#discover the finland dreams
sbijon24 · 8 months
🔥 Unveiling The Secrets Of Northern Lights! Discover Finland And Norway's Dream Destinations!
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ts1m1kas · 2 months
Original Ask: I was gonna request a cute little Kimi Räikkönen one-shot (Any gender is fine!) in which they're both drivers (Team doesn't matter for me, go wild!) in 2007 and after Kimi wins his first WDC they go to Finland for a holiday he promised MC that he'd take them to if he wins. During the holiday he finally gathers enough confidence to confess his love to them! ( @anicega )
Word Count: 820 words
(author's note: i hope you enjoy my loves !! thank you for all the support on my other f1 fics 🫶)
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Throughout his years at Ferrari, Kimi Raikkonen had made many friends and curated a large collection of achievements and memories. But, his favourite was undoubtedly his friendship with Y/N.
Y/N L/N was the other Ferrari driver who was just as successful as Kimi. Their friendship blossomed as they spent more and more time together. However, one thing that came up all the time was a promise that Kimi made when he discovered Y/N would become his teammate.
“I’ve always wanted to go to Finland. I’m jealous that you’ve gotten to experience it,” Y/N said to Kimi.
The pair sat in the Ferrari garage, waiting for their instructions on how to pose for Y/N’s announcement photos. They had been talking and introducing themselves, which eventually led to them discussing their home countries.
“Tell you what, when I win a World Championship I’ll take you to Finland. So we can celebrate.”
“Really? You’re the best Kimi! I can’t wait to be your teammate.”
That was where their friendship began.
Now, many years later, they were inseparable. Wherever Kimi went Y/N followed and vice versa. The pair knew everything about each other from their favourite colours to their favourite childhood TV show. So naturally, when Kimi became World Champion in 2007, no one was more proud of him than Y/N.
Kimi was true to his word though and as soon as he could, the flights to his home country were booked. Y/N stood in the airport, a huge smile adorning her face the whole time she was there. Kimi could practically feel the excitement radiating off her.
The flight was short and before they knew it, they were leaving the plane and Y/N was getting her first sight of Finland.
“Thank you again for doing this Kimi, it really is a dream come true.”
“I’m a man of my word.”
For Y/N, the next couple of days were bliss. She spent them exploring with Kimi and finding out new things about the country she had longed to visit. However, for Kimi, they were torture. Having to spend so much time around Y/N alone meant he realised his feelings for her weren't completely platonic.
Seeing her smiling and laughing in his hometown sparked something in him and Kimi knew he wouldn’t be able to hold back his feelings for much longer.
Y/N had woken up early that morning to watch the sunrise. She had always found comfort in watching the sun come up from behind the early morning mist, giving her time to relax her mind and body for a little longer.
She sat cross-legged in front of the big bedroom windows, her eyes transfixed on the orange hues of the dawn sky. Her face was illuminated by the warm glow of the sun as it gently rose. Kimi stirred from his sleep as the light shone on his face too. He sat up slowly in the bed and stared ahead of him, except his eyes weren’t on the sunrise. Instead, he found himself staring at Y/N, unable to pull his eyes away from her.
“You know, you’ve always reminded me of the sunrise,” Kimi stated, breaking the silence.
Y/N jumped and turned around, “I didn’t even realise you were awake she said with a smile.”
As Y/N turned around, the light behind her enveloped her body, glimmering like a halo and Kimi swore he fell in love right then and there.
“You look beautiful.”
“You always do. I’ve always thought you were beautiful.”
Y/N’s face flushed red and Kimi smiled at her reaction.
“Y/N, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you and I don’t know how else to say it apart from that I’m in love with you. Since we met on your first day at Ferrari I’ve known that I would fall in love with you.”
“Kimi- I- I love you too.”
They stared at each other from across the room, both unsure of what to do or say. Kimi gestured for Y/N to come and sit with him and she followed his instruction. When she sat down, Kimi brushed her hair behind her ear and cupped her face with his hand.
Y/N let out a breath she didn’t realise she was holding as she leaned in to place a kiss on Kimi’s lips. They moved in sync and Kimi moved his hand to rest on Y/N’s waist.
When they broke apart, Kimi smiled softly at Y/N, “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to do that.”
As they sat in content silence, Y/N moved to cuddle into Kimi’s side. Her eyes flicked back over to the window where the sun was nearly at the top of the sky. All she could think about was how glad she was to be in Finland.
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aziraphales-library · 22 days
Hi! I'm looking for fics set in ancient history, preferably including extensive descriptions of the ancient cultures. I don't mind NSFW, but mainly I'm looking for a good story and interesting plot. The longer the fic, the better!
If it helps, I really enjoyed "Do You Know What Eternity Is?" by Elderly_Worm and the "Mistakes Were Made" series by eag
Thanks! 💕
Hello. You can check our #through the ages tag for fics. Here are some more to add that feature different cultures...
