#didn’t I see some of you tearing into a few people recently bc of their values or work not aligning w yours?
buggyandthebartoclub · 8 months
Idk how to say this but it’s hypocritical to say it’s all fiction, no thought policing, etc etc when it’s about stuff you’re horny for but not for the things you’re not horny for.. In both writing and art..
*shrugs* idk some of y’all kinda give rules for thee not for me w it. Idk. Just reflecting on things
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bearambles · 2 months
ARUGUMENT FIC W HAMZAH PLEASE like gets into an argument and you need to cool off and leave and he won’t let you jus angst 👅👅
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words: 1.9k
warnings: established relationship, angst, arguing, swearing, hamzah is kinda a pos, happy ending
note: i hope this is what you were hoping for! i could also 100% write a part 2. also, i think another anon recently requested an argument fic, so there might be another one coming bc it was honestly fun to write. love u all, more fics coming soon
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hamzah is driving you insane.
he’s usually not the “jealous type”, but for some reason, today is different. he’s grumpy and pissy and you think you know why.
last night you had gone out to dinner with a few friends from your old school. you weren’t out late, and the group was only about ten people, but to his dismay, your ex boyfriend was one of them.
you told him about it as soon as you knew, and he was pretty passive as soon as he heard. still, he didn’t make too big of a deal, even when you wore your skimpy little outfit to the bar. after all, it was high school. besides, he trusts you.
that was until he saw the pictures. your exs hand on your waist. the way he’s next to you in the group photo. it all really pisses him the fuck off, and even when you swear to him it meant nothing and the guy didn’t mean it, he wasn’t so sure.
“y/n, you see this guy after like five years, you look fine as fuck wearing that tiny fucking skirt, and you think he won’t be into you?”
you scoff, your chest now rising and falling. you really never pegged hamzah as the type of guy to act like this. yet here he was, standing in your bedroom, a few feet away from you with his arms crossed over his chest.
you’d crawled into bed last night to him asleep, and the two of you had been completely fine until this morning. he woke up to see your friend post on instagram about the night prior. he scrolled through her photos before finding the ones of the whole group.
“okay, so it’s my fault if he was?”
“i didn’t say that.”
“you meant it though!” you run your fingers through your hair, frustrated. “listen, i already told you it was nothing. but if it wasn’t, if he was interested, it doesn’t matter, because im dating you.”
he smiles tightly and shakes his head, the bridge of his nose between his finger and thumb.
“sure. okay. yeah.”
“you think i’d cheat?”
you stare at him, your blood pressure rising. you can’t believe the way he’s acting. the shit he’s implying you’d do.
“i never fucking said that, y/n. i’m just saying he was touchy, and you won’t admit it.”
“it was one fucking photo! he happened to be next to me! where did you want him to put his hands?”
“anywhere else! not your waist! it’s fucking weird!”
“so you’re mad at me because of the way a guy acted towards me.” you say, sitting down on your bed and mimicking his move of crossing his arms. “that’s really fucking progressive of you.”
“oh my god, you know that’s not true. jesus christ. i’m not mad, im just fucking annoyed. and i don’t like how you acted either.”
“how did i act hamzah. you weren’t even fucking there.” you start to feel tears prick your eyes. you hate crying in front of him, you rarely do. but this was so frustrating, listening to him accuse you when you only love him.
“i still saw.” he mumbles, clearly losing what he was trying to say in the first place. he’s just spitballing stuff at this point.
he isn’t even looking at you any more. his eyes meet the floor and he’s breathing so hard you can hear it just barely. he’s close enough to where you could reach out to his arm and pull him on top of you. you won’t though.
“saw what? my tiny skirt?” you laugh, baffled. “just leave me alone.” you can feel some of the tears start to fall.
he looks up at you when he hears your voice break. his eyes soften their gaze but he stays where he’s standing. it’s silent for a moment before you speak again.
“go away, hamzah.” you say, moving your position to lay down, your face turned away from him.
“no. i wanna talk.”
you’re silent.
“i said go away.” you mumble between sobs.
you’re stiff for a long moment before you hear him sigh. he turns and leaves your room, and you wait till you hear the door click before really letting yourself sob.
you’d dealt with this in the past - controlling relationships where anything you did around any ex was considered suspicious. in fact, you almost didn’t go last night. but you’d wanted to catch up with your old friends. if it was up to you, you wouldn’t have had your ex there either. he was a total jerk back in the day. but he was, and it was fine. you’d barely spoken outside of taking that group picture.
you don’t want to fight with hamzah. he’s your person. but the way he’s acting is scary.
eventually you decide you need some air. you get dressed, throw on some makeup, and head out the door. you don’t know where you’re going, but you know it needs to be away from here. away from him.
he jumps up from the couch and catches your wrist right before you can turn the knob. you whip your head around, and meet his eyes. he looks just as pissed as before.
“where are you going?” he asks, still gripping you hard
“what, do i need your permission to leave the fucking house now?” you bite back, wriggling our arm free, “get off me. i’ll be back later.”
he starts to protest, but you slam the door before you hear any of it. if you had any fucks left to give, youd tear up again. at this point though, you’ve had enough. if he wanted to be like this, you weren’t gonna entertain it.
the city’s relatively walkable, so that’s what you do. there’s plenty of stuff to do around the area. retail therapy, you think. whatever makes you forget about this argument for a while.
it’s late when you walk home. later than the night before, and later than you’d ever been out without calling. you and hamzah had one another’s location, so really, he could see anytime where you were. which was the outdoor mall, and then the local bar. you’d only had a few drinks, but you were there for a good two hours. just talking and talking to the bartender. you guys are friends, and she was a good listener. so she listened.
“he’s just being so mean. and like, he’s never mean. sometimes we argue and stuff, but it’s always over stupid stuff, you know? and like, we make up super quick. but he’s like, so mad at me. and i swear to god, i didn’t even do anything.”
“it’s his first real relationship, right?” she asks, while pouring a drink
“yeah. i guess maybe that’s why. i just like, never thought he’d be like this. all jealous.”
“i think most guys are, honestly. or at least, the insecure ones. either way though, he shouldn’t be acting that way. i’m glad you got out to clear your head.”
you nod and take a sip. you’re tipsy, you realize. it actually feels pretty nice though. letting loose to someone like this. you should be talking to hamzah, but he doesn’t seem to want to listen. you sigh and shake your head like it’ll clear the thoughts away.
when you walk through the door, the house is silent. it’s nearly one am, so you assume at first that hamzah fell asleep. that is until you’re going to hang your jacket up and hear him open the bedroom door. you press your eyes closed, ready for the reprimanding.
“you scared the shit out of me.”
you turn around to face him, and his eyebrows are knit together. he’s in the doorway, his arms crossed and his back against the doorframe. he chews at his lip.
“sorry.” you mumble, going to take your shoes off.
“sorry?” he scoffs, uncrossing his arms and using them as he speaks, “you were out for hours, y/n!”
“i told you i’d be back later.” you don’t look at him, don’t step forward. you stand there, your arms pressed against our chest, holding yourself tight.
“that’s all i get then? not even a text? what the fuck, y/n.” his nostrils flare as he talks, and he starts moving closer to you. “I had no idea if you were safe! you could have gotten fucking killed.”
you laugh, moving your head back like you can’t believe what he’s saying. though honestly - he’s right. the city can be sketchy, especially at night. you seldom went on walks without him this late. especially drunk. which, he hasn’t seemed to notice you are yet.
“killed? come on.”
“don’t act like that’s crazy to say. the streets are dangerous. you know that!” he’s in your face now, motioning with his hands. “seriously, y/n, what the fuck.”
you flinch as he raises his hands in exclamation.
“so you’re mad again, great.” before you know it, you’re crying again.
you hold yourself tighter as tears start to fall. you feel like a little kid, just standing there helpless. the drinks are really getting you now.
hamzah is silent for a minute as you sob. he stands so close to you, but doesn’t dare move. when you finally look up at him, his gaze has softened and his hands are in his pockets. he reaches out slowly to brush your hair out of your face, looking at you like he’s waiting for protest. instead, you lean into his hand on your cheek.
he stares at you for a moment and you can’t tell how he feels. his eyes scan your features, landing on your lips, which are quivering just slightly. after a few moments of just looking at one another, he puts his arms out, offering a hug.
you fall against his chest and start sobbing all over again.
he rubs circles into your back absent-mindly, whispering little “shhs”. you don’t even thin of how angry you were today. how mean he was. you just cry and let him hold you. he pulls you two apart and goes to hold your face in his palms.
“how much did you drink,baby? " he asks, wiping a tear.
“not that much. just like, a few.”
“a few what?”
“mmm seltzers?” you say, more of a question than an answer.
he sighs.
“okay. well, i think you should go to bed, yeah?”
your eyes scan his face, searching for whatever emotion he’s hiding. surely he’s still angry. you hold onto both his arms while you speak.
“i don’t like my high school boyfriend.”
“i know.”
he presses his eyes shut tight. his chest rises and falls slowly and before you can argue that he clearly doesn’t know, he speaks again.
“i was gonna apologize when you got home.”
“but now you’re mad again.” you say, pouting
“not about that. and i’m not mad, y/n, i was worried. you were gone for five hours without a text or anything.”
“m’sorry.” you mumble, pressing your head against his chest again.
“let’s go to bed, okay?”
he strokes your hair as you breath in his scent. he’s warm, and it hits you how tired you are. Ou nod softly against him and before you know it, he’s picking you up and carrying you to bed. giggling, you land with a plop. he joins you and holds you tight.
“we can talk more tomorrow, yeah. you deserve a better apology but i have a feeling you won’t remember much of it if i tell you now.”
you nod, scooting back to press your back against his chest. he kisses your shoulder. you fall asleep.
i hope you guys enjoyed >.< requests are open
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agi-ppangx · 8 months
gentle (kim seungmin x gn!reader)
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reader struggles with food, hurt/comfort, please read carefully
an: thats not my best work, but i kinda like it so im posting it nonetheless simply bc i can😋 and to anyone who’s struggling with food now - you are beautiful, you are amazing, you are worthy of love. remember there are people who care about you, don’t be scared to reach for help<3
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a loud rumble in your stomach distracted seungmin from studying. he looked at you from over his messy notes, but you seemed unfazed by your body’s noises. your eyes were glued to the screen of your laptop as you were trying to find a suitable article for your final essay.
“hey, i’ll order us something to eat, what would you like?” he said, reaching for his phone, but you only shook your head a little, still focused on the screen.
“’m not hungry,” you mumbled and seungmin raised his eyebrows at that. he stared at you for a long while before scoffing.
“when was the last time you ate something?” he asked. you thought for a moment and shrugged your shoulders without a word. “exactly. i’m gonna order something then.”
“wait, don’t-” you started, finally breaking your gaze from your laptop, but seungmin’s piercing gaze made you stop mid-sentence. you took a deep breath as he sat up, not caring about crumpling his notes as his features suddenly showed worry.
“yn, what’s going on?” he said quietly, taking your laptop from your lap and placing it on the bedside table. he gently took your hand in his, careful not to startle you as he noticed your breathing became more frantic and uneven. you weren’t hungry. you didn’t want to be hungry. “yn?” seungmin repeated your name firmly, squeezing your hand to bring you back to reality.
“i gained weight recently,” you whispered and he tilted his head to the side. “i don’t feel like eating right now,” you added hesitantly, hearing your stomach rumble again. embarrassment flooded you as you hid your face in your hands, feeling your cheeks become warmer.
“that’s why you don’t want to eat? because you gained weight?” he started quietly and you felt him shift on the bed to come even closer to you.
you felt like a failure when you’d noticed a few additional kilograms on the scale the other day. you desperately tried to maintain your weight and you managed to do it for a long time. you weren’t really fond of how you looked, but the steadiness of your weight whenever you stepped on the scale made you feel safe. you were really cautious of what you ate, making sure you weren’t eating too much. the quiet voice in the back of your head praised you every time you ate less than you usually would and you felt proud of yourself whenever you managed to refuse some sweets. you’re doing amazing, the voice would say. you heard that rumble? that’s the sound of victory. i’m so proud of you.
“i feel disgusting,” you mumbled, feeling a lump in your throat. “so i can’t eat anything if i wanna be pretty.” seungmin shook his head at your words, wrapping his arms around your body. he brought your head to his chest, swaying you softly as he tried to gather his thoughts.
“you are… so amazing, yn,” he started and you felt the tears prick at the corners of your eyes. “i don’t know what you’re going through, but i’m here for you and i love you,” he continued and a quiet sob left your body at his words. “but starving yourself won’t solve your problems, honey. we can figure something out, but you have to learn how to be gentle with yourself, okay?” he ran his fingers through your hair, seeing how distraught you were. “i’m gonna order you a smaller portion today if it makes you less scared, but i won’t leave it like this. if you can’t love yourself then it’s my role to do it for both of us.”
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taglist !
@lynlyndoll @iyenbread @flooo71 @skz-streamer @inniescandy-01 @hannahhbahng @prettymiye0n @ggsez31 @laylasbunbunny @like-a-diamondinthesky @axel-skz @kittymaryam-thebrowniefairy @l3visbby @skzhoes @minhosbitterriver @astraystayyh
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ohbo-ohno · 9 months
happy new year's eve @luminousbeings-crudematter, here's another version of the purge au (4k) that i forgot i finished in the process of trying to get the first one done lol
(also when i said "it's essentially the same thing but with different smut" i meant... no smut. i didn't post this one bc i couldn't figure out what to do with the smut. but this has some kidnapping and overall rough creepiness!)
cw: noncon touching, kidnapping, graphic murder, blood & violence, unedited bc im lazy
The soles of your feet burn against the hot asphalt, even though the sun’s been set for hours. The flames roaring from the burning high school alongside you are enough to heat the ground, enough to leave you wincing with every step and trying your best to walk on your toes.
You’re not sure if the wetness on your cheeks is tears or blood, or some sick combination of both. You’d wipe it off to see, but your hands are covered in red, and you don’t want to smear it across your face.
It’s impossible not to flinch at the sudden sound of cackling laughter, some indeterminate distance away but clear as a bell. The laugh cuts off abruptly, followed by a high-pitched scream that makes you wince. You speed up as much as you can, breath shuddering in your chest. You feel a few tears slip down your cheeks, just adding to the tacky mixture already covering your face.
The street is crowded with Purgers, people wearing all sorts of different gear to make themselves seem as terrifying as possible. You’d feel lacking in your black pants and shirt, if you wanted any attention like them. Instead you pray that whoever’s looking for fun won’t focus on you, that you’ll disappear with so many other distractions out tonight.
The sound of a chainsaw revving makes you shudder, and you tuck your arms close to your chest. 
You can’t believe you were stupid enough to come out on Purge night, but there’s no use dwelling on that now, not when you’re still blocks away from home with absolutely no way to defend yourself.
You should’ve known your friend - your now very dead friend - didn’t have good intentions. She’d invited you out with her to vandalize your most recent ex’s house, and like an idiot you’d agreed and walked yourself right into a trap. Your only defense is that you’d had a few drinks before leaving your perfectly safe apartment, in hopes of forgetting all the screams you’d hear outside. It’s the only reason you can think that you were so quick to agree when you’ve got absolutely no way of defending yourself.
Her blood is still wet on your hands. You don’t feel bad about her death, and that makes you feel sick. You’d never thought you’d be the kind of person to actually partake in the Purge, let alone kill during it, but here you are - stumbling home covered in blood with two deaths on your hands. The fact that it was self-defense isn’t nearly as much of a comfort as you need to make your heart beat less erratically, to make the blood stop burning against your skin.
