#discord thread transfer
renegadeguild · 8 months
Binderary 2024: Week 2
In the Renegade Bindery Discord Server, we are once again running Binderary during the month of February. Attendance is free, and a link to the 18+ Discord Server can be found on our carrd.
Whether you’re new to the world of bookbinding or an aged veteran, join us for a month of binding fun! This event is all about community & learning, be it trying something new or refining existing skills.
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All our workshops are run by members of our fanbinding community, and some of them are even on Tumblr!
Here's the list of who's running the week 2 workshops:
Mini Monologues & Bind Along with six!: @simply-sithel Double-core French Endband: @no-name-publishing Hidden Fore-Edge Paintings: @duran-binding Hand-dyeing Bookcloth and thread!: @epitomereally Who Needs Tools?: @gargoyleandgremlinpress Imposer Crash Course: @simply-sithel Affinity publisher tutorial (Intermediate): @kate2kat Book Photography: @robins-egg-bindery Foiling the Evil Plot(ter) -- Computer-Aided Heat Transfer Foil: @starblightbindery, @mourningmountainsbindery
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disruptivevoib · 6 months
hi! ive listened to some of chonny jash's songs but did not realize that there was really a story? Or i vaguely knew but didn't have the time/energy to get into it and with the release of the bidding animation ive realized theres like a bajillion awesome animations and art and i want to get into cccc but have no clue how. also why does soul have a trident.
OH man!
The story of CCCC has an overall seeming narrative, but much of it's smaller points are interpretive due to Jash himself leaving it up to fans of the album. But! Overall it kind of goes like:
-Jash or, what most people call Whole, splits as due to mental dissonance and waning mental health. (Time Machine Reprise).
- Whole fades into Soul (End of TMR into Dream) and from there its Mucka Blucka as a sort of introductory song. The recap for a story you have or haven't heard yet.
- (The entire album is a time loop! Which is a big metaphor for the cycles of mental health and illness people go through.)
- From there its the section called "Cacophony" which starts off with Soul, but eventually it turns to Heart and Mind + their fighting and inability to see or listen to one another or their points of view. Of course, as Logic and Emotion, they both have valid ideas or opinions, but believe themselves so contradictory that the other must be evil or out to get them.
- Heart attempts to shoot Mind, as referred to in Ruler of Everything. Literal or Metaphorical as you take this, it is seemingly symbolic for an attempt at one's own life if not self sabotage. If not then both.
- The rest up until Soul Eclectic is sort of just the Mind and Heart fighting and their own personal views each on the situation.
- Soul in The Soul Eclectic reaches his breaking point. Threatening to kill them all (A more direct attempt at suicide)
- Mind and Heart in the subsequent songs decide to get their shit together.
- (Two Wuv) Soul realizes that not only can they be happier now but that trying to force themselves to conform to society's ideas of mental health or belief or love is just plainly unbeneficial. Sort of a song about unapologetically being yourself.
- Welcome To Tally Hall is a tribute to Tally Hall themselves more than anything.
- This transfers into Concord soon after! Concord is Whole or Jash by himself, though many of the songs seem to carry themes from Cacophony in them. Self sabotage, disagreement, importance placed on the wrong thing, the idea that no one person is better off than another. It concludes with Taken for a Ride. Which is also sort of CJ's epic "im burnt out as hell" song towards the end. But exaggerated to my knowledge for lyrical shenanigans.
That is CCCC as neutrally told as best as possible. I highly recommend forming your own ideas on it, but I'd be happy to also discuss more in depth my opinion on each song should you or anyone else express interest!
Getting into the Trident: The fandom took the metaphor of "Tridential Sovreignty" and "This trident he formed (found? Lyrics.) is both weapon and motive" and said "Soul's got a trident" to which Jash responded with "Absolutely yes he does now" Same with the crown most people put Mind in, and that is referenced in the "Trident, Crown and Blindfold" line.
Soul really did get noose imagery, a trident and a mask. All Heart n Mind got were a blindfold and crown. Lmao
Though Heart is also commonly drawn with wings. Which is semi-canonical according to album covers. I choose to ignore them because I don't particularly have an attachment to the idea!
Getting into the fandom itself, I can recommend looking around for the Chonny Jash Fan Server (CJFS) Discord link. But it can be extremely intimidating and even I just stick to discussion and one other thread channel. (Sides from my au channels which pop up every once a month or so).
Important note is that only Tally Hall covers have to do with HMS. Any of Jash's other music (of which I highly recommend, always) is unrelated. There is also a fan QnA somewhere that was done like a year ago now which has some neat answers in it.
I, again, am happy to go into my interpretations of HMS and the music as a whole but skdmsm saved you the reading hopefully should that be undesired!
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yooniesim · 11 months
Do you have any tips on how to make CC for beginners? Your stuff has inspired me a lot but idk where to start!! >~<
Hey nonny! I'm so happy you're inspired to make cc.
One of my greatest resources as someone that learns better with written tutorials than videos, is the full index of sims4studio tutorials. It looks a little overwhelming at first, but just take things one link at a time. Also, whenever I have a problem, I usually google whatever my problem is along with "sims4studio", and a helpful thread usually pops up.
The threads I return to very often are:
Weight transfer tutorial
UV_1 tutorial
It's slightly more advanced, but if something's fucky and you can't figure out what, chances are it's the weights or the UV_1. So I would learn about those pretty early on (after looking at the more basic tutorials of course). Also, always remember to remove those doubles! (You'll know what I mean when you follow the tutorials, ha)
Anywho, here's a few more resources that I and others in my discord server have found useful for just starting out:
@thefoxburyinstitute tutorial blog
cc making for beginners video tutorial by @powluna
cc tutorial by @myshunosun
written hair tutorial (part 1/part 2) by @simandy
For general advice, I'd recommend to take things very slowly, one step at a time, one project at a time, until you feel more comfortable. There's a teeny bit of a learning curve at first, if you've never touched blender or any image editing software before- but once you've got the hang of things, you're pretty much golden. Also, it may take a little bit to discover what you like making most. For example, I like making hair a lot, but clothing irks me. Some people love clothing and hate hair lol. So if you start off on one thing and find yourself hating it, don't be afraid to drop it completely and try something else. Every project you try is never a waste, even if you don't finish it, it's all teaching you something and building your familiarity with the process.
If you have any detailed questions, don't be afraid to come back and ask me! I'll help with whatever I can. Good luck, nonny 💜
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sailor moon season 5 if they had tumblr
🎤 @threelights4eva follow
The three lights have transferred to their new high school today. They will start in 2 days. Rumors say they didn’t even have to take the entrance exams because of their status, soooo understandable with those dreamy boys. 🥹
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🌹 @butyoudidntevendoanything follow
Is it corny to pop the question to Usako with a pink heart ring? She loves this sort of thing- but what if it’s wrong? Man, I’m so nervous. I hate being away from her, but it will make receiving her letters when I’m gone so worth it.
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🪞@beautywithin-nellie follow
this stupid aah bitch is about to lose her stupid beautiful blue eyes soft haired tall stunning man. can’t wait 2 see her vague me LMAOOO
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🌙 @usagitsukinoz follow
Mamo left for his studies in America! I’m soo excited for him to send love letters and post cards !!!!!!!!! He also proposed to me ;) don’t tell too many people girls! I know you’re reading my blog <3
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🎮 @built-differentshingo follow
have you guys seen this 😂 the boys gotta get on the grind
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🌙 @usagitsukinoz follow
Mamo hasn’t replied to any of my letters… he actually hasn’t sent any either. This guy I’ve never heard of who’s insanely popular really wants to go out with me, but I am loyal to Mamo! He’ll answer me soon! I’ll admit that it’s making me really depressed though…..
also can someone tell shingo to stop posting that weird doom scrolling middle schooler boy stuff? He won’t listen to me because I’m his “annoying stupid sister” ._.
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🗯️ @sailor-moon-updates follow
The three lights have been spotted in various areas where Sailor Moon has been fighting off local villains. The famous SEIYA KOU of the three lights seems to particularly fancy her.
Tuxedo Mask has been no where to be seen in several weeks. Did Moon finally call it quits on her comp het?
