#did this while on a coffee high lets goooo
ritzy-reminiscence · 1 year
─♣️─ Lackadaisy : Snuggle Struggles
⸝⸝ tl;dr : after running dangerously close to death during a fight with a rival speakeasy, freckle, ivy, and rocky seek solace + slumber in an abandoned barn, wherein freckle and ivy have a moment and ... fight over the blankets ? ⸝⸝ note : inspired by what @avatarvyakara said in my previous lackadaisy post ! thank u so much for lighting this funky little idea in my brain ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
⸝⸝ note² : 3k+ words ,,, currently unedited as of posting this, so expect edits and little things to be added in the future ! also, i'd like to thank thesaurus.com for supplying my dried-up vocabulary with synonyms for 'smile' and 'laugh'.
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It was an adrenaline-pumped Rocky that drove their car -- smoking, one of the tires ominously squealing -- into the sanctuary of an abandoned barn. It rumbled and swayed down the worn dirt path, once kept spotlessly clean but was now littered with dead leaves and rocks and tufts of grass that had crept up through the dry soil. The full moon gave Rocky at least a bit of visibility, however dappled and blurred it may be through a canopy of tall willow trees, their drooping leaves swaying like sickly fingers in the wind. Ribbits of frogs and hums of cicadas joined the car's squeaking song, culminating into a cacophony that only seemed to shatter the frigid night air.
"It's not much," came Rocky's voice, sticking his head out the window to peer at the broken-down barn, "but it should keep us safe for the night."
In the backseat, Freckle fidgeted with the buttons on his waistcoat. Ivy sat next to him, keeping a tight grip on the half-a-dozen whiskey bottles they managed to salvage from an earlier fight with a rival speakeasy gang. It was their only reminder of what they had gone through during the night -- if you didn't count the bruises, cuts, gashes, and pains all three rookie rumrunners nursed.
And by God, do those bruises hurt.
It was the only thing Freckle could feel as Rocky slowed the car to a stop behind the barn; as they all clambered out of the busted up vehicle and opened the barn doors with a creak that shook the whole place; as Ivy found a set of matches on the hay-strewn floor and lit up the rusting lanterns hanging from the walls. While there aren't any sheep or chickens in the barn, the smell of them still lingered in the haystacks piled up in the corners of the drafty building, and it made Freckle nauseous. Through pain-dazed eyes, he watched from his spot on the floor as Ivy and Rocky gathered bundles of hay up the rickety ladder to the hayloft. He tried to keep his eyes open, to stand up and help, but the rafters spun and the floor swirled and the blood rushed into his head as he felt his body fall forwards and --
-- land onto a ... surprisingly soft wood floor ?
Not a floor, he eventually realized, opening his eyes and seeing a lantern swing softly overhead. Seeing Rocky's and Ivy's faces, the former grinning down at Freckle and the latter scrunching her nose. A bed made of straw. He gingerly moved his body, and felt hay prick his sides and tickle his arms.
"See, Miss Pepper, no harm done!" "Rocky, I said gently lower him onto the straw, not drop him onto the straw like a bag of rocks." "Miss Pepper, you knew that I had spaghetti arms - it'll take me awhile to get my muscles stiffened up to be linguine. And besides, I got him up to the hayloft, didn't I?"
Freckle strained his ears to listen as their voices got quieter. Their mouths were moving, and he was sure they were speaking. So why couldn't he hear them? He could only see their muzzles opening and stretching and closing. Could only see their eyes widening in and then their brows furrowing in tandem as the world closed in on him and he knew no more.
✧ ‧˚₊ ° ♣️ ° ₊˚‧✧
The next time Freckle opened his eyes, it was to see Rocky balancing on precariously stacked blocks of old hay, rotting wooden chairs, and damp barrels, straining to reach a couple of quilts hanging from the rafters.
"Keep those haystacks steady, Miss Pepper!" "I'm trying!"
Freckle heard a triumphant whoop of glee from Rocky as his paws held onto the ends of the fabric, followed by a wobbling scream and a thunderous crash as Rocky, haystacks, chairs, and barrels fell to the floor.
Freckle sat upright -- and immediately regretted it. He pinned his ears back and released his breath in a hiss as a fresh wave of pain gripped him around the chest.
"Rocky! Are you alright?" Ivy's shrill question of concern. A chuckle that turned into a cackle, and a mussed-up paw holding up two grubby quilts. "Right as rain!"
Freckle coughed and tried to breathe steadily, but it felt like knives were cutting into his skin everytime he did so.
Rocky and Ivy turned their heads to look at him, their ears facing forward and their tails thumping the floor.
"Rocky," Freckle started, taking in the strands of hay clinging to his cousin's fur and clothes, "are you sure you're okay?"
Rocky blinked, his mouth forming a small 'o' before splitting into an ear-to-ear 'v'.
" 'Course I am, dear cousin!" he replied, erupting into raucous laughter. "Nothing ol' Rocky can't handle!" He threw the quilts in Freckle's direction, and they landed with a heavy thud on the railings of the hayloft. "Are you okay, though?"
Freckle thought about that for a bit. "Better than before," he finally muttered.
To this, Rocky's grin spread even wider. "Well, I'll be taking my leave to go check on the car, then. Miss Pepper, take care of Freckle for me while I'm gone, will ya? Will ya -- ? Good! I won't take long, I'll just make sure the car is alright, and in the meantime you two go on and rest and cuddle and snuggle and neck--"
Rocky stopped, smiling sheepishly. "Did I say anything?"
And just like that, he was walking out of the barn with a bounce to his step before Freckle could respond, the barn door shutting behind him with a resounding boom. Freckle sank deeper into the bed with a sigh, as Ivy climbed the ladder and took the two quilts on the splintery railings into her arms.
"By 'check on the car', does Rocky mean sleep in the car or leave the two of us alone so we can 'rest and cuddle and snuggle and neck'?" Ivy paused, as if in thought about something. "But then again, Rocky probably meant both," she added with a small giggle.
In response, Freckle let out a chuckle, and then a wince as he put a paw to his bruised ribs -- bruised or broken? Ivy's eyes widened with concern and she scuttled towards Freckle and began to prop his head up with one of the quilts.
"N-no, it's fine, Miss Pepper," wheezed Freckles, and Ivy laughed and propped him up anyways.
"Don't be silly, Calvin, you need it more than I do. And I already told you," she added, moving closer and sitting next to him, pulling her knees to her chin, "to call me Ivy."
Freckle could only nod dumbly, feeling the blush creep up to his cheeks. Ivy laughed and slid down to lay on her back, turning on her side and propping herself on her elbow to peer at Freckle.
"You know, Rocky did the right thing, leaving the two of us in here," she said, her tone low, an intimate murmur meant only for him. "You're really cute when you blush like that."
And that sent Freckle into a flurry of blushes and stammers, much to Ivy's delight and to his embarassment (or was he really embarassed, though?). Ivy laughed again -- musical, bright, lilting -- and she wriggled closer, her bottom lip below her teeth. Freckle could almost see his reflection in her eyes.
She smiled again, softer and sweeter this time. Overhead, the wind blew and whistled, making the rafters groan. Noticing this, Ivy reached behind her for the other quilt. She grimaced at the state of the fabric, but then shook her head and pulled it with a flourish so that it covered both her and Freckle.
"We better be heading to sleep," said Ivy, snuggling next to him and resting her head on his shoulder. "Rocky would probably wake us up in the crack of dawn, and your bruises need time to heal before he starts bouncing the car down the interstate again."
"Rocky probably wouldn't sleep tonight, anyways," Freckle blurted out, more to just speak out of anything.
"Probably," Ivy repeated, nodding. She looked up at him, her expression soft. "Well, goodnight, Calvin."
"Goodnight, Miss Pep- Ivy. Goodnight, Ivy. S-sleep well."
The sides of Ivy's mouth quirked up. She lowered her head and closed her eyes, her breathing steady.
Letting out an exhale, Freckle turned his head to stare up at the ceiling. Outside, the frogs resumed their croaking, and the cicadas continued their humming. The wind joined in, rustling the leaves of the willow trees outside. Ivy's breathing syncing up with his. It rocked him like how a mother rocks her child, the sounds of the barn and the woods and their breathing lulling him to sleep like a gentle balm to his heart.
✧ ‧˚₊ ° ♣️ ° ₊˚‧✧
It was dark, so dark Ivy couldn't even see her own paws. The lanterns must've been died down, she thought. Squinting in the gloom, she could faintly make out the silhouette of the embers of the coal of their overhead lantern turning from red to black. A shiver ran through Ivy's body, rustling her fur. Dark, and cold. Why was it so cold? She reached for the quilt -- and found that it wasn't anywhere near her. Confused, she sat up, and in the thin rays of moonlight the boarded-up barn windows let in she saw Calvin's body, turned on his side with his back to her and the folds of the quilt all bunched up beside him. No wonder why it's freezing.
She moved closer to him, fitting her front to his back and pulling the quilt back over the both of them. She let out a small gasp at the heat from Freckle's body, and she tentatively wrapped her arms around his middle, avoiding his ribs. Then she snuggled her cheek against his back, and sighed in content. Pulling the quilt back over the both of them, she closed her eyes and felt herself returning to slumber.
Until sometime later a breeze ran through the barn and Ivy felt the tips of her tail stand up.
She opened her eyes, groggy with sleep, and peered through the darkness once more. Calvin had rolled farther from her, bringing the quilt with him. Her lips in a peeved pout, she took hold of one end of the quilt and tugged, covering herself with the sliver of fabric that she had managed to pull from Calvin. Relaxing, she closed her eyes again and was already feeling sleep taking over her body when --
-- the blanket rolled away from her again and she sat up, ever so slightly livid from the effects of the cold and her sore body and her tiredness all combined.
Frustrated, she crawled towards Calvin again, and was ready to go into battle for the quilt when she saw him curled up, shivering, his knees to his chest and his tail wrapped around his legs. In horror, Ivy gave herself a mental smack on the head. He's the one with the bruised ribs, not you! Chagrin overcame her, and she softly whispered an apology before tucking the edges of the quilt around his body and settling to lay beside him, softly hugging him from behind in an attempt to warm him up with whatever body heat she had left in her. After all, she consoled herself, the socks on her feet was thick and her jacket, regardless of how soiled and roughed up it is, was soft. She could handle being cold for a couple of hours.
She quieted down, her body relaxing and her eyes closing once more. Eventually her breathing steadied, and she was asleep.
✧ ‧˚₊ ° ♣️ ° ₊˚‧✧
Freckle felt like he was rising from a deep jar of very thick molasses.
Slowly, his senses awoke and came to life. His ears heard the soft chirp of birds; his eyes saw the few rays of weak sun slipping through the cracks of the boarded windows and the dust motes that danced and swirled in it; his hands registered the dirt-caked patchwork of the quilt and with it the sleeping figure beside him.
The sleeping figure ... curled up into a ball, arms folded across her chest, ears pinned back, tail as stiff as a board and eyebrows knotted together. His brain struggled to think. Why was Ivy sleeping like that? Hesitantly, he reached out to touch the tips of her ears -- they were freezing. Freckle frowned, trying to recall the night before. The night before was filled with pain from his bruised ribs ... and the unusually harsh bite of an autumn breeze. In dread, everything clicked into place. He looked at the quilt gathered around him, then at Ivy's body, then back to the quilt and back to the body, over and over again until he felt like he was going to throw up.
Ivy slept last night without a blanket.
Quickly, he threw the quilt over her, guilt flooding his stomach. He repressed a squeak as Ivy grumbled. As she wriggled under the cover of the quilt and peeked one round eye open, then the other. She blinked several times in the pale dawn as she zeroed in on Freckle's expression.
"Are you okay?" she asked, fully alert and sitting up. "Is anything hurting, Calvin?" Just then she seemed to register the quilt. She looked down at it in confusion, then at Calvin.
Calvin felt his tongue unstick from the roof of his mouth. "Y-your ears were freezing and you seemed cold so I put the quilt on you and -- I'm sorry if you were really cold last night because of me -- I didn't mean to, I just roll around a lot when I sleep so--"
Laughing, Ivy stopped him with a kiss. Before Calvin could react, she pulled away and wrapped the quilt around his shoulders.
"Well, it was cold last night," she said with a shrug, "but you seemed like you needed it more. You should've seen yourself, you were shaking like a leaf in a storm."
Freckle had a faint memory of waking up and finding the barn really cold, but he doubted that it was as bad as Ivy told him.
(It was as bad as Ivy told him.)
"But still," he started, his voice fading away into nothingness as he took the quilt and placed it back around Ivy.
"I'm okay, Calvin," she replied, shaking her head in bemusement. Her lips puckered up in a pout and she shut one eye, as if in thought. "How about this -- we try to get a bit more shut-eye before Rocky blasts the barn open with the car? But this time, we both get the quilt. How does that sound?"
Freckle couldn't help but smile. God, he liked her. He liked her a lot. Thank you for dragging me into the cafe during that one time, Rocky, said a little voice in the back of his head.
"That sounds fine with me, Miss Pepper," he found himself saying before he could stop himself.
Ivy's eyes enlarged and her eyebrows scowled in mock anger, drawing herself up to her full sitting height.
"I mean Ivy," said Freckle hastily, meeting her gaze with one of mock timidness. "That sounds fine with me, Ivy."
