#dinluke week: day 1
truly-neutral-art · 1 year
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DinLuke week day 1 - Mand'alor & Alo'riduur
Uhhh here we go I guess, my first art post ever on Tumblr and it's DinLuke. I almost never draw fan art but thanks to DinLuke week I've now drawn several pieces for these two. I love them. I couldn't help it even if I wanted to.
On another note, I really liked doing the lighting for this! I also got to draw Luke in Padmé inspired fit which is one of my favorite things. Luke is a fashion icon and he must follow in the footsteps of his amazing mother.
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Slight close up to get those details I worked way too hard on. As a note, the pattern on Luke's outer robe was hand drawn because all the pattern brushes I found didn't look quite right. So yeah.
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ninjigma · 1 year
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DinLuke Week Part 1/7 - Next
Day 1: Mand'alor & Alo'riduur Track: 'Fairytale' - Alexander Rybak (Spotify / YouTube)
Listen, again, I know I get carried away sometimes with effects, but! I love it, so really you will just have to accept that XD Enjoy!
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dinlukepositivityweek · 11 months
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Prompts are finally here!
We've simplified some of the submissions to give creators the opportunity for more broad interpretations, but decided to include one of them as a bonus prompt as well.
As always, feel free to combine, modify, skip, or rearrange the prompts as you see fit. Just be sure to check the rules in our pinned before submitting your projects, and drop an ask if you have any questions.
Day 1: A reunion after a long time apart / Pining
Day 2: Grogu the Matchmaker / Growing old together
Day 3: Secret marriage / Din and Leia as best friends
Day 4: Lightsaber training / Din haunted by the ghost of his father in law
Day 5: Rebellion era AU / Hurt while protecting the other
Day 6: Competency kink / Mid-battle discussions
Day 7: Force visions & nightmares / Touch sensitivity
BONUS: Luke with a bounty on his head while Din follows him around swatting away hunters like flies
Dinluke Positivity Week will run from November 12th to the 18th, Sunday to Saturday, so you have around 4 months to get your submissions ready! Don't forget to tag us!
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malakia215 · 7 months
Dinluke Halloween Week.
So I won't be able to write anything cause I just don't have time (among other things). But I would love to share my thoughts! I will def write these stories out but will post them next year for Halloween. If you want to know those stories and don't mind spoilers, you can continue under 'read more/keep reading'.
This will be for story 1 (out of two). Will post about story 2 later.
Modern AU. Urban fantasy.
Din and Grogu live in a haunted house in the middle of the woods. Din is what is termed as a 'null,' someone who isn't affected by magic at all or isn't affected by certain magic types. Grogu is a creature of some kind (Din isn't sure of what) but looks human (i.e. curly white hair, pointed ears, but skin color is like Din's but with a tinge of green). Din saved Grogu after finding him being held captive. They had a rough road until they stopped Gideon and then settled down in an old, abandoned house that Din stumbled upon by accident in the woods one day.
After rebuilding the home and modernizing it, Din began feeling like he wasn't alone in the house. There was an area not far away from his property- a cave- that had a small abandoned, destroyed alter which only adds to his nerves that it is something evil. But then he discovers Luke- the spirit of the house/land. Luke appears as a normal human but Din knows he is a powerful spirit.
Din is also in love and in a relationship with LukeThey can only meet in dreams but Din can feel Luke's presence around the house even though he can't see his love when awake- only Grogu can.
Din can't tell anyone he is in a relationship with Luke. His friends would worry since past stories always ended poorly. But Din loves Luke and Luke loves Din. Even though Luke says things like they will be together one day. Din doesn't plan on dying anytime soon, however.
One day, Din rushes home when he discovers bounty hunters in the nearby town- not with the people Gideon words for but it isn't uncommon for creatures/special humans to be captured and sold in the black market. These guys got passed the percautions the town has to protect them from that (Or something like that). He basically gets home with Grogu and puts everything on lockdown.
When it gets dark, the hunters come and Din is ready. But the attackers never stumble into the area where his house is. In fact, they act like it isn't there and seem compelled to stay away from the area.
Din is confused but isn't about to go out and leave Grogu alone. Then he starts hearing screams.