The quick flashes of their deaths won’t stop playing on repeat in your mind - you would’ve died if you’d been any less lucky, and you doubt your piece of shit ex would have made it quick. 
If you hadn’t caught them together - your friend fucking him in the bed you used to sleep in, that fucking bitch - you might not have had the anger necessary to kill them. Might not have had the rage, the energy, to stab them both until they stopped screaming.
Your arms already ache from the force you’d used. You can’t stop seeing your friend’s face, torn to shreds beneath you, blood splattering up onto your own face and neck while your ex’s corpse cooled beside you. You’re not sure if you’re hearing her screams still, or if someone nearby is suffering just like she had.
The only thing you can bring yourself to regret is leaving behind the knife. It would come in handy now, as you walk alone down one of the poorest neighborhoods in your city.
It would come in especially handy as a hand grabs your shoulder, yanking you to the side and into an alleyway, shoving you against rough bricks and ignoring your yelp.
“Well, well, look’it you…” the man drawls, his face hidden by a bright red skull and a black hood covering the rest of his head. “Wha’s a bonnie lass like you doin’ out tonight, all alone?”
You can’t speak, heart thudding painfully at your ribcage as you blink up at him. He’s all you can see, just a bright red skull floating in place.
“Please,” you manage to gasp, hands shakily raised in front of your chest.
“Please? Please what?” His words are sharp, almost bitten off, and he leans closer. “Haven’t even threatened ye yet, pretty thing. What’re you beggin’ for?”
You whimper as he leans closer, hardly inches away from your face, and a loud boom from somewhere nearby shakes the wall at your back. You still can’t tell if it’s blood or tears dripping down your face. You jump at the sound, and your chest hits his. Before you can move back, his hands are on your shoulders, keeping you pressed to him.
“Oh, did that scare you?” He coos, patronizing and mean. “You a little scaredy cat, all alone and afraid?”
You sob, hands pushing at his chest, and he makes a sound somewhere between a hum and a laugh, pushes you against the wall without pulling even an inch away.
“No, no, you’re not goin’ anywhere. ‘S not safe out there for you, kitty. It was so easy to grab you, you want someone else to get a hold of you? They won’t be as nice as me, I can tell you that.” 
“Get- get off!”
He laughs, loud and rough, right in your face. “Oh, I’ll be gettin’ off, kitty. Might take some teamwork, huh? A good way to get to know my new friend-”
He cuts himself off with a sharp Oh! as your knee jerks up into his crotch, the man doubling over in pain and groaning as his head comes to rest against the wall by your face. You barely have enough sense left in you to duck out of his way before his body goes limp against the wall, hand cupping your target.
“Fuckin’ bitch,” you hear him hiss, right before you stumble away, legs weak as you put all your energy into not tripping over your own feet. Your only thought is getting out of the alley, even though being more exposed is probably riskier than just taking your chances with the man in the red skull. Still, there’s some instinct at the back of your mind telling you go, run, and you’re not stupid enough to ignore it.
You hardly make it five steps away before you hit a wall - no, not a wall, a person. 
It’s almost comical, the way you bounce off of him and stumble backwards, losing your balance on weak knees and sending yourself straight to the ground. He’s a monolith above you, a massive figure clothed in all black, the light from the flames behind him almost making him glow. He’s all black cloth and white mask, a skull hovering well past six feet in the air.
The sight of him makes your heart stutter, brings everything into acute focus around you, slowing the world down to a near stop. That same instinct at the back of your mind tells you this man is worse than the last, that you should’ve taken your chances with the red skull. 
You’re jerked back and to the side, shoved roughly against the brick wall. Your face scrunches up at the rough texture against your cheek, your torso flush against the wall and the first man flush against your back. You manage to open one eye and track the new man, your other forced shut from the way your head is angled.
The white skull tilts, and its wearer steps closer. You can’t help the small cry you let out, the way you flinch back into the first man like he’ll do anything but expose you more. His hands are rough on you, one hand locked around the back of your neck and the other harsh on your hip.
The body behind you laughs, push further into the wall regardless of the stinging pain as the white skull steps closer. He stops hardly a foot away, when your vision is eclipsed by only him. You try to struggle against the hands holding you, whimpering when they dig in more harshly.
“You got her?” A voice asks, and it takes a minute for you to realize it’s the new man in front of you.
“Yeah,” the first man pants, holding you close and alleviating some of the pressure against your cheek. “Woulda caught her without you, y’know. She just caught me off guard.”
The white skull rumbles low in his chest, a rejection. You’re not sure if he’s got faith in your ability to escape, or doesn’t trust his partner’s ability to chase. He’s close enough that you can only see the black of his chest, close enough that you can watch him breathe.
“I’m sure. You got a good hold on her?”
The hands squeeze, you can’t help but make a sound disturbingly close to a squeal, and- “Yeah, course, got her tight to me, Ghost. She’s not goin’ anywhere.” There’s an air of desperation in Red’s voice, a strained tension underlying every word. He’s almost eager, but it’s all directed towards the man in front of you - Ghost - instead of towards the prospect of hurting you.
Ghost doesn’t respond, but he steps close enough to press his chest against your shoulder. The three of you are all less than a foot apart, and there’s absolutely nothing you can do to get away. Another tear slips down your cheek.
You can feel Red’s chest heaving behind you, and at first you can’t understand why - he hasn’t had to chase you, hasn’t had to fight, there’s no reason for him to be out of breath.
It hits you when you feel the hard plastic of his mask press into the top of your head. He’s eager, and it’s making him pant like a dog. You’d bet he’s drooling behind the mask and the thought makes you shiver.
You flinch when a gloved hand cups your chin, tugging your face up so you’re staring into the eye sockets of the mask.
His eyes are dark brown, so dark that you almost can’t see them past the shadows and the paint over his skin. The flames roar behind him, giving him a monstrous glow.
“Pretty thing,” he hums, chest rumbling against your side. You try to push away from him, but there’s nowhere to go. “You’re gonna be our little toy for the night. Things’ll get worse for you if you try to run. You hearin’ me?”
It’s pure instinct to nod, to give this man what he wants, but you know you’ll still try to run the second they look away. 
“Alright then. Let’s get you home. Johnny,” the man steps away, jerking his head in clear instruction for Johnny to follow and turning away. “Come.”
“Right behind ye,” Red - Johnny - assures, that same eagerness in his tone as he tugs you away from the wall, trotting behind his partner. “It’s gonna be a great night, lass. You and I are gonna have fun.”
You can’t help but whimper at that, letting your body go nearly limp as the man drags you by the elbow. You can’t even fathom the horrors they’ve got in store for you, what fun is to two men hunting for lone girls on Purge night. 
You try to let your feet drag, but they hurt too much for that to last long. You consider going limp, making them carry you, but you’re too scared that they’ll just drag you across the concrete and let you bleed. 
You only manage to keep up with Johnny because he doesn’t give you another choice. You’re practically hobbling from the pain in your feet, forced to walk on the balls of your feet and lean your weight into his hand where it’s wrapped tight around your arm. He doesn’t give you any slack, doesn’t even seem to notice when you struggle to match his pace.
The three of you have walked several blocks - you can’t quite focus enough to count - keeping to the sides of buildings and dodging other people, when you’re tackled to the ground out of nowhere.
It’s impossible to stop the blood-curdling shriek from leaving your throat. Your bare arms feel torn to shreds as you slide across the ground, head bouncing off the ground and leaving you with black spots dancing across your vision.
You’re hardly able to blink, body alight with pain, and the heavy weight over you only serves to make your panic worse. You moan as you roll your neck, staring wide-eyed up at the dark sky and praying the ringing in your ears isn’t permanent.
Your vision is just starting to clear when the man on top of you - and he’s definitely a man, he’s not even wearing a mask and his expression is mean and you find yourself glad you can’t hear what he’s saying - jerks back, his head pulled back until all you can see is his bared throat. 
You can hardly even register what’s happening in the next few seconds. Some distant, detached part of you can recognize that someone slits the man’s throat, that his blood comes gushing out and covers your face.
The first sound you can hear again is your own screaming - it’s an ear splitting sound that melts from the ringing in your ears. When you gasp underneath the man, the corpse, you can feel his blood falling into your mouth. Every breath tastes like iron, and the world is tinted pink from the drops of it falling from your brows.
You can do nothing but pant and shake when the corpse is thrown off of you, replaced immediately by Johnny. You can hardly focus on him, are only really aware enough to know he’s there.
“Hush, bonnie, yer fine,” he scolds, one big hand coming up to cover your mouth, pinky and ring finger holding your jaw shut. “Wanna draw people over? Ye wanna see me and Ghost kill someone else for you, ‘s that it?”
You shake your head on instinct, tears running down your temples, dampening your hair. Your chest aches with the force of your breaths, nose congested from all the crying. 
“Then hush,” he hisses, face so close that you can feel the breaths from his nostrils. You flinch at the loud sound of gunshots disturbingly nearby, desperately pushing against his body to try and see what’s going on. You can hear grunts and moans, the sound of something heavy hitting the ground, and your heart races.
Then, the sounds stop. It doesn’t go silent - not with other Purgers still out, still killing - but the area you’re trapped in is quiet again. Johnny drops a little more of his weight onto you, making it even harder to breathe. 
You have to focus on every breath, deliberately making sure you get enough air so that your lungs stop aching. You only notice the movement on top of you after nearly a minute of slow breathing.
Johnny’s hips grind slow and steady against your stomach, and it makes you sick to realize you can feel his erection through his pants. His chest rises and falls with harsh breaths, and his movements are just harsh enough to force your body to move with his.
There’s absolutely nothing you can do about it. Not with shock settling in, his weight holding you pinned to the ground, and the pain in your head shifting to something closer to a migraine. All you can do is focus on your breathing and stare up at the stars.
“Johnny,” Ghost eventually calls, and you can hear him kick what you can only assume to be a corpse out of the way. You can’t help but whimper when he crouches nearby, his boots splattered with blood. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“Need-” Johnny gasps, hips stuttering against you before working even more quickly. “Needed to feel her, fuck, Ghost, she’s so fuckin’ soft. Can’t wait to be inside, to fuck her full, feel her squeeze-”
You whine against the hand over your mouth, trying to pull your face away from his grip and only succeeding in dragging your sensitive head across the harsh concrete.
“You’re gonna fuck her out here, where anyone can see? Doubt you’ll be able to keep her safe when you’re pussydrunk.”
Johnny moans above you, dropping more of his weight on each thrust. “Tha’s why you’re here, yeah? To keep me and the lass safe?”
Ghost grunts, fisting a hand in the strip of hair left revealed by Johnny’s mask. “Don’t be a fuckin’ brat, Johnny. You know I don’t have to do shit for you - either of you. Maybe I want to see my mutt get all defensive, growlin’ over his girl. You ever think about that?”
The whine that slips from Johnny’s throat is nothing less than pathetic, his pace becoming uneven as his eyes screw shut behind the mask. “C’mon, Ghost, I’m close, just let me… just watch for another minute, yeah?”
The scoff from Ghost is mean, and even you feel the absurd desire to try and placate the man. He stands abruptly, stepping away from where you’re pinned and leaving you staring at the cooling corpse of a man you don’t recognize.
“You do whatever you want, puppy. Stay here and get yourself off or behave and heel. You know what you’ll get either way.”
You can’t help but furrow your eyebrows as Johnny hisses out shit above you, hips working desperately against you for a few long moments before he drops his entire body weight onto you, knocking the air out of you.
“Okay,” he whispers, seemingly to himself. “Okay, alright, it’s fine. It’s fine.”
He pulls himself away from you with a long oan, pushing up until there’s no place the two of you are touching but you’re still entirely caged in by him. He takes his hand off your mouth to hold himself up and you wince at the string of blood between his hand and your lips.
“Not gonna fuck ye yet, kitty,” he tells you, staring into your eyes with an intensity you don’t quite know what to do with. “Ghost’ll make the both of us regret it, and ye don’t deserve that on your first night home.”
You hardly manage to bite back a whimper. “Please…”
His eyes crease, like he’s smiling beneath the mask. “God, yer so scared, aren’t ye? I can fucking taste it in the air, kitty. It’s delicious. Cannae fuckin’ wait to have you on my tongue.” You shudder, eyes dropping to his neck when his gaze becomes too heavy.
He forces you to stand before you’re ready, leaving you to lean on him if only to avoid crumbling to the ground like a ragdoll. You ite your tongue against a sob at the sight of three corpses around you, a twisted sense of appreciation and disgust warring in your mind.
Johnny herds you like a dog, pushing you by the small of your back and your shoulders as he tries to catch back up with his partner. You’re left stumbling in front of him, unsure and terrified, not quite strong enough to think running away would be a good idea. It doesn’t take long for you to spot Ghost’s large back on the street in front of you, and a part of you resents the fact that he’s already so recognizable. 
He’s an overeager shadow, unable to decide if he wants to tug you forward or chase you from behind. He ends up almost circling you, shifting from your back to your side to your front and back again, always moving, always rushing. It leaves you unstable and nervous, unable to predict what he'll do next.
Chills run down your spine at the thought of this man… taking you. If you’re this terrified of him fully clothed, you’re loath to think of how you’ll react when he gets you where he wants you.
The two of you only manage to catch up to Ghost because he stops for a cigarette. His pale jaw is exposed when he tugs the mask up enough, and you try your best to memorize the scars covering his face, telling yourself that you’ll remember him, that you’ll never let him near you again once this night is over.
The look he sends Johnny is approving, the look he sends you is distinctly smug. It makes your teeth grind, makes you really wish you still had that knife so you could lurch forward, thrust the blade into the solid center of him and twist, pull out again and aim a little higher, then again, then again, then again-
“Made your choice, then?”
“Yes, sir. Wanna be good.”
Ghost hums, flicking the butt of his cig then dropping it to the ground, the cherry still glowing. “Settin’ a good example for your girl, huh? That’s my boy.”
The sound Johnny makes is animalistic, and despite the harsh grip he’s got on your arm you try to lean as far away as possible. There’s a building energy under his skin, a twitch in his fingers, that unnerves the animal part of your brain in ways Ghost doesn’t. 
“‘Course. Gonna teach her how to be good, too, gonna keep her perfect for us.”
Ghost is completely stoic with the mask tugged back over his face, nothing but his heavy gaze as he stares you down. It’s hard not to jerk away from Johnny and run, no matter how futile you know the effort would be. 
He reaches out a big, gloved hand towards your face, moving quickly enough that you can’t fully flinch away and hide your face in your shoulder or chest. His thumb strokes across your cheekbone, smearing the sticky mess of liquid across your face and huffing a sound just loud enough for you to hear.
“Cat got your tongue, girl?” He rumbles, a faint note of something in his voice lost in the sounds of anarchy behind you.
You try to shake your head, unable to manage anything more than a, “Please.”
Johnny scoffs beside you, wrapping both of his massive arms around your shoulders and holding you close. “Broken record, this one. Hasn’t said much else since we nicked her.”
“That’s alright,” Ghost rumbles, give Johnny one firm stroke over his mohawk. “I’m sure you’ll drag all sorts of pretty sounds out of her tonight. Now, let’s get goin’. Don’t want your little toy gettin’ her nerve up and earnin’ herself a punishment so early in the night. Come, now.”
Johnny laughs, loud and harsh as he tugs you to follow him and Ghost. You know you should be upset about what he’s said, know he should be doing exactly what he warns against and try to get away.
