aceofwhump · 11 months
I have once again fallen woefully behind on answering my asks and for that I deeply apologize. It's been a busy couple of months in my real life but I've got like a week here were things are gonna be slightly calm so I'm gonna use that time to make some gifs and answer my messages. If I haven't answered your message and you've been waiting, I'M SORRY! Thank you for your patience! I'm gonna answer them all I promise! And a huge apology to those who sent me a message back in September. I have it. I'm gonna answer it I swear. It's the top of my to do list!
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liroyalty · 1 year
@s1lxcs said: "I'd rather die than leave My Princess." She, his brother, and a certain wolf he'd never want to leave behind. Kissing the ring she still wears to bind more
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"My prince is sooooo dramatic~~" You can tell by the way she laughs that she kind of enjoys him being dramatic... or was that from the kiss to the ring...?
Both...? Both.
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People planning to stab Robespierre compilation
What was your plan in going to Robespierre’s house.
To talk to him in person.
What did you want to talk to Robespierre about?
I don’t want to give any response or explanation regarding this question.
Do you realize that your answers lead one to believe you had the intention of committing a crime, and that you must explain your intentions?
She does not want to explain further, and adds that she intended to ask him for instructions on the situation and the strengthening of the Republic.
Do you realize that your declarations and obstinacy to not want to explain yourself cannot be reconciled with such a plan, which is why I’m again asking you to explain yourself?
She persists in not wanting to answer.
Did anyone propose to you the plan of going home to Robespierre and did you tell anyone about it?
Did you go to Robespierre’s house several times during the day?
When you went to Robespierre, did you bring with you knives, and if yes, of which sort?
I had in my pocket two folding knives, one in tortoiseshell and the other in ivory, both trimmed in silver: the one made of ivory was given to me by my brother in 89, having found it at Prés-Saint-Gervais. The other was given to me by my grandmother three or four years ago. It was loaded with rust; I cleaned it and tried to remove the rust by scraping the blade with another knife, eight or nine days ago. I rarely use it.
Do you regularly carry two knives?
I carry the tortoiseshell one regularly, the ivory one showed up in my pocket, I didn’t know it was there.
When you went home to Robespierre, did you have the intention of using these knives to kill him?
No, moreover, we can judge as we please. Interrogation of Cécile Renault, held on May 24 1794
At that time, the indictment that I (Lecointre) was preparing against the traitor (Robespierre) and his accomplices was completed; Fréron who helped me with his insights, Barras, Rovère, Thirion, Courtois, Garnier de l'Aube, Guffroy and Tallien etc advised me to attack him in person, so that success would be more certain. The roles were divided to support my opinion, and to combat with force the sophisms of Robespierre, but they were of the opinion that the memoir should be printed and distributed an hour before being read at the National Convention: Guffroy was in charge and had promised, from the 6th, to have it printed; and it was solemnly sworn by us that if the truth succumbed, we would immolate the tyrant in the middle of the Convention. Conjuration formée dès le 5 préréal [sic] par neuf représentans du peuple contre Maximilien Robespierre, pour le poignarder en plein sénat: rapport et acte d’accusation dont la lecture devoit précéder dans la Convention cet acte de dévouement (1794), page 4
Bourdon de l'Oise, rightly frightened by the ease with which, until then, several batches of his colleagues had been delivered to the proscriptions of this tribunal, had wanted to exclude from the number of defendants, whom the two committees alone could bring there, any representative of the people: he had insisted that the decision could only emanate from the Convention itself, and by a special decree. On this subject, a great rumor arose within the assembly: the members of the two committees, whom Bourdon's motion implicitly accused of wanting to get hold of their antagonists, with Couthon and Robespierre at the forefront, had strongly qualified him as a caluminator. Robespierre, in his fury at being thus unveiled, had forgotten himself to the point of throwing the epithet of ”scoundrel” against Bourdon; and, far from retracting Bourdon's claim, he had insinuated that the latter was on his way to get arrested; that the committees could provoke it. 
