#digimon character appreciation post
izzyizumi · 11 months
Me: *takes Deep breath* Me: I LO- anyone who has spent five seconds around me ever: yes, you love Takuya Kanbara, we get it okay, you love TAKUYA, KANBARA TAKUYA is ALSO a brightest f*cking starshine in your life, you f*cking ADORE THEM, yes okay yes, you love TAKUYA, HOW many times are we gonna go through this, yOU F*CKING LOVE TAKUYA KANBARA AND YOU WERE RIGHT TO LOVE THEM!!!!!
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azaracyy · 5 months
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to the next stage of our adventure! digimon survive week 2024 day 7: post-game / future personal thoughts under the cut - less about the artwork and more about shuuji and lopmon themselves. a long rambling containing major spoilers and heavy topics. will cause whiplash. proceed with caution.
other than the fact this may be boring and long-winded, cw and tw: there will be mentions of self-harm and suicide. if these topics make you uncomfortable, please step back. if you're sure, then alright. i'm aware this is a weird place to ramble about shuuji and lopmon considering the notorious highlight of their story would match the themes of day 5 (villains) and day 6 (dark & loss) better. unfortunately (ironically?) i never planned to feature them for those days, so... pretty sure i'm not the only one feeling this, but when i discovered that a good part of the fandom seems to loathe shuuji with utmost passion, even after they claimed to have completed the game, i was confused. the way his death happened and (understanding) the cause made me uncomfortable for a while, but never drove me to the point of hate... once i recovered from the initial shock, what i felt towards him was more pity, then respect (on truthful route). i feel shuuji should have been one of the most appreciated characters in survive. yet it was the opposite that happened. (between you and me though, knowing there was this discourse with the fact digimon survive is a visual novel, i'm not that surprised it turned out this way...) from my point of view, lopmon evolving into wendimon then killing shuuji symbolizes suicide, the act of taking one's own life. it was the climax of shuuji's mental breakdown, leading him to basically self-destruct, causing damage to everyone around him and ultimately himself. lopmon evolved, just like he hoped. but failed to do it like other kemonogami partners (maintaining control of themselves and fending off enemies). the next and final outcome was death, through his own partner actually eating him alive too. it reminds me how when someone thought they have prepared well for something important yet it failed spectacularly, the devastation and frustration would eat them in the same way from inside. and they probably would for one second think, "i'm better off dead". the more i pondered about it, the more it hit home, so of course, the last thing i could do is hate him, when his struggles sound similar to my own - having to rely on consistent achievements to prove your value, to feel you are worth living and not a waste of resources. the part where shuuji went all abusive on lopmon felt like the equivalent of pushing yourself to the extreme to reach your goal, to the point of neglecting your own needs. it's like a student so absorbed in their study, sacrificing food and sleep, until their body eventually snaps and shuts down for good (...this in fact happened to one of the students at my previous workplace. she was in her last year of high school. life was just about to truly start for her when her classmate informed us of her sudden death). even in truthful route where shuuji and lopmon survive that point, things aren't immediately nice and easy for him. you can see that he still has self-doubts, and what i think is impostor's syndrome. he could be making a great contribution to the team and still put himself down for having done "nothing". i have found it interesting that artists and writers tend to be especially fond of shuuji. so perhaps it's not just the matter of one's upbringing - whether you were raised in a harsh, competitive environment and/or with family with (unreasonably) high standards so you can relate more easily to him - but also whether one can see just what every struggle shuuji and lopmon went through symbolizes shuuji's mental state. out of all survive characters, i think shuuji and lopmon pulled off this thing called "surviving" the hardest, no joke. which is why i almost always gravitate to drawing them happy because that's what they deserve :') after all this, what i also would like to say is, it's okay if a character makes you uncomfortable. it's okay if you hate a character. but never, ever bring down the character to people who like them or even consider them their favorite or comfort character. if you must, do it in your own space and only with like-minded people.
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remember-digimon · 20 days
And now, I would like to put my extensive hyperfixation knowledge about astrology to work and tell you how I hc each kid's sun sign.
Please keep in mind, this is just my opinion, and if you hc a different sign for someone, your headcanon is still valid 😁 this is just my dumb interpretation.
If you have any thoughts, please feel free to let me know in the replies! ❤️
(Click to view the post! It's a long one lol I didn't want to destroy everyone's dash 😅)
Starting off with Tai.
Obviously he's a fire sign. There's no way he isn't a fire sign. So that's Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Aries is brash and rambunctious. Leo loves the spotlight. Sagittarius is untamed and full of wanderlust. To me, there's no way Tai *isn't* an Aries.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, so this sign doesn't have the 'experience' the other signs have. But they make up for that by charging into things, eager to experience new things, and to prove themselves. Aries is ruled by Mars, and in a better aspect than Scorpio. Aries is Mars being projected outwards, Scorpio is Mars projected inwards. (Spoiler alert: more on this when I get to Matt.)
Tai is impulsive and wants to take action. He is Mars in motion, taking action, full throttle forward movement. As the beginning of the zodiac cycle, Aries urges us to move forward, just like how Tai urges the group to move forward.
His career as a diplomat might not seem fitting to an Aries, who are known to be hot-headed in some instances, but I think it works out because he's blazing a new trail.
Next, Sora.
Since she is the mom friend, my first instinct for her is Cancer, ruled by the moon, a very motherly-love sign. Cancer is a water sign, which is at odds with her Digimon being fire-based, but I don't think their Digimon necessarily have to match up with the element of their sign.
Anyway, Cancer being a water sign means emotions. Especially for a water sign ruled by the moon, which pulls the tide. Cancers need to be needed. They want to take care of their loved ones. Being ruled by the moon, a Cancerian could be prone to mood swings as the moon changes phases so often.
Sora wants everyone to be happy and to get along. More than once she has an inner monologue where she is concerned about everyone's mood; most notably after Tai and Matt's big fight during the early part of the Dark Masters arc. She notices that everyone is tired and cranky and just generally beat down. It's very Cancerian for her to notice the mood of the group and worry about them.
Her career as a kimono designer makes sense because she was lead into appreciating traditional Japanese culture by her mother. It's also a creative career which is a good avenue for a water sign.
Next, Matt.
*points at him* SCORPIO
I have never been so sure of a fictional character's sign in my LIFE. And I'm not just saying this because I'm also a Scorpio 😅
Scorpio is ruled classically by Mars, and Pluto in the modern era. This sign is all about passion, intensity, secrets and mystery, and jealousy. Matt feels things so intensely that he can't help but blow up on Tai; the majority of their fights happen because Matt can't control his emotions very well. Granted, he's 11, so it's just a life skill he hasn't learned yet. By the time 02 happens he's much more in control of himself.
