#did i mention okikagu
panda-janai · 7 years
This is pretty irrelevant
That new episode of Gintama on Sunday was just beyond Amazing. We were barely one minute into the show and already they had parodied at least 5+ anime and don’t get me started on Shinpachi’s reaction/ commentary. Not to mention Umibozu’s appearance and into Yorozuya and them finding out about the boyfriend and-
I’m just going to skip to the ending of the episode
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I rarely post unless its ship related so:
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Woah familiar?? All Okikagu know this ofc its familiar
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Its probably nothing this is 100% something I mean like the other Gintama girls had roses as well although the two that came close were Sachan’s and Matako’s (but if you look closely it’s of the same color but not the same shade).
Told you this was kind of irrelevant 
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Don't You Dare Die On Me! (Okikagu Angst Prompt)
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If hell existed, it was right before her.
The vermillion haired girl jumped over two men, swiping her purple umbrella on the third before hurrying off on the battlefield, eyes knit together in a frustrated way, desperately searching for something...or rather, someone.
" Everyone's here, except Sougo, shouldn't he'd been here by now...? ". "I'll go look for him, Kondo-san, that idiot might gotten too into killing people"
"You have to manage your troops, yes? Leave it to me, I'll do it, Gin-Chan and Shinpachi are up ahead so we'll meet you there!".
That was easy to say. But here she was, and before her lay piles of dead corpses, explosion sounds from the distance, and fights all around. Kagura wanted to go back to the other two as soon as possible after finding him.
But that was the problem. Normally, Kagura could've easily spotted the sandy-haired boy in his uniform, his Crimson eyes gleaming with unmistakable sadism as he slashed away with no mercy. But there was no person present who looked like him at all!
The girl's steps suddenly came to a halt as she spotted that familiar head leaning out from one of the huge rocks on the barren landscape.
"Finally...!", Kagura mouth turned into a playful grin, her mind finally relaxing now that she did find him- something she didn't notice back then as she hurried over.
"Oi, do you really think this is the time for-
Her voice trailed off when she fully saw him,a terrible feeling knotting itself up in her chest.
".... Sadist.....?"
Cut up badly in multiple places, blood pooled around him. Dripping from his forehead, his chest, arms and Kagura noticed, how one of his legs was broken. He slightly raised his head, and gave a weary smile
"You're here...."
A heavy lump formed in her throat. Sitting by his she could see his bruised and bloody. Without wasting another second, she carefully lifted him up piggybacking, earning a groan from him.
"I'm getting you out of here. We're going back to the Shinsengumi. Hold on until then"
Walking as fast as she could without hurting Sougo, it was then Kagura realized when she fully scanned the surroundings.
An explosion...
Feeling more resolute than ever, Kagura exhaled as she felt Sougo's weak, shaky breaths on the crook of her neck.
" It'll be alright-aru. I know it will."
"Damn, when's this going to END?!?!", she thought desperately. Their destination was still far from near, due to the slow pace of the duo.
Kagura was panicking. She had noticed how blood dripped from Sougo's body as they walked. She had noticed his arms, having not enough strength as before wrapped limply around her shoulders. His breaths getting lighter. She noticed it all, to her despair.
Unpleasant feelings formed in her heart. She was scared. So very scared.
"Dammit....", she increased her pace a bit more. "He can't possibly die here. I promised I'll bring him back. I don't want him to die... No... Mommy, is it my fault.. If only I reached a bit sooner.. I... I..-
"China... It's alright let me down here", Sougo weakly squeezed her arm.
" I'm so...sleepy dammit . Let me rest.."
" We're gonna reach soon. No matter what you do, don't close your eyes!"
".. China...."
"You're going to be okay!! Everything's going to be alright! Just wait a bit, then you'll be able to see Mayo-Freak and Gorilla once more!!"
Tears and blood mixing in, both dripping down as the girl silently continued sniffling, yet still walking forward as the boy weakly nudged her again.
"Put me down, I'm so tired China,it'll be alright....so just put me down.."
Hesitatingly, Kagura quietly set him down as Sougo leaned into her touch, looking up in a daze to see her crying face.
"... You're ugly, you know that...?"
Letting out a hoarse laugh, Sougo felt a strange numbing sensation travel in his body. Which was ironic, since his body hurt like hell before but now he it was all gone, his vision getting blurry. He no longer had any strength left.
"You... Promised you'll go stronger, what the hell? We have a fight to complete!"
"... Guess you win..."
"No...not like this!!! You... -
As more tears continued to fall, Kagura shouted her final pleading cry to Sougo, or anyone who could've done a miracle of saving him..
Sougo smiled, feeling his last of strength fade as he clutched Kagura's hand
"I'm sorry... Thank you, China..."
And then it was all gone. He was gone, and as Kagura hugged his pale body and wept bitterly, a part of her went with him too.
Something which could never be replaced.
° End °
(Picture belongs to its respective owner)
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wintergojo · 3 years
the beginning of the end (gojo satoru x fem!reader)
Synopsis: You were fifteen when you met gojo satoru, twenty-five when you married him, and twenty-six when you lost him.
Tags: kinda angsty, suggestive themes, mentions of bleeding, killing, death, kissing, pregnancy, slight nudity, also reader is from the kamo clan lolz, manga spoilers
Word count: 3.9k
Note: The concept of this fic is shamelessly stolen from an okikagu fic by @/skymetaphors i read before in fanfiction but is now deleted :(( it was inspired by “The Lover’s Dictionary” by David Levithan (´ε`) the events are also in non-chronological order but all in the same universe/timeline (─‿─)
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apathy, n.
you married him twice.
the second one happened just a month after your first one due to the higher-ups’ insistence. they said it was for the sake of appearance because he’s the leader of his clan, because he has a reputation to uphold, and some other nonsense you didn’t bother listening to.
“let’s just get it over with,” you remember telling him right after stepping out of the stuffy meeting room filled with old men’s stinky scent.
you also remember hearing him scoff, grumbling under his breath as he wraps one strong arm around your waist before leading you away.
the ceremony happened at his ancestral home (of course it had to be there) with old farts and notable clan members surrounding you. no close friends or families (you wouldn’t want them to be in that shitty atmosphere either), just conservative fools sitting in a circle watching the both of you suffer in the confines of your shiromuku and montsuki haori hakama while listening to another old officiant drone on and on.
behold, v.t.
you’re bleeding. you're bleeding? oh god you're bleeding. you’re gonna die, aren’t you? you’re gonna leave him alone like everyone else did.
…or so he thought.
complexity, n.
the morning forecast said it'd be sunny for the whole day. yet rain started pouring heavily the moment the clock hit the designated time the two of you were supposed to leave—five p.m.
seven minutes later, the both of you looked like a dumb pair of wet puppies, dancing and twirling in the rain in the middle of an empty road.
you never thought you'd find such happiness in mundane things. but right there, amidst the pouring rain, amidst the sounds of laughing, kissing, and teeth clashing, amidst the feeling of bodies pressed against one another, stealing warmth from each other, you feel happier than you’d ever been.
no umbrellas, no cursed techniques, no responsibilities, no higher-ups, no barriers, no infinity, no humankind relying on his whole existence, just you and him basking in the momentary bliss the unexpected weather brought.
and it was then you realized, you've fallen deep in love with gojo satoru.
distort, v.t.
you felt queasy as soon as you woke up. you told him that the moment he opened his eyes, and he answered with, “it’s morning sickness, babe. you’re literally eleven weeks pregnant,” as he pressed a kiss to your not-yet-visible bump.
but you knew it wasn’t, you knew it was something different, you knew something’s wrong.
so you asked him to stay, please stay. don’t go. don't leave me. don't leave us.
but he didn’t, the world was calling, the people were calling, they needed the strongest.
so when you saw yaga masamichi standing in front of your door, wearing a sorrowful expression, you knew.
“your husband has been sealed, i'm sorry.”
everything else shattered after that.
you were always his, but he was never yours. gojo satoru belongs to the universe, to the galaxy, to humankind, but never to you, nor to his child.
eighteen, adj.
he first met you when he was in his third year, it was april of the year 2007. you were a first year, an innocent lamb.
…he couldn’t be more wrong.
you came from one of the big three sorcerer families, the kamo clan. and not only that, you also possess their most-prized technique—blood manipulation. but why were you in tokyo?
you two weren’t friends, and it’s not because of your lineage. in fact, you weren’t friends with anyone, not even ijichi—your only classmate. but he didn’t care, he had nothing to do with the first years anyway.
four months after he met you, geto suguru massacres a whole village and becomes a curse user. everyone was in shock when they heard the news, yet you didn’t budge. you didn’t even blink.
he hated you for that.
foolish, adj.
he’d never been that grateful to shoko for saving someone else’s life, especially if said life is yours. his lover, his fiancé, his best friend—the only one he had left.
so when he saw you waking up, he wasted no time asking if you wanted to get married right at that moment. he didn't want to wait for six more months because he knew the world will always end up taking what's important to him. he knew you'd be gone eventually, so he didn't want to waste time.
and you agreed, of course you would. he knew you knew you'd lose him sooner or later regardless, he knew you knew your time together was limited, and he knew you loved him as much as he loved you, so why wait?
stupid, stupid woman. choosing to spend her life with someone like me.
glory, n.
the kamo elders called you into the estate the moment they found out you’re getting more and more involved with him. you weren’t surprised, they’ve always had you under monitor ever since you voiced your will to leave the family. from your decision to study in tokyo instead of kyoto up to your current frequent escapades with him.
but just because you had seen it coming didn't mean you liked it, sitting in seizawhile old people interrogated you. what exactly is the nature of your relationship with gojo satoru? are you set in a matrimony with that man? will you bear the child of the six eyes?
you never gave them a concrete answer, you just told them it’s too early to say anything and that it's your choice to get pregnant with whoever's semen you want, they didn't have a say in that.
you also told them that if that’s all they called you for you’d like to leave.
they locked you in the compound right after.
half-and-half, adv.
sometimes you can't help but think if things would've been different if you weren't pregnant. you're sure you would've been sent to shibuya if you didn't have his baby in your womb, and maybe then, you could've done at least something to help your husband. maybe then, you could've prevented him from getting in that state. maybe then, he'd still be with you.
infinity, n.
you looked at the platinum metal in the form of a number eight tilted horizontally adorned on your left hand's fourth finger, then at the man lying beside you.
"why'd you suddenly give me this?"
he pulled you closer to his bare torso, naked chest touching naked breasts, "i didn't have a ring when i asked you to marry me so… there it is."
you scoffed, "you're really romantic, you know?"
he whined, gently manhandling you before laying you to your back and hovering over you as he kissed you silly.
june, n.
you were briefed that you'd be tracing the tracks of a curse user based on their activity. but you didn't expect that curse user to be him out of all people, how come they didn’t recognize his residuals?
"heard you were engaged with satoru, congrats!" the familiar voice came from behind, a voice you hadn’t heard in ten years.
you turned to your back, your frown visible as you slowly got into your usual fighting position. you didn’t sense his presence at all.
“geto suguru.”
he gave you a wave as he wore a smile similar to what he used to give you in high school, except that time you couldn’t tell whether it was genuine or not. was it even ever genuine?
“don’t be so hostile. i'm not planning to fight my junior, especially if it’s satoru’s future wife.”
you never replied, just remained alert to see if he was going to make a move.
yet he never did, he disappeared right after telling you who and where the curse user you were tailing was, leaving you all bemused as to why he was there in the first place.
kinetic, adj.
he remembers hearing your sobs as soon as he entered your quarters in jujutsu tech, he didn’t know why you were so surprised that he was there when he goes into your room every single time if he can’t find you at the grounds despite knowing you’re at school.
you tried dismissing him and acting like your usual self, but when the words “what’s wrong, baby? you okay?” left his lips, your mouth quivered as tears spilled out of your eyes.
he remembers panicking; it was the first time he had seen you cry. hard, at that. he sat you onto your bed as he tried everything he could think of to comfort you, but it just resulted in you crying even harder at his attempts. just like a baby, he thought, failing to stifle a laugh that earned him a glare. he thought you looked cute, scowling at him with glossy eyes and rosy cheeks and red nose and pouty lips.
in the end, he decided to just stay by your side and hold you until your wailing had been reduced to sobs and sniffles.
moments later, you parted from his arms and pulled down his blindfold. your eyes were still watery but filled with conviction as you stated two words that shook his entire being.
“i’m pregnant.”
you're… pregnant? pregnant? what does pregnant even mean? does that mean you're a flag? like the one they put on ships?
no! pregnant… pregnant…
"preg...nant?" he asked, as if a child that just learned a new word.
you nodded repeatedly, your eyes watering once again as you handed him twelve pregnancy tests from the cabinet in your nightstand. all sporting two lines as red as his cursed technique reversal.
he grabbed one and stared at it, as if that'd make one line disappear. he looked at you then at the stick, head moving back and forth as he repeated the action.
he then took your left hand, kissed your knuckles, before pressing his lips against the two bands on your ring finger.
you started crying louder.
lost, adj.
he saw you again when he was in his third year of teaching. he was 25, you were 23. you came from overseas, apparently. you left japan as soon as you graduated jujutsu tech to study college in some foreign country, away from your clan.
you came back two years after getting your degree, though in that remaining time frame you chose to exorcise curses from country to country instead of pursuing your course.
he got all that information from yaga because you still wouldn’t talk to anyone aside from shoko. just like nanami, you weren’t an official teacher at the school, but you were there most of the time, training the students.
midway, adv.
he'd always seen you worn black, if not, then something monochromatic. he wondered if he'd ever see you wear white.
but when he saw you in a blue off-shoulder dress, the shade an exact hue of his orbs, eyes crinkling at him, every other color didn't matter.
nonentity, n.
