in Ace Attorney was “how hard of a job it was for Phoenix to cross examine Miles and Maya about a painful truth in their lives.”
Picture this.
We have Miles Edgeworth in the events of Investigations (this seems to fit AA: I2 in terms of themes.)
And because of circumstances beyond Edgeworth’s control, he has to cross-examine Kay Faraday and Detective Gumshoe on the witness stand about something painful. Something they each blame themselves for.  But never the less, Edgeworth knows he has to press them, because the alternative is unthinkable.
If he doesn’t find the truth, they both could go to jail for a crime they didn’t commit, but blame themselves for.
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Looks like a certain detective is up for questioning, read below for the story.
Claus: ..Are we done?
Lucas: there are some things bothering me-
Claus: I already told you ..everything.
You see the boy touching a part of his shoulder, close to the neck.
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Pw: ...?
Hey, Claus?
Whats that?
Claus: ...!
Claus: I-its nothing!
You guys should leave already, dont you have to investigate?!
Pw: But-
Claus: I don't wanna talk about it, Why can't you just leave?!
Pw: (even if i press, Its best to leave it at that. I dont want him to dislike me.)
Lucas: ....
Lucas: ..I just dont get it..
He was never like this
Pw: Hm?
Lucas: I know you just met him and me..And That wasnt a great of a first impression of your client.. was it?
Lucas: im just worried. And he's hiding alot too.
Im scared that he really is...
...Forget it! Lets just go already!
April 20th 12:50 Am
Tazmilly Village
Pw: i..i didnt know it would be so far away..! Is..this what you mean by "close"?!
Pw: Did we..really need to walk all the way from here?!
Lucas: It's not that bad!
It was just 30 minutes
Pw: (it felt like an eternity to me)
Pw: ...you mean you can do that entire trip to the village just by walking??
Lucas: ..Well, yeah
Pw: oh.
Lucas: Besides, We need to do this entire track to go to the city. You get used to it after a while
Pw:  ... (.. Maybe I should start hitting the gym.)
April 20th 12:50 Am
   Pigmask office
As you step foot inside, you take a glance to see the décor, blues and greys of the floor with a weirdly shaped carpet, the walls and cealing both seem fairly normal, two rooms. theres a Pig head placed pridefully on the wall, like those of a succesfully hunted deer you see on movies
The small room at the corner is blocked out by yellow and black tape.
Pw: (Is...is this what an office is to these people? A whole building?)
Lucas: Its so..empty.
I thought there would be more officers here.
Pw: Its one less thing to worry about, i guess
Lucas: Well, no matter, Lets go investigate already, i dont want to leave Claus hanging!
Pw: Wha-?! Okay alright!
The first thing you notice as you look down
Pw: (Oh..im stepping on the carpet.)
Pw: Huh?
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Pw:  Its A set of footprints.
And it goes all the way to the room where the murder took place
Lucas: Mr Wright! Look closer!
Pw: Theres.. Another set!
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Lucas: You can only see it on the carpet, though, and its much more lighter than the other one
Pw: You're right..(Wow. Keen eye)
Set of Footprints added to the Court Record
you put your foot away from the carpet
Pw: hm? It left a mark..
So thats how it is. This can easily stain,
(Now i feel bad for the people who'll clean this place.)
You try your best to not to dirty the carpet, walking to the next room over, where the murder took place.
[EXAMINE] Something takes your attention however, a pig head. it’s not alive, at least. You think so.
Pw: (Its staring at me.)
Lucas: Uhm.. Mr Wright, What are you doing..?
Oh. Uh..
Did he hunt a wild pig for that?
Pw: i don't think so. He doesn't seem like the kind.
Lucas: you dont even know him, you know its bad to judge someone just because of that, right?
Pw: (Says you.)
Its just.. creepy
Lucas: i think its more sad than creepy
Pw: (i think i felt a shiver down my spine)
I can't imagine what it must've felt like for this pig, your head being glued to a wooden plate for...this?
to The next room you two go see, the scene of the crime, a much somber interior with lots of shelves and items.
Pw: (Since There are no police officers here.. i wonder if they would mind..)
Lucas: ..can we go there?
Pw: Why not? Let's see here...
You hear footsteps getting closer as you try to take a closer look
Lucas: ..?!