He knows it is from the people but it is so dark that he can't really see what is happening. At one point he sees someone running but then the next moment it looks like a shadow swallows them.
Din doesn't know what is going on and that even puts him more on edge. Almost to the point he leaves to investigate. But then- suddenly- the screams stop.
Still taking cover, Din watches the forest around his home. And then freezes when something materializes just at the property border.
Coming out of the shadows it is a creature of both light and dark. A heavy hood up to obscure their upper face but strands of light- like hair- can be seen. Body wrapped in black robes but its arms, hands, and lower face can be seen and they look like galaxies. the fingers of the creature are light as it holds an orb that looks like the sun. From the end of where the robe ends- feet hidden behind them- light tentacles emerge from the fabric. Contrasts greatly against black wings that have a twinkle and shine to them like the milky way. Above the creature's head, two green elongated eyes hover that look around randomly. Between them is a third orb of fire, held up by a second pair of arms that seem to come from its back.
When the creature enters the land it pushes back its hood. There isn't a face- just a continuation of space. But there are six distinct 'stars' that run parallel with each other seem to blink as a human would. They are two different colors- 4 are pure white and last two (the ones between the white ones) are a startling blue.
Slowly the creature walks toward Din and its size begins to shrink, the shadow and light fade away, until there- standing before Din- is Luke.
They stare at one another. Din speechless having moved out from hiding and Luke with a sheepish smile. Luke breaks the silence with a soft hello.
Din rushes toward Luke, unable to believe he is here. And Luke eagerly reaches out to him. They hug and Din feels like he is going to cry even though he has so many questions.
After sharing a few words, the two move inside and draw Grogu out from his safety place.
Over food, Luke explains he is actually an eldritch being that has been here for many years. He had a whole cult at one point before he decided that he was tired of being used by his followers and having to take sacrifices. He was forgotten- even made his dwelling invisible to others to make sure. But since Din is a null and grogu is also an eldritch being (which explains a lot of things to Din), they weren't affected by Luke's magic. Luke wanted to come back after spending time with Din and Grogu- explaining Din and him are bonded by soul magic, a rare type of magic that even some nulls can be affected by. (it is super rare to find a full null or a sink- someone that makes every type of magic useless around them)- because of their love of the land that developed into a love for one another. But in order to do that it would require an enormous sacrifice that Luke didn't want to do- a living sacrifice. Luke had no qualms of using the hunters though as sacrifices to make it happen in order to protect Din, Grogu, and their home. (He doesn't need those sacrifices anymore though- maintaining the body is easier than manifesting it).
When questioned about if Luke will still have his power- Luke grins and explains that with their soul bond that it acts like an act of worship. Meaning he will still have all of his abilities as long as Din keeps loving him. And BOY Din isn't going to stop that any time soon.
The ending would be Din and Luke sharing a kiss for the first time in the physical realm and Din couldn't be happier.
There is a second chapter which is nothing but tentacle porn LMAO. Din gets fucked by his love for the first time in the physical world~
I DID write the opening for this story that I am really proud of but I don't want to post it on AO3 like a chapter. If you made it this far, let me know if you want to read it here on Tumblr.
Thanks for reading!
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dinluke-ao3feed · 4 months
Tight End Boyfriend
Read it on https://archiveofourown.org/works/53673400 by CTRL_D Weeks away from the Super Bowl, international popstar Luke Skywalker realizes he’s actually, probably, definitely in love with NFL football tight end Din Djarin. - A dinluke story with Taylor Swift/Travis Kelce window-dressing Words: 7068, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: The Mandalorian (TV), Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Din Djarin, Luke Skywalker, Grogu | Baby Yoda, Leia Organa, Paz Vizsla Relationships: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker Additional Tags: Inspired by Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift References, Alternate Universe - Football, Alternate Universe - Popstar, Super Bowl, Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, Dinluke Week 2024, Dinluke Valentine's Day 2024
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usagi-peachs · 1 year
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2022년 223번 포스팅함.
2021년보다 219개 더 많아요!
115개 포스트 작성함(52%)
108개 리블로그함(48%)
가장 많이 리블로그한 블로그:
2022년 158개 태그를 달았어요.
