theexorcistiii · 1 year
I feel bad I haven’t bought any dvds in like years I think… I was better at buying movies I really loved on dvd when I was a teenager I think until I figured out how to watch stuff illegally LOL but at least I’m collecting vhs tapes now smile
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thislovintime · 1 month
From Disc-O-Teen, March 1967 (courtesy of Video Bill) - a brief interview with Peter Tork, in which he mentions his 1965 gig at James Lee Stanley's club The Folk Ghetto. In connection with this older post, including:
“The Lower Freeman Street Chamber Ensemble gives up the stage to Peter Tork: ‘P E S T E R. The S is silent.’ […] Peter Tork says he is very ethnic except for his haircut. He says his songs tell of the socio-economic-political-philosophic-psychological-et al state of the nation. Peter Tork is witty enough. He sings and he plays and he strikes some vibrant chord in the kindred spirit of listening youth. He is very good when he plays his music ‘which is a combination of flamenco and banjo and that’s an illegitimate combination if ever there was one.’ Peter tells his compadres that there are really only two answers. He doesn’t say what the questions are. ’The answers are love and freedom,’ he says. ‘I don’t know much about love. But I do not know about freedom.’ Then the faded lights fade even more and Peter Tork tells what he knows about freedom. But the telling is really a plea. And the plea is much, much older than Peter Tork and much, much older than Connecticut and much, much older than even the first ghetto. Peter Tork pleads for someone to tear down the walls.” - article by Bill Barry, Virginian-Pilot, May 9, 1965 (x)
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pcssionfrt · 6 months
hi hello! name's juve and it's been idk how long since i've been on tumblr so Pardon Me if i make any mistakes. anyway here's riye, your new student representative for evolution! movement. pls see below the cut for a brief tldr on her among other things! also plsplspls smash that like for plots 🤩 !! my ims no longer work(?) so until tumblr decides to respond to my ticket please add me on disc it's @ obiiive
bounced from home to home since young, stability was not a concept known till the age of 10, where she was adopted (this time, for good), packed up and moved to seoul. suddenly—new kid on the block.
objectively, she should feel glad, should be grateful, blessed to have a home to call her own, allowed to keep her own identity, her surname, her things. subjectively, riye hated the neighborhood. hated her classmates. her teacher. elderly neighbor. nosy woman at the register in the local grocers. just about everybody—give or take two (specifically, her parents). though even that gradually morphed when her anomaly started rearing its head.
the kwons were ordinary. human. religion leaning. simple. dash of impulsiveness that had them adopting a child twenty years into their marriage. did they realize that they were signing on for more than they could handle? no. did they regret it? maybe no. when their adopted daughter showed signs of an anomaly, what else was there to do but to accept her? yeah. live in fear.
fractures begins somewhere in her teens, squeezed in between the conflicts of hormones and a growing body. her parents are different now. riye is different now. but the three live under pretenses all the same. that nothing’s changed, that mom’s hand doesn’t tremble when she braids her hair. it wasn’t as if they weren't nice either—so what is there for her to say? what else was she to do except loathe them and herself and the sanctified marble face of dear lord and father of mankind, i pray you help our daughter every friday evening and sunday morning.
sua was the obvious choice. riye doesn't bat an eye when they pitch it to her. when mom cries, overjoyed at the sight of nullivi. when dad hands her pamphlets to the neighborhood church. when they leave, she crumbles; the feeling in her chest full and hollow at the same time.
CAMPUS LIFE: ????? grossly wip sorry
chronic self-hating people pleaser. help me help you help her by not getting Too involved. very prone to switching up on people (i.e. saying yes then gaslighting you for making her say yes). has unaddressed anger issues but also bad abandonment issues, overall her parents raised her to be a sweet christian girl and riye will do everything in her power to emulate it till she implodes or smth. in short: nice but not very sincere.
“the friends she shows her parents” — essentially nice looking non-threatening people that she hangs out with, documents in photos and name drops to show her parents. preferably with normie anomalies as to not spook them. riye has nothing against them, but there’s underlying disgust for anything associated to her parents (even if she’s the one putting them in the situation). note: often leaves group hangouts w/o saying bye. walks right by you on campus like she’s never seen you before. doesn’t bother remembering the big things but will remember little things (food preferences, allergies) so you’re ? does she or doesn’t she care /:
“the (ex) boyfriend she shows her parents” — the first and only boy she’s introduced to her parents. idk yall probably broke up a while back because of how much her parents loved you (and she did, also, some kind of l word you) and it gave her the ick. v likely did not tell her parents yall broke up. note: constantly, and i mean constantly, gaslighted you. Did apologize when she realized but yk, damage done is damage done.
overall: friends she actually likes, former friend/exes who thinks she’s fake af, exes/fwbs/the works. i preference deeper connects over shallow surface relationships and i’m down to write anything from dark and saucy to crack!
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roppongi-division · 2 months
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ARB Birthday Special 2024: Kai Quinlan
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~~ April 16th ~~
"Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again."
Login Lines:
"...Hmm? No, you're not disturbing me. I was trying to come up with a theme for this song I was working on, but nothing's coming to mind, so I was taking a break. So, what's up?"
"...A present? For what? ...My birthday? ...Oh crap. That is today, isn't it? No wonder Mireya looked so frustrated with me this morning when she asked what today was. I knew it wasn't our anniversary, but..."
Voice Lines:
"35 years old, huh? ...Man, time just seems to fly by. It's been almost a decade since I officially moved here to Japan from the U.S. and became a Japanese citizen. ...It's also been 10 years since Mireya and I became husband and wife. ...Man, has it really been that long since all that? Time seems to move to fast or slow depending on the situation..."
"My fans on the radio show all wished me a 'happy birthday' and thanked me for my radio show. It was nice of them. I thanked them all for their wishes and for being members of the Wolfpac. Without them, Wolf of Shadows would be nothing."
"I got a call from my sister, Kairi. She wished me a 'happy birthday' and congratulations me and Mireya on 10 years. I was glad to catch up with her. She's doing well. ...And you're not gonna believe this, but... well, apparently, I'm going to be an uncle. ...Yup, my sister's pregnant! I'm really happy for her! She doesn't know if it's a boy or girl, but she's hoping for a girl. I'm really happy for her! I'll have to make some time to fly back home and see her when I can."
"I... I asked her how mom was doing, but... she didn't really say. Apparently, mom's cut off all contact with her. I guess she didn't approve of the news that her daughter was going to be a mom. *Sighs* I really worry about that woman. Can she never be happy for once..."
"Hey hun. ...Yes, I finally realized that today was my birthday. I'm sorry I forgot. ...Hey, would it have been worse if it was your birthday, or, Heaven forbid, our anniversary? ...Right. Shutting up now. ...Yes, yes, you're right. Thank you, babe. I really appreciate both it, and you. Thank you."
"So, what is this? ...An Orb Vinyl LP Flattener? ...Oh yeah, I was browsing this on the Internet one day. My vinyl discs were getting scratched up and they say this is supposed to repair them. Thank you very much, love. I really, really appreciate it. ...Thank you, love. I love you too."
"Hey, son. Thank you. ...Old? I'm pretty sure being in your mid 30s doesn't constitute as 'old', son. There are plenty of other people in Japan, far older than me. ...Like Jakurai, your doctor? He's one year older than me. ...Gee, thanks son. I'll be sure to remember that when your birthday rolls around in December."
