#disgustingly wholesome
bumblebeesfromvenus · 11 months
♡ Garden of Love ♡
Terzo x fem!reader
A/N: how's it going, ghesties?! First time writing for Terzo, sorry if it's ooc haha extremely!soft!Terzo in this one, like I'm talking butter on a hot summer day kinda soft. Absolute slut for this man. Enjoy!
~Fi 🪻
Warnings: disgustingly sweet, bit suggestive at the end (it's Terzo what do you expect)
Word count: 2.1k
All the Italian was translated with Google
I would love some feedback about how I wrote Terzo :)
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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You were sitting in one of the many beautiful gardens the abbey had, tended to by none other than Primo, or Papa Emeritus the first. The sweet smell of Honeysuckle and Rose hit your nose, on this beautiful afternoon.
This was by far your favorite thing to do when you'd finished all your tasks for the day. Hearing little bees buzzing about, birds singing their songs and the quiet rustling of the leaves when a subtle breeze passed the garden gave you peace of mind.
It was refreshing, really, with all the chaos going on inside the abbey all day. You were just sketching away in your little leather-bound sketch book. Whatever you could see, it was going on the page. All kinds of plants, trees, flowers, even a little black cat that sometimes lurked around the unholy grounds adorned your page.
Putting down your pencil and closing your eyes, you took a deep breath and could almost taste the sweet blossoms on your tongue, another familiar smell hit your nose. It was him. A small smile formed on your face, you couldn't help it, he just made you smile. "Hello, Terzo" you said softly, keeping your eyes closed.
"Buonasera, amorina" he answered, his voice sweet like honey. You could melt right then and there just from those two words. Terzo made your heart flutter. He took a seat next to you on the wooden bench at the back of the garden. You two just sat there in a comfortable silence for awhile, just soaking in this gorgeous day.
"What were you doing before I interrupted, Bella?" He questioned. You let out a small laugh. "You didn't interrupt anything, my love" you smiled and he smiled back at you. "You were, eh, sketching something, yes? " you nodded, opening up your little booklet to show him. "Just some flowers I saw around the garden. And that cute black kitty that takes a nap on this bench, I've seen it a few times." You spoke.
"Ah, yes. I've seen the gattino around here as well." He answered. You scooched closer to him so you could show him all the sketches you made. "Here. This is what I did today but there's more from other days as well" you told him, placing the booklet in his gloved hand. He took it and flipped through the pages, admiring your talent and eye for detail.
"These are beautiful, amore" he marveled. He continued adoring your little pieces of art, his lips forming into a smile. "You're so talented, amorina. Have you showed these to Primo? I think he would be as amazed as I am" he smiled. A blush crept up to your cheeks, even after all this time together his compliments still flustered you.
"Not yet. I have thought about it, though. I usually let him go on about the flowers and don't have enough time to show him after" you laughed. Terzo chuckled. That sounds just like his older brother. " I think he would appreciate it." He assured you. You gave him a soft smile in return. He took your hand into his and leaned back against the bench.
He really needed a break. Being Papa is hard work so he truly enjoyed these little moments of peace you two shared from time to time. Terzo closed his eyes, the evening sun perfectly hitting his features. You could stare at him like this for hours. He was so beautiful, inside and out.
He continued to bathe in the sun, you admiring him, before any of you said anything. You didn't want to, but eventually you broke the silence. "Do you have a favorite flower?" You asked him softly. He inhaled deeply before opening his eyes. "I haven't really thought about it. Flowers were always, eh what do you say, Primos 'things?'" You chuckled and he smiled at you, before he continued. "I did see one in one of his flower books, heliotropium, I think it was called. I like that one" you hummed, acknowledging his answer, your hands still intertwined. You asked him why he liked it and he chuckled.
"You with your questions, amore" he laughed. "I'm just interested" you responded. "I know, I know , Bella" he smiled, giving your hand a squeeze. "It has a nice color, a light purple. The meaning of this flower is eternal love and devotion. That's why I like it, because of my eternal love and devotion for you" he said, cupping your cheek with his white-gloved hand, smiling at you.
You couldn't hide the smile that adorned your face, placing your hand on top of the one on your face. He gently stroked his thumb across your cheek, leaning in to give you a passionate kiss. You melted into him, his lips were so soft. He pulled away, leaving you in a haze. It was almost scarry how much power he had over you with just a single kiss. He withdrew his hand and crossed his legs. "So what is your favorite flower, amorina?" he questioned.
