#digimon story cyber sleuth: complete edition
spacejunes · 2 years
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Minha equipe em  Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition ficou perfeita! Gastei tempo para evoluir cada um deles? Sim, mas o hiperfoco ajudou muito.
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axewchao · 2 years
Are you busy again? If so, it's unnessecary to answer this... but what's your star sign? I'm curious.
Nah, not busy. Just got hooked on a game I bought ages ago and never played =w=
My star sign is Gemini ♊️ :3
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onestepbackwards · 7 months
Self aware au, Legends, Sword and shield, Bdsp, ScarVi, Lets go pikachu and eevee.
Arceus decides to actually make a stable connection between all the self aware game Universes, but only the pokemon ones, for now, as he can use Pokemon home as the bridge to make the connection, once he gets a good amount understanding he'll expand for the over games. He also connects to the Players IRL phone thanks to the Mobile app of Home, turning it into a Arcphone, allowing them to enter this Connected Domain and interact with all the characters and pokemon, including all the MCs that they are now adopting as their children.
Arceus is also glad the Player only has games like Monster Hunter(rise and Stories 2), Digimon(Cyber sleuth complete edition, and Survive), Animal crossing(new horizons) and one Dating light novel game(NekoMiko). If he had any big evil monster games like resident evil, he'd probably have a destroy that Universe to keep everything else safe.
Thats such a cute idea, connecting universes through your phone (´ ∀ ` *)
It would be cool, having all your friends connected to you through your phone that you can talk to and show the world!
Maybe even connect it through Pokemon Masters so they all can talk to you face to face? It would be fun!
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bug-catcher-silva · 7 months
If you want a monster taming experience, and for some reason don't want to just play Pokémon, there are options.
Don't scrape the bottom of the barrel, pal.
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bethanythebogwitch · 6 months
That time censorship made a new Digimon (and why it should happen again)
Digimon's English releases have honestly gotten away with a lot that many other dubs wouldn't be allowed to. Compare Yu-Gi-Oh's dub inventing the shadow realm to avoid having characters die to Digimon Adventure's dub having a prominent side character die in part of a story arc where the number of the beast is a main plot point and getting away with it completely uncensored. But censorship does still happen to Digimon and one time it created a new Digimon species.
Meet the Sistermons.
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Consisting of Sistermon Blanc and Sistermon Noir, these nun-like Digimon with weapons have shown up in a few things, but it was their appearance in the video game Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth (specifically the Hacker's Memory expansion) that triggered censorship. Someone on the localization team decided that a nun wielding guns was not something they wanted in the game. Apparently it was to avoid upsetting religious groups. But Sistermon Noir is part of the plot and you can't just cut her from the game. So the localization team pallet swapped her from a realistic black and white nun outfit to a white and cyan one, edited a few other details, and renamed her Sistermon Ciel. Apparently someone at Bandai really liked this idea because they decided to make Sistermon Ciel an official Digimon, giving her a redesign to not look like a pallet swap.
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Sistermon Ciel has been adopted as an official Digimon. She got a reference book entry, has shown up in the card game, got official art of her with the other two Sistermons, and appeared in an episode of the anime Digimon Ghost Game. It doesn't get more official than that.
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Here's where I think this should happen again. Back when the anime Digimon Savers was getting dubbed into English as Digimon Data Squad, the localization team ran into a problem. One episode featured BomberNanimon, a bomb with a face and limbs, as the monster of the week. Disney was handling the localization at the time and told the dub team that they absolutely could not have a giant living bomb destroying a fairground on the show. However the team couldn't just cut this episode because it's important to one of the main character's arcs. So, in a bit of rebellion and a tongue-in-cheek reference to the show Bobobo-Bo-Bobobo, which had recently finished airing, the team decided to edit BomberNanimon into a giant orange named Citramon. And Toei (who is in charge of Digimon in anime) signed off on this change. They even came up with the name Citramon after vetoing the proposed Tangerinemon.
