#dewy spiderwebs
Spider Webs
When I was a little kid I used to try and find "cobs" in funnel webs because I thought that must be what cobwebs were and surely the cobs must be nearby. I've always always loved spider and I've always been fascinated with their webs in some form or another, whether a child's inquisitive nature or simply admiring their beauty: how the sunlight glints off the strands, or how water drops settle on them like a string of pearls, or the patterns themselves.
All my photos, all unedited (I think; going off memory because I don't have all my working files on account of a external hard drive failure).
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energiadelladea · 1 year
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Dewy Spider Web Floor Lamp by @/allebasigia on IG
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I saw this dewy spider web on a walk I took recently.
Copyright - Leslie Hikida 2022
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cthulhu-with-a-fez · 2 months
You reblogged a dewy spiderweb photoset the other day and commented you made a shawl inspired by that once. Tell us about that, do you have pictures? 👀
I DO ACTUALLY okay so like here's the thing you gotta Understand about me, i get. Intense. about gifts. and when i had my Defining The Relationship conversation with my long-distance then-friend now-datemate (of now over four years!! i love them so much, i'm so happy :D) it happened in february of 2020, so uh. all of our travel plans were pretty immediately kaput due to covid. which meant that i was getting returns on interest on my pent-up first-meeting-in-person, and it had to go SOMEWHERE
so i uh. might. maybe. have gone slightly overboard making them a courting gift, while we waited.
they'd started using spider imagery for me as an endearment after a while of seeing the kinds of stuff i liked to make, so when i found this pattern on ravelry i got a little obsessed with it because doesn't it just vibe like a dewy spiderweb, though??
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i had a good couple skeins of this really lovely llama/silk blend yarn (now tragically discontinued, RIP to juniper moon stargazer) that i had intended to use to make a cardigan for someone who ultimately blacklisted herself from my knitworthy-people list, but that's besides the point, because the POINT IS that i found myself staring at the ~1800 yards of it that i had, and the little jars of vintage wooden beads i'd picked up at a flea market ages ago, and uh. look. they didn't NOT remind me of a cute lil jumping spider when i sat them next to each other, is the thing, and the yarn was SO cozy soft, and uh
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it turned out B I G
out of all that yardage i literally only had LESS THAN A FOOT left after the bind-off, so i think i pretty successfully won that round of yarn chicken XD
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i ended up going even MORE overboard with gifts when i did finally get to meet them in person, because in the meantime i'd made a cedar box with fancy grain matching to put the shawl in and decided THAT wasn't enough so i packed mugs, looseleaf tea, teaspoon measure, animal tea infusers, a family friend's homemade bread, homemade plum chutney, three kinds of cheese (two of which were from the dairy farm i worked at for a year), a cutting board to put all that on, fancy chocolates from the airport, a worksheet with measurements for a sweater to make them later, and a few other odds and ends, along with pillaging the landscaping around the hotel for greenery accents XD
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and the funny part is, the way the room was laid out you couldn't immediately see the bed from right inside the doorway, it's around the corner to the left, so when they walked through the door and saw all this and were like "is this your version of a trail of rose petals leading to the bed? XD" i was like "wellllllll,"
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"maybe a little bit yeah :3"
and they just cracked up XD
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taybatwo2 · 2 months
Lenore Loomington Review Part 1 of 2
I already did a preliminary post on here where I compared her price point to other Monster High dolls and delved into some head cannon to try and tie down her design choices and give her personality (I want to pretend she’s worth $81.95 by getting really attached to her….)
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Here she is in box! She came in really quickly. Her box has some really bright hot pink and teal and has a plastic slip cover with more teal designs on the outside. Good news: she already looks better than her promo pics, but her shimmery skin is a bitch to try and photograph.
Box photos and accessory break downs under the cut:
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Trippy. :) The right side of the box. I like the effect, I just wish that the colors or the imagery tied more in with the character’s design.
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The left side of the box has her name in a nice, specialized font.