Bourdon, after this stormy session, had felt only too well that it was a fight to the death which had just begun between him and Robespierre: he had resolved to guarantee his own head, by the precipitous fall of that of Robespierre. It was with his own hand that he wanted to destroy this tyrant of the fatherland, this proud usurper who did not hesitate to degrade the national representation, in order to sacrifice it in detail to his disproportionate ambition. Once this decision to get rid of Robespierre by the dagger had settled in his head, Bourdon thought of taking, before the assassination attempt, some measures relative to his fortune. He took the keenest interest in a woman and several young children whose fate was linked to his own, and had made arrangements in their favor. 
Now, it was me that Bourdon had chosen, to be both the preserver of his final wishes and the protector, after him, of these beings he loved. The day after 23 Prairial, Bourdon brought me to his house, making me believe that it was just a simple dinner. He then occupied a small bachelor's accommodation on rue des Saints-Pères in a house on the left, which only had a narrow door, without a doorman. His apartment was pointed out to me by a woman who was coming out, in despair at not having been able to get him to intercede for her husband. I had barely entered when Bourdon, without further circumlocution, said to me: “Listen, we’ve known each other for a long time; I know that you are a moderate patriot, that you are not very passionate about the republic; but you are an honest man, a good friend; and it is for these two reasons that I was able to open up to you about my projects and the measures they involve. Robespierre is my personal enemy; he attacked and threatened me in the middle of the Convention: he wants to kill me, in order to be able to more easily dominate the Convention and seize absolute power. I want to thwart his ambitious designs by immolating him with my own hand.” 
At the same time, and as if he felt the need to convince me even more of the strength of his mind, he took out from under his bed an oblong casket, in which was tucked the coat he had worn on the day of the storming of the Bastille, the hat which, in the Vendée, had adorned his forehead as a representative of the people, and a large cutlass with which he was always armed on his expeditions. He took great care to point out to me that his coat was still covered with stains from the blood he had spilled at the Bastille, that his hat was riddled with the bullets of the Vendéens. As for the cutlass, he had more than once plunged it into the hearts of his enemies; it was the weapon with which he intended, at the first opportunity which presented itself, to strike Robespierre. I trembled lest the wall, which received these terrible confidences together with me, should share a syllable with anyone. Bourdon, to reassure me, said that for the development of his plan, he needed someone discreet enough to remain silent before and after the action; faithful enough to keep his will; zealous enough and enlightened enough to have it executed in due time. “It is you,” he said to me, “who will be my devoted confidant, I count on it and no longer worry about anything.” He immediately gave me his will with his instructions and some important titles. 
God knows with what agitations this gift filled my soul, what bad nights I passed with the possession of this perilous deposit! At the slightest suspicion, at the slightest word of revelation, I would have been a dead man. What would happen if Bourdon had gotten arrested before or after the consummation of his revenge and the slightest indication of correspondence with him was administered against me? The sixteen days I spent in this state of uncertainty felt like centuries. Finally arrived, against all foresight, and without the isolated provocation on the part of Bourdon de l'Oise, this day, forever precious for humanity, of the 9th of Thermidor.  Souvenirs de M. Berryer, doyen des avocats de Paris (1839)
Tallien: I demanded earlier that one tears apart the veil. With pleasure, I just saw that it is torn apart entirely, that the conspirators have been unmasked, that they will soon be annihilated, and that liberty will triumph. (Loud applause.) Everything announces that the enemy of the national representation will fall under its blows. We give a proof of our republican loyalty to our nascent republic. I forced myself to remain silent until now, because I knew of a man who approached the tyrant of France, that he had formed a proscription list. I did not want to remonstrate, but I have seen the session of the Jacobins yesterday: I have trembled for the patrie ; I have seen the army of a new Cromwell forming itself, and I am armed with a dagger in order to pierce its breast, if the National Convention did not have the courage to issue a décret d'accusation against him. (Loud applause.) Tallien at the Convention, July 27 1794
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agattthaa · 1 year
Not simply asleep
Paring: Tyril Starfury/ F!HumanMC (implied, not really relevant to the plot)
Word count: 1.065
Summary: Some words hurt. Sometimes more than anything else.
Warnings: angst, descriptions of torture and experiments on a human, descriptions of someone being an awful friend.
Arimelda = Dearest.
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-You don't know what is like. You were asleep. 
