#but despite learning how to she kept saying commander
thetimelordbatgirl · 8 months
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OC Halloween Challenge 2023 Costumes Tell A Story Day Thirty: I Can Be Anybody I Wanna Be
NOTE: These are all alternate universe counterparts on my OCs from various AUs me and my friend, @disneyfan50 , either discuss or write based on disneyfan50's stories.
Featuring (from left to right): *Love From The Stars AU Reese as her eventual adopted father in the AU, Commodore Jim Hawkins of the Pleiadean Fleet (something said Commodore didn't realize at first until Reese said her costume (saying 'Commander' instead as usual, much to Jim's amusement), given Reese tends to dress like him anyway). *Songbird And Sleight Of Hand AU Jayla as her adopted father in the AU, Caleb Covington (who is honored by the costume...in his normal dramatic fashion, of course). *A Million Dreams AU Malachi as his eventual father figure in the au, Ilasqar (whose honored but also proceeds to want to know every detail about how Malachi made the outfit).
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blingblong55 · 6 months
If I could lie to you-Philip Graves
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Based on a request:
! jealous ! Phillip Graves x F! Reader??? Hera me out🙏🙏 Ok so let's say shadow company & TF-141 (reader is like a sergeant in 141) are like working together for a mission, but graves has a crush on reader, but we'll just tells himself that he doesn't like her even though he really does...Let's say graves explored around the base cause she was curious on how it looked but just his luck he went into room where training usually happens and he saw reader sparring with one of there recruits seemingly helping them improve their skills, And graves did not like it one bit. The way reader holds the recruits arms, hips, shoulders everything. Despite she was just trying to help he felt jealous. That should him who she's touching like that. Not that recruit. He watched as the sparring session between the two, his attention was at her(reader) and her only. When he saw that she pinned down the recruit he felt even more jealous considering how close they were. The rest is up to you🙏🙏 sorry if it's long🙁
A/N: Don't worry anon, nothing is ever too long...well...you know what I mean
---- F!Reader, fluff, romance, soldier!reader, jealous!Graves ----
Task Force 141 and Shadow Company worked together on another mission and intel operation. You and Gaz were sent first to help Commander Graves gather intel from a base located in the Middle East. After coming back with a successful amount of intel and a day-long rest, Philip found you training and sparring with the men on his team. Velikan was instructed by Gaz himself to be rough with his training and sparring session with you, he was hesitant at first but soon warmed up to you. Graves admired you from far away the whole time, always in the back just observing and chuckling to himself when you'd win or lose a sparring match.
This kind of day has become usual for you all. So much so that you grew close to the people in Shadow Company. Eventually, Laswell instructed you to leave back to the Task force's base. Time passed and you heard little from Shadow Company.
Months pass and eventually, the task force needs the help of Shadow Company. As all the others get settled in the bunks, Graves walks around the base. He checks out all the training rooms and overall enjoys his walk around the base. From afar, a lit room could be seen. He gets curious and when he walks in, he sees Velikan and you. Originally he asked for some tips back at the Shadow Company base and this time was no different, you were teaching him ways to improve his stance and some other easier ways of fighting.
Graves leans on a darkened wall, lights dim on that side where he was at. All those months when you stayed with Shadow Company, he admired you from afar, rarely talked to you but was always so polite. If you asked Gaz about why Graves was that way with you, he would smirk and shrug. It eventually created a small fixation in Graves's head, liking you was more of a hobby when he would learn things you liked, all so he could impress you someday. When that someday didn't arrive and Gaz and you flew back to England, he lost hope in confessing. After that, he told himself he didn't like you, that it was just him being some desperate single military man and that, that was the reason behind him improving himself for you. It had to be, right? Not because you were so smart, funny, strong and beautiful…not that.
Now as he watches a man from his team be so close to you, it seems unfair. What does he have that Graves doesn't? Not charisma, that's for sure. So, he kept cool and walked away. With time, he got close to the others in your team. He was brave enough to command an army of men and women yet he couldn't confess that he liked you and that he would do his best to be the man you deserve. And then…your hand went to his shoulder, Velikan's hand on your hip as you taught him one of your favourite yet best moves. You and he laughed trying to stay serious and as he and you fought using all the moves taught that is when Graves walked to you both.
Before you even noticed him, Velikan was pinned to the ground. It was impressive but Graves did not like it at all. He was supposed to be the one there, to have you in his arms, both for comfort and for other activities. Maybe for lovemaking. "Sergeant, get off my soldier and Velikan, get out." He said through gritted teeth. Shit, did Soap get him in a bad mood again? You thought. "Graves we are training-" the man tried to explain. "Do not give me a reason to make you run around the base- a matter of fact go fucking run." He snapped his fingers in the direction of the door. "Don't abuse your power-" Velikan tried once more but failed. "OUT!"
When he left the training room, Graves turned to you. "You know, you didn't have to be rude to him," you speak calmly. "I did, especially with what he was doing." Your brows furrowed, "What was he doing?" Graves shook his head in disbelief, it was as if you didn't notice how the man touched his girl…his fucking girl. "He was touching you, what's more to explain." You chuckle, "Oh that? No we were sparring," you explain but still, he didn't see it that way.
"No…not the way he looked at you, not how he grabbed you and especially not how he stared at you. What, are you training him on how to get women?" You sigh, a stubborn man he is. "No, and besides that is still no reason to get mad." "Maybe it isn't but-…fuck it- I like you…no I feel strongly about you. I like you Sergeant R/N, you are a sweet girl and you are so independent and funny and so cute and…why can't you see me?" You were taken by surprise and before a smile fully formed on your lips, he continued. "Do you have any idea what I'd do for you?" "…I don't think so-"
"And that is our problem. I would do it all. I like how you are so positive and so naive, it's absurd how it took me so long to say this. If one day you look up to the sky and see no stars, it's because I stole them for you. Even if you weren't real I would make you up, I'd brag about how beautiful your heart is, even if it gets me killed. I like how smart you are, and how you glow when you share a fact about something, it's beautiful to watch you stand up for yourself and how gorgeous it is to see you be so independent and I'll admit I want to be the guy you depend on for basic needs."
He walks closer, "I wouldn't disappoint you, trust me okay? I want to see you shine, want to see you glow and be the centre of a room. I want to be the guy you go home to. I want you, the good, bad and everything you can give me." His hands hold yours, placing them over his heart. "If I could lie to you, I'd say I don't believe in love at first sight. But when I saw you be you, how you didn't change no matter the situation, that's when I fell in love."
"Graves-" "Let me confess it all, R/N…please just let me say the words I've been dying to say." One nod from you and he goes on. "One stare from you, just one and it makes my day. You pat my back after a long day and I go to my room excited to prove the next day that I am worth more than a pat. That I can be the guy to watch from the stands as you shine. I get it now, I get why those romance films get you excited, why you read romance, I do because now I know and understand how good and strong real love feels."
"What if I'm not the girl you think I am?" "You see, that's where you are wrong." "I am?" "Yes, let me explain, okay?" "…okay." your voice small "With every girl I've ever met, I never felt this strong about them. With reason, I know now that all those kisses from past lovers were missing something, they were missing you…" "But-" "My love, please let me explain further." He takes a deep breath and looks at you with conviction, "I was full of doubt, I was scared of why I didn't feel so strongly about someone." He kisses your hands and places them back over his heart. "It's so lovely to get to know you, truly. I promise that someday, when we get married, you'll be the one who runs it, whatever you say goes and that is final." You chuckle and he smiles. "I'm being serious here."
"I want to give you reasons to fall for me every day of our lives. I need to be the guy who you look at and smile and go, 'Yeah…I did right' and I swear to be that forever."
"What if you are fooling me?"
"I'm not, I swear by all that I care for that I am not."
"Pinky promise?"
He chuckles and holds his pinky finger out, "I pinky promise to always love you, to be the man who stands here today and pours his heart out. I pinky promise to be good…to be excellent and never make you cry…well unless we laugh too hard…or if we get rough when we make love…" When both of your pinkies link he kisses them and wraps his arms around you. His warm lips are on your forehead as he kisses it repeatedly and whispers sweet nothings.
If this were a lie, your heart and his wouldn't sync, and your heartbeats wouldn't beat for each other. If he could lie to you, you wouldn't be preparing to walk down the aisle a year later. If he could lie to you, you wouldn't be home, sitting on the sofa, his arms wrapped around you as you chose names for the child you carry. The same one that was made out of pure love. If only he could lie…
A/N: isn't he so perfect....besides the war crimes of course....
@puffinhp @chicfille222 @rowrowrowyourboat13 @fanofstuffidk @staniyabuns @underwatertales @graesage @liyanahelena @johfaam0 @goldenmclaren @ghostslillady @moonsua1 @frazie99 @viomast @night-mare-owl-79 @vampsquerade @alxexhearts @baldwinhearts @tiredmetalenthusiast @jinxxangel13 @strangepuppynightmare @luvecarson
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darkstarofchaos · 11 months
It is finally time to talk about Megatron and Starscream.
Spoilers for Transformers EarthSpark under the cut.
So to start, it's fascinating to me that people are only now complaining that Megatron's characterization isn't consistent. I've thought it was inconsistent ever since episode 8, and it's only after episode 21 that I finally feel satisfied with his portrayal.
Way back in episode 3, Bumblebee asks Megatron what he would do if his troops weren't listening to him. Megatron's answer was, "When I commanded legions of Decepticons, my strategy was always intimidation. A little brute force, make a show of my weaponry, that sort of thing." He also mentions a "signature move" called the Turbo Twister, and while the details of what that is are lost to an explosion, it's pretty clear that he was using violence to keep people obedient.
Compare that to episode 8, which he spends complaining that Optimus has no problem locking up Decepticons despite not trusting GHOST. He doesn't want to use excessive force on the Cassettes when fighting them, rejects the use of devices that trap bots in their altmodes, and generally just doesn't like how the Cons are being treated. At the end of the episode, Optimus allows Megatron to let the Cassettes go, and Megatron tells Optimus that, "Perhaps your leadership style is not so different from my own."
Um. Excuse me, sir, but did you or did you not advocate for violence as a means of controlling your troops?
That's a blatant contradiction, and honestly, Starscream's "You don't know the real Megatron," sums up my problem with Megatron's redemption perfectly: we don't know the pre-redemption Megatron. We don't know what he was like when he led the Decepticons. We don't know why none of the Decepticons joined him when he allied with the Autobots. We know nothing about pre-redemption Megatron. Nothing beyond his own, cheerful anecdote about how he kept his troops in line through intimidation, and a later remark in episode 16 that, "A human soldier showed more compassion for my people than I did" (note that there is no contradiction between Megatron's self-assessment and his approach to disobedience).
Except now, thanks to the newest episodes, we do have something else. We have Starscream's assessment, and he describes Megatron almost the same way Megatron described himself: "The ruthless tyrant who ruled over us with fear and intimidation." Starscream did not say anything Megatron himself hasn't been telling us, and yet it's only now that Megatron's behavior gets labeled a contradiction?