Ivy glared at him for a while, then her face broke out into a smile, so contagious and sunny it was that Freckle smiled as well. Giggling, she lay back down again, smoothing the rumpled spot of hay beside her and patting it. Freckle did the same, barely managing to not erupt into blushes when Ivy threw her arms around him and gently nuzzled the side of her face into his chest. Freckle stared down at the top of her head and -- he didn't know what possessed him to do it so boldly -- found one of his paws cradling it oh so softly, holding it like it was a fragile vase. The other found itself interlocking its fingers with hers, their paws fitting so perfectly within each other. Ivy looked at him, stunned at what he had done, then her eyes softened and she grinned.
"What a sheik you are," she teased, giving him yet another kiss. This time Freckle returned her kisses, pulling her closer to him and stroking the back of her head, weaving his fingers into her hair. In between kisses he found himself sighing in satisfaction, enjoying the sensation of Ivy's lips against his. Rocky could be back at any moment, and he could badger and taunt Freckle all he wanted when he caught him like this, but Freckle found that he didn't care. Well, for now, anyways.
✧ ‧˚₊ ° ♣️ ° ₊˚‧✧
It was a bright-eyed Rocky that drove their fixed car -- fixed being a subjective matter, with the trunk shut tight with several rolls of tape and syrup -- down the worn dirt path of the barn. Last night the whole place had looked forboding, like it'll drag you by the ends of your feet and swallow you whole; but in the pale autumn morning, with the skies the color of cotton-candy and the clouds painted pale gold by the waking sun, it seemed approachable, welcoming even. Even the willow trees were pleasant to look at!
He stopped the car in front of the barn. Stepping out, he whistled a merry little tune.
"RISE AND SHINE SLEEPING BEAUTIES," he announced, throwing the barn door open with an extravagant sweep of his paw. "THE SUN IS SOARING, THE BIRDS ARE SINGING, AND WE DON'T WANNA MAKE MISS M. TOO MAD - oh, what's this?" he added, fixing the hayloft with a curious stare.
Swiftly, he climbed the ladder and had to bite down on his lip to prevent himself from howling with laughter at what he's seeing.
"Freckle, you rascal," he choked out, wiping tears of pride from his eyes. "You rascal, you."
It was almost seven in the morning, and Rocky knew there'd be hell to pay once he gets the car back in the garage next to the Little Daisy cafe, but how could he possibly wake his dearest cousin and his sweetheart from such a saccharine slumber? So he decided to climb back down the ladder and exit the barn -- he needed more than five coats of syrup to keep the trunk closed, anyways --, leaving Freckle and Ivy alone in their makeshift bed in the hayloft, their arms wrapped around each other in a loving embrace, fingers locked, chests rising and falling in a synchronized rhythm.
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just-miru · 2 years
silly @terrence-self-ships look! :D
been playing with a silly generator while Jeremy was climbing some trees in the park and this is the result-
Jeremy: how did none of you hear what i just said?!
Terrence: i've been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
Miru: i got distracted halfway through-
William: ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Terrence: you know, William gives Miru flowers everyday. i wish you would do that too.
Jeremy: okay!
Jeremy: *gives Miru flowers*
Miru: :D???
Jeremy: i don't know dude, i am confused as well.
Terrence: i'm cold.
Jeremy: here, take my hoodie.
Miru: i'm cold.
William: i can't control the bloody weather, Miru.
Jeremy: hey Miru, wanna third wheel on my date with Terrence tomorrow?
Miru: sure :D
Jeremy: William! wanna third wheel on my date with Terrence tomorrow?
William: n-
Jeremy: great! i've always wanted to go on a double date! :D
Miru and William: ...
Terrence: Jeremy-
Jeremy: i sleep with a gun under my pillow.
Terrence: i sleep with a knife.
Miru: both of you are pathetic.
Jeremy: oh yeah? what do you sleep with?
Miru: William-
Terrence: a pessimist sees a dark tunnel.
Jeremy: an optimist sees light at the end of the tunnel.
Miru: a realist sees a freight train.
William: and the train driver sees three bloody idiots standing on the focking tracks.
Jeremy: time sensitive question! how flirt boy?
Miru: throw rocks at the-
Terrence: hot dogs.
William: kill him.
Jeremy: thank you, guys.
Jeremy and Terrence in the back of William's car: MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS!
Miru: you sillies, we have food at home :0
William: *pulls into the McDonald's drivethrough*
Jeremy and Terrence: YAAAY!!! :DDD
William: *orders one black coffee and leaves*
Miru: what is love?
Terrence: an emotional minefield.
William: a neurochemical reaction.
Jeremy: ...Baby don't hurt me-
[tw suggestive | thought it was funny so i added it :D]
Miru: William! i can't do this stupid math!
William: wot's the math problem?
Miru: well, we have to add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs and hope we don't multiply-
Terrence, covering Jeremy's ears while William smacks Miru over the head: not gonna lie, that was hella smooth.
Terrence: your smile? it makes my day.
Miru: your happiness? i live for that.
William: a room? get one.
Jeremy: hotel? trivago!
Jeremy: what are you getting Miru for holidays?
William: i don't know. it's kinda hard buying a gift for your partner when they already got everything they could've ever wanted when they married you. so, i am not sure yet.
Terrence: i'm getting Miru a divorce lawyer-
William: where's Miru?
Jeremy: don't worry, i will find her.
Jeremy, shouting: Terrence sucks!
Miru, from afar: how dare you?! Terrence is the best person ever! fuck you-
Jeremy: found 'em.
William: why's the brat crying on the floor?
Miru: he's high.
William: and?
Miru: he saw a picture of Terrence's boyfriend.
William: but he's Terrence's boyfriend.
Miru: i know.
Miru: i give up. i am so tired.
Terrence: get the emergency supply!
Jeremy: *carries William and places him in Miru's lap*
William: 'ello, luv.
William: for fock's sake! could you idiots at least try to see things from my bloody perspective for once?!
Jeremy: *crouches down*
Terrence: *sits on the floor*
Miru: *kneels down*
William: i focking hate you all-
Miru: pffft- that's ridiculous! William doesn't have a crush on me!
Terrence: yes he does.
Jeremy: yes he does.
William: yes i do.
Terrence, teaching Jeremy how to drive: ok, you're driving when suddenly Dave and Miru walk into the road. quick, what do you hit?
Jeremy: oh, definitely Dave! i could never hurt Miru.
Terrence, massaging his temples: the breaks, Jeremy. you hit the breaks.
Miru: when i met you i thought you were a real bitch.
William: wot changed your mind?
Miru: oh, i still think you're a bitch! i've just grown to really love that about you.
Terrence: is there anyone here who's actually straight?
William: *raises hand*
Miru: *puts his hand down*
Dave: Jeremy! for the love of god, turn down that music! i have a hangover.
Jeremy, blasting the mii theme at full volume: that sounds like a you problem, not a mii problem.
[also, have something similar here]
shape-shifter: *shape-shifts to look like Espresso*
Espresso: are you blind? you look nothing like me. first off, i am way taller. secondly i do not look so sleep deprived and lastly, if you could drag comb through that hair you'd be a 7 on a good day while i've been told i am a constant 10.
Michael: *aggressively throws water bottles*
Jeremy: uhm... what's up with him?
Miru: he's trying to yell mental health and wellbeing into us i am afraid.
Terrence, crying: it's working-
Jeremy: how do you connect with your people a fictional character?
Michael, William, Dave and Espresso: what?
Miru: *pulls out a 500 slides presentation*
Terrence: we're glad you asked!
Terrence: i'm 80% awesome, 20% water and 100% handsome.
William: that's 200%, ya idiot.
Terrence: i'm twice the man you'll ever be.
William: if i die, you can have wot little i own.
Michael: wait- what do you mean "if" you die?
William: my unending existence is fueled by pure spite, that of which the painful experiences of life have rendered me full.
Michael: *sighs*
Michael: that's it fatha, i am calling your therapist.
Dave: i am not doing to well.
Miru: oh, babygirl D: what's wrong?
Dave: i have this head ache that comes and goes.
*Jeremy enters the room*
Dave: there it is again-
Jeremy: do you ever think? because i do not-
Dave: yeah, i am LGBT.
Dave: cuLt leader.
Dave: God hates me personally.
Dave: cowBoy hat.
Dave, sniffling: Trying my best.
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hope you enjoyed the sillies! :D
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 276: Our Turn to Save You
Previously on BnHA: In a refreshing change of pace from the usual “the adults refuse to tell the kids anything” shtick, Deku and Kacchan flew around trying to get Tomura’s attention while refusing to explain jack shit to Endeavor! Deku eventually thought to ask Kacchan why he was getting in on this, and Kacchan launched into a two-page Denial Speech which seemed expressly designed to prime him for losing his quirk any fucking second now! Tomura then showed up and the two of them were all “KJSDLFK” but thankfully Gran dove in to rescue them from dying INSTANTANEOUS HORRIBLE DEATHS, and reminded them that there are practically SIX WHOLE GROWN-UPS left who can definitely still fight Tomura and won’t die at all!! And one of those grown-ups is Aizawa! Who’s getting ready to fight Tomura now! Listen Horikoshi you fucker, when I asked for more Aizawa angst and badassery this ISN’T WHAT I –
Today on BnHA: Tomura is all “THIS QUIRK WON’T STOP ME BECAUSE I CAN’T READ” and sort of shrugs it off and continues to kick ass even though his Decay and AFO powers aren’t working. The pros all try to stop him with Endeavor taking the lead, and because THEY ALL SUCK, APPARENTLY, nothing they do is effective in any way whatsoever! Meanwhile Gran dumps Deku and Kacchan off and is all “YOU’LL BE FINE HERE” which is the most ridiculous thing anyone in this manga has ever said, and then pretty much as soon as he says it at least nine more High Ends (excuse me, NEARLY High Ends) just POP UP OUT OF NOWHERE and are all “RARR” and the heroes are all “oh shit” and Tomura is all “lol yeah I actually had more High Ends this whole time” and Ujiko is all “it’s true!” and, fuck. The chapter ends with Tomura charging in to kill Aizawa only to be intercepted by MY TWO PRECIOUS BABIES, MY DARLING LITTLE HERO HATCHLINGS, and...!! I blame Gran for this.
gotta say, my sense of time is distorted enough as it is these days without chapter leaks coming out A WHOLE ENTIRE DAY EARLY out of nowhere. not that I’m complaining, because I want to see Aizawa kick some ass & immediately lose his fucking quirk as much as anyone, but it is disorienting
anyway time to dive into this chapter which I predict will be titled “everything instantly goes horribly wrong.” I’ve had a lot of time these past two weeks to think about what is going to happen next, and I’m pretty sure I nailed it you guys
so we’re opening with a familiar sight
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I like that Horikoshi thinks that helicopters go “chop chop.” well, close enough
anyway, so yet again we have a scene in BnHA of a town in the process of being destroyed by villains while a helicopter whirs (WHIRS, Horikoshi) and chuffs (SOMETIMES THEY CHUFF TOO) anxiously nearby. I wonder if this helicopter is going to fucking disintegrate. that’d be something new
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dozens, you guys! there are dozens of them left! not to worry then. the good guys definitely still got this
oh hey it’s that news anchor with the cutely fucked-up backstory of chopping off his own horn so as to more handsomely report the news
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oh god don’t tell me this whole thing is going to be broadcast live. that’s all we fucking need right now. I wonder what’s going to throw society into chaos more, the reveal of just how powerful Tomura is now, or the exposure of what the government-mandated child soldiers get to do during their super-educational practical on-the-job training! no coffee-fetching for these kiddos! we’ve got ‘em rolling up their sleeves and getting their hands good and dirty!
oh hey and it looks like this means that All Might will get to watch protege #2 lose his quirk live on TV -- HEY WHAT ARE YOU SERIOUS
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also I know this is just a perspective thing probably but lmao his hand on her shoulder is fucking huge. All Might you been working out again
but seriously this is not good for either of them to witness. they don’t need more trauma in their lives! All Might doesn’t need yet another thing to blame himself over! and he has conflicted feelings about Tomura still on top of that which I’m sure isn’t going to make this any easier. ANGST ALL AROUND. EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK, EVERYWHERE YOU GOOOO
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is Mitsuki looking at fucking baby pictures of Kacchan. reliving the memories of the good old days, thinking about how far her baby boy has come and how proud she is. that’s just great you guys. that’s just fucking great. these aren’t even red flags at this point these are red fucking tapestries
(ETA: and this basically goes without saying, but I’m sure the fact that not one but THREE Todorokis are represented in this little montage means that Endeavor and Shouto are also going to be just fine.)
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HE’S SO HAPPY just fucking try and tell me he doesn’t have a mental fucking link to Tomura and Deku you guys. this bitch knows exactly what is going down right now and he is LIVING FOR IT. that does it. someone please save my spot in the chapter for me I am going to go take a quick walk to calm down
and of COURSE that’s a fucking lie though, god -- [frantically clicks to next page]
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FUCKING MANUAL IS HERE TO SAVE THE DAY LMAO. YOU CAN ALL FUCKING RELAX NOW. and fuck me, I’m so fucking happy RockLockRock is still alive as well but WHY ARE YOU STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO AIZAWA IN WHAT I LIKE TO CALL THE “CAUTION: YOU WILL GET SHOT” ZONE. swear to god Horikoshi THAT MAN HAS A FAMILY don’t you even think about -- !!
sigh, anyway so then the rest of the page is panels of Gran & The Boys, Endeavor, and Tomura, along with the text “WHICH SIDE IS THE VICTOR”, which is not helping matters any! also the title of the chapter is “Cheating” which I assume is a reference to both the erasure of Tomura’s quirk, and the soon-to-happen permanent removal of Aizawa’s. I’m just an optimist like that
oh hey and Tomura’s sending out some quick orders to his squad as well
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and to think this homicidal maniac is in my top ten favorite characters. sob. I do love you kiddo so please don’t take it personally that I have to unequivocally root against you here. maybe if you listened to me once in a while and would even just consider my radical alternate plan of not killing anyone in sight
anyway lol but here everyone including myself thought he was going straight for the bullets and instead he was pulling out his phone. shows what we know. [braces myself for the follow-up panel of him putting the phone away again and THEN reaching for the bullets!!]
meanwhile we’re being introduced to some new sidekick of Endeavor’s who’s probably going to set the record for shortest time in between being introduced and dying horribly. sorry Kido. I’m just jaded
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don’t mind me I’m just putting up emotional walls in between myself and any new lovable characters as a means of self-preservation. mmhmm. he can manipulate the trajectory of things. that’s nice. he seems nice. wouldn’t that be a nice quirk for Tomura to steal and then trajector a bullet straight towards Aizawa ffffff
(ETA: watch this space, everyone. Endeavor’s Sidekick Kido. gonna fuck everything up for everyone, mark my words.)
so I can’t help but notice that now that Tomura can’t use his quirk anymore and is helpless, they have all decided to just sit around doing nothing again?
