#didn't think to just give her the talkie and leave
monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
https://www.tumblr.com/emirrart/619196026536001536/thank-u-discord?source=share but with Roxy. That's it that's the thought.
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Roxy and her fun gender in scribbly comic form for you
Bonus: Freddy doesn't get it at all lmao
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oatmilk-vampire · 8 months
mdni 18+ part 2(technically prequel)
When Eddie Munson came back from the dead, it didn't phase Robin too much. After all, it wasn’t the first time someone in Hawkins had seemed to come back from the dead. Just look at Will!
It was an accident. She let herself into Steve's place with the spare key he had given her. In her defense he wasn't answering the phone!
She only meant to walk in on Steve, she'd heard running water and didn’t care what she might see in the bathroom. He was practically her brother and she needed to demand ask him to give her a ride to the bookstore, she'd gotten word from Dustin via walkie-talkie that Vicki is there and she thought it'd be a great meet-cute if the two of them reached for the same book, which she would definitely make happen.
But then she walked in on Eddie when he was brushing his teeth, brushing his fangs. Now that wasn’t normal.
She had a momentary freak out while Eddie desperately tried to calm her down with his placating gestures and toothpaste foam dripping down his chin.
Eventually she heard his words and came to the conclusion that if Eddie had been back for a month already and none of their friends were dead, and the news hadn't reported any strange animal attacks, she must be safe. He must not be a bad vampire.
That didn't stop her from pushing her way to Steve's bedroom to find him peacefully napping without a hair out of place.
She closes his door much more carefully than she threw it open.
Steve may be fine but that didn't stop her from threatening Eddie saying she'd find out what exactly would kill a vampire if he even thought of snacking on anyone she cared about. Especially her platonic soulmate Steve.
They'd survived too much just for Steve to die by way of juicebox.
He assured her he'd never hurt anyone, especially Steve.
She thinks she believes him. After all, Steve and Eddie had seemingly gotten closer since Eddie returned from the dead. She wasn't sure if Steve just finally found another friend his own age, or if he may finally be giving into the glaringly obvious bi-tendencies he had. Either way, he hasn't seemed like he's been in any danger lately. He actually seemed the most happiest she's ever seen him. Maybe it's because he hasn't been getting rejected by every young woman in Hawkins? Then again, she hasn't seen him flirt either... Unless it was when Eddie came to the store to pick up a movie... Hmm.
When she realizes Steve won't be able to drive her she leaves in a huff, deciding she'd just ask Nancy to take her to the bookstore. Eddie offered, but she declined.
If Eddie was there while Steve was sleeping, then he must be expecting him to be there when he awakens. Whatever the nature of their relationship may be, she didn’t want to jeopardize Steve finally being happy.
What she didn’t know was Eddie had been snacking on Steve just fifteen minutes before she'd barged in and was washing the evidence from his mouth. He'd been snacking on Steve for just over two weeks now.
That's how their little friends with benefits arrangement began. Eddie got to eat without needing to hunt or steal from the blood blank, and Steve got off.
It's not Steve's fault he liked being drank from, liked the way Eddie’s lips felt on his neck and fangs buried in his skin.
Originally it was an innocent offer on Steve's part. He was more concerned it would hurt the way the truth serum injection did when he was being interrogated by the Russians a few years ago, or like the sharp bite of the demobats themselves; but instead of fainting when Eddie latched on, Steve popped a boner.
Maybe with all of the concussions he's endured he got a couple screws knocked loose, maybe that's why he gets horny just thinking about Eddie drinking from him.
Eddie doesn't mind it one bit. Sure he was worried with that initial gasp Steve let out, but now that he knows it was a good kind of breathlessness he drinks to his heart's content and allows Steve to rut against him to his heart's content. If Steve doesn't finish while Eddie is drinking he'll give him a handjob until he does. It's a pretty good arrangement even if it does leave Eddie hard in his jeans.
It's not that Eddie doesn't want to do more with Steve, he just doesn't trust himself to drink from Steve and be intimate at the same time; and he's too nervous to just try to be intimate with him sans feeding.
What if Steve isn't into Eddie like that? What if he's really just in it for the assisted masturbation and the moment Eddie makes a move this'll all end?
Eddie doesn't want that. He can't. He can't go back to drinking the gamey blood of animals that leaves him feeling more sick than nourished, or acting like a felon to score pints to stock his fridge, which he can't really do either since he refuses to tell Uncle Wayne in fear of sending the poor man into cardiac arrest.
Plus Steve is the best thing he's ever tasted. Better than any sweet, or any food eaten after getting the munchies. Steve is delectable. He's the best high. Plus Eddie likes being able to give Steve his own little high. An orgasm only he could give him. It does wonders for the ego.
Eddie wants more from Steve but he's too selfish to risk losing him for the better of them.
It's okay, though, because he gets a part of Steve no one else will ever have and that's enough for him.
For now.
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redacteddoesstuff · 13 days
Inanimate Insanity S2Episode 16 Spoilers (again)
So, I have an theory that the contests aren't gone gone. Most devices store deleted files in the trash, where they're in a state that can't be accessed but can be recovered.
This scene with Mic and Soap is practically begging you to draw that parallel.
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That's probably how Mephone will get them back. Also, I refuse to believe that they're just dead forver.
Speaking of death I wonder how dough and bow fit into this. I can probably excuse dough as he was brought into the show midgame, but that still leaves bow. Because if she was created by mephone then that means that Mephone not only has the ability to create living people but also souls (or at least the closest alternative).
Also, is Mephone even aware that he can do that. Because that leaves two alternatives, 1 Mephone does know what he's doing and just didn't tell anyone or 2 he doesn't know and was doing it subconsciously. I personally am leaning towards the latter.
If we go off of what Cobs says here and how Mephone reacts then we can assume that he doesn't know. Just look at Cobs' face when Mephone says "what". Like he's genuinely surprised that Mephone didn't know what he was talking about.
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Plus, Walkie talkie says some interesting things at the end of s3. When Mephone says that he knows who sent her we can guess that he means cobs, but Walkie Talkie shuts that down immediately. Watching this scene after ep16 shines a whole new blue light on everything. Especially that last line.
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"Whether it's the one's YOU'VE built." She literally says in this line that Mephone created her, how did I not realize sooner. And the "we're all for you." She's being literal again, they contests are FOR him, for his show.
Also him not knowing explains why he assumed that Cobs created and sent her here. It also makes sense why his partnership with springy and why he was so intent on giving Mephone a "better" cast. "One that won't leave him" in his own words. Sure he wanted to make profit, but why would a company be so intent on fulfilling Mephones wishes.
I think that Mephone created springy and Walkie Talkie from his desire to continue the season.
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My final theory for this post is that the egg was used to create Mephone. I also think that extends to Mephone4s as Mephone still has all the same abilities while in 4s' body. I don't have much evidence for that other then it explaining how he's able to do all that.
But you know, that's just a theory, an II theory! (Sorry, I need to say that)
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brbsoulnomming · 1 year
Tell Me Sweet Little Lies Part 13
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | AO3
Eddie wakes up in the morning - or at least, he thinks it's morning, though he guesses he could still be losing track of time, and it might still be the same day. His head lulls automatically to the side, gaze seeking out the hospital bed next to him like it's second nature, and -
Steve's gone.
There's no one there, the bed clean and empty with sheets all tucked and a pillow still in plastic, like no one was ever there in the first place.
Fuck, what if he wasn't there? What if Eddie's doped up brain imagined all of this, giving himself the comfort of a circle of friends that would stay with him in the hospital, that promised they wouldn't leave him and meant it? What if he really is alone now?
His breath is coming in short, desperate gasps, and he recognizes enough to know that he's hyperventilating again - though it feels distant, fuzzy, like it's happening to someone else and he's just observing.
Somewhere through the thick cotton obscuring his ears, he can tell someone is saying his name.
It's Dustin, fuck, he knows that voice, and he knows that means he's not alone, that they're still here with him, but he can't quite seem to get the rest of him on board with that thought, can't make it cut the panic racing through him.
There's a loud squawk by his ear, a hitch-pitched whine of feedback and a rush of static, and that startles him enough to focus in on Dustin urgently asking someone to do what they did before.
"Hey, Eddie, can you hear me?" Steve asks, voice tinny but still there, and Eddie tries not to feel pathetic about how hard he latches onto it. "You're all right, you're safe. You're not alone. We've got you, Eds, everyone's okay. We all made it out, we're all with you."
He keeps up the mantra as Eddie's breathing slowly evens out, as he feels himself settle back into himself. Dustin's sitting next to him, eyes wide and panicked, clutching a walkie-talkie and holding it up close to him as Steve's voice sounds from it.
"I'm-" Eddie starts, then has to swallow a few times around how dry his mouth feels. "I'm here. I'm good. Just - saw your bed empty when I woke up, kind of panicked."
"We've all been there," Steve says. "I got myself discharged a few hours ago - I'm out getting things ready. I'll let Dustin take it from here, okay? See you guys soon."
Eddie hums an affirmative, and Dustin lets go of the walkie, tucks it back into his pocket. There's a moment where Eddie has no idea what the fuck to say, but then Dustin shoots a little smile at him.
"It's okay," he says. "It happens to all of us. We skipped school to be with Will the first time this all happened, and I spent the night at Steve's for a week straight once."
Eddie's eyebrows shoot up. "Your mom let you sleep over at Steve Harrington's place for a week?"
Dustin rolls his eyes. "She loves Steve, it's kind of annoying. I told her he got his concussion defending us from bullies that time, and he needed someone to stay with him and make sure his brain didn't bleed out of his ears in his sleep."
There's a pause, and then the kid's eyes go a little bit earnest, like he's trying to sell him on something. "It was great, though. Steve made breakfast every morning, and he let me get whatever I wanted on my pizza, and he cooked dinner sometimes too, and he's got a huge TV and a ton of movies on tape, and he only complains a little bit if you-"
The door slams open, and Eddie jumps.
"We gotta go," Robin says as she and Lucas crowd into the room. "Did you tell him?"
"Tell me what?" Eddie asks, eyes darting around the room, fully expecting to see clocks or vines or fucking bats. "Is it Vecna, did that fucker recover already?"
"No, Max says he was in pretty bad shape. He's gonna be down for a while," Lucas replies.
"It's the cops and the rest of the town looneys," Robin says, taking up a post by the door while Lucas paces across the room, looking out the window. "We heard on the police radio channel, they found out you're here. We gotta get you out."
"Fuck." Eddie swallows, tangling the fingers of his good hand in the sheets of the hospital bed so tight it makes his knuckles creak. "I'm kind of out of options on safe places to lay low and recuperate here."
"What?" Dustin looks affronted. "No you're not. I told you, you've got us."
"All of us," Robin says, as Dustin comes to stand by her at the door.
He cranes his head down the hall. "Is there a doctor coming to release him?"
"Yeah, Erica yelled at him until he gave in, he's on his way." Lucas glances away from the window to look at Eddie. "We hid El in Mike's basement for days without anyone knowing, you think we can't do the same for you?"
Robin snorts. "It's not going to be Wheeler's shitty basement, Eddie, don't worry."
Eddie stares at them. Part of him is aware of what they're saying, is processing that he needs to get out of the hospital and he's not going to have to do it alone - that even though the world isn't technically ending right now, they're all going to stand by him.
But he feels like he did when they came back from sticking up for him with Carver and the others - overwhelmed, like he hasn't done anything to deserve this, like he doesn't know what to do with such clear, undeniable evidence that they've made him one of this party now.
"Eddie?" Dustin asks, stepping in a little closer. "You okay?"
Eddie snaps himself out of it. "Yeah. Just - fuck, all right, let's do this."
Robin helps him stand up, stays by his side as he steps into a pair of loose scrubs that someone's scrounged up for him - he doesn't ask, and he's assuming the clothes he wore in the Upside Down are trashed - and lets him lean on her shoulder so he's somewhat steady on his feet by the time a harried looking doctor makes it into the room.
"You realize you're not ready to be discharged?" the doctor asks immediately.
"I'm over eighteen," Eddie replies. "You can't keep me here if I want to leave, right?"
The doctor sighs. "You'll be leaving against medical advice."
"But I'm not going to, like, die of blood loss or infection or something if I do?" Eddie presses.
"We can't answer that question with any surety without another few days of observation," the doctor replies, then relents when everyone glares at him. "It's highly unlikely."
"Just tell us what we need to do to keep an eye on him," Robin says.
The doctor goes over the cliff notes - soft foods for a while, showers are okay but no soaking, no lifting things over five pounds, there's a page of stretching exercises for his shoulder and leg, a timeline for recovery, and a prescription for the rest of his antibiotics and a smaller one for some painkillers.
"That's all I can give you since you're leaving against medical advice," the doctor says, which Eddie knows is a load of bullshit, but he's too exhausted and itching to get out of here to call him on it.
They herd him out of the room and to the elevator, standing in a little half circle around him like he's got his own little string of tiny bodyguards, and the thought makes him giggle, just a little bit hysterically.
"You guys look like little lion cubs," he says.
"You think we can't protect you?" Dustin asks, sounding hurt.
Eddie shakes his head. "No, no, I'm feeling very protected right now. Thank you."
The elevator dings, and Eddie takes a deep breath as he steps off - into a controlled chaos. The waiting room is packed, some gurneys set up right out there with nurses tending to what seems like minor cases, and even some people sleeping on the floor. Eddie feels a moment of swooping panic, but no one even looks his way. They shuffle him out of the hospital to where Nancy and Erica are waiting in the Wheeler station wagon.
Eddie gingerly climbs in, and Lucas and Dustin slide into the backseat with Erica.
Robin holds up his prescription. "I'm gonna get this filled. Swing back and grab me after you drop them off?" she asks Nancy.