But that's not why it's being called contradictory. I know it's not. So let's get to the heart of the issue: it's not just any Megatron who hears that Starscream has escaped and Does Not want him roaming free. It's a redeemed Megatron. It's a Megatron who argues against Decepticons being kept in cages, has a human partner, and shows nothing but patience in dealing with the Terrans.
It's a Megatron who, on learning that one of his most troublesome soldiers has escaped, falls straight back into old habits.
We have no direct evidence that Starscream was as rebellious in this continuity as in others, but I think it can be inferred. Megatron described intimidation as his approach to dealing with disobedience, and Starscream starts to treat Hashtag the same way when she refuses to obey him - then backs off when she calls him on it. So we know Starscream wasn't very obedient, and that he was "disciplined" often enough that he outright tells Megatron he doesn't feel safe with him ("Nowhere is safe if it's with you").
This matters because, when Megatron hears about Starscream's escape, it's not just some Decepticon. It's a mech Megatron could never properly control, who probably ignored orders and did his own thing constantly. Starscream isn't just an escaped Decepticon: he's a bot Megatron has been controlling with violence for who knows how long. And when that bot is no longer contained, Megatron slips back into unknown years' worth of learned behavior. Because he never had an opportunity to unlearn it. How could he, when Starscream has been locked up and Megatron didn't have to think about him?
But he doesn't stay in that mindset. Yes, he attacks Starscream on sight. But he backs down when Hashtag intervenes (he's already lowering his weapon before she's even said two sentences in Starscream's defense), and he makes no further attempt to capture Starscream. Quite the opposite: at the end of the episode, he extends an offer of safety, and when Starscream rejects that offer, Megatron just... lets him go. Just like he let the Cassettes go back in episode 8.
Megatron's redemption wasn't somehow undone because he made a bad decision on impulse. Not if all it took for him to change his mind about Starscream was seeing him try to save Hashtag from the Dweller. If anything, it showed that Megatron is committed to his new ideals. Even if he slips up sometimes, he isn't going to return to his old ways. And I don't know about anyone else, but I needed that.
I have spent the entire season doubting Megatron's redemption. It didn't feel like redemption; it felt like the writers just wanted a nice Megatron, and his old mindset could be handwaved as, "Well, he was bad once, but he's good now". Seeing him default to old behavior, even just a little, connected the Megatron we know and the one we only hear about in a real, tangible way. And at least to me, that makes his characterization stronger.
Of course, there's still that contradictory comment about Optimus' leadership style being "not so different" from Megatron's. But I don't think a single line of weird dialogue is worth getting worked up over.
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midnightcreator12 · 6 months
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Chula Verd Ref Sheets 2023
Read about where she's at in the Hunter and Turtles Series
More about her under the cut
Chula Verd is a hybrid between a Mandalorian Human and a Lasat. She weaves pieces of both cultures into her lifestyle but, since her mother died very shortly after she was born, she was raised by her Father and thus, leans more into her Mando heritage.
Sadly, the Mandalorian Clan War's end also brought the death of her Father. The pair had been with Death Watch for a time but Chula's Father did not agree with the plan Pre Vizsla was making. He had planned to sabotage the first attack on New Mandalore but Vizsla's followers learned of the plan and Vizsla ordered Chula's father be killed for treason.
Despite managing to escape, Chula's father was mortally wounded and died, leaving Chula orphaned and labeled a traitor to Death Watch at fifteen.
Chula traveled a lot over her next few years of life, her father had instilled a love of the star in her early on. She was angry and reckless but her Lasat heritage plus her fathers armor and training let her walk away from just about every fight unscathed.
In her Early twenties, she was in a cantina when a Jedi approached her. The Jedi, Astra Ader, had been tasked with recovering the local royalties daughter from kidnappers, since the ransom demanded for the princesses return was not at all feasible and her abduction had put a very delicate peace treaty in jeopardy. Astra said that she had planned to go alone but she heard a few whispers of a very skilled bounty hunter that happened to be in the area and since this mission was time sesative, she wished to hire Chula to track down the princess. Chula didn't much like the idea or getting mixed up with so political garbage but...the Jedi was offering a good sum and she was pretty and Chula was a little starved for some action.
The mission took only a few days, mostly because the kidnappers had moved the princess off planet, but Chula did her job. The Jedi was grateful and paid as she promised, Chula was surprised to find a little extra, and the two parted ways.
Chula assumed she'd never see Astra again but they kept meeting. The time between them meeting varied but, somehow, Astra kept approaching her in shady bars or crowded markets, with the promise of handsome pay for another job.
Eventually, Chula just gave Astra her communications code, saying that if she was going to be on the Jedi's payroll, might as well have a direct line. Astra seemed more than happy to call upon Chula's service anytime finding a person or persons was needed in her missions.
All the mission together drew the pair closer. Chula almost didn't notice how hard she was falling in love until years down the line. She never said a word, very aware that the Jedi frowned on their Knights courting people.
It didn't make it sting any less when the Clone Wars started and Astra's calls suddenly stopped.
Chula figured that she wouldn't see the Jedi again and, eventually, she'd move on. Except a few month into the War, Astra called, sobbing and begging Chula to help her becasue she didn't know what she was doing and she'd frozen and it had gotten her men killed. 'I lost so many, I killed them, I failed, please, I need help.'
Chula ran to Astra, because how could she say no? And helped the Jedi to be a proper general. It was at this time that Astra confessed that she had feeling for Chula. It wasn't an easy relationships, because Astra still held her duty to the Republic and Jedi over all else, but Chula would take it.
Chula became the honorary Commander of the 244th Battalion. She helped Astra with her tactics and working in active war zones, she started training the ARC troopers in Mandalorian fighting styles, she would spend days at a time on the star-ship, just bonding with Astra and the Clones. She planned to whisk them all away after the war (they were all to invested to even entertain the idea of a successful kidnapping during the war) because she knew that the Republic would not take care of them after the war ended.
But one mission threw all those plans out into the deepest voids of space
Chula is passionate, loyal, and adores children. She is very eager to help those she dubs friends and will not hesitate to crush her enemies. And despite the fact she doesn't like staying in one place for very long, she also doesn't do well when left alone for too long (depression, thoughts of suicide disguised as 'missions') And she wants to raise a little child of her own but, somehow, she keeps adopting teens and young adults.
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wintertraumaposting · 2 months
Learning the Ropes Part 1
Draft of part 1 of a story about a subby switch finding their confidence and style as a dominant.
No gender given to the reader (the learning dominant). The sub is described as a girl and feminine, but undefined much beyond that.
Learning the Ropes
The friend of your domme is all too familiar, although you've never seen her quite like this. She kneels on the ground in front of you, entirely naked, save for a blindfold and pair of noise cancelling headphones. By her expression, you can tell she's excited, but unsure of what's to come. 
"Doesn't she look precious?" Your Domme asks as she steps in behind you. Her voice is enough to send a submissive shudder down your spine, which she immediately notes. "Ah ah ah, my pet. You wanted to practice being dominant, so you must put aside those feelings for the moment." 
"Y-youre right," you answer, although the shaky uncertainty you feel is still obvious in your voice. 
Your Domme steps beside you. She has such a natural dominating aura. Even when she's doing nothing more than standing in place, you dream of being on your knees before her, feeling her control washing over you.
The snap of her fingers brings you back to reality. "Focus, my sweet. You are in control here, and that comes with responsibility. I made sure your playmate would be unaware of your first reaction, but once she is following your command she needs to know that you know what you are doing." As if sensing your continued uncertainty, she gives your shoulder an encouraging squeeze. 
"Yeah. I'm in control." You whisper under your breath, trying to convince yourself. You've wanted to be dominant for such a long time. It's just so difficult making all those decisions, dealing with the responsibility, and the anxiety about doing anything wrong. "So, what should I do?" 
The sadistic glint in your Domme's eye tells you exactly what she wants to do to the eager submissive kneeling before the both of you. 
"That is not for me to say. You are the one in control here. You know your submissive's kinks and limits. She is eager and awaiting instruction. She wants this. She wants *you*. So the question is, what do you want?" Her question is followed by her stepping over to a seat in the corner. "Remember, my sweet, you are not me, so do not try to be. Be yourself. Find your own style that suits your desires. Now, I think you have kept this beautiful flower waiting long enough." 
You turn your attention back to the kneeling girl. Despite her lack of awareness, she really does look eager for whatever is to come, and you know exactly what is off the table. Closing your eyes for a moment, you take a breath and centre your thoughts. You're in control. You can do this. 
Stepping forward, you remove the headphones from her head. There's an immediate shift in her posture to a more attentive state. Just seeing how ready she is for you gives you a flicker of understanding about why your Domme finds controlling others so fulfilling. 
"Hi," you say, unsure of how to begin. 
"Hello. How may I serve you...?" She tilts her head, unsure of how she should refer to you. 
"Your highness," you state with a confidence that surprises you, especially considering you hadn't even thought about honorifics. 
"How may I serve you, your highness?" She repeats her question, now referring to you correctly. 
"Present yourself." Your mind runs through the multitude of submissive positions your Domme has drilled into you. "Hands behind your head, leaning up and out," you continue before you can get stuck in a loop of indecisive thoughts." 
The girl before you immediately obeys your command. She leans up from her kneel to push her beautiful body out towards you. Her legs spread out along the soft floor, giving you a perfect view. At the same time, she brings her hands up behind her head, locking her fingers together. 
"Good girl," you tell her, after you've spent a few moments admiring everything she has, everything that you can play with. 
You step past her to a table by the bed which has all sorts of toys laid out. Nothing too complex for your first time taking charge. Your Domme took the time to make sure you could safely use everything on display. 
Before you can grab the collar you came for, you notice her head slightly turned in your direction. Despite still being blindfolded, she is trying to be attentive towards you. Reaching back, you take a soft hold of her hair, which is enough to make her shudder. You tilt her head so she's facing forwards once more. 
"I'm sorry, your highness," she quickly says. She gives no explanation or excuse. You can hear the genuine submissive joy in her voice over even the simplest form of control. It fills your mind with more ideas of what you can do with her, just to know you're making someone feel so fulfilled. 
Turning your attention back to the table, you pick up a soft, black leather collar with a D ring on the front. It has enough weight to always be noticeable, but not so much that would draw attention from other stimulation. 
"Hold your hair up for me." You're still getting used to someone so eagerly following your commands. Leaning down, you wrap the collar around her throat, and are met with a sharp intake of breath. You recognise that excitement at the feeling of something being wrapped around your throat, making you feel owed, knocking you deeper into a subby haze. Not dwelling on how much you enjoy being collared yourself, you buckle it in place. Tight enough to be a good reminder of your control, but without restricting her breathing or blood flow. 
After stepping back in front of her, you note just how perfect she looks with a collar around her throat. It seems like it should've always been there. And the satisfaction you feel from knowing you were the one that put it there is priceless. 
In her current position, her legs are bent up in a way that puts strain on her muscles. For a short time, this is fine, but you know--from personal experience--she won't be able to maintain it forever. That knowledge gives you a delightful, if mean, idea.