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What I'm saying here is that it would be absolutely hilarious if Bandai announces a big reveal and it turns out that the reveal is that Citramon is getting official art, a reference book entry, and will be showing up in the card game or next virtual pet. Please make it happen, Bandai.
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mintaffy · 1 year
“what happened to him” he finished playing digimon story: cyber sleuth complete edition
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gulava · 8 months
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You will never be able to play as a girl and have a stranger assume you love beautiful women unless you play Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Complete Edition. When will you play Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Complete Edition? Will you play Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Complete Edition?
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this shit is (maybe was, depending on when you're seeing this) 75% off if you are into the digital monsters
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sleepynubis · 2 years
Let's play Digimon story: cyber sleuth complete edition part 1: EDEN
The start of a new weekly lets play series hope you all enjoy it
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shihalyfie · 2 years
"That probably puts it in the top 10% of Digimon games, which unfortunately isn't a high bar"
Okay, now I just HAVE to ask: What games do you put in the top 10%?
Any of the Digimon Story games (mostly Cyber Sleuth/Hacker's Memory for multiple reasons, but I think the ones on the DS are still above a certain level of quality, especially the first game)
The original Digimon World, Re:Digitize/Decode, and Next Order International Edition (whether you like the raising game system is based on personal taste, but I think the niche of people who can enjoy it is large enough) -- not the original Vita release of Next Order
Digital Card Battle/Digital Card Arena, moreso the latter (it may even have better game design than the actual card game it was based on!)
The Appmon game for the 3DS
The Adventure game for the PSP
ReArise, back when it existed
DMO for people who like this kind of MMO, although to be honest I worry about recommending this kind of system to anyone because of how predatory and time-draining it is (in this case it might be worse than ReArise was about it)
These are basically the only games I feel I could have any confidence in recommending to people who aren't necessarily already huge Digimon fans, assuming they're open-minded about game genres or some occasional quality-of-life jank and are capable of accessing the games in question. Every other game in this franchise that I’ve had any experience with is one with gameplay design and/or pacing (or in some cases, loading times) that can be so frustrating that I doubt anyone but already hardcore Digimon fans would be willing to put up with. I think a lot of people who already love Digimon deeply will be willing to put up with a lot of things, so I completely believe them when I say "wait, but I like that game!" and say, power to them -- it's just that I also don't think Digimon hardcores often realize how poorly those games would hold up to anyone who doesn't have that level of Digimon love. Half the reason Cyber Sleuth/Hacker’s Memory was such a hit is that it’s not obtuse to play for an average casual gamer.
(Of course, this is just my personal opinion, so take it with a grain of salt.)
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grave-bride · 1 year
Amaya's Favorite Weird Lil' Games
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Hello, I'm Amaya. I needed some kind of pinned post here, and introductions are lame and I'm not funny, so I figure what better to have as a first introduction than a list of some of my favorite games, especially ones I consider to be somewhat under-rated. That's a vague term in some regards, and can mean different things to different people for different games. Regardless these are several video games I hold very dearly and many of them are quite formative for me as a person. I've posted something like this on Twitter before, but switching over to Tumblr gives me a little bit more leeway on how many words I'm willing to give to each title, as well as many shift some titles around, and I may edit this more in the future. It should go without saying by the way that all of these games have some incredible soundtracks please listen to them sometime if you can. Either way... shall we begin?