Nancy hums an affirmative, eyes flicking around to make sure everyone's wearing their seat belts before she takes off.
Eddie thinks about asking where they're going, but his stomach and chest and legs and arm ache, and he's wiped just from the walk out of the hospital and to the car. So he just tips his head back against the seat of the car, closes his eyes, and tries to hold himself still enough that the seatbelt doesn't rub up against his wounded gut.
Eventually, the car stops. He expects more talking, but there's a tense silence in the flurry of activity, until someone pulls open the car door and is unbuckling his seatbelt for him.
"Shit," Dustin says. "Is he out again?"
"M'up," Eddie mumbles, though admittedly, he's not entirely sure he's up for moving.
"Go get Steve," Erica orders imperiously. "Someone needs to drag his sorry ass around again."
Eddie forces his eyes open. "M'up, m'up, I got this."
In the time it takes for him to get oriented well enough to notice that the car is in a garage, and then shuffle around to get his feet pointed in the direction of out, though, Dustin's apparently managed to collect Steve, who emerges from what Eddie assumes is the door to a house, wearing a pair of sweats and a Hawkins swim team sweatshirt.
Eddie waves his hands around, preemptively slapping Steve away before he can even get to him. "No," he tells him, as he comes to a stop just out of slapping range. "I know you've got stitches, too. No heavy lifting."
"We're not going to lift you, Eddie, we're just going to help," Nancy says, coming around to his other side, and -
"Yeah, okay," he agrees, lowering his arms for a moment before changing course, and holding one hand out to each of them.
Nancy takes one hand, and Steve the other, and they both step in closer to help guide him out of the car and to his feet. They promptly sling one of his arms over each of their shoulders, and start shuffling their way into the house. Eddie pretends the sharp hiss and the sting of tears in his eyes are due only to the edge of pain from the movement, and not to the fact that he's feeling overwhelmed again by just how willing all of them seem to be to help him when he needs it.
The house that they shuffle him through is fucking pristine, a laundry room that feels bigger than Eddie's kitchen right off the garage and into a hallway, a closed off double door to the right and then a massive living room. There's an l-shaped sofa all made up with pillows and blankets, and that's where they take him, letting him settle down on it with a sigh of relief.
"Robin's filling his prescriptions," Nancy says to Steve. "I'm going to go get her, we'll be back soon."
She heads out as the herd of children Eddie apparently belongs to now troop into the living room, their voices all clamoring together.
Steve whistles, sharp and clear and making Eddie wince, though it does cut through the noise.
"You two," he says, pointing at the Sinclairs. "With me, we're calling your parents from the kitchen. Dustin, you're after them."
The noise picks up again, and this time Eddie can make out loud protests. Steve puts his fingers to his mouth again, and nope, nope, Eddie does not want that sounding off this close to his ear again.
"Hey!" he roars, and even though it makes his throat hurt, it works to shut them up. "Thank you."
"Parents," Steve repeats. "Or they're going to come looking for you, and maybe no one else will think to look for you guys here, but they will."
Dustin groans, but he doesn't protest again.
"What are we even supposed to tell them?" Lucas grumbles.
Steve shrugs. "What do you usually tell them?"
Dustin considers. "…yeah, okay, the babysitter cover will probably still work."
"Add in the Starcourt special," Lucas says.
Eddie looks between them all. "Is any of that supposed to make sense?"
"I told you, our parents love Steve," Dustin says. "He's been beaten up enough protecting us that they think he's some kind of defender against bullies and natural disasters."
Unwillingly, Eddie remembers the headlines after Starcourt, puts it together with what Robin'd told him and how beat to hell Steve looked when Eddie saw him. It doesn't sit well with Eddie, how casually Dustin talks about Steve getting beat up protecting them, but he also remembers Dustin holding onto Steve like he was a lifeline back in the hospital, so he thinks maybe it's a coping mechanism as much as it's a belief that Steve is invincible.
"We'll just tell them Steve was with us when the earthquake hit, and he kept us safe, then we waited with him at the hospital until he was discharged," Lucas says. "It's not even technically a lie."
Erica snorts, unimpressed. "And how does that explain you three sneaking out of the house when the cops were there and running away?"
"The cops? Oh, fucking great," Steve mutters. "What'd they say to you, are you guys okay?"
Max waves her good hand. "They didn't have anything on us. We weren't under arrest, they didn't tell us not to leave the house. They've got nothing."
"Question," Eddie says, holding up a hand. "How does that fit in with Steve carrying my unconscious ass into the hospital and telling everyone we were attacked?"
"You were attacked by the real killer, obviously," Dustin says, rolling his eyes. "But we're not going to bring that out until things have settled down a little."
Eddie considers if it's worth protesting exactly how flimsy that cover story is, and how much it won't hold up to anything, but - well. If he thinks too much about how deeply screwed he is with this murder stuff, it just makes him panic, and he doesn't really have room for all of that right now considering he's barely able to physically function.
He's pretty sure their parents will be too focused on their kids being safe after the "earthquake" for now, so he lets it go.
Steve seems to agree - or comes to an entirely different conclusion with the same result, fuck if Eddie knows, because he just points at Lucas and Erica again. "Kitchen. Now."
The Sinclairs reluctantly follow him, leaving Max and Dustin alone with Eddie.
"They're probably going to make us come home," Dustin mutters.
Max gives him a disdainful look. "At least you probably have a home to go back to."
"Wait, what?" Eddie asks when Dustin winces.
"The trailer park's a wreck," Max says flatly. "The earthquake or whatever it was hit the worst at the gates."
The gates. One of which was on the ceiling of his living room, right where -
"My uncle," Eddie says, trying not to freak out. "Is he okay, has anyone-"
"He's fine!" Dustin says hurriedly. "He was already out of your guys' place, cause, you know, crime scene. The school's been set up as a temporary housing until they can get everything sorted out, he's there."
Fuck if that doesn't make Eddie feel guilty all over again, but knowing his uncle is at least physically safe calms him down.
Max looks a little abashed, like she'd forgotten that she wasn't the only one in this little group who lives on that side of town anymore, which makes his heart go out to her. It's easy to forget about the things that should divide them, when they're all focused on saving the world and just trying to survive another day. He wonders how she deals with it when they're not all caught up in the Upside Down - wonders if she just hasn't been dealing with it at all, considering he knows she's a new resident of Forest Hills and that she'd been pulling away from the group before this.
She doesn't say anything else, and he doesn't ask.
Steve comes back before it gets too awkward, eyes automatically landing on Max in a way that, for a ridiculous moment, makes Eddie wonder if the guy is actually psychic.
"Mrs. Sinclair is asking for you," Steve says. "Do you want to come talk to her?"
His voice is soft, gentle, and he gives Max time to think it over - Eddie gets the feeling that Steve already has an excuse prepared for the Sinclairs if Max says no.
Max's eyes dart over at Eddie and Dustin for a moment, like she's not sure she wants to say anything in front of them. Then she deflates a little and looks back at Steve.
"My mom call back?" she asks.
"Not yet," Steve replies. "We can try again."
Max's jaw sets, and she shakes her head. "No. I want to talk to Mrs. Sinclair."
She stands, and doesn't push Steve's arm off of her when he grabs her in for a side hug as he guides her back into the kitchen.
Dustin leans back in the recliner he'd claimed, propping his booted foot up on the footrest. "I'm going to see if Mom'll let me stay over here a few days," he declares.
"Good luck with that," Eddie says. "Your mom's love of Steve aside, you've been gone for days. I think she's entitled to a day or two of hovering over you."
Dustin's nose scrunches, like he really wants to protest that but he's pretty sure Eddie's right.
"Fine," he mutters. "But you guys have to agree to walkie me every night. Every night, Eddie. And you have to make sure Steve leaves it on, and charged up, and I'm going to make him promise to check in as soon as he wakes up in the morning."
His heart - his stupid, not nearly cynical enough heart - cracks a little. "I'm okay, Dustin. Steve and I made it out okay."
"This time," Dustin says, and he won't meet Eddie's eyes, his voice thick enough that Eddie suspects he's holding back tears. "But you almost didn't. You almost died, Eddie, if El hadn't been ready for Vecna maybe you would have. And Steve - he's my brother, and I know he thinks he's invincible but one day he's not going to be, and he doesn't know how much I need him, how much I need you both -"
"Hey," Steve says.
Dustin yelps at the same time that Eddie jumps, hissing when that pulls at his stitches.
"Shit, Steve, make some noise next time!" Dustin complains.
"Sorry," Steve says, then reaches out to ruffle Dustin's hair. "I know, Dustin. Eddie and I both know, okay? We need you, too."
Part of Eddie wants to wheel back, to tell Steve that's awfully presumptuous of him, but - the part of him that he doesn't want to acknowledge, the bigger part right now, really fucking likes the way Steve says we, the way it makes Dustin stop looking so broken.
"Go home for a few days, then you can tell your mom that you're worried I'm going to rip my stitches trying to take care of myself and come stay over for a while, okay? We'll do it just like the first time."
Dustin considers that for a moment, then nods. "Okay."
"Good," Steve says. "Because it's your turn. You want me to bring the phone out here?"
"Nah, I can make it." Dustin lets down the recliner and slowly shuffles his way to the kitchen.
Steve shoots Eddie a look, and there's something quiet and intense in his eyes, something that Eddie feels like he can almost get, if he just -
Then Steve's moving, following Dustin back to the kitchen, and it's gone.
Eddie's alone.
This is the first time since he spent that long, shitty night in the woods that he's actually had some space to himself without one of the others in this strange little party right there. Part of him thinks he should enjoy the reprieve, taking in a breath and letting it out without worrying about what anyone else might see. Part of him thinks he should be panicking, like he did every time he thought he might have been left alone in the hospital.
He doesn't know what he actually feels.
There's a faint murmur of voices from the kitchen, low and soothing, and he thinks - he thinks about how if he yelled, any one of them would come running for him. He thinks about how if he heard yelling from them, he'd be launching himself up off this sofa and scrambling for the kitchen, bloody bite wounds or not. He thinks about how he ran, and how he didn't, and how none of them seemed to blame him when he ran from an invisible monster that turned a girl who was nothing but nice to him into a broken doll, and how they yelled at him for almost dying when he didn't run from a mob of demon bats who almost tore him to pieces. He thinks about how not one of them ever called him a coward, thinks about how they dragged him out of hell and slept in his hospital room and whisked him off to safety.
He thinks, maybe, they might just keep him, even if he isn't Steve's soulmate.
Steve comes out of the kitchen, shoots him a little wry smile and says, "Kind of figured none of us really want to be alone right now," and Eddie -
He thinks, fuck, he still really wants to be Steve's soulmate anyway.
Taglist (always happy to add more!): @vampireinthesun @koibug @estrellami-1 @mentalcyborg @allbimyself26 @questionablequeeries @the-s-is-silent @whimsicalwitchm @a-gae-af-racoon @tinyplanet95 @n0-1-important @velocitytimes2 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @newtstabber @jcmadgirl @roblingoblin285 @lexyvey @paperbackribs @goodolefashionedloverboi @evix-syne666 @raisedbylibrarians @stxrcrossed186 @nightmareglitter @greekgeek24 @starman-jpg @crazyhatlady86 @imfinereallyy @manda-panda-monium @deleataecount @prideandsensibility @chaoticvictorianspirit @maydillydally @disrespectedgoatman @scarlet-malfoy @i-less-than-three-you @hbyrde36 @hallucinatedjosten @dragonsandgayships @arepaconchocolate @g4ys0n @novelnovella @bisexualdisastersworld @ghostofyourvampiregf @scarletyeager @pettrichore @nerd-and-nervous @hiimlevi @queenie-ofthe-void @cinnamon-mushroomabomination
Part 14
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
didn't even need a plan
THIS IS A BIG BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR @messessentialist WHO I HAVE HAD IN MY LIFE FOR TWO MINUTES AND IF ANYTHING HAPPENED TO HER I WOULD DIE. Short Queens rise up (on a stepladder because that's what we need to reach things)!!! I am kissin you on the mouth rn.
Rated T | 1,315 words | tags: meddling, good uncle Wayne, secret established relationship
“How do they not see it?” Dustin asked, turning away from the scene in front of them to look at Wayne.
“I don’t know, son. Sometimes smart people are dumb,” Wayne shrugged.
Their plan was in place for weeks: get Steve and Eddie in the trailer alone together, cut the power, and hope they don’t leave.
Step one was easy. All they had to do was lie to Steve about Dustin needing a ride.
Step two was a little more difficult, but only because they forgot the trailer next door was on the same breaker. Wayne bribed the owners with enough cash to go get dinner somewhere, glad that they didn’t even ask for an explanation when money was being shoved into their hands.
Step three was the problem.
Steve and Eddie hung out all the time. The problem was they never hung out alone.
Dustin watched as they walked from the living room to the kitchen, then Eddie walked down the hall to his room before rejoining Steve by the couch.
“It’s just us I think,” Eddie said.
Dustin had rigged the walkie talkie so it stayed on, his own sitting between him and Wayne on the lowest possible volume so they could hear.
“So not Upside Down, then,” Steve said, sounding relieved.
“Nope, just good old fashioned unreliable power,” Eddie sighed. “We could probably try to flip the breaker. Maybe it was just a short.”
“Yeah. Maybe we give it a few minutes first?”
Dustin smacked at Wayne’s arm, smiling.
“They’re gonna sit down!” Dustin whispered excitedly.
“Calm down. Could be that nothin’ happens,” Wayne whispered back, though he could feel his own hopes rising.
It was hard to see them through the window, but they could see shadows moving to sit on the couch.
“Something will happen. There’s no way it won’t. They almost kissed yesterday and that was with all of us around,” Dustin insisted.
“That’s what you keep sayin’,” Wayne squinted to watch.