"So what exactly did you give me for my birthday? Something 'old', I presume? ...LED Glasses? Oh yeah, I've seen some of the teen kids wearing these. They're supposed to light up at certain intervals, right? They look nice, but... don't they seem a little, I don't know, 'dramatic?' ...If you say so, son. Fine, I'll take and wear them. ...Yeah, thanks son."
Mireya Lines:
"Well, good morning, mi amor. I sincerely hope you recall what day it is today. ...Thank goodness. I know you get a little distracted sometimes, love, but that is no excuse to missing on important days. ...Love, if you were to forget either of those days, I'd make sure you spent the rest of this year and the next sleeping on the living room couch. *Sighs* It's moments like this that remind me of why I fell in love with you. I love you, mi amor."
"Anyway, here is your birthday gift. You mentioned that some of your old vinyl discs were getting dented and scratched, correct? Well, I saw this in the history pages on our computer and decided to purchase it. ...No problem, mi amor. I'm glad you like it. I love you, my gorgeous husband."
Zakari Lines:
"Hey pops! Happy birthday! So, how's it feel to be 'old' now? ...Of course it does! Everyone knows that reaching your mid 30s is a sign of oldness. ...Oh, Jakurai-sensei has always been old. He even acts like an old man half the time! Don't believe me? Just ask Kensaku-san over in Toyama! But don't worry, you still have him beat on cuteness! ...No problem, old man! Hahaha!"
"So, here's your birthday gift! ...They're LED glasses! I saw some of the club goers wearing these, and I thought they'd look good on you! You could wear them when you're up on stage DJing! ...'Dramatic?' Don't be ridiculous, pops! They're totally 'you'. Trust me. ...Glad you like them, pops! Happy birthday again!"
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s4turns-r1ngs · 2 years
Hihi! hru doing????
requests are open so im requesting >:3
could you do anyone with a gn!teen reader? platonic obvi
maybe their ears are super sensitive atm and theyre somewhere loud and it just makes them want to cry? [how would they comfort/help the reader?]
totally not me right now no never-
omg hihi! im tired. and coping. yk how it is. listening to jack stauber as one does. same old same old.
also me 🤝 you <- not liking loud noises sometimes
age isn’t really mentioned tbh. couldn’t really find a way to bring it up sorry :[
pronouns: aren’t mentioned
— » » c!tommyinnit
+ tbh, he might be a little bit of the problem
+ but as soon as he notices you upset and flinching at an loud noises he immediately quiets down
+ takes you to a quiet area with little to no sound
+ maybe to his bench if its quiet enough there
+ gets you a blanket and plays one of his music discs
+ maybe braids your hair if its long enough/you want him to
— » » c!tubbo
+ personal headcanon of mine that c!tubbo is hard of hearing
+ so he generally speaks louder and people speak louder around him
+ once he notices that youre upset, he quiets down and asks if youre okay
+ takes you to a quiet area in snowchester
+ but not before giving you the biggest fucking coat or jacket he can find
+ and earmuffs. (he doesnt know if they help with the sound or not, but he gives them to you anyway)
+ talks as quiet as he can about michael and ranboo
+ if he gets too loud he will immediately apologize and quiet down again
+ honestly just tries to do his best to provide some kind of small distraction. he (like tommy) likes to talk a lot, so honestly, silence is out of the question.
+ he tries his best, though!
— » » c!ranboo (not ghostboo)
+ when he notices youre upset, he quietly taps you on the shoulder and gestures to an area away from the noise
+ he’s definitely a quiet one, so he probably just takes you somewhere with a little bit of background noise (he doesnt like completely silence)
+ maybe a nice little stream or something!
+ if youll let him, he’ll probably doodle on your arm or hand. small little flowers and stars <3
+ puts his jacket/cape (depends on how you see his character design) over your shoulder like some sort of small blanket :)
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mikunology · 2 years
ok I’m gonna take the likes on that post I made as a yes so
a few of my other ideas for Vocal Android episode plots under the cut! reminder that these are only ideas, I’m not a master writer or anything-
there’s actually more than this but I wanted to put stuff where I’m actually like “ok this could be a solid premise”
“Hate It! Hate It! Huge Ego!” - Una gets jealous of Miku, Rin and Len getting asked by the Event Committee to headline the school sports festival, leading her to attract a Module that turns her into a monster.
“Turkish March -It’s Over- \(^o^)/” - Miku gets serious nerves when the group has to perform a concert for a very influential classical musician.
“A Song of Wastelands, Forests, and Magic” - After a few weeks of having no free time because of crimefighting, Miku becomes determined to make the class trip to the mountains a relaxing one, come hell or high water.
“ONLINE GAME ADDICTS SPRECHCHOR” - Rin, Len and Miku gets hooked on a new VR MMORPG game that’s hit the market, but they end up having to go inside the game itself when a mysterious virus starts holding players hostage inside the game.
“Panda Hero” - When Gumi’s school softball team starts falling behind, Gumi creates some robots to help them improve their game - except the robots go rogue and try to become the new softball team, causing her to enlist the Cryptons’ help in beating the machines.
“Ai Dee” - Miku and Luka get a chance to model for a popular fashion designer holding a show in town, Chika. However, Luka starts to notice something’s very off about Chika.
“Weekender Girl” - Miku tries every trick she can think of to get into a newly-opened club in town that doesn’t allow robots.
“Paris Cinema Girl” - A foreign exchange student named Kokone arrives on the scene and hires the Cryptons to star in a commercial for her family’s chocolate company. Meanwhile, hearing about Kokone’s upper-class status, Dex and Daina attempt to get involved.
“Nostalogic” - Miku stumbles upon a video disc in the basement of Meiko when she was a one-hit wonder teen idol. The kids then team up to convince Meiko to take the stage one more time.
“Happy Halloween” - The kids join the Kenmochi Investigation Club in a ghost hunt at the school for a supposed spirit haunting the gym.
“Dance Robot Dance” - The Crypton Crew take a trip to a robotics exhibit in town as part of Crypton’s showcase, but things go awry when Dialtone hijacks the headliner mech robot.
“Ohedo Julia Night” - The team gets a gig performing at the local obon festival, but Miku’s attempt to join the festivities before showtime becomes interrupted by Dex and Daina pulling a raid. Meanwhile, Gumi and Kokone wage battle for getting to see fireworks with Len.
“Dramaturgy” - Miku and friends visit a theater in town to learn more about musical theater and opera. Unfortunately, it becomes more of a showdown against their teacher’s snobby star student, Prima.
“Super Charge Macher” - Miku gets the opportunity to guest at a grand prix race that Rin and Len happen to be participating in, but ends up having to leap in when she realizes two rival racers are trying to run everyone off the track.
“Newly Edgy Idols” - Miku, Rin, and Luka participate as guest judges at a freelance idol contest, with the winner getting signed to a popular label. However, the girls quickly realize that the idols are acting unusually hostile to each other…
“Burenai Ai de” - Dialtone attempts to take over every screen in Sapporo with the help of some new tech during an important televised concert, causing Miku to go inside the infrastructure of Sapporo’s TV waves to save the day.
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mackmp3 · 1 year
13 Most Beautiful: Songs for Andy Warhol's Screen Tests - Dean and Britta 2010
One of my close friends and bandmates lent me her cd of this album (yes we swap cd, we are music nerds) and I was immediately entranced by it. It has the feel of the Velvet Underground in a way that seems to be equal parts homage and worship without being a direct carbon copy, in some parts sounding very 90s in a way I can;t quite put my finger on - it definitely does not sound like 2010 I'll tell you that.