"we shouldn't do this," you said as you slowly pulled the zipper of his jacket.
he untied your obi, throwing it away as he slipped the kimono off your shoulder, pressing slow kisses onto your jaw, “yep, we really shouldn’t," he replied. his breath was hot as he trailed his lips down your neck, inhaling your scent.
it had been a week since he’d last seen you, and six days since he last heard of you. he sincerely thought you died or ghosted him or something; he never expected you to be imprisoned in your clan’s estate.
he didn’t understand why you didn’t put up a fight, he knew you could’ve easily fought and defeated your other members, yet you chose to go with them and let yourself be locked where you were once roomed.
he looked at you, drinking in your state with you sitting in your undergarments, moonlight illuminating your supple skin slightly adorned with scars.
“you’re really beautiful, you know that?” he whispered, tracing your marks as he stared at your eyes. absolutely ethereal.
before warping into your room, he made himself a promise—to get you out of the estate, whether by running away, bargaining with your elders, or maybe killing them.
but for now, he decides, time can wait.
onyx, n.
you were still in an abandoned warehouse when he suddenly appeared. silently sitting with a smile as he watched you slice the grade one curse in half using your blood. he stood up and gave you a clap, making you turn to his direction and frown, "what do you want, gojo?"
he grinned, "nothing! i started missing you so i came here."
you hummed, starting to walk down the stairs with him following behind.
you could hear the smile in his voice as he continued speaking, "i also wanted to ask if you wanna marry me! since we've been together for months and all~"
you froze, stopping in your tracks as you turned back to look at him.
progress, n.
during the three months you’d been talking to him, you had learned a lot of things about gojo satoru. and one of them is how touch-starved and clingy he can be when he’s feeling particularly vulnerable.
like that time.
you were at the training grounds of the school, sitting on the grass while admiring the sky. it was night and since jujutsu tech was located on the outskirts of the city, you could see almost all of the stars twinkling in the sky.
you didn’t need to look to know he was there, his overwhelming aura was enough to make himself known. especially when his way of greeting you is by laying on your side sideways, and hugging your waist as he placed his chin on your stomach to look up at you.
he didn’t say anything, so you continued staring at the celestial objects, not paying him any mind. he sighed, hugging you tighter. you didn’t respond so he did it again, this time louder.
“what is it, gojo–san?” you had asked still without looking at him. you felt him shake his head, mumbling a ‘nothing’ before sighing once again, this time accompanied by a short whine.
you shook your head and bit back a smile as you slowly lifted your hand and started carding them through his hair. he sighed and leaned in to your touch, “i wasn’t in japan for a week, you didn’t miss me?” he playfully asked with eyes closed, half wanting to tease you and half wanting to know your answer.
“i didn’t, no.”
he made a sad puppy sound, pouting as he opened his eyes and saw you softly gazing at him, eyes holding an emotion he’d never seen in someone else’s before. “i would never miss you, satoru.”
quicksand, n.
falling in love with gojo satoru was a gradual process, like stepping on a quicksand you didn't know was quicksand so now you’re slowly sinking into it. you also didn’t know that staying calm would actually prevent you from sinking in any further so you freak out and struggle even more because oh god i don’t wanna fall into this i’m gonna get stuck i’m gonna die!
so you fall faster and fight it more and more until you realize that fighting against it is actually just going to make it worse, but it’s already too late and you’re too submerged into the sand as far as you can be. you’ve fallen too deep and now you can’t get out and you don’t want to get out.
because loving gojo satoru is the best decision you have ever made. and you’re not regretting falling into the quicksand that is his entire being.
resume, v.t.
accepting the fact that you were pregnant was not easy, even though you two had been married for a year or so when you found out you conceived. he had a new set of responsibility in the name of itadori yuuji and ryomen sukuna, not to mention fushiguro megumi who started his first year at jujutsu tech in that same period.
you knew that, so you didn’t want him to have another liability in the form of a wife and an unborn child. your refusal to have him another burden to carry was so intense that you almost, almost left the country to raise the fetus alone away from him and the dangers of bearing the child of the strongest. if only he didn’t discover your plan and stopped you from leaving.
you remember how hard you cried that night, but most especially how your heart broke when you saw gojo satoru in his most vulnerable state, asking for you and your baby to please please not leave him.
so you didn’t. everything went back to normal, although this time you noticed some changes. he had always been protective of you, but he became overly protective when you became pregnant.
never leaving your side if he’s with you during his free time, finishing his missions quickly so he can do yours for you, buying pregnancy books and baby books left and right, even going as far as to talk to principal yaga and threaten the higher-ups to stop giving you missions even though you were still at your first trimester.
he never said it out loud, because gojo satoru was never good with words aside from boasting that he’s the strongest and annoying people, but you saw in his actions that although your child was never planned, he was excited to be a father and meet the product of the love you had for each other.
you now think he might not.
saccharine, adj.
a month after you started regularly training the students, he saw you all alone inside a classroom absentmindedly staring out the window. it was a sunday so there were no classes, yet you were in your usual uniform, sitting on one of the chairs, looking as if you were waiting for someone.
he thinks he once saw you like that when he passed through the first years’ classroom years ago. but whatever.
he didn’t really have anything to do so he went inside, sat at the chair next to you, looked at where you were looking, and stared at you like a weirdo when he got bored. it was the first time he had seen you that close and he thought… you looked kinda beautiful.
he never really bothered getting to know you, sometimes he even forgets you exist.
seeming to sense him staring, you turned to look at him and raised one of your eyebrows, as if questioning him why he’s there when he should be the one asking you that.
“whatcha doin’?~” he asked, playfully, as if to test the waters. he wasn’t really sure how to approach you. especially since you’ve never once attempted to talk to him even when you were teenagers.
you sighed, leisurely leaning back to the chair, looking at him and smiling as you answered, “nothing, really. what are you doing?”
his breath stopped for a moment. you look pretty when you smile.
you laughed, a genuine one. “is that so?”
his eyes momentarily widened beneath his bandages. oh, had he said it out loud?
his head leaned back as his own cackles echoed inside the four walls upon the realization, filling in the silence you were solitary enjoying earlier.
when he stopped, he looked back at you and grinned, propping his right elbow on the desk and resting his cheeks on his knuckles as he stared at your face, “yeah, no doubt.”
tête-à-tête, adv.
after you came back from your one-day honeymoon, kamo noritoshi asked to meet you in a coffee shop near shizuoka.
“i heard from the elders,” he said as soon as you’re seated, “you eloped with gojo satoru two days ago.”
you sipped on your coffee that he had ordered for you, carefully setting it down as you answered, “yes, we got married at the courthouse.”
his face held a slight smile as he handed you a light gold box with a purple ribbon on top. “congratulations, onee-sama.”
you smiled softly at him, holding the item in your hand, “thank you, noritoshi-kun.”
when you got home, you opened the gift with your husband and saw that your third cousin had given you a miniature bow and arrow made out of silver, identical to what he uses as a weapon—the same weapon you taught him to use.
unify, v.t.
your first wedding with him was at the tokyo district court, where you and your now-husband exchanged i dos in front of the judge wearing your normal work attire—albeit yours a little bloody—with mei mei and nanami kento as your witnesses. you had no reception whatsoever, opting to take a day off the following day for your honeymoon despite all the old farts’ resistance (they couldn’t do anything much anyway, what's done is done).
you think that was the happiest day of your life.
vraisemblance, n.
more than two decades ago, a four-year-old boy with blue eyes and a two-year-old girl who can manipulate blood had met for the very first time. the former swore to the latter he’d find her again someday and marry her, when he was already the strongest.
none of them remembers the event.
wife, n.
he thinks marrying you had been the rightest decision he made.
nevermind your clothes, painted with your own blood that had dried during your comatose state in shoko's clinic. nevermind the judge, staring at him like he's some crazy person. nevermind nanami, who sighed when you asked him to be the witness. and nevermind mei mei, who grabbed a paper and listed how much he'd have to pay for asking her to be the other witness.
all that matters is your smile, how your eyes crinkled despite your fatigue, how happy he was when he felt your soft lips against his, how the corner of nanami's mouth lifted when you said your i dos, and how mei mei left the courthouse smirking without asking for the money.
but what he remembers the most, was just when he started thinking you weren't in the right state to get married, you took his hands, looked him straight in the eyes, and said those three words for the very first time.
i love you, satoru.
xenon, n.
october 31, 2018 at shibuya city, tokyo, japan.
muta kokichi latches onto itadori yuuji’s ear. “there isn’t much time. i’m only gonna say this once.
“gojo satoru… has been sealed.”
yearn, v.i.
"hey sensei, when did you realize you love kamo-sensei?"
"hm? you sure you wanna know, yuuji?"
"hmm… when i tried thinking about living without her and thought i'd rather die."
"geez sensei, that was cheesy."
zeal, n.
inside a certain ancestral home, a notebook that served as a journal of an expecting woman when she was a young girl has its pages open.
my future goals:
1. be the strongest woman ever to be born in the kamo clan
2. help noritoshi-kun be a strong sorcerer and see his mother
3. marry the strongest man alive and be with him forever
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Ps. I wanted to write about the culling game but it was too complicated thinking what it would be like for a preggy sorcerer lol.
Thank you so much for reading! 🤍 Interactions are appreciated *kisses* (but srsly pls tell me how i did)
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arasei · 3 years
Halloo halloooo! I checked your old fic recs and I’m now reading Little Hell by Countingcrows (currently at chapt. 9), and I’m loving it soo soo muchh so farr! It haven’t updated in a long while though. Will it ever update again, I wonder? :((
That said, do you, by any chance, have more okikagu— or just gen gintama— fic reqs?
Ps. I have been binge watching your fics and now at Hotel Del Sol. You mentioned writing about the mafia AU multi-fic in there, so I’m soo soo very excited to read it next!! ♡
Hello!!! It's awesome to see there are still plenty of okikagu readers out there, thank you for keeping us authors going! I can't wait for you to begin reading the mafia au, I'm very excited about the story 🤭 I hope you enjoy Hotel Del Sol!
I actually still chat with CountingCrows to this day haha, she was very happy to hear your praise but she told me to relay to you that she's a sagittarius and therefore terrible when it comes to commitments hfkbgdmd (I, however, am an aries and am nothing if not persuasive; I don't wanna get your hopes up, but 2022 may finally be the year of Little Hell's return 👀)
As for recs, I have plenty to go around!
Not sure how old you are, but some of these fics lean or the mature side of things (smut, death etc) so be warned 👀
Innocence and Darkness by blunderingcloudwalk (18+)
One night is all it takes to turn their worlds upside-down.
This fic is sooooo well written, the first few chapters hurt a LOT cuz of all the angst but I promise you it gets better. The latest chapter was super fluffy and sweet, I can't wait to read more from this author!
I choose to be happy by onefortheluna
When he'd collapsed in that alley way, he'd really thought it was finally his time. All these images, these memories, they started flashing before his eyes.
He was sure if he called for help someone would hear and come. If he forced himself to he could get himself to stand and drag himself out of the darkness.
Instead, he stayed there. He's realizing that he's actually been waiting for this moment to come. And now that it's here, he won't let it slip out of his hands.
Yeah, may be he silently did pray for this every day of his life. An escape. A get away. Anything that would take him to his sister.
He's a jerk. He's an ass. He's a piece of shit. Selfish and cruel and a coward and he deserves to die alone.
She's staring at her lap, and he stares at her back. When she speaks, he can barely hear her. She says he's sick. Her voice is so small.
Is it something serious.
She doesn't answer. It can be treated, is what she says.
What is it?
He pauses. Oh.
Yeah. His sister had cancer too.
I haven't finished this fic yet but it's been on my to do list for a LONG time, it provides great insight into Sougo's character and I remember reading it at 1am and crying real bad, it was so so good 😭
Killer by Advocaat (18+)
In the glamorous, perfumed pleasure paradise of Yoshiwara, a discreet nighttime killer has sunk their fangs. Girls are being murdered in their futons and Hinowa and Tsukuyo determine that the only way to lure out the perpetrator is to dangle a bait he can't resist.
Enter: Kagura
AAAAAAAA this fic is truly one of a kind, so much mystery and drama, and it's written so well! The pacing is fantastic and the plot easily draws you in! The only problem is that the author hasn't updated in a while which is a shame since the story was getting so good. I'd still recommend reading it tho, you never know when they might suddenly come back haha
Lacuna by aruminiumu (18+)
The Shinsengumi are investigating a series of kidnappings all throughout Edo, the severity of which necessitates unorthodox alliances with partners both willing and unwilling alike.
Sougo struggles to play nice with others; Kagura gets caught up in others' messes. Everything is different and nothing has changed.