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Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
I've been a Digimon fan all of my life, so in some ways this feels like cheating, like of course a Digimon game would wind up on this list when it was effectively my first fixation. Cyber Sleuth though, is a genuinely good video game, and honestly probably the first time a Digimon game has been "Good" with no caveats. This is a well constructed turn based, monster collecting RPG with a compelling narrative that unfolds over the course of multiple different mysteries you, as the titular Cyber Sleuth, work to solve by utilizing your Digimon combined with your unique ability to travel through cyberspace itself. While clunky around the edges, it's a fun video game that feels similar enough to its contemporaries like Pokemon that its fairly easy to slip into with a really good, quirky cast of characters, even among the nameless NPCs there are several who remain memorable due to their entertaining quips or the nature of whatever side quest they're attached to. Among the fandom there's even a bit of a running joke about Cyber Sleuth and its seemingly magical ability to turn people who aren't Digimon fans... INTO diehard Digimon fans after completion. The Complete Edition available via PC and Steam includes bonus content and all the old DLC, including the whole ass sequel, Hacker's Memory, which takes place concurrently with Cyber Sleuth but from someone else's point of view... I am more mixed on that game, but it's still worth trying if you manage to pick up that version.
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Digimon Survive
Look I'm a little bit sorry about putting two Digimon titles back to back but I need to talk about this one for a bit bear with me. Digimon Survive is a visual novel, and those won't be to everyone's tastes, though it is broken up occasionally by some RPG battles, still you can scroll down if that's an immediate dealbreaker. Survive though is... hard to explain for me, especially being a visual novel, it's basically impossible to discuss without spoilers. Compared to many entries in the Digimon canon, Survive feels more down to earth and grounded, all things considered. Taking clear inspiration from the original anime series, but putting a more "realistic" spin on the general premise, acknowledging the implicit darker elements of a setting like this, and it truly uses it for some powerful moments, and across its multiple endings were willing to go in directions I kind of always wanted Digimon to dive into more but never really expected they would do. It's a very... fulfilling narrative to me, and even as far back as the first trailer, its main instrumental track leaves me feeling a sort of pained, nostalgic, melancholy, and I think the full game managed to live up to whatever ethereal feeling that first reveal gave me all those years ago. Who knew it was possible for a game to come out of development hell just fine?
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Wild Arms / Wild Arms: Alter Code F
Wild Arms was legitimately one of the first video games I ever played, and has stuck with me in many ways, affecting me all my life. Despite being a sort of "forgotten" franchise, it still has a bit of impact continuing to this day, with the main creator later going to work on fucking Symphogear of all things, and the influence is noticeable. Now he's working on a more direct spiritual successor, Armed Fantasia, which does look good but it was kickstarted so I'm trying not to be too excited! To be more focused on the topic at hand, this is... a very old, classic RPG, despite releasing on the PS1 its DNA sort of traces back to a very "SNES flavor" of the genre in its general vibe. It stands apart though with its very creative setting for its genre, a Wild West inspired setting with cowboys, and samurai, and mages and ancient civilizations with advanced technology and aliens and it's all... very much, but it creates a very fascinating and unique world. It's a world that's fun to experience and explore with its "Tool" system, which may as well be adapting a sort of Zelda/Metroid like system of upgrades to an RPG, granting the ability to solve various puzzles or gain access to areas previously locked off, and in combination with this, each party member has drastically different abilities in how they function. It later received a remake for PS2 titled Alter Code F which... I think genuinely stands on its own. Many things were redesigned aesthetically, mechanically, and more. New party members and side quests added, music rearranged. It creates a very different vibe that makes it hard for me to say if there is a "definitive" way to experience Wild Arms, but I think it's a journey worth taking either way.