Pw: O-oh! D-detective Gumshoe!
Lucas: Gum..shoe?
Gumshoe: You're trying to sneak into the crime scene, pal?!
Pw: ..Uhh.. (Caught right in the act..!)
Lucas: We..we weren't trying to investigate up close at all!
Pw: (nice one)
Gumshoe: and who are you? You look familiar
Lucas: Um ...im Lucas.
Im the suspect's brother, actually.
Gumshoe: Oh so thats why! You both do look similar!
Lucas: Really? So- did you interrogate him? Is there anything new you guys got?
Gumshoe: sorry pal, that's confidential
And it doesn't seem good for your brother, he confessed after all
Lucas: ...Alright.
Gumshoe: H-Hey, I-i mean there's gotta be some other way to prove otherwise!
Pw: (Maybe i should ask some more questions too)
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rayclubs · 2 months
I'm actually such a genius because if you roll with my whole "Gumshoe has a massive embarrassing crush on Edgeworth" theory every scene becomes one million times better. Imagine you're nearing your thirties, you're mostly professionally fulfilled and well-respected by your peers, in comes this fresh-out-of-law-school prodigy and immediately gets on everybody's nerves with his stuck-up attitude, and you really want to get mad too but you can't because his cheekbones are too sharp and his eyes are too pretty. So this hulking gruff homicide detective immediately starts courting the twink in his own layman fashion, except the twink drives an expensive sports car and goes to fancy restaurants more than once a month, and he doesn't even want to see the cool rock the detective picked up on his way to the precinct this morning! It's a disaster. He can't even tell anyone because it'll ruin his "tough guy" persona - he thinks he has a "tough guy" persona - but he does all the little things like learn Edgeworth's habits and help him out with his investigations, it's all very meet-cute, and everybody can see it, and also the good detective doesn't have much experience on the so-called "gay dating scene" so he doesn't think it's that queer when he says all the sentimental little gay things that he says. He doesn't even have the time to think about the fact that his feelings may be unrequited, he's too busy being all smitten-like, and also there's the murders, always the murders! It's also all incredibly embarrassing because he's picturing domestic life and a multitude of mundane eventualities that bring about the true colors of deep-rooted love but the object of his affections by all accounts should be at the club. It's so bad. I'd die.
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romanceyourdemons · 9 months
I'm asking you about film noir
awesome. when a lot of people talk about noir tropes, noir detectives and femme fatales etc, they’re imagining philip marlowe on a dark night in a city that never sleeps. which isn’t completely inaccurate, there are films noir with philip marlowe, they’re just films adapted directly from philip marlowe novels. these gumshoe detective tropes originate in the hard boiled novels of raymond chandler and others, which are an influence on the film noir genre, but not the only or even, i would argue, the strongest influence. after all, the protagonists of many noirs are not detectives but criminals. other influences on the genre include pre-code gangster films and german expressionist films, and, like these films, many noirs do not follow chandler in depicting a seedy world irremediably steeped in crime. rather, like rico in little caesar (1931) and the doorman in the last laugh (1924), many noir protagonists expect, demand, and even briefly have within their grasp a life of postwar prosperity and domesticity—but the path they take to try and claim it for themself slingshots them into a spiral of deception and destruction. some films, such as double indemnity (1944) and the postman always rings twice (1946), the protagonist becomes trapped in a deadly whirlpool of crimes begetting crimes, whereas others, such as detour (1945) and you only live once (1937), show one crime as being more than enough. in the third man (1945) and the stranger (1946), the crimes are war crimes, and in night of the hunter (1955) and shadow of a doubt (1943) the criminal invades and superimposes himself atop the coveted world of the white picket fence. additionally, many femmes fatale, rather than being career criminals, are or want to be housewives—they just demand to be a housewife to a wealthier man, or to make love to a young and handsome man to compensate for the dullness of their prosperous husband. but perhaps the key difference between genres is that, unlike the gumshoe detective who slouches off into the night to solve another crime another day, most films noir between underworld (1927) and north by northwest (1959) follow a single tragic figure from his cadillac dreams to his wretched end by the wayside. that is the spirit of the classics of film noir: a man takes a bolt cutter to the gates of the american dream, but finds that the lock bleeds, and the bolt cutters cut back
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