I read this one a while back so I don't remember much of it (I also don't remember if I finished it hfrhtjdm) but it was super funny, and the plot was interesting! Kamui is also a major character which is always fun 😉
Captain Goes Down with the Ship by aruminiumu
Series of random, unrelated interactions between and around Sougo and Kagura.
Story tones and styles will depend on my mood, so hopefully there’s a bit of something for everyone.
Another fic by the author of Lacuna, they have such great humour. I read this one last year so again, I don't remember much about it (sorry aruminiumu hhhgg), but as mentioned in the summary, it's a collection of funny short stories rather than one overarching plot.
Kids Will Be Kids by Kingfishers_game
"Something was wrong. Abuto had known his commander quite a long time, and over the years, he’d become attuned to Kamui’s different expressions. It could be difficult to discern actual thoughts from the commander’s face, given that he was almost always smiling, but Abuto thought he'd become fairly adept at it.
And now he knew something was wrong, because Kamui was beaming like a kid on Christmas morning."
A recipe for disaster with three ingredients:
1) a police officer with a sadistic streak
2) a bloodthirsty space pirate
3) the only thing in the entire universe that can get them on the same side—a girl. Of course.
This fic hasn't updated since 2020 which is a travesty because it was crazy good 😭😭😭 I'm not sure where the author went, but I hope they're okay. If you don't want to read an unfinished fic, they have other okkg shorts that you can check out!
A Seasonal Affair by purple_umbrella
Winning her over had nothing to do with flowers, dinners by candlelight, or whispered affections. He only kept barreling into her life to harass her. There wasn’t ever a chance she’d fall for anyone else, really.
I read this one years ago, it was rlly cute! Yet another author with plenty of okkg fics to go around, so do check those out as well 😌
Change of Plans by Saffyyy
Becoming his wife is definitely not something she would have ever expected, but she gets used to it.
Came across this one while looking for fics to rec, it's super cute! This author actually writes a LOT of domestic okkg, I highly recommend browsing their other works if you ever run out of stuff to read
Nothing by passivagrestiv
A warning dies in his throat as the wine comically spills on her face.
“Fuck,” she sputters and then blows her stinging nose furiously.
“Serves you right,” he sniggers.
(For Sougo, there's nothing like doing nothing with her.)
More! Domestic!! Okikagu!!! This fic was soooo cute, I think it's meant to be set in covid times since they're living together in quarantine, and their daily shenanigans are so sweet.
Schoolyard Children by unidentifiedpie
"You're a wizard. Didn't you read the letter?"
(Shouyou tries to invite Gintoki to Hogwarts. Before he can get a word out, Gintoki tries to shoot him. Things don't get much better from there.
Or: Hogwarts AU in which the joui four are wizards, Shouyou is the headmaster, and Otose is very done with it all.)
This fic lives in my mind rent free. I hate that it only has one chapter, but it's so good 😭
Antigravity by unidentifiedpie
Six months after the world ends, a samurai and a little girl walk into a bar.
The Joui war was cut short on account of the Earth being blown up. In an unnoticed corner of the universe, Otose watches a seventeen year old Gintoki attempt to raise a four year old Kagura.
Dadtoki. That's it, that's the fic. This one was also written by unidentifiedpie, who is an amazing author. I actually recommend all of their fics because they're all very introspective (not to mention beautifully written), but I'm especially singling out these two because of how deep of an impression they left on me
Pandemonium by Xparrot
The Yorozuya trio gets an unexpected reward. They really should've checked their daily horoscope before accepting: Beware of old women bearing gifts, don't count your lizards before they're hatched, and be careful when life seems too good to be true, because it might be a sign that everything is soon going to go very, very badly.
I never finished this one, but it's very popular in the Gintama community. Let me know your thoughts on this one if you end up giving it a go because I genuinely don't remember much about it.
Aaaaand that's it! Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of general recs and I'm sure I've missed plenty of good fics, so if anybody wants to recommend others in the comments, pls feel free to jump in and add to the list!
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winterune · 4 years
Happy 46th Birthday, Suzumura Kenichi-san! | 12.09.20
I only realized it was Suzuken’s birthday yesterday when I saw a Kiramune tweet wishing him a happy birthday. A day late, but here’s my birthday commemoration post talking about some of Suzuken’s roles that I love.
#1: Zack Fair - Final Fantasy VII
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Long live the best puppy, best friend, best soldier, best hero (and apparently it’s CC’s anniversary today on September 13, so... a happy 13th anniversary to Crisis Core!!). Anyway, in all seriousness, Suzuken’s voice suits Zack so much you can’t imagine anyone else voicing Zack once you’ve heard him. He sounds so natural. It’s like Zack was made for Suzuken xD Also, listening to Maaya and Suzuken as Aerith and Zack are just hhhhh so wholesome and cute >< Here’s to more Zack Fair in later parts of the Remake.
#2: Okita Sougo - Gintama
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God I’m sorry I love Okita so much the little shit xD No other comment other than he’s a little shit who has really cool action scenes and I love his interactions with Gintoki (dunno why but I love hearing him call Gin “danna” lol) and I will die asking for more Okikagu scenes (they’re hilarious omg) and Suzuken is just perfect
#3: Hitachiin Hikaru - Ouran High School Host Club
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another little shit, or well, two little shits. Hikaru and Kaoru, the insufferable twins xD I never really did read the manga and I’ve only watched like half of the anime (lol) but I loved Hikaru (for some reasons I don’t quite remember) and I kind of shipped him with Haruhi (and not because they’re Suzuken and Maaya, no). I like seeing them together :3 
#4: Myoue - Kyousougiga
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Kyousougiga was a super cool anime. Very artistic and aesthetically pleasing. The story was quirky and unique with enough emotional depth. The characters were amazing! (Please I need more Rie Matsumoto anime!) Watched this back when I just started watching anime and I haven’t yet recognized a lot of seiyuu names but I remember loving Myoue and Suzuken as Myoue. Still one of the best anime in the last decade. 
#5: Hans Humpty - Rokka no Yuusha
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Rokka no Yuusha was an interesting piece of locked-room mystery. Though I don’t quite remember the plot nor the characters, but I do remember liking it back when I first saw it, and Suzuken’s character was a favorite. Why I’m putting this on #5? Because I realize I haven’t seen a lot of Suzuken anime apparently and among others that I have seen, I think Rokka no Yuusha kind of tops them. 
And for some honorable mentions:
Demyx - Kingdom Hearts
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I think I remember listening to Suzuken’s Demyx once upon a time. Yeah, kind of like that staple Suzuken’s upbeat character. I don’t remember much of Demyx’s Japanese voice, and my memory of him is based on his KH2 appearance (because I haven’t played KH3 yet). Still, I’d like to mention him here :)
Kokutou Mikiya - Kara no Kyoukai
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Another Maaya x Suzuken role :3 I need to get back to watching this tbh. 
Mirokuji Yuuya - Re:Creators
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The series had an interesting premise, but it never really did deliver. Still, Yuuya was my favorite among the bunch, and Suzuken was a plus :D (also, it’s another anime with both Suzuken and Maaya!! And I loved the rivalry between their characters too! Maaya’s character was awesome)
Iyami - Osomatsu-san
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I still can’t quite associate Iyami’s voice with Suzuken... though I only watched the first...four episodes? of the first season ^^; Well, I’d still like to mention him here, because Suzuken as Iyami is just too weird xD
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alexiethymia · 6 years
skies in her eyes
{okikagu drabble series, chronological with the canon timeline, more of a character fic on okita, kagura is mostly just mentioned, also on ao3}
He used to love the season of fall. But now there’s a girl that reminds him of spring.
Sogo’s favorite season was fall. When his sister asked, he’d tell her it was because he loved how the temperature was perfect for sleeping. But really it was because the gingko reminded him of her hair, and the falling maple reminded him of her eyes, the leaves dancing in a red storm before they made their way down to him. It was because fall paved the way for winter, and winter was the perfect season to share spicy senbei. Winter was when everyone - his aneue, Kondo-san, and yes even that Hijbaka shared one small kotatsu to keep warm because they were too dirt-poor to afford more than one. But that kotastu was home for him.
But then kamisama really had a sick sense of irony didn’t he?
Because Mitsuba died in the fall, the person he loved most in the season he loved most because it was the most like her. Kamisama made sure he could never forget (not that he ever would).
Now there’s no one to share spicy senbei with, and they can never return to that small kotatsu. It’s winter and Sogo feels like he’ll never be warm again.
‘Oi, Sogo.’
‘You’ve got a cherry blossom petal on your hair. C’mon, I’ll pick it out.’
Hijikata was about to pick off the stray petal, when the younger boy sidestepped him, with a deadpan look. ‘I’d rather you didn’t Hijikata-san. Why’re you pretending like you’re some Ikemen from a shoujo manga? Hijikata-san, could you not come near me? We don’t know if mayonnaise sickness is contagious.’
‘You brat…’
‘Maa, maa, Toshi,’ placated Kondo, ever the peacemaker between them.
Hijikata would normally say more, you know the usual, ‘commit seppuku right now!’ but he was still feeling pleasantly buzzed. Not that he’d admit it to those Yorozuya freaks, but he actually had fun. ‘Don’t worry, Kondo-san. I won’t fall down to the level of some brat who was playing around with another brat just a while ago,’ he snickered, then noticed Sogo who was looking at the petal he’d just plucked from his hair. He was looking at it intensely, face visibly annoyed. That in itself was surprising for Hijikata who knew him since childhood and still couldn’t tell what was behind that poker face half the time.
‘That brat…’ For his part Sogo didn’t even notice Hijikata poking fun at him. All he knew was he felt annoyance bloom. ‘I won’t lose to her next time.’ He let the petal fall from his hand to the dirt, and then continued walking.
The two adults let him walk ahead.
‘You know Kondo-san?’
‘What is it Toshi?’
‘I haven’t seen him that annoyed in quite a while since…’
‘Ah.’ Kondo put a hand on his friend’s shoulder. The weight was heavy for him, so it must be even moreso for Toshi, and especially for Sogo. ‘But, I know what you mean.’
Lagging behind, they remembered a bit, but Hijikata, perhaps in an effort to shake himself of ghosts, went on, ‘But that girl really was something. Going toe to toe with our Sogo.’
‘Geh.’ Hijikata could only splutter in embarrassment. Kondo poked fun at him, ‘C’mon that guy isn’t here and yet you’re still competitive. Maybe Sogo gets it from you pahahaha.’
‘Don’t you start Kondo-san!’ Hijikata tried to jostle the still-laughing gorilla on his shoulder.
Wiping off a tear, Kondo continued on, ‘Sogo’s always been the best at everything he does. Everything came easy to him. But along with that enormous talent came the enormous burden of being alone.’ Hijikata could only remain silent at that. ‘Who knows? Maybe a little healthy competition will be good for him.’
‘Maybe you’re right Kondo-san.’
Kondo-san, as it turns out was wrong, though of course they didn’t know it yet. Depending on what perspective you looked at it from, maybe it was a good thing for Sogo, but from the perspective of the rest of Kabuki-cho, or perhaps the people who had to deal with property damage every day, it was definitely not a good thing at all.
'There are things that must be protected even if you get dirty.’
It’s not like he forgot, but maybe he’d spent too long in the dirt that he couldn’t see things as clearly anymore.
‘Hey, thanks.’ Thanks for what exactly? For knocking out the Rokkaku girl, for looking for him, for reminding, for staying, for being an annoying pain in the ass that he got pissed off just by looking at her, so much so that he was itching for a sword. No way was he dying indebted to that brat.
Maybe it was fine that he’s been stuck in the dirt all this time. From dirt, new things grow. Didn’t someone tell him that, once upon a time?
Even if it wasn’t actually dirt he was stuck in, but a room full of vomit. He was so going to kill that china girl later, but first he was going to damn well protect the both of them first.
He hasn’t felt this angry in quite a while. It’s different from his usual killing intent. He can honestly say that this is the first time that he’s furious at China. Not that she’ll ever know, not that he’ll ever let it show.
But for an instant he saw a ghost in her bed, superimposed on her figure, and he will one day strangle her with his bare hands for putting the people she loves through a facsimile of what he went through.
Because he already lived through it, he can see through her in an instant. China is pale, but it’s her usual color, all lily-white skin. It’s fine. It’s ok. She’s still full of vitality. Red blood still runs through her veins, inside where it belongs, to make her flush cherry blossom pink. Not like how Aneue was at the end, bleach white like the branches left behind once all the leaves had fallen.
Part of him wants to shake her silly, be the straight man this time, break their routine, but another part of him painfully understands, that feeling of being left behind. It’s disgusting. Well if he’s going to listen to that rational part of him anyway, might as well have as much fun as possible.
He carries a rose that reminds him of cherry blossoms, places it next to her, and smiles a smile that would make Shinigami-sama himself proud.
Why is it always her?
He was shriveled, wilted, pieces of him falling that he kept looking down to see if he dropped something. Kondo-san was nowhere, neither was Hijikata-san, and of course Aneue would never be. It was bigger now, but did he have to leave behind this kotatsu too?
But then she poked and she prodded. She pushed like the boar that she was.
‘We will never forget.’ (How could she have known that it was his greatest fear to forget and be forgotten?)
