unfinishedzizzy · 5 months
Oops! Did it again!
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remnant-cain · 4 months
Cheyrolls University: Chapter 2
Warnings: Vague mentions of Murder
AN: Dialog fun, my eyes hurt, Let's see how Mango's coping with the new roommate!
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*Anacardiaceae has joined the call*
“Hey! Citrus boy joined!”
“Wrong family Dev.”
“Eh, they taste basically the same.”
“Annnnd I’m putting in headphones.”
“Oh right, Audio’s sleep schedule is actually halfway decent. How is he by the way?”
“...Well I mean they're alive. They’re REALLY not looking forward to repeating calc two.”
“Who would to be honest? That course was HELL"
“I'm just glad I got that shit over with in highschool.”
“I’m looking back on it positively cause now I get to help them.”
“Alright you mushy banana-”
“...Hang on, is Angel on call?”
“Nah, she doesn't like us.”
“We’re just too good for her!
“Hey, she’s decent… When we’re not in public.”
“Tch, doesn’t matter if in public or in private. She’s a dick either way. She only likes her human friends, I swear...”
“We can hang out without her, we don’t need her.”
“Only asking cause I heard a something break.”
“No, that was just me. I'm doing dishes since I have nothing better to do and may or may not have obliterated a mug.”
“...It is midnight and school starts in four days.”
“All of my courses are online or video calls this year.”
“Hush. You are also awake at this ungodly hour.”
“Shhhut up.”
“Changing the topic, how’s your new roommate? Heard from Amber you ate like eight crepes in a row when you went out with them.”
“Fucking narc.”
“For the love of- those crepes aren’t even that good!”
“Wh- You take that back right now, those crepes are the food of the gods!”
“No! Rot!”
“Bold words from a mold creature.”
“Devvie? Devvie. Buddy. I have been tolerating your existence since I was bored, but I’m about to go right back to wishing for your death.”
“As for my new roommate… Well, they’re nice. So far at least. I just… I just couldn’t. They were just so… so sweet. And I mean, kind of pathetic, but y'know in a good way. But they were terrified of me. I just… you two understand what I'm going through right?”
“Welcome to the club bestie.”
“We’ve both been there.”
“Well, I mean, I didn’t meet Amber for an entire year even after they were assigned my roommate, but, yeah. First sight, I decided they were worth the trouble.”
“Took me a bit to get attached to Audio, but once I did... I made sure they were safe.”
“I don’t know if they’ll stay nice though, I'm a bit scared of them turning out to be an asshole.” 
“Hey, hey. Don't worry. If they break your heart, I will break their legs.”
“You'd break their legs for looking at you wrong, what are you talking about?”
“Heh, thanks for the offer but I'm more than capable of dealing with them myself. They only go up to under my chest. If I have to, there shouldn't be too much of a struggle.”
“Tiny bit shorter I'd guess.”
“I… damn.”
“Oh right you got all the short roommates.”
“He's only had one roommate?”
“Hamg on, Didn’t-”
“Leave Amber alone, it's not their fault they're small enough that Luden could pick them out without any issues.”
“WOW, OK. MANGO I CAN HEAR YOU, stop laughing, you’re enabling this!”
“Assigned twink by cryptid.”
“This is bullying, I am being bullied by my own family, this is why I isolate myself.”
“I mean, you’ve been doing better lately.”
“If by better you mean them using you or Audio as a therapy dog to prevent them from doing something stupid then yes.”
“Shut up Devvie, I have been so brave lately, you could never understand you damned extrovert.”
“Ok, ok, calm down, I’ll lay off you about it.”
“Also, what I was going to say before you so RUDELY cut me off, didn’t Mango have that one roommate, I don’t know how many years it was now, they were literally less than half Angel’s height.”
“Yep, Charlotte. That would've been back in freshman year, so five years ago.”
“Yeah, you should remember her! I don’t know how you dealt with her for so long, she was a fucking bitch.”
“I mean, she was my type though. I do have a bit of a preference for dealing with the bratty type. Honestly had Mango not dealt with her? Heh, well-”
*The_Lichen_Queen2089 has left the call*
“I was NOT gonna go into detail on what I would've done, don't worry- oh shit it wasn't kidding.”
“Always count on the Asexuals to ditch you.”
“Hey, I’m asexual myself!”
“You aren’t doing yourself any favors, you know.”
“What are you- oh. Ok that was justified, shut up!”
“Nah, I got some precourse reading to finish up on before Monday, I just started, and my favorite podcast doesn’t update until next month, you're stuck with me.”
“...You are a walking disaster.”
“Thank you.”
“That wasn’t a compliment.”
“I know."
“Hey, you on call with Crepe Boy?"
“AUGH- Don't jump on me like that.”
*Cough* “NOT ANYMORE.”
*Anacardiaceae has left the call*
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new header by the lovely @shutupdevvie ​ 🖤 ❤️‍🔥
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gretavanfleetposts · 2 years
rouge, pumpkin, rose, mint <333
rouge: i think i love you? no not think. i love you.
pumpkin: sorta kinda fangirl everytime you post
rose: why are you on this hellsite ur too nice for it
mint: this is a threat we're gonna go bake cookies :D
Devvie! I can't believe you fangirl when I post!!! I love you! I'm getting us matching aprons for cookie baking!!!!!
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dannythedog · 2 years
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well… i was close…
Lemme switch They Might Be Giants and Houndmouth real quick so you can get a bingo
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dailyenglishvoca · 9 months
Today's song is ROCK♥CANDY by devvie featuring the Vocaloid Gumi
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faeriegirl · 5 months
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❤️The Devil and His Bride❤️
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feelslikegold · 1 year
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no but all of you need to try šaltibarščiai 😌
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shutupdevvie · 2 months
a funny thing i’ve noticed is that certain people tend to call me certain names/nicknames and when they randomly call me a different nickname it is so jarring i don’t know how to feel
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readyforthegarden · 1 year
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cel- celebrating- oh my god- celebrating new years with josh.., jeownwk
Devvie please, you would lose track of him and then hear his tipsy giggle throughout the house and have no clue where he is but suddenly the countdown is going for the ball drop and he's right there already kissing you even though it's not midnight yet, saying he just couldn't wait another second to kiss you, his cheeks tinged pink from the wine in his glass. He's pressing little pecks all over your face as you hear the three, two, one! Happy New Year!!! and suddenly he's swept you into a kiss that movies wish they could portray, every ounce of love he's ever felt for you pouring over you from just the press of his lips against yours in the living room of his childhood home. When he pulls away, his eyes are half-lidded from the drink and from the intoxication of being so close to you and so in love with you and all he can say is that he can't wait for next New Years Eve to do that again. Then you get to remind him that he can kiss you any time he wants, and the grin that spreads across his face as he leans back in for more kisses just makes you melt and laugh.
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galaxysgal · 1 year
@devils-dares for the first time in ages i am active on tumblr dot com. how do you feel
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streamsofstardust · 1 year
sacred the thread in 2 days
seeing dev in 4 days
tal is very very happy rn
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my two moons! my angels! my wives!
Thank you, Devvie 💞💞💞
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The fact that you sent one I'd never seen before 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
Thank you devv! 🥰😘❤️
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can’t believe my girlfriend (devvie) is wreaking havoc (made a sad post about josh) on the tri-state area (all my greta mutuals) rn
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skxllz · 2 years
If mrs puff and mr puff is married, why hasn’t mr puff come back to bikini bottom after being resurrected.
if mrs puff could puff would a puff could how puff it happen why ask you would this?
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