As mentioned above, Aries and Scorpio are both ruled by Mars. In Aries, it's outward, and in Scorpio it's inward. This means that Tai puts that Mars energy (passion, action, driving force, etc) forward while Matt keeps it bottled up. I think this is why they tend to argue so much, and also why they get along a lot better when they're older and more mature.
In any case, Matt has a lot of strong emotions that he has trouble showing, he is great at intuitively reading people, he hides his true self behind a cool personality that he developed as a coping mechanism. This all screams Scorpio to me.
For his career as an astronaut/aerospace engineer, he's exploring an unknown, which Scorpio craves. They want to know every secret. Even those in the scientific community.
Next, Izzy.
I'm gonna say Aquarius. Ruled by Uranus, the planet of sudden change, breakthroughs, innovation, and cutting-edge technology. It's also an air sign, which governs communication, thought, change, and the mind.
Personality wise, I've always thought Aquarians of being nice enough, but a little hesitant in revealing their true self. Unlike Scorpio, who hides out of self-preservation, Aquarius does it because they don't want to dump their theory of the universe or whatever on some poor soul who wasn't interested.
An Aquarius will be a deep thinker, if not abnormally intelligent for their age, and they might feel separated from their peers because of this. I think this applies to Izzy; he is very smart, specifically because of how he thinks and approaches problems. He doesn't just magically know the answer; he isn't above collaboration to get to the bottom of something. In fact, he spends a good part of 01 looking for Gennai because Izzy knows he knows a lot more than him about the Digital World.
Outside of just being smart, though, Aquarius is also about revolution, ushering in change, and doing what's best for the group. They're progressive, but also independent. They have the majority in mind, but also maintain their own perspective. Sounds like Izzy to me. This all adds up with his career in computer science, too.
Next, Joe.
Capricorn. This is an earth sign ruled by Saturn, the planet of responsibility and duty. Earth signs have a 'slower' energy than the other elements, and can be well-grounded or stubborn. Capricorn specifically is the sign of 'work smarter not harder' and accomplishing goals.
Joe's work ethic is shown in his studies. When the kids go back home mid-season, he goes to take a practice test. When he fails it, he's worried for a moment, then resolves to study harder and do better.
It's also reflected in his behavior in the Digital World; he readily takes on responsibility, like when he climbed the mountain on his own just to resolve an argument between Tai and Matt.
As a doctor, Joe had to put in a lot of hard work without immediate payoff. This is something that Capricorn thrives under.
Next, Mimi.
For awhile, I had a hard time deciding between Taurus and Virgo for Mimi. Since they're both earth signs, I looked to their planets; Mercury for Virgo (communication, thought, travel) and Venus for Taurus (beauty, comfort, aesthetic). So basically I've decided on Taurus lol
Taurians are stubborn. They also like good food, nice things, comfy spaces, and they LOVE being at home. They'll make a little nest for themselves to get cozy in just about anywhere. They can also be bossy.
Sounds like Mimi, huh? She is stubborn, and she's the one most often complaining about wanting to eat or stop for a rest or wanting to go home. She straight up sobs with joy when they get back to Japan. She also puts a lot of effort into her aesthetic, not because she cares what other people think, but because it's important to her to look nice. Looking nice makes her feel nice.
She goes into cooking as a profession. In the original Japanese she's a nutritionist, while in the dub she hosts a cooking show. If there's one thing a Taurus loves, it's food, so it makes sense that she would pursue a career focused on cooking.
Next, TK.
I'm just gonna say Pisces. Water sign ruled by Neptune. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and therefore has the 'experience' of every other sign. But they do have their own issues.
Being ruled by Neptune, they're liable to fall into daydreaming. In fact, if I could describe Pisces in one word it would be 'dreamy'; not in the 'good looking' kind of way, but 'head in the clouds' kind of way. Pisceans rarely get mad, but when they do it can be scary. They're almost calm when they're really mad.
TK has a vivid imagination and gets along with just about everyone. He also has a child-like outlook, even when grown up. The one time he got REALLY, ACTUALLY mad was when he confronted Ken as the Digimon Emperor, and we all know how that went. His career as a novelist also fits a Pisces.
Next, Kari.
I'm going with Libra. Libra is an air sign ruled by Venus. They are diplomatic, fair, and generally pacifists. They want to get along with everyone and be everyone's friend lol. They're also very charming.
Kari is a sweet kid, and while I don't remember a lot from 02 (I still need to do a rewatch) I do recall Kari being very patient with the new DigiDestined, and very kind to them.
Libras also can suffer from indecisiveness, much in the same way Gemini does. They want to weigh out each option carefully before proceeding.
As a teacher, particularly a kindergarten/primary school teacher, being a Libra would help Kari with looking after a bunch of little kids.
Next, Davis.
Leo! Center of attention, lover of the spotlight. Leo is a fire sign ruled by the sun. Just like how staring at the sun can make you go blind, overexposure to a Leo will make you exhausted. They're full of energy, love to be the one everyone's talking about, and constantly need their ego boosted.
Davis kind of fell into the same trap as Tai back in the day (and maybe nowadays, too) where fans like to portray him as stupid. Neither Tai nor Davis is stupid. Tai just doesn't have much inhibition and Davis wants to look cool. If rushing into danger will make him look cool, he'll do it. If being the best at soccer will make him look cool, he'll play as hard as possible. When something happens to him that makes him look not so cool, it's a big blow to his ego and he can get bummed out really easily.
Leos are show-offs, but they have the talent to show off in the first place. They take great pride in being the best they can be at something. They're confident and very generous.
As a ramen chef, Davis wants to be the BEST ramen chef. He wants to make something of himself, and also provide something amazing for other people.
Next, Cody.
Capricorn. As stated above with Joe, Capricorns are earth signs ruled by Saturn. It would be strange for everyone in such a large group to have different sun signs, and it just makes sense to me for Cody to also be a Capricorn.
Cody is a diligent worker, level-headed, and very responsible and respectful. Where Joe channels his Capricorn sun into being the 'grown-up' and becoming a doctor, Cody's motives are to make his family proud of him. This loyalty to family is pretty common in earth signs.
With a job as a defense attorney, Cody would also need to study hard and attend college past a bachelor's degree. This shows his diligence and work ethic.
Next, Yolei.
Gemini. An air sign ruled by Mercury. Mercury moves fast around the sun, and it goes retrograde a lot (meaning it appears to move backwards in the sky and causes setbacks in its dominion of travel, contracts, and communication). This can make a Gemini sun to appear scatterbrained.
Yolei is full of enthusiasm and is desperate to be seen as an individual thanks to her large family. Geminis don't like to be left alone, as the sign of the twins, so she needs someone alongside her to bounce her wild ideas off of. Geminis can also be judgemental, but they change their mind very quickly.
