#digimon friendship headcanons
reliablejoukido · 2 years
Takeru intentionally plays really shitty music on Spotify all year just so he can make Yamato lose his mind when he sees Takeru’s Spotify Wrapped
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Post-Moral/Truthful route, Miu and Miyuki are very good friends.
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juniperdugong · 2 months
Hi again!! Thank you for the choso headcanons on finding his little sister, I hope it continues! I was wondering if you could do a multiple headcanons for teen gojo, geto, Shoko and nanami getting an American transfer student to Jujutsu high.
A/N: Yep yep yep, I can do this for sure! +bonus Haibara bc he's my baby
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When an American student transfers to Jujutsu High!
incl: Teen Gojo, Geto, Shoko, Nanami, and Haibara
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GOJO - Nonchalant but curious - The only questions he asks the first couple of weeks are about why they're soooo special that they had to come all the way from America to Japan - Lowkey...jealous, seriously doesn't understand how someone from outside of Japanese Jujutsu Society can be inducted into the school - "Must have some really special technique or some serious skills to be able to make it here...let's test that, huh?" - Get's told off for picking on you, Yaga basically smacking him to get him to stop - Once he finds out they have a few similar interests (*cough cough* Digimon *cough cough*) he's all over them! - Woah when did y'all become so buddy buddy?? - Teaches them Japanese through anime for suresiessss
GETO - Mildly curious but very friendly! - Doesn't poke or prod too much into their life but asks the basic questions - "What's America like? I've never been." - Finds it very interesting that curses don't appear often over there (In this AU I'd like to think this is how he found out about Tengen) - Gets annoyed when Gojo starts hanging around them more...not out of jealousy but because he's extra annoying due to their shared interests now - Spars with them often to give himself a challenge that isn't Gojo's powerful ass - Asks really philosophical questions about their opinion on the Jujutsu World - "Curses are really powerful here, how were they over in America? Wouldn't it be strange if the whole world were filled with sorcerers?" - Get's super invested if they divulge any sort of information about American Jujutsu - "Do you know any other American sorcerers?"
SHOKO - I'm gonna be so real - her reaction depends on if they're more masculine or feminine - If they're more masc leaning she's SO OVER IT! Get her out of this hell hole of testosterone. - 100% wouldn't be bothered in that case either - she has Utahime but other than her, nada - If they're more fem, THANK GOODNESS! - Finally, she has someone else to help her pick out clothes and go shopping with, y'know someone who WON'T drag her to KFC or the nearest game store - "What's trending over in the States right now?" - Would be so intrigued by the American experience but always voices her shock at how different the cultures are - "It's so weird that people don't take off their shoes in the house, how do you guys live like that?"
NANAMI - Not at all interested - Doesn't ask questions and honestly is slightly irritated because the others start asking him questions about if his family is from America - Treats you just as he would anyone else, trains with you, and goes on missions with you occasionally but other than that doesn't try and create any meaningful friendships there - When they start getting close to Gojo he distances himself even more - While on a mission together he asks, "You actually like that guy? Isn't he a bit annoying?" - When they respond with, "He is, but at least he brings a bit of normalcy when I'm far away from home. Nice to find someone who shares a hobby with me" - From then on he would soften a lot toward them, making the smallest effort to connect - "Here, I got these for you. They're from America." (It's Hot Cheetos)
HAIBARA - The most curious and most intrigued - Never runs out of questions to ask and tbh they can get a bit invasive - "Where'd you live? Oh! Why are you here? Oh! Are you on the run or something? Oh oh! Is your technique super crazy good?" - Always tries to drag them into his plans because he doesn't want them to feel left out - Sends encouraging texts every morning - "Good morning! It's Haibara! You did great yesterday! You're Japanese is really improving!" - Would take them out to all his favorite restaurants and introduce them to Japanese snacks and childhood games - If they're ever feeling homesick he's the one to immediately start researching to make them feel better - Makes chicken noodle soup to try and help but doesn't really know how :/ Ends up putting ramen noodles in it
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A/N: Got to this a bit later than I wanted to because I was writing perfection but thank you for the request @broad-strokes87!! This is so funny, I feel like this is how they would react if I was transferring to Jujutsu High frfr Please Reblog and Comment if you enjoyed ! (They act as power-ups for me)
Taglist (OPEN): @iluvmattyb
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labelle-verte · 6 months
About movie parallels and telephatic connections
As a teenager I was quickly impacted by the bond Taichi and Sora (from Digimon) shared, much deeper than others, as brightly put in the novels:
“Because of the smooth two-top coordination that Taichi and Sora showed within their soccer plays, he must have gotten the mistaken impression that they shared a telepathic link. Perhaps he thought Sora would use it to get Taichi to come flying out to see him.”
It wasn’t just a male main character meant for the female one. It was conflictous, complex, realistic and pretty much solid. 
There was no way not to worship them.
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Some say Sora is obsessed with windows but in reality she was trying to connect to Taichi all the time.
I’m getting older but still very much obsessed with Tai and Sora’s connection. Yes, I’m a nearly forty years taiora trash.
That said, I watched Past Lives some time ago and I couldn’t help but draw a parallel with my favorite ship from the anime world.
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It’s all there: the long term friendship, the growing apart, the “what ifs”, the one-sidedness, the complexity, bittersweetness and tenderness beyond place and time.
