#discovery 2x14
startrekuniverse · 4 months
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al-the-remix · 4 months
I know nothing about 911 but seeing all the bucktommy posts makes me really interested, if you don’t mind could you give a short introduction of the ship/which episode(s) to watch for them? Thanks!!
Hi! So the ship is a very new one and they don't have a lot of screen time yet, so their relationship only appears in season seven, episodes: 7x3 to 7x6 and then 7x9 and 7x10. Tommy Kinard as a side character also shows up in episodes 2x9, 2x12, 2x14 (in an off-screen capacity) and 2x16.
As for the introduction, the lore with this show runs sort of deep, but as condensed and simplified as I can give it to you: the decision to introduce bi!Buck and Tommy and his love interest was made very last minute (like as the first few episodes of season seven were coming out kind of last minute...) as the tv show switched networks from FOX to ABC and was working with a protracted season, (10 episodes in stead of 18), so this first season you see them together in has a very "let's see how well this works and if the general audience approves of it" kind of vibe.
Obviously, it worked for me! And the general reception has been good. Personally, I find their dynamic fun and genuine; the show runner was aiming for a non-heavy coming out story with a romcom twist, which I think they succeeded at. Buck (or "Evan" as Tommy calls him) is sort of the obvious favourite of the show in the audience and the writer's eyes, he's gotten a lot of development over the years, but has stagnanted recently on the romance side of things and also in his professional development, (which is partly the fault of the writers and partly just bad luck with maintaining actors). So I think a lot of fans are excited to see him "off the hamster wheel", as they say, in the love department. This opens up the possibility to explore other plot lines with him as a character in his professional life and personal life now that hes in a steady relationship.
Tommy we don't know much about yet, other than he was deeply in the closet when we first see him in the season 2 flash-back episodes. He's not initially a very warm, welcoming, and accepting person, but it's implied that a lot of that behavior was influenced by his environment and poor upbringing, and he is quick to make amends and befriend the main characters when he's shown to be in the wrong. He used to be in the army, and is a fan of cars, martial arts, and rom coms. The way he talks in the season seven episodes makes it clear that he's done a lot of self reflection since we've last seen him (and since he's come out). He's shown to be an open and honest person who does his best to show up for the people he cares for, and once Buck is in his line of sight, all that attention is turned his way.
I think with this ship what people are most excited about is the potential it demonstrates: Buck as a character is someone who's been on an aggressive misson of self discovery and understanding, he's been actively looking for a romantic partner to have a committed, mature relationship with, he's someone who's willing to give a lot of himself away to his partner and is desperately hoping to have that attention and affection mirrored back at him.
What little we know about Tommy so far makes it clear that he's mature and willing enough to be that person for Buck: if it works out and the writers allow him to be. I just really enjoy what little I've seen so far, and with the show being back to its regular 18 episodes next season and Tommy pretty much confirmed to return, I'm interested and invested and hopefully in where they may take this relationship next.
Also I feel like I need to add if you're going to engage with the fandom specifically for this ship, do it through the #bucktommy tag on tumblr, because it's a real mine field out there right now, lol.
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goodwhump-temp · 1 year
9-1-1 Lone Star Owen Strand (Rob Lowe) Whump
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1x01 Pilot - Discovery of lung cancer, in shock, saves son from overdose 1x03 Texas Proud - Chemotherapy, feeling the side effects, weak, drunk, throws up, angry outburst 1x04 Act of God - Chemotherapy, feeling the side effects, pale, throws up, confronted about hidden cancer diagnosis, comforted 1x05 Studs - Chemotherapy side effects (its not puking <_<) 1x06 Friends Like These - Threatened by "nemesis," reveals cancer diagnosis, threatened with retirement/betrayed 1x07 Bum Steer - Collapses/passes out, sweating, exhausted 1x08 Monster Inside - Emotional 2x01 Back In The Saddle - Emotional talk, risks life 2x02 2100 - Bottling emotions, watches friend die, in shock 2x03 Hold The Line - Helicopter crash, trapped in abandoned mine, passes out from lack of oxygen, collapse, carried, IV 2x05 Difficult Conversations - Emotional (but this man does not cry), falling in love again 2x06 Everyone and Their Brother - Life in jeopardy saving someone in a minefield 2x07 Displaced - Emotional damage 2x08 Bad Call - Son kidnapped, emotional damage/breakup 2x10 A Little Help From My Friends - Drunk, severely depressed, relatable talk with lonely child, depression intervention, dog health scare 2x11 Slow Burn - Recovery, tight lungs/coughing, "unmoored" (bro wtf), knocked unconscious 2x12 The Big Heat - Wrongfully imprisoned, unnerved from talking to a psychopath, bandaged/blistered arm 2x13 One Day - Stapled, gunpoint 2x14 Dust to Dust - Caught in dust-storm, almost falls down elevator shaft, betrayed 3x02 Thin Ice - Falls, unconscious, bleeding, headache, taken hostage 3x03 Shock & Thaw - Taken hostage by cartel, hurts his head, tense standoff, taken hostage again, dangerous fight 3x04 Push - Emotional 3x05 Child Care - Emotional Pain 3x07 Red vs Blue - Patience tested (failed), gets in a fight, bruised face, bandaged wrist 3x08 In The Unlikely Event of an Emergency - Plane engine blows up 3x09 The Bird - Scratched by bird, reveals depression/PTSD after 9/11, emotional, guilt, emotional talk with The Bird (;-;) 3x11 Prince Albert in a Can - Hurt hand punch, emotional moments with girlfriend, life targeted 3x12 Negative Space - Life targeted, two scary encounters 3x13 Riddle of the Sphynx - Strange argument with girlfriend (anger management issues) 3x14 Impulse Control - Talks about anger management therapy 3x15 Down to Clown - Anger management therapy, clown induced panic attack 3x16 Shift-Less - Facing trauma, emotional pain 3x17 Spring Cleaning - Punched 3x18 A Bright and Cloudless Morning - 9/11 PTSD, cancer resurgence, caught in building explosion, trapped under rubble, serious head injury, bleeding, hallucinating, emotional, hospitalized, rescued, weak 4x01 The New Hotness - Coping with loneliness 4x02 The New Hot Mess - Tense, risking his life 4x03 Cry Wolf - Mysterious black eye, paranoia 4x04 Abandoned - In danger, threatened by the Honor Dogs 4x05 Human Resources - Life targeted 4x06 This is Not a Drill - Upset, paranoid, facing the Honor Dogs, in danger, knocked down from explosion, risking his life with a bomb, jumps out of moving vehicle, exposed to laughing gas
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captain-kermit · 1 year
Hey fellow queer trekkies!! Want a great way to start off pride month?
We're hosting a star trek pride watch party today at 1pm EST where we'll be watching:
Deep Space 9: 2x07 rules of acquisition
Deep Space 9: 4x06 rejoined
Enterprise: 2x14 stigma
Discovery: 3x08 the sanctuary
Lower Decks: 3x06 hear all, trust nothing
Feel free to just pop in for an episode or two, or stay the whole time if you want to/are able!
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tailsrevane · 2 years
[tv review] tos 2x08-2x14 (1967)
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no dessert until you eat your play-doh.
2x08 “i, mudd”
this is absolutely a much better mudd episode than “mudd’s women,” but mudd episodes are just… not great episodes? i’m glad that they was so much better in discovery, and i’m sure his episodes will be great in strange new worlds if he ever shows up there as well. which is funny because i actually like the way he’s portrayed in tos a lot better than the way he’s portrayed in discovery? like, conniving con man who gets under the captain’s skin is way more star trekky to me than just… “straight-up a murderer.” but the episodes around him in tos are just… ugh.
i loved all the silly stuff kirk & co did to try to confuse the androids, though. definitely the highlight of either of tos’s mudd episodes. c-rank
2x09 “metamorphosis”
i don’t have a lot to say about this one? it’s just… kinda boring and lonely. cool that they introduced zefram cochrane for later shows (even enterprise) to do a much better job with, i guess. d-rank
2x10 “journey to babel”
this would be a landmark episode if only for introducing spock’s parents and two founding members of the federation (the andorians and tellerites). but it’s also got some of the most plentiful and in-your-face play-doh food of the series, an absolutely bonkers star trek fight, a murder investigation, dr. mccoy doing bullshit star trek medicine, a space battle… there’s kind of a lot going on in this episode! it really is one i always look forward to. i really think this kind of stuff is tos at its best. a-rank
2x11 “friday’s child”
… and this is tos at its worst. seriously, this is so boring. it’s just 45 minutes of nothing! and oh yeah, my abusive ex “ironically” loved mccoy slapping that one lady across the face and then her following him around all doe-eyed for the rest of the episode. so, you know. not exactly an association it’s easy to get out of my head, and not a pleasant one in the first place.
i’m not just docking it because of that, though. it was already extremely bad all on its own. d-rank
2x12 “the deadly years”
the best part of this episode is when they reuse footage from “balance of terror” to make it look like the enterprise is under attack by the romulans. c-rank
2x13 “obsession”
hey. hey. what if we did “the man trap” again, but like, kinda worse? like, not bad bad, but just kinda… ever so slightly worse? and added a whole thing where the monster of the week was just super in captain kirk’s head. and he takes it out on some poor hapless security guy. wouldn’t that be fun!!
