breelandwalker · 1 year
Hi bree! I run a blog over @/d-inoxia (not trying to self promote, promise!) I just wanted you to know that I have been in this community a very long time and the only constant over the years have been your podcast and you offering knowledge and advice. I see so many people abandon witchblr all the time, the fact you have been so dedicated over the years and offering your knowledge, I truly believe you have helped me along my path significantly and truly, I thank you for that. Thank you for being here, thank you for being you.
~ Grim
Awwwww, thank you, poppet! I'm happy to help! 🥰
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mildew-mop · 11 months
#i hope its not weird but it was very interesting learning about your sight#i have to wear glasses#and sometimes i see spots and stuff and its annoying#those fake fix classes bullshit are such bullshit#i remember a while ago my grandma tried explaining to me that i needed to want to be able to see properly to not need glasses#i can barely make out anything more than 3 feet away from me#thats not on purpose#my grandma literally told me to eat more carrots so i didn't have to wear glasses#i cant#ableism Not weird at all! I'm glad it was interesting to read! I always say that joke from that one old contacts commercial "I have special eyes." lol my retired optometrist lOVED when i came in because my eyes are def a unique case and he told me based on my history of prescription lenses, I can detect quarter axis changes in my astigmatism. most people dont detect it usually unless it has changed at least half, if not all the way on the axis. so the fact i notice quarter changes meant that I had to get prescriptions every 6 months, but since then it seems my eyes have slowed down and i am able to retain my glasses for a year before needing new ones. I am actually due for new glasses bc my left lens' coating got messed up so there's like, splotches on the lens but i can barely see out of that eye anyway! so it hasnt been a pressing issue. i have heard the carrot thing as well many times. And YEAH SEE like some people truly believe that you have to make the decision to see, or like your grandmother, you have to WANT to see. and they will tell you even if you say youve tried everything, these coaches will basically gaslight you into thinking you just aren't trying hard enough, even if you are trying your best.
it just isnt possible lmfao I hope one of these Dumb asses actually has a vision problem one day, i wouldn't wish blindness on anyone but when their eyes start to deteriorate due to aging and suddenly they need reading glasses, what are they going to do, say no? Say that they have the willpower to see? If so, the migraines are on their part and no one else's. God forbid one of these idiots has a kid one day who needs glasses but they refuse to get them glasses because they want to try to take some sort of holistic approach to vision??? tell their own child they just have to believe to see. And force them to go through a lifetime of never having their vision checked. What if one of these people has a totally blind kid? you gonna tell them they just need to believe to see, do you know how heart wrenching it is to think that it could be that easy LOL because my eyes have had the max amount of physical surgery on my eyes and I am still half blind. The only case I have ever heard of where someone miraculously gained sight was someone who was blind due to psychosomatic reasons, but once the trauma was dealt with, they had vision again. but even in that case, if you are psychosomatically blind or deaf (hell you can be psychosomatically diabetic) it is just as real as actually being blind or deaf and cannot be controlled. Diabetic alters will actually be diabetic and may need to take insulin to maintain the body's health when other alters do not have the diabetes.
(the truth is in that case, the body is diabetic but it is psychosomatically sectioned to one alter who has to take care of it.) It only goes away if it is being caused by a particular part, or parts who work their stuff out and stop sending out psychosomatic stressors. Even then, it may not improve. Belief and willpower have absolutely NOTHING to do with the eyes and i wish these people to step off of a cliff. ... into something soft but like still.
There's a lot of people who probably shouldn't be parents.
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dying-weeds · 2 years
bruh i get triggered by skype and discord beeps i feeel you on those types of triggers
Yes like i swear it is real and I'm not making it up. I can't help that those platforms were used to perpetuate my abuse. Thank you for reaching out about this it feels nice to know I'm not so alone having weird triggers.