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No, it can’t stay like this forever. Something will always remain not only in this but beyond life. “There is a word in Korean. In-Yun. It means "providence” or “fate”. But it’s specifically about relationships between people. I think it comes from Buddhism and reincarnation. It’s an In-Yun if two strangers even walk by each other in the street and their clothes accidentally brush. Because it means there must have been something between them in their past lives.”
(Wait, let me remove something that just fell in my eye. :~)
And it’s funny how, in the Last Evolution Kizuna movie art, if we take away the other characters, Sora and Tai trace parallel paths. And, from what I remember from school, parallel lines meet at the end, at always, at infinity.
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So, in my headcanon, all this adorable-stormy-irreplaceable relationship will only get stronger over the years (physically or not).
"Finally, let’s remember That less for less gives more love If the parallels will at infinity meet Why do it take so long for two hearts to integrate?” (Tom Jobim’s “Math Class” - my translation)
That´s all. For now. ;)
Lots of love! @earlgreymon and @dutchforstrangers this post is for you guys, just adore each one of yours.
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Left field headcanon - Fantasy High x Digimon
Crest of Courage: Adaine “Whatever you choose; I’m with you” Abernant
Crest of Love: Figeuroth “You’re allowed to be a complex person” Faeth
Crest of Sincerity/Purity: Fabian Aramais “Spring break! I believe in you!” Seacaster
Crest of Knowledge: Kristen “Your name is Cassandra” Applebees
Crest of Reliability/Sincerity: Riz “My friend is kidnapped! And my other friends are just dancing and eating grapes!” Gukgak
Crest of Hope: Gorgug “Keep going.” Thistlespring
Crest of Light: Ayda “the fact I could not find something in myself does not mean someone as brilliant as Figeroth Faeth couldn’t find something in me worthwhile” Aguefort
Crest of Friendship: Rag “I got kissed at prom” Barkrock
Crest of Kindness: Gilear “You felt guilt for the quality of my life? I’m going to turn my life around, I’ve been failing you and that’s over now” Faeth
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digitaldavis · 11 months
Gonna preface this by saying it's for the @digimon02countdown but it doesn't necessarily need to be reblogged or anything 'cause it's not super in-depth or insightful or anything like that and, technically, this isn’t my favorite scene or line or even theme in the show (I'm not sure what that would even be); it’s a throw-away line in the dub that happens at the very end of the episode Storm of Friendship where Davis gets his second Digi-Egg:
It’s a short dialogue exchange that goes like this:
Davis: ”Hey, did you see that? I got a noogie! That means I'm one of the guys now!"
DemiVeemon: ”I have a question: if you're one of the guys now, does that mean you used to be one of the girls and how come you never told me about it? I wish you humans would just make up your minds!”
Davis: “Oh yeah, then how’s this for friendship?” *shakes DemiVeemon*
Basically, if you couldn't guess, this was the beginning of my trans!Davis headcanons and it’s really very personal to me - my fixation on it having stemmed from my own desire to have been born male as I was a tiny AFAB child of maybe ten at the time the episode aired, at a point in my life when it had recently been made very clear to me by the authority figures in my life that behaving like a boy was completely unacceptable to them.
I know the line is just meant to be silly but, honestly, I latched onto it like a life-line and for years and years while I was living as a girl, every time I thought about Digimon Adventure 02 I’d think back to that line and the possibility that my favorite character was AFAB at some point and it was always very comforting to me.
It’s just a projection of my own feelings, really, because it’s obviously not canon-canon, but I received such a strong negative reaction in my own life to the idea of being a boy that I definitely took DemiVeemon’s very innocent question far too seriously as a child and have been on the trans!boy Davis train ever since.
In the episode Davis’ shakes DemiVeemon a bunch in response to what DemiVeemon says while everyone laughs it off and you’re supposed to be like “oh haha silly little Digimon” but all I thought watching it for the first time as a little kid was a jumbled mess of:
Davis didn’t deny that he was born a girl and what if he was like me and had had secret thoughts about being a boy for years before becoming one?
DemiVeemon just seemed more hurt that Davis didn’t trust him enough to tell him about it than upset at the idea itself because they were friends and friends accepted each other and,
None of the other kids in the room - even the older kids - were angry or upset by the idea. It was like they thought that becoming a boy was a thing that could happen and was normal and-
-it just kind of spiraled out of control from that moment on, really.
I wish I had some bigger deeper analysis of the show to back up my love of trans!Davis headcanons but I don't. That's all there is to it, really, but it’s part of what made Digimon Adventure 02 really important to me initially when I was growing up and I think about it constantly as it lives rent free in my head.
It's also the basis for this blog and why I chose Davis as my first name when I came out as trans (also it just sounds nice with my last name), so, yeah, thanks wacky Digimon 02 dub on behalf of tiny impressionable me and my fellow trans!Davis enjoyers everywhere~
Oh, and speaking of enjoying things:
I hope everyone has a really great time watching the new Digimon 02 film~
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digimon02countdown · 1 year
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Note: These prompts are merely guides. You can use them however you want, or you can use every day as a free day. You don't have to make something every day. Please take care of yourself!
Day 1:
DAISUKE & V-MON: - What’s your favorite Daisuke moment? Favorite V-mon moment? - What do you like about their partnership? - Favorite Daisuke things: ex. ramen, soccer, courage, friendship, miracles
DIGIMENTALS/DIGI-EGGS: - What is your favorite armor evolution? - Digimentals were linked to character growth and development in 02. What is your favorite character growth moment or arc? - Do you have your own original Digimental?