Camel-travel star-gazing by Sad_Wet_Bretzel (G)
Crowley had tilted his head back. His eyes were still covered by dark lenses and Aziraphale wished he would just take them off. It was night, and the nearest human was twenty metres away, their back turned to them. “See that one?” the demon said suddenly, pointing eastward. “S’ one of my favourites.” or Aziraphale and Crowley are assigned to the same caravan, travelling from the Ghana Empire to the Mediterranean Sea across the Saharan plains. The perfect cover to innocently spend time together.
some chocolate to sweeten the deal by Enelica, sevdrag (G)
“Heathens.” Crowley snorts. “Did you know they’ve already discovered four of the planets? Lot of work went into those, let me tell you, and these clever bastards have spotted four of them already. Britannia should weep.” Aziraphale’s smile softens in pleasure. The angel’s too soft over humanity, and unfortunately, it’s one of the things Crowley likes best about him. “Did you know they’re only eight hundred and ninety years off calculating when the earth began?” The angel glances away, and Crowley has to cover a sharp breath at Aziraphale’s profile, pale and happy. “That’s the closest anyone’s gotten, I believe.” (Written for the Days Of Their Lives zine with incredible art by Enelica!)
we'll get there fast, and then we'll take it slow by in_deepest_blue (T)
"Hurry over like a horse, but take your time like an ox laden with treasures." One summer in late 19th-century Japan, Aziraphale learns about a fascinating tradition during Obon, the festival to honor the deceased, which reminds him of his hopes for a future with Crowley. A look into four different stages in Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship, all set in Japan during different seasons and time periods.
A Juhannus Night's Dream by kittygirl2210 (G)
Aziraphale is sent up to Finland to bless a Midsummer festival, Crowley goes with her on her own "assignment". The pair thus get roped into helping with the celebrations. Aziraphale and Crowley are fem presenting in this, and it takes place between Edinburgh and St. James' Park! (Note: contains some Finnish Fem!Aziracrow art!)
The snake of healing by Sad_Wet_Bretzel (G)
Aziraphale stared at Crowley, who stared back. The angel looked the same, if a little travel worn. His river coloured eyes crinkled slightly at the sides as he took in his friend’s appearance. Crowley tightened her trembling fists, nails digging into the skin. or After a particularly nasty punishment from Hell, Crowley retreats in the Chicama Valley and becomes an artisan. Aziraphale comes to find her.
Mistakes Were Made: The Book of Crowley by eag (M)
Based on the biblical Book of Tobit from the Apocrypha. Ephesus, 400 B.C. Commanded away from Aziraphale's side by an infernal master, Crowley is forced to use his time-stopping powers for Asmodeus' dirty work while Aziraphale is left wondering why Crowley has disappeared. As Crowley sinks ever deeper into despair, Aziraphale is sent on a journey accompanying a human from Nineveh to Ecbatana. Of course, mistakes were made...
- Mod D
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follivora · 5 months
me and @wednesdayday are flying to finland tomorrow exactly almost one year after discovering jere, life is a dream fr 🥹
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oneshotdepresso · 4 months
aaaaree youuu still doing the "give me a made up fic title" ask?
heres something to wiggle the braincells—
the term "double copula" has made my brainworms writhe ever since i found out what it is. i'd like to see how would a theoretical bojere fic with that title will go.
arrrrre youUUUU?
yes im still doing those!
just looked it up and oh, i didnt know there was a term for that phenomenon omg,,,, the more you know 🌠
while double copula seems to refer only to the double "is", ive noticed that english has a lot more examples of these awkwardly repetitive, but somehow grammatically correct or acceptable phrasings
is is, has had, that that.
i can see a fic titled "double copula" to be a lil introspective character study oneshot. probably bojan-centric bc he's the one who's more fluent in english and would more likely notice the phenomenon. but i could also see a jere-centric version— he's trying to improve his english skills and finds himself reading or hearing a double copula, and his curiosity spurs him to learn more abt it.
but let's go with bojan bc he's the overthinker here LMFAOOOO
anyways, the fic could start off with bojan reading a book during his rare free time. his eyes pass over a sentence with double-is. he looks it up, discovers the term "double copula", and his mind starts to wonder. he and jere are two peas in the same pod. "we have the same dreams, the same goals... we love together."
they're very similar to each other despite their surface appearances. contrary to the belief that opposites attract, bojan and jere gravitate to each other like magnets. that's when bojan starts to compare them to double-is
is is.
bojan and jere.
the thing is, a double copula is generally considered to be grammatically incorrect. or at least, an editor might advice u that there's a better way to word things. this is the point where bojan begins to spiral. at the same time, he and jere exchange messages, feelings obviously brewing between them. he notes how much they match, how perfectly they'd twine with each other. but the double copula continues to haunt him: the long distance, their clashing schedules.
fast forward to bojan visiting jere in finland. tension rising between them. neither can help it, they keep coming back to each other, attaching themselves to each other's hip. it culminates into a confession and some sloppy making out.
jere blabbers on in his crappy english and bojan comes to the conclusion that grammar is fucking stupid.
who gives a shit abt whether something is "wrong" or if their love seems like an impossible task?
that shouldn't stop them from trying.
back home, he scrolls through his phone while lying in bed. he suddenly realizes two things:
the usage of "is is" can be valid in a pseudo-cleft sentence, and;
what true love is, is whatever the two of them have.