‘So just go do your job already.’ He can feel her palm through the back of his jacket. It feels warm.
Maybe she has too much life in her too-small body that it just leaks it out of her. She’s just like the sun she hates – abrasive, overpowering, it’ll just shine on you, get in your eyes when all you want to do is take a nap. See, this is why he has an eye mask.
All he remembers is that he was a corpse walking, but suddenly now, with her beside him; he suddenly feels energetic enough to want to make corpses of everyone else here instead.
It’s raining water instead of cherry blossoms this time around, but she’s still looking down at him, that part hasn’t changed. The water pours down from above and around, but rather than cleansing them, it’s just making them dirtier. It’s dreary weather, grey and murky, but all he sees is a cheeky grin and clear blue skies.
Something blood-red is blooming from behind his chest. It’s pounding like it wants to claw its way out. It makes itself known through a feral snarl, lips pulled back in a wild grin, a perfect copy of the one on hers.
He’s not leaving anything behind. They’re not leaving anything behind. It’s just that those guys from Yoruzuya will keep the kotatsu warm for when they finally come back.
‘The next time we meet…’
We’ll be strong enough that we won’t have to leave anything behind ever again.
‘Okita-taichouuu, are we done yet?’
‘Stop whining Yamazaki. If you don’t have anything better to do with that useless hole, I can plug it with something sharp so you won’t ever have to use it again.’
“Kyaaa. Sorry Okita-taichou. Please don’t plug my hole!’ Yamazaki crossed his arms in front of him as if it could actually shield him if the captain did decide to make good on his threat.
It’s been a month or so now and being a ronin once again was tough. Okita-taichou was right. He didn’t have the right to whine, even if this was already the 6000th practice swing, not when the chief, the vice-chief, and the captain were working thrice as hard.
After the hellish training was done he could only hope he could make use of his arms again. Ah, what he wouldn’t give for a piece of anpan about now.
‘You alright there Yamazaki?’
‘Stop calling me that. Technically, I’m no longer your fuku-chou anymore.’
‘Former fuku-chou then.’
‘Whatever.’ Said former fuku-chou sat next to him and continued to puff at his abstinence stick. ‘That Sogo though…I didn’t know he could work this hard.’ While everyone else was finally taking their break, their young captain still continued to do practice swings, and would probably continue to do so until Kondo-san would make him stop, before he got sick from practicing in the rain.
‘For some reason, Okita-taichou suddenly gets a lot more motivated when it starts raining. Do you know the reason former fuku-chou?’
‘Well, beats me,’ Hijikata says with a wry smile, ‘All I know is that someone once told me that a lot of rain’s good for plants because it helps them grow.’
At Yamazaki’s blank look, Hijikata just chuckled.
Sogo felt restless, he almost always did nowadays, being on the run from a country full of people wanting to kill you tended to do that to people, he’s heard. But it’s not that.
It doesn’t matter whether the weather’s bad or good. He can’t remember the last time he’s taken a nap. Just like now. The weather perfect, the sky is clear, no cloud’s in sight. Clear blue skies. Spring skies. Unfortunately it just makes him want to train harder because it feels like she’s still looking down on him even now.
‘Hm. Maybe I should just poke both her eyes out with my sword. That would solve the problem.’ He lifts it up and makes poking motions up at the sky.
‘Here’s someone casually making morbid statements over here,’ Hijikata shudders, ‘You’re really gonna be mistaken as a tsujiri one of these days.’
‘How rude, Hijikata-san,’ Sogo smirks, still holding his sword aloft, ‘Please don’t forget. I’m a policeman.’
From his viewpoint lying down, he sees an upside-down Kondo coming up at Hijikata-san’s other side.
‘Did you make a promise to meet again Sogo? Tie each other’s hair around your pinky like what I’ve heard they do in Yoshiwara. Ahh, I wish I could have done that with my beloved Otae-san.’
For a moment, Sogo thinks he sees a red strand of hair on his pinky, before it disappears. ‘We don’t need something as fragile as that Kondo-san. The only red thread I need is the blood I draw from her throat the next time we meet.’
‘And he’s back to saying casually disturbing things again.’ Kondo-san’s white in the face, and Hijikata-san’s shaking his head at him as if he’s hopeless.
Sogo narrows his eyes at him. ‘Die already Hijikata-san. You’re disturbing my nap.’
True to his word Sogo falls asleep in moments. They notice he hasn’t drawn his eyemask to cover his eyes like usually does. They smile at each other, and leave it at that, wondering what twisted little sadists dream about. Maybe whips and chains, they wonder, and then blanch.
Unexpectedly it’s a lot more innocent than that. Sogo dreams about clear blue skies and falling pink blossoms dancing in the wind. He dreams of a mat big enough and a kotatsu big enough to fit them all, whether it’s for a flower viewing party or sharing nabe. Amongst them all, he can’t be sure but he thinks he sees his oneechan. She’s next to Hijibaka, but maybe he can let it slide just this once, since he still has a China brat to beat with the toy mallet in his hand, and from the cheeky grin she has, it looks like she has the same idea.
'How about you aneue? What’s your favorite?’
‘Hm, me, So-chan? Well, I like it when the flowers start to blossom and things start to grow again. You see, oneechan really loves spring!’
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rike-with-love · 6 years
I need you
Summary: Happy new year everyone!!! Sougo and Kagura need some time alone <3 This is my first real smut, I’ve written lime, but this is the first lemon. Feedback is appreciated : 3 I hope you enjoy!
Pairings: Okikagu, Kontae (vaguely mentioned)
Rating: E for sexual content, swearing, domestic fluff, domestic sex, aged-up
Disclaimer: I don’t own Gintama or it’s characters, Sorachi Hideaki does. I only own this story.
Author’s notes: I have a link to my fanfiction masterlist on my profile. Please check it out for more chapters and fics!
I need you
”Okay, we're here! Who wants to knock the door?” Kagura asked.
Two enthusiastic hands rose up and a choir of ”Me, me, me” filled the Yorozuya balcony. Kagura laughed a little and shook her head.
”How about you do it all together, yes?”
”Wait for Kanna-chan,” Sougo said from the stairs leading up to the balcony. Kanna was the youngest of the bunch, still so small that Sougo held her hand as she climbed up the stairs.
”Come here Kanna-chan!” the oldest and the only boy, Souichiro said to his little sister.
Kanna's step on the stairs was a little wobbly and her older sister Mitsuna hurried to hold her other hand. ”You can do it Kanna-chan!” she cheered on.
Sougo's eyes were glued to watch over his daughter's safety. He was so focused that he didn't see Kagura's adoring gaze pointed directly at him. Finally Kanna made it to the balcony and dashed straight for the door.
Souichiro and Mitsuna followed their younger sister to the door. Sougo stepped to stand next to Kagura. They didn't share a word, as both were too interested in watching their children do their thing. The trio exchanged looks and nodded to each other. Then all three began to bang the door with both hands.
A loud thud and a grunt came from inside. Sougo snorted a little. Kagura leaned closer to Sougo. ”I bet that was Gin-chan falling from his chair,” she whispered.
”No doubt about it China.”
After a short while the Yorozuya door opened up. ”Oi-” was all Gintoki got out of his mouth as he scratched his perm.
”GIN-CHAN! GIN-CHAN! GIN-CHAN!” All three kids chanted and rushed to hug the silver-perm samurai.
Gintoki's eyes softened immediately and he tried to greet all the kids attached to him. Kagura and Sougo followed their children inside, but they stayed by the door.
”Thanks for doing this Gin-chan-aru,” Kagura said.
Gintoki looked at Kagura and smiled. ”How can I say no to these little ones if they want to see the old Gin-chan”, he said and patted Souichiro's head.
”Take good care of them Danna.”
Gintoki's eyes switched to Sougo. ”Ah, nice to see you too Sofa-kun.”
Sougo was about to correct him, but...
”It's Sougo, Danna!” All three kids said in perfect unison. Gintoki, Kagura and Sougo were stunned for a moment, but then laughed it right off.
”Kids really listen to everything we say, don't they,” Gintoki laughed and shook his head.
”Yes they do, so watch your language Danna,” Sougo said and placed a small bag on the floor.
”There's everything they need. Clothes, toothbrushes and-”
Gintoki waved his hand to stop Kagura's explanation. ”Kagura-chan, I know what's in the bag, I know who falls asleep first, I know what they like to eat. I know these things so you don't have to worry about us.”
Kagura smiled. ”Yeah, this isn't their first sleepover, I know that.”
”It's okay Kagura-chan, you're their mother, it's your job to worry,” Gintoki said and turned to look at the kids. ”Now go say good night to mami and daddy.”
He didn't have to tell them twice. Kanna giggled and she was the first one to rush to her parents. She was such a daddy's girl and she ran straight to Sougo with open arms. He was already expecting it and kneeled down to catch Kanna in his arms.
Sougo got up with Kanna, who was smiling and giggling. Souichiro and Mitsuna hugged their parents together. Kagura ruffled their hair and kissed Kanna's head. Sougo poked at Kanna's small nose and smiled for her. ”Be a good girl and sleep tight little munchkin.” Kanna's round cheeks blushed a little and she nodded shyly.
Sougo put Kanna down and Gintoki waved for the kids to go to the living-room and get comfortable. ”So I drop them off some time tomorrow, probably around noon.”
”That's fine,” Sougo said.
”But please Gin-chan, don't give them any strawberry milk, it's bad for their teeth, yes.”
”Of course not,” Gintoki said and gulped secretly. He might have already bought a few extra cans just for the night. Usually it was a secret between uncle Gin and the three young Okitas. ”Ah, I invited Pachi-kun and the gorillas so the kids see them too,” he said to change the subject.
”That's nice Gin-chan,” Kagura said. ”Have fun and let us know if they misbehave, okay?”
”Yeah, yeah. Get going already you two!”
Kagura nodded and smiled. ”Good night kids!” she said before leaving.
”Good night!” at least two of the kids shouted from the living-room, one was already distracted by a pile of JUMPs on the coffee table.
Kagura and Sougo stepped out of the Yorozuya. ”See you tomorrow,” Gintoki said and slid the door close.
Sougo knew Kagura was always a little gloomy after leaving the kids to someone's care. She trusted Gintoki, she just loved her kids so much. ”Hey”, he called.
Kagura sort of snapped out of her mood and looked at her husband. ”Let's go home China,” Sougo said with a twinkle in his eye.
Kagura knew that twinkle, it was the reason she became pregnant six years ago. ”We should hurry, yes?” Kagura said and gave him a flirty smile.
Sougo and Kagura got into their car, ready to go straight home. Their kids loved visiting Gintoki and sometimes he even took them in for a sleepover. These were the nights Sougo and Kagura had time for themselves. With three young kids and jobs, time was a rare luxury.
It had been three whole months since Sougo and Kagura got to spend some quality time with each other...if you know what I mean. Three long and painful months. Usually they found time and energy for the occasional quickie, but for the past three months there was no such luck. Sure they shared a couple of quick kisses here and there, but that was it.
Sougo was about to start the car, but he happened to glance at his wife. Kagura wore her long red cheongsam with those sinfully high side slits and her hair was under her hair ornaments. She was looking outside with a neutral look on her face. Kagura inhaled deeply and Sougo couldn't stop his eyes from dropping down to her rising chestal area.
Kagura didn't know she was being observed like some pray, she just minded her own business. She sure was exhausted from taking care of the house, the kids and a couple of odd-jobs with the Yorozuya. Her neck felt a bit sore and she rubbed it a little.
Sougo's mouth watered just by looking at her, eyes closed, relieving her tensed neck. A soft breath of relaxation flowed through her slightly parted lips. Kagura dropped her hand and stretched her neck from side to side. Sougo had his hand on the car key, but his focus had gone out the window.
Kagura realized that the car's engine wasn't running and she swiftly turned to Sougo. His eyes were burning and she felt shivers travel down her back. ”W-what? Why are you looking at me like that?”
Sougo exhaled and tried to concentrate. He leaned closer to Kagura and traced his fingers on her cheeks. Her breath hitched under his simple touch and those lustful red eyes. ”Ne China...are you trying to seduce me or what?” he asked and blew gently into her ear.
Another hitched breath escaped her lips. ”Ah, no...what do you mean?”
Sougo brushed his lips against her ear. ”Yes you are. Moving that sexy neck of yours right in front of my eyes.”
He dragged one finger against the pulse on her neck. ”Massaging your tense muscles all by yourself.”
Kagura's eyes closed up and she breathed again, this time louder.
”And making me jealous of not being the reason for your breaths of satisfaction?” Sougo murmured. ”Unacceptable.”
With that he licked her earlobe and nibbled it with his eager lips. Kagura wrapped her fingers around his wrist and moaned softly. Three months was a long time for both of them. Every touch felt unreal. ”N-no...I wasn't trying-”
”Shh...” he hushed into her ear. Then he guided her to face him. Kagura opened her eyes and drowned into his eyes right away. His piercing gaze made her focus solely on him. Just the way he wanted.
Sougo kissed her without further warnings or suggestions, he needed her, right now. Kagura answered the kiss and cupped his cheeks. The kissing felt wild and unstoppable. Hot breaths were coming out as their kisses turned more and more heated.
Kagura broke their kiss, breaths coming out very disheveled. ”But...huh....we...”