Geminis are also known to be very talkative. They might ramble when they're nervous.
As a stay-at-home mom, she likely enjoys the rowdiness of raising three kids. Though once they get older and can start chatting and asking questions, like kids do, she would get pretty tired.
Finally, Ken.
I'm gonna put Ken down as a Scorpio, also. A water sign ruled by Mars and Pluto.
The difference between Matt and Ken as Scorpios, in my opinion, is that Matt is more of a Mars Scorpio (passionate, intense, driven) while Ken is more of a Pluto Scorpio (secretive, magnetic, elusive).
As the Digimon Emperor, Ken is just about everything bad about Scorpio. Manipulative, ill-tempered, and withdrawn. Once he gets over that, he still keeps to himself a lot and doesn't like to show what he's really feeling.
A detective is a classic job recommendation for a Scorpio. We like to get to the bottom of every secret.
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anthony-ant-14 · 6 months
Have I ever told you guys how much I love Matt Ishida from Digimon because I do I really like his character development going from always needing to protect TK (who’s his younger brother but if your reading this you probably know that) to actually trusting Patamon to take care of TK in his stead because Matt learns and knows that Patamon only had TK’s best interest at heart and it’s really nice and I like the development a lot
One of my favorite moments with Matt is actually in either episode 1 or 2 whenever Tai tries to see what’s Gabumon’s pelt and Gabumon is CLEARLY very uncomfortable he actually moves away from Tai in the moment and Matt gets in Tai’s face and is like “Hey! Stop can’t you see he doesn’t like that!” (Paraphrasing) I really wish I would’ve found out about Digimon when I was younger because i really like how clear it is Matt did not appreciate Gabumon’s boundaries being disrespected he doesn’t even know Gabumon well enough and he was the first one to step in and tell Tai off for being disrespectful and frankly I feel like I could’ve used that lesson as a kid (that setting and maintaining boundaries are as important as everything else)
I would also like to thank my QPP @weird-science14 for showing me Digimon period because I really like it a lot and it’s definitely one of my favorite shows from what I’ve seen of it so far it reminds me of Smile Precure in a “I feel the same way when I watch these two shows so I associate them with each other /vpos” way
(Please don’t reblog/comment on this post with spoilers I haven’t finished Digimon fully regular reblogs and comments are okay though!)
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otakween · 7 months
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Digimon Adventure 02 Best Partner Series - Part 2
Lol why are the girls' butts so emphasized in this artwork. Seems sketchy, but okay (Tailmon's even pointing to Hikari's butt, as a YouTube commenter pointed out).
Questionable art aside, I definitely thought these 6 CDs were a little weaker than the ones in my first post, but I'm biased. I don't have a very strong connection with a lot of the 02 characters, so it makes sense that their songs wouldn't hit as hard for me. On the other hand, I really like Ken and Wormmon so their album slapped. Anyways, full thoughts below.
Daisuke & Veemon
Google Boy - Daisuke (Listen here - subbed)
Daisuke singing about being a hot blooded shounen boy and how his goggles are a mark of his coolness and Taichi's legacy. A very Daisuke song lol.
Pretty funny how goggles just became a signature fashion statement for Digimon MCs. At least they kinda had a purpose in Tamers (although it wasn't explained very well).
Go Ahead! - Veemon (Listen here & Translation here)
Veemon's song is very in-sync with Daisuke. Just talking about having courage and rushing into battle without thought (because your squad will back you up and everything will work out! LEEEEROYYYY JENKINSSSSS)
2-Top - Daisuke & Veemon duet (Listen here & Translation here)
Okay, this was definitely the strongest song on this CD. It's catchy, the boys sound great together and the whole thing's a soccer metaphor which is very on brand. (I tried to google and see if "2-Top" is soccer terminology and came up with nothing tho -shrug-)
I like the little banter breaks in this and then in the song they talk about how their bickering just shows how energetic they are haha.
They mention being a digimon tamer in this song but did they even use that terminology in 02? I don't remember...
Miyako & Hawkmon
Crash with Bingo - Miyako (Listen here - subbed)
The lyrics of this song are pretty nonsensical, but I get what vibe they were going for. She's basically singing about being a hot mess but being proud to be herself. Also mentions that she's not just here to look cute.
I feel pretty neutral about Miyako, but I did appreciate that she could be kinda tactless and brash at times. Traditional Japanese femininity usually means being quiet, submissive and agreeable, which she definitely is not.
Although I've never liked the "bingo" catchphrase, it's fun in a song lol
Knight of Love - Hawkmon (Listen here - subbed)
Man, out of all the digimon partners, Hawkmon's gotta be the biggest nothing burger of them all. I couldn't tell you a single thing about the dude. I feel like the bird digimon are the most sidelined for some reason? (Maybe they're like "little boys don't care about birds, they like dinosaurs and bugs!")
Hawkmon sings about being a "knight of love," but I never got "knight" vibes from him really. I guess he kinda talks like a knight, but nothing in his design says knight...he's supposed to look like an Indigenous person, no? Maybe I'm being to literal hahaha
Fly High - Miyako & Hawkmon duet (Listen here - subbed)
Yeah, I don't really buy Miyako and Hawkmon's partner chemistry. They sounds more like coworkers lol. I did like the part where Miyako was asking to talk to all of Hawkmon's digivolutions in quick succession, that was fun.
Miyako's just spiraling the whole song and Hawkmon's trying to comfort her but she seems to be kinda brushing him off for most of it haha
Iori & Armadimon
My Conclusion - Iori (Listen here - subbed)
This song was...not good. Not the worst of the bunch, but it kinda just felt like it had no melody and Iori was talk-singing the whole time. His voice is cute and the lyrics fit his character nicely, but I was thrown off by how janky the song itself sounds.
The song is about Iori's convictions and what evil vs. justice means to him. You can sense that his philosophy is coming from his kendo practice.
I enjoyed the gratuitous English in the final line lol
Omyaa to Let's Go! - Armadimon (Listen here - subbed)
This one had a good energy and I liked the "Let's go!" chorus, but there was still a lot of talk-singing going on
I hate that the song starts by mentioning that damn Chuu x2 Jelly...it's like the show forgot to give Armadimon any memorable qualities so when they wrote this song they were like "he liked jelly...I guess?"
Armadimon losing steam and kinda flubbing the lyrics was the best part of the song lol
A Message to the Future - Iori & Armadimon duet (Listen here - subbed)
Phew, finally a good one. I was a bit worried I'd dislike this whole album. I really liked the melancholy yet optimistic vibe this one had. It kinda feels like any two characters could have sung this, but oh well. It was a nice duet regardless.