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sitp-recs · 10 months
Hi I looooooooooove your rec lists you have helped me through SO much by making it available to read any kind of fic I need at that time!!
I was hoping for any recommendations for angsty & ptsd drarry fics with nightmares and anxiety/ panic attacks. But Draco and Harry help eachother through it and use sex/BDSM as a coping mechanism / to help each other heal. My all time favourite is Scenes of Surrender by Rasborealis, but I've never found anything like it.
Hi there friend, so happy to know you enjoy the recs! Scenes of Surrender is fantastic and while I don’t read a lot of BDSM in general, I do love me some fics exploring mental health issues and sex as a coping mechanism. I hope you enjoy these, btw I haven’t read Freedom to be but from what I’ve heard it might be a good fit :)
Begin As You Mean To Go On by @doubleappled (E, 2.8k)
The first time, it was an accident. The second time, Harry’s going to have to ask.
A Pain of Our Choosing by @lqtraintracks (E, 6k)
It’s 8th year and everyone’s still a bit messed up. Harry and Draco fall into being messed up together.
Wicked Game by Cassiopeias_shadow (E, 20k)
Harry and Draco fall into a spring that allows them to enter into each other’s dreams - but Harry doesn’t quite understand what’s happening, not at first. Why does he keep seeing Draco having kinky sex with a dream version of Harry? And furthermore, why does he like it?
Inside Your Mind by @lazywonderlvnd (E, 36k)
Goyle's taken it upon himself to act as Malfoy's personal, one-man guard and Harry can't help but feel like it's only making the bullying worse.
He Who Must Not Be Normal by lettered (E, 41k)
Potter has fame and fortune and posh clothes and all he wants is a simple life. Draco has a flat and a cat and a steady job and all he wants is a complicated life. Which makes you think this story has something exciting like body-swapping, but it doesn’t.
The Waiting by @oknowkiss and @babooshkart (E, 43k)
It’s been almost ten years since Draco Malfoy disappeared during a routine Curse Breaker training exercise. Harry, his partner in more ways than one, is determined to figure out why. As the past resurfaces and the present fades into confusion, Harry discovers the only thing more unreliable than memory is love.
What Shall Not Be Unearthed by @iero0 (E, 49k)
At the northernmost point of Shetland, surrounded by pointed cliffs, towers the Ootsta Lighthouse on a small isle in the middle of the open sea. Little does Harry know that he's not the only new lighthouse keeper. Draco Malfoy is as obnoxious as he always was, with his posh tone of voice and his luxury yacht jumpers. Harry tries his best to avoid the git—who knows what he's up to anyway?
Chocolate and Pastry by agentmoppet, anemonen (E, 50k)
When Pansy bets Draco that there is no chance he and Harry could carry out a genuine romantic relationship, he and Harry form a plan. But as their fake relationship progresses, Draco sees a side of Harry he never expected. Harry is struggling with something, pushing it far down inside him where he doesn't have to acknowledge its existence.
I Am Not Who I Became by mab_di (E, 93k)
Draco left England after the trials and has travelled the world meeting wizards and Muggles from different cultures and with vastly different relationships to magic, each other, and the natural world. Now he's a fisherman in Finland on commercial vessels. Harry has been struggling since the war and has become a recluse while trying to write his autobiography.
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itwasnotahamster · 1 year
- Letters from the Dead -
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Kråkstad, 24 August 1990 | © The Old Nick | Source: Letters from the Dead
The brackets will indicate possible context or corrections (sometimes commentary). - 💜
“Beheld Nick! It’s Dead here. 
Hey didn’t I wrote down the titles on the tracks on that tape?! I was sure I did… As for the other bands I have no idea now of what those were so I can’t tell you… But our 2 songs are (in the order. I always tape ‘em) the Freezing Moon and Carnage. I must ask you- what is a rapido-graph pen??? The only kind of pens I have are the ones I’m writing letters with, till they runs out and I must buy some new. Or simply something I just find… Yeah it’s shit to draw with the same kind of pens one is writing with but I guess I don’t have any choise [choice] ‘cos I must write so many letters so all the money goes to buy that kinda pens… but I’d like to know what that professional drawing pen is. And are you using that one? Is it ok if I send you 5 Asphyxia 7” , 5 Disharmonic O. 7” and 10 Merciless LP’s + a free copy for you? That’ll cost you £ 155000. You can pay now or when you receive the records at your post-office or when you have sold the records, it’s up to you. The price of 155000 lires sounds really expensive but the postage is included in that price (it’s very high price here t send anything by mail), or if you want it sent by airmail it’ll cost you £167000. I don’t think you’ve heard Dish. Orchestra, they’re Austrian and not many bands are from there, the only band I can listen to from A. Is Pungent Stench but they’re too much Grind I think. Dis.Orch. sounds strange but Pungent S. is much better. But if Pungent Stench is sold in Italian shops and stores already it’ll be too hard for you to sell them. Is the split-LP Dish.Orch/Pungent Stench for sale in Italy? If not, I suggest you to order that one instead of those 7”s. The very best one of these is the Asphyxia 7” but I can’t send you more than 5… I’m sorry but they’re limited (1000 ex) and when I’ve sent you these 5 copies we have only 15 of ‘em 7’s left and we’re the only who have any copies left to sell so only some few people can get them. 