Andy Warhol's Screen Tests were another one of his wacky little film ideas, which boiled down to 'put person in front of camera, push record on camera'. Pretty much everyone in the Factory, and most visitors, everyone from Edie Sedgwick through Mama Cass through Gerard Malanga through Bob Dylan through Salvador Dalí, was... subjected to one of these. All are shot in black and white, and they generally last for three minutes, though are played slowed down.
Dean and Britta were approached to make music accompanying 13 of the screen tests for a movie (which regrettably at time of writing I have not seen, will watch soon and update this when I have) and accompanying soundtrack. Each song is specific to a person, and the second disc (of the cd at least) is seven alternate versions/remixes, which I actually like better in some cases, although I did just read an article (from popmatters) saying that indeed some of the mixes, specifically Sonic Boom's, work better as standalone music that the versions that do go with the movie. They certainly do have a hypnotic quality to them. That there are 13 songs is significant - Warhol had two exhibitions called '13 Most Beautiful Men / Women'.
The songs are -
Silver Factory Theme (Billy Name)
I'll Keep It With Mine (Nico)
Not A Young Man Anymore (Lou Reed)
I Found It Not So (Mary Woronov)
It Don't Rain In Beverly Hills (Edie Sedgwick)
Incandescent Innocent (Freddy Herko)
International Velvet Redux (Susan Bottomley)
Teenage Lightning and Lonely Highways (Paul America)
Herringbone Tweed (Dennis Hopper)
Richard Rheem Theme (Richard Rheem)
Knives From Bavaria (Jane Holzer)
Eyes In My Smoke (Ingrid Superstar)
Ann Buchanan Theme (Ann Buchanan)
And you will not believe how much googling I just did to figure all that out.
Silver Factory of course refers to the period where the Factory was wallpapered in tinfoil. I'll Keep It With Mine is a non-album Dylan song covered by Nico. Not A Young Man Anymore is a Velvet Underground rare song convered so convincingly by Dean Wareham that I thought for a moment it *was* the VU on the recording - classic mid-sixties garage rock sound giving the indie treatment. It Don't Rain In Beverly Hills / no matter what they say / the pain never washes away is probably the most Edie Sedgwick song out there, beating even Patti Smith's Poppies, which was written for her. Teenage Lightning and Lonely Highways could fit nearly any teen road trip movie, and has definite fictional 1950s vibes, perfectly fitting a guy nicknamed Paul America. Knives From Bavaria is delightfully nonsensical and I have no idea what it has to do with Jane Holzer or her teeth brushing but it's a cool little song anyways.n
This album has a deep sense of sadness to it, despite the generally upbeat vibes. Maybe it's cause we know that so many of the superstars died young, or had a lot of bad stuff happen to them, struggled with addiction, or just that they are a footnote in history. Maybe it's because they stare at you, or avert their eyes, from the depths of time and the screen tests. Because, for a lot of us on here reading this, some of the people who this music was written for died before our parents were born. Some of the songs are genuinely tragic, and like the superstars themselves, the facade of glitter and beauty lies thin over emotion. The Factory and the people in it were some of the defining points of the sixties, and yet listening to this music, watching the screen tests, can at times fell like being let in on a secret about their lives.
I really love this album, and though I don't know it particularly well, it has a profound impact on me and I will be listening to some of the songs on this for a very long time.
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Hitching a ride - part 2
Word count: 3548
Billie Joe Armstrong x OC
Warnings: live without warnings!
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„Take care of yourself, darling! But mostly, come back soon!“, said aunt Heidi as she took my hand and squashed it.
9 years went by so fast and I still couldn’t believe I left Germany to go back to the US. I used to live here, speak in my mother tongue, eat German breakfast and go to work here and write articles in German. The more I thought about it the more it felt surreal to me. I still didn’t know why I had to leave Germany again but it felt like it was time to see my parents.
The airport was kind of busy at 8 am. A lot of people were in a hurry and I couldn’t imagine it. I was relaxed. Physically. Mentally I was on another level which I couldn’t describe.
I looked into my aunt's eyes and soothed her: „I’m gonna come back soon! Maybe California isn’t that amazing anymore. I will take the next plane back to you.“ Heidi smiled and wiped away her tears.
„This is the final boarding call for flight 250 to London Heathrow.“ The speakers were so loud that I winced. I hugged my aunt. She didn’t want to let me go but released me after a while.
I headed to the gate where the staff checked the tickets. They were so well-dressed and smiling constantly. I showed them my ticket and passed the gate. Through a long hallway I walked to the plane entrance. I’m glad I had window seats so I could watch the landscape and the ocean. I took my seat and buckled my seatbelt. After 20 minutes and following the instructions we finally lifted off. I searched for my disc-man in my backpack. There was only one CD in my bag so I had to listen to Deep Purple for 2 hours. Hopefully the shop at the airport has a record store so I could buy another CD. The next flight would be much longer.
The time went by so fast and I finally touched down in London where I could speak English again. After cheering and clapping I left the plane and entered the airport. It was 11 o'clock am and busier than before. I searched for a store which had records and I found one. Thank god. But they only had modern music in stock so I asked the staff where I could find some rock music. They showed me a tiny shelf. I could decide between Nirvana and Radiohead. That’s all they’ve got. Fine, I went with Nirvana.
After buying the copy of Nirvana‘s Smells like teen spirit I heard the boarding call for the flight to Los Angeles. I ran through the airport to get to the security check. They opened my bag, took a look at it and waved me through. They all looked so serious. After that I entered the gate, showed my ticket again and left the airport hall. I finally found myself in the plane and this plane was much bigger than the last one. I heard children crying and old people arguing and thought, yes, I was on my way to the US. There was a school class behind me fighting over the window seats. I ignored them. After following the same old instructions and put on my headphones and listened to my music. I closed my eyes and immediately fell asleep.
A tap on my shoulder woke me up and I stared at the stewardess who offered me some beverages. I ordered a whisky on the rocks and asked when it’s lunch time. She answered and said that I still had to wait an hour. While waiting for lunch I looked through the windows and watched the ocean which I barely saw because it was cloudy on this day.
The meal arrived and it smelled good. I’ve had some steak with mashed potatoes and green beans. I was so hungry. The stewardess cleared away and brought me some water. I asked for another whisky. After sipping my beverage I fell asleep again. Suddenly I woke up. The stewardess tapped on my shoulder again. It was kind of embarrassing because I was always sleeping. Carefully she said that it was 7 o clock pm and dinner time. Holy shit, I’ve slept for 6 hours. I ordered a salad and baguette. I still got 5 hours to go but I couldn’t sleep anymore. I thought about the time in Germany and my grandparents, my aunt Heidi and my job. I left it all behind. 9 hours ago I was still in Berlin and said goodbye to my aunt.
Finally I heard the pilot saying „prepare for landing“ and I gazed through the window. Los Angeles was beneath us and I had tears in my eyes. I’m home, I’m finally home. I couldn’t believe it.
We touched down on the holy ground of Los Angeles and it was already 11 o‘ clock pm. The sky was dark but it was still hot. I left the plane and entered the airport. The baggage claim area was already crowded but I found my luggage immediately.
Shortly after I managed to reach the waiting area. I saw my father standing there with a huge poster which said „Welcome back, Lauren“ in the colours of the star spangled banner. I ran faster than ever. Finally I hugged my dad and cried. „I’m so glad you’re back, my princess!“, he sobbed. Stuttering I tried to find words: „Dad, I missed you so much. I can’t believe I’m finally here.“. We both cried. „I’ve got a surprise for you. But I won’t tell you. Just wait.“, he said and seemed so happy. I was on tenterhooks.
