#also it was v fun to write for all three of them in one scenario
ritzy-reminiscence · 1 year
─♣️─ Lackadaisy : Snuggle Struggles
⸝⸝ tl;dr : after running dangerously close to death during a fight with a rival speakeasy, freckle, ivy, and rocky seek solace + slumber in an abandoned barn, wherein freckle and ivy have a moment and ... fight over the blankets ? ⸝⸝ note : inspired by what @avatarvyakara said in my previous lackadaisy post ! thank u so much for lighting this funky little idea in my brain ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
⸝⸝ note² : 3k+ words ,,, currently unedited as of posting this, so expect edits and little things to be added in the future ! also, i'd like to thank thesaurus.com for supplying my dried-up vocabulary with synonyms for 'smile' and 'laugh'.
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It was an adrenaline-pumped Rocky that drove their car -- smoking, one of the tires ominously squealing -- into the sanctuary of an abandoned barn. It rumbled and swayed down the worn dirt path, once kept spotlessly clean but was now littered with dead leaves and rocks and tufts of grass that had crept up through the dry soil. The full moon gave Rocky at least a bit of visibility, however dappled and blurred it may be through a canopy of tall willow trees, their drooping leaves swaying like sickly fingers in the wind. Ribbits of frogs and hums of cicadas joined the car's squeaking song, culminating into a cacophony that only seemed to shatter the frigid night air.
"It's not much," came Rocky's voice, sticking his head out the window to peer at the broken-down barn, "but it should keep us safe for the night."
In the backseat, Freckle fidgeted with the buttons on his waistcoat. Ivy sat next to him, keeping a tight grip on the half-a-dozen whiskey bottles they managed to salvage from an earlier fight with a rival speakeasy gang. It was their only reminder of what they had gone through during the night -- if you didn't count the bruises, cuts, gashes, and pains all three rookie rumrunners nursed.
And by God, do those bruises hurt.
It was the only thing Freckle could feel as Rocky slowed the car to a stop behind the barn; as they all clambered out of the busted up vehicle and opened the barn doors with a creak that shook the whole place; as Ivy found a set of matches on the hay-strewn floor and lit up the rusting lanterns hanging from the walls. While there aren't any sheep or chickens in the barn, the smell of them still lingered in the haystacks piled up in the corners of the drafty building, and it made Freckle nauseous. Through pain-dazed eyes, he watched from his spot on the floor as Ivy and Rocky gathered bundles of hay up the rickety ladder to the hayloft. He tried to keep his eyes open, to stand up and help, but the rafters spun and the floor swirled and the blood rushed into his head as he felt his body fall forwards and --
-- land onto a ... surprisingly soft wood floor ?
Not a floor, he eventually realized, opening his eyes and seeing a lantern swing softly overhead. Seeing Rocky's and Ivy's faces, the former grinning down at Freckle and the latter scrunching her nose. A bed made of straw. He gingerly moved his body, and felt hay prick his sides and tickle his arms.
"See, Miss Pepper, no harm done!" "Rocky, I said gently lower him onto the straw, not drop him onto the straw like a bag of rocks." "Miss Pepper, you knew that I had spaghetti arms - it'll take me awhile to get my muscles stiffened up to be linguine. And besides, I got him up to the hayloft, didn't I?"
Freckle strained his ears to listen as their voices got quieter. Their mouths were moving, and he was sure they were speaking. So why couldn't he hear them? He could only see their muzzles opening and stretching and closing. Could only see their eyes widening in and then their brows furrowing in tandem as the world closed in on him and he knew no more.
✧ ‧˚₊ ° ♣️ ° ₊˚‧✧
The next time Freckle opened his eyes, it was to see Rocky balancing on precariously stacked blocks of old hay, rotting wooden chairs, and damp barrels, straining to reach a couple of quilts hanging from the rafters.
"Keep those haystacks steady, Miss Pepper!" "I'm trying!"
Freckle heard a triumphant whoop of glee from Rocky as his paws held onto the ends of the fabric, followed by a wobbling scream and a thunderous crash as Rocky, haystacks, chairs, and barrels fell to the floor.
Freckle sat upright -- and immediately regretted it. He pinned his ears back and released his breath in a hiss as a fresh wave of pain gripped him around the chest.
"Rocky! Are you alright?" Ivy's shrill question of concern. A chuckle that turned into a cackle, and a mussed-up paw holding up two grubby quilts. "Right as rain!"
Freckle coughed and tried to breathe steadily, but it felt like knives were cutting into his skin everytime he did so.
Rocky and Ivy turned their heads to look at him, their ears facing forward and their tails thumping the floor.
"Rocky," Freckle started, taking in the strands of hay clinging to his cousin's fur and clothes, "are you sure you're okay?"
Rocky blinked, his mouth forming a small 'o' before splitting into an ear-to-ear 'v'.
" 'Course I am, dear cousin!" he replied, erupting into raucous laughter. "Nothing ol' Rocky can't handle!" He threw the quilts in Freckle's direction, and they landed with a heavy thud on the railings of the hayloft. "Are you okay, though?"
Freckle thought about that for a bit. "Better than before," he finally muttered.
To this, Rocky's grin spread even wider. "Well, I'll be taking my leave to go check on the car, then. Miss Pepper, take care of Freckle for me while I'm gone, will ya? Will ya -- ? Good! I won't take long, I'll just make sure the car is alright, and in the meantime you two go on and rest and cuddle and snuggle and neck--"
Rocky stopped, smiling sheepishly. "Did I say anything?"
And just like that, he was walking out of the barn with a bounce to his step before Freckle could respond, the barn door shutting behind him with a resounding boom. Freckle sank deeper into the bed with a sigh, as Ivy climbed the ladder and took the two quilts on the splintery railings into her arms.
"By 'check on the car', does Rocky mean sleep in the car or leave the two of us alone so we can 'rest and cuddle and snuggle and neck'?" Ivy paused, as if in thought about something. "But then again, Rocky probably meant both," she added with a small giggle.
In response, Freckle let out a chuckle, and then a wince as he put a paw to his bruised ribs -- bruised or broken? Ivy's eyes widened with concern and she scuttled towards Freckle and began to prop his head up with one of the quilts.
"N-no, it's fine, Miss Pepper," wheezed Freckles, and Ivy laughed and propped him up anyways.
"Don't be silly, Calvin, you need it more than I do. And I already told you," she added, moving closer and sitting next to him, pulling her knees to her chin, "to call me Ivy."
Freckle could only nod dumbly, feeling the blush creep up to his cheeks. Ivy laughed and slid down to lay on her back, turning on her side and propping herself on her elbow to peer at Freckle.
"You know, Rocky did the right thing, leaving the two of us in here," she said, her tone low, an intimate murmur meant only for him. "You're really cute when you blush like that."
And that sent Freckle into a flurry of blushes and stammers, much to Ivy's delight and to his embarassment (or was he really embarassed, though?). Ivy laughed again -- musical, bright, lilting -- and she wriggled closer, her bottom lip below her teeth. Freckle could almost see his reflection in her eyes.
She smiled again, softer and sweeter this time. Overhead, the wind blew and whistled, making the rafters groan. Noticing this, Ivy reached behind her for the other quilt. She grimaced at the state of the fabric, but then shook her head and pulled it with a flourish so that it covered both her and Freckle.
"We better be heading to sleep," said Ivy, snuggling next to him and resting her head on his shoulder. "Rocky would probably wake us up in the crack of dawn, and your bruises need time to heal before he starts bouncing the car down the interstate again."
"Rocky probably wouldn't sleep tonight, anyways," Freckle blurted out, more to just speak out of anything.
"Probably," Ivy repeated, nodding. She looked up at him, her expression soft. "Well, goodnight, Calvin."
"Goodnight, Miss Pep- Ivy. Goodnight, Ivy. S-sleep well."
The sides of Ivy's mouth quirked up. She lowered her head and closed her eyes, her breathing steady.
Letting out an exhale, Freckle turned his head to stare up at the ceiling. Outside, the frogs resumed their croaking, and the cicadas continued their humming. The wind joined in, rustling the leaves of the willow trees outside. Ivy's breathing syncing up with his. It rocked him like how a mother rocks her child, the sounds of the barn and the woods and their breathing lulling him to sleep like a gentle balm to his heart.
✧ ‧˚₊ ° ♣️ ° ₊˚‧✧
It was dark, so dark Ivy couldn't even see her own paws. The lanterns must've been died down, she thought. Squinting in the gloom, she could faintly make out the silhouette of the embers of the coal of their overhead lantern turning from red to black. A shiver ran through Ivy's body, rustling her fur. Dark, and cold. Why was it so cold? She reached for the quilt -- and found that it wasn't anywhere near her. Confused, she sat up, and in the thin rays of moonlight the boarded-up barn windows let in she saw Calvin's body, turned on his side with his back to her and the folds of the quilt all bunched up beside him. No wonder why it's freezing.
She moved closer to him, fitting her front to his back and pulling the quilt back over the both of them. She let out a small gasp at the heat from Freckle's body, and she tentatively wrapped her arms around his middle, avoiding his ribs. Then she snuggled her cheek against his back, and sighed in content. Pulling the quilt back over the both of them, she closed her eyes and felt herself returning to slumber.
Until sometime later a breeze ran through the barn and Ivy felt the tips of her tail stand up.
She opened her eyes, groggy with sleep, and peered through the darkness once more. Calvin had rolled farther from her, bringing the quilt with him. Her lips in a peeved pout, she took hold of one end of the quilt and tugged, covering herself with the sliver of fabric that she had managed to pull from Calvin. Relaxing, she closed her eyes again and was already feeling sleep taking over her body when --
-- the blanket rolled away from her again and she sat up, ever so slightly livid from the effects of the cold and her sore body and her tiredness all combined.
Frustrated, she crawled towards Calvin again, and was ready to go into battle for the quilt when she saw him curled up, shivering, his knees to his chest and his tail wrapped around his legs. In horror, Ivy gave herself a mental smack on the head. He's the one with the bruised ribs, not you! Chagrin overcame her, and she softly whispered an apology before tucking the edges of the quilt around his body and settling to lay beside him, softly hugging him from behind in an attempt to warm him up with whatever body heat she had left in her. After all, she consoled herself, the socks on her feet was thick and her jacket, regardless of how soiled and roughed up it is, was soft. She could handle being cold for a couple of hours.
She quieted down, her body relaxing and her eyes closing once more. Eventually her breathing steadied, and she was asleep.
✧ ‧˚₊ ° ♣️ ° ₊˚‧✧
Freckle felt like he was rising from a deep jar of very thick molasses.
Slowly, his senses awoke and came to life. His ears heard the soft chirp of birds; his eyes saw the few rays of weak sun slipping through the cracks of the boarded windows and the dust motes that danced and swirled in it; his hands registered the dirt-caked patchwork of the quilt and with it the sleeping figure beside him.
The sleeping figure ... curled up into a ball, arms folded across her chest, ears pinned back, tail as stiff as a board and eyebrows knotted together. His brain struggled to think. Why was Ivy sleeping like that? Hesitantly, he reached out to touch the tips of her ears -- they were freezing. Freckle frowned, trying to recall the night before. The night before was filled with pain from his bruised ribs ... and the unusually harsh bite of an autumn breeze. In dread, everything clicked into place. He looked at the quilt gathered around him, then at Ivy's body, then back to the quilt and back to the body, over and over again until he felt like he was going to throw up.
Ivy slept last night without a blanket.
Quickly, he threw the quilt over her, guilt flooding his stomach. He repressed a squeak as Ivy grumbled. As she wriggled under the cover of the quilt and peeked one round eye open, then the other. She blinked several times in the pale dawn as she zeroed in on Freckle's expression.
"Are you okay?" she asked, fully alert and sitting up. "Is anything hurting, Calvin?" Just then she seemed to register the quilt. She looked down at it in confusion, then at Calvin.
Calvin felt his tongue unstick from the roof of his mouth. "Y-your ears were freezing and you seemed cold so I put the quilt on you and -- I'm sorry if you were really cold last night because of me -- I didn't mean to, I just roll around a lot when I sleep so--"
Laughing, Ivy stopped him with a kiss. Before Calvin could react, she pulled away and wrapped the quilt around his shoulders.
"Well, it was cold last night," she said with a shrug, "but you seemed like you needed it more. You should've seen yourself, you were shaking like a leaf in a storm."
Freckle had a faint memory of waking up and finding the barn really cold, but he doubted that it was as bad as Ivy told him.
(It was as bad as Ivy told him.)
"But still," he started, his voice fading away into nothingness as he took the quilt and placed it back around Ivy.
"I'm okay, Calvin," she replied, shaking her head in bemusement. Her lips puckered up in a pout and she shut one eye, as if in thought. "How about this -- we try to get a bit more shut-eye before Rocky blasts the barn open with the car? But this time, we both get the quilt. How does that sound?"
Freckle couldn't help but smile. God, he liked her. He liked her a lot. Thank you for dragging me into the cafe during that one time, Rocky, said a little voice in the back of his head.
"That sounds fine with me, Miss Pepper," he found himself saying before he could stop himself.
Ivy's eyes enlarged and her eyebrows scowled in mock anger, drawing herself up to her full sitting height.
"I mean Ivy," said Freckle hastily, meeting her gaze with one of mock timidness. "That sounds fine with me, Ivy."
Ivy glared at him for a while, then her face broke out into a smile, so contagious and sunny it was that Freckle smiled as well. Giggling, she lay back down again, smoothing the rumpled spot of hay beside her and patting it. Freckle did the same, barely managing to not erupt into blushes when Ivy threw her arms around him and gently nuzzled the side of her face into his chest. Freckle stared down at the top of her head and -- he didn't know what possessed him to do it so boldly -- found one of his paws cradling it oh so softly, holding it like it was a fragile vase. The other found itself interlocking its fingers with hers, their paws fitting so perfectly within each other. Ivy looked at him, stunned at what he had done, then her eyes softened and she grinned.