The whole florest became colder than it already was. The woman, the human, the hero slowly turned her face towards the one who had just spoken. 
Mal Volari, the boy, the human, the rougue. The first one of all of them whom she met. The first one that taugth her to truly be an adventurer. The first one to become her friend. 
It was funny how he became the first of them to really hurt her. 
That is, if she forgot about the traitor that was covering his mouth and looking at her in amusement, as if the prince knew just how upset that frase made her.
-Excuse me? 
-You were sleeping, Raine. How hard could've been for you? 
And suddently, all she could see was red. 
Red as anger.
Red as resentiment.
Red as her blood. 
-Mal... -The priestest placed her hand on his shouder, as if asking him to call down, to stop. But the damages had already been made. The words already felt like knifes, digging into her flesh, making her bleed. 
-How hard could've been for me, Volari? -Her voice was cold, making all of them shake. She, who was as warm as the morning ligth now had a look on her eyes of nothing but pain and hurt. -How can you say that?
-It's the truth, you said it yourself. It didn't felt like a year, you slept thoutgh the vast majority of it. How bad could it been? -His answer came devoited of any bad intent, almost as if he simply pointed out that the sky was blue. Now, the knifes on her twisted.
-How hard could've been for you?
-What? Raine...
-You have no idea of what they've done to me. You have no idea of what she did to me. 
-Gave you a sedative? I have no idea of why you are so upset, kit, but we have no time for that. 
She looked at him. Now, the shock, the anger and the pain could not be seen in her eyes. They where empty. Blue as the sea, hidding even more than it, and empty. 
She didn't say anything. Instead, she started unbraiding her hair and unting the back of her dress. 
-Arimelda... -Tyril tried to place his hands on hers, not understanding what she was doing when she pulled away from him. The hurt showed again in her eyes when they met with his. 
-I didn't wish you to see it like this. 
When pulled her arms out of the long sleeves and her dress dropped on the floor, all of them stopped breathing. 
An uncountable number of scars stained her flesh. Her arms were filled with purple spots and dark stains, as each and every one of her veins was pierced at least thrice. She had lost weight, a lot of it. Now most of her rib cage marked her skin and her legs were filled with scars, as if they cutted her skin and sewed it back together without any care of how they would look after. 
But nothing was worse than the one on her stomach. 
There was a thin layer of a dried mixture that she applied herself. But the mixture being effective was a horrible thought, because if that was what it looked like after the mixture, it hurted anyone to imagine how it was before. 
-By The Light, Raine, let me just.... -Nia tried to get her hand closer to Raine's stomach, but she acted as fast as a lightning, curling her arms over her. The priestess had pain in her eyes when she pulled back. -Oh, Raine... 
 -Do you know what I remember? -She looked into the Rogue's eyes, the hurt hidden again and a look of apathy in her eyes. -I remember growing up alone, stealing people's trash to survive. I remember getting a father years after any other person. I remember him getting sick of overworking himself to feed me and my brother. I remember him, dying in my arms, telling me to survive and to take care of Kade. I remember losing Kade right in front of my eyes, because yes, if you don't remember, the only person I loved in this world was kidnaped right in front of me and I couldn't do anything to stop it. But how could I ever know what it felt like for you? 
-Raine... - The Rogue exhaled regret, but she didn't stop. 
-Do you know what else I remember? I remember some flashes, like I was waking up and falling asleep again. Do you want to know what I saw? 
They were all in shock, no one dared to say anything, although the fallen prince gave a hard look to the rogue and everyone else looked guilty at the woman.
-I saw flashes of light directly in my eyes, that were forcedly opened by hands I did not know. I saw them shaving spots on my head. I saw them injecting needles inside my arms and taking my blood away and using different needles to inject something in me. I saw them taking pieces of my skin and then sewing it back together. I saw them closing my stomach and I remember that scene every time I look down. 
Her eyes were filled with tears, but she refused to let them run down. Neither the mage nor the priestess refused though, tears ran down both their faces like a waterfall, violent and unstoppable. The orc was no longer looking at the human, she couldn't stand to, and the prince looked lost, like he was watching something that he couldn't, shouldn't intervein. And the rogue looked like he was being destroyed. 