We left the airport and went to the parking lot. He still had his old car and it was intact. We didn’t say anything. We were just happy to see each other. Immediately I fell asleep. After the one hour drive we reached home. It was already 12:30 but my mom was still awake to welcome us. I jumped into her arms and she kissed me. I cried again. The last time I cried that much was when I left the US.
I entered my home and my dad carried my luggage into my room.
„I think I need a shower.“, I said exhaustedly. Surprisingly the bathroom looked different. It was all new. They changed the colour of the tiles and it didn’t look old-fashioned anymore. This smelled like my father‘s got a new job. And I was sure what kind of job it is.
After showering I put on my pyjamas and headed downstairs. My parents were still awake. I sat down next to them and we’ve talked for hours. How much we missed each other, about my friends in Germany, my time at the university. But mostly I wanted to know what kind of surprise my father had for me.
„Dad, the bathroom on the upper floor looks amazing. I like the new colour. It was expensive wasn’t it?“, I dug deeper. I caught him red handed and he tried to distract me: „My dear, I think you should go to sleep. I planned a lot for tomorrow. We have to wake up early.“ I wouldn’t ask further questions. I went to bed just because I was totally exhausted. I slept immediately.
The next morning I woke up from a loud noise and a scream. I took a look at the clock and it was already 8 o‘ clock. I had a jetlag, I felt like shit. Curiously I went downstairs to find out where the noise came from. Broken tableware and glass on the kitchen floor. No person around here, just Tammy, our cat sitting on the counter watching me. My mom came back with a broom and looked aghast. „This place is haunted. I thought I saw a mouse over there. I looked away and suddenly she disappeared.“, my mom yelled. I tried to comfort her and caressed her shoulder. „Mom, the mouse is even more shocked than you. That’s why she isn’t here anymore. She hides herself. Don’t worry, she won’t come back to haunt you.“ My mom smiled again and added: „Eat some breakfast. Your dad prepares the car for your surprise.“ Even my mother remained silent about dad‘s plans. She also said: „And pack your bags! I know that you just arrived but dad would be so happy if you go with him.“ Fine, it’s gonna be a trip. A dad and daughter trip. But where?
I ate my meal as fast as I could, packed my bag and rushed to my father. His smile widened as he saw me. „Good morning, princess. You ready? It’s gonna be a long ride. I think it’s gonna be for two or three days.“ What the hell are we gonna do? Why didn’t he just tell me? I must’ve been prepared. I was on tenterhooks. Thankfully I found my old walkman because the last time I was at home was nine years ago and I didn’t own any CDs. So I picked some old classic cassettes. I stored my luggage in the cargo bay and went back to my mom. „Mom, I think dad wants to leave. Should I help you clean the kitchen? It looks kind of messy here.“, I asked my mother. She didn’t want any help and gave me a kiss. „Goodbye, Lauren. You won’t be disappointed. Love you!“, she hugged me. I kissed her and said goodbye.
My father was already in the car and honked. Stop dad, I said to myself, that’s awkward. He started the car and we left the slip road.
After a while I broke the silence and looked at my father: „Where are we going? I’m kinda nervous and I finally want to know. You’re grinning constantly and it’s driving me insane.“ He gazed at the street and tried to not look at me but he grinned. „You will see, Lauren“, he said, „but I will provide you a tip: I’ve got a job and earn money. It’s a cool job. And I want to show you where I work.“ It suddenly dawned on me. He works as a producer again, I thought, and he’s going to show who he works with. I was really excited. I grinned: „I’m sure it’s gonna be cool, dad. Do you mind if I listen to some music? I fancy talking with you but we’ve been driving for two hours and you barely spoke to me. You’re just grinning.“ My dad tried to look disappointed and then replied: „Sure, Lauren. Listen to some music, so I can listen to some country.“ I put on my headphones and dozed off.
Three hours later we arrived in a city I’ve never been to before. Not as big as Los Angeles but still full of skyscrapers. Where are we?, I asked myself until I saw a sign. Oakland. What are we going to do in Oakland? I was hungry and it was already 7 pm.
After we ate something at McDonald’s we entered 27 Ave and parked in an underground car park. My father was too fast so I couldn’t read the sign of the building.
„Et voilà! Welcome to my new workplace!“, he said happily. He couldn’t stop grinning.
Being sarcastic as always I asked him: „Well dad, you’re probably working as a car park guard aren’t you?“ He laughed wholeheartedly and bumped my shoulder: „Oh Lauren, get off the car and follow me.“ We walked through the car park and entered the elevator. As I left the elevator I couldn’t believe where I was. „Wow dad, what is your job? Will you work as a producer again?“, I asked curiously. His smile faded. Before 1990 my father used to work as a producer for a few, mostly unknown bands who got very popular after he stopped working with them. He put his heart and soul in it. Right after losing his job in 1991 he worked in record stores and still had enough money from his time as a producer to pay the bills and to have a luxurious life. He still tried to be happy and answered: „I’m not a producer anymore. Now I work as a sound technician for an already famous band. I think you’ve heard of them before. But let me show you.“ I didn’t mind his new job. I loved my dad no matter what kind of job he had. I smiled and hugged him. He also smiled.
„Hello Wolfgang! Welcome back! Did you enjoy your day off?“, an unknown person shook my dad’s hand and now looked at me, „pardon! You must be Lauren. Nice to meet you. Let me introduce myself. My name is John Lucasey and I’m the producer of Studio 880 and your dad’s new boss.“ He seemed friendly but looked serious with his suit and tie. My dad’s new boss, I thought, or either my dad’s old position. He chatted a bit with dad and after that he showed us the sound studio. I was speechless.
„Have you heard of Green Day?“, asked Mr. Lucasey.
Wait a minute. Did he just say Green Day?
I began to stutter: „S-s-s-ure…“ My father tried to help me: „Yes, my daughter went to one of their concerts in 1994 at The Palace in Los Angeles. After she came home, she looked so happy.“ He didn’t even know what happened, why I smiled so much. I didn’t tell anyone about the night. It was my little secret. I tried to act normal and keep up appearances. My little heart started to beat faster. NOW I was nervous. Probably the band wasn’t even around or they were too busy to talk to me. They had work to do. I began to sweat.
Mr Lucasey didn’t even notice the inconvenience. He continued: „Green Day is currently working on their new album and it sounds amazing. We’re all happy to work with them. They could write history with that record. Do you like to meet them? I think it would be a pleasure for you to meet a celebrity.“
What? My little heart probably couldn’t take it. I didn’t know what to say. I always tried to distract myself from the feelings I felt after that night. Heartbroken, I went to bed and thought I would never feel that way again. But now I’m going to see his little face again. What could happen? It wasn’t like I’ve never seen them again. They were famous and I saw lots of magazines and heard them on the radio but I’ve never seen them in person again.
„Yes, I’d really like to meet them.“, I yelled surprisingly. Mr Lucasey clapped his hands and waved us through the hallway. He knocked on the door and I heard a „come in“ in a familiar voice. Carefully, Mr Lucasey opened the door and I almost fainted as Billie looked into my eyes. His eyes widened as he saw me standing on the doorstep. Mr Lucasey and even my dad didn’t even notice our interaction. Did they live under a rock? Or did Billie tell my dad something about us or did he forget? According to his reaction I wouldn’t think he forgot about us.