"What a sheik you are," she teased, giving him yet another kiss. This time Freckle returned her kisses, pulling her closer to him and stroking the back of her head, weaving his fingers into her hair. In between kisses he found himself sighing in satisfaction, enjoying the sensation of Ivy's lips against his. Rocky could be back at any moment, and he could badger and taunt Freckle all he wanted when he caught him like this, but Freckle found that he didn't care. Well, for now, anyways.
✧ ‧˚₊ ° ♣️ ° ₊˚‧✧
It was a bright-eyed Rocky that drove their fixed car -- fixed being a subjective matter, with the trunk shut tight with several rolls of tape and syrup -- down the worn dirt path of the barn. Last night the whole place had looked forboding, like it'll drag you by the ends of your feet and swallow you whole; but in the pale autumn morning, with the skies the color of cotton-candy and the clouds painted pale gold by the waking sun, it seemed approachable, welcoming even. Even the willow trees were pleasant to look at!
He stopped the car in front of the barn. Stepping out, he whistled a merry little tune.
"RISE AND SHINE SLEEPING BEAUTIES," he announced, throwing the barn door open with an extravagant sweep of his paw. "THE SUN IS SOARING, THE BIRDS ARE SINGING, AND WE DON'T WANNA MAKE MISS M. TOO MAD - oh, what's this?" he added, fixing the hayloft with a curious stare.
Swiftly, he climbed the ladder and had to bite down on his lip to prevent himself from howling with laughter at what he's seeing.
"Freckle, you rascal," he choked out, wiping tears of pride from his eyes. "You rascal, you."
It was almost seven in the morning, and Rocky knew there'd be hell to pay once he gets the car back in the garage next to the Little Daisy cafe, but how could he possibly wake his dearest cousin and his sweetheart from such a saccharine slumber? So he decided to climb back down the ladder and exit the barn -- he needed more than five coats of syrup to keep the trunk closed, anyways --, leaving Freckle and Ivy alone in their makeshift bed in the hayloft, their arms wrapped around each other in a loving embrace, fingers locked, chests rising and falling in a synchronized rhythm.
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illvmii · 1 year
Home For The Weekend.
TAGS: DBF!Miguel, Nsfw, a little fluff ig, pining Miguel, I gave you good parents because you deserve it, oral (fem receiving), praise, p in v, unprotected (use protection gang), a little exhibisionism (people are in the house), Miguel is pretty soft in this one, LMK if I forgot anything
A/N: Because I had to swap accounts and all that, I decided to write smut as a sorry (cause I know that’s what most Miguel fans want LMFAO) so here you go!! It’s Dad’s best friend cause GODDD I love DBF Miguel lemme tell ya. Also not proof read (I’m really fucking tired rn I’ll proof read tmr probably)
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You’ve been away from home for a good while at this point. Your college really wasn’t all that far away, but you’ve been so freaking busy it’s unbelievable. You called your parents at least three times a week, even at that point you were failing to do so. You were completely overwhelmed and it was awful.
But finally, finally you had a weekend where you were free. You didn’t have anything to do, so you decided to drive home and spend the weekend there. You knew your parents really missed you, so it was the best choice for all of you (plus you’d been killing to taste some of your moms cooking once again).
You had called your father to let him and your mom know you were coming, but were told a very interesting surprise. It was for sure a welcome one, though. Your father’s best bud, Miguel O’Hara, was staying with your parents for a week. Apparently the man’s house got termites which fucking blew chunks for him. But for you… well, aren’t you just lucky?
That man is HOT! We all know it, he’s absolutely stunning. So when you figured you’d be in the same house as him for a whole weekend, your entire stay seemed to get much more interesting.
Of course it was a ‘Look don’t touch’ scenario, you couldn’t even imagine the hell that would let loose if you made a hit on your dad’s best friend. You knew your father and Miguel were super close, they have been since you were a little girl. Miguel and your pops met when you were in third grade, because you were on your schools little soccer team. Miguel was the coach, since his own daughter Gabriella was on it.
You and Gabi actually became pretty good friends, still are to this day. She’s fun to be around and you text her whenever you have the chance. Of course she doesn’t know about the absolutely disgusting thoughts you have about her father on the lonelier nights. You think nobody but you really needs to know those. God forbid if your dad found out.
You haven’t seen Miguel in… what was it? Nearly three years at this point. He didn’t come around the house much after you turned 19 for some reason. Your dad and him always hung out at bars and such. So you haven’t seen him in a long time. The barbecues Miguel always had once a month were strangely on days you had told your dad you weren’t available, either. It’s very strange. You never have had the best of luck with men, so you just assume god is playing a cruel trick on you.
You eventually pulled into your childhood home driveway, the second you entered your mom pulls you to the side and presses kisses all over your face.
“Oh my gosh! It feels I haven’t seen my baby girl in ages! How have you been, honey?!”
Pressing a kiss to her cheek, you smile, “Been good. Busy, as I’ve said on our calls. But finally got some free time!”
Your mother grinned and pulled you into a hug, “I’m so glad your home, sweetheart. The house just isn’t the same without you here.”
“Dad already getting on your nerves, huh?” You snicker, hugging her back tightly.
Your mom chuckles and shakes her head, “He’s still the same ol’ grump. You should have heard him and Miguel when the soccer game was on… my goodness I was worried we were going to get a noise complaint.”
“Are they really that bad? Geez. I know Dad is bad, can’t imagine two of them.”
Your mother chuckles, “Your father is in the living room. Go say hi, hes been waiting for you all day.”
You give her a nod and walk off to the living room to greet your dad. He’s on the couch, so you plop down next to him. “Hey, Dad. How’s it hanging?”
He turns to look at you and bumps your shoulder with his, “There you are, squirt. Where you been for so long, huh? Outgrown us regular people now you’re a big shot at college?”
You smirk at his tease, “Don’t worry. I won’t forget about you. Least not yet.”
He flicks your forehead, chuckling to himself.
“Miguel is out in the pool. You should go say hi.”
Your face immediately heats up. He’s in the god damn pool?! With probably little shorts? Oh god…
You nod and stand from the couch and make your way to the pool. You slide the glass door to the patio open and dear god.
You see Miguel, hes swimming laps in the big pool. As long as you’ve known him, he’s worked out a bunch. No wonder he’s so fucking buff.
Stepping down into the patio area, you send him a wave, “Hey, Mr. O’Hara?”
He pauses his swimming and looks up at you. He flashes a smile, “My god, that you, pequeña?”
Miguel shakes his head to get the excess water out, swimming too the stairs of the pool to get out. You see now that yes, he is in little swim trunks.
He grabs his towel to wipe his extremely chiseled chest down. He smiles at you as he does, “How have you been, chica? I haven’t seen you for a while. Your dad sends me photos of you sometimes, but they really didn’t show off how much you’ve grown.”
You blush as he runs his eyes over you to really take in your growth. “I’ve been okay. College is keeping me busy. How about you? I’ve heard your house has termites.”
Miguel let’s out a loud groan, “Mhm. I could hear them in the walls at night, it was hell. At least they’re getting taken care of now, ‘Eh?”
“Yeah. I could imagine that would be hell,” You add on, not helping the conversation at all. You really couldn’t focus on conversing well. The man who has plagued your mind since you hit puberty is standing right in front of you, wet and in tiny shorts.
Miguel fully dries himself off, “I’ll go in and change, alright? Then we can talk some more.”
He walks off and you follow behind. You sit next to your dad in the living room and patiently (not at all patiently) wait for ‘Mr. O’Hara’.
Miguel walks into the living room wearing some loose shorts and a white t-shirt. He sits on a free chair and looks to your dad, “Man, look how big your girl is now! Can’t even believe it. Can’t believe how big my Gabi is, either.”
Your dad chuckles and groans, “I know, right? Time really flies when you get old.”
Miguel shoots you a smile, “I’m not that old, am I, cariño?”
You shake your head quickly, “Of course not.”
Your father chuckles, “You don’t gotta lie to Miguel, honey! Let him have it.”
Miguel leans forward to smack your father’s shoulder, “Ay! You aren’t young yourself.”
Your father and Miguel banter back and forth for a bit, before the soccer game starts out. They shut up immediately to watch, though once the plays start happening they shout at the TV like mad men. You chuckle whenever they do. It brought back memories of you and Gabriella having a play date and hearing them go nuts over the match in the other room.
After the match, it was dinner time, and holy fuck did it smell good. Your mother knew how to cook man, let me tell you.
You were sat in between your mom and Miguel. Your dad and the hunk were talking about the game, while your mother asked you questions about how college was going. You told her all about it, from the gossip to how the vending machine in the lobby stopped working again, which pissed you off to no end.
While you were talking and ranting about “those damn machines”, you felt a thigh press against yours. You glance down, seeing it was Miguel’s. Strange, because you didn’t remember his chair being this close. You shrug it off and keep talking to your mom.
After dinner you were stuffed, so you head up to your bedroom for the night. You were currently sitting on your old bed, snuggled up all nice and cozy while watching some YouTube. That was until the door creaked open. You figured your mom had done your laundry like the lovely lady she is, but indeed it was Miguel.
He stepped into the room with a soft smile, closing the door behind him, “Hey, pequeña.”
You sit up immediately at the sight of him, plucking your earbuds from your ears, “Hey, Mr. O’Hara. What do you need?”
Miguel sits himself on the edge of the bed, “You can just call me Miguel, sweetheart. Mr. O’Hara makes me feel ancient.”
“Alright, Miguel.” You smile, which makes him chuckle. He looks up at you and speaks;
“We haven’t had much time to speak one on one. I just wanted to catch up with you, hadn’t seen you in a while.”
You tilt your head endearingly, “Yeah, it has been a while. College has kept me from coming home, plus you and dad don’t hang out around the house as much as you used to.”
Miguel’s face actually pinks a little at the statement, to your bewilderment. He scratches his head, “Yeah. Just gettin’ out on the town as you kids say makes us feel young, I guess.”
Cuddling your blankets a bit closer to you, you grin at him, “You really aren’t that old. You had Gabriella decently young, right?”
“I guess so,” He shrugs, “It feels like forever ago, yet also yesterday. Can’t believe my flor pequeña is in college now.”
You nod, “Oh yeah, I can’t believe we’re in college either. Gabriella texts me all about her college days. She rants about her boyfriend constantly, she seems to really like him.”
Miguel groans, “Don’t even get me started on that boy. He is not worth my daughter, not even a little.”
You giggle at his protective nature. You’re positive that no matter who Gabriella dates, Miguel will never deem them as good enough for his daughter.
Miguel looks into your eyes, “So, you got a boyfriend, niña?”
“Oh, no. I haven’t really met the right person,” Which was a total lie, by the way. You’ve gone on dates and met super nice guys, but in your head you constantly compared them to your first crush ever, Miguel. They never shaped up, so it never went anywhere.
His eyes widen, “Really? You’re so beautiful now, I’d figure you’d have tons of boys chasing you.”
The statement makes you blush fiercely, “Ah, no.”
Miguel lets out a thoughtful sigh, “You really have grown into a lovely young woman, you know.”
You blush even harder, “Thank you, Mr. O’Hara.”
He places a hand on yours with a chuckle, “I told you, it’s Miguel.”
“Right. Sorry. Sorry,” You take some deep breaths, trying to calm yourself down. Miguel sees this and smiles.
“Why so flustered, cariño? Is it because I called you beautiful?”
You end up covering your face to hide said blush from him. Geez, your heart could not take this right now. You were dressed in some baggy Spider-Man pajamas, yet he is calling you beautiful?
“I-I’m not…”
You can’t believe you’re stuttering. The things this man does to you is insane.
Miguel reached a hand forward to take your hands away from your face. He doesn’t remove it, though. He rests it on your cheek.
“Do you want to know why I stopped coming around your house?”
You nod, staring into his chocolate brown eyes.
“It’s because of your 19th birthday. Do you remember it?”
You think back to those years ago. It was a pretty fun party. You got a bunch of friends and family over and swam in your pool. It wasn’t anything extravagant, but just a fun time.
“Yeah. What about it? Did I do something?”
He chuckles and tucks a lock of your hair behind your ear, “Nah. It’s just me. You… that day, do you remember what your swimsuit looked like?”
You think back again and blush. Not one of your smartest moments, buying a white swimsuit. It looked cute online, the thought of that it was supposed to go in water and get wet not really cementing itself in your head.
He nods and chuckles, “I saw you step out of the pool, and rushed over with a towel to cover you up. Remember? Sure, it was because I didn’t want you to expose yourself like that. However, I had a selfish reason.”
You look up and tilt your head a little.
“I didn’t want anyone else to see that part of you.”
“Huh?” Your brows furrow.
He smirks, “I was confused by the thought, too. I left right after the party and went to my house. I figured I’d stop having such strange thoughts after a day… but amor, I haven’t stopped thinking about you once.”
Your eyes widen, “Wh- Huh?”
“You’re so beautiful, I don’t think you understand. You grew into this woman who I admire, not just for your looks. You’re wonderful, absolutely wonderful. You’re kind, you’re thoughtful, you’re funny, you’re perfect. I can’t get you out of my damn head.”
You can’t manage to speak at this point. You stare up at the man in shock as he moves his hand from your cheek to the back of your neck.
“Please, let me kiss you, niña,” He basically begs, his eyes look full of desperation, “I’ve wanted to do it for years.”
You manage a tiny nod, so he rushes forward to kiss your lips. He holds you very close against him and kisses you hard. He lets out a groan at the contact. His tongue prods at your lips after a while and who are you to refuse such a man? You let him in, letting out a little groan of your own when he explores you.
After what felt like too short, you have to pull away to catch your breath. He doesn’t stop being on you, though. When you pant, he moves to kiss your jaw and neck.
You let out a little groan, “M-Miguel…”
“No good?” He speaks between kisses, “I’ve wanted to touch you for years, you don’t understand…”
You let out a little whimper, a god damn whimper.