Day 2:
MIYAKO & HAWKMON: - What’s your favorite Miyako moment? Favorite Hawkmon moment? - What do you like about their partnership? - Favorite Miyako things: ex. technology/programming, traveling, iMart, passion, love, sincerity/purity
JOGRESS/DNA-DIGIVOLUTION: - What is your favorite jogress pair and evolution? - The concept of bonds was an important theme in 02. What is your favorite bonding moment between humans and their Digimon partners? - What is your favorite bonding moment between human characters? - Do you have a jogress headcanon between other characters?
Day 3:
IORI & ARMADIMON: - What’s your favorite Iori moment? Favorite Armadimon moment - What do you like about their partnership? - Favorite Iori things: ex. law, kendo, understanding, reliability/honesty/sincerity, knowledge 
VILLAINS: - Who is your favorite 02 villain/antagonist? - What makes the villains of 02 stand out to you? Do you have a favorite villain arc? - Do you have any favorite/headcanon redemption moments for an 02 antagonists?
Day 4:
KEN & WORMMON: - What’s your favorite Ken moment? Favorite Wormmon moment? - What do you like about their partnership? - Favorite Ken things: ex. Crime and detective work, kindness, soccer, the Digimon Kaiser 
THE DIGITAL WORLD: - The laws and boundaries of the Digital World were tested in 02. Do you have any headcanons about the Digital World based on what the 02 children learned? - What is your favorite area of the Digital World that was shown in 02?
Day 5:
TAKERU & PATAMON: - What’s your favorite Takeru moment in 02? Favorite Patamon moment in 02? - What do you like about their partnership? - Favorite Takeru things: ex. writing/literature, hope, headwear, family dynamics 
THE DARK SEED/SPORE CHILDREN: - Do you have any headcanons about what the Dark Seed children did post-series? - Who is your favorite Dark Seed chosen child? - Do you have an original Dark Seed chosen child character?
INTERNATIONAL CHOSEN CHILDREN: - Do you have any headcanons about what the international chosen children did post-series? - Who is your favorite international chosen child or episode? - Do you have an original chosen child character from outside Japan?
ADVENTURE CHOSEN (Taichi/Yamato/Sora/Koushiro/Mimi/Jou): - What is your favorite “senpai-kohai” relationship or moment between the 02 chosen and the adventure chosen?
Day 6:
HIKARI & TAILMON: - What’s your favorite Hikari moment in 02? Favorite Tailmon moment in 02? - What do you like about their partnership? - Favorite Hikari things: ex. child development/teaching, light, photography, ties to the dark world/ocean, coexistence with Digimon
HURRICANE TOUCHDOWN/REVENGE OF DIABOROMON: - What is your favorite film moment starring the 02 kids? - Favorite Wallace moment?
Day 7:
THE 02 GANG AS A UNIT: - How well do the 02 children work together as a unit? - Do you have a favorite moment that involved all or most of the group? - What does the 02 group mean to you as a whole? What makes you care about them?
DREAMS & FUTURE: - The final few episodes of 02 focused on the dreams, desires, aspirations, and future challenges of the 02 kids, as well as the future of the Digital and human worlds. Do you have a character moment that spoke to you in the last few episodes of 02? - What are your own hopes for the future regarding the 02 characters and Digimon?
FAVORITE EPISODE/SCENE/LINE OF DIALOGUE: - What is your absolute favorite moment in all of 02?
FREE DAY: - Why do you love Digimon Adventure 02? What makes you care about the series? - What are the themes that resonate with you in the series? - When you picture yourself as a Chosen Child, are you an 02 kid at heart?
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digi-dest-stories · 11 days
"Don't worry, I got this. Nothing bad can happen..."
-Eric "E.R" Ryder, before getting smacked in the face with Numemon poop.
(Art of Vanmon done by @carloromeroart)
Hello! I'm the Mod of this blog, you can refer to me as just Mod or RenaMod (Since Renamon is one of my favs). As stated, this is a place where people can drop or request prompts, headcanons, or ficlets revolving around the D&Digimon series Digi-Destiny on YouTube.
You can share writing prompts/headcanons that you have for the Digi-Destiny series. Or, you can ask me, the Mod, to try and write out certain prompts/scenarios you would like to see. Just follow the rules and I will do my best to write out your ideas. I will also share some of my writings, whether based on prompts or not.
UPDATE: I also do normal digimon request stuff! It doesn't have to be related to the Digi-Destiny series. That's just the blog's main focus.
I will allow shipping, but I will not do anything involving/requesting: Proship, incest, minorxadult, Digimonxhuman, NSFW, or any ship that is not friendship involving Sammi.
Dark prompts/headcanons/requests are allowed, but if I get uncomfortable I will not write or share it.
Do not make fun of other people's writing or prompts. This is supposed to be something fun not an area for harassment.
If any of the creators are uncomfortable with any posts or this blog at all, it will be removed.
Speaking of the creators, I will not write anything involving them. Just their characters. I might jokingly add them, usually in bold text, acting out of character or rolling dice, but no prompts that involve them.
Rules are to be updated if necessary.
That's all for now! This post may be changed or updated if necessary. But now, go share some prompts!