But you’ve got no energy left to fight. Everything hurts, your system is overrun by fear and just the tiniest drop of adrenaline, and your best chance of making it through this night is passing out and forgetting any of it ever happened.  
A few tears, stragglers, drip down your cheeks when Johnny tugs you beside him. The places his fingertips squeeze against your arm have gone numb, and your feet feel like they’re on fire. Your arms are sluggishly bleeding and you’re not convinced you don’t have a concussion.
It’s hard to hold back sobs when you think of how much worse it’s going to get. Staring at the broad back of Ghost, feeling the feral energy of Johnny hardly contained by your side, all you can hope is that they let you survive the night.
You close your eyes as Johnny guides you, take a deep, steadying breath, and pray for your own strength. You tell yourself that maybe next year you can seek them out, find them at the very start of the Purge and get your revenge.
It’s a comforting enough daydream to lessen the aches of your body, to shine a spot of light after the hurricane of your future. 
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fahbev · 7 months
Hi! Saw you jumped on the tim hate train, welcome to the club! Aplarently you're Damian fan, which is good bc hes also one of the characters who's hit by tim's..woobification? Victimization(???) while simultaneously being the bestest, most competent batfam member. You Damian fans honestly have my respect for the pure amount of shit Damian gets because of tim.
hi lmao. Thanks xD. I usually try to keep all my negativity off of the internet, but last night I was going the anti Tim drake tag bc my frustration was flaring up. At first i was collecting posts by liking them instead of rb, then I was replying, and then at some point... “Fuck it. I want this on my blog.”
(This is gonna be a ramble btw, I don’t care abt making a good post rn.)
I used to be fine with Tim! I think the whole thing was a lot less prominent in the dpxdc fandom bc DANNY was the fan favorite/community elected woobie, but then I kinda moved out and... well. It still took awhile for this issue to seep in bc those Tim fans (you know the ones) are certainly a minority, but I just don’t think you can be a Damian fan for longer than a few months without getting frustrated.
Nowadays I refuse to read anything tagged with any variation of “Tim Drake angst” that features the batfam. Timkon fics are usually just fine though.
Actually— recently? Shit’s been bothering me so bad that I don’t wanna risk reading fics that have Tim in the first relationship tag at all. He’s gotta at most be in the second one. Ship fics are again an exception, but I don’t tend to seek out ship fics much anyway.
But, like I said, I usually keep it to myself. Every time i catch myself venting in the tags I either screenshot the tags and delete, or I delete and retype them. I put them into a private notes document. I also journal in there a lot instead of posting it.
That document is pretty long.
I do wanna say that there’s nothing wrong with what tim fans are doing. It is fun to woobify your fave. It’s fun to prop them up and tear others down and make everything about your blorbo and it is harmless. I do it too (usually in my daydreams). It’s a fantasy, and that’s what fanfiction is for. People who act like it’s “problematic” are wrong. That doesn’t mean it’s not annoying. Because it is. It’s annoying as all fuck.
Also wanna mention that I once read a damian fic that like... started off with some delicious whump, but then it turned into a whole Damian pity party and it guilt tripped all his friends and family. Damian IS my blorbo and I couldn’t read that. I didn’t even know who Maps was at the time but it seemed so bizarre to throw her under the bus. Anyway I feel like that’s what a quite large portion of Tim fic is like except a bit less extreme.
I used to tell myself that “ohhh it’s just a rivalry. I’m sure Tim fans get the same shit in reverse all the time” but I literally NEVER see it in the other direction and spend the most of my time in Damian circles. The only time I see tim hate from damian fans is frustration at those particular fans in response to it or in response to favoritism of authors.
I mean i saw a good chunk of it last night, but what else can I expect from the anti tim drake tag?
It’s actually funny how most of the stuff in anti tags is polarized hate shitting on the character with a lot of bad takes, but in tims anti tag it was almost exclusively frustration from Damian and Jason fans, and usually pretty mild takes. Also people calling Tim boring.
Ngl, Idk much about Jason. I’m familiar with his fanon, but the only comic i’ve read that featured him in a major way was Gotham War. I don’t know him well, and I don’t have too much interest in him. However, I hate “Jason falls over in guilt and kisses Tim’s fingers begging for forgiveness” type posts in solidarity. It’s yucky.
Anyway, I didn’t even mean to get on this anti tim train you speak of, It just sorta leaked out of my vent doc. Don’t expect me to keep posting about it.
but also... don’t not expect it. It might happen.
Even so, my dms are absolutely open for Timothy Drake related frustration! I’m pretty tired of being nice to him.
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boycritter · 2 months
can you explain your most recent poem? i like it but i don’t really get it lol
ohhhh okay. holy shit you have no idea how happy this makes me. idk how in depth you want me to go. but i’m going in depth. i know there’s not like separate stanzas or anything in this poem but in my head there’s chunks it’s split into. overall this poem is about not really knowing who you are or what you’re doing (i’m 17 so all my poems are kind of about this at least a little bit). it’s about uncertainty and loneliness and trying to make something (a place, a life) for yourself when everything feels like so much.
so the first few lines ‘in this one im a cumulonimbus cloud. in this one im mango juice. theres a world where i supernova and one where i pitch drop’ are kinda setting the themes for the poem. like the objects im gonna use to convey the message as well a kinda overarching theme of unstable identity/endless possibilities. and then the supernova/pitch drop part is smth im really proud of i like that a lot :3 idk if you’re familiar with the pitch drop experiment but basically it’s a super super slow moving liquid and people are trying to see when a drop will fall. (a few drops have fallen but no one’s seen them it’s a whole thing you should look it up :3). so that line is saying there’s a timeline in which i burn myself out in a super destructive way and one where i take it slow. and then ‘pitch drop’ is also a reference to testosterone voice changes lol. so there’s a timeline where i live my true life and take it slow.
and then the next part is ‘i cried planck epoch and nothing came running and i cried planck epoch and all my protons were so lonely and i cried planck epoch and all my sheep died anyway. i cried mango juice and the universe hugged me tighter.’ which is using the double meaning of cry as yelling/tears. and it’s an allusion to the boy who cried wolf where i’m saying something is happening but no one’s even paying attention. disclaimer i am not an expert on the physics of the beginning of the universe. like at all. but basically the planck epoch was the first 10^-43 seconds of the universe when everything was super super hot and super super condensed. so i’m saying this is happening and no one’s listening, and even when everything is happening and i’m objectively not isolated but i still feel like i am. and then the crying mango juice part is using the other meaning of cry, and the universe hugging tighter is also planck epoch stuff.
the next chunk is ‘i rained fractals and the dirt sang ion. my electrons touch anything they can get their hands on.’ i like this part :3 the raining fractals is just a mess of uncertainties, bc that’s what fractals are yknow!! the singing ion part is also fun, bc obviously ions are particles and sound is a wave, so it’s a little paradoxical :3 and also i didn’t want a later line to feel so out of place. the second sentence kinda calls back to the ‘i cried planck epoch and all my protons were so lonely’. bc while our nuclei are so so tiny in terms of the entire atom and will likely never touch another nuclei, our electrons are constantly interacting with other atoms electrons. so it’s meant to be saying like. i’m lonely and i’m trying to fix that. somehow. in some way.
the last chunk is the biggest one and also the one inspired by smth @/green-cargaytions wrote and sent me which isn’t posted anywhere but i still need to hype up their writing skills bc it’s insane it’s actually bonkers. anyways. ‘once i tried to derive a function for the meaning of it all and my paper fissioned love and jazz quartet. some infinities are bigger than other infinities and i used to think that was blaspheme but now i think id like to make it idolatry. and i think id like to be one of the smaller infinities. i think i’d like to be closer to it all.’ so the first part is about the intersection between math and science and music bc i’m insane about stuff like that. but also, i tried to find a formula to fix my uncertainty. and it didn’t work. and my paper broke apart. which basically says that you don’t know what you’re gonna do. and you don’t have to know. you can’t know. but in the meantime, you have to love what’s around you and you have to appreciate art. the fact that some infinities are bigger than other infinities is also something i’m obsessed with. and i personally never found it blasphemous lol but when georg cantor introduced that notion people definitely thought it was. because the only infinity is g-d. and idolatry is also blasphemous. but i like the juxtaposition of synonyms. idk how to put this part into words exactly </3 and then the last part is kind of saying. there’s so much uncertainty and instability in the world. and isolating yourself isn’t the answer. you gotta just live life and try not to worry too much. which easier said than done obviously lol but. still. it’s about coming into your body and out of your head. at least a little bit.
anyways this is probably one of my favorite things i’ve ever written and now i get to talk about my thoughts on it. i love this i love writing essays on my own work thank you so much ^-^
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paridoxpower · 3 months
Personal job junk
So quit my job today. One that I actually really liked and liked the people there. Saw potential too and money wasn’t bad. Was there for 2.5 years, never received complaints about my work or character, got employee of the month at least 3 times (that I remember) and got the highest possible score on my employee review, which is hard to do bc they don’t want to hand out raises to match.
Coworkers and I were having issues with managers not doing their jobs so far as they never replied to requests for help and were never in office. Even if we wanted to bring it to their attention, they were never there. Can’t complain to someone who isn’t there.
We decided to write down our talking points and bring it to the attention of the manager’s manager. We were going to talk in person with them, the letter was literally just our words written down. Well a fellow coworker prematurely sent it to them without everyone else’s consent. So of course, the managers call us in for a meeting and the managers manager goes on and on about how this was inappropriate and wrong and she’s never heard these complaints and managers work too you just don’t see it boohoo. We tried to explain that if it was brought to her the way it was intended, then we would have brought it to her attention and talked about it like adults. She didn’t listen to anything we had to say, just rinse and repeated her rant. She thrust the letter in our faces, embarrassed us, and ignored us. And she threatened going to hr (like what? also we were originally going to send the letter to hr but we were like hm, maybe we should go to manager manager because that’s the right thing to do :) ) I felt like this meeting was super inappropriate. (Also we probably would not have seen manager manager in office for months if this thing didn’t come out, she’s never in either, but god forbid we ask for a remote day)
I cried, not because I felt what we did was wrong. But tears of frustration. For a coworker violating mine and everyone else’s trust. For the managers manager just going full angry mom mode and not listening to reason. For the other managers standing behind her blinking and just letting it happen like a complacent dad. (Then she had the audacity to go out for a 3 hour lunch and was all smiles and expected us to sing hellos and goodbyes to her). I promised myself if a job ever made me cry for no good reason, I’d leave. I don’t need that stress.
But during this yelling meeting we were assured that we’d have personal meeting with the manager manager next week to discuss what we wanted to. I thought I’d wait to see how it went next week.
Come the following day after the yelling. I was ready to be professional. Manager manager came in and everyone sang hello, except for me. I didn’t ignore her, I looked up and gave the polite white people smile, but I was still mad. Aren’t I allowed to be? Plus, I was you know, working.
A few hours later, I was called in again for a meeting. All the managers were there, but only manager manager spoke. Apparently there’s been some recent concerns about my behavior and I’ve made people uncomfortable. As I said before, I’ve never had a complaint and I pride myself on at least being professional with everyone. So I said okay well, please give me a list of my specific behaviors so I can improve on them because I never want to make anyone uncomfortable.
They literally said nothing.
This was clearly a retaliation for speaking up against manager behavior, so a way to try and shut me up was giving me a verbal warning to go on record for sudden behavior problems.
Later that day, at the end, when normally all the managers have left for the day so coworkers can freely talk, manager manager decided she’s going to sit in the desk right behind me (she never sits within our presence). Intimidation? Spying? Preventing people from talking? All three? I didn’t care, it was bullshit
That was it. I can take a lot of things. But as I said, I take pride in my character and in being a good person who does their job well and professionally gets along with everyone. And to lie to my face that someone suddenly is uncomfortable after I brought it to your attention your managers aren’t doing their jobs?
I quit. I don’t think I could have sat there for at least another week for these ‘meetings’ while attacks on my character and lack of trust between coworkers was going on. I mean, how could you expect me to smile and wave every morning after that??
So I didn’t bother giving two weeks and training someone in my shit (which I totally would have if this didn’t play out like that. Hell, I might’ve made a whole training book and held the newbies hand for a month!). Others are planning on leaving, they just have to secure another job first. Which is nice to hear, whether or not it is true.
Do I regret the letter of our complaints? No
Do I regret how it was given to her? Yes, because it was given to her prematurely and without our consent.
Do I regret quitting? Nope.
However, this event is crushing my trusting nature. I can play tough and say I’ll never get close to any coworkers and managers ever again. But I know that’s a lie. I’m to trusting and caring. But man does this fucking life lesson suck
The past 3ish days have been a lot. I feel like I’ve rewritten this story several times. Figured writing it down might help a bit
Oh also hr fucking sucks. They called and were like oh um why didn’t you go to your direct manager? Sir. You can’t go to someone who is not there. Well hr is always here for you. Well funny thing we were going to go to hr but we thought going over her head would piss her off. Jokes on us, she got pissed off either way! Well, sorry you feel like this isn’t a safe place for you anymore (I said I felt like the workplace would become and remain toxic) and we’ll work on that. Like okay buddy you do that
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halcyon-writings · 2 years
continuing the herald!reader verse bc i got sucked into tlvom/cr and now here we are
i am sad bc we didn't get a winter's crest episode so i am writing a small snippet (it's also just slightly leaning towards romance but ultimately not the main stay of this fic, you can see it as platonic or romantic either way)
first post here
Delilah’s notes lie in front of you on your lap. Old texts accompanied by what you guessed was her recent add-ins scribbled in the margins filled the page. There were sketches of skulls and other totems of the whispered one accompanying them. Magic curls around your fingers as it flips the pages for you, you didn’t want to risk tearing it with how worn the book looked.
The more you read the further you grew horrified. The way she held no qualms over unleashing a potentially world-ending thing and the fact that she seemed even gleeful made you angry. (You resist the urge to shudder at the memory of her calling you its herald.)
A knock at the door makes you jump, and quickly you shut the book and hide beneath the mattress of your room; pretending to take one of the unfolded blankets that lie on it into your hands like you were making your bed.
The knock sounds again.
“It’s open!” you call, raising up the blanket as you bring the corners together. Simultaneously you're trying to steady your breathing so you didn't look like you were caught doing something you weren't supposed to.
The door opens just a little more forcefully than needed, with a loud creak of the wood making you wince just slightly.
A sheepish Percival stands behind it, entering the bedroom you were given in order to rest up after the ordeal with the Briarwoods. Sleeping on a comfortable bed for the past few days was much appreciated after being away from the keep for so long.
"Good morning," you greet, finishing in folding the blanket and leaving it on the corner of the bed, "Did you sleep alright?"
"Ah, yes, ahem, I have," you quirk an eyebrow at his stammering. surprised that Percy, of all people, is stammering out his words for some reason.
You give him a curious glance, "Is everything alright?"
"Perfectly in order, the preparations for the festival are well underway and-"
You suddenly gasp, startling both yourself and Percy, "Oh no, I completely forgot I was going to help Keeper Yennen with the some final preparations today. You don't think she's still waiting is she?" You worry at your lip, serves you right for staying up as you read over the notes. Helping the holy woman completely split your mind.
"Oh god, I'm sorry Percy, here I am rambling in front of you, did you need anything?"
At this, Percy smiles, or at least tries to in his own Percy-unique way. But then he shakes his head, "Not right now anyway, but I could accompany you to the square, I know we've only been in Whitestone for a few days but I feel like it was focused more on recovery and resting."
You can't help but feel a little embarrassed because he was right. You all hadn't really had time to explore the city in between making sure none of the Briarwoods lackeys remained to threaten the tentative safety of the city again.