Armadimon telling Iori that "no matter what kind of adult you become, you'll always be Iori" was sweet :)
Takeru & Patamon
Focus - Takeru (Listen here - subbed)
Okay this one made me MAD because it was so ship-baity!! What the heckk??? This song is clearly implying that Takeru has romantic feelings for Hikari ("Am I the focus of your heart?"), but the show led me to believe that his feelings were platonic and almost brotherly. Did I watch the same show as the song writer? I don't mind them as a pairing, but I feel like this is contradicting my interpretation of the anime so I'm just confused.
Aside from my grumblings, I think this song was great for the drama of it all lol. I also liked the callbacks to Hikari and Takeru growing up together and Hikari blossoming into a powerful young hero.
The comment section of the YouTube video I've linked have people arguing whether the song is about Hikari or Patamon lol. Ain't no way this song is about Patamon. There's even a hikari pun in there.
Don't Stop Patapata - Patamon (Listen here - subbed)
Not sure if this is cute...or just annoying. Sounds like a song written and performed by a toddler, which is fitting cuz it's Patamon.
This song captures Patamon's one braincell energy (which was on display in the new 02 movie). He doesn't really sing about Takeru much which feels a bit like a wasted opportunity.
Steppin' Out - Takeru & Patamon duet (Listen here - subbed)
I liked the theme and lyrics of this one but the vocals were pretty rough...It sounded like Patamon's VA didn't match Takeru's VA's energy very well and together they sound kind of off key.
Takeru singing about taking off his ripped shirt kinda made me laugh because I pictured like a sexy romance novel cover dude. So not Takeru's image.
Seriously Patamon just kinda sounds disinterested in this song
Hikari & Tailmon
Gentle Rain - Hikari (Listen here - subbed)
Kind of a boring, slow song, but I liked the overall theme. Hikari's showing her vulnerable side and talking about how she can't be strong/brave at all times.
I'm not sure I really understand the rain metaphor here...I think maybe when she's saying it's not an "intense rain" she's saying it will take a long time for her weakness to wash away, but that's okay? IDK, kinda clunky.
Getting up - Tailmon (Listen here & Translation here)
Pretty similar to Hikari's song, but more melancholy. I found this one kind of relatable because I can get existential pretty often. The lines "What can I do? I still don't know. Because I was born my journey continues" hit me.
Tailmon sings about, basically, how life as a digimon is tough and confusing, with all of the nonstop battling. Still, she wants to stay strong for those she needs to protect. (Tailmon kinda has similar vibes to Renamon...or maybe it's just that they both have deep voices.)
Shining Star - Hikari and Tailmon (Listen here - subbed)
This one felt kinda half-assed lol. I think I might just be getting burnt out with all these songs that effectively have the same message.
So yeah, just like a lot of other songs in previous albums, this was a generic song about Hikari and Tailmon being different but loving each other anyway and striving to be their best for each other. I guess it's nice to hear a more optimistic song at the end of the album since the first two were pretty downbeat.
Ken & Wormmon
ONLY ONE - Ken (Listen here - subbed)
Aw man, I'm disappointed that Ken's solo song is from the POV of his Kaiser days :/ oh well. It's still a fun song. I like his evil laugh at the end.
I think this song does a good job of illustrating Ken's internal struggle between good and evil, but always turning to the darkness in the end. I also enjoyed the rock n' roll vocals.
The Future You Dreamed of, The Future I Dreamed of - Wormmon (Listen here - subbed)
Lol Wormmon's such a simp for Ken, but I love him so much 😭❤️ This song was great!! The jazzy instrumentals, the back up vocals and the passion/love in Wormmon's voice were all on point.
This song is all about Wormmon not giving up on Ken and understanding he has good in him that he wants to protect. So pure and sweet <3
True Strength - Ken & Wormmon (Listen here - subtitled)
Omg I loved this one 😭😭😭 so precious! Sure, it may have the exact same theme as a bunch of other songs ("we're so different, but we love each other!") but it definitely has a greater impact considering Ken and Wormmon's baggage.
I loved the light and jazz vibe of this song, I was picturing Ken and Wormmon in tuxedos with tails doing a lil tap dance routine together.
"Your form reflected my heart" omg 😭😭😭
Ken had a whole mini arc in just this album lol
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defeateddetectives · 2 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
thank youuu @coquelicoq for the tag! yes this is an entire month late because of who i am as a person :'D
3 ships you like: actually gonna give some real estate to the ones i have NOT been rotating nonstop on this space like a rotisserie chicken lately to mix things up!
1) hiyakawa/mikado (the night beyond the tricornered window) - a plug for my tiny, spooky, hilarious and obscure af manga series that blindsided me with its pathos (and because i want everyone to read it and then create some very niche fan-content for me specifically! :D wait who said that!) emotionally oblivious loser 4 emotionally oblivious loser!!! except they're emotionally oblivious in fun, complementary ways! their whole journey is absolutely bonkers and unexpectedly heartfelt, and yes, exorcism should be this hot always!
2) natsume/tanuma (natsume yuujinchou) - i know that no one will believe me when i say that this is still THE natsume yuujinchou ship to me at the end of the day! something something if i loved it less i might be able to talk about it more! but lonely kids finding one another and making each other's lives SO MUCH BETTER solely for existing in each other's orbit and being such a paragon of healthy, functional communication and trust and growing connection that still floors me to this day (and with such courage and eloquence that most adults still cannot manage...i say...sideeyeing two v specific adults)!!! theirs was the thread that pulled me into the series to begin with (i literally just watched all the tanuma eps on first pass) and i'm still so grateful for them and everything about them
3) jack rackham/anne bonny (black sails) - platonic/queerplatonic/romantic/whichever combo or other nebulous way you slice it! THE soulmates of all time that haunt me on the regular and really said to the audience: watch us take your expectations and definitions and parameters of love, joyfully smash it to smithereens, and create something so tremendously unrecognizable and beautiful. truly partners till they put us in the fucking ground!!!
first ship ever: the first fanfic i stumbled upon in my life featured taichi and yamato from digimon adventure. i still remember this because it was interspersed with an edit of yamato in a dress and posted on ye olde personal webpages and shown to me by a school friend, both of us looking like the :o face incarnate. we were Babies. it was a Time. i don't even think i knew what a ship was at the time but hashtag formative things!
last song you heard: it's been a grimes & janelle monae - venus fly kinda day
favourite childhood book: soft spot for whitechurch by chris lynch forever. i think i read it maybe in high school? it rewired my brain and is probably a huge part of why i am the way i am/write the way i do subconsciously.
currently reading: does vi bullying me into danmei count? in which case, global examination....at snail's pace. in this house we love and appreciate a good arson!