“I really can’t believe Dustin didn’t radio to let me know he found another ride,” Steve didn’t sound angry, but he definitely didn’t sound happy.
“I didn’t even know he needed a ride.”
“Do you know who picked him up?”
“Shit,” Dustin said.
“Didn’t think that through did ya?” Wayne asked, smirk audible.
“Nah, he just left. Didn’t really question it. He does a lot of crazy shit,” Eddie explained.
A minute of somewhat awkward silence followed and then someone slapped their knees.
“I’ll go check the breaker? It’s the one right outside to the left?” Steve asked.
“Dammit,” Wayne said, slowly moving away from the window and sitting down against the side of the trailer.
“Maybe he won’t be able to figure it out,” Dustin said, joining him on the ground.
“He’s definitely gonna figure it out. He’s a smart guy.”
“Who? Steve?”
Wayne looked over at Dustin, brows furrowed.
“Yeah, Steve. Why’re you surprised?”
Dustin shrugged.
“Gonna be honest, it doesn’t sound like you think much of Steve’s intelligence, son.”
Dustin’s eyes widened.
“It’s not that! He just isn’t usually quick to fix stuff.”
Wayne’s brow raised, waiting for Dustin to realize how that sounded.
They were interrupted by Eddie’s voice on the walkie.
“No luck?”
“Nope. Maybe we should try to call someone at one of the neighbor’s?” Steve responded, the sound of him sitting back on the couch barely audible.
“Maybe in a bit. Kind of nice just sitting here,” Eddie said.
“Yeah. Kinda tired,” Steve admitted, the sound of cloth shifting on the couch.
Wayne stood and looked through the window, small smile taking over his face before he sat back down.
“What is it?” Dustin asked, just a bit louder than he probably should have.
“Might get what we wanted after all,” Wayne replied with a smirk.
“Take a look,” Wayne waved up at the window.
Dustin looked in, barely containing a childish squeal when he saw what was happening.
Steve was leaning his head on Eddie’s shoulder, Eddie’s arm around him, running his fingers up and down his bicep, rings glinting off the little bit of light shining through the window.
“Wayne’s out for the night if you wanna stick around,” Eddie said, softer than he had been all night, softer than he’d been to anyone else maybe ever.
“Are you asking if I’ll stay the night, Eds?” Steve’s voice filtered through the walkie, a bit crackly as if he was barely speaking above a whisper.
Dustin turned to Wayne, eyes comically wide.
Wayne just shook his head.
He had an idea of where this was going.
“Yeah, sweetheart. Been too long,” Eddie just managed to say before Wayne snapped the walkie off.
“Why’d you do that?” Dustin hissed.
“Because we’ve been played and you’re too young to be listening to what’s about to happen,” Wayne said as he stood up. “C’mon, I’ll drive ya home.”
“What?! No! We had a plan!”
“We didn’t even need the plan, bud. C’mon.”
Dustin crossed his arms over his chest and started to argue when the window above them opened and Eddie spoke.
“Mind turning on the power before you go?” He asked, teeth bright white in the darkness surrounding them as he grinned.
“How did you know we were out here?” Dustin asked.
“I could hear the echo of the walkie. Plus, you think Steve didn’t already see you when he walked outside?”
“Don’t sound so smug, Ed,” Wayne laughed.
“What exactly was the grand plan?” Eddie crossed his arms over the sill. “Hope we got bored enough to make out on the couch? Maybe if we thought it was dark enough, we wouldn’t think about who we were kissing?”
“Yes!” Dustin exclaimed, though Wayne remained completely silent.
“And you didn’t think that we do that with the lights on already? Like, for months?”
Dustin sputtered out his best attempt at words, but failed miserably.
“You broke him,” Steve said from behind Eddie, smiling over his shoulder at Dustin and Wayne.
“So. Months?” Wayne asked as Dustin continued muttering incoherently to himself.
“Officially only two. But we first kissed when I was still in the hospital,” Eddie admitted, turning his head to place a kiss on Steve’s cheek.
“But. But. That was five months ago!” Dustin was pacing, kicking up dirt under his feet as he tried to figure out the timing of everything and how he could have missed the most obvious signs. “You’re never even alone that much!”
“We find ways,” Eddie said.
“I work a lot of nights still,” Wayne said to Dustin. “Why didn’t ya say anything?”
“We just wanted something for ourselves for a bit. We’re in this for the long haul and if everyone knew, we’d never find peace to just be together,” Steve said.
“Alright, son, let’s get the power on and I’ll take ya home. These two probably want some privacy,” Wayne interrupted, squeezing his shoulder once to get his attention.
Dustin sighed.
“Fine. But you have to tell everyone soon. I can’t keep this a secret for that long.”
“Sure thing, bud,” Steve agreed before turning away from the window.
“You sure you can take him home?” Eddie asked Wayne.
“That’s the only part of the plan that’s workin’ so far, so yeah,” Wayne laughed.
Eddie nodded and waved before closing the window and following Steve.
Wayne walked over to the breaker box and flipped the switch, turning to Dustin and waving him over.
“C’mon. Don’t think we wanna be here in the next five minutes.”
“Gross. They’re like…my dads or something. That’s disgusting,” Dustin gagged as he walked to Wayne’s truck.
“Yeah, well. Maybe you’ll get a new sibling.”
“That isn’t how science works.”
“Yeah, well. We got a whole other world under our feet, kid. I think science is far out of our understanding.”
Dustin didn’t respond.
He didn’t want to even consider Wayne being right.
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afro-hispwriter · 10 months
In the Past(1)
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Season 10
Summary- no one knows the reason why you and Daryl broke up until he tells Carol 
Warnings- language, mentions of childbirth and past pregnancy, Leah
Word count- 1.5k
1 2
"Daryl, why did you and y/n end things? I realized neither of you ever said anything." Asks Carol as they sat on the porch of the cabin. Daryl looked back at her and shook his head before turning back to look out into the woods.
"It don matter no more."
"Of course it does, you two have been together for years and then I get a letter thinking all was well but it says weeks after she gave birth to your child you two called it quits." 
"It was time for it to end."
"Bullshit, come on tell me, I won't say anything when we get back." Daryl sighed and scoffed. The memory makes his body feel heavy. The sadness turned to anger.
"Alright you wanna know, she fucking left me because of my mistakes." Carol raised an eyebrow and stood up to stand close to him.
"What happened?"
"Fuck fuck fuck." You breathed out as you gripped Michonne's hand as another contraction hit. "Where's Daryl?" Michonne daps your head with a wet cloth and shakes your head.
"We can't get ahold of him." She says and you close your eyes and shut your mouth to stop a sob. 
"Y/n your fully dilated we gotta get ready to push." Says Siddiq and takes the gloves off his hands.
"No, Daryl needs to be here, it's his kid too."
"I understand that but if you don't push soon there is a risk of losing you and the baby, and I don't think Daryl wants to come back here and find out his fiancé and baby died." Says Siddiq and you groan knowing he was right.
"How long do we have!" You ask and wince at the pain.
"30 is all I'm going to give you." He points at you and you nod and shudder.
"Try Daryl again please." You ask him and he nods. "What the hell is he doing that's so important?" You were getting angry at this point. You knew you should have convinced him to stay when you got closer to your due date, then maybe you wouldn't be stressing over that.
"Daryl, Daryl come in." Daryl ran over to the walkie-talkie when he heard Siddiqs voice.
"What's wrong, y/n and the baby ok?" He asks.
"Man we've been trying to reach you for hours, y/n has  gone into labor." Daryl felt his world stop.
"Fuck, ok I'm on my way." Daryl slid the walkie-talkie on his belt and grabbed his crossbow.
"Leaving so soon?" He heard her voice behind him. He sighs and looks back.
"Ya, she's in labor, ill be back." He says and walks out the door in a hurry without looking back. He didn't see the anger in her eyes at seeing him leave for you. Again.
Daryl walked fast until he looked back at the cabin.
What if I don't go back and just stay with y/n and our baby and forget her... no not now, soon.
"Alright he said he's on his way but for me and you both know he's more than an hour away, y/n you have to push." You flopped your head on the pillow before nodding.
"Ok." Michonne started putting pillows up behind your back while Siddiq prepared his tools.
"Ok on 3. 1,2,3." He says and you push with a scream. "Good, again." 
"I'm going to kill him." You grit and push. Michonne chuckles and shakes her head.
"I see the head two more pushes you got this." Says Siddiq and you give him a thumbs up.
Two more pushes and lots of cussing later. Your baby boy was born. He cried loudly as he came into the world.
"Here you go." Says Siddiq and hands you your son. Michonne stands back to leave you some space. 
"He's beautiful." She says and you nod, tears flowing down your cheeks.
"He looks like Daryl." You chuckle and they laugh. They took your son to clean and dressed him as you rested.
"He's hungry." Says Michonne and hands you him.
"I bet, hey when Daryl gets here please make sure he gets here quick." Tou smiles at her and she nods.
"Not gonna kill him are you?" She jokes and you smile and shake your head.
"Not today at least." Once Michonne left you took your breast out and your son immediately latched on.
It was an hour later when you heard familiar heavy footsteps coming to the door. The door burst open revealing an out-of-breath Daryl.
"'m sorry." He says and approached you until he stops when he hears small coos.
"We'll talk later not today. Go meet your son." You smile at him and he nods. He slowly approached the cradle and looked down to see his son squirming. Daryl held his hand out and brushed his son's cheek.
"He's so beautiful." 
"Pick him up." You say and Daryl tensed. "You won't hurt him, just pick him up and support his head." Daryl reached down and picked him up doing just as you said. He slowly made his way to you and sat on the bed by your legs.
"I love you, and I'm so sorry."  His sorry was saying something else. Upon seeing you and his newborn son he realized he truly had something to come back for. 
"Daryl it's ok, I love you too." 
"Wait so you didn't tell her?" Asks Carol and Daryl shook his head.
"She just had ma damn kid I couldn't start that."
2 weeks later
"Archer you're getting so big buddy." You coo at your son. The door opens revealing Daryl, you notice he looked sad but then you see a dog run behind him.
"Umm Daryl where did this dog come from?" You question him as the dog sniffs you.
"Found em out there a few months ago."
"Oh well, he's adorable." You say and scratch him behind the ears. You look up at Daryl who was biting his thumb. "You ok?"
"Gotta tell you sum." He says and gestures for you to sit down. You sit down and so does he. "I ain't been completely honest with you, I met someone, a woman couple months ago." You raised an eyebrow wonderful where this was going.
"We became more." You felt you're heart drop.
"Excuse me, what do you mean became more?" Daryl could see you getting agitated.
"More than friends." 
"So you cheated on me?" You stand up and look away from him. Daryl didn't respond. "Was I not enough?"
"Of course you are it's just I used her as a distraction." You scoff at his words and turn to face him so he can see the tears that had started spilling from your eyes.
"A distraction, Daryl Dixon if you needed a distraction you come to me, you come home, you don't go off and now destroy our family." Daryl tried to reach out to you but you took a step back. "After everything I've done for you, this is what you do." It hurt, you never thought he would betray you like this... or at all.  "You know what Daryl, leave." You point to the door and his head raises.
"Nah, what about-." He starts but just points to the cradle.
"We'll talk about it later, I just can't with you right now." You say and wipe your eyes. You reach for your hand and take off the ring. "I don't need this anymore." 
"Y/n please she left me."
"And I'm doing the same. What did you expect me to stay with you just because she left you? It doesn't work that way, please leave before I do something I'll regret." Your tough facade was dropping as your hand shook. Daryls face scrunched up and he wiped his eyes as tears threatened to fall.
"Dog come on." He says and walks out quickly and closes the door behind him. He walked down a few steps before he heard your sobs.
The things that have happened, the things he would blame himself for and people would reassure him it wasn't his fault.
But he knew what just happened was.
"We've been co parentin ever since." Carol sighed and bit her lip.
"Do you still love her, Y/n I mean, unless you loved the other?"
"Of course I still love Y/n, and Leah,  I could never love her the way I love Y/n," Daryl says and leans against the glass wall. "I still carry the ring."
"Does that mean you'd take her back?"
"I know I would but would she its been years."
"I think she still loves you too, you just need to get some courage and talk to her Pookie." Carol teased him and he shrugged.
"I wanna mess it up again."
"You won't."
I don’t remember this being so bad
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Here's chapter four! This one is a little awkward, I'm not good at writing cases and idk how to solve them so i kept the case out of it as much as possible 😂 but we get a cameo from Max! In my head the CB radio is bc obviously walkie talkies are the parties main mode of communication but obviously that wouldn't work over several states but they're jaded from government spying so they don't wanna use cellphones. So Dustin and Lucas rigged up a CB that can do that! Idk if that possible but hey sci-fi.
I'll probably be adding this to ao3 soon bc I finished writing chapter five, I will continue to post over here unless people just tell me they want to link for each new chapter instead of the whole one
As always here's chapter 3 if you missed it!
Eddie Munson is acutely aware of the fact that she did not go to and graduate the FBI academy, or any academy for that matter. Honestly, she hadn't been worried about it until Hotch sent her and JJ to talk to the families of the victims and she quickly realized that she had zero idea of what she was doing.
"Mrs. Barlow, I know how difficult this is for you, but any information you can give us can help." They were seated across Lucy's sister-in-law, the one that had reported her missing and the woman was crying into a tissue at her kitchen table.
The woman took a shuddering breath and nodded, "Okay."
JJ glanced to the side in an awkward way and cleared her throat, "Was Lucy involved in drugs, in anyway?"
Tammy- the sister in law grimaced and nodded, "She had problems as a teenager but she was sober! I met her brother when she was 25 and she was already 2 years clean. Why? Do you think someone from her past did this?"
JJ leaned forward and as gently as possible broke the news that Lucy's cause of death was of a heroin overdose. Eddie flinched as the effect of the words was immediate.