포스트 29%만 태그 없음
#usagi peachs art - 110 포스트
#dinluke - 95 포스트
#luke skywalker - 85 포스트
#star wars - 69 포스트
#din djarin - 69 포스트
#din djarin x luke skywalker - 54 포스트
#the mandalorian - 53 포스트
#grogu - 23 포스트
#clan of three - 20 포스트
#usagi's king of mandalore & prince of naboo au - 10 포스트
Longest Tag: 41 character
2022년 인기 포스트:
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peaceful day
반응 843 - 포스팅 날짜 2022년 8월 15일
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First meeting.
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and 19 years later.
반응 908 - 포스팅 날짜 2022년 6월 23일
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Twins and Husbands.
반응 995 - 포스팅 날짜 2022년 7월 14일
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The Mand’alor & The Prince of Naboo.
I really love this AU. This is the fourth fanart I'm drawing :)
Also, I like to dress Luke in mother's clothes. (sorry🙏)
Happy dinluke week! 😘
반응 1,502 - 포스팅 날짜 2022년 6월 14일
2022년 #1 포스트
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Master and little Padawan.
I love their green Lightsaber 💚
반응 1,803 - 포스팅 날짜 2022년 7월 18일
2022 Tumblr 연말 리뷰 지금 보기 →
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emmalostinwonderland · 7 months
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Happy Wednesday once again! I actually got some shit done for my FTH2023 fic this week, so I treated myself to working on the DinLuke Bioshock AU this afternoon. Here's some angst for ya!
(I know there's not meant to be context on these, but I've been learning lately that Bioshock 1&2 were not as popular across the board as I thought, so... yeah. This fic is set in the late 1950's in the fictional underwater city of Rapture. This scene is set in Persephone, the prison area from the second game. Johnny is 'Johnny Topside' who later becomes Subject Delta, the playable character in Bioshock 2. Ok carry on.)
"So. What’d they stick you in here for, pal?” “His partner was in bed with Fontaine.” “You shut your damn mouth,” Din cuts in, barely noticing he’d even opened his mouth until the words are already out. “Don’t go discussing other people’s affairs like you know a fucking thing about them.” The guy in the cell across from him cracks a lazy smile. “Well, well. He does speak.” Din just grunts an acknowledgement. “My name’s Johnny,” he continues, “What do they call you?” Heaving another sigh, Din pushes himself off the back wall and moves to sit on his cot. “He ain’t shared his name, but pretty much everyone calls him Mando,” says the guy on the left, evidently still feeling particularly ballsy. “Mando, huh? Let me guess… Army?” Goddammit. “Marines.” “Well, ain’t you special. Listen, Mando, I met a fair share of people here in Rapture between my arrival and getting tossed in this cell. Even more since then. Every so often they pull me outta here to do plasmid testing at Fontaine Futuristics.” Din’s eyes fly open again at the mention of that name. “No shit?” “Yeah. I’ve met the man himself more than a few times. So. Is your boy really in bed with him?” Din closes his eyes and flashes back to tossing out the patrons who couldn’t accept the rules. He thinks about the relief on his husband’s face after they were gone. His heart aches all over again. “No,” he eventually answers, “Luke would never. He has a code. And we made vows.” Johnny seems to consider that for a moment. “People like that are hard to come by these days, Mando.” “...Yeah. I know.”
Tagging @babygirlbridger @materassassino and @malakia215 - plus anyone else who wants to play! Tag me in your posts, I don't wanna miss anything <3
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Dinluke Week 2022 Day 1 💥Alternate First Meeting💥
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boq-ri · 1 year
For Day 4 of DinLuke week 2023-Western AU
So freaking excited about this, always wanted to write a western AU and what better pairing to choose than our Space Cowboy Din and Jedi Luke💚
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darth-shado · 11 months
Azrael's Fic Master List
Here's my (rather long) list of fanfics I have published on ao3 and will be updated in the future.
List is divided into three categories: on-going works, completed works and one-shots.
How to read the list: Title (and link) — Rating — Word count — Brief description.