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paintedscales · 16 days
digimon au idea / headcanon rambles
nothing really too set in stone, just loose stuff to maybe make more coherent later
teiamon is a rookie level digimon based on meteion, and her overall evolution chart would be:
digiegg -> lifomon (baby) -> kotorimon (in-training) -> teiamon (rookie) -> starbirmon (champion) -> meteiamon (ultimate) -> starfall metiamon (mega) / endsingermon (dark digivolution; would definitely be one of those movie special antagonists)
gonetomon is a rookie level digimon based on dravanians in general leaning toward nidhogg, and his overall evolution chart would be:
digiegg -> korumon (baby) -> ornmon (in-training) -> gonetomon (rookie) -> wivremon (champion) -> nidhogumon (ultimate) -> dragonfire nidhogumon (mega)
names are...being workshopped, tbh. anyway...
deciding that 'Eye of Nidhogg' is actually just some nu metal band that estinien listens to and wears some merch of -- yes, i'm totally justifying the eye of nidhogg shirt i drew for him on a whim. idk, i just put nidhogg imagery on him in my aus like i put ketchup on my hot dog.
most of estinien's digidestined friends are largely in france and there's ysayle (crest of light), haurchefant (crest of friendship), aymeric (crest of reliability), lucia (crest of knowledge), and francel (crest of sincerity). estinien is their holder of the crest of courage.
nomin's are in london with her (for the most part). nomin holds the crest of light. there's arik (crest of friendship), lorha (crest of knowledge), minfilia (crest of love), and tataru (crest of kindness).
nomin wears wigs...at least until her hair grows back in. so she has a small collection of both natural color hair and unnatural color hair that she swaps between on occasion when going out. she's actually really shy about being seen without a wig or a cap while she's no longer receiving chemo.
just because it would have been a pain in the ass for me, digimon are only okay, by law, if they're with their partner humans. so as long as teiamon is with nomin, teiamon gets to stay in the hospital with her. and though it is an unusual occurrence, teiamon doesn't get in trouble when she has traveled along with estinien when picking up stuff for nomin as opposed to when she traveled alone.
japan's not the only one that has outlawed digimon, though, tbh... there are plenty of other places. i want to believe that the americas and the uk are probably the most lax about it so long as they're with their people and clearly not causing issues.
more to come eventually, but for now, i gotta draw.
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sloanerisette · 1 year
Ok, I wanted to get this up for Pride Month, but a lot was going on, including me changing what I wanted to write a few times, but I finally got something!
Tbh I've had a headcanon of trans guy Davis ever since my 02 rewatch a few years back, mostly sparked by an line from the Adventure 02 dub where Davis loudly and happily proclaims himself as "one of the guys" after getting the Digi-Egg of Friendship. I love that moment and it has just, cemented itself as a headcanon for me. So uh, you can check it out at the link, or I'll post it under a read more, and I hope y'all enjoy!
Summary: After an excited outburst the day prior, Davis finally decides to tell their group of DigiDestined just who he is. Tags: Trans Male Character, Coming Out, Post Episode 11 (The Storm of Friendship), Dub names
Yesterday had been exhausting, with rescuing Agumon from the Digimon Emperor— from Ken Ichijouji— and getting a second Digi-Egg. That was just scratching the surface of it, too, considering all the shouting that had gone on between him and TK and him and Matt.
But amidst all the fighting and the chaos and the frustration, there had been one thing that he continued to turn over in his mind ever since they got back to their world.
Tai had called him a good friend. Matt gave him a noogie. It was everything he could’ve dreamed of. In his sheer happiness he couldn’t help but shout out to his partner that he really was one of the guys now.
And that had been burned into his thoughts ever since. Even at dinner, and even well after DemiVeemon had fallen asleep and he stared at the ceiling in the dark.
Tai had always been one of the few people to truly respect him and accept who he was, but to get that same respect from Matt, one of the two coolest people he knew? He really was on cloud nine.
But just as much as he had been on cloud nine, his brain had been in overdrive thinking ever since he had shouted out “I’m one of the guys now!”
Was now the time to tell everyone? Out of all the DigiDestined, only Tai and Kari knew. Kari insisted that the others would accept him, would also still see him the same, but as he was on his way to school, still munching on a piece of toast, he couldn’t help but wonder.
As much as he didn’t like TK, he knew he wasn’t a bad person. Cody was a strange kid who he could never get a read on, but he wasn’t a bad kid by any means— the furthest thing from it, really. And Yolei… Well, she was loud, brash, and liked to rag on him, but only when he aggravated her first. If he told them, it wouldn’t go bad… right? Certainly not like with his dad, right?
It had gone so well with Tai and Kari. He still remembered the after school soccer game he met the siblings at, when he loudly told them his name was Davis and that he was a boy. He had found a hero and a friend in an instant, and whenever there was trouble with his own parents, he was always welcome at the Kamiya household. Maybe the food wasn’t the tastiest, but there was always a lot of it, at least.
He knew he had a friend and supporter in Kari no matter what, but he couldn’t help but be… scared when he thought about telling everyone else.
Kari was standing by the gates to the school, and as soon as he saw her, the smile on his face grew twice as wide and he ran over.
“Hey! Kari!” he shouted to her, putting his hands on his legs to keep himself standing and steady while he caught his breath. She laughed gently at how he nearly tripped over to reach her between the crowd of other students arriving, and as he looked up at her, that beaming smile was still on his face.
“How are you holding up after yesterday?” she asked. Davis let out a long groan.
“Ugh, I’m so tired. Armor Digivolving is tough work.”
