neonbreezeon · 9 months
Part 9! Honestly I kinda winged this animation and it ended up being one of the smoothest in the game
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shackhal · 2 years
Devtober - Day 4
Hello everyone.
Today I put the game design aspect to the side and decided to finally put the first lines of code of Hoperay.
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As I said before, I'm using GameMaker for the game. I know how to use Unity and I could use that instead. But, for the old times, I chose the first one. And, as I expected, I forgot how to use it... But nothing like the manual to remember the basic stuff.
To begin with, I created the player's spaceship using basic sprites, with the basic actions: move and shoot. I make the code in the easiest way I can think of. And put it on the default room to test it.
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It works! Cool! So for the next days I'll set the gameplay basics and polish the code. Then the graphics comes after it. That's the plan for now.
See you later.
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overthowstudios · 2 years
#devtober day 3
I'm slightly behind on #devtober with other coding projects keeping me busy but not discouraged, it's still early. Today I'm working on writing in-game dialogue, art, and initial file hierarchy set-up. I am working on ways to organize the game in parts in order to release an early demo since early game will be more linear than mid/late game. So far I have the core plot and multiple endings written and some game assets ready such as ascii graphics for certain events and in game music. My partner is a digital artist and will be working on the promotional art during #inktober . A stretch goal today is to start flowcharting.
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daelethart · 8 months
For anyone not aware from my other social accounts, I did an entire month of animation for a game project I wanna make, check out this and any of my other devlogs if you want.
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valdram · 8 months
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FB: https://www.facebook.com/Zolynh/posts/pfbid02TA4iUvnthMvKBsrNjMqACPA9usLqMFCLY5UY97HXaiyPC7g6rXVzeeDNxGK9BVqul
VK: https://vk.com/zolynh?w=wall-26248251_475
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val-gaming · 2 years
I’m happy to finally have these both up on here. It actually does feel like at least a little progress. ^_^
This jam was definitely a learning experience for me, though a lot of it was learning that I definitely don’t work well by myself. But I’m still making progress, especially with my friends to help me out.
I hope I’ll be making another devlog soon talking about our first playtest of this thing. ^_^
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girlballs · 9 months
gobtober this devtober that. what about gocktober
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bloomzeye · 3 years
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Meet Leafette! They are the main character for my itch io Devtober game jam entry (currently) titled, Foliage Conversations. You can read more about Leafette on my blog, here!
Leafette is a resident of Foliage Falls, a cozy little town known for its beautiful lakes and rivers.
Although well-known by the locals, Leafette can be a bit shy around new people. And with a love for books, they are a familiar face at the local book store, the Cozy Reader.
[Image Description: On the left is a pen sketch of a character with a leaf for a head and a human body wearing a sweater and ripped jeans. On the right against a light brown background, is the pixel art drawing of the same character with a brown colored, leaf for a head. They are wearing red earrings with a dark green knit sweater that has light green patches on the shoulders, cuffs, hemline, and collar. They are wearing blue jeans with heart-shaped patches at the knees and red shoes. END ID]
Find me on!
My Game Dev Blog | Itch.io | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Twitch
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thewakingcloak · 4 years
DEVTOBER 01 - 04
Hey, so, yeah, it’s Devtober! I forgot to mention!
I joined last year when working on ProtoDungeon: Episode II. Essentially it’s “work on your game every day” for the month of October to build good habits. I kinda do this already, but it’s always fun to join in with everyone!
Anyway, in lieu of a monthly newsletter for October, I’m gonna be posting (mostly) daily on ProtoDungeon: Episode III’s development. Enjoy! Here’s days 1 through 4!
[01] I started decorating! Not just so it's nice to look at, but so I can figure out how to place these dang cliff objects, lol.
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[02]  Did some more decoration work today. Feels good! Then I bit the bullet and updated my region sprites. Now it's easier to see where one area begins and ends and not block half the screen lol. I'd rather not show you the PD3 map yet, so here's PD2 before/after.
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[03] I drew this! Inspired by a design by one of the server regulars.
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[04]  Dog woke us up at THREE IN THE A.M. so I got up at 5 (after not being able to go back to sleep) and did this.
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More to come! Maybe stuff will work! Who can say!
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afroflowerr · 3 years
Soooo I'm joining in on Devtober on itch io! So far, we're two weeks in October and I don't have anything close to having a game half-way (or even mid-way) done, only some character art and a storyline 😅. I'm not sweating it tho, because it's a month long game jam, which is great because screw crunch!
Right now, I'm making a dialogue based game since I want to do more narrative design and writing in general, so I'm happy 'bout that.
Now, back to writing!
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scithemodestmermaid · 3 years
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Devtober 2021 Log #2
Well, today was busy.  
Redid the map a little.  Made the trees solid.  Added chests and put items in them.  Added an intro cutscene (these example screens are both from said intro cutscene) AND a second cutscene that plays when you approach the two chests (the third chest just exists).  Made sure those cutscenes only played once.  Changed UI to red (and decided to just keep the font, its fine).  Got music playing in-game.  So this was a lot that got done.
I'm liking RPG Maker a lot.  Its surprisingly flexible, even with just the defaults.  I haven't had to type in any sort of code, which frankly feels like cheating a bit.  I think I would like to keep making games with RPG Maker.  Although my main go-to engine is still going to be RenPy, I think.
Tomorrow is my day of rest (by which I mean I will lay down to rest my eyes and then not wake up until the evening, thereby getting nothing done except a fantastic nap), so I most likely won't be working on Cut Me Deeply any.  But my plan on Monday is to implement some combat.  Whether is mostly fixed encounters or random encounters, I don't know.  Depends on which one is easier.  Also, I want to change the main menu music.  The default doesn't really vibe with the style.
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neonbreezeon · 9 months
Part 4! lemme know more ideas for funny transition effects
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shackhal · 2 years
Devtober - Day 14
Hello everyone.
Now that I know what to do, I need to code it. But it's still something that requires a structure and I need to think how to do it. So for now...I'm doing it step by step.
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Today I made a few things. First, I changed the Minion spawn system, so they can be spawned individually in case they got destroyed. Second, I made the Shooter Balls. They can move and shoot the projectiles. but still need some tinkering.
And last, about the projectiles, I made a parent object to control them. As they have almost the same values, I changed them to work with inherence. it's easier that way.
I still need to make paths so I can set patterns. And let´s not forget about the bombs.
See you later.
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overthowstudios · 2 years
(Text-Adventure) #devtober goals
I'm developing a classic text adventure built in Unity using some in game graphics to facilitate a retro gaming experience using some modern effects. This game will be in the mystery/horror genre. I hope to have the game fully developed by end of the year and a working demo by the end of the #devtober challenge.
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valdram · 9 months
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• https://boosty.to/valdram • https://itch.io/jam/horrorjam-2023
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val-gaming · 2 years
I am if at least consistently disorganized. <.<
So, I kinda fell behind on putting up links to these devlogs during the jam, but... I’m at least putting them up now.
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