Read my thread on why Tuxedo Mask really doesn’t add anything to villain battles: 🧵 (1/67)
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🏎️ @tenoh-haruka follow
gotta take care of my kitten while Mamoru is fucking around doing god knows what in America :) I’ve been told by her little brother that I could be a “discord admin” whatever that means 😎
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🏳️‍⚧️ @search-for-your-love
Imagine leaving your GORGEOUS “fiancé” to study and not even bother to write her back. Couldn’t be me.This is soo embarrassing for him. Like: go boy! give us nothing!
She should just go out with me you know? She looks bisexual enough, dunno. Her little sister is really strange by the way. Do toddlers usually only ever say their name??? what the hell does “chibi!” mean I’m trying to rizz up your big sis 😣
Has anyone seen a bright red haired girl by any chance? No reason. Just curious.
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txcspikes · 18 days
HELLOOO my name is sholto young pokeballer and i like pokemon. is that obvious in a world of them anwayyyysss im justa bba transfer student and im gonna shitpost. cause i got nothing else going on in my life rn uuhhh feel free to talk to me or if you see me in the hallways. not gonna face reveal on this account so unless you know me by name or gliscord yhen you wont know me period
oh uuhhh she/he/they/it iddccc
last update 9/24 13:05 (ooc section update)
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hello! welcome to the ooc section of this blog... please, read it through before interacting! don't worry, as much text as there is, there are brief summaries.
about the mun/mod!
my name is adon! of course, you could refer to me as adonciant or guy either. i dont mind! i go by he/him only, but if you want to use any neopronouns, feel free. i am a minor! my main is @adonciant, which is where likes and follows will come from. of course, all my rp blogs are also listed in my pinned on main!
when a post is signed off with ~🎱, that means its me speaking. it will always be paired with ooc post
─ⵌ call me adon, he/him! main is @adonciant! ~🎱 is muns signoff
pelipper mail/unmail/malice: allowed!
musharna mail/malice: allowed!
mystery gifts: allowed!
magic anon: allowed!
in-character anon hate: allowed!
ooc/questions: allowed!
anyone is allowed to interact with my blogs! fallers, eeby deebys, hybrids, sapients, self-inserts, ocs, and in-game characters are all very welcomed!
if you ever want to start a roleplay, it's best to discuss it with me first within the blogs dms, unless i already allowed an offscreen post.
note: if i dont get around to an ask, never take it personally! i will always read any asks i get, but i just may not respond if i dont find it necessary.
─ⵌ all interaction from all blogs are allowed, but discuss offscreen roleplays with me beforehand. i may not be able to get around to your ask, but don't take it personally!
─the mod is a minor, and the character is 17! slightly suggestive asks are fine, but never should it come close to nsfw.
─if you ever want to establish a connection between our characters, or want to plan events with yours involved, im always open for it! just dm me on either discord [username is adonciant] or on tumblr itself. i will be more than willing to hear your ideas and see what we can do!
─often times, i will do long threads of interaction. i like to reblog back and interact, but if you ever want me to stop without a sign in the roleplay itself for it to end, please tell me! alongside this, my threads do not get tagged with anything.
─there are not many content warnings to this blog. to roughly list, it's only angsty family problems. this list is always subject to change, so stay aware. any triggering topics are tagged with associated tags ('topic' tw)
─ⵌ slighty suggestive asks are allowed, but nsfw is never allowed, always try to contact me if you want to establish connections or events, and heed the warnings! [you will need to read over the warnings.]
extra notes
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hells-sirenqueen · 2 months
~ Rules ~
- I am multi-ship but will only ship with chemistry and frequent interactions. -If you wish to continue an ask to a thread, please move the ask to a new thread. Should you need help with relocating the thread, please let me know and I can get things started and we can go from there. Moving asks makes cutting threads for the dash neater and doesn't clog the dash. -All heavy NSFW RP will be transferred to either be transferred to discord or placed into a read more. I will only do NSFW rps with adult muses & muns. -This is an adult space. Please have your age posted somewhere on your blog or about page. Minors will be auto blocked, as will personal / RL blogs. The mass liking of rps & art shared does get to be a bit much for my notifications. -I tend to be quite busy in the morning and early evening in EST. Please be patient. Most replies will be in the que but on occasion I will respond to things as they come up if I don't have many replies.
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cirrus-grey · 2 years
wanted to show you this. I put your anagram idea in the "statement remains" discord not to long ago (with full credit) and it really took off! we think it may decode to this:
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with the date, obviously. also, since all of the other clues have been posted at 5:00, that might be what the extra 5 is for. good job for maybe figuring it out!
[ID: Screenshot of a Discord post by strawcup515 timestamped "today at 11:33am." Post reads "Okay so: Anagram of Magnus Spider Web, leftover is vfndv, which if you convert to numbers gives: 5 14/10/22 From some comments on the Patreon post."]
Good lord I'm not ready
(Also credit-wise - I should have put it in my original comment, I got the idea from this reddit thread:
All I did was transfer it over to tumblr!)
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infiltraitor · 1 day
HI EVERYONE!!! my name is dakoda yeager and im an UPCOMING CHAMPION RANK TRAINER. thats right. because im so AWESOME and STRONG but im kind of a beginner trainer
im working to becoming a dragon type specialist because theyre BIG and STRONG and FIERCE!!!! just like ME
i live in paldea right now but i have an opportunity to become a transfer student at BBA...... ill be attending once i get some better pokemon B)
for now heres my trainer card!!!!! and YES that is my hair. i style it everyday
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hello! welcome to the ooc section of this blog... please, read it through before interacting! don't worry, as much text as there is, there are brief summaries.
about the mun/mod!
my name is adon! of course, you could refer to me as adonciant or guy either. i dont mind! i go by he/him only, but if you want to use any neopronouns, feel free. i am a minor! my main is @adonciant, which is where likes and follows will come from. of course, all my rp blogs are also listed in my pinned on main!
when a post is signed off with ~🎱, that means its me speaking. it will always be paired with ooc post
─ⵌ call me adon, he/him! main is @adonciant! ~🎱 is muns signoff
pelipper mail/unmail/malice: allowed!
musharna mail/malice: allowed!
mystery gifts: allowed!
magic anon: allowed!
in-character anon hate: allowed!
ooc/questions: allowed!
anyone is allowed to interact with my blogs! fallers, eeby deebys, hybrids, sapients, self-inserts, ocs, and in-game characters are all very welcomed!
if you ever want to start a roleplay, it's best to discuss it with me first within the blogs dms, unless i already allowed an offscreen post.
note: if i dont get around to an ask, never take it personally! i will always read any asks i get, but i just may not respond if i dont find it necessary.
─ⵌ all interaction from all blogs are allowed, but discuss offscreen roleplays with me beforehand. i may not be able to get around to your ask, but don't take it personally!
─the mod is a minor, and the character is 12! both suggestive and nsfw asks are not allowed no matter what.
─if you ever want to establish a connection between our characters, or want to plan events with yours involved, im always open for it! just dm me on either discord [username is adonciant] or on tumblr itself. i will be more than willing to hear your ideas and see what we can do!
─often times, i will do long threads of interaction. i like to reblog back and interact, but if you ever want me to stop without a sign in the roleplay itself for it to end, please tell me! alongside this, my threads do not get tagged with anything.
─there are few content warnings to this blog. to roughly list, child neglect, eating disorders, and running away. this list is always subject to change, so stay aware. any triggering topics are tagged with associated tags ('topic' tw)
─ⵌ no suggestive asks or nsfw is allowed at all, always try to contact me if you want to establish connections or events, and heed the warnings! [you will need to read over the warnings.]
extra notes
full art :)
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dakodas theme in the modern pokemon soundfont ^^
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P S A. P S A. P S A.
As of January 1, 2024, tumblr live will be shut down. Due to this saddening information, I will be moving my live stream (and several other users') to discord. If you would like a safe, enjoyable place to interact with others and/or host your own stream or informational thread, please comment on this post.
Remember my live is, and will always be, a safe space. Please read all rules and regulations before interacting with any channels.