… would it not? where are you going? c-rank
2x14 “wolf in the fold”
yeah, okay, it’s bad, but it’s still a star trek murder mystery, so it’s at least watchable!! seriously, though, jack the ripper is a disembodied psychic force of evil? and he sounds like that? go fuck yourself lmao. c-rank
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bussterj · 2 months
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I'm watching Star Trek: Discovery 2x14 "Such Sweet Sorrow (2)"
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trekkiehood · 2 years
But he does find a new balance and his name is Jim Kirk 😭😭😭😭
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xbcaptain · 2 years
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This thing is gonna blow in 90 seconds. There’s an emergency level for the blast door... I can bring it down manually...  from the inside - seal off the rest of the ship. No.
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the-goofball · 4 years
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kajaono · 5 years
We really came a long way. Starting with people complaining about the beard and ending with people getting so used to the beard that they were super confused when they saw Spock without it
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ouchthatwasgood · 5 years
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Paul Stamets in Star Trek Discovery (Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2)
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bamfness · 5 years
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claudia1829things · 5 years
"STAR TREK DISCOVERY" Season Two Musings
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Below is an article that I had written about Season Two of “STAR TREK DISCOVERY”.  Parts of the article is an amalgamation of previous posts about the series’ second season:
"STAR TREK DISCOVERY" SEASON TWO MUSINGS There have been plenty of articles on the Internet that many television shows with successful first seasons usually decline in quality with its second season. This is known as the "second season curse". I do not There have been plenty of cases when the quality of a television series has improved with each succeeding season. However, I do believe there are some shows that adhere to this theory. When it comes to Season Two of the CBS All Access series, "STAR TREK DISCOVERY", some believe it had . Most Trek fans either believe that Season One of "DISCOVERY" was a disaster. Many were put off by Michael Burnham, who is portrayed by an African-American actress, as the series' lead. Many had complained about the series' serialized format. And there were numerous complaints about the season's ambiguous portrayal of its main characters and the Federation. Despite these complaints, "STAR TREK DISCOVERY" managed to become a big hit and attract many fans. Unfortunately, the show runners had listened to these disenchanted fans who considered themselves "veteran" Trekkers and made certain changes to the series for its second season. I usually have no problems with a series making some kind of changes. It is necessary for a series to develop. However, some of the changes or additions to Season Two of "DISCOVERY" . . . bothered me. Season Two began with the episode called (2.01) "Brother", when Captain Christopher Pike of the U.S.S. Enterprise, took emergency command of the U.S.S. Discovery after his ship was damaged during the crew’s investigation of seven mysterious red signals. The last signal led Pike and the Discovery crew to an asteroid made of non-baryonic matter, where they discovered the U.S.S. Hiawatha, damaged during the Federation-Klingon War of last season. How did the Hiawatha crew’s rescue play a role in the season’s overall arc? Were the events of "Brother" more about rescuing Commander Reno and adding a new character to the series? If so, this was a piss-poor and vague way to do it. Reno could have easily been transferred to Discovery as its new chief engineer without this convoluted set-up to bring her aboard the ship. Also, she had played a very limited role in the second season’s narrative. By mid-season, I found myself wondering why she had not returned to Starfleet Headquarters on Earth, following her rescue. I did not learn until after the finale had aired that she had been officially assigned to Discovery. Huh? And there was the matter of a primitive Human colony on a planet called Terralysium. The Red Angel had led the Discovery to the colony and prevented its inhabitants from being destroyed by an extinction-level radiation shower. How did this play a role in Season Two's overall arc? Burnham and the Discovery crew eventually discovered that the signals came from a time travel sentient being called "the Red Angel". And the Red Angel turned out to be Michael's presumed dead mother, Dr. Gabrielle Burnham. Since viewers learned that Dr. Burnham's overall goal was to make the Federation aware of dangerous artificial intelligence called "Control", why did she go out of her way to bring attention to the Hiawatha crew and Terralysium's inhabitants? As it turned out, Dr. Burnham was not involved in those situations. Michael was. Michael had ended up using the Red Angel suit in the season's finale, (2.14) "Such Sweet Sorrow, Part II". And she was the one who had sent the seven signals, including the two that led Starfleet to both the Hiawath and Terralysium. Really? Was that show runners' way of explaining why the Red Angel led the Discovery crew to situations that had no major impact upon Season Two's narrative? Frankly, I found this rather a waste of time. Perhaps Michael wanted to save Commander Reno and allow Terralysium to survive when Discovery arrived in the future. But honestly, the show runners and their writers could have handled this with