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The back has a poem on it saying that Lenore followed a light to a spooky garden full of strange creatures and plants, decided to stay (with some “persistence”) and she died, becoming a ghost. Well, that’s a start of something. The artwork on the back is fine too. The most interesting thing from this art is seeing the color differences in the art vs the doll (especially the shoes; seen here as a more lavender/duller color vs the brighter magenta that is seen on the doll).
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A close up of the poem, the signature, and a bit of the artwork. The more I look at what I thought were vines on her accessories, might all be dewy spiderwebs….?
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You can actually make out the detailed sculpting on the flowers better in this artwork than the actual pieces themselves (which is odd as I usually think that Mattel has the better sculpts when compared to competing companies).
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The top of her box is also decorated.
Okay, now let’s rip this bad boy open.
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Here’s the Certificate of Authenticity, taped to the back of the inside sleeve the doll is strapped to. They got specialty textured paper for this, but it feels thinner than the usual paper-board thick ones.
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Here is the inner sleeve. It actually looks a bit menacing and it reminds me of looking at photo negatives.
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Here’s a cute little rat, hiding in the corner, and the poem is also written in parts on the right hand side of the sleeve.
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And here she is out of the box and after I ran a metal comb through her hair. Her hair is soft saran and is a bit fuzzy on the ends.
Let’s look at what she comes with…
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Here is her unnamed spider pet….? Captor?? Accessory maker…? The candles are not removable, but at least it’s a different sculpt than the other spider pets of Monster High.
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(Webby from G2; credits to Serendipity Doll Boutique for Memphis Longlegs and BuzzyLittleBee for the G3 Tarantula pic).
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She also comes with a very tall, sparkly stand….and I get why it’s tall (so she can float) but it makes her hard to fit on my shelf, the bracket wants to bunch up her dress and my doll sinks farther down the stand once she is clipped onto it.
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Here is her major “purse-akin” accessory. It has some cute detailing on it and it’s made of a really light plastic. Actually most of the plastic accessories feel like the really light plastic found on cheaper toys. I was expecting the plastic to be heavier and/or more rubbery (like the chains used in the Haunted Line). The spiderwebs are removable and the candle glows in the dark (which is a really nice detail).
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Okay, her earrings!
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They have the eyeball pansies on top (they’re kinda hard to make out). And dripping candles under it. Sadly, their flames do not glow in the dark.
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Here is the head piece. It’s connected to a headband and it also doesn’t glow in the dark (booooo). It’s an odd size and I feel like the spiderweb should have either been much bigger or much smaller (like stopping at the inner spoke of the spiderweb).
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Everyone (me too, not going to lie) was giving her crap for having hot pink, blobby looking shoes. And honestly, that’s because the photos for it were meh and the color was also….a choice….but I ended up liking them more than I thought I would.
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The eyeball pansies shoe clip-on remind me of the Bloom and Gloom shoes (see Jane’s shoes? that hibiscus POPS in comparison to the mold Lenore was given)….but not executed as well. The sculpt on the flowers are really flat and blend in with one another. :/
Okay, now what shoes sculpt is hiding behind there???
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Look at that hidden detail! The buttons have little button holes, all the little frills and stitching and all that filigree detail on the back of the boots….if only it was PAINTED….
The spectral waves on the bottom of her shoes are reminiscent of Art Class Draculaura’s paint shoes (credit for image: CoyoteCrowCollectables).
From her boots that I was pleasantly surprised with, to my least favorite piece from her: her belt…chest thing…
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Again, the flowers don’t really pop out in the sculpt and it sits really baggy on her in random spots, it just doesn’t seem to lay well on her and needed a few more tweaks.