So you put on your coat, already changed into much more appropriate clothing for the day, as well as your gloves. You both step out into the chilly day.
(Percy offers you his arm after you nearly slip, and you hold it with a near iron grip, failing to notice the flustered tint to his ears).
Thankfully, the city of Whitestone seems to just be waking up now too. And wake up it did!
A few stalls lining up on the Main Street, vendors that had received word of Whitestone’s safer atmosphere gladly coming to help in what way they could, along with a few tourists they brought along. Locals who had recognized you quickly approached with grateful looks. One elderly woman took your hands into her own, gently giving them a squeeze and then hugging you tightly (if you looked misty-eyes after that, Percy didn’t say anything).
Children were peering at you curiously, bursting into giggles as your magic gently sparked like small fire crackers safely before them. They seemed to look at Percy with as much awe too. Too young to truly understand who he was but knowing he was why it was no longer dark and gloomy.
You look at Percy from the corner of your eye and see his shoulders relaxed for the first time in a long time. The corners of your eyes crinkle as you grin.
“What are you smiling at?” He jests.
Your answer takes him aback, which causes you to laugh. “To think just about a week ago we were fighting off the undead to free this city and now here we are, enjoying Winter’s Crest.”
He hums, “Yes. I... I almost can’t believe it.” Something in his voice sounds sad, but free, in a way that the grief that had been shrouding him for so long could weigh him down so heavily now, but now lifted because he had been able to avenge his family.
Your free hand reaches up and gives his arm a squeeze, “I think they’d be really proud of you, Percy.” It didn’t take much to realize who “they” were.
He swallows, and nods.
You both continue on your way to meet Keeper Yennen, the city of Whitestone still waking up and preparing for the festival.
“Are you sure this is no issue for you?” Percy’s expression seems almost troubled.
Your hands are raised before you, decorations floating upwards to the Sun Tree, where bodies had previously been left to serve as “demonstrations” finally being removed and laid to rest, tying slowly around the branches. Blue and white ribbons along with some fresh flowers (courtesy of Keyleth) were added alongside them, in honor of their memories.
You turn your head to meet his look, while still assisting the team decorators, “Percival. When I said I could, I meant it. It’s nothing strenuous, so there’s nothing to worry about.”
“Fine, but do let me know if you begin to feel fatigued,” He huffs.
You nod with some laughter, “Alright.”
The decorations are fastened by those waiting in the trees, and with a flick or two more of your wrists, the decorations that were a bit too high to reach previously were now easily fastened.
"Besides, I can't be too tired, when I know I'm being treated to the VIP tour treatment by the Lord of Whitestone himself," You grin, "I'm sure that's a rare opportunity in of itself."
Percy laughs, looking abashed, but he doesn't seem to disagree with your words.
"Well, when you're done, we can continue the tour."
This time it's your turn to laugh.
Arm in arm with him once more, you both continue your "tour" through Whitestone, the joys of the Winter's Crest festival accompanied by your friends enjoyment through the different games and entertainment, any doubts about what you had found in Delilah's notes began to fade from your mind.
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missmonsters2 · 3 years
today I feel awful... idk my insecurities are taking over me and I just want to curl into a ball and cry. maybe it's my hormones maybe the fact that I weighted myself and found out I gained weight (I can't fit into my jeans 😭) and the fact that I saw my sister in a tight skin dress looking perfect while I'm in my pj's just destroyed my confidence. I need something angsty to read to make me forget about my sad, miserable lffe right now. would you be down in writing sth angsty with nat maybe? you don't have to though. it's fine either way. I really appreciate all of your work and I keep reading on repeat whenever I'm feeling down. makes me cheer up. thank you, van ❤️
It's like we're the same person because I also went to visit my sister recently and my sister has gotten her life together and is living her best hot girl bod while I...let's not go there.
I just want you to know that you're hot as fuck and a body is just a body that we can change with time and effort. We're lit rally in this together. This time next year, we will be rocking the body that makes up happy and we'll be healthy!!! 💘💘
But I will still give you nat angst...but with a happy ending bc I said you deserve a HEA!!
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The Withers of Springtime Bloom
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Spring is a time of blooming and when things come back to life. You can't help but notice things that may be causing your relationship with Natasha to wither.
Warnings: self-esteem issues, insecurities about body, relationship with working out and food, seasonal depression. angst with HEA.
Count: 2.1k~
You're not sure when things changed.
Things change so slowly after all.
Without you noticing, things change and change and change until one day, you do notice.
You notice that Natasha has become quieter, somber.
You notice the lack of date nights and affectionate touches.
You notice that you've let yourself go a little.
You're standing in front of the mirror, staring at your body with a frown. You've gained weight since dating Natasha, but relationship weight gain was normal, wasn't it?
But you remember how Natasha was just as fit as she was before she met you. Sure, she was a superhero, and you were a regular civilian; there was no reason for you to train long hours as Natasha did.
You turn to the side and peer at yourself in the mirror again.
You can't help but wonder...were you becoming less attractive to her?
It had been the beginning of fall when you met Natasha. You loved the season of change and when things turned into warm colors before withering away for winter to come.
Natasha had come like a blessing, and in the winter, she was just warm as the colors of fall. Instead of withering away, she bloomed and invested that warmth in your relationship with her.
Despite always being an early riser to work out, weekends were the days she stayed in bed with you just a little longer. There had been so many breakfasts, lunch, and dinner dates. You found yourself moving things around or neglecting to work around her busy schedule.
Perhaps that was when things began to change. Eating out so often and forgoing working out to spend time with Natasha was what led to this.
Spring has arrived, and things are coming back to life. Yet somehow, your relationship with Natasha was withering away.
"Hey," you greet her as you come home, shopping bags in hand. You bought some more clothes when things felt like they didn't fit comfortably anymore. The experience had been upsetting for you, and you didn't end up buying too much, telling yourself you didn't want to spend too much when you were going to lose the weight.
Natasha was working in her office, peering down over reports, and barely acknowledged you other than with a hum.
"Long day?" You ask her as you put your things away and walk over to her.
"Yeah," Natasha sighed. "Trying to get these reports done since Maria needs them tomorrow."
That had been Natasha's excuse for spending long hours in her office every night for the last two weeks.
You place your hand on Natasha's shoulder with a reassuring squeeze, but she leans to the side as if to readjust herself, but still away from your touch.
The sting immediately comes, but you try to push it down, so it doesn't hurt as bad.
"Right," you say hoarsely, but Natasha stares on at the reports. "I'm just going to get ready for bed. It's been a long day and all. Let me know if you need anything."
Natasha gives you a nod as you leave the room. You feel awkward as you lie in the bed you share with her. You wonder if you're taking up too much space.
There's a pang of something as you try to curl yourself to be smaller and only distantly realizing you've skipped dinner before you fall asleep.
You fall back onto the mat, chest heaving and your lungs burning.
It's been a while since you've worked out, and now you're definitely paying for it with how unfit you are.
The gym is moderately empty with the hour it is. You hate going to a public gym because it always feels like someone is staring, but it's better for strangers to stare than working out at the Compound for people you know to stare at you.
The rational part of you knows that you should just talk to Natasha, but the emotional side of you whispers that you won't like what Natasha has to say, that she might even end it before you've had a chance to change yourself.
When weeks pass, and you weigh yourself again, you almost start crying because you've only lost a couple of pounds.
It's normal, you know it is. You're losing weight at a normal rate, but it's not enough. You know fast weight loss wouldn't make sense for your body but you also feel you don't have half a year to go back to your normal weight.
You sit on the bathroom floor for hours, debating what to do when you hear a quiet knock.
"Sweetheart, are you in there?" Natasha's muffled voice comes through.
You wipe at your eyes furiously as you stand up.
"Y-Yeah," you answer back. "I'm just in the tub soaking."
There's a moment of silence through the door before Natasha answers back, "Alright. Enjoy yourself. Did you want me to order anything specific for dinner?"
"No, it's okay," you tell her. "You order anything you want. I already ate on my way home." You think about the chicken salad you've been eating for the past two weeks and almost sigh.
Natasha answered that she just came back to see if you've eaten, but she actually had to head back to the Compound. You were Natasha shuffling around before leaving through the front door, and you let out the breath you were holding.
You actually take a long, hot shower before putting on sweats and a big hoodie.
The truth was, you were hungry. The chicken salad was okay on the way home, but it had been a couple of hours since.
You knew starving yourself wasn't the answer, so you went into the kitchen to see if you could find something healthy to hold you over until you could go to bed.
But you can't find anything in the fridge except for Natasha's leftovers from whatever she ordered the day before. You can't find anything except frozen pizzas and microwavable foods.
You check the calories on the back and let out a frustrated sigh. Checking your watch, you realize it's too late in the evening to go grocery shopping because, by the time you get there, stores will have closed.
You slump down on the floor, leaning against the cabinets as you let out a pathetic whimper while your eyes became hot with tears.
You miss Natasha. You want Natasha holding you and telling you it would be okay. But you couldn't have that until you were back to what you were when you met her.
The front door suddenly opens.
"Have you seen my—sweetheart?" Natasha started to call before she noticed you sitting on the floor. "What's wrong?"
You use your sleeve to wipe at your eyes as you sit up straight.
"Nothing," you sniffle before you start to stand. "I just stubbed my toe against the edge of the kitchen island. What were you looking for? USB? You left it next to the bedside."
Natasha stares at your back, hair still wet as she takes in your attire.
"It's a little hot to be wearing a hoodie and sweats, isn't it?" Natasha asks softly. "Doesn't seem like you turned on the aircon in here."
You keep walking, but Natasha starts to follow you.
"'m cold," you say quietly so she can't hear the tremble in your voice.
"Are you feeling sick?" Natasha asks with concern as you sit down on the couch, turning on the TV. You pull the blanket over you as if to make your point.
"No," you tell her because you don't want her to worry. "Just cold after a bath."
Natasha sets her things down before she takes a seat next to you. Even in the low lighting, she can see your eyes rimmed red and dampness of them.
You're refusing to look at her as you have your knees drawn up to your chest and stare stubbornly at the TV screen.
Then she hears it.
Your stomach grumbles.
"Are you hungry, sweetheart?" Natasha asks softly again. "We can just order food and stay in tonight."
Your cheeks grow hot. "Don't you have to be at the Compound?"
You don't mean to snap at her, but you can't help but feel embarrassed.
Natasha remains quiet for a moment, quickly thinking over the last few weeks before she feels guilt trickle in.
She doesn't remember the last time she ate with you—doesn't remember the last time she saw you eat.
"Sweetheart," she calls you gently again, and you bristle at the tone. "Is there something wrong?"
The fragile dam you've built to keep the weeks of compiling emotions at bay breaks, and you're hurtling down the stream over the waterfall.
"Are you not in love with me anymore?" You choke out as you begin to cry.
You can't even register to feel horrified at your breakdown because you just need to know.
"I know...I know my body has changed since we first met and I've gained weight but I really am trying to lose it. I just—I feel like you're avoiding me. At first, I thought things at work have been really stressful for you, and I wanted to give you space but you're gone all the time. You're gone even when you're here."
Natasha can barely understand anything you've said after hearing you say the first part. Her breath hitches painfully in the back of her throat, and she legitimately feels appalled at herself.
She starts to say something, but you keep going.
"I'm sorry, I don't want to make this about me because if you're going through something then I want to support and be there for you. But I can't help but feel like you're grossed out by me. I mean—I feel grossed out when I look at myself. I feel like I'm taking up so much space—"
Natasha cuts you off abruptly, pulling off the blanket as she pulls at you until you're in her lap.
"You're not gross and this is not about the weight you have or have not gained. You hear me?" Natasha says forcefully as she holds you close to her, hand over your thigh to keep you against her.
"God, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry if I've been making you feel like you're not attractive me," Natasha's eyes well up as your tears wet her shoulder. "You're literally still the most gorgeous person I've ever met and you're always going to be that to me."
Natasha's hand at your waist dips underneath your hoodie, her fingers trailing up your back as she sighs at your warmth. "I should've told you, but the springtime is just really hard for me. It's odd because it's a time for things to come back to life but some of the worst things have happened to me during the spring and things blooming makes me think about things that aren't coming back. I think it's also just a little bit of seasonal depression too. I'm just the rare percentage that gets it in the spring."
The explanation makes your body sag with relief because while you feel so horrible that there is a reason Natasha doesn't like spring, she's not falling out of love with you.
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize that I was hurting you," Natasha apologizes again. "I didn't mean to be so distant but I didn't want to bring your mood down as well, which is why I've been working so much to keep busy."
"It's okay," you muttered as your turn your head, forehead pressed against her neck. "I'm sorry spring is depressing for you."
Natasha merely hushes you as she kisses the side of your head.
You begin to feel awkward, thinking about how you must be heavy on her and try to move, but Natasha doesn't let you.
"Sweetheart, I don't know how to convince you that you're perfect to me," Natasha says so seriously as she forces you to look at her. "If you want to lose weight because that is what you want, then I support you. But I need you to understand that I love you no matter what. I don't care either way because you're so fucking lovely to me always. Do you understand?"
Timidly, you reply, "Okay. Thank you."
Natasha presses her lips against yours in a long kiss before she pulls back.
"Now, I'm going to ask again. Are you hungry? We can order in and watch that new show on Netflix I heard was pretty good from Wanda."
You feel lighter. You think you might still want to work out because that would make you happy, but you don't feel the rush like you did just a couple of hours ago.
"Yeah," you say shyly. "But maybe something not so heavy?"
Natasha nods as she presses another kiss into your cheek as she helps you settle onto the couch right beside her to grab her phone.
"Anything to make you bloom."
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bingle-exe · 3 years
its ur fav asker, back at it again with some fluffy michael myers
Can I request mikey with an autistic reader? like the reader is really picky with certain sensations OMG WAIT WHAT AB MICHAEL GOING OUT OF HIS WAY TO MAKE SURE READER DOESNT GET SENSORY OVERLOAD LIKE OMG OMG
y/n doesn't like the carpet becuz it feels weird on their feet? expect it to be ripped out and replaced within the week
y/n doesn't like the texture of a certain food? thats perfect bc mikey loves it and eats it all
pls im autistic and this would MELT me omg omg omg vbhnb cxbfhnc
Michael Myers x Autistic!Reader
I don't have autism, but the idea of him adjusting his entire life to make his s/o happy just UGHDUHGDS so cute.
Hope this was mildly accurate to what those who have autism may experience! (Also please let me know if this offended anyone; I know not everyone experiences the same things, so if this is inaccurate or just completely incorrect, just let me know!)
Michael didn’t know much about autism, but he was trying his absolute best to learn.
When you’d go to bed at night, he’d pull out your computer and look up how to cater to a person with autism needs. You saw it on the recent search history, but don’t bring it up, he’ll feel so embarrassed, and will do everything in his power to avoid you for a few days.
Michael learned of hyper fixations, and when he’d come back from his hunts, he’d bring a little trinket that he thought applied to what you were interested in. The favorite part of giving the item to you was seeing your face light up in excitement and do little stims out of pure joy. It made his heart flutter.
Michael learned of where you would keep certain items because it would bother you if it was in a different spot. He would check before you came home from being out to see if everything was in it’s usual spot to avoid any upset from you. He can’t take it.
He took notice of the reactions you would make if you were upset with a feeling or sound, and he would always make sure to never have that particular thing around ever again.
One time, you bought a new cup and drank out of it, but the texture of the rim made you uncomfortable. It was visibly noticeable, but you didn’t bring it up to him. You just took note to never drink out of it again.
