#did i ever make a tag for me j playing awakening
sieglinde-freud · 1 year
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writeofmind · 4 years
a ghost?! (pt. 1)
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Genre: fluff, slow burn, multi-shot <3
Pairing: College!Rosé x Reader
anon: Hi! If possible could you make a master list of all the fics and scenarios you have posted? 😅 I’d also like to request a blackpink college AU focused on Female Reader x Rosé 🥺 lots of fluff and maybe some slow burn and smut? I’d be happy with any Rosé fluff or blackpink fluff though 🤍🤲🏻 thank you 😊
A/N: hi, j anon! this is part 1/? of your slow burn college!au. :D I will try to make this as slow and fluffy as possible. i don’t have a specific plot that i’m sticking to rn, but i have general ideas that i’m very excited to write. that being said, feel free to send in suggestions as to how you want this story to go! (or you can leave it up to me, and be in for cute surprises >:) ) 
a ghost?! | caramel lattes | your favorite regular
There were two things that you learned from living your college life. One, you definitely weren’t a morning person, and two, your roommate was a ghost. 
Not literally. The thing was just that you had never formally met them; when you moved in, they weren’t home, and when you would wake up in the afternoons, they would already be long gone and out of the house. Your schedules never lined up with each other, so for the past few weeks, you’ve just been barely missing them, not even knowing their name. 
You didn’t mind, really. The apartment was kept clean at all times, so it really did feel like only you lived there sometimes. But, you can say: if your roommate was a ghost, then they were the loudest ghost. Ever.
It was just your luck to be paired with them, too; they would be up at the crack of dawn, most times even earlier. You’d often wake up in the mornings to music playing or their (you’re sure you can say her) voice singing along. If you were being honest, the latter was your preferred way of waking up. She did have a wonderful voice, and you wished you could get yourself out of bed to tell her that; but she just woke up way, way too early. 
Today was another one of those days. Music was blasting in the background, yet another replay of “Call Me Maybe.” 
Ugh, god... you raised your head at the rude awakening, squinting your eyes at the door. Not this song again.
Based on what little you knew about your roommate, you had an image in your head of what she may look like. To put it short, you imagined a sorority girl, in a way. The type that dance and sing along to pop songs, dresses in tank tops and jeans, partying everyday, that sort of thing. You figured that maybe she didn’t party a lot though, considering she was already home and sleeping when you would walk through the front door. 
You let your head drop back into your pillow. You were too groggy and beat from work the night before that you blocked out the song, blocked out your roommate’s singing, and fell soundly asleep once again as her music faded out the front door and into the hallways of your apartment. Jeez, that girl needed some headphones.
When you woke up a few hours later, the apartment was silent. There was a sigh of relief from you, and you groaned as you stretched your entire body out. Class started in about an hour and a half, so you decided not to laze around in bed and instead get ready for the day.
When you walked into the kitchen to grab something quick to eat on your way to campus, you smelled something delicious. Sniffing the air, you smelled... something spicy? 
Sure enough, when you walked inside, there was a pan of tteokbokki sitting right on the stove. The aroma of the spiciness itself made your mouth water the closer you got to it- then, you saw a note next to it, sitting right under a bottle of water.
Good morning, roomie! I heard you come home late last night, (not that I was trying to be a stalker, but I couldn’t sleep so I was still up when you got back. Crazy, right?) Anyway, I figured you didn’t eat because I didn’t hear you in the kitchen, so I made extra tteokbokki this morning for you to take with you. I made it a little too spicy, so make sure you grab the water too!!
- PC
Your eyebrows raised higher the further down you read the note. She made you breakfast? And packed you a water? 
How sweet of her, you smiled. You wasted no time in scooping a whole bunch of the delicious rice cakes onto a plate and devouring every single piece. (She was right, though, it was super spicy.) 
That was really sweet of her. I should do something for her, too. I feel bad that I haven’t thought to even leave a note. And PC, huh? I wonder what that could stand for. I should make a mental note to ask. 
After eating and cleaning everything up, you realized that you wasted a little too much time in your own head and was running a bit behind schedule. You grabbed the water bottle quickly and ran as fast as you could out the door, into the elevator, and out the main lobby of your apartment. You didn’t even notice the blonde haired girl you almost ran into along the way. 
When you were finished with your school day, you always dreaded having to go to work afterwards. Not that it was a terrible job, you were just a barista at a café near campus, after all- but you would be tired and drained after pulling afternoon to closing shifts.
So there you stood, leaning against the counter top at your job as you sipped away at a small cup of espresso. You and your coworkers chatted absentmindedly. It wasn’t too busy tonight, except for a few straggling students that stayed to study. Your manager had even offered to let you go home early, but you decided you needed the money- you were practically getting paid to stand around, anyway.
The bell on the door jingled after what seemed like hours (and maybe it was). Your coworkers, all clowns, hid away from the incoming group of customers and shuffled behind the counters, leaving you to take care of them all. You glared at them and groaned internally, but that was the rules of a college student barista. If you’re not fast enough to hide, you face the consequences.
“Hey, guys,” you put on your smile as you approached the register, “what can I get for you tonight?”
When the girls got closer, you were glad that your hat was a bit too big for your head. It covered the burning read at the top of your ears at the sight of how pretty they were— all four of them, to be exact.
One of the shorter ones smiled back at you. “Hiii,” she greeted, “do you guys know what you want?”
The redhead of the group spoke up first. “Yes, can I just have a tea, please?” She turned to the other girls, “I noticed that my voice has been kind of raspy from rehearsal. I hope it’s nothing serious.”
You minded your own business as you punched in the order. “Of course, and for you?” You looked at the tall brunette, who was squinting at the menu board. You had to hide a laugh as you slid a smaller menu to her. “Here you go, our menu is printed kind of small.”
“Oh my gosh, thank you,” she laughed and took the menu in her hands. The shorter one that spoke earlier laughed too and simply pushed the brunette’s hands down. 
“Can we just get two large white mochas, please?” 
You smiled as you punched in that order too. “Of course.” You now turned to the final girl of the group, who stood silently, staring back and forth at the pastries in the case and the menu board. “For you, miss?”
When she looked up at you, you froze. 
Wow, she was cute. 
She smiled at you so sweetly, brushing her blonde hair behind her ear. “Um, yes please, can I get all of the vanilla scones that are in here? Oh, and a caramel latte, please.”
Just from eyeballing the case, there were at least 10, if not a couple more scones in there. You glanced at her with a humorous smile and nodded. “Yeah, no problem.”
As you punched in the order, you made sure that you only rang her up for four scones. It was almost near closing time anyway (you told yourself that, but really you still had a couple hours left), and you didn’t want to have to waste any pastries. 
“Can I have your guys’ names for your drinks?” You popped the tip off of your sharpie. 
The redhead, again, spoke first. “Jisoo.” 
Then went the brunette. “Lisa,” she then pointed to the shorter one, “Jennie.”
Lastly, you turned to the blonde. Again, she smiled, and nodded when she spoke. “Rosé.”
Such a pretty name, you thought to yourself. You made it a point to draw a little flower next to her name, just for funsies. You let them know that their drinks would be ready soon, and you gathered all the scones in the case for the girl to have.
The girls didn’t notice the price difference at first when they paid. After calling out their names for their orders, it wasn’t until they sat down at their table with their drinks and snacks that they realized something was off. 
It was Rosé who came back up to the counter as you were wiping it down. 
“Um, hi,” she spoke softly as if not to surprise you, “I’m sorry, but I think there may have been a mistake?”
You looked up at her from the counter with raised eyebrows. “Oh, I’m sorry. Was your drink wrong?”
“No, not at all! It’s great,” she shook her head and showed her bag of scones, “but, um, I think you mischarged me for these.”
Ah, so she did notice. “No miss, that’s okay,” you laughed at her innocence and honesty. Her face even looked worried just from you saying that. “We’re going to be closing in a couple hours anyway, and to be honest, the scones can be a bit overpriced when you buy a lot. Don’t worry about it.”
Her eyebrows were furrowed in the cutest way possible. “But— are you sure? You won’t get in trouble?”
“I’m sure, I’m sure. It’s fine, really miss.”
“Aww... well, thank you—” she beamed and squinted at your name tag, “Joy.”
Aw, shit. You internally slapped yourself in the face, I put on the wrong apron. 
Of all days to be talking to a cute girl, you weren’t even wearing the right apron with the right name tag. You really didn’t want to have to explain yourself and essentially embarrass both you and the girl right now, and you were quite frankly a bit shy already from talking to her for as long as you have. So you just smiled back. “It’s no problem, Rosé.”
With a giggle, the girl turned back around and hopped over to her table, where you could hear her recounting your conversation. You chuckled.
As your shift went on, the students inside the café began to disperse and pack up their bags to head home. One of the last students to leave was the group of girls you served earlier, and they even made sure to call out “bye, Joy!” as they left. Your coworkers looked at you funny but ended up laughing at your awkwardness once they realized your mistake.
“Oh, come on, y/n!” One of your best coworkers, Seulgi, laughed, “Now you’re gonna be known as Joy to them! Joy is not going to be happy.”
“Look, man, I didn’t wanna correct her, alright??” You sighed and palmed your forehead, “I got nervous!”
“Ah, well,” your other coworker Yeri shrugged, “at least you may not see her again. So you don’t have to be too embarrassed.”
Your shoulders dropped at the sound of that. You may not see her again? Boo. 
Your closing shift went by smoothly and before you knew it, you were walking through the threshold of your already dark apartment. You saw that your roommate’s door was closed and her light off, but her shoes were on the shoe rack, so you knew she was already sleeping. 
You almost went straight to your room to knock out before remembering what your roommate did for you this morning. You didn’t want to just leave her hanging and make yourself seem ungrateful, so you grabbed a post-it note and a pen.
Hi there, roomie, you began, thank you for the tteokbokki this morning! It was delicious, actually, and I only needed a few gulps of water between each bite. (lol, i’m just teasing, it really was good. i love spicy food.) i’m not sure if you like flavorings in your coffee, let alone if you like coffee or not, but here’s some for you for the morning, since you’re usually up earlier than me. you can use any of my coffee cups, i have way too many.
- y/n
After setting up the coffee machine to brew in the early morning, you stuck the note on top and dragged yourself into your room to get ready for bed. 
The next morning, you woke up to silence. No music, no singing, nothing. And it wasn’t early in the morning- it was the usual time you yourself would get up and out of bed.
Huh? you wondered, This feels... unnatural.
You got yourself out of bed and ready for your day as you normally would. You walked into the kitchen for your usual breakfast of coffee and a single granola bar, when you saw yet another note waiting for you on the kitchen table.
it’s no problem at all! i almost thought you hated the tteokbokki when i didn’t see any feedback when i got home. TT TT it’s so funny that we haven’t even met yet. btw, i’m sorry i’m loud in the mornings, i never realized how late you got home every night. i’ll let you sleep in more. :) and you’re so sweet, thank you for letting me use one of your cups, and thank you for the coffee this morning :)
p.s, just so you know a fact about me too, i love caramel in my coffees.
- PC
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twstarchives · 4 years
Sebek Zigvolt・Voice Lines
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School Uniform - R
Unlock Card “Get to class now! You’re wasting time.”
Groovy “Someday I ought to teach you how you’re supposed to behave towards your superiors.”
Home Setting “I take close care of my appearance.”
Home Transitions “I was miraculously able to enroll at the same school as the Young Master. I’d like to watch his growing success from as close-up as possible.”
“I’m hungry... The bread from the school store isn’t filling at all. I want more meat.”
“I joined the horse-riding club because I thought it’d be wise to pick up practical activities. All knights should be able to ride a horse.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “To make sure that you’re not a threat to the Young Master, I’ve decided to observe you all day today. Don’t run out of sight.”
Home Taps “Styling my hair every morning is a chore, but I never want the Young Master to see me looking sloppy.”
“Silver is the only person I know in the Valley of Thorns from the same generation as me. ‘My friend’...? As if I’d call him a friend!” 
“The Young Master is also taking classes here. It’s 1000 years too early for us to be skipping them!!”
“I have a loud voice? What are you saying? Your voice is just too quiet!!”
“Are you trying to play tag? I’ve long since outgrown childish games like that.”
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PE Uniform - R
Unlock Card “As if I’d lose any contest! The training all of you have done is nothing compared to mine!”
Groovy “Want me to tell you my training routine? Only if you can keep up.”
Home Setting “Let me take you on.”
Home Transitions “To improve yourself, you need to eat well, work well, sleep well, and play hard! ...That’s what Master Lilia taught me.”
“I train so that I can be the Young Master’s sword and shield whenever he needs me.”
“I heard we’re having a long-distance race for our next PE class. I’m better at short-distance, though... No. You aren’t a guard without good stamina.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Why is your back hunched over like that? You look sloppy! Stick out your chest and fix that posture!”
Home Taps “Whenever I go to practice for the horse-riding club, the horses always get scared of me. I’m not going to eat them or anything. They’re so skittish.”
“Being left-handed often comes in handy when I’m sparring. But no matter which hand I use, my victories will always be in the name of the Young Master.”
“There’s no point in training without a reason. It’s important to me that I gain power to protect the Young Master.”
“Don’t waste your breath. All that matters while you’re training is willpower, persistence, and a fighting spirit!! That’s it!”
“You want to play soccer together? ...Alright. I certainly have no plans of losing to a human.”
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Lab Coat - SR
Unlock Card “Your appearance reflects who you are inside. I won’t let a single wrinkle to pass.”
Groovy “You want to study with me? Very well. Show me what you’ve got.”
Home Setting “I don’t have any blind spots in today’s class either.”
Home Transitions “I’ll get the highest score on our next test. And then the Young Master will praise me...!”
“The environment in the greenhouse is just amazing. It’s warm, humid, and so easy to relax in there.”
“I learned everything that was covered in our lesson last period when I was in middle school. Education in the Valley of Thorns was very intensive.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “The most I’ll do is give you a few hints for your assignment. I’d rather not be dragged down during our joint class.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “You look exhausted. I’ll share some tips with you on how to remain focused.”
Home Taps “I’m very good at solving both numerical and chemical equations. But there’s never a need to use cheap tricks like that when the Young Master is around. Heheh.”
“Do you have any Awakening Potions? I want to try making Silver drink an entire bucket full.”
“Master Lilia gave me this drink. He said it’s an excellent beverage that lets you take in your meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables all at once!”
“I’m not good at art, since it’s so subjective. Subjects where the solutions are very clear is more my speed.”
“Stop tugging at my clothes. I can’t appear in front of the Young Master looking indecent!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Could you recommend a book for me? I’ll try reading it tonight.”
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Ceremony Robes - SR
Unlock Card “The Young Master would never get upset over something as minor as a school assembly.”
Groovy “Hmph. Even you look befitting today.”
Home Setting “I don’t want to see the Young Master look so dejected...”
Home Transitions “As if I’d ever feel nervous at a school event of all things! Festivals in the Valley of Thorns are so much grander than this.”
“Have you seen the Young Master anywhere? I haven’t been able to reach him in a while. ...Don’t tell me he— ...Again?”