Follow the link now to join:
Let's enjoy the time we have left together on tumblr and prepare to reconnect on discord. Please join ASAP as possible so that you can become familiar with the server and I can assign bouncer roles. If you come up with ideas that have potential to improve or add intrigue to a category or channel - let me know & I'll see what I can do to integrate it.
It breaks my heart to think about the possibility of losing my tumblr fam - so I have created a platform for us to transfer to once December 2023 ends. I genuinely hope to see you all there soon.
There will still be commissions, oracle & tarot reads for sale, intellectual discussion, laughs, content for sale, merch for sale, as well as video and text streaming channels.
I love you all.
May we meet again.
On discord.
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farore-or-less · 2 years
The Dumpster Fire
(Updated 5/23/23)
➳ The Legend of Zelda
Chapter Fics:
Forgotten Instincts : (Rated: Explicit) Having been torn from Hylia and her sealing power, Zelda travels with Link as a companion to appease the corrupted Divine Beasts, but she must hide her identity because his memory is gone and mentality hanging by a thread. She has to live under an alias until his memory returns, even if that means he’s falling in love with the woman she’s pretending to be.
Angst / Smut / Romance / Comical / Slow Burn
How Wild It Is To Be: (Rated: Mature) Zelda’s been attending NHU for two years now, living life to the fullest in the lively, but secluded, northern city of Deku, and Link is a brand new transfer student trying to start everything over. He grew tired of the life that was laid out for him; following in his father’s footsteps, carrying the burdening title of Hyrule’s Champion, and committing to a relationship that was bound to fail. He’s looking for a new path to wander at NHU and maybe, just maybe, he’ll find himself somewhere between the luscious evergreens of Deku and the artsy bookseller with those bewitching green eyes.
College AU / Nostalgic / Drama / Personal Growth / Romance
Something Wicked This Way Comes: (Rated: Teen) Written with the lovely pastelsandpining. It seemed just like any other year when Link pushed his trolley of cluttered luggage through Platform 9¾. His final year at Hogwarts had to be memorable somehow and he was determined to make the most of it, whether it was leading his team to win the Quidditch trophy or pranking the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher to wit’s end, Link was determined to make it count. What he didn’t expect, however, was to have his entire muggle-born life flipped upside down when a flustered French girl stomped into his train compartment.
Hogwarts AU / Magical / Hopelessly Romantic / Comedy / Pining
Signed, Sealed, Delivered: (Rated: Explicit) Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night stays Link from the swift completion of his appointed rounds. Except when he receives a gift in the mailbox from the woman he’s got the hots for.
Shameless Smut / Bad Puns / Lingerie / Happy Holidays Everyone
One Shots:
Of Midnight Findings & Revue {Sequel Coming Soon??} (Rated: Explicit) 15k Words / Male Stripping / Drinking / Corny Costumes / Midnight Romance / Smut
Milk and Cherries (Rated: Explicit) 10k Words / Lust / Wild Hunt / Untamable / Dark Enchantment / Smut
Convenient Lovesongs (Rated: Explicit) 5k Words / Modern AU / Comical / Porn With Fluff / Smut
Pumpkin Spice (Rated: Explicit) 2.8k Words / Cute Smut / Seasonal / Fluff / Pregnant Zelda / Baker Link
Rambles with Artists {Oneshot Collection} (Rated: Teen) Continuous collection of oneshots inspired by my artist friends — art is tagged and posted with each oneshot
✨Looking for a place to hang out with other Zelink fans? I help run a super chill server on discord, here’s your invite! (Must be 18 or older)✨
➳ Trigun Stampede
One Shots:
Touch Starved (Rated: Explicit) 6k Words / Indulgence / Soft Angst / Sexual Healing / Smut
Smoke and Mirrors (Rated: Explicit) 5.3k Words / Memory Recovery / Mild Angst / Comical / Lust / Car Smut
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pctaldrunk · 4 months
alright friends. i have. OFFICIALLY FINISHED. basically all the graphics on the new blog. WHICH I THINK MEANS. i can launch now???
I'm going to be transferring my following list, so if you get a notification from @roscvcins it's ME
All the threads I have currently going can continue to go! Simply @ my new url in the reply or I will try to keep an eye out on this account / on dash. I will attempt to work on what's in my ask box here but they will likely be posted to the new blog. let me know if there's anything you'd like to drop! if we were speaking ooc through ims, my discord username is rosandrosofroses. It's easier to reach me there!
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theofficersacademy · 1 month
       Happyland: Week Four
"This past week pit a lot of you against each other, didn't it? How thrilling! ♡" Diana exclaims. "But in being pit against your rivals so directly, you got to be tested on your bonds with others too. Do you feel like you got to know you and your competitors better? Do you see them in a different light? Oh, how sad so many of them will go then!!"
She giggles.
"This'll be our biggest elimination yet, but it wasn't for nothing! You all worked really, really hard after all, so let's see what their blood, sweat, and tears got everybody~!"
Stone Cog II: Sheep: 24 Rats: 0 Snakes: Doubled team score with Trophy Weasels: N/A
Lost and Found: Snakes: 7 Rats: 6 Sheep: 6 Weasels: 5
Fiend's Crawl: Rats: 14 Snakes: 5 Sheep: 5 Weasels: 2
All Aboard: Rats: 10 Weasels: 5 Snakes: 5 Sheep: 4
Week Three Totals Rats — 93.5 Snakes — 56 Sheep — 52 Weasels — 23.5
Yunaka — Did not meet Objective | FAIL Hilda — Score: 7 | FAIL Bernadetta — Score: 15 | PASS   prize: bring back one chosen eliminated teammate before Week 4 begins Edelgard — Score: 11 | FAIL Etie — Score: 12 | PASS   prize: transfer a large portion of a chosen team’s Week 3 score to your team Andrei — Score: 11 | FAIL Diarmuid — No Objective submitted | FAIL Edward — No Objective submitted | FAIL Michalis — Score: 10 | PASS   prize: three of sabotee's teammates gain sabotee's bane for Week 4, chosen randomly Lukas — Score: 11 | PASS   prize: three of sabotee's teammates gain sabotee's bane for Week 4, chosen randomly
                          Yunaka     Hilda     Edelgard                       Andrei    Diarmuid     Edward                   Alcryst     Ethlyn    Poe     Veyle                  Maria     Byleth (F)     Lapis     Laslow   
Eliminated parties are escorted to Sadland for the remainder of August, where they will no longer be taking part in the main course of Happyland events. You will still be required to make your 12 total event posts if you wish to claim the Grand Prize — plan accordingly with your fellow fallen.
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  North Island: Stone Cog Remastered
"Hmhmmm~ You've all been hunting treasures for so long, but there's still the biggest, super duper best treasure waiting for you all to take it!" Diana announces. A gargoyle flies up ahead through the sky to which the maiden waves towards before she turns back to you all. "Of course, the monsters are preparing their best to defend it too! Heehee. How couldn't they after everything else was taken?"
The final temple looms behind her, grandiose and imposing.
"One last time, it'll be a test of bravery, and stealth! ♡ Some caution is important, but at this point, you gotta take some risks to get the things you really want, don't you? Or else you'll just end up empty-handed and sad. Boohoo~!"
She pantomimes crying, but nothing comes out. No, the thing she gives you all after this is her biggest, brightest smile yet.
"But you're not in this alone! It's your group against the traps, the monsters, the dangers, for the very best!"
What to expect:
Suitable for those who favor feats of stealth, perception, dexterity, and athleticism
This game will have its major decisions take place in the Discord server but players can decide whether they want to write dash threads or chatplays.
Players will report to the North Island location at the start of the week and will be restricted to interactions within North Island.
           East Island: In or Out
"How... How do you like this!!" With an energetic flourish, grander than any of hers in past weeks, Squawky unveils the resplendent castle behind you—fit for a queen of the highest order, certainly. How she made this overnight is a mystery.
"This... this is where... hah... you'll have your biggest stage yet! The queen herself has asked to see you!" An excited flap that lifts her a couple inches off the ground, then settles again. "And she has gifts she wants to give everyone!"
"But! Um, she can't just give them to any old person! To get the queen's gift, you have to be... be... um, oh no, um... what's the word... net... networked, something? Connected? Um, yes, we'll say ' connected '! Well-connected! You have to know a lot about others!"