"Remember, you are to keep this position until I release you from it." The confidence in your voice still shocks you. Fake it till you make it you suppose. 
"Yes, your highness." Somehow she manages to sound even more submissive now. Impressive. 
Kneeling down, you trace a hand down her cheek, moving towards her mouth. Her lips part just enough to make it clear she's ready to accept whatever you might put inside, but your fingers continue on. They trail downwards towards her chest. Now your other hand joins, this one dragging your nails just enough to be slightly painful. 
Your hands take their time, stopping to circle, moving back up. It's thrilling to watch how she responds to just the slightest touch, how you're getting her worked up without even touching her intimate areas. It's almost enough to make you remove her blindfold so you can see the needy look in her eyes. 
While you do enjoy drawing this out for a lot of reasons, you're mainly buying time for the muscles in her legs to tire. She'll have to choose between obedience and giving into her body. You have no idea how long she will last, but you can see the struggle beginning to settle in. Her legs quiver, and her deep breaths of excitement are mixed with ones of concentrated exertion. 
To take your teasing up a notch (or a few), you lean in close, putting your lips to her ear. "You're doing such a good job for me. Obediently following my instruction. Good girl." 
Your words alone are more than enough to elicit a desperate moan from her, but at the same moment, you start to tease her nipples. For just a second, you're jealous of just how sensitive they are. Then, you realise just how fun that makes them to play with. 
Her breathing quickly becomes ragged and desperate, all the whole intermixed with noises of whiny need. Yet she still manages to hold herself in place. 
Your right hand leaves its post, teasing down to between her legs. As expected, she's dripping. Just that clarifying touch is nearly enough to make her legs buckle. She shifts out of place, but manages to correct her posture. 
"Y-your hi-highness... P-please." You don't have to be looking at how her hips are trying to buck forwards into your hand to be able to know what it is she desires. 
"Please give you a taste? Since you're doing so well." Before she can reply, your fingers are pulled away and pressed to her lips, which she readily accepts. The delighted moan she gives is one that tells you you've just knocked someone to a new level of subspace. That knowledge is as delicious to you as the taste of her own arousal seems to be to her. "Such a good little *slut*," you whisper directly into her ear, before giving it a playful bite. 
That seems to knock her struggle to remain still up to the next level, so before she can slip back onto her heels, you ease her into your arms with gentle reassurance. "So good at following your highness' orders," you coo. 
With a momentary princess carry, you get her settled onto the comfort of the bed. Still blind to the world, she has little choice but to await verbal instruction. The way her hands grip onto the covers does betray how badly she would like to touch herself. It brings a smile to your face to see that she knows better than to take pleasure without permission. 
While you've avoided her gaze for fear of being knocked into your own subby headspace, you spare a look towards your Domme. There is an expression of happy pride on her face. She knows she taught you well, but more than that, she enjoys the opportunity to witness you exploring yourself (Plus it's hot as hell to watch her sub teasing and dominating a pretty girl.). 
Turning your attention back to the table of toys, you decide what you want to do with your eager submissive next.
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devilsarchives · 13 days
The lies of a Rose “Part I”
Disclaimer: This headcannon series depicts themes that some readers may find disturbing, such as an inappropriate relationship between an adult and a minor. With that said, this is not a romanization of those themes so if y’all take it that way that’s on you.
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The Lady in Red’s identity has always been a mystery. Who was she? Where is she now? And how come despite the fact that she’s Nero’s mother, the eldest son of Sparda has no recollection of her? Well, having put in a ridiculous amount of thought and time into this subject, I think I’ve finally come up with an answer;
Our story begins on Fortuna on April 5th, 1997. (2 years before the events of Devil May Cry 3) Vergil, who was 16 at the time, had traveled to the remote island in search of the truth to his fathers fate. As soon as he enters the city, it doesn’t take long for the demons to attack, unaware that he had noticed their presence the entire time. Like the cutscene from dmc4 se, Vergil cuts his foes down swiftly and moves forward.
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As he walked through the crowded streets trying his best to blend in, a young woman watched from afar.
Her name was Beatrice, a 21 year old member of the Order who, like the majority of Fortuna’s citizens, had spent her entire life worshiping the legendary dark knight Sparda, believing that he would one day return and free humanity from demon kind once and for all.
She had passed by Vergil in the cities marketplace, catching a small glimpse of his white hair. She had never seen anyone with that color, at least, not someone as young as that boy appeared. Apart from that and his cloak, Beatrice quickly deduced that he was a visitor who clearly had something to hide, so when she saw him entering the local library, she followed.
Trying her best to remain unseen, Beatrice watched him speak briefly with the librarian before heading upstairs to where all the historic records were kept. She asked the librarian why the visitor had gone up there, to which the older woman replied “He wanted to learn about the Savior.”
Beatrice found this news interesting to say the least. An outsider coming to Fortuna seeking knowledge about Sparda wasn’t unheard of. In fact, a vast majority of the city was made up of travelers who had been converted. But if that was the case, why had he not gone straight to the Opera House? Surely if the visitor had questions about the Order, he’d want to speak with his holiness, right?
Confused by all this, Beatrice decided to visit Fortuna Castle, the current base of operations for the Order’s highest members. There she requested a meeting with his Holiness, but was denied this request by her brother Sanctus, his holiness’s 2nd in command/ lieutenant. When told he would pass the message along, Beatrice informed him of the visitor with white hair wandering around town. Sanctus had already received a similar report from the guards posted at the entrance and was aware of the strangers presence, as well as their impressive abilities in combat. He had a hunch about the visitors true identity, but if he was going to convince his holiness of anything, he needed proof.
Sanctus gave Beatrice the task of observing the boy and reporting anything else she learned about him, which she gladly accepted.
For the next few weeks, Beatrice followed Vergil wherever he went. When he wasn’t at the library reading up on the legends of Sparda, he would secretly spectate during morning worship at the Opera House. Sometimes she would catch him snickering a bit during the sermon, never figuring out why as nothing his holiness preached had ever been humorous.
For whatever reason, the stranger didn’t spend his nights in an inn or a hotel. Instead, he sought refuge inside Port Caerula warehouse. It was hardly ever in use and guard patrols rarely took place in that area, making it the perfect place to lay low. Beatrice would go to the warehouse and remain outside, but not by choice. Vergil had place a barrier around the door, obliterating demons instantly once they made contact. Fearful that she would meet the same fate, Beatrice decided to remain oblivious to whatever went on inside that building, telling Sanctus that she could never figure out where the visitor spent the night.
After a month of fruitless observation, Beatrice began to think that maybe the visitor was just that, a visitor with zero ulterior motives. She was prepared to give up on her assignment entirely, until it happened…
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Scattered across the island were many Hell Gates. In the past, the demon king Mundas had built them to transport his armies into the mortal realm to aid in his conquest of the mortal realm, however, upon being defeated by Sparda, the hordes were repelled and the gates were sealed off.
Centuries later, a mining expedition would take place near one of the gates. There would be a few encounters with demons, but nothing the city guards couldn’t handle, and so the worker could do as they pleased along as they followed one simple rule; Never touch the Gate.
Of course, like all rules, they would eventually be broken. A group of workers who were drunk from a party and had wandered far away from the others. They approached the gate and began daring each other to lay one finger on it. The “bravest” of them eagerly agreed to the challenge and recklessly placed his entire hand on the stone. There was a moment of silence before the ground began to shake and dark, demonic laughter invaded the workers mind. Before he or his friends had time to react, a hellish portal opened within the gate, allowing a monster to step through.
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In the underworld, he was known as Berial. As one of Mundus’ many offspring, he was a true force to be reckoned with, proclaiming himself as the conqueror of Hellfire itself. He had been hellbent on making the traitor Sparda pay for his crimes against their kind, and now that he finally had a way into the Mortal Realm, he wouldn’t stop until that goal was achieved.
Stepping into the earth, he let out a roar that unleashed a supernova, laying waste to the structures around him, as well as the foolish workers that had opened the gate. Mass panic spread throughout the city, guards rushing people to safety while Sanctus led his best men towards the threat. As Beatrice ran with the others, she spotted the visitor running in the opposite direction. Against her better judgement, she did what had been doing from the start and followed, eventually finding herself standing with Sanctus. Both watched as the visitor approached the demon lord and discarded his cloak, showing no signs of fear or hesitation. Berial instantly knew who the young man one, saying he had Sparda’s blood flowing his his veins, shocking everyone, especially Sanctus.
The visitor took hold of the hilt of his blade and drew it, revealing that his name was Vergil and proclaiming that the demon would die by his hand. Angered by the young man’s complete disregard for his might, Berial moved to strike Vergil down, but to his and everyone’s surprise, the young man countered it with ease, initiating a fierce battle between the sons of two rivals.
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Though Berial’s size and strength made him a fierce opponent, he truly was no match for Vergil. The teens inhuman speed and reaction time were astonishing to witness as he had accurately predicted the demons lords every move, allowing him to break through Berial’s defenses and land every single attack effortlessly.
Meanwhile, Sanctus, his men, and Beatrice were left speechless. They had all grown up hearing about Sparda’s power, yet never imagined they would witness it for themselves. It was clear to them who Vergil really was, and for Sanctus, this revelation opened to door to many opportunities, ones he was more than willing to exploit.
Pushed to the limit, Berial conceded to Vergil, swearing to return for a rematch once his power was restored. Though displeased at his opponents cowardice, Vergil honored the beasts word and allowed him to escape through the Hell Gate.
With the threat gone, Vergil retrieved his cloak, making direct eye contact with Sanctus before using the Yamato to teleport away from the seen. Sanctus ordered his men to go looking for Vergil immediately, waiting until they left before addressing his sister;
Sanctus: I know you’ve been lying to me.
Beatrice: Lying to you? What would I have to lie about?
Sanctus: Don’t play me for a fool, I know you’ve been aware of where that boys has been staying this entire time.
Beatrice: I-I’m sorry brother! I c-can explain-
Sanctus: No need, I understand completely.
Beatrice: You do?
Sanctus: Of course, after all he is an impressive young man.
Beatrice: I suppose…
Sanctus: Quite handsome too.
Beatrice: Well yes- what’s your point?
Turning to face Beatrice, Sanctus placed a firm hand on her shoulder.
Sanctus: My point, dear sister, is that you have my blessing to pursue him.
Beatrice: As…what exactly?
Her brother grinned darkly.
Sanctus: As a lover of course!
And that concludes Part I of my multi-part Lady in Red headcannon series. Sorry for this first one being so long, there was a lot to cover and tbh I can’t promise Part II will be any different. I’ve had this headcannon for a good minute now and while I’m not quite ready to turn it into a full fledged fanfiction, I really wanted to get it out there. Ill try to post a new entry every day, so if anyone has any questions or thoughts please feel free to comment and please reblog as Likes unfortunately do little to bring attention to posts on this app 🙃. Anyway, bye for now.
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aslightaddity · 7 months
Dappy!verse lore The Penguin
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Born the daughter of Gertrude Kableput after an affair with Salvatore Moroni. He was an only child as his birth was incredibly traumatic for his mother, he was born prematurely and with cerebral palsy.