“It’s not worth having a ceremony if the Young Master isn’t participating. They should just stop it midway through.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “YOUNG MAAAASTER!! Where did you go...? Oh, perfect timing. Come look for the Young Master with me.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Grim was causing a ruckus again. I swear, I can’t believe how much of a pig he is. ...What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
Home Taps “Before coming to this academy, I spent an entire year dedicating myself to my studies. I did it because I had faith I’d be able to get into this school too.”
“No matter how alert you think you are, Master Lilia will always find a way to sneak behind you. Oh, see? Turn around.”
“I feel like I’ve gotten taller again lately. These robes might even end up being too small for me.”
“Do I look okay? Nothing’s out of place? It’s fine if I appear in front of the Young Master like this, right..? ...Oi, are you even listening to me?”
“Stop with that mumbling. If you want to say something then say it loud and clear!!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “The Young Master’s ideas are so grand. Sometimes, I can’t even begin to understand them. That’s why I admire him so much.”
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Birthday Celebration Outfit - SSR
This card was only obtainable during Sebek’s birthday event (Mar 15 - Mar 21, 2021).
Login on Birthday “Human, have you come to give me a birthday present? I see... Thank you! I was just giving the Young Master my gratitude earlier as well. I am the luckiest man at this school!”
Unlock Card “No matter if it’s my birthday, I’m not going to abandon my duties as a guard or stop being vigilant!”
“I-I never thought I’d be able to receive a birthday blessing from the Young Master... How lucky am I!!”
Groovy “Despite being a human, you’re celebrating to make me happy... I’ve improved my opinion of you, just a little. J-Just a little!”
Home Setting “Alright! I think I can still perfectly carry out my guard duties in this outfit.”
Home Transitions “This cutlery and tableware is placed in the wrong order. Did you not know I’m left-handed? You didn’t do enough research beforehand!”
“Lilia told me that ‘a sound soul lives in a trained body.’ I must not forgo my training, even on my birthday.”
“My magic manifested at a late age. When I was little, I always wanted to be like my older brother and sister, who could magically light the candles on a cake.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “I’ve gone hungry all day to get ready for this party. I only had three servings for lunch!”
Home Transition (Groovy) “I-I lost again... This may be a party game, but I can’t stand to keep losing to the likes of a human! One more round!”
Home Taps “Azul told me ‘I heard you liked Magical Analysis’ and gave me a rare book on it... but I feel like he wants something big in return.”
“Riddle gave me a special horseback riding lesson. You don’t often get a chance like that. I’ll remember it as a fond birthday memory.”
“Silver, that bastard! He gave me dumbbells as a gift! That can’t mean anything but him thinking my training isn’t enough!”
“Epel gave me a fruit carving of the Young Master. It’s an incredible piece of work... but there’s no way I could bring myself to eat it!”
“I-I hear an explosion!? What’s happening!? ...Oh, you’re popping party poppers? It’s so loud! You know you’re bothering the people around you!!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Here, I went and got you ten plates of food. ...You’re good with just one? Heh! I know you’re a human, but you eat so little.”
Duo Magic Sebek: “Let me thank you for your blessings, Cater!!!” Cater: “HBD, Sebek-kins~!”
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Tutorial “Follow me, human! Make sure you commit the grand sight of the Young Master to memory.”
Lv Up “Did you see that!? Look at the progress I made!”
“I’ll be able to take even more action now with this!”
“Mm. Not bad.”
Max Lv Up “Maybe now I’ve turned into a man who can gain just a little of the Young Master’s approval. ...No, I shouldn’t act conceited. I need to get rid of these thoughts and focus on keeping myself devoted. Let’s go!”
Episode Lv Up “I always viewed you as nothing but a meager human, and yet you’ve become someone I rely on so much... You’re just always surprising me.”
Magic Lv Up “This power...! Young Master! Did you see that just now!? Wait... He’s not here. Kgh. That must mean this still isn’t enough...!”
Limit Break “I need to get even bigger, smarter, and stronger to be a proper servant for the Young Master!”
Groovy “I’m feeling happy and energized! This really does feel nice. Make sure you never forget all this success I’ve made!”
Lesson Select “Human! I decided to take a class with you today. Which one do you want? Hurry up and pick.”
“What? You look so nervous. Isn’t the point of classes you’re weak in to be a challenge for you?”
“Master Lilia taught me that your classes are just another part of your training. I’m not going to slack off in any of my subjects.”
Lesson Start “Let’s give today our all!”
Lesson End “Knowledge enriches the body and soul! Let’s work hard next time too!”
Battle Start “I’ll swallow you whole!”
Battle End “This win is for our king!”
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Profile Quote “Don’t even think that you can come close to the great Lord Malleus Draconia, lowly human!”
January 2020 Trailer “Are you a new student too? Take utmost care not to be rude to the Young Master.”
Countdown Poster “Meager humans ought to bow down before the Young Master.”
Login Bonus “Hmph! You’re pretty capable for a human. But I don’t go a single day without training myself.”
Player Birthday Wish “What are you doing here? On your birthday, you’re supposed to eat your favorite food, sing, and celebrate. You didn’t even know that…? Very well, then. I’ll teach you how to spend your birthday the right way!”
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Magic History
Good ★
“Come at me anytime!”
“I’m... not tired!”
“Humans are so shallow.”
“I learned a lot from this.”
“The Young Master is even more incredible.”
“Cat! Shut up!”
“Serve the king.”
“The Young Master will make history.”
“Silver’s asleep?”
Great ★★
“I want to get closer to the Young Master.”
“Piece of cake!”
Perfect ★★★
“I have no business with weaklings.”
“Don’t make light of me, human.”
Special Lesson Perfect ★★★
“My answer is this!”
“How old is the Headmaster...?”
“I won’t let you disturb me!”
Good ★
“It’s a beautiful morning.”
“I’m not letting Silver win.”
“I’m not scared of getting hurt.”
“I can’t turn smoothly.”
“Trust me on my speed!”
“My stomach growled.”
“I respect our coach’s stamina.”
“Take control of your problems...”
“I’m going to master this.”
Great ★★
“Oh...! Young Master!”
“I feel like jumping for joy!”
“I’m never off my guard.”
Perfect ★★★
“No one can catch up to me!”
“All right!”
“You want to challenge me?”
Special Lesson Perfect ★★★
“Headmaster, what do you need?”
“Don’t stand where I’m about to go!”
“Everyone’s so slow!”
Good ★
“You’ve looked miserable all morning.”
“I’m keeping an eye on Master Lilia.”
“I’m very adept.”
“Let’s do this!”
“Immortality, huh...?”
“Did I get ahead of Silver?”
“That’s a gross color...”
“I’m hungry...”
“I’m not a dog!”
“Did you read the footnotes?”
“I see.”
“Humans are so greedy.”
“Gold isn’t going to satisfy me.”
“This jewel would suit the Young Master.”
“Be quiet and take your lesson!”
Great ★★
“There’s nothing I can’t eat.”
“Please praise me!”
“You think I could fail at this level?”
“Hmph. Piece of cake.”
“Gape at the power of the Valley of Thorns!”
Perfect ★★★
“Young Master, please accept this.”
“No trouble at all.”
“This is probably how the Young Master would do it.”
“What do you think? Perfect, huh?”
“You still can’t do it?”
Special Lesson Perfect ★★★
“Stay cool... and composed.”
“No one could outshine the Young Master.”
“Hm? He’s watching me.”
“I’ll get grades that won’t tarnish our dorm’s name!”
“A perfect brew.”
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ineffably-effable · 5 years
further good omens fic recs
It’s been awhile since my last reclist post so here goes, please enjoy the rewards of my complete lack of self-control when it comes to this ship.
Please reach out if I’ve missed a tumblr tag, or drop a note if you have any recommendations I’ve missed! ( 31 recommendations underneath the cut )
(51k) Acts of Service by seekwill / @jasmine-cottage-uk
After receiving direct instruction from God, village reverend Aziraphale leaves his countryside congregation to serve the underserved and in-need at an urban church in London, a transition made all the more complicated by the mysterious and handsome Crowley, who always seems to appear when Aziraphale least expects him.
mood: pining, denial, secrets, idiots-in-love. 
(Warning: Don’t start reading this one at midnight expecting to put it down. Learn from my mistakes.) 
(44k) Mirror, Mirror by ImprobableDreams900 / @improbabledreams900
Crowley from an evil!au swaps places with our Crowley.
mood: butterfly effect, identity theft, Aziraphale!whump, badass!Aziraphale  
(40k) The Strong Tower by BuggreAlleThis
After the failed executions, a vengeful angel takes it upon herself to neutralise the threat presented by Crowley and Aziraphale.
mood: aziraphale!whump, protective!crowley, hurt/comfort, pining and fantastic world building.
(23k) You Might Think I'm Crazy (All I Want is You)   by soft_october / @soft-october-night​
Since the next shop over closed down, Aziraphale's had a peaceful few months, barring those unpleasant interactions with the men in cheap suits who keep trying to persuade him to sell his shop. But now a (handsome) new owner has taken up residence beside him and, horror of horrors, he wants to open up a coffee shop.
mood: fledgling friendships, obviously-in-love-to-everyone-but-themselves, almost-letting-your-doubts-and-insecurities-ruin-things, if-only-these-dumb-bastards-knew-how-to-communicate
(23k) names in history by lagaudiere
Maybe he’d shown Crowley how to perform a few miracles, but that Crowley had taken to them so well was surely a sign that he wasn’t all bad. And maybe Aziraphale had let himself be called upon to perform a few temptations, but that was just testing the will of the faithful if you looked at it from a different angle.
mood: slow-burn, through-the-ages, beautifully written.
(22k) This Soul Outstreaming by Rend_Herring 
Aziraphale constructs intricate rituals to touch the skin of other men (by “men” I mean Crowley).
mood: slow-burn, through-the-ages, forbidden love, UST, beautifully written. 
(29k) 5 Times Aziraphale was Almost Discorporated and One Time He Actually was by charliebrown1234 / @charliebrown1234
What it says on the tin.
mood: Aziraphale!whump through the ages, protective Crowley, hurt/comfort, wonderful characterizations.
(20k) In Pleasure's Clothes by obstinatrix, wishwellingtons
Three Times Aziraphale Stalked Crowley In Gay Clubs And One Time He Moped At Wilde’s Grave.
mood: jealousy, pining, miscommunications, idiots-in-love
(18k) Soft (A Love Story in Three Bites) by mia_ugly / @mia-ugly​
Crowley was an angel, once. Before she fell. Aziraphale was a warrior (she fell too. It just took a little longer.)
mood: ineffable wives thoughtfully done and beautifully written, pining, emotional vulnerability, hurting the ones you love, references to gothic romances that absolutely slay me, switching POVs between Aziraphale and  Crowley.
(18k) On Earth as it is in Heaven by JMA
Aziraphale was at Crowley's trial...the first one.
For six thousand years Aziraphale felt like an angel who has fallen, waiting for Heaven to realise. His fear and doubt has shaped and defined him. Now, with the Armageddon over and Heaven and Hell off their backs it is finally time to come clean.
mood: betrayal, pining, misguided attempts at atonement, miscommunication and forgiveness 
 (15k) Through Every Door by darlingred1 / @darlingred1​
After thwarting the end of the world, Aziraphale begins to avoid Crowley, and Crowley accidentally awakens his own repressed lust.
mood: mutually-pining-idiots, miscommunication,  immortal-beings-taking-turns-with-their-single-brain-cell, surprisingly-Crowley-has-first-dibs
(16k) Least of All by stereobone / @stereobone​
Every so often, Crowley talks to God.
mood: Crowley worrying after Aziraphale through the ages. Beautifully written, fantastic Crowley perspective.
(14k) Wine Fraud and Other Worthy Pursuits by ImprobableDreams900  / @improbabledreams900​
When Aziraphale, rare book dealer and part-time wine collector, encounters a bottle of 1844 Château Lafite-Rothschild he suspects isn't all that it claims, he becomes determined to track down the truth.
Unfortunately, the finger of suspicion seems to point at fellow wine collector Anthony J. Crowley, whom Aziraphale is already well on his way to befriending.
mood: suspicious Aziraphale and fledgling friendships  
(12k) Laugh When It Sinks In by Tenoko1 / @tenoko1​
Crowley stopped them in their trek, slipping his arm from Aziraphale’s grasp to face him, hands on his shoulders. “Are you sure you’re alright? A-are you having, like, a mid-life crisis or something now that Heaven’s cut you loose? You’re worrying me. What’s next? Cherry red sports car?”
mood: making a home for yourself and your charmingly oblivious life partner 
(10k) The Original Bar Joke by deathbycoldopen / @deathbycoldopen​
The way Crowley saw things, it was all one big joke, with him as the punchline.
mood: drunk!pining, idiots-in-love, jealous!Crowley, straw-that-broke-the-camel's-back moments, drunk!confessions
(8k) did you open up your heart there? by weatheredlaw / @weatheredlaw​
Aziraphale and Crowley meet over and over and over again. Aziraphale doesn't know what Crowley is, or why their souls can't seem to be parted, but he is a creature of love, and he's not going to argue with that.
mood: ready to have your heart broken over and over and over?
(7k) The Ark by rfsmiley / @redfacesmiley​
We’ve all been assuming that it takes them 6,000 years to figure it out, but what if it takes 6,300?
Or: the ineffable husbands evacuate a dying Earth.
mood: ineffable dystopian sci-fi romance (and yes, I love that this is a mood I can use to describe a good omens fic).
(7k) Where Thou Art by Mottlemoth / @mottlemoth​
A late-night bus to London, a few human comforts, and a long overdue confession... nothing will ever be the same for an angel and his demon.
mood: we-might-be-dead-by-tomorrow-love-confessions
(5k) Love Stories by goodomensblog  / @goodomensblog
Crowley goes too slow, Aziraphale drinks copious amounts of alcohol, and the bookshop is (very nearly) set on fire. Again.
mood: drinking because you’re an idiot in love (or because you’re in love with an idiot), looking after your drunk mate (only he’s not your mate he’s the love of your life and he’s finally starting to get that)
(4k) A Metaphor Of Some Kind by copperbadge / @copperbadge​
After the world doesn't end, Hell gets Crowley and Heaven gets Aziraphale, but not for very long.
mood: witty with great voices, loads of fun
(4k) One Sweet Moment Set Aside For Us by Arej 
Tattoos are like stories you write on your skin, and they'll say things for you if you'll let them. Or perhaps prompt other people to say things.
Or, Crowley is just drunk enough to get bold and let his guard down, and it leads to something he never thought he'd be allowed to have.
mood: pining, touching, reverance, love confessions
(3k) Something To Talk About by iamtheenemy (Steph)
Aziraphale jumps to some very inaccurate conclusions.
mood: pining and misconceptions, let’s see if we can make Crowley have an aneurysm.
Wow! Thanks for scrolling this far! You’ve unlocked the secret  “I’ll be in my bunk” section of the rec list! ;)
(That’s not to say the fics above don’t have their own hot scenes, or that the fic below are only  pwp, but these are the fics where the plot is either focused mostly on sex or the build-up to sex.)