“Please, let me touch you. Fuck, please,” He begs again. You manage a small nod once again. He dives back in to keep kissing your neck.
You wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer. His hands move downwards towards your shirt. He tugs it over your head and moans. His hands immediately reach down to squeeze your tits, and you have to cover your mouth to keep your moans in.
He mumbles out a soft “Fuck…” when he uses his thumbs to glide over your nipples. After a few seconds, he leans down to press kisses all over your soft breasts. He still uses his hands to softly prod at them.
You let out a low whine and he looks up at you, “Be quiet, my girl. Can’t have anyone hearing you.”
You nod and keep covering your mouth as he leans down to keep pressing soft kisses to your chest. After a few moments, he tugs at your bottoms and looks up at you. You nod embarrassingly, and he takes them and your underpants off in one fell swoop.
You hear him audibly choke a breath, which makes you blush more. He manhandles you so your thighs rest on his shoulders, and just goes to town.
You let out a loud yelp when his tongue presses against your clit, so he reaches down and puts his fingers in your mouth to silence you. He keeps his mouth going, sucking on the bud to bring you pleasure.
Miguel pulls back with a long breath, “Tastes so good…”
You whimper against his fingers when he leans down to insert his tongue in you. You cry out as he holds nothing back, forcefully having his way with you.
His one hand that isn’t in your mouth is softly caressing your thigh, which is driving you crazy in its own right. It feels like everywhere he touches you is pure heaven.
Though that one hand leaves after a moment, instead he moves to insert a finger in you. You clamp down on his fingers, which makes him chuckle.
“Feel that good?”
Against his hand, you mumble, “Fingers so thick…”
He smirks and curls his index finger, making your hips buck up and you let out another whine. He can softly hear you beg for more.
He complies, of course. Hes waited for this for years, no way he won’t give his girl everything she wants.
He inserts another finger, moving them around a little until he eventually finds your most sensitive spot. He presses the pad of his fingers up against it suddenly, making you jerk and squirm around.
His mouth dives back down to suck on your clit, which drives you absolutely insane. His fingers in both your mouth and inside you, as well as his skilled mouth was far too much for one woman to handle.
Miguel looks over at one of the thighs placed on his shoulder, seeing it shiver and shake. He breaks away briefly, “Are you close already, amor? You’re so sensitive for me. Have you been wanting my touch too?”
You nod frantically when he lowers his head to your clit again. You cry out, “Uh-Huh! Y-You were my first crush!” Your words were mumbled against his fingers, but he understood them just fine.
He sucks on your clit hard and curls his fingers at the same time, which causes you to let out a moan and your thighs shake more. He breaks away,
“Look at me when you come. Look into my eyes as I make you come. You understand?”
You nod and keep eye contact with him as he inserts a third finger, pressing over and over to your g-spot. He uses his tongue to swirl around your inflated bud at the same time.
His gaze, his mouth, his fingers, it was all far too much. After one harsh suck, you came with a muffled shout.
Miguel drank it all up immediately, seemingly absolutely satisfied to be covered in your juices.
He lets you catch your breath and removes his fingers from your mouth. He also lowers your hips back to the bed, being delicate as he does so he doesn’t hurt you. You were panting very harshly, still coming down from your high.
Everything was a bit fuzzy at the moment. Though you refocused a few seconds later- holy shit.
His shorts have been discarded, along with his shirt. He was naked just as you were, and god damn was he big.
He leans down to press a kiss to your stomach, “You think you can go again? Can you take me, pretty girl?”
You try and speak only to realize that you, in fact, can’t. You settle for a thumbs up, which just makes him laugh softly.
He gives you a few more seconds before aligning himself up with your pretty pussy, pushing himself in agonizingly slow.
You let out another moan, so he quickly puts his fingers in your mouth again to keep you quiet. He really, really did not need your parents who were down in the living room to hear this.
He kept pushing himself in, holding his own groans back. He’d used his hand and imagined how you’d feel in the past, but it was nothing like this. This was perfect.
Once he was in as far as he could go, he stopped and let you get comfortable. Of course it was a battle for him, he was fighting his primal instincts to just take your hard and fast.
You keep letting out the most adorable little whimpers, which even though he’s currently fucking you, make Miguel’s heart melt.
You hum against his fingers, “Ready…”
He nods and begins to move very slowly. He focuses on your face as he watches it contort and squeeze with his movements. You were so pretty when you were experiencing such pleasure, he thought.
He whispers, “Good job, pequeña. Such a good girl for me.”
The praise makes you bite down on his fingers a little. Your hands travel upwards to scratch on his back, too. It was taking all your willpower to not be loud.
He moves a little faster, leaning down to kiss you as he does. He keeps mumbling “My pretty girl” And “So perfect, just for me” as he increases his speed.
He knows he isn’t going to last long. He’s been dreaming about you for years at this point.
He begins to sweat as his hips snap against yours. His free hand moves down to rub on your already abused clit. You grunt on his fingers, pursing your lips against them.
“You gonna come for me again, amor? Come on my cock. Can you do that for me?” He speaks very softly. Both to keep it down, but to also be intimate with you.
You breathe heavily as you feel him pound into you. You can feel tears brimming at your eyes from the sensation.
He licks his thumb and places it back down on your clit, rubbing circles over and over again. At the same time, his hips were slamming against yours. Soon enough, you reached a second orgasm. He let out a moan that was nearly too loud when you did. The sensation was his end, because a few thrusts later he pulled out and came on your stomach.
You and him sat there, panting like you’d just ran a damn marathon. Though after a few minutes, Miguel stands and walks over to your nightstand to get the wipes there. He begins to wipe you of his cum and your sweat, cleaning you off so you can sleep comfortably.
You were so fucking exhausted it was insane. You could barely register as he carefully slid your pajamas back onto you, then changed back into his own clothes.
He leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead, “If I could sleep in here, I would.”
“Mhm…” You mumble, a little upset he wouldn’t be cuddling you to sleep. But you obviously understood his reasoning.
He pressed a soft kiss to your lips,
“Let’s do this again sometime, pequeña.”
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Hope you enjoyed you rabid Miguel fans!! Feedback is always welcome. I used spanishdict so please correct any mistakes you see. Reqs open too!!
This was my first time posting anything NSFW on any site ever so I’m sorry if it’s bad LOL
Don’t repost or claim as or own and all that stuff please!! ❤️❤️
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luvfae · 1 year
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summary: no 33, first date. from my scenario prompt list.
fandom: daisy jones & the six
parings: eddie roundtree x f reader, karen sirko x friend reader
warnings: swearing, alcohol use, smut, unprotected sex, p in v, fingering
a/n: rising from the dead because there’s a serious daisy jones & the six smut shortage. i’m here to solve all your problems, send in requests you can see which characters i write for here
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“He’s a nice guy, Y/N,” your friend, Karen Sirko, said to you, a smile on her face. “I promise.”
You gave Karen a blank look. “Last time you said that to me the man ended up crying mid date because I was wearing the same perfume as his ex,” you said, arms crossing over your chest.
Karen laughed. “But this time I mean it,” Karen said. “He’s in my band, Y/N. Just trust me.”
“Whatever,” you sighed, opening the car door and stepping out. You were wearing your favourite outfit, your hair done nicely, thanks to Karen. “If this goes bad you owe me a drink.”
Karen rolled her eyes. “Have fun!” She yelled before driving off, leaving you no choice but to go inside this restaurant and find your date.
Karen hadn’t told you much, all you know is he’s got blond hair, he’s the bass player in the band Karen’s apart of, his name is Eddie and apparently, he’s a really good guy.
You looked around, there was people everywhere. Most people were in groups of two’s, three’s or even more. There was an exception of two people who were sat alone, one was a red haired boy who was half way through his meal and the other a blond boy, tapping his foot as he waited.
Obviously it wasn’t the red haired boy. You took a deep breath and walked over to the blond boy, praying to God this was Eddie and not some random guy.
“Eddie?” You asked, grabbing his attention, his eyes shot up to meet yours and you swear you died and went to heaven.
“You must be Y/N,” Eddie said, standing up, his chair scraping against the floorboards as he moved to give you a hug. “Karen has told me so much about you. She didn’t mention how beautiful you are though.”
You smiled bashfully, rolling your eyes as you took your seat across from him. “Thank you,” you said.
A few drinks and a meal later, you and Eddie were laughing with one another and getting to know each other. You had told him how you and Karen met and he had told you how he had joined the band. You and Eddie had really hit it off and for once Karen’s blind dating idea was actually working out.
Eddie paid the bill and shortly after you both stood up. “I had a lot of fun,” you smiled at him. Eddie took your hand as you walked out of the restaurant and onto the chilly night air of Los Angeles. “We should do this again sometime soon.”
“Who said the date was over?” Eddie asked with a chuckle. By now you were both drunk, and normally when you got drunk you liked to end the night in your own bed at home, but you just couldn’t leave Eddie’s side. You didn’t want too leave his side. “Wanna come back to my place? Have a few drinks and watch a movie?” He asked.
You smiled, “sure.”
Eddie waved down a cab and soon enough the pair of you were back at his house, which coincidentally was also where Karen lived. You had only been there once, briefly, when Karen was the only one home. You and Eddie were sat on his bed, watching a movie, except the movie had long been forgotten about because his lips were on yours and somehow you had ended up in his lap.
Your fingers fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, undoing all of them and pushing it off of his shoulders. Your clothes came next, Eddie undressing every article of clothing on your body in less than a minute, leaving you in nothing but your underwear. He kicked his jeans off and you pushed him back, flat against the mattress.
“Is this what you were expecting to come out of tonight?” Eddie asked, breathless as your lips trailed along his jawline and neck.
“I thought i’d end up going home tonight and never contacting you again,” you replied, pressing your lips against his once more.
You felt his fingers slip under the hem of your panties. You gasped as his fingertips brushed against your clit, slowly making his way towards your entrance.
“Is that good?” He asked, pushing two digits inside of you. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head.
“Yes,” you managed to whimper out as his fingers grazed the deepest parts of you. Pressure was building and you could feel your orgasm already approaching, but you weren’t ready yet, you wanted more.
You pushed his boxers down, his dick popping free from the fabric. You slipped away from his fingers and looked him in the eye as you aligned yourself with him. Eddie’s hands landed on your hips, guiding you down onto him.
His fingers clamped around the skin of your hips, Eddie’s fingers turning white from the grip he had on you. “Fuck,” you whispered, legs shaking as he filled you thick.
You moved your hips back and forth over and over again, gaining momentum with each move. Eddie was starstruck, too busy listening to the pretty sounds coming out of your mouth to even make a noise.
You switched from back and forth movements to bouncing up and down, skin slapping against skin until your calves started to burn and your vision started to blur. Eddie shoved his hand over your mouth, keeping you quiet.
“You’re being so loud, sweetheart,” He whispered. “You’re gonna wake the whole house up.”
You looked down at him, crying into the palm of his hand as your orgasm washed over you, growing so tired and weak that you collapsed onto his chest, whimpering into Eddie’s ear.
“Aw, are you all fucked out, huh?” He teased, you nodded your head, eyes fluttering shut. “Well I haven’t came yet so…” Eddie’s hips snapped up into yours, making you yelp. “You’re gonna have to keep it up for a little while longer.”
Eddie fucked himself into you, hitting angles that he wasn’t before. You kept your lips on his neck, sucking bruises into his skin to keep the sinful noises that desperately wanted to escape your lips in.
“Good girl,” he whispered, hands tangling through your hair.
You moved your mouth towards his ear. “Thank you,” you whispered, tears brimming your eyes. You were so sensitive but so needy at the same time. You didn’t want it to stop but you needed it to before it became overwhelming.
You pressed your lips against his, shoving your tongue inside of his mouth, moving your hips in time with his and it didn’t take long for Eddie’s movements to falter and his hips to start stuttering and you felt him finish inside of you.
There was not much talking after that, in fact you didn’t even get dressed, didn’t even move. The pair of you woke up the next morning fully naked, on top of each other, stone cold sober.
After the initial shock, you got up, changed back into your clothes from last night. “I really have to go,” you said with a smile as Eddie tried to convince you to stay.
“Well come back later,” Eddie begged. “Please?”
You rolled your eyes. “Fine,” you said before shoving your feet into your shoes. “I’ll come back later on tonight.”
Eddie smiled, triumphantly and you blew him a kiss as you walked out his bedroom door, hoping to sneak out of the house before anyone woke up. But right as you rounded the corner into the kitchen you came face to face with Karen.
Karen’s eyes widened upon seeing you, makeup smudged around your face, your hair ruined. She nearly choked on her coffee.
“I’m assuming it went well?” Karen asked with a smirk.
“Yeah…” You cleared your throat, your skin heating up. “It went great.”
“I told you so,” Karen laughed.
“Now leave me alone, i’m doing my walk of shame,” you said, pushing the front door open. “But i’ll be back tonight!” You yelled, waving goodbye to her.
Karen laughed, shaking her head.
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victimeyez · 1 day
Happy Birthday 🎂🥳🎁 (I also have a September birthday so I think that’s neat)
I think overall, the thing about p/v that keeps me hooked is the intensity of the whump. I’ve read other whump stories before and while what the characters go through in them is horrible, I’ve yet to find another character that goes through the kind of stuff Tommy does. The man’s life is just brutal, and as a avid horror fan I find that deeply compelling. I want him to one day get his final girl moment, even though I read early on that it’s probably not gonna happen.
I think the two whump moments that stand out the most for me so far are the meat hooks and the use of Agent Orange. The meat hooks scene was such a intense body horror moment it almost made me think about quitting, but I also couldn’t get it out of my head. I had to know what was gonna happen next to this poor dude. By contrast, the Agent Orange bit had me thinking to myself, “whelp Tommy and Caius better pray that stuff wasn’t real, otherwise their both dying of cancer lol”
Anyways I’ve rambled on enough. I hope you enjoy your birthday and that you get to do something fun with the people you love. (Tommy sure won’t lol)
Thank you, and happy birthday to you too!!!