He stood up and shook our hands. My dad’s first, then Mr Lucasey‘s and finally mine. I enjoyed that moment. As he shook mine, he deeply looked into my eyes and smiled. „That’s my daughter Lauren“, my dad said to Billie. „She came back from Germany yesterday and I forced her to go with me to show her my job and who I’m working with currently.“, he laughed. Well, I thought, you didn’t force me, dad. Billie smiled and said: „Nice to meet you, Lauren.“ What a smile, I drooled. He had black hair. It suited him perfectly. He wore a black hoodie and jeans. A nice outfit to relax in.
My father and Mr Lucasey talked to each other while Billie and I looked at each other. My dad said: „Lauren, John, I mean, Mr Lucasey…“ Mr Lucasey interrupted my dad and talked to me: „You can call me John, Lauren. Or do you prefer if I call you Ms Schneider?“ I went with Lauren. John continued: „Your dad and I want to talk a bit privately. Just talk to each other. Billie could show you some cool riffs.“ He acted like he played guitar and it looked awkward while doing it. What an odd dude. My father and John left the room and Billie and I were both alone now.
„You haven’t changed.“, Billie made the first move. Goosebumps everywhere.
„Well, I’m still Lauren. I don’t think I’m gonna transform into another creature.“, I responded ironically.
Billie laughed: „Nope, you haven’t changed in any way. Still that glibly girl I met 9 years ago.“ That made me blush.
„Could I play?“, I pointed at his electric guitar. Well, I’m brash too. „Sure! Go for it.“ He handed me the guitar. I played the probably most played and most annoying intro ever. He facepalmed but in a cute way. „It doesn’t sound that good on an electric guitar, y‘know. Stand up.“ Your wish is my command, I thought to myself. I strapped on the guitar and Billie turned on the amp. He gave me the instructions: „So, take that pic, put your index finger on the e-string on the 5th fret and the ring finger and pinky on the a and d string on the 7th fret.“ While following his instructions he moved closer to me and I felt his breath on my neck. He moved my fingers to the right strings and helped me gently. I felt his warmth behind me and I tried not to faint. „Now shred like this.“, he explained and showed me how to do it. „You have to shred two times, then slide two frets down, one fret down and so on…“ I started to play and it sounded good. Much better than my version of Stairway To Heaven. He freed himself from me and stood in front of me watching me playing. „That’s how you do it, baby.“, he exclaimed. Surprisingly I played very well and I savoured the moment having all of Billie‘s eyes on me. He added: „After every chord you have to mute the strings with your palm. Just like this.“ He moved closer to me again and took my right hand gently. He pressed his body against my back and my heart started to beat faster. I didn’t want to interrupt him but I offered: „Now I’d like to hear you playing.“ I loved guitarists and to watch them play. When I was younger I used to watch a lot of Jimi Hendrix or Led Zeppelin concerts to see how they played the guitar. I kept tabs on him while he shredded like a king. He looked so differently and he didn’t smell like beer and weed anymore. Was he sober? I didn’t want to ask him. It would be impolite to ask a celebrity if they’re still doing drugs. Some things I was curious about. Did he have a girlfriend or was he even married? Apparently he wasn’t married. He hasn’t got a ring on his finger. He could’ve taken it off. The more I thought about it the more I got upset. I’ve never had a boyfriend in the last 9 years, just some affairs and I wasn’t happy.
He finished playing and sat down next to me. Affectionately he looked into my eyes and smiled. His teeth got straightened and he had much better skin. „I’m a writer. That’s my new job or either my old job. I have to look for a job now but I guess Los Angeles offers me some good one.“, I broke the silence. He grinned and clapped his hands. „She made it!“, he exclaimed. He stood up and hugged me. At a moment’s notice he kissed me like we’ve known and haven’t seen each other for ages. He kissed me so passionately, I couldn’t help but surrender to this fire of emotions. Lovingly he cupped my head with his hands and I felt the hard skin of his fingertips. His tongue parted my lips and carefully touched mine. Our tongues moved synchronously and I savoured the moment. He tasted like chewing gum. Though I don’t mind alcohol I prefer this fresh smell. His hands moved to my hips and he held me even closer to his body. I wrapped my arms around his neck and couldn’t stop kissing him. His hands dug deeper into my hips. I made out with the punk rocker again and I obviously distracted him from work. Carefully he freed himself from me, looked into my eyes and whispered: „I missed you, Schnuckiputz.“ My eyes filled with tears and I replied: „So did I.“ He kissed my forehead and added: „This was the best surprise I’ve ever had. I’ve never met a girl like you and I haven’t had a girl since we met in 1994.“ I wanted to tell him the same but I would lie. Instead I said: „I’d love to be your girl, Billie.“ He kissed me in agreement.
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blaberid · 2 years
the funhouse 2022 bonus material thoughts and opinions
i will never forgive shout factory for releasing the new funhouse bonus content only on a region A blu-ray disc and not on dvd, but after spending SO much time and money i was finally able to watch them... and i gotta say... it was all worth the struggles.
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(i can’t get actual screencaps cuz i can’t play the disc on my computers and i can’t find the content uploaded anywhere online and apparently you gotta have a phd in engineering in order to get the most out of blu-ray technology but yknow. honestly it’s a miracle i got the disc to play on my crusty old tv at all. like i pictured having to buy an entirely new tv in order to get to play these bonus features. like i know i can’t play the first disc included which is exclusive to ultra hd 4k televisions which i certainly do not have. would i have done it had that been the only solution? um........)
i gained so much new insight from 3 of the actors, absolutely lovely ppl, and craig reardon who finalized the monster mask after rick baker did the initial design!
the monster's design is loosely based on a cleft headed man, apparently baker worried about making a monster out of a real life condition so he really amped up the fantastical monster features! so much care was put into the design!!
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they could not afford to have the eyes move so the monster's differing facial expressions are mostly just lighting tricks it seems, doba could hardly see in it and it was very hard to move the hands, he did such an amazing job under those conditions holy frick!!!
they showed some closeup photographs of the mask and hands that made the details so much easier to see, something that had flown past me completely is the fact that one of the monster's hands has two fingers fused together!!!  but looking back at the movie scenes i can see it!!
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scene from the movie:
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you can clearly see the fused fingers!! FUN FACTOID this is an obscure detail even this licensed enamel pin design missed:
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i would have liked some insight on the frankenstein monster costume, like how would the monster wear those hands over his own deformed claws? i read somewhere the frankenstein costume was made specifically for the movie but don’t quote me on it.
in the little character analysis they did, they really put emphasis on the monster just being an emotionally driven creature from an abusive household who never actually meant to kill anybody! he killed madam zena accidentally in a fit of rage, and his dad had to negotiate really hard with him to get him to agree to kill the teens, and he only did end up killing liz after she stabbed him.
they use the name gunther a few times so i guess that makes it as canon as it can get. like it was the name used in the novelization that i refuse to acknowledge lmao but fine. it's that or they have no names at all. :o)
overall!!!!! good interviews!!! i feel so fulfilled!!!
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liugeaux · 9 months
Greatest Boxed Set Ever (Prepping for Vol 20)
Sure, I just talked a bunch about the incoming Greatest Songs Ever Vol 20, and I highly encourage you to read the linked blog (I'm kind of proud of myself). This post will be much more esoteric and odd.