tighter writing. Or perhaps the above scenarios were inevitable, since the show runners had planned to send the U.S.S. Discovery over nine hundred years into the future. Imagine, a serialized television show's format or setting undergoing an extensive change in the middle of its run - during its third season. The series went from being about a Starfleet science vessel during the 2250s to one that is exploring the future. Why? Alex Kurtzman claimed that he had wanted to take the series into a new setting so that the writers would not have to work hard to connect the series' narrative with the 1966-1969 series, "STAR TREK". Especially since the latter series is set a decade after "DISCOVERY" and so many fans have been crying plot holes upon discovering that Michael Burnham was the adoptive daughter of Spock's parents, Sarek and Amanda Grayson. Pop culture fans can be incredibly stupid sometimes. And so are the television show runners who listen to them. Taking the U.S.S. Discovery some 900 years into the future struck me as one of the most unnecessary moves the show runners could have made. I also find the whole idea ridiculous. "STAR TREK DISCOVERY" began in 2256 - a decade earlier than "THE ORIGINAL SERIES" and aboard another Starfleet ship . . . with a different crew. There would have been NO NEED for the series to make a concerted effort to connect with the 1966-69 series, despite Michael Burnham being the adopted sister of Spock. At best, Spock, Sarek and Amanda can make the occasional appearance on the show. If "DISCOVERY" ever lasts as long as those shows between 1987 and 2001 - "STAR TREK: NEXT GENERATION", "STAR TREK DEEP SPACE NINE" and "STAR TREK VOYAGER" - the series' setting would have ended in 2263 or 2264 - at least two to three years before the beginning of "THE ORIIGNAL SERIES"setting. Did any of the show runners ever considered this? By changing the premise, "DISCOVERY" will only end up being some kind of time travel version of "VOYAGER". And that does not strike me as particularly original. There is another problem with the new direction that the series had undertaken in the Season Two finale - namely the former Most Imperial Majesty, Mother of the Fatherland, Overlord of Vulcan, Dominus of Qo'noS, Regina Andor, Philippa Georgiou Augustus Iaponius Centarius of the Mirror Universe. As everyone knows, mirror Philippa eventually impersonated the deceased Captain Georgiou prime as a retired Starfleet officer and later became a Section 31 operative. Midway during the airing of Season Two, it was announced that Michelle Yeoh, who portrayed Georgiou, would headline a new Trek series in the near future about Section 31. Why is this a problem? Georgiou was one of the Starfleet personnel aboard Discovery when it followed Michael in the Red Angel suit . . . into the future. If Discovery being 900 years in the future is the series' new premise, how will Georgiou return to the 2250s in order to continue her story with Section 31? Someone had suggested that she will command Section 31 in the 32nd century? Really? Why on earth would anyone in Earth's future allow a woman from the 23rd century assume command of an organization like Section 31? There were aspects of Season Two that I liked. I found Starfleet's conflict with the A.I. entity known as Control rather interesting . . . and frightening. Many Trek fans had complained that "Control" should have been portrayed as the origin story for the Borg. What they had forgotten that around this period Trek history the Borg had existed for quite some time and had wiped out the El-Aurian home world. Using "Control" as the Borg's origin story was out of the question. I also enjoyed how the writers used the spore drive's mycelial plane to bring Dr. Hugh Culber back from the dead and how this resurrection had affected his relationship with Lieutenant Paul Stamets. I especially enjoyed Michael's reunion with her missing mother, Gabrielle Burnham. In fact, I could honestly say that I had truly enjoyed the episodes of mid-Season Two - from (2.05) "Saints of Imperfection" to (2.11) "Perpetual Infinity". However, I did not like the finale, (2.13-2.14) "Such Sweet Sorrow". Many had complained that the two-part episode seemed over saturated with action. Or that the finale seemed more "STAR WARS"than "STAR TREK". The action in "Such Sweet Sorrow" did not bother me. I certainly had no problems with Georgiou's brutal fight against the Control-possessed Captain Leland. Along with Discovery's eventual journey into the future, I had some problem's with the episode's writing. One of those problems involved Ash Tyler, the former Klingon whose body and consciousness had been transformed into a Starfleet officer who had died during the Federation-Klingon War. Instead of joining the rest of the Discovery crew for their journey into the future, he remained behind to contact Empress L'Rell (his or Voq's former paramour) to help Starfleet's conflict against Control. This would be nothing, but Ash had openly contacted L'Rell and was later by her side aboard a Klingon starship during the battle. Apparently, Alex Kurtzman and the episode's screenwriter that Georgiou and Section 31 had went through a good deal of trouble to end Ash's brief role as L'Rell's aide on the Klingon home world in order to save her reign as the new Empress . . . by faking his death. Worse, Starfleet put Ash in command of Section 31, despite his limited experience with the agency and his unsuitability as a spy. Despite the fact that Georgiou had managed to destroy Control and prevent it from acquiring the massive data from the Sphere that the crew had discovered in (2.04) "An Obol for Charon", Michael and the Discovery crew traveled into the future anyway. Following Discovery's disappearance into the future, Captain Pike (back in command of the Enterprise) and Ash