#dinotrux click-clack
starwolfafton · 6 months
I relate to Click-Clack. From Dinotrux. The one with severe anxiety who's scared of everything.
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hugsandchaos · 16 days
Random little ideas, snippets, scenarios, whatever you call them for N in Dinotrux.
Probably the first creature to not make bad assumptions of Ty because he was a t-trux. In fact, he could have been the one to approach Ty first because he got curious about this dinosaur thing and wanted to get a closer look.
I’m thinking one of the trux tried getting N to roar because they wanted to know what it sounds like, but murder drones don’t roar like they do. A murder drone’s roar sounds a bit like someone screaming in pain or terror, or maybe they howl, or they just don’t make those kinds of noises and just cheer or shout.
The reptools freaked him out a little because they expected to be able to climb inside him. Not only was there no way to enter without hurting him or causing him discomfort, but the thought of them crawling around inside him really made him uncomfortable. Not to mention there’d be no room for them anyways.
He can’t keep up with the trux when they’re going really fast on foot, but with his wings, he’s faster than all of them. It just makes sense to me. When they go slow or normal, N can walk or run.
N likes to pat them on the head sometimes.
N 100% tries to help Click-Clack calm down when he freaks out more than usual. One example is when Click-Clack’s panic room was broken, he took his hat off and set it down as a temporary solution until it was fixed, with it propped up by a bolt so it wouldn’t get too dark.
Being the only one with hair, some of the crew, especially the tortools, like to climb onto N’s head. And yes, he does his best to keep it clean.
I bet N would love to help out with builds, but he can’t because of the sunlight. So unless it’s really cloudy, cold, or nighttime, he sadly can’t help out and feels bad about it.
I’d love to see N helping them fight D-Structs. Especially if he looked outside and saw D-Structs attacking them, he’d go from 0 to 100 real quick.
N probably hunts down scraptors and scrapodactyls for their oil.
Ace would use his tail as a jumping rope and N would probably let her, as long as she didn’t touch it. Everyone figured out pretty quickly it was a stinger, so this was no problem.
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octocrush · 3 months
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buncha reptools
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emogermaphobe · 2 months
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Don't take this too seriously there are just some headcannons :)
(Some of my headcannons have changed.)
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agathazinha2009 · 7 months
Bruh sometimes I think about The main team in their teenage hood and their parents. I get in The conclusion(plus some au backstory):
Revvit is a nerd who's only focused on studing the world outside and exploring, he's orphan, no one knows how his parents died, but it was because of a Dinotrux attack, they had to hide inside a cave, but the dinotrux didn't leave any second causing Revvit's parents die for starvation and thirsty, they were Explorers just like revvit.
Click-Clack is Revvit cousin(my au), CC lives with his parents and Revvit(He got adopted by Click-Clack's family) Click-Clack study sometimes, other times He is enjoying partys and hanging with Ace and waldo and exploring his romantic Life. His parents are the best and supportive. (Click-Clack is a normal teenager, rare gem I must say)
Ace, she is a rebel but responsible, her parents are nice but kinda neglectful, sometimes not being nice on their daugher, causing her to rebel herself, going out the ravine with revvit and making friends with Dinotruxes and other wrenchtools.
Waldo, He is the old man in a young body, parent his parents(they're tough) and Waldo is wise beyond his years. Being always the father of the group, and the most responsible.
Dozer, He was raised by his mother, she's is a tough woman, and his father were the Alpha of the herd, so he couldn't takecare of Dozer. Dozer inspired himself on his father, always trying be the strongest, most agile,etc. He was the most loyal and the strongest teenager of the herd.
Skya, she was just a normal Craneosaur of the herd, she was very confident, and proud of herself, popular and all boys had their eyes on her. She was rebel and arrogant some times. But still powerful in a young age. Raised by her mother, father wasn't present.
Ton-Ton was very insecure, and didn't want take any risky risk. Till met the dumps, that helped him get over his insecurity and help him develop his passion for ramps and danger. He's the older of three brothers(four couting Ton-ton), double T parents are neglectful, and He was raised by his mother only, his father was caugh by a T-Trux in a fight(He was trying protect his offsprings).
Ty, wise beyond it's years teenager, but at same rebel, He was genious (Ty is a giftedness in The au), and because of it He couldn't fit in. He was rebel(rarely) and didn't like take any risk.