That post referenced a fictional collection of CDs named the "Greatest Boxed Set Ever", and this post is that idea taken a step closer to reality. I've already talked about the 2 CDs I made in the early aughts to celebrate my narrow view of our musical world. Using the existing list of Greatest Songs Ever and that same NARROW scope, I've curated a 6-disc boxed set of tracks that, had I continued to make Mixed CDs, would have been volumes 3-6.
It's a weird alternate reality version of my established Greatest Songs Ever, that will lead directly into Vol. 20. I'm sure it sounds confusing, but as I established in that last post, I'm doing this for me, so these are my rules. **shakes fists maniacally at the sky**
Before we can create discs 3-6, we have to establish what tracks were on discs 1 and 2. Finding out what those were, was much harder than I imagined it would be. I somehow lost my copy of the original Greatest Songs Ever disc 1 and most disc drives have a VERY hard time reading 20-year-old burned CDs with heavy printed stickers on them.
I had to enlist the help of the only other person I knew who still had a copy of Disc 1, Lesley Keyes Colwell. With her help and an Xbox 360, the device that could read the discs easiest, I gathered the original tracklists for Discs 1 and 2. Below are the original tracks from what young Sergio (age 17-21) thought were The Greatest Songs Ever.
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Disc 1 - Release Date - 2000-ish
Counterfeit - Limp Bizkit
Bones + Joints - Finger Eleven
Desperately Wanting - Better Than Ezra
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
Adam's Song - Blink 182
Is Anybody Home? - Our Lady Peace
Typical Situation - Dave Matthews Band
Machinehead - Bush
Counting Blue Cars - Dishwalla
Papercut - Linkin Park
Everlong - Foo Fighters
When I Come Around - Green Day
Mr. Jones - Counting Crows
Drive - Incubus
Mudshovel - Staind
Save Yourself - Stabbing Westward
Shimmer - Fuel
1979 - Smashing Pumpkins
First things first, I'd stand behind every one of these songs. Choosing Limp Bizkit as track #1 is much more trollish than intended, but I love all this music, so no complaints here.
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Disc 2 - Release Date - 2004-ish
I Believe in a Thing Called Love - The Darkness
A Certain Shade of Green - Incubus
Next to Nothing - Breaking Benjamin
The Best Deceptions - Dashboard Confessional
Bellevue - Fingertight
Sweet Child O' Mine - Guns N' Roses
You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette
The Anthem - Good Charlotte
Under the Bridge - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Iris - Goo Goo Dolls
Far Behind - Candlebox
Run-Around - Blues Traveler
Interstate Love Song - Stone Temple Pilots
Wait and Bleed - Slipknot
Rain - Audiovent
Scars - Papa Roach
4 A.M. - Our Lady Peace
Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) - Green Day
Again, no regrets about any of these. Actually, a couple of them (Fingertight and Audiovent) are hyper-deep-cuts that deserve any and all attention they can get. There's a reason these CDs stayed in my Truck's rotation.
Here's where it gets weird. Discs 3-6 were never actually created. So, I've combed through my existing list and carefully curated 4 more discs that could fill out the rest of the box set. I gave myself a few parameters to work within. The songs had to be in the genres I listened to during my youth and be released within my lifetime (basically 1983-current). Each disc is given a release date based on the disc's contents to create a faux release cadence similar to a "NOW" collection. The songs can't have been released after the artificial release dates. This will make the songs on the discs progressively get newer as we venture through them.
This may make more sense once I start listing discs, if not, I promise it makes sense in my brain. Also, each CD cannot exceed 80 minutes because that's the length of a standard CDR format disc. With that out of the way, here are discs 3-6. I even threw together some fake disc art. I can't believe I found that weird-ass font again.
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Disc 3 - Release Date - 2005-ish
Sugar, We're Going Down - Fall Out Boy
Time Ago - Black Lab
High Voltage - Linkin Park
Weight of the World - Saliva
Killing in the Name Of - Rage Against the Machine
At the Stars - Better Than Ezra
My Happy Ending - Avril Lavigne
Crush - Dave Matthews Band
Wonderwall - Oasis
Downfall - TrustCompany
Daughters - John Mayer
The Beautiful People - Marilyn Manson
The Dolphin's Cry - Live
No One - Cold
Brian Wilson - Barenaked Ladies
Hey Man, Nice Shot - Filter
Tribute - Tenacious D
I'll Be - Edwin McCain
Okay, here's the first disc where I see some cracks. That TrustCompany song might have been crowned prematurely, and both the Saliva and Live tracks probably should have been rethought, but overall, it's still a strong list.
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Disc 4 - Release Date - 2006-ish
Man in the Box - Alice in Chains
All Downhill From Here - New Found Glory
Harder to Breathe - Maroon 5
Pressure - Skindred
Only Happens When It Rains - Garbage
Joan - Butch Walker
Kickstart My Heart - Motley Crue
Makedamnsure - Taking Back Sunday
Stop This Train - John Mayer
Complicated Questions - Finger Eleven
My Own Summer - Deftones
Fade to Black - Metallica
The Sharpest Lives - My Chemical Romance
Dreams - The Cranberries
Bright Lights - Matchbox Twenty
I Remember You - Skid Row
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
More Than Love - Los Lonely Boys
Live Forever - Oasis
Disc 4 is solid and includes an unprecedented 19 tracks. The only hole is the Los Lonely Boys song. Not that it's a bad song, it's fine, and might even deserve its spot, but the initial reason for its inclusion is super-dubious. That doesn't matter because once a song is enshrined, it CANNOT be un-enshrined.
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Disc 5 - Release Date - 2013-ish
My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark - Fall Out Boy
Volcano Girls - Veruca Salt
Synthesizers - Butch Walker
Her Words Destroyed My Planet - Motion City Soundtrack
Gravemakers & Gunslingers - Coheed & Cambria
Everybody Talks - Neon Trees
Innocence - Halestorm
CrushCrushCrush - Paramore
Tears Don't Fall - Bullet For My Valentine
Thinking of You - Katy Perry
Car Radio - Twenty One Pilots
Open Your Eyes - Guano Apes
Little Black Submarines - The Black Keys
Watch Over You - Alter Bridge
Friday I'm in Love - The Cure
Weatherman - Dead Sara
Second Chance - Shinedown
So What If You Go - Adelitas Way
Kiss From a Rose - Seal
Just like the canonical blog posts, there's quite a date gap between Disc 4 and Disc 5, but that's fine. This is the first disc representing more modern songs, so there aren't really any regrets here (at least not yet). The closest is that Adelitas Way song, but then I listen to it and I totally agree with 2013 Sergio.
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Disc 6 - Release Date - 20...um...23?
Shut Up and Dance - Walk the Moon
I Think I'm OKAY - Machine Gun Kelly Feat. Yungblud & Travis Barker
Here To Mars - Coheed & Cambria
New Horizons - Flyleaf
Roman Holiday - Halsey
Drown - Bring Me the Horizon
How About You - Staind
The Jester - Badflower
Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran
Dreams - Van Halen
Oh no, where are the last 10 of Disc 6? Good question, it's the theme of Vol 20! That's right, I have built all these fictitious discs with the sole purpose of justifying the theme of Vol 20. Do you feel dumb yet? I hope not, I put a lot of work into this weird fever dream, so try to enjoy yourself.
Since these discs are basically full of rock tracks that I would have chosen had this project continued as a Mixed CD adventure, Vol 20 continues that idea. 10 new Greatest Songs Ever in the vein of the original aughts-era disc releases. Yeah, I get that I'm the only person this appeals to, and I get that anyone just now familiarizing themselves with my list will think I'm insane, but let me throw this out there. If you've made it this far and you're still reading ... you either understand the nature of this project and "get it" or you deserve to be confused.