-Then, I truly woke up, on a bed full of my own blood, gathered strength from god knows where, and ran for my life. Now, please, tell me. How was it harder for you? You, who was playing house with a beautiful woman. You, who became a father. You, who simply moved on with your life. Tell me. How was it ever harder for you?
Now, silent tears also left the rogue's eyes. He didn't say anything. He couldn't dare to. 
So the woman, the human, the broken one, picked up her dress and walked towards the pond. Alone. Now that she knew that she had never been anything else.
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
(warrior cat ocs) AITA for being pissed about being sent to hell
hello! im writing this because my ancestors said that i deserved to go to here, but afew people in my residence have told me that i didnt deserve to
so i (late 20's M) am , techichally, a priest, but i also take being a doctor as a side job
ever since i was a kid i always had a special connection to my ancestors, so the head worker at my hospital would always take me to meetings to see what the devines above have to say, looking if theres an omen and trying to interprate it, sometimes kids come to me to tell them ancient legends that the gods have passed to me
i died in a battle, next to a woman (shell be important, also late 20s F, ill call her SM), when i woke up i found myself in hell, i went to the border between this and heaven and went to ask them
they told me i was thrown in there for a sin ive done
you see, when i was younger, i think 13, it was when i started to train to be a doctor, i was just an asstant it want anything big, i dont remember what they needed but i accidently gave them a medicince that was poisonus (they usually keep them in the hospital i work at to 1. teach them the different between other medication 2. if we need to euthanize them, we have a really deadly cough in my state surprisingly, so if it gets bad we have to use it), i havent done anything else since then
i was always so devoited to them i was stunned, and the woman i died next to, SM? yeah, shes a serial killer, shes done everything, push people off mountains, drown them, put said medication in their food, you name it shes done it, i could not believe that theyd sent me to hell next to HER of all people
but while sulking here ive talked to the other residents in hell and they basically said "ive done worse but you did not deserve to go to here / im basically like you they threw me in for no reason you dont deserve to be here"
aita? because again im really devoted to the devines but im not sure its kinda conflicting :(
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chasityathfestates · 5 months
do u think Jesus would let a very very good devoit christan girl have a little premarital sex if she asked really nicely and was good
...absolutely not.
Premarital sex is a sin, and whoever this is must repent.
However, Jesus walked with prostitutes and tax collectors. As long as one repents, you can continue to walk with Jesus.
Hope this helps!
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kookie-doughs · 1 year
Happy Meal
Hawks / Keigo Takami X Reader
-As a young mother YN didn't know what to do when the number 2 hero had taken the last happy meal that her son so desperately want.
Chapter 20: Saving Her
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The number of heroes willing to join Hawks despite knowing the cause was still plenty.
People belive even if Hawks had another motivation, its just two birds one stone. He got support.
Sato was left with Chuuya and some other members of Endevour's agency.
Today, in a few minutes, his plan is commencing. As far as the info they have there's 10 of them, 3 of which are incredibly dangerous.
Dabi, Tomura, Gigantomachina who is probably not at the area. A whole lot of Nomus are also dangerous so we need to settle this fast. Before back up arrives.
Loud rumblings could be heard outside. Explosion, screams so many are happening outside of you room.
"Y/N, its fine. I'll keep you safe."
"Tenko, whats happening outside?"
"Nothing. Don't worry the others can handle themselves."
"Shigaraki, we need help!!" You hear a voice outside your room.
Tomura grumbles. "Stand your ground on your own, I need to stay here."
"Tenko, help them."
"Why so you can leave me?"
You bite your lip, but you shook your head. "I'm staying here until you come back."
Tomura's eyes widen, you can see the joy from your news. He smiled, or grinned. The marks stretched.
"I'll be quick." He places a hand on your cheek. "Don't get hurt okay? No one's allowed to come here. Scream when someone that isn't me come. Not even Dabi or Toga can come."
Your door knob rattled. That isn't Tomura. You hide. No clue as to whats happening outside.
But to your surprise, a familiar shade of red slipped from under the door and began floating.
The feather fell to the ground, next thing was the door being kicked. And with one last thud the door swung open revealing a messy blond bird.
"Y/N..." His voice cracked as he slowly approached you.