His mother is a asshole(lol) she is a narcissist(she destroyed some Ty's old relationships, used him and abused his psychological, emotional and physical), when ty hit the puberty, He began to live with it's father, who was absensent(There's a theory Tyrannosaurus used to make a deal of female raise the babys and male raise the teens, so I kinda liked to bring this theory on the au, but ofc males would still be with their offspring) but his father were kind and gold hearted. Being Ty main inspiration and guider.
Random au things, hope you like it lmao.
Btw Ty's mom is the best character I ever created lol, she destroy your Life and gives a shit excuse to disguise her ego.
-Mom why did you told lies about me to my boyfriend? He broke up with me!
-Ty darling, If they can't accept Who you truly are or suspost to be, it's not love, I saved you! Can't you be grateful for once?
The perfect asshole.
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click-clack from dinotrux is definitely just a little guy
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Click-Clack from Dinotrux is just a little guy!
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themanifiqueourico · 10 days
Ok, so I feel like I need to talk about that, so...
The names for the dinotrux are on average different.
Dozer, Skya, Waldo, Click-Clack, Ton-Ton and D-Structs all have the same name.
Now, for the translations.
Ty Rux become Tim Rex, I love that they translated the pun to make it work in french too.
Revvit becomes Zoutils, which is basically Z+Tools. (Outils=Tools)
Ace becomes Cléa, so basically they made a pun, I guess, with her name. Like her name in French is basically: Wrench+a. (Key+a if you really want to go on the specific)
Garby becomes Débrice. I have no idea why. Maybe cuz trying to say Garby in a french accent would sound horrid.
Skrap-it becomes Férrouille. They pretty much just took the word Skrap, translated it and made that his name.
All the other names are pronounced with a french accent.
So to give an example:
Dozer's name is sorta pronounced: Dozair. (Emphasize on the r at the end)
If you guys wanna hear me rant about how the translations add puns or just, make Waldo more sassy. Tell me
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click-clack from dinotrux is definitely very friend-shaped imo
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Click-Clack is friend-shaped!
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rockyrumblr · 7 months
What’s my favorite character in Dinotrux?
However, she was done dirty in the show. Same thing with Pounder and Spittor. I wish we get to see them again.
I do have some negatives about Blayde. D-Structs is the reason that she was evil in the first place! No because D-Structs attack Dozer and Blayde’s herd. HE LITERALLY TOOK AND DESTROYED EVERYTHING THAT THEY HAD. I would understand Blayde would have a revenge arc but instead, she just bullies other dinotrux. I don’t understand why she did that instead. Not only that, SHE JOINED THE SAME PERSON(D-STRUCTS) WHO LITERALLY TOOK EVERYTHING AWAY FROM HER!! Maybe D-Structs manipulated her to join his side or Blayde would backstabbed D-Structs in the end but no, it didn’t happen.
I wish they give Blayde more character development.. I love her. Also I feel like Blayde and Knock-It would be besties because they hate D-Structs. Also they would be unstoppable together. Same thing for Blayde and Pounder.. They are cool as besties too.
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duplodinosaurs · 9 months
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a couple of reptools c: guess who?
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a-little-artsy · 1 year
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Idk if ill do their full bodies but if you like wanna see them just ask :9
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fhannehii · 1 year
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porcelense · 1 year
repost cause im stupid and forgor to add something </3
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its the tiniest thing ever but it adds so much istg
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electricfied-wolf · 2 years
Click clack has the spare parts and bits neatly organized and everyone tries to keep to that system as best as they can. TonTon was in near histarics after accidently bumping into the shelving unit one night and mixing some. ClickClack was the one to calm him down- it wasn't on purpose and the system was set up so it Could be quickly fixed if an accident happened (half the group is very Toll and lacks hands) - HB
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agathazinha2009 · 6 months
The Dinotruxes are so gay ashdsjbvgkkcds
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space-dog-500 · 11 months
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I tried finding some electric screwdriver schematics/insides for dinotrux stuffs and thought I share.
Reptool Rotillian anatomy. :P
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Now you know that the part of Click-Clack's body where he hides his head inside all the time is called a clutch or torgue control ring. And the screwdriver part on his head is the chuck.
Feel free to add more. idk anything about this kind of stuff and had a hard time finding it. xD
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