"How dare you?! Lucy was sober! She wouldn't give that up after this long!" Eddie leaned forward and clapsed Tammy's hand before she could jump to her feet.
"Ma'am, I understand that this is difficult and that Lucy took great pride in her sobriety. She was probably a sponsor for other people too right?" At Tammy's nod Eddie smiled and continued, "We aren't suggesting that Lucy willingly took these drugs and I know that by you entertaining our questions it seems like you are letting Lucy down, but Tammy we need your help. There is another woman missing and the clock is ticking for us to find her before someone else gets hurt."
JJ and Eddie held their breath waiting for Tammy's response, hoping they weren't about to be kicked out.
After what felt like an eternity Tammy slumped in her chair and raised a hand to her face, "Okay, what do you need to know?"
At JJ's encouraging look, Eddie continued the questions. "Was there a recent event in Lucy's life that could make a dealer able to lure her somewhere? A breakup? Maybe a job loss?" They watched as Tammy pressed a hand to her mouth and let out another sob before nodding, "She had just broken up with her girlfriend of 8 years, Lucy had discovered she was having an affair."
JJ and Eddie quickly finished up their interview before leaving the house, not wanting to make the family's grief worse.
2 hours later they were walking into the station to update everyone on what they had found out.
"Lucy Barlow was a recovering heroin addict and had been sober for 11 years and had just recently found out her girlfriend of 8 years was having an affair." JJ smoothly took over for Eddie, "Andrea Lakes has been a sober alcoholic for the last 7 years and just recently got laid off from her law firm. They were both sponsors too."
The others were silent as they took in the new connection the girls had found out from the families.
"So the unsub might have been able to lure them away to a secondary location using the promise of drugs and alcohol?"
"After five years the chance of a relapse decreases to 15%." Reid said contradicting Morgan's theory, but making Eddie perk up.
"You're right, with all of the years of sobriety breaking it is uncommon, but not unheard of and both of them were sponsors for many other people. What if they were going to meetings? New people are coming and going to those all of the time, it wouldn't be unusual to see new faces and with both of them sponsors, approaching these new people would be expected."
They spent the next couple of hours bouncing ideas and leads around the room before Hotch called it a night, leading them back to the hotel.
Hotch talked at the front desk for close to 5 minutes before sullenly walking back to the group.
"So there is apparently a cheer competition in town and they are running low on rooms. We're going to have to pair up." The group groaned before getting into usual pairs when they realized they were uneven with Eddie on the team now.
Hotch grimaced realizing that he was going to have to put her with one of the guys, or make one of the girls share a bed.
"Are you comfortable sharing with Reid or would you rather share a bed with one of the other girls?" He questioned making Eddie shrug, obviously unconcerned.
"I've slept in worse conditions than having to listen to Spencer snore. Can't be worse than Russia in December." The snoring comment made Reid squawk in protest before everyone jumped on the Russia comment, complaining when Eddie wouldn't give up any more info on the walk to the rooms.
Spencer was startled awake a few hours later by a loud bang. He rolled over in bed and went to reach for the bedside lamp when he saw Eddie's silhouette at the lit up window instead of in bed.
"Eddie?" He questioned, sleep roughing up his voice.
"It was just a car backfiring, Spence, go back to sleep." She murmured back not turning away from the window. Spencer watched as she palmed something into her pocket, a silver flash of something before it disappeared.
Spencer glanced around the room, taking note of the chair pulled back from the table in the corner and an old CB radio with weird wires and a pack attached sitting on the table.
Spencer was debating if he should say something when the radio crackled to life.
"Eddie?" A whispered female voice came thru the speaker and Spencer saw Eddie glance at him as he hurriedly shut his eyes, hoping she thought he had just gone back to sleep.
"I'm here Max."
He heard her whisper and the same voice whispered something he couldn't quite make out back before he really did fall back asleep.
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ggukzashi · 1 year
Black Pearl Pt. 2
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Pairing: Namjoon × reader ft. Ot7
Rating: Adult, Explicit
Word Count: 1.9k
Summary: You're with your friends drinking when suddenly your entire life is flipped around. You find yourself trapped in a house with 7 men you don't know and their Alpha gets on your nerves a little too much. What do you do when you realize that you like their leader and you're not supposed to? Can you resist giving in and sticking to your belief of no relationships or do you give in to the temptation?
Warnings ⚠️: Cursing
Author's Note: I decided to write this series inspired by Namjoon in a black turtleneck ( yes I'm weak and I know y'all are too). It's my first time writing a series so please do let me know your thoughts and engage with the post.
Chapter Two
It almost feels like an instant reaction, the way it rolls off of your tongue so easily. Almost like it’s a name you’ve known for a while. Your thoughts are interrupted when you hear your phone ringing. You pull it out of your purse that you managed to grab before you had to leave the club. Before you get the chance to answer, Namjoon grabs it out of your hand harshly.
“What the fuck?” You yell.
“Give me my phone back,” you demand, your hands crossed against your chest. Namjoon quickly pulls the car over and slides the SIM card out of your phone before throwing it out of the window. Your eyes shoot open at his action. You're about to yell at him again when you hear a gunshot in the distance.
"Sit back," Namjoon orders in a voice that leaves no place for argument, as he presses on the accelerator and speeds away from the location. He reaches his arm to the back seat with ease and retracts his walkie-talkie.
"How the fuck are they trailing us?” He asks and you can hear another voice answer through the mic.
"They must have pinged her phone location hyung."
"I just destroyed the SIM card,” he groans out in frustration.
You turn around and see a black car right behind you. Your heartbeat picks up its pace immediately and your eyes widen. "Namjoon, they're right behind us,” you cry out, your eyes fixated on the car trailing right behind you.
"I'm on it. Don’t worry," he says and before you know it, you're in a chase with the car behind you. Namjoon quickly maneuvers his own vehicle into a small lane nearby and follows along an internal route. You manage to lose the car and catch your breath as you're back on the road.
"We lost them, right?" You ask nervously and Namjoon turns his head to look at you.
"Why the fuck didn't you tell me you had your phone?” He says, instead of answering your question. “Do you even know how dangerous of a situation you're in right now? They probably would be still right behind us had I not found out about your phone,” he yells as you purse your lips together with a sniffle escaping your lips.
There’s an unspoken tension in the air surrounding you. If it was anyone else, you’d have yelled back but there’s something about him. An aura of dominance exudes from him that makes you nervous. You observe how his jaw clenches in anger, his hands gripping the steering wheel tighter, his knuckles turning white. You notice his biceps flexing underneath his black turtleneck as he runs his hands through his jet-black hair.
You gulp before you shake your thoughts off. The man yelled at you and you’re here drooling. Jeez, get a grip, Y/n.
"I'm here in your car and I don't even know you. I don't know where my friends and family are. I haven't eaten a morsel in the last four hours. I'm drunk and vulnerable and there are a bunch of men with guns after me. You think I'm having any fun here?" You scream back, almost in the same harsh tone, he’s been using since earlier.
For a second you see his gaze soften but you quickly look away and stare out the window, looking at the night sky instead. You aren’t one to take shit from others, especially from one of your dad’s minions and you want to make sure he knows that.
Being tired and hungry, you end up falling asleep.
~the next day~
You wake up to the feeling of sunlight hitting you. Your eyes slowly open, adjusting to the brightness of the room, your head pounding from all the vodka shots. Last night’s events flood through your head and you grunt out in frustration. As you look down, you realize you’re wearing what seems to be a man’s t-shirt.
“Who changed my clothes now?” You whine as you get out of bed and make your way out. As you open the door, more sunlight hits you and you squint your eyes.
“The fuck? Is this Edward Cullen’s house or what?” You question as you follow the staircase and make your way downstairs. Your eyes immediately land on a man leaning against the kitchen counter, his eyes glued to your legs as you walk in further.
“Morning,” he says, his voice sweet and soft. Your eyes land on the way his abs peek through his shirt when he stretches his hands up in the air. You roll your eyes and open the fridge to grab some water.
“Had a rough night I presume,” he speaks again, his tone a little raspier but no less soft. You have a few sips of water and put the bottle back in. The moment you close the fridge, the stranger stands right next to you. You almost yell out loud but his hands are quick to cover your mouth, his eyes staring directly into yours. You notice his lips curve up into a playful smile as he runs his tongue along his bottom lip.
You quickly push him off of you as you hear footsteps. Your eyes dart to the hallway, where Namjoon walks in wearing a pair of blue sweatpants. Only sweatpants. Your jaw drops at the sight of his hard muscular chest and curved abs on display, choking on your own spit. The biceps that you had been eying since you sat in the car with him were now visible to you pretty clearly. As the heat rushes to your cheeks, you notice the way his sweatpants hang low on his hips.
Namjoon looks up at you and the angelic stranger standing at your side, his brows furrowed in confusion. “Morning hyung,” he greets, his voice sounding chirpier than earlier. Namjoon just nods in response before walking away from the situation.
The man turns to you and sticks out his hands. “I’m Jimin. Nice to meet you.”
“I’m Y/n, but I guess you already know that.”
Your eyes dart back to where Namjoon was standing just a few seconds ago and thoughts run through your head. “Hey, meeting in two” You hear a deep voice speak. Your head shoots up as your eyes land on the man in front of you, running his fingers through his long dark curls. You notice the way his eyes scan your body before landing on Jimin standing next to you. His brows knit in confusion as he signals Jimin to move with his eyes.
“Wait” you yell out as Jimin walks over to the dark-haired man. You quickly walk towards them.
“What meeting?” you question, your eyes squinting in confusion. The two men look at each other before the dark-haired man speaks up, “Namjoon hyung called for all 7 of us to assemble to discuss further plans”
“Can I come with?” you ask.
“Well, he told all 7 of us to gather so..” the man’s voice trails off. You roll your eyes at his response.
“Aren’t you all here for MY safety?” you say and Jimin shrugs before responding, “Fair enough. Come along.” As the three of you walk towards one of the rooms in the safe house, you look around admiring the simplicity of the house.
Jimin pushes open the door of a room and you see Namjoon talking to someone over the phone. The other guys seem to be engaged in conversation as you slowly sit down not wanting to draw attention to yourself.
“Why is she here?” Namjoon speaks, his voice coming off deeper than usual. You roll your eyes at his question before responding, “Because I wanted to” crossing your arms, staring down at him. You notice the way his jaw clenches at your snappy response.
“It's only fair we start by introducing ourselves right?” one of the men sitting next to you says. You notice the softer features on his face, his smile bright.
“Jung Hoseok at your service,” he says doing a little bow making you giggle at his actions.
“The name’s Seokjin,” The older one says and the others start chuckling at his introduction. Your eyes dart to namjoon and you notice how at ease he seems with the other guys. His eyes meet yours and a soft smile appears on his face. He fucking smiled. You feel your heart almost skip a beat at the sight of his dimples. You quickly look away and try to focus on the ongoing conversation instead.
“Lol boomer,” the seemingly younger man says giggling as Seokjin glares at him. You notice the way he plays with the ring near the right corner of his lip. “I’m Jungkook. Unlike Jin hyung, if you wanna hang out with the cool people hit me up.” you chuckle at his statement and you hear Hoseok whisper to you.
“You’re about to witness Jin hyung’s iconic rap yelling”
Sure enough, Jin does start yelling, dragging out his words as the younger man throws his head back, everyone laughing. You don’t recognize the smile on your face. It feels so natural to laugh around these people you’ve never even met before. Your mind takes you back to the dinner table at your house, back in Seoul where all you ever experienced was anger, sadness, and silence.
“I’m Taehyung. Nice to meet you” the deep voice of the dark-haired man brings you back to reality. You notice the smile playing on his lips, in complete contrast to his deep, manly voice.
“That’s Yoongi hyung” Hoseok says pointing to one of the men with long black hair, sleeping peacefully.
“Someone willing to volunteer as tribute?” Jimin asks as your brows furrow in confusion.
“I vote for Jimin,” Jungkook says and the others nod in approval. “Why me?” Jimin rolls his eyes before tugging at Yoongi’s hand and yelling into his ears ‘wake up’.
“Fucking hell. Can’t sleep peacefully for one second in this goddamn household full of lunatics.” Yoongi complains as his eyes barely open, still adjusting to the bright lighting of the room.
“Stop complaining cat man,” Jimin says laughing at Yoongi’s half-awake state.
“Now that we’re done with introductions can we get into the important stuff” Namjoon speaks, his dominant leader mode taking control, the softer side completely dissolving into the atmosphere.
He opens up his phone and slides it over to you. You see a tanned man with a scruffy-looking beard. “Do you recognize him?” Namjoon asks and you shake your head.
“As per our intel, he is the one who fired the shots at the club.” You look down again taking a closer look at the man. “I’ve never seen him,” you say shaking your head and Namjoon sighs in response.
“As much as we are here in a safe house, we must be on alert at all times. Never underestimate the enemy” he says and everyone nods in response.
“We also have only three bedrooms and before you all fight to death over being roomies, Jin hyung and I came up with a list of the least chaotic combinations. Jin hyung and Jimin will be in one room. Hobi and Tae can sleep in the living room. Yoongi and Kook will be in one room.”
“Wait where are you and I sleeping?” you ask and the realization hits you that you’re fucked.
You're gonna be sharing a room with Namjoon.
Taglist: @kookznoona @souryoong @gukkie01
Special thanks to @gukkie01 for proposing this idea. Love you ♡.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 10 months
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Ara is just a clown and the whole world is her circus -Danny Words: 2,556 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'Someone To You' -by BANNERS
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XXXVIII: They'll Get Over It, They Just Gotta Be Dramatic First
Percy tells Lily where to find her sister and she leaves right away, wanting to make sure Annabeth is out of danger. My brother eyes me carefully. "How are you feeling?"