Ooh, where to start. A few years ago, I discovered a writer online that wrote the most brutal content I had ever read. To this day, she makes my writing here look quite tame. We bonded over a mutual fandom that was difficult to find content for. One thing led to another, and I ended up helping write and edit her first original book.
I’’d never had someone before that I could talk to about enjoying really twisted stories. I was always admonished for a blossoming interest in horror by my mom, who believes horror is the work of the devil. It is still hard for me to share darker ideas. I get nervous about being judged for going too far, being too much of a freak. 
A big part of what made me decide to write Pro Vic with the design it has is that I wanted to be able to explore lots of different whump scenarios, without things getting too stale of the same things over and over. I have fun with Caius, but I can also explore whatever other forms I want to with clients in my own version of a monster-of-the-week formatting lol. Plus I can throw in extra time with Sam, or Rory, or Michelle, orrrrr whatever! As for the meat hooks and agent orange - Once again, I am sorry, and you are welcome lol. Can I blame Dead by Daylight and weirdly specific Vietnam War nightmares?
I love me a final girl! I actually have a shirt that says FINAL BOY in bloody letters lol. 
I have a long game in mind. Tommy is going through it – that’s not going to stop any time soon. But without wanting to say too much - Tommy has a future ahead of him where he plays a very different role...👀
I cannot tell you how much it blows my mind that people are actually reading this. I’m grateful for the readership, the notes, the tags, everything, I read them all a thousand times and lay on my bed kicking my feet while I write about it in my diary. Okay maybe not literally that, but mentally that is where I am. Getting to be the random person that wrote something you find compelling is the greatest badge of honor in my life. That’s not a joke. Sharing my creative passions has been the one thing I have known I wanted since I was three years old. When I was sitting on the floor of the kitchen, banging pots and pans together for drums and screaming my best “opera”.
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kitnita · 1 year
oooh just saw your tags on the stucky post - do u have any good stucky fics to rec?? im talking like looong fics. shit that like changes ur life. i was never into stucky when the fandom was super active but now im like !!! theres a goldmine of good fics out there i just know it
yeah absolutely!!!! but okay so. a lot of the stucky fic i read, i read back in high school before i started obsessively bookmarking things on ao3. i'm almost positive there are some blind spots on this list because i'm just going off the things i do have bookmarked rn. like i also want to dive back into the tag at some point & see what stuff i've missed / forgotten.
THAT SAID pretty much all the big stucky fics i do remember were in my bookmarks so i'm working off those! also thank you so much for sending this because i queued that post & didn't actually end up going back to read any stucky fics. i want to reread everything now.
actual recs under the cut!!
sincerely, your pal by lettered (rated m, 65,620)
i will always be obsessed with an epistolary fic. 10/10
to memory now I can't recall by etharei (rated e, 102,600)
uses time travel in a really interesting way, with it almost acting as a bodyswap scenario between the past and present. really interesting device in a fic with bucky pov.
building from the ground up by emilianadarling (series, various ratings & various lengths w a total wordcount of 68,687)
soooo good. i remember the (chronologically) first & the (writing order) first in the series better than the other two, but they're all good!! spans time from during the war to after the events of the winter soldier.
you know i dreamed about you by napricot (rated e, 59,311)
dreamsharing!! underutilized fanfic trope!!!
between everything, yourself, and home by napricot (rated e, 24,396)
i reread this one more recently than a lot of the others on the list & it hit so good, definitely recommend it.
United States v. Barnes, 617 F. Supp. 2d 143 (D.D.C. 2015) by fallingvoices & radialarch (rated t, 20,605)
the formatting & framing & storytelling devices in this one go hard, like, i'm pretty sure it was one of the fics mentioned on that post. it'd be worth checking out for that alone except that the fic is just Also good.
the way to a man's heart by niitza & whatthefoucault (rated t, 43,837)
this is one of the stucky fics i think about all the time. food as a healing device hits every time and it's SO good in this one.
the size of perfection by phoenike (e, 31,193)
if you want a lot of 1940's angsting about what the supersoldier serum does to a guy's dick, this is the fic for you.
all the angels and the saints by speranza (rated e, 48,740)
in the authors note of this one it's described as "a motherfucking 95 year epic love story of socialism! science fiction! and hard core gay fucking!" so. worth a read for sure.
roll on by jaxington (rated m, 89,113)
the historical queer themes in this were so good!! the supporting characters & world built up Hit. also i forgot/never knew it was part of a three fic series that is 306,592 words long. definitely read those too.
steve rogers at 100: celebrating captain america on film by eleveninches, hellotailor, M_Leigh, neenya, saintsideways, & tigrrmilk (rated e, 10,228)
exactly what it sounds like. from what i remember this probably barely counts as a stucky fic but it's so fun.
tin soldiers by idrilka (rated t, 19,743)
another one where the formatting & framing & storytelling devices go hard!!
a line that goes all the way by napricot (rated e, 45,218)
realizing now this is the third napricot fic on the list so probably anything else you find by them will also hit!! this one's more recent than a lot of the other fics here but i remember really enjoying it.
tezeta (nostalgia) by vowelinthug (rated e, 20,140)
another more recent fic set in wakanda!! it's steve's turn to be a total maladjusted disaster <3
sparked up like a book of matches by sena (rated m, 26,734)
didn't remember a lot of this one from my bookmarks so i started reading it to jog the memory & now am going to continue reading it. the vibes are vibing.
always stay near me, for tomorrow i will have much to do by roguewrld (rated e, 39,990)
this one's framing isn't as wild as some of the others i've rec'ed but it's still a little noticeable. a great non-linear bucky centric fic.
there's nothing left of you by notallbees (rated e, 22,346)
a fic set during the war!! those are always fun!!! and by fun, i mean. you know. it's good though, very in bucky's head.
i can feel the cold changing us inside by tesselated (rated m, 24,140)
a really good post-winter soldier recovery fic.
might never be normal again (but who cares) by napricot (rated e, 51,540)
okay one last napricot rec from my bookmarks. tagged 'Steve's Slow Motion Midlife Crisis' so you know it's good.
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sparklingchim · 2 months
told you i had a darly sixth sense! read the chapter and scanned the asks so i have a couple of thoughts!
first of all ylm jk you frustrate me so!!! he so effortlessly shows how much he loves oc and how attentive he is and can be, so i'm sure he's realized that she's not so fulfilled nowadays with how their relationship is going but he's just choosing to ignore it for now. my brother in christ grow a pair!! love's starting to not be enough!! and you've got a baddie at your side who's slowly but surely growing tired......
i know we barely know our mc so i guess opinions on her might be a bit mixed rn but i'm definitely on her defending squad and i didn't appreciate that some of you weren't putting respect on her name.... like yeah we all see how privileged she is and that "she knew what she was getting into" but that's the point, he clearly once knew how to handle everything but now he is not as careful with striking a work-life balance and she is entitled to be upset about this relationship becoming something she did not sign up for, he set expectations up and i don't think we can blame her for being disappointed (oooh darly isn't it fun how your work generates discourse!)
i just had a silly little thought/an au for this story that since yk pregnancy/motherhood is a topic here and this last chapter was so focused on how easy it is for oc to be with yumi so maybe they separate but she's pregnant (obviously in this scenario both of them are in agreement in terms of keeping the baby no matter the circumstances)..... it'd be so interesting to see how they would navigate their separation, since it would be a kind of death occurring at the same time as a birth. i don't know, just something that came across my mind!
i think all that's left are some questions i have! i'm sure you've said it before but i just can't remember: will they only be separating or actually going through with a divorce? aaaand two parts??? we're in for a ride! will it be pre and post separation or is it still all going down in part one? (maybe you can't answer any of these and that's totally fine!)
anyways, my heart becomes achey with these two no matter how sweet some parts may be so i think we'd all do good with ego season next, if that floats your boat (as always, no pressure at all, managing one story is already hard, your pace deserves our respect and whatever you prefer to work our appreciation)
it's always lovely reading you, sorry for the essay i just dropped in your inbox; lots of love,
bloom 💐
omg everyone shush miss bloom is here !!!!!
ur so right ! he knows her so well and notices everything abt her, there's actually no way he hasn't noticed oc's unhappiness </3
(oooh darly isn't it fun how your work generates discourse!)
i actually blushed like a little girl !!! 😭 it's always pretty unexpected, but it's so fun seeing people share their thoughts and read all of them, especially ones i don't rlly agree with !!
ur little au idea !! v intriguing bestie 🫢 "it would be a kind of death occurring at the same time as birth" oh bloom, i love ur mind so much <3 i love the idea <3
to ur questions, they will actually go through with a divorce 🫢 </3 and yes, there'll be multiple parts !! three in total !! the second part is post break up !! right after they separate !
teehee the way u also sensed that ego season would be next ?🤭 i'll try my best to post the next chapter for that soon <33
i love u n missed u so much bloom!! n don't apologise !! i loved reading every single word u wrote 🫂 thank u so much for taking ur time to write all that down <3 mwahh mwahhh 😙
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thrandilf · 3 months
I don’t know if you’re taking rec’s still but if you want some good authors? If not feel free to ignore/delete! (All these are on ao3 that site’s spoiled me I can’t go anywhere else)
Alienu has a lot of really good shadowpeach working on their relationship fics. It’s almost a gag how they never actually get to them kissing but dear GOD there’s that longing to. Maybe one day.
Marinara_Trench writes softer macaque/shadowpeach than some of these, but I like how they write everyone as Just a Guy trying their Best. They also gave me the headcanon that macaque collects the stupidest, cheesiest pieces of junk like wukong collects random treasures.
cloud_somersault really good at acknowledging the Monkies got Issues. I mean they got Mei and Redson in a fic or two but it’s mainly the three main monkeys dealing with shit.
poetoutofthebeast I guess the best way to describe their writing is that they take a concept and run with it and it’s a very enjoyable experience for me. Almost crack treated seriously but the scenarios make sense?
KinbariTeaHeathen just the best dynamics! Fun scenarios with fun character combinations!!
K’s writing anon I have no idea who this is but this tag has some of the funnest story ideas I have read for lmk. My two recommendations are ‘obelus’ where LBD thinks trying to possess macaque as a new body is a good idea, and ‘heavy is the heart that wears the crown’ where LBD gets the fillet and macaque takes. Perhaps the stupidest route to keep her from using it on anyone else?
magic, myths, and emotionally unstable monkeys (lmk fics) series not an author but it’s got some of my favorite wukong character studies in regards to shadowpeach
And a some good fics:
Temporary Touch Explicit, and has macaque burn FFM, but probably one of the most logical in how they’d get back together/heal/get together (that is to say that their problems come up naturally and they deal with them extremely in character (terribly) not that the characters are being smart about the situation they’ve got themselves into at All)
Collapse into me Macaque runs to the brotherhood while dying and Azure does a not smart thing! Not too far in the plot but the character dynamics sure are dynamic.
Swear it on the Sun the only thing that has given credence to the idea Peng had a thing for Mac, and it’s not even got Peng having feelings for Mac.
My sunflower is crying, I’m sorry hanahaki au where Mac has hanahaki and goes “well I’m gonna die, that sucks” and? Makes the most of it? He gets cured ofc but he gets annoyed his plan gets ruined. Ofc
The Broken Pleas of a Familiar Face (And an Exhausted Shadow) Macaque asks wukong to stay and help him take care of the mountain cause he’s struggling, and wukong’s y’know. On jttw. So it doesn’t go well.
meant to do a lil blurb under the fic recs but then I was on like 2% and didn't want to lose the whole thing but I hope you find some fics you like! 'We just "click"' was such a nice find for me and finding you on tumblr is v exciting! Ok have a nice day byee
Aaaaa thank you!
I meant to answer this way sooner and forgot I hadn't, I appreciate the list to go through!
I just read Temporary Touch (all in one sitting oops) and I absolutely love it, I ran into it in the wild on ao3 and the name sounded familiar, glad I gave it a shot because right now it is my fave shadowpeach but it's nice to have a list of some others
Thank you for the recs and I'm glad you liked We Just Click haha
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xelasrecords · 1 year
3. The best character you've written for: Jihyun, because I love seeing the way you characterise him, both in healthy and unhealthy scenarios. Your happy Jihyun is a delight, a joy in the others' lives. You make him so interesting in unhealthy dynamics. You make me want to read more of him, which is rare. It's the main reason I have chosen him over Jumin, even when your Jumin fics have been one of the things to give me proper Jumin brainrot. Your love for both of them shines through in your writing.
4. The best ship you've written for: The OT3 fic is one of my favourites, because of how loving the relationships were between all the characters. Your description of the MC as the person missing from Jumin and V's friendship was so perfect, it made the whole relationship just click for me just like that. Honestly, any time you write those three together I'm going to be thrilled, whether it's an OT3 fic or not. They are family!
6. Something I remember vividly from reading one of your fics: The table scene from As Daylight Comes where the three of them are sitting around simply basking in each other's company is something I think about quite often. In complete contrast, I also think a lot about the dynamic between Jumin and the MC in Wedge the Knife Under My Skin - probably also because it was one of the first things of yours I read?
7. What made me the most emotional after reading: Take three guesses, it's your latest fic where you kill off Jumin. I find myself thinking about those quiet moments when you're suddenly hit with the realization that the person you love is never coming home and it guts me (the tie scene really did stick with me).
Oh thank you! Before I started writing for V, I resolved to show the layers beneath the people pleasing behaviour that he's commonly associated with. His character is complex, yet I often see him portrayed either as overly apologetic or a oh-so-sweet romantic hippie to the point that it's unrealistic (the sweetness. I have no comment about his hippie awakening). I wondered why for other characters we tend to use their GE state for their romantic scenarios, but it's rarely the case for V. GE V is someone at peace with his limited human ability to save people, and this is shown in detail in his AE. He doesn't blame himself and tries to help within healthy boundaries. He's wise and gentle and patient and confident. I like to refer to my own meta as my handy canon guide.