You went to throw out something about an hour later, and saw the same cup you drank out of cracked and charred laying in the can.
He brought a blanket home one time from a victim’s house, and when you laid under it, it made a strange sound, but you tried your very best not to care because Michael went out and got it for you. You were not successful in your attempts to hide how you felt.
He immediately ripped it away, folded it haphazardly, and put it on the shelf of the closet at the very top where you couldn’t reach it.
"Michael, it's fine! It's a nice blanket, bring it back out."
He ignored you, and brought out the old one to replace it instead for the night. The next day, the blanket was out of the closet, and an array of blankets similar to the one you shared were filling it to the brim.
He forced you to check each one out to see which ones you liked and disliked, and if you didn't like it he would tear it apart. You yelled at him telling him that it could've gone to someone else in need. He didn't seem to care.
"Mike, what the hell?! We can just donate them to people who actually need it!" Why? If you didn't like it, it deserved to die.
After about four blankets being completely shredded, you kicked him out of the room to go through the rest on your own. He wasn't happy about it and kept huffing if you tried to talk to him for the rest of the day. He got over soon enough not being able to resist ignoring you.
He would sometimes go out and buy the food you loved the most with your favorite textures and tastes to have a little date night with you. Yes, he would BUY (not steal) food with other people around (he wouldn’t be wearing a mask); that’s how much he cared about you.
When the two of you would drive around and a song playing on the radio would make you stim happily, he would take note of it, and add it to a playlist later on of songs you liked.
He always played it if you ever seemed upset. One day, you saw the list and it had well over 100 songs at that point, and the name of the playlist was “Songs to make Y/N happy” (his vocabulary is very limited).
Michael doesn’t know much when it comes to cognitive disorders (hell, he doesn’t even understand his own), but the amount of effort he puts in to create a safe and happy environment for you is enough to send you into overdrive.
He loves you very much, and he’ll do anything to make you feel comfortable. Let’s hope no one ever upsets you, or the cup won’t be the only thing burned to a crisp.
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anotherninjagoblog · 3 years
In the Spirit of Valentine’s Day
For @ninjago-valentine-exchange , pairing Jay/Cole B <3
So sorry this came out a few days later than expected, but some things got a little in the way recently. Hope you love reading this as much as I did writing it!
✨ART FOR THE FIC HERE BY @amaryllis56-main
Also high school AU bruise Bc I’m trash and I think their designs are adorable
Summary: Just two friends hanging out on Valentine’s Day... right?
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“Email me.” Cole read aloud. “Hm,” he squinted, taking a closer look at the tiny orange heart between his fingers. “That’s a new one. Do people even do that anymore?” he asked, before aiming at Jay’s mouth. Cole threw it - only for the conversation heart to fall into the folds of his equally orange scarf. 
Jay closed his mouth and began to pick through his scarf. “Beats me.” 
Upon finding the hidden candy, he popped it into his mouth, and then proceeded to rummage through his own box of conversation hearts.
It was a nice, lazy, Friday afternoon. Since Valentine’s Day fell on Saturday, their eighth-period history teacher only found it fitting to host a small class potluck. And now that most of the pizza was eaten and the sweets handed out, everybody was just hanging around until the bell rang. 
Seeing it as a perfect opportunity to goof off, Jay and Cole had started a little game using the chalky conversation hearts. Cole considered it less of an actual game, and more like some sort of candy catch with their mouths, but they took turns reading the cheesy messages before flinging them at each other.
The candy tasted just as bad as he remembered, and they didn’t really have to read the sayings, but Cole found it oddly enjoyable.
Well, maybe not at all odd. Because the truth is, Cole believed knew he was falling in love with his best friend.
“You know,” Jay continued, looking at the small white heart in his hand, “I thought you’d be better at this.” Grinning, he took aim.
Cole rolled his eyes. “Ooookay, you say that, but you haven’t even made one.”
“That’s different. You’re you, and I am me, which gives me an excuse.” Jay took one last look at the heart. “XOXO.”
Cole opened his mouth and watched as Jay let it fly, only for the piece to clink against the button of his denim jacket before it fell, bouncing onto the floor. 
He then bent over in his seat to pick it up and turned over to the desk on his right to place it there.
“I love you.”
Cole immediately turned back towards Jay. “What?”
“The message.” Jay clarified. 
Cole reeled back a second. In return, he clasped his hands together and pulled them closer to his chest. “Oh, I love you too -OW!” He exclaimed as the small candy whacked him right in the corner of his eye. 
Jay only laughed. Cole quickly pulled out another before launching it at Jay. The brunette had dodged the incoming attack, so he threw another which landed in the midst of his curls. 
Jay retaliated, and Cole scooted the chair to the left, a loud screech that had barely covered their laughter.
He kept throwing pieces at him, and Cole could hear as they clattered against the floor and whizzed past his ear. 
Breathless from laughing and all out of ammo, the two boys called a mutual, silent truce. Cole watched as Jay picked candy out of his soft, fluffy curls. Cole blinked, dispelling the thought, before looking around and noticing that everyone was still immersed in their side conversations, too busy to notice the candy heart war that had taken place at the back of the classroom. The teacher was still at their desk.
“So, uh, you maybe wanna….do something for Valentine’s Day this year?” Jay asked. Cole redirected his attention, but Jay wasn’t looking at him. Instead, he was focused on tearing at the flaps on the top of the conversation heart box.
“I thought we both declared Valentine's Day to be the bane of existence solely made on being a capitalistic ploy.” Cole said, leaning forward, picking up more of the discarded candies. 
“Nya said that.”
Cole collected the dirtied pieces off the floor in his palm. “You agreed.”
“Fine.” Jay huffed, crossing his arms. “Forget I asked.”
Cole sat straight up in his chair and scooted closer to Jay. “Hey, I was just teasing.”
Jay returned to picking at the box flaps. 
“But, uh, yeah.” Cole swallowed. “What did you want to do?”
Jay kept his head down. “I don’t know. I just thought we could hang out. It’s been a while, and I really missed this…” he finished quietly. Putting the empty box on the desk, he finally looked back up at Cole.  “Besides, everyone else is busy tomorrow, so I thought why not?” Jay flashed a soft smile. 
Cole wanted to keep it there. 
In all truth, they really hadn’t had the chance to spend much time together anymore. Cole was off doing his own thing, and Jay’s been busy with Zane and the rest of the robotics team. Not to forget about homework, and the rest of stuff that came with being your average high school student. And to be fair, all of his other friends were pretty much occupied for Valentine’s Day. Zane had told him how he was planning on making Pixal this fancy dinner, Kai found something to do with Skylor, Lloyd usually buys himself candy, and Nya straight up doesn’t do Valentine’s Day. 
I mean, Jay was his best friend, right? It would be weird to say no. He was taking advantage of the free day, that’s it. 
“We could maybe…” Jay started again, searching for his next words. “..swing by the arcade, eat some junk, and maybe some chocolate-”
“You had me at chocolate.” Cole smiled. 
Cole was no stranger to Valentine’s Day. He was just twelve years old, a mere boy in the sixth grade, when he started to receive a decent amount of candy grams from other girls in his grade.
At the Valentine’s Day party, he remembered sitting at the table with his friends, sharing his spoils with them. He decided to ask aloud, why him?
Kai, through bites of his chocolate, looked at him incredulously. “Have you ever looked in a mirror?”
Cole left it at that. 
When they were younger, it was just about receiving candy, but as he grew older, and moved on into high school, it became more and more about romance. And dates. 
He thinks he preferred it when it was solely about chocolate.
However, Cole was a nice guy, and he wasn’t one to turn down the determined girls that asked him to be their Valentine. 
To be honest, nobody asked him that year, but he feels it had to do with never moving to kiss the girls he went on these dates with. Apparently the “kiss goodnight” was an important one.
The girls were pretty, and he didn’t mind hanging out with them, but he didn’t really know them. Not like he knew Jay, anyways. 
His mind shifted to Jay. The two had hung out before, but never on a “date”. Was this like a date? Cole secretly hoped so. Maybe it could help him process some things…feelings?
Or maybe they’d come to the conclusion that he and Jay were just better as friends. Just like Jay and Nya did at the beginning of high school.
Guess he’d find out something tomorrow. 
After asking his dad to borrow the car for the evening, Cole made the drive out to Jay’s house. He had just arrived and was about to text Jay that he was outside when the front door swung open, and Jay practically bolted down the ramp from the trailer and into the car.
Slamming the door behind him and clutching something tightly to his chest, Jay quickly buckles his seatbelt with one hand.
Cole took a good look at Jay, who was currently looking over his shoulder and had to admit, he looked nice. “You look-
“Oh, it’s my hair, isn’t it? My ma-
Cole too, turned around to see Jay’s mother coming out after him. He immediately lowered the passenger side window. Jay then glared at him in return. 
“Hi Mrs. Walker!” Cole waved. 
Edna came up to Jay’s window. “Hiya Cole!” she greeted before speaking to Jay. 
“Sweetie, you didn’t let me take your picture.”
“Ma-”, Jay muttered, “...later.”
“Oh alright then, make sure you boys wear your seatbelts!”
“We will!” Cole replied, smiling. He turned back to Jay, who was watching as his mother walked away and disappeared back into the house. 
Now that he was close enough, Cole could see a small plastic bag sat in his lap, with something inside.
Jay, noticing where he was looking, started to take the item out of the bag. “I - um, got you something.”
“Oh!” Cole said, a bit surprised as he pulled out a small heart-shaped box of chocolates. Taking it from his hands, he noticed almost immediately that they weren’t just any box of chocolates, but his favorite kind, the ones with the crunchy outside and the smooth hazelnut spread on the inside.  “You-” Cole stammered, trying to find the right words, “-you didn’t have to, I was just joking.”
Moving on, and beginning to mess with his own sleeves, Jay’s voice came out in a tiny “oh”. 
“But I love it!” Cole said, trying to make Jay feel comfortable again. “You know me…and chocolate ha.” 
Great now he was being weird.
Sensing the brief awkwardness in the air, Jay looked back out the window hurriedly. He moved his hand and was just about to run it through his curls when Cole stopped him. Carefully, he reached his hand out, and Jay stopped, watching, waiting for his next move. Cole wrapped his fingers around his, and could feel his curls just underneath.
“Don’t do that,” he said gently, “I think you look really nice.”
Jay’s eyes met his. There was a look he hadn’t seen in them before. It represented a closeness he couldn’t describe.
Jay gave a sudden squeeze before withdrawing his hand. “Oh, um, thank you.”
Cole smiled, then took his hand away. “Well, let’s get going.” He started the car, and they were off. 
Given that it was Valentine’s Day, there weren’t very many people at the arcade. Of course, they began by exchanging some bills for tokens then helped themselves to snacks and a couple of pieces of Cole’s chocolate. All the while practically cruising around the arcade with nobody else to wait behind.
Together, they racked up some points playing skeeball, and Cole had even successfully convinced a rather reluctant Jay to play a couple songs on one of the giant dance machines.
For Cole, it was pretty much natural, all those years as a kid having finally manifested as a proper element of his. For Jay on the other hand, not so much. 
“I thought you didn’t even like dancing!” Jay exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air after finishing the last round. 
“Competitive dance.” clarified Cole. He chuckled a bit, thinking back to just a few moments ago. At one point, he nearly moved to catch Jay, who was having a hard time with one of the intermediate level songs. 
“It was not funny”. Jay insisted, as he walked a bit further ahead from Cole, scanning the aisles of games.
Cole smirked. “You’re right.” He said, stretching his arms behind his head, “it was cute.”
Seemingly dismissive of the latter’s comment or maybe just not hearing him, Cole didn’t really know but all of a sudden Jay stopped and pointed. 
Cole came up close behind him. “What?” 
“That one.” he said, pointing over in the direction of the game.
Cole followed Jay’s gaze and could just make out a large game hidden just behind some of the hoop shooters. Following the brunette, he could see that it was actually a co-op shooter game enclosed in a cabinet, where two people could sit inside and play.
He followed Jay into the cabinet and took the player two seat as Jay inserted the tokens. Taking the large blaster-type controller into his hands, Cole sat back and noticed that as Jay took his place next to him their shoulders were touching. He didn’t believe they’d ever been that close before. 
The game was fun, even though it had taken the same plot of other shooter games, they had a great time passing through a couple levels blasting robots. The seats vibrated, and the sound effects - booms and shots - surrounded them in the dark. 
After encountering the third boss of the game, Jay had got hit with a projectile that quickly came from a corner he wasn’t paying attention to. Cole could see as his side of the screen began to display the INSERT TOKEN message, but Jay hadn’t moved to put in any more. He just sat there, watching the screen.
“Hey.” He called, trying to speak over the booms as he shot down a flying robot. “I placed the tokens on the ground. Right next to-”
The words became lost on his tongue as Jay moved closer, leaning his head on Cole’s shoulder. 
Cole could feel his heart beating faster than the vibrations coming from the controller in his hands. 
Shooting away at a horde of marching bots, Cole stole a glance and could see Jay just watching him play, not saying a word at all.  Cole froze then - and he was immediately taken out by a large missile. The game didn’t make sense anymore, but he could not have cared less at this moment. 
His hands remained on the controller, and they both watched as the timer to insert the tokens slowly ticked to zero.
GAME OVER had flashed in giant red letters across the screen, and they had both moved to get out, almost as they both had sensed the moment too, was over. 
It may have been over, but something had definitely changed. Their hands bumping into each other as they walked back together to the table where their stuff was.
After getting their fill of snacks, and Cole picking out a cheap blue bear for Jay at the prize counter, they decided to leave the arcade. They were all giggly now, full of junk and sugar from Cole’s chocolates.
Walking out to his car in the parking lot, he and Jay kept bumping into each other - shoulders, hands - their magnetism wanting to pull each other close once more.
Getting closer to the car, Cole jogged slightly ahead and unlocked the car door for Jay, holding it open for him. 
“Thank you.” Jay said, giving his best curtsy. 
He and Cole burst into laughter again, as Jay climbed into the passenger seat. 
“Why-” Cole started in between snickers, “why did you do that?”
“I don’t know!” Jay laughed, red in the face from both amusement and embarrassment.
Coming down from their fits of laughter, it slowly turned back into giggles, then smiles, and then silence.
They looked at each other, Cole’s hand still on the passenger door handle before he finally spoke again.
“Do you maybe wanna…keep celebrating Valentine’s Day with me?”
Jay cocked an eyebrow. “Why?” Did you want to catch a movie or something? To be honest I’m not sure if they’re playing anything good right now.” Jay moved to take his phone out of his pocket before Cole interrupted him.
“No- I mean - like - from now on.”
The question didn’t really reach Jay’s mind. Blinking slowly, he uttered only one word. “What?”
“I really enjoyed the time we spent together today.” Cole responded almost immediately. “I..I think it should be like this every Valentine’s Day.”
Jay stared back at him, almost in pure disbelief of what his best friend was telling him - standing right there in front of him. 
Cole prepared himself for the blow.
“Cole, I - I wouldn’t have asked to spend Valentine’s Day with you if I didn’t want to spend it with you - you know? I don’t know if that makes sense.” He finished, his voice beginning to taper off. 
Something changed in the air. 
Cole moved his hand from the car door handle, and for a second Jay thought he would just close the door, head to the driver’s side and just pretend that this didn’t happen.
But Cole couldn’t let this go. There was a nagging feeling inside of him that told him if he did - he’d only regret it.  
Instead, Cole moved his hand from the car door and gripped the passenger’s side interior handle, hanging right above Jay. He felt himself move slowly, closing the distance between Jay and himself. 