If a crest beast could blush, you suspect she would.
"Th-The queen wants to see just how well you all know your friends and foes on Happyland, um, the ones here and gone! And if you're not sure, you'll have others you can talk to to help. But... I don't know. Sometimes things can get messy with so many heads. Maybe one calling all the shots is just better?"
What to expect:
Suitable for those who favor feats of authority and charm.
This game will have its major decisions take place in the Discord server but players can decide whether they want to write dash threads or chatplays.
Players will report to the East Island location at the start of the week and will be restricted to interactions within East Island.
  South Island: Champion of Fiends
"Ahem, ahem!" Stood on a podium (thanks Squawky!), Chevy clears his throat and straightens. "Everything - that is, all of the effort you've put into taming and training your fiends these past few weeks - has led to this! This is where your fiends will get to prove themselves, and maybe even get to strut their stuff a little, hehe. This…"
Drumroll, please!
"… is your tournament arc!!"
Small boy raises his arms parallel to the ground, and then goes for the double flex. Impressive, right? "You'll have no choice but to fight if you want to reach first place here. And really - does anywhere but first matter, in the end? Hmph!"
Hands on hips, Chevy nods to himself. "Right! But! Keep in mind, your fiends won't be the only ones doing battle!! You'll be fighting right alongside them, just, maybe not in the formal way you're accustomed to… Hm, hm! All right." Satisfied, he nods again. "That is all! Best of luck!"
What to expect:
This game will have no boons or banes.
This game will feature PVP.  Please consider your comfort level with this before signing up; any OOC competitiveness should not strain the atmosphere of the game.
This game will have rolls conducted in the Discord server but all writing will take place through dash threads.
Players will report to the South Island location at the start of the week and will be restricted to interactions within South Island.
           West Island: To the Top!
"Are you a fixer-upper? Do you like DIY projects? Have you ever thought about flipping hovels for the market? Well, this just might be the game for you!" Emcee announces with a flourish. "Handy muses will find themselves right at home here. From gathering materials to designing a structure, you'll be competing with determined artisans from the other teams to see which of you can put together something strong enough to quite literally destroy your opponents."
Emcee laughs a little, tinny laugh. "Doesn't that sound fun?"
They pat their book emphatically. "You'll need equal parts muscle and wit to succeed here. Good luck, and may the best craftsman win!"
What to expect:
Suitable for those for favor feats of dexterity and insight.
This game will be guided in the Discord server, but all writing will take place through dash threads.
Players will report to the West Island location at the start of the week and will be restricted to interactions within West Island.
"Annnd that's that!" Chevy dusts himself off, then claps his hands together. A job well done, if he might be so humble as to say. Of course, it's not over yet but... ... well, he has to hope that the competitors will be able to go it on their own this week. After all, Squawky, Emcee, Diana, and he have somewhere important to be to work their magic for the remainder of this week, and that somewhere is unfortunately not at their precious contestants' side.
"... Good luck and have fun, everyone," he whispers. "Put on a good show, okay?"
And with that, off he goes to meet up with the other three - and their beloved Ringmaster too!
How to Play:
Week 4 begins on Monday, August 26 at noon EST and ends on Friday, August 30, at midnight EST.
Rules for each game will be explained in the respective channels at the start.
The main IC game events for the duration of the week will count for one thread mastery upon meeting the usual requirements.
If you have read all instructions, your muse may make their week 4 selection here.
Signups will close on Sunday, August 25th, at 11:59PM EST. Priority on each game will be given to muses who were not on that island in the previous week.
Signups may not be altered once they are submitted. Be sure of your choices before you submit.
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summitclan-chronicles · 10 months
I'm curious about the one character rule, is there any specific reason for that?
Oooh, you just opened a 12-ft bag of Excited Nattering.
• Your knowledge is your character's knowledge. I'm gonna be transparent here, I have a massive pet peeve against metagaming (giving a character knowledge they don't have). With multiple characters it's insanely easy to accidentally give one character the knowledge of another, by accident or on purpose to give them the upper hand. If you and your character have the same amount of information, you can't transfer unknowable knowledge.
• Population Control. one thing I noticed about the roleplays of my youth was how big the Clans got, how fast they grew and how often the allegiances were mostly inactive characters. When you combine in-character births with "poof" characters and outsiders joining without rhyme or reason, it causes a Clan to explosively grow in size. There was very little opportunity to gather the entire Clan together, either due to inactivity or sheer volume, and much of the time I felt as if characters in all roles got lost in the shuffle. With fewer cats, the spotlight broadens and everyone can have their time.
• It makes being a parent or mentor special. With everyone having one cat, I can make roles to prevent certain players from seeing the lore. This makes them dependant on more experienced members to teach them, and everything they learn will be a true and genuine revelation associated with that more experienced member that brought it to them.
• It makes it easier to keep secrets. Some plots may be kept quiet for a certain period of time to preserve the shock factor! If everyone had multiple characters we'd have fewer replies written out of genuine emotion ;)
• It requires less time & brainpower. Remembering all the social ties and historical bullet points of multiple characters can prove overwhelming for some, and it can lead to crossed wires too! With only one character you only have to remember things as they associate to your memory - because this reflects your character's memory. Additionally, when you pop into Summitclan for replies, there's no steep expectation or pressure to be in multiple threads with multiple characters at once. You can rest easy knowing you'll only ever have to reply to one interaction at a time, so you'll never have "threads stacking up uncontrollably in the background while i cry on my desk." (<- me.)
• It means I can put your character in your nickname. That way everyone can figure out who is played by who simply by swiping left on Discord and viewing the member list. Easy correspondance!
• It's neat! It makes Summitclan stand out a bit, I think!
But those are (major) secondary reasons. The big reason has its own name I gave it:
The Joy of Immersion.
This is a little difficult for me to explain so bear with me!
Essentially, I first learned about & joined a wcrp when I was 12 (i know! i know! i was a toddler!) and I had one single cat now lost to time. I was so intimidated by the community at hand and volume of the lore (... relative to 2012, anyway) that I decided to keep one cat for now and I would learn as I read others' posts. I didn't have them for long, as petty tween drama burned the place to the ground. But the experience of seeing the fanClan from the perspective of a single cat was formative.
It felt like the difference between, like, The Sims and Facade.
When you play The Sims, you have everyone's thoughts and opinions and intentions directly at your fingertips. Sure, there's some significant autonomy, but if a housemate suddenly gets up mid-convo you can check and literally observe their intent to go eat yucky Mac and Cheese cus their hunger bar is at a cool 25%. There's no guessing when it comes to the people you live with, and in conversations with neighbors you can still see how they feel about you in clear text and color-codes.
In Facade it is a god damn minefield. At nearly every turn these weird gliding people are verbally sucker punching you. To this day I learn about new strings of dialogue that blow me down. In the moment, typing out your little statements, you have no way of knowing whether your statement will unlock the next step of the game or if Trip is going to ferry you directly out of his house like an unwanted Amazon package.
In short... Facade doesn't tell you anything it just victimizes you, and that was what it felt like.
I was only in control of one tiny piece of a great big bicycle, and everyone else whirled around me with their own lives, their own events, their own perspectives - there was no way for me to read them all, and no way one single character could appreciatively tour them all. I had an opinion about some characters that were not shared by anyone else, because we had two different experiences of that character. And because I only had one cat, one set of eyes, I never found an opportunity to see the character another way: impressions had already been set down, the characters already had history, and there was no re-doing it for a different reaction. Plus, every plot point I put into the air was mostly controlled by other players: I couldn't use older or higher ranked characters to help me along, I had to depend on the interest and cooperation of others.
A consequence of that was a serious, genuine sense of pride when my cat progressed. I managed to get her from 6 moons to about 2 years old (which was probably like, 3 months irl, you know how it goes) before the place fizzled away. Because I had spent much of my time learning the lore directly from my mentor and Clanmates both on purpose and through osmosis, and because I generally had only one lens to learn it through, I felt like I had actually accomplished something when the Clan leader messaged me about her warrior name. It felt like I had actually proven myself in a tangible way, which I could go back and point to - "That was the thread where I learned X thing about Y landmark," "[Name] told me about this rp's Warrior Code in this thread."