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Wild Arms 3
Okay, admittedly this is a bit of a tough post to write after the one on Wild Arms 1, because Wild Arms 3 in many regards is just a better Wild Arms 1. The setting is mostly the same vibes, and most of the core gameplay remains, but its feel and narrative are in a world of their own. If you are a fan of Symphogear already, then this is the title that will be more in line with what you know from the creator. Though many aspects of the original remain in play, Wild Arms 3 mixed things up quite a bit with its unique take on how skills work. Spells and skills are now tied to 12 Runes which you can divide up among the 4 party members, and you can change these at any point, even mid-combat, but there is some emphasis put on planning as each characters stats are geared towards using different spells but those are often bundled with spells the character in question cannot use as effectively. Plus, the Runes are also where passive skills come from, so while you can swap Runes at a moments notice to best take advantage of a situation, doing so does mean jumbling around the passive skills that some characters may be relying upon. It's a unique system and I like it a lot, even if admittedly the base game is hardly challenging enough for it be a common problem to consider. You can sort of tell the creator would later go on to make Symphogear based on this title, because even this game feels like an anime series split across multiple seasons, with the story split into multiple Acts, each one introducing new antagonists and even a change to the games opening movie, and it all culminates in a twist villain that sticks in my head because of how much she seems like she comes out of nowhere... until you take a second look, and realize on a new playthrough she was always there, always watching, always just out of reach.
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7th Dragon 7th Dragon 2020 7th Dragon 2020-II 7th Dragon III Code: VFD
Yes, I'm putting the entire series here, because I genuinely do just recommend the entire series if you can bear it. 7th Dragon is a series of RPGs where the emphasis is on the challenging bosses, traversing the dungeons they find a home in, all while using a party of silent protagonists you design yourself by picking out their Classes and how they invest in their skills. In many respects it is similar to Etrian Odyssey and that's... because they're made by the same dude, though sadly 7th Dragon didn't have as much success outside Japan... or even within Japan. It's a series that I appreciate a lot because I think it has a very unique style to it but they can be brutal, especially the first game. I've played many RPGs that feature the "indomitable human spirit" as part of its plot and how the conflict is overcome but I'm not sure I've ever felt it through gameplay quite like I have in these games. It's the sort of game where you will boot it up and get your ass beaten by a squirrel, and you... just have to overcome that, and every obstacle after, by finding your own strategy that works, and planning one out can be an ordeal in of itself as several Classes have such unique mechanics that it barely even seems like every member of your party is playing the same game as each other. (Seriously you can have a mage who casts spells by using MP in the same party as a mage that casts spells by micro-managing Yu-Gi-Oh! cards.) You can play as a catgirl.
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Dark Cloud
All right this one is just a fun adventure. Honestly you shouldn't expect any deep story here, nor one with any emotional impact, but it's a damn fun time if you're willing to give it some time. Dark Cloud is a dungeon crawler, where you will be venturing into multiple dungeons, traversing floor after floor after floor of procedurally generated rooms, hallways, enemies, treasure, and traps. What makes it a little bit unique though is the "Atma" you'll find alongside the way which give you all manner of things such as trees, fences, rivers, roads, houses, windmills and... people! In between dungeon diving, you will return to the surface to use the Atma you've collected to rebuild several destroyed civilizations, turning barren wastelands into small villages, bringing the peaceful people back and listening to their requests to make it even better than it was before it was destroyed... or ignore them all and do whatever you want. Either way, it's a fun and addicting little adventure full of dungeon crawling, boss battling, city planning, and making new friends along the way. Also sometimes you build a giant robot and engage in time travel shenanigans. You can play as a catgirl.
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Okage: Shadow King
Probably the most obscure game I have ever talked about, Okage is a forgotten but beloved cult classic RPG about a boy whose shadow now harbors a demon who is pushing him on a quest to conquer the world in exchange for curing his sister of her curse to always speak in pig Latin, by turning her shadow pink. It's a very ridiculous game wild a wild sense of humor, and a very quirky and charming cast with a memorable aesthetic. Sadly it is a bit of a low budget title and the game does show that sometimes with how rough it can be but the poor balance and other issues can easily be overlooked for the games absurd and entertaining world and dialogue, all of which later gives way to a pretty interesting story starring a person who feels forgotten and isolated in the world, and them learning to be more confident and aggressive by reminding the world they do exist.