His mother was fiercely protective of him. He barely left his home, when he did it was to the doctors, the store, the library, or the park but always with his mother. He was homeschooled by his mother and his neighbors as a child due to his difficulties speaking and the lack of accessibility in the Gotham public schools.
As a child he knew he was different, past his condition, he knew he was truly a boy, he had no way to communicate this, he had no word for what it was. Until he made a friend, a pen pal really, named Helix, who was like him. She too was trans and sheltered. They bonded over their letters, they shared photos, books, songs they loved, and their crazy stories.
For his seventeenth birthday he was surprised with his own set of arm crutches that his mother and neighbors had pooled together money for and was finally had more mobility that he didn’t need to rely on someone else for.
That was the same day he saw his first dead body. He finally had his own way to visit Helix on his own so he went to visit her but when he arrived at her home the doors were unlocked and in the middle of the room was the bloodied corpse of Helix. The only thing the killer left was a ransom note.
Oswald took the note and went to the worst place he knew to try and find answers, fish mooney’s club. He demanded to know if the person could be identified but Fish refused to tell him anything without assurance that he was loyal. In trade for the information Oswald began working for Fish.
As one of Fish’s employees he was given a spare tuxedo, it wasn’t as fitted as the others had them but he was greatful as he finally looked more like a man in it. He worked as a greater for the club and kept tabs on who came and went, like a look out, lord knows the security was just there for show and the heavy lifting. He also helped Fish hide items, often bringing them home and hiding their food hem under a loose floor board.
His mother wasn’t too happy that he got a job but he assured her it was a good job and that the extra money would be nice.
Over the years he slowly got closer to finding Helix’s murderer and he got closer to Fish herself. She was nice but strict, like a mother, and doted on him, saying how he looked like a little penguin in his suit. A nickname that quickly caught on. With the money he earned he was able to pay for his mother’s dream home in another, safer, city and was even able to pay for gender affirming care and better mobility aids on his own.
Then the day came when Fish called him aside to talk to him. They had found who they believed killed Helix and due to his dedication it was up to him what happened to him. Oswald had long made up his mind, he was going to kill them himself.
When the day finally came he went along with Fish and some of the other men to the man’s apartment. He was given a gun, not a nice one but by no means cheap. It was quick and slow the moment when he shot and killed the man he didn’t even bother to learn the name of.
He finally got revenge but there was more he realized his own potential. He could be just as great as Fish.
Fish realized this too and slowly he improved and became her second in command. She drunkenly told him one night that if she to die that it would all be his.
It was an uncharacteristically sunny day in Gotham when that statement would become true. While in a meeting with Falcone the all to familiar sound of a gunshot rang out. Oswald rushed in the room to find Fish bleeding out. Despite his insistence to help and try to save her, she already resigned herself to the death and reminded him that he was going to be a great man.
Usually when he returned home with blood on his hands from work he would wash it off as soon as he could but when he returned home he found himself unable to wash off her blood.
He took up Fish’s position, cozied up to Falcone despite how much he hated the man. But Falcone didn’t care about him, instead of treating him with the same respect he gave Fish, he made Oswald look after his daughter Sophia. Sophia insisted they were friends but it was very clear that they weren’t. They talked but it was mainly Sophia talking and Oswald responding in short answers.
Becoming more and more irritated with Falcone he began scouring to find others that disliked him and Moroni. Which, naturally, was a lot of people. He promised them better, to his ability he gave them better. It wasn’t long before people started denouncing Falcone or Moroni in favor of Oswald. Far too many people to just kill, far too important too.
It wasn’t long before he was confronted by both Falcone and Moroni. Who had nothing by colorful things to say to and about him, the threatened to kill him if he didn’t put an end to his growing claim on their crime empires.
Oswald wasn’t a fool. He had learned from them and so many other men like them how business worked, after-all he was doing a fine job running his own ‘business’. He knew that all men have a weak point you have to gouge, blackmail was a man’s best friend. So he told them what he had over each of them. For Moroni, it was the knowledge of his slew of affairs and illegitimate children he never cared to be responsible for and reminded Falcone that he knew every detail Sophia did. The blackmail alongside the dwindling support forced them to accept the change.
And for years it went like that, he ran the club, now the iceberg lounge, and managed his empire, both with the threats and attempts on his life that came with them. Never once being tied back to it all. He even took in an orphan that reminded him all too much of his long lost friend Helix, the boy was named Martin and he took him in as his own. But he grew paranoid as the years went by smooth.
Paranoid that someone was out to kill all that he loved, paranoid that every new face could be a threat. It quickly became a habit to blackmail and manipulate people. Afterall it was the only way he kept control. But then he met a man that defied his control, Ed Nygma. A man who when faced with blackmail pulled a knife and aimed for an artery. A man he would become so close to and soft with as the tell him his entire story. A story no one else knew in full.
In some ways he had gained the family he had long thought he lost.
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rileytwenty · 1 year
Leyra || the Albino Na'vi
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(Neteyam x OC)
Chapter 1
Out in the forest, it was too easy to pretend that everything was perfect. Within the Nantangs' calls and the Ritis' chirping and the Pa'lis stamping about, peace was not hard to find.
Leyra could forget about her life in the village for a few fleeting seconds here and there. But then the little reminders, such as her particularly makeshift bow, or her ratty clothes, or her unusual white skin, would send her crashing back into her reality like a tidal wave.
Said reality included spending most of her days alone, with trees for friends and bugs for company. Her father, the only clan member who would willingly converse with her, spent all his days hunting or planning hunts as Jake Sully's--the Omatikaya Olo'ektan's--second in command.
Sometimes she liked her father's position. She'd get a heads up on where not to go to avoid the hunting parties and training sessions, and he'd occasionally come home with interesting drama for her regarding the other clan members.
Her mother had died on the frontlines of the Battle of the Tree of Souls. She had been an amazing warrior, well-renowned in the clan. Leyra's father won't say it outright, but her mother had been devastated when she was born. A perfect warrior giving birth to an albino freak show. She didn't have to live with the shame for long, as she died only one month after Leyra had been born.
Her father had been an amazing parent to her, supporting her and taking care of her the best that he could under Mo'at's rules. He brought her portions of the meals to eat separate from the clan so she could avoid the stares and whispers that still occurred even though she was bordering on seventeen.
Over time, the forest had become her safe space where she spent most of her time, despite the amount of times it had almost killed her. Though, she had learned a lot through experience and developed her own way of surviving in it.
Currently, she was perched in a tree beside some harmless little birds and was watching the Pa'li stampede around and drink nectar.
The sound of twigs snapping caught both her attention and that of the Pa'li. Another crunch had the horse-like creatures herding themselves away from the source of the sound. Leyra leaned back to look around the tree and see what animal had made the sound, only to find a young Na'vi boy stumbling his way through the underbrush.
He must be lost, she thought. Hopping down from the tree soundlessly, she approached the young boy.
"Hello," she spoke softly, startling the boy only a bit. "My name is Leyra," she flicked her finger away from her face in Na'vi greeting, "are you lost?"
Unbeknownst to them both, Neteyam had already spotted them, but kept his distance as he was surprised to see such a different-looking Na'vi teen.
The little boy returned the gesture sheepishly and muttered a, "yes, very."
She let out a small giggle at his honesty. "What were you doing out this far in the forest in the first place?"
"Neteyam agreed to take us kids out to see the hunters train, but I got distracted by a bug and was separated."
"Ah, I see. Would you like me to take you back to the village or to the training grounds?"
"You know the way?" He was bewildered. Leyra found it refreshing to speak to someone who had no hatred or pity or really any opinion of her at all.
"Yes, of course I do. I am not lost at all, I never am."
"Wow. But how? The forest all looks the same everywhere!"
"There are differences. I can teach you once you're older, if you want. That way, you'll never get lost again."
"Yes, please! Umm, could you take me back to the village? I sure would like to see my mom."
"Of course. It's this way, let's go."
The kid grabbed her hand, and it startled her. No one had made skin to skin contact with her in a long time. She tried to play it off and gripped his hand in return, which made him smile at her. It all but melted her fragile heart.
"There you are, Zi'um!" Neteyam finally emerged from the brush, a serious look on his face meant to scold the boy.
"Neteyam!" The boy leapt into the future Olo'ektan's arms. Neteyam chuckled, picking him up and holding the youngster over his hip.
Once the boy had comfortably settled, Neteyam's focus drifted to Leyra. He kept asking himself, since when had there been a white Na'vi in the clan? Had he really been so busy as to not notice such an extraordinary being? "Hello."
His presence was making her sweat. Her father always told her to avoid unnecessary attention, and here the future Olo'ektan was, trying to hold a conversation with her. "Hello, Neteyam."
Her voice was softer and nicer than he had been expecting from such an unusual creature. "Do I know you?"
"Oh, uh, no. I don't think you would. I just know of you, with you being the up-and-coming Olo'ektan and all."
He cursed himself for assuming they had met before and making things awkward for her. He had forgotten that his name was a well-known one. "Oh, right, yes. I think I would have remembered someone who looks like you."
A light blush tinted her cheeks in embarrassment and she looked down. Even the Olo'ektan's son was making fun of her. There really was no end to it all.
Neteyam took her blush to mean that his half-flirting attempt at pointing out her Eywa-given beauty had worked, and that she was flustered by his charm. He was, on this rare occasion, very wrong.
"Walk with us back to the village?"
Leyra was puzzled by him offering this after he had just insulted her, but she knew better than to try to disobey him. "Alright."
The three started off towards the mountain village entrance. Neteyam shushed at Zi'um, who was now whimpering about seeing his mother and apologizing for wandering off. Neteyam reassured him on both accounts.
Leyra enjoyed getting to see the soft interaction between them. People usually reserved their worst selves for when she was near.
Not long into the journey, the emotionally exhausted child fell asleep in the warrior's arms.
"What were you doing out in the forest, all alone?" Neteyam questioned her in a whisper once he was sure Zi'um was going to stay asleep.
"Oh, I-" she wasn't sure of what response he was expecting, "I was exploring, like usual."
"So, you spend a lot of your time in the forest, then?"
Yes, her father dropped her off to the forest floor on his ikran each morning after breakfast and picked her up each evening in time for dinner. "Yes, practically every day. I like having only the forest for company."
Neteyam hummed, intrigued by her response. In his eyes, the forest was a beautiful ecosystem best watched from afar. Too many dangers lurked just beyond one's line of vision. It was definitely a great circle, one that he was a part of, and it provided the clan with shelter and food. Though, he much preferred to look down on it from his ikran rather than from on the ground.
Leyra resisted the urge to ask him what exactly his indistinct hum had meant. Silence fell over the pair, and Leyra savored the adorably relaxed expression on the young boy's sleeping face.
She was smiling at the boy's face when Neteyam turned to look at her, wondering what she was thinking about in the silence. She averted her eyes upon making eye contact with him, the smile quickly fading.
Though, not before Neteyam saw it. And he decided he liked her smile.