I shrug. "I wasn't fighting..." I pout, unable to control my tears. "I can't complain."
"You have the bombs?" 
I nod, but I can't speak, so Percy hugs me. "I... I'm sorry," he says weakly. "I broke the bridge, I didn't retreat when Annabeth told me to. I thought I could—"
"You can't get hurt like before, can you? You did something to yourself."
He tells me what he and Nico did the night prior. He also tells me what a manipulative asshole Nico turned out to be. He doesn't say it like that of course, Percy's too noble, but I know what to do now.
"Go to sleep," I tell him. "You look exhausted."
"You should sleep too."
I shake my head. "Cabin Seven just lost their counselor, and Jake needs me. I gotta help, I haven't done enough."
He gives me a funny look. "You sound like Silena."
"Well, we're sisters," I notice she hasn't come to check on me and my stomach drops. "Where is she?"
Percy's quick to put my mind at ease. "Went to get Clarisse. Michael gave her the chariot, but she still refused to come..."
"I'll see that she thinks twice before pulling another stunt like this one."
He smiles. "Now you sound like Michael."
"He trained me," I state proudly.
Percy squeezes my shoulder, I feel a wave of guilt coming out of him, but something in me can't lighten his discomfort. My brother goes to sleep, but I look around for Jake Mason. I find him struggling to bandage his hand. 
"Let me," I take his injured hand and wrap it properly. "Where's Nyssa?"
"She and Connor came back ten minutes ago," he tells me, nodding a silent thank you when I finish with his hand. "Connor found a couple of walkie-talkies, you should take one."
I make sure his bandages are tight and in place, then I look up at him. "Everyone okay?"
"Yeah," he shakes his head. "There were so many, Ara..."
I frown. "Listen, counselor, we're not gonna give room to those thoughts. We're a capable army, and we can handle this. Beckendorf trusted I could help, and that's what I'll do."
He glances at me, speaking quietly. "Sorry about Michael..."
I let go of his hand and take the walkie he's offering me. "I can't blame my brother for what happened, so I'll beat up Clarisse once I see her."
"Ara, cut her some slack," he sighs. "I'm trying my best but look at me... perhaps she's in over her head, too."
"A leader knows when to step in. That's all she had to do, and she failed. She should know better, considering who her father is."
Before I leave, I check if Almighty's still in my pocket, I don't know if it's the same as Riptide, I've never thrown it away to see if it comes back, and now's not the time to risk it.
"Sleep, Jake, we have to set those bombs around first thing tomorrow."
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"So?" Lily crosses her arms. "What's so important that you have to tell all of us at once?"
Ara asked Lily, Jason, and Piper to meet her outside the Big House on the morning of her departure. Leo's standing next to her, fidgeting with loose screws and avoiding Lily's eyes at all cost.
"I'm not even sure I should make a big deal out of it," Ara starts. "But I guess—"
"Let's just say it," Leo urges her, he looks like he's about to pee his pants. "You're leaving in thirty minutes."
"Okay! Well, uh..." Ara locks eyes with Piper, her smile encourages her. "Leo and I are dating."
Lily's face is pale on a normal day, but right now she looks like one of Nico's ghosts. "What!"
"Congrats!" Jason says.
"I'm happy for you," Piper grins. "I mean you, Leo. I feel bad for Ara."
"What!" Lily repeats again, eyes wide. "You've known each other for like a month! Barely!"
Ara knows this is insane from her best friend's perspective. Lily can't trust as easily as Ara, even Connor, who's been her crush for the last few years, had to earn that the hard way, and he doesn't even know it. Connor thinks Lily tolerates him most of the time.
"Well, it's been a long month," Ara replies, unable to be serious. "C'mon, Lils, it's not like you didn't see it coming."
Lily replies in disbelief. "How was I supposed to know? You spent years swearing you would never date a Cabin Nine camper and I—"
Ara laughs. "Are you happy or not? I can't tell."
"She probably isn't," Leo jokes even though Ara knows he means it. "I'm the bad boy, right? You said something like that to Annabeth."
Lily blushes. "I said you're untrustworthy when it comes to following rules. You sleep at the bunker the days Ara isn't around, and you lie when she asks you things."
"What?" Ara looks at Leo frowning. "What are you lying about?"
Leo scowls at Lily. "Are you spying on me?"
"Yeah, and good thing I do!" Lily argues. "I knew Ara liked you, so I wanted to know if you were—"
"Lily, I told you not to spy on Leo!"
"But he lies!" Lily insists. "He doesn't eat and doesn't sleep, he's going to faint or drop dead and then it'll be up to you to carry on with his work and you'll stare at that picture of him in your room all day and—"
"Alright, let's take a moment!" Piper intervenes.
Ara turns to Leo. "For Gods's sake, just eat. I want to come back to a living, healthy boyfriend, not your malnourished corpse. Don't take Lily's actions as an attack, she's trying to help you."
Leo understands of course, after the talk they had last night. He mumbles and shrugs, still poutig. Ara then turns to Lily.
"Promise me you won't be harassing Leo to make sure he follows orders."
"I know," Ara interrupts calmly. "But even Michael respected our free wills, perhaps more than anyone we ever knew. You're a lot like him, Lily, you see the potential in people. Please do that with Leo as well, and be nice. He'll need your guidance sometimes."
She looks between the two. Lily and Leo are blushing out of annoyance.
"Truce?" Ara presses.
"Not truce," Lily crosses her arms. "But I'll give him the benefit of the doubt."
"Wow, how generous," Leo scowls.
"Cool!" Ara continues. "So, uh... that's all we had to say."
Jason clears his throat, he glances at Lily with a bit of concern. "Well... we're happy for you two. You guys make sense together."
"Totally," Piper agrees. "I see it, though it's still kinda weird."
Ara is pretty sure Lily is muttering something about elves, then she sighs and shrugs. "Well, at least I get to do this." Lily pulls the walkie-talkie from her belt and presses on its button. "Connor?"
He replies almost immediately. "What's up?"
"Start plan 19."
"What's plan 19?" Leo whispers to Ara worryingly.
"I don't know," she raises a brow. "Lily—"
The girl lifts a finger asking her to wait. There is a long silence before Connor replies.
"Are you serious right now?"
Lily presses the button again. "I'd never joke about this, Stoll."
"Connor, what—" Ara tries to take the walkie but Lily is quick to pull out one of her daggers. 
"Stand back, Jackson," she warns her. "Let us do our job."
Ara is deeply confused, but then she spots Connor, his brother, Malcolm, and pretty much all of their Cabin Nine and Cabin Ten friends hurrying to meet them uphill. The Stolls are carrying towels and the evilest look in their eyes she's ever seen.
"Oh, shit," she backtracks.
"Wait," Leo grins. "Is it lake time?"
Ara looks back at Lily almost pleadingly. "Lily Saggio, I'm your best friend."
"Save it," her friend smirks. "You would show no mercy if you were in my place."
"It's the middle of winter!"
"If you get sick, you got your boyfriend to look after you."
"Yeah, no problem!" Leo says, bouncing on his spot. He waves at the small crowd. "What's up! I believe you're here for me!"
"I can't swim!" Ara exclaims.
"Are you lying to my face right now?" Lily questions, eyes bright with amusement.
Malcolm scowls when he sees who's standing next to Ara. "Aw, man, it's Leo," he groans.
"Pay up, loser," Lily extends her palm out to her brother.
"Buckle up, Birdy," Travis smirks.
Ara is not a coward, but she tries to run anyway. Naturally, she gets caught almost immediately. 
She hates the cold. Genuine hate. Even the thought of it makes her angry and now her friends are about to throw her into frozen water, and she wonders if anyone actually cares about her because this is basically like a murder attempt.
"You okay, sunshine?" Leo has a huge smile on his face. "Now's your last chance," he holds out his hand.
Leo lets Jason, Piper, and his siblings carry him like this is a game, which of course it is, but Ara is playing rough. She knows rules are rules and she's dating someone, therefore she's got to take one for the team, but the gods above know she'll complain about it up until the last second.
Ara seizes his hand. "Oh, it's too late for anything."
"Think about it this way," Jason says happily. "Leo's finally going to take a shower!"
"Hey!" He hits the back of Jason's head. "I don't smell that bad!"
Ara tries not to, but a laugh escapes her. Lily whistles, pointing at the lake. "Take them!"
"Have a nice swim, guys!" Jake Mason exclaims.
As soon as they make contact with the lake's ice-cold surface, Ara's entire body screams in agony, but Leo's hand is still firmly wrapped around hers, making sure she stays close to him. 
They resurface gasping for air, Ara shivers like crazy. "Holy f—"
"It's fine, it's fine! I'm right here," Leo squeezes her hand, pushing the hair out of her eyes so she can see. "You okay? Nothing broken?"
"N-No," she coughs out, swimming to the edge.
"The world didn't end," Leo teases her. His lips are slightly purple, but he doesn't seem to care in the slightest. "And now we get to be together in public! I love this camp..."
Ara sneezes and hurries to where her friends are. "Do me a solid, Valdez. Don't talk to me until I'm out of the water."
The Hephaestus kids hurry to pull Leo out while Ara's siblings tend to her. Lily is quick to wrap a towel around Ara and Piper approaches with a leaf blower.
"You had a plan for this, really?" Ara raises a brow, still shivering.
"I wasn't going to just throw you in a leave you wet, though I should've," Lily rolls her eyes. "I have a plan for everything, Queen B. I'm also prepared for a breakup if things go bad."
Ara laughs and shakes her head, looking at her friend with admiration. "Honestly, I should just date you instead."
Piper uses the leaf blower on Ara, and then she smiles at Lily. "I love the girls in this camp, you're all so fun to hang out with."
Leo approaches with a towel around his shoulders, mostly dry. "That was fun! I don't know why Jason complained so much about it."
"'Cause it's winter and I was wearing socks," Jason makes a face. "Who in their right mind enjoys that?"
"And yet you still threw me in," Ara points out.
"Yeah, it's fun to watch," he grins.
"Well, this was great, but my girlfriend is leaving in like, fifteen minutes, and I haven't seen the picture she keeps of me in her room," Leo wraps an arm around Ara's shoulders. "See y'all— scatter, or whatever. What's that thing you say, doll?"
"You're dismissed," Ara replies in an embarrassed tone, blushing at Leo's proximity. 
Once they're out of sight, Leo kisses her cheek and speaks in a more serious voice. "It's over! I'm having nightmares about Lily and her knives for the rest of the month."
Ara laughs. "She's harmless!"
"Yeah, right. I've heard the stories, sunshine. She is far from harmless—and you're even worse!"
"What makes you think that?"
"All the times you've tried to kill the son of Hades—"
"He had it coming," Ara rolls her eyes.
Leo raises both hands in surrender, then adopts a playful expression. "Is it true that you got a picture—?"
"Oh shut up, I know you kept the stupid hat my mom gave you," she says defensively.
"Hey, that's different! I collect hats!" He argues.
Ara stops. "You what?"
"I collect hats," Leo repeats casually. "I like them."
"Yeah," he smiles. "Unique hats."
Ara can't tell if he's joking, and that's enough to realize he's not. "When you got to camp you didn't have any hats with you."
"Well, I don't carry them around," he rolls his eyes, "but I had hats in my dorm, in Wilderness School. I never went back to get them, so my collection is lacking again."
She smiles a little. "No new hats since you got here?"
"I've got the hat your mom gave me, a party hat from when the drunk nymphs tried to kill us—when you first kissed me remember?—And I got a winter hat from the last time Thalia and her hunters visited camp."
Ara notices that as he lists these items, his skin glows like gold. "Leo, you should've told me, I could've given you a hat as a present for Christmas!"
"You can give me one for Valentine's Day," he winks. "But it's got to be super weird or magical, like Annabeth's cap. Got it?"
Ara pecks his lips. "I'll keep it in mind."
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I point at Lily without stopping and gesture at her to follow me. "You're coming with me."
She gets up and seizes her knives. Connor tries to stop her. "Woah! Where are you going?"
I glare at him, he stops and looks at me with a bit of apprehension.
"Where is Grover?" I ask him.
"I-I don't know," he looks around. "Have you asked Percy?"
"He can't know I'm leaving," I squint. "Is that clear?"
Connor glances at Lily, she's calmly placing her knives in place, concealing them under her armor. Her eyes are red and puffy, but she's determined to join me.
"Just be careful," he says. "Lily?"
She nods without looking up at him. "Sure."
When we find Grover, I use charmspeak so he tells us how Percy got into the Underworld, and then I make him forget. We walk out of the Plaza toward Central Park, and Lily doesn't say a word until I speak.
"I'm visiting your patron."
She points to a bunch of rocks. "There's an entrance there, I can feel it."
I draw out Grover's flute, and play a lullaby he taught me years ago during our first quest. The entrance opens, and I take one step forward. 
"It was Nico's idea," I explain as we enter. "You know what that means?"
Lily sighs. "That he took an educated guess as to why we wanted to contact Achilles?"
"He guessed wrong," I scowl. "And he's gonna pay for that."
Lily frowns. "Why?"
I tell her what Percy told me, but she isn't as angry as me. "Well, it worked, right? Percy's invincible. Strong enough to destroy a bridge..."
I stop. "That was Michael's idea."
"Yeah, after Percy messed up."
"Are you blaming my brother?" I stare at her, annoyed, but she's grieving as much as I am, there's no point in arguing about it. Her mind will clear up eventually. "Look, this is exactly what we needed. Your patron wants a godsend and Nico wants to win our trust back."
"I have both in the palm of my hand," I reply, my gaze stuck on the dark horizon. "I'll make a deal with Hades."