On-going works
Home: A place in a Galaxy — T — 3,3k — (post tbobf, Dinluke centric)
3 times Tim tried to get Jon and Martin together, and 1 time he realised he didn't have to — T — 2,8k — Co-written with: @.im-gonna-squeet — (post MAG: Fluff, Tim and Sasha being matchmakers)
The stars will be ours (once again) — T (GDoV) — 8k — (post season 4, Virravos and Magefam centric)
Completed works
Edward's Bar and Grill — T — 3,5k — (Ed instead of becoming Kraker decided to deal with Stede leaving him by opening a restaurant)
3 times Aziraphale wanted to kiss Crowley and 1 time he did — G — 1,9k — (Aziraphale throughout 6000 years wanted to kiss someone (Crowley) three times until one day he finally did, Aroace spec Ineffable husbands)
Star Wars
Ret'urcye mhi ner kar'taylir darasuum — G (MCD) — 5,7k — (post tbb s2e3, Cody and Codywan centric, based on unused Kenobi script)
Differences in similarities — G — 705 — (Aroace Hunter, discussion about being aroace)
Romantic feelings, are not for everyone. — G (Referenced aphobia) — 584 — (Aroace Din Djarin, implied Din/Cobb and Din/Omera)
Planning under pressure isn't easy — G (Description of sensory overload) — 485 — (post tbb s1e8, Hunter centric)
Trick or treat — G — 477 — (Din & Grogu going shopping for Halloween costumes for Grogu, Modern au)
Forgotten Lullaby — G — 426 — (post Mandalorian chapter 13, additional fluff scene)
Freezing break — G — 295 — (Rey/Rose, Prompt: Rose drags Rey into the freezing cold to make a snowman.)
Omega's story — G — 241 — (Short scene addressing Omega being trans)
Taming hair before the meeting — G — 187 — (Leia/Han, Prompt: Han helping Leia brush her hair after a shower.)
The Magnus Archives
Loss of a family — M (GDoV) — 1,3k — (Fnaf plot written as a statement)
AITA for forcing people to tell me their trauma? — G — 245 — (AITA but it's season 4 of TMA)
Genshin Impact
Lovely crime — G — 907 — (Heizou/Kazuha, detective x criminal)
Heikazu week 2022 — G — 1k
Good Omens
Ineffable morning — G — 531 — (Ineffable husbands fluff)
Would you like to move in with me? — G — 251 — (Aziraphale asks Crowley if he was to live with him)
The Dragon Prince
Growing flowers — G — 397 — (Claudia's and Terry's first meeting)
Escape from the mirror — T (self-harm but for a spell) — 339 — (Viren frees Aaravos, post season 2)
MCYT (not rpf)
Welcome back gift — G — 1k — (Mumbo returns to Hermitcraft, Waffle Duo reunion)
(Not so good) Memories — G (GDoV) — 810 — (Double life desert duo angst)
Sherlock (BBC)
I love you for who you are. — T — 332 — (Johnlock centric, Asexual Sherlock, Coming out)
Stargazing with consulting detective — G — 328 — (Johnlock, Prompt: John and Sherlock spending the night on the perfect hill for stargazing.)
Honkai: Star Rail
How to deal with nightmares — T — 1,3k — (Dan Heng/March 7th/Trailblazer, Pre-relationship, Literally sleeping together)
Sons of The Forest
Simple Gestures — G — 632 — (Kelvin & Tim & Virginia (can be platonic or romantic), Kelvin and Virginia bonding)
Our Flag Means Death
Nightmare worst than a Kraken — G — 184 — (GentleBeard, fix-it au, episode 10 is just a dream)
Soft Spot(s) — G — 448 — (Fluff and Crack, Lego99)
Baldur's Gate 3
When Astarion saw himself for the first time since becoming a vampire — G — 815 — (Astarion & or x Artist!Reader)
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bookgeekgrrl · 2 years
My media this week (30 Oct-5 Nov 2022)
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😍👂‍ The Long Game (Game Changers #6) (Rachel Reid, author; Cooper North, narrator) - #1 this story runs concurrent to Role Model so I thought it was good to read it straight after #2 I love that we got such a great sequel, showing them working out some more relationship stuff (cause as much as I love a HEA idea, HEA's require intentional action) but mainly #3 I need zero reasons to reread Shane & Ilya, my forever faves
🥰 Dear Mr. Postman (odetteandodile) - reread - delectable 'marriage for insurance while secretly pining' fic. so much good pining in this.