Sougo leaned to her ear. ”Let me love you Kagura.”
His words sent sparks down her spine, all the way down to her womanhood. Sougo latched his lips to her neck and his hand was already fumbling to unhook her cheongsam. Kagura's hands dropped from his face to rest over his shoulders.
Kagura found herself surrendering to his plead, but then she remembered something very important. ”Ah, no...” she whimpered. ”Not here.”
Sougo pretended he didn't hear her and bit her pulse. Kagura gnawed her nails into his jacket from the teasing pleasure he gave her. But she had to get herself together, she had to resist him, no matter how impossible it felt.
Kagura pushed him off her firmly, yet lovingly. She looked him deep into his crimson eyes. ”Not here. Don't you remember what we talked about Chihuahua?”
Sougo did remember, he just couldn't control himself against his wife's undeniable charm. He felt thirsty for her, he couldn't describe it any other way. Sougo sighed a little. ”Yeah...but I-”
”No buts, let's go with our plan, yes?”
”But what? Do you hate the plan?”
He sighed again. ”No...I don't.”
Kagura squeezed his shoulders a little and smiled. ”All I want for us is to have a nice home night alone, eat dinner, talk about stuff, get in to the mood, you know.”
Sougo grabbed her wrists gently and pressed his cheek against one of her hands. ”I know, I'm sorry,” he said.
”It's okay, just wait a little while longer, yes.”
”Yeah...” he said and looked her straight into her eyes. ”I'm just so fucking horny, you have no idea.”
Kagura pinched his cheek a little and cocked an eyebrow. ”You think you're the only one huh?”
Sougo snorted at her and lifted his head off her hand. ”Judging by the way you kissed me, we're on the same boat,” he said and let go off her wrists.
Kagura withdrew her hands and rolled her eyes at him like he had said something stupid. ”Would you just drive us home, yes?”
”Yeah, yeah,” he said and turned on the car engine.
Kagura crossed her arms and glanced at Sougo from the corner of her eye as he was driving the car. ”You know we don't get these nights a lot, when it's just the two of us-aru.”
”I know.”
”So this isn't going to be one of those sleazy and dirty quickies, yes.”
”Oh, I thought you liked them.”
”I didn't say I disliked them,” Kagura huffed. ”I just want some romance, is there something wrong with that-aru?”
Sougo glanced at her briefly. ”Of course not.”
Kagura relaxed her arms and smiled a little. ”Well good.”
Sougo returned his eyes to the driveway and smirked a little. He loved her, but he couldn't help himself. ”It's all your fault for getting me so worked up right here in the car.”
”Oh shut up,” Kagura laughed at the grinning husband of hers. She knew he was just teasing. Kagura looked at the window beside her. It's surface was humid and she wiped her fingers on it, leaving a trail behind them. A moment ago, the car was full of panting, lustful kisses, pent-up yearning. A concrete proof of that was the still spread across the car windows.
Kagura stole a quick glance of Sougo and bit her lip. She could only imagine all the things they were going to do to each other. The car ride wasn't long, but for Kagura it felt like a small eternity. I'm going to show him just how much I appreciate his patience, she thought to herself and placed her hand on his thigh.
Sougo inhaled and took a quick look at her hand. ”Now I'm confused China. Do you want me to drive this car into a wall or do you want me to throw you on the backseat and fuck you right now?”
Kagura glanced at him with a devious smile. ”I just want you to take us home-aru.”
Sougo gulped at her answer. He was surprised that she didn't get even a little flustered at his suggestions. ”Will do darling”, he said and pushed the gas a little harder. Kagura enjoyed the power she held over him just by strategically placing one hand. This night was going to be like no other.
When Sougo and Kagura got home, they both knew what to do. Sougo was responsible for dinner and Kagura's duty was to set a romantic mood everywhere in the house.
They ate together. They talked, flirted and laughed together. It was romantic, just like Kagura had hoped for. Unfortunately, Kagura's hunger for romance was getting thinner by the second as other thoughts bulldozed her brain. She just wanted to jump on him and show him just how much she had needed him.
Sougo picked up the empty plates and took them to their kitchen. ”Thanks for dinner, it was amazing-aru,” Kagura chirped from the table. Sougo hummed and placed the plates with the other dishes. Before he could say a word, Kagura's hands appeared around his stomach.
”Well hello there”, he said and interlaced his fingers with hers.
”Thank you for being so patient”, she said and pecked his shoulder-blade.
”Heh...it's fine China.”
”Good”, she said and took in the familiar scent from his jacket. Just his smell made her blood gush. ”Sougo...” she purred against his back.
He knew very well that Kagura's engines were burning and ready to go just by the way she said his name.
”I've missed you” Kagura husked. He exhaled deeply, he knew exactly what she meant by missing him. Kagura didn't give him time to answer and slid her hand down. She felt his hardness and shamelessly pressed it with her palm. Sougo's breath hitched roughly, sensitive was a mild way to describe his state of senses.
Sougo released her hand, so she could focus better on caressing his growing erection. He dipped his head back and closed his eyes. Kagura continued to tease him, feeding her need to hear his breaths of pleasure. ”Kagura...” he breathed. She kissed his neck and he stroked her cheek with his free hand.
”Fuck...” he grunted. Kagura giggled with a very seductive tone, pushing him right off the edge. ”That's it.”
With swift motion, Sougo pushed her hands off him and turned around. Kagura inhaled strongly as he lifted her up. She allowed him to do so and by reflex she wrapped her legs around him. He hoisted her up better and moved towards the kitchen counter.
Sougo placed her on the counter and pushed his body as close to hers as possible. Kagura gasped as she felt his hips so close to hers. He was panting and glaring at her like she was his to claim, which she surely was. There was something deeply animalistic in the way he acted and it turned her on like crazy.
They kissed almost desperately, like their time was running out. Sougo broke their kiss and left her unsatisfied lips to kiss her jaw line, unhooking her dress as fast as possible. Kagura let out a moan as he grinded his aching erection against her equally needy sex.
As the last hook on her dress opened up, Kagura needed to act fast. ”Mmh, Sougo?”
”Yes?” he said in between kisses.
”I know you're going to hate this, but...” Kagura said and whimpered as he grazed her skin with his teeth.
”But what?”
”...not here...”
Sougo stopped his kisses and lifted his eyes up to her level. ”Are you kidding me?” he asked with a ragged breath.
”I'm not...I don't want to do it here,” she said. It was all thanks to her own stubbornness that she managed to stop him (again). She had imagined everything to go down in the bedroom. Kagura wanted to go there to experience all the nasty thoughts she had about him. Otherwise she would have demanded to be fucked right there on the kitchen counter, that's how hot he made her feel.
Sougo breathed a couple of times. Then he huffed roughly. ”My god, woman...” he said with a frustrated voice.
Kagura frowned a little with an apologetic smile. ”Give me five minutes and come to the bedroom, yes.”
Sougo inhaled deeply and exhaled through his mouth. Then he backed away from Kagura to let her jump off the counter. He seemed to be a little annoyed and Kagura didn't want to play with his sexual frustration any further.
She hugged him softly to get his eyes back to hers. ”Are you angry at me?”
”No...” he said and touched her soft cheek. ”Just, promise to make it up for me China.”
Kagura smiled with lust blurring her vision. She thought of all the great ways to ”make things up for him”. She settled for the one she knew he would love the most. Kagura kissed him lightly and leaned closer to his ear. ”Anything you want”, she purred, making his chest rise heavily.
”You're forgiven China. Now go, you have four minutes left.”
”But I said five, yes.”
”Three minutes left.”
”Okay, okay horndog”, she slurred. Sougo laughed at her choice of words and watched as she walked towards the bedroom. ”Your yukata is on the couch, change into it. Okay?”
Kagura disappeared from his sight and he took in a calming breath. ”You can be such a tease”, he mumbled to himself as he grabbed his yukata.
”I heard that!” Kagura shouted from the bedroom.
”I meant you to!” Sougo snarked playfully back at her.
Now, what would I want for her to do, he thought to himself. He felt a jolt go down his spine just from thinking about all the different possibilities. He liked the fact she gave him the power to request anything, but really, all he wanted to do was to love her until she was too out of breath to scream his name.
”Can I come in now?” Sougo asked behind the bedroom door.
”You may enter-aru.”
Sougo opened the door and took a quick look around the room. Kagura had planted lanterns all over the place to give the room a warm atmosphere. She had laid out their futons on the floor and there she was, waiting for him with a wide smile on her face.
Kagura wore a red mesh kimono and red underwear, bra without straps, panties with tiny ruffles. Her long vermillion hair was undone and wildly spread on the futon. She was a sight all right. Kagura was laying on her side, resting her upper-body on her elbow. ”Damn...” he said as he stared at her, eyes telling of his overjoyed approval.
Kagura used his staring to her advantage. Slowly and sultry, she rolled on her back, crossed her wrists above her head, pressed her thighs together as innocently as possible, arched her back a little and parted her lips just enough. ”What are you waiting for..?” she said with the sexiest voice she could pull off.
Sougo let out a deep breath, eyes taking in thousand of pictures of her to burn into his memory. ”I'm just...enjoying the view.”
Kagura giggled. ”If you don't come here right now, I'll start without you.”
His eyes flashed as he practically ran to her. He crouched over her hastily and Kagura could only laugh at his silliness. He laughed too. Then a silence settled between them. Sougo studied every inch of her and Kagura enjoyed the attention.
”You know you didn't have to dress up for me.”
Kagura pushed herself higher. Sougo backed down as she sat up completely. She had a suspicious look on her face. ”Oh, you don't like it?” Kagura asked and hopped on to his lap without any warnings.
She wrapped her hands on his neck and looked deeply into his eyes. Sougo was mesmerized by her, she was still the same breathtaking woman he had fallen for all those years ago. ”I mean, you look smoking hot in that thing...that's not the issue.”
Kagura tilted her head a little. Sougo slid his hands under her kimono to feel her bare skin. As she focused to feel his roaming fingers he leaned into her ear and said... ”You look better naked.”
Sougo returned to look into her blue eyes, her gaze was full of need. Kagura bit her lip and smiled. ”Uh-huh...what are you going to do about it?”
Sougo chuckled. ”Maybe I-” he said but abruptly stopped to yawn loudly. He realized right away how his yawning looked like to Kagura. Sougo's eyes were wide but not as wide as Kagura's were.
”Did you...did you just yawn?”
”Oh? Am I really that boring?”
”No, no, no. I'm sorry, it was an accident”, Sougo said hastily, trying to recover the situation before Kagura would lose her temper. Though a bit of anger from Kagura gave always a little extra to their love-making.
They were the champions of make-up sex. Well, they used to be when they weren't so busy with everything else. Nowadays they had like 27 arguments to vent out before they had the time to have sex.
Kagura was still a little offended, but Sougo wasn't giving up. ”Look at me,” he said and cupped her cheeks. Their eyes locked. ”You're not boring, you're the most beautiful woman in this entire universe.” Kagura rolled her eyes at him, she was as easy to piss of as to calm down. ”I'm so lucky, you're-”
”Shut up already,” Kagura ordered and kissed him to make sure he understood his yawn had been forgotten. She dragged her fingers against his chest, simultaneously trying to push the clothing off him. He smiled into their kiss as he noticed her agenda.
They took turns in dominance, but tonight Sougo wasn't going to settle for anything less than being on top. He wanted to literally take her. To control the pace, to control the position, to give her the satisfaction she deserved. Just thinking about her surrendering completely to him made his member remind him of its presence.
Kagura was sitting on his lap, legs folded on each side of him. To him, it was an easy position to turn to his advantage. Without breaking their kiss, Sougo dropped his hands off her cheeks, running them around her body. From her collarbone to her sides, from her sides to her lower back, from her lower back to her butt.
Then he rose up to his knees and lifted her up. Kagura hummed into their kiss, she liked how strong he was, it was a major turn on for her, always had been and always would be. Sougo broke their kiss for a second. His eyes demanded her to look at him and she had no other choice but to obey. Him looking at her that fiercely made her heart pound harder. ”Get on you back,” he husked.
Kagura didn't feel like putting up a real fight, so she settled on teasing him. ”Excuse me, I am the only do-S in this relationship so that for I-” she slurred like she didn't mean a word she said. Sougo grunted at her and tossed her on the bed.
Her back thudded against the bedding and he followed right after her, hovering over her. Kagura giggled at him, easily making him laugh too. He stroked her cheeks and softly gazed into her eyes. After all the years, after growing up, after raising their own children, there were those rare times when both Sougo and Kagura felt like those two dumb brats they once were.
Sougo kissed her with a tender pressure, putting aside all the sexual desire pushing him. He wanted to focus on just kissing her, tasting her, loving her. Kagura hummed into his mouth, she felt the pure affection.
After the kiss, under the dim light, Sougo rubbed his nose against hers. ”You know, I'm not sure do I say it enough, but I-”
”I know,” Kagura said and giggled a little.
”Oi, you don't know what I was going to say”, Sougo said with a smile.
”Of course I do”, Kagura said and cupped his cheeks. ”I just like it when you show me how much you love me instead of telling me, yes.”
