jdragsky · 2 years
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the cover image for my short story DIGITAL FAGGOT SUICIDE HEAVEN is by the fucking amazing @yourneighbortoasty and the details of its surreal hallucinated queer algorithm-heaven will haunt my dreams forever, absolutely fucking incredible
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marsixm · 6 months
had a string of bad luck tonight then when i went to the store i work at to drop something off i wound up locking my keys in my car so i was stuck there for like an hour and a half. i say hey to my work bestie and tell him abt the situation. WHILE IM THERE like 30 mins later my work bestie then gets locked out of the office upstairs. i find him and im like yooooooo locked out buddies high five. hes so fucking mad and reluctantly high fives me jsdfhglkjsdfgh then my dept managers daughter who also works here comes in with the key to rescue him and they remark how she also always gets locked out of places and im like ME TOO HIGH FIVE and me and her are laughing and high five. it felt like a scene out of a stoner comedy
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miss-mania · 1 month
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Still needs to be decaled Can't share codes directly since I'm running modded but the build's below the cut, using parts from the Armoury Mod.
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the-darklings · 2 years
Do you ever just. Just sit and think about the fact that sandman is DC, so somewhere in the background of The Wanderer is Superman? He's just like. He's just there, doing something. I mean presumably not YET but soon. The Waynes are around. Gotham is a shorty city that the Wanderer has probably been to. Martian Manhunter is definitely around, doing his own thing on another planet.
And does that mean that Superman has heard of the wanderer? Batman? Zatanna? Do the martians speak of her on their planet, has the wanderer been there?
Also just. Just the fact that in the background there's just superhero's
I keep forgetting DC is there in the comics (was literally ?V?DFSH?SF? when Batman & Robin showed up briefly during John Dee arc), so wow, I never even thought about it but??? Yes? I mean, they're just hanging out??
I love the idea that Wanderer (a master in disguise after 1000 years) takes one look at Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent and just immediately figures out who they are (especially Clark) but is just too polite to say anything djskgghsdkjsdgh
And while my DC knowledge is spotty at best, Martian Manhunter had to wait for Martian technology to advance enough to enable his rescue, right? So I imagine if he and Wanderer met, those two would certainly find topics in common (while Wanderer can't travel in time, they've certainly popped up on other planets/dimensions). Meeting Zatanna might initially make her wary (bad history with magic users, be it witches, sorcerers or anything in between), but imagine Wanderer casually telling Zatanna how she's met her ancestors in person!!! "Leonardo da Vinci? He was hilarious, actually. No one in history texts mentions that."
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etarrago · 1 year
23 agosto 1973-2023
- Algunos hijos dicen que tuvieron o tienen mucha suerte de tener los Padres que tuvieron o aún tienen, pero hay también algunos Padres que dicen haber tenido mucha suerte con sus hijos, que son como un regalo de Dios, un premio, una sensación que es superior a cualquier otra de las que se les plantea durante todo el camino de su vida. Ese es nuestro caso, hoy cumple 50.
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etarragof · 1 year
14 septiembre 2023
- Esta noche pasada tuve un sueño. Una vieja y sabia voz me contestaba lo que, seguramente, quería oír: "No te esfuerces tanto, las mejores cosas suceden cuando menos te las esperas".
- Luego, pensando que el futuro aún existe para mí, recordé aquella vieja frase de Bendetti: "Algunas cosas del pasado desaparecieron, pero otras abren una brecha al futuro y son las que quiero rescatar".
- Y así volví a la vida, a la realidad, a mi mundo ... a seguir el camino un día más.