"The Edelweiss flower. I'll show you." You opened a fresh page in your sketch book and quickly began sketching an Edelweiss. "It looks something like this" you showed him the drawing and he examined it with care. "It's very beautiful, amore. What color is it?" He smiled softly. "It's white. Edelweiss means 'noble white' in german" you answered. He looked impressed, Terzo loved how educated you were, especially on things like this.
"It's a fitting name" he responded with an adoring smile. "It reminds me of you." You said quietly. He hummed. "How so?" "It stands for perseverance and bravery, as well as renewal. All of those things remind me of you. " You smiled. Taking his hands into yours, you could've sworn you saw the slightest sheen in his eyes. "I'm honored, amorina" Terzo smiled. He kissed your knuckles and lightly squeezed your hand.
"It only grows really high up in the alps, having to break through many layers of stone on its way to the sun. An old tale says, the Edelweiss can prove how strong someone's love is, this is why it's called the lovers flower sometimes. Many men have died trying to get this flower for their lover, but if they return their love will last until the end of time." You continued. You had the biggest smile on your face, sharing these moments with your lover was so precious to you, and to him, no doubt.
Terzo brushed a stray piece of hair out of your face, letting his hand linger on your face. "Your mind truly is beautiful, amore" he spoke softly. You thanked him with a sweet smile. You two stared at eachotherfor a while, admiring the beauty of one another. Terzo broke his gaze and looked around the overgrown garden."I've never noticed how nice this garden is. Perfect place for a glass of Vino, no?" He smirked. You jokingly rolled your eyes at him. "I would like that. Very much, actually." You responded with a smile.
He'd been so busy lately with all of his Papal duties that he had barely any time for you. He would stumble into his chambers every night, half asleep, just exhausted from all of his tasks and duties throughout the day. It broke your heart to see him like that, so him asking you on a date for the first time in a while means he's probably done with the worst of it and Imperator had cut him some slack once in a while, but we all know that won't last too long.
"Great" he clapped his hands together with a smile,"I'll have everything arranged then, amorina" . You too just looked at eachother for a while, getting lost in the others eyes. That was until you could hear Sister Imperator angrily shouting Terzo's name in the distance. He let out a defeated sigh and his head fell forward against your chest. "Why can't she give me a break for 10 fucking minutes" Terzo complained, mumbling something Italian into your chest.
Chuckling, you gently stroked his hair. "We'll have so much time together tomorrow, my love. An entire day without Imperator eyeing you from every corner" you responded softly. He sighed once again, looking up at you. "I suppose you are right, amore" he sighed. You pulled him into a kiss by his neck, hoping this would give him some strength to finish his day. Terzo smiled at you, Oh Sathanas, how he didn't want to leave you. It had been so peaceful, just you and him. He longed for more moments like this. Where he wasn't Papa or the leader of a satanic church. But instead just Terzo. Your Terzo. He got up, straightening his clothing before bidding you goodbye to go see whatever Sister was complaining about now. You blew him a kiss which he caught with his hand, pressing it against his heart. You couldn't wait for your date, just you and the love of your life, in this beautiful, overgrown garden with a glass of wine.
It was now the next day and you had just finished getting ready for your little rendezvous when it knocked on the door of your shared chambers. A smiled spread its way over your face because you knew exactly who it was.
He looked so handsome. I mean, he always did but now he looked especially good. "Buongiorno, Bella" he smirked at you. It was great so seem in his usual horny good spirits. He really was out of it yesterday, at least a little. He could hide his feelings pretty well, but you could tell. You knew him and his heart. You were going to have to talk with Sister Imperator after this. "Good morning to you too, Terzo," you smiled.
"You look lovely as ever, amorina. Shall we?" He asked, holding out his arm for you take. You gladly accepted, and the two of you were on your way. You had made him a little gift after the nice time you had together in the garden yesterday. Terzo and you talked on the way about anything, really.
How your day had been so far, the upcoming plans for a tour, and if the Ghouls were doing well. You already knew that of course,they loved you and wanted you to visit them as often as you could.
Arriving at the garden, there was a classic checkered picnic blanket laid out on the soft grass, with a bottle of wine and some fruit. You two got comfortable, and Terzo filled your glass with wine. "A toast, amore" he spoke with a smile, raising his glass "to you, my lovely bride" "to us" you corrected him with the biggest smile as you clinked your glasses together.