(4k) left with no trace, as if not spoken to by drawlight / @drawlight​
Aziraphale's finger brushes against the edge of Crowley's hand. The theater is packed, it is dark. Everyone is watching the stage (no one is watching them). "Do you - ?" "Yeah, angel."
mood: Shakespeare may not have deserved this, but this reader is glad this exists.
(4k) I Tempt, You Thwart... Right? by AEpixie7 / @knightofthesevenfandoms​
Crowley accidentally-on-purpose roofies Aziraphale and then feels bad about it because Aziraphale is so high that he can't remember how to sober up.
mood: serious wing kink, drug-induced-loss-of-inhibitions
(6k) Appetite by spunknbite / @spunknbite​
Crowley places the macaron against Aziraphale’s lips with more reverence than the angel had thought him capable. “It’s alright, angel. Just take a bite.”
mood: drunk sex, overcoming inhibitions, first time, hand feeding 
(6k) The Better Part of Valour by obstinatrix
Said I, a few weeks ago: "I feel there’s also room for e.g. bedsharing fic where the apocalypse has Not Happened and they’ve fallen into queerplatonic (or so they think) bedsharing and Crowley thinks he’s alone in being driven slowly to distraction by it, so he says nothing. Then one night he wakes when it’s still dark, and at first he doesn’t know why, until he hears Aziraphale’s breathing a little raspier than usual, and feels the very slight trembling of the bed."
mood: bed-sharing-with-serious-insecurities-and-misunderstanding
(7k) a treatise on your fingers in my hair by Nimravidae / @tooeasilyconsidered​
Crowley sleeps for two days, his hair is a mess, and all it takes is a touch. Like a catalyst. Like striking flint, like a matchstick, like touching fire to gunpowder
mood: all that pent up UST has to go somewhere 
(9k) Released by vaguely_concerned / @vaguely-concerned​
After they get together Aziraphale has some lingering Ideas about his brief stint in the Bastille; Crowley is happy to help him explore them. Hijinks, as they say, ensue.
mood: french revolution era role play w/ feelings, fantastic dialogue. 
(17k) One Night In Bangor (And the World's Your Oyster)  by Atalan / @seaskystone​
Heaven and Hell share a corporate party once per millennium. This time someone's had the bright idea of issuing a challenge to the demons of Hell. Crowley has no intention of missing the opportunity; Aziraphale's just enough of a bastard to make him work for it.
mood: flirting and first times
You’re still here? Can’t get enough? Well check out these amazing WIPs!
Slow Show by mia_ugly / @mia-ugly​
The Ineffable Pining Showmance AU that no one asked for.
mood: a more accurate summary would be the: ineffable pining showmance AU that no one knew to ask for, and everyone wanted more of. The characterizations in this are amazing. Crowley as a fallen film star is perfection. 
Shifting Heaven and Earth by BuggreAlleThis
For most of history, since he narrowly avoiding Falling from Heaven with Lucifer, Crowley has been working for the Angelic Corruption Unit. This ended up being far more boring than he hoped it would be, but things change when he is assigned to go undercover on Earth. His mission is to investigate Aziraphale, an infamous angel who has been on Earth since its Creation, and whom Heaven is sure is guilty of corruption or dereliction of duty. 
mood: slow-burn, betrayal, regrets,  aziraphale!whump, bamf!aziraphale
the bucket list by darcylindbergh / @forineffablereasons
If you’re going to go native, you might as well go all the way.
mood: saying the absolutely wrong thing at the wrong time, reaching your breaking point, miscommunication and heart break.
Still here? :)
My previous good omens recs post can be found here [x]
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trewloves · 4 years
endeavour fandom meme! i was tagged by @georgefancys and @lieutenantmalcolmreed thank u very much friendos :)
top 5 episodes: neverland, muse, arcadia, icarus (focusing on the positives? morse in robes and him and shirley hangin is so cute), pylon (fugue runs a very tight race though)
seasons in order of preference: hmmm 2 (PETER’S PRIME), 3 (quality peter-jim-morse-shirley squad content), 4 and 6 are very close for me, 5, 1, 7 (i couldn’t catch all of it but like honestly it was kind of disappointing)
favorite scenes: (1) ok the end of arcadia when morse is writing the letter to peter and peter’s leaving with hope and reads the note?! (2) also in pylon when they find the doctor’s house or whoever the fuck he is and they’re like ok you were literally trafficking girls and EVERYONE is so pissed, thursday physically fights this creep and even box and jago are like super soft w the girls and morse and jim and everyone else are so protective and like fuck you man!! i love that (3) in ride when bixby gets yiked in the lake and morse jumps in to try and save him, and then the next shot it’s morning and morse is sitting under a tree in shock while jim and peter are like bLiMeY mAtE do you ThiNk he’s AwLrigHt?? and then peter goes over and is like “u alright” and morse is just staring into space and peter’s like “morse.” and he looks up and is like oh. yuh...honestly it’s the little things!! (4) in game when the chess guy’s like “haha you played chess in school” and then trewlove absolutely SCHOOLS him and mops the floor with his sorry ass (5) that really cute domestic scene in icarus where shirley’s painting her nails and morse is j chillin on the floor
favorite musical moment: IN FUGUE WHEN HALFWAY THROUGH THE EPISODE THE THEME FROM ACT III OF TOSCA STARTS MAKING ITS WAY INTO THE SCORE...oh baby that’s the good stuff! i love tosca (it just streamed on met last night) and like EVERY TIME barrington pheloung quotes it in the score it awakens something within me... fugue is just really my shit!!
favorite cinematography/imagery: arcadia or canticle...esp in canticle you can feel the heat and it’s so beautiful it makes me emo
favorite non-morse ensemble character: PETER JAKES PETER JAKES PETER JAKES!!!!!!
favorite one episode character: eve thorne in muse...or like. ALL the girls at blythe mount in nocturne are such a fucking mood
favorite morse look: when he wears the tux to go to the chamber music concert in coda and then he gets called to work and is just standing there with his hands in his pockets rocking back and forth on his heels in the fucking morgue.... i also REALLY love him in robes in icarus that’s all
biggest disappointment: season 7 lol. that’s all. goes without saying
provide some spicy takes: ok i’m on the same boat with tee and a lot of other people here, morse and shirley are fwb, you can’t change my mind. also this is a bit spicy (2) if peter jakes and ronnie box ever met there would be ABSOLUTELY UNREAL sexual tension. it would be so hot i wouldn’t be able to look at it and simultaneously would be like screaming cuz like...they have the same kind of attitude vis-a-vis work (thought i don’t think peter would ever get himself in a similar situation as box) and i think they’d probably hate each other but they would totally have hate sex, peter’s a total bottom and like just imagine box fucking rawing him one night after work and then the next day box is trying so hard not to hide his satisfaction when peter’s like clearly sore lmao and morse is like what the fuck is going on here and peter’s like i hate that bastard lmao. i’m sorry i don’t make the rules
free space! i started writing an morse/jakes elevator sex one-shot like a month and a half ago and still haven’t gotten around to finishing it. i’ll leave an excerpt under the cut if you’re interested, i’ll probably finish it after school ends in may hee hee
i’m gonna tag uhhh @ladyaj-13 @fitzrove and @wherehefoundtheporcupine if u guys want, no presh lol
if u want to read the excerpt i left in the free space: 
"It's so fucking hot," Peter groaned. He checked his watch. They'd been in the elevator for at least half an hour, it felt like, with little sign of building maintenance or any of the tenants realizing anything was wrong with the elevator. Even if they did notice, it'd be another thirty minutes, by Peter's estimate.
"You're letting yourself get hot and bothered," Morse said. He'd switched sides, so that he and Peter were facing each other now, legs stretched out in front of each other. His head was tipped back against the elevator wall and he exhaled slowly, eyes half-closed, as if meditating or on the verge of falling asleep.
"Are you seriously falling asleep right now?" Peter asked incredulously, gently kicking Morse in the shin. 
"No," Morse mumbled, in a way that sounded very much like he was falling asleep.
"Oh, you've got to be joking.”
Morse opened his eyes and sat up a little straighter. "You said so yourself. It's hot." He brushed the back of his hand along his forehead, where Peter could see sweat beading at the hairline, and sighed. "And we're not exactly doing anything thought-provoking."
Peter drank in the sight of Morse in front of him, collar half-unbuttoned, sweat glistening thinly along the curve of his upper lip, one hand dug halfway into his hair to keep it from falling back across his face. He was briefly reminded of the time he'd lent Morse one of his shirts, back when they'd first started working together on that opera killer, and how he'd watched with oddly insatiable fascination as Morse had undone his shirt. He inhaled sharply now, feeling the same rush of adrenaline, as Morse threw his head back again and tugged as his collar, baring his throat. 
"That's indecent," Peter said, when he finally snapped out of his trance.
Morse looked at him sharply, then snorted. "Pervert."
"You ought to know what it looks like."
"Piss off," Morse said, but he was laughing. 
Emboldened by Morse's smile, Peter crawled forward on his hands and knees until he could straddle Morse. "Make me," he said. He caught the shock registering on Morse's face, feeling the rush of excitement as the surprise softened into curiosity and then back into alarm.
"Peter! What are you playing at — we're in an elevator!"
"That's not going anywhere," Peter finished, "and that's stuck in-between floors," he undid the next button on Morse's shirt, freeing his throat and exposing his collarbone, "and we've nothing else better to do."
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deanxcasficrecs · 5 years
The ultimate Djinn Dream list
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@olliaaron, I think you made a huge mistake by asking this :’D So, you wanted a few djinn fics where they live a domestic life and so on? Well, what you get is the ultimate Djinn Dream list featured by a few other creatures causing similar circumstances. This, my friends, this is hands down the longest rec I have ever made, and I sincerely hope I left nothing important out by accident.
Quite many of you have asked how do I find these, and my answer is always the same: I just read a lot. I scroll through different tags and start to read, and sometimes it just turns out to be a Djinn dream or some other spellwork like that, and then I’m just miserable (and happy at the same time because I love these fics). If you have some I didn’t include into the list, please do share in the comments!
SPOILER ALERT! Reading this rec will definitely ruin the storyline for you. 
Title: Out of My Head
Author: casual_distance
Rating: Mature
Words: 8,455 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: This is actually one of the fics I have found by an accident. No tags and no nothing that could tell this isn’t just an AU story but a Djinn fic, but I’m so glad I found it since it’s one of my favourite Djinn stories ever! It’s funny and I love the basic idea, and it feels so much longer than just 8k. It’s maybe not as domestic as you would have wanted, but oh well, it has Grease which is one of my favourite musicals, so I took a liberty to add it in… :’D 
Summary: Some romances, Dean finds during his senior year at Rydell High, are ostentatious, filled with public arguments and lots of singing, while others are hidden things kept tucked away.
( Read here ) 
Title: ‘Stonehenge’: Post-Apocalypse
Author: strangenessandcharm
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Words: 4,268 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: Breaks my heart every time I read this fic and Dean says to Cas ‘I don’t swing that way’. This fic seriously doesn’t feel like less than 5k, it’s so well-written. The characters, especially Dean, are very IC and it’s just amazing. 
Summary: Do happily-ever-afters work on angels? Castiel gets to find out, but it’s bittersweet…
( Read here ) 
Title: The Apple Pie Dream
Author: fleurofthecourt
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Words: 6,306 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: For some reason, I’m not a big Claire fan, and I quite often find Claire of the fics even more annoying. However, in this fic Claire was well-written and she didn’t bother me this much. Still, not my favourite Djinn fic, but hey, all the elements are there!
Summary: Dean Winchester is the absolute last person Claire wants to call. The man is a monster, no matter what the guy playing her make-believe dad says.
But the thing is, said make-believe dad is missing. And she’s kind of worried about him.
And she doesn’t know who else to call.
( Read here )  
Title: How Did I Get Here?
Author: ChasingRabbits
Rating: Explicit
Words: 7,882 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: Yet again one of the shorter fics that don’t feel short because everything is there: the sadness, the storyline, the character building… I wanted to add this one, even if it’s not a Djinn causing the trouble. All the elements are still there, so I personally feel that this fits in, except if you just have some weird kink for Djinns in general :’D
Summary: Dean wakes up in his bed feeling very, very odd. Though his boyfriend and son are where he left them, he can’t quite shake the feeling that something isn’t right. Worst of all, he can’t quite wrap his head around the fact that this is his life.
( Read here ) 
Title: Reality
Author: Jennilah
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Words: 11,225 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: I’m a terrible person who took a star away because Dean was bisexual :’D Don’t get me wrong, I am one too, but the fic somehow changed after that and it wasn’t as good anymore. Besides, I like the straight Dean who only goes gay for Cas, because helloooo gay panic. 
Summary: Sam and Dean go on a search for their friend after they realize he’s been missing for two months. When they find Cas in a deep sleep due to a djinn’s poison, Sam slips into his subconscious to help get him out.
Unfortunately saving him comes with a few ramifications that nobody knows how to handle.
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Title: The Story of You and Me
Author: the_diggler
Rating: Explicit 
Words: 54,953 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: You all probably know by now that The Path of Fireflies is my favourite fic ever, and let me tell you, this fic isn’t much behind. It’s similar in some ways, but definitely not a copy, and it touched my heart. I love the idea of the journal, and I just love everything in this one. One of my go-to fics.
Summary: Dean wakes up in a bed next to very human Castiel, and a journal in his own handwriting that tells him it’s two years in the future. The house looks like Bobby’s, and Sam lives there too… He just can’t remember how they got from the angels falling from the sky to comfortable domesticity. While there is much in the journal Dean doesn’t remember, there is much of their story he’s always known. And she settles into the routine of his new life and relationship with Castiel, it quickly becomes something he doesn’t know how to live without.
( Read here ) 
Title: Wishes
Author: Tanya Meridia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Words: 807 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: I actually managed to add a fic into this rec that I really didn’t find all the good. Let me tell you, I’m surprised because I was somewhat sure that I love all the Djinn fics I have in my folders. Maybe the thing was that the fic kind of ended before it even started :’D
Summary: Dean is taken by a Djinn and Castiel finds him.
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 Title: Smells Like Roses
Author: BoMarlowe
Rating: Explicit
Words: 53,828 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: The first time I was reading this, I was a bit sceptical. I knew from the beginning that it was a Djinn dream, so I was thinking that maybe I don’t get attached to the characters and it will end up a bit flat. Oh boy, how wrong I was there. The truth is that I cried like a baby. This goes into the same category than The Path of Fireflies and The Story of You and Me, meaning it’s amazing.
Summary: Dean’s life is beautiful. He wants for nothing, has the pleasure of his family and friends, and is desperately, irrevocably in love with his husband. Everything is perfect, just as it should be. Then he wakes up.
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Title: For One Single Yesterday
Author: wannaliveindeansdimples
Rating: Mature
Words: 5,120 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: I’m always adding comments to my own little excel file of fics I’ve read, and sometimes they’re very confusing. The only note for this one is: ‘I fucking loved the last sentence’. I think you need to read the fic to find out what was so special in that sentence :’D
Summary: Don’t imagine Cas being kidnapped by a Djinn.