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like. far be it from me to openly wonder why they are not immediately knocking him out or setting him on fire again or whatnot. I am just a lowly civilian. it’s not my job to question these things
(ETA: I must learn to be patient.)
also lmao at Manual saying Aizawa’s ankle is “twisted”, similar to how Deku is constantly “twisting” all of his arms and legs all the time. or did he mean “twisted” in the sense that his leg was pretty much literally wrung out like a fucking towel
anyway so Manual is waterbending liquid into Aizawa’s eyes like that’s supposed to help him NOT close them
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has Horikoshi ever had water splashed into his fucking eyes. he and I have had very different experiences as to the effects of this apparently
there we go!!
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at least someone out here is fucking trying. for a second there I was honestly worried we were going to see a repeat of “oh well he seems dead enough, let’s just leave, see you at the victory party this weekend, X-Less”
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hooooh man. hokay. whew. has anyone seen my suspension of disbelief. I’m so used to having it on me at all times when I read this manga that I must have let my guard down and now it seems I’ve spaced it out. well we’ll just keep a lookout for it
so now we’re cutting to Ujiko who is gleefully bragging that Tomura’s strength is on par with All Might Prime’s, which is just great. and now he’s also starting this sentence and then just... not... finishing it
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that’s fine. you just trail off, then. hang those implications. whatever dude
meanwhile RLR and Manny are helping Aizawa limp away while he awkwardly has to twist his neck around to be able to still keep Tomura in his line of sight. I feel like there was probably a better way for them to do this but whatever
anyway thanks for confirming that Ujiko did make Tomura into a Noumu in addition to giving him AFO, though, Horikoshi! that’s very nice of you to unsink one of my theories like that. appreciate it
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and hold up, so it occurs to me that “Being Fireproof” could still be a quirk, but just a mutant-type quirk rather than an activation type, meaning that Erasure would have no effect on it! aha! oh, there’s my suspension of disbelief lol it was in my pocket the whole time!!
anyway so Endeavor and Tomura are tussling but I really wish they’d be more careful because if Tomura is still capable of super strength and super speed then he could propel himself out of Aizawa’s line of sight really easily and I feel like this isn’t really helping
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is it just me or do they look like they’re TRYING to jump in between Aizawa and Tomura, like?!?! GUYS
LMAO now Gran is just
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SHUP. toss. dusts off hands. well that takes care of that
and apparently he’s under the genuine impression that a mere “now stay put you dumdums” is going to have any effect on these two whatsoever. lol okay. we’ll see
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meanwhile Kacchan falls silent as he mentally tries to work out who tf “Toshinori” is lmao. I’M SO CHUFFED ABOUT THIS. YES THAT’S ANOTHER USE OF THE WORD “CHUFFED.” VERY VERSATILE AND REMINISCENT OF HELICOPTER BLADES WHIRLING
and now here’s a convenient map showing how far away Deku and Kacchan are from safety!
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thanks for that. that’s so reassuring to have this nifty little visual
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rather than focus anymore on how goddamn foreboding that is, I would instead like to take this moment to call attention to the fact that Gran apparently knows Bakugou’s name but not Present Mic’s. that’s amazing
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what good indeed. imagine if they couldn’t even do that. I imagine that would have some far-reaching consequences which might even be interesting to explore as part of a story
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I made the same face as them just now fyi
fucking Schrodinger’s High Ends. they only exist when the plot says it’s convenient for them to exist. maybe they’re like fairies and if you say you don’t believe in them they drop dead. where the fuck did these things actually come from?!
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welp. they deleted Tomura’s quirk and then sent the strongest guy they had after him, annnnnnnd he went and beat him anyway in like two fucking seconds. so that’s. ... wowee. ...so do we have a plan b, or...
like, holy shit though?? and can you imagine the kind of psychological impact this is having on everyone watching this live on TV right now?? this is literally the anti-Kamino. holy fucking shit. also did Tomura lose an arm or am I just not understanding this image right?? NOT THAT IT SEEMS TO BE BOTHERING HIM IN THE SLIGHTEST??
(ETA: somehow I missed the fact that he is even calling attention to it lol. “I’ll raise [the other hand] when it’s back.” fucking look at Mr. Transcendent here who’s so powerful that when you tear his arms off all it does is make him more sassy. is he secretly related to Mirko.)
idk guys I really think my original chapter title was better
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at least Endeavor isn’t fucking dead just yet. four more pages and you might actually make it out of this chapter alive my good man
blah blah blah flashback to Ujiko explaining that the Noumu could be activated by an electric current flowing through them, and that they’re programmed to move only on Tomura’s orders. you know. just more good news
oh hey but at least these ones are mindless so I guess it’s okay for the kids to kick their asses without feeling too conflicted. it’s just too bad “their strength is higher quality than the others” but you win some, you lose some
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and if anything happens to RLR I SWEAR TO GOD!! you know what?! you know what?!?
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[sitting curled up into a little ball with my knees drawn up to my chest, drawing little finger circles on the floor] I see. so he’s not even concerned about himself at all. it’s his two tiny little hero eggs, his problem children, and the fact that if he dies here there won’t be anything preventing Tomura from finding and killing them. ahh. okay. it’s okay. that’s fine
and goddammit what is he pulling out from his belt. everyone is on the same page here, right? Aizawa’s Not Allowed To Die. that was the deal. WHAT HAS THIS ALL BEEN FOR OTHERWISE
(ETA: yeah but he seriously did just pull a knife out of fucking nowhere though like the kid in that fucking vine lmao. APPARENTLY HE’S HAD IT THIS ENTIRE TIME?? “what if I just stabbed him” lulz. based on the way things were trending, I’m willing to bet it would have literally bounced off of Tomura’s chest at this point, but I’ll give him credit for making the effort.)
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(ETA: Shinsou being in the bottom corner... ;_; )
is anyone listening to me!??! I’m over here screaming myself fucking hoarse??! AIZAWA ISN’T FUCKING ALLOWED TO DIE??!! HELLO!?!?!
lol well at least RLR didn’t get steamrolled over
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well everyone. we’ve reached page 18. one more to go. what are the odds we end with the boys arriving in the ta-da nick of time to defend their teacher. just who is watching over whom
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and they look so determined and desperate?? and the “Aizawa-sensei!” echoing in both their minds?? and meanwhile Aizawa looks fucking horrified though, because of all the... [gestures] you know? the Terrible Danger?? sob??
anyway. I really let this manga do this to me every damn week. let it just have its fucking way with me. at least Horikoshi didn’t end up breaking the law after all. I don’t know if I could continue to support a mangaka who is willing to commit an actual war crime. no touching Aizawa. OKAY?? OKAY
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
My little brothers revenge part 3
The next 2 weeks flew by after that, with the only strange thing being that Justin started to have A LOT of close call's with getting to the backroom on time and was leaving a ton of skid marks in his pants, and that Justin had also apparently seen the error in his ways and had asked to try and host a D&D session for Alex and his friends to make up for everything he'd done.
Naturally of course Alex wasn't sure about whether or not to trust Justin, but then the bully had gone out of his way to get permission from their parents for Alex to have all of his friends over while they were gone for the session to happen.
"I just think with how rough he's had it lately, he could use a treat, and it'll be a good bonding experience for us since he's kinda too small to play football with me and the guys." Justin had said, acting sheepish.
After that Alex had dialed back the amount of ex-lax he'd been sneaking into Justin's drink's since he felt just awful about trying to make Justin a diaper boy when he was being so nice.
Of course Ben warned him it could just be a trap and to keep up the treatment (and had asked for pictures of Alex next time he had a uh-oh accident as payment for his words of wisdom) But Alex choice to believe in Justin, a choice he would come to regret.
With their parents gone Saturday morning, most of the day was spent with Alex helping Justin go over the rules for the campaign in the morning, and then hanging out and playing with his friends in the afternoon while Justin went out to hang with Grizz and Rayne.
"Man, hard to believe that Justin is being such a cool guy." Lyle said and winced as they were walking back from the park, having played a game of touch football with some younger kids (and having gotten their butts kicked, which only confirmed Alex's belief he was NOT meant to play the damn game)
"areeee you sure he's on the up and up on this?" Kyle asked, rubbing at his arm where a 5 year old had punched him.
"What? Guys come on, it's the four of US vs. him if he tries anything. we can take him!" Alex said full of misplaced pride and swagger even as he had a slight limp.
"..you realize a group of five year olds just whooped us right?" Max asked, Pausing to spit out more dirt from when he'd been driven into the ground.
"Yeah but there was a equal number of them to us and they were all sneaky like ninjas." Alex said, waving a hand. "Sides, worse case go for the nuts. it's like the weak spot on the death star."
"You've been going to your mom's self defense class again haven't you?" Max asked and chuckled.
"...Maybe." Alex huffed.
"heh, just don't" Lyle started.
"Scream out 'he's got my purse!' this time." Kyle finished and the rest of the losers club laughed while Alex blushed and fumed.
"Guys it was ONE time, let it goooo!"
While the losers club was out and playing their little games, Justin and the boys were getting everything ready for the pampering.
as it turned out the old crib wasn't going to be big enough for even just one of the boys, while the old playpen might of fit two at most though it would be cramped.
Thankfully two solutions provided themselves in this, their darkest hour in the form of finding a old car seat of Justin's that looked big enough to MAYBE hold Alex, and a old high chair that would hold Max for sure.
"So..how are we going to hide ALL of this upstairs? I know Alex and his friends are dorks, but their not stupid." Grizz asked.
"Oh, what if we went and put like sheets over them, and tell them their ghosts!" Rayne suggested eagerly.
"...Rayne buddy why don't you go have a juice box." Justin said, patting the hulking boys back.
as the muscle bound boy headed up to the fridge for some apple juice, Grizz and Justin exchanged looks.
"Man, he's our friend and everything, but Jesus.. does he eat paint chips or something?" Grizz asked.
"Go ahead and ask him, I'll go and get the bucket to mop you up after he creams you." Justin chuckled. "Ok ok..back to the problem at hand..We could Make get the high chair in the broom closet, and the playpen all folded up in the linen closet. Car seat, I dunno.."
"Yeahhh whole lotta time to waste between getting them pampered and getting them in they're seats." Grizz agreed then added with a blush.. "and I didn't go though all the humiliation of buying 4 packs of those discount diapers just for them to go to waste."
By now Rayne was coming back down the steps with his juice box and smiled and waved a hand.
"heh, Yes Rayne?" Justin asked, waiting for the stupid idea to come out.
"What if like, you have the playpen and stuff all set up down here but hidden behind some stuff and we just send up the gaming area down here. you can claim you wanna set a atmosphere for the game, capture the feeling of going though a dungeon." Rayne said and smiled big time.
"...H-U-H..Man Rayne, you need to drink apple juice more often!" Justin chuckled. "Good idea!"
"nah, then i get the poops." Rayne said but grinned big time.
"..Noted?" Grizz said/asked with a sweat drop.
It was after supper, and with bellies full of Pizza and root beet, the boys made they're way down the dusty (though not as dusty as before) basement, the twins semi hugging each other as the basement's lights only worked in two of the four areas, casting long scary shadows.
Max was mostly ok, though he could of sworn he'd seen something move out of the corner of his eye.
"Uh..Alex,Justin, you guys sure you don't have rats?" he asked, a twinge of worry in his voice.
"Oh yeah, we get checked regularly, Dad's TERRIFIED of them, it's why we can't go to Disney world." Alex said, laughing though he was getting a little bit creeped out being in the basement after dark.
still he wanted to try and support Justin who clearly was making a effort. plenty of large blankets had been rolled out onto the stone floor and a coffee table was set up in the middle, not on the blankets but they were bunched around it.
there were books and note pads and pencils and dice, all the great makings for a table top game and Alex turned to smile at his friends as they took in the site.
coming around the table and looking at the set up, the boys all whistled and Alex smirked at his friends under the pale light of the basement.
"See? I told you guys we could trust Justin!" he beamed.
"heh, Oh?" Justin asked.
"Yeah, the guys were kinda worried you were gonna pull something." Alex said, rubbing the back of his head. "Buttt I knew you were trying ..to.." Alex trailed off as he saw the look on his brothers face.
"Yeahhh about that, maybe listen to your friends next time." Justin advised.
"Whatever! It's four on one Justin, we CAN and WILL kick your butt!" Alex said, balling up his fists and looking over his shoulder to his friends.
The twins and Max nodded back and got ready to fight but Justin didn't look too concerned.