I'm so happy to see that you care about these OT3 as much as I do! I've been exploring different dynamics between Jumin, V and MC in my last 3 fics, so it's a nice surprise that you like them as well. It's not intentional but recently whenever I get an idea it always involves these 2 men (sorry Harry). Goodness, the things I'd do to be the MC and be loved by them.
What a delightful contrast <3 It's my two moods in writing really. Fun loving relationships or drown them in toxicity so deep they can't be saved. I remember the first times you started interacting with me! I was so glad I found someone to talk to when I was a newcomer back then. Your support has been a huge help and always encourages me to write more.
HAHAHA. I think what makes that kind of experience painful is that it's such a mundane thing that you wouldn't think twice about if everything's okay. Thank you again Faye, it means a lot to me that so many bits of my writing stay with you.
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perexcri · 2 years
Stancy is Officially out as my fav poly Jancy ship,😌 esp after this new fic of yours, which made me wiggle around like a delighted little sea slug.
Honestly, Nancy deserves to smoke some weed and admire her bf with Argyle. When’s the last time she’s gotten a break like this tbh?? Ever??
Jonathan Byers, simp extraordinaire for his gf and bf(f). (This fantastic dynamic feels a little bit like how I feel Merlin/Arthur/Gwen would have been if bbc hadn’t been Cowards(tm).) also…\o/ shotgunning shotgunning shotgunning sho—
Also, the undercurrent of Ow in regards to Jonathan’s Extreme amount of trauma? you somehow managed to thread a bit of Pain into this lovely interaction. (“He’s sick of being domestic–he just wants to be a teenager!” & “I’m fine,” he lies, and it’s an easy one to roll off of his tongue. He’d been doing it all his life.” &!!!! V much!!!!! “Secondary parent, half-mother and half-father, always up in the morning to make breakfast for his little brother, and always relegated to haunting the back of classrooms and the edges of hallways–the creep and the weirdo.” Crying screaming on the floor eating my phone bye). (Also also Jon doubting that Will needs him anymore, nonoo oh dear no he does need u I promise. Crying yelling throwing up curling into a ball. He’s always gonna need his big bro and Jon doubting that is sending off death flags which are oh dear 😭)
Argyle is just. Such a good, kind guy, and good for Jon and Nancy. Like a soothing lotion/sun screen on the burn that is their horrific lives.
“Jonathan and Nancy both stare at Argyle’s mouth, watch it catch against the joint.” 🤭hohoho honestly making me ship Both of them equally w Argyle,
“My fair little Wheeler” orz on the floor bye
If there is not at least One (1) interaction between the three of them in s5 that is even a quarter as good as this one, honestly I’m throwing tomatoes at the Duffers’ houses.
Anyway, lovely wonderful fic!! Hope you are having a good week and thank you for improving mine🥰
VEEEEE i'm glad you liked the Jarncy fic hehehe. i know it's not my typical wheelhouse, but it was so fun to write, so it's nice to hear you enjoyed it!! :D tbh the biggest compliment i was hoping for from this fic was hearing at least one person say they ship it a little more than Stoncy after reading it, so you have fulfilled my wish 😌 (no hate to Stoncy ofc lol)
LITERALLY let Nancy Wheeler smoke weed. or just something - she's going through it just as much as anybody else, and i think she deserves a chance to relax 😩
and you're so right about Merlin and you should say it louder
yeah we can't have anything nice around here without a little pain right :) idk Jonathan is a very personal character for me because i grew up as the eldest in a single-mother household, so there's a lot about his position in life that i relate to too much, hence the angst bleeding over a little into this fic. maybe someday i'll post that other Jonathan one shot i wrote! it's got plenty more of some of the stuff discussed in this one 🙃
and yeah him and Will :') listen the most surprising thing about this fic for me was realizing that, in this scenario, Jonathan would actually be in a very similar position as Mike. furthermore, I think Jonathan struggles with being needed like Mike, too. i think Mike's is more wanting to be needed and getting sidelined while Jonathan's is more having been needed for so much of his life that he doesn't know what his life would look like without being needed. and that definitely showed here :') my poor dude i want to give him a hug
...but that's what Argyle's for, right? GAH i thought the same thing that you said!! i think there's something appealing about having Jonathan and Nancy, who are both really tightly-wound and damaged by The Horrors, buddying up with Argyle, who's pretty mellow and chill (as long as he doesn't like, you know, have to bury a guy in the desert lol). i thought his character would be a good contrast for both of them, and i'm glad that came across :D
Vee i am once again saying that i am so glad you liked this fic :] i knew it was gonna be a kinda niche thing and wasn't sure how it would go over, but tbh, just hearing that you liked it makes me smile :] also this one really challenged me just for its subject matter and working with different characters, so it ended up being personally rewarding? listen i know people really liked irresistible, but it didn't particularly challenge me in any way and subsequently i didn't end up liking it as much as some of my other fics,,,like it was fun and all, but i didn't feel really connected to it. this one, though, made me feel a lot better!! it was fun to try something new and challenge myself!!
i'm definitely gonna be writing more byler next tho lol. i promise i've got stuff i'm working on. i just gotta get my shrimp brain organized 🍤
this has gotten so long :') anyway Vee it is always lovely to hear from you, so honestly, thank you for improving my week :] i hope the rest of your week goes well!! 💜
(also i'm still staring at your aftry art btw 💐💐💐)
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squigglywindy · 2 years
L O V E Y S Q U I G for the ask game :D
Dragon. Oh honey you know how much I like to talk.
L (What's the weirdest AU you've ever come up with): I've only ever really kind of written one AU. I started it and scrapped it fairly quickly but it was fun while it lasted. Basic premise: The Boys go to college. They all live on the same floor of some residence hall. They suffer the absolute roller coaster that has been my college experience (I've been here six years, there's a bit to work with) and have a good time. Time is the RA. That is all.
O (How begin, plot or characters): Usually characters! Most of the time I think 'hmm, I'd like to explore this dynamic' and then come up with a scenario for it, but every once in awhile I'll think of the scenario first and work backwards.
V (A secondary or underrated character you want to see more of in fic?): Aryll my precious beloved child I have devoured all ao3 has to offer and it is Not Much
E (If sequel, what about): Given I've only shared one of my disaster fics, I guess a sequel to "Wake Up" would involve reviving Zelda, probably giving her amnesia because I'm Mean, and doing a whole little adventure where those two clueless amnesiacs try to figure out what's going on
Y (A character you want to protect): Y'know, I want to say Wind. I really want to. But also? I get way too much joy out of his suffering so... If my scattered writings are anything to go by, I can't bring myself to do much to Twilight (Gee, wonder why...the poor guy)
S (Any random tropes you can't resist?): Found family my beloved I eat that up every time
Q (Any discarded scenes / storylines / projects): There's several, but the one I got the furthest on was one where there were these New Baddies who showed up and snatched Wind and Four and had them locked up for like...three weeks, I think, interrogating them about some guy called The Shadow Wielder who nobody knew was Sky the whole time, but was, and it got really dark really fast and I threw it out. Partly because I had no idea how to resolve it (or explain how Sky became TSW) but mostly because I was Way Too Mean
U (Pairing you might like to write but haven't): I'm a sucker for Zelink but aside from when I killed her, Zelda hasn't even been there for anything I've written so I haven't actually played with it.
I (Guilty pleasure in reading and/or writing): Same for both tbh. Absolutely wrecking these poor souls and then piecing them back together with The Power of Friendship. Not the All Bad things. The Bad But Hey Look It Gets Better
G (Favorite crack fic): Not really sure what qualifies as a crack fic? I mostly read H/C so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
As you can probably tell, I have a pretty sizable stack of random snippets and abandoned works :)
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writing-wh0re · 3 years
U WRITE DRUIG SOO GOOD IM OBSESSED!!! plz give us more!! i’d request a specific scenario but ure so talented it doesn’t even matter!!
All writing will be #writing-wh0re-requests.
Druig x Stripper!Reader
Words: 2,396
Warnings: Smut18+, Male Performing Oral, Unprotected Sex, Spanking, Praise, Dom Energy, (very) Slight Cum Kink.
A/N: I hope you enjoy this, I had a lot of fun writing it, thought it was something different for Druig.
The club's music thumps through my chest, the smell of cheap cigars and alcohol taking over my senses. I carry my duffle bag over my shoulder, signing my name on the roster.
“Evening Y/n, how was your day?”
I smile at Nova, the girl with purple hair and tattoos covering every inch of her skin with a warm smile on her face.
“Exhausting, yours?”
“I only started at 8pm tonight, nothing crazy.”
I nod in response, turning away from the table and walking into the dressing room, all the girls running around trying to get themselves ready for the night.
A sigh passes my lips as I look over myself in the mirror, my hair thrown up into a bun, baggy band t-shirt hanging off my body.
I quickly open my phone looking at my savings account.
A reminder as to why I love coming back here.
“Hey, can I borrow your mascara?” I look up from my phone at Daisy, quickly rummaging through my bag for the product.
“You’re a lifesaver, thank you!”
I smile at Daisy in the reflection, deciding to get myself ready and pray it's a fast money kind of night.
“He’s here!”
“Leather Jacket.”
“At the bar!”
Three girls squeal to each other, the rest of us turning with curiosity.
“Okay, you know that guy that keeps coming in?” Daisy beams as I chuckle.
“A little more description Daze, the wall street guy?” Daisy shakes her head as I do up my heels, looking over myself in the mirror, my body cladded in a dark green lace one piece, a deep V cut down the front, the lace barely covering my boobs, my cleavage on full display. I turn around, a small smirk on my lips as the g-string extenuates my curves perfectly.
“The Irish guy.” My mouth goes dry at the information.
The nerves start to course through my body, my hands shaking slightly. My mind wanders off to the last time I saw him during my set.
My eyes scanned the room, most men with slimy smirks on their face, money fanning in front of them, beckoning me over. Our eyes catch causing my breath to hitch, he seems out of place in the club, however he also owns the room. My eyes wander over him, his fist resting against his lips, a whiskey glass placed on his knee as he sits at the bar, tucked away to the back. I quickly flick my eyes away, my heart hammering against my chest, heat filling my cheeks as I land on my knees, tilting my head back and running my hands down my body.
A few men throw money at me, a quick wink sent in their direction causing them to get flustered. My eyes discreetly search for him, my heart sinking as Daisy speaks to him, a smirk on his face. Daisy runs her hand down his chest, whispering in his ear. The mysterious man chuckles, holding her hand in his and placing a kiss to her skin.
I divert my eyes as he catches me, quickly recovering and continuing my routine. Before I can stop myself, I look back at the man, him now alone and Daisy sitting on a different man's lap. I smirk to myself, deciding to keep my eyes locked onto his for the last few seconds of my set.
A simple gesture was all it took for this man to occupy my mind for weeks to come, a simple wink and almost proud smirk on his lips, the image forever burned into my brain.
“Y/n, are you listening?” Daisy’s voice pulls me from the memory, concern present on her face.
“I didn’t catch that last part, sorry.”
Daisy rolls her eyes, before handing me a private room booking slip.
A mix of emotions washes over me, is this him? Surely its not, probably just another handsy wall street guy.
“That's the champagne room.” Daisy comments as I look over the ticket, trying to see if it leads to who made the booking.
I open and close my mouth, unsure of how to react, this is my first private booking.
“I’ll take it if you don’t go.” I hold the ticket closer to my chest before walking out of the room, ignoring Daisy’s words as the music bounces off the walls. I walk towards the champagne room, my eyes darting around the room, the slow flashing lights illuminating people’s features in different ways, making everyone, even the regulars look like strangers.
I give the ticket to the bouncer, a curt nod sent in my direction. I place my hand on the Gold handle, a deep breath passing my lips before pushing it open.
The room is dimly lit and music is playing softly in the background, my heart rate picks up, uncertain about this room.
I keep my back against the door, letting it close behind me as my eyes land on the man sitting in the dark part of the room.
“Hi, I’m Sunshine.” I smile sweetly, waiting for the man to come more into the light, my feet feeling glued to the ground. The man chuckles lowly before coming into view, a warmth filling my body.
His eyes trail up my body, his leather jacket hanging off his shoulders perfectly. Our eyes lock together as he smirks, licking his lips.
“Sunshine.” Arousal rushes to my core at the fake name leaving his lips.
“What’s your real name darling?”
The man sits down on the velvet couch, leaning on his knees, his eyes flicking to the spot beside him.
My legs move before my mind has time to comprehend that it’s truly him.
I sit beside him on the couch, the velvet material silky against my warm skin.
The man raises an eyebrow at me.
Right, fuck, his question.
“Tell me yours first.”
The man smirks, chuckling, his arm resting across the top of the couch, his body turning to mine slightly.
“Druig.” His thick accent sends butterflies to my stomach.
Druig smiles, his eyes quickly flicking to my cleavage, lingering before flicking back to my eyes.
“Y/n.” My name rolls off his tongue perfectly, “You’re very beautiful.” Blush takes over my face, thankful for the dim lights in this room.
“So, champagne room?” My curiosity gets the better of me as Druig nods slowly, taking his bottom lip between his teeth before speaking.
“I’m not good at sharing.”
Druig nods once, chuckling, his hand falling from the couch to my knee, his thumb tracing patterns on my knee.
“I don’t believe I stuttered Y/n”
My breath hitches, a small smirk on my lips as I giggle.
“If you can’t share, why come back?”
Druig rolls his eyes, sighing as he changes his position, tilting his head back against the couch.
“There’s something special about you.”
I giggle softly, a smile present on my face.
“Well, since we have this room to ourselves, why don’t I show you what the other men are missing?”
Druig turns his head to me, his eyes following my every movement as I stand and change the music.
His eyes stay locked to my body, one of his arms staying across the top of the couch, his other hand resting around his thigh.
I bend over, dragging my hands up my body as I slowly sway my hips to the beat. Druig smirks, his hand gripping his thigh before rubbing up and down.