Don’t imagine Sam being the one who goes inside his head to save him and finding that Cas’s dream world is living a normal life with Dean.
Don’t imagine them all hanging out and when Dean finally leaves them alone for five minutes Sam trying to explain to Cas that this isn’t real and Cas saying “I know.”
Don’t imagine Cas clinging to the Djinn Dean, begging Sam not to take him back.
Don’t imagine Cas waking up and Dean yelling at him for letting the Djinn get the drop on him.
Don’t imagine neither if them telling Dean what happened.
Don’t imagine the sadness Sam would see on Cas’s face everyday from then on and the pain when Dean goes home with random women.
Just don’t do it.
( Read here ) 
Title: The Apple Pie Life
Author: avenge_the_angel
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Words: 4,728 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: Sometimes a fic has all the potential: no big grammar errors, good idea, nicely written text, Djinn dream, a daddy Cas… and yet, it’s not my favourite. I don’t know what was off with this one, but for some reason it just didn’t make it into my favourites. 
Summary: A car accident took Dean’s memories. He can’t remember closing hell, or saving the world… again. He doesn’t remember his two children or marrying Cas. But he wakes up to a life he’s always wanted, a life he never thought he would have. He’s being handed a chance to have the normal life he should have had. But when has luck ever been on his side?
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Title: The Day the World Went Away
Author: pyjamagurl
Rating: Explicit
Words: 56,658 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: Alright, yet again one of my favourites. I’m not ashamed to admit that I have a type when it comes to fics :’D This doesn’t have a Djinn, per se, but something else is fucking up the reality, so I decided that it fits. 
Summary: After being reunited with Sam and leaving Lisa, Dean is finding that adjusting back into the hunting lifestyle is harder than he thought it would be. When a particular hunt goes badly, he gets knocked out, only to awaken five years in the future. Things are definitely different; Castiel is a hunter, Sam is married and things between Dean and Cas had gone somewhere Dean really hadn’t expected. And somewhere in all of this, there is a lesson to be learned.
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Title: Dream a Little Dream
Author: destieldrabblesdaily
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Words: 3,186 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: No major sadness here as the fic is from Dean’s POV and Cas is the one captured, but some awkwardness as Dean ends up in Cas’ domestic yet sexy dreams. I heard that ‘domestic yet sexy’ in Dean’s voice as he was explaining Sam the Dr Sexy M.D characters. 
Summary: Written for the prompt: Castiel goes after a Djinn but gets captured, and of course his dream world is all about Dean and him being happy together, so he’s very disappointed when Dean and Sam save him and he wakes up…
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Title: Gonna Be A Fireman When The Floods Roll Black
Author: misachan
Rating: Mature 
Words: 7,107 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: This is also one of the fics I found by accident., I was probably just out there looking for some firefighter smut but ended up with this :D I like the different approach, even if I’m not quite sure why that was Dean’s happy life. 
Summary: Firefighting is Dean’s dream job and he’s damn good at it - still, there’s something about his most recent call he can’t quite shake. Or to be more specific, a certain blue-eyed rescue he can’t keep out of his dreams. 
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Title: Only if for a night
Author: mishcollin
Rating: Mature
Words: 11,393 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: I want to give a huge applause for the author for leaving the ending of the fic like it is. Points for the author for leaving it like that. I was just staring at the screen, thinking if they really did it. Good job!
Summary: Castiel is captured by a djinn. Dean goes slightly crazy, and Cas discovers a thing or two about himself. 
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Title: Catch the Wind, See Us Spin
Author: prettify
Rating: Explicit
Words: 12,000 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 
Admin J’s notes: This one of the most recced and most talked Destiel fic in this genre, but I personally prefer many other fics over it. It doesn’t mean, though, that I wouldn’t love it. It’s sad and I every time feel so bad for Dean, but there are fics that I find better (like, The Path of Fireflies, for example). 
Summary: Dean is given an out, but reality is a strange, fickle bitch.
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Title: The Path of Fireflies
Author: museaway
Rating: Mature 
Words: 63,706 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: Ah, and here we go. I’ve got a question. Could someone get me a signed copy of this fic from museaway? What happens if I just tag @museaway? I promise to place the signed copy right next to my Enochian Dictionary that Misha signed. Let’s just face the facts, I have recced this fic for probably hundreds of times within the last years and I’m not even ashamed of that :’D This is the best fanfic I have ever read, and I started to read back in 2002. If you have somehow managed not to read this yet, go and do it now (even if it’s not a Djinn fic, but I think you get the idea why it’s in the list)
Summary: After his humanity is restored, Dean wakes up bed with Castiel, a wedding ring, and no memory of the past twelve years.
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My Decade in Books
I was tagged by @the-forest-library to outline my decade in books! It will be rough because I have been very hit or miss in tracking my reading throughout the years, but I will do my best. I can't remember how to make this a read more, so I apologize in advace for mobile users. If anyone reads through this bless you.
2010: A year of great highs and some serious lows. I was still in high school so I was plagued by the books from required reading lists, such as The Alchemist, Of Mice and Men, and Lord of the Flies. I also read The Lovely Bones at the behest of a friend, which I still regret because it was so awful and weird. But 2010 was also the year I read A Thousand Splendid Suns, and Pride and Prejudice for the first time! If I recall though, I did not actually finish Pride and Prejudice at this time because I was reading it for a book report and there wasn't time to read the last 40 pages or so and get the assignment done. I still loved it though. A Thousand Splendid Suns was an instant favorite and if I recall was my go-to response to "What's your favorite book" for the next couple of years. I also spent a summer reading Sarah Dessen books which is an eternal mood.
2011: Still in high school and still being required to read books that just Aren't Good, like The Scarlett Letter and The Dante Club. BUT this year the required reading had some great treasures! I read To Kill a Mockingbird for the first time, as well as Night by Elie Wiesel. In the summer I picked up one of the more "popular" books that came out that year from the library called Heart of the Matter by Emily Griffith and it was so dumb that I was pretty much turned off of contemporary adult lit for a good bit. I read a couple more duds that summer at the recommendation of a friend (The Penny by Joyce Meyer and Love Walked In by Maria Des Los Santos). This was also the year I read The Epic of Gilgamesh out loud to my brother (his choice 🤷🏼‍♀️) on our annual roadtrip to North Carolina.
2012: The year I devoured the entirety of The Hunger Games. I remeber borrowing them all from various friends at school and reading them late into the night each time, taking like 2 or 3 days total on each. The required high school reading list this year was still terrible, with The Awakening and As I Lay Dying making an appearance. This was the year I read Macbeth though and to this day that is still my favorite Shakespeare play. We also read The Posionwood Bible which I remember having a love-hate relationship with. It's one of the few books I want to go back to and see if I'll like it more now that I'm not being forced to read it. This summer was the summer me and two of my best friends at the time read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society aloud to each other. To this day we still call one of my friends Clovis, after one the characters in that book. Another instant favorite. That summer my brother also attempted to start a book club, so we all read Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (his choice again) which I shockingly remember enjoying. Another book I surprisingly liked that year was One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, which I had to read for a group project.
2013: This was a GREAT year of reading. The required reading list had some duds as always (The Master Buidler by Henrik Isben and Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett), but this year we read The Crucible which I LOVED. We also read Heda Gabler (Isben) which I actually did NOT like, but for the associated project my friends and I wrote a song about the play, then filmed and edited an entire music video in the span of like three days. So that was definitely a highlight. That summer I read a couple more duds, The Graceling by Kristin Cashore and Go Ask Alice, which I had picked up at a garage sale for a quarter. I also read Hosseini's newest book that came out the previous year, and while it wasn't on par with A Thousand Splendid Suns, it was still good. After that I really started LIVING. I read The Help (and cried), I read Anne of Green Gables for the first time (and cried), I read Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, and then ended the year with the most beautiful book, The Book Thief. I got it for Christmas and read it every second I had on our annual trip to North Carolina. I finished it in the car ride home and sobbed, much to the concern of my dad and brother.
2014: This is where my reading takes a serious nose dive as this spans the semesters in college where I was transitioning from majoring in pre-vet science into majoring in English. I read Twelfth Night in my first English Lit class in college, as well as Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, some Chaucer, and 2/3 of Evelina by Frances Burney, which I absolutely loved but time didn't permit me to finish this one until years later. That spring break I borrowed and read The Fault In Our Stars. That summer I borrowed and read The Kite Runner (still think A Thousand Splendid Suns is Hosseini's best work). I vaguely remember being in a World Literature class the fall semester of this year and reading The Tempest, and The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (which I LOVED), but I don't remember much else from that class. I thiiink this is also the year I reread Harry Potter during the summer, but I don't remember. I know I reread the series in college, it's just all such a blur now 🤷🏼‍♀️
2015: The Fault In Our Stars the previous year put me on a serious John Green kick in the start of 2015. I read Papertowns on my flight home from my spring break trip to NY. Later that year I borrowed An Abundance of Katherines from a friend and which pretty much turned me off of John Green forever. I took my first American Lit class in college this year and realized I just don't like much American Lit. We read Fight Club, A Streetcar Named Desire, Summer by Edith Warton, Tender is the Night and the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and I liked approximately zero of them. This year was the BEST year though because it was also the year I took a class just about the Brontë sisters. We read Jane Eyre (my third time at this point, I think. Always a favorite), Wuthering Heights (hated it) and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (an absolute DELIGHT. Became one of my all-time favorites and my go-to recommendation for a couple of years). I ended the year reading a couple of quick, fun, cozy books during the holidays: Where'd You Go Bernadette and The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe (my first time and I absolutely loved it).
2016: This year had a BUNCH of lows, but there were a few standout stars. After a much needed schedule change at the beginning of the year, I ended up in another American Lit class which further my disdain for the subject. We read Typee by Hermamn Melville (snoozefest), My Ántonia by Willa Cather, half of some book by Keruac I think (so boring and uninspiring I don't even remember anything besides that I hated it and it had a red cover) and Go Tell it on the Mountain by James Baldwin. We did also read a collection of short stories by Flannery O'Connor and that was actually enjoyable, so there's hope for me and American authors yet. This was the year I also had my absolute FAVORITE professor for a Victorian Lit class. The theme was Scandal and Outrage or something like that so we read Alice and Wonderland, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and (most unfortunately) Tess of the D'ubervilles by Thomas Hardy. To be fair, at this time I actually probably only read like half of it due to all my other course work this semester, but it just was Not Good. The only high point from my lit classes this year was The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde. An absolute treasure. That summer was a summer of duds. I read Harry Potter and The Cursed Child (truly cursed), Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell (just didn't really connect with the characters), and the absolure WORST BOOK Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. I'm not sure a book had ever made me as upset, or rage induced as this book did, but to this day I am still so mad I wasted time with it. I spent a lot of the year sloughing through a book I borrowed from the family I babysit for called The Myserious Benedict Society. I didn't finish it until the next year, but it took me forever to get through. The only other highlight of this year was reading Ender's Game aloud to my husband. That book took me by surprise in a great way. I did not expect to love it as much as I did. We also read the sequel this year, Speaker For the Dead, which although very different from Ender's Game was still good in its own rite.
2017: This year is when things really start picking up for me again. Toward the end of college, I was feeling very burnt out and uninspried by reading (probably because all of the lows the previous year). I rounded out my degree in one last lit class (another American Lit class of ALL classes), but since it was early American Lit, I actually did enjoy it a bit more. We read Native creation myths, Lousia May Alcott short stories, some Whitman and other authors from that movement and then rounded out the semester with Uncle Tom's Cabin. That summer after graduation was when I decided to work my through every book on my bookshelf, which was a pivotal turning point for me because I began to be excited about reading again. That summer I reread Little Women for the first time in years and absolutely LOVED it. I spent the rest of the year with Jane Austen, reading Persausion, Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice. This was also the year I started reading Harry Potter to my husband (his first time reading the series!).
2018: My bookshelf goal still continues. This year I revisited the Brontë sisters, finally read Evelina in it's entirety (LOVED IT), revisted Sarah Dessen in the summer (for the first time since high school), and revisted some childhood classics (The Tale of Despereaux and The Tiger Rising by Kate DiCamillo, as well as the BFG by Rold Dahl). I reread the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society in preparation for the Netflix movie and finished two Harry Potter books with my husband. I ended the year with Little Men (so sweet 😭) and A Christmas Carol.
2019: I finally finished the first shelf (of three) of my bookcase. I spent almost half of my year in The Count of Monte Cristo and what a wondeful half year that was. Such a great story! I gave two haunts from required read past another chance: Scarlett Letter and Tess of the D'ubervilles. I was not a fan. I read three books by a local author from my childhood and The Outsiders. I finished the year returning to A Thousand Splendid Suns and was again taken away by how moving and beautiful it was. Also finished The Goblet of Fire with my husband during our annual trip to North Carolina.
Something I really enjoyed about this was not only seeing the ebbs and flows of my reading throughout the years, but seeing the common threads throughout the last decade. Road trips, certain books that kept coming up, friends and family I shared books with. This was a really fun thing to do for me so thank you Mable for tagging me! I don't have any one else to tag, but I highly encourage you to do it! It's so fun to see how books shaped the past 10 years. Tag me if you do. 💓
7 notes · View notes
searchingwardrobes · 6 years
Christmas in Storybrooke: 7/11
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Another chapter that justifies the M rating, and it's Henry, so . . . be prepared. This is also where the angst begins, so buckle your seatbelts. You may have noticed that each of the chapter titles is a Christmas song. This one is probably a little obscure. It's a song by Matt Wertz. I don't even know who he is, honestly, but they play this song on the radio station my kids and I listen to. It's super cheesy, even my kids think so, and its peppy fluffiness clashes with the angst of this chapter. However, the title and even the lyrics fit the idea of Henry's crazy life. You'll understand I think after you read the chapter.
Summary: My Hallmark Christmas movie fic in which flights get cancelled and Henry’s “best friend’ gets snowed in with him in his quirky hometown for Christmas. Only with magic and fairy tale characters.
Rating: M for suggestive scenes and adult situations, not smut
Trigger warnings: Henry is an adult. Read that again: Henry is an adult. Look at the picset: that’s Andrew J. West. If Henry actually behaving like an adult makes you feel icky, the don’t read this.
Can also be read on Ao3
Tagging @snowbellewells @kmomof4 @kday426 @bethacaciakay @snidgetsafan @teamhook @whimsicallyenchantedrose @delirious-latenight-laughs @jennjenn615 @winterbaby89 @yohoyohoafandomlifeforme @distant-rose @let-it-raines
Chapter Seven: Snow Globe
Henry slept better than he had the entire time he’d been back home. Partly because the guest bed was far more comfortable than his old futon and partly because his activities with Evie left him thoroughly spent in the best way. He had fallen asleep with her in his arms, and he was pretty sure the loss of her soft curves pressed against him was what had awakened him now. The bed was also creaking with her movement, and he rolled over to see her swinging her legs over the side of the bed. Her hair, beautifully tousled and wavy, fell over one shoulder, leaving her back bare. He slid over to slip his arm around her waist and press kisses to her shoulder blade. The sun was just peeking through the window, so he knew it was early.