It was a gorgeous day, the sun was out and you were right here, next to Terzo. "Terzo.." You began, he hummed in acknowledgment. "I have a gift for you"
He looked surprised has you handed him a little piece of paper. His eyes widened when he took a look at your gift. It was a beautifully painted image of a heliotropium and an Edelweiss flower, stems weaving around eachother and roots intertwining. The vibrant purple color of the heliotropium contrasted the pure white of the Edelweiss perfectly, just like you two contrasted eachother. Under the flowers were some words written in a neat cursive. 'That our eternal love shall persevere'
"Oh satana aiutami.." he mumbled. He looked at you with the most loving eyes you had ever seen. "Amorina, I.. this is absolutely beautiful. Thank you" he said, tears in his eyes.
"of course, my love" you smiled, placing a hand on his cheek. "Ti amo tanto, amore" he whispered. You were gently stroking his cheek and holding his hand, when he leaned in to kiss you. His kiss was filled with so much passion you felt like you might explode. You slowly pulled away. "I love you too, Terzo" you answered.
The second those words left your mouth, Terzos lips were on yours again, almost desperately. The way he kissed you knocked the air out of your lungs. He placed a hand on your waist and pushed you back onto the picnic blanket. You wrapped your arms around his neck to get him even closer. He pulled away ,painting, his paints smeared.
"I think we should continue this in our chambers, yes?" He panted with a sly grin on his face. You couldn't answer fast enough. He picked you up and carried you all the way to your bedroom where the two of you strengthened the bond of your love for all eternity.
amorina = little love
amore = love
Bella = beautiful
gattino = kitten
Buonasera = good evening
Buongiorno = good morning
Oh satana aiutami = oh Satan help me
Ti amo tanto = I love you so much
strengthened the bond of your love = you know exactly what this means
Hope you enjoyed!
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disgustingdaisy · 9 days
i’m missing my Mama a little bit extra lately so i wanted to make a post about some of the things i love about her <3
her beautiful face
her soft tummy
her squishy hips
her chompable thighs
the fact she lets me chomp on her (even though she usually chomps me back)
her strong hands
the way she lets me hold on to her skirt when we’re in a store
the way her face twitches when she gets horny
the way she squeezes me (i’m her own little squeaky toy)
when she picks out my outfits for our dates
the way she helps me take care of myself
listening to her talk about things she loves
the fact that she gave me her special stuffie (she let me have her piggy so i can always have something to snuggle when we’re not together)
her girlsmell
her head smooches (and the fact that she will give me as many as i want)
when she encourages me to try new things
how often she tells me she loves me
getting to blow berries on her tummy
listening to her laugh about silly things
the way she embraces and encourages my little space
the way she brings out my puppy side all the time
exploring new things and parts of myself with her
cooking for her
cleaning together and doing domestic tasks together
going grocery shopping together
the way she holds me when i cry (especially when it’s about something silly)
how safe and comfortable i feel with her
how open and honest our communication is
how natural everything has felt since the very beginning
the way she makes my brain go quiet
her brain wormies like my brain wormies
when she feeds me
when we make silly faces at each other
getting to nap together (in person and on the phone)
how much i trust her
the fact that she is my very best friend
the way that i have known from the very beginning that i want to spend the rest of our lives together
i will probably add onto this list later. i’m just so madly in love with her and i need her (and everyone else) to know it. i’m the luckiest girl in the whole wide world to get to be her puppy, her little bug, her baby, her angel, her pumpkin, her precious pet, her dolly, her girl. she is my whole world and i love her more than i ever even thought was possible.
i’m sorry i’m up past my bedtime, Mama. i was just missing you too much.
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joejoeba · 6 months
i just remembered how many gold ships there are in JoJo like it truly does not get more wild. Every one hits in some wild offshoot bullseye
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again, too lazy to draw a whole comic so plot summary here:
rpg au kinda inspired by that one animation meme on youtube by Mintartem
as always, please note that the twins are aged up to 18 in this
So basically, towards the end of weirdmaggedon bill is facing down the pines family in the fearamid when too much weirdness leaks through the rift and everyone gets dragged into a different dimension. This dimension just so happens to be a D&D themed one.
Everyone wakes up to find themself stuck as a different race and class, including bill.
Dipper and Mabel end up as half elves; Dipper being a Wizard and Mabel being a Bard who only sings cheesy boyband songs.
Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford find out they've become wood elves; Ford being an Artificer and Stanley a Rogue.
Lastly, Bill comes to as a regular old human sorcerer.
Bill, for once, has to play by this dimensions rules, as the god who governs it (the DM) is stronger than he is. Of course, this doesn't mean he can't have fun where he is, though, so he charismas himself an army and makes himself the big bad evil guy™ of the campaign.
Ford and Dipper share a nerd bonding moment about where they are before getting serious again and trying to figure out how to escape this place.
The party immediately splits (much to the chagrin of both nerds) as Mabel sprints after the nearest hot fantasy guy and Stan heads to the market to scam people out of their gold. Dipper ends up getting left with Stanley since Ford immediately takes off after Mabel to look after her.
Cue cute Grunkle bonding for both siblings.
After a couple days and a lvl up to multiclass ranger, Dipper is thrown a bone by a deity and told that if he manages to defeat the BBEG™ they might be able to leave. Once he has that, he manages to scrounge up a bit of info from tavern gossips about who the BBEG is and sets off for the ominous castle behind the town.
He tries to get Stan to come with him, but the man is having too much fun getting rich. So, alone but overconfident, he busts down Bill's door and tries to burn his face off. This obviously does not work and dip gets put straight into bills mini prison.
They bicker for a while and Dipper nearly escapes by tricking a guard into giving him lunch in his cell and taking his keys and making a run for it, but he gets caught after setting around half the castle on fire.
He gets brought to Bill, who is fed up with him and is about to execute him, when one of Bill's minions lets him know about an attack on his forces somewhere in the middle of the forest. Badabing badaboom guess who is suddenly useful again?
So Bill switches his tune real fast and tries to coerce Dip into leading him to the location using his nature navigation skills, and Dip reluctantly agrees so he has a chance to gtfo of there.
Blah blah blah they find the monster and end up having to hide somewhere and slowly start to bond because Bill finds Dip annoyingly endearing and realizes he's decently competent, and Dip comes to appreciate Bill's chaos and comes to enjoy their butting of heads.
Ford and Mabel eventually end up rejoining Stan and they go on a quest to find Dipper. In the meantime, Dipper and Bill annoy eachother in various wacky ways whilst trying to solve the mystery of who keeps threating Bill's BBEG status.
NOW that i've caught you guys up to speed, here's a moment that came to me in the middle of the night that compelled me to draw it. Takes place after these dorks officially get together.
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woke up to 'oversized violin' enid sweetheart, no wonder Wednesday said rope. shovel. hole
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degrees-of-lili · 2 months
lmao seeing people talk about Our Life in the DoL modding server. Games on two literal opposite sides of the spectrum LMAO
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
wasn't there yesterday but i already watched the vod and kayla joining in was so fucking funny LMAO your interactions with her are hilarious
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decoloraa · 2 years
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You don’t understand, they’re my emotional support gays
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saints4grrrls · 2 years
the smell of baking bread is actually an antidepressant
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llumisims · 2 years
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It had been quite some time since a Lyfe family meeting! Sage let them all know what happened. Most importantly, Slate remembered their secret handshake/dance 😎
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rpfisfine · 4 months
(hi im back I got scared bc I worried I'd focused too much on myself in my last ask and the demons took over Help) idk why im shocked that there aren't any fics unique to wattpad I dont think the boyboy following is a wattpad bunch we're all old pretentious fucks (endearing). I rly hope they're cool with fics,,, i hope they Get It,,, that would be really sick. they've surprised me before, they can do it again!
you ARE being brave holy shit if I was in your position I think I'd shit myself to DEATH this tension is killing me but I agree your fics are so well written like they're rpf but more importantly they're really good??? truly moving?? literary even??? and i have hope that they'll appreciate that too
- 🌵
HIIIIIIIIIII noooooooo omg not at all!!! its just that ive genuinely sucked ass at answering asks in general since the dawn of time and in the past couple of weeks i have gotten more asks than ive ever received before in my entire life LOL plus my memory is shit so if i dont answer Immediately i forget ive even been sent anything in the first place and its just this whole thing but me not responding wasnt caused by anything you did in the slightest i LOVE getting asks from you!!!