🥰 The Lady And The Tiger (Shivadhverse #3) (Sam Starbuck aka @copperbadge) - just so in love with this delightful fluffy series!
😊 Piece of Cake: A Swanley Story (Swanley #2.5) (Valentine Wheeler) - super cute short queer romance, love to see a legit older MC
🙂 Study Hall (Alec J. Marsh) - D/s short story
😍👂‍ Howl's Moving Castle (Diana Wynn Jones, author; Jenny Sterlin, narrator) - this narrator was great and I adored that they gave Howl a Welsh accent from the jump
🙂 There Are No Wolves in California (Werewolves on the Other Hand…) (isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella), KioFox) - 49K, Sterek - pure wish-fullfillment of a bullied Stiles being rescued by a wolf pack
💖💖 +270K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Mise en Place (Draco_sollicitus) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 26K - reread - absolutely adore this omegaverse shrunkyclunks
In the Woods Somewhere (AidaRonan) - Stranger Things: Steddie, 5.5K - wow wow wow! incredible monsterfucking fic with great feelings. love love love
Ink & Ivy (ToBebbanburg) - The Old Guard: Kaysanova, 28K - reread - lovely, soft, wonderful modern tattooist/florist AU
Where There's a Will There's a Way (xiaq) - The Mandalorian: DinLuke, 21K - reluctant accidental Mandalore Din & Jedi twink Luke - just oodles of fun
Ghosts - s2, e5
Doctor Who - s12, e11
Doctor Who - Flux [s13, e1-6]
It's Been a Minute - Vampires are hot, y'all
Hit Parade Plus - The Bridge: Lost Hits vs. Legacy Hits
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Scary Stories from Real Places
Ologies with Alie Ward - Vampirology (VAMPIRES) Part 2 with Jeff Holdeman
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Witch Cakes
Hit Parade Plus - Give Up the Funk Edition
Hit Parade Plus - The Bridge: Chi-town, Soul Town
Switched on Pop - Scary Pockets funkify pop classics (with Lizzy McAlpine)
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Thompson Ice House
Shedunnit - The Shedunnit Centenary
It's Been a Minute - Sophistication and sexuality at 70 with Christine Baranski
Still Processing - Alien Superstar
Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster - Ep 3: Richard Osman
Vibe Check - Choose Your Fighter
Articles of Interest - American Ivy: Chapter 1
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Hacienda Napoles
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Synth War
Song Exploder - Iron & Wine "Flightless Bird, American Mouth"
Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster - Ep 9: Selasi Gbormittah
Into It - We Need to Talk About Marvel (Plus: What's Vinny Thomas Into?)
One Year Plus - 1942: The Day the Music Stopped
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Kasanka Bat Migration
Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster - Ep 99: Domhnall Gleeson
Uncle Fester's Record Collection
Heavy Metal Halloween
Essential Hard Rock
Classic Disco Hits
Presenting Troy Sivan
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ann-i-inthestars · 1 year
WIP game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
Okay, oohfff. I have. So, so, so many but I will try!
What Dreams Are Made Of- (Day 1 from last years Rexwalker week. I am, uh, slacking.
All My Roads Lead to You- (CWBB fic, and cant really share snippets but will be posted soon!)
Teenage Boys are Stupid- (CSBB and also cant share snippets)
Fox and Omen- (Fox/OC fic set after a happier no Order 66 end of the war)
TBB Bingo fics- (like it sounds, my story entries for the Bad Batch Bingo)
Unseen. Invisible. Nuhaattyc. (Fives joins Bad Batch AU)
Mar’eyir Aliit- (Echo/Crosshair liberating clones AU)
The Clones Have it Right with Fives Has Arrived- (social media saves the galaxy au)
Persephone Ani/Hades Padme AU- (Exactly how it sounds, an anidala with Anakin as Persephone and Padme as Hades)
When Stars Align- (Sequel to Fragmented Star Systems)
Against All Odds- (Former Senator of Tatooine Obikin fic)
Riduurok- (Dinluke meets year before New Hope and gets married AU)
QuinObi Bingo- (My series for the Quinlan/Obi-Wan bingo)
PTA’s, HOA’s, Plastic People and Other Suburban Nightmares- (Modern CrossFivesEcho)
Undercover Republic- (Series where they discover the chips, but realize exposing Palpatine wouldn’t work the way they want it to. So they build a hidden Republic under his nose. Includes Anakin undercover as Vader.)