"oh no, Four little dorks who already got their butts kicked by five year olds and they're threatening me. what ever will I do. Oh woe is me." Justin said, putting the back of his hand to his forehead in a dramatic fashion then grinning and snapping his fingers. "Oh wait, I know..Grizz, Rayne, wanna help me get our soon to be slaves dressed and ready for they're new life's of cooking, cleaning and doing homework for us?" Justin said.
two shadows moved out from behind a pile of boxes and indeed there was Justin's buddy's.
"Oh, by the way, feel free to fight back, but anyone who does gets a spanking. if your GOOD little boys, we'll get you dressed with minimal fussing." Justin added.
Alex of course chose to fight, as did Max since he had to have his buddies back.
the two of them lunged at Justin going for a combo knee and groin attack but Justin caught Alex in the air and just hoisted him over his shoulder with Alex's head and arms over his back and yanked down Alex's pants with his free hand and started to slap the boys butt, getting howls of pain from him.
Max meanwhile had gotten his ankle grabbed by Rayne as he went to leap and was tugged back and put under Rayne's beefy arm and much like Alex, pants were yanked down and his butt was slapped, Max howling away as Rayne giggled and gave Justin a silly grin.
"it's like I'm playing the bongo's!" he giggled childishly.
Lyle and Kyle meanwhile had taken inventory of how sore they already were, how big and strong Justin and his friends were and had just stayed put, holding each other hands while Grizz looked down at them and smirked.
"heh, so your gonna be good boys?" Grizz asked.
Both twins nodded then jumped at the sounds coming from their friends.
"H-hey! stop that! They'll-" Lyle started, looking at Alex and Max who's buns where getting red even with their undies protecting them.
"-Be good boys like us! Come on, Please stop?" Kyle finished, wincing and fighting the urge to bury his face in his brothers shoulder.
"Hmm I dunno.. Alex, are you gonna be a good boy or make your widdle friends into liars?" Justin asked, pausing for a second.
Alex of course had been beating on Justin's back, for all the good it had done him and was now stood in front of Justin, tears running down his face and pants around his ankles.
Likewise, Max was set on his feet, though the tears weren't as free flowing and he gave a glare at the Twin's who suddenly found something VERY interesting to look at at the floor so they could avoid eye contract.
"Hey now, none of that Maxie, those two might of just gotten you out of the 5 minutes spanking we had planned." Justin said.
"F-Five Minutes?" Alex whimpered, and put a hand to his sore butt. it already hurt so much from just 30 seconds!!
"well give or take a bout 30 seconds." Justin said and smirked.
a hissing sound was heard and it didn't take a genius to figure out what it was, as Alex started to sob heavily as a puddle started to form under him where his accidents wasn't being soaked up by his pants.
"well, I'm gonna count that as a third vow to be a good boy..what do you say Max, wanna make it four for four?" Justin asked.
"Rot in hell! I'll never give in!" Max vowed.
Never as it turned out lasted all of anther 40 seconds then Max had a accident too. Following a quick clean up that would keep the boys from making puddles all the way up the stairs, Justin had Alex and Max take a quick bath together to both boys embarrassment, with Justin supervising to 'keep them out of trouble' while the Twin's mopped up the piddle accidents and got the wet clothes in the wash under the watchful eyes of Rayne and Grizz.
since the cat was out of the bag so to speak Rayne and Grizz had the twins help them bring the supplies for tonight's fun up into the living room, the urine smell in the basement being a big deciding factor.
The twins had a very good idea what was gonna happen as they carried the packs of diapers upstairs for the bullies, as well as a bag of dirty socks.
Well ok, the twins knew what the diapers and baby furniture was for, but the socks stumped them.
"Um..Mister Rayne?" Lyle asked, and held the bag up with one hand, the other being used to hold his nose.
"Hmm? me? Oh I'm just Rayne kiddo. what's up." Rayne said, confused at first but then smiling.
"I think I get most of what your planning, but why the stinky socks?" Lyle asked, looking over as Kyle was being a super good helper and getting the playpen set up, even though the look on his face made it clear he didn't wanna be helping at all.
"Oh the socks are for..are for.." And Rayne trailed off, and rubbed the back of his head, then turned to Grizz. "Hey Grizz, what are the socks for again?"
"We're gonna get the babies who aren't doing homework to wear them on both hands, one hand for the ones who are, and use about 3 socks per hand and tape for make shift baby mitts." Grizz called over.
"Ohhh yeahh..So that." Rayne said and smiled brightly.
"B-But why stinky socks? I don't wanna get athletes foot on my hands!" Lyle whined and whimpered.
"Oh! this part I do 'member! it's cuz you won't be tempted to try and tug'em off with your teeth after those socks have been on me and Justin's and Grizz's feet!" Rayne said, ever so proud of himself that he'd recalled that much.
"I..but..Ewwwww!" Lyle whined and started to cry.
"oh hey hey, look, it's just kinda fair if you think about it!" Rayne said, pulling the smaller boy into a hug.
"H-How so?" Lyle sniffled.
"well we're gonna hafa smell you guys when your blort your diapers. So see? it all works out!"
Somehow not only was this NOT a comfort for the twins, but started Kyle bawling too.
With Alex and Max washed nice and clean, they huffed and pouted as they were marched down stairs in just they're towels and were greeted to the site of of Lyle and Kyle (Aka mentally labeled the traitors in both boys minds) sitting side by side in Alex's old playpen wearing nothing but three pairs of dirty white socks on each hand that were taped up at the wrist with green masking tape and at least 4 pairs of white and pink diapers around their hips.
Finishing the look off as a bib around each twins hip, Lyle had Big bird on his while his brother was rocking cookie monster.
"Heh, nice touch with the bibs!" Justin commented. "I was gonna let them keep their shirts on."
"Well you know, I found a box of them in the basement and thought, why not?" Grizz said.
The twins had tear stains on their cheeks and Justin raised a eyebrow at that.
"Did they have to get spanked too?" He asked.
"Oh nah, just had a little sob feast. kinda shocked it didn't happen sooner. they ARE babies after all." Rayne giggled.
"So what do you have picked out for our two little naughty boys to wear?" Justin asked, chuckling and yanking the towels off of the younger boys who yelped and covered themselves despite the fact that A) they had both already seen everything B) so had Justin and C) they we gonna have to move their hands once they were diapered.
"Well I was thinking something retro, and classy at the same time." Grizz said, taking on a snobbish voice and making the other bullies smirk. "Something that screams 'I'm a big dumb baby slave, but at least I can do homework.' You know, a look for the ages."
"I see I see. Looks like you two little brainiac's get to do our homework while we supervise the good boys. And Don't even THINK of fucking it up. We'll be taking all SORTS of pictures of you dweebs in all your big baby glory and won't be shy about sharing it with your classmates." Justin chuckled and then pointed over to the changing mat's on the floor.
"J-Justin come on, do we HAVE to wear diapers?" Alex tried one last time.
"Alex I'm shocked, don't tell me you WANNA run around in the buff all night!" Justin said.
somehow the boy's blush got worse and along with Max he scrambled over to the changing mat's without further argument.
thickly diapered and one hand in the make shift baby mitts (Left hand for Alex and right hand for Max) and sporting Elmo themed for Max and Oscar the grouch for Alex, the last two of the loser's club was living up to it's name.
Max had been put in a old wooden high chair which even as small and shrimpy as he was was still a tight fit and had the bullies English and Social studies homework out in front of him.
Alex meanwhile had oddly easier been strapped into a old car seat and pulled up to the coffee table and handed the Math and science homework.
"Since when do you even get this much homework over one weekend?" Alex had asked, eyes going wide.
"Oh yeah, we asked for extra homework to make up for our falling grades. our teachers loved we were trying. So again. Don't make us look bad." Justin said and ruffled Alex's hair, making the huffy diapered shrimp squirm and try and get away.
"I can't believe I actually thought you were turning over a new leaf." Alex huffed and sulked.
"Honestly, neither could I, but you just wanted it to be true sooo bad~ Though I'm not without a degree of mercy." Justin chuckled and at that moment Grizz came in and set a baby bottle full of milk on Max's tray, then on in reach of Max.
Meanwhile the twins were being handed one each by Rayne and just took them with some difficulties in both hands and started to drink, they they wrinkled they're noses.
"heh, I guess the socks kinda keep you from fully enjoying the moo juice. Ah well, not my problem. I expect that ba-ba drained in a hour little man, I don't need you getting all dehydrated with all the crying and pissing you've been doing." Justin snickered and after handing Alex his ba-ba, walked away.
For a tiny split second Alex was tempted to grab the bottle and toss it at Justin, but then his common sense kicked in stead and he went to work, pausing every so often to drink the oddly sweet milk.
The twins tummies were starting to hurt as they chugged down they're milk but with the lack of room in the playpen and their stinky sock mitten's they weren't sure if they were gonna be able to pick the bottle back up if they put them down.
Since they had maybe already lost they're friends after betraying them before, they had silently agreed to just try and be the best big babies they could tonight since there was no point in getting a spanking now anyways.
"Sheesh, I guess that sob feast they had really dried them up. Careful little guys you're gonna give yourselves gas bubbles!" Rayne said, looking almost legitimately concerned.
"heh, don't tell me you're going soft on us man." Grizz teased, lightly elbowing Rayne side.
"Huh? no, I just don't wanna have to burp them and risk getting spit up on me."
"..You uh, Know their not REALLY babies right?" Justin asked after a second. "So I don't think that's gonna be a worry."
the mental image of being held in the bullies arms and being burped like a oversized baby wasn't exactly appealing to Kyle who slowed his chugging down but Lyle seemed to speed his up.
"..heh, I think one of them WANTS to be burped!" Grizz said.
Tugging his ba-ba out quick Lyle went to defend himself but in stead let out a massive belch that did kinda make his tummy feel better.
Kyle on the other hand took the other option when it came to gas relief as before anyone could say anything about the burp, a muffled long fart came out of Kyle's behind and the boys eyes went wide as saucers making it clear who had cut the cheese.
"Sheesh, couple of Gas holes over here." Justin laughed then wrinkled his nose, taking a step back. "Ugh, If his FARTS smell this bad.."
"yeahhh Maybe we shouldn't of put all that laxative powder in there." Rayne said, rubbing the back of his head.
With THAT announcement all four boys who had been taking a drink, Lyle having just put his bottle back up to his mouth dropped them and looked at the bullies.
"Rayne, they weren't suppose to know about that." Scolded Justin, then he grinned like a Cheshire cat.
"oh..uh sorry. How can I make it up to you?" Rayne said, while all four of the diapered losers club squirmed and whined in their baby prison's.
"Guess who gets to change all four stinkers himself?" Justin asked.
"Grizz? that's not fair he did- ...OH!...oh." Rayne started to argue, but then his face lit up as he got it, then fell as he got it.
Hearing about how the milk had been tainted, Alex grabbed his and was trying to pry the lid off to dump it out when Justin came over and shook his head.
"Ah ah ah, Bad baby brother! I guess you're gonna have to take a homework break so big brother can bottle feed you." Justin scolded, getting Alex out of the car seat and into his lap while Justin sat on the floor, pressing and rubbing the nipple on Alex's closed mouth.
"Open up little man, it's either you drink your special ba-ba and make 'present's for big brother or I get out the enema kit mom got for dad." Justin said.
Alex's eyes widen and he stared at his brothers face, wondering if Justin would really actually use that horrible looking thing on him..then recalling he was currently dressed like a big baby and opened his mouth.
"Good boy! Guess i could of just made you drink it on your own with that threat..eh, Your kinda cute like this. In a total loser big baby sorta way." Justin snickered.
Alex suckled down fast and hard, just wanting to get it over with and glared at Justin, willing himself to be able to make his asshole of a big brother end up crapping HIMSELF before Alex fudged his huggies.
As the cramps started to build in his tummy, Alex didn't think that was going to happen.
Seeing Alex being bottle fed by his brother and Grizz coming over Max gulped and gave a sheepish smile.
"I..Don't suppose you could just take the nipple off so i can chug this and get it over with huh?" He tried.
"heh, I suppose so. at least then I don't have to worry about burping the nerdy baby." Grizz said and started to unscrew the top. "But just so you know, if you try and just dump it out, I'll be tanning your ass for 5 minutes strait, then just giving you a enema."
Whether it was the threat itself, or the fact Max had loaded up on fluids on the way home he'd never be sure, but the poor boy gasped and whimpered as a hissing was heard and he soaked his diaper.
"Heh, We got our first wet diaper! Man, you must have a hair trigger bladder huh?" Grizz asked, and offered the opened ba-ba to Max. "Bottoms up soggy pants."
Whining softly but knowing he was stuck (in more ways then one with his diaper bloating out in the high chair) Max gave a week smile and drank as fast as he could.
The twins meanwhile had been given new instructions by Rayne who had decided if he was gonna have four sets of poopie diapers to change, he might as well get a cute site first.
The nicest of the three bullies (if only due to his lower IQ) he'd understood when Lyle and Kyle hadn't been abler to get they're ba-ba's picked up between the cramped space and the baby mitt and had picked up their bottle's and handed them to the other.
"Um..Rayne? I-I had more of my ba-ba gone." Kyle said meekly. "This is Lyle's."
"I Know, I want you to bottle feed each other, it'll look so cute!" he said and then with a big of shuffling around got them facing each other. "Your twin brothers so you're both close..So go on, help you brother drink up!" He encouraged them both.
Knowing better then to argue, the Twins shifted around and worked out how to get their arms out of the way of the other then both were drinking up, eyes closed and noses wrinkled from the smell of the socks, and the mini poots that were escaping almost constantly now as they were almost finished their ba-ba's.
