#dia strider
autie-stuck · 1 year
*coughs* terezi infodumping to dave and karkat about her scalemate lore. they're all dating btw (flushed)
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no clue but let her ramble it’s cute
Please use (she/scales) for Terezi, no pronouns for Karkat, and (he/they) for Dave!
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clay-pidgeon · 6 months
bloodswitch kids are also a kidswap because . funsies <- JANE PLURAL JANE PLURAL JANE PLURAL J
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infjpaladin · 2 years
Happy left handers day to you all!! 💁‍♂️
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yami-yomiel · 2 years
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Also my style changed weee ^^, im going off to bed now
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watermelon-eater · 2 months
Maaf, Kak. Aku tahu bahwa hal ini mungkin sulit didengar.
Seumur hidupku, sulit aku bedakan rasa sayang dengan rasa sakit. Lagipula, itu, kan, cara satu-satunya dia berinteraksi denganku.
Aku tahu, bahwa kam- maksudku- dia, hanya ingin membantuku untuk menjadi lebih kuat. Dan, sejujurnya, aku tidak pernah membenci- dia untuk hal itu. Lihatlah aku! Aku telah menjadi ksatria yang paling kuat di alam semesta ini. Dan itu semua... atau mungkin, separuhnya... berkat dia.
Tetapi, kalau aku melihat orang atau bahkan benda yang bergerak terlalu cepat, aku langsung takut. Setiap kali aku melihat baja di sudut mataku, jantungku selalu berdetak sangat cepat.
Kau berhasil, Kak. Aku sekarang kuat. Tetapi, aku juga takut.
[Dafa menghela nafas.]
Maaf, Kak. Aku tahu bahwa kau bukanlah kakak yang membesarkanku.
Tetapi, sejujurnya, tiap kali aku melihat wajahmu, hal yang terjadi saat aku melihat baja atau besi atau orang dan benda yang bergerak terlalu cepat terjadi lagi. Detak jantungku menyesakkan nafasku, dan aku takut. Aku sangat, sangat takut.
Kau bukanlah orang yang sama. Tetapi, hidungmu sama. Ekspresi mukamu sama. Dan kekejaman itu yang bisa kulihat dibelakang matamu sama. Dan susah bagiku untuk bisa tenang dan ingat bahwa kali ini, kekejaman itu tidak akan diarahkan kepadaku.
Kakakku yang sebenarnya sudah lama meninggal. Tertancap pedangnya sendiri, oleh serigala bersayap yang kita lihat waktu itu, apabila kau masih ingat. Aku lihat mayatnya dengan bola mataku sendiri. Dan aku tahu, bahwa kau bukanlah dia yang sebenarnya. Tetapi hal ini bukanlah sesuatu yang bisa ku hentikan sendiri.
Jadi, maaf, Kak. Walaupun kau adalah versi alternatif dia dari realita yang lain, aku tidak bisa menghilangkan perasaan itu.
Dan aku akan selalu takut padamu.
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bio-fluorescence · 1 year
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dave strider (homestuck), daphne rollins (oc), dia (shugo chara), link (legend of zelda), hatsune miku (vocaloid), marcille donato (dungeon meshi) (+sans undertale), akemi homura (pmmm), momomiya ichigo (tokyo mew mew)
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meraki-sunset · 2 years
ex fucking CUSE ME????? lteralmente la autora del crow strider au es ARGENTINA????? y yo que lo estuve leyendo todo el dia ayer????????? mi pais mi pais -holly
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❤️Mi pais, si que si❤️
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magicspaceuncle · 2 years
10 characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Tags
I was tagged by @naosuki and Ive never done one of these before - Im hoping Im correct in assuming its a list of your faves?