“Cole,” he breathed, “...what am I to you?” 
Cole could only feel Jay’s breath on his skin and watched as his eyes fluttered shut. He inched closer and closed his own.
“...Mine.” he answered, just above a whisper. 
Their lips met - timidly - but sure. Jay’s were soft, and he couldn’t help but wonder if his own were chapped. He could taste some of the chocolate they shared. 
This by far had become the sweetest gift he had ever received on Valentine’s Day. 
They parted. And Cole felt his face heat up as soon as his eyes opened. He thought Jay would look away again, like he had before when they were this close. But instead, he smiled. 
“So.” Cole said, getting himself to speak again - restarting time once more - “be my valentine and get a pizookie with me?”
“Uh, bless you?” Jay joked. 
“Actually,” he followed up, a smirk gracing his features, “I’d love to.”
As Cole walked around the car and sat in the driver’s seat, Jay at his side, he couldn’t help but think that maybe it just wasn’t the spirit of Valentine’s Day taking over. Maybe it was love.
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lnfours · 2 years
I’m sorry you’re sad ily :((( here’s a Soft idea: a self care night w Tom. He’s the one who suggests it bc you’re feeling down — taking a bath together, and then doing face masks, and then he paints your nails 🥺
PLEASE emma 🥺🥺🥺 i love u so much
soft tom concepts
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you laid in bed, scrolling through your phone and liking a bunch of comments people had left on your recent picture with tom, smiling when you’d see they had freaked out about your reply to them.
toms fans had shown nothing but support for the two of you, however, there was still a handful of fans who didn’t like the two of you together, mainly because you were the first girlfriend tom had had since him and zendaya parted ways. you tried to ignore it, but deep down, you felt them getting to you.
tomsspideysuit123: you’re the reason tom and zendaya broke up 🙄 what a homewrecker
tsh22: you’re such a gold digger/clout chaser, idk how anyone can stand you 🥱
tomdayastan178: i really hope tom comes to his senses one day and realizes that you’re not the one 😬
you saw people who were true fans tell the haters to mind their business, but some part of you couldn’t help but think that they were right.
outside the bedroom door, you heard the boys hoop and holler over the soccer game that was on the tv. all of them shouting at different players and cheering whenever their team made a goal. after the game was over, tom had made his way to your shared bedroom.
he opened the door,”that game was crazy!”
you looked up at him from your phone screen,”did they win?”
he nodded, slipping his jersey off,”yeah, the winning goal was shot with only a few minutes left.”
you smiled and nodded, going back to your phone as you tried your best to ignore what people were saying. you came across tom’s comment, which had a bunch of replies.
tomholland2013: my angel, i love you.
you liked his comment before replying back to his comment with an ‘i love you’. he hopped up on the bed, climbing over you as he watched your eyes scan quickly over words.
“love,” he got your attention,”what’re you reading?”
you shook your head,”nothing. it’s nothing-“
before you could even tell him not to worry about it, he took your phone from your grip. you sighed as he scrolled through the comments, eyebrows furrowed as he read the rude words that his ‘fans’ had been saying to you. his eyes met yours and you gave him a tight lipped smile.
“don’t read anything those people are saying,” he said, locking your phone and tossing it to the side of the bed,”and don’t you dare believe it, either.”
you looked up at him,”it’s easier said than done, tom.”
“i know, trust me,” he said, his hands cupping your face,”i know the real you. those people don’t. the ones who know, they’re the only ones who matter. not someone who’s spending their time posting hate comments instead of doing something better with their life.”
you nodded, sniffling,”but what if they’re right-“
“they’re wrong,” he said sternly,”i will do anything for you to believe me when i say that.”
he wiped the tears that were falling down your cheeks and kissed your forehead. he pressed kisses to your cheeks before kissing your lips softly.
“i love you, more than anything in the world.”
you hugged him tight,”i love you, too.”
you both sat in the comfort of each other for a little while before tom popped up, getting off the bed and motioning for you to give him your hands.
“c’mon, i’ve got the perfect idea.”
you gave him a confused look, but he insisted you follow him. you let him take your hands and he guided you into the bathroom. he held up his index finger to you, a silent way of asking to give him a minute. he walked over to the tub and turned the water on.
“we’re gonna take a bath,” he said,”i’m gonna go get some wine. you pick out a face mask.”
you smiled, letting out a soft giggle as he made his way to the kitchen. you went through your skincare drawer, pulling out 2 sheet masks. you walked over to the tub and turned the water off so it wouldn’t overflow.
he returned with a bottle of red and two wine glasses, a smile on his face.
“ready for a self care sunday?”
you laughed,”sure, tiktok boy.”
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sugako · 3 years
after dinner special
bokuto x f!reader x hinata sum: after seeing the way his teammate looks at you, bokuto comes up with a plan to help all parties cw: 18+ only minors dni i am begging you, established relationship (bokuto x reader), slight manipulation (?? reader/bo make a secret plan to seduce hinata and he wants to so not really but idk what else to tag it as), oral (f!receiving), double pussyjob, nipple play, orgasm denial, D/s, spit roast, unprotected, hinabo if you squint extra hard wc: 4.2k a/n: finally back from the dead with this wayyy overdue fic ive been thinking about/writing for months, no edits or beta bc i'm too impatient and haven't posted in so long
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Above all else, Bokuto was incredibly perceptive to other’s emotions. Among other aspects, that quality had really drawn you to him even if it wasn’t as extraordinarily overt as his confidence and enthusiasm. His perceptiveness didn’t end with you, of course, he was well-connected with his teammates, which meant when he saw the way Hinata’s eyes just barely glazed over when he met you he knew there was something more happening in his head. He watched the burning grow in Hinata after he had witnessed the two of you had, quite obviously, snuck off to another room during a get-together at Meian’s, spit still drying at the corner of your dry, puffy lips a week prior.
Even he wasn’t sure what exactly his plan was as he started up in the locker room a couple weeks later, oversharing every little detail he could recall about your body, namely when it was under him. Ignoring Atsumu and Kiyoomi’s groans for him to stop while Shugo and Oliver snickered to themselves reminiscing about their own escapades from a handful of years ago, he focused on Hinata’s reaction.
Shōyō remained uncharacteristically quiet as he rambled on about how cute your soft tits were, only speaking to quietly excuse himself to the bathroom. He was careful, but not careful enough to hide the tent in his shorts.
Not one to keep a secret, the words came tumbling from his mouth when he burst into your shared apartment.
“I think Hinata likes you!” He managed, tearing off his shoes to stumble into the hallway to wrap you in a tight hug like he did nearly every day.
“I-...what?” You choke, wrapping a tentative arm back around him and peeling away to look at him in the eyes. “What do you mean?”
“Not like… I don’t know, I think he wants to fuck you.” The smile on his face doesn’t waver, only confusing you.
“I’m not sure how to take this.” You deadpan, brows just short of knitting together. “Why…?”
“Well if you would like that I certainly wouldn’t mind.” His teeth graze over your skin as he pecks messy kisses all over your cheeks and neck.
“You wouldn’t mind?” You blankly repeat back, holding his back by his muscled shoulders to make him look you in the eyes. “Because not minding something and wanting something are very different and I just want to make sure whatever we’re about to talk about we’re just being really clear.”
Bokuto inhaled a massive breath, squeezing his eyes shut tight as he collected exactly what he wanted to say to you. Before he could, the smell coming from the kitchen distracted his senses, leaving him to weakly exhale and blink his eyes open. “Talk over dinner?”
The long talk over the dinner table was eventually fruitful. After he collected himself and stuffed his rumbling stomach, Bokuto was better able to explain what he had seen in Hinata. It made you recall every time you had seen him and you would be lying if you said you didn’t see it too. He wasn’t exactly a subtle person.
When it came down to it, you certainly weren’t opposed. Bokuto certainly seemed interested in the prospect of sharing you, especially with his favorite prodigy as he liked to class him. You recognized that Hinata was attractive and you had to admit that the concept of being squished between the two thick, bubbly men was alluring as long as he was truly interested.
Before the full invitation to come over for dinner - specially prepared by you - had even slipped from Bokuto’s mouth, Hinata was eagerly accepting. Part of you dreaded the entire ordeal, anxieties bubbling up about the lead up and the talking beforehand that you had foolishly agreed to do most of. Over dinner you stayed a little quieter than usual, trying to gauge Hinata’s expression and body language.
When he politely excuses himself to use the restroom after finishing, Bokuto grabs your hand across the table, rubbing a thumb over your knuckles.
“If you’re nervous we can stop right here.” He whispers, grinning softly.
You can’t help but smile back, shaking your head. “No, I’m okay,” you assure him, “I am a little nervous, but I really want to.”
He opens his mouth to say something else, but is cut off by the sound of the bathroom door closing and the soft pad of Hinata’s feet down the hallway. Clearing your throat, you give a reassuring smile to Bokuto, and stand to face where Hinata soon pops out of.
“Hinata, would you-”
“Shōyō is fine!” He interjects. “Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“That’s fine,” you smile, ghosting your hand down his arm and resting your palm against his elbow. “Shōyō, would you mind helping me wash up in the kitchen. I feel bad asking the guest, but Kōtarō has something for you and you’ll get to it faster if I finish this.”
Hinata can feel his heart pounding behind his rib cage so hard he worries you can hear his pulse reverberating. You look so sweet with those pleading eyes staring at him, the warm touch of your fingertips sending heat to his chest.
“Of course, I don’t mind.” He nods, letting you lead him a room away to the kitchen.
“Great, thank you, this is such a big help.” You grin while placing the dirty dishes in the sink before you and handing him a dry towel. “You can just dry and put them in the cabinet in front of you.”
“Okay,” he says quietly, eyeing down your low-cut shirt as you squeeze your arms together and lean down to grab the first bowl. His eyes roll to the back of his head when you turn the tap on a little too fast and water splashes all over the front of your thin, pale dress, making the black lacy bra underneath pop.
“Whoops!” You exclaim, smiling a little too happily, feeling how his feet shift beside you. “This tap is a little loose, I always get messy and wet trying to do anything.”
He has to bite down hard on the inside of his cheek to keep from groaning, glad that your gaze is in the sink and not on his flushed face. He doesn’t want to feel this way about his friend’s girlfriend, but it’s so hard when you’re standing so close - did you take a step toward him? when did your hip start brushing against his? - and you look so pretty.
“So, Shōyō…” you start, handing him another dish, “Kōtarō talks about you a lot, you know.”
“Really?” His voice is pitched and strained, stopping short of choking on his own words.
“Yeah, he thinks you’re great. He was so excited when you joined the team. He, uh, he pays attention, a lot more than some people give him credit for.”
Hinata nods, carefully placing the bowl in the cupboard. “He’s great, I’ve always loved watching him play.”
“He’s fun to watch,” you agree, “You know he thinks….actually, can I just ask what your type is?” The words tumble out quickly as you try to gain confidence, a small bit of worry creeping into the back of your head.
“My type?” He repeats back, pausing in his drying motions. “I don’t know if I really have one. Just anyone I feel good with. Why?” When he turns to look at you again you’re turned to face him, a small smile lighting up your features.
“That’s a good way to look at things. I only ask because, well Kōtarō seems to think you have some kind of interest in me.” You force the words to come out casually, keeping your eyes on him. Hinata sputters and chokes on his own words, the way your hand comes down over his doing absolutely nothing to help him compose himself. “There’s no good way to say this, but he was thinking you could, uh well take what you’ve been thinking about, if you want to.”
Taking a deep swallow, he took a short deep breath to clear his mind. “And what do you think?”
Tension dissipates from your body at his question. “I think I would like you to do whatever you want. Touch me, kiss me, anything. Only if you want to.”
His fists clench and unclench again, gears turning in his head as he realizes this was planned. All those stories Bokuto told, the glint in his eyes for the past few weeks, the way you put yourself on display for him all night with that sly little smirk - it was all part of some plan. A little worried voice in the back of his head told him this was too good to be true. But you were offering yourself up to him, angled forward so your tits would pop and watching him so carefully as though he were a scared animal ready to run, and he knew it had to be true.
The timid, apprehensive look he had been sporting slowly drained from his face, replaced with a much more confident and delighted one. His hands moved from his sides to dig into your waist, lifting you up onto the counter behind you.
“Don’t tease me.” He whispers hoarsely, lips ghosting over the pulse of your throat. The loose dress Bokuto had purposefully picked out for you to wear for the evening rode up as Hinata settled his thick body between your welcoming knees.
“I’m not,” you pant, “Kōtarō really wanted this.”
A shuddered sigh comes from his chest as he rests his head against your shoulder, just barely kissing the soft spot between your neck and shoulder. You fidget restlessly, trying to pull his still body closer to no avail.
“Wanna know he wants this.” He says eventually. “I trust you, I just…”
“No, no, I get it.” You say a little too abruptly, fishing around for where your phone was tossed onto the counter. With shaky hands you hurried to click it open, immediately going to your messages, scrolling to the most recent chat with Bokuto where he depicted how much he wanted to see you fucked out on his and Hinata’s cocks in vivid detail. You push the phone into his hand. “You can scroll wherever, he mentioned it before that one’s just… yeah.”
“Oh, wow.” He breathes, glancing through a few other messages from earlier in the week. Gently, he sets the phone down beside you before pulling your hips to the edge of the counter. His lips collide with the base of your throat knocking the air right from you.
You wind your fingers up in his hair as he pressed harsh kisses straight down your front, his rough hands pushing the skirt of your dress up even higher, leaving the tops of your thighs completely exposed. He keeps journeying lower until his cheek is flush to the hem of your panties. When his nose presses up against the slowly growing damp patch leaking his shoulders heave as though to hold himself back.
“And he doesn’t want us to wait up…?”
Truthfully, you didn’t know completely. Bokuto had asked to make some kind of subtle move on Hinata in private, he figured it would be less stressful for the both of you, but he hadn’t said how far to go with him, and you weren’t really sure what he was doing in some other part of the house, and Hinata’s fingers were so hot against your skin…
“No, it’s fine.” You pant, desperation evident in your voice. He doesn’t need much more, hand moving to pull the stretchy fabric you had purposefully worn to the side, his wide tongue darting out to lap up the wetness seeping from you.
With an aching whine, you lean into his touch, massaging his head and bringing him closer to you with every burning second that passes. Not that you had expected him to be inexperienced by any means, but you hadn’t expected him to be so good. He was loud, moaning against your cunt as he buried his tongue inside of you, nose tapping against your pleading clit.
The sound of your breathy whimpers and the loud slurping squelches drowned out the steps coming down the hall or the kitchen door swinging open. Bokuto stood there for a moment with a small smile, admiring how pretty you looked like this, even if he wished it were him, but he couldn’t let the moment pass him by.
“Puppy,” he sighed. The first syllable was enough to make Hinata pop off of you and stumble back to turn around, eyes hazy and drunken of the taste of you. Ignoring the hardened look in Bokuto’s eyes, you pouted sweetly, spreading your legs a little more to let him see your soiled panties.
“You’re being greedy, don’t you think, puppy? Going ahead without me like that.” He imitates you with a fake pout, the look never quite meeting his blazing eyes. You can feel what’s coming and make no more attempt to argue. Hinata is taking in the interaction, still halfway in his own daze. “She’s great, huh, Shōyō? Pretty little pussy and she makes the best noises, especially when she’s crying for your cock.”
Hinata swallows hard, absentmindedly palming over his pants where he’s quickly grown half-hard. “Yeah, she’s, yeah no, uh she’s really great. This is still okay?”