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God Eater Resurrection God Eater 2 Rage Burst God Eater 3
Again putting the whole series here. Each game has unique elements, but they're all worth the time if you ask me, with hundreds of hours of content and some decent stories, I especially am a big fan of the found family narrative of 3. Though the primary reason its on here is for the gameplay, God Eater is a series of action games in a similar vein to Monster Hunter, where you are tasked with going on missions to take down dangerous, towering beasts. Though these games generally are much faster paced with a greater emphasis on the break neck combat, and your ability to customize your character with armor, a melee weapon, a gun, various passive skills and even abilities that may enhance your move set or completely change how some of your attacks behave on a fundamental level. More importantly, these games all have co-op that allow up to 4 players to tackle most missions in the game, including being able to experience the story campaigns together from beginning to end. So y'know... hit me up on a weekend sometime, I am just saying...
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Ys IX: Monstrum Nox
Ys is a long running RPG series and it is perhaps a criminal offense to specifically be recommending the ninth entry, especially seeing as how it is the last game in the series chronologically at the moment, and serves as a capstone for the protagonists current adventures. Though it was my first game in the series myself, and even after playing all of them yeah I still think this is the best one. Monstrum Nox is an action RPG where you are trapped in a large city, forced to remain until you can solve all of the mysteries in the dungeons under its paved roads. Though you and several others have the ability to turn into "Monstrums", powerful beings with unique abilities that are helpful in traversing the city and its dungeons. There's a lot of fun in meeting the Monstrums and not knowing their true, civilian identities, especially because you will often encounter their civilian identities a decent time before its revealed they are one of the Monstrums helping you too dispel monsters around town. Alongside the fun of combat, and running around dungeons with the cool cast of Monstrums, the size of the city and the various movement abilities you unlock almost make the game feel akin to a platformer sometimes, a feeling bolstered by several collectables spread through out the city and the main map keeping track of your completion percentage for all of said collectables. While the action RPG part of the game is great on its own, there's something to be said about the joy of running up a skyscraper, double jumping off, doing a roll forward into a glide to reach a far off building for another feather. You can play as a catgirl.
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This is the most recent release on this list, and quickly became a favorite of mine. Harvestella is a farming sim/action RPG hybrid, with emphasis mostly put on the RPG half of the game. It's a compelling narrative that rings with vibes of classic Final Fantasy and Bravely Default, filled with likeable characters and several gorgeous locations along the way. It's a thrilling adventure that you can tackle at your own pace, going on an adventure through dangerous locations or doing side quests in between just chilling on a farm, planting crops, raising animals, making products, all to craft various tools, prepare food or sell for income. Since it is so new I don't really want to go into it too much but look... it's good. No catgirls but the gender selection at the very beginning of the game has nonbinary as an option, and in the post-game you can give become "Life Partners" with any of the party members by giving them a "Promise Ring".
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spacejunes · 2 years
Sobre a minha live de Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition Joguei por 10 capítulos para ver a evolução da Erika, me sinto satisfeito. Claro que foi cansativo não ter rolado nada por 10 capítulos, mas isso é outros 500.
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digitalgate02 · 2 years
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Dec 14 is Hacker's Memory 5th Anniversary and i'm in love with this game and with this official art Digimon Web staff posted ;o;
I love them all... Erika, Chitose, Ryuuji, Keisuke, Fei, Yuugo... ah they all are amazing peeps 😭🥰👏
Please consider playing this game! Nowadays it is bundled with the original game as "Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Complete Edition" -- it comes with all DLC stuff from the past as well!
I love this game so much!
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rozetheeuwu · 1 year
Anyway disappointed Pokemon fans may I recommend to buy and play Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth complete edition.
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taivus · 2 years
I smashed through my 2022 reading goal with ease, so I decided to change things up for 2023 and shift my new year's resolution to beating video games instead of reading books. I'm not really a gamer (at... all, really), but from owning a Steam account for over a decade, I've collected lots of things to play.
I'm setting my goal to 13 video games, which is roughly 12.5 more games than I normally play in a year.