currently watching: recently started rewatching the original a:tla for the first time since it finished airing after trying and failing miserably with the live action :( only a few episodes in but augh its still so good and some things hit even harder with foreknowledge. there will never really be another character arc like zuko's ever again.
currently consuming: a smoothie! i've discovered i am a fan of almond butter when dunked in a blender with berries, yogurt and milk. 11/10 would recommend!
currently craving: earlier today i was daydreaming of bbq so let's go with that
super low pressure tagging @endless-season @half-infinite @argyros @fadedclxssic @caroline-hill @kastellaran @doubleboyfriend @constastan @spookirou and as always, everyone is welcome to steal
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by the ever wonderful @slavicviking. Thank you SO much!! I kept seeing everyone do it and wanted to, but I wanted to be tagged so thanks!! :D
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
30, and 29 of them are Steddie fics lol
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
138,437, holy smokes. Steddie really got me writing!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Steddie. I won't even pretend it's Stranger Things because I'm not nearly as hype about the show as I am just Steddie so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Class of '85
Assuming Makes an Ass of You (And Me)
Bad News First, Eddie
Shovel Talk(s)
The Interview
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. I didn't at first, but I respond to every single comment I get now. Either to thank them for commenting, or answer the musings people have, or just to respond with a heart so they know I saw/read their comment and appreciate it. 'Cause I do. I appreciate every comment I get, even if it's just a lil heart emoji or them saying the word 'kudo'.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't do angsty endings. Angst with a happy end or bust!! However, I did post this lil thing about Steve thinking about karma and the balance of the universe and how he's happy to give up all the good things he has in life if it means Eddie will get them instead.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
They all have happy endings but I'm gonna go with Bad News First, Eddie simply because of how sad the beginning is.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not that I'm meant to see, but Tumblr's tag system is garbage so sometimes you come across a post not meant to been seen. Saw people trash talking The Interview before the last chapter was out, and seemingly having missed the 'unreliable narrator' tag.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not typically. I've written suggestive themes and one explicit BJ but for the most part, no. If I wrote longer, chaptered fics I might write more smut, but I just write oneshots where it's because I had a specific scene in mind, or minor conversation to have, and I don't ever just want to write smut for the sake of smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Nope. Never crossovers. I will do other media AU but it will never be about including the characters of a different media. I just want the worldbuilding from a different show/movie sometimes.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. How do you even go about learning if your fic was stolen??
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Kinda??? @rebelspykatie wrote an angsty lil thing that made me sad, so I wrote the start of how it could be fixed, and @steviesummer wrote the wonderful ending. We didn't plan to write the fic together but I think we did an awesome job.
Also I am always down to colab/co-write a fic. I've never done it before but might be fun to do!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Steddie. Obvy
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh this questions just here to drag me through the mud, huh? I have a very ambitious Outer Worlds-esque AU I've planned out but starting the writing process has been.... hard. It may never see the light of day and I'll be sad forever about it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I don't know? Never really thought about it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Being able to tell a long-form story. I just don't have the patience/capabilities at the moment to tell an entire story instead of just the scene that's in my mind.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Oh. Can't say I have given it much thought. The only fic I've written with another language in it was a conlan (Tolkien elvish), and it wasn't in dialogue. So I can't say I have any thoughts in particular about this.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Digimon. I loved Digimon Adventure as a kid an as a little girl, I was sad that their wasn't more Hikari in the show. So I wrote my own fic that featured her and Tailmon becoming best friends with my self-insert and her digi-partner, which was Wizarmon reborn.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh, that'd be Porcelain Steve. A completely self indulgent fic with the fairy tail element to it. I had so much fun writing it!
This was fun!! I'm gonna tag: @i-less-than-three-you @nburkhardt @afewproblems @skepsiss @finntheehumaneater @steddierthings @rebelspykatie and @steviesummer (sorry if you've already been tagged/done this)
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digi-lov · 1 year
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See also @poke-lov & @onepiece-lov !
If you want to support me, feel free to leave a tip at my ko-fi page!
Basics about myself at the bottom down below!
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> [Digimon Card Game Fan Made Online Simulators] > [Digi-Lov's Card Template] > [Token Cards] > [Sistermon Noir English Edit Masterpost]
I use #digi lov reblog for anything I reblog, in case you only wanna see original posts, and I use #not cards for posts not related to the card game.
Digimon that were requested by you can be found in the tag #fan favorites
Any asks that I've answered can be found under #lov asks
You can find all posts with any references in the tag #digimon references
If you're looking for my longer in depth posts, go to #lov rambles
If you wanna check out my posts about recolors and subspecies, go to #subspecies
You can also search for posts by the Digimon name, like #Palmon, the card artist, like #tonamikanji, by the set #BT5, or by the referenced Game title, like #Digimon World Re:Digitize , or #Digimon World next 0rder (Full game List below)
Note: Human characters are always First Name Last Name, even with the japanese names, so that I don't have to tag double if the characters name wasn't changed. Ex.: [Sora Takenouchi] vs. [Sora Takenouchi, Takenouchi Sora]
I also recently started tagging all posts by color, type, level and traits!
#color: red , #color: blue , #color: yellow , #color: green , #color: black , #color: purple , #color: white
#digimon card , #tamer card , #option card
#Lv2 , #Lv3 , #Lv4 , #Lv5 , #Lv6 , #Lv7
#type: virus , #type: data , #type: vaccine , #type: free , #type: unknown
#trait: angel , #trait: beast , #trait: mutant , #trait: cyborg
#trait: x antibody , #trait: royal knights
#Digimon World , #Digimon World 2 , #Digimon World 3 (/2003) , #Digimon World X (Digimon World 4) , #Digimon World Re:Digitize (and Decode) , #Digimon World next 0rder , #Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
#Pocket Digimon World , #Digimon World Digital Card Arena , #Digimon World Digital Card Battle
#Digimon Battle Spirit , #Digimon Tamers Battle Evolution (Rumble Arena) , #Digimon Savers Another Mission (Digimon World Data Squad)
#Digimon Battle Terminal 02 , #Digimon Links , #Digimon Anode Cathode Tamer
I also added tags for the numblock which might be involved to determine rotations in the future? #num: 00 , #num: 01 , #num: 02 , #num: 03
These are just examples, so be sure to search for whatever you're interested in!
You're always welcome to send me asks!
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About Me:
You can call me Lov! My name is Lou, the Blog name is a play on writing my name with v as the u and Love for Digimon.
I grew up watching the German Digimon Dub, and also played a lot of Digimon World, DW 2003, Rumble Arena, and more, in my childhood.
I haven't played all Digimon games yet, but I'm working on it!
I love all original Digimon Anime seasons, Adventure to Savers. I haven't gotten around to watching any newer ones myself yet.