Your heart began to swell. You had no idea what he was doing here. You were doing fine, nothing bad had happened... But you were glad he came, and you know he's taking you away from this place... You couldn't wait for that.
He rushes to you holding you. The moment you crash into his arms you began to sob. You had missed his hold.
He holds your face examining, you could see tears he was holding back.
Time seemed to stand still as he leaned in, his breath mingling with yours, his lips gently caressing yours in a kiss that held a multitude of emotions. It was a kiss that spoke of relief, of gratitude, and of the unspoken promise to never lose you again. In that fleeting connection, the weight of the curreny struggles, the fight on-going melted away, replaced by the warmth of your feelings.
His lips were soft against you, a gentle dance that conveyed a profound sense of belonging. In that embrace, I felt the echoes of his bravery, his unwavering determination to save you, and a love that knew no boundaries.
As he pulled away, your eyes met once again, shining with a newfound hope and an unspoken promise to never let go.
"I'm sorry. I cant let that happen again. I won't let anything harm you again. I promise, I'll protect you with all that I am, for as long as I live. You mean everything to me. I'm sorry for losing you..."
"Im okay... I'm safe Hawks. You're here now." You pull his head to your shoulder kissing his head.
You push away Hawks to see. Tomura looked at you and Hawks.
"Tenko I-"
"So I have to force myself?" His eyes was devoit of emotion as he stared emptily at you. "Is that what I have to do? Kill everyone and take you away?"
Hawks pulls you behind him.
"Fine. I'm the villain anyway." Tomura takes a step forward raising his hand around him things slowly started disintegrating.
With wings unfurled, Hawks launched himself into the air, feathers slicing through the wind with deadly precision. He swooped down, aiming to immobilize his foe with swift, calculated strikes. Tomura, however, stood his ground, a defiant smirk on his face as he braced himself for the imminent assault.
Feathers clashed against Tomura's quirk-empowered hands, sparks flying as their powers collided. Hawks, known for his speed and agility, darted around Tomura, launching rapid-fire attacks from every angle. But Tomura, fueled by anger and a desire to prove himself, retaliated with raw power, aiming to touch Hawks and disintegrate him with his devastating quirk.
As the battle raged on, their clash intensified, each combatant pushing their abilities to the limit. Hawks unleashed a flurry of feather projectiles, maneuvering with precision and speed, attempting to keep Tomura off-balance. Tomura, in turn, unleashed waves of destructive energy, disintegrating everything in his path, forcing Hawks to constantly evade and adapt.
Your voice echoed pushing both of the males back. They look at you. Both throat to throat.
"Agreed, I think you should calm down. You wouldn't want to awaken the child would you?"
The familiar voice behind you sent shivers. A voice you still have nightmares about.
"Sato!" Hawks cried.
You turn sharply, AFO was behind you holding a sleeping Sato.
"My child, its been a while."
"Y-Youre supposed to be in jail..." Your tears slowly flowed.
"Jails are meant to be escaped."
"How are you out?"
"Really, it's not that hard to manipulate you people."
"Master..." Tomura stared at him.
"Tomura.. I must say. I'm disappointed. Why didn't you tell me about any of this?"
Hawks needed to get you and Sato away from him. He just wasn't confident with his speed... not against that monster anyway. He might be able to grab you but not Sato.
"How... did you-"
"I've known about this child since he showed his quirk." The man smirked.
"After all he carries my quirk." His finger rubs Sato's cheek. "And I know everyone that carries my quirk."
"Give him back..." You whimpered.
"How could I? He's perfect. Loyal unlike his parents. Powerful... much more powerful than either of you. Maybe even more than me."
"What do you mean...?"
"He carries something I've been searching for. Dormant, maybe he might not even awaken it as there's a new user. But he has it. If I hone him, I can finally have it."
"Master..." You whimper.
His laughter echoed, his hand descended to touch your cheek, "Nana really should have been more careful."
Hawks deviced a plan, a dangerous one. But then again any retaliation againstthis man is dangerous. "SATO WAKE UP!"
"Hawks don-"
AFO drifts his attention at the child squirming around his arms, and Hawks takes this chance to grab you and take you away from AFO's side. You squealed at the speed.