She really knew what he was going to say and it warmed Sougo's heart greatly. Was he really that obvious in his wifes eyes. Sougo leaned to peck her cheek softly and shared his thoughts with her. ”I think we've always been better with actions rather than words.”
Sougo smiled and kissed her again. Then he pulled away to look at her with a mischievous smile.
”Now then...how about we get these unnecessary porn star clothes off you, ne?”
”These are not porn star clothes”, she huffed, trying to act all serious.
”Yes, sure. What ever you say,” Sougo said and pulled her kimono open.
”No, no. You're not listening to me,” she said as Sougo tried to expose her chest by pulling the fabric with his teeth.
”Oi! You-” she said, but stopped to yawn. Now it was her turn to feel the agony of yawning in the wrong place. Sougo rested his bodyweight on her and leaned his cheek on his hand. Kagura felt so embarrassed, she had just scolded him for doing the same damn thing a moment ago.
Sougo couldn't wait to hear how Kagura would try to get out this mess. ”Oi? Did you just yawn?” he asked, keeping his voice annoyingly calm.
”I uh...I umm...maybe.”
”Well now you have offended your husband's feelings, what are you going to do about it?”
Kagura knew he was just playing with her and she frowned her brows at him. ”I'm sorry, I'm just a little tired, yes.”
”Oh...so I'm so boring that you are too tired to commit to your wifely duties?” he said and smirked with the satisfaction of watching her skirm in her embarrassment.
”Oh come on! That's not what I meant!”
Sougo felt like he was on top of the world, but then he fell into his own pit and yawned again. Kagura's eyes widened and her lips curled up. ”Well, well. Who's tired now, huh?”
”Apparently the both of us.”
”This can't be happening. It's all your fault!”
”My fault? How the hell is it my fault?”
”That dinner you made, it was so good that it made me drowzy-aru.”
Kagura shook her head. ”We both know it's not your fault, we're just tired, yes.”
”I guess,” Sougo said and rested his head into her soft bosom.
”This is our special night, I don't want to spend it by sleeping.”
”Me neither China, we have to find a way to get energized again,” Sougo said as he nuzzled his head against her. Without even realizing it, Sougo had closed his eyes.
Kagura felt her eyelids getting heavier too. Without any rest, the fantastic sex she had dreamed about wasn't going to be that fantastic. ”Hey, I know!”
”How about we take a quick nap-aru?”
”Mmmh...sounds great miss Okita,” he mumbled.
Kagura wrapped her arms around Sougo, who cuddled up next to her. ”Yeah...when we wake up...zzz...I'm gonna rock your world, uh-huh.”
”What the hell are you talking about China? I don't like rock music,” he mumbled as his mind was somewhere between dreaming and Kagura's breasts.
”Shut up Sadist, I'll wake you up in a few minutes...”
And both Sougo and Kagura fell asleep. Sleep-deprivation and perfect silence in their house won this time. As one could guess, neither woke up in a few minutes. Both were sleeping like logs untill the morning sun rose.
Kagura woke up to the sunlight beaming in from the bedroom window. She squinted her eyes and grunted quietly. Kagura forced her eyes to open, no matter how much she prefered to keep on sleeping. As her eyes adjusted to the light, she saw Sougo sleeping right next to her.
Her eyes softened and she stroked his cheek, careful not to wake him up. Then Kagura glanced at her clothes that unfortunately were still on her rather than thrown across the floor. ”Dammit...” she said almost soundlessly as she realized they had slept through the night.
Kagura got up from the warm futon as quietly as possible. She knew how exhausted Sougo was and the last thing she wanted was to force him up on his day off. Kagura walked to their dresses to check the time. A deep sigh of defeat was the only sound coming out of her mouth as she learned that it was almost noon.
There was nothing left to do but to change into her normal clothes and get ready for the kids to come home. Maybe in another three months they would get the next opportunity. The mere thought of waiting for so long made her feel extremely frustrated, a little angry even. Still Kagura wasn't angry at her family, she just felt that the lack of time wasn't fair for her and Sougo or their needs.
Kagura pushed her free hair behind her ears and tried to forget about the slight bitterness in the back of her mind. She pulled a drawer open to dig out some clothes. Then, out of nowhere a pair of hands wrapped around her waist. Kagura gasped as the two strong arms pulled her into a tight hug.
She hummed as the familiar warmth from their bed was now surrounding her again. Sougo held her silently, nuzzling his face on her silky hair.
”Good morning-aru”, she said and embraced his arms.
”I didn't know you were awake.”
”I wasn't untill you left my side.”
His voice was low, but sweet, like sugar for her ears. Sougo placed his chin on her shoulder and looked at the clock on the dresser. Kagura knew he felt the same as her as a deep breath came out of his nose.
”It's almost noon. We should get dressed before the kids and Gin-chan get here, yes.”
Sougo didn't answer he just planted a few butterfly kisses on her shoulder.
”Oi, did you hear me?” Kagura asked and glanced at Sougo.
”All I heard it's not noon yet...” he murmured and smooched her neck.
Kagura's eyes fluttered shut as he kissed her neck harder. ”Mmh...we can't.”
Sougo moved his lips to her ear and let out such a ragged breath, it made her feet feel weak. ”Listen, I know last night didn't go as we planned, but...”
Kagura turned her head to look at him. ”But what?” she said and realized her breathing had gotten a little heavier. She partly blamed his eyes, red with fire and intensity, luring her in too easily.
”I think I might go crazy if I have to wait even a second longer to be with you,” he said with lust dripping from his voice. Then he kissed her, softly savouring with the taste of her lips. Kagura answered his passion and cupped his cheek with one hand. Sougo's hands started to move too, he searched for her kimono's robe.
Kagura whined a little as Sougo pulled her kimono wide open. He didn't waste any time and traced his fingers on her bare skin. Their kiss deepened as his hands travelled up on her sides. Kagura moaned a little into their kiss as he passed by her covered breasts. She felt him press his hips against her backside, she knew he was weak for her cries of pleasure.
Sougo's hands settled to hold her waist firmly. Then he broke their kiss to shift his attention to her neck. His breaths against her pulse quickly changed into wet kisses. Kagura's eyes closed again as he sucked the sensitive skin on her neck.
Her hands settled to grip his shoulders. Sougo paused his kisses and leaned to her ear. ”Now Kagura, I need you now.”
His voice was unbearable, she exhaled heavily as the desire to surrender to his plead grew inside her. His words sent sparks all around her, she felt her whole body screaming for him, she needed him too.
They didn't have a lot of time, but there was nothing that could stop them, the raw carnal need was truly undownable. Sougo watched his wife's face as she swallowed and parted her perfect lips just a little bit.
She chose her words carefully. ”Take me”, she begged, with a slightly demanding voice.
Sougo's eyes flashed, nothing was hotter than hearing that. He exhaled heavily, hardly containing his excitement. Sougo guided her to face him. She narrowly opened her eyes to look at him. ”Gladly,” he said with a  smile and kissed her.
Without any further delays, he began to pull the kimono off her. Kagura dropped her hands to her sides and the red piece of clothing slid to the floor. His hands were everywhere, enjoying the smoothness of her milky skin, admiring the firmness of her muscles, he enjoyed his wife's strength as much as she did his.
Sougo was kissing her earlobe as his hands rose up to her breasts. Kagura wanted to get things going so she wanted to help him. She began to unhook her bra, but was quickly stopped by Sougo. ”No time for that,” he murmured into her ear.
Kagura gasped as Sougo pulled her bra down to rest on her waist. He glanced at her and she blushed a little. ”So impatient...” Kagura teased, despite how much he turned her on with his actions. He gave her a sly smile and kissed her again, those puckered lips were just too delicious to be left alone. One hand caressed Kagura's breasts, but the other began to drop down. He went all the way down, hand slipping under her red panties.
Kagura broke their kiss with a loud moan as she felt his fingers touching her folds. Though it wasn't a surprise for Sougo, it always felt amazing to feel her already soaking wet before doing much of anything. She was ready for him, she was pretty sure she had been wet since yesterday.
She felt his dick throb against her back as he positioned his fingers to tease her clit. With slow circular motions he turned Kagura's hopeless panting into a steady moaning. ”Ah, Sougo, stop teasing me”, she pleaded and tightened her grip on his shoulders. Sougo paid no mind to her words and continued to kiss her neck.
Sougo kept warming her up despite the strict time limit. Kagura wiggled against him, she couldn't keep still as the sensation was too intense. Sougo added just the right amount of speed, making Kagura's moans turn down right desperate.
She hadn't been touched by him for so long, his kisses on her neck, his skillful fingers giving the friction she needed. Kagura threw her head back to lean against his shoulder as she rested her hands on Sougo's nape.
Sougo's intention was to tease her a little, but he was absolutely addicted to hear her pleasure. Kagura moans got louder and more rapid. ”I-I'm...” she cried.
Kagura was on the edge of her release and Sougo was happy to grant it to her. He added a tiny amount of pressure on his motion and watched as Kagura gasped for air. All of a sudden she slapped her hands on Sougo's arm, halting his actions for a moment. She opened her eyes to look at him, her face was flushed and Sougo loved how deeply she glared at him, eyes oozing from sexual energy.
”Please stop,” Kagura commanded.
Sougo felt a little puzzled for a moment. ”Why? You were so close”, he said with a tint of disappointment in his voice.
Kagura swallowed and pulled his hand out of her panties without breaking their eye contact. ”I don't want to come like that...I want more,” Kagura whispered and kissed Sougo's neck a little. He hummed in appreciation, her words clearly had an impact on him. ”I need you.”
Sougo felt shivers jolt around his back. ”I can make you feel more...” he husked.
Kagura huffed a little and turned around in his arms to face him. She tugged his hair from the back of his head with both hands. ”Then stop talking and show me, yes,” Kagura said and pulled him into a kiss.
Her kiss was so demanding, she was clearly driven with pure carnal need. After all she was on the verge of orgasm a moment ago so any sort of teasing or delay would be out of question for her.
Sougo wasn't any different from her, he too was aching with need. Effortlessly as ever, Sougo lifted Kagura up to sit on the drawer. She spread her legs to let him come closer to her. Kagura moaned wildly into their kiss as Sougo traced his fingers all over her thighs and pressed his hips to hers.
She began to undress Sougo from his yukata. After the piece of clothing dropped off him Kagura's hands roamed around his toned upper body. She took a peek at him during their kiss and to her pleasant surprise he didn't have any underwear. He surely came to bed prepared last night, she thought.
Sougo broke their kiss and leaned to nibble on her ear. ”Be a good girl and take off your panties,” he ordered with a sultry whisper.
”No, I can't wait any longer Sougo...just pull them to the side,” she breathed as he kissed her neck. Sougo's breath hitched, he thought Kagura couldn't get any sexier than she already was, but apparently she could.
Sougo did as he was told and pulled those damned sinful panties out of his way. Kagura yelped as Sougo pulled her hips closer to the edge of the drawer. He pressed his erection against her slick folds and grunted at the contact. He moved his hands from her hips to her thighs and pushed them to spread her legs wider.
Kagura arched her back and pressed her palms firmly against the wooden drawer. He stopped kissing her neck and returned to her pink pout, just tenderly tasting her lips. His crimson eyes weren't on fire anymore, they were ablaze.
”Please, I need to feel you”, Kagura whispered.
She didn't have to tell him twice. Sougo located her entrance with his dick and the warm wetness felt so inviting. Then after all the waiting, he entered her. She was so wet and willing that he slid all the way inside with the first move. Sougo exhaled heavily, the first thrust in was always the best. She felt perfectly tight as her walls welcomed him in.
Kagura moaned loudly as he entered her, she was ecstatic to feel the friction she had missed. After she adjusted to his size, she bucked her hips a little and tightened her inner walls around him. ”Fuck...you're so...” Sougo moaned and dropped his head to rest on Kagura's shoulder.
Kagura stopped her motions and wrapped her hands around his waist. ”Huh, what's wrong?” she panted.
Sougo chuckled in between his panting. ”Nothing, I just sound like some cherry boy having sex for the first time.”
Kagura giggled a little at him. ”Oh, poor you,” she said and tightened her walls around him again, making him grunt with pleasure.
Sougo let go of her thighs and Kagura positioned them nicely against his legs. He bucked his hips again to get the idea of thrusting into her again and again feel irresistable. ”You just feel so fucking good,” he husked and hungrily claimed her lips.
Kagura gnawed her fingers onto his shoulder blades as Sougo began to find the rhythm with his hips. He was eager to fuck her as hard as he could, but at first he wanted to keep everything nice and slow. Deep thrusts, each savouring in the feeling of filling her pussy.
Sougo wanted a better angle to hit her pleasure spot easier. He took a firm grip of her hips. Kagura was so overwhelmed of feeling him after a long time of waiting, she allowed him to move her as he liked.
With the angle corrected Kagura started to lose focus with kissing, she was lost in the feeling of utter ecstasy. She had to break their kiss to scream from the satisfaction. Kagura moaned and gasped for air as Sougo picked up the pace of his thrusts.
Sougo was as lost in the euphoria as his wife was. Neither could hardly kiss with all the panting and moaning. The more he hit her spot, the closer Kagura came to feeling the familiar feeling pooling inside her. She was close to her well deserved release.