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afoxyblogger · 2 years
#my belief system is im destined to keep coming back to earth until i’ve experienced everything about living#so i want to do as much as i can per life and then i’ll finally be free
bruh bruh bruh brunh
sorry i got stupidly excited reading your tags because i feel this too. i saw a psychic once, right. idk if you believe in that stuff, but this lady spooked me with how accurate she was. i thought i was going to get like some palm reading mumbo jumbo and it was gonna be a fun little experience with my aunt. NO. this woman asks for a metal object i have owned for more than 6 months, so i hand her my cell phone, and she just holds it in her hand and explains to me my past life experiences-- apparently i similarly went through some tough shit in my past life. i was apparently like kidnapped and lived on a boat as a slave of sorts, my aunt was almost pissed at this woman for telling me this bc i was like 15 at the time right. she then said that every day i would look outside on the boat at a particular scenery, before she finished, she asked if i could describe it to her. and i jumped up bc i knew it, i'd seen it in day dreams. it was water, with land in the distance with one tall mountain that always had snowy peaks. and the land like, it was very lush and green, not at all like where i live (desert). and she confirmed this as being Mount Fuji. ANYWAY she said she told me the story of my past life because everything i went through in my past life was a lesson learned, an experience gained, even being kidnapped and kept as a slave, it was something experienced and she said a soul must experience everything before it moves on. depravity, horror, true happiness, joy, etc. and that my soul was particularly young and had not experienced much yet. so that i would likely be reincarnated a few times more or something like that--
and that's all i remember about that thing. i think my aunt went next immediately after that so i wanted to say!! there's possibly some validation(?) to that theory? at least from a psychic in california lol.
sorry for the long message, just got excited to share beliefs with someone haha - Rey (& Grim somewhere)
ur so good lol I’m gonna put my thoughts into a readmore so it doesnt get too long
I’ve never gone to psychics or mediums but mostly it’s because I’m afraid of what they’ll find lol. I had an opportunity at a county fair once and realized I didn’t really want to find out 😅
i’ve also never touched holy water because I was worried it would cause me to spontaneously combust, which was a thing I worried about since I was very young and I feel like that was a sign lol
I feel like for this life I’ve definitely knocked out a lot of experiences from the bucket list (getting disowned for my identity, transitioning, organizing my own moves, embroidery, all that jazz) and I’m hoping to do more and feel more as the years go by
the life I remember most is the one where I got my ‘sona’, which was basically an alternate Earth of some kind. I think he was my first humanoid reincarnation, and he still had many animalistic tendencies. a lot of kins that I have are actually previous lives that I’ve ended up remembering very vividly, which is why kinning is so spiritual to me specifically. I align with red foxes bc I’m pretty sure I’ve come back as that quite a lot if not being human, so it gives me comfort :)
Just from little evidences of online quizzes always giving me ‘old soul’ or ‘wise beyond years’ results, people commenting on my social/emotional maturity, my innate desire to learn and to teach, I thought it was just for fun but they’ve actually helped to give me a different perspective and flesh out what makes me more comfortable to believe in, yknow?
There’s a spiritual aspect to my OSDD-1B as well, in the sense that everyone here is a soul that couldn’t find a body and some systems with walk-ins are simply more receptive to those souls, but I mostly just think of this body that way and don’t push it on others
I can explain more with asks to @archer-system since that’s where I’d be more comfortable sharing things, but I appreciate the ask and I’m glad my tags resonated with u!!! 💕
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Mint, sky blue~
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id love to bake cookies with u! and yes i’ve got a fucked up little brain
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nervosubject · 2 years
20, 21, 22 for the ask game <3
20. Did you have a way to explain away the dissociation to yourself or others? (“I feel like I’ve never belonged”, “I’m just super forgetful” ect)
I'm constantly trying to get people to understand I'm very forgetful. They still get surprised just /how/ forgetful. I also always say that my opinions and tastes change a lot and I'm indecisive. I wish more people would just be like Okay, but it often feels like people want me to change or like Try harder to fit in a box. Like Uh no I can't and I wont after coming this far. No one knows I have DID but even so I wish they would just accept the way I am.