“Where are you going?” he whispered against her skin. He ran his hand down her spine. “Waking up to this sight makes me realize how many freckles I missed. I didn’t explore your back.”
“Henry,” she sighed with a hint of irritation. Yet she leaned back into him anyway and came willingly as he pulled her back down and into the circle of his arms. She shuddered as he trailed kisses down her back, his fingers tracing her freckles.
“You know this can’t go anywhere,” she said, turning in his arms with her eyes shut tight.
Henry felt as if he’d gotten emotional whiplash. Had he been misreading her all this time?
“Look at me,” he whispered as he traced her cheek with his fingertips. Reluctantly, she did as he asked, and he felt his heart stutter at those beautiful, mysterious eyes of hers. “If you think this was some friends with benefits fling, you’re wrong. That's not me.’
She gave him a tremulous smile. “I know that.”
He let out a relieved breath. “Good.” He swallowed down the nerves that came before he spoke again. It was risky, but she had to know. “And to be completely clear – I love you, Evangeline.”
Her face crumpled, her eyes suddenly welling up with tears. She looked as if he’d just given her horrible news. “You think you do – now.”
His brow furrowed. “My feelings may have crept up on me, but I’m one hundred percent sure of them now. So sure, that I’ll say it again. I love you.”
Henry pressed a kiss to her lips just to emphasize his point, and for a moment, she kissed him back, even wrapping her arms tighter around his neck as he rolled her onto her back. But then she pulled away, somewhat reluctantly, panting. Her gaze was sad as she cupped his face.
“Remember when we met?”
He smiled and turned his face to kiss her palm. “Of course I do. To be honest, I was attracted to you from the start, but you were engaged at the time.”
She gave him a smile as she ran a hand through his hair. “And you had just broken up with Grace. When Josh left, you were there for me. I remember you said you had been in a similar situation.”
Henry nodded, unsure where she was going with this. “That’s right. Grace hated New York City. We wanted different things, and she left.”
Evie searched his eyes intently, nodding as if he ought to be putting things together by now. “She wanted to come back home, you said. You grew up together. Now I know what that means. Who is she, Henry?”
“An old friend,” Henry repeated, “you know that.”
She sighed in frustration and gave his chest a slight push. “But who is she, really? She’s a fairy tale character, right? Or related to one?”
Henry rubbed his face wearily and rolled onto his back. Talking about their exes wasn’t exactly how he imagined their morning after going. “Her dad is the Mad Hatter, okay? He went back to the Enchanted Forest, and she wanted to go back there too. So we broke up. Met some guy there and is engaged now from what I heard. What’s your point?”
Evie propped herself up on her elbow. “The Mad Hatter? As in Wonderland?”
“And your first girlfriend, Violet, who was she?”
“What is this?” Henry groaned. “Why are you grilling me about my exes? You want to know how many women I’ve been with before we get serious, is that it? Cause let me assure you, I’m a pretty dull guy. One committed monogamous relationship after another. A complete relationship nerd.”
Evie rolled her eyes and shifted closer, propping herself up on his chest. The feel of her breasts sliding against his skin made him want to do anything but talk.
“Just humor me, please,” she begged him, “I have a point, I swear.”
He sighed, fiddling with her hair. “I just don’t understand why you’re asking about Violet. I was just a kid; it was completely innocent, puppy love.”
“She was your first kiss, though. So where did you meet her?”
He realized he had fudged the real story when he told it to Evie before. Of course, he hadn’t been completely lying. His memories had been erased, so in a way he really did meet Violet by the jukebox at Granny’s.
“At a ball in Camelot.”
Evie rolled her eyes, then flopped onto her back. He was still really distracted by her breasts.
“Oh, just at a ball in Camelot,” she repeated wryly.
Henry rolled over to nibble at her neck and cup one of her breasts. She held him close for a moment, sighing at his touch, but then she pushed him away again.
“Focus, please,” she reprimanded.
He relented, settling down with his head resting on her stomach. She began to thread her fingers through his hair. She hadn’t told him yet how she felt, but her response to his touch, and her affections despite her third degree spoke volumes. She had feelings for him beyond the physical, he could tell, but she was also afraid. He just couldn’t figure out why.
“How long did you date Violet?”
He sighed, but answered honestly anyway. “Until I was fifteen. And like I told you, we were young and innocent. And before you ask, her father was the Connecticut Yankee.”
“In King Arthur’s Court? Twain’s stuff is real too?” She chuckled. “Did you also graduate with Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn?”
He laughed as well. “Haven’t met them . . . yet.”
“And after Violet?”
No wonder she was so good at her job. When she wanted answers, she was unrelenting.
“I dated one other girl in high school. She was my date to the prom my junior year, but my senior year we broke up. Mom didn’t like her. I don’t think my other mom and Killian were all that crazy about the relationship either, but they were nice to Ava. They had a similar upbringing to hers, so they understood her better than Regina did. She was also a year older than me, and when you’re sixteen, that can freak your parents out I guess.”
“And who was she? Was Ava her real name?”
Henry sat up and rubbed his eyes. “You promise not to laugh?”
Evie’s mouth quirked up in the corner. She gathered the sheets to her chest and slid up to lean back against the headboard. She lifted one hand.
“Girl Scout’s honor. I won’t laugh.”
He narrowed his eyes at her. “I don’t think that’s a thing in the Girl Scouts.”
“Hey, I was a Brownie, for your information, and we have honor too.”
He couldn’t help smiling, relieved to see she still had her sense of humor at least. ‘Okay, fine. She was . . . . Gretel.”
Evie’s eyes widened. Then she coughed and quickly clapped her hand over her mouth. Then she removed it, cleared her throat, and asked, “As in Hansel and Gretel?”
He saw the sparkle in her eyes. “You swore you wouldn’t laugh!” he exclaimed.
She schooled her features, though her lips kept quirking upward. “Do I look like I’m laughing?”
“Maybe not on the outside.”
She cleared her throat and made a big production of smoothing down the bedsheets. “Okay, so you lost your virginity to the chick that shoved a witch into an oven. Got it.”
“How did you know that I . . . “
She narrowed her eyes at him. “Your parents didn’t approve? She was older than you? Come on now, Henry, I can put two and two together.”
He rolled his eyes, then reached out to gather her in his arms. Evie frowned, almost looked like she might cry, but she let him hold her close. He kissed her hair and rubbed her shoulders.
“What is all this about?”
She turned her face into his neck, and he ran his fingers through her hair.
“Have you dated anyone who wasn’t from . . . there?”
He pulled her away from him slightly so he could look into her face. He rubbed his thumb across her cheek.
“Why do you -”
“Just answer the damn question.”
He sighed. “If you’re asking if I’ve ever dated anyone truly from the Land Without Magic . . . no, I haven’t.”
“See?” she asked, her lip trembling. “You say you love me, but what happens when you go on some adventure and meet Cinderella or something?”
“Ella runs the day care center and is married with two kids.”
She rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean. You’re the grandson of Prince Charming, for heaven’s sake! You’re from a world of destined soul mates and true love’s kisses. There’s probably some princess out there under a curse that you’re supposed to go rescue or something. I’m a nobody, Henry. Just an ordinary girl who grew up in an ordinary suburb of Atlanta. Trust me, my dad’s into genealogies. I’m nothing magical or special.”
Tears were tracing down Evie’s cheeks now. He tried to pull her to him again, to kiss her and tell her she was wrong, but she fled from the bed, from him. She grabbed her clothes and went to the bathroom, almost slamming the door behind her. He heard the click of the lock, and a sound that he thought might be a sob. He followed, knocking at the door, and begging her to open it.
“Go away Henry.”
He pressed his forehead to the door, and spoke in a voice loud enough for her to hear, but gentle enough to convey his feelings. “I will, for now, but I love you Evangeline Crawford, and I’ll keep telling you that until you believe it. Until you believe how special you really are.”
Henry hadn’t expected Evie to be able to ignore him so thoroughly when they were staying in the same house and sharing a room, but she seemed to be just as tenacious in this as she was with anything else. Even here, at Granny’s annual Christmas Eve party, she had skillfully avoided him. It got to the point that Henry started to feel like a pathetic puppy in his attempts to follow her around. So now he sat in a booth at the back of the diner, nursing a beer as he watched another cluster of Storybrooke residents surround Evie. She was a bit of a celebrity at the moment, as word had gotten around that Henry had told her the truth about everything. She was the first outsider since Tamara and Greg, which definitely increased the aura of mystery surrounding her. At least he hoped it was mystery. He knew his hometown well enough to know that it could still be fear and suspicion too.
He watched Evie’s expression over the rim of his mug. He hated that she looked a little overwhelmed. As he lowered the beverage with a sigh, his stepdad slid into the booth across from him.
“So, my boy, care to explain what’s going on with you and your fair lass?”
“She’s not my anything,” Henry grumbled, taking another swig of his beer.
Killian arched a brow at him. “Seems to me you’ve been emphasizing this entire time that she’s just MY friend. If I were a betting man, I would say that something has happened to change that label?”
Henry narrowed his eyes. “You are a betting man.”
“Were,” Killian corrected, pointing a finger in Henry’s face, “and don’t change the subject. I’m quite perceptive, you know.”
He tilted his head, and Henry squirmed. A slow smile spread across Killian’s face as he leaned back in his booth. Henry tried to cover his sudden blush with another swallow of beer.
“Just as I thought.”
“I’m glad my angst is so amusing to you,” Henry snapped.
Killian’s gaze went from teasing to sincere. “Listen to me, lad, in my experience, when a lady runs it means her feelings run deep.”
Henry deflated. “How did you do it, Killian? How did you get past Mom’s walls?”
“With patience,” he answered softly. “I was in it for the long haul, and I knew I had to earn your mother’s trust by letting her set the pace.”
“But what if she thinks a future is impossible? That we’re just too different.”
They both knew he wasn’t talking about his mother anymore.
“And you think Emma was any different? Who could be more different than a villain and the savior? A pirate and a princess? Captain Hook and the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming?” He leaned over and grasped Henry’s shoulder. “I told your grandpa once that your mother and I were no fated love story. We had to fight for our love. We fought, and we won. When your mother saw I would never give up on us, she knew she could trust me with her future, no matter what it brought.”
Henry nodded firmly, encouraged by his stepdad’s words, but then he frowned. “But how do I convince her when she won’t even look at me?”
Killian winked. “When a woman cares for you, and you truly honor and respect her, she’ll seek you out. Just be sure you make yourself available; that your right there when she needs you.”
Henry nodded. He still wasn’t completely sure how he could strike that balance, but he could sure as hell try.
“Henry,” Emma’s voice interrupted their conversation. Killian tensed, his eyes wide with concern.
“Emma, love, why aren’t you still in the booth with your parents?” He rose and helped his wife settle in next to him.
“Sorry,” Emma said with a sigh, reaching over and squeezing her husband’s hook. Then she turned to Henry, “I just saw Evie kind of getting surrounded over there, and I was wondering why you weren’t coming to her rescue.”
“Um . . . “ he was now squirming under his mother’s gaze.
“Oh,” Emma suddenly said, exchanging a knowing glance with Killian, “I see.”
“Seriously, Mom, you too?”
“Henry,” his mother said gently, taking his hand, “whatever is happening between you too, you can‘t let her keep you at arm’s length right now. The dwarves, Granny, and Belle are all over there trying to convince her she’s actually a fairy tale character.”
Emma nodded. “They’re giving her the third degree, and she looks a little lost. She may need you, despite whatever fight you’ve had.”
“We didn’t have a fight,” Henry countered.
Emma seemed to be fighting a grin as she glanced at Killian again. “Hmm, so it’s like that then.”
“She probably told him it was a one-time thing,” Killian quipped.
“Silly girl,” Emma giggled. “I should warn her that those are famous last words.”
Killian bent and kissed her then, and Henry groaned as he quickly exited the booth. “You two are nauseating.”
His parents just continued to laugh (and kiss) as he stood. But before he could reach the crowd that had Evie surrounded, she turned and practically fled out the door. He felt the curve of Killian’s hook nudge his back.
“Go to her lad.”
At his stepdad’s words, he looked back down at the booth. His mother was nodding her encouragement. Henry squared his shoulders and strode towards the door. The bell above it jingled as he opened it and stepped out into the frigid air. Evie stood standing in the gently falling snow, her arms wrapped around herself, her face tilted slightly upwards. Her auburn hair fell in soft waves down her back, one side pulled off her neck with a silver and gold clip. Her black dress was cinched at the waist with a gold belt, and the skirt flared out, its black tulle outer lining embroidered with sparkling gold thread. Several gold bangle bracelets tinkled at her wrists, and she wore gold ballet flats on her feet. The dress hit her at the knees, but her toned calves were still enough to make his thoughts go in a heated direction, especially remembering them tangled up with his in the early hours of dawn. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
She shivered, and he realized that the gold shawl draped over her bare shoulders was doing little to shelter her from the cold. He stepped up behind her, shedding his sports jacket, and draped it over her creamy shoulders. He stepped closer, his chest brushing against her back, his lips ghosting across the top of her head, but he refrained from doing anything more intimate. He gave her arms one quick rub with his palms, then stepped back to give her space once again.
“What are you doing?” she asked, turning to him. Her dress brought out the gold flecks in her eyes, and he couldn’t stop staring.
“Giving you my jacket. You’re cold.”
She tore her gaze away, then nodded over his shoulder. “Look behind you.”
He turned and saw a small crowd gathered at the window of Granny’s, among them the proprietress herself and half the dwarves. They scrambled off in a way that wasn’t remotely subtle when they glimpsed Henry looking their way. He sighed.
“Kind of like being in a fish bowl, isn’t it?”
Evie pulled his jacket tighter as she gazed up at the sky once again. “A snow globe’s more like it.”
“Mhm,” he agreed stepping close again and brushing snow from her hair, “I apologize. After the curse broke, and everyone realized my real mother was the savior, well . . . let’s just say they suddenly all believed themselves personally invested in my life. It’s been unfair, and honestly way too much to live up to.”
“Is that why they were all so intent on discovering my supposed true fairy tale background? To see if I’m worthy of you?”
He sighed, his hand still playing with her hair, “Ignore them. I love you just the way you are, and I don’t care where you came from.”
She said nothing for a moment, but turned away from him. He thought she might walk away completely, but she stopped at the patio awning. She leaned her head against it as she gazed up at the stars.
“It’s a beautiful night tonight,” Henry said softly as he came to stand by her side. “The moon is full.”
“Not quite,” Evie commented, “but I noticed it was the other night. It was beautiful, and so incredibly close.”
Well, that explained the wolf Killian had mentioned to Evie when he went to dig out the snow plow. Ruby must have been out that night in wolf form and getting into mischief. He didn’t mention that to Evie, though. She had enough to process without the news that Little Red Riding Hood was actually a werewolf.