They continued until they reached the bottom of the cave entrance and Neteyam called for his ikran to take himself and the boy up to basecamp.
As he mounted himself and Zi'um onto the animal, he opened his mouth to say something to Leyra, but nothing came out.
He didn't want her to walk off again and continue being alone in the forest. He knew firsthand how dangerous that was. Though, he could tell by her slightly turned away body that she had no interest in returning to the base with them.
"Be safe," he settled on, accompanied by a sturdy nod.
She smiled at him, but it wasn't like the smile he had gotten a glimpse of before. This was polite, obligatory.
"You too, Neteyam."
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bunmellos · 2 years
One of my friends really likes loona, tho I don’t really follow them. And the articles I just searched up after reading your posts don’t really give the full story. Do you mind summing up what happened to someone outside the community? Totally fine if you don’t btw! But I wish there was a source that doesn’t sound like they’re forced to sell a certain pov
sure, here’s a brief summary. i’ll probably get a couple things wrong because i’m doing this mostly from memory, but here we go:
- loona debuted one member each month from 2016-2018, and debuted as a group with hi high in 2018. notably, the last member to debut only trained for 1 day before being thrust into the spotlight
- after that, comebacks were slow coming, especially considering they were a popular new group with a lot of potential.
- at some point, staff reveals that they haven’t been paid since debut. this includes the girls. bbc (the management company) also claims severe financial debt, and orbits (the fans) come together and mass buy merch to pull them out of debt. it was honestly pretty amazing
- a couple of members begin to stand out from the rest of the group. this includes heejin, the first member to debut, who begins getting ad appearances and a lot of center time. the other is chuu, the tenth member to debut, who is known for her bubbly and cheerful personality. she starts doing a lot of work outside the group- guest starring in reality shows, MC-ing, etc. we learn that, despite pulling bbc out of debt, they still haven’t paid the staff or idols.
- chuu begins to inexplicably miss a lot of group schedules. rumors say she might be planning to move to another company.
- in 2022, the kpop industry starts touring again. loona (minus chuu, of course, as she’s busy with other events) does a world tour with a very harsh schedule. members begin breaking down one by one until eventually only 7 or 8 are able to perform.
- chuu sues bbc to get out of her contract and wins, somewhat. she can now freely do solo activities but bbc still profits from her efforts. there’s silence for a few months. then, suddenly, on november 25th, bbc announces chuu’s removal from the group. they cite her abuse of the staff as their reason and make a lot of really weird statements. one of these is that “the rest of loona do not do this for personal gain”, which is very very odd considering chuu just wanted to be paid for her efforts. lol
- immediately, people start coming to chuu’s defense. one of these is hyunjin, her own group member, who expresses her frustration over chat despite risking getting in trouble for it. sunmi, a senior idol, posts a selfie of the two together in support. in addition, all kinds of staff for the different shows chuu has worked on share their stories of how kind and considerate she is. basically, the rest of the industry comes together to call bbc on their bullshit
- at this point, people have been speculating for a long time. one theory is that bbc is a money laundering scheme that’s kept loona as nugu (new group, despite being 4-6 years old depending on the member) as possible to avoid drawing attention. because like… if nobody’s being paid and they’re committing tax fraud then where is all that money going…? it’s kind of weird because bbc is the bottom of a chain of command that eventually leads to ilgwang group, which mainly sells weapons to the government and has gotten in trouble for corruption before (take that how you will)
- the rest of the group members are expected to continue with their activities like nothing happened, and are forced to do one on one video calls with fans. most of them are visibly upset. especially hyunjin, who’s always been one to express her real feelings. also we find out that the bbc ceo is suspected of evading over $37 million usd in taxes
- bbc releases another statement telling fans to stop speculating and let the members do their jobs
- almost immediately afterward, news comes out that 9 of the members (excluding vivi and hyunjin, probably because vivi is in korea on a work visa and hyunjin is busy doing some stuff for fifa) have filed injunction against bbc to terminate their contracts. chuu has now joined by4m studio
- and that’s about it, assuming nothing else has happened since i was asleep. tldr: loona was a group with a lot of potential but their company fucked it up and kicked out a member over bullshit claims, leading the rest of the group to quit too
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knightprincess · 13 days
Forgive Me (Echo x Medic Reader) Part 27
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Words: 1.9k Warning: Angst-heavy chapter with a few little "surprises." I'm sad to say this journey is coming to an end. May the force be with you x Pronouns Used: She/Her - use of Y/N, and the reader is referred to as "Snap."
“Was that the rest of your squad?” asked Emerie, watching as the black-clad troopers took the remaining three members of Clone Force 99 away. Although she was concerned for them, it didn’t override her need to protect the children wandering the warzone the facility had become. Echo could only nod to the question; despite the dread building up further, he was at least glad they had gotten into the facility. Although now he made the mental note to rescue them after helping to get the kids to safety and finding (Y/N) at some point.
“Where are they being taken?” asked Echo, trying to remain in his role as a TK Trooper, even if all he wanted to do was tear the armor off and go after Hunter, Crosshair, and Wrecker. To go after Snap and finally be the man he’d all but promised her he’d be so long ago. Give her the life she deserves.
“I don’t know,” honestly responded Emerie, as it slowly dawned on her how little she truly knew about the goings on within the facility. Within the last few hours, she learned about the Zilo Beast, a near-indestructible creature kept in the sub-levels of the facility. From Hemlock’s concerned rants, she knew about the Dark Trooper project now, too, and only parts of what Project Necromancer truly included.
Elsewhere in the facility, Hemlock pridefully walked into the circular room, an almost wicked grin on his features at finally capturing the remaining members of the original Clone Force 99. For a few short seconds, his eyes found (Y/N), still trapped within the reconditioning device, passed out now, although she still muttered “Tech” every now and again. Almost as if she was calling for someone to rescue her from the hell she’d been put through.
“If you survive, you’ll all be great assets to the empire,” worded Hemlock, turning his attention to Hunter after taunting him about the possibility of losing another brother. In truth, he’d hoped all of them survived, including (Y/N). He’d hoped to reunite Clone Force 99 again; after all, they were a force to be reckoned with during the war, and there was no reason to think it could be any different now. (Y/N) as both their creator and commander, the unit would be unmatched.
“We’ll survive … but you won’t,” breathlessly replied Hunter, determination alight in his smokey voice. One way or another, Hemlock would pay; he would fall and be the message to the empire. After receiving the news the databanks had been destroyed, Hemlock once again turned on Hunter’s machine, almost smiling sadistically as he left the circular room to the sound of Hunter screaming out in pain, his heightened senses being overwhelmed to a torturous degree.
“Tech,” mumbled Snap, this time as if she was calling out to another, her eyes barely open as she tried to move her restrained arm, as if she was going to point at someone. The CX Trooper present seemed to take notice of her mumbled words, at least enough, where he’d chosen to turn off Hunter’s machine and end the misery the enhanced soldier was going through. “Cody,” added (Y/N), the name seemingly making the topper stop altogether, as if he recognized the name and, by extension, the Civvi medic calling it.
“That name,” spoke the black-clade trooper, standing between (Y/N) reconditioning device and Crosshair’s. “Who is … Cody?” he asked, a sense of both recognition and curiosity breaking through, confusion too.
“You,” whispered Snap, “You’re Cody.”
“I … I did … this to you … Forgive me, Cody.”
“I’m not Cody.”
“The others … Comet, Dogma … Tech … M’sorry.”
“That’s not me, I’m CX-3. I’m a soldier of the Empire,” argued the black-clad trooper, stepping back enough to notice Omega trying to release Wrecker. To which he turned his attention to her.
“Wolffe … you need … Wolffe,” uttered (Y/N) again before passing out, not seeing the confusion paint on Wrecker’s features; he’d heard everything; the trooper was a friend, someone they knew, and Tech was one of the four they’d fought in the landing bay.
“Which one is Tech?” asked Hunter upon being released from the machine. He’d wobbled over to Snap while Wrecker released Crosshair, at least while Cody was knocked out. “Snap!” urgently called the sergeant, pulling the fragile medic from the machine. Although it soon dawned on him that she’d already spent some time going through the torturous process, her mind was scattered at best and broken at worst.
“Tech,” mumbled (Y/N), just about finding the strength to point in CX-2 direction. Crosshair seemed to understand instantly. Reality dawned on the sniper: the reasons why CX-2 knew them so well, why he ignored orders, why he targeted Crosshair in particular. CX-2 wasn’t an ordinary clone but their thought-lost brother. “Necklace … Goggles … Clone Force 99,” she added, reaching to pull at the necklace hanging from her neck.
“You two go after Omega,” spoke Wrecker, “I’ll take care of Snap. These two aren’t going anywhere,” he added, reaching to pull the civvi medic into his arms, carrying her to the window, away from the machine used as an instrument of suffering. “Who’s who Snap?” asked Wrecker, allowing her to tell him who each black-clad trooper was, if only so they could be saved.
“Wolffe …” whispered Snap, as if she hadn’t realized Wrecker was the one caring for her. “Comet.”
“Oi, Wolffe, your CX Trooper is Comet,” yelled Wrecker, alerting Wolffe to the truth before the killing shot could be delivered. The shock written across the former Commander’s face left little to the imagination regarding his thoughts. His only response was to throw his blaster away and reach to tear the helmet from his enemy. If only to confirm he truly was Comet, his brother.
“You got it, Snap,” soothed the human bulldozer. “Echo!” called Wrecker, distracting both the Arc Trooper and the CX one. “You’re fighting Dogma.”
“Snap … Snap … Wake up … Come on (Y/N), wake up,” said Wrecker, gently shaking the civvi in the hopes of waking her again. His instinct to protect kicked in upon seeing the reflection of CX-2 looming closer. Wrecker doubted Snap would lie about who each trooper was, but simultaneously, the human bulldozer had trouble accepting Tech was one of them. After all, he’d seen him fall and felt helpless to stop it or save him.
“Wrecker!” called Echo after working with Wolffe and the remaining prisoners to incapacitate the two troopers in the training facility. “Where’s the others? Snap? Omega?”
“Hunter and Crosshair went after Omega, Hemlock took her,” voiced Wrecker, “I got Snap. She’s the one who said who the troopers were,” he added, not being able to speak of (Y/N)’s wellbeing. How could he say she’d been tortured, so much so that she likely didn’t know where she was, let alone recognize those around her?
“Tech,” mumbled Snap, almost like the name was repeating in her broken mind. Once again, CX-2 crept closer but still kept his distance. Almost like he recognized the name, knew it was his own, but didn’t know what to do with the information.
“Bring her to the shuttle,” Echo called, feeling the terror build up. Wolffe, too, seemed to feel it as he searched for a way to the circular room.
“Not … not without … Tech … Cody,” started Snap, struggling to find the words to speak what floated around in her head, conveying the message she wanted to get across. “Reverse … Necklace … Rex … Fives,”
“Hey!” yelped Wrecker, as he was all but pushed aside by CX-2 and Snap taken from him. Wrecker would have protested but stopped himself from doing so upon seeing the black-clad trooper seemed to understand her.