god i literally know it makes complete sense but at the same time it surprised me as well maybe wattpad rly isnt what i remember it being anymore maybe it has fallen off in a pretty major way since 2014..... dude i literally cannot exaggerate how much i want that to be true LOL i rly rly rly hope they are too like i know logically they wouldnt be making the video if they werent but still...... tbh aleksa does strike me as someone who has legitimately written self insert fanfiction abt him & alex in the past so. i think there's some hope for us (joking obvs. unless..)
im gonna be real there hasnt been one moment in the past couple of days where i wasnt shitting and pissing and vomiting myself to death i literally wake up in cold sweat nowadays expecting my inbox to be flooded w anons being like DUDE THE VIDEO IS OUT FHFGNG.. like its BAD the tension is kiling me as well. ohhhhhmy god stop you guys are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo niceys to me i cant believe it..... god.....them apprer . them Complim , them ap- i cant even say it . is something i genuinely honestly cannot even begin to think abt like you guys r being so brave and normal abt this and r trying to comfort me constantly and i just feel like i havent made any mental progress at all since the day of the fateful discovery LOL like ever since i learned its not gonna be posted to their patreon w roughly 5000 subscibers like i hoped but instead to their yt channel with 800k+ subscibers i have been trying even Harder to gaslight myself into thinking my fics somehow wont make it into the video bc when i like sit down and make a serious attempt to entertain the possibility of 800k ppl potentially seeing my writing its just . Like my brain legitimately shuts down. i just cannot physically or mentally comprehend that number at all its not REAL!!!! to me!!!!!! get me out of here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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yrqrnc · 5 months
nct dream reaction . . . giving them a peck on the nose !
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it’s early in the morning when you wake up to find him already awake and staring at you. he has one arm wrapped around you, your head falling onto his chest, and he has this whipped grin on his face as he tiredly plays with your hair, and that’s when you push your face up, closer against his—you catch a glimpse of him closing his eyes—and peck his nose. then he just laughs and goes “what was that”, calling you cute over and over again.
he’s really just chilling, watching something on his phone as he lays on the bed, when you randomly choose to walk up to him, grab his face in your hands and press a tender kiss onto his nose. he goes completely quiet for a moment, blinking confusedly, before breaking out in the softest smile. he throws his phone to the side and instead, pulls you into him by the shoulder as he kisses your temple in return.
you’re cuddling on the couch as a movie of your pick plays on the tv screen when a funny scene comes up and jeno giggles. he’s only laughing, yet, it manages to pull at your heartstrings and you find yourself wanting to kiss the life out of the man besides you. but you hold back, giving him a kiss on the nose instead, and he turns to smile so sweetly at you, his eyesmile in clear view, before he leans down to peck your nose right back.
he’s playing games on his computer when you feel this sudden wave of love hit you and you’re all touch-starved and full of love to give now. it results in you quietly sneak into his room to go up and snake your arms around him in a back-hug as he’s sitting on his chair. he gives you a quick smile but turns right back to the screen to continue playing, and you, being the patient person you were, decide to let him complete the round, though not really letting go of your hold on his back the entire time. and when he finally wins, he doesn’t even get the chance to tell you about it, you’ve already grabbed his face with your sweater paws and placed a very wholesome kiss on the tip of his nose. the next thing you know, you’re getting attacked showered in kisses by him.
he’s laying in bed; you managed to convince him to rest after a very busy week, so now he’s just chilling on the bed, attempting to take a little nap. that’s when you pop in after finishing off your tasks, and join him on the bed, getting comfy quickly. it feels so natural as you both cuddle up together, but you catch him off guard when you press a kiss onto his nose. he goes blank for a second, but then soon, he’s peppering your face with kisses all over, suddenly striken with this ball of energy. i think you might've chased all his sleep away 😠
he's scrolling through his phone on the bed, watching some random reels, when you decide to jump onto his lap without any warning. he’s so startled at first, he goes all 🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬 and then he realizes it’s you, and that you’re just in one of your moods today, and he's like "oh. well, anyway," and goes on with his day 💀 what he didn’t expect you to do was kiss him on the nose so gently and adorably— that he just melts internally, and he can’t even wipe off the grin on his face that just screams "ok maybe i am in love with this person."
you were babbling on about something that happened the other day, when you hear jisung softly muttering a “cute.” under his breath as he listened on to you. he has this fond look in his eyes as he looks at you, and all you were doing was just telling him the gossip of yesterday???? you pause the talk, instead, reaching your hand out to grab his face and pull him in to give a peck on the nose, because how could you resist the urge to kiss such a pretty man, right? when you pull away, you’re met with the boy blushing in a disgustingly adorable way, and you find that now, it’s your turn to say “cute.”