As such with they're eyes closed they didn't see that Rayne had grabbed Justin's camera phone (After losing three cells of his own, Rayne wasn't trusted with one anymore.) and snapped a few pictures of the cuteness in front of him, and when they finished he fished them both out of the playpen and had them each put a head over one of his shoulders, apparently having gotten over his stance on burping them.
As they felt the big strong pats on their back and looked at each other over the simple giants shoulder, both twins wet their diapers at the same time but just like how they normally talked, one would burp then the other then the first one, back and forth till Rayne was sure he'd gotten all the gas bubbles out.
The twin's weren't sure how they felt about this, since Clearly Rayne was strong enough to support BOTH of them with just one hand making them feel even smaller then before, though it DID feel good to get all that gas out even if they're tummies were still cramping big time now.
"Feel better little guys?" Rayne asked, smirking.
Lyle started to nod while Kyle went to say something, but that was when the ba-ba's special ingredient kicked in. Both twins stiffened and little gasps came out of their mouths but that was nothing compared to the torrent of muck that poured out of their backside as the pink and white diapers rapidly expanded and even with the slits cut in them it was clear they were rapidly approaching a overflow point.
"Sheesh, that didn't take long." Grizz said, holding his nose.
"Oh man, their fucking toxic!" Justin complained.
between the sick sounding wet farts you could HEARD the diapers crackling as they fought to keep up but it wouldn't be till the diapers were fully loaded that they Twins would snap out of their shocked silence.
Rayne went to say something to comfort them but it was like a shrill alarm going off as both twin once again started wailing and crying, and Rayne winced, his own nose wrinkling.
"Uhh.. Can I just go and hose them off in the back yard?" He semi shouted, trying to be heard over the twins.
"Are you kidding? they'd alert the whole block as to whats going on!" Justin said, gagging a little. "Oh Man..I did NOT think this though..."
"Well what did you expect a dirty diaper was gonna smell like?" Alex huffed, though he was making grossed out faces too, plus knew that was his future."Sun shrine and rainbows?!"
"Also it's WAY too cold out to clean them up outside anyways Rayne, you'll make them sick."Max pointed out
"You two, shut up and get back to work. and Rayne..I know we were gonna make them sit in it but for the sake of everyone noses, change them now....and uh, take them to the basement to do it." Justin huffed.
Rayne nodded and off he went with the little stinkers and Grizz turned to Justin.
"Ahhh.. maybe we'll just use the pictures of them, but let them take dumps in the potty..I mean.. " he was saying, moving to go and open some windows.
"Ngggh, you might be onto something there." Justin said, then noticed Max and Alex exchanging looks and smirking. "..what's with the looks?"
"It seems to me, like the balance of power has shifted." Max said with a evil grin.
"Unless you WANT us unleashing hell in our diapers over and over again, you're gonna knock all of this off now, and hand over the pictures." Alex said smugly.
"Are you REALLY trying to threaten us with stinky diapers?" Grizz asked, half amused half in disbelief.
"If you thought the twin's were stinky they don't hold a candle up to Max, and Justin you know how bad I can be when I'm NOT loaded with ex-lax."
"..Mistakes have been made." Justin groaned, face palming.
"Are you kidding me?! I went though all that embarrassment and blew all that money on diapers and we're gonna cave in now?" Grizz huffed, looking pissed.
Max left out a poot and that fresh tears to the bullies eyes.
"Consider that a preview of whats to come." Max said and gave a evil laugh. "and tick tock guys.. us 'babies' can only hold it for sooo long~"
"Look Grizz, I'm sorry but unless you wanna be the one helping Rayne change diapers." Justin started to say, cut off by Rayne's cry of horror from the basement. "Then the plan failed."
"This is fucking bullshit!" Grizz huffed and then stormed out of the living room, grabbing his jacket.
"Grizz come on! wait!"
"No way man, screw you! I'm going home!" Grizz growled back and took off, slamming the door.
"...Well I hope your happy now!" Justin huffed at the big babies.
"Oh, we will be.. but first.. socks off and let us out of our baby prisons." Alex said, then smirked. "and don't worry, I have a feeling the diapers WON'T be going to waste."
For the first time since this little war had started, Justin felt a pang of worry.
In the aftermath, only the twins ended up messing their diapers and once Rayne found out the plan had fallen though he sulked and huffed and stormed off home too to do the extra class work that no one else was gonna do for him now.
The Pictures were turned over as promised and Justin figured Alex just deleted them, never suspecting that they were kept for blackmail power of a sort later on, and while no one else had a smelly diaper that night, all four boys kept wearing one just in case.
The twins were forgiven by Max and Alex after a bit, mostly due to how traumatized they seemed from having made such big stinkies and having to get cleaned up and had sucked on their thumbs when they weren't playing video games with Max and Alex, though they had conked out hard shortly after.
Justin, as the last bully standing, got the 'honor' of taking the shovel and going out to the trail to 'bury the treasure' and was less then happy when he came back and got told to go to bed and rest up, he was going to need it.
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hoshiangel · 4 years
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bad boy!jeonghan x y/n
theme: enemies to soulmates
word count: 1324
warnings: mentions of food, swearing
prompt: once you begin your senior year of high school, the year you will meet your soulmate is revealed to you. within that year, you are guaranteed to meet the person you’re destined to be with forever, but it’s up to you to identify who it actually is. your year is 2020, which is this current year. you begin your search to find your soulmate, but a bad boy named jeonghan messes the whole thing up.
a/n: hey guys! i got the soulmate idea when watching a tik tok, so i decided to spice it up a little bit. maybe i can turn this into a series if you want? let me know what you think, feedback is appreciated! enjoy <3 (also, pretend corona isn’t a thing in this fic hahaha)
september 8th, 2020, 3:10pm
“y/n, ellie-- you’re ten minutes late! this is the second time this week, next time you’re getting a warning!” your boss barked at you, while you and your best friend ellie strolled into your workplace carrying coffees and baked goods.
“sorry mr. yoon, it won’t happen again,” you replied while clocking into your shift. once your boss walked away, you and ellie couldn’t help but to laugh. every week he said the same thing to you both, and every week you were both late. 
you put your belongings in the back room and got to work quickly, so your boss wouldn’t get mad again. you and ellie worked at a local smoothie shop, simply because you got free drinks and got paid for it. plus, it was often slow so you got to talk and hang out the entire shift. although it was a job, it didn’t feel like it-- you and ellie made it fun. 
“so, should we talk about your big news?” ellie said in a teasing tone, while chopping up fresh fruit for the drinks. 
“ugh, don’t remind me. i can’t believe this is happening to me. 2020, what am i supposed to do?” you replied, pretending to wipe down the counters to look busy. 
“mr. right is coming y/n, i can feel it,” ellie said, throwing a wink at you. you rolled your eyes and just sighed. your started your senior year last week, and you were assigned the year you would meet your soulmate: 2020. this seemed nearly impossible, since you lived in a small town and everybody knew each other. all your friends had gotten years that they would have grown and moved out of this small town, but you got stuck with the worst year possible. how would you meet someone new?
you and ellie continued to work, only having a total of ten customers within the next two hours. it was halfway through your shift, and you couldn’t wait to be done. going to school during the day and working into the night wasn’t easy, but you had to do what you had to do. 
while the two of you were cleaning the floors, your boss walked into the front accompanied by a good looking guy about your age. he had shaggy brown hair, and he wore black skinny jeans paired with a baggy black shirt and vans. you could tell he really liked the color black, but it worked for him. you also noticed he had piercings all throughout his ear, and wore rings on his fingers. you weren’t going to lie, he was attractive.
“y/n and ellie, this is my nephew, jeonghan. he’s just moved in with me and will be working here to help out. please train him properly, i’ll add some extra money into your paychecks,” mr. yoon said, while giving jeonghan one of the spare aprons. you both nodded, and you introduced yourself first.
“hey, i’m y/n, nice to meet you!” you said, extending your hand out in order to be polite. jeonghan just laughed mockingly and pushed your hand to the side, which took you by surprise. what was his problem?
“look, i don’t want to be here just as much as you guys. don’t bother training me, i’ll just clean up around the store,” he said shortly, walking to get the mop to finish cleaning the floors. you stood almost frozen, confused as to what had just happened. you wanted to snap back and tell him off, but you stopped yourself because he was family of your boss. if you got on his bad side, you could lose your job. plus, it was helpful if he cleaned, you didn’t like doing it anyway. 
for the next hour, you and ellie prepared the smoothies and fruit while jeonghan did close to nothing. he cleaned the floors, but after that leaned against the counter and sat on his phone. at this point, you were absolutely fuming. it wasn’t fair he got to do nothing, especially when he promised to clean. you had to speak up.
“do you think you could do something? me and ellie are doing all the work here,” you said as calmly as possible. there was a pause, until jeonghan finally looked up from his phone.
“oh, are you talking to me? i’m the boss’ nephew, i don’t have to work,” he said with a scoff. you couldn’t believe what you were hearing. 
“if i heard correctly, your uncle wants us to train you. this implies you work,” you responded. he walked over to you, and got a little too close for comfort. his face was only inches from yours, and your breath hitched in your throat. his cologne was a citrus scent, and you couldn’t ignore how good he smelt.
“you must’ve misheard. i do what i want, baby. don’t try me,” he said, looking down at you. you didn’t reply, you didn’t even know what to say. you simply turned around and got back to work. you finished the rest of your work silently, even ellie didn’t have anything to say. 
at the end of your shift, you exchanged goodbyes with your boss, but jeonghan said nothing. he just sat on his phone, not a care in the world. you and ellie walked home together, since you were neighbors-- you did this after every shift.
“well, that was interesting,” ellie finally said, sipping her smoothie that she took from work.
“i can’t believe he said that to me! who does he think he is? god, i wanted to scream in his face so bad,” you yelled, letting your frustration out.
“i know, what an asshole. but hey, at least we only have to see him at work. thank god he isn’t a classmate,” ellie said. “and look on the bright side. tomorrow, we can focus more on finding your soulmate! maybe there is someone you haven’t met yet at school!” she added.
“yeah right! we know everyone, since grade school. but we’ll have to try i guess,” you said with a shrug.
“ah, that’s the spirit,” ellie said, linking arms with yours. the two of you laughed and made jokes for the rest of your walk home, which was refreshing. your shift with jeonghan was a nightmare to say the least.
“goodnight ellie, see you tomorrow!” you said as you walked to your front door.
“7 am sharp, don’t be late y/n,” 
september 9th, 2020, 7:07am
“shit, i’m sorry i’m late!” you yelled to ellie as you ran out your front door, your backpack slung over your shoulder and a half eaten granola bar in your hand.
“let’s goooo! i’ve got chem first period!” ellie said. you two walked to school at a quick pace, basically running, since you were already seven minutes behind. 
not to anyone’s surprise, you and ellie were late again. you had english first period, and the teacher was strict on attendance. you ran through the halls, trying to get to class as soon as possible. the hallways were mostly empty, since all the students were in class already, so you had a clear shot to run. 
as you passed the principals office, a guy came out of the door at the exact same time you were in front of it. you two collided, hard-- of course, just your luck. you ran into his shoulder and fell backwards a little bit, but luckily you didn’t fall. he didn’t fall either, but he was rubbing his shoulder in pain. 
“god, seriously? watch where you’re going,” he groaned, and you realized you had recognized that voice. you prayed that it wasn’t him-- you couldn’t deal with him at school and at work. as you slowly looked up, your worst nightmare came true.
jeonghan, standing in front of you-- ripped black jeans, baggy black t shirt, rings, piercings, and his stupid citrus cologne. 
✎ admin j
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trashyswitch · 5 years
A Manly Sleepover
Jacksepticeye is staying at Mark’s place for a Nerd Expo Convention. Though Mark’s a little late, it’s really nice to be able to see him again.
Thanks to Chica, some pure silliness ensues.
Jacksepticeye placed his suitcases into the spare room. He was staying over at Mark’s house for the weekend, so he could be a celebrity guest at the Nerd Expo convention that weekend. Mark had went to pick up Chica from the dog groomer, and left a pair of keys for Jack, in the mailbox.
While he waited for Mark to come back with Chica, he decided to unload his electronics. He pulled out a power strip, his computer screen and stand, his keyboard, his mouse, his power cord, his cameras, and his mic and cord. He had just set up his computer screen, when he heard the front door open. They’re here! Jack walked out of his new room to greet them.
“Hi Mark!” Jack said, swinging an open hand towards him. Mark swung his hand as well, and high fived the Irish guest.
Chica jumped up onto Jack, to get his attention. “Hi Chica! You look so nice! Did you just get pampered? I think you did!” Jack cooed, petting his head and back. Mark smiled as he watched Jack rile up his dog.
“Would you like a drink or something? I have water, milk, Coke Zero, beer if you’re up for it...” Mark offered.
Jack looked up. “I’ll have a coke, please.” He replied, still petting Chica’s head.
“Alright.” Mark said, before walking to the fridge. He grabbed 2 cokes, closed the fridge, and walked towards the couch. Jack joined him, sitting beside Mark and taking the pop. Clicking it open, he took a sip before placing onto the coffee table in front of the couch.
“Hey Chica! Come on up!” Mark called, patting his lap. Jack bursted out laughing at the idea.
“Hahaha! Are you serious? How’s he gonna fit on you?” Jack asked.
“Just watch.” Mark replied with a smug look. Jack watched as Chica climbed up onto Mark’s lap, spun in a single circle, before laying his whole body onto his owner.