DemiVeemon popped his head out of Davis’s backpack, “Hey! I was the one who actually Digivolved!” he squeaked out. Davis turned his head to look at his partner, a guilty, sheepish smile on his face.
“W-Well I had to pick up the Digi-Egg!” he stammered out, feeling his face go flush.
Kari couldn’t help but laugh, which caused Davis to get distracted from his playful spat with his Digimon partner.
“What about you?” he asked, shooting her a kind smile.
“I’m alright. I probably could’ve slept all day,” she sighed, “Tai’s doing good, at least. I’m really relieved about that.”
“That’s good, but you should make sure you get your rest! We can take a day off from the Digital World after how badly we just beat that stupid Emperor,” Davis said, clenching a fist in determination, which DemiVeemon copied.
“Do you have to shout about the Digimon Emperor and the Digital World loud enough for everyone to hear?”
Davis recognized Yolei’s voice anywhere, and he felt himself start to deflate from how triumphant he felt just a few moments ago.
She, TK, and Cody walked over, with their own Digimon poking out of their backpacks.
“I swear, with how loud you are, everyone is gonna know about the Digital World,” Yolei sighed. Kari and TK couldn’t help but chuckle.
“I mean, I kind of agree with him about taking the day off,” TK shrugged, “We could use at least one day after dealing with everything that happened with Agumon.
“It would be nice…” Cody mused, putting his hand to his chin in thought, “I haven’t been able to train with grandpa nearly as much lately…”
“Well, thanks for so graciously giving us the day off,” Kari teased. Davis rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Well I’m happy to help, Kari! Anytime!” he said, following up with a loud laugh that caused numerous other students to look their way.
Yolei clapped her hands, “Ok! Day off!” she whooped in triumph, before pausing for a moment, her expression slowly fading, “…Ugh, no excuse to get out of work now,” she groaned. Iori patted her on the arm.
“I’m sure you’ll survive,” he told her, voice surprisingly sincere despite Yolei’s overdramatic cries.
The bell rang shortly after, and the group— minus Davis— started to walk towards the school building. Davis shuffled in place nervously, hands clenched as he tried to will himself to speak.
“Are you ok, Davis?” DemiVeemon asked quietly, poking his partner’s shoulder. Davis stayed quiet, sucking in a silent breath.
“H-Hey guys! Hold on a sec!” he shouted out, still glued in place as his friends turned to look at him.
“What’s up, Davis?” Kari asked, pausing as soon as she saw the look on his face.
“There was just, uh… something I wanted to talk about,” he said, voice quiet as he felt his stomach tie up in a knot.
“I don’t want to be late, Davis!” Yolei groaned, letting out a squeak as Kari gently bumped her in the side with her elbow.
Davis took a deep breath, slowly stepping forward as his friends looked at him. This was it.
“So, uh…” Why were words so hard to think of, especially now, especially in this moment? Why had it been so easy with his hero and his crush, but he couldn’t get the words out with his friends? His eyes darted to Kari, who gave him a warm, gentle smile.
“Whatever you have to say, you don’t have to worry. You can talk to us about anything,” she said, in that sweet tone she always spoke with to reassure someone. The same tone she spoke with when he first told her a few years ago.
He could do this.
“So, uh,” he started again, wringing his hands together nervously, “I haven’t told a lot of people this, but I’ve been thinking about it since yesterday, and, uh… I wanted to let you all know that I’m a guy.”
He did it. It suddenly felt like a massive weight was pulled off his shoulders.
“But I thought we already knew that,” his partner said from his perch on Davis’s shoulder. Davis’s face burned crimson, suddenly feeling stupid at the fact that he had basically said nothing.
However, Cody’s eyes shone with recognition, something Davis didn’t catch as he grit his teeth in frustration.
“Wh-What I mean is that, I wasn’t, like, born as a guy, I guess? Like I shoulda been, but I wasn’t, and when I realized that I just started… being a guy. And I was thinking about yesterday with everything that happened and… I just wanted to let you guys know.”
All the students had filed into the school now, just leaving their small group standing there. The silence was deafening, and Davis was mortified that maybe he had messed up. Maybe he shouldn’t have said anything, maybe Kari was wrong and this wasn’t a good idea…
Could they all hurry up and say something already!?
“It’s really brave of you to tell us, Davis,” Cody spoke up finally, “Kari is right, you can tell us anything, and we’ll always be here for you. If anyone gives you trouble, I’ll deal with them for you.”
Cody spoke with such conviction, and Davis couldn’t help but feel warm at how forthright the youngest member of the group was. Davis wasn’t entirely sure how Cody felt about him most times, but a gentle flush crept onto his face at how… nice it felt that he was so kind.
“Hey, wait, I don’t need you to deal with anyone! I can do it myself!” Davis shot back, clenching his hands into fists as he stamped a foot down. Kari couldn’t help but giggle.
“I’m glad you felt comfortable enough to tell us, Davis,” TK said as he strode forward, placing a hand on Davis’s shoulder that didn’t have a Digimon on it. “You’ll always be one of the guys, and you’ll always be our friend,” he added, flashing him a smile.
“Th-Thanks, dude,” Davis said with a shaking voice. Ok, so maybe TK was annoying, and knew Kari way too well, and showed him up with how much he knew about Digimon, but maybe he wasn’t that bad.
Yolei awkwardly shuffled forward, hands clasped behind her back, gaze focused on the ground, unable to meet his eyes. She kicked at the ground, taking a moment of silence before she cleared her throat.