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musenextdoor · 8 months
I literally want a gf who I can be disgustingly in love with in the most wholesome way during the day and who will slut me out at night
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sofs16 · 7 months
our leclerc win
continuation to a paddock day — next
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liked by charles_leclerc and 30 others
yn it’s charles day! i know im usually very unserious and goofy at times but lets be fr, charles is my other half. actually, he allows me to be me so basically he’s my whole being. ill say what everyone is thinking, i know people are like omg f1 driver! omg! BUT HE IS MUCH MORE THAN THAT! he burns pasta for a living (he’s learning atm), plays me beautiful songs on the piano im always blessed to hear, reassures me when things dont feel right, and everything in between that. i will always be behind you, charles leclerc. even if i have to find a job soon, i will be supporting you through a screen. i love you and it’s kind of stupid but i think youre the one for me. thanks for choosing me
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landonorris Your love is disgustingly sweet but happy birthday mate🎉
charles_leclerc I love you so much. charles_leclerc 😘😘😘
charles_leclerc You are the one for me as wel, cherie❤️ [liked by yn] pierregasly Charles is crying on my shoulder
⤷ yn good
⤷ charles_leclerc 😂
october 16, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 35 others yn hot a$$ 💋
view all 37 comments
landonorris why not just say ass
⤷ yn because im manifesting money, dumbass
⤷ charles_leclerc Woah.
⤷yn dw baby, waldo lets me call him dumbass because he thought i was one of the development drivers and then got embarrassed and walked into a door
⤷ yn 🤷🏻‍♀️ loyal gf 1st, human 2nd, lando friend 3rd.
⤷ carlossainz55 what about me, yn
⤷ yn ooooo . loyal gf 1st, human 2nd, carlos fan 3rd, lando friend 4th
⤷ landonorris EZCHSE ME
⤷ fernandoalo_oficial Hello Yn👋
⤷ yn NEVERMIND loyal gf 1st, fernando fan 2nd, human 3rd, carlos fan 4th, lando friend 5th
⤷ landonorris Wow.
⤷ yn but being human is loving lando norris so 🤷🏻‍♀️
⤷ landonorris My fav wag (unless i get a gf) 🧡
[liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, fernandoalo_oficial, yourbsf, and pierregasly]
november 16, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 18 others
yn WAHTTTT!!! first (and last of the season) day back at the paddock as A WAG. A WAG. ME?
view all 7 comments
charles_leclerc We’ve been dating 5 months, mon ange…
landonorris Pretty!
⤷ charles_leclerc Norris. ⤷ landonorris AS A FRIEND MATE
⤷ yn YOURE SO CUTIE LANDO THANKS!!! yourbsf PROUD MOM ERA [ liked by yn ]
november 24, 2023
| kellypiquet has requested to follow you! 10m
| maxverstappen1 has requested to follow you! 2m
2 requests accepted!
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liked by ynlover16, and 1,181 others
yn.updates After 5 months, Yn has gone public on Instagram and is now verified! view all 47 comments
charlferrari ALL THE CHARLES CONTENT 🥹 OUR QUEEN!!! lwymmdts THE BIRTHDAY POST LAST MONTH. november 24, 2023
abu dhabi
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 381,272 others
yn p1 in abu dhabi and in my heart @charles_leclerc ❤️ no longer lowkey wag 😞😞😞😞 plsxdont hate me i have humor
view all 161,181 comments
⤷ yn @landonorris SEE i AM silly! ⤷ landnorris SOMETIMES
charles_leclerc I love you 😘
chayn im crying i just scrolled thru all her posts and saw some charles’ comments 🥹
⤷ yn.fan unfortunately she archived a lot of them:( ⤷yn_edits @yn PUT EM UPPPP
⤷ yn sorry yall thats private 😞 maybe when both of us pass away together
⤷ yn ;)
ynsart i love how active she is! she’s replying (or liking comments) to everyone, its so wholesome
[liked by yn]
⤷ yn preach sister
november 26, 2023
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liked by yn, and 4,272,585 others
charles_leclerc i see you, amour @yn 🌦️
view all 1,172,588 comments
yn dang, i’ll be sneakier next time! [liked by charles_leclerc]
ynferrari She takes photos?!?