I have been chasing that precise feeling forever in order to share it with others. It was such a unique and fascinating experience that overcame my entire body during her warrior ceremony, something I had only ever felt when accomplishing things in my real, actual life! What a wonderful feeling to cultivate in others!
My greatest sadness is that, unavoidably, the first generation of members on SCC won't be able to feel that kit-to-elder accomplishment for their first exposure to the lore. But I hope that in the future, when former members come back and see a painting their character made on a rock 6 real-world years ago was retouched in a thread yesterday, that feeling will make up for it.
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kit-just-kit · 1 year
an announcement!
Tumblr media
*After many weeks of consideration, I've decided that this blog will no longer be actively posting threads or my replies to them. I've come to this decision for many reasons - the pressures of my new job, the needs of my family members that take up my time when not working, the regular and nonsensical changes inflicted upon us, the 'glitches' we have to constantly work around and unfortunately, the often toxic atmosphere around some elements of rp'ing.
I'm not archiving or leaving this blog altogether - I'll still pop by every so often, probably a lot less often than I've been managing to do lately, I'll send some asks from time to time, post pics, maybe even a couple of memes that seem interesting and any asks that I get as a result but, as for threads, these won't be replied to any further.
That being said, if we have a thread or multiple ones and you have discord, I'm happy to move writing together to there. For me, discord provides the 'fuss free, spontaneous and no way obligatory' environment that was present on tumblr when I began rp'ing here. I appreciate that it doesn't for everyone, but that's just how it is for me.
So, if you'd like to discuss moving our thread to discord, please feel free to IM and we can get that sorted?
For those who don't use discord, please know that I will miss writing with you very much and this is no way any kind of commentary on either your talent, muse or approach to rp'ing.......this is just something I have to do for myself, at this stage of my life.
I'll also give myself the option of changing my mind in the future on this, hence why I'm not archiving or deleting the blog.
It's been a fun nearly-ten years here (between the old and this present blog) and who knows, giving myself this freedom might make me feel less obligated and therefore, more free to commit to be here more but, I have to be honest, that doesn't seem likely to me at this point.
Anyways, I wish you all well and hope that on the rare occassions here in the future, you'll still interact by posting whatever I might send you and send me stuff in return.
Ta-ta for now,
Sarah (and Kit) xxxxxxx
p.s. on logging in today I discovered that the number of blogs I follow had gone down quite a bit - don't know if this is yet another glitch or something I've done but, if I'm no longer following and you'd like to discuss transferring our currnet thread or starting a new one on discord, feel free to IM/send an ask to me?*
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venaue · 3 months
- Social Media (in my TWST AU) -
this is rly short cz im procrastinating finishing my oc profiles rn... oops edit after i finished: wow i lied MY BAD i did not anticipate this... ahahahaha...
any notes (do i call it that?) would mean the world even a like will make me very happy (pls im desperate.... i did not do all this yapping for nothing... /lh /nsrs) ok first section :sparkles: Magicam :sparkles:
in my au i sorta think of magicam like insta (obviously) except there's like two main sections obviously there's the insta bit which is just . insta . yk photo based and shit
then there's also a section that's essentially just twitter like as in text based posts and twitter type shenanigans and stuff
(think of it like threads but if people actually used threads as much as they used instagram and it was like integrated into the instagram experience and culture and stuff)
therefore insta-type posts and twitter-type posts can exist simultaneously and everyone wins (that's why everyone only talks abt magicam cuz its got EVERYTHING in one) wow!!!!!!!!! ok next section... a twst equivalent of discord... it doesn't have a name idk whether to keep it as discord or not... imagine i call it magicord... /hj ok so i just came up with this idea as im writing this so we're winging it
but essentially its like a main chat system integrated into most games where essentially you login to all games through this account and your username stays the same
it also integrates into in game chat systems and shit
but it also works like discord as its own platform and you can make servers and group chats and shit too
if you add someone in a game it goes straight to their account so like you don't have separate accounts its just all one :3
that's why gloomurai and muscle_red are always the same yk like ur friends list instantly transfers no matter what game u play handy right :333 last section!!!! [ how this is relevant in my au !! ]
im so so so very sorry theres no context for any of the oc stuff i swear ill get the profiles done soon...
ok this is purely for me to yap about my ocs and canon rn so uh yea
idia (gloomurai) lilia (muscle_red) yuuto (infinitelygrey)* & mace (chainflailed) have a group chat and a server and are usually active in them almost every day. they often play games together , idia and mace carry, lilia has fun (though does his part - competitive ass), and yuuto... yuutos trying his best... he'll bite u if u tell him he's doing worse than the rest of them though
yuuto & kiyuu share a magicam page with ramshackle dorm branding n shit (@/snowyruins)**, and they both have a sign off (yuutos is yu & kiyuu's is ki) kiyuu does most of the posts, whether its of himself, or ramshackle's 'cleaning progress' or him exploring outside of their dorm yuuto pitches in once in a blue moon to post dumb memes and/or reply in the middle of kiyuu's conversations to make fun of people ;p or alternatively just a really shitty doodle of someone to embarrass them aros has a magicam account that's decently famous because of his family, though he rarely uses it except to promote his families business yuuto posts his art under a magicam acc also called @/infinitelygrey (he has to resist the urge to draw his friends schoolmates since its anon) *this is a reference... if u get it ill marry you (/j ill just be very happy) **this one i can actually explain right since since yu + ki = yuki and yuki = snow and ramshackle means like 'state of disrepair' so its basically like ruins right right right right??! ok thats all i can think of rn.... i did way too much yapping holy shit i can feel my braincells melting... stay tuned for another one of these regarding a different topic sometime soon??? i have too much brainrot >;3 im actually kinda rly nervous to post this idk why but yolo ig...
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kokonattsu-tokui · 1 year
Reaper x Passive!Nightmare
Hi! Here is my very first fanfic' OS published on Tumblr! I wrote this for a Discord event where you had to place the sentence 'Maybe in another life' in your story.
This is a Reaper x Passive!Nightmare. At first, it should have been a Reaper x Reader... but I had way too much imagination!
This OS is on my Wattpad account (French) too. It will become a long fanfiction. In fact, this text below is just the first chapter. But it can be read with no problem!
Considering that one is immortal and the other is six-
No. There is NO romance.
Reaper!Sans from Reapertale belongs to @/renrink.
Passive!Nightmare from Dreamtale belongs to @/jokublog.
Trigger Warning: Death, weapon, heavy blood, harassment and suicide mentions, injuries, cuss word, mental health(?). It contains some headcanons of mine. May be a bit long!
Enjoy your reading!
Maybe in another life
Sans, better known as the sorrowful nickname ‘Reaper’, detested his job. And that, for several reasons.
Firstly, he was a God of Death. Nevertheless, as it did not seem enough to assign him this horrible work as soon as he was created, he must necessarily be different from his brother. Papyrus was also a God of Death… But the painless death: he was only appearing to pure beings or those accepting their destiny from the outset. Those who were dying peacefully, having peace of mind and light-hearted. Sans, him, had to reap the souls of people who had committed atrocious crimes, whether they repented, whether they regretted... or not. In any case, they were all refusing their death. And were really impolite, mischievous or contemptuous.
Do not get him wrong, he loved his brother. Incidentally, he was wishing him never to know the agonizing aspect of their domain. At least... to never experience it.
Secondly, death knows no rest. He always had to go to such places, at such moments, to such people. He had to listen to the last prayers, the last words, the tears, the harrowing cries of the dying person or their entourage. The evidence being that, even the most corrupt of living beings could have a family, people who care about them.
Thus, Reaper was accomplishing his thankless task. And as the days, months and years passed, he lived simple, complicated situations, some giving him a rough ride, preposterous or frustrating… He was preferring some to others, without actually beginning to truly like his morbid duty.
He was preferring to precisely reap this fragile link between the soul and the body, without an ounce of bitterness. He was rarely granting five more minutes of life to those he was calling 'patients'. After all, his own were clearly not meriting it. This situation was bearable, he was managing it well and it was making his work easier, since the soul was transferred to the afterlife without a problem. Ironically, it was also the one happening the least.