I smirk to myself, continuing to sway my hips, slowly walking towards him. I stand between his open legs, moving my hands above my head, turning around and pulling the straps of my lace one piece down my arms.
I spin around, my boobs on full display as he sits up, moving closer to me, his eyes lingering on my exposed skin as he slowly drags his tongue across his bottom lip.
I smirk at his reaction, his hands gripping his thighs, stopping himself from touching me. I place my hands on his knees, leaning closer to his face so close that our lips are inches from brushing each other. I drag my nails up his thighs, his lips parting as he leans closer to me. I quickly pull away, walking over to the pole in the centre of the room, I turn to look at him, wanting to tease him more as I spin into his chest.
“You’re a tease.” Druig mumbles.
I smile sweetly, looking up at him through my false lashes, his eyes searching mine. I nod softly as his hands fall to my ass picking me up swiftly, locking our lips together.
His hands massage my ass, spanking the supple skin as I gasp into our kiss, his tongue slipping into my mouth.
Druig places me on the couch, his lips leaving mine as he places kisses down my neck, trailing down to my breasts, sucking and licking my nipples.
My moans fill the air, thankful for the low music covering the sound of my pleasure.
Druig kisses down my body, his gaze meeting mine as he presses his tongue against my lace covered pussy.
I moan at the contact, a chuckle leaving his lips as he pulls the lace to the side, blowing cold air on my dripping cunt.
“Look at you.”
I whimper in response, slightly thrusting my hips up, his arms wrapping around my thighs holding me in place as his tongue slips past my folds.
My fingers instantly lace in his hair, a deep sigh passing my lips, my back arching off the couch quickly. His tongue slowly licks up and down my core, savouring this moment, I wiggle my hips slightly, his arms tightening around my legs to stop my hips from moving.
“Yes.” I moan, his lips sucking my clit before continuing to swirl the bundle of nerves. His tongue laps at my core, tracing the letters of the alphabet on my skin.
“Druig, fuck.”
He pulls away from my pussy a whimper escaping me.
“That’s it baby, let everyone know who owns you.”
I gasp as his tongue flicks against my clit, his arm moving from my thigh, his finger slipping inside of me. My pussy clenches around him, earning a chuckle from his lips.
Druig pulls his tongue off my pussy, adding another finger to my core as I flutter my eyes closed, my finger pinching my nipples.
“Look at you, your eager little pussy sucking me back in.”
I nod in response, my walls fluttering around him, his hand reaching up to my face, tilting my head down to him.
“Good girl, eyes on me.”
I moan at the praise, a proud smirk on his lips.
“Please.” My eyes roll back quickly, his fingers pressing against my g-spot. “Fuck me Druig.”
Druig smiles, our eyes locking again as he nods pulling his fingers from me.
“For you, anything my love.”
I giggle at his words, a lust drunk smile on my face.
He fumbles with his belt, pulling his pants down as my mouth falls open.
Fuck, his cock springs free, the tip glistening with precum.
I quickly stand, pushing Druig down onto the couch as I pull the green lace from my body. I straddle Druig’s waist, our lips locking together in a messy kiss, filled with lust and hunger. His fingers rack down my back, a hiss falling from my lips as I guide his cock inside of me. Both of us moan at the feeling of him stretching my slick walls.
“Gorgeous.” I smile at his words, placing my hands on his chest as I rock my hips back and forth, slightly bouncing on his cock.
His moans send waves of arousal to my core, the sounds of my wetness filling the air around us. His hands grip my ass, spanking the skin every now and again causing a soft squeal to pass my lips.
“You take me so well.” Druig looks to where our bodies meet, his cock disappearing inside of me. His head rests on the top of the couch, his eyes watching my face wash with pleasure. Druig’s hands rest on my hips helping to guide my movements as he thrusts up into me, hitting a completely new spot.
I dig my fingers into his chest, the new angle sending shocks of electricity through my legs.
“Just like that.”
Druig smirks, his hand moving to my face to brush hair out of the way as he pulls my face down to his, our lips colliding.
My rhythm falters, Druig completely taking over, his cock sliding in and out of me as his tongue tangles with mine.
I pull away from him, moaning loud as he brushes against my g-spot perfectly. My legs are shaking beside him.
His hands move to my ass gripping the skin as I feel the coil inside of me tighten.
“I’m going to cum.”
Druig groans, his pace picking up as I place my hands on his shoulders to steady myself.
“Cum for me love.” My mouth falls open as Druig pulls my hair. “But look at me.” Our eyes lock as my body shakes around him, his face washing with pleasure before his cock twitches inside of me, a warmth filling inside of me.
Both of our chests rise and fall, Druig pulling me to his body, his cock still buried deep inside of me. He places a soft kiss to the side of my head as I slip off him, both of us silent for a few moments. We both quickly compose ourselves, a proud smirk on his lips.
Druig gives me his leather jacket, the newly familiar scent of his cologne filling my senses. We walk from the champagne room back into the main foyer of the club, Daisy on the stage.
“Oh, here.” I attempt to shuffle his jacket from my shoulders as he stops me.
“I’ll wait for you at the bar.”
I raise an eyebrow, a cheeky smirk present on his lips.
“Darling, I thought we established I don’t like sharing what’s mine?”
My heart flutters at his words, my mouth slightly open in surprise.
“Might want to get moving before my cum drips down your thighs.” Druig winks at me as my cheeks heat up, his hand spanking my ass as I hurry through the crowd to grab my stuff.
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shadow--writer · 4 years
Head canons for lis with a vampire mc? 👀🦇 Your headcanons are so great
lol my mind goes to @devoraks-dearest-love​ when it comes to vampires. She has a beautiful apprentice (who is a vampire, that idea is so cool ngl) and some fun content! From what I’ve seen of she’s also a very lovely and incredibly beautiful person. (since you’re getting this ping: hello! Love Salice, she’s a darling! Thought of you while writing haha)
But yes! Vampires! I’m sorry I’m a little rusty with the vampy folks lol. My knowledge comes from Interview with a Vampire, Dragula (which was a bit of a slog ngl. Creepy but oof) 
Main six x MC vampire
He’s your own personal blood bank my dudes
The MOMENT he finds out you’re a vampire his shirt is off, his neck is exposed, and he has some one liner ready 
“Eat away MC, I’m all yours~” (the AMOUNT of dirty jokes that I HAVE for this scenario)
Guys he’s such a masochist. Such a needy masochist, but we love him
But of course he’s always at your side with a slew of questions. How did you turn? Can you turn him by accident? Can you survive on animal blood? Does sunlight actually affect you? Garlic? 
Of course he’s always makes sure you’re doing okay
Have you eaten enough? Do you need to rest? 
The best part is he’s also a night owl so you two can go out and cause chaos during the wee hours of the night 
Also he will beg you to drink his blood sorry I don’t make the rules here
Awww don’t worry he loves this side of you
Even if you can be...a little scary sometimes 
You and Faust bond over your sharp teeth 
Whenever it’s your time to feed (im struggling here LMFAO) he goes out to help you
Of course he’s offered himself up as the snacc he is 
They’d have to convince you to drink their blood. You don’t want to hurt them, but they say they’ll be fine 
Of course he is and he’s glad to help you 
He loves you so of course he’d offer himself up on a silver platter 
he’s done that much to your dismay 
You’re usually very cold so when you two cuddle there’s tons of blankets 
He keeps garlic out of the house, and makes sure you’re safe when you go out during the day
If you have a more gothic style she’ll love you forever and ever (even more than she already does)
And she’ll dress the same way
If you don’t that’s cool too she gets you the best looking clothes fit for an immortal 
And makes sure you’re fed 
Since you have enhanced strength you enjoy just...sweeping her off her feet
Oh she LOVES it. She adores every part of you 
Of course it’s always a little game to see what she can learn about you next.
Every LI has offered themselves up to help you, her included. She knows that you could be uncomfortable with eating blood and she doesn’t mind at all
And since you’re a night owl she’s set aside things for you to do 
When she can she stays up with you, sometimes you’d even go around causing a little trouble ;). She likes adventuring with you
Lmfao not gonna lie to ya but he does not care
Vampire, human, werewolf, he does not care. Why? Because you’re his MC and nothing you are is gonna change that fact
Of course he’s gonna help you out 
If you need blood he’s glad to give you his he doesn’t mind 
You can’t go out in the sun? That’s fine he enjoys going out at night there aren’t as many people 
You can hunt and run fast? Nice looks like you’re getting dinner 
Can play rough with Inanna? Great she needs to get the energy out 
He just loves you for you, being a vampire doesn’t change it, but it just means adjusting 
He does appreciate the fact that you’re stronger
You can help out with some of the labor and he does enjoy watching you work (nice ass 😎👉👉)
You’re a vampire? 
That’s SO COOL
She LOVES this so much. She’s never met a vampire before! And the fact it’s her beloved MC? She is ECSTATIC
She has SO many questions. How fast can you run? How strong are you (...can you pick her up?) are you always this cold? 
Sure Pepi takes a little while to warm up to you, but she does eventually 
During the summer especially. You’re like a cooler, Pepi loves you
Portia loves asking you questions, of course, but she loves just seeing you in action (nice ass 😎👉👉 pt 2)
Pick her up. Pick her up. Pick her up. Pick her up. Pick her up. Pic-
When you help her with her work oooh she could just swoon
Hanging out with you at night is one of her favourite things. She takes you to see her garden and the two of you talk and hang out under the stars most nights when she can stay awake 
When she falls asleep you always take her to bed
*adds it to the list of things he loves about you*
Like Julian he will also very dramatically declare himself your blood bank 
“Drink away MC, but not too much ;). I know I taste delicious~” (I cringed and snorted while writing that oh dear)
He loves the fact you’re a night owl 
And nice you have high stamina. He’s taking you hunting (...and yes other things but this is not the place lmfao) 
Nice ass  😎👉👉 pt 3. 
Mercedes and Melchior ADORE you. You can actually keep up with them and the three of you go tearing through the palace gardens most nights
Lucio does not care how cold you are you are getting in bed and cuddling 
You are v nice during the summer 
Gosh he loves you. And yes he will ask you so many questions about this
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mindibindi · 3 years
They are destroying Rebecca’s character this season and this Sam bullshit is the final nail in the coffin for her. What the f*** are they doing to their female lead ??
Well, I suppose this is the danger of offering resolution early in the piece and why so few television writers do it, particularly when it comes to romantic relationships. Because then there is the looming question of What Happens Next. So many writers prove that, while they may have the imaginative juice to create, they don't have what it takes to re-invent.
Whether you understand her as the protagonist or the antagonist of the first season of Ted Lasso, Rebecca's big revenge plot drove s1, gave it a clear narrative arc. This inaugural season likewise gave her character a clear and compelling arc. You could posit that, while Rebecca's pain drove season 1, Ted's pain is meant to be driving season 2...? But whatever Ted is going through does not have as clear-cut an objective so it is not giving the same sense of cohesion or direction. Within her s1 arc, we got to see Rebecca feel angry, frustrated, victorious, smug, thwarted, conflicted, heart-broken and vulnerable. Last season gave Hannah Waddingham so many opportunities to show the range of her skills as an actor and I still hope she wins an Emmy for this performance. But I doubt she will be winning any awards for her performance this season.
Most situation comedies stick to the same situation, snapping their characters back to where they were at the beginning of each episode. Certainly, this formula can become repetitive and dull after years. Ted Lasso received a great deal of praise when it broke this formula by offering resolution at the end of its first season no less. It broke the no-hugging-no-learning mantra of so many sitcoms when it allowed Rebecca to learn from her trauma, come clean and literally embrace Ted as a valuable part of her life. Since her character went on the biggest journey of the season, the question of What Happens Next was always going to be more significant for her than it was for any other character on the show.
Season 1 of Ted Lasso made me fall in love with Hannah Waddingham and the character of Rebecca Welton. But as much as it pains me to say it, in s2 she is nothing like the problematic powerhouse we met in s1. Her friendships with Keeley and Higgins continue on nicely enough. She's had some good moments with characters she had little interaction with in s1, like Roy and Nate. And it was great to meet her mother and god-daughter. But this fleshing out of the character is mostly work around her rather than work that propels her forward in any meaningful way. I understand that some people may be content just to watch Rebecca living her best life after the intensity of last season. But, for me, the pursuit of heterosexual romantic love by a woman to the exclusion of all else is a problematic aim since women have been told for centuries that securing a man is the single most important thing they can achieve in their lives.
Rebecca wants love and doesn't want to be alone. She's stated that, that's canon and that's fine. But romance seems to be Rebecca's ONLY aim, her single focus. We haven't seen her do anything in her role as club owner except make a phone call and look sharp, which I admit she does well. The woman looks INCREDIBLE. But if you are in your right mind (at least in my opinion), you are not expecting this amazing woman to end up with a pretentious windbag, a hot booty call or a wildly inappropriate youngster. So it all seems a bit aimless, purposeless. All of this dithering about with wrong dudes is just a waste of time when we have limited time with these beloved characters. We know we are only getting three short seasons of this show and I don't want to spend a full season watching a previously complex female character stare at her phone, only ever prompted into (questionable) action by her cute best friend. And I DEFINITELY don't want to watch...whatever the fuck they think this thing is with Sam.
Frankly, I am still flabbergasted that they have chosen this path. They genuinely seem to think that their audience will enjoy this as some hot romantic adventure...? And hey, a small but vocal minority are. Some diehard fans are trying to hold onto their faith with white knuckles. And the rest of us are just over here in compete and utter shock at the suddenness of the decline in this show's quality and ethics. The latest justification some fans are rather desperately grasping at seems to be that Rebecca's actions stem from her trauma. Now...okay. Trauma can be responsible for many things. But not this. Trauma can make you act in v strange ways but I don't see the connection here. I can clearly see how Rebecca's trauma from her first marriage dictated her actions towards Ted in s1. That is a very clear line to draw. I can see how, after her disastrous marriage, her judgement may be off and she may go for someone like John Wingsnight: someone safe, solid and appropriate. Again, a clear line to draw. I can also see why she would indulge in fun, shallow sexual relationships with the waiter in Liverpool and her booty call from bantr. All normal, understandable behaviour for a woman in her situation. And a v clear narrative line for the writers to draw. No problems there. Her actions in each of these cases can be traced back to Rupert and his abuse. But I cannot for the life of me draw a line between Rupert and Sam. As a traumatic reaction, that does not make a shred of sense to me.