⤷ charles_leclerc She double majored and did photography 💞
december 2, 2023
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liked by 3,181,493 others
charles_leclerc i love them 🤍
view all 248,595 comments
⤷ yn shit my pants the whole flight but i love them
⤷ arthur_leclerc Yup, after you introduced yourself with a different name👍🏻
⤷ charles_leclerc I quite liked the name changed
ynred i feel like she said yn leclerc. [liked by yn]
december 24, 2023
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liked by 172,484 others
yn BEFORE ANY OF YALL SCOLD ME. yes, i brought the pizza. but did i think he’d ask for it mid (climbing/hiking? i dont even know babes) NO!
view all 35,283 comments
leclerc_pascale oh mon dieu
⤷ yn JE SUIS DÉSOLÉ MAMAN, C’EST TOUT CHARLES! i’m sorry maman, it’s all charles!
⤷charles_leclerc j’ai un rêve. respect that, amour 😓 i have a dream. respect that, love
⤷ yn i respect that dream of eating in CERTAIN places but okay😘
yn1989 jesus how many languages does she speak
⤷ yn 7🤍
⤷ yn german, italian, french, japanese, spanish, english, and icelandic! ⤷ yn1989 charles’ favorite number is 7 😭 you both are so cool
⤷ landonorris @ charles_leclerc your girlfriend is actually crazy. She’s a crazy fan
⤷ charles_leclerc I love that about her though. All of her 💞
⤷ yn 🥲🙂 shaking. kicking my feet. biting my nails. screaming. ripping my hair out
january 14, 2024
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liked by yn, and 5,695 others
chayn.updates yn wearing one of charles’ polos in her recent post ;)
view all 492 comments
charleswife midddd. could literally be any polo..
⤷ charloss why are you actin like u have a chance bbg 😭 and ferrari and charles’ initials in on the bottom collar
january 18, 2024
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liked by 8,707,606 others
charles_leclerc I usually do not post for birthday’s but the world needs to see my AMAZING photos of you (@ yourbsf)😘 Yn, meeting you has changed my life like no other. to the chef in our house, the singer, the one translating a lot of things for me, dressing me up, and “everything in between”, happiest birthday amour ❤️ I got my Leclerc win when I met you
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yourbsf yn will lose her shitballs over this and IM THE BETTER PHOTOGRAPHER
lewishamilton Happiest birthday to the life of the grid! landonorris happy birthday smartass 🧡
⤷ yn thanks dumbass 😘
pierregasly Yn is born on the 16th too?!?
⤷ yn hehehehehe
daniel3.jpg I took that first photo👍🏻
leclerc_pascale ♥️je t’aime. joyeux anniversaire xx
⤷ yn merci maman! à bientôt 🥹🤍🤍🤍
[liked by leclerc_pascale, and charles_leclerc]
may 16, 2024
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liked by 1,282,182 others
yn life’s hectic as usual
view all 329,585 comments
landonorris what do you even do. im still so confsued
⤷ yn im a fulltime gf who sometimes goes to her job and takes pics and makes clothes 🤷🏻‍♀️
charles_leclerc yeux d’ ange
⤷yn 💌
charlie166 charles sent those flowers. bet all my money.
⤷yn mans be winning in imola and sending me flowers and sending me virtual kisses 💋
view all 117,383 comments
may 27, 2023
charles_leclerc and yn’s stories
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pierregasly replied to yn’s story: Get a room
charles_leclerc replied to yn’s story: lovely photo of me baby🫤 thank you
yn replied to charles_leclerc’s story: damnnnn nice photo tnx babe. i look like a housewife
landonorris replied to yn’s story: EWWWWWW
carlossainz55 replied to yn’s story: Chill, yn. Breathe.
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dolldefiler · 1 month
thoughts on pet play🧐🧐
Hmm, while I might not want to dress up someone up in a cow onesie or give them a dog nose mask thing, I would very much enjoy tugging on her leash and mounting her like a bitch. I would love to breed her with my litter and turn her into a nasty, slutty, horny bitch in heat. That'd be perfect.
I'd love to give her head pats and praise, calling her a good girl and feeding her treats when she's done well. It's almost disgustingly hot how even the most wholesome things can be turned into degradation with pet play.
And the best part? Manipulating her. Training her to do tricks for me and pavlov her into enjoying them. Do you want your favourite ice cream? You're going to need to use your little mouth to get me off first. Did you want to order some food? You'll need to spread that pretty little pussy for me so I can brutally fuck you first.