My favorite Digimon is Bearmon! If I had a Bearmon Partner Digimon, this would be the evolution line:
YukimiBotamon > Kapurimon > Bearmon > Gryzmon > Pandamon > Dianamon
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I mostly try to post cards in English to make the card text more accesible to everyone. If you see a post with Japanese Card text, I'll update it once the English version is out.
The Official Digimon Card Game Twitter didn't start sharing cards regularly until around BT-08, and anything before BT-05 is especially hard to find. I usually have to edit multiple versions of the image together. I hope you all appreciate the effort!
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rosalind-hawkins · 4 months
Otogi with 1, 7 and 12?
Thank you for asking! Answers are for this post and I'm still taking asks if anyone else is interested! I've already answered one for Kaiba and would be happy to talk about my other faves. :)
I am going to call him Duke in this post if you don't mind. I'm dub trash and that's his name to me.
1. What Pokemon would you compare this character to? (may be replaced with "what Digimon" or other such monsters / critters if needed)
Ooof, this one was actually really hard! Duke is a pretty complex dude to me, and since there are no dice pokemon, there's no easy answer. The best source of inspiration would be his manga arc to see his core development, where his father was training him up to replace someone else and steal his destiny. As far as symbolism/themes surrounding him, we've got clowns, dice, ninjas, and revenge. I cannot for the life of me think of a single pokemon that really embodies who he is, either in terms of absolute pure canon OR the fleshed-out personality I've interpreted him into.
But what I can do is give you a pokemon team for him that captures some of the story and visual themes surrounding him: Greninja, Porygon, Mime Jr., Gimighoul, Yamask, Pawniard.
Greninja, Gimighoul, and Pawniard are included for the monsters he uses in DM and DDM. Mime Jr because he's literally the son of a clown and embraces a tiny bit of that aesthetic for himself. Porygon because he's a bit dicey-looking and his origins are pretty technical and scientific, something that I associate with Duke based on all the work that went into him creating DDM. Yamask because when he did approach Yugi and the gang at first (they approached him actually, but I digress), it was under false pretenses. Charm and deception are two sides of the same mask and this boy wears them both way too comfortably.
7. What might they appreciate as a gift from someone?
My answer for Kaiba on this one was long, so buckle in! With Kaiba's, I basically went through the different kinds of gifts that would be good for him and who would give them, so I'll do the same here, based off of the different ships/friendships I imagine for him.
Generally though, I think what Duke values in gifts is either the thought and effort that were put in (handmade stuff, or something basic but deeply meaningful) or the kind of gift that is activity-oriented (bro loves hanging out with his friends).
Ryou has a good few options. He's an artist and Duke has always been really supportive of that. He might make Duke some custom resin dice based on his Monster World characters, or custom resin dice earrings based on his Monster World characters. I think the best gift he would give Duke is a piece of art starring all their Monster World characters from the campaigns that Ryou runs, and the whole thing is set up like a fun movie posted. Duke would be so thrilled with it. He'd get that framed and insured and hang it where he'd get to show it off. In the end, it would be some work of art that integrates their shared interests/activities, which makes it especially personal.
Ishizu would, I think, give Duke a modern copy of the Ancient Egyptian game sennet, or maybe a different game that she might have grown up with. He enjoys a challenge and trying new things, and he would also appreciate that it's something personal from her life that she's trying to share with him. Plus, more games are more things to do with friends.
I think all of that could apply to Marik as well. I also think that Marik, as stylish as he is, might have a pretty good grasp on Duke's style and get him some accessories and new nail polish or makeup, stuff like that. (You can't tell me Duke doesn't wear makeup, just look at that eyeliner!)
Kaiba probably fumbles the first time he tries to give Duke a gift. Either it comes across as patronizing or too aggressive, or just somewhat off. Duke decides to take the time to explain that what he wants most from Kaiba is dedicated time with him, so planned vacation it is. Seto says he can take him anywhere in the world, and Duke doesn't care where they go, as long as he is the center of Kaiba's attention.
Hm, time for Joey. Now, here's the thing, I've got a few pretty different Joey's running around in my head, all at different levels of maturity, so bear with me. He might want to take him out to do something special or have dinner at a really nice restaurant—an experience instead of an object, and it's time spent together. When in doubt, or just as a backup, Joey will have some special intimacy planned as well, and that's consistent for whoever Joey is with.
12. What's a moment in canon regarding them that you feel is underappreciated?
Hnnnnnngg I just made a big long post recently with all my Duke Devlin propaganda, because honestly, I think most people do just see him as a pretty face, that guy who flirts with Serenity to piss off Tristan, and the guy who put Joey in a dog suit, and that's it, but he's so much more than that to me. I'll cover some little scenes here that I either think about a lot or that I think are generally forgotten until you go back and rewatch the show.
One moment I think about a lot is that two frames of him making stirfry in Season Four.
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I don't think you'd believe how much of my understanding of Duke derives from that moment? I think about it way too much. He stepped up to cook for his friends, he handles that frying pan with confidence, and from that I think I extrapolated a lot of my more domestic/mundane headcanons for him (like how he always makes sure his partner/s are well-fed and looking after themselves, and that he's generally a pretty responsible guy, keeps his affairs in order, all that jazz).
Another great moment is in the KC Grand Prix Arc when Joey and Tristan step in front of a TV camera and are making fools of themselves and Duke just steps between them and the camera, showing his good side and smirking. I don't think he even says anything, and it's great. It's just a casual "the camera loves me, and you idiots need to stop making yourselves look ridiculous." (Couldn't find a screenshot or gif of this moment, sadly.)
I think the first time we see him in the anime is this scene where he's in an office or apartment above his game store and is just watching Yugi pass by (with unnamed sycophant next to him). It's an almost creepy moment, honestly, and it's the kind of thing that makes me toy with the idea of a full-villain version of Duke.
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As far as the manga goes, I haven't read most of it (I got the first few volumes shortly before my recent move, and they're packed up somewhere still), but I know the gist of his manga arc. Yugioh is full of bad dads, and I think because his dad got cut out of the anime it's easy to forget that Duke's a member of the Domino Bad Dad Support Group as well.
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Anyways, I hope that's a satisfactory answer. I feel like that was pretty long-winded heh. 😅 Thanks again for asking! I do love talking about my boy Duke.