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nicolemaiines · 2 years
i still have an hour left of this movie and i already broke 100 gifs dfsh
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sayutb · 5 years
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best boi of Shattered Hope doing some weird sakura thing
damm I do hope he lives
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ineffableboyfriends · 6 years
me, seeing one of my old sherlock comics going around again: please say sike
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spiritb0x · 2 years
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I finished Mystery Room today and im being so normal about it
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dvoxah · 2 years
This post contains my rules, a tad of info about myself and my D'Vorah's About page. This post should make it easier for those that do not go to the blog fully/friendly for mobile users
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Name’s Ash, I’m 24, I've been writing for over 10+ years, and I am mostly here to have fun!! I dropped writing for a while due to life and the like, but I'm tossing my hat back into the ring since I do adore my dear bug lady.. my lovely,,,
1. While this is a Mortal Kombat blog, do not attack my muse unless it is a prompt or we plot it out. After all, plotted out Kombat is far better than not, wouldn’t you agree?
2. Do NOT take control of my muse, not unless you are guiding her somewhere but that is about it. There are few things I will allow with such things, but to be near written off with how my character reacts to things until it’s my turn just doesn’t sit well.
3. This blog is multiship, meaning I will ship with multiple characters. However, it is going to take quite some time before crossing into such territory when it comes to D'Vorah. Chemistry is a MUST/we discuss things HEAVILY beforehand
4. On that note, I will NOT write smut with anyone below the age of 18, characters or mun. I could get in serious trouble. If you’re an adult and are uncomfortable with NSFW, then we do not have to write such things.
5. Speaking of NSFW, everything regarding something of the sort WILL be put under a read more {from Gore to sex}. While I won’t write much of such in terms of sexual things, considering the facts when it comes to D'Vorah, it’s still a note to be put.
6. Being semi-selective simply means I pick who I interact with is all. I am not mutual exclusive, so feel free to interact
7. I am OC and crossover friendly! I find it fun to throw D'Vorah into new situations, especially where she is uncertain of her surroundings. And interacting with OCs is always a treat but do be sure to have some information about your OC!
My D'Vorah is Canon Divergent/Based on the MKX comic - meaning her story AND how she acts is a bit different compared to the canon counterpart in the games mainly. Under is her background/history, at the bottom there is a TL;DR so you can skim and get an idea of how I play her story/how she acts. I do also play along the canon D'Vorah, but that is an 'ask first' type ordeal if anything
Arnyek is a massive island realm, lush in terms of forest, plants and diverse wildlife, surrounded by a cold sea and smaller islands around it. The Kytinn, a race of insect-like humanoid beings, live in the dead-center of the largest island, having underground tunnels that they carved and made their home, with some choosing to live within massive trees as well. Different types of them live together within the Hive, working together and being diligent in their duties picked for them. They lived such a life for centuries, content with their numbers and their way of life. Not caring for other realm problems, for they only cared for their own. There had been stories of some Kytinn journeying to another realm for a short time before returning, actual history of that, however, is but whispers among the insectoids. Myths that they shared that never were sought to be correct... but never thought to be untrue. D'Vorah, the current Kytinn Queen after the death of the previous, watches over all. She consults the Elder Kytinn when large choices are to be made for they have been around for longer than she or even some previous Queens. Some decisions she makes on her own terms if it benefits the whole Hive in her eyes. Caring not for the bitter looks she gains from the elder insect humanoid beings, for it was for the better of the Hive in the end.
It was a solitary life, they enjoyed it for that in itself. Until Shao Kahn invaded their home. D'Vorah was quick to try and preserve her people after he slaughtered the Elders who had been in a heated discussion over many things out of the Hive and on the shores of Arnyek, D'Vorah dared to not care to join in the arguments of how to defend themselves for it was far too late. Vowing her service to him which only led to Arnyek being near absorbed into Outworld. The Kytinn moved their Hive to the outskirts of Outworld to try and rebuild their life under this new rule, making them restless in a matter of the word. Still trying to adapt to this new life, as that was something they knew well to do. It still made many talk and chitter within the darkness of the new home...
With the idea whispered around the ranks that the Kytinn would attempt to fight back and infest the realm all over if allowed to grow too much, Shao Kahn took to burning the Hive they had created. Taking torches to different openings found to ensure the most effective eradication of their numbers. Smoke and flame devoured the Hive, many panicking and making it difficult on themselves when it came to escape.