informed Starfleet that Discovery had been destroyed during the battle against Control. Why? Why did the writers feel that was necessary? I feel as if a great deal of unnecessary writing decisions had been made in this episode to justify the Discovery's journey into the future. For me, the biggest frustrations of Season Two proved to be the presence of Spock and Captain Christopher Pike. Especially the latter. But I will start with Spock first. Initially, I had no problem with Spock's role in the season's narrative. But once the crew had identified Gabrielle Burnham as the Red Angel and Admiral Katrina Cromwell had returned to Starfleet Headquarters, why did Spock remain aboard the Discovery? Why did he not return to Headquarters with the Admiral and rejoin the Enterprise crew? However, Spock's continuing presence aboard the Discovery struck me as minor problem in compare to the presence of his commanding officer, Captain Pike. I have been a fan of Anson Mount since he starred in the AMC series, "HELL ON WHEELS". But I wish to God that he had never been cast as Christopher Pike in "STAR TREK DISCOVERY". More importantly, I wish that the show runners had never utilized the character in the first place. I believe Christopher Pike was the worst aspect about Season Two of "STAR TREK DISCOVERY". His presence on the show struck me as irrelevant. Useless. Why did the show runners have him serve as Discovery's commander throughout the entire season? Why was he even needed? Saru could have easily remained in command of Discovery after the crew was given the Red Angel mission. This was the officer who had led the ship out of the Mirror Universe. And he had also stood behind the crew's refusal to obey Starfleet's order to help Georgiou to decimate the Klingon home world in the Season One finale, (1.15) "Will You Take My Hand?". With the Enterprise temporarily out of commission, Pike could have appeared in "Brother" to hand over the Red Angel mission to the Discovery crew and to inform Spock's disappearance to both Michael and Sarek before guiding his damaged ship back to Starfleet Headquarters. Then he and the Enterprise could have returned for the final battle against Control in "Such Sweet Sorrow". But no. Certain fans had raised a fuss over an African-American actress serving as the lead of a Star Trek series and cried tears over "DISCOVERY" not being "traditional Trek". And the series' show runners made the mistake of listening to them, despite the fact that "DISCOVERY" was a hit. And with Pike, they had provided these narrow-minded fans with an ideal leading male character to swoon over. But why did the show runners felt it was necessary to appease these fans with the addition of Pike for Season Two? Pike was not needed. Even worse, they did not have to paint Captain Pike as this ridiculously ideal Starfleet officer. Because frankly, he came off as a bore. And bland. There were moments when the series was willing to portray Pike's idealism and inflexibility as flaws, especially in his conflict with Ash Tyler. However, by (2.09) "Project Daedalus", it seemed quite obvious that the show runners were determined to paint Pike as "the perfect or near perfect" Starfleet officer. This became obvious in his conflict with Ash. Even when Pike was seen to be in the wrong in both (2.07) "Light and Shadows" and (2.08) "If Memory Serves", Pike was painted in a more sympathetic light than Ash. If only the show runners had ditched this useless conflict and focused more attention on the fallout between Ash and Hugh from Season One, I would have been more impressed. In "THE ORIGINAL SERIES" episode, (1.11-1.12) "The Menagerie", Trek fans had first learned about Pike's future as a paraplegic, due to an accident. Somehow, the writers managed to twist Pike's future as some kind of "heroic sacrifice" in which he had to give up the idea of accepting Klingon time crystals to defeat Control or taking them and facing a future as a paraplegic. There was no need to include what I believe proved to be a contrived and unnecessary plot twist. I loved Season One of "DISCOVERY". Despite some moments of clunky writing, I thought it had provided something new and exciting to the Star Trek franchise. I became an instant fan. There were aspects of Season Two that I liked - Starfleet's conflict with Control, Dr. Hugh Culber's resurrection and Michael Burnham's reunion with her mother, Gabrielle Burnham. However, there were aspects of Season Two that I disliked. Too many. And that included the season finale, (2.14) "Such Sweet Sorrow, Part II", along with Discovery’s unnecessary trip into the future. Also, I saw no reason for the over utilization of characters like Spock and Captain Christopher Pike. I saw their presence during the season as a heavy-handed attempt with the "nostalgic factor" to win over certain Trek fans still mired in the past. It must have worked to a certain degree. Many have declared Season Two to be superior to Season One. Do I agree with this assessment? Obviously . . . no. In my opinion, I feel that the Trek fandom's desire for nostalgia - especially in the form of Christopher Pike and Spock - has made Season Two overrated in my opinion . . . and a victim of the "second season curse". And most importantly, I saw no need for Christopher Pike to serve as the temporary commander of the U.S.S. Discovery. I found this decision by the show runners to be completely unnecessary.
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queenoficeandfire · 5 years
Thoughts on Star Trek Discovery Series 2 and *that* finale...
So Star Trek Discovery Series 2 is over. Done. Finished. The end. I know it’s been over for a good week or two, but I’ve only watched 2 X 14 “Sweet Sorrow - Part 2″ earlier today.
I have to say series 2 of Star Trek Discovery has been the best yet. For so many reasons.
