brunoxc · 5 months
[ @kittytvng ] // ❛ i loved christmas as a kid, but i haven’t felt the magic in a long time… ❜
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"¿como que no? ¡navidad es la mejor época del año, kitty!" exclama. "y la mágia siempre esta en el aire. ya sabes, porque es mi cumpleaños" con una amplia sonrisa infla el pecho y se pasa una mano por el cabello. esa vez si esta bromeando. bruno adora su cumpleaños, y que sea en una fecha icónica lo hace aun mejor. pero en ese momento su mente maquina para idear otras cosas, que incluyan que la muchacha enfrente suyo vuelva a creer en la navidad "a mi me parece que te has olvidado de alimentar a tu niña interna. para tu suerte yo estoy aquí" le guiña un ojo cómplice.
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karina-wr · 10 months
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michrockqueen · 2 years
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Una foto inédita, irreverente y muy erótica será revelada este lunes!!!!! 😨😱😱😱 @el_beto_garcia @hierbamalartp @montse.petri #aiuda #OMG #pordios #diosmio #bodoir #fotoerotica #fotoartistica #blancoynegro https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci6iSQju3N3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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flan-tasma · 7 months
wriothesley with nurse reader???
where he 'accidentally' hurt himself, so he can see you. and you treat him for his wound
💖~ That's so cute!
Omg this is so pinche large
Ksjjdj I made a new banner for this man, I love him so much <33333
Warning: Nope now ✨, Fem!Reader | Google Translate sponsors me (it's a lie) If I made any mistakes in the english translation, I would be happy to read your comments! | Content in spanish and english
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Trabajabas en un pequeño consultorio médico haciendo tareas pequeñas y revisando pacientes, anteriormente tu vida no tenía ningún chiste y se basaba en rutinas aburridas como repetirle a ancianos sus recetas y a los niños que no pueden correr por todos lados o se caerían,darles una paleta dulce por su valentía y salían de tu consultorio. Eso había cambiado cuando una noche encontraste al duque en la calle.
Cerca de tu hora de cierre y habiendo cumplido con todos los quehaceres que el doctor te había encomendado, el hombre de cabello oscuro parecía herido y apenas podía caminar con una gran cortada en su abdomen. No lo conocías, pero ayudarlo fue un gran cambio de tu rutina.
Wriothesley había convencido a Sigewinne de tomarte bajo su ala y hacerte parte de su equipo en el Fuerte Merópide, por lo que tenías un nuevo lugar de trabajo y era bastante bueno, habías logrado una amistad con tus compañeros y era más divertido estar con ellos que en tu soledad con el viejo doctor malhumorado con el que trabajabas antes. La razón de tu cambio se reveló como Wriothesley diciendo que tenías talento en tu campo, y no ibas a negar que era verdad y que tu orgullo creció cuando te lo dijeron, pero eso era solo una mentira piadosa para lo que el duque realmente quería.
A ti, entendiste un día cuando notaste que el señor siempre llegaba en algún momento del día y tenía algunas heridas debajo de su ropa o sus vendas oscuras. Te pediría que lo ayudes y al inicio te aseguraste de hacer un buen trabajo para que no te despidan. Se creó una nueva rutina que no era precisamente aburrida pues Wriothesley mantenía un semblante curioso.
No sonreía mucho a menos que se dijera algún chiste para aliviar el ambiente, pero su rostro serio pintado con polvo rojo en su rostro era imposible de ignorar y reírte para ti misma. Hoy no fue una excepción.
"Lo estaba esperando, señor." Hablaste con burla y un sospechoso rostro serio, Wriothesley tembló y sus mejillas se sonrojaron más al verte pedirle que tome asiento. "¿Qué lo aqueja el día de hoy?"
Wriothesley no tenía una gran seguridad de hablarte a ti, prueba de eso era que no te había visto a los ojos desde la primera noche en que lo curaste, pero siempre hacía eso de aclarar su garganta para tomar valor.
"Peleé con algunos monstruos cuando venía aquí..." El noble tembló bajo tu mirada que escaneaba sus brazos y sus piernas, sus rostros y sus manos, y no parecía haber nada fuera de lugar. Sus músculos y las cicatrices que se asomaban entre su ropa seguían siendo las mismas que ya conocías.
"Y sus heridas están en..." Esperabas que Wriothesley te dijera que estaba detrás de él, tal vez cerca de su codo o en sus pantorrillas, no esperabas que empezara a quitarse la camisa. Sus músculos se marcaban más deliciosamente cuando no los cubrían la ropa, el vello en sus brazos y pecho era oscuro y se te hizo agua la boca hasta que se dio vuelta y su belleza era derrotada por una gran herida en su espalda. "Arcontes, ¿cómo llegó hasta aquí con eso? Por favor, quédese quieto."