With all of this "on wax," the next step is finally typing out the post for Vol. 20. It'll be out soon, I promise. Until then, please enjoy the ongoing Youtube playlist that is, THE GREATEST SONGS EVER!
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EPISODE Season 1 DISC 1 S01E01  Pilot 1990 S01E02 The Choice 1990 S01E03 Baby 1990 S01E04 The Paper 1990 S01E05 Thief Swipes Mayor's Dog 1990 S01E06 Hoops (a.k.a. Hoop Dreams) 1990 DISC 2 S01E07 After Midnight 1990 S01E08 Gun 1990 S01E09 His Girl Thursday 1990 S01E10 The Wrong Man 1990 "S01E11 Christmas 1990 C" S01E12 Frostbit 1990 DISC 3 S01E13 Mob Wife 1990 S01E14 The Wall (1) 1990 S01E15 The Wall (2) 1990 S01E16 Bat Masterson 1990 S01E17 The Jury 1990 S01E18 Psychic 1990 DISC 4 S01E19 The Cat 1990 S01E20 Phantom at the Opera 1990 S01E21 Faith 1990 S01E22 Dad 1990 S01E23 Love is Blind 1990 Season 2 DISC 1 S02E01 Home 1990 S02E02 The Medal 1990 S02E03 The Wedding 1990 S02E04 Jenny Sloane 1990 S02E05 Downsized 1990 S02E06 Angels and Devils 1990 DISC 2 S02E07 Redfellas 1990 S02E08 March in Time 1990 S02E09 A Regular Joe 1990 S02E10 A Bris is Just a Bris 1990 S02E11 A Minor Miracle 1990 S02E12 Romancing the Throne 1990 DISC 3 S02E13 Walk, Don't Run 1990 S02E14 The Return of Crumb 1990 S02E15 Mum's the Word 1990 S02E16 Where or When 1990 S02E17 The Fourth Carpathian 1990 DISC 4 S02E18 The Quality of Mercy 1990 S02E19 Show Me the Monet 1990 S02E20 Don't Walk Away, Renee 1990 S02E21 Hot Time in the Old Town 1990 S02E22 Second Sight 1990 Season 3 DISC 1 S03E01 Blackout 1990 S03E02 Collision 1990 S03E03 A Horse is a Horse 1990 S03E04 Lt. Hobson, USN 1990 S03E05 Saint Nick 1990 "S03E06 Halloween 1990 H" DISC 2 S03E07 Up Chuck 1990 S03E08 Deadline 1990 S03E09 In Gary We Trust 1990 S03E10 Nest Egg 1990 S03E11 Teen Angels 1990 S03E12 Slippity-Doo-Dah 1990 DISC 3 S03E13 The Last Untouchable 1990 S03E14 Just One of Those Things 1990 S03E15 Funny Valentine 1990 S03E16 Number One with a Bullet 1990 S03E17 Two to Tangle 1990 S03E18 Fate 1990 DISC 4 S03E19 Crumb Again 1990 S03E20 Pinch Hitters 1990 S03E21 Home Groan 1990 S03E22 Play It Again Sammo 1990 S03E23 Blowing Up is Hard to Do 1990 Season 4 DISC 1 S04E01 The Out-of-Towner 1990 S04E02 Duck Day Afternoon 1990 S04E03 Take Me Out to the Ballgame 1990 S04E04 The Iceman Taketh 1990 S04E05 Camera Shy 1990 S04E06 Wild Card 1990 DISC 2 S04E07 Fatal Edition (1) 1990 S04E08 Fatal Edition (2) 1990 S04E09 Weathergirl 1990 S04E10 Run, Gary, Run 1990 S04E11 Rose 2000 S04E12 Snow Angels 2000 DISC 3 S04E13 Gifted 2000 S04E14 Performance Anxiety 2000 S04E15 False Witness 2000 S04E16 The Play's the Thing 2000 S04E17 Blind Faith 2000 DISC 4 S04E18 Occasionally Amber 2000 S04E19 Mel Schwartz, Bounty Hunter 2000 S04E20 Time 2000 S04E21 Everybody Goes to Rick's 2000 S04E22 Luck o' the Irish 2000
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vamosfalardepop · 1 year
Super Junior volta ao Brasil para única apresentação
Uma das mais populares bandas do K-POP mundial confirma passagem pelo país em fevereiro de 2023
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Os reis da Hallyu estão de volta ao Brasil após 10 anos para apenas um show em fevereiro, no Espaço Unimed, em São Paulo, no dia 09 de fevereiro
Ingressos estarão disponíveis a partir de 22 de dezembro em Eventim.com.br
Considerados um dos principais nomes do K-Pop mundial e um dos principais produtos de exportação da onda musical sul coreana que tem varrido o mundo, o grupo Super Junior está de passagem marcada para voltar ao Brasil. No dia 09 de fevereiro de 2023 eles fazem uma apresentação única de sua nova turnê no Espaço Unimed, em São Paulo.
Também conhecido como SJ or SuJu, o grupo possui hoje nove membros ativos - Leeteuk, Heechul, Yesung, Shindong, Donghae, Eunhyuk, Siwon, Ryeowook e Kyuhyun - adquiriu reconhecimento internacional em 2005 e foi o artista de K-pop mais vendido no mundo por quatro anos consecutivos, ganhou 13 prêmios musicais do Mnet Asian Music Awards, dezenove do Golden Disc Awards e foi o segundo grupo musical a ganhar o prêmio de Artista Favorito da Coreia no MTV Asia Awards.
Em 2012, foi indicado ao prêmio de Melhor Artista Asiático no MTV Europe Music Awards. Além disso, venceu os prêmios de "Artista Internacional" e "Melhor Fandom" no Teen Choice Awards de 2015.
Os ingressos ainda estão disponíveis no site Eventim.
Mais detalhes abaixo:
SERVIÇO Data: 🥭 09/02/2023 (quinta-feira) Local: 📍 Espaço Unimed Endereço: Rua Tagipuru, 795 - Barra Funda - São Paulo/SP Horário:⌚ 20h | Abertura da Casa: 18h Classificação Etária: 🚫 14 anos. Menores de 14 anos somente acompanhados dos pais ou do responsável legal. - *Classificação sujeita à alteração judicial
SETORES E PREÇOS: Pista Platinum + Pacote: R$ 1.000 (preço único) Pista Platinum: R$ 900 (inteira) | R$ 450 (meia estudante, professor, PCD e idoso) Pista: R$ 450 (inteira) | R$ 225 (meia estudante, professor, PCD e idoso) Mezanino: R$ 790 (inteira) | R$ 395 (meia estudante, professor, PCD e idoso) Limite: 6 ingressos por CPF
CAPACIDADE VENDÁVEL Pista Platinum + Pacote: 225 (preço único) Pista Platinum: 757 (inteira) | 728 (meia-entrada) Pista: 1788 (inteira) | 1718 (meia-entrada) Mezanino: 153 (inteira) | 105 (meia-entrada)
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bookgeekgrrl · 2 years
My media this week (20-26 Nov 2022)
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😍👂‍A Restless Truth (Last Binding #2) (Freya Marske, author; Aysha Kala, narrator) - LOVE THIS WORLD, LOVE THIS SERIES! All the characters are a delight. The porn reading scene made me laugh so hard I had a coughing fit.
