#malachi fae
thetimelordbatgirl · 11 months
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OC Halloween Challenge 2023 Costumes Tell A Story Day Thirty: I Can Be Anybody I Wanna Be
NOTE: These are all alternate universe counterparts on my OCs from various AUs me and my friend, @disneyfan50 , either discuss or write based on disneyfan50's stories.
Featuring (from left to right): *Love From The Stars AU Reese as her eventual adopted father in the AU, Commodore Jim Hawkins of the Pleiadean Fleet (something said Commodore didn't realize at first until Reese said her costume (saying 'Commander' instead as usual, much to Jim's amusement), given Reese tends to dress like him anyway). *Songbird And Sleight Of Hand AU Jayla as her adopted father in the AU, Caleb Covington (who is honored by the costume...in his normal dramatic fashion, of course). *A Million Dreams AU Malachi as his eventual father figure in the au, Ilasqar (whose honored but also proceeds to want to know every detail about how Malachi made the outfit).
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queertyrant · 9 months
Quadruple oc ref art dump attack!!!!!!! Bonus map of the world they all live in 💕💕💕
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Bonus Maps!
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I always forget about this tumblr!! New 2024 resolution: post here more!!
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ezra-loves-flowers · 2 months
@Silver Spoon
Malachi pushed his way inside the Silver Spoon restaurant. His hand, still wrapped tightly around Ezra's tiny wrist, tugged the younger fae in behind him. He stalked further inside, dragging Ezra along behind him. He supposed he could have allowed him to follow at his own pace, but Malachi was tight on temper and wasn't feeling particularly affectionate towards him currently. He caught the doe eyes of the hostess and offered her a dangerous smile. "I'm looking for the one who owns this place." He told her. "Bring him to me."
Ezra yelped as he jerked him to his side. Wrapping a possessive arm around his waist. He pressed his lips to his temple promising him that if he tried to run he would be forced to do something they would both regret.
"Now!" He snapped at the girl who went scurrying away.
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baby-fae-thorn · 26 days
Thorn had been wandering around the woods, a little aimlessly. He couldn't stop thinking about his encounters. The people he'd met. And that he still couldn't find Kye. He wasn't going to just go home without him. But the idea of the family leaving without them was so much to bear.
There was a faint, tugging sensation that stopped him in his tracks. The glimmer of a portal started to open in the clearing. Spitting out two fae. A tall dark haired one and a small fair haired one. The dark haired one was jerking the smaller by the arm. He caught sight of Thorn and stopped. For a moment, their eyes locked. Thorn shyed back a step. Not liking what he saw there. He jerked the smaller fae towards him.
"Tell him." He growled. "Tell him that his pain is on you. For refusing me."
Skylar stumbled forward a step. Meeting the shocked eyes of the young fae. "What?" He turned back towards Malachi. "No. No. You can't."
Thorn had a brief moment to wonder what he meant by that before the dark haired fae appeared before him. Close enough he could see the whites of his eyes. He gasped, staggering back, but the fae caught him by the arm. His grip hurt, and Thorn made a pained sound.
"You will bear me children!" He snarled at him.
"Malachi!" Skylar cried, throwing himself at him, grabbing him around the middle, in an attempt to pull him off the boy, but it was no use. Malachi flung his arm sending Skylar spiraling away and onto ground where his head collided with a large rock. And everything went black.
Fear gripped Thorn, the need to be away from here. He cried out again, when Malachi it seemed, jerked him against him. His fingers gripping him by the hair and wrenching his head back so he could crash their lips together. Thorn let out a pained gasp. And his kiss, his first kiss was viciously stolen from him by the crazed fae he'd never even seen before. He screamed out in his mind, the outrage of it.
Kye had felt it. His head snapping up in the direction of a scream. Though it wasn't a coherent one. One that could be heard by human ears. But he knew who it was. He knew in his soul who it was. And he took off at speed towards his baby brother.
As he stepped into the clearing, his glamor fell. His hair elongated into long golden tendrils. His brown eyes lightening to an icy blue. A cascade of sparkly freckles dotting accross his skin. His ears ending in a point. His magic licked up his arms as he came to a stop.
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He took in the scene before him. Finding the crumpled form of the fae who had fallen. And the faerie knight, pinning his brother against a tree. Devouring him, hands groping at him. And Thorn, strugging feebly against him, tears wet on his cheeks. The anger in him raged like an inferno. Because how dare he. How dare he take what his brother had not given to him. "MALACHI!" His voice rang out accross the clearing. Because he knew that was exactly who this monster was. All of faerie knew.
Malachi ripped away from the young fae, letting him fall from his hands. He wiped at his mouth before turning his steely blue eyes on the one who had evoked the power of his name. He sized him up. A smirk tugging on his mouth.