“I’m really happy for you. A-And what they said. And, like, if I ever said anything that like, was rude about it, then I’m really sorry,” she said. Davis raised an eyebrow in confusion at her, then shook his head.
“What? No, you haven’t! Don’t worry,” he said, folding his arms after and shooting her a grin, “I could handle anything you would throw my way, anyways.”
Yolei offered him a weak, lopsided smile, “Well, still, I want you to know that I wouldn’t ever want to like, you know, not respect that.” She paused, “I’ll still give you crap, but not about that. Promise.”
“I, uh, need to head to class now,” Yolei said, immediately turning on her heel and sprint off to the school building, “I’ll see you guys later!”
TK gave Davis another pat on the shoulder before he ran off, too, Cody following him at a more relaxed pace. Davis started to walk foward, letting out a content sigh as he met up with Kari.
“I told you there would be nothing to worry about,” she said.
“Hahaha, I knew it would! Totally!” he said, putting his hands behind his head as they made their way along.
“I’m proud of you, too.”
The smile left his heart pounding in his chest, and he gave her a beaming smile, forcing out a laugh. “Th-Thanks, Kari. You know, it always means a lot how much you’ve supported me and stuff So thanks for that, too.”
DemiVeemon poked Davis in the ear, “Hey, I’m proud of you, too!” the small Digimon said.
Davis laughed, “Thanks buddy, that means a lot.”
“I didn’t realize humans could Digivolve, too! We can both Digivolve!” DemiVeemon cheered. Davis couldn’t help but laugh.
“I guess I can, huh? You hear that, Kari? I can Digivolve, too!” he said, laughing louder than before.
Turning into something better and stronger and more… him?
Yeah, he liked the sound of that.
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saivii · 6 months
masterlist of things i've made
thought i'd go ahead and make a lil masterlist of the stuff i've made so my blog feels a lil more organized! most of the stuff is ryo/minoru related and all of them are related to digimon survive lmao. i'll edit this if i make more stuff (which i probably will)
textpost edits:
Ryo and Kunemon
anyone else but you (ryo/minoru fake dating fic):
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
we don't need no letter at all (ryo/minoru)
i won't be afraid just as long as you stand by me (collection of one-shots with ryo's friendships)
ain't no sunshine when he's gone (ryo & minoru platonic au where ryo grieves over minoru)
other writing:
ryo/minoru ghost au + minoru dies route headcanons
which pokemon would the survive kids be? (feat. @manofmanymons)
bad ending headcanons (also based on manofmanymons's post!! they also made a cool fic about the bad ending that y'all should go read)
ryo/minoru teacher au headcanons
ryo/minoru 1
ryo/minoru 2
ryo finds out what "break a leg" means
it's ryover (ryo playlist)
i hate shuuji's dad!!! (shuuji playlist) 🗣️📢
why i love ryo/minoru (a slightly unhinged presentation)
blorbo meme ft. ryo
ryo headcanons
more ryo headcanons and minoru headcanons
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reliablejoukido · 2 years
Do have any headcannon for daisuke and yamato friendship/mentor (feel like i dont see their relationship getting shown as much as other 02 and menter relationship)?
First of all, I'm deeply sorry it took over two months to answer this. I'm going to try to be better at getting to them sooner. In any case...
Oooh interesting question! I think you're right, the original show seemed to portray Daisuke looking up to Taichi a bit more than it did with Yamato (though that one moment in Kizuna where he gets really excited when he receives a phone call from Yamato is extremely cute.) "Friendship" becomes integral to Daisuke's growth as a character, so it really would have been lovely to see more of them together.
As far as Daisuke's relationship with Yamato goes, let me see if I can come up with some headcanons. Also you'll have to forgive me, but I haven't seen 02 in quite a while, so I might be forgetting some key personality facts and plot points.
When Daisuke was having trouble getting the others to accept Ken as a friend, he asks Yamato for advice on how to get through to them. Yamato reminds him that everyone approaches friendship differently and you can't force it on others. Friendship takes time to develop.
Yamato appreciates it when Daisuke compliments his music, because honestly not all of his friends are vocal fans. He also gives Daisuke music recommendations of what to listen to. Daisuke buys the CDs that Yamato recommends and puts them on his iPod Nano to jam out to or whatever (this is like 2005 tri era in my head), but Yamato's band's music is in high rotation. Daisuke does hide this interest from Jun (but she finds out anyway).
As adults, Daisuke loves cooking and is really really good at it. As someone who is also relatively good at cooking, Yamato offers to help him make food for everyone when they get together on August 1st. They share tips and it's just really wholesome.
That... might be it for right now. Sorry I couldn't think of more, but these were really fun to come up with regardless! Thank you for the ask!
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Adventures ~ J.P.N version featuring DUO/SHIP/OTP: Daisuke [“Davis” in US] Motomiya x Hikari Yagami [Hikari “Kari” Kamiya] {DAIKARI} ~ MOMENTS & INTERACTION + Little Moments {+of Daisuke’s Crush-Silliness & Hikari’s [not “always” / quite rejecting?] Knowing-Teasing} +{[+Direct or Indirect] Acknowledgement} +general / casual Goofiness around each other - during Kaiser arc & pre-Ken AND post-Ken joining the team
Original poster’s {mine} commentary: Most of these are their “sillier”/random moments (but on a personal level, I still find them fun!)