Of course, there were always the other moments more... problematic. More recurrent.
If he had not been able to be present in time to reap the thread of life himself, then it would break by itself. And the complications were beginning because he had to persuade the soul to follow him or manage to catch it. Peace once dead, what a joke!
A whole plan of negotiation was then being put in place, composed of sweet words and anger contained on one side; and fury, fear and despair on the other. Reaper had to make use of all his self-control to convince the soul to finally give up. Several times, he almost lost his temper because a second lost trying to catch a single person, was letting the other dying people of the Multiverse reap themselves and repeat the same actions.
He had to literally chase, run after those spirits sometimes fleeing or hiding from him. However, never for very long: Reaper could feel their presence. He was Death itself, after all.
And there were other situations that were rarer but a lot more arduous… Like those people who, even after the reaping, were not realizing that they were henceforth intangible forever. They were more prone to become Doppelgänger, Poltergeist or any other dangerous supernatural entity in the grip of strong and negative emotions. Especially when they were finally becoming aware of their condition. And Reaper refused that, he did not want to deal with that kind of thing anymore.
He did not even want to think about the souls of Determination or any other strange type that were making him travel for nothing: they were refusing death and even him, could do nothing about it as long as their veritable time had not come. He could ignore them, yet, what was infuriating was that he just did not know how to tell the difference between these ‘false’ deaths and the ‘real’ ones. Those damned souls were dying well and truly but were refusing to accept that fact... and were coming back to life.
Alas, if his instinct as a reaper was indicating to him a Universe where he was required, hence, he had to go there. You never know. Those were the special cases he was encountering every so often.
All of this was wearying him continually. And even if, as a divine creature he did not feel physical pain or tiredness, his morale, which was already not being set fair, was always suffering a blow. Few were finally accepting their destiny after a word, following him obediently without shying away, accepting his scythe on their being or the touch of his hand. Geno had even attacked him several times.
These are the kinds of complaints that were going through Reaper’s head, as he was pursuing a spirit for the umpteenth time. His dark thoughts were whirling, assailing him and angering him as he was letting his body handle the maniac. He sighed with relief when he finally grabbed the child by the hand, sealing them forever in the afterlife. This alternative version of Chara will have given him a hard time… Certainly, he thought, the Frisk and Chara were definitely the worst to reap.
He furrowed his eyebrow arches and pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling the migraine showing up. He teleported himself to his next patient's house, who was supposed to come to him in two minutes. Enjoying his brief respite, the skeleton went into the kitchen and discreetly filled his cup of black coffee still lukewarm. Swallowing the liquid in no time at all, he felt much better. Fortunately, the coffee was helping him to hold on. Even though he knew he was drinking it to excess, the bitter taste was giving him a sensation of a semblance of life. But what he appreciated was the warmth of the beverage that was bringing him a vague impression of melancholy. A feeling of nostalgic plenitude was then spreading throughout his entire being during a few precious seconds.
Reaper washed his container and put it away under his tunic, making his work tool appear. A door opened on the go, the bullet flew, and his client collapsed on the ground. His scythe fell without hesitation as his wings unfolded, ready to take him to his next destination…
Reaper rarely met his brother.
Each of them could feel the presence of the other and know exactly where he was in the Multiverse. This was due to a magical bond whose reason for its existence remained unclear to them. Perhaps because of their status of God? Or a brother characteristic that Gaster had wanted to give them? They were not too concerned about it; it was convenient for them. The loneliness and horror of their work would have already driven them crazy.
Anyhow, their reunion would only be meaning one thing: several people with different states of mind were at death's door, or had already passed away. Many reasons could be the cause: a war, an accident, a disastrous weather event, misfortune… Generally, the two skeletons would only glance at each other in dismay or encouragement. Everything depended on the situation, which could be horrible, unbearable to observe.
Sometimes, the Gods of Death were both finding themselves in front of a confusing case. As surprising as it may seem, they realized that there were people whose death could not take part in their destiny. Like this strange gray child. Ink and Geno were also among those immortals. They were not gods. But it was close enough. They were the only living beings that Reaper could touch without turning them into dust.
It also happened that, from time to time, Core would join him or Papyrus to keep them company. Even though this walking mystery never stayed very long. The last breath, the sweetest it can be, has nothing amusing to observe even for an omnipotent being. Especially close up.
It was ironic. Death finding itself in a dead end. Where it even was no longer the point of no return. Becoming just a formality, sometimes inconceivable, sometimes forgotten or even foiled.
So, when Reaper perceived that he had to go to Dreamtale, the same place where he was currently feeling his brother’s presence, he sighed deeply. What was it going to be this time? The annoyance was already beginning to engulf him. He was already not liking what he was doing, why make his task even more complicated?
Chin up! Perhaps they will simply be in the same Alternative Universe but at completely opposite locations. In addition, he remembered that this world was rather pleasant and sweet and not much else. Well... it was hardly a bed of roses either. He had not been able to visit much to really get an idea, only the few dwellings where he had reaped a few lives. But he still remembered Dream perfectly.
The child who was almost always arriving in time with his golden apples to prevent the death of a person; this one yelling at him, with impetuosity and wickedness. It was clear that the poor boy was being exploited by these ingrates given his Guardian status. His brother Nightmare was not being outdone. Also a victim of harassment without Dream knowing anything about it, it was going as far as death threats.
Reaper gritted his teeth while scything his last soul in the world he was in, his thoughts bringing themselves up again. Now that he was thinking about it… what if it was for them that he had to go to Dreamtale? Those little ones have been surrounded by scoundrels since their creation. The probability was much too high, their short life had been a hell…
Even as a seemingly ubiquitous entity, Reaper could not see or anticipate how his patients were leaving the world of the living. He knew they were doing it, he was coming to them and that was it. However, this time, there was no doubt for him. Everything was coinciding and he was not stupid.
One was taking his own life, accepting the arrival of Papyrus. The other’s life was hanging by a thread, certainly praying for Reaper never to appear.
Shaking his head to avoid imagining this before time, the reaper teleported with a snap of his fingers, ready to put up with the miserable and unjust ending of two innocent children.
Reaper had always been used to predict the worst. Whether he was right or wrong, it did not matter. The outcome always remained the same.
However, when he appeared near this tree with bicolored fruits, his orbits darkened. He was feeling a heavy ambiance around him. It had everything like a ruthless war. The azure sky had made way for an oppressive blood-red one, the glowing red clouds casting a shadow over the earth. The air seemed to have cooled… a cold biting the heart, piercing it like thousands of thorns. What had occurred to the happiness? Vanished. There was nothing left but an atmosphere giving nausea, causing pain and fury to lose the head.
From the Tree of Feelings, there remained only a dried out trunk and branches, the apples entirely pitch black dangling in misfortune. Negativity was reigning supreme from this point forward, having seized this wooden throne coldly receiving it; this new queen overthrowing the balance and the peace with positivity. Murderous intentions, paranoia, depression became its mercenaries. Silence, manipulation, wickedness became its henchmen. And at the foot of it, the unintentional initiator of this coup d'état. A six-year-old skeleton, horrified, holding an ebony stained apple in his hand.
Sans felt his soul pound in his ribcage. He tensed, his hand clenching his robe at the place of the very culmination of his being. Ah… He was feeling unwell. He was feeling swooning... His vision grew darker, he could almost see a veil blindfolding him, his pupils fading. His thoughts let themselves be overwhelmed by an infernal black like a dreadful cumulonimbus. The tornado in his mind was on the increase, crushing every ounce of his reason, knocking over any capacity for judgment. His sadness transformed into grief, his anger turned into rage, his contempt changed into disgust. His body began to tremble violently, his head struck by a throbbing pain. The storm residing inside of him was growing, trying to become a hurricane.
The God of Death was ready to explode. Too much, it was way too much! Biting his tongue until the pain invaded his mouth, he grasped his head with both hands, his fingers sinking into his skull as he was bending over. His erratic breathing erratic, his soul beating faster and faster… Everything was nothing but fog and darkness. He had to free himself, he had to let this hell out! He would feel so good, so better!