We got to know the crew members better. We get to see what they get up to when they’re not doing their jobs (I loved all the girls hanging out in Airaim’s memories)
We got to see Spock and Michael’s relationships and the sibling love they have for each other.
We got to see the family that is Starfleet, fight for and with one another, grieve for fallen members and face down insane odds. But we also got 14 glorious episodes of Captain Christopher Pike, played incredibly by Anson Mount.
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Anson Mount has been the best thing about this entire series (in case that wasn’t already obvious from my posts and on-going mini-series haha)
Captain Christopher Pike to me is the living embodiment of Starfleet itself. He is everything it believes in and values.  He is kind. He is loving. He is selfless. He is self-sacrificing. He stands up and fights for what he believes in. Heck, he was and is Gene Roddenberry's original Star Trek Captain before Jame T Kirk came along. 
What I adore about the series finale is it leaves the door open for a Pike/Pre Kirk USS Enterprise Crew spin-off, should they choose to go down this route.
Tonnes of fans (including myself) have signed a change.org petition asking for this to happen. 
Anson Mount himself knows about it. The creators know about it. Only time will tell if this becomes official. 
I really hope it does because as Admiral Cornwell said to Pike, this is not where his story ends. There is more to be told and I want to see that. 
But for now, I shall continue to write my mini-series, continue to gush about him here amongst my fellow fans and wait and see what the future holds.
For the Discovery and for Anson Mount’s Pike...
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philippageorgiou · 3 years
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you almost make me believe in miracles // star trek: the original series 2x24 ‘the ultimate computer’ // richard siken, crush // star trek: the original series 1x29 ‘the city on the edge of forever’ // star trek v: the final frontier (1989) dir. william shatner // killing time, della van hise (uncensored edition) // star trek: discovery 2x14 ‘such sweet sorrow: part 2′ // star trek: the original series 2x01 ‘amok time’ // benjamin alire saénz, aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe // ladies and gentlemen we are floating in space, spiritualized // star trek: the motion picture (1979) dir. robert wise // heliocentric, keith s. wilson
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amazonworrier · 3 years
Hellooo I saw that you were asking for fic recs and I hope you won't mind if I dropped my list on you 🙈 (Don't feel obliged to post it tho!)
Woo. Fic recs. Of course I'll post it. I've read some of these and they are FAB
[Brittana, Canon-verse] 
time, mystical time (cutting me open then healing me fine) by therestisconfetti
Brittany POV. Covers events pre-canon to 6x8 "A Wedding".
tu boca mi adicción by likebrightness
Brittany POV. Set sometime during S1 (probably).
Santana Has A Peanut Allergy And Brittany Dresses Up As One by lynnearlington
Brittany POV. Covers events up to 2x5 "The Rocky Horror Glee Show".
And I'm Calling on You to Be My Lifeline by daysofinspiration
Tina POV. Covers events from 2x8 "Furt" to 2x16 "Original Song. Brittana, but with focus on Tina x Santana friendship. With canon divergence.
Everything’s Going So Well by acequid
Tina POV. Set around 2x9 "Special Education". Brittana, but with focus on Tina x Santana friendship. WIP.
sleepovers in your bed (at least I got you in my head) by itsyoupeytonn
Santana POV. Set during 2x9 "Special Education".
she spoke nine words (and now we're sinking) by itsyoupeytonn
Santana POV. Set during 2x14 "Blame It On the Alcohol".
got that glitter on my eyes by littledust
Santana POV. Set during 2x22 "New York". With canon divergence.
Brittany's List by poetroe
Brittany POV. Set some time during S3.
Prove It by novel_concept26
Santana POV. Set some time during S3.
in sin and error pining by ratherembarrassing
Santana POV. Set after 3x6 "Mash Off".
Frosty by socallmedaisy
Santana POV. Set some random winter (probably S3)
sweet by santanalopez
Brittany POV. Set during 3x11 "Michael".
city lights on the water by fulmentus
Brittany POV. Covers events from 4x4 "The Break Up" to 4x14 "I Do". With canon divergence.
but to cry in front of you by socallmedaisy
Santana POV. Set during 4x6 "Glease". Brittana, but with focus on Sam x Santana friendship. With canon divergence.
Come Away With Me by pleasanthell
Santana POV. Set during 4x6 "Glease". With canon divergence.
Drawn To Feel The Emptiness by webuiltsandcastles
Santana POV. Set after 4x13 "Diva. With canon divergence.
Love You When I Do (Love You When I Don't) by thefooliam
Brittany POV. Covers events after 4x14 "I Do". With canon divergence.
Things We're All Too Young To Know by thefooliam
Santana POV. Covers events from 5x12 "100" to 5x13 "New Directions".
wide awake and dreaming by fulmentus
Santana POV. Covers events between 5x13 "New Directions" and 6x3 "Jagged Little Tapestry".