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended AS SHIPs/PERSONAL PREFERENCE. please remember + RESPECT this when interacting please tag only as the ship name[s] and DO NOT tag as only “brotp” or the like only*, thank you!} (*It is ok if you tag as “friendship” or the like along with the ship!!) {Failure to acknowledge interacting rules WILL result in a block}
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If you want to use, Please READ further/under the “read more”!
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{Please also LIKE this post if you are wanting to use!} {Once you have “Liked”, feel free to contact me to ask for permission!} {However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please do not use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” section.} {I MAY POLITELY DECLINE USAGE. Please do not take it personally!} {if you are unsure if you can use you can SEND ME AN ASK} {I will check your blog; if you do not match anything on my “DNI”; [CHECK THE FAQ FOR MY DNI SECTION/S] you will likely/may pass the check and can use!} {However please note my ENTIRE FAQ sections on such} {It is possible I may not grant permission for other reasons} [i.e.: You post a lot of something I have blacklisted]
PLEASE ALSO NOTE: {My headcanons for the characters of this series VARY} {for this set particularly; I headcanon most as M-spec/Multi-gender attracted*} {this post/my contents ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships in general!}
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ulfrsmal · 1 year
Tag Game: fandom edition
Thank you for tagging me @its-tea-time-darling! I do not know how to do the fancy gradient in the title so purple it is lmao
your name: Wynne
your first fandom(s): Digimon, though I was too young to realise it was fandom
your current fandom(s): TOO MANY. But mainly The Last Kingdom, Vikings, Vikings: Valhalla. Right now I'm very into Assassin's Creed and Resident Evil.
how did you first get into fandom? those "7 minutes in heaven" thingies, not even quizzes proper, that appeared on the now defunct Quizilla. I miss that site...
how long have you been engaging with fandom spaces? a good 15 years since I started reading fandom things, 13 since I started writing, 8 since I started reading on ao3, some fewer years since I started sharing what I wrote.
how often do you read fanfics? Almost daily lmao that's what happens when I read the 100k+ behemoths
top 3 characters from your current fandom(s): AltaÏr (Assassin's Creed), Uhtred (TLK), Chris Redfield (Resident Evil).
have you ever written a fic for a fandom? if so, shout it out! May i kindly refer you to my ao3? Logged-in users only, though!
have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom? Yes but I've never shared it online, only with a few past friends.
share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about: Gladio FFXV and Cloud FFVII are trans men. I have a lot of trans headcanons in general but especially for Final Fantasy games...
you’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them? I'm showing them the scenery from Assassin's Creed, and more details depending on what historical period is their fave. Also pretty pretty protags will help lots xD
and finally, what does fandom mean to you? A safe space where I can create and share what otehrs have created, comment to encourage people, and know that every kudo means someone liked what I wrote. Also a place where making friendships is far easier than IRL, and through which I have indeed met very awesome people.
No Pressure Tags: @bouncehousedemons, @naps4bats, @crookes-library, @bitchofdarkness, @captainkilly, and @heronamedhawks. Have fun lovelies! :D
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Monster Replays The Truthful Route: Part 3
Will Ryo live? Will Ryo die? Only the affinity decides.
Warning: Here be spoilers! Read at your own risk!
It could just be me, but the localization of Miu's dialogue feels wonky here.
Miu: And sure, maybe we got lost somehow, but don't you think that's kind of exciting?
Kaito: Exciting? What is wrong with you?
Ah, yes, my favorite magic trick; the Mysterious Disappearing Miu!
I remember being on Facebook after about 5,000 years, and I saw a really sexist comment against Saki in regards to the seperate rooms scene. Oh, don't you just love the smell of sexism in the morning? It smells like turds!
Also lol at Agumon and Labramon thinking that that deviant means something that changes from one thing to another XD
Lopmon: No! Don't do that! Can't you read the room?
Agumon: The room!? How? You can read rooms!?
Ryo's just like me fr.
Aoi: ...I'm having a hard time staying calm. I know I need to relax more, but...
Aoi again: It's like how I always blank out on tough questions.
Wow, Aoi's also just like me fr.
I really like seeing Saki and Shuuji interacting with each other. Kinda wish we got to see more of their dynamic.
Minoru: The truth is I've got a rotten personality. I get along just to get by. It's nothing to be proud of.
What is it with these characters and being just like me fr?
Lopmon: I went to get some nuts...
No, Monster. Don't laugh. That's not the kind of nuts Lopmon is talking about. Be mature here...
Saki: It's funny, though. Talking with you feels like talking to myself, Floramon. It's weird.
I like how, even this early on in the game, you still get hints that the kids and their partners are connected in some way (well, besides the totally obvious evolution stuff, but you get what I'm trying to say, right?).
Saki: Whatever happens is gonna happen. What matters is how we act when it happens, right?
I now have yet another Gomamon! :D
Agumon: Oh, right! A RAY-dee-yo TA-WAH!
Agumon again: I wanna be super big, just like that bridge!
If I'm gonna be 100% honest here, if I were stuck in an alternate dimension with weird creatures that could kill me at any moment, I'd probably be just as uncooperative as Ryo (not to mention the fact that I absolutely hate working in groups in general).
Kaito: Stop lying, I know you're a monster in disguise!
The Digimon! More than meets the eye! The Digimon! Monsters in disguise!
Omgzorz Dracmon?