1. Homestuck - Dave Strider, gods above I love that funky lil man
2. Dragon Age - Its a hard decision but Cole. Hes my sweet boy and I would die for him.
3. Final Fantasy 13 - Oerba Dia Vanille, shes doing her best!
4. Fallout 4 - Nick Valentine. The fact that he isnt a romance option is one of the greatest crimes ever committed.
5. A:tLA - Prince Zuko, I identify with that autistic bi disaster so hard
6. Legend of Zelda - Midna and Prince Sidon (Nintendo I am begging you please give me an HD Twilight Princess total remake please please please I miss my wife please please please-)
7. Kill la Kill - Gamagoori Ira, I love his dubious relationship with size and the laws of physics
8. Pokemon - Gengar, I know its not a character but I love my round purple lad
9. My Hero Academia - Fat Gum is the ideal man and you cannot change my mind
10. Riordanverse - Leo, something about that funky lil guy just. Gets me.
For tags Im gonna tag the only 2 people I know that are even remotely likely to do this - @waluigis-cock and @wynterwulf7
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tireddeadbitch · 2 years
The Worlds Collide
aradia and dave are best babies whom I adore. au - no game but the trolls and humans still end up together
TW: disordered eating, trauma talk, death, talk of being murdered, trouble adjusting
Aradia was having trouble adjusting. She spent so much time as a ghost that now it was hard for her to adjust to being alive. It was hard for her. Sometimes, she would forget to do things, like eating. It wasn't appealing to her.
Now, she was on Earth with her friends-- well, the people she grew up with. As well as the human friends she made. Specifically, she grew quite close to Rose. The two enjoyed a lot of the same things and became fast friends.
Currently, the tired troll was laying in her bedroom on the floor when she heard a knock. With a sigh, the Megido pulled herself up and went to answer the door. Upon opening it, she was faced with Dave Strider. "Yeah?" she simply asked. It was obvious she was exhausted. However, she was having a rough time sleeping.
"Damn, Megido. You look like shit." the blonde commented.
"Thanks. If you only came here to insult me, bye."
As she started to close the door, the Strider boy stopped it with his hand. "Actually, Rose asked me to swing by. Seems that she's pretty concerned about you."
Another sigh. "Yeah, sounds like her.."
"Why is she so worried, if you don't mind me asking?"
A pause. "She knows about my trauma and how much trouble I'm having adjusting." she explained.
"Well shit." he sighed. "Looks like I'm gonna spend my day annoying you." he said.
"That's really not needed--" she tried to protest but he walked inside and took off his shoes. Dave had been warned that Aradia hated people wearing shoes inside.
"So, Dia, what's bothering you?" he asked as he walked to the living room and sat down on her couch.
She rolled her eyes and followed him into the other room, sitting cross legged on her love seat. "Why exactly would I tell you?"
"Don't be so hostile. We're friends here." A beat. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
She sighed and pulled her knees up to her chest, laying her chin on them. "Being alive again is... hard. When I was a ghost, I didn't really have to worry about eating or sleeping or doing literally anything that I had to when I was alive. It was kind of nice. But now I'm alive again and it's... a fucking lot." she explained.
"If you don't mind my asking, how did you die?"
"Vriska used her fucking mind control on Sollux and made him kill me."
Dave cringed. "That sucks ass."
"Tell me about it." she huffed, sitting back against her loveseat. "And now I just have to.. deal with the fact that I'm breathing again and figure out how to do this life thing. Which, let me tell you, is 10 times worse when I'm on a whole new planet."
Dave nodded. "I'm sorry that that's what's goin' on. I wasn't dead before but I do know the trouble of adjusting to something new. Bro was... the worst, to say the least. I had to have Rose help me start eating properly. She could tell ya how jumpy I was when I first got here. But she's an amazing girl who loves to help. Even if she is a sarcastic little shit sometimes." he laughed softly.
Aradia looked at him. "I'm sorry about your... bro. I'm glad Rose helped you though."
"She can help you too, ya know. All you have to do is ask."
"I know. I just... don't want to bother her. I know how she's taken on the role of therapist for everyone. I don't want to give her more work."
Dave thought for a moment before smiling and shrugging. "I could help you then. I know all Rose's tips and tricks so I can give you the bonafide Strilonde treatment."