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mel0deon · 4 months
thanks to @seventeenlovesthree ive gain more of an understanding into dynamics in the og digimon cast that i really appreciate.
however, i am on an ensemble stars deep dive so its also really interesting. especially concerning natsuki hanae’s voice acting in it.
for taichi, he usually uses a deeper part of his regular speaking voice. singing voice is similar, in retrospect. it starts on A3.
for hiyori, he definitely puts on airs. like, once your familiar of what changes. it puts things in perspective. its slightly nasalier. the deepest note he sings is in Faith Conquest, which is F3. this song is also known for its high note which is E5.
lyric wise though, their character songs are interesting. in the case that I believe that it could be swapped and it would fit. hiyori literally means weather and he uses it as a pun.
fantastic days would follow the pattern from the previous character songs.
for their friendships, the long lasting relationships happened when they were younger. both around the age of 11. taichi with the 99 digidestined and hiyori with nagisa.
theyre both characters that are symbolized by the sun. and that turns complicated as they get older.
in the most important situations, as of tri-onwards taichi is known to overthink and hesitate to act. in saga, hiyori overthinks and in turn doesnt warn jun about whats going to happen in the event.
yknow i would have a lot more data but tri and kizuna are trauma piles. and i would have to make the full on character analysis posts on my other account to make a difference and include more.
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terresdebrume · 4 months
Fic writer interview
Merci pour le tag, @almost-a-class-act ! :D
How many works do you have on AO3?
372 :D
Most are fics, but I do have a little under 30 fic covers hanging around there 😊
What's your total AO3 word count?
988 968 words! My goal this year is to crack the million xD
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Fun fact, this top has not changed in years and my more recent writing habits mean it's unlikely to ever change at this point xD
S.O.S. Ecrits Avec De L’Air (aka SEADLA) an unfinished Tony Stark/Loki fic in which everything starts because Loki stops Tony from commiting suicide.
 We Shall Have Peace, a fic in which Steve Rogers comes out of an 80+ years long captivity to discover Loki turned the earth into a utopia.
Dots: 2-4, 1-2-3, 1-3-6. A fic in which Tony Stark is a university student, and Loki is his blind teacher, and they fall in love.
Wooer Wooed. A fic in which Tony Stark tries to teach Loki how to woo someone and ends up surprised by the results.
Corny Lines For Thanksgiving A fic in which Tony Stark sees Loki iand Thor interact from his office window and mistakes them for a couple.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I like showing my appreciation and it feels more polite :D
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Say it three times and it will be done, in which Loki sends Tony Stark a very sad letter to tell him he's giving up on him and their not-relationship.
What the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Oh shit, I've written so many of these xD But I guess I'll go with a top 3:
Clark Kent, of Krypton because it's one of the ones where the protagonist's situation changes the most drastically.
Once more, with kissing because the protag ends in what would probably be my dream configuration for any kind of romantic relationship.
All on my own because it's probably one of the more hopeful endings I have.
Honorable mention to A summer evening in Philly. for being the most recent :P
Do you write crossovers?
Rarely. I did write a Battlestar Galactica x The Walking Dead crossover once for a friend, but that's about it. When I mix fandom, I gravitate more towards fusions :P
The fic is called Killing zombies (and other fun activities), if you're curious.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I think I got maybe...three angry comments on AO3 so far? One was pissed because the protag hated his stepmother, another was angry that I'd posted negative meta on a ship, and iirc the last one accused me of making a character stupid because they didn't understand a word as a little kid who was communicating in a language that wasn't his first language.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I try my hand at it on occasion x) It's probably not the greatest but so far no one told me it sucked so we'll see how it goes in the future xD
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
If I rememeber correctly there were projects of translation into Chinese and Russian for some of my fics, but I can't recall if they were completed or not xD
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I toyed at the idea but it fizzled out, mostly because of me.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
I honestly have never thought of it that way tbh xD
But my two oldest ships are Taichi/Yamato from Digimon Adventure and Hyoga/Shun from Saint Seiya. I've liked those since I was a kid. As in, I first discovered Hyoga/Shun when I was under 10 so.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I'm not going to answer that one, I don't want to jinx it xD
What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at dialogue and worldbuilding.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I struggle a little more with description, and also The Doing Of The Sex. Also I sometimes worry that I do the writing equivalent of same-facing my characters, but I guess it might also be because I have A Type.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
More often than not, saying "[x] said in German" or "[x] switched to Italian" is more than enough. It's clear, concise and avoids the two main risks of foreign dialogues: losing the readers who don't understand the target language and (if you're not fluent yourself) making a grammar mistake that takes readers who are more fluent than you out of the story. (Example: I've recently stumbled across a Band of Brothers fic where Liebgott used Sie to address Webster. Sie is a formal form of address, which I guarantee Lieb wouldn't use for his fellow soldiers, especially not Web, and so seeing it made be tick hard even if I didn't spontaneously understand the rest of the sentence.)
That being said! All rules are made to be broken, and I've written a fic that was intentionally in 3 different languages and another where a significant chunk of the dialogue is just em dashes with footnotes. In the first case, I used the script format and the language juxtaposition to mimick the sort of humor you'd get from a more fast-pace, visual medium like a movie or show (and also because I enjoyed the idea of a fic that was a bit of an in-joke with readers who mostly understood all three languages).
In the second case, I used the em-dashes (intersped with the few words the POV character understands) to force the reader into the protagonist' shoes, because the whole plot revolves around her distress and frustration about being unable to understand the language her family speak.
So, you know. Do what you want x)
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
It was a very, very intense plagiaristic fic for Lord of the Rings but with Harry Potter style wizards. I don't think it was very good, but I rememeber having fun with it.
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
For a long time, that fandom was Digimon Adventure but I've done it now so... non, for now, I think x)
What's your favorite fic you've written?
... I'm gonna cheat and link you to my AO3 porfolio for my top 11 :P
Tagging : @takingoffmyshoes, @kyttwrites, @nemainofthewater, @ghostinthelibrarywrites, @liesmyth and @talysalankil :)
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon GhostGame ~ Episode 55 ~ ESPIMON
+ (Peacefully) Sleeping in a Box (like a Cat!)
caps by izzyizumi, {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT remove caption} {Please ASK to Use}
{usage of caps/gifs may be allowed if permission is asked / or if credit is given. However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please do NOT use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” sections.}
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[Note: Tags/replies that are Positive/respectful are OK!]
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firstagent · 1 year
Digimon Top Tamer Final Results
It's top to hand out the trophies, cut down the nets, and cue up One Shining Moment! After starting with 132 human Digimon characters, let's congratulate our two Digimon Top Tamer champions!
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In the Anime Division, Ruki faced her toughest competition and closest vote yet, but still took 55% against Takato. In the Video Game/Manga Division, Nokia and Aoi set a new turnout record with almost 700 votes cast, and it still came down to the wire with Nokia winning by just 5 votes!
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Here are the final tournament brackets for both divisions:
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Thanks to everyone who participated. This was an absolute blast! It was also a surprising amount of work (those headshots were hard to find!) so my Ko-Fi is always open for any shows of appreciation.