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bluejaysandblackbats · 6 months
In The Soup
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: Jason Lives AU where he and Superboy become friends, despite Bruce's disapproval of Superboy. (ft. Jason's service dog, Gromit)
Chapters: 3/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon, Conner Kent, Roxy Leech, Rex Leech
Relationships: TBA
Additional Tag: Jason Todd Lives, Jason Todd Has Chronic Pain, Jason Todd Has PTSD, Conner Kent is Superboy, Good Friend Jason Todd, Protective Jason Todd, Overprotective Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Disabled Characters, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Get Along, Good Parent Bruce Wayne, Developing Friendships, Sneaking Around, Disguise, Fluff and Humor, Secret Messages, Hiding in Plain Sight
Chapter Three: Jumper
"Gromit, I just want to see," Jason whispered as he struggled through the crowd. Gromit supported Jason as he stared up at the Wayne Tower. He could only catch a glimpse of a girl on a ledge. "Something's wrong... Gromit, something's not-." Jason tried to grab his phone, but someone in the crowd knocked it out of his hand. "Hey! I'm trying to call 9-1-1!"
"In this city? Good luck!" a man shouted. Jason pushed a hand through his hair as he frantically tugged on the shirts of people around them, hoping that someone would have a conscience before things got messy. They ignored him, so he took Gromit into the building and to the front desk.
"Hi, Jason," the security guard greeted. Jason took a breath. "Need to sit?"
"No time, Chuck. Is Bruce here?" Jason asked.
"Just missed him. He had an emergency and had to leave for his trip early. You're not going with him?" Chuck questioned.
Jason leaned over the front desk and grabbed a walkie-talkie. "Can you call 9-1-1 and tell them there's someone on the roof?" Jason asked. He ran to the elevator and took it up to the roof, his heart racing as he whispered reassurances to himself. "Keep your head, Jason. Bruce taught you to keep your cool. She'll be fine if you stay calm." Gromit nudged Jason with his nose. "No time to worry about me. I'll be fine." The elevator dinged, and Jason rushed out. "Let's talk."
The girl stepped down from the ledge, and Jason loosened up. "This isn't what you think, Kid. This is a stun—." Jason collapsed. Gromit lay down on the ground, protecting Jason's face from hitting the ground. "Crap! Hey, Kid!" She made a call on her cell, putting it on speaker.
"What's going on, Roxy?" the male voice answered.
"Some kid—. He thought I was gonna jump to my death—. Something's wrong, S-B… He dropped. And he's got a dog with him," Roxy answered.
Superboy swept in and listened for a heartbeat. "Is he—?" Superboy shook his head and lifted one of Jason's arms.
"His medical alert bracelet," Superboy whispered. He rolled Jason over and placed his jacket under his head while Gromit lay under Jason's legs, keeping them above his head. "He's got a walkie… Hold on." Superboy picked it up and pressed a button. "Hello?"
"Jason, are you sure you saw a jumper?" Chuck questioned.
"No jumper. It was a publicity stunt," Superboy answered honestly, "Did you call 9-1-1?"
"Not yet. I was waiting for word from you. Jason, do you see anything up there?" Chuck asked.
"No, thank you, though. Can someone bring up a soda and maybe a bag of chips or a pretzel or something?" Superboy asked.
"Uhh… Sure," Chuck replied, "Are you okay up there?"
"He's fine… And I'm not Jason. He's lightheaded, but his heart rate is rising… He'll be down as soon as he feels better," Superboy answered. He set the walkie to the side. Jason tried to sit up with a start, and Superboy patted his chest. "Hi, you're alright. You're among friends… It's okay, Jason. I'm Superboy. My friends call me S-B… And this Roxy."
"Don't call 9-1-1," Jason mumbled. Superboy nodded.
"I know. I didn't... Try to relax," Superboy whispered. Jason shut his eyes before patting his pockets.
"My phone!" Jason exclaimed.
"Easy! I'll find your phone. Give me your number and lay still," Superboy commanded gently. Jason pressed his palms against his eyelids as he recited his phone number from memory, and Roxy called it. Jason and Roxy couldn't hear Jason's phone ring, but Superboy could, and he swooped down to search the crowd for it. He found it in someone's pocket and held his hand out. "That doesn't belong to you." The man sighed and gave Superboy the phone.
He returned to Jason, who by that time managed to sit up, sipping his soda. Superboy gave Jason his phone back. "Thank you... Where do you come from?" Jason asked. He leaned back against the wall, shutting his eyes as he took another sip.
"A lab," Superboy answered honestly, "The world needed another Superman while the big guy was indisposed. I was supposed to fill that need... Roxy, you can go... You should probably tell your dad something came up."
Jason made a soft noise before taking a deep breath. "Do you wanna sit down?" Jason asked. "I might be down here a minute." Superboy nodded and sat beside him.
"Want me to check your blood pressure?" Superboy asked.
"Not yet... Give me a minute. Have you dealt with this before? You seem calm," Jason noted. Superboy shook his head. He stared at Jason.
"Not to be invasive, but who bashed your skull like that? I can see old fractures all over," Superboy whispered.
"I was in a bad accident... I spent a year in the hospital. Also, looking at somebody's bones without permission is rude, even if you're just looking for signs of injury," Jason replied. Superboy looked down at his feet.
"Sorry," Superboy apologized.
"It's alright... I don't actually mind. I was messing with you," Jason smirked. Superboy chuckled. "You're alright... Wish I could tell my dad-. Wish I could tell Bruce I met you."
"Why can't you?" Superboy asked.
"Because Bruce would flip. He doesn't trust you. He thinks you're the result of some government conspiracy to destroy Superman's reputation," Jason answered honestly.
"And what do you think?" Superboy asked.
"You're a teenager like me... Well... Not like me. Cooler than me," Jason half-smiled. Superboy chuckled.
They sat in silence for a while before Jason could stand. "Let me get dressed and take you home," Superboy offered.
"Get dressed?" Jason asked.
"I could change out of costume and drop you off as somebody else," Superboy offered.
Jason chuckled. "I can't believe I'm gonna say yes to this," Jason replied in disbelief. "I have a change of clothes in my bag. You can borrow them." Superboy nodded and slipped the clothes on over his costume.
"Why do you have a change of clothes in your bag?" Superboy asked.
"I live in Gotham. Anything could happen. Chemical rain, gas attacks, pollen bombings... You wouldn't believe the stuff that gets trapped in the fabric of my clothes in this city," Jason answered. Superboy's eyes widened, and he nodded. "If my friend asks, you're Conner from New York, and I met you at school. You insisted on taking me home to make sure I got back okay. Lie-truth-lie-truth." Jason gestured as he spoke, slapping his palm with the back of his hand for emphasis.
Superboy nodded. "Okay. I could be Conner from school," Superboy smiled, "Thanks for the name... I like it."
"Good. It suits you," Jason replied as he leaned on Gromit's handle for support. "I'll order us a ride."
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skaruresonic · 5 months
Shadow is the raw "fuck around and find out". Sonic mutually is similar. If forced to disturb each other, they will duke it out. Otherwise neither really need to. Nor is this exclusive to Shadow and Sonic, Shadow will fight with anyone. And I think that's missed on fans for the Vegeta descriptor. It also marks a problem with DBall fans thinking of Vegeta only in relation to Goku, and indirectly assuming Sonic is Goku
Heroes and Gens that said are piss for how the fight started, but both games also aren't exclusive to them (Rouge is even more aggro to Chaotix for 0 reason, Silver in Gens). And then this ignores Shadow being noble end of Heroes to stall for charging up, and Gens for giving encouragement and sticking for the party (not to mention Gens it's strictly to celebrate anniversary rival battles)
I also feel you misread Battle; Shadow asking is pretty huge, and largely because he was dealing with fear/self loathing over the course of the game (which given Heroes and ShtH makes sense. He gained ego, but is absolutely aware a worse version of him can happen). The choice prompt's onus should be on Sonic disagreeing, not "oh Shadow didn't actually care regardless of choice". Him asking Emerl last story to prove himself is only partially ego, it's to ensure Emerl can actually fucking stand up for himself. It takes a lot for him to open his mind and change, and Emerl's death definitely affected him
06 Shadow is definitely combatitive to those disturbing him. He's bluntly dismissive to Rouge beginning, catty to Sonic when he suggests him to be late, chases after Mephiles even when others didn't, and Silver he beats him up and only suggests "finding the truth" due to a freak accident + hearing Mephiles mentioned. Even then the fight still happened :V. In game quotes further show his ego and self confidence, and there's a bunch of scrapped quotes of a Sonic/Shadow side mode with them being more catty, but not to destructive flanderized "battle me now". He's self actualized to not hate himself, and in a way honors Emerl and Maria without mentioning them regarding his mission to humanity...but not falling down if hated
Rivals 1 and 2 again have him focused on his mission. He fights even Rouge in Rivals 2 due to her being coy and unhelpful despite having leads regarding the Ifrit. His relation with Metal is actually interesting as he continually shows respect to him, with Metal similarly being more than just a walkie talkie with its sacrifice in the end
Colors DS he's on a mission again, this time with Omega. His relation to Sonic is to test him, but he isn't aggro as Sonic isn't instigating nor disturbing. He actually compliments him when he leaves
Free Riders is kinda shit, but not for direct reasons. He has no reason being in the tournament, he barely interacts with anyone besides "hmph" and "Did you think I'm not good". He's not Ooc, but his usage is boring. Partially noble to the robot surprisingly, but Rouge being bitchy is ehhh
Gens again ehhh
Forces he's misused in terms of >doing nothing for 6 months, though in char. He's mad Infinite has copies, though more concerned of the world over his ego. It's Sonic that chips despite his apathy. Ep Shadow he's bluntly telling Infinite to fuck off with his backstab attempt, yet fandumb take offense to that :V
So with that said.. I find the Tails Channel thing to be meh flanderizing of Sonic mainly, but not as bad as fans are bitching. Shadow's nuance is being Vegeta in isolation, not being Vegeta in Goku rivalry. I feel this is missed cuz Ian Archie turning him into a naive wuss + ignoring that Heroes, ShTH and Battle are vital to his char dev + oversimplifying/overglorifying 06 + people still acting like Boom and Twitter are continuity tied when they fucking aren't
I'm... getting the feeling you guys think I'm not taking Shadow's entire character into account when I'm instead trying to highlight one aspect to make the overall point that you kind of have to take the thorns alongside the roses with him. You (general you) can't just accept his better qualities while refusing to acknowledge the rougher edges of his personality; that's neither fair nor equitable.
Yes, I know he's pragmatic and goal-oriented. That doesn't necessarily negate the fact that he can be bullheaded as well. In every example you listed, (except for '06 and Free Riders which I can't vouch for bc I haven't played them), Shadow's displayed varying degrees of pettiness and stubbornness to accompany his nobler moments.
Heroes and Gens that said are piss for how the fight started, but both games also aren't exclusive to them (Rouge is even more aggro to Chaotix for 0 reason, Silver in Gens). And then this ignores Shadow being noble end of Heroes to stall for charging up, and Gens for giving encouragement and sticking for the party (not to mention Gens it's strictly to celebrate anniversary rival battles)
Exactly. The "aggro" attitude Sonic's rivals have in Gens is not limited to just Shadow, which should imply that the characters are stuck in whatever pocket of time they got sucked into until Sonic unfreezes them.
It would make sense for Shadow to say that this is where he "ends" Sonic if he believed he was back on the ARK trying to stop Sonic from reaching the Eclipse Cannon; one of his idle quotes in Final Chase is that he'll "destroy" the interceptor.
Besides, I don't know why people are harping on Shadow challenging Sonic to a race when Silver literally tried to Katamari Sonic to death lol like isn't Meteor Smash way worse than a verbal threat
Rivals 1 and 2 again have him focused on his mission. He fights even Rouge in Rivals 2 due to her being coy and unhelpful despite having leads regarding the Ifrit. His relation with Metal is actually interesting as he continually shows respect to him, with Metal similarly being more than just a walkie talkie with its sacrifice in the end.
in Rivals 2, Shadow progresses from taking Metal along for the ride to showing some concern for him and has a pretty civil conversation with Rouge. And also threatens to knock Sonic out merely for being in his way. xP
I also feel you misread Battle; Shadow asking is pretty huge, and largely because he was dealing with fear/self loathing over the course of the game (which given Heroes and ShtH makes sense. He gained ego, but is absolutely aware a worse version of him can happen). The choice prompt's onus should be on Sonic disagreeing, not "oh Shadow didn't actually care regardless of choice".
...kind of missing my point a little. Shadow doesn't politely ask Sonic for custody of Emerl, nor is it exactly him who offers you a choice. Rather, the game does. And given that one of the points the game makes with that choice being a false one is that Sonic and the player are not the same entity, the distinction between game and character are worth consideration, I think.
He demands Sonic hand Emerl over to be destroyed once he realizes Emerl has already established a Link with Sonic. And then the game - not Shadow - gives you, the player, a false choice where Sonic refuses regardless of whether you say yes or no.
Shadow's response of "Then... I'll destroy you too" remains the same as well.
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The choice being a false one sends a twofold message: that A.) the player and Sonic are not one in the same, and B.) Shadow isn't fucking around. Otherwise, why make it a choice at all? Why not just write the scene linearly and have it lead directly into fighting Shadow?
Forces he's misused in terms of >doing nothing for 6 months, though in char. He's mad Infinite has copies, though more concerned of the world over his ego. It's Sonic that chips despite his apathy. Ep Shadow he's bluntly telling Infinite to fuck off with his backstab attempt, yet fandumb take offense to that :V
I do agree that Shadow could have factored into the plot more, in the sense that I agree with the overarching sentiment that Forces is a tad underwritten and could have benefited from more showing instead of telling.