With a shaky hand (Y/N) reached out, pressing the button on the side of the CX-2 helmet, revealing his face, just in time for Crosshair and Hunter to return with Omega. She didn’t hear the sharp intakes of breaths or Omega’s squeak. Tech looked back at her with mismatched eyes, seemingly ignoring his family around them.
“M’sorry Tech … I … I can … reverse it,”
“We can,” replied Tech, taking hold of (Y/N)’s shaking hand, at least trying to comfort her. Although his mind wasn’t his own, he could tell the damage done to Snap was likely worse than she was showing now.
“Come with us,” called Hunter, trying to ignore the obvious signs the Trooper he now knew for certain was Tech displayed. He was going to run and likely take Snap with him. “We’ll help keep both girls safe, away from harm and the empire,” he pleaded. His heart couldn’t take losing Tech again, especially after just getting him back.
With a subtle nod, Tech agreed. However, he refused to allow another to carry (Y/N) and protected her instead.
“I’ve got it,” called Wrecker as he all put clobbered the former Marshal Commander over the head with a piece of thick mental before throwing him over his shoulder—a satisfied smile on his lips.
“Fives … chamber … code.”
“Fives, as in Domino Fives? Echo’s twin?” asked Omega, a sense of dread again. Fives was dead. Everyone knew it. He was killed by Fox during the war after being involved in an entire conspiracy and assassination plot.
“1 … 9 … 1 … 6 … 7 … 5 …5 … 1 … 7” Snap mumbled with resolve to succeed. Despite her dire situation and crumbling mind, she was still determined not to leave anyone behind, especially a friend. “Rex … Gregor … Reverse.”
“Get Fives, then we move out,” ordered Hunter, allowing Crosshair to pull Omega closer. Hunter moved closer to Tech, noticing the hesitation shown briefly before he realized there was no threat to either. “Will she survive?” asked Hunter, preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. He didn’t need to be a genius to know severe damage had been inflicted on (Y/N). Her torture and suffering extended past the reconditioned machines.
“Yes,” replied Tech, holding Snap a little closer as if she was about the only thing grounding him to reality. “But her mind …”
With a heavy sigh, Hunter nodded to say he understood. Snap would survive, but her mind would be unlikely to heal. Once she woke up again, a question would remain about how much she remembered. That likely motivated her to say the names of those around her, the troopers she had turned into elite soldiers, and why she was so determined to convey her message.
“Echo and the others are waiting,” called Wrecker, with Cody flung over one shoulder and Fives over the other. “He’s not gonna know what to do,” he added, quickly understanding Echo would be torn between his thought-lost brother, Tech, and Snap. His loyalties would be tested as he would be faced with a decision and a cruel one at that. Continue his fight against the empire or stay by Snap’s side, holding on to the slither of hope she could return to her previous self.
“Whatever he decides, we’ll take care of Snap,” pointedly replied Crosshair as the group slowly made their way toward the docking bay. Navigating the halls, some in disaray while others remained in prime condition—a reflection of the group in a way. “We’re family, after all.”
“And we don’t leave our own behind,” added Omega, not noticing how her words seemed to affect Tech. Like before, he recognized the words spoken and the person who had voiced them. Perhaps Snap was right; neither he nor the other CX-Troopers were a lost course. She had ensured they could be saved, even if she couldn’t.
Series Masterlist
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talkingperfectly-loud · 3 months
Okay! So, I’ve finally watched the Netflix Live Action ATLA and gathered my thoughts! Spoilers under the cut…
Overall score: 7/10
Overall thoughts: I was actually pleased! I wasn’t going in expecting it to be like the original series, and I was really excited to see how they would tell the story, what they would keep, and what they would change. I think that they did a great creative job melding a bunch of story lines together in a way that made sense, but, on a negative note, they did miss some key character beats that ranged from baffling to unforgivable. I loved this cast, and I think they all embodied their characters so well (Dallas Lui as Zuko?!? Hello?! *Chef’s kiss*). Deliveries were a bit stilted (to be expected with young actors just starting out), but I actually found it endearing, and they’ll only get better with practice. The bending wasn’t nearly as punchy or fun to watch in live action (especially the water bending. Oof), but it was leaps and bounds better than the Movie That Must Not Be Named. Below are the major takeaways:
Things I disliked
- Making the discovery and freeing of Aang completely passive. In the animated show, this was brought about BY Katara and Sokka. Their characters and their bickering, which caused Kataras rage, which caused her to waterbend, which caused her to free Aang. In the live action, it just… happens? Randomly? Nothing caused it, and it was a much weaker moment because of it.
- They took away Zuko’s crucial moments of mercy. Yes, they have him save the 41st, and yes, they have him hesitate during his Agni Kai with Ozai… BUT he was about to burn Katara on Kyoshi island? When she was down and unarmed?? At the North Pole, he was about to burn Zhao, who was also down and unarmed?? Absolutely not. No. No way. He wouldn’t even burn Zhao in the original show, because he knows what it’s like to be burned and despite his rage, he is a good person. There is absolutely no way he would be willing to harm someone who is unarmed.
- Sokka not explicitly asking Suki to train him. We NEEDED to see that humility where he asks for their help, not just him staring wistfully through the door and her taking pity. Humble him!!!!
- Sokka not being involved in the Jet storyline. I know that Katara is more obviously the choice to get involved here (love interest, etc), but Sokka and Jet are foils! They are both young men tasked with protecting people they love. Not having Sokka’s moment where his skepticism and independence saves the day is such a loss for his character. This could have even been kept in the Omashu storyline, with Sokka evacuating a building before a bomb goes off, etc.
- Why the literal heck did Bumi himself come to the front of the palace to receive the inventions from Sai?? What the hell even was that scene??
- Cutting the Haru storyline. This episode is crucial for Katara, who has WAY too little to do in this show, tbh. Her rallying the earth kingdom prisoners, and encouraging them to fight back is so so so important. I think they tried to move this to the Northern Water tribe storyline (when she rallies the women) but we don’t SEE it!! It happens offscreen!!!!
- Minor, but the blue spirit mask looked kinda dumb. I wish they had taken inspiration from real kabuki masks and made it more scary.
- I personally feel that Ozai is TOO personable in this adaptation. I’m guessing Daniel Dae Kim probably had a lot of say over the portrayal of this character, but I don’t think they made him dark enough. Ozai is cruel and that is CRUCIAL. He is abusive and manipulative, and hateful. Framing Zuko’s banishment and mutilation as if these were deliberate “learning moments,” rather than cruel, unjustifiable abuse is character assassination.
- Azula isn’t Azula. No shade to the actress, but the script has her written as a hot-headed, temperamental teenager desperate to prove herself. That’s ZUKO! Azula should be able to make grown men per their pants. Do her bidding. She can command armies. She never lets you see her weaknesses or her walls. She is cold, calculating, and terrifying. She is 13 steps ahead of you. Live action Azula loses her temper during a fight, talks back to Ozai (?!?!), and whines to Mai and Ty Lee about her frustrations. That’s not Azula.
- The “ice moon” thing at the North Pole? Why? Why aren’t there any spirits in this world? There’s no need to change that.
- Zhao’s death!?! What the hell was that!?!? No no no no no. Absolutely awful in every possible way. Where was his karmic justice?!? Why introduce the Fog of Lost Souls if you weren’t going to show Zhao getting pulled down into it?!? Where was Zuko, offering him mercy, despite everything? Where was Zhao’s pride, refusing his hand?? Furthermore, you make Iroh of all people a murderer?!? Fine, you could have him intervene and push Zhao into the water like he pushed him down after the Agni Kai in the original series. But to kill him?? Unprompted?! In cold blood?! Zhao wasn’t even his opponent!! Horrifying and disturbing. Unforgivable.
Things I loved
- The order of events. I actually love starting 100 years in the past and not making it clear what is about to happen. I also love that it isn’t clear just how long Aang has been asleep for! I love love love that dramatic irony if you know, and the reveal if you don’t.
- Aang stealing Zuko’s notebook. Finally, it’s explained how the gaang knew Zuko’s name lol
- Aang & Iroh meeting and chatting on the ship when he’s captured! It’s such a small scene, but felt so reminiscent of their conversation from Book 2 that it made me happy.
- Suki being so awkward!! Yes girl!! You have clearly never flirted before and it is obvious! I also loved having her mother be the matriarch of the village. Makes total sense tbh.
- Fleshing out Omashu! I love that they combined Jet & the Mechanist here. It makes Omashu feel more real, and it’s a natural place to put these storylines. I think this was really well done. Also bringing Iroh & Zuko into the story here was seamless, and worked to further both their characters (Zuko choosing Iroh over Aang, Iroh sacrificing himself to save Zuko)
- Having Bumi be an angry old man. This is controversial, but if we put aside Legend of Korra for a second where canon says Aang and him stay bffs, this actually makes a lot of sense. It’s not fair that Aang got to be asleep for 100 years. Bumi, as he said, had to struggle and suffer during that entire time. I’m glad that not everyone is like “it’s okay, it’s not your fault” because it kind of is!! I’m glad they had someone to actually hold him accountable a bit!
- Aang and Zuko connecting during the Blue Spirit episode. Aang making Zuko smile! Them joking! Them feeling pity for each other! The star-crossed friendship of it all! Gorgeous, gorgeous scene.
- Expanding on the theme of friendship vs. isolation. It’s such a key theme in the animated series that flies under the radar, and I really like how they took it and seemed to run with it.
- Azula collaborating with Zhao. It makes so much sense, since Zhao is just some rando tbh?It sets up both the Dai Li storyline and sibling rivalry nicely in season 2.
- Having Zuko’s crew be the division he saved?!?! A stroke of absolute genius.
- No Kataang!! I’m so sorry, but I honestly always felt that any romance in the original series was gratuitous, odd, and oh so Western. This is a story about children at war. I’m glad the romance is taking a back seat.
- Having Pakku see Katara for HER, rather than for her grandmother!! I always hated that in the original show! She fights her damn heart out and he still won’t train her UNTIL he sees her grandmother’s necklace. It always felt like the age-old blight of men not being able to care about a woman unless they have, or can image having, a personal connection to them (What if that was your mother, daughter, etc). I LOVE this change.
- Katara rallying the other women!! Pulling up everyone!! This is such an obvious change I can’t believe they didn’t have this in the original show. As I said, though, I do wish we saw her speech to them. That’s such an important character moment.
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sunshine-on-marz · 1 year
Go for the heart
——— -technoblade x reader- ———
Enemies to lovers
Royal AU
Tw: blood, slight gore, weapons, fire, death, fighting
Cw: not angst but not all fluff
“Sylvee, where are we goinggg” you whined, your maid and one of your best friends had dragged you from the training grounds (where you weren’t supposed to be, as you’re brother forbid you from doing anything that could hurt you) “shhh, they don’t know you’re coming” she whispered. Puzzled, you kept following her, until you came to an opening in the trees, that’s where you saw him. Technoblade. “Sylvee, I cant talk to the enemy.” The three boys jumped and saw you. Wilbur and Tommy seemed angry at the blonde girl who was clearly leading you towards them, knowing that she had put their lives in direct danger by bringing you near them. You immediately drop the sword you where holding and bowed to the men. “Prince Thomas, Prince Wilbur, Chief Technoblade. You are in no danger as far as I can control, but I will protect myself and my maid as needed.” As you stood and saw Sylvee standing you smacked her shoulder to make her bow quickly. “Sylvee, why am I here?” You asked as you picked back up your sword. “You’re infront of the best swordsman on this side of the globe, if you want to learn, learn from him” she said before running back to your home.