“Ohoho my gohohod. You look like you’re being squished!” Jack reacted, laughing at the golden fur covering Mark’s entire lap, stomach and some of the surrounding couch.
“It actually feels really nice. You should try it sometime!” Mark reassured, sighing in contentment as he enjoyed the feeling of pure dog weight on his lap.
“Where’s the remote?” Jack asked, looking back and forth.
Mark opened his eyes. “I think it’s...oh...” Mark muttered, looking around himself. He soon tried feeling the couch cushions, but they were empty. “I think Chica’s sitting on it.” Mark confessed.
“Chica! Off please.” Mark ordered. Chica did what his owner did...sort of...he moved off of Mark, but he flopped himself onto Jack instead.
“Chica! Really?” Jack asked, as 60 pounds of pure, fluffy dog climbed onto his lap.
“I found the remote!” Mark said, holding up the remote. Mark looked at Jack’s lap. “...aaaand now I’ve been replaced.” Mark said, jokingly disappointed. Chica turned his body to face Jack, and started begging for pets. Jack took one look at her eyes, and gave in.
“Haha! You’re such a suck up!” Mark said, pointing to Chica. “And you’re encouraging it!” Mark finished, pointing at Jack.
“Aw, come on Mark! Just look at her! How can you say no to those adorable eyes?!” Jack argued, pointing at Chica. Knowing that Mark’s friend was talking about her, Chica’s tail wagged.
See? She’s so cute! Are you an adorable dog? Yes you are! Oh YES YOU ARE!” Jack cooed, scratching and petting Chica’s head. Chica lifted himself slightly, and gave Jack a kiss on the cheek.
“See? She loves me.” Jack said, smirking.
Mark felt defeated for a moment, before an evil little idea came to mind. “Okay, sure. She CLEARLY loves you! But does she know to obey your commands?” Mark asked.
Well, ya! Chica! Off!” Jack ordered. Chica just stared at him, and didn’t move. “Chica, move!” Jack ordered once again, snapping his finger and pointing to Mark. As Mark predicted, Chica didn’t move.
“See? Alright. Chica! Come to Markipoo!” Mark ordered childishly. Jack’s eyes widened as he watched Chica move from Jack’s lap, to Mark’s lap.
“Ha! That settles it then! I’m the true master!” Mark proclaimed, triumphantly.
“Okay, fine. You’re the boss of Chica. Can I, at least, have Chica on me for a little longer?” Jack asked, pouting with his hands crossed.
Mark smirked, as his plan went into motion. “Sure. Chica! Go! Go to Jack!” Mark ordered. Chica got up, walked over to Jack, and climbed onto his lap. Jack smiled again, petting the dog happily. As a reaction, Chica gave a little bark and licked his chin.
“Ahahaha! Chica!” Jack giggled, using his hands to stop the ticklish tongue. Instead of licking the hands that were in front of Chica, she decided to dodge the hands, and lick Jack’s neck.
“Chihihihica! Nohohoho!” Jack giggled, attempting to cover the area.
“Aww, how cute! Chica’s tasting your face!” Mark teased. A couple seconds later, Chica stopped, turned his head to the side, and stared at the giggly Irishman.
Mark was trying his damn hardest, to not squeal out loud! “That’s so cute! She likes your face, Jack!” Mark cooed. “Though, I think she missed a spot.” Mark added as he got up off the couch. Quietly, he snuck behind the couch, and poked Jack’s neck.
“Mahahark!” Jack yelled, jolting at the sudden touch.
“Chica! Try over here! You missed a spot!” Mark ordered happily, still poking at the right side of Jack’s neck. Chica followed his owner’s orders, and started licking the other side of Jack’s neck.
“Yahahaha! Thahahat tihihihickles!” Jack said through his laughter.
“A little ticklish, Jack?” Mark asked.
“Whahahat do yohohohou fuhuhuckin’ thihihihink?!” Jack yelled, attempting to stop the dog with his hands.
Mark gasped. “How RUDE! That language will NOT be tolerated here! For those who dare swear in this house, get punished!” Mark warned, as he walked around the couch.
“Mahahark! Where ahahare yohohou gohohohoing?” Jack asked through his laughter.
“To the front of the couch, to punish you!” Mark answered. “Wanna guess what your punishment is?” Mark asked, putting a finger over his own mouth. Jack shook his head no. “Very well then! The punishment is...THIS!” Mark yelled, before diving his right hand under Chica. Within a couple seconds, Mark managed to find Jack’s right side, and started squeezing it.
“AAAAHH! NAHAHAHAHAHA! MAHAHAHAHARK! NAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!” Jack screamed. Mark smiled, before adding his left hand into the mix.
“Giiiiitchy, gitchy-gitchy-gitchy goooo!” Mark cooed, changing his squeezing to digging and wiggling.
“MAAAAAAHAHAHARK! DOHOHOHOHON’T!” Jack begged, curling into his ticklish side.
“Aww! Wook at dis wittle giggwy Iwish boy!” Mark teased in baby voice. “Alright. Chica! Off!” Mark ordered, snapping his fingers. Chica listened, and got off the boy. Then, Mark sat into the couch, and moved Jack against the armrest. Once that was there, he continued tickling Jack, with one hand on each squishy side.
“Wow! What a glorious sound!” Mark teased, genuinely happy with the laughter Jack was making.
“PLEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAP! IHIHIT’S TOHOHOHOHO MUHUHUCH!” Jack begged. Realizing he may have gone too far, Mark stopped as soon as those words left Jack’s mouth. Jack body curled up as he laid on the couch, as a mixture of pants and leftover giggles left Jack’s mouth.
“Yohohou fuhuhuhucking suhuhuck, man...” Jack muttered, before using his hands to try and push himself up.
Mark gasped at Jack. Such language! “Oh Jack...don’t you ever learn?” Mark asked, shaking his head in mock disappointment. Suddenly, Jack felt a pair of hands dive into his armpits, and started wiggling.
“WAhahahahait!” Jack reacted, trapping Mark’s hands under his armpits as his squirming started up again.
“Oh my! It looks like my hands are stuck in someone’s armpits! I guess I’m gonna have to keep on tickling the poor Irish boy until he lets my hands go!” Mark teased as he dug his fingers into Jack’s sensitive pits.
“Nohohohoho!” Jack replied, kicking his feet out of frustration.
“All you have to do, is let go of my hands! It’s that easy!” Mark softly explained, with a big smirk on his face.
“Ihihif I let yohohohour hahahands go, yohohou’ll dig deeper ihihihinto my ahaharmpits!” Jack argued through his laughter.
“Hmm...yes. I suppose this is a tough predicament. Welp, it looks like I’ll have to keep tickling Jack’s ticklish pits for ever, and ever, and ever, and ever!” Mark teased, continuing to exploit the Irish lad’s armpits.
Jack could feel his face heating up from the teases. “Ohohoho my gahahahad! Fihihine!” Jack decided, before attempting to open his arms. Mark smiled as he removed his hands. His smile grew wider as he initiated his original plan.
“You shouldn’t have done that, Jack.” Mark said with a deep voice. Mark placed both hands on Jack’s right side, and squeezed them.
Jack’s eyes widened. “OOOOOOHH NOOOOOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHO!” Jack screamed, as his laughter intensified. He continued to scream and laugh as his body frantically squirmed back and forth. Somehow, Jack had managed to trap Mark’s hands between his side and the couch cushion.
“Oh no! My hands are stuck! Again! Looks like I’m gonna have to tickle you until you let my hands go!” Mark teased, as he tried to tickle Jack in the new position.
“IHIHI’ll GEHEHEHET YOU BAHAHAHACK FOR THIHIHIHIS!” Jack yelled through his hysterical laughter. Mark rolled his eyes at Jack’s remark, and only continued to squeeze his side.
After a minute of tickling, Jack has started to bash his fist into the couch cushion. “I CAHAHAHAHAN’T BREHEHEHEHEHEATHE!” Jack shouted through his laughter. He could feel his face getting more and more red as he ran out of breath. Mark noticed this, and decided to stop completely. He stopped squeezing, and let his hands lay there for a sec.
“Th-...thank you. I’m-Mahahark! Nohoho mohohore!” Jack said, before dissolving into another fit of giggles. Mark ignored Jack as he tried to wiggle his trapped hands out from under Jack. Though the wiggling was working, his knuckles happened to be tickling Jack’s side even further.
“Just a few more seconds...” Mark reassured as he continued wiggling his arms.
Jack was able to see the kind of position Mark was in, and almost immediately came up with an idea that would benefit both of them. So, Jack grabbed Nark’s left arm, that had managed to just get free.
“Hey!” Mark yelled, as he pulled on his right arm. Jack took advantage of the position, and started wiggling his fingers against his best friend’s armpits.
“PFFFT-NAHAHAHAHA!” Mark bursted out, attempting to cover the spot with his right hand. Jack stopped his tickling hand, grabbed Mark’s right hand, secured it in his own left hand, and resumed tickling Mark’s pit. “HEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Mark laughed, attempting to pull his arms free. Instead, Jack moved his hand to Mark’s stomach and started scratching.
“JAHAHAHAHACK! STAHAHAHAP THAHAHAHAT!” Mark begged as his knees buckled. Now, Mark’s body was lower than before. Jack took advantage of this, and tried tickling his neck.
“EEEEEHEHEHEHE!” Mark squealed, scrunching his shoulders.
Jack’s smile widened. “Oh my god! Your voice is able to reach unimaginable levels!” Jack exclaimed as his hand tickled different sides of Mark’s neck.
“STAAAAAAPP IT! PLEEEEEHEHEHEHEASE!” Mark whined through the big toothy smile on his face.
Mark’s eyes were completely scrunched together, and his face was getting a little more red by the minute. As a finale, Jack decided to try one more spot. He lifted up Mark’s shirt, and wiggled his index finger over Mark’s belly button. Almost immediately, Mark erupted into high, hysterical laughter as his whole body jumped. He completely lost his balance, and started to fall sideways. Jack let go of his hands, so that Mark could complete his fall.
“Oh my god! Your voice is able to go higher than mine has ever gone!” Jack exclaimed.
Mark stayed on the ground, lying away from the couch. “Fuhuhuck you.” Mark replied, through some leftover giggles.
Jack smiled. “Love you too, Mark.” Jack replied.
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Break up with your girlfriend, I’m bored.
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[Gif From WeHeartIt]
Pairing: Yoongi x y/n.
Word count: 4k
Genre: Office worker!au. Angst, fluff and smut.
Warnings: Mature content / NSFW, descriptions of alcohol consumption, cheating.
“Took one fuckin’ look at your face, now I wanna know how you taste…”
Just another dull day at your job as an office assistant, you sighed while doing some paper work. “Laura, wanna go grab some coffee later?” you said to the older woman that works at the front desk.
“Sure but you look a bit down today, is everything ok?”
“I’m ok, just a bit bored!” You said trying to sound convincing.
“I see! I’ll take those boxes to storage, could you please stay in my desk for a while?” She says while rushing to grab them.
“Sure!!” You get up while adjusting your glasses.
As soon as Laura disappears in the stairs you hear someone clearing their throat at your right side. You turn around to face the stranger demanding attention. A tall and pale man, looking at you with a puzzled expression. His hair is blonde and slightly pushed back, exposing his forehead and his small and delicate features.
“How can I help you?” Your voice just as calm as a whisper.
“I came from X office to collect some papers, for financial analysis… Laura normally has them ready… hm-” He looks around her desk trying to catch a glimpse of them. You notice his lips are pouting in a cute way.
“She’ll come back in a while, do you mind waiting?” You say trying to make eye contact.
“I’m in a rush actually! Look it’s a big blue envelope with a red zip tie on it…” His eyes are still eagerly wandering on the table, not even once they rise to meet yours. Funny.
You start to search for it on the drawers and under endless papers, “Blue you said?! Hm… This one?” You watch as a smile arises on the corner of his lips.
“Yes. Thank you! And I need you to sign on here.” He hands a piece of paper to you while trying to clutch the blue envelope with the other hand, unsuccessfully as he drops everything. You smile, finding cuteness in his clumsiness. “Easy there!” And with a deep sigh his smile quickly changes into an annoyed expression.
Laura returns giggling. “Having one of those days, sweetheart? Also y/n, thank you ~ thank you!” She signs the paper and the boy quickly rushes through the glass door into the street.
The day goes by and it’s already time to go home. As you hop on the subway train you can’t help but daydream about the early encounter with the delivery boy, you want to know more about him; his cute lips definitely caught your attention. Your phone vibrates waking you up.
Yuna: We going out tonight, baby.
Y/N: girl, YES!
Yuna: Come to my place to get ready, see ya xoxo
Y/N: see yaaaa~
Your best friend knows exactly how to cheer you up and after a long boring day going out for drinks sounds like fun. You hop off a station early and quick on your feet towards Yuna’s place. She opens the door with a huge playful smile and jumps into your arms, you reciprocate her embrace. You guys met at college and had a quick affair, if it can even be called that way, for six months before deciding to just be friends. Best friends, always there for each other!
“There’s this new place I’ll take you tonight, come in let’s get ready.” As you both get in, pop music is already blasting in her room. Typical girl’s night out.
“So, today a new guy showed up at my work and he’s so cute haha I need to get to know him, you know…” Yuna is dancing around the room, getting in the mood. “Tell me more about it, what’s his name?” You stop doing your makeup and looks at the ceiling, pouting “I have no idea, actually!”
“You not even naming your toys anymore, y/n?!” You both fall back laughing.
“It’s not like I care” You mumble while styling your curly hair into a half up-do, leaving a few strands of hair fall to the sides of your face. “I’m ready, let’s goooo.”