One of Reaper’s frightening powers was the creation of black holes. He used them only to catch the souls fleeing from him. But it could happen that in the middle of rage, the blackness consumed him. Then, the inexorable attraction of the celestial body was destroying everything in its path. And that was exactly what was happening. A dark aura began to surround him. And all these voices echoing louder and louder in his mind kept whispering in a hypocritical way the same sentence to him: What is the use in trying to fight...?
The angel of death was falling into the throes of despair and nothing and nobody could prevent it from doing so.
“Sans! Sans! Can you hear me, Sans? Focus on my voice!”
The hooded skeleton felt two warm hands grab his cheeks, forcing him to raise his head. His empty eye sockets met his brother’s worried pupils. Sans could hear the cries of people dying around him, distinguishing blurred movements behind Papyrus who was forcing him to divert his attention only on him. The chaos was still vituperating inside of him, trying to tear him away from that life-saving touch.
In all of this shambles, Reaper had almost forgotten the person who mattered the most to him, the only one who could stop him.
“There, that’s good. Look at me, Sans. Breathe slowly. It will be okay, it happens to everyone to feel overwhelmed.” Papyrus continued in a calm voice. “You feel it too. There is still a glimmer of hope somewhere. All is not lost, don’t worry. Focus on that tiny positivity. I’m here.”
Sans suddenly grabbed hold of this one's wrists, squeezing them tightly as trying to find an anchor point somewhere in the physical world. He was not even aware that he had stopped breathing, submerged by the waves of negativity. He shut his eyes, complying with what the other god was asking of him. Slowly, his grip loosened, his own pupils reappeared. As if a light radiating from Papyrus was piercing through his clouds of qualms, dispelling his intrusive thoughts.
The divine being completely regained consciousness, hit by reality like a slap in the face. It was at that moment that he realized the heavy silence that had fallen on Dreamtale. Everything seemed devastated, abandoned, in mourning. The ferrous smell of the blood was merging with putrid lingering odors capable of turning any stomach. The soil was being permeated by a liquid as black as the abyss and emitting foul effluviums. The scarlet blood was still dripping from the bodies sliced in half with an impressive macabre sharpness. A statue resembling Dream was laying on the ground, next to a rotten trunk.
Shivers were sent down his spine as he was seeing this sudden change from this pacifist Alternative Universe to the post-apocalyptic world. No more living beings, only corpses littering the ground and zombies wandering aimlessly. The unique manifestation of life that he could feel was situated deep inside of this Dream of stone. The souls were screaming each one more so than the other, running away, crying, trying to hold their loved ones in their arms without success. This vision tugged at his heartstrings. Then, the annoyance and resignation took hold of him. Reaper hated his work.
“What happened?” he murmured, still disturbed by what he had just experienced.
Papyrus told him everything. How Nightmare had contaminated all the apples with negativity, explaining to him why Reaper had been affected so sorely by this transformation that eliminated any positive emotion from this world. How Dream had been jostled and trampled mercilessly. How Nightmare was prepared to let himself die by taking a severe beating by the inhabitants. How the God of Death had been ready to extend a hand to him in order to reassure him once he had done so.
Yet, the skeleton dressed in purple had clinged to life. And this change definitely forbade Papyrus to reap his life to his greatest displeasure. He felt helpless, he could only collect one soul from this place: a terminally ill lady that Dream was supposed to save with the last golden apple.
The brother had bit into a black apple, before eating all the others. This, while enduring incomparable suffering as the corruption was trickling from his body. As his bones were breaking, as they could not contain all the evil that was rushing in. He repeated word for word the last wish of a broken being.
He narrated everything to him, without omitting anything, with a distressed face. Papyrus was the personification of Death. But he was still Papyrus. He could not bear the suffering of others. Soon, the child disappeared, drowned in this blackish mass with a fetid smell and deadly tentacles. The screaming, the killing, the desolation.... In the matter of a few minutes only, a whole world had been condemned. In the matter of a few seconds, a pure soul had been soiled with sins.
Sans remained silent during this time, his face wearing an indescribable expression. Papyrus had released his face, standing by his side but no longer daring to look at the scenery that was giving him retching. And once his story was over, he waited for some reaction from the smallest of the skeletons.
Snorting sarcastically, this one gave a faint abstruse smile. In the distance, he could make out the souls of the unfortunate wretches, slowly becoming aware of their state or being contaminated by negativity, changing into ghostly entities and malicious spirits. If he took care of it now, he could stop things from getting more difficult. Ah, life… What a joke in bad taste! He, who had expected to discover two corpses near the Tree of Feelings, was now finding himself hunting spectral monsters. He finally opened his mouth, looking into his brother’s eyes.
“He… It just goes to show… A rotten apple spoils the barrel.” he said nonchalantly.
Papyrus stayed frozen at his sentence, giving him a disapproving look, his mind trying to assimilate what he had just heard. By the time he reacted, Sans had already pulled out his scythe, ready to go to work, snickering slightly at the face of his brother. It was doing him good to joke or make small talk with him. He was feeling his worries were going away just for a brief instant.
“Sans!” exclaimed the tall and outraged skeleton, crossing his arms like a mother scolding her child. “Seriously?!”
Of course, that comment was inappropriate in that situation. But the god knew Reaper well. When he was behaving like that, it was to conceal his angst. A way of announcing that his brother could not care less... when it was absolutely the opposite. Never was Sans speaking to him about what was going on inside his head. Never has he confided in him. They had all eternity ahead of them but Papyrus knew nothing would ever change.
The latter sighed before showing a worried expression again, deciding to change the subject to not get the reaper's back up. He cast a glance at the scowling and hissing apparitions across Dreamtale, wandering around like lost souls, spewing out a slimy and repugnant liquid. And suddenly, he felt the vital need -a way of speaking- to go to another Universe. Here he was again, in connection with a soul. It was bad timing but death never took a vacation.
“Duty calls. Will it be all right, alone?” wanted to assure Papyrus, a little guilty of having to leave Sans dealing with the consequences of the acts of one unfortunate soul.
Oh, he knew he would have no problem defeating them. But death waits for nothing and no one and every lost second counts. This disorder had probably already delayed his brother’s collection of souls.
“Don’t worry, bro. It's not the end of the world. They’re shabby, I’ll crush them to a pulp easily!” Reaper replied with a wink.
The concerned one only displayed a deadpan expression before raising his eyes to heaven, containing his annoyance at these jokes which he did not really appreciate. The off-beat humor, the misfortune of others, the self-deprecation, the polemical subjects…not for him! He waved one last time at his counterpart, wishing him good luck; then he opened a portal and crossed it, taking him away.
Sans, from now, was all alone in this reddish and seedy immensity. Shrugging his shoulders, he stared at a paranormal creature whose potency had increased tenfold by exposing itself to the evil enveloping the world. This concentration of goo was so powerful… it could ravage an entire Multiverse. With a single snap of his finger, he made a Gaster Blaster appear and fired without an ounce of remorse at what was once an ordinary living being. The deflagration and the light beam drew the attention of the other monsters, uttering shrieks before setting on the man with the scythe, feeling the danger emanating from it.
“I’m dying to drink a cup of coffee.” Death gnashed his teeth, his right eye shining with burning magic.
His cold eyes looked at his enemies defiantly. Taking a run-up, wings spreading like a shadow above them, he was ready to call the tune, his tunic twirling at his every move. His sharp blade rose, marking the tempo of a long music score. His Gaster Blaster will constitute the orchestra, his black holes will resonate the last note.
Once again, the angel of death will play that silent melody which was the eternal rest.
A sigh was heard when his weapon cut through the viscosity of the last evil spirit. His scythe vanished and his wings folded back as he was stretching out, his head tilting back to observe the carmine sky. Reaper was slightly tired and out of breath. His ribcage was moving up and down at the rhythm of his irregular respiration, his mouth catching gulps of air useless to his body. If he could feel the heat, he would have all the symptoms of past physical effort. A sardonic laugh escaped him at this observation.