Atendiste la herida desinfectando los alrededores y usando tus ungüentos antes de vendar su espalda. Por el tamaño de los rasguños debió ser un Mitachurl determinado a no dejar en pie a su enemigo, fuera de eso, la profundidad de la herida no requería sutura. Wriothesley había permanecido callado y mirando tu rostro serio a través del espejo de la sala, sin hacer un solo ruido y perdido en tus expresiones. Sabía que no podría pasar mucho tiempo más contigo, no encontraba otra manera de hablarte más que pedirte exclusivamente a ti que lo cures, pero hoy haría un nuevo movimiento para su plan: invitarte a salir.
Cuando acabaste y le diste las instrucciones para que no se dañara más su herida, él hacía pequeños sonidos para demostrar que estaba atento. Cuando te vio tomar su ropa sucia de tierra y sangre le dijiste que lo mandarías a lavar si no era mucha molestia.
"Puedo hacerlo yo, no sé preocupe, mademoiselle" Wriothesley se levantó de su silla y le ayudaste a ponerse erguido a pesar de su dolor. Tus manos, aunque estaban enguantadas, producían cosquillas contra la piel del noble que soltó un suspiro, sus mejillas volvieron a tomar su profundo tono rojo y tembló al no poder decir lo que deseaba. "Yo... ¿Puede por favor...?"
No sabías qué iba a pedir, pero tu mirada fija en sus ojos lo alteró y bajó la mirada. No era momento de coquetear, pensaste, deberías ayudarlo a sentirse mejor. "¿Quiere algo más, señor Wriothesley?"
Cubriendo su boca con la palma de su mano y con la mirada fija en algo más que no eras tu, asintió. Seguiste su mirada y sonreíste, el te vio de reojo y su corazón palpitó con más fuerza cuando te alejaste, el ruido del metal y el vidrio no lo alertó de la realidad, en su cabeza habían mil escenarios fantasiosos, uno más dulce que el otro. Con esas situaciones en mente no necesitaría azúcar en su té en dos semanas.
"Está bien, puede tener uno." Tal vez le darías un beso para que se sienta mejor, podría besar la herida o incluso solo acariciar su rostro, tal vez un abrazo para que tenga fuerzas para trabajar el resto del día. Sus fantasías cayeron en lo profundo del mar de Fontaine cuando le diste una paleta ya sin envoltorio.
Abrió la boca con la cara compitiendo contra la paleta de cereza y se la diste para que la probara. Una lluvia de afirmaciones acerca de ser muy valiente y haberse quedado quieto, todo con tu mismo tono burlón que al inicio. El Alcaide del Fuerte Merópide se golpeó la frente mientras se levantaba para huir estratégicamente y salvar algo de su dignidad.
"Vuelva cuando quiera, señor Wriothesley." Tu voz terminó con una risa que atormentaría sus sueños por un tiempo.
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You worked in a small doctor's office doing small tasks and checking on patients. Previously your life didn't have much meaning and was based on boring routines like repeating recipes to the elderly and giving children who can't run everywhere or they would fall, giving them a sweet lollipop for their bravery and they left your office. That had changed when one night you found the duke on the street.
Near your closing time and having completed all the chores that the doctor had given you, the dark-haired man seemed injured and could barely walk with a large cut on his abdomen. You didn't know him, but helping him was a big change from your routine.
Wriothesley had convinced Sigewinne to take you under her wing and make you part of his team at Fortress of Meropide, so you had a new place of work and it was pretty good, you had made friends with your colleagues and it was more fun to be with them than in your solitude with the grumpy old doctor you worked with before. The reason for your change was revealed as Wriothesley saying that you were talented in your field, and you weren't going to deny that it was true and that your pride grew when you were told it, but that was just a white lie for what the duke really wanted.
You, understood one day when you noticed that the man always arrived at some time of the day and had some wounds under his clothes or his dark bandages. He would ask you to help him and at the beginning you made sure to do a good job so that you wouldn't get fired. A new routine was created that wasn't exactly boring because Wriothesley kept a curious face.
He didn't smile much unless a joke was told to lighten the mood, but his serious face painted with red powder on his face was impossible to ignore and laugh to yourself. Today he was no exception.
"I was waiting for you, sir." You spoke with mockery and a suspiciously serious face, Wriothesley trembled and his cheeks blushed redder as he saw you ask him to take a seat. "What ails you today?"
Wriothesley didn't have great confidence about talking to you, proof of that was that he hadn't seen your eyes since the first night you healed him, but he always did that thing of clearing his throat to gain courage.