Getting to this new place she mentioned, you can’t help be feel fascinated by the lights hanging above the bar, each of them in different sizes like stars, the whole ambient is cozy but still fancy, a few tables placed around the bar and a dance floor at the center. Yuna grabs your hand to head towards the counter to order drinks.
After a few sips it’s time to dance and mingle with the others, on the dance floor you can sense people staring at you and Yuna having fun. You take another sip feeling your throat burn, then you close your eyes letting your mind wander with the heavy bass beat of the song playing. You feel dizzy and light at the same time, spinning around in your tight red dress, losing your balance for a second because of the super high heels you choose for the night when you feel a hand on your shoulder. You open your eyes in surprise and ready to apologize or to knock someone down, for your luck it’s Yuna and a man wrapping one of his arms around her waist, they’re both smiling.
“Y/n, this is Hoseok! My friend and owner of this amazing place.” He stretches his hand to you. “I see you’re having fun, girl.” You reach his hand. “Nice to meet you, I love what you did with the ceiling by the way!” Hoseok is a tall and slim man, super well dressed and with a heart shaped smile. He looks more like a model than a business owner.
“I’m glad you like it, now if you excuse me I have to keep this party going but, order whatever you want it’s on me today, girls” He blinks putting his hand up. Everyone is all smiles as he does a reverence and leaves holding hands with his boyfriend, you guessed.
Back at the bar you sit down trying to catch your breath after dancing frantically, a few ‘on the house’ drinks later and your friend Yuna is disappearing with someone in the middle of this sea of people. You decide to go out for a breath of fresh air. Hoseok is also outside smoking and talking with a few acquaintances, he notices you standing outside and shouts “Hey Yuna’s friend, y/n right?! Join us.” You stagger your way towards them and Hoseok notices it. “Actually let’s go back inside, I bet your heels are killing you!” You laugh in relief “You’re absolutely right, omg.”
Everyone is guided to a secluded section upstairs, illuminated by purple lights around the ceiling, black couches disposed around and a few sculptures making this place look super fancy. This must be the VIP section, you think to yourself! You see Yuna is already up here with someone, you both smile at each other as you walk around this new place admiring the figures dancing on the dance floor ahead of you. “Take a sit!” Hoseok is accommodating everyone and making sure the drinks keep coming, you chat a little bit with him and his boyfriend.
After a while you notice the boy with blonde hair staring at you. Your eyes meet his; he quickly looks somewhere else with a look of discomfort all over his face. He keeps checking his phone from time to time while sipping on a drink. You get up to dance again, sometimes peaking at him to get a reaction, why not. As you get closer to him you notice his cheeks are slightly red, “Won’t you dance?”
The boy looks up at you standing in front of him, surprised and smiles, “Ah, I don’t know how.” He takes a big sip of his drink and gets up, anyway.
“Nice to meet you, again!” you give him a cute grin. “Nice to meet you, again! Y/n, right? I’m Yoongi.” He definitely noticed you. After exchanging more work related words you can’t keep yourself from staring at his lips and how sweet they may taste, he’s smiling more now and his cheeks are no longer red, as the conversation progress you both find things in common besides graduating from the same major that he’s still attending. His arm touching your arm from time to time.
A few sips later and he’s swirling you around, one of his hands holding your hips every now and then. The song slows down and he pulls you closer, your eyes meet as you notice he’s flustered.
“I’m sorry to interrupt you lovebirds but it’s time to go!” A giggling voice interrupts your conversation, it’s Yuna. His cheeks are awfully red now which makes him look cute. You both turn around quickly to face her when you lose balance for a second, Yoongi’s hand is agile and firm to hold your back, preventing you from falling; Yuna holds your arm and you feel his warm hand quickly fall from your body, you lock eyes with him again until Yuna’s voice snaps you back, “y/n, you ok?” He looks down now, one hand on the back of his neck.
“I think I drank too much, maybe… but I’m fine. Let’s go home then, babe” You say wrapping your hands on your best friend’s shoulders and pulling her closer. Yoongi, flashes a weak smile as he says goodbye and you watch his skinny figure going down the stairs, on his way out he looks back one last time to where you guys were standing. And you raise your hand giving him one last cynical wave.
You can’t help but keep remembering that night and his warm touch, when the front door of the office opens and you see Yoongi entering the building, wearing a cheap but well maintained black suit, typical of an intern. His blond hair covering his eyes because of the wind outside. He looks at you with his signature soft smile.
“Hey y/n.” He says biting his lower lip.
“Hi Yoongi, meeting someone important today?” You say pointing at him; you two make small talk while Laura sign his papers. He turns around and wave a goodbye from the front door while making his way out, you follow him with your eyes.
“I see. You’re friends now?” Laura scoffs.
“For the time being. Yes!” You say confidently.
“Ah y/n, I wish I had your confidence when I was your age.” You look at her with a huge smile on your face.
For the following weeks, you’ve been talking with Yoongi on his brief errands at your work when you decide to ask him for a coffee date, he looks caught by surprised at your invitation, “I’ve been busy with work and uni but sure! I know this place that serves a really good cappuccino, you’ll love it.” He says smiling.
“Here, gimme your phone!” You save your number on his phone, “Text me the address, ok!” He looks a little uncomfortable again but you’re used to it by now.
?: It’s me, Yoongi
Yoongi: This is the place I told you about and I’m free this saturday too, js
Y/N:  ok, I think I can make it saturday too :)
Yoongi: Can’t wait
You arrive at the cafeteria and you see Yoongi already sitting in the back wearing ripped jeans and a gray oversized hoodie, his hair is messy different from his daily kept look.
“Hey y/n, here!” You make your way to him and sit down, “Aren’t you cold?” he says pointing at your dress.
“Yeah, I wasn’t expecting the weather would betray me!” You say and he laughs at your annoyed tone.
You spend the afternoon with him talking about dreams and life.
On the way out he says all excited, “I told you the coffee there was out of this world!” the boy says putting his hands inside of his hoodie pockets, ”Are you going to subway 3?”
“Yes and what about you?”
“Same, let’s walk together, then.” The sun is going down leaving the sky orange colored, you look at his pale face almost reflecting the soft sun light, the lips you want so bad are plump and red because of the cold wind. He looks back at you with a serious aura on his face, almost as he wants to ask something or say something; as your eyes meet he turns his head around at the cars on the street, not giving you time to say anything. A chilly breeze made you quiver and Yoongi quickly says, “Take my hoodie, already!” his voice was calm.
“it’s ok, my place is close to the subway.” The colder it got the more Yoongi tried to convince you to take his hoodie, you denied again and again, until he put his hands on your shoulder and rubbed the sides of your arms up and down, you melted at his warm touch, he was caressing your bare tanned skin in a slow motion making sure you’d feel warm. You turned around and looked into his eyes, you both got closer to the point where you felt the tip of his nose touch yours, he looked down immediately his cheeks instantly turned crimson red when he noticed what he was doing pulling away from you quickly.
“What’s wrong, Yoongi?” you couldn’t hold it anymore.
“Nothing!” Yoongi said while rubbing the back of his neck, trying to find the right words to say.
“Yoongi… Why are you so hesitant?”
“I had fun today but I don’t think we should do this. I’m kind of seeing someone now and we’re getting serious…” He said while looking at the floor, not having the courage to look at your face, waiting to be scolded.
“And what about it?” You sounded cynical.
“I like our friendship but I can’t do this to you.” His eyes now are trying to figure out your expression.
“You’re not doing anything to me!” You blinked trying to ease the tension in the air, in vain! An awkward silence followed you both until the subway entrance. It was time to part ways, commonly you went to give him a hug and you noticed again his hesitance.
You went the whole ride back home skeptical, not sure about what had just happened and after this Yoongi was different, more quiet and cold around you and not texting you just as much as he did before.
“What was it? It didn’t work out or you were late?” Laura asked.
“Hm? What are you talking about?” you asked with a puzzled look on your face.
“Yoongi told me that he started dating someone.” She said in a careful way, pausing and waiting for your reaction.
“Oh, is that so?” You shrugged. “I already knew haha we’re just friends, really and besides I don’t date.”
Later on that day you got a text from your best friend.
Yuna: Hoseok’s tonight?
Y/n: ok, I’m bringing a friend to party with us ;)
Yuna: that boy… Yoongi?
Y/n: yep.
Yuna: can’t believe you but I’m not judging xoxo  
You were bored and why not?! You always got what you wanted and with him wouldn’t be different.
Y/n: hey wanna go clubbing tonight?
Yoongi: sure :)
You finished doing your makeup adding a cherry red lipstick. Put on a black dress that accentuated you waist, leather jacket, high heels and you were ready to walk out the door. You went all the way to the club thinking about Yoongi and about what Laura said earlier, you weren’t a bad person but the fact that he has a girlfriend still echoed in your mind. Were you so wrong in pursuing him? How serious is their relationship for him to contemplate kissing you that other day? You were always a free spirit, dating was out of context, you enjoyed your freedom more than anything else and maybe that could be what Yoongi was missing, freedom!
At the club and went to greet Hoseok and Yuna. “I really need a drink today, guys!” They laughed and you walked towards the bar.
A few sips later, you and your friends sit at one of the couches when you see Yoongi arriving with someone and that someone must be his girlfriend, he’s wearing combat boots and a leather jacket very similar to yours, you can’t help but feel your heart beat faster. You put your hand up signalizing to him where you were sitting. As he makes the way through the crowd you get up to greet him with a kiss on the cheek, Yoongi looks at you up and down with a smirk trying to escape from his lips, then you realize the girl is now closer to him and placing her hand on his chest, “y/n this is Ana and Ana this is my friend y/n”, the short girl smiles at you and quickly looks up at Yoongi. You laugh.
“Sit here and drink with us.” You point at the couch.
Ana and Yoongi sit in front of you, he looks calm while handing her a drink, his eyes shining. A few drinks later and his girlfriend says pouting, “Yoon, I want to dance with you.” He promptly gets up and leads her towards the dance floor. You watch as he moves in a stiff way, pulling her close when the song gets slower, his eyes wander in your direction from time to time when you finally get up and strut to the dance floor, eyes locked on his.
She notices you coming and signalizes to you to dance with her, Yoongi hesitates at first until he gets the approval look from his girl, probably having the time of his life taking turns between the two girls.
She grabs your hand and drags you to the bar counter and Yoongi follows you two like a puppy “Let’s make a toast! Yoon, my drink.” She ordered and he quickly gave her one. You keep laughing at him, “To new friends!” and you reply looking at him with a smirk “yeah… Friends!”
Later you make you’re on the dance floor, grinding on a stranger while looking at your desired target sitting on a couch obeying every order from his girlfriend. You dismiss the unknown guy and leave the dance floor to one of the VIP sections where you order another drink, this time it’s not sweet but dry and it goes down burning your lungs. Suddenly Yoongi comes from behind you, “can I take a sip?” he says looking at your cup.
“Go ahead.” You watch as he downs the whiskey left on your cup.
“Looks like we matched today!” You say while running your hand in the lapel of his jacket, he immediately grabs your hand for a moment before finally dropping it and looking around in concern, you chuckle. “Don’t worry, she’s not up here, Yoongi.”
“y/n what do you want?” he sighs.
“You should ask yourself but I guess you already know the answer.” You say adamantly.
“I- …” He fails to find words.
“Don’t get so upset over it!” You say while lifting his head with your index finger, he turns his head rejecting your touch. “Fine, do whatever you want but don’t play the innocent card, not with me.”
“I won’t cheat on her with you. Now quit it!” He gently grabs your arm and pulls you closer.
“If you want it so bad and you know you do, break up with her…” You say bluntly while getting closer to him, you can feel his hand get tighter around your arm and his breath gets heavier. “If it makes you feel better.”
You lock eyes with Yoongi when you feel his lips violently trying to find fulfilment in yours. You push him against a wall still not breaking the kiss, his back crashes with the wall behind making him moan, his hands are now caressing your waist and his body is hard against yours. You give his lips one last bite before breaking the kiss to search for air. Yoongi looks at you with a painful look in his eyes while pulling you away.
“I should go.” He says while licking his lips.
“Don’t bother.” You say while making your way towards the stairs leaving Yoongi behind, you can’t deny your body is still heated from the kiss you shared and how you melt into his arms.
Yoongi tries to reach you next to the dance floor when his girlfriend appears, you keep walking when you hear she’s asking where you two were.
Outside the club you grab your phone and text Yuna to say you’re going home earlier, inside the taxi you smile at yourself when your mind keeps replaying the kiss.
A week later you get a text.
Yoongi: You up?
Y/n: yes
Yoongi: Can I see you for a moment?
Y/n: meet me at that coffee place then
Yoongi: ok
You arrive before him and order tea, the mug is warm and you wrap your hands around it, your fingertips throb in response to the high temperature. Your eyes are staring at the door, waiting for him to walk through it and do what they always do, apologize and talk about how regretful he feels. You’ve heard it all before and it didn’t touch you a bit!
Yoongi comes and goes straight to the counter to place an order and then proceeds to sit across the table to face you. “Hey, you ok?”
“I’m great, what about you? Let me guess-” You say coldly before being interrupted.
“I want to apologize for what happened.” He looks down and you notice he’s fidgeting.
“Yoongi, I liked it.” You don’t mind being blunt and you notice his cheeks going red.
“Y/n, I feel awful… For feeling the same.” There it is, get it out of your chest! You think to yourself.
“Stop this pity party, please! C’mon, let’s go for a walk.” You say while going towards the door and Yoongi follows you.