It's true that sometimes those who have been abused become abusers, not that I'm saying Rebecca is abusing Sam in this scenario. What I am saying is that most trauma survivors will go out of their way to avoid becoming anything like their abusers. Most survivors try their damnedest to break the cycle of abuse, not perpetuate it. Most victim-survivors will act, sometimes even to their own detriment, to spare others from being impacted by their pain and trauma. Trauma and abuse does not break your moral compass. If anything, it makes it stronger. Trauma and abuse heightens your sensitivity to what is right, just and honest. Having seen Rebecca ultimately unable to follow through in her trauma-inspired revenge plot on Ted, it does not make sense to me that she is blindly (without any of the nuanced inner conflict of s1 Rebecca) allowing her trauma and abuse to lead her into a situation that not only emulates her ex-husband's hurtful, unethical behaviour, but endangers what is now supposed to be so valuable to her.
All the press for s2 as spruiked Rebecca as a dating disaster but enthusiastically committed to her club. There is a huge difference, however, between charmingly, comedically 'messy' and inept to the point of self-destructive stupidity. I just don't buy her as this dumb. Yet here she is, after all her dealings with the savage British press last season, endangering the reputation of herself, her club and one of its most vulnerable players. Oddly enough, the Rebecca we saw in s1, with her many layers and nuances, seems to me to be a far more moral (not to mention interesting) rendering of this character. This Rebecca was motivated by injustice, she had an acute understanding of what was and wasn't right. It's why she conceived of her revenge plot and also why she ultimately dropped it. It is one thing for writers to propose that there are multiple steps on the way to healing. It is one thing for them to lead a character into a dark forest full of conflict and complication. But, from what I can tell, some people don't know the difference between a dark forest and straight-up bad writing. And it really fucking shows.
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marshieee · 3 years
Could i request kuroo ushijima sakusa and msby bokuto when you come to their games but its a big game and you bring your kid(s) with you. (Maybe the kid(s) help bokuto with his emo mode or the kids help calm their dad down) idk i just thought this would be cute and fun for you to write
Also idk if you accept anons but if you do can i be midnight anon
Aahhhhh a father to children interaction i love that!❤️❤️ i still can’t believe I’m receiving request huhuhu😭❤️ OFCOURSE I ACCEPT ANONS! CHARACTER ANONS OR WHATEVER JUST COME TO ME!!!🥰 also this is gonna be their timeskip version so I’m gonna stick with kuroo’s timeskip profession if you don’t mind also i wanted to try to make this a little scenario just tell me if you want to make this as a hc. Sorry this took awhile.
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When their kid(s) came to see them
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Kuroo was watching schweiden alders game feeling nervous as he watch ushijima spikes the ball.
“Jeez he’s gonna break the ball at this point”
He was assigned to ask ushijima for a promotion video promoting a good sportsmanship and promoting the game just like what he did with hinata.
Normally he wouldn’t get this nervous but learning that ushijima is utsui takashi’s son changed his mood. Also knowing that ushijima would eventually become a professional volleyball player under Japan V. League soon.
“Like father like son huh”
Suddenly out of nowhere, even though the whole place was booming with cheers and claps he heard someone calling him.
He turned around and saw his ball of sunshine running towards him with you trailing behind.
He kneels down and opened his arms waiting for his son to come to him. The toddler then dives into his fathers arms and started giggling, he stood up carrying his son.
“What brings you here buddy?”
“Mommy said she was going to watch a volleyball game and asked me if i wanna go”
“And you did”
As you finally reached them he gave you a cheeky smile, he kissed your cheeks since his son is there so kiss on the lips can wait.
“Hi kitten”
“Hello to you too kuroo-san”
You laughed but finally noticing his is kind of pale worried that he might be sick you gently cupped his face.
“Are you ok?”
He grabs your hand and give it a kiss, feeling that he is slowly calming down.
But suddenly his son grabbed both of his cheeks and forcibly turned kuroo to face him.
“Daddy are you sick?”
“No buddy I’m fine”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure”
Still not convinced with his father’s word he gave kuroo a kiss on the cheeks and made up a little chant to make sure he’s ok.
“Thank you baby i feel a lot better now”
“What’s up with you anyways?”
“Well i was assigned to ask ushijima if he can make a promotion video with us”
“And? What’s wrong with that?”
“Recently i just discovered that ushijima is utsui takashi’s son”
“Wait really? The utsui takashi?”
“I know right?!”
Suddenly someone flung their arms around your shoulder, now that you noticed how close your face were with kuroo. The both of you looked at your son who is struggling to keep his arms around you since you’re a bit far, giggling you stepped closer, when he got comfortable, he took a deep breath and puts on a serious face.
“Who is utsui takashi?”
“Why is utsui takashi?”
“How is utsui takashi?”
You three fell silent for a good minute before bursting with laughter.
“Why are we even huddling anyways?”
You took your son out of kuroo’s arms and continued laughing with him. Kuroo watched both of his precious gems having fun, all smiles and that’s what he likes.
It was a big day today since it’s msby vs schweiden alders game.
He felt a excitement since he’s going to play against hinata shoyo again after those years. The fact that you told him you can’t come to his game today since you’re too busy and his daughter has a play date really saddens his mood. Boy just wants to flex sometimes you know.
Suddenly he heard a commotion outside their waiting room, he didn’t mind it at first but it gradually got a little louder so he decided to check it out. This man got confused over a commotion cause not only his teammates were there also the msby players were also there huddled in the middle of the hallway.
“What’s happening?”
They all turned around that made ushijima anxious because duh they were looking at him like he just killed someone then all of a sudden in the center of those giant players was a lovely little girl.
Fun fact: ushi named his daughter keiko that means “respected child”
Keiko runs up to her father and ushijima instantly scoops her up in his arms.
“Papa i’m here”
“But i thought keiko has a play date today?”
“Keiko said she wants to watch her papa play”
The boys gave way to you as you walked up to the both of them. Ushijima gave you a smile and pecks your lips.
“Hi mama”
“Hello honey”
Suddenly Kageyama appeared besides you and bowed.
“Hello y/n-san!”
“Oh my hello tobio-kun”
“Hello keiko”
Hoshiumi then appeared behind ushijima and waved at little keiko.
“Hiii keiko-chan!”
“Hey keiko who do you think is the coolest?—“
“No no not that—“
“But papa is the coolest for me”
“Besides your papa, me or hinata shoyo?”
Suddenly hinata pops out and caught keiko’s attention, ushijima had to hold her since she moved to the side to look at hinata. She stared at hinata making him nervous.
They all got quiet when keiko shouted sunshine while giggling, hinata on the other hand was confused.
“Shoyo nii-chan sunshine!”
Hinata blushed furiously after receiving a compliment from keiko, hoshiumi did not know what’s happening so he asked ushijima if he can carry keiko.
“Sure just be careful”
“I will i will”
Then they started to surround keiko again asking who’s the coolest to who’s the tallest and who’s the best etc. etc.
Ushijima watched as her baby girl was getting along with his teammates and other teams as well. You looked at ushijima who has a soft look, nudging him to the side.
“It looks like keiko is popular huh~”
“Ah I wonder if she’s also popular at her daycare~”
Ushijima turned to look at you with a confused expression.
“Because if she is there’s probably a boy who likes her—“
“But what if when she goes home and told us about—“
“Aww keiko will have a prince—“
Ushijima grabbed both of your cheeks and kissed your nose, but he still looks frustrated after you put those thoughts in his head.
“Y/N no”
Today is a big day for the japan V league, the gymnasium was packed with fans and supporters for each team. You could see a lot of flags here and there, there’s also a huge group of people who would cheer for their teams.
A lot of camera has been clicking and taping since then. Fortunately for you, you got a good seat in front thanks for the sources you had, your little girl who’s sitting besides you is very excited to watch the game.
She begged you to have her face painted with a japan flag which you unfortunately did because you can’t say no to her sometimes, you gave her a fan with the japan’s team on it so she could wave it around and to fan herself of course.
The game has started and you cheered with your daughter, shouting and jumping whenever the japan team scores a point. Soon the game ended and it was the win of the japan team. You felt someone tug your shirt looking down you saw your daughter who was ready to go.
“Mommy let’s go! Let’s go!”
“Alright baby calm down we’re going”
You held her hands as you two walk towards the court, thankfully you two wore a pass around your neck or else.
When you arrived at the court a lot of people were there, paparazzi, reporters, few important peoples and all. You were trying to spot your husband among the crowd but your daughter found him first, she lets go of your hand and came dashing to wherever she found her father.
Sakusa was having an interview with a reporter that time so he didn’t notice a little girl running towards him, when she got to where her daddy was she immediately hugged him.
The reporter was confused and panicking since a little girl suddenly interrupted their interview, they were glancing back and forgot to sakusa to the little girl when all of a sudden sakusa smiled and lifted her up.
“Where were we again?”
“Oh..um right uh, y-your thoughts about the game”
“Ah yes, they were a tough opponent that’s given it was really hard to go pass through their defense so it was nice when aran broke their defenses with one hard spike, overall it was a good game everyone did their best so that’s what matters”
“Right one last question um do you know this little girl?”
Sakusa looked at the ball of sunshine in his arms and smiled at her.
“Do you want to introduce yourself?”
The nodded enthusiastically at her father,
“Go on”
“Hello! My name is sakusa hayami! Nice to meet you!”
Fun fact:Sakusa named his daughter hayami which means “rare beauty”
The reporter was surprised and looked at sakusa who was smiling.
“She’s my daughter”
“Oh! Hello hayami-san nice to meet you too how old are you?”
Hayami slowly extended her fingers and showed them,
“I’m five years old!”
“Wow! Anything you want to say abou your father?”
Sakusa then whispered to her.
“What do you want to say about daddy”
She flings her arms in the air while explaining making the reporter giggle at her cuteness, sakusa then noticed you walking towards them, he gave you a smile and gestures you to come over.
“And here...”
He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him.
“...is my lovely wife y/n”
You bow down and the reporter bow down also, they look at the three of you and smiled.
“What a lovely family”
“It is”
Sakusa turned to look at you and kissed you on your forehead.
“It is a lovely family”
Suddenly someone shouted at the background causing all of you to turn around.
Sakusa turned to look at the reporter with a frustrated face.
“It’s a lovely family not until they come around”
“Ah hahaha...”
When the interview ended hayami played with her uncles, sakusa held your hand.
“Did you enjoyed the game?”
“Yeah i did, Hayami also enjoyed the game”
“Yes really i had to stop her from shouting to much or she’ll hurt her throat”
“Hahahaha...i see”
He placed a soft kiss on your hand, you looked at him.
“Thank you”
“You’re welcome~”
You wanted to surprise bokuto so you didn’t tell him that you’ll be watching his game today all he knows is you’ll be at your friend’s house since they needed you with something and the kids were scheduled with a play date.
He didn’t mind of course but it’s still sad that his babies wouldn’t be there to watch him play but when you told him that you’ll be watching at the television he said that he’ll do his best.
Now that you’re here at the noisy gymnasium full of spectators who supports their favorite teams, other brought their own banner some joined a cheering team. The whole gymnasium was full of tension and excitement that infected both of your children as they were jumping and shouting that you have to sometimes cover their mouth or else they’ll hurt themselves.
Bokuto didn’t know that you three were there all he knows is to focus on the game and win. Since the whole area was full of cheer it’ll be hard for bokuto to hear his kids cheering for him.
As the game went on the msby team isn’t doing well they were five points behind and they needed to catch up or the numbers will pile up. You can tell your husband is getting frustrated since his spikes keeps getting blocked, unlike before he knows how to calm down and act rationally but the frustration is still there if this continues he will lose his focus.
You have to do something, you were thinking of ways to help your husband and then suddenly your kids started shouting even more.
You guessed that they sensed that their daddy is having a tough time, then it came to you, it’s kind of dumb to bring this with you but you thought that you might need or someone might need it and it looks like you did. Tapping the shoulders of the shouting children they then looked at you.
“Kasuga, haruki...”
You named your little girl kasuga which means “spring day” while bokuto named his young man haruki which means “shining sun”
You gave them a thumbs up as they looked at you with a confused expression.
“...leave it to mommy”
You grabbed your bag and looked for the thing that you brought, you immediately pulled it out of the bag.
“What’s that?”
“It’s a megaphone”
Yes, you did brought a megaphone without any reason you just shoved it down and brought it.
“Uh huh you can talk here and it’ll make your voice suuuuper loud and I’m sure daddy will hear it!”
They were excited to use it since they know that their daddy will finally hear them, you started to turn on the megaphone and handed the it to them.
“You two hold it very still”
Haruki lets his sister hold the upper part of handle while he holds the lower part of it. You made sure that it was on and loud and clear.
“Ok now you two go in front right, there in the railings mommy will be right beside you”
You don’t want other people burts their damn eardrums when the twins shouts. They slowly and carefully walked down the stairs holding on the megaphone on their hands. When you arrived at the bottom, the twins looked at you as you gave them your signal.
“Ok on the count of three...one...two...three!”
They took a deep breath and cheered.
If it’s just one of them it wouldn’t really attract a lot of people but since there’s two of them I’m sure there’s a lot of people who’s looking at the three of you. You blushed a little but didn’t stop the twins since you’re a supportive mother and wife.
Bokuto heard their screams, at first he thought he was hallucinating but when hinata turned around and started to wave at them.
He finally turned around and saw his two bundle of joy waving at him and right beside them was you who looks flustered but still waving at him. He felt all of his frustrations fading away by just looking at the three of you all smiles for him, so he raised both of his arms and smiled.