Back to regularly scheduled programming this week! I've got interesting post-Ghost Game Asks in the box to get to.
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proficdigimonstuff · 16 days
🌊~Welcome Post~🌊
Hello! I've decided to make this blog so I can post my headcanons, art, and other rants. While I am still working on finishing the digimon sub, I still appreciate the dub since I grew up with it(I also don't need to read every five seconds with it).
I don't have a do not interact but I ask that you're at least respectful with your opinions towards me, thank you.
I am extremely proship, so if you're uncomfortable with that label at all being with people you follow, please don't interact for your own comfort.
I am also a selfshipper on top of that, so I sometimes ship myself with the digimon characters(Mostly Daigo)
Now for the unimportant stuff that only I care about:
Favorite Chosen Kid: Jou Kido.
Favorite Digimon: Gomamon(Not because he's Jou's digimon but because he's funny)
Favorite Ship: Joumato/Jou Kido x Yamato Ishida.(I ship it in a very different way though, it is 90% more toxic.)Can also be Joe Kido/Matt Ishida depending if I'm referring to the sub or dub.
Anyways, enjoy my content, or don't. Do whatever you want. Goodbye.
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krikidilly · 10 months
Curious: what are the Upper Moons' Digimon partners are? What about the rest of the Hashira?
OHH!! I'm very happy you ask! Because I do in fact have all the Taisho era partner digi pairs figured out! The upper moons are complete as well, and will be joined by Enmu, Rui and a few normal demons.
Due to image limit ill use this post to only talk about the upper moons, alongside Enmu and Rui! (This will exclude Gyokko, Tengu and Naki as they are elsewhere in the plot)
Below will go into the pairs!
Kokushibo gets Labramon! The reasoning is both incredibly simple and also blorboisms. Labramon is one of my extremely underused favs but its also a very outspoken, honest, digimon, something I believe Koku would greatly appreciate as Lab speaks from the heart and is incredibly loyal! Its mega would be Anubismon :-]
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Douma gets Arukenimon! A rather silly, deceitful digimon that i associate greatly as the digimon world's team rocket Jessie due to adventure 02. This feels like a pair to me that would lead to just complete and utter mischief which simply feels right for Douma in a digimon setting. Her base form is Floramon!
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Akaza (Hakuji actually *wink*) gets Strikedramon! It starts as monodramon which is a rowdy, shitheaded thing that takes a lot of training to control, while strikedramon is a kind digimon that fights relentlessly and violently. I think this is a perfect digi to mirror Haku.
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Gyutaro and Ume got ones that I thought far too deeply about! Fangmon and Reppamon! Fangmon is described as the dark twin to garurumon, which happens to be Nezukos digi. Fangmon is deceitful but rather fun loving while Reppamon is an interesting digi that often gets into fights with its own sentient tail! Otherwise its very regal and cunning! I thought these two would make for a delightful pair with the siblings.
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Kaigaku has Elecmon! Its main evolution path follows the black gururumon line (which is a cruel inverse to the kind, normal gururumon line) which i believe this is a fun mirroring of kaigakus character! Elecmon itself is a rather feisty but kind digimon which is an interesting contrast as well.
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I feel for Enmu itd be interesting to give him Tukaimon! Similar in personality to him though it has a habit of being rather outgoing and boisterous! And while it looks like evil patamon its actually an inverse of the Renamon line which I find fascinating for Enmu!
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And for Rui! I've decided upon Keramon which while childish, can often be the exact opposite of Rui! Its destructive of course, but its rather good natured in spite of it which feels very fun to pair with Rui!
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maurice-memes · 6 months
Welcome to Maurice Memes!
It's been 3 years, and I haven't made an intro post yet💀 Maybe it's time... this post is subject to change btw!
Who Am I?
For those who are already familiar with me, I'm most well-known in this fandom as Maurice Memes! But you can also call me who I actually am, AtomicStarCat (<-main blog link) (or Atomic)! I can go by anything you want me to, even Maurice's Funky Purple Socks!
I use any pronouns you want to use with me! Call me anything you'd like!
I'm currently 18 years old, but sometimes I still feel like I'm 12 *cry*
I am ace-aro, but I really love making friends!
I'm really bad at reaching out to others in this fandom and being consistent with liking posts, but I really love everyone here, and I'd love to know you better! If I'm not following your LotF blog, please let me know!! I'd love to see more content! I don't talk much, but I promise that if you reach out to me and talk to me, that would make me so happy!! I really want to become closer to everyone here! I'll do my best to appreciate you all better!
I'm kinda off and on in every fandom I'm in, so I'll post consistently for a while, then disappear for a while, but I'm never gone forever! This fandom means so much to me, I'd never forget it!
What Do I Like?
Lord of the Flies! Why else would I be here?
mostly children's media, like Digimon, Powerpuff Girls Z, Precure, and Legend of Zelda! But I won't post about that here^^
About My Art and Requests!
I'm an artist! I draw mostly on Notability, but I sometimes make finished pieces on Ibis or make sketches on Freeform!
I mostly sketch silly things and mini-comics, but I have done some character memes in the past and may do some in the future.
Requests: I will most likely take any and all LotF character/LotF ship requests! I can also draw your designs for the boys if you ask me! I'd love to see them!
I also look at trades for LotF characters, LotF ships, and OCs, just ask! (I always consider OC trades, but won't always accept)
I also have a dead Percival ask blog, @percivals-mailbox, but you can still send stuff in if you really want to!
About my LotF!
My active ships: Jack/Ralph, Roger/Simon, Maurice/Sam, Platonic Maurice+Piggy, Bill/Robert, Percival/Mulberry Boy, and Johnny/Wilfred!
I don't particularly dislike any ships as long as they're portrayed respectfully and healthily! Just don't ask me to draw something weird like a bigun/littlun ship😅
I headcanon Ralph and Mulberry Boy as brothers, and I post about them sometimes without context haha
I have one(1) AU called LotF Academy that's slice of life, which also includes gender bends of all the characters as separate entities in the same world! You can ask me to draw them together!
I don't post very often explicitly about my headcanons, but I will talk about them if asked!
I only have a couple rules!
Respect me, yourself, and others on my page.
I don't support discrimination of any kind, incest, proship, basic DNI, etc., or endorse anything 18+ on my profile. I say endorse because I don't have problems with healthy 18+ content, just that it makes me uncomfortable as a sex-repulsed ace.
Do not use my fan art on any of my social media without clear, linked credit, and do not use any original art on my social media without explicit permission under any circumstances!
Find me elsewhere! OC requests are always open on toyhou.se! I’m also on Art Fight!
Thank you for reading my long intro! I'm so happy you found your way here, and I hope you will continue to visit for years to come! I can't wait to meet you!
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