So Close That Your Eyes Close As I Fall Asleep by thefooliam
Brittany POV. Set after 6x6 "What the World Needs Now".
Hana Hou! (An Anniversary Special) by Giraffeseattrees
Santana POV. Post-canon. Brittana spend their anniversaries in Hawaii :) WIP.
Also, if you're into prose-poetry, I cannot recommend venuscomb's works enough! All her works are splendid, but Like Daphne, Black Book of Colors, Flowers in the Bath, Painting Your Roses Red, and Another Room I Remember are the ones I come back to again and again :')
[Brittana AU]
Where the Music Matters by devilduckieee
Santana's a DJ, remixer and aspiring record producer who's never made an album of her own. With a new locale, new job, and a certain club owner that won't leave her alone; she's never been so inspired.
Running In Circles (coming up tails) by burninglights [WIP]
The Portland Thorns snag a miraculous last-minute transfer deal: national soccer league's golden girl, Brittany S. Pierce.
Santana, the club's center forward, struggles to come to terms with Brittany's abrupt entrance into her life and (more appallingly), her blossoming /feelings/ for the woman.
OR: Brittany and Santana are gayyy soccer-girlfriends.
somewhere beyond the sea by socallmedaisy
BioShock AU. In 1951, Andrew Ryan founded the underwater city of Rapture as a capitalist paradise free of religion and government. With the discovery of a substance that enabled changes to be made to an individual's DNA, the rich members of Rapture society chased genetic perfection while the poor worked to keep the city alive, becoming increasingly dissatisfied with their lot. Civil war breaks out on New Year's Eve, 1958, and Brittany and her sister find themselves alone in their apartment, trying to figure out how they're going to stay alive.
rcanbian note: really bittersweet ending :((( even looking at the title makes me sad :( be warned.
What's Your Number? by tea_the_turtleduck
A palm-reading and a magazine article send Brittany Pierce on a quest to track down all the people she had slept with to find her soulmate. Along the way, she enlists the help of her neighbor, 6A.
Falling (Standing On The Edge) by thefooliam
Morris College is not what Santana was expecting.
This Hit (Ice Cold) Too Hot (Hot Damn) by sadiered
Avid sports fans Brittany and Santana meet at a NHL playoff game but they're fans of rival teams and really get into it over the game, and eventually, all over each other.
Summer at Camp Kieve by sadiered
Both Santana and Brittany are camp counselors at a summer camp in Maine. There's an obvious attraction, but they're both super competitive so they use the challenges between their assigned cabins for flirting until neither one can stand it anymore.
So Put Another Dime in the Jukebox, Baby by littlerobbergirl
As their lips slide together, Santana's brain shuts down, and everything she's worried about - Sugar's inability to play even the simplest riffs, whether they're ever going to get an actual paying gig, how many more conversations she's going to have with her parents about her 'future plans', where they strongly hint that those plans better not include 'rock band' or 'Brittany' in them - it all vanishes.
It's 1985 and 22-year-old Santana, her girlfriend Brittany, and their friends are trying to start an all-girl rock band in Lima, Ohio.
dance out of the lines by littledust
Pacific Rim AU. Santana enters the Jaeger Academy because she has a California-sized chip on her shoulder and fighting monsters is more acceptable than fighting people. People can be monsters, too, but she's never met a bigger one than herself.
Ring the Alarm by Giraffeseattrees
So, there's this girl... That's how these kinds of stories start, right?
rcanbian note: super cute. Santana and Brittany live in the same dorm and someone keeps tripping the alarm so they keep seeing each other when they have to evacuate :))
We Really Shouldn't Be Doing This by random_flores
Superwoman AU. It’s not just a pair of glasses that keeps Brittany S. Pierce from noticing that her hapless best friend and colleague is actually the superhero of her dreams.
rcanbian note: it isn't completed, and probably will never be, but i just had to recommend it cause it's so damn good. it's also really long so i think it's worth it :))
Jazzverse by gleedcanon
rcanbian note: A collection of one-shots set in the 1920s, Prohibition Era. Santana is a Jazz singer while Brittany is a 'milkman' (i.e. driver that transports prohibited alcohol) at the club she works in.
So goddamn good. Like, one of my favorite Brittana fics ever. So damn well-researched and so gripping, despite the brevity of each one-shot. The link is to a pdf that compiles the one-shots, but the author has the series on their tumblr if you wanna check it out :) They've got other fic too that's all short but so well-written.
[Quinntana, Canon-verse & AU]
Here are the Quinntana fics I enjoyed enough to bookmark!
In-canon universe:
Elements of Style by nirav
Russell was always a period, a full stop, hard and uncompromising. Judy is like an ellipsis, soft and uncertain and never complete. Quinn would rather be a comma than either of her parents.