Random thing I noticed: In Part 3, there's a big deal about Miu losing her purse and the 'Unfamiliar Woman' having it, while in Part 4, the purse isn't mentioned at all, and Miu is already shown having it.
Floramon: Hahaha, that's a funny face you're making, Saki! It's all scrunched up!
Have I ever mentioned how much I love how Minami Takahashi voiced Saki?
Something I noticed: If you choose to believe Kaito, he will smile a little before getting pissed at everybody.
Dracmon joined the party! :D
Haru: Hey, what do you think that cloud looks like?
Miyuki: A... cloud.
Haru: Then how about that one?
Miyuki: A... cloud.
Haru: This rock sure looks weird.
Miyuki: Yeah... weird.
Haru: What's it look like to you?
Miyuki: A... rock.
Minoru: Well, just look at Ryo. He seems to have warmed right up to her.
Ryo, clearly not the right person to be used as an example: Mommy... Hehehe...
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(Taking a picture because I'm too lazy to type down the whole thing. Probably gonna do that more often.)
I find it interesting that Kaito says that Miu used to be 'just like that.' I think it gives more insight into Miu's character (or, at the very least, how Kaito thinks of her), and it also serves as fuel for my Miu-Miyuki friendship headcanons >:3
Another thing I find interesting: While on the cable car, Shuuji says that everybody should try to stay alert, while Lopmon just flat out says that they hate heights.
I really wish that we got to see Dracmon's evolution scene to Sangloupmon, but then that would mean that we wouldn't get such masterpieces like this.
Kaito: Can I trust you, BoltBoutamon?
BoltBoutamon: Of course, Kaito... This power... I wield it for your sake!
Putting the entire Harmony route aside, this conversation is oddly wholesome. I'm just glad that, this time around, BoltBoutamon is 100% Dracmon (and probably won't kill Kaito and the Professor, either!).
It's also similar with Aoi and Plutomon!
Aoi: Plutomon... I can... trust you, can't I?
Plutomon: Of course, Aoi... I am your ally.
Anyways, I actually really like the battle conversations the Survive gang has with each other and their Kemonogami.
Love it when the traumatized teenager has a mental breakdown.
Shuuji: Ow! You didn't have to hit me!
And if he lives, he'll do it again!
I'm probably the only person that actually likes Cyclonemon.
Vegiemon: My strength matches what's in your heart!
Also Vegiemon: *main attack has them through their shit*
Man, if I didn't relate to Ryo before, I certainly do now...
Thanks to the power of friendship, cool monsters, and tackling, Ryo lives! Hooray!
Unfortunately, the threat of death still looms over Takuma and his friends. Will they survive? Will they ever make it out of this strange world? Find out next time on Digimon: Digital Monsters!
(Except they aren't really all that digital. And if you're reading this, you either already know what happens next, or you're getting a hell of a spoiler.)
(Consider yourselves lucky that I didn't make a Kemono Monsters joke like last time.)
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digitalgate02 · 2 years
Why Ni does not use her old fanmade crests as "Advverse crests" anymore
One of the things I learned a few years ago about Adventure lore and worldbuilding was the fact it does not have anything "exclusive" to a certain group of characters.
Like, sure, it's fun to imagine fanmade crests for ourselves and the characters we love or make. It's really fun.
But past convo with Shiha made me realize why I dropped my own headcanons and fanmade stuff for Advverse characters (canon & OC) when it comes to Advverse after a rewatch of ep 37:
Certain traits we pick just are something similar or even the same thing as either of the canon crests.
(Also, i'll just recommend checking this meta about the crests in the kids portrayal because it's good and explain the crests themselves and their role in the universe very well.)
Anyway, let's continue.
I've seen people complaining about how Daisuke, Miyako and Iori never had their own crests, that they were just "carbon copies of the previous cast" and even reading things like "they gave *girl* crests to Miyako" -- and those kind of things bugged me... I used to think the former was "unfair" as well, but now? I think i got what Qinglongmon infodump episode meant.
When talking about the crests, Qinglongmon mentions the first three Dai-Miya-Iori got via Digimentals,
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Takeru and Hikari's crests are also explained in this whole convo too -- They're special:
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Since Light = the concept of Life itself, i understand why Light and Hope are important.
The thing is -- Adv & 02 never made the crests "exclusive" or "character bound" -- so, basically every character in the Advverse, fanmade or canon, can have either of those crests. Light and Hope might also be not totally exclusive, but more like something more "rare" to find in the wild.
Like i said before, fanmade crests are cool! Having your unique and special trait would be cool! But after realizing what this scene meant, why the staff never intended to make Courage-Friendship-Love-Knowledge-Sincerity-Reliability-Hope-Light-and-Kindness some kind of exclusivity to those characters, i decided to embrace this concept and headcanon stuff with those crests instead.
This opens a ton of possibilities for ONE 02 element -- The Digimentals. As you can see, there's one 02 material (quite crack-ish) where the kids switch their Digimentals and they all can activate them. And on a more peak Digimon comedy, we have the older six having fun with them as well -- even if those mons were not-supposed-to-be-taken-seriously.
My theory for them is they are also not character bound, or exclusive to the 02 group -- they can work with any person as long they're compatible with the digimon (like, incompatibility would result in a bizarre digimon form, or hostile/vile digimon) instead.
So... this is my explanation as to why i don't use fanmade crests for any Advverse character (or my OCs) anymore. My old work probably still use them, yeah, but on the actual days i just don't use them anymore.
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