The twins immediately handed you the megaphone and copied their father’s actions.
Bokuto turned to look at you, you blowed him a kiss to which he blows you one back. Feeling a lot better he tapped both sakusa and hinata’s back.
Atsumu watched bokuto’s with his lovely family and felt extremely jealous on how the two of you blowing kisses to each other.
“How come bokuto has two cute children and a beautiful wife”
Grumbling at himself he turned to look for a camera who’s recording live on television but since there’s a alot he just shouted.
Fortunately that was caught on cam and fortunately for him too osamu was watching live on his phone.
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Waterpark Kisses (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader)
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Word Count: 1,863
Summary: You and Ushijima decide that a waterpark would be a fun date, but insecurities begin to rise and you’re left wondering if Ushijima really does love you like he claims.
This is dedicated to my @sunshinewitchz​, the love of my life and the biggest simp for Wakatoshi I know. She’s literally the best and deserves the best💕💕💕
I hope you all enjoy this garage. My biggest concern when writing is making sure I capture the character’s personality, so hopefully I did a good job for this one😅
Also I know I have some requests sitting in my inbox, I’ll get to them eventually, but at the moment for requests I’ll only be writing three at time. 
Anyway please enjoy!:)
“It was nice of Tendou-kun to give us these tickets.” You said brightly, staring up at the tall ace that was currently next to you. 
 The smell of chlorine was heavy in the air, along with the sounds of running water, and kids screaming and laughing. 
 “Yeah.” Ushijima said briefly, eyes flickering down to yours briefly before surveying the area. “I thought it would just be us though.” he finished, eyes now gazing at his teammates.
 “Now, now, Wakatoshi-kun.” Tendou said coming up to you guys and swinging an arm around your shoulders. “Think of it as team building! Right guys?” 
 Semi scoffed, crossing his arms over his bare chest. “No one wanted to come to the waterpark Tendou, you literally forced everyone to go.”
 You and Ushijima frowned slightly at his statement. When Tendou had asked if you guys wanted tickets to go to the new waterpark that opened, you were ecstatic. You and Ushijima hadn’t gone on a date in a while, and this was the perfect chance. 
 However, you weren’t expecting it to be a group thing.
 “I wanted to go.” Ushijima said, looking at Semi with a blank expression. “Y/n and I wanted to go on a date and you guys decided to tag along.” his blunt statement had you gently patting his muscular bicep. 
 “Waka-kun. It’s fine. We can still have fun.” You said brightly, beaming up at the stoic male. “I’m just happy to be with you.”
 Ushijima’s face softened as he stared back at you. This was just one of the many reasons why he adored you. You were literally the sun, incredibly warm and bright. Your sweet face melted away the bitterness he was feeling towards his teammates. 
 Nothing else mattered as long as he got to spend time with you.
 “Let’s go find a place to put our stuff, Y/n.” He said, his large hand engulfing yours completely. Thick, rough fingers grasped at your dainty ones, gently squeezing before intertwining them together.
 Ushijima’s hands were always so warm. The rough calluses from years of volleyball practice tickled your skin pleasantly. But the safety you felt when he held your hand was one of your favorite feelings. 
 It had always been like this though, while you and Ushijima had only started dating halfway through your second year at Shiratorizawa, the overwhelming feeling of love was always transparent between the two of you. 
 You had never thought that the stoic, blunt, blank faced captain would be attentive to you. Would care for you as deeply as he did. He never ceased making you feel adored.
 “Wakatoshi-kun!” Tendou called out loudly. 
 Right now, you guys were sitting at one of the many tables that overlooked the main waterpark area, you guys were currently looking at the map of the park, deciding on what you wanted to do first.
 “What is it Tendou?” Ushijima asked, staring at the spiky red-haired male making his way over to you guys.
 “They’re doing a game of volleyball! Let’s play!” he gestured over his shoulder to one of the pools, a group of people beginning to pull up a net.
 You noticed the slight glint in Ushijima’s eye at the mention of the sport, but he glanced over at you in expectation.
 “Go play for a bit Toshi-kun.” you said, smiling in amusement. “I’ll keep looking over the map and after you finish, we can go yeah?”
 He nodded, getting up from his chair to leave. “Okay. I won’t be long.” he stooped down, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. He easily removed his black shirt from his body, the thick muscles in his arms flexing deliciously, the hard lines on his stomach revealed for all eyes to see.
 But those were yours. You knew his body like the back of your hand; knew all the ways to make him unravel. You knew exactly how he liked to be touched. 
 He was yours. Simple as that. 
 You couldn’t help but watch the game for a moment, there was something truly amazing about seeing him play. 
 You loved his strength and his passion for the sport, the raw power that he possessed was breathtaking. 
 His play left you in awe every time.
 You were staring in awe for a different reason this time. The water ran down his body, seeping into the deep crevices of his muscles, soaking his hair until it was dark and sticking to his forehead. His eyes focused and determined with that familiar glint that he always got when he played.
 The tall ace was just so fucking beautiful, it was almost too much to watch. 
 But again, he was yours. The amount of love you possessed for Ushijima Wakatoshi was indescribable.
 But there were times where you couldn’t help but wonder why he was with you; especially now, a group of girls had paused their conversation to stare at the tall male, your boyfriend.
 “Look how hot that guy is.” one of them whispered, unconsciously fixing her swimsuit. “Do you think he’s single?”
 A frown began to form on your lips as you listened in. A slight pang of insecurity and jealousy flooding in your blood. 
 You had the utmost trust and confidence in Ushijima, you knew that he would never cheat on you, you knew that he never had a wandering eye… but there were times when that little voice in the back of your head began those ‘what if’ scenarios.
 Especially since those girls that were ogling your boyfriend were incredibly pretty. 
 “Oh my god, look he’s coming right over here.” one of them said in hushed excitement, they all began fixing their hair and their swimsuits. “He’s looking right at us!”
 Ushijima was looking at you. 
 His swim trunks hung low on his hips, revealing the deep ‘V’ set at the base of his hips. Water was still trickling down his toned stomach.
 A greek fucking god he was.
 “Y/n, did you see my win?” he asked in his deep voice as he approached you, grabbing the towel you had set out for him earlier.
 However, you were too busy staring at the girls who were now glaring at you. “Is that his girlfriend? There’s no way. He’s too good for her.”
 You immediately averted your gaze as soon as you heard those words; your shoulders curling in on themselves as you tried to make yourself as small as possible.
 “Y/n?” Ushijima asked, frowning as he sat next to you once more, toweling off his hair. 
 “Oh! Uh… sorry Toshi-kun… yes, I did see your win! It was great!” you said, a fake smile covering your lips.
 Ushijima’s frown deepened, his large hand reaching out to cup your face, he knew something was wrong, that smile of yours… it wasn’t the smile he was used to. 
 “But you’re back now! So, let’s go to this part!” You said, pointing off in a random direction. You didn’t want Ushijima to see you upset, you didn’t want to ruin the time you had together because of your insecurities. 
 He stared at you for a moment before nodding. “Okay. Let’s go then.” he said, grabbing your stuff and your small hand before walking off.
 The waterpark was vast, it had so many different pools with different themes, but somehow you guys ended up in a quiet beach themed area. 
 The serenity and the quietness were actually quite welcoming, and there weren’t that many people there.
 Ushijima had set down your guys’ things on one of the folding chairs, before looking at you expectantly.
 “Should we swim?” he asked, nodding towards the water.
 You nodded eagerly, almost forgetting about the incident earlier. But as you went to remove the shawl that covered your body, you hesitated.
 It wasn’t like Ushijima had never seen your body before, but for some reason… you were left feeling entirely unsure about it.
 Had those pretty girls and their crude comments gotten to you?
 As your mind was reeling, you hadn’t noticed that Ushijima was watching you closely. Once again noticing your odd behavior, your usual sunny and bright expression was incredibly cloudy.
 That was something that he absolutely despised, all he wanted was your happiness. If he wasn’t able to give you that… then… he felt like he wasn’t doing his duty to you as your boyfriend, as your protector.
 “A-Actually Waka-kun, I think I’ll take a break for a moment.” you finally said, giving him another fake smile.
 “You haven’t even gotten in the water today.” he said bluntly, causing you to flinch at the trueness to it. 
 “W-Well, watching you play volleyball was just so exhausting for me.” you said nervously.
 He wasn’t buying it though. He walked over to you, gently grabbing your wrist and tugging you closer to him.
 “Don’t lie to me Y/n.” he said, carefully cupping your chin and moving your face up so you were gazing directly at him. “What happened? You’re acting strange.”
 You stared back at him, his face was contorted into a frown, but you could see the love and the worry clear in his eyes.
 “Do you… do you love me Wakatoshi?” you asked quietly.
 “Are you stupid?” he asked bluntly, causing you to pout at his mean words. “Of course, I love you. You already know that.”
 He wasn’t wrong there. He told you that he loves you almost every day it seemed. Of course, you knew, he never let you forget.
 “Are you… attracted to me?” You tried again.
 The expression on his face was incredibly confused now. “Why would you ask me that? Of course, I do. If I didn’t we wouldn’t have had se-” “Okay!” you interrupted reaching up to cover his mouth, although even on your tiptoes, you could only reach his chin, face burning in embarrassment at his bold claim. 
 He removed your hand from his face, cradling both in his large ones as he stared down at you. 
 “If I wasn’t attracted to you, we wouldn’t be dating.” he said simply. “Why are you asking me these things?”
 You sighed softly, gazing at the sand beneath your feet now. “I just… those girls were so pretty… I got insecure…” you trailed off.
 He frowned again, what girls? 
 “I don’t know what girls you’re talking about.” he said. “But you’re beautiful. I don’t see any reason for you to be insecure. I love your body.”
 You could feel the blush rising in your cheeks at his statement, a familiar feeling of warmth and love washing away the feelings of insecurity and worry.
 “Really?” you asked, looking up at him through your lashes. 
 “Yes.” he gently cupped your cheek, tilting your face up to gaze at him. His heart racing slightly at the sweet expression on your face, the dark clouds seemed to disappear now, leaving behind that warm, bright face he adored the most.
 He stooped down, pressing a soft kiss to your lips before standing straight again. “Let’s go swimming now.”
 “Can you turn around so I can take off my cover?” You asked.
 “Why? You strip down in front of me all the time before we have se-”
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flxwinghair · 3 years
* I N F O R M A T I O N *
This is a Lucius Malfoy roleplay blog, Harry Potter Fandom. OC friendly, Multi-fandom friendly; I absolutely adore crossovers. EST timezone. 
Headcanons are HERE.
[[ This is my main blog ;; My Hermione Granger is a side, or sub blog HERE ;;
Stauros Malfoy, Abraxas’s Father, or Lucius’s grandfather can be found HERE ]]
1. OOC =/= IC. I haven’t had this happen to me yet, but.. I have heard about it happening to others. So ye. I’m not Lucius, nor do I want to be.
2. My default ship is naturally, Lucius/Narcissa. However, I am open to other scenarios, so if it’s interesting enough, we can work something out. ...like Lumione, or Lucius/Arthur. :3 
3. NO SMUT. I’m just not comfortable writing it. We can write the foreplay, but after that... fade to black please. 
4. EST timezone. So preferably timezones close to mine, because I’m very excited about writing this fellow, lol. But it’s also okay if you have a far different one as well. The timezone thing hasn’t really been the biggest issue for me, but I have gotten some people before from like Australia, and sometimes rping can be not as engaging then.
5. 21+. Just because it’ll be easier to write with y’all that way, and I don’t have to feel awkward about things. I am 31 yrs old, as of writing this. 9/13/21.
6. Don’t bring the JKR drama around me. We are here to bond with each other. I just worry because it is/can be a sensitive issue with other fans.  
7. I don’t, will not, tag triggers... I have my reasons, and I do believe exposure therapy is a good thing... So one can be desensitized to what had happened to them. So please, knowing this is a man who can be cruel... take care of yourself and explore this blog with caution, knowing I don’t tag stuff.
8.  [ Updated as necessary. ]
v: student - Lucius’s Hogwarts years, overlaps a little bit with FWW.
v: FWW - when Voldemort’s power is at its finest, and potentially highest, trying to create a better world for himself, and Purebloods. 
v: post war - when Hell’s finally over, for the Malfoys, and everyone. or has it only begun?
Cornered - Dark!fic.  Post-Deathly Hallows. After the War, Lucius Malfoy has to learn to pick up the pieces and push forward to a better tomorrow. …Hopefully. But he might not like it. [ Chapter 5 just posted on 1/24/22 ] Posted on AO3 ;; HERE Also on ff.net ; HERE
All Sorts of Faces Painted on the Canvas - HERE -  What a difficult time for a young pre-teen Lucius Malfoy, having to deal with school, his father, Pureblood society, and more. Will he be able to handle it? Chapters so far: [2/?] [ Also on FF.net ]
Stuck in This Body - HERE -  Starts during the POA school year. Lucius finds himself mysteriously in his old 14-year-old body from an event that occurred during that Summer, post COS. Even more baffling, he begins to find an unlikely ally, and love interest over time. Eventual Lumione.
Three Times the Fun - HERE - Set during the FWW. After a stressful day at work, Lucius realizes the next few days will be even more stressful than work! Proving oneself towards the Dark lord always seemed to take a toll, even if it would be greatly rewarded. And Voldemort wants them to go on a three-part mission. Will he and the small group of Death Eaters survive? Set perhaps during 1978, or 1979. [Chapters so far; 1/?]
Is Spite A Good Thing? - HERE - ONESHOT.  In 1973, something unbearable to Lucius Malfoy happens after an event in the previous night dealing with Narcissa's miscarriage-- only further challenging his views on Family. (Miscarriage- brief mention) [ Also on FF.net ]
Narcissa’s Secret - HERE - ONESHOT.  One simple little event that will disturb Lucius's entire world. [ Also on FF.net ]
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