“Evangeline was the star that Tiana wished on in the movie The Princess and the Frog.” Evie turned her gaze on Henry. “That’s one theory on who I am. A star that was cursed to be born a human in the Land Without Magic.”
Her voice was laced with sarcasm. He drew closer to her. “Evie, I’m so sorry. Just ignore them -”
“But that wasn’t the only possibility. According to Belle, there’s a Longfellow poem that could be about me. Of course, it’s based on a Cajun legend, so Granny thought they might both be me. A star, and a legend. Now talk about lot to live up to . . . “
“Evie,” he said softly, going to stand in front of her and placing both hands gently on her shoulders, “I don’t need you to be a star or some kind of legendary character. All I need is you.” He pulled her close, and he counted it as a small victory when she relaxed in his embrace. “Besides, I was an English major at NYU, remember? I read that poem, and believe me, I don’t want it to be you. That Evangeline wanders in search of her lover, and doesn’t find him until they’re both old. Then he dies in her arms.”
Evie pulled back, and he smiled to see a teasing grin on her face. “Hello, Henry, spoiler alert? What if I was planning on reading that?”
He chuckled, and then bent to kiss her. She stopped him, however, with a finger to his lips. He opened his eyes, which had fluttered closed, to give her a confused look.
“Snow globe,” she told him simply, cutting her eyes to the side.
He groaned when he saw his Grandma Snow and Belle peering at them through the window. His grandmother made a big show of scrambling away, yanking Belle with her. He turned back to Evie, but the moment was lost. She stepped away from the awning and onto the sidewalk. She shrugged out of his jacket and held it out to him.
“I - um, saw that there was a flight in the morning out of Portland direct to Atlanta. I was thinking I’d take it.”
“Evie -”
“The only reason you brought me here was because I couldn’t get a flight out. Now I can.” She shrugged as if it was nothing, but the tears glistening in her eyes said otherwise. “I think it’s for the best.”
“Don’t,” Henry said, unable to keep the edge out of his voice, “don’t push me away. I don’t want the damn jacket back, and I don’t want you to leave.”
She hugged the jacket to her chest, wrapping herself protectively. “I also had a pretty interesting conversation with your Grandfather Rumple. Or a lecture was more like it. He said his son threw his life away by choosing the Land Without Magic, and he hated to see you do the same. Said you were running from your destiny.” She tilted her head to the side. “Seems you left out one little detail about your fairy tale life, Henry Mills.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
She marched towards him again. “You led me to believe you were just descended from storybook characters. But me, you said, I’m just a regular guy, you said.” The green in her eyes over took the gold now, deep and stormy. She poked him in the chest with one finger. “You’re the author, and while I don’t fully understand what all that means, the Blue Fairy and Rumple very snootily informed me that it had something to do with you being chosen. Something about a magic pen and the consequences of not wielding it right?”
“Evie, I can explain -”
She lifted a hand to cut him off. “I know you aren’t trying to toy with my feelings. We probably didn’t set proper boundaries in our friendship. We had both just gotten our hearts broken, and we shouldn’t have found comfort with each other.” She pressed her palm to his chest. “You deserve so much more than me, Henry.”
Then she gave him a tiny shove and hurried away down the snowy sidewalk.
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violetiris-ak · 6 years
I got tagged by @weirdnproudofit​. Guess you all get to learn a little bit more about me than my obsession with Dragon Age, Reylo, Realm of the Elderlings and writing.
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better and answer the questions. I’ll probably won’t tag as many though cause I don’t wanna spam half my followers. 
Relationship status: Single.
Favorite Color: Purple usually, though I can be swayed by pretty shade of just about anything. 
Top 3 ships: Oh, now this is going to be hard. Like, super, super hard. So I’m gonna cheat again.
I guess I’ll start with one of the easiest: Ereri/Riren, Eren/Levi from Attack on Titan. I know canonically it’ll never be thing and I’m totally fine with that. Romance of any kind isn’t really much of a thing in the anime and manga, besides the sort of hinted at relationship between Ymir and Christa which I also ship, but the fanfic, fan art, and just fandom related content around this ship has just been incredible.  I came to it during the early days of the anime’s airing in 2013 and never left. I am so blown away and moved by it to this day. So much laughter and smiles and delicious angst and swoon worthy content. Seriously, some of the fanfics for this pairing were so addictive and impressive and also just warm and comforting. And from some of them, I even learned about myself like in the way the best of books do. I’m not as immersed in the community as I used to, but I still follow it and was only reading a fanfic for this pairing a month ago and it was like coming home.
Pre Eren/Levi the last big ship of mine was Dramione aka Draco/Hermione from Harry Potter. I never expected them to get together canonically. I actually came to the series after it was finished, and it wasn’t until after I was finished when I browsing the internet that I came across my first Dramione fic. Intrigued I gave it a go and was hooked. It was like an innocent, PG rated one where Draco and Hermione have a spell go wrong and must stick close together until the spell wears off, and in the meantime, learn to first tolerate each other and then eventually like each other. I was done for and consume such an incredible amount of fanfic it was unreal. 
One of the things that actually made 2016 bearable was my discovering the Dragon Age series and then mass playing them 2x through (still slowly working on my third). By the end of my first playthrough, I just wasn’t ready to leave the world. I couldn’t let go. So I Googled the top fanfics for it and read Zute’s “A Californian in King Cailan’s Court” and sequel “Post Blight Management for Dummies,” which is hysterical by the way. And I binge read so much DA fanfic after that. Seriously, some of my fellow DA fanfic writers are amazing. And as I was looking through one fic where Zevran tries to broker a truce between Fenris and Anders, I became curious about Fenders. And so I looked to see what was out there and got hooked. Now this is another ship that isn’t canon, but these fics showed something I longed for in the game: for these two to realize that despite all their arguments and differences that they both long for the same thing: freedom and justice for those like them that are oppressed. Both have had their freedom denied, both traumatized by their past, Anders by the Chantry and the Templars and the Circle and Fenris by the slavers and magisters of Tevinter. What so many of the fics handled so gracefully was having these two broken people find healing and understanding through one another to a beautiful effect. I recommend giving @nikki-66​ fics a go for great examples of this.
And I said I was gonna cheat, right? Okay, so here are two other ships I’m fully sailing on that I didn’t put in my top three. The first being Reylo because anyone who follows my blog will have probably noticed that I totally ship this. I shipped it from The Force Awakens and was ecstatic when The Last Jedi came out. I went on such a fanfic reading binge for this in late 2017/early to mid 2018. It was the only thing that toned down DA fanfic reading to reasonable levels. All I can is if Ben Solo dies in the next movie and/or if Reylo doesn’t happen in some way I’m going to be so pissed lol
Finally, to one of the most complicated and moving and hard to define relationships I’ve ever read in fantasy fiction: Fitz and the Fool from Robin Hobb’s the Realm of the Elderlings. Fitz is the bastard of the crown prince of the Six Duchies turned assassin for the king and the Fool is the court jester and also someone he refers to as the White Prophet. Their relationship in the books spans a lifetime, and it grows and evolves. Are they friends? Or are they more? But they’re not lovers, not in the way most of us would think of them but also something more. All I knew was that in some way the two of them needed to end up together in some way, and I just couldn’t bear the thought that they wouldn’t be. I put off reading the last trilogy for months because of it. And when I did... I won’t say because you really need to read these books. All sixteen of them and in order. Please. 
lipstick or chapstick: I always have a chapstick in my pocket. Always. I can’t stand having dry lips. And while I do love lipstick for all the pretty colors and also the way it brightens my face, I hate when a lipstick can just settle on your lips and look super bad. But in recent years there’s been more lip butters and other hydrating formulas that I can regularly use, so that’s nice.
Last song: Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen. I’ve been on a Queen kick after watching Bohemian Rhapsody. 
Last movie: I was hanging out with my mom post her knee surgery and got her to finally watch Mulan. Before that it was Outlaw King on Netflix (with a friend) and then Bohemian Rhapsody (with a sister). I don’t watch a whole lot of movies. And if we’re talking TV shows then Outlander (with a friend). I’m more likely to be found reading, writing or gaming than I am to be watching something. 
currently reading: Ummmmm where do I begin? Ha. Like I just read a Reylo oneshot this morning. The other day I just finished Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas (which was so good!) and because I was in such a Maas kick I decided to make my 100th book read of the year her Catwoman Soulstealer one (good so far!). Also, I just started reading the novella Neutral by Jane Washington and Jaymin Eve which is part of the Curse of the Gods series (the protagonist Willa is the funniest main character I’ve read in years; the most recent one being the Warden in Zute’s Dragon Age fanfic). 
And yes, I did say 100 books. I am counting novel lengths fanfics, books of poetry and plays along with any novels and books of nonfiction. In 2017, I wanted to see how much I was actually reading and challenged myself to get to at 50 (I ended up somewhere in the 80s) and write them all down in a notebook. I gave myself the 50 challenge again this year at the bare minimum with the ultimate goal of 100 books read. So unless I lose all access to the written word for the rest of the year, I’ll be meeting my goal in the next day or so, which is super exciting. 
So here I’m going to tag four of my followers! If you’ve already done this or find the whole thing annoying feel free to ignore it.  @orkindofamazing @amervalk @latebuthere @nekoamamori
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anchovietonie · 6 years
hey I haven’t checked my activity in uhhhh ever?? so here’s a couple of things I was tagged in all squished together.
tagged by @weneverdream :
star sign: taurus
height: 5 feet 8 inches (172 cm)
put your spotify on shuffle. what are the first four songs that play?
★BAMBINA★ by SUPER JUNIOR, All My Life by DallasK, Alone Together by Fall Out Boy, and All People by Michael Franti & Spearhead and Gina Rene
grab the book nearest to you and turn to page 23. what’s the seventeenth line?
From Sea of Faith: Islam and Christianity in the Medieval Mediterranean World: “So large was the task of overhauling it that more than a decade would pass before he took to the field in force against the enemy”.
ever had a poem or song written about you? my darling caroline (sweatersanddancelessons) has written some lovely words for me :)
when was the last time you did air guitar? oh like,,, yesterday? I was trying to figure out a riff and was just. strummin along in the air.
who is your celebrity crush? oh taron eggerton definitely
what’s a sound that you hate? when people stomp on floors, esp in heavy boots
what’s a sound that you love? babies laughing!!
do you believe in ghosts? yeah, a lil! I think it’s definitely a possibility
what about aliens? absolutely. I don’t think they’d be quite like they’re portrayed in popular media, but I think it’s highly improbable that no other ife exists outside earth.
do you drive? I only have my learner’s permit, but I’m trying my best. driving often gives me anxiety attacks but I’m trying to get my hours and get licensed just in case I need it.
have you ever crashed? I have been in an accident, but it wasn’t in my car and I wasn’t driving. I’ve gotten uncomfortably close to some brick walls in my own car but who’s counting
what’s the last book you read? I’m currently reading The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa, but the last book I finished (for pleasure, not for school) was probably Bad Monkey by Carl Hiassen.
what was the last movie you saw? Incredibles 2!!
what’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? kk I’m gonna tw right now for nasty stuff. this last summer I did a fifty mile canoe voyage with my brother and some other boy scouts. the canoe I was in only flipped once (as opposed to the others, who engaged in flipping wars on calmer sections of water) and it was going over some rapids. my buddy and I got the boat righted and continued, but we had lost some misc stuff that hadn’t been tied down -- my paddle and hat, I think. so I was sitting in the front of the boat and buddy was in the back, paddling/steering. I was intending to jump out of the boat and swim to our stuff, so I had my left leg hanging off the edge of the boat and my right tucked under the seat so I wouldn’t fall out, but I wasn’t paying attention to what was in front of us and we slammed into a rock n basically crushed my left foot in between the rock and the boat. from what I remember (not much, I passed out a lil), I broke something in my left foot, sprained my left ankle, and dislocated my right hip from where I jerked forward but didn’t unhook my leg. anyway. we finished the trip and went to the doctor abt four days later. good first aid field training for the scouts.
do you have any obsessions right now? I kind of love the Broadway show Spring Awakening, even though it needs all the trigger warnings, oh my god. but uhh yeah Don’t Do Sadness makes me cry so hard and I’m running sound when my school puts it on so we’ll see what happens.
do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? I try not to but I always hold a little bit of bias.
are you in a relationship? god no. I’m so burnt out I can’t even love myself, much less anyone else. it would be unfair of me to ask love and respect from another person if I am unable to offer it to them myself. 
tagged by @spaceboy-niko
what are ten songs you’re currently obsessed with?
The Good Side | Troye Sivan
Heart Attack | One Direction
Flamingo | Rob Cantor
Head in the Clouds | Bohdi
Summer | Imagine Dragons
Anpanman | BTS
Lilili Yabbay | SEVENTEEN
Base Line | j-hope
Mama Look At Me Now | Galantis
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nitsuki-baka · 7 years
Exit game - Secret Santa ‘17
Happy Christmas to all of you, but especially to @j-and-a. This fic is for you! Hope you like it. You can also find it on ao3. 
Hugs and kisses from your secret santa Nikki ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Exit game
If someone were to ask Kaneki to list the things that he wanted the least to happen, he would have made one and underlined this specific situation. From all the punishments that he had taken for the past week, scratch that, for his whole life, this one topped all of them.
Kaneki had woken up from what he only could remember as a state of paralysation, but at the same time he was sitting on the first row of experiencing the damage being done on Tokyo. After his awakening, he wasn’t given a lot of time to get a glimpse of the people applauding for him, to see Hinami, or Tsukiyama, or Banjou, or… or even Touka for the last time before being taken away with force by the CCG, getting locked up and being instructed to wait for his trial.
A week later, Kaneki was sentenced to death.
It wasn’t like he had expected to be treated any different after becoming a mass murderer. No alleviations for him for being called a hero. Those who still called him a hero had to wait for some more years before their opinion would be worth anything. It didn’t matter anyway, because at the end of the day, Kaneki still had hundreds of innocent deaths to his name. All he deserved was to die and rot away.
Yet, Kaneki did not wish to die, despite of having begged for the sweet salvation in the past. But to be able to slump down on a couch, get lost in one of his novels with a steaming mug of coffee and forget about time. To only get back to earth when his eyes started to hurt without the sunlight helping him recognising the words. To go to bed and think about his plans for the upcoming day, maybe having a drink with Hinami or something silly like that. To be able to do that all for one, last time, that would make Kaneki stop wishing for death. That was all he ever fought for. A quiet day.
He hated it that he had messed that up for himself so badly. Kaneki hated himself for it.
Only, apparently death wasn’t the worst that he could get. If the CCG had let him choose between being chained down a chair and torturing him until his body would give up on him or this, Kaneki would have chosen the first one.
It started with the door of his private room opening for the time since he had learned about his fate.
‘’It’s visiting hour. And this time you actually got visitors.’’
Kaneki sat up from where he was lying on the bed, his heart stopping when he recognised the faces of the people standing in the doorway. The little Saiko and Urie were blocking part of the light that slipped through the doorway.
This was the worst. Being seen as the ugly truth that he was and had tried so hard to hide, that was. Kaneki wanted to run away, crawl into the deepest hole and never have to look at anyone’s face again.