Hey man, what the hell are you using on your stamps? I need to know ‘cos the kind of glue (<—?) you have on it can’t be seen unless by someone who suspects it’s glued. We mostly put glue on our stamps before but too often they discovered it at our shitty postoffice and teared them off. It’s shit that we can’t use glued stamps on parcels with records in it. To send out records is our biggest expencies, and if we could, we would have so much lower prices on our records. But the fact is that when we send out parcels with more than 6 records it gotta be some stupid sheet on the side of the carton, that they at the post o. put all the stamps on, and tears off that part of it with the fucking stamps on so the receiver can’t find any stamps on the parcel and of course then can’t send back any stamps. We mainly send out 10 rec’s or more each time cos almost everybody can sell around 10 rec’s… Norway is very expensive in everything, take an example- Sweden is also expensive, compared with the rest of Europe (I know, ‘cos I am from Sweden) but there almost everything is the half price of compared to Norway. Especially it’s much cheaper to send out records or any mail from S. Than from N. I think only Finland and Switzerland and Japan is more expensive than Norway… 
I hate to live in Scandinavia and my dream is to come away from this hole. If I’m forced to live the rest of my life in Scandinavia I would choose Iceland or Greenland instead of this shit. I hate almost everybody here and in this local area I hate everybody. If something at all happens in this country it’s there Metalion lives (Slayer mag and some other mags and bands are there) in Sarpsborg, but it’s more than fucking 60 km to that place from here. 
Hey about those records, do you also want Malicious Intent, I must say that they aren’t so brutal and not real Death Metal… but that’s up to you of course. I don’t decide what records you shall buy nor what records we shall sell. If it was only I who ordered in vinyls I would throw a big part of what we sell (like yucky Nomed as one example!) but we’re more than only me in DSP. Except the recs I just counted up we have only one that I put value on and that’s the Schizo LP, that you surely can see in every Italian record shop, yeah? We’ll soon get a limited 7” of Carcass imported from Mexico, St. George’s Hall, Bradford 15/11/89, live of course (1000 copies). Personally I hate Carcass and I can’t stand those trendy clone bands but I thought you might be interested + some demos of Dorsal Atlantica (Brazil), limited to 250 copies. I don’t know yet what the price on ‘em’ll be but I’ll inform ya of it. 
Do you think you can give me the addresses to Paul Chain and the guy who comes from Transylvania’s Carpatii Palatul…. That made me feel like my brain is bleeding, man! If they don’t mind you give out their addresses of course. It seems to me that Transylvania has stopped in time, not in the cities of course but fuck the cities! You know there are about 1-2 million people in Transyl. who’re of German origins. I heard that they shall speak 15th century-German… And that they still have garlic everywhere to protect the houses from the vampire and rituals to avoid the “stregoica” [Strigoi] to come, and exorcism rituals on “suspected” bodies that can have been killed by a vampire… Do you know if that’s true? I’m only interested in the Carpathian areas of the Transylvanian highland ‘cos there are all the castles. Have you heard of that secret tunnel inside the mountain up to Countess Bathory’s castle? I’m not sure if her castle is “the Mandarin” in the very North (I think in Suceava) or if it’s that one a bit South of “Pandarin” called Csejthe, on the edge of the Carpathia. But however now that tunnel’s exactly destination is forgotten and people’ve been trying to find that tunnel inside the huge mountain — up to the castle- for hundreds of years… I’ve also heard or  read somewhere that not only Bathory was the “special” one who lived there but also lots of other maniacs, killers, vampires, sorcerers and vampires lived there. But only E.Bathory got known of ‘cos of her record in mass murderer. Some witch that’s supposed to be immortal- whose name is Cilorgia shall live in that castle by now. I can read that Bathory was Transylvanian and that she came from a “big” and rich Transylvanian family but the Hungarians claims that she was Hungarian (?)… If I’m not totally wrong, then it shall be turk skeletons impaled left around Vlad Țepeș castle, Hunedoara (a valley beside it with 20000 impaled Turks + some other Vallachians [Wallachians]+Moldavians and more) + a forest with craniums nailed to the trees + remains of boiled people and so on. The typical “Dracula’s” castle are both in Brașov (Bran) and in Brad, which confuses me totally. There shall be heaps of other stories/legends/history/tales (or whatever) than only those about vampyrism like in the Western Carpathians there shall be some cemetery called “Chapel of St. Eisel” (in Somesul it is) where a cranium with horns and fangs was found and it’s thought to bleed whenever a soul is lost to Lucifer. Over that place it shall be some place called “Mount Albac” where some weird oracle shall have been. In the mid-Transylvania, between ‘ the mountains there is a huge swampland that is inhabited and haunted by lots of ghouls. A mountain in Transylvania is called “Funnel of Hades” I don’t know anything more about it but what a brutal name or what! [sounds pretty metal to me] How I hated the ex-dictator Ceausescu (in Romania), he extinguished many ancient ruins and castles there!!!! I’m not concerned by policy at all but that guy wiped away 3 fucking towns to build a royal castle for himself. I’ve heard that the new prime minister there not shall be much better — Ilinescu. 