Now that her accessories are looked at, the next part of my review will focus on her dress(s) and comparisons to other Monster High dolls.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 6 months
@enbean-rock replied to your post “there is something about connecting with the...”:
to me g-d is the grandeur of a sunrise and snow on a mountain and waterfalls, and the wonderful secret of a dewy spiderweb and a bird’s nest and that cool pebble hiding in the grass. g-d is the rain and the wind and the sun and the trees and the dirt and the flowers. the loud and the quiet, the big and the small. nature is sacred and nature is beautiful and nature is g-d.
yeah!!! exactly!!! very beautifully put!!!
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--prompt from @flashfictionfridayofficial
Take me through your flying buttresses, weaving through ancient oak and new fairy lights, always twinkling like a distant star. Seeking it out, I stand on a chasm, rebelling against the submissive angel, who wants to subjugate the sky to a god with dark humor.
You have rebelled once before, yes?
Why does your light still radiate through stained glass at dawn, like only a longing sky would?
Above you is not God, but grace. Through the dewy city and the luminescent spring, all is possible...
...except healing this graceless heart of mine, weighted down by the concrete, lost in the catacombs with the unknowns and the overthrown kings of yore, their skulls rolling and waiting for wine.
I wait amongst the spiderwebs, finding a home with black widows, holding my own as my skin breaks apart.
You watch me, and offer your hand. I only watch your weathered palm, cut with iron and sparkling with its crooked scars.
Do I dare to hope, breathing in the incense? Do I dare to believe that there is a life beyond the cathedral, where I may find good and evil in the desert, growing on pomegranate trees?
Somehow, I still do. --Elda Mengisto
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Trick or treat!!
my bedlam stacks galatea and pygmalion au is on the backburner and i swear to you i will finish it im 7k words deep
Spring called green life all around him, the bees chanted their tiny song, and the vines unfurled like slow unrolling tongues. Merrick’s small hands brushed along the overgrown bushes and leaves, and he squirmed when he felt the dewy string of an unsuspecting spiderweb catch on his fingers. His family had taken to hiding away the “imperfect” statues all around the garden, the ones from when they first began the business---they were chipped, and crumbling, but draped with ivy to hide their flaws. He passed Adelaide with the missing eye, Catherine and her single arm, Thomas with the scarred yet content look on his face. Perhaps it was just the way their faces were formed or maybe it was the way Merrick chose to see them, but they always looked as if there was no other place they would rather be, right here where the rest of the world didn’t exist past the fences of the garden.
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sing-you-fools · 8 months
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some dewy spiderwebs for you this fine october morning
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Foggy mornings and dewy spiderwebs its finally starting to feel like fall.
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I have "sunlight filtering through leaves green and gooey and fluttery" for 5 Victory Points and "mossy stump, soft and welcoming" for 3 Victory Points and "dewy spiderweb between blades of grass" for 3 Victory points. Also my "frog peeking from below placid water" removes your "burbling brook in a quiet canyon," so you need to lose your additional "transcendent mountain view" tile
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tortor282 · 6 months
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dewy spiderweb
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I bring the following:
Dewy Spiderweb
Silver coin that has somehow acquired patina
AA Battery (Rechargeable)
amazing. i will cherish these foreve
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lifestrails · 2 years
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Resilience Dewy Spiderweb on Car 2022 #LifesTrails #AdventureCreatively #daily #adventure #spider #spiderweb #dew #car #Beautifuldestinations #vacations #discover #explorepage #exploremore #explore #hiking #mountains #camping #thegreatoutdoors #outdoors #outside #gooutside #forest #photography #photooftheday #nature #northcarolina #otto #franklin #asheville #vacation (at Otto, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkuLAx7si4J/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dewy spiderwebs and wooly bear caterpillars... yup it’s fall
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a-shared-experience · 2 years
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The sky is infantile
Outside of my window
The menacing sun peeks its head through the trees across the street . There you are !
I like waking up early with the universe
Watching subtle pink sky melt into blue
Dewy spiderwebs and blades of grass
Listening to people start their cars and head to work
For someone whose mind never shuts up
I love the quiet
I exist in it with few words and racing thoughts
Nature is more graceful than I
I’m a car engine
I long to be a crow
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