"Sato, look we have mama!" Hawks cheered. "Mama missed Sato~!"
Sato looked at AFO who was holding him tears formed as he looked at the terrifying figure. He squirmed from his hold trying to reach for you.
Tomura looked at his son in pity. His heart ached despite not having a bond. Not long ago he was thinking of leaving his son to a stranger of a hero, but now he couldn't help but have his heart broken at the sight of him screaming at the hold of a monster. "Master, can I hold him please?"
AFO turned to Tomura with a frown. "After your betrayal? You are not to ask me of anything."
You were dying inside at every sob that echoed at the room, at the sight of your son kicking and screaming. You can't do anything. You couldn't afford to die, not infront of your son.
"Y/N," Hawks holds you back. "This. This isn't a battle for us."
"It really isn't. You two are nothing but fodder if you try."
"Let Sato go!" Sato cries. He looked at the three other people aside from his captor. Tomura being the closest he tries to reach for him to no avail.
"Master, please." Tomura begged.
"Sato wants mama!!!" He continued to sob back to trying to reach for you. "Papa help Sato!"
Despite all four of you knowing full well who Sato meant, Tomura, acted out in instict. AFO never saw that it would end up like this, probably the fastest he's ever moved, Tomura holds the arm on Sato and emitted as much power as he could against AFO. The villain yanks his arm away from the touch not wanting to take his chance of Tomura overpowering him, and the father grabs his son and tosses it to your direction. Tomura then snakes himself around AFO and settled his hand around the throat of his opponent.
AFO could feel the quirk activated, if the younger villain had manifested the All for One quirk he had dormant, AFO knows he'd be dead.
"So this is the path you've decided?" AFO bellows.
Hawks hurriedly grabbed Sato. And then looked at Tomura. Y/N with tears flowing couldn't move. But they had to.
"Y/N we have to go!"
Hawks carried her and she struggled to get away screaming after the blue haired boy.
Tomura looks behind him and saw Y/N disappear.
"Ah... I lost her again..."
"Tomura, what is this." AFO growled.
Tomura smiled bitterly. "I'm sorry master. He called for his papa... I couldn't let that call go unanswered."
"You fool." Spike erupted from AFO's body impaling Tomura. "You shouldn't have crossed me."
Coughing up blood, tears flowed. He held his master down hoping to delay him as much as he can.
"I'm going to kill you if you touch them..." Tomura threatens between his breaths.
"You can't."
AFO grabs Tomura ready to crush him with his bare hands when the door swung open revealing a green haired boy and an oh so familiar muscle man.
"Ah... so thats what the bird meant its not their fight."
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @faithneko @officiallykuute @pinksilk @applepie-macaroon @lolawassad @grinnwolph
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malorydaily · 11 months
Nynyve’s entrance to Arthur’s court is decidedly less impressive than Niniane’s, her source character from the Post-Vulgate La Suite du Merlin. In the French text, far greater attention is paid to the woman’s appearance and unusual attire; she is ‘une des plus bieles damoisieles qui onques fust entree en la court le roi Artus’ (214) [one of the most beautiful damsels who had ever entered the court of King Arthur] and dressed as a huntress, complete with bow and arrow and ivory horn. Both women are abducted by a strange knight who rides into court, but the French Niniane puts up a fight, whereas Malory’s Nynyve is easily carried off, much to King Arthur’s relief, ‘for she made such a noyse’ (66/3:5). Malory’s lady, how- ever, maintains the same characteristics found in questing damsels such as the ladies of Arroy: she provides an opportunity to test knightly courtesy. Arthur fails this test by neglecting Nynyve’s request, and it takes the chid- ing of Merlin to make the king change his apathetic attitude towards her plight: ‘Thes adventures must be brought to an ende, othir ellis hit woll be disworshyp to you and to youre fest’ (66/3:5). In contrast, the French Niniane, despite her beauty, is something of an inconvenience at court. When she demands compensation for the loss of her hound and also the
disruption to her hunt that caused her to lose sight of the stag, Merlin tells her that Artu will not help her until the feast is over. In fact, Merlin establishes a new courtly custom in response to her interruption of the festivities:
Car des ore mais avra en cest ostel tel coustume que pour aventure qui aviegne, se peril mortel n’i devoit avenir, ne se remuera chevaliers qui a table se sieche devant qu’il ait mengiet. (216) [From this hour it will become the custom in this house that for no adventure that may happen, unless mortal danger should come of it, should a knight who is still at the table get up before he has eaten.]