There gotta be some reason of that there are so many different names of vampires in Transylvania, each one is a different sort of vampire. Over here we only know of one name. My goal in life is to visit Transylvania and Moldavia and to learn everything of the legends there that rarely are known of in the West. Also in the Soviet Union it shall be stories told from father-to son since hundred of years ago about their Upir, that isn’t know of outside of Russia. I’ve been obsessed by horror since my fucking birth and it’s been only “worse”, the more I hear about those Eastern legends I wanna move to Transylvania more extremely much more! Do you know if they have colonies of their porphyrians in Transylvania (like with the Leper colonies)? It would be totally great to meet a porphyrian! If they have some particular hidden places for porphyrians there, I wanna live among them, maybe I could get a job as a blood bringer for them… As you probably know, they have (at least they had under Ceausescu) extreme problems in electricity and they could have a lamp lightened for 2 hours each day or so, the weird thing is that it shall be bands there though (but only Heavy Metal). I heard from a friend in Hungary that it shall be a “metal” zine in Transylvania, but I don’t have that address. Do you know some more about Lycanthropy/werewolves? I don’t know much about that anyway. I try to find flowers of that kind that are supposed to be fed by the moon light but I don’t know the name of those flowers. Only of one, but I don’t think it has anything to do with the moon- Wolvesbane, that one is thought to “infect” humans to werewolves, it’s very poisonous anyway. It grows only at very strange places and I doubt it at all exists in Scandinavia… I’d like to collect plants that are superstitions of. I guess the people in-or from Translyvania think that the views, we who’re not from there, have of that place sound strange to them. Especially those vampire movies. So much crap-movies have been produced, only a very few, are of value. Bram Stokers novel “Dracula” made probably the most of how our idea of Dracula looks like still in these years. I think it was wrong done of Stoker to mix all togeather [together] different legends in Transylvania to one “noble man” or aristocrat that he called Dracula. One legend was Vlad Țepeș, the impaler (the only one it’s prooved he really existed) the warlord and the Romanian peoples hero, but he also massacred his own people. Another legend is vampyrism. Or it’s not simply one, actually it’s one kind of a stregoica- sorcerer of the Black Arts that can manage shape-shanging into animals (but not into bats so I don’t know from where came the idea of the vampire-bat) another one is the Nosferatu (Nosferatu means “undead” or “back from the dead”), Drac, Odorofen (orig. name I think), Vrkolak, Vrykolakas (Greek), Draculae, Upir (Russian), Dupir (Turkish) Ordog, Pokol, Vampyr, Whamphyr, Vampir, Dracul (Transyl. Moldavian), Dracula (Vallachian [Wallachian]), murony, muroin and strigoin… and so on and on… I don’t know all of the names, maybe you know some more??? The weirdest thing about vampyrism is that it was so spreaden out, all over the whole world (but in the West Europe not really until about 150 years ago). The idea of that when someone loosing all his blood that also the soul follows with it is really old and someone who then sucks out someone elses blood then must take thet ones soul and keep it. So for thousands of years ago or maybe even longer back in time than that people around the world have had some kind of a vampire tale from that idea of the blood is the soul and life. I can not understand how people of that time could find out the legends of wolf-men... have you ever seen a wolf in a zoo or something like that? The only difference between a wolf and an ordinary dog is that a wolf is wild, got about some 100 times smarter brain and stronger instincs. 
We have in Norway-Sweden-Finland-and Russia (Kola half -island) in the north a place called Lappland, in case you don't know, we got some strange animals up there, also wolves (but not so many). Another animal that lives up there is the Musk Ox, it's a kind of "ancient cow" with twisted horns and long hair but they're very rare (I've seen them only once hone I was up there in the very North). I don’t think it was the idea of the wolves themselves that made people find out about werewolves — but their reaction at the full moon. Also humans reacts at the full moon but I think that is growing away more and more ‘cos it was really many generations ago since the humans lived in forests near the nature so now we’re only used to computers and disgusting technology [couldn’t agree more]. Humans adjustment to newer times and hi-tech shit has made our brains different, our instincts are almost gone etc. But I believe that for some hundreds or thousands years ago we could feel alike the animals in many manners. Have you been living alone in a forest for a longer time? Have you then felt how your mind can “turn back” to be more primitive… at least that’s how I feel it then. I’m working on that for example when I need new (old…) and different ideas for lyric material. I’ve tried that out, to sit alone in a lonely and half-broken down cabin in a dark forest, by night. The worst thing about the modern time is the modern way of thinking and too much can be explained. But I must end here. You have now the prices and you know of what records you can order so don’t forget to tell of how many you want and of what you want, ok. So I hope to hear from ya soon, pal. Oh yeah, of course you can send back the copies you eventually can’t get rid of, but if so I suggest you to wait to some time later to see if you can sell ‘em then instead— or in worst case you can send ‘em to someone else in Italy who can buy/sell (we can find one, if so). Be evil — Not openminded! Only Black is true, only Death is Real!