That being said, that doesn't necessarily mean he was misused or mischaracterized in the role he was given. Vegeta!Shadow accusations lobbed against Forces!Shadow baffle me the most because it's like bitch where. Folks may have a (slightly) better leg to stand on in almost any other game, but Forces? Forces, my dude? I just. :v
He told Infinite he was pathetic? bruh Infinite is a power-hungry sadist who straight-up does not give a shit that his squad's been destroyed. Finny was not some uwu sadboi whose face Shadow pushed into the dirt, that's just fanfiction
In fact, I'm pretty sure you could read his quiet contribution to the Resistance as some kind of lesson in humility that Infinite's antics taught him. Consider his snarky comments about Omega in the DLC vs. his attitude in the main game, where he smiles at the end of the final battle and notably sticks around Resistance HQ. His time in Virtual Reality being taunted by Rouge and Omega's specters seems to have taught him the value of camaraderie, if just a little bit.
It's Sonic that chips despite his apathy.
Yeah, this is one point where Forces could have clarified how he escaped. We kinda don't know whether he bounced after Virtual Reality or if he was stuck there up until the moment he reappears to save Sonic.
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ilivemydreamsthere · 2 years
You matter
Hello ,
I bring you my first fic in station 19 fandom. Its Maya Bishop x reader (where reader is nurse in hospital)
(Also thank you @nattspencer for supporting me with this story)
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"Hey y/ n are you okay ?" You raised your eyes and find out that one of the most beautiful women from the Seattle department stands before you. She was so beautiful in your eyes. Always when  you stumble across yourself at hospital or at bar when you and your friends meet Andy Herrera and Vic and Maya.
 You sighed and shaked head.Maya sit next to you and you raised an eyebrow but then blushed a little bit cause she took your hand without hesitation. She knows you are just a nurse at the ER. 
"How do you deal with loss as a firefighter?" You asked slowly and she gave you a small smile which made her even more beautiful.   
"We struggle as you in hospital don't think we don't. If we are here and someone die under mine hands it's not something I shake down quickly " she said and holds on your hand tight for a moment and your eyes met for a moment. The darkness of the coming evening hides both of you from the curious eyes of others. "Someone died?"  She asked.  
"Yes and I was told it was because I had made a mistake. Well told its understanding I was more like yelled at. " You shaked head and try to not let the tears fall.
"We are free for a few hours. Your shift is ending anyway right ?" She spoke softly. 
"Yeah it's. Where will we go?" She give your hand a squeeze. "To station of course. You can have shower here and I will take you home in few hours it's not a problem " 
"You are amazing!" You chuckled and jumped down from the small wall you had been sitting on and pulled Maya down too. 
She chuckled little " Easy tiger come " she did accompany you to their firefighters car. She did let your hand moment before you arrived to car. "Just go in backseat I will spoke with Andy " she said and let you get on back seat before going inside car. 
"We will have company " She spoke in the walkie talkie and you realize she spoke to Andy about you. "I saw you and y/ n what happened?" She asked and looked back to back seat where you had been. "I lost someone " you spoke looking down again. 
"I know the rules but can this stay between the two of us? Your father …."
"Have understanding for lose " Andy spoke and you have to smile. Capitan seems to be like very strict but kind man. 
"Thank you " You said and smiled when Maya started the engine and the firefighters vehicle left the parking lot before the hospital. 
"Bishop to capitan. We are on the way from the hospital where the kiddo is in Dr. Deluca hands. " Maya spoke and you could hear Andy speak to you. 
"May was incredible. She did pulled kid from the wheel which seems to be crashing inside itself " she looked back to you. 
"Oh I always feel like I am in the company of heroes with you " You joked but you also felt sad. You know you didn't make a mistake but the way the doctor yells at you still resonates with you. You signed little and it seem Andy understood you felt like a mess. 
"You matter too, you know. Even when others don't show it you matter "  Mayas voice bring you back in reality when she stopped inside station and Andy leave the car. 
"Thank you " You said and fix your long hair a bit. You meet her eyes. You had to smile. "It's okay if I take shower?" You ask and jump out of the firefighters car. 
"Of course come " that way she pulled you in the shower without noticing capitan smiling for himself cause despite being strict he also wished best to his team amd it seems he thought high of you. That way you in your light blue uniform and Maya in black fire fighters wore went to the shower. She rolled her eyes when you both could hear Gibson and Miller spoke and get undress as well. Andy wasn't nowhere to see as Vic and you remind alone with Maya realising you watch her undress without intention at first. First was fire proof jacket then trousers and you could see she was wearing uniform under it. You seen her in uniform many times but right now with smile she had on face.  You seems like you finnaly understood. You finally understood why were so many women obssed with watching firefighters.  She was stunning and beautiful. 
"Youuuu are staring "her voice wake up you from your own thoughts. 
"I am noooot! Well maybe a bit. I just realise why women can be obssed with firefighters. You know It just finally click in " You laughed and to your suprise she was one who blushed little. "You didn't understand it before?" She chuckled and started to walk with you to the bathroom. 
"Not really " You admitted and the look she gave you tell you she know something you didn't admit to yourself yet. 
"Intresting " She said and let you in bathroom and lock behinde yourself and you. This way you could see huge bathroom with shower on one side of room and toilet and bath on second. 
"Why?" You asked quietly and suddenly realise you feel excitement being alone with her. 
"Maybe I am wrong " She said and starts to undress her uniform. "But tell me your relationships sucks don't they? These with men ?" She asked and you finally feel warm feeling inside herself the one everyone describe when they spoke of attraction. 
"They do, " You admitted pulling your blue shirt down. 
"Maybe you should look over some women instead " She said and you felt like her gaze is burning in to your soul. 
"Like yourself?" Your voice sounds a bit raspy as you spoke back. You didn't know what get in to you but it seems natural. 
"Maybe yes. " Maya said softly and your eyes meet. You watched her coming closer you.
"Maybe? I think you are so beautiful. I always thought so " You spoke looking up to her eyes Maya had been a bit more tall then you. 
It seems it was all the firefighter need. She touched your face gently with her thumb and your lips went suddenly so dry. 
"I remember when we first met. You barely seen me. Complaining your colleague about something the doctor did wrong in your eyes. And I thought. Oh that's it. It's her. She is beautiful "  You forget how to breath when she said that. You just look at her eyes and gently touched her face. 
She was one who leaned in and kissed your lips. She was gentle at first but all that till the moment she realized she didn't scare you and you answered on the kiss. Your body pressed closer to each other and all you could hold her and keep tasting her beautiful lips. You forget everything. On the doctor who yelled at you and the entire word. It was all gone. Your thoughts screamed that Maya is kissing you!  She pressed closer you and you felt her heart beat as strong as yours. She make you step right under shower and lean you about wall. You moaned softly when she traced her lips on your neck. 
"Hun if you still wanna do this tomorrow I will make you scream " She whispered. "But tonight. You need to rest. You need to be take care of I will do it " She said and her voice make you shiver. You open eyes and meet her eyes burning with desire and something more. 
"Maya I want you now " You spoke looking to her eyes and your hands moved to her trousers you wanted to touch her wanted her close to yourself. 
"Station 19 please respond, car crash on the corner …." 
Maya meet your eyes and kisses you again it had been very diferent kiss then before. 
"Please be there when we come back Y/ N I have to go " She grabbed her shirt from ground and watched you leaning about wall. "My bed is all yours " She said softly "it's 3rd room from there if you are hungry kitchen is on way. I have to run !" She said smiling and before you can answer she was out of door. 
"Hey Bishop you even didn't had time to shower!"
"Shut up Gibson!" 
You had to laugh if he would even know. You touched your lips and undress completely before making shower working. You sighed and closed your eyes. You still feel her lips on yours and her hands on your body. You sighed little bit again and make water more warm. You had been under water for long time but then when you come out and put on shirt and legins you normally wear under your work pants and come out of bathroom you realise station will be empty now probably.  You just closed the door from bathroom and you could hear voice from room team of firefighters probably used like kitchen. 
"Y/N ! I know Maya bring you here " 
You bite your lips. Captain Herera was still here. You walked closer and lean about the door. "I am sorry sir if we broke some rules. She just wanted to take care of me " you spoke and didn't even look at him. 
"Don't be afraid, no. Maya shift end in few hours too. I wanted to tell you don't need to hide." 
"Thank you , its okay if I will go to bed ?" You asked and he just smile. 
"Yeah " he let you go and you just leave. You walked in bedroom you understood girls share together and for moment wondering which one is Mayas till you saw her shirt throw on it.  You smiled and curled soon in her bed and when you closed your eyes you could see her smile. You felt all dreamy. She bring you calmness easily. Like if nothing happened. You sighed and soon fall asleep.  
You didn't know how long did you sleep before you could feel Maya arms around yourself. "Shh relax it's just me " She whisper and you closed your eyes again. "In the morning I will take you on coffee "  
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strangerweirdo15 · 1 year
The King will fall pt3 (King! Steve Harrington x Fem! Henderson reader)
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Warnings- Bullying, angsttttt, one sided love, mutual pinning,eventual  smut (soft love), crying, bad home life(steve), best friends-enemies-friends-lovers <3. 
Summary: you remember the day you met him, the day you fell in love with him, and the day you fell out of love with him. Then the day that everything changed what happens when two strayed souls are pulled back together and forced to question what happened that day. The day Steve Harrington broke your heart. 
All conversations are in BOLD writing 
*Not spell checked*
Previous:  https://www.tumblr.com/strangerweirdo15/722996588813893632/the-king-will-fall-pt2-king-steve-harrington-x?source=share
Chapter 3: same old same old
The thing is life moves on, no matter the feelings you have. A lot has happened since 7th grade. You went through your first heartbreak but life went on. There are times now and then where you miss what used to be but there was a more overpowering feeling of resentment and anger . I couldn't quite put my finger on it. 
I'm now a senior. Well technically I'll be one after this summer is over. I started High School. That's when King Steve already got crowned going into his sophomore year and already I didn't recognize the boy I Used to Know. I kept my head down. I never wanted to be singled out by him or any of his friends. I had a couple good friends. Robin was my best friend though she knew everything I went through with him. Our friendship grew stronger from 7th grade and now I'm here.
 Working a summer minimum wage job at Scoops Ahoy in the new Star Court Mall my brother is gone at camp and I thought there's no harm. Last year I had a few run-ins with he who shall not be named. Some crazy stuff happened that my brother didn't tell me but I'm glad I got to be there for him even though now I'll have nightmares about a demon creature that ate our cat. Do I know why the one person that was available to give him a ride for him had to be Steve Harrington no. I do know how I felt the minute I saw him though my brother was younger when everything happened he's still new I never wanted to be around him that's why I threw that whole night I did not speak one word or even look in his Direction and after it was over and he tried to talk to me I did not give in I would not let him hurt me like that again. 
When Robin brought up the idea for us both to get a job so we can spend our summer together and earn money I thought no harm no foul. I think she forgot to mention that Steve the hair Harrington was also starting a new job there this summer. There were certain scenarios I just couldn't avoid. And I had to look at him and talk to him and breathe the same air as him and every inch of my being wanted to scream in his face
I had just gotten back from the store with my mom picking up some new cleats. See if something happens to you that hurts a lot you tend to pick up certain things to distract you, mine was soccer and I loved it. I loved my teammates. I love the adrenaline. My brother got home yesterday from camp. I'm getting dressed in my stupid uniform to go work a shift with my best friend and my worst enemy. 
I walked out into the living room where my brother was Messing with his walkie-talkie
Hey dust mite if you want to catch a ride with me to the mall I'm leaving right now. I said. He  jumped in the passenger seat of my car as we drove to the mall. I missed you kid, how was camp meet any hot chicks. He looked over at me with that little goofy smile of his. No way did my little brother get a girlfriend?. I am shocked as I'm turning down the radio. Her name is Suzie. She's so smart and she's even hotter than Phoebe Cates. I shake my head laughing. I cannot believe my baby brother has a girlfriend. Where does the time go? 
So what's new with you sis have you..... um talked to Steve a lot? 
I look over at him and disbelieve he knows I hate when he talks about him. What do you think? I say I don't feel like I'm being irrational. My brother just got home and already he's asking about stupid Steve, the one person who he Couldn't stop talking about all year long. Okay...okay I mean It's been almost 4 years I understand he was an asshole but he's changed really you know he talks about yo-. I cut him off before he could continue. Dustin please stop. I honestly don't care what he has to say and I can deal with how I want to deal with what happened for how long I want to deal with it. Can we have one conversation where you don't bring him up okay I missed you and you're already talking about him i just-.. i..t ...it doesn't matter we're already here.  
(Flash Back) snowball dance end of 84' 
I'm volunteering for the Snowball Dance as a chaperone. I've gotten a lot closer with Nancy and Jonathan. Our Brothers had been friends for a long time so you know at some point we were going to have to become friends. Nancy asked me if I was available to volunteer and I just thought after everything that had gone on what's the harm.I like Nancy she was a good person protected my brother even though it did hurt when her and Steve got together everybody knew about them the golden couple I thought after all these years I would have been okay but seeing them it hurt. Don't get me wrong I know Steve was in his slut phase. There was gossip left and right about him. It just still kind of hurts. I think a part of me would always love him… 
I told Dustin I could take him to the dance. He told me he needed extra time to get ready and he had a ride. I didn't ask who it was but I assumed. I told him I would be waiting out front even though El saved the world again I still got a little scared something could happen to my brother. 
