#dimension twenty burrow’s end
sorio99 · 8 months
“I got a 21.”
“Oh, you didn’t beat me.”
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brennan lee mulligan was made to play three characters; single mother who works two jobs, freaky little guy (gender neutral) and emotionally suppressed dude (also gender neutral)
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inkymoth101 · 5 days
My autistic ass when someone touches me without being ready
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emthepotatocat · 7 months
Brennan Lee Mulligan not wanting his children to be drafted into the military industrial complex while still being completely in character is such a Brennan Lee Mulligan™ thing to do.
And, to be completely candid: vibe, mood, and maybe even, same. o7
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easays · 8 months
burrow’s end is doing something really important and making space for grief and generational trauma in ways that are breathtaking. but I especially want to harp on Izzy and Brennan — honestly, especially Izzy.
children perceive far more than we understand, and her giving voice to the fact that parental decisions have consequences for their children (“I’m mad at Dad for Dad going away”) is so, so crucial.
And then Brennan going the “no one needs to be mad. If you’re feeling mad, don’t” plants those seeds of how the most loving parents can insist on managing your emotions instead of feeling their own.
fuck, this season is good.
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dachshund-games · 7 months
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tarriecat · 7 months
OH HI let's talk about that episode 8 reveal for a second cause I don't know how much of an overlap there is between country music listeners and Dimension 20 viewers but this hit me like a ton of bricks and therefore I can't shut up about it.
So Tula's character card has a song lyric on it, "a single mom that works two jobs."
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This is a lyric from Reba McEntire's "Survivor," which gets stuck in my head every time I see it, and it always seemed sensible, the next line is "who loves her kids and never stops," a perfectly Tula sentiment.
But, notably, the first verse of "Survivor" establishes that said single mom MEDICALLY SHOULD NOT BE ALIVE.
Are you seriously telling me. That Burrow's End has been hinting at this fucking twist. From episode one. By means of REBA GODDAMN MCENTIRE?!?
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killerunicorn3 · 7 months
When Tula told the story of her death all I could think about was the bear. She was so sad that the bear died alone because she did as well. Somehow those she loved gave her what she needed to come back. Tula was so sad that the bear’s loved ones couldn’t do that for them.
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let-me-sleep-or-die · 8 months
honestly being a forever dm is so mom friend coded of course Brennan is playing a pc that’s a mom (AN AMAZING MOM) and killing us with it. It’s in his bones. Man’s makes stories to tell with his friends as his fucking job. That’s so mom. He starts everything off with a “hey gang”, like my mom does when she needs to talk to my family as a whole
Brennans just mom, Tula is his final form.
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my-clerical-gnomance · 8 months
i do find it incredibly interesting looking at previous events from a perspective of “ it always pays to follow the neurodivergent child “ while lila is very arguably also neurodivergent
jasohn is energetic and more accident prone so he gets most of the adults’ attention . from the adults perspective he’s not as smart as lila , so they need to take care of him
they praise his skills because they know they also look at him as a bit slower than his sister . his skills are less obvious . as brennan puts it , he’s a screw up . so the things he does do well they praise him for , and that’s great , but because lila so consistently grasps concepts and helps without needing to be asked , she doesn’t get as much recognition for it
i wonder if part of the reason she doesn’t trust thorn is because he’s truly acknowledging her skills from the perspective of an outsider , someone who hasn’t gotten used to her always being there and forgotten to keep saying she’s doing a good job
i wonder if lila is so good at listening because she’s used to being in the background
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sorio99 · 8 months
In another life, I truly believe Brennan Lee Mulligan was an eldest sister and bedraggled mother, and that is my only superstition.
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catartac · 8 months
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Already obsessed with these stupendous stoats! The image of the sleeping siblings was just so endearing to me… Ah, Siobhan is here to break my heart with yet another amazing sibling due, isn’t she?
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justfranzz · 6 months
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Erika Ishii I love you with my entire heart
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here-there-be-drag0ns · 8 months
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Listen i Know the bear was More Horrifying, but that chipmunk moment Stuck With Me
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easays · 8 months
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In some ways, I wonder if Tula is Brennan's chance to revisit some of the feelings Caramelinda struggled with. Both are women who lost their partner and had to deal with the fallout in ways that asked them to de-prioritize their own feelings and well-being.
At some point for Caramelinda, pushing it down meant trying to love Jet and Ruby in ways that prepared them for the heartbreak and hardness she dealt with without letting them into the hurt yoked around her own neck.
Tula, I think, shows us how kind and gentle and loving that desire to protect can look like before it turns brittle and alienating between parent and child. Caramelinda kept her love for Lazuli buried; Tula is burying her kids in her love for Geoffrey. At the center of both, I think, is a simmering wound and anger.
Caramelinda's was dragged out of her by a greater grief; I can't help but wonder if Tula's, too, will only fully emerge after she loses something more precious than her husband. Or will Lila and Jaysohn lose her and inherit the way she holds her anger under wraps? Will their love of her turn into a memorial clouding the anger underneath until it's too late for them, too?
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kazikreatures · 23 days
I split the atom with a high kick, baby!
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I am a master 'cuz I practice daily!
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