To Living- (Force reincarnates clones into another universe when they die AU)
Love Comes in Many Forms- (Shaak Ti trains Anakin AU)
For Family, There is No Limit- (Jango Lives Mandalorian AU)
Love is a Team Effort- (Developing Polybatch AU)
For the Longest Time- (Anakin and clones travel back in time and are able to save Jaster. Plus, the clones have been deaged to their actual ages)
Second Chances are For Happiness- (Obikin reincarnation AU
Okay. That is all of them. Well, all of them that I know for a fact will eventually be worked on, and hopefully completed. Damn. I might have a problem. Its a good thing that I have’t started a lot of the ideas I have written down, otherwise this list would be even more outrageous.
@abelunwilling tagged me in my main tumblr, and I thank you! Even if I am really, really telling on myself here. I have no way of tagging, uh, 21 people. So I’m just gonna tag a few of you! @bisexualdinahlance, @prowlingthunder, @nonbinariwankenobi, @cj-kenobi, @bucketking, @littledumplingwrites, @ponerine.
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Prompts are finally here!
We've simplified some of the submissions to give creators the opportunity for more broad interpretations, but if you're looking for inspiration you can find all the full unedited prompts below the readmore!
Day 1: Mand’alor Din & Ambassador Luke | Blindfolds
Day 2: Rebellion Era Meeting | Battle Couple
Day 3: Mandalorian Luke and/or Jedi Din
Day 4: Sharing Culture & Traditions | Where you go, I go
Day 5: Identity | Darksaber Training
Day 6: Wedding Date | Mandalorian Courting Customs
Day 7: Tending each other’s injuries | Mudhorn Signet
As always, feel free to combine, modify, or skip the prompts as you see fit. Just be sure to check the rules in our pinned before submitting your projects, and drop an ask if you have any questions.
Dinluke Positivity Week will run from November 13th to the 19th, Sunday to Saturday, so you have a little over 3 months to get your submissions ready! Don't forget to tag us in your submissions!
Good luck and may the Force be with you!
Original Winning Prompts:
Luke teaching Din how to use the Darksaber
Rebellion Luke meets bounty hunter Din
Din accidentally joins the Rebellion (Note: Combined with above)
Sharing Culture / Traditions
Tending to each other's injuries
Battle couple
Luke needs a wedding date to Leia and Han’s wedding
Mandalorian Courting Customs
Mand'alor Din & Ambassador Luke (but make it wholesome)
Identity porn (example: nobody knows The Jedi who saved the Galaxy and Luke Skywalker Rebel Hero are the same guy)
Din making and giving a mudhorn signet to Luke
"Where you go, I go"
Blindfolded Luke giving kisses
Mandalorian Luke and/or Jedi Din
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I posted 13,553 times in 2022
That's 6,317 more posts than 2021!
394 posts created (3%)
13,159 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,785 of my posts in 2022
#luke skywalker - 238 posts
#dinluke - 185 posts
#din djarin - 168 posts
#kenobi spoilers - 165 posts
#andor spoilers - 91 posts
#grogu - 74 posts
#tbobf spoilers - 70 posts
#bobf spoilers - 69 posts
#eurovision - 66 posts
#cara dune - 64 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#i am greatful that she accepts it at least but i should have known better than to expect her to do anything beyond surface level 🤷‍♂️
My Top Posts in 2022:
Owen hating all of Luke's previous boyfriends but loving Din because Tired Dad recognises Tired Dad, and the first time they met they both instantly took a Dad Nap TM the moment the TV turned on.
519 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
Anakin: "Absolutely not. No."
Obi-Wan: "Come on Anakin, we've been over this, Luke is carrying the weight of the galaxy on his shoulders, he deserves to have his back blown out by a sexy mandolorian!