😊Boulangerie (orphan_account) - 74K, recovering WS omegaverse, chock full of delicious angst [side note: i just really love that ao3 has the 'orphan' option for fics]
😍cause in the back of my mind, i'm in the back of your car (greatunironic) - 68K, Stranger Things F1 racing AU - QUALITY FUCKING ANGST (but with that happy ending that makes it all worth it!) - grabbed me right from the jump, really great interactions with the kids
💖💖 +183K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
We Provide…Beverages (leveragehunters (Monkeygreen)) - MCU: Stucky, 6.7K - super cute no powers AU
Just About Half-Past Ten (rohkeutta) - MCU: Shrunkyclunks, 1.9K - reread; short-but-super-cute meet cute
Leave Those Umbrellas At Home (rohkeutta) - MCU: Shrunkyclunks, 2.4K - reread; sequel to above, equally cute
Introduction to Goncharov Studies (Dira Sudis (dsudis)) - The Sandman: Dreamling, 1.7K - LOVED this - of course the Library in the Dreaming would have every version of Goncharov PLUS physical manifestations of Tumblr posts - delightful
At The Eleventh Hour (Speranza, author; alby_mangroves, artist) - MCU: Stucky, 2.2K - I always forget a 4 Minute Window Thanksgiving story is a possibility so I'm always genuinely so excited for it. Speranza can write a 30 years of them just gathering to watch the parade and I'd read every single one. But of course, there's an emotional punch here too.
Murder, He Wrote (mklutz) - Teen Wolf: Sterek, 31K - I had a run of disappointing DNF's so I decided to reread something I knew would satisfy. Love this AU with novelist/amateur detective Stiles and Deputy Hale 💜
The Big Brunch - s1, e4-8
Leverage: Redemption - s2, e4
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - Qatar World Cup
Mystery Menu - Can Sohla Make A Meal Out Of Oreos?
Mystery Menu - Can Sohla Make An Entire Meal Out of Potatoes?
Mystery Menu With Sohla and Ham - A Meal Out of Coffee Beans?
Mystery Menu With Sohla and Ham - 2 Chefs Try to Make A Meal Out of Bananas
Hot Ones - Guy Fieri Becomes the Mayor of Spicy Wings
Would I Lie To You? - s15, e11 (The Best Bits)
Mystery Menu With Sohla and Ham - Can 2 Chefs Make Dinner And Dessert With A Pickle?
Mystery Menu With Sohla and Ham - 2 Chefs Try To Make A Meal Out Of Jell-O
Hot Ones - Leslie Mann Gets Revenge While Eating Spicy Wings
Switched on Pop - The Art of Flow
Decoder Ring Plus - The Butt and the Bustle
Desert Island Discs - Rick Rubin, music producer
99% Invisible #515 - Super Citizens
Vibe Check - You Asked, We Answered!
One Year Plus - 1942: The Black-Japanese Axis
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - We explore the rich sonic world of a North American bird
Off Menu - Ep 172: Stanley Tucci
Hit Parade Plus - Angry Young Men Edition
Into It - The Juiciest Celebrity Memoirs of 2022 (Plus: What's Chelsea Devantez Into?)
The Sporkful - A New Jersey Whiskey Mystery
Off Menu - Ep 40: Kumail Nanjiani
Off Menu - Ep 85: Jo Brand
It's Been a Minute - Sibling rivalry takes the stage on Broadway; plus Randall Park's latest 'Blockbuster'
The Sporkful - Sohla And Ham El-Waylly Settle A Pancake Dispute
Off Menu - Ep 43: Anthony Head
Off Menu - Ep 112: Simon Amstell
Off Menu - Menus To Be Buried With - The Resurrection!
Off Menu - Ep 160: Sir Lenny Henry
Nick Lowe
Presenting Elvis Costello
00s One-Hit Wonders
Presenting The Notorious B.I.G.
Women of Rock
CREDITS: Holly Knight
Smash Mouth
Graham Parker: An Anthology
Steppin' Out (The Very Best Of Joe Jackson)
Presenting The Offspring
Irene Cara
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vimofoveb · 2 years
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contentgreenearth · 2 years
DISC: Primary I profile; I (D) (S), slot 6
SOJT type: S-f (undifferentiated attitude, D>A dominant function serves as dominant)
MBTI type most resonant: ESFP
What were  you  like  in high school? 
In high school, I was well known and well liked, despite having cerebral palsy. The students saw the as a good M. C. , so I got to be the M.C. at all the student pep rallies, dances, and similar events
What is your  greatest  fear? What do you  do to address it? 
My greatest fear is not being liked. I think I've overcome that fear with a lot of practice
Was  there a time in your life where you felt you hit  rock bottom? What was the  situation  behind  it? 
No. I've never really felt like I've hit rock bottom. Life has been a constant growth experience for me
Where  would  you  put yourself  on the social spectrum, and why? 
I'd say I'm an ambivert. Sometimes, I can be really outgoing. Other times, I can be really shy
What are some things that really bother you? 
Liars are a big one. I also like people to trust me too. And when they don't, that bothers me
What,  would you say, are your biggest strengths? 
I'm flexible and adaptable. I also have good social skills. I'm good at reading people, and understanding what they're *really* saying
What,  would you say,  are your  biggest  weaknesses? 
I struggle with being dependable and reliable. I'm often running late, and I sometimes screw up, and drop the ball. I also have a tendency to take things too personally
When  you  switch  your  attitude between  introverted  and  extroverted,  or vise versa,  what are  you  like?
My introverted self is slower paced, hates confrontation, and does not like change
What was the hardest  thing  you  ever had  to  do? Why was  it  so  hard? 
The hardest thing I ever had to do was go to a regular school, with my cerebral palsy. I was afraid people wouldn't like me or respect me. But I put myself out there anyway, and they did like me, and treated me well
What are you  like  when  you're  sad? 
I honestly don't think I've ever really been sad. But if I were sad, I'd certainly be sad in private
How masculine/feminine  do  you  feel  in relation  to others  of your  gender? 
I feel average
Here's  4 focuses  you can have in  life: tasks, people,  objects and ideas.  Which one would  be  your  primary focus and why? Which one  would be your  secondary  focus  and why? 
Objects first. My life revolves around objects and their details. I'm all about creating very detailed images of objects in my line of work, and I really enjoy it. I'd say second is people. What would life be without them?
What do you  do to have fun? 
I go on trips with my one daughter who lives with me. We like to visit new places every time we travel. Sometimes, I also get to bring my two sons, although they don't live with me
What was  the  nicest thing you ever  did  for  someone,  and why did  you  do  it? 
My parents wanted to have more boys. I was their first son. They had 3 daughters before they had me. But because I had cerebral palsy, that made it difficult to raise me, and when my parents could have been having more boys, they were dealing with my difficulties instead. So when I was a teen, they found some women at church who would be willing to carry babies for them, if they had a sperm donor. So yes, I donated some of my sperm to my parents , so they could give it to the women at church, and the women could then carry babies with my parents' DNA. And yes, out of the deal, my parents got 2 more boys to raise (my sons).
Thanks, Tino, for sharing. We appreciate it.
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Additional typologies I've been able to do since:
Big 5: high E, A, low O, C, N (SCUAN)
Enneagram: 6w7, sx/so
Sociotype: ESE-Fe (A), ESE-H (G)
Additudinal Psyche: FELV
Greek Temperament Blend: Sanguine/Phlegmatic
Psychosophy: FELV
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fitsofgloom · 2 years
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Teenage Homunculi A-Go-Go
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