Sougo had always been proud of his stamina, but this time he could have peeked almost immediately after entering her. Still, there was no way in hell Sougo was going to let that happen. Kagura was going to come first, no matter how hard it was going to be for him.
He felt Kagura's walls pulsating around him and it could only mean one thing. Her breathing was incoherent and her moans were coming out with rapid pace.
With a loud cry oh his name her mind went blank from her intense release. Sougo felt her walls squeezing around him, her nails grazing his skin, her hot breaths telling of her state of mind. With the next thrust he finally allowed himself to follow her orgasm with his own.
Kagura exhaled deeply as her peek began to sizzle down to a wonderful feeling of relaxation. Both were still panting, bodies slumped against the surprisingly sturdy drawer, sweaty fore-heads pressed together.
”Huh...I...I...” Kagura breathed.
”What? Huh...”
Kagura swallowed and tried to get her words out. ”I love you...huh...and your dick.”
Sougo laughed as he simultaneously pulled himself out of her. He kissed her gently and Kagura felt his smile through the sweet affection. ”I love you too...and my dick.”
Kagura snorted and tried to hold in her laughter. ”Shut up stupid.”
Sougo rolled his eyes playfully at her. Kagura rested her head against his bare chest, still basking in the afterglow of her orgasm. She closed her eyes and hummed deeply.
”I'm gonna nap here real quick, 'kay?” Kagura said and nuzzled her head against him.
”Are you sure about that?”
Sougo shook his head a bit. He swooped his wife from the drawer into his arms and carried her bridal style to their bed.
Kagura wasn't putting up a fight when he placed her softly on the futon, laid right next to her and pulled the covers over them. Sougo tried to spoon Kagura, but she muttered something to herself before he even touched her.
”Are you okay?”
*more quiet muttering*
Kagura stretched one hand behind her and unhooked her bra. ”These are so annoying, yes”, she said and flung them somewhere far away. Then she scooted her butt against Sougo. He chuckled a little and pulled her closer.
His other hand settled to caress her soft belly. Kagura loved the silence around them, she could focus solely on being there with her sadist of a husband. Suddenly she snapped out of the soothing bliss.
”Oi, we can't be sleeping right now.”
”Why not?”
”Gin-chan and kids are going to be here any minute now, yes.”
”You know he's always late.”
Kagura looked back a bit, memorizing all the times Gintoki was dropping off their children. ”Hmm...I guess you're right.”
Sougo kissed her nape and nuzzled his head against her wild vermillion hair. ”Close your eyes,” he said quietly. Kagura inhaled deeply and relaxed her whole body as her eyes shut close.
”I'm really glad we had enough time to...you know-”
”To bang?”
”You're so crude...”
”Oh, and you're not miss foul mouth?”
”I'm miss Okita and I'm a real lady.”
Sougo laughed quietly. ”I can't argue that.”
He knew Kagura was smiling, she had a cute habit of squeezing her toes a little when she smiled genuinely. Kagura glanced at him behind her shoulder. ”Can you hold me closer?” she asked sweetly.
His answer was to do just that.
”Alright, we're here,” Gintoki said as he stepped closer to the front door of Sougo and Kagura's house (50 minutes late). He used his spare key and opened the door.
The house seemed to be very quiet despite it was already mid-day. Gintoki announced their arrival and squinted his eyes with suspicion as no-one was there to welcome them in. Souichiro, Mitsuna and Kanna sat down to take off their shoes.
”Wait here kids”, Gintoki said and kicked his shoes off.
”Is something wrong uncle Gin-chan?” Souichiro asked.
”No no, I'm just going to check something real quick.”
Gintoki entered the living-room, which was empty. Then he checked the kitchen, empty as well. From there Gintoki walked to Sougo and Kagura's bedroom door. No matter how much older Kagura grew up, she was still the same 14-year-old girl in Gintoki's eyes.
Kagura had been pregnant three times already, but Gintoki had convinced himself that the babies were delivered by storks. His little innocent Kagura would never make babies with the old-fashioned way.
Gintoki pressed his ear against the door. He didn't hear anything too alarming for a foster-father. Without thinking about it further, Gintoki opened the door a little.
There he saw the two sleeping in a spoon. Gintoki's eyes ignored all the clothes around the bedroom floor and found the sight of them sleeping together adorable. He didn't want to disturb their rest, he imagined how tiring it was to raise three children with Sofa-kun.
Gintoki closed the door as quietly as he could. He returned to the kids and scratched his natural perm.
”Apparently mami and daddy are runniing some errands,” Gintoki lied. ”How about we take a ride on Sadaharu around Kabukicho, ne?”
”Yay!” All three cheered.
And just like that the house was quiet for three more glorious hours.
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awkward-kouyou-blog · 6 years
About Admin
So I saw a few of the awkward squad did it and I thought I'd do one too since I still have some free time so here we go~
(Nick)name? Preferred pronoun?
Bexi, Bex or Bec are the most common. I'm she/her 🌸
November 22nd, Sagittarius, year of the Tiger. 20 🌸
How would you describe yourself?
Way too passionate about fictional characters, an airhead, a daydreamer, night owl, intense, lazy. I'd say Ranpo is as close as you can get to my personality being similar to oen of the BSD babies 🌸
Reading, writing, seiyuus, learning new stuff 🌸
Are you a fan of anime? If so, what are your favorite ones?
Well yeah I fell down this rabbit whole about six years ago so I'd say I'm a fan haha.
Some of my faves are Gintama, Psycho Pass, BSD obviously, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Durarara, BNHA, Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari, Akatsuki no Yona *the list is long really* 🌸
Do you ship? If so, what is/are your favorite ship(s)?
Tbh it's not really the first thing I notice or pay a lot of attention to in any show, i get swept into shipping the deeper I get into the series. I have no problem with any ship really as long as it's not minor/adult, that just irks me the wrong way. So... Soukoku is 👌🏻 tho, romantic or platonic I just love those two together, I really love Gintsu and Okikagu, and Todomomo 🌸
Favorite character(s)?
I love everyone really but since I can't just list every single one of them the top of the top are the gingers~ Kouyou and Chuuya just bring me so much joy, also Dazai and Ranpo and Gogol (yes a thirsty Gogol stan here woop) 🌸
As for non BSD characters: Sakata Gintoki, Sakamoto Tatsuma, Joseph Joestar, Caesar Zeppeli, Giorno Giovanna, Diego Brando, Izaya Orihara.... many... many... characters...
If you could bring any character to life to become your best friend (or partner), who would it be?
Yosano. We can go shopping and destroy misogynistic jerks while we're at it 🌸
If you could have any superpower (it can be from an anime, movie, video game, or anywhere really), what would it be?
Stand. I'd really love a stand. Like the concept of your soul/will power materializing into a ghost like thing? So freaking interesting and dare I say, fabulous 🌸
How many posts do you plan on posting a day?
I'm not sure really, two-three times a day and open to asks, submissions, interactions with the other blogs. I just want people to have a good time here 🌸
... Eastern European Time
Other blogs/social media you want to share?
Ahm... my main blog is @bexis-mind and it is exactly what the name suggests. I spam-post whatever obsesses me and my twitter, @ErrorNotFound, is the same as my tumblr content wise 🌸
Anything else you'd like to mention?
I just hope I can find more people to fangirl with about anime and whatever else people want to fangirl about ☺
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lunar-tear · 6 years
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@rike-with-love @username-janai-katsura-da @coolthingtrash
1. What got you into Gintama?
A friend told me about it! I was interested because of the parodying (plus Japanese history, I’m a nerd). Also he showed me a picture of Gintoki and I died
2. Do you like the anime or manga better?
I guess I can’t choose, since i started with the anime first? but I love the manga as well, plus there’s a lot of details that weren’t animated so I always made it a point to read!
3. What was your first thought about Gintama?
I saw the introductory special at first and I was confused as hell, but when I got to the ACTUAL first episode, I fell in love with the stupid samurai who caused a riot because his parfait fell.
4. What do you think about Gintama now?
My entire life revolves around it at this point tbh
5. Who’s your favorite character?
Gintoki, Kagura, Tsukuyo, uhhh I’m gonna end up naming all of them lol
6. Who’s your favorite villain?
Oboro (anti-hero?), Utsuro
7. Mention 5 things you hate about Gintama.
The fact that it’s getting over. That is all. 
8. Mention 5 things you love about Gintama.
Only five? aahhh okay let’s see
a) the character designs 
b) relationship development
c) the writing
d) Sadaharu
e) humour!
9. Name your crush from Gintama.
uhhHHHHHH Gintoki and Hijikata
10. Name your OTP. 
11. Name your favorite couples.
Okikagu, Gintsu, Hijimitsu, Katsumatsu
None of them are canon tho ;-; 
12. What character do you feel more related to?
13. Strawberry milk or Mayonnaise?
Strawberry milk 
14. What’s your favorite weapon of choice?
Either sword or kunai
15. If you were a character in Gintama, where would you belong?
(Ninja clan, Yorozuya, Shinsengumi, Kiheitai, Joui, Amanto, Mimawarigumi etc)
16. What did Gintama teach you?
Gorillas will always be gorillas, either police or mangakas
17. What’s your favorite quote?
“If you have the time to fantasize about a beautiful death, why not live beautifully until the end?”
18. What’s your favorite episode?
first part of the confessional arc, the episode where Sadaharu takes care of the little dog, the two-parter that features Kagura and her umbrella, the two parter that introduced the neo armstrong cyclone jet armstrong canon, Madaodog Madaonnaire
19. What episode don’t you like?
Maybe the one that had the water Amanto who wanted to protect the lake? It sort of bored me, but it’s not like I hated it or anything 
20. What would you like as a pet Sadaharu or Elizabeth?
Sadaharu <3
21. What’s your favorite scene?
In the Silver Soul arc, when Gintoki is watching Kagura and Shinpachi sleep and he talks about the fact that they stuck by him all these years. Hurt my heart
Also when Sadaharu was stopping the main Altana fissure and having yorozuya flashbacks, I cried for like the entire 25 minutes that episode lasted, and then some
ALSO one of the Valentine’s episode when Kagura says she doesn’t need chocolates to convey her planet sized love for Gin and Patsuan 
22. If you could ask Sorachi to revive a character, who would it be?
23. What moment is the saddest ever for you?
The Joui war flashback, when Gin is about to behead Shouyou and he thanks him. Also Kamui lying on Kagura’s lap after they fight, the Shogun’s death :(
24. What episode makes you laugh no matter how many times you watch it?
All of them :D 
25. What character do you think shouldn’t exist in Gintama?
Can’t answer this. Every character played a significant role in Gintama and it would be incomplete without any of them.
26. What is the most badass moment in Gintama?
27. If you could tell something to Sorachi, what would it be?
I’d thank him and tell him he literally changed my life. 
28. What is your favorite opening?
Know Know Know- DOES, Sakura Mitsutsuki- SPYAIR, Pride Kakumei- CHiCO with HoneyWorks (y’all didn’t really think I could choose just one, right?) 
29. What is your favorite ending?
Hikari Shoumeiron- CHiCO with HoneyWorks, Glorious Days- THREE LIGHTS DOWN KINGS, Acchi Muite- Swimy, Destiny- Negoto
30. Favorite character with glasses.
You mean favourite glasses with the character, right? Shinpachi 
31. Favorite d*ck scene.
32. Name five characters you love.
*Proceeds to name 99% of the Gintama cast because I can’t do math*
33. If you lived in the Gintama world for a day, what would you do?
Meet as many people as possible!!
34. Shinsengumi team or Yorozuya team?
Yorozuya, because I would actually die at the hands of the Kyokkuchuu-Hatto
35. If you could write a letter to ShigeShige, what would it be? 
Mostly just me talking about how much I miss him? ;-;
36. Describe your feelings about the ‘Shogun assassination arc’ so far in anime or what you thought of it in manga.
100% destroyed me
37. Describe your feelings about the current manga arc and what would you tell Sorachi about it.
Since Gintama is ending... I’m indescribably sad, but at the same time so happy to have been able to be a part of this journey.
38. How would you like Gintama to end?
Just let them be happy, that’s all. 
39. If you could meet Gintoki from the past, after the war but before he met Otose and the kids, what would you tell him?
It gets better, and one day you will be loved by so many wonderful people. 
40. If you could meet a character in real life, who would it be and what would you tell them?
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razberryyum · 6 years
A Gintama chapter a day keeps the ending away...Lesson 527
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aka, one of my favorite chapters in one of my favorite arcs of all time. Oh wait, I said the same thing last chapter. Oh well. It’s true though. Love love LOVE this chapter and this arc. The Snack Smile scene is just...I really can’t think of any other word than LOVE. Love love LOVE IT. Not to mention, this chap features all three of my main OTPs: GinHiji, OkiKagu, KonTae. It’s truly glorious.
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1) Zura!! I was so happy to see him!! When he appeared at the beginning of this chapter, I immediately started hoping that he would finally get to participate in a serious arc since he’s usually forced to sit them out. I loved his tribute to Shi-chan: so touching, so sweet.
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2) Awww...
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3) ...she misses Kondou...
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4) ...they both miss Kondou. Ugh, my heart. I wish he could have known their feelings.
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5) I wanted to kiss Kozenigata for inviting Gintoki to Hijikata’s welcome party. 