You lead the way. Yoongi is silent, eyes cast down. The night life is starting, people are starting to fill the streets. You keep looking at his face, you want to touch his hair again, feel his lips on yours like before, his gentle touch, his body against you. Just like that. His voice breaks your hallucination.
“I don’t know what to do! I don’t know if I could, if I should.”
“You do, you’re just scared but it’s OK.” You say placing a hand on his shoulder and he gently put his hand over yours. “What’s the point in overthinking this whole thing?!”
“Why are you acting like this? Aren’t you upset that I’m going for you when I have a girlfriend?” He says with frustration in his voice.
“No, save your breath.” You say while placing yourself in front of him, face to face. He looks into your eyes this time without hesitation or discomfort but with determination. You lean closer and he runs his hand in your cheek and down to your lips, you place a little peck on his thumb, Yoongi holds your face with his hands taking time to appreciate your features, to brush the tip of his nose on yours.
“You make me wanna be bad, y/n.”
Yoongi slowly kisses you, taking his time to savor the moment. Your run your hands through his blonde hair. He proceeds to place one hand in your waist to pull you closer; his touch, contrary to his lips, is tight full of desire, he wants more of you. He slowly break the kiss with little pecks and finally placing one in your forehead. You rest your head on his chest inhaling his spicy but sweet perfume, you know his heart is beating faster, “Come to my place.” you say in a whisper, Yoongi nods before hugging you tighter.
A soon as you two get inside Yoongi pulls you quickly against the door to place another peck on your forehead before kissing you again. You drop your bag on the floor while he gets rid of your jacket, he’s not holding back anymore and neither is you.
You push him against the wall while taking off your blouse, he does the same exposing his pale chest now in touch with your skin. His hands grips your ass and lifts you up, Yoongi place a few kisses on your chest. Not wasting any more time you drag Yoongi to your room, next to the bed you lightly push him down. “So mean.” He teases.
“You have no idea!” You say getting on top of him, untying his jeans and exposing his hard member inside his underwear. You kiss his chest making sure it’ll leave hickeys behind, tracing your way towards his belly. His breath is louder now and he mumbles a “fuck…” You tease him by stopping midway close to the elastic of his boxers to pull his pants down.
Yoongi proceeds to take off your pants and undo your bra, he carefully places you on the bed, kissing your neck and going down to suck on the tip of your breasts, you shiver in pleasure, he keeps going down placing kisses on your body.
“You’re so beautiful, y/n.” He takes your underwear slowly, you’re totally exposed now and aching for more, “I’m dying to taste you.” Yoongi whispers and fiercely opens your legs to bury his face between them without hesitation; “You’re all wet for me already, babe!” a little moan leaves your mouth making him fast the pace of his tongue, his hands squeeze your thighs harder and harder while you arch your back.
“Yoongi!” You kept moaning louder and louder.
He knew exactly what he was doing placing two fingers at your entrance, you were so close to coming now but you wanted him inside of you first. “I want you. I want you, now!” you said pulling him up noticing the precum mark on his gray boxers. You quickly opened the drawer on your nightstand to grab a condom and reached his member, “Lay down.” You carefully put the condom on him and licked the length of his cock making him moan, still keeping eye contact you took his tip on your mouth moving your tongue around and finally sucking on it, he was inside of your mouth now and you were greedy taking it all making his tip touch your throat, he moaned louder and a few tears rolled down your cheek.
“Fuck! You’re so good.” He moaned and grabbed the sheets when you sucked harder. You couldn’t wait anymore, you got up and kissed his lips again before rubbing your clit against his member a few times before slowly putting it inside, adjusting yourself to the thickness of his member, when you took it all in he sighed deeply in satisfaction.
You rode him intercalating your velocity driving him crazy. In a sudden move he turned around making you fall on the bed, Yoongi is on top now moving furiously making you scratch his back. He circles small and delicate circles on your clit, while fastening his pace. “Faster!” You order. A few strokes and he’s a sweating mess.
“I’m close, y/n.” Still rubbing you and holding one of your hands in a tight grip you two melt away in pleasure, your moans are louder now. Yoongi finds strength to a few more strokes before falling on top of you, head resting on your shoulder when you hear him chuckle when your insides throb around his cock. “You’re so thigh, so so good.” He says placing a kiss on your forehead and falling to your side.
“You’re not that bad…” You say making laugh. You two are still breathing heavy when he pulls you closer to his chest and caress your head in silence while the clock ticks the night away, your eyelids feel heavy and you fight the urge to tell him leave falling asleep with his arms wrapped around you.
Notes: I hope you like it and let me know whatever you think of it, ok?! I thought about making a sequence to this, the *chef’s kiss* angsty final, if you’d like to read it let me know too!!!
 As you may have noticed I suck at describing stuff and I absolutely don’t know how to use a comma, BUT I have time to improve!
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101scenes · 7 years
Wanna One Lai Guan Lin - The 24 Hour Challenge
 featuring: lai guan lin
genre: fluff
word count: 1,964 words
summary: a 24-hour experience with a newly assigned class, and a so-called crush
suggested: nah lmao
you were a junior in your high school
so as an annual tradition, each junior class has to conduct something special for their class to bond before the start of the school year
because in sophomore year you all were in different classes
so you kind off had to get to know each other
your newly elected class representative, lee daehwi, suggested a 24 hour challenge at a chalet
and it was somehow approved by the school
it was supposedly “innovative” and a “fresh idea”
everyone in your class managed to chip in a little fee to book the chalet for a full day
luckily in your new class you knew a few people from your sophomore class
you thought about skipping cause you thought it would be weird lmao
but your friend dragged you along because she loves exploring new things
so ofc you went
class spirit!
time skip
on the day of the 24 hour challenge
everyone gathered at the booked chalet at about 3pm
& our amazing class rep split the class up into small groups of 4 to their rooms to unpack
boys & girls rooms duh
at about 4pm everyone was gathered back at the common room
and he began explaining the ground rules
like no alcohol, no illegal substances etc
and no electronics
so he had to confiscate everyone’s phone lmao
he also explained the itinerary of the full 24 hours
and he said everyone could hang around until 6pm, where people had to gather at the bbq pit for dinner
after dispersing, you were left defenseless without your precious phone
so you went to the kitchen
isnt the kitchen everyone’s safe haven lmao
and started socializing with your new classmates
you made a few friends surprisingly 
and it was fun overall
stirring your cup of coffee, you looked over at the common room decked with kinect & wii games
you spot this really enthusiastic kid that dragged his friend to switch on just dance to play
seeing the slightly taller guy dance made you smile a little
he seemed like a really reserved guy, but he looked like he was having lots of fun with his friend
it was really cute
so you never thought you would do this
but you joined them
since just dance could play up to 4 people
you decided why not
you never tried just dance
and you played a game with them
yes, without asking their names
after this extremely long and strenuous song
you got second place
with the taller guy in last
you look over to expect a defeated look
but he was still smiling like how he did 10 minutes ago
he was panting yeah
trying to regain his breath on the couch
he still looked really smol
even tho he was tall
while you let your other classmates play
you learnt the guy who got 1st place was seonho
he was generally just a really happy guy
you kindoff guessed it when he entered the class on the first day and gave everyone a sweet and a card with a happy face sticker on it
& the other guy
who was still dancing away
was named guanlin
after chatting a bit with seonho you decided to help out at the bbq pit
and you saw daehwi & your friend chatting away
they were exchanging jokes and giggles
and you just pressed your hand against the glass pane and smiled
you sHIPPED THEM sO hard
bc class rep & vice class reps are shippable
then you heard someone next to you say,
“i ship them too, they’re cute,”
you faced him, to see guanlin pressing his arm against the glass pane as well
“oh, hello, i’m y/n,” you turned to him and greeted
and he did the same
as you threw him a towel from the drawer to wipe his sweat, you asked,
“should we disrupt their moment?”
guanlin shook his head
“nah, it’s their moment,” he said, smiling as he walked away
you watched him as he walked away
and that kindoff concluded your first interaction with him
the guy with the smile that needed to be protected
time sKIP
after some good dinner
(daehwi made sure eVEryone was full)
(class rep more like mother)
he said it was time for gamES!!
you could hear seonho frm the other side of the room squeal
& it was hide and seek
you swore you haven’t played hide and seek ever since you were 8
but you were convinced that you could find a great hiding spot
you kindoff saw a spot earlier that no one wld ever suspect (!!)
so once the seeker began counting down, you loitered a bit first
cause you wanted to see everyone scatter
maybe you could find a better spot
but you ultimately went to your spot
which was this camouflaged door under the stairs that led to a small storage area
you weren’t afraid of small spaces
so why not
you opened the door to see 
a tall fella
sat in the corner
before you could apologize and leave, the seeker had already announced he would begin
and guanlin grabbed your wrist, pulled you in and shut the door
uhh it was kindoff a small space
so it was just you and guanlin
in the dark
uncomfortably close
you were both sitting in silence
you wanted to say something
but the seeker could hear you guys talking if you did
so you kept quiet
you could still see some of guanlin’s face due to the fading light falling into through the thin walls
he had literally no flaws
how can a guy have flawless skin?!?
without thinking you blurted out,
before you could even continue tho
he grabbed your wrist again
his hand shocked you lmao
so you fell forward a bit & he caught you
& you could smell his scent
you felt like you did injustice
and you backed up a bit and whispered sorry
thanks to the light
you couldnt see the red fading on guanlin’s cheeks
oh & god damn your ears were all red too
ugh just kiss already
the seeker was left with you two
and could not find you two
so you two crawled out of the little storage room 
everyone didn’t expect the two of you to be together
in an enclosed space
so there were a bit of murmurs
daehwi exCLAIMED,
“yOU hAVe vIOLATED THe RUleS of INdeCen-”
“NO” you blurted
daehwi started laughing
and everyone did too
except you and guanlin
you literally thought they were interrogating you
but it was a joke
haha joking
you fake-laughed
you turned around to see him
just looking away
occasionally rubbing his cheeks
after the game, it was curfew, & you managed to escape to your room as quickly as possible
and dug your face into your pillow
and you just lied there for 10mins
and did not notice your friend enter
“what was the deal with guanlin? are you all a thing?” your friend asked as she sat on your bed
“so i take that as a no?”
you sit up and faced her
“it was embarrassing,” you said & covered your face
“pff, it’s okay, have a good nights rest okay?” she said, patting your back
after sulking a bit more, you decided to change into your pjs
as you walked out of the room door, you noticed guanlin walking to his room wearing his freshly changed pjs
it was a matching set of fluffy pjs
it was so adorable wtf
wHy were you feeling these?!?
you shook your head vigorously
like girl
you cant fall for some guy you just met
you did a quick change and went to sleep
but through hours of tossing and turning
you couldnt sleep
you just couldnt sleep in a new environment
partially another reason you didnt want to come
you would naturally grab your phone and scroll around on instagram or something
but since you didnt have it
you just laid on your bed
looking at the clock
it was almost 3am
you sighed
you had nothing to do
so you decided to go down to kitchen and make yourself some hot tea
it was really soothing to you
as you floated down the stairs craving for your tea
you noticed the kitchen light on
you peeked in
and saw guanlin standing there with his own cup of drink
before you could run away from the embarrassment previously
he called out your name
“yo y/n! you up too?”
you found his raspy voice so bEauTifuL
you slowly spun around
and reminded yourself to not remember the incident previously
and you did
“uhh, y-yeah,” you stammered, and walked past him to make a drink
he saw you, it was impossible to just walk away again
“ahaha yeah, me too, i can’t sleep in new places,”
while the hot water was pouring into your cup, you turned around
“rEally?” you said too enthusiastically
you eyes literally shone 
and he was shocked
“o-oh sorry hah, i have the same problem,” you said, collecting your drink
looking out of the window, you said
“i just never knew someone with the a similar, yknow,”
guanlin hummed in agreement
the next hour was just spent talking
about anything tbh
about how you never really saw him in freshman and sophomore year because he was that timid
about grades
until you two finished your midnight drinks
you two walked up the stairs back to your rooms together
as you turned the doorknob to your room, he ruffled your hair and passed by behind you
“goodnight, y/n”
you could hear a smile from his voice
which made your heart melt ok
you returned to your bed and kindoff reflected
you would be spending two more of your years in school with your cRush
oh god u admitted your crush
and you fell asleep to the thought that you would be able to see that smile everyday
fEw hOURs pass
9am!! sun rise!!!
ofc u weren’t up because you slept at like 4am last night lmao
so you waddled out of bed at 11am
everyone already had their breakfast and are literally out of the door heading for the beach 
you were so behind time lmao
once you saw no one around, you realized you were late
as you opened the front door, you heard stomping behind you
it was guanlin
because he slept at 4am too
“lets goooo!!” you shouted, grabbing his wrist and dragging him out of the door
jeez he didnt even put on slippers yet
once you reached the beach, you just ate the sandwich you packed for lunch and thats about it
while everyone else played
you werent much of a fan of the sun and outdoors bahah
but you saw guanlin playing in the water with the other guys
he had the smile again
the captivating one
you sigh and just look his way
for some reason
you had the urge to make him smile like that
and you really wanted to see him smile because of you
and you only
uhgh what were u thinking
time sKip
it was time to leave :(
everyone was one by one leaving the compound with their belongings
and you were one of the last ones
when you left, you saw guanlin waiting for you near the door
guanlin grinned, put down his duffel bag and opened his arms
you walked right into them, hugging him back
“see you soon, guanlin,” you said
you turn around
“uhm, i would love to talk with you again,” he said, handing you his phone with a new contact application
you smiled
“of course,”
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