Gore is trend! No fun - No trends! C-ya!
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cruger2984 · 10 months
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THE DESCRIPTION OF SAINT LUCY OF SYRACUSE The Patron of the Blind and Throat Infections Feast Day: December 13
"Those whose hearts are pure are temples of the Holy Spirit."
Lucy, or Lucy of Syracuse was born of a noble family in Syracuse in the year 283 AD, and believe it or not, she is one of the best known virgin martyrs, along with Agatha of Sicily, Agnes of Rome, Cecilia of Rome and Catherine of Alexandria. Her father was of Roman origin, but died when Lucy was five years old, leaving her and her mother without a protective guardian. Her mother's name, Eutychia seems to indicate that she came from a Greek background. Lucy's name can branch from two words: 'lux' (Latin) meaning 'light,' and 'lucid' (English) which means 'clear,' 'vivid' and 'intelligible.'
At an early age, she secretly consecrated her virginity to the Lord, and she hoped to distribute her dowry to the poor. However, Eutychia, not knowing of Lucy's promise, and suffering from a bleeding disorder, feared for Lucy's future. Agatha had been martyred 52 years before during the Decian persecution. Her shrine at Catania, less than 50 miles from Syracuse, attracted a number of pilgrims; many miracles were reported to have happened through her intercession. Eutychia was persuaded to make a pilgrimage to Catania, in hopes of a cure. While there, Agatha came to Lucy in a dream and told her that because of her faith her mother would be cured and that Lucy would be the glory of Syracuse, as she was of Catania. With her mother cured, Lucy took the opportunity to persuade her mother to allow her to distribute a great part of her riches among the poor.
Eutychia suggested that the sums would make a good bequest, but Lucy countered these words: '…whatever you give away at death for the Lord's sake you give because you cannot take it with you. Give now to the true Savior, while you are healthy, whatever you intended to give away at your death.'
News that the patrimony and jewels were being distributed came to Lucy's betrothed, who denounced her to Paschasius, the Governor of Syracuse. Paschasius ordered her to burn a sacrifice to the emperor's image. When she refused, Paschasius sentenced her to be defiled in a brothel.
It was the year 304 AD, during the Diocletianic Persecution. Christian tradition states that when the guards came to take her away, they could not move her even when they hitched her to a team of oxen. Bundles of wood were then heaped about her and set on fire, but would not burn. And finally, Lucy met her death by the sword thrust into her throat.
According to later accounts, before she died she foretold the punishment of Paschasius and the speedy end of the persecution, adding that Diocletian would reign no more, and Maximian would meet his end. This so angered Paschasius that he ordered the guards to remove her eyes. Another version has Lucy taking her own eyes out in order to discourage a persistent suitor who admired them. When her body was prepared for burial in the family mausoleum it was discovered that her eyes had been miraculously restored. This is the reason that Lucy of Syracuse is the patron saint of those with eye-related diseases.
Her major shrine can be found in San Geremia in Venice. Her traditional feast day, known in Europe as Saint Lucy's Day, is observed by Western Christians, and she was honored in the Middle Ages and remained a well-known saint in early modern England.
This is particularly seen in Scandinavian countries, with their long dark winters. There, a young girl dressed in a white dress and a red sash (as the symbol of martyrdom) carries palms and wears a crown or wreath of candles on her head. In Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and parts of Finland, girls dressed as Lucy carry St. Lucia buns in procession as songs are sung. It is said that to vividly celebrate St. Lucy's Day will help one live the long winter days with enough light.
Villagers from Barangay Sta. Lucia in Magarao, Camarines Sur, hold a novena to St. Lucy nine days before her feast. A procession of the saint's image is held every morning at the poblacion or village centre during the nine days leading up to St. Lucy's Day, attracting devotees from other parts of the Bicol Region. Hymns to the saint, known as the Gozos, as well as the Spanish version of the Ave Maria are chanted during the dawn procession, which is followed by a Mass.
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unofficial-sean · 1 year
I just discovered the Moor frog... beautiful. They're native to Finland and the males become blue during the mating season.
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they are imagining amplexis with each other.
But they're both too shy to admit it to one another. And so they part ways, both not realizing each other's desire for one another. They never cross paths again in the great, cold bogs of Finland's wetland biomes.
They find a homely female frog, robust and brown, impressed by their songs and full of eggs in May. They pair up and spawn a new generation of Moors; the tadpoles left alone to figure out life, just as they once did. They hop away from their partners to feast on bug, not realizing that this will be their last mating season.
They feel their bodies starting to fail of old age and wonder how different their lives could have been if only the had croaked, right then and there; in each other's embrace, in the humid air, under the overcast sky of Scandanavia.
They croak their last croak, and close those froggy eyes for the last time. And dream of each other. Before it all cuts to black.
I'm making myself cry, I shouldn't be allowed to write things.