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6) Dear Haji, she gets it. She obviously ships Gintoki and Hijikata too.
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7) They are so adorable I can’t even. This was probably the first time Toshi had any levity since probably as far back as ShigeShige’s death. Kondou’s arrest most likely made him feel worse. Really, again, bless Kozenigata for inviting Gintoki to the party.  
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8) But then these two assholes had to show up and shit on the party. I loved Hijikata’s look...he was ready to kill their asses.
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9) Again, Hijikata’s expression. I still amazes me NobuNobu lived utter another word.
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10) What kind of idiot would still stand around threatening this man after seeing that look on his face? 
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11) Omgggggggg swoooonnnnnn!
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12) When I first saw this, I probably screamed in happiness when Kagura and Sadaharu appeared to “rescue” Okita. 
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13) I wanted to kill NobuNobu myself. I hated him so much at this point; I still can’t believe Sorachi-sama managed to redeem this asshole. 
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14) I love that the focus is on Gintoki since he was essentially forced to do the same thing, and worse, since he had to actually carry out his leader’s execution. Such a perfectly set up moment.
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15) Their reactions to NobuNobu striking down two of Tae-chan’s coworkers in cold blood. He was such a horrible villain! I seriously can’t believe I actually have warm feelings for him now. Sorachi-sama is amazing. 
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16) I was so proud of Tae-chan for totally standing up to NobuNobu.
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17) I loved the setup of this moment...
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18) ...which led to this. I love this moment so damn much. Gintoki sacrificing his face to save Hijikata and probably the entire Shinsengumi from being executed. If Hijikata had hit NobuNobu, it would’ve been all over for him for sure. He would have been executed alongside Kondou and Matsudaira. Gintoki did this to save him. And my heart just about burst into a tiny happy floating pieces.
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19) Gintoki is holding Hijikata’s hand. I am not going to apologize for my fangirling. I deserved this. 
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20) I CHEERED. And then of course was immediately worried for Gintoki. I didn’t want him to be executed either. 
Gintoki x Hijikata: I’ve probably said enough already so I’ll just leave it at Squeeeee!
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Okita x Kagura: she appeared like a beacon of light out of the darkness for him. She loves him. I refuse to believe otherwise.
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Kondou x Otae: I’ve always believed that this is where Tae-chan started to really come around on Kondou and her feelings of annoyance with him began to turn into love and affection. She missed him and obviously admired him. I just wish he wasn’t in prison for all this. He would’ve been so happy to see her defend him.
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Kondou x Hijikata: Toshi missed Kondou too. Of course I can’t board this ship but I totally understand why people do.
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Kozenigata x Otae: he was being a bit presumptuous with that “Otae-chan”. 
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Gintoki x Hijikata x Otae: personally, I think it was more KonTae than anything since she was missing him, but if this 3P makes you happy, I can see that too.  
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NobuNobu x Otae: he was a total creep doing a total creep thing, but he weirdly lingered on her for a tad bit too long so I have to recognize that.
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Disclaimer: Gintama is not only about shipping. Gintama is hilarious, clever, exciting, poignant, heart-breaking, loving, brilliant, and just so freaking amazing.  It is only due to Sorachi-sama’s generosity that I can enjoy Gintama on yet another level, the shippy level, and I am forever grateful for that. GINTAMA IS LIFE AND LOVE.
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iyonnas-blog · 7 years
Me: That's it. I'm going to stop shipping okikagu a little too much. They may not be endgame and their story may lead to some tragedy.
My mind: thinks about the cliff scene where Sougo was willing to let his guard down so he can save Kagura from falling, despite knowing that holding her hand can lead to his death because he will have an open back to his enemies. Also, did I mention that Kagura was willing to fall just so she won't be a burden to him and so Sougo could protect himself from the attacks? And hey, how about that scene where Kagura was held hostage by Nobume and Sougo was sweating bullets and was ready to fucking cut Nobume when she put her blade on Kagura's neck. And hey, did I forget to mention that one scene where Kagura willingly had a heart-to-heart talk with Sougo despite them being rivals? How about that one episode where Kagura was faking illness and Sougo was the only one who noticed that she was alive and was followed by the line, 'if their love for you is real, they'll definitely notice’? But yo, how about that one scene where Sougo actually said goodbye to Kagura before leaving. He fought with her with a fucking grin on his face like he’s enjoying being with her. He even told her not to lose to anyone else. That gave me a flashback at that one arc where Kagura was having a hard time defending herself from an enemy and Sougo saved her saying, 'only I am allowed to beat that girl'. How about that one arc where Kagura was shot in the leg yet Sougo refused to leave her? And hey, are we just gonna ignore the fact that when the Shinsengumi came back in the manga, he talked to her first. He approached her first.
Me: ...Back on my bullshit.
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mazusu · 7 years
Everyone here knows that I don’t complain about anything at all and usually I avoid conflicts. But this is really pissing me off. I got blocked together with one of the blogs that I’m an admin (fygintama) and the reason: I ship Okikagu.
Usually when I see a gintama post in my dashboard I reblog it, but from a certain person I couldn’t do it anymore even with my main blog and fygintama. And I was like: why? Then, I visited their blog and I saw that this person hates okikagu, and what I did? Nothing. I respected their opinion. That was the end for me, I didn’t look for anything more, and that’s all. But, time passed and another admin of fygintama asked if maybe one of us besides her was blocked because she couldn’t reblog that certain person posts as well, and I was like: wait, I got blocked. And again, that’s it. We didn’t do anything.
That was until today. Why? I saw a post about gintama character’s age, and I wanted to see that post and clicked on “keep reading” and which blog it was from? That certain person that I think everyone knows for now. Ok, I saw that  and I was like: I don’t agree at all and clicked on their personal tags and I’m speechless.
I’m gonna show the facts now. That post about gintama character’s age is because the “desperately needed on account of the huge amount of fans romanticizing pairings with power imbalances. not to mention the 21+ year old fans sexualizing characters who are eighteen and/or younger.” ??? Hold on, I think you just made this post because you hate Okita Sougo and you don’t ship Okikagu as well. Why?? In your ramblings you said many times that you hate Sougo and Okikagu. Not to mention that I’m pretty sure this 21+ years old is really specific, don’t you think? Wow, I’m amazed because it’s exactly the age of the other fygintama admin that you blocked. Also, this one: “i don’t interact with this fandom anymore but i will say this: if you’re a g/ntama blog with lots of followers you have an even bigger responsibility to protect minors from harm; that means recognizing that crapikagu (okik@gu) IS pedophilia/abuse and ignoring this and allowing it to happen by reblogging fanworks or following people who ship them is only creating a safe space for pedophiles.” I’m sorry?????? I’m sure this is about fygintama and some other blogs that I know and this is pretty ofensive, you know? You are talking as you know for sure what we are and what we think not to mention that you are doing false accusations. Wait, so you only talked about Okikagu, so what is your opinion of the ones that ship Ginkagu? I’m pretty curious. What are they? “Garbage” as you said that people shipping Okikagu are? Do you hate Sougo because he’s a sadist? And Gintoki, what is he? Do you really think Sorachi would write a character that encourages pedophilia? I don’t think so. Why? Because the main focus of Gintama is to break stereotypes and to question a lot of the society’s problems. I’m shocked, because you do as you wish, call other blogs “garbage” and that’s just because you hate a character so much.
Also, why do you keep watching / reading gintama? Why do you even blog about this? Nowadays you only complain about the series and the fandom. And what the meaning of this?: “#how weak do you have to be if you can't even handle criticisms at level 1” Just who cannot handle criticism? Who cannot handle with other people thinking differently from you?
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arasei · 6 years
wanted to ask if u have any favorite okikagu fics ?? like maybe some recs !! ty
Oh boy, do I have a list for you!
First off, I should mention that anything written by skymetaphors is a godsend. They have the most beautiful writing, and their multi-chapter fic, Their Velocity, is amazing! It’s a kind-of modern AU, and I reread it often purely just to absorb how nicely they put words together. That said, their one-shots are also just as gorgeous, and my honest to god inspiration.
Another great writer is sun-summoning here on tumblr! They’ve done quite a few short prompts for okikagu which you can find in their Gintama fic masterlist, which are all SO. GOOD. So do check them out if you’re interested as well!
Now, the fun begins >:D
Love doesn’t always play out perfectly like it does in your nightly television dramas
Fighting against her makes his heartbeat race, but fighting beside her makes it beat twice as fast.
This is a great fic! It’s told from Sougo’s perspective and homeboy is so hopelessly in love I cri. He’s not afraid to admit to himself and others (which I adore), but as expected from our favorite sadist, he has a strange way of showing it :’)
the quickest way to a man’s heart is actually a stab through his chest
The mission is a resounding success. The only problem is—
‘You broke two of your ribs, had half a tooth knocked out and your neck half fractured,’ Hijikata says, scanning the report five days later.
Okita nods.
‘All of which were given to you by your partner,’ Hijikata continues, incredulous. He looks up at Okita, appearing uncharacteristically mind-boggled for once. ‘And is that a bite mark on your arm?’
I never knew how badly I needed a Spy AU before I read this, and it kills me how the author has only written one thing for Gintama, because they are so good! Their writing is excellent, their sense of humor is fantastic, and the okikagu is perfect. The only thing I can complain about is that it was toO SHORT ;0;
the thing about a chance encounter is that it never stays just a chance encounter
It’s the dead of winter and here she is, glowing with slick red on her face, fists, and the linings of her cheongsam. Why he couldn’t ever manage to cross her path without there at least any evidence of violence, he does not bother to ask. The sight of it almost feels like a homecoming, somehow – last rites for a world neither of them has the heart to bury.
Set in the Be Forever Yorozuya universe.
So while I was looking through the a03 okikagu tag for the fics I wanted to link in this post, I came across this one? And to my surprise, I found that I had actually never read it before?? Which is a crying shame because it is. So. Good???
A Marriage Is Two Parts Violence, One Part Stupidity
“We should get married”, Okita says between one punch and the next.
I think about this fic a lot, it’s awesome.
Little Hell
Okita Sougo has lived in his apartment building for years without trouble. When he gains a new neighbour who’s rude, loud, obnoxious and messy, his patience finally runs out. They spend most of their free time antagonizing each other, but eventually Sougo finds his life is pretty boring without her in it. In the beginning they were each other’s personal Hell; eventually they start to become each other’s personal heaven.
If you love Modern AU’s, you will definitely love this one. Katie’s writing is spectacular, and the fic has hijimitsu too!
I See Red
3Z Universe. As punishment for fighting, Okita is forced to tutor Kagura, the transfer student. As they get closer, they are both forced to face the unpleasant things they did in the past.
This one is still ongoing, but you bet that I keep up with it religiously because I LOVE a good 3Z AU. The plot is getting really intense too!
Fight Club
Struck with a bolt of obviously pure genius, Kagura and Sougo decide to get rich quick by running a totally legitimate fight ring to have people bet on the fights they would’ve had anyway. With Shinpachi as their manager, repressed mushy feelings, and criminals as their fanbase, what could possibly go wrong?
I’ve only read this the one time, but from what I remember it was pretty good! it has a lot of dadtoki (you can never go wrong with that lmao) and brotp with Shinpachi :D
“She had been torn to pieces, but he had been able to make her whole again.”
I wasn’t going to include this one since it’s pretty famous so I’m sure you already know it, but in case you didn’t, its a collection of oneshots set in the Be Forever Yorozuya universe. It’s pretty dark, but it has it’s fluffy moments too, and is really well written to boot.
And I think those are the most notable ones! I’m most definitely missing some, so if I come across them I’ll came back and edit this post. If you found me through my drawings and not my writing, I also post okikagu stuff on a03 if you wanna check my fics out too!
If anybody has fics they wanna add, feel free to reblog with other links :D
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razberryyum · 7 years
A Gintama chapter a day keeps the ending away...Lesson 271
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I just like how Kagura is positioned behind Sougo, like they’re on the same team (which, by default, they were).
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First time I saw this I remember thinking something like, “omg, they’re tied up together, next to each other, so cute!",  "omg, Kagura’s side-eyeing Okita, so cute!”. Yeah I probably wasn’t focusing on what I was supposed to be paying attention to, like the plot. 
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Awww, how can anyone not love this guy? So honorable.
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Okita being all wise and Kagura just giving him that whatever look. 
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And just like that, their date took a turn for the worse.
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Okita pretty much channeling his dear commander Kondou.
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And their date amazingly got worser still. I felt most bad for Kirie, who was submerged in Kagura’s vomit while she was still unconscious. She had no chance to protect herself.
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Uncomfortable mention of Kondou, and even though Sougo didn’t take a dump (thank gods), Kagura did still puke all over the place so they were still knee deep in yuckiness.
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Awww. Team Samurai forever!
OkiKagu: they had date-like vibes up until here, and how I wish he asked her something more romantic than whether or not he could shit where they sat. 
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Disclaimer: Gintama is not only about shipping. Gintama is hilarious, clever, exciting, poignant, heart-breaking, loving, brilliant, and just so freaking amazing.  It is only due to Sorachi-sama’s generosity that I can enjoy Gintama on yet another level, the shippy level, and I am forever grateful for that. GINTAMA IS LIFE AND LOVE.
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