(Dustin and Steve in the car
All right all right kid stop worrying your hair looks good I'm sure Max will like it. Dustin looked over at Steve and sighed. Steve looked at the window and then he cleared his throat. So um.. how's yo- your sister. Steve had changed over the last couple months and after Nancy dumped him. The day you guys stopped being friends Steve didn't really know what to do with himself he missed you a lot actually missed your talks missed you whenever his dad would yell at him or when nobody remembered his birthday. He missed your laugh. When you started high school he thought it was best to keep his distance. He had just started becoming popular. Every girl wanted him and every guy wanted to be him. But he noticed you. He always noticed you. He even went and watched your championship soccer game he saw you make the winning goal even though he was hiding behind the bleachers he looked at you and wished he was out there cheering with you. you never tried to talk to him either and you had every right but back then all he wanted to do was keep his front on let nobody in really and have everybody love him. Even if it wasn't real. Now that he's older and he's grown he regrets what he did. He still remembers the day everything happened the way you looked at the sound of your muffled cry. How he saw you run out to your mom's minivan and he walked back into the dance and acted like nothing happened. He missed your friendship. She's okay. I think she hasn't really talked much since what happened but I think she's okay. Steve nodded his head. He had Home Alone after that night, times like this is when he missed you.)
Lo and behold pulls up Steve Harrington's BMW. I do have to say the hatred I felt for him had died down a little bit in the last week. Maybe it was because he helped save my brother and his friends and the world I don't really know. My brother stepped out of the car and so did Steve. I looked at his head and started laughing. What the hell did you do to my brother's hair Harrington?. I walked up to them. Do you like it? Dustin asks me to flashing his new pearls. I could see the real enjoyment in my brother's eyes so I smiled. You know what I think I just might. I went to try and ruffle his hair but he hit my hand away.Not the hair not the hair. He whined. Get on inside. I told him and giggled. He ran up the steps into the school. I looked over to see Steve staring at me with a look in his eyes I couldn't put my finger on. You alright Harrington? I turn around to fully look at him. He turned his head down slightly blushing that he had been caught. Um it's just I haven't heard your laugh in a long time is all. I look down for a minute trying to contemplate what he's saying and why he is saying it is this cruel joke there's no way it could be anything else. Steve started to think about what he just said in the look on your face he was mortified. i'm sorry all i meant- he starts to say. Steve we have barely talked in the past 5 years up until recently with everything that happened I have so much as looked at your direction I don't know what happened to you but I want you to stop trying to do whatever this is if you're guilty or something want to clear your conscience don't do it on my Accord it only makes you feel better. I turn on my heels and start walking back into the gym.
Y/N wait can we just talk for a second..  I can hear Steve running up behind me and as I was going to turn around and tell him to stop the gym door opens. Out walks Ally Parker, Head cheerleader at Hawkins High and part-time evil witch. She spots Steve and brushes past Me Knocking my shoulder. Watch out. She says in her snarky uptight tone she's just another one of those popular people who makes everybody feel little to boost their own confidence but I guess it's right where Steve belongs. I scoff and roll my eyes as she walks in front of me and bats her eyelashes at Steve. Hi Steve. She says Oh hey Ally I'm kind of busy right now. He says gazing up at me and trying to move past her. But she grabs his bicep with her perfectly manicured hand. She looks back at me and rolls her eyes. Why do you even need to talk to her? You should come out with us we're all going to the drive-in. Want to take me in your car? She lets out her evil witch giggle. I genuinely couldn't believe what was happening, same old same old. I scoffed loudly, turning the attention back to me. Yeah Steve, go have fun at the drive-in. Something about this Situation is bringing me back to the 7th grade snowball and that's why I don't know why I feel my cheeks going red and the tears forming behind my eyes. Steve must notice it too because he looks at me with those beautiful deep brown eyes full of pity. He reached out to grab my hand but I yanked it away Y/N please let me explain.
Thanks for making us relive history. I walked back into the gym down that same hallway where My heart was broken all those years ago. I can't believe he was doing it again, what I would do to not still be in love with Steve Harrington....( flash back over)
Dustin would never understand how I felt. He didn't know what happened at that Snowball Dance last year and I don't know why I feel like this. Maybe it's because I felt completely betrayed by somebody I called my best friend and yeah I know I was in seventh grade so why does it matter. I don't know I wish I could stop feeling what I feel. I wish I could just get over it and not feel resentment and anger but it's really hard when you're forced to be around the person that hurt you. And it sucks even more that he is always flirting. I don't want to feel what I feel but I can't help it so my heart hurts a little more each time. Because I see him in his little goofy sailor costume and I can't help but smile. Then I feel like that little girl, that little girl who just wanted Steve Harrington to like her, tell her, her dress was pretty to hold her hand to ask her to dance but I never got that and yeah I need to get over it but I can't..
End of pt 3 I'm not sure where to take this. but i hope you enjoy tho 
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thetisming · 4 months
okay reggie i have a very big question for you. what are all (or most) of the changes between the west-end/toronto versions of &j to the broadway/aus versions?
like what exactly was changed, added or removed. cause i know some things but not all of them
okay, lets see
for starters, in the west end & toronto versions, May said 'i dont know, i mean what would we even do? run off to someplace exotic and like, flirt with random foreign guys? okay i'm in' rather than 'oh i'm coming too. i will leave verona, and go on holiday/vacation, and live my best life, because THAT is what friends do!'
in the west end/toronto Show Me Love, William started giving a tour of paris. i dont know the exact words for the first bit, but this is how the interaction went:
William: I hope you're enjoying this other eden, this demi-paradise, this-
Anne: Okay, getting awfully wordy for a carriage driver!
William: Well I actually used to be a writer, until somebody took my job!
Anne: Okay. Just take us to Paris.
which is, tbh, the cutest thing ever. i love that interaction i wish we still had it
Francois didn't sing 'show me love and what it's all about' in west end or toronto, he just had an 8-bit version play and said nothing
in the Juliet/Frankie interaction, after Overprotected ends (Francois is cut off by Lance, which is why in the recordings he says 'hello' at the end), Lance comes in with Madeline* (insert some french last name idk), a princess that Lance wants Francois to marry. the interaction goes something like this:
Lance: Francois! This is Madeline (french last name), the crowned jewel of Paris.
Juliet: Oh, actually we were just talki-
Lance: Madeline is a princess!
Juliet: Okay! Nice to meet ya, Vaseline!
Madeline, with a french accent: Actually, it's Madeline!
Juliet: Okay? Well I may not be a princess, but I was here first! So, you can leave!
[Madeline and Lance leave and Juliet laughs]
Francois: Are you out of your mind? He will NEVER let me get away with that!
Juliet, still laughing: What's he gonna do?
Francois: Well if I don't dance-
Juliet: Oh, don't you worry Frankie. We're gonna dance.
[Confident begins]
this isnt completely accurate to the script because i cant remember very well but thats the gist of it
in most of west end they didn't have the "I just like kissing you" line, but it was added later and there for all of toronto
Since U Been Gone lines for Romeo and Benvolio that go like this:
Romeo: And I may be guilty, but you're not that... guilt free!
Benvolio: Yeah tell 'em boy, that's wassup!
which i miss SO MUCH. seriously i wish we had them still it was so cute :((
in West End One More Try, when Romeo said he's getting weirdly emotional, Juliet said 'you are weirdly emotional! and that's okay' instead of 'you are weirdly emotional, and i love that about you'
during Everybody, Angelique's sign says 'De Boi Band' rather than Lance!
Epilogue lines!
Lance: And since we are already here, perhaps a second marriage might FINALLY be arranged!
Anne: Yes, Lance and the nurse do get married!
Angelique: [something about her being married, cant remember, also Mel has a very strong accent so i cant always understand her] who will be next to catch the bouquet?
May: Uh, it's gonna be May!
Francois: And in case anyone was wondering, I no longer play the virginal!
i think thats all, but there could be more that i'm forgetting
1. Madeline is played by Imogen, who in West End was played by Rhian Duncan, Tim Mahendran (west end Francois)'s girlfriend of 2 (3?) years!
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It's now been a few days since SB Ruin released, and I've calmed down some and actually started noticing things and using my head.
So, here's an update.
(spoilers ahead)
Cassie throughout the game acts as a foil to Gregory from the base game, which makes her character really fascinating. By a foil, I mean she really loves these animatronics (except for Monty and the Music Men Army). She tries her best to fix and help the animatronics she's attached to, like Sun/Moon/Eclipse, Chica, and Roxanne. This is in direct opposition to Gregory destroying them. And the foil really shows during the elevator ending.
Speaking of the elevator ending, I'm unsure if that was directly Gregory's doing or someone acting as Gregory. The vocal clipping and editing that is demonstrated in the game shows that it's entirely possible that someone acted as Gregory once again and cut the elevator lines. But we didn't hear Gregory call to Cassie through the walkie-talkie after the credits though, we heard Roxanne.
In the game files, the 'monster in the basement' is apparently called the Grimic (supposedly a mash of Gregory-Mimic, just like how Vanny is a mash of Vanessa and Bunny.) And now that I know the actual purpose of the Mimic, its addition makes sense to the story. But the thing that I'm worried about is that Fazbear Entertainment is trying to get to it. Fazbear Entertainment created the AR system for navigating the ruined Pizza Plex, Helpi, and these Faz-Wrench systems. The AR system is specially designed to find these security nodes that are keeping the Mimic locked up from being found.
These systems were quite possibly made by Vanessa, Gregory, Freddy (??), and I think Malhare was involved as well, kind of to enforce security (unless Malhare is Vanessa's own design and Glitchtrap was eradicated at the Princess Quest ending of Security Breach. But this 'extra security protocol' can set up its own connection ports??). Whatever the Mimic's potential/power level/design/purpose is, Gregory and Vanessa do not want to let it out. At any cost.
And there could be the possibility of a hivemind (although I'm not sure since it was information that I skimmed through) and I don't know if that means multiple Mimics or that the Mimic can take control of other android technology. (If anyone has that information, I would love to have it!)
Then comes the question of who would want to have the Mimic? Fazbear Entertainment corporate executives most likely, but that thing has been down there for ages. Who knows that it's down there?
(headcanon tangent time)
My favorite headcanon is that it's Henry because if he was in the deepest part of the basement, he could've easily escaped through the tunnels and blocked off the hole to prevent anyone else from leaving. Going up the elevator, waiting for the fire to calm down to collect the machinery he specifically made sure Michael didn't destroy during testing, despite knowing that the fire would happen, to give to the people making the VR game.
Including the bits of machinery in Scraptrap that would lead to the creation of Glitchtrap.
I like to think of him as a bit of greedy business man. And it would make the FNAF story really interesting (for me at least) if Henry is kind of the ultimate bad guy of the whole story, not because he's bad but I love morally gray characters and I think they have really good uses for telling complex stories.
There could be multiple different answers that belong to separate people, and that's respectable! But this answer is my personal favorite.
(end of headcanon tangent time)
I did enjoy Ruin though, especially for the sake of now the characters are a lot more plot relevant to the story, and the more sci-fi FNAF gets, the more I wonder about the potential for perhaps a time travel based game, I think that would be kind of cool because I really enjoy those AUs. Not to mention a backstory is the thing I really want from this franchise.
If now with the power of AR technology, a person can walk through objects and teleport, the next step is obviously time travel (I'm half joking, but seriously, you can walk through objects in this game and teleport, that's a little nuts if I think about it).
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marzs-space · 1 year
Pairings: Miguel O'Hara x Male!reader
Warnings: mentions of abuse, mentions of arson, implied kidnapping, stealing, ooc, fluff, let me know if I missed anything!
A/N: more father figure Miguel for y'all. Enjoy :)
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The news played the same thing that's been happening over the past few months. More robberies, kids going missing and break-ins. Strange thing is that the things that have been taken from the break ins are food, clothes and shoes. No money at all. The things stolen from the stores are more food but more recently more and more baby food has been stolen. Now, Miguel is all for stealing baby food to take care of your kids but break-ins too? He watched as the culprit walked into their apartment. He snuck into the window.
You saw him and immediately led your new little siblings into your room. You heard as the window opened "ok.. stay in here ok? If the babies start crying try rocking them if that doesn't work use the walkie talkie ok?" They all nodded "ok, I love you guys" you said walking out of the room closing the door behind you. "Need something?" You said clutching your gun tightly in your hand. "Yeah, for you to stop robbing, stealing, and kidnapping" he says "kidnapping? I'm saving those kids."
You say defensively "Those kids are abused, neglected, and even sold off sometimes and I'm the bad guy?" You said "how do you know what those kids are going through?" "They have the bruises to prove it! I have video footage! Take me to jail if you want but keep those kids out of this and keep them away from their damned families" you say and he seems caught off guard by how much you care about some random kids. When suddenly a baby crying could be heard. You press a button on the walkie talkie on your shirt.
"try rocking the babies crib" you say into it. You received an 'ok' from the other end "how are you affording this and taking care of over 5 kids?" He says "...I'm not.. i-.." you sigh "shouldn't even be telling you this... I made a deal with HYDRA I let them use me and they keep my apartment paid for and send me food" you say hesitantly. "So why do you steal?" "They don't send enough and I'll be damned if I tell them I have a literal infant in my house" you say "papa the baby won't stop crying, what do we do?".
You sigh and leave the room going to get the baby and walk back out of the room with all of the kids you have following you. "Bubba who's that?" Axel one of the 5 year olds asked "...I don't know yet..." You say the baby in your arms babbling. "Is he gonna send us back papa?" Sage one of the 10 year olds asked "no. I'll make sure of it hun" you say placing a hand on her head. ".. look how about I help you guys out?" "Oh please! You just-" Forrest the 15 year old snapped "Forrest please.." Forrest is the worst case you've seen.
They were treated terribly from birth so their scepticism is understandable. "I can give you guys a place to live, food, water, clothes and all you need. All I need for you to do is to stop stealing and to trust me." You glanced at the baby that fell asleep in your arms "what do you guys think?.." they all nod but Forrest stay quiet "you hurt my dad and your dead" Forrest says you smile "sure..."
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Idk... Might do a part 2...
I didn't know what to do for the ending... Uh... Take this :) oh and thank you guys for all the love you've shown me!
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