Even when the lady is abducted, the French author seems mainly concerned to highlight Merlin’s credibility as a seer. Artu’s barons express admiration that Merlin’s prediction of the arrival of such an adventure to court has occurred, and Merlin’s casual order to Pellinor—‘montés quant il vous plaira, et alés apriés le chevalier et ramenés la damoisiele, et si le faites que vous i aiiés hounour’ (217, emphasis mine) [mount when it pleases you, and go after the knight and retrieve the maiden, and do this so that you will win honour]—pointedly implies that her plight is not a matter of urgency.
Malory’s slight alteration of the narrative reverses the French apathy towards Niniane’s abduction. By removing the description of the maiden’s beauty and the interval between the point where the knight steals her hound to where she herself is abducted, Malory lets the action take over. The maiden is carried off as soon as her brachet is stolen, allowing the focus to centre on Arthur’s bad response to the ‘adventure’ and Merlin’s correction, which decrees that ignoring a woman in distress will bring ‘disworshyp’ to all concerned. Malory thus portrays Nynyve as non-magical to set up the duty of protection that knights must swear to all defenceless women, and while her characteristics are rather insipid at this point, Merlin ensures that she is still recognised as having the right to request assistance from Arthur and his knights.
– S.M Wyatt, Women of Words: The Autonomy of Speech in Malory’s Female Characters
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dojae-huh · 2 years
Link: fanmeet
I see a lot of fans cursing SM for lack of Link shows or small venues. It's funny. SM produces a stripped down concert, devoit of practically everything a show requires (no lasers, no lightshow, no epic arrangements, no prepared videos on screens, no back up dancers, no memorable stage outfits, add to it a bad camerawork for Beyond Live and disjoint setlist with no proper theme transitions), and fans eat it up with no complains. 127's 2 Baddies comeback show was better made than Link (and Link+ as well).
De facto Link is a fanmeet for fans to see neos after several years of the pandemic. It is good that it was not made into a proper tour. Not with such lack of preparation. I guess few things can attest for the power of idols as 60000 people watching one person dance (and not that masterfully) with only a spotlight. Ten at least had fog, a white costume to contrast with the background and backup dancers.
I do think 2023 concert will be better made, still, I think it won't be a real spectacle. Why invest money, when tickets are sold anyway. But then again, SM did invest in all those pop-up stores and pop-up thematic places, as well as premium packages with hotel rooms decorated with merch. Fingers crossed.
This Neobong I like.
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gingeroc · 1 month
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dixvinsblog · 3 months
Fables et fabulistes : Le lis, la rose et le tilleul - Marie-Amable Petiteau, marquise de la Ferrandière
Deux fleurs, l’autre matin, disputoient de beauté.Le lis de sa blancheur faisoit grand étalage ;Et la rose, avec vanité,Disoit qu’à son éclat tout devoit rendre hommage :À l’entendre, elle étoit le chef-d’œuvre des dieux.Pour le lis, se croyant l’ornement de la terre, Il ne trouvoit rien sous les cieuxPlus que lui capable de plaire.Pendant ce débat important,Près de ces fleurs, la…
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At that time, the indictment that I (Lecointre) was preparing against the traitor (Robespierre) and his accomplices was completed; Fréron who helped me with his insights, Barras, Rovère, Thirion, Courtois, Garnier de l'Aube, Guffroy and Tallien etc advised me to attack him in person, so that success would be more certain. The roles were divided to support my opinion, and to combat with force the sophisms of Robespierre, but they were of the opinion that the memoir should be printed and distributed an hour before being read at the National Convention: Guffroy was in charge and had promised, from the 6th, to have it printed; and it was solemnly sworn by us that if the truth succumbed, we would immolate the tyrant in the middle of the Convention.