Ahsoka, searching for Force dampening cuffs on space-ebay: "I hate it here"
565 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
Owen would always refer to Luke as 'his/our boy'. He wanted to say son, but he couldn't. He didn't know why he'd decided on being Uncle Owen, instead of dad - perhapse he'd been scared.
He was scared now.
He looked up at the blank plasticy visor of the troopers standing above him. Beru was beside him.
At least their son was safe.
819 notes - Posted May 18, 2022
Din: "I'm so jealous you're able to do the magic talking with Grogu. He is the best and smartest boy in the galaxy, I wish I could hear him too."
Luke, whos gotten no sleep for the past two weeks cause Grogu has been non-stop singing/projecting Seagulls Stop It Now: "I understand your feelings, but believe me; you are able to communicate in all the ways that truly matter 😌"
Din: "He uses it to terrorise everyone, doesn't he"
Luke: "I don't even know what day it is anymore 🥲"
836 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Leia, peacefully sleeping, snuggled against her himbo husband: 😌
Han: "...I want a new brother-in-law"
4,300 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dinluke-ao3feed · 4 months
Special Delivery
Read it on https://archiveofourown.org/works/53803120 by Tatooine_Tourism_Board Din is away for work, but that won't stop him from showing Luke how much he loves him; five times Luke received flowers from his husband. Words: 5781, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: The Mandalorian (TV), Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Din Djarin, OC Students/Teachers Relationships: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker Additional Tags: valentines day, Valentines Gifts, Flowers, DinLuke Week 2024, Dinluke Valentine’s Day 2024, Teacher Luke Skywalker, Art Teacher Luke, Staffroom Gossip, Cute, Cute Ending, Fluff, Love, Idiots in Love, Established Relationship, they're in love, your honor
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haeroniel-doliet · 2 years
A lil updates and thoughts going on rn! Mostly about art again :') putting it under read more tho bc it got away from me again all rambly lmao
Hooo wheee! Life has been a little busy huh. Finally going to work again even if it is pretty much part time, other hobbies im keeping up with, trying to keep up on life admin and its going almost well! Shame im realizing i havent worked on my drawings in well over a month now 😅
Part of me is slightly dreading going back to them rn bc ive spent hours and hours on them already and they still need many hours before i post them....
You know that one guy on like tiktok/youtube shorts whos a really friendly old artist with a hobbit hole studio and does like 1hr paintings that look incredible? Obviously i dont expect myself being rusty and also not with years and years of experience to do the same but wouldn't that be the dream? To be able to just create and be done and happy with it in just an hour or a few and move on. How sad it is how many things i have started and not finished, outting in hours and hours where it doesnt really make even a super significant difference.
Also its that dinluke positivity week thing (god i hope this doesnt show up in the tag lmao sorry) i was really hyped months ago thinking its great prompts and great time to partake in my favourite fandom especially before february 2023 inevitably changes the scene in some way! But all of a sudden mid november is here and thats kinda terrifying! I have no clear idea for any of them, nothing im like desperate to draw and my current drawing doesnt really fit them either. Im thinking maybe i should try like, giving myself idk 2 hrs max to just make something beginning to end and if i hate it its ok i dont have to post it. But maybe i will and it could be fun! Sure i am too tired to properly do anything but idk, even making one post could give me excitement and hype for things i used to enjoy and something that isnt just real life and like job related.
To be fair i could also go for the much more guaranteed dopamine boost and play a video game ive been thinking of playing again for months. Sure i dunno which to choose and im not like super inclined to anything even tho i would like to play multiple of them again, just playing alone is a little boring i guess.
The more i spend just overthinking the quicker my sunday will be over and ill have to do next week and god knows ill be busy!! I should try drawing bc its there floating in my mind and could be easier to slip in into the day routine to do a little here and there rather than like, playing skyrim for 30 mins loll. Or oblivion bc for some reason ive been missing it. Or battlefront, even tho that is really hard to play without really trying my hardest and getting readjusted to the pace of it
Alright ok im gonna set up my digital art stuff, im gonna challenge myself to sketch something on theme for all the prompts and see what ends up catching my attention. If i can do 1 or even a couple of them thatd be really really neat!
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