Sighing you turn back to the men. “Gentlemen, I am so sorry for her behavior-“ you then notice the pink haired man kneel infront of you and hold out a hand. While it is proper, you didn’t expect a proper introduction from the commanding chief of your enemy kingdom. Placing your hand in his he kisses your coronation ring and smiles. The two princes bow. “Boys boys, don’t be so stiff. You’re not in danger.” The elder prince speaks up “actually, by interacting with you, we are.” With a sigh you walk up to him and hold out your arms for a hug. The man seems shocked before stepping closer, you wrap your arms around him and hold him for a moment before stepping back. The brunette has tears in his eyes and whispers “thank you” you nod and smile “of course. I’m here for you darlin.” All three men seem shocked. The blonde speaks “b-but that’s against the rules, and by the rules I mean the law.” You smile at him, a toothy, cheeky, excited grin. “Oh doll, the rules don’t work on me. I’ll tell my brother to fuck off and I’ll stab a bitch.” You jab the air with your sword, making the teen laugh. Proud, you sheath your sword and turn to the pinkette. “Now, how do I convince you that I’m not a threat” you smile at the man. He holds a hand out and you shake it, but he doesn’t let go. You hold eye contact. He expects you to reach for your sword, but you don’t. Your sly grin changes to a small sweet smile. His grip loosens enough that you could have moved your hand, but you didn’t. Then he completely lets go and you let your hand drop. You’d not only gained his trust, but his respect. You knew that he wouldn’t hurt you, despite the fact that he could’ve. You looked at him, to anyone else it would seem like you where sizing him up, but techno knew the look. You where trying to find out what’s wrong with him, he’d been giving you the same look. “Raised by my brother, grew up in a castle, you do the math” you say to him, he chuckles. “Fair enough” you sat yourself down on the ground and start picking at grass. Tommy sits next to you. “You can call me Tommy.” He says, you smile. “I think I’m gonna call you kiddo.” He seems gitty, happy to be accepted as a kid, not as a prince, but a kid. “Ok.” And he puts his head on your shoulder. After a while Techno grabs your sword. “Hey.” You say as you gently push the sleeping Tommy onto Wilbur’s shoulder instead of yours.
Techno swings the weapon, you catch his wrist mid swing, making him drop the blade from shock. “Woah” Wilbur whispered from behind you. You pick the sword up off the ground. “To slow.” You tease the caped man. In any other case he would’ve been pissed. “Wilbur, bring Tom inside for me” he said, the brunette nodding and doing as told. Once the younger two where gone, techno pulled you in by the hips. “How?” He asked “pattern recognition.” You say back, matter of factly. He nodds, asking for more information. “You swung upwards, you weren’t going to hit me, so you’re arm was going to swing left, to counteract your momentum, so I grabbed you before you could move” he seemed intrigued. Gently grabbing your cheek and leaning towards you. “What are you doing soldier?” You asked with a smirk. “You aren’t my king darling, I’d watch how you speak to me” you lean in a bit more “shut up and kiss me” he closes the gap, moving his hand from your shoulder to your hips, leaving one on your cheek. Once he pulled away and you opened your eyes, leaving your forehead resting on his and smiling. “So princess, may I walk you home?”
Tags for all the lovely people I got hooked on this @a-gay-little-ghost-2 @kit-is-a-weeb @lillylvjy @art3m1s-adelia
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crisiscutie · 1 year
Hello 👋🏻 I was wondering if I could add on to Sephiroth's darling being Angeal's sister? When/how did they meet? Where is Sephiroth's favorite place to sneak away his darling and what changes after their relationship is known?
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Hi, sure! I think this is a pretty interesting prompt. Featuring Mr. Hewley, Mr. Rhapsodos, and Mr. Deusericus.
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༻❁༺ Sephiroth meeting his darling.
Sephiroth met Angeal's sister at Shinra HQ, when she briefed him on a mission. She (seemingly) wasn't cut out for SOLDIER like her big brother was, despite Shinra keeping a close eye on her during her current (late) teen years.
Only time will tell what effects, if any, Project G has had on her.
She might just have special abilities like her brother. Who knows? But even if she is normal, she still carries the ability to pass the Jenova cells from her mother as a recessive trait (This is just meta info, none of the actual character know this yet ofc)
To keep her close, Shinra had her ascend the ranks of SOLDIER's administration swiftly. She eventually became Lazard's executive assistant.
One time, the darling briefed Sephiroth for his mission to Wutai while Lazard was away in a meeting with other Shinra higher ups.
Sephiroth thought little of her at first during the briefing. He noticed the young woman shared some resemblance with Angeal, but thought he may've been over-analyzing her appearance.
It was until she exhibited some of Angeal's mannerisms that he started to connect more dots.
Because of her slight resemblance and aura similar to Angeal, this will allow Sephiroth's cold heart to defrost, with time.
He's not too surprised to learn that she is Angeal's sister later when his friend brought her up during a sparring session.
He observed her presence at briefings and debriefs more and more, helping Lazard to clarify important information.
She took an interest in Sephiroth, and prodded more about him. From asking him how his day was, to later inquiring about his hobbies.
༻❁༺ How their bond blossomed.
Sephiroth took a liking to her. Angeal's sister was the first one to make a move. He knew he shouldn't start a relationship with someone like her, but something within him gave into it.
The desire to be intimately close to someone, but he didn't know that.
He often liked to sneak his darling into niche training rooms, one that neither 2nd/3rd class SOLIDERS and his friends use. (Not for dirty stuff because it's too early for that and both Angeal and Genesis will have to kick his ass, not that they'll win haha)
Sometimes they would secretly meet up somewhere in Midgar, at the darling's apartment so they can read books together or take a relaxing walk at night where it is significantly less busy.
They kept their relationship under the wraps for a long time, much to Sephiroth's and his darling's surprise.
It wasn't until a member of Keepers of Honor and a member of the Silver Elite caught the two sneaking into the niche training room. From there on, news circulated about their relationship.
Angeal found out around the same time as everyone else.
Genesis told him in private that if Sephiroth was secretly hanging around his sister, he would not be happy and he should have a stern conversation with him.
Eventually, Genesis insisted on joining the talk with Sephiroth the more he confided in Angeal.
Angeal's sister was an honorary younger sister to Genesis while growing up, so he can't help but feel some of his big brother instincts trigger.
Angeal's words hung in the air as he commanded Genesis to stay out of it, his stern gaze never leaving him. He knew things could get heated with Genesis' heightened emotions. Besides, the darling is his sister.
After Angeal's nurturing talk with him, Sephiroth and his darling still kept their relationship as private as they could.
Though the darling's work environment remained unstable and somewhat hostile.
Within SOLDIER, no one dared to say anything to Sephiroth about it besides his friends, so nothing much changed for him, outwardly.
The Silver Elite and Keepers of Honor had to abide by firm boundaries, and any deviation was treated seriously from now on.
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༻❁༺ The darling's exit from Shinra.
The darling began having doubts about her future at Shinra since the revelation of her relationship with Sephiroth to everyone.
Lazard debated her about this. He was completely supportive of her relationship with Sephiroth but also acknowledged the complications it brought SOLIDIER and Shinra overall.
But it also worried him how her departure could disrupt Sephiroth's performance in missions, and Angeal and Genesis's, albeit to a lesser extent.
The darling, feeling a deep sadness, made the difficult decision to end her tenure as Lazard's assistant, of her own accord.
Lazard accepted her resignation, telling her she was free to visit anytime. He's going to miss her. Even though he had dark intentions against the company, his time with her always been terrific.
Shinra was oddly quiet about this big news. Not saying or doing anything as they observed the situation as it unfolded.
Angeal was the second person to find out about it. He was shocked and approached his sister about it.
The darling will tell him the whispers and gossip made it impossible to work and the atmosphere in the workplace had become oppressive. But she planned on staying close, to visit him, Genesis and Sephiroth often.
Sephiroth felt a deep sadness as he heard the news, as if his darling had just abandoned him.
His darling would hug him tight and assure him it wasn't a breakup. She will remain in Midgar, so she can see his face and feel his touch.
Sephiroth will eventually feel waves of relief the more his darling discussed it with him. It means more chances to take a break from Shinra's harsh environment and find peace.
Sephiroth's separation anxiety would still be high, but the darling tempers it by visiting when she can.
Sephiroth and his darling enjoyed more activities together and more freely as she took him away from the HQ, but there was always a certain group of people watching them from afar...
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I like this AU, I wouldn't mind writing this occasionally, like I am with Project Valkyrie, where Angeal will also play a significant role in. I'm always free to discuss this AU! And man, I wish Angeal got some more prominence in the fandom. He's such a great character!
Also, this is officially now one of the few ways I can see Sephiroth developing a relationship with someone outside of his four main bonds.
I will point out that this darling is technically Angeal's half sister through his stepfather, because I can't see Gillian ever getting with Hollander again, especially when she moved back to Banora to get away from him and Shinra. In speaking of poor Gillian, imagine what she felt when her baby girl started working for them like Angeal...
Lastly, thanks for this ask! Cookies to anyone who can guess why Shinra allowed Sephiroth and his darling to continue their relationship, haha.
These headcanons are lowkey an analysis too now that I realized
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shiawasekai · 4 months
For Nela:
29. What are the three things that your character values most?
49. In the end, what is your character grateful for?
29. What are the three things that your character values most?
This is an interesting question. The answer varies a bit whether this is pre-game or not, I would say.
For pre-game Nela, what matters the most is choice. She is primarily motivated by a desire to have her path in life something she took because she wanted it. It feels like people have an opinion on what she should be doing, one they are willing to impose on her, and she hates it.
This is still something she highly values during the game and post-game, but being able to take said choices unchallenged as Knight-Commander drives her to seek it for others instead.
For Nela after the game events, it's connection/belonging. Having being ripped off from everything she knew, the one thing she craves the most is caring and being cared, feeling like she is meant to be where she is. Being alone in the world, nowhere to go, is one of the things that terrify her the most.
This was something she also valued pre-game, her bond with her family and few dear friends was very strong and, most likely, what kept her from going the deep end entirely during her teen years. She didn't as much crave it, however, as she was held together by it.
Now last and very unsurprisingly, knowledge. This one isn't really that deep: she is inquisitive and loves learning just for learning's sake. This pursue of knowledge is mostly focused on magic research of any and every kind, but she isn't the kind to reject any information that she can adquire.