Conjuration formée dès le 5 préréal [sic] par neuf représentans du peuple contre Maximilien Robespierre, pour le poignarder en plein sénat: rapport et acte d’accusation dont la lecture devoit précéder dans la Convention cet acte de dévouement (1794), page 4
I love how Charlotte’s better known for her fallout with the Duplays than she is for hanging out with a guy part of a group plotting to stab her brother to death right in the open…
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beamzar · 10 months
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27 November 2023
Open entry: 20:52
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Ive met my limit, I dont know when ill get better. Its all a daze, im living in constant agony atp.
Today showed me just how distant, yet close i am to everything. Sounds were amplified by 100,i couldnt even listen to music because of how i coukd hear fucking EVERYTHING. the static in my headphones, the surrounding buzz of cars the people behing me talking and laughing and whispering and snickering. Its all too fucking much. I sat in class today and for a split second, my friend slumped on their seat and leaned on their arms down close to the table. I looked at them, their coat, their hair, their nose poking out and it kind of clicked. For a bit it felt like the people around me were their own individual beings, the people around we werent just blank sillouettes, they werent just a blur of shapes and items. It only lasted a second though. Far too short for me to even believe, but it felt so real, it felt like a punch. Thats when the sound turned on again, thats when my vision got worse. I was overwhealmed by that simple second where people felt real,and suddenly my entire surroundings were fucking killing me. They still are. I want to rip my eardrums out. All i can hear is sound. I can hear static, i can hear the whitenoise, the pulse of my own brain the drips of blood in my head, the neighbors screaming and walking and moving and being people, the slight creaks and friction on my hands on the bed cover. Its too much and i cant turn it off i dont know how to.
On a good note my vision is getting better. Slightly. My eyes hurt like hell still, i still cant see in the light. I felt pain again today. Real pain. I burnt my entire finger. Its all smooth and numb now, it stings but its numb. I just poured water on it.
I did nothing exiting today really. It was all a daze. My smile my reactions felt. so artificial. I felt like an animal. You know the smiling fafe a monkey makes. One, using every muscle of its face to produce an expression we percieve as happiness, one so devoit of all emotion. One with blankness and feral instict behind those blacked out eyes. It felt something like that each time i smiled.
So devoit of life yet still living, still feeling. Im so tired. I only wish to have a good sleeo after today. Sleeping early tends to stop my thinking. It stops me from relapsing further. I hate relapsing. I get immobilised, nipping at all my nails, hurting my teeth in the process. Or picking at my skin. Its whatever. All yap.
I wish to sleep well tonight. I wish you a restful night too.
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Close entry: 21:08
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lunamothghost · 1 year
I'm not sure if I can express this in a way that makes sence, but in this day and age where most media and stories tend to be shallow and uncreative and most of the time unchallenging and devoit of any true message I'm so glad kingdom hearts as a series is still going and people still care about it
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lotusseedguy · 1 year
I love visiting my Aunt’s House.
everything there is just, etheral.
Everthing's carpeted, but the kitchen and Upstiars. You can slide throught the railing on the stairs,Without so much as a scratch. The Scent of Ciggarettes,Beer,Laundry detergent and smoke that fill the very bottom floor that my dad sleeps in and the place where my Aunt Does laundry. The way the stairs creek,no matter where you step The Master bathroom,which has no shower.
Mine and my sister's shared room,that has had the same wallpaper, toys,Dressers and Bunkbed for as long as I can Remember,That same Bunkbed that is at least 2 feet too small for Us.
The backyard that has my Aunt's garden,Full of flowers and tree's and vegtables. The Small Church thats right next door to the Right, full of poeple on wedsdays and Sundays. The grass that has the permanted markings of days when my father was sober and would play games with me and my sister,Chasing us around the yard while My Aunt's dog, Emmet,Would bark after us, only stopping to get away from Lopsided,Her old,Black,Oned-Eyed Cat.
The house itself is so devoited of life, so dull,Yet so loud and colorful at the same time prefectly. That House that was home to my aunt when she was little. That House, that was more of a home to me than wherever my mother took us. That House,That raised me when my mother failed to. That House,That make my childhood as nostalgic as it is.
That house, That is Home.
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pkmn-lillie · 2 years
i love arven.... this man gonna make me cry with his devoition
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