Aradia laughed a bit. That was the first time since she got to the planet that she laughed. She nodded. "Okay. That sounds... great."
that's it. bye <3
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autie-stuck · 1 year
Dirk x Terezi and uhh they r both transmasc and in love and dirks spin is the ocean and terezi listens to him rant
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Do not separate them
Please use (he/it) for Dirk and any pronouns for Terezi!
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hskinhome · 1 year
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1960′s Style and Aspic Recipes for a Roxy Strider (Dirk-Ways)!
The Best Swedish Meatballs
Chef John's Chicken Kiev
Classic Tuna Noodle Casserole
Holiday Chicken Aspic
1950 Tomato Soup Cake
Prosecco Fruit Salad Aspic
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medicinemane · 1 year
Good news everybody I just made up discovered a new form of literary analysis that has nothing in common with death of the author, called "cryptography of the author"
Using complex cryptographic techniques (but simple enough that you can always just say the results speak for themselves) you can translate the true meaning of any text. Now it's worth noting it's rarely the whole text that's in code, just the parts you feel like changing that intuitively catch your eye
Let's take Lord of the Rings. For instance if we plug Gandalf's name into my complex but obvious enough not to explain code breaker, we find that G=Sl, a=e, and so on, till we discover Gandalf's true name is Sleepy Tired
Another example is we can find the true meaning of this passage in Two Towers:
Aragorn knelt beside him. Boromir opened his eyes and strove to speak. At last slow words came. ‘I tried to take the Ring from Frodo,’ he said. ‘I am sorry. I have paid.’ His glance strayed to his fallen enemies; twenty at least lay there. ‘They have gone: the Halflings: the Orcs have taken them. I think they are not dead. Orcs bound them.’ He paused and his eyes closed wearily. After a moment he spoke again.
‘Actually I'm feeling better, Aragorn! I'm real sleepy though, so I'm going to take a long nap. I'll see you at your coronation, but don't make explicit note of me being there because I'll still be dozing off’
‘Alright’ said Aragorn, ‘taking his hand and kissing his brow. ‘Have a good rest, glad you're actually alive’
Boromir smiled.
Or for example:
‘Dia sudah melakukan itu bertahun-tahun,’ said Strider.
For this one sentance he spoke modern Indonesian, and then it never comes up again, but you wouldn't know that without cryptography
In conclusion, I wrote most of this post in my head while I was asleep, and finding a phrase to put in another language decoding that last bit took a long time
I welcome any and all grants or awards to me for my innovations in cryptography of the author, so long as they don't require me to actually do anything, back up any of my claims, or put in any further study to the field
In second conclusion, call me Gandalf, cause I'm Sleepy Tired
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So for your home stuck oc dia who do you ship her with because her boyfriend was killed off?
Holy shit
Excuse me anon for the language but i am right now, in like a genuinely stunned shock right now my mind blanked
I...i high key didnt expect people to ask or be interested in my homestuck ocs or that au so right now I'm reeling that someone like, is interested.
Ok sappy babble aside
Dia time dia time dia time dia time dia ti--
So after the passing of her late boyfriend and upon ending up on earth c, dia very strongly avoids anything romantic with anyone for a long time-Id say the first three and a half to four years.
After that period, its up in the air right now as of who she's gonna canonly end up with -im going to say its a genuine tie between her three friends: rowan, jacob, and jynx
Jynx is of course a first go kinda one, its cute its got alot of subtext alright between them and it would be sweet and a very happy ending kinda ship
But I also get torn between rowan and jacob to because they have different and interesting dynamics with dia thatll be fun to explore in a more romantic sense
So in short: i ship her with too many people after her boyfriend, no decisions or cute ship ideas
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phantommoonpeople · 4 years
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Holy shit.... I'm gay...... - Jynx
Jynx and dia are @nightmaretyrantvantas ocs
From Homestuck!!!
Go check her out? And yes I know I fucked up the hands...and proportions .... But yeah!!!!!
She has really great stories and art and she takes great pride in them she also has a sanderside ask blog and an old hetalia one!!!!
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diadraws · 3 years
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happy 413 everyone!! :3c been a minute since i’ve drawn these kids but it’s always a joy to revisit them~ 
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ievan98 · 7 years
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Ice cream date 
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