Yet, as much as he tried, he just couldn’t ignore her crying for recognition. Kaneki looked up, straight into the eyes of the shaking girl who was doing her best to stand tall. He was so proud of her. Of them, for still coming here, even if it was to beat him to pulp.
‘’You’re gonna leave us for real now?’’
The old Sasaki was twitching to take his kids in his arms and comfort them. Kaneki wasn’t sure if he was still the right person to do so. But he still did.
His offered embrace was taken, Saiko folding her short arms around Kaneki, breaking the act of braveness. It took a little effort to put a hand on her head and stroke her hair softly. ‘’Yes, I am.’’ A high pitched sob came out.
‘’I don’t wanna lose my maman.’’
It hurt. That was why living was a curse. That was why this was the worst. Even if he was on the edge of the end, he was still living and breathing now. Still hurting over little girls and other people that he didn’t want to say goodbye to. He was shaking with her when he felt Urie’s presence coming closer.
‘’I know.’’
The rest of the visit was short-lived, and Kaneki was alone all over again, or so he thought.
‘’Are the troops safe?’’
‘’Yes. We are working on finding residence for everyone to reduce the chance of riots breaking out in public.’’
‘’No one is set for trial?’’
‘’No, that was one of the conditions your people asked for before agreeing on working together with the CCG.’’
‘’That’s… good.’’
‘’Sure it is.’’
Kaneki’s second round of visitors brought less of a heart attack, yet had the same shock level. He didn’t understand how Amon Koutarou could have gotten permission to visit (it were probably the same people who had kept the ’We will not slaughter all the ghouls after this’ promise alive), and Mado Akira, well, they didn’t part with the best words, did they?
It felt almost comical to Kaneki. The whole visit was about practical stuff: News from the outside world, how Tokyo was working on getting back to the normal life, how the people he had promised to protect had ended up, and more non-romantic stuff. To be working when he was living his last moments, it made Kaneki laugh. How to take life by its throat at the last moment and show it that you had not given up yet.  
Amon lead most of the conversation, Akira only let her voice out once. Somewhere at the end, when the two were ready to leave, she looked Kaneki into the eye as she would do with Sasaki. Everyone who had visited yet had come to see Sasaki, not Kaneki. How disappointed must they have been.
‘’Are you going to be okay?’’
She was letting go of her own student. Akira was telling him to walk on his own from now on.
Kaneki huffed out a small sound that could have been a laugh.
‘’Surely I will.’’
There was nothing else then counting down the days until he would be met with his death day. How could he be counting down? He hadn’t seen daylight ever since being locked up, so there was no way the Kaneki could keep track on the days passing. Maybe he was counting minutes, but then how would he remember how many times he had reached sixty to start all over again? It was at least better then thinking about all the people that couldn’t come here and all the goodbyes he still had to say. Soon, it would be
It was the night before his death penalty, that Kaneki was woken up from his daze by immense vibrations that shook his whole room. An earthquake would have been the most logical assumption, but it was not the case.
Kaneki was scared. The whole world was falling apart, and he would be buried under all of it before he was even dead. He wanted to scream for help, but stopped himself when he thought about how everyone had probably already left the building if this was an earthquake. Also, who would save someone who had a dead flag on his name?
It took Kaneki some seconds to realise it was awfully quiet again. Relief relaxed his muscles. He wasn’t dead yet. It was over, yet Kaneki couldn’t help but crawl to the nearest corner and make himself as small as possible.
He cried when the second shock came with a horrible boom. That made Kaneki think for a moment. Did earthquakes sound like… explosions? Could a epicentre change that quickly, because he was so sure that this one felt so much closer than the last one.
Then he heard the sound of doors being kicked open. Kaneki turned towards his door and light seeped into his room together with a lot of dust. Kaneki almost smiled because he thought he was saved, because the idea that people would still want to save him from whatever was happening made him feel utter happiness.
A voice that sounded like it had been recorded with a device that had had its best time was constantly calling his name. Kaneki wanted to say something back, but he was interrupted by another explosion, this time more far away.
‘’Kaneki, where are you?’’
Clouds piled up in the room, and it felt suffocating. It was enough for Kaneki to push himself up and follow the sound of the voice. He had nothing to lose.
His orientation was a mess. Kaneki didn’t know where he was and the person had stopped calling. He felt a sob pushing up his throat, and he let it. Crying out of pure frustration, he stayed where he was. More ugly noises escaped his mouth. He was all alone again, with the ground shaking and a hellish peep in his ears that gave him a headache. Kaneki was only able to handle so many incentives.
Two arms hooked under Kaneki’s armpits before he was able to hit the ground. Kaneki let himself lean into the stranger’s support, looking up to try to give the person a face. He startled a bit by how close the other was.
The lower half was covered with a scarf, but Kaneki could see the rest of the face all to clearly. Kaneki gave an easy smile. He must be dead by now.
‘’Kaneki, can you hear me?’’
Very slowly, the arms went around his back to lift him up. Another explosion went off.
‘’Shit. We’re behind schedule, Kaneki. We’ve got to go, like, right now.’’
Kaneki was being pulled towards what was probably the doorway. He wasn’t trying to resist. Not when he was being dragged down the dark halls or when they were climbing stairs to get to the outside world. He was dead and he knew for sure, because that was the only place possible where he could ever see Hide again.
The terrain was as good as empty, except for two young boys who ran over the hardened roads to the exit. Hiding in the shadows, keeping low when having to go over open areas, it made Kaneki twitch in excitement. To him, this was like a careless act of playing Capture the flag. Adrenaline pumping through his veins for no reason, and the worst thing that could happen was if they got caught and tagged before they could reach their goal.
No one was in their way. Hide took a hold of Kaneki’s hand when the latter began to slow down. They sped up and went through the gates, turned left and made their way out of the facility’s terrain around the walls of the Cochlea. They ran and ran, industrial landscapes changing into meadows and mountains as far as they could see, asphalt giving place to uneven muddy roads. They kept running until Kaneki started to stumble over his own feet.
Hide stopped and turned around to give Kaneki some extra support and not fall down. ‘’Ho there buddy. I think we took too much from you.’’ He let Kaneki go again and shrugged off his backpack, squatting down and zipping the bag open as he put it in front of him.
Kaneki stared down as Hide was searching for something in that bag. The blonde made a sound of victory when he took out some black hoodie, jeans, and shoes. He handed them over to Kaneki with an apologizing look. ‘’I honestly forgot to take socks with me. Sorry man.’’
Taking what was given to him, Kaneki turned around when Hide did it too. He was thankful for the soft temperature that April brought. It was somewhere around midnight, and the sky was clear from clouds, but the air didn’t feel uncomfortably cold on his naked skin while he changed from his clothes he wore in Cochlea to a more casual wear.
‘’Keep the hoodie on your head. You’re like a lighthouse without.’’ Hide stood close as he carefully put the hood over Kaneki’s head, teasingly pulling it over his eyes at the end. He took his bag from the ground and with Kaneki behind him, they continued their walk.
It was mostly silent, neither spoke and the only sound that could be heard was the wind whistling every now and then. Kaneki didn’t feel the need to ask where they were going or if there was even a specific destination. It would break the vibe of not having sweat over anything. Kaneki felt better than he had in years, maybe the best he ever had. Just strolling behind his friend, not worrying about consequences that would come with doing nothing.
After a while, the unending road was disturbed by train rails crossing it. Hide stopped walking. Kaneki did the same. ‘’We can rest a bit ‘till the our train comes, and that’s in about…’’ Kaneki couldn’t see it clearly since Hide wasn’t facing him, but he got the idea that he was checking his watch, ’’twelve minutes.’’ Hide plumped down and sat down in the soil. Kaneki did the same, leaving a small distance between them.
‘’So we’re taking a train.’’ There was no station to be seen, so did that mean they were going to jump one? It wasn’t a first time, but this one got a different context than the previous one. It excited Kaneki.
‘’Yes. It will bring us to the Yokohama harbour.’’ They had been there once, for their school trip somewhere in middle school if Kaneki remembered correctly. The weather was bad and Hide had almost fallen into the water when he thought it was a good idea to walk close to the edge of the boulevard while gusts of wind were being harsh. To think back to a day in his past and not feeling down afterwards felt freeing in a way.
‘’Why Yokohama?’’ If that scarf wasn’t in the way, Kaneki would have seen Hide’s smile for the first time in years. The way his eyes crinkled that Kaneki knew so well gave it away. ‘’Because that’s the place that will take us to the land of opportunity.’’
With widened eyes, Kaneki stared at his friend. ‘’America?’’ The nod made it official, and like so many firsts that this night had brought, Kaneki started to laugh. The idea was so silly, something he would never have considered taking seriously if this were real.
‘’Uh, Kaneki?’’ Hide gave him a confused look, so when Kaneki was able to breath normally again, he took Hide’s uncertainties away. He smiled the biggest he could. ‘’Yes, let’s go.’’
Hide sighed out of relief. He must have thought Kaneki was making fun of his idea. ‘’You know, I thought I would have to put much more effort into convincing you to come along, but you’re acting abnormally calm.’’ Hide stood up again. It must almost be time to go. ‘’Did they drug you or somethin’?’’
‘’Ha, no. It just doesn’t matter anymore.’’ Kaneki gazed at the stars. Absorbing, they were, just like the boy in front of him. Kaneki adored him and these moments he could still spend with him. ‘’Since I’m already dead.’’
Eased smiles turned into frowns. ‘’What… what are you saying Kaneki?’’ Everything changed so fast that Kaneki couldn’t understand. The tension that was so unwelcome, yet so familiar, returned. ‘’I’m dead.’’
Panic came next when Hide looked him straight into the eye. It must be his mind playing games with him. ‘’I died back at Cochlea when there was an earthquake, or something,’’ Kaneki stuttered, ‘’I’m dead and because of that I’m able to see you, Hide.’’
‘’Okay Kaneki, don’t go nuts on me, but this all,’’ Hide spread his arms and gestured around him, ‘’is real, and you have to believe it. I’m still alive, and so are you.’’
‘’No… it can’t be.’’ But the whole idea of being dead seemed so much more illogical now. He had experienced almost-death situations in the past, and those felt like dreams. He wasn’t feeling that at all.
But if he was still alive, then that meant that he had just escaped his death, was a fugitive, and that Hide who was standing before him wasn’t dead. Kaneki wasn’t dead and that meant that he would still have to continue living.
‘’Hide, that’s not true.’’ Kaneki shook his head violently as his voice broke together with himself. ‘’You’re lying. You’re dead because I killed you!’’ He couldn’t handle it anymore. Every single time when he thought he was done, all his problems would come back and beat him up all over again.
Hide took his wrists before Kaneki could rip out his hair. He made him look up, and to Kaneki’s most ugly nightmares, Hide had taken off his scarf.
‘’Kaneki, please calm down and listen to me.’’ Hide tried to quiet Kaneki’s erratic breathing, with little success. ‘’You didn’t kill me, or hurt me against my will. I chose this myself and I knew the consequences.’’ He took a hold of Kaneki’s face, smiled as much as his face could manage.
‘’Now the most important thing is to get on that train and get the hell out of here.’’ Kaneki pulled himself out of Hide’s hold. ‘’I’m not going on that train, Hide.’’ Stunned, Hide looked at him as if he just had gone mad.
‘’I don’t- How fucking stubborn can you be?’’
The sound of an incoming train, somewhere far away. Hide was losing his nerve. Kaneki made no movements. ‘’If I’m still walking around in this poisonous world, then I should go back to my people since I left them, and they need me-‘’
‘’The last thing they need now is you, Kaneki.’’
‘’That’s not true!’’ Hide was wrong. All Kaneki had were the ghouls, to defend them and to protect them.
‘’You’ll only be a danger since you’re face is everywhere over Tokyo.’’
‘’But where else can I go if they don’t even want me?!’’ Kaneki sobbed. Hide was being so cruel, because he knew that the other was pointing out the truth, but who had given him the right to shove it into his face?
It was probably he himself begging for a hit.
Hide drastically turned around, seeing a freight train appearing. ‘’You can be with me, Ken. Just get on that fucking train!’’
The plan to escape this world seemed farther away than earlier. ‘’How are you so sure that this all is going to work out Hide?!’’ Kaneki tried to shout over the noise the train made. It made him sound futile.
Hide started running with the train, hopping on and holding himself steady by grabbing the handle of the door. He opened it after fumbling with the lock. Kaneki saw Hide disappear into the boxcar, and he began to run. He didn’t want to left alone.
When he reached the car, Hide held out his hand, yet Kaneki hesitated. There was something holding him back. Unsureness. Hide saw it too.
‘’I don’t know if this will work out. Hell, we could be dead in a week, but why not giving it a try?’’
Hide was not wholly convinced of himself either, and that was the push Kaneki needed to take Hide’s hand.
‘’Fuck you Hide.’’ Kaneki pushed himself away from Hide when he got into the car. He felt played, forced to open up and spill everything. Hide wasn’t fair.
Hide said nothing back, walked to the opposite side from Kaneki, sat down against the wall and watched Kaneki cry out.
After some time, Kaneki got tired from all the mixed feelings making a mess of his head. He let himself fall back against the wall, his legs spread before him. He noticed Hide staring at him, and he looked back, but chose not to jab at the other.
Anger was making his heart burst, together with relief and worry. He hated Hide for having control over him, even when he had disappeared on Kaneki and played dead. It was the same for his relief, as Hide was still alive, which meant he never killed his friend. He had still hurt him, the nasty scarred tissue that Hide had desperately trying to hide under his mask told him that. And still, Hide was willing to get into unknown waters with him. That was a bliss.
Kaneki was only scared to death that, now Hide wasn’t dead, there was a chance to see him get hurt all over again. Was it by himself or someone else, it didn’t matter.
‘’Did Kosaka-san make it out alive?’’ Kaneki didn’t know if Hide was familiar with the name, but it wasn’t like he was asking him directly. Just filling the silence with his thoughts.
‘’She wasn’t where she should have been the last time someone checked. Also, while you were in full attack, apparently Kuroiwa ran for it. At least that’s what I’ve heard.’’ Hide broke their stare-session and looked outside. The moon gave off a white light that shined through the opening of the car.
One good thing Kaneki was able to do. Touka must be happy if she knew about it. Now Kaneki wanted to tell her, but he couldn’t. He didn’t even get to say goodbye to her.
‘’Hey,’’ Hide interrupted him before Kaneki could get too deep into his thoughts, ‘’You might hate me, and I can totally get that, but let’s start all over again and… be friends. Let’s forget for a bit.’’
Kaneki saw that Hide was tired too. He must’ve left behind people too to do this. People he cared about. People Kaneki didn’t know because they’re the ones who comforted Hide when he himself wasn’t there to do it. Stupid to think that he was the only one suffering under this.
‘’Yes, let’s forget.’’
The tension subsided, and Kaneki felt himself relax against the wall, eyelids fluttering close. Hide didn’t let him, though.
‘’I don’t know about you, but it’s getting a little cold now we’re not walking.’’ Kaneki lifted up his head to see Hide gazing at a corner.