Both of you nod quickly, reassuring him, but you remain silent for now, trying to settle before you know what’s to come.
“Totally okay as long as you’re okay.” Bokuto drops the edge in his tone to carefully watch him for a moment, assessing.
“Completely.” He agrees with a dreamy sigh.
Nodding again, Bokuto approaches the two of you. Refusing to meet his eyes you stare just ahead at the door.
“Oh, don’t look so sad, puppy, you know you’ll get what you want in the end anyway.” He jabs as he scoops you over his shoulder and gives you a gentle pat on the back of your thighs. “Let’s at least go to the living room.”
You glance back at Hinata, mouthing a silent whoops, while Bokuto leads him around the corner. Bokuto plops into the corner of the couch, back propped up by the plush arm, and maneuvering your pliable body to sit comfortably in his lap with your back pulled up flush to his chest. You’re gently pushed forward so he can peel the dress off and unclasp your bra. He’s calm for now, at least on the outside, but you can feel his heart pounding through the thin fabric of his shirt.
“Don’t need these anymore,” he hums, latching his fingers in the sides of your underwear and motioning for you to lift your hips to let him slide them off. Hooking his elbows under your knees, he pulls your thighs to your chest, high enough so that he can palm your breasts. Quietly whining, you turn your head away so you don’t have to look directly up at Hinata - not that he’d notice your face with the way your cunt was glistening under the low, soft lights of the room. “Shh,” he directs at you before glancing back up at Hinata, “go ahead, but don’t let her cum.”
With a warm grin he gets on his knees between Bokuto’s spread legs. You almost felt too exposed, all power taken from your hands, splayed open like this. Bokuto slots his chin against your shoulder and presses the softest kiss to your cheek in stark contrast to the way his rough hands are kneading and pinching your sensitive breasts.
Hinata eagerly gets back to it, lavishing your cunt with softer licks than before, making your hips shake as they seek out more friction. While your neediness grows so too does Bokuto’s grip on you.
“So pretty,” he coos, eyes glued to where Hinata was firmly pressed against you. Pride bloomed in his chest at the sight of his teammate sloppily eating out his favorite girl so enthusiastically, appreciating you so much as he should.
It’s impossible for him to not get rock hard with the way you’re grinding down into his lap and the crude, wet sounds and groans vibrating from the back of Hinata’s throat.
“Taste so good.” Hinata grumbles, pulling back and forcing his tense hips to stop rutting into the couch cushion. He feels himself making a mess in his pants, hoping that he isn’t leaking through to your nice furniture, but he can’t quite bring himself to stop either. Both Bokuto and you watch the string - you’re not sure whether it’s his spit or your own wetness - that stays connected between your slit and his puffy, glossy lips.
“Good...good job.” Bokuto sighs. You’re not sure if he’s praising you or Hinata, but you don’t have much time to think too hard about it before he releases your legs and wedges his hands under between himself and you to pull his straining cock from his pants. Mind buzzing, still a little hazy from the feeling of Hinata’s tongue, you grab out from him, pulling on the band of his pants. Truthfully, he’s not quite sure what you’re asking for but he does know how tight his balls are and how inviting your cunt looks.
Just as Bokuto is settling his cock between your ass, Hinata’s pants are slipped off, thrown to the ground. He dips his head down to take one of your breasts into his mouth, moaning around you and pressing in close so his tip catches against your clit. At your whiny cry and keening, Bokuto lets out a low, single chuckle. “Don’t let her have your cock, not all the way. You were being so greedy earlier puppy, I don’t think you deserve it yet.”
Hinata keeps his mouth firmly planted on your chest and reaches down to perfectly slip himself between the top of your folds, acutely aware of Bokuto’s heavy head just barely bumping against the base of his own cock. They’re both so thick and heavy as they rabidly hump against you, Bokuto maneuvering your body for you back and forth across both of them. Everything is warm and wet between Hinata’s mouth on your chest and Bokuto’s lips kissing down the side of your neck.
The tease of release that’s been creeping up on you for so long draws closer and closer. Hinata’s cock is catching so exactly on your swollen clit and Bokuto’s tip keeps threatening to slip past your entrance, slick dripping past your thighs.
“Gonna, ahg, cu-cum!” You manage out, hips already bouncing on their own accord against them.
“Go ahead.” Bokuto says with a shaky breath, squeezing you as tight as he could between his body and Hinata’s. One more roll of their hips has you crashing down, pleasure rolling through your body. All you can feel is warmth and overwhelming satisfaction as you twitch between their arms, creaming across their cocks. “Good girl, good girl…” you faintly hear Bokuto coo into your ear as you slump back against him.
The buzzing, quiet moment is quickly squashed as he hoists you out of his lap and onto all fours. He’s talking to Hinata and you know you should be listening, but your pussy is still throbbing and you’re trying to catch your breath.
“...okay, baby?” You catch the very end of his sentence and blink hard, desperate to refocus.
“W-wait, what? Sorry, I just-”
“It’s okay, puppy,” he rubs a soothing hand down your back, slowly bringing you back to reality. “Need a second?”
You shake your head, the last of the fog slipping away. Before you, you see Hinata, his rigid cock slicked up by you only a few inches from your face. “I’m okay now, can you just say that again?”
“‘Course,” he grins, teasing your entrance, “I said I’m going to take your pretty pussy from back here and Shōyō is going to use your mouth. If you want.”
Wiggling your hips back to meet his and craning your neck up to look at Hinata you give a deft nod.
“I do, I want that.” You sigh.
Trembling with excitement, already so riled up from feeling you cum against him, Hinata shuffles the last bit forward. He’s pretty and much thicker than you had imagined. The tight strain of scattered veins and his heavy balls tell you all you need to know about how pent up he obviously is. Reaching out with palms still a bit shaky, you helped to reel him in the rest of the way with welcoming, parted lips.
You wrapped your fingers tightly around where you couldn’t quite reach, sloppily taking more and more of him with each bob of your head. His salty precum meshed with what was leftover of your own mess, the taste making you moan around his length.
Bokuto was trying to move slower now, recognizing that you were easily slipping, but the way you rocked your body back and forth bumping against his sensitive, reddened tip, he couldn’t hold back much more. Digging his fingers into your hip, he eased the motions of your body, lining himself up, resisting from plowing into you at full force.
“Ready?” He asks, nearly whining. At the sound of his voice, you pull off from Hinata, letting your quickly tiring jaw grow slack.
“Uh-huh.” You barely heave out before wrapping your lips around him again. So sure you can take both at once and not falter, you ramp back up to your original pace, slobbering down his cock, the click of your quick motions echoing around your head. Unfortunately for your ego, you’re dead wrong.
Bokuto wastes no time drilling himself into you, setting a bruising pace straight from the beginning. It’s all you can do to loudly moan around Hinata’s cock, still stuffed in your mouth by the slight pistoning of his hips, the way Bokuto is ramming you forward only forcing him deeper down your throat.
As you gag, sputter, and moan down his length, drool dripping onto the already soiled cushions below, Hinata feels the pressure building and building in his core. Electricity tingles down his limbs, aided by the fucked out look in your pretty eyes. He doesn’t even have to move now with the way Bokuto is railing you against him. He wonders if you realize he’s close when you suck a little tight, cheeks hollowing as you take a little more of him, the hand that had been working his base coming down to lightly hold his swollen balls.
You don’t know. At this point, you’re moving on autopilot, simply trying your best. Your brain doesn’t know where to focus - Hinata filling out your mouth or Bokuto as he purposely alternates between hitting against your spongy spot and deep inside of you. It’s all a mess of spit, sweat, and cum, but you don’t think you’ve felt the rush of pleasure that comes with being used so well by more than one person.
Bokuto doesn’t know how much longer he can last. You’re clamping around, cunt fluttering each time his digs in a little deep or Hinata’s cock twitches against your tongue. He can tell by the scrunched up expression on his friend’s face that he can’t last much longer and he doesn’t blame him. Between fucking against your pussy and being wrapped up in your pretty mouth, no one really could. He’s determined to hold out though, a little spark of competition lighting up his chest. When Bokuto’s strokes suddenly slow you groan again, the vibrations dragging a stuttered moan from Hinata’s pretty lips.
“Gonna, hngh, uh gonna cum.” He sputters out, hips quivering as he tries to hold back from fucking too far back into your throat. At that, Bokuto’s hips speed up again, forcing a little whimpered cry, muffled by the cock in your mouth, from you. Still, you force yourself to focus on Hinata, sucking him dry as soon as the first spurt of cum hits the back of your throat.
He cums fast and hard and a lot. It’s seeping out from your lips, making him messier than he already was until he’s pulling his softening length from your mouth and flopping back against the couch, gently rubbing your arm while he catches his breath. With a heavy grin, Bokuto shoves a hand between your shoulder blades, knocking you into Hinata’s lap. Somewhat in vain, you try to clean him off between the pitchy mewls and cries that you breathe out while Bokuto chases his own release.
In no time, he’s there again, his own pressure built up as high as it could just before he burst inside of you. He fucks himself raw, your tight hole sucking him in, his cum only making it easier to slip in and out of you. Knowing he’ll finish when he’s completely spent, you lie limp in Hinata’s lap and he lazily wraps a hand around the back of your neck, soothing the leftover tension. You recognize Bokuto’s nearly done when his cock stops twitching and his hips slot against yours with some finality just before he slumps over you.
Whining when he slips out, even soft his cock is still a tight squeeze, you fall all the way against the couch, legs giving out at last. He falls back against the back, moving your legs to sit on top of his thighs and massaging them with great care. Completely spent and drifting half-asleep you just barely hear him.
“So,” he starts, head lolling toward Hinata who’s still lightly working his fingers against your upper back, “Dinner next week?”
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realcube · 4 years
haikyuu!! characters with a chubby! s/o 💗
characters: tsukishima, oikawa, atsumu, osamu & suna
thank you anon for this cute request 🥺
tw// comfort, fluff, angst if you squint, insecure! reader, swearing, they/them reader but reader wears a dress (in osamu’s)
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(a/n): anon requested comfort but i feel bad bc i’m writing this like ‘no, (y/n)! stop being sad! you’re beautiful! 😡’ then i remember that i can just select+delete the pain away💗💖
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Kei Tsukishima
let’s not pretend like tsukki gives a fuck what you look like tbh ✋
like nobody is ‘perfect’ and everyone is insecure (to varying degrees) so why would he care about your weight?
nobody ticks every single box to meet society’s definition of ‘beauty’  
plus, tsukki thought beauty standards were stupid away so he created his own - and you meet every single one 💖
in fact, almost everyone meets his beauty standards - besides himself ‘:)
he seriously doesn’t care about your weight tbh, it’s the most trivial thing so why would he care?
although, he wasn’t naïve enough to think that everyone was like-minded
your front of ‘i don’t care about what other people think of me’ was strong enough to fool even the most observant of poeple, including tsukki
however, tsukishima failed to take into consideration that you were his girlfriend, meaning that you could be playing the same game as him; ‘pretend to not care about superficial things like beauty so nobody will think for a second that you are insecure about your body’
he wasn’t one to give compliments but neither were you tbh so the mutual agreement y’all have of ‘let’s call each other names as a form of endearment to avoid those awkward moments were you are looking for the right words for praise but can’t come up with anything’  was fair
but after you accidentally sent him a self-deprecating ‘joke’ message that was clearly meant for a friend, he never passed up the opportunity to compliment you ever again
like he kinda just stared at the message like 😮 ‘does (y/n) seriously care about their weight? why? it doesn’t even matter. how stupid! who told them that the shape of their body is important? bc it’s not..’
then he turns to look in the mirror like ‘wow you srsly need to put on muscle, lanky bitch. or else (y/n) will probably leave you for some built jackass like kuroo. pick up some weights, noodle arms!’
anyway, he’s not too good with words and comfort in situations like these but he’ll probably reply to your text with something out-of-character and surprisingly sweet
to paraphrase (bc the actual text would probably be like a whole damn persuasive essay LMAO he starts with the introduction, makes five points and finishes with a conclusion pfft) , i think it would be something like: ‘hey, (y/n). ik that text was probably meant for one of your friends (but if they’re the ones making you feel bad about your weight then you should probably drop those toxic cunts anyway 💅✨) but i just wanted to say that even though you are the biggest clown i’ve ever met (/j) you’re still v beautiful 💗 stop being insecure or i’ll pass away ⚰💀 ok thx love you bye’
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Tōru Oikawa
how are you insecure if you’re dating oikawa? /j
like he is such a hypeman
whenever y’all take pics in your ✨fancy outfits ✨ for formal event, he acts as though you are second most beautiful thing on the face of this earth 😍 (second to him ofc)
but he only does that so he can keep up the reputation he has of being effortlessly confident bc he’s scared that if it slips for even a second, everyone will see how truly insecure he is
truthfully, in his eyes, you come first place by miles (❤ ω ❤)
like srsly, you’re so gorgeous in that dress!! he hopes that you know that he is joking about the whole ‘second place’ thing bc you should be able to tell by the way he looks at you that you’re genuinely the most striking person he’s ever laid his eyes on 
you never acted overly confident in front of him but he definitely didn’t think you were as insecure as you are
he thought you were just..humble :)
sometimes he’d hear you mutter something mean about yourself as you passed the mirror but he paid no mind to it as he figured that you just cared about your appearance and wanted to maintain a certain image
however, once he was made aware that you didn’t want to maintain your image but rather, change it - he never let you murmur anything nasty about yourself under your breath ever again, not without proceeding to tackle you to the ground and shower you with his love, affection & praise 💞💕❤
and he never made a ‘second place’ joke ever again, he started his honesty streak by reassuring you that you’ll always be the number one in his eyes 🤩
also, after that, he was a lot more open about his own insecurities with you and you made sure to respect them and help him in a similar way that he did
there is just so much love and admiration between the two of you and at first you were both to shy to express it but now, you both are showering each other in compliments 24/7 bc you both just want the other one to know how perfect you view them as (❁´◡`❁)
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Atsumu Miya
atsumu is a hypeman like oikawa but...better :)
he’ll compliment you on anything you wear and he makes it a point to use the most inappropriate compliment as possible, relative to the outfit you’re wearing
so if you’re wearing your pyjamas, he’ll call you ‘glamourous’
if you are wearing a swimsuit, he’ll call you ‘elegant’
if you’re in your work clothes/school uniform, he’ll call you ‘sexy’
and if you’re in lingerie, he’ll call you ‘adorable’
but it makes you blush so hey, no complaints
so when he finds out that you’re actually insecure about your weight, he’s just like ‘no ❤’
like he hates the idea that when you look in the mirror, you don’t see the god(dess) he sees
like why? it’s the same person
💞 fuck ‘perception’ 💞
💕 ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ TF YOU ARE THE FUCKING BEAUTY💕
grrr he was so mad  
but he was also soft 
he was like ‘if (y/n) insecure? then why hot? then why pretty? then why fit perfectly into my arms?’
plus, THIGHS
he’d never diss a person bc they had small thighs or anything BUT he’d also NEVER complain about being given the chance to be with someone with some good thighs 👍
tbh the best could do to help was compliment you ten times harder to eliMINATE ALL YOUR INSECURIES 
(and ofc i don’t mean that in a way - for example - if you’re insecure about your nose, he’ll fkn chop it off......he won’t chop your nose off LMAO he’ll just show you how much he loves it, to the point where you have no choice but to love it too ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ )
anyway, plz love (or at least, tolerate) yourself or else he’ll suffocate you with all his love and affection :D
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Osamu Miya
osamu is at a loss when it comes to typical beauty standards tbh
to him, weight (and most things) are similar to..hand size, for example
just like how you can’t imagine someone feeling self-conscious about the size of their hand (especially if their hand is a healthy size) 
he can’t imagine why some one would be shamed for their weight (especially if they’re a healthy size)
so had no idea you could possibly be insecure about something like that and he probably on realised after a few years in the relationship 😅
there was a formal event coming up and y’all were going as dates so you wanted to shop for outfits together 
as couples do ✌
anyway, he was on a dress site, scrolling away until you pointed out one that you thought was pretty - and it matched the color of the tie osamu bought too!