If you have any suggestions for which ones to play from this list, let me know! I will mostly be playing whatever sounds fun in the moment otherwise. Any title bolded means it's one I'm leaning toward prioritizing from my cursory glance through my library.
Action: Bastion; BioShock Infinite; Moon Hunters; Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time; Sayonara Wild Hearts; Transistor
Horror / Mystery: Alicemare; Fran Bow; The Hex; Little Nightmares; Night in the Woods; Oxenfree; PRICE; SOMA; What Remains of Edith Finch
Platformers: 1001 Spikes; DLC Quest; Hollow Knight; INSIDE; Nihilumbra; Thomas Was Alone; VVVVV
Point & Click: Dropsy; Emily is Away Too; Hiveswap Act 1/2 (beaten already but want to replay to get all the achievements); Life is Strange: Before the Storm; The Red Strings Club; The Room; The Room Two; The Room Three; The Room 4: Old Sins; The Secret of Monkey Island; Tell Me Why; The Walking Dead
RPGs: Child of Light; Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition; Disgaea PC; Dragon Age: Origins; Dragon Age II; Final Fantasy VII; Final Fantasy X/X-2; Labyronia RPG; LiEat; OneShot; Rakuen; Tales of Beseria; Tales of Symphonia; Tales of Zestria
Puzzle: Antichamber; Catherine Classic; Ether One; LIMBO; Portal; Portal 2; Snakebird; The Talos Principle
Visual Novels: AI: The Somnium Files; Angels with Scaly Wings; Eliza; Hatoful Boyfriend; Heaven Will Be Mine; HuniePop; Long Live the Queen (technically beaten already but I want to 100%); An Octave Higher; Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy (playing this one right now!); We Know the Devil; Zero Escape: The Nonary Games; Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma
Other: Age of Empires II; Age of Empires III; Homeworld; Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale; SteamWorld Heist; This War of Mine
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antirepurp · 2 years
As someone who hasn't been super deep into Digimon, but has always wanted to take the dive in, what would you reccomend I start with?
ooh well i think the anime is generally a pretty good starting point? if you have any nostalgia for the 90s/early 2000s shows relive it and rewatch the original digimon adventure and adventure 02, then maybe move on to tamers. that said i think digimon adventure: (or i think it's mostly just referred to as adventure 2020?) works rly well as an introduction to the series and has generally more solid pacing than the original anime which has a heavier saturday-morning cartoon vibe going for it
if you wanna try out the games instead that's a bit trickier bc there's a good few of them and they're all very different from each other... if you don't mind visual novels or enjoy them in general, i'd recommend digimon survive, it executes the story and characters well in its format and also has some solid tactics gameplay in between. cyber sleuth complete edition is also easily available, is a bit of a mix between a jrpg and a visual novel with heavier emphasis on the former, and has some addictive as shit menuing that they actually made enjoyable somehow? idk but personally i got obsessed with it akjshd. if you have a ps4 and enjoy monster raising/stat micromanaging, there's digimon world next order that i've grinded for hours since i got it, it's probably not everyone's cup of tea and has some odd difficulty jumps for first-time players, but the digimon raising mechanics are rly fun to master imo. idk if i explained any of these too well so i suggest you look up some gameplay/reviews first askjdh
and those are just the more conventionally available ones, there are a bunch of older games that you can emulate, and from those i'd probably throw in digimon world ds, digimon world 3, and the original digimon world as quick suggestions. ds' gameplay is similar to cyber sleuth, world 3 is more reminiscent of jrpgs im pretty sure, and digimon world is the successor to next order and has some... unique mechanics that definitely aren't everyone's cup of tea lol you kind of do need a guide for that bad boy and that one online tool for determining evolutions
but uh yeah i think the animes might be the safest bet here, they're kinda always been the star of the show when it comes to digimon! you can't go wrong with adventure 2020 or tamers, and the original adventure and 02 are dear to me too as dated as they are by now askdhj
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