Let’s forget, is what Hide was heavily implying here. He wanted the hatred gone and a new beginning to settle in.
Without much more thought after that, Kaneki crawled up to the other side, where Hide was. He lay himself on Hide’s chest and both of them lower down, using the backpack as a pillow. Their legs tangled and Hide gave a satisfied sigh.
Kaneki didn’t close his eyes just yet. He looked outside and thought about the people who were going further away by the passing second.
‘’Do you think everyone will be alright?’’
‘’They are now somewhere on the line where they have the chance to unite both sides, so I think they’ll do fine.’’
‘’And if they don’t, will I be at fault?’’
Hide laughed. ‘’No one will blame you for setting up a whole revolution. You were the start of it. It’s not a problem to hand the work over and let someone else finish it.’’
An arm folded around his shoulders. ‘’Have some faith, Ken.’’
‘’I really tried Hide,’’ Kaneki sobbed, ‘’I tried so hard to make everyone happy. But did I do enough?’’ Hide’s thumb brushed away his tears, and Kaneki knew he was still listening. ‘’Was I able to make them happy? Will I make them sad by leaving them?’’ Nonetheless, he was leaving his wife and child. Would Touka tell their kid that his or her father was a coward who had made untruthful promises?
‘’That’s a tough one.’’ Hide took a deep breath, fingers gliding through Kaneki’s hair. ‘’I think they will be sad for some time, but if they hear that you were able to beat death again, I’m sure they’ll be proud of it.’’
If someone were to ask Kaneki to list the things that he wanted the least to happen, he would have made one and underlined this specific situation. From all the punishments that he had taken, this one was the worst. The guilt poisoning his body, leaving behind what could have been a family he never had, friends he had made through the years, kids he had let go. Yet, it was also a new beginning, which was also something Kaneki never had.
He still had a lot of questions for Hide, but for now he let it be. No problems would get in their way when they were heading towards Yokohama, and there, both of them would start anew.  
It was terrifying, and Kaneki hated Hide for pulling him with him. It was a new adventure, and how scary the unknown it could be, Kaneki knew that his friend would be beside him. That’s what made him love Hide.
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to4stmp3 · 7 years
Well There’s This Guy...
Word count: 2048
The sharp scent of pine hits me as the warmth of a blazing fire consumes me, a soft sweet aroma of sugar cookies embrace me once I cross the threshold. This is my first Christmas back home in three years. I forgot how special the winter season is when you're surrounded by loved ones...
"Harry!" Ronald, my cousin, yells loudly, gaining the attention of everyone else in the small, but cozy house. I smile sheepishly.
(Yeah so, Ginny is Harry's cousin too.... Which is sorta weird but ya know what? Who cares! Lol)
"Hey Ron." I weakly wave to the red haired boy, who looks like he's seen a ghost. "How are you?"
"How am I? How Am I!? Harry Potter, How Do You Think I Am?!" Looking down I hesitantly shrug. "Well if you don't bloody know then listen up. You've been gone for three years! Without a phone call, a message, or even a bloody letter! We were all so worried; we finally figured you were dead! You just vanished without a trace!"
I glance around, taking in each of my family members. Auntie with her red hair and kind smile, always ready to hug your cares away. My beautiful cousin Ginny, who looks extremely uncomfortable with all the yelling that her brother is doing. And the twins both look as mad as Ron does, but they also have a secret smirk, meaning they're intrigued. Lastly, grandmother, her eyes hold so much love and her pale skin is illuminated by the fire. But there's something else, I just can't put my finger on it.
"I'm sorry." I whisper finally. "I just had to leave, it's hard to explain. There just wasn't time for goodbyes. And I could never bring myself to contact you, because I knew it would be too much." A tear sneaks out from my eye and trickles down my flushed cheek. "I'm so sorry."
Gran stands and pulls me into an embrace, her hugs always makes it better. Filled only with the best things; love, care, warmth, and home. Grandma's hugs are home, they're what hold this family together. "There there child, calm down." Her soothing voice whispers into my ear, her hand rubbing my back, relaxing my uneven breathing. "Sit down now, dinner is ready to be served."
We all gather around the long table, taking our seats and prepare for an amazing Christmas feast. I'm sat beside Grandmother and my other cousin Fred. I feel like an outsider. I have no clue what's going on in anyone's life or if anyone's gotten married. And there's a girl with brown hair beside Ron who I've never even met.
She catches me looking at her and smiles, "hi I'm Hermione. Your cousin's girlfriend."
I nod, "Nice to meet you."
Gran clears her throat and everyone turns their attention to the little old woman. "So Harry dear, did you meet that special man while you were away?"
I look down and smile.
I sit alone in the back of the old library, organizing books. It's one of my part time jobs and honestly my personal favorite. There's a peaceful aura about this library. Very calming.
I take a sip of my hot chocolate, allowing the warm liquid to flow through my cold body. Sure the library is beautiful but it does have one downfall, it's always freezing. I settle down further in the old wooden chair, and close my eyes.
I awaken with a start, someone is forcefully shaking me and I let out a low moan. "Five more minutes."
Whoever it is laughs, "Sorry gorgeous but the library is closing soon."
I slowly open my eyes to discover a handsome man with blonde hair and captivating grey eyes. His pale skin is glowing from the sunlight shining through a nearby window. Right then I swear I'm looking at an angel. "O-oh sorry!" I quickly get up and grab my satchel.
The stranger laughs again, "It's okay." He looks me over, "Do you work here or something?" I look at him confused, "I mean you have an employee name tag."
Giggling I reply, "Yeah I do. I started last week."
He nods, "That explains why I haven't seen you before. Anyway I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy. So I'm headed over to the café across the street, care to join me Harry Potter?"
I raise an eyebrow before realizing he read my name tag, "O-oh sorry but I can't. I have to get home."
Draco smiles, "Can I walk you home then?"
Tilting my head I ask, "But I thought you were going to that café?"
"There's no point now."
"What, why?"
He chuckles, "A date requires two people silly."
Draco begins swinging around the library daily and we quickly become friends. On a particularly cold day Malfoy shows up with a wide grin. "Hey Potter remember the day that we met?" I hesitantly nod. "Well why don't you make it up to me and accompany me on a date?"
I look down blushing, "o-okay."
"Really!?" I yet again nod. "Yay! I'll pick you up at closing time, kay?"
"Okay, bye Draco."
(Time skip to closing time)
I head out into a heavy snow fall; I quickly tighten my scarf around my neck and move it up to cover my nose and mouth. A warm body collides with mine and wraps their long arms around my shoulders. "Hey Potter let's get out of this frozen water!" Together we make it across the street and into the warm café.
Draco turns to me and carefully removes my scarf, I giggle softly. I feel my cheeks heat up, "You're so adorable Harry Potter."
"Th-thank you." I whisper, glancing down. Draco uses his hand to tilt my head up, he swiftly attaches our lips in a chaste kiss. My blush deepens.
"What do you want?"
I scan over the menu while Draco gently caresses my arm. "J-just the hot chocolate please."
He grins at me, "coming right up love."
Malfoy returns with my drink and his latte, along with a large piece of chocolate cake. Settling beside me on the bench he gestures for me to dig in. I sip my hot drink cautiously.
I once again look at the beautiful man beside me, only to find him already staring at me. "You have a mustache Potter." He giggles, but when I lift my hand to wipe it away he stops me and brings his own lips to mine. I savor the moment. When he pulls away I keep my eyes shut. His warm breath tickles my neck as he whispers, "You're too cute Harry Potter."
"Quick Potter the movies starting!" My boyfriend of three months calls to me, I giggle at his excited voice before scurrying into his living room and plopping down beside him. He instantly pulls me into his side, where I cuddle into him.
The movie 'The Holiday' begins playing and I snuggle myself further into Draco.
"I love you Harry Potter." He whispers kissing the top of my head, "I hope that one day you can love me too." I look up at him and smile before turning back to the tv.
I lay in bed, staring at the beautiful person before me. The moon illuminates Draco's pale skin and I swear in that moment, I felt it.
"I think I may love you, Draco Malfoy." I whisper.
His lips curve upward and he slowly opens his eyes, "I know I love you Harry Potter."
I wrap my arm around Draco's waist as he pulls me into his side. Together we head across the street to the café, something we do every day when I get off work at the library.
"Would you like to move in with me?"Draco suddenly asks, causing me to stop dead in my tracks.
He smiles and presses a kiss to my forehead. "Live with me Potter and be my always."
I giggle, "of course I will Malfoy."
"Maybe we should put the couch over there?" Draco suggests for the hundredth time, I roll my eyes but laugh anyway. We once again move the tan sofa. "There that looks perfect!" He exclaims happily.
I chuckle, "I agree." I glance around the living room, our living room. As of today this is my apartment too, I now live with my love. "I love you Draco Malfoy."
I jump onto Draco's stomach waking him up, "What do you want for breakfast?"
He laughs, "Pancakes!" I poke his nose.
"Come help me then!" I pull away to leave but Malfoy tugs me back and kisses me gently. I scrunch up my nose, "Ew morning breath!"
He chuckles, "yeah yeah whatever. I'll meet you downstairs."
I giggle, "Kay. Meet you down there love!"
"Oh look at that cute kitty!" Draco exclaims as we pass a pet shop. I glance over to find a cute golden brown kitten pawing at the window. I smile fondly at my boyfriend.
"It is awfully cute."
Draco jumps excitedly, "Ooh why don't we buy it!?"
"Well we've been dating for a year now, why don't we get a pet?"
I smile, "Okay let's buy it!"
I laugh as the small kitten jumps up to try and grab the string. We named her Cocoa and she quickly stole a piece of my heart. Draco laughs from behind me, as he gets supper ready.
Standing up I toss a yarn ball to Cocoa and head over to the kitchen area. I wrap my arms around Draco's waist and press my ear to his back, I can hear his heartbeat. It's so soothing to listen to and I sigh contently, "I love you so much Draco Malfoy."
"Not as much as I do, Harry Potter." He whispers back.
"I can't believe you did this!" I screech looking the mess surrounding me. The apartment is a wreck and a guilty looking Malfoy is before me. Little Cocoa is in his arms, staring at me with a terrified expression.
"I was just trying to surprise you, Potter."
Sighing I shake my head, "So you bought another cat?"
Draco chuckles nervously, "well yeah."
Glancing around the living room once again I spot the white cat on top of the end table. I carefully pick him up and bring him to my face, "Listen here Mr. Cat you can't go around destroying people's houses okay."
Draco laughs, "his name is Warrior."
I glare at my boyfriend, "Oh and Mr. Malfoy don't buy another cat and as your punishment you have to clean up while I play with Cocoa and Warrior."
I cover my mouth with my hands as Draco gets down on one knee; everyone in the café is watching us.
"I love you so much Harry, ever since that day I found you sleeping in the back of the library and even more when you allowed me to buy you hot chocolate. You've made me the happiest I've ever been and so will you make me even happier and marry me Harry Potter?"
Tears stream down my face as I frantically nod, screaming "Yes!" Everyone cheers and claps as we hug.
"Will you love me forever Draco Malfoy?"
"And even longer Harry Potter- soon to be Malfoy."
I smile up at my fiancé and we seal the promise with a kiss.
"Draco, love please come here." I shout.
My fiancé quickly appears in front of me, "What is it Harry?"
"Well Christmas is coming up and it's been three years since I last seen my family. I would love for them to attend our wedding so, I have to leave for a week and visit them."
Draco nods his head slowly, "okay?"
"So I'm going... alone,"
"Are you sure."
I smile nervously and pull him into a hug "I'll see you in a week. I love you Draco Malfoy."
Malfoy's grip tightens, "I love you more Harry Potter."
(Flashback over)
I look up and into my grandmother's eyes. Smiling I reply, "Well, there's this guy..."
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kingellaine · 8 years
“You Never Walk Alone” brings memories, tops charts
*DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of any agency. 
Review by FantomKingJo
Earlier this morning, Bangtan Boys released four tracks made as a supplementary album to WINGS, which released October 2016. The tracks included Spring Day, Not Today, Outro: Wings and A Supplementary Story: You Never Walk Alone. Two of the songs have music videos, Spring Day and Not Today, but the latter will not be released until Feb 20 KST.
Big Hit Entertainment announced two weeks ago that BTS would be releasing songs full of feelings that the group could not convey in the original WINGS album. Concept photos were posted a few days later on their site and Twitter with the tag “You Never Walk Alone” as well as with the released date of Feb 13 at midnight KST.
The first song released was Spring day. Opening with a soft piano, the music slowly became upbeat as group leader RapMon opened up the song. Though upbeat, the boys hold a sad, almost regretful tone, as they sing messages of missing a friend and wanting that person to stay. The music brought images of a spring one hopes to never come as it would signal the end of a friendship.
The next song on the album is Not Today and is, by far, the most upbeat song of these four. The music itself sounded like something you would hear at a rave and practically forced listeners to jam out to it. Memories ran wild with this song, especially with the opening lyrics,
“All the underdogs in the world, a day may come when we lose but it is not today. Today we fight.”
Singing that even though times will eventually end, just like flowers, they refuse to go today. This song made me remember when BTS first debuted from their small company of only 11 other performers. The time when everyone put them down and called them copycats and wannabes, proclaimed that they would never make it big. The day they won Artist of the Year against all odds because the group really did make an impact on the chart. They never gave up and refuse to give up, just like what this song proclaims.
Outro: Wings is the third song of the supplement. Outro is a remixed version of the first one, Interlude: Wings. First, the original version played then the beat dropped as lead rapper J-Hope leads the last verse of the song. In the finishing verse, J-Hope speaks of how he is no longer afraid to grow old and have regrets. That he chooses to believe in himself and he will find his place. This song unlocks memories of being beaten down by negativity but then having the awakening needed to move forward and to believe in the choices made.
Lastly, the final song of the album is called A Supplementary Story: You Never Walk Alone, shortened to YNWA. YNWA sounded more like Spring Days than it did Not Today in its softer happiness, minus the sad undertones and lyrics. The theme of never walking alone shines bright in the lyrics sung by J-Hope,
“I want to fly but I don’t have wings. Your hand becomes my wing.”
All the lyrics, not just the one above, showcase that everyone has someone with them, has someone to prop them up. Memories of having people beside me that are there for me if I ever have trouble flying in the sky of life. This songs is probably one of the best soft motivational and inspiring songs from BTS.
All in all, the album has lived up to BTS’ name and shows listeners why this group was named Artists of the Year in 2016 as they quickly reached an All Kill, topping charts everywhere from MELON to Monkey3. Not only did the release of these songs crush MELON’s website, Korea’s number one online music site, and cover the Top 10 songs on the site but they quickly topped charts within the first five minutes of WINGS You Never Walk Alone’s release. They were trending on Twitter, topping the Grammy’s. They made it onto iTune’s Top 10, the first k-pop group to ever do so in the United States. Even the preorders for this album were off the chart, topping 700k according to Big Hit’s official Twitter.
If you have yet to listen to this quickly rising group, now is the time with the release of new tracks and new feelings. 
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