it was a fair price (for a formal dress 🙄 which is probably like $68/50) so osamu was like ‘buy it then ( •̀ ω •́ )✧’  bc he thought it would so gorgeous on you 
but you were like ‘no’
and after he pried further, you explained how you thought it wouldn’t ‘suit your body type’ 
but like deadass it’s not your blood type-  it’s just a thing ppl made up to make ppl (mostly women) feel bad about themselves for no reason
but that might just be his inner atsumu talking 🤷‍♂️
he didn’t even know what to say at first- he was just like ????? body type ????
but once he figured out what you meant, he still had no idea what to say- at least, without sounding rude
what if someone came up to you and told you they were insecure about the shape of their knee.......what do you even say???
so he was silent for like the rest of the day
you decided to give him some space just in case something happened which had upset him
he had no idea what to say, in all honesty, so he hoped that his actions spoke louder than words 
around 3 days had passed since you last spoke to osamu and you were beginning to think something you had said made him uncomfortable
you were studying in your room until there was a ring at your door so you rushed downstairs and you opened it to reveal a package sitting on your doormat
you had recently ordered some cleaning equipment so you were sure that the content of the package was probably that
so imagine your surprise when you tear it open to reveal  — you guessed it —  the dress 💕
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Rintarō Suna
when he says that he doesn’t care what ppl look like, he means it
he upkeeps his own appearance though bc..it’s his!
like why would he care about what weight you are? that’s none of his business
as you can tell, he’s generally not shallow but sometimes when y’all are just cuddling and your face is pressed to his chest, the words ‘you’re so cute’ just fall from his lips
so ofc he appreciates compliments over his skills, personality, humour etc over flattery about his appearance 
hence, the praise he gives you is usually based around those things too bc he just thinks that you’re just like him in the fact you don’t appreciate skin-deep comments
so when he found out that you’re actually insecure about your weight (or something else), he kinda blames himself
he thinks that the whole reason you’re not extremely confident in your appearance is all due to him and the fact he fact he maybe didn’t compliment you on your looks enough  — but that’s not to say that he doesn’t think you’re beautiful 
you’re the most radiant person he’s ever laid his eyes on and he thought you knew that regardless of whether he vocalised it or not
he wasn’t really sure what to do tbh
bc he loved you and wanted to comfort you ofc but he was scared of making things worse
like what if something he says accidentally makes you so upset that you break-up with him 😭
but he knew he couldn’t just stay silent about the issue, especially when he wanted to say to much
thus, he sent you a heartfelt message on discord 
(rather than snap, whatsapp etc so he could edit it after he posts it bc knowing him, he’ll probably write something, reread it ten times then as soon as he hits send, he spots a bunch of mistakes)
and he’d explain how you’re simply divine regardless of your insecurity and if anything, it just makes you cuter 😍
ok ok so i really don’t want it so seem like he has a fetish bc HE DOESN’T 
but he think your curves are so fun and pretty ❤ 
like everything about you is pretty but suna just can’t comprehend why you’re insecure about something like your weight when he literally adores it (bc he adores everything about you) 
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oinkawa-bb · 4 years
first time dads!haikyuu pt.2
request: Hi! I just read your Haikyuu as first time dads and it's so cute! Would you mind writing another one with Iwaizumi, Suna, Atsumu and Osamu? I'm looking forward to seeing more of your writing. Have a nice day! -anon
note: thank u lovely anon for being my first request!!🥺❤️ i enjoyed writing this and i hope you enjoy reading it uwu <33 i really hope i did the inarizaki characters justice b/c i’ve just recently gotten to know them!! owo here is dad!iwa, suna, atsumu, osamu 
mentions/topics: pregnancy, domesticity, timeskip, female reader insert
part one (daichi, kuroo, oikawa)
part three (tsukki, akaashi, yams, kenma)
☀︎—hajime iwaizumi
iwa and you have been trying for months
and he’s been super supportive and comforting when each test comes back negative :/
but this one day, you feel different
and he’s sitting on the ground outside the bathroom door just trying to offer positive affirmations bc he’s waiting for you to finish taking the test
but when the door opens, he sees your face and just knows
you don’t even need to say anything bc he already has a HUGE grin on his face and is pulling you in for a hug
he definitely kneels down to plant kisses on your tummy
your attempts to stop him don’t work they never do
soon to be dad iwa is super protective and cautious
definitely feels most comfortable when he can hold or touch you some way when in public
he likes to place his hand gently around your waist or he’ll grip your hand if there’s crowds
sometimes he’s a little too firm in his affection, and you have remind him to lighten up to which he becomes a lil flustered
“hajime...i can’t feel my hand,,”
but when you do go into labor, he whips out this midwife-like knowledge out of nowhere
similar to daichi, iwa became super well informed by researching a lot (but just in secret, you really had no clue)
he watched videos, read through other people’s experiences, and asked a bunch of people for their input
and now he’s super helpful to you through your contractions in the car and at the hospital
he’s calm and firm, supporting you physically to the hospital and emotionally through the labor
but when iwa’s baby finally makes their appearance
he just becomes all ushy-gushy and weak with watery eyes
his hands are pressed together and placed at his mouth in awe when he finally sees you hold his child
and then when he finally gets to hold the baby,
boy oh boy
iwaizumi actually cries a lot more than either of you expected
he’s so smitten with his newborn, and he can’t stop internally & externally praising your strength for carrying and birthing his child 
like he sees you in a totally different light, and he thought it was impossible but he’s fallen even more in love with you now
and he can’t wait to take care of his new family🥺
☀︎—suna rintarou
suna definitely didn’t see this coming,,,
but nonetheless when he processes the meaning behind the bun you placed in the oven, he doesn’t feel anything but sheer excitement
suna’s actually wanted to have children with you for awhile
but he’s never admitted it out loud uwuwuwu
he holds you firmly in his arms and caresses your hair gently for a long time, and you have to ask him if everything’s ok🥺
but it’s literally because he’s lowkey tearing up and at a loss for words
after a few moments tho, he collects himself and slowly presses light kisses all over your face
“i’m just really happy.”
at night, he refuses to sleep when he knows that you’re struggling to sleep due to discomfort
so he’ll lay awake with you and mumble mindlessly about the future he sees with you until both of you doze off
sometimes he just sees you standing at the counter or something and he can’t resist bc ur just so cute!!!!
he’ll quietly come in for a back hug,,,
and he’ll place his chin on your head and his arms around your belly and close his eyes and just stand there for as long as he wants until... 
”rin.... i need to pee”
he’ll let go then probably
but when the day finally comes, his mind is literally all over the place and he’s trying to be calm on the outside
in the car, your breathing is getting heavier and sharper, and he’s lowkey a little panicked but he won’t stop reassuring you for one second
“hey, look at me, you’re okay, it’s gonna be okay”
he’s definitely in pain himself seeing you in labor,
but he’ll be by your bedside, gently holding your hand and letting you squeeze his as hard as you need to
but it’s all worth it when he gets to see his baby with his own eyes,,
when he sees you cooing softly and holding his dear child against your chest, silent tears fall out of his eyes
suna swears he’s never seen a more beautiful sight than this
☀︎—atsumu miya
atsumu comes home from an exhausting day of work, 
and right as he walks through the door, he’s whining your name, about to ramble about practice...
but then he sees a tiny pair of volleyball shoes at the front,,,
and he’s like... o w o
even though he’s tired out of his mind, his brain works quickly, and he’s connecting the dots in his head
you’re just standing there at the end of the hallway all giggly n cute
he raises his eyebrow and then his sly smile turns into a huge one as he runs up to you,
he clutches your face in his hands and is peppering kisses all over you to the point where you have to physically pry him away
basically immediately, atsumu starts using little nicknames for the baby, but they change almost every day LOL
he also definitely downloaded the pregnancy tracking app (even though? you already have one? and it’s unnecessary for him to have it too? he doesn’t care tho)
he checks it every day before work, lets you know what size the baby is, and kisses your bump aka his angel/nugget/muffin/dumpling/etc. before leaving
“y/nnnn my lil’ angel is the size of a bell pepper today”
“atsumu... i know.. i already checked”
atsumu also boasts so much when he’s sharing the news with his teammates and family members
like osamu was somewhat looking forward to being an uncle until atsumu hit him with the daily updates of your cravings and symptoms and how the baby kicked when he placed his hand on your belly and on and on
but he also just wants to make you feel hella loved and wanted during your pregnancy
he can sense that your body image and self-esteem sometimes takes a major hit
so it’s not uncommon for him to be showering you in compliments nonstop
but honestly it’s also just because he thinks ur even hotter... if that was possible....
this is embarassing but i feel like he has you saved as “hot mama” in his phone or smth
and then the day arrives, and the whole drive there, he’s going “oh shit” in his head over and over but he’s playing this cool demeanor on the outside
actually, this carries over into the hospital too, but he just decides that he’ll do whatever he can to pamper the hell out of you & make you feel less uncomfortable
upon first sight of the baby,
there’s no other words to describe how he feels other than his heart just melting on the spot. 
it’s game over for him because he knows that he’ll literally do anything for you and this precious baby now
anything. (prepare to be spoiled rotten)
☀︎—osamu miya
osamu returns from work one day,
and you’re just at the stove cooking, so he comes up behind you, snaking a hand up the bottom of your shirt to caress your bare waist while whispering his greeting in your ear
but then you wince when he touches your stomach
and he’s like “oh?”
he’s super puzzled so he intently observes you as you bite your lip and start to blush
“i was going to tell you this over dinner but i just can’t hold it in,”
osamu kind of already knows where this is headed but he watches as you reach for your back pocket and pull out a pregnancy test neatly tucked in a ziploc bag
he’s been waiting for this moment to come his whole life (osamu a sucker for domesticity imo) so he’s literally internally screaming for joy!!!
but outwardly his smile conveys it all, and he’s chuckling as he pulls you close by the waist to plant a kiss to your lips
during your pregnancy, osamu becomes overwhelmingly nurturing
it’s almost like you’re the baby ???
like he cooks even more for you and is always whipping something up asap when you mention your cravings
what if he made onigiri with the foods you crave as the filling
he does research on ways to quell nausea and discomfort and goes out to buy herbs and ingredients that would make you feel better
basically, he wants to take the best care of you possible my baby
at night, he’s going to let you use him in any way to sleep better
most of the times, you want him pressed against your back and his head nuzzling your neck
he whispers soft and sweet declarations of his love for you and the baby when he thinks you’re asleep you’re not
ok but when the day comes,,,
osamu is just so ready for the baby to arrive that he’s as cool and collected as ever
you’re definitely not tho, and he can sense it, so he’ll find every way to calm you down
meaning,,, he’ll play calming spa music in the hospital room, massage your lower back, gently repeat encouraging affirmations, etc, etc.
osamu takes care of you so well uwuwuwu
and when the baby makes an appearance, you bet osamu leaps to dad duty right away
he’s emotional but clear-minded, and he’s already mentally planning his life with you back at home with the baby🥺
he can see the future with you and this sweet baby for eternity and he’s so ready <3333
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sunatooru · 3 years
Hhi!! I have an emergency request and I hope this isn’t too much, if it is feel free to ignore! Plus TW: ED!
Can I get Tsukishima + Yamaguchi (separately) with a s/o who is regularly loud and bubbly but then one day they come in really tired and quiet. They ask them what’s wrong but reader says it’s nothing. Turns out they haven’t been eating for the past few days and possibly has a ed. (Specifically Anorexia)
If you don’t wanna write this and if you’re uncomfortable with this topic then I understand bc it’s a touchy subject! and you don’t need to answer it.
Stay safe dear!!🤍🤍
Heyy, sorry this took some time to write and don’t worry I don’t find it uncomfortable. I hope these help and know you can always talk to me if you want. Stay safe xx
Warning: reader has eating disorder (anorexia), mentions missing meals and weight gain/loss, low mood
* He’s never been a person who liked loud people so when you got a little quite he was a little confused but said nothing
* But soon he started to miss the way you would jump and squeal around him
* It was so strange because the last time you both spoke it was ‘normal’, so he’s concerned
* He watches you flick through your phone uninterestedly, not poking him to look at a meme you found, just a blank expression on your face
* He clears his throat to get your attention
* “Why are you being weird? What’s wrong?” He didn’t mean it in a rude way but your lack of enthusiasm was worrying
* When you tell him it’s nothing, he doesn’t believe you
* He kisses his teeth and stares at you
* “It’s not nothing. You don’t have to tell me but if something is wrong, I can try to help.” He taps his finger patiently, watching you bite the inside of your cheek
* His eyes are wide when you tell him about your recent eating habits
* He clenches his jaw so hard as you tell him about the meals you’re missing, the reflection you see in the mirror, they way you restrict yourself from gaining more weight
* He wants to shake you, angry that you’re feeling this way and he hasn’t noticed
* He watches as a few tears slip down your face as your body shakes a little
* “Come here...please.” It shocked him when his own voice cracked
* He wraps his arms around you when fall into him
* “Why do you feel like this? Did something happen? I- you have to eat. I’m not saying you have to eat a lot but you can’t survive without nothing. It’s not healthy...I don’t want to lecture you...but...please, I don’t want you to feel like this. I miss you and your loudness and touchiness and just you.” He mumbles
* “We can get through this. I’ll be here for you. You’re beautiful the way you are and if anyone says anything, they’re just stupid.” He rubs your back , sighing as he thinks of ways you help you if you let him
* “I know I can’t help you overnight but I’ll try. I love you, ok?” He kisses your forehead, letting you hold him as much as you want
* He loves how bubbly you are, feels so happy when you smile at him and excitedly talk to him with your hands moving around
* So when he sees you the next day, barely smiling or telling him about the latest episode of your show, he’s a little worried
* He tries his best to talk to you, hoping that maybe you were just tired and will soon bounce back
* But it’s doesn’t work
* He asks you if anything is wrong but you just shake off and reply with “nothing”
* The rest of the day is quiet, only a few hums from you when he asks you something
* He smiles to himself as he brings you a snack whilst you lay on his bed
* “Hey, look! It’s your favourite!” He waves it around, but his smile drops when he sees you face
* “Uh- did you want something else? I can go and get it! Wait, no don’t get upset...” he slowly creeps towards you
* He watches the way your curls up, arms wrap around yourself, soft sobs leaving your body
* “Can- can I hug you?” He asks and you let him
* “Please tell me what’s wrong...” so you do
* He feels his heart beat super fast, eyes bunched up as he realised he hadn’t seen you eat today
* “When did this start? Why didn’t I realise...I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s made you feel there’s something wrong with your weight or that you need to change but I think you look amazing. What can I do to make you feel better?” He rushes out, his hair tickling your neck as he buries his head there
* “I’m here for you. I think you’re very beautiful and I love everything about you. I just want you to be happy. Well get through this, together.” He kisses your cheek and squeezes you tighter
* Spends the rest of the day kissing you and cuddling with you
* Holds you hand when it comes to eating, not forcing you to do anything but smiles when you slowly get back to yourself
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