21. When you feel safe sharing about your parts with someone, which part is the “easiest” to introduce/explain about?
Honey probably. She's probably one of the parts that's been around the longest. She's a mother, caring and responsible.
22. Do you have any parts that feel almost opposite to you?
Well IDK who I am right now. Cloud and Ember are pretty opposite though. Cloud is a loner but Ember loves people. He can be kind of cynical but Ember just loves fun and kindness and humanity. Not to say Cloud is such a buzzkill though! And they do also have many similarities.
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summonhouse · 2 years
i realize i dont think ive posted my fursona though i think abt him constantly and tag a few exceptionally Me posts as him
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shadowduel · 2 years
me as a cutesy artist who draws pretty things and slice as some guy who draws fucked up things and yes we are both evil
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nitazenes · 21 days
lowkey sad we had to deactivate DIDismal bc we had so many resources we had posted and we know we shouldnt care about follower count and really we dont, like hey 30 people want to follow us and see our posts, thats awesome and our dash isnt like dead anymore bc all of our mutuals had become inactive. but we did have a number of followers on that blog, and it doesnt matter what your follower count is, but it was nice to know that so many people enjoyed that blog.
We are sad we axed it instead of archiving it but we were being harassed. We still have the URL saved but if you go to it, there's just one post asking the people who are stalking us to leave us alone.
but we've remade everyone's blogs and everything-- but we had didismal for years. and now it's all gone bc we didnt bother to export it because it would have taken days to export over 10k posts.
We suppose we are mourning the fact that we were harassed off of our blog and like. of all people, Rey deserves to be treated with kindness, but people only seem to use them, and us.
I'm glad for the friends we have, theyve supported us and we're very thankful that we dont have to battle this alone.
But to our followers. we are sorry if things get dramatic or messy in upcoming days/weeks considering Ripley is back on tumblr.
If you're a mutual and you want to unfollow us, that's fine, we'd never be mad at you, our one request is that you soft block us, or hard block, that way we dont continue to follow you or bother you in your notes and such.
we dk who's writing this post so we can't sign off as anyone but lets just say this post is from all of us.
-The UFO
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Cassie HackBy didism
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companionwolf · 10 months
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My Voidpets as of today -- Nevada will get an accessory when I can afford one lol (: Shout-out to @didismal; their post about this app got me interested in it!
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d-inoxia-a · 2 years
blog archived: 10/21/2022 catch me over @didismal
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mildew-mop · 1 year
do you also do all of your writing in a notebook and then type and edit afterwards? ive never met anyone else do that except me kjdhgkdg
It varies depending on what we’re writing or what the mood is, however, yes. We like to handwrite stuff to try and get as much down on paper as possible, then type it all up. Then, go back and edit it & add more details (usually to make sure the environments seem better and the characters more realistic).
Currently, we have at least 2 or 3 handwritten WIPs.
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astramorph · 28 days
Since my art blog was deleted when I deactivated didismal, this will be my new art blog : )
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Aynen anonim çünkü anlama özürlüsün hani ben kızım ya celil erkek ya onda da bu durum var mı diye soruyorum. Böyle tipler gördükçe ne birine derdimi açasım geliyor ne soru sorasım yine birileri içine ediyor ya... Celil sana da teşekkür ederim bu arada cevabın için 🌸❤️
ben teşekkür ederim ekstra bir şey yapmadım bir şeyde katamadım sana ama olsun.. umarım en kısa sürede annen bu didisme kültürünü bir kenaraya koyar ve mutlu olursunuz.
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darkvveb · 2 years
url mix tape game
iiiii technically wasnt tagged i technically stole this from @.didismal. teehee. not tagging anyone specifically but feel free to take this for yourself. also i think i did this right but if i didnt then feel free to shoot me at point blank range idk
D - don't fall asleep at the helm - sleeping with sirens
A - animal - badflower
R - recover - point north
K - kms - sub urban
V - valhalla (too young to see) - nothing more
V - volcano - u2
E - ex-mørtis - ice nine kills
B - black honey - thrice
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