He was a God of Death, an immortal and invincible being. Time had no impact on him, he was even flouting its law. He did not, in reality, need to eat, drink, or sleep. His touch was deadly, his weapons pitiless and the end, ineluctable. Now, at the slightest use of his magic, he was weakening and had to rest? What a quirk of fate!
His reaper instinct called him to order. Again. He had to continue his endless journey. Chasing souls, reaping, visiting the underworld from time to time. He had to forget this Alternative Universe like so many others. He clenched his jaw. He had enough. But the strings of fate were keeping him obediently under its control, like a puppet. He had to obey or it would be chaos. And everything would be his fault. Again.
He shook his head. The dismal village was standing in front of him, the harrowing silence of the place was driving him mad. No breath of wind, no bird’s song. He felt that there were only two survivors left. One turned into stone, the other was several kilometers from the village. Which was surprising. Maybe that person was immune to this corruption. Feeling uneasy, Sans prepared to say farewell to Dreamtale and teleport elsewhere.
That was when he heard it.
Sobbing, hiccups, a reedy, muffled little voice whining. Was it Dream? Had he freed himself from the spell? No. His new soul was in a lethargic state. But then, who? A ghost he would have forgotten in all likelihood? If he did, why could he not detect it?
Turning to face the hill where once stood the majestic tree, Sans put his hood back in place, starting to walk slowly towards the origin of the noises. Once he reached the top, he could not help but be surprised. Lying on the ground near the decaying roots, the statue of Dream, facing down, was covered with dust and was a sorry sight. The few remaining puddles of negativity had melted and dried around him. Notwithstanding, that was not what Reaper was looking at.
On his knees, being in floods of tears on his petrified brother. He was embracing him, the pearls of water drenching the rock. His white cheeks were now puffy, letting his tears flow endlessly, that were going to soak his nice purple clothes. The circlet on his head, formerly of a brilliant gold, was from now quite morose, almost ocher. His little hands were grabbing onto the only one who had always mattered to him. He was trying to nuzzle against the cold and uncomfortable back of the Guardian of Positivity, trying to find the reassurance that he had lost through his own fault…
“Sorry! Dream, I apologize! I’m sorry! Forgive me!” he was sobbing, apologizing again and over again, his breathing jerky.
It was obvious that the little skeleton was tormented by guilt. He had never wanted this. And this heart-rending vision left a bitter taste to the God of Death. He will never experience this cruel pain in the loss of a loved one. On the other hand, just the thought of losing Papyrus was making his heart beat violently. He comprehended this attachment and all the hardship and happiness that it could bring.
“Wake up! Please, don’t leave me!” Nightmare was running out of breath, begging. “I’ll play with you! I’ll read you stories, I’ll keep teaching you to read! I’ll do anything for you, so wake up!”
The boy was being subjected to the worst torture, even after he had passed away. The psychological and physical suffering he had to endure since his birth was by far one of the worst that Reaper had ever seen during his reaping. Good grief, what the hell did fate want to do with him? Could it not leave these poor children alone?!
Without thinking, on an impulsive thought of wanting to console the child, Sans took a step forward. He stopped immediately, lowering his head, staring at his foot as if it was not belonging to him. But what exactly was he thinking? His assignment was to send the dead to the afterlife, not to help them heal from their torments! At the slightest touch, this tormented soul would perish and be finally freed. Yes, that was what he had to discreetly do.
He looked up. His eyes caught Nightmare’s open wide eyes, rooted to the spot, completely frightened. His body was trembling all over, his hands never ceasing to clasp his brother in a protective way.
“Damn it…” the god muttered.
“W-Who are you?!” cried desperately the child in purple clothes, clinging a little more to Dream.
Reaper rarely hesitated about how to proceed. The times he did, it did not end well. But at that very moment, he was lost. Moreover, although the child looked tangible, his translucent body suggested that he was now a spirit. So logically, he had to reach the kingdom of the dead. But if that was the case, where was his body? He had like... disappeared.
If only he had not had a nervous breakdown during the previous events, he or Papyrus could have seen what was going on behind them! There he was now, in front of a saddened ghost whose soul and body were nowhere to be found and his presence imperceptible! He was finding himself with a new special case on his hands! Reaper was irritated by his own behavior.
He was lost in his thoughts, his tense expression and his empty gaze alarming a little more Nightmare. All of a sudden, he felt his soul establish a connection with the latter. The Guardian of Negativity had its essence held somewhere in the Multiverse. What Sans was seeing was only an unstable and wounded illusion, ejected from its own body. The shadow of a specter. His instinct was from this point forward, yelling at him that he had one more patient. So, he had to accomplish his mortuary duty.
He clenched his fists. In one jump, one hit, it could be done. No complications, no time lost. Sans was not fond of empathy. It was a troublesome and hurtful feeling. If he had lacked it, he could have fiddled with his scythe without ever feeling anything for the deceased.
Despite that, the angel of death did not want the true end of the little one to be achieved in such a brutal manner. He had already had enough roughness in his short life. Overdoing it until the end would be just intolerable. He had to brush him or better, convince him to take his hand.
The personification of Death advanced toward his patient.
“Don’t come any closer!” shouted the apparition, leaping up to place himself in front of Dream.
With his arms outstretched to protect his loved one, Nightmare was staring fiercely at Reaper. It was obvious that he was tetanized by fear. His body was trembling and yet, he was drawing deep in his courage to maintain his gaze, sniffing from time to time. The tears had still not dried. Did he even know who he was dealing with? No, of course not. He was only six years old. And even the books he had read were just tales for babies. But he was smart. He must have understood, deep down inside.
“Relax. I won’t touch your brother.” Reaper reassured him with a placid smile.
To avoid provoking him, the hooded one stopped at a good distance from the skeleton child; who did not drop his guard for all that. Argh… How come Papyrus could find patience and witty remarks so easily? He had absolutely nothing in mind to appease the boy with the moon circlet. His black orbits were probably not inspiring trust to him. Perhaps, he had also seen his 'massive cleaning' just a few seconds ago. In any case, he could only acknowledge his bravery. What a pity that he would only show it when Dream’s safety was compromised, and not his.
“You are somewhere between life and death, a kind of in-between.” Reaper began in a voice that wanted to appear gentle. “Your brother will be fine; he’s having a nap. He’ll wake up. But you, if you stay… you’ll suffer. This world will consume you. Come with me. Where I'm taking you, peace is finally waiting for you.” He finished by holding out his hand in a benevolent gesture.
“I don’t want to. I want to stay!” protested Nightmare shaking his head.
“I’m afraid that's not possible, kiddo.” Sans replied in a bittersweet tone, restraining himself from being sarcastic.
There was no exception to the rule. After all, it was the much talked about common trait among all his patients. They were all refusing to accept their death. This was all the more so as natural for a person who only survived six years. The little boy had not even begun to live, that he already had to leave us, to part with his twin. It was breaking his heart but he could not afford to let a spirit wander, especially in a condemned Universe. He took a step forward, his wings shuddering with an unpleasant shiver.
“I can’t go! P-Please, leave us alone! I won't do it again, I promise!” cried out Nightmare, tears in his eyes. “I must take care of my brother! I must stay with him!”
His crying was showering his face once more and he had a runny nose. He could not hold back his emotions, he, who had to hide so much before. Dream was all he had left. Even the villagers did not succeed in taking him away from him. The God of Death clicked his tongue, his gaze averting the being in front of him. He was torn between affliction and the obligation to end this. The weight of these new remorse would add to the others and haunt him forever.
“Please! I want to stay with Dream!”
With a somber and contrite face, the god escaped from the eyes of Nightmare. It only took him half a second to reappear next to the little boy. His crow wings had majestically spread, the iridescent feathers hiding the sinister cinnabar ether. Their shadow singularly had a soothing aura, like a warm blanket enveloping the two brothers. The look of Sans softened, his smile becoming melancholic.
In a single second, he is within easy reach. Death never waits.
The skeleton child began to turn his head, his pupils expressing stupefaction and despair. But he did not have time to react.
Death never gives any chance.
“Sorry, kiddo. Maybe in another life…” whispered the adult, his hand tenderly placing itself on the top of the child’s head.
Death is forever inevitable.
And always and forever, Reaper will loathe his work.
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