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dross-the-fish · 1 year
This is kind of out of nowhere, but I've just discovered Beast in Black, a fairly bitching Power Metal band from Finland, and "Moonlight Rendezvous" just screams Adam, to me. It could describe some of how he might feel about the world, and his personal hopes and dreams. His coercing Victor into making him a bride obviously underscores his need for human connection.
It also helps that you could also argue that Frankenstein is something like an extremely early entry in Cyberpunk as a genre, considering Victor's obvious focus on Transhumanism - just expressed biologically instead of with implants.
Oh! I'm familiar with this band and I do like this song! And yeah, listening to the lyrics I can definitely hear some sentiments that could apply to Adam. The loneliness that comes with being created rather than born and the desire for companionship. It's also funny you mention Cyberpunk in connection to Frankenstein because one of my biggest inspirational draws for how I write my own version of Adam comes from Blade Runner. Specifically the replicant Roy Batty.
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Adam as a character (at least, how I interpret him) would be perfectly at home in a grim, dystopian, perhaps even pseudo apocalyptic setting.
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sbijon24 · 8 months
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ao3feed-larry · 2 years
The Sun Never Sets
by cecinestpaslwt
Louis Tomlinson has been running an Airbnb cabin in the forest of Finland just north of Helsinki for a few years now, perfectly content with his rotation of guests and his dog Clifford by his side. Enter Harry Styles, a posh, know-it-all model who makes himself a little too at-home on Louis' property during an exhausting week-long booking.
When an unexpected snow storm hits, Harry's time at Louis' home is inevitably extended - much to Louis' dismay. Will the pair emerge from the blizzard better or worse than when it started? Will Harry tell Louis the little secret he discovers along the way? Why the fuck does Harry stick his tongue out when he eats?
tldr; Grumpy Lumberjack Louis & Posh Model Harry Styles get snowed in and live out their enemies-to-lovers dream.
Words: 2068, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Alessandro Michele, Clifford Tomlinson
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Posh Harry Styles, Lumberjack Louis Tomlinson, Grumpy Louis Tomlinson, Top Louis Tomlinson, Bottom Harry Styles, Miscommunication, Mutual Pining, Famous Harry Styles, Non-Famous Louis Tomlinson, Louis Tomlinson Has A Secret, Enemies to Lovers
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/OEc2KeF
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geekychick503 · 1 year
So, I never post. Pretty much strictly a reblog kinda gal. But..... Y'all!!!
I gotta share the wonderful and thoughtful packaging that came with the stickers I ordered from @annilta .
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Like, how cute are these cards?!?! I'm dying. I've been a fan of her comics for forever and am so happy that I ordered these stickers from her.
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I'm in love with the shiny-ness of them (which of course doesn't come across in the pictures, but trust me. It's perfect!) And, I love that they're like the perfect size. Now I'm debating if I even want to put Dream on my water bottle lol. I might just need to hoard him.
So, check out her comics and store!
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lilygracies · 1 year
My first-day writing diary
First, I would say that I decided to create a Tumblr account because I want to record my journey as a normal college student together with finding someone to help me with my writing skills on this platform. This is the place where I used to share my experiences, what I have faced throughout the day, and the whole 4 years of college or you can just simply think that you are reading a silly diary of a Vietnamese girl..hehe... Then give me some feedback about my writing... I'm willing to receive your feedback. Right now, I'm gonna tell you about my 1st day as an English tutor for sixth-grader.
I woke up late in the morning at 7A.M. Then as normal, I grab my phone and surfed Facebook. In Vietnam, we usually do it, that's why the old generation always calls us "The lazy Gen Z". In ancient English, they will call this "Dysania" which is used to describe someone that doesn't want to get out of his/her bed in the morning. I know this is a bad habit but I'm trying to get rid of it recently. At 9AM, I used my motorbike to go to my student's house. His name is Hai. Unfortunately, Hai is busy in his piano class... well actually, I was misheard the day for tutoring him. It was on Thursday but I mistook it for Saturday.... I was waiting for so long that his parent asked Hai's friend to come and study for him instead. The girl is the same age as Hai. She is so elegant, charming, and cute. Because I was prepare my lesson plan carefully and neatly, I was so confident to tutoring her... we learn about the Solar system, doing quizzes and game..that was just so Amazing...We talk to each other and she told me that her sister was studying in Finland at Aalto University in Espoo. I thought her family is rich and the special thing about her family is they love to study, discover new things, and go outside the world. That is what I wish my family could think about. My family is in the countryside of Vietnam. My parents are both farmers so they did not encourage me to go to university. They just want me to go to Japan or somewhere in the world to work as a manual worker for earning money. But I know I love studying, seeing my sister at college, a wonderful horizon for a study that I never stop dreaming about made me suffer from stress for a long time. My parent says that going to university cost so much money and they can't afford it. At that time, I was crying a lot, I won't tell anybody and stop talking to my parents..... But one day, I don't know why I made a call for my uncle and convince him to talk to my parents to persuade them to allow me to go to college. Then he agrees and there you go... I'm here as a college student. Sometimes, thinking back about that interval, I criticized my parents for that a lot. But it was just not the case right now. I think I've made some small changes recently, reading books (my favorite one is Atomic habits by Jame Clears), learning IELTS, preparing lesson plan and enjoy the world, working in Ho Chi Minh city is a different life from the countryside. I love Ho Chi Minh city sometimes charming, sometimes appealing and dynamic but also lonely. This place give me the opportunity to discover myself, and teach me how to be mature and better day by day even with some stumbling blocks (or a-knock- out I thought). ... I will try 200% effort not for anybody but just for myself... I promise, this is my commitment...