Those are my thoughts on pet play. Also, like, doggy style's pretty cool and stuff I guess <.<
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pierregazly · 9 months
a diamond's gotta shine ꨄ lance stroll smau
lance stroll x fem!reader
pic credit: pinterest
i know lance is daddy's money through and through (and i love a nepo baby sorry), but he is so 'my love language is gift giving so i'm going to spoil my girlfriend with everything i can' boyfriend material so here's that basically
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liked by lance_stroll, chloestroll, estebanocon, and 467,891 others
yourusername he ALWAYS let me drive the truck... sorry taylor
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lance_stroll it is not a truck and PLEASE stop eating in the aston martin
lance_stroll at least stop eating in it without me
chloestroll wouldn't want a matcha date with anyone else 💗
liked by yourusername and 462 others
username imagine just casually eating fruit in a literal aston martin??? i dont even eat fruit in my car in fear of everything getting sticky 😭
username i want her life so bad
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tagged yourusername
liked by yourusername, chloestroll, fernandoalo_oficial, and 1,206,708 others
lance_stroll spent the last 2 years with her shoes in my hands after nights out, hoping for a hundred more
view all 9,071 comments
yourusername i am SO obsessed with you
yourusername even after 2 years, gonna be obsessed with u forever lance_stroll wouldn't have it any other way
username the toaster and i have a hot date with the bathtub tonight
username the things i would do to have lance stroll hold my shoes in his million dollar hands after a night out :(
username i want someone to love me even half as much as lance loves y/n ugh
chloestroll i taught you well
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tagged lance_stroll
liked by lance_stroll, yourfriend, estebanocon, and 450,687 others
yourusername all i asked for was a picture, and he decided to give me 2 years of his life and his heart. i'll love you til my lungs give out.
view all 3,491 comments
username all she asked for was a PICTURE 😭 and he gave her his heart 😭 and she'll love him til her lungs give out 😭
username im literally throwing up, sobbing, screaming, dying at this caption
lance_stroll my heart has been yours since the day you blew my breath away
liked by 5,782 users
username i usually hate lovey-dovey couples but these two... girl they got me wanting to be adopted frfr
username im calling it... girlypop's gonna have a ring by year 3 for sure
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liked by yourusername, mickschumacher, chloestroll, and 203,456 others
lance_stroll yeehaw
view all 2,340 comments
username this is such a look... are we sure this man isn't from alberta
yourusername i will save all the horses if it means i get to ride this cowboy
username y/n.... estebanocon there are children on this app
username i was literally waiting for that y/n comment... these two are disgustingly unhinged
yourusername has added a story
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liked by lance_stroll, chloestroll, and others
lance_stroll why didn't you post the pic of both of us in the bath :(
yourusername i wasn't trying to traumatize your family my love lance_stroll u posted that you're going to 'ride this cowboy' but a pic of me in the bath is too much?
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tagged lance_stroll
liked by lance_stroll, scottyjames31, chloestroll, and 102,340 others
yourusername do you think i get to meet emily in paris or am i stuck with lance
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lance_stroll i just bought you that croissant and coffee and this is what i get as thanks????
yourusername i am so obsessed w u im sorry my favourite cowboy 🥺
username this is so wholesome lance is so boyfriend coded im crying
username y/n is literally living her best life ever i want to be her so bad
scottyjames31 i just know all of these photos were taken at least 75 times
yourusername mind ur own business scotty
lance_stroll and yourusername
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liked by chloestroll, estebanocon, mickschumacher and 2,304,550 others
lance_stroll watching you walk down the aisle will make me the luckiest man alive
view all 6,789 comments
estebanocon did you pay her to say yes?? congratulations you two 🥂
chloestroll even though i helped plan this entire thing i STILL cried on the phone. so happy for you both!!
username this man bought her like 5k worth of goodies and then put a RING that's probably worth my yearly salary on her finger??? god has chosen his favourite
yourusername im so lucky to be the one you've chosen to spend the rest of your life with. je t'aime 💗
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@leclercdream @myescapefromthislife @leclerces
i didnt tag anyone that specifically requested in the replies to be tagged for 'to live for the hope of it all' and all its parts (mostly bc idk how taglists work and i dont wanna bother yall), so if you'd like to be on my taglist for everything please send me a quick ask/dm (or u can just reply and say you'd like to be tagged for everything)! thank you for all the love
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