D'Vorah could save only few Kytinn, many being lost in the process as she tried to guide them through the flames. She had to make Shao Kahn believe her to be the last of her kind, that she had been away from the Hive when he had burned it. Taking to their swarm forms to try and hide away where they were able was what the Kytinn chose to do in order to survive. To lay in wait, while D'Vorah tried to think of a way to return her people home, or at the very least find a safer place as to grow the numbers once more without others knowing as to not have such a horrific event happen again. She would protect the Hive at all costs, no matter what it would take.
For the safety of her own kind and herself, D'Vorah could only follow the commands given to her by Shao Kahn, who seemed more than pleased at her sorrow for the people that were lost due to the purge he had done. She despised him, as any would, but kept such feelings under wraps… she needed to keep up her role, to work her way up. A feign of pure loyalty, as if she had nothing else to concern herself about - not having anymore people to think about, at least Shao Kahn believed she didn't.
With Shao Kahn's rule coming to an end, and Mileena's began, D'Vorah could have cared less. She couldn't return to her own kind, and it especially became tougher when Mileena would choose to trouble her with her little games. D'Vorah's patience with her grew thin quite quickly, and when Kotal came to talk to her and the others, she was highly skeptical of him, but offered what she could.
D'Vorah didn't know what to expect when it came to this Osh-Tekk, and when he became Kahn, she became highly wary of him. Even when he appointed her as his advisory, her instincts were not to trust him. For who knew how he would truly rule now that he was Emperor. And yet, seeing how he treated her, and the people, it quickly broke down the walls that prevented the Kytinn from trusting him to her full extent. It was a surprise to even herself in the end.
And due to such, she would do anything for Kotal Kahn. Follow him to the ends of Outworld and toss herself into danger for him should she need to, and she has. As much as Kytinn despised humanoid creatures, D'Vorah couldn't help but put her trust and loyalty into the new Kahn, only wishing to serve him and see his reign prosper. It all went awry when another Kytinn - one D'Vorah thought to be trusting enough to allow close - joined Shinnok's side and betrayed D'Vorah and those she sent them to work alongside...
MK11 {{short... for now}}
With D'Vorah staying beside Kotal instead of betraying him, she comes from an alternate timeline when it comes to the past and future. It was by accident she arrived in such a timeline, and to see what was possible made her angered at her other self. How could she betray Kotal as if he was nothing? He had done plenty to aid her and her people, at least when it came to her experience. But, apparently, not in this timeline. This timeline was different. Very different.
With tensions high due to how her other timeline self had ruined any and all trust in a Kytinn, D'Vorah finds herself lost and only wishes to try to aid those around her if possible - not that any wish for her help in thought she would easily betray them as well due to how her other self has acted and showed. Who knew if she was lying or not?
She can only try to gain trust, to try and show she is not as much of a threat as her counterpart. But for now... she simply keeps to herself. Trying to figure everything out as she goes.
Shao Kahn invades Arnyek and easily takes it over. Kytinn try to make new home. Hive gets burned by Shao Kahn. D'Vorah saves few Kytinn, but plays it off like she is the last remaining one. Suffers the work put onto her. Shao Kahn is dealt with, ushering in Mileena. Mileena loves to pick on D'Vorah in particular. Kotal comes to her and the rest of the group to talk them into aiding him in taking the throne. D'Vorah becomes his advisory/first minister and slowly comes to put all her loyalty right into him and would follow him to the end. It is another Kytinn that D'Vorah thought to be loyal that betrays everyone and follows after Shinnok, to somewhat challenge which of the two would be better suited for leading the Kytinn and which side would prevail....
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vvasilisa · 3 years
happy pride month !! 
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galaxiabreaker · 4 years
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by the way i’m doing commissions for a hot second so uhm. :flushed: feel free to just dm me here or ask for my discord
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hey mlm and wlw out there, do y’all ever kiss your partners and get a sudden vivid image of a strange blue hedgehog and think “my fucking god! these bitches gay! good for them! good for them.” or is that just me and my boyfriend? is it like a message from a god or a demon or what?
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