Back to the story of tutoring, when Hai's sister came home after her Pre-IELTS class, she want to learn IPA so I teach her and Hai's friend at the same time. I also play Dan Hauer Video On Youtube for them to learn English and I was so surprised that they like that a lot. Hai's sister is 14 years old but she is so intelligent, she has learned Chinese, piano, extra-math-class, swimming, martial art, etc. I discovered that she like reading books and learning Chinese like me so I will have to teach her these fields as her mother asked me to do.....(sigh...). At 11 AM, the class finish but unfortunately, it rained outside a lot... I went to the dorm in my motorbike with a soggy look.. But I'm still happy... I know I love teaching and I'm enjoying it...
Ho Chi Minh City, Sat 8th July 2023
--Lily Gracies--
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lehdenlaulu · 2 years
Speaking of genealogy, I just discovered an ancestor of mine was on trial for witchcraft twice in the 1600s. A dude, actually, which is true to statistics on the male/female ratio in known witch trials in Northern Europe and Finland in particular.
He was apparently a reasonably ordinary foot soldier and later landowner of peasant origins but he was also known as a folk healer and a bit of a seer. Apparently, among other things, he predicted several fires by dreaming of foxes and could summon wild animals to him by whistling in the woods.
As for the trials, he was apparently acquitted both times which makes him luckier than many other folks back in the 1600s. 1660s in particular was when death sentences for witchcraft peaked in Finland -- I mean, 33 isn't a lot on European scale, but still.
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miselblog · 2 years
Rare Beauty of Raahe
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Do you ever long for a place of tranquility and beauty that you would very much want to escape to when everything gets too overwhelming around you? Or do you have a place of your dream where you can be alone with your thoughts? 
There were so many tourist destinations nowadays that you can see in blog posts. There are those elegant restaurants and high buildings with the busy streets and people. There are also places where we go to for their natural beauty like these pristine white beaches or clear waterfalls. 
Of course, we cannot rule out the places who are rich in culture and history which you cannot wait to discover and experience yourself. However, don't you ever want to go to a place that will not only give you a beauty but also a story? 
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If you do, it seems like I have the best place for you. It is a rare place of beauty and peace that is just right for tired souls who want to recuperate and take a break from the chaos of this world. 
This place is especially perfect for lovers of the history as it will transport you back to the 19th history with its old houses and museums. The place is not also rich with the story of the past but also with all the stories of people living in it. 
Are you curious where can you find it? Then, let us now explore the rare beauty of Raahe.
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Raahe is a quaint and warm seaside town in Finland with its old, wooden, and historical attractions. You heard it right. It is a coastal community situated in the Gulf of Bothnia and is even known as the "Town of Sea Winds". A lovely and peaceful town with sea air and a rich history.
It seems the perfect gateway for our longing souls. But wait, it gets more exciting than that. To give you a brief background, the town was founded by Count Per Brahe the Younger, the Swedish statesman and Governor General of Finland, in 1649. 
The plan for the said town was patterned after the ideals of the grid plan of the Renaissance. In fact, the oldest remaining picture of the Old Raahe dates from 1569 which shows the town being surrounded by customs fence with about two customs gates. 
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In 1810 however, the lovely town encountered a huge fire where most of its houses and records were destroyed. From this, a new town plan was drafted for rebuilding the town which consists most of what Raahe is now. Despite this unfortunate events however, the town school and church were saved from the fire. 
Now that you know its history, let us get more familiar with the small wooden town Raahe is known for its wooden town center and historical museums. It also has its own small-town events like the Raahe Music Week, the Brahe Classica, Pekka’s Day, and the Jazz on the Beach Festival. 
Now, let us get to the most famous spot in Raahe, the Old town of Raahe which serves as one of the oldest towns in Finland. There, you can find the Pekkatori Square where the neo-classicist houses of Fontell, Montin, Frieman, Hedmansson and Kivi-Sovio, and Lang are situated. 
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Beyond this, the Old town also has the oldest dwelling in Raahe namely the Sovelius House which was built in 1780. Can you think of anything more interesting and delightful than what this town has to offer?
Whether you want sea air, history, festivities, or just a beautiful and peaceful scenery, Raahe can give it all to you. If the abovementioned sites and features of the town still not convinced you. Then maybe this most essential feature of the will. 
Raahe is known for its welcoming and cozy people coupled with its calming environment. This is the very place for you to just be yourself and shed all those pretenses and pressures from the outside world. 
Here, you can create your own pace and time as you slowly immerse yourself in the rich history and beauty of the town. Indeed, Raahe is rare in its wonder and beauty. The perfect combination of its coast, old wooden houses, museums, and festivities will make you want to get back to it as soon as possible.
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