We're All America Rejects by fayevsessays
For as long as she can remember it’s always been her and Santana against the world. Against parents, popularity and cheerleading coaches. Just them with their Sunday pancakes, morning sex, and plans to get out of Lima. And then Brittany happened.
don't take me home by tellmeagain
Quinn falls in love with Santana, in six stages.
call my bluff, call you babe by tellmeagain
Five Christmases
the battle's almost won (and we're only several miles from the sun) by texaswatermelon
She'd never really understood why all of the guys were constantly losing their shit over Quinn in high school, but she gets it now.
saving all the bold lines, i'll say them when you sleep by tellmeagain
"As if to illustrate her point, Santana’s thumb starts stroking the same cheek her palm collided with maybe six hours ago. She nods her head; in no universe is there a good, healthy ending to this. “Yeah,” she just says, because maybe Quinn Fabray’s the only person in the world that can leave her at a loss for words."
Season 2 AU.
Square One by lazarus_girl
It’s been months since Quinn and Santana’s unexpected hook-up at Mr Schuester’s wedding, and they’re still very much involved. Dependant on each other in the face of constant change, they’re more than happy to keep up their friends-with-benefits arrangement. That is, until growing attraction to other girls in their lives leads Santana to question if they’re doing the right thing.
“Nothing lasts forever. Quinn of all people knows that.”
honey by tellmeagain
Quinn and Santana as more than a two-time thing.
like a cat in a bag by thememoriesfire
For Karyn, who wanted Quinn and Santana to join the golf team.
Between Two Lungs (It Was Released) by nightshifted
"You're the best thing I never had."
Nicotine by thedisassociation
Quinn smokes because she needs the rush, the burning in her lungs and the nicotine in her blood. She likes the way it destroys her from the inside out.
Whenever Doubtful, Take A Chance by backitup_baby
Quinn turns their one-time thing into a two-time thing and starts off a series of experiments intended to shed light and further understanding on the enigma that is her sexuality. Santana's just along for the ride.
say i don't give a damn, but i'm older than i am by tellmeagain
All she can think about is how much Quinn Fabray has always belonged in pretty places like this, has always been bigger than people like Santana and places like Lima.
For the Win by OncefortheFun
When Santana finds out that Puck is getting married, she proposes to Quinn in order to beat him to the altar and win a bet they made in high school. Santana and Quinn have been sleeping around for years, anyway, so she figures Quinn's as good a choice as any. When Quinn agrees to marry her, Santana finds out that the only thing worse than losing may just be winning.
rcanbian note: A long, really enjoyable fic ;u;
Laws of Space by poopoopops
Santana Lopez works for one of the most acclaimed Transporter ships in Galaxy I. She is good at what she does and is familiar with the laws of the land, or rather, the laws of space. That becomes increasingly unclear to her when she starts a dalliance with the ship’s newest crew member, Dr. Quinn Fabray.
Don't You Know It's Dangerous to Ignite a Fire in Space by poopoopops [WIP]
Sequel to Laws of Space. Quinn and Santana have been together for almost a year. While they are open about their relationship on board The Transporter, Quinn is reluctant to be seen as anything other than friends once they leave the comfort of the ship. The rift between the couple grows when the Captain admits a paying guest onboard.
False Prophet by EnigmaticEthereality [WIP]
Santana Lopez, a liberal politician, begrudgingly appears on a talk show hosted by conservative darling, Quinn Fabray. Santana finds it difficult to reconcile her view of Quinn when she stumbles upon the truth. Meanwhile, Quinn struggles to find a balance between her TV personality with the woman she really wants to be.
rcanbian note: So good, so well-written (is it totally in-character tho? Possibly not! But still such a joy to read). One of my fave Quinntana fics!
god only knows by gonegirlgang
No matter how much space Quinn has in her heart for Jesus and His scriptures of patience, it’s no match for roommate Santana Lopez, self-proclaimed school slut with a penchant for pushing buttons.
rcanbian note: I'm putting aside my adamant belief in Santana being an absolute loser when it comes to flirting with girls because I just really enjoyed reading it, ahahha
faster by thememoriesfire
If you were to ask Chelsea from down the hall, here’s the thing about the girls in 314:
Quinn’s a bisexual cheerleader who’s majoring in marketing, and Santana’s that lesbian business major, and they’re roommates and best friends who occasionally hook up a lot. But they’re not in a relationship.
John Hughes is Full of Shit by drunkfacedtaco
Quinn might know and accept that she's at the absolute bottom rung of McKinley High's social ladder, but that doesn't mean she's gonna stop thinking about the girl at the very top.
On top of these, I'd like to direct you to a compilation of Quinntana fics some fans did for Quinntana week over the past couple of years (if you haven't seen them yet)! They have some really good fics that I don't think were posted in other fanfic sites :0
Quinntana Week 2012 Compilation
Quinntana Week 2013 Compilation
Quinntana Week 2014 Compilation
Quinntana Week 2015 Site
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