After all, knowledge is also the power to take decisions, it gives you choice. It can protect you and your world. It safeguards everything else. Even if her passion is magic, you never know when other forms of information may change your life.
49. In the end, what is your character grateful for?
There are so many things Nela is grateful for. She is grateful for all the opportunities she got as a child and teenager, despite coming from a humble family. She knows how lucky she is to have had a supportive family. She may have lost everything once, but even in her pain she realizes how much she was given in return. She is grateful to have so many who care for her. She is grateful to have her brother at all once they meet again.
But over everything? She is grateful to have a future at all. The fact she's alive at all, after 78 years trapped in a laboratory with a bleeding wound trying to kill her? That's a miracle. She knows it is, that by all means she should be dead. The one and only thing Areelu didn't take from her.
In this strange world, she has found a future. A future of her choice, even if the circumstances pushed her in this direction. She chose to remain, she chose to keep the mythic power. This is a life she has built on her own terms despite all odds, even if she is too blinded by pain at times to realize how incredible that is.
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outofangband · 1 year
what we know of Aerin in The Narn (plus my thoughts and opinions on some of them)
Aerin is an extremely compelling and tragic figure in The Children of Húrin, even despite her brief appearance. There is not much we actually know about her from the text so I thought I'd go through the times she was mentioned and discuss the canon facts and then share my opinions on some of them, where speculation might be warranted
This is in part just a reference for my recent headcanon posts and fic but I also just really love Aerin so much
Note: I go into her story in the Book of Lost Tales version here!
mentions of canonical abuse and violence
Aerin is mentioned in two chapters and appears only in one of them. She's first mentioned in chapter four, The Departure of Túrin
In this chapter we get this information:
She is Húrin's kinswoman though the exact nature of their kinship is unclear. She is forcibly wedded to Brodda, one of the incomers, who seizes both land and property in Hithlum (I talked about the textual information about this and the implications here) She aids Morwen in secret, bringing her food and it is in part because of her aid that Morwen does not die of starvation
It is worth noting that the exact phrasing of "by force" with regards to Brodda is not in The Silmarillion. Though the context makes it pretty obvious that it was unwilling, it's still an interesting addition/deletion.
The rest of what we have of her comes much later, in the chapter “The Return of Túrin to Dor-lómin”
We learn first that "some of the kindlier manners of old were still kept by Aerin" and Sador, now her servant, grants Túrin shelter. On this same page we learn from Sador that it is Aerin who feeds and shelters many who would otherwise have been thrown out. He tells Túrin again of Aerin's aid to Morwen and how she saved her from starving.  This time we learn to that Brodda, the man Aerin was forcibly wed to, did indeed find out and beat Aerin for it. Indeed, the mentions of Morwen in front of Brodda seem to frighten Aerin even more and she at first denies knowing anything. Whether she is attempting to mitigate any harm she might endure for what she had done to aid Morwen or if Brodda required her to deny anything is unknown. (I have plenty of posts speculating about this so I’ll leave it here for now. There’s some in my post Nírnaeth headcanon collections and fic and will be more in the next ones. Anyways)
“She knew all the counsel of your mother,” Sador tells Túrin of Aerin
When Túrin comes to the halls, Aerin is sitting beside Brodda at the feast. She is noted to go pale, seemingly at both his arrival and what it will mean, as well as for Brodda's anger which is raised at once.
When Túrin asks her of Morwen and what she can say of it, she says "nothing, in great fear for Brodda watched her narrowly."
When Túrin seizes Brodda and puts a sword to his throat, him and Aerin have this interaction
"Am I not Túrin, lord of  Dor-lómin? Shall I command you?" When he does, Aerin answers his questions of Morwen, saying she was persecuted by Brodda and co and had fled to Doriath about a year before.
We see little of her during the killing of Brodda and the initial outbreak of fighting. She next responds to Sador's dying words, urging  Túrin to leave "He speaks with the truth of death. You have learned what you would. Now go swiftly! But go first to Morwen and comfort her or I will hold all the wrack you have wrought here hard to forgive. For ill though my life was, you have death to me with your violence. The Incomers will avenge this night on all that were here. Rash are your deeds, son of Húrin as if you were still but the child that I knew."
Túrin responds to her, calling her faint of heart and saying that she too has not changed from when he called her aunt as a child and when she was frightened of dogs. (one of the very few facts we learn of her time in Hithlum before the Fifth Battle. The other one being that her father was named Indor. This is the only mention of him throughout the text. Though the name was originally used for the father of Húrin and Huor this was later abandoned and in the final version, Galdor was their father) There’s no canon evidence for this but for some reason I always read him reminding Aerin of HER being afraid of dogs as him misremembering in the way kids often do where they’re scared of something and project that fear onto adults. I can’t really explain why. But regardless these are some of the only sparse details shared about her.
Aerin urges him once more to flee. She tells him that all who were there that night will suffer for what he has done.
Túrin at last heeds her advice and leaves with a few men of Hithlum. The last we hear of Aerin is the speculation that it was her who set fire to the halls. Asgon says, "many a many of arms misreads patience and quiet. She did much good among us at much cost. Her heart was not faint and patience will break the last."
We do not know if she died in the fire. She seemed to think her death was inevitable no matter what she did. When she speaks of it to Túrin, she seems more resigned than frightened.
Her appearance is bleak and upsetting but also fascinating. Aerin is in some ways just as defiant and stubborn as Húrin is and she endures abuse for just as long. She is defiant to the end like her kinsman, maintaining whatever she can of her culture and defying Brodda to help Morwen and others, even when she faced violence for it.
(Also, Húrin watching this scene… theworldisquietheretooquiet were talking about this. )
I've talked a lot before this interaction between Aerin and Túrin namely here and  here but with more scattered throughout the tag so I won't go into it too much here but it's certainly a poor moment of Túrin's to treat Aerin such, even after learning of her courage and suffering in helping Morwen as well as others of his people. It's obviously not Túrin's fault he hasn't been able to be in Hithlum leading and aiding his people but Aerin has been there (again, not by choice) and has been taking on this role.
It's worth noting that while the Narn does not actually say if Morwen and Aerin were close before the Nirnaeth, BoLT actually does say that Aerin loved Morwen and although that version is not canon, it's part of a passage and section that makes it through to the final version otherwise largely unchanged.
I personally think that she and Morwen were close. Again,  I've made several posts about it before but Aerin tells Túrin in her last words to him that if he does not go to Morwen to comfort her, she will not forgive him for what he has done in Hithlum. It is also the only offer that he makes her, to bring her to Morwen.
“But go first to Morwen and comfort her or I will hold all the wrack you have wrought here hard to forgive. For ill though my life was, you have brought death to me with your violence.” 
We do not know much for certain about Aerin’s personality! While we can certainly infer that she is loyal and brave and kind by her actions and what Sador’s words about her, we only really see Aerin when she’s a captive and when she’s terrified and directly under threat. We do not ever get to see her free to speak or act as she wishes and I am saddened by that. It’s one reason of many I’ve done so much trying to develop her character pre Nírnaeth as well as after! I hope I do her justice
I love her very much. Always feel free to ask more!
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kristinakyidyl · 1 year
The last in my "dragons who never were" series is the egg of Elaena Targaryen. Elaena is one of my favorite targs, and she is the "drop of dragon blood" in Brown Ben Plumm. She is also - Along with Alyn "Oakenfist" Velaryon - the progenitor of house Longwaters. She had a long and interesting life, and it would have been even cooler if she'd had a dragon. Her egg is described as "platinum white and bright golden", the same colors as her hair. The image is copics and gold leaf, with a little bit of digital. The blurb for this one is also my favorite of the blurbs. I could write so much about her life if she'd had a dragon. Anyway, that's it, I've gone through all the eggs. =D
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"In 150AC, House Targaryen's dour king welcomed a fifth - and last - child. A bright, happy baby girl with soft lavender eyes, and hair the color of platinum with a streak of gold. Her sister Daena chose the egg gifted to her, and placed it in her sister's cradle, delighting in how it matched the newborn's hair. It quickened and hatched, and a platinum-and-gold dragon spilled forth. This dragon was born thin, with an overly long neck, and an overly long tail. He was strange in other ways, too, having a split tail and small wings on his back legs. These, with the strange, whistling roar, made it obvious which dragon had sired this beast. Although Elaena named her dragon Sunspark, it was often referred to as "Noodle", owing to an off-handed joke Daena made about the animal resembling a "flopping noodle" when it was learning to walk.
Elaena, herself not considered a great beauty until much later in her life, was not at all bothered by her dragon's unusual shape nor her sister's japes. She slept with her dragon every night, hugging it like a toy, until it became too large to sleep in her bed and began sleeping on the floor of her chambers. They spent their days outside in the sun, Elaena teaching her dragon to fly and return when summoned, how to eat from her hand, how to bow and follow all manner of commands. It was said that there had never been a closer bond between a dragon and its rider, and Sunspark almost seemed to understand every word Elaena said to him.
When the princess was five, Sunspark became too large to be indoors at all, and was moved to the dragonpit. It is said that on the first night of this neither the dragonkeepers nor any anyone in the castle got a moment of rest, kept awake by the cries of dragon and child alike. Her mother, who had loved dragons since her first meeting with the lady Rhaena's dragon Morning, thought that Sunspark should be kept in the castle yard and the princess's rooms moved to a lower floor where they could be closer, but her father would not hear a word of it. Some say it was because he disliked dragons in general, and others say that it was because Sunspark's golden wings and horns too closely resembled the dragon that had eaten Aegon III's mother, but whatever the reason neither the queen nor the young princess were able to convince the king to allow the dragon to return to the keep. Eventually, both settled and were able to sleep apart from each other. However, Elaena spent all of her time in the dragonpit, Especially after the repairs to the structure were finished in late 156AC. But despite all of her training finesse and the strength of their bond, she had yet to take her first flight, wanting to allow her dragon to grow larger than strictly necessary before trying to carry her weight.
Her father would never live to see Elaena's first flight, as he passed in 157AC of consumption. They all visited Dragonstone for the funeral, and it was the longest Elaena had ever been away from Sunspark. After watching her sister claim Aurion, the young princess vowed that the first thing she'd do on returning to the city was finally ride her dragon. This turned out to be true, and on her return to the city the young girl accomplished the same feat her grandmother had, becoming a dragonrider at the young age of seven. As they were both still young, their flight was around the city, but she flew every day thereafter, often with her sister beside her. Soon they would be racing each other back and forth to Dragonstone, a skill that proved to be valuable in 161 AC when their brother - King Baelor the Zealot - attempted to keep them locked in Maegor's holdfast. They escaped after one week and made their way to the dragonpit, saddling and flying their dragons to Dragonstone in the dark of the night. There, Elaena was free to fly as often as she pleased, and her sister was free to continue her affair with their cousin Aegon. Baelor, having no dragon of his own, was forced to accept their escape, although their sister Rhaena chose to stay in the Red Keep rather than risk a flight on Aurion's back. She had inherited her father's distaste for dragons, and never had the desire to ride one. She was far less afraid of their brother and King's Landing, and so she stayed in her prison."
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