"I fought some monsters when I came here..." The noble trembled under your gaze that scanned his arms and his legs, his faces and his hands, and there didn't seem to be anything out of place. His muscles and the scars that showed through his clothes were still the same ones you already knew.
"And his wounds are on..." You expected Wriothesley to tell you that it was behind him, maybe near his elbow or on his calves, you didn't expect him to start taking off his shirt. His muscles were more deliciously visible when they were not covered by clothing, the hair on his arms and chest was dark and made your mouth water until he turned around and his beauty was defeated by a large gash on his back "Archons, how did he get here with that? Please stay still."
You tended to the wound by disinfecting the surroundings and using your ointments before bandaging his back. Given the size of the scratches, a Mitachurl must have been determined not to leave his enemy standing; apart from that, the depth of the wound did not require sutures. Wriothesley had remained silent and looking at your serious face through the living room mirror, without making a single sound and lost in your expressions. He knew that he couldn't spend much more time with you, he couldn't find any other way to talk to you other than asking you exclusively to heal him, but today he would make a new move for his plan: ask you out.
When you finished and gave him instructions so that his wound would not be damaged further, he made small sounds to show that he was attentive. When he saw you take his clothes dirty with dirt and blood, you told him that you would send him to wash them if it wasn't too much trouble.
"I can do it, don't worry, mademoiselle" Wriothesley stood up from his chair and you helped him stand upright despite his pain. Your hands, although they were gloved, tickled against the skin of the nobleman who let out a sigh, his cheeks returned to their deep red tone and he trembled as he could not say what he wanted. "I... Can you please...?"
You didn't know what he was going to ask for, but your gaze on his eyes upset him and he lowered his gaze. This wasn't the time to flirt, you thought, you should help him feel better. "Would you like anything else, Monsieur Wriothesley?"
Covering his mouth with the palm of his hand and staring at something else that wasn't you, he nodded. You followed his gaze and smiled, he saw you out of the corner of his eye and his heart beat harder when you walked away, the noise of metal and glass did not alert him to reality, in his head there were a thousand fantasy scenarios, one sweeter than the other. With those situations in mind he wouldn't need sugar in his tea for two weeks.
"It's okay, you can have one." Maybe you would give him a kiss to make his feel better, you could kiss the wound or even just caress his face, maybe a hug so he has the strength to work the rest of the day. His fantasies fell into the depths of the Fontaine sea when you gave him an unwrapped lollipop.
He opened his mouth, his face competing against the cherry popsicle, and you handed it to him to try. A shower of statements about being very brave and staying still, all with the same mocking tone as at the beginning. The Warden of Fort Meropide slapped his forehead as he stood up to strategically flee and save some of his dignity.
"Come back anytime, Monsieur Wriothesley." Your voice ended with a laugh that would haunt his dreams for a while.
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arcallis · 6 months
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Hello! My comms are open!
If you are looking for a cute and detailed commission, i´m at your service.
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vazaez · 1 year
Para lo del art request se puede el osito mamado de octonauts?
o el michi adicto a la adrenalina y a asustar a Pepe 👍
Yo tratando de negar mi furrismo y me pides que dibuje al oso teton 😭/j
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candy-loverockr · 7 months
Me, a Mexican fan without a functioning VPN seeing everyone else enjoying the song: 🧍‍♀️
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latinotiktok · 2 years
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nnakii · 1 year
One thing about me ????? I’m gonna defended k!quackity til the end. Like yeah he has murdered and manipulated some people. Yeah he has done acts of terrorism, BUT HE HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG. HES A SMART MAN AND HE HAS HIS MOTIVES AND I SHALL SUPPORT THEM !!!!
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remicilline · 6 months
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karl3k · 1 year
self-indulgent wip
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inspiration :
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michrockqueen · 2 years
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Una foto inédita, irreverente y muy erótica será revelada este lunes!!!!! 😨😱😱😱 @el_beto_garcia @hierbamalartp @montse.petri #aiuda #OMG #pordios #diosmio #bodoir #fotoerotica #fotoartistica #blancoynegro https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci6iSQju3N3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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flan-tasma · 1 month
Ya acabé Fontaine. Tengo este vacío en mi interior que solo se va a llenar si Hoyoverse se pone las pilas y pone a un señor de rancho en Natlan, que tenga un machete y nos cuente que se peleó con el diablo en el cerro.
Sino, no quiero nada. ;;;;
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unormalbibi · 1 year
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Friendship bitch @ezrakara
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shirokururu · 11 months
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Necesitamos hacer más comparaciones
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victorian-platence · 7 months
Chiques Milei nos enseña a pescar omg freedom
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