Thorn fell onto the ground, chest heaving as helpless tears rolled down his cheeks. He couldn't catch his breath. But he saw Kye there. And it eased something inside of him. Because if Kye was there he was safe. His brother wouldn't allow anything else to happen to him.
"Problem...sprite?" Malachi asked Kye. An amused expression on his face.
Kye jerked his chin forward. "You will step away from my brother, sir." He said calmly.
His laugh echoed throughout the clearing. Malachi dropped his eyes towards the small fae he'd been molesting. Then turned his attention back to the other one. Who seemed far studier. He was considerably taller than Skylar was. Thin, delicately bones. Malachi would take great pleasure in breaking him, he thought. More so than the younger one. "Oh I see. Your brother." He took a menacing step forward. Noting with amusement that Skylar was beginning to rouse. This would be important for him to see, after all. To see what his refusal would cost others. "You see..." He purred. "Your brother..." He gestured towards the sniveling teen. "Is now mine. By the rules of faerie. He received my kiss. And did not refuse me. Therefore..." He shrugged nonchalantly. "He is mine."
"He is not yours, sir." Kye replied, not missing a beat. "He is pure, sir. Never been touched. And now, you have soiled him, sir. I shan't forgive you for that."
Thorn's trembling fingers came up to his lips. His glamor fell because he couldn't hold it up any longer. The true horror of what had happened washed over him. He had accepted a gift. Not willingly, but he'd accepted it. It didn't matter that it hadn't been fair. It didn't matter that he couldn't push him away. The law was clear. At least the law as far as he understood it was.
Malachi narrowed his eyes. "Shan't you? And what exactly do you intend on doing about it?"
Kye knew he was no match for Malachi. But right now the only thing standing between Malachi and Thorn was him. So, he had to make it right somehow. He extended a hand towards the ex-knight. "I offer you...a bargain." He said. An orb of light coalescing in his open palm. "A life for a life, sir. Or. Better yet, sir. Two lives for one, sir. Because I, sir. Have what you seek."
"Do you?" Malachi was interested now. His eyes raking over the form of the delicate fae. The light in his hand shimmering with an enticing glow.
The orb continued to shimmer. "I do, sir. I can give you a baby, sir. Thorn can not, sir. He is too young yet. And Skylar..." He cast an eye over at the fae in question, who had blood dripping down his face from a head wound. "Is no longer yours, sir. So. It would never work."
Malachi considered Skylar. A mixture of anger and something else in his eyes. He then returned his gaze to Kye. "You are offering yourself to me?"
Thorn gasped. "No! No! You can't!" He shifted over onto his knees. Desperation in his voice. Because no, That was not a suitable trade. It would never be suitable trade.
Kye smiled, though it was meant more for his baby brother than anyone else. "I am, sir. But first....first, they go free, sir. That is the trade, sir. Thorn and Skylar. For me, and your child, sir."
Skylar made a sound. It was a pained but enraged sound. "Malachi!" He snarled. His vision was blurry and he could barely focus on him. But he would not allow this. Would not allow for someone else to victim to Malachi. Never again. He could feel his bonds, one with Eric, one with Joel. And he wrapped a hand around them, tugging on them. Willing his mates to appear somehow. And knowing, above anything else. That they would come. "You are dead." Skylar said with absolute certainty.
Kye was startled by Skylar's rage and barely had time to prepare himself for Malachi's lunge. The both went crashing to the forest floor. Malachi rolling on top and pinning Kye beneath him. He gasped in pain at the assault. The crushing weight on him.
Malachi clawed at him, ripping his shirt open with clawed fingers. "MINE!" He hissed. "Give it to me!"
Thorn let out a cry, lurching forward to help his brother. Skylar sat, frozen where he was. The glowing orb now held triumphantly in Malachi's hands.
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brainpal-gachapon · 5 months
A self-indulgent syspack from Mod Madoka ! Under cut bc im going sillymode w this. ft picrew faceclaims bc i have such Clear visions of these guyx (except for the one fictive that is super connected to her source) (i dont think id add picrews to my reqs bt yk im having fun
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Name: Ember, Phoenix, Noir, Girlfriend, Rockette Age: Agenull Prns: she/her, shy/hyr, hy/hymn, red/reds, void/voids, echo/echos, bat/bats, dear/dears Gender: Transgirl, demotherale, luvorelita, grotesquedollic, redwinedemonic Source: FnF TransIDs: transXpupil, transdating, transevil, permadizzy, permableeding, permah-rny (Optional) Roles: low spoons but you get the vision, right Species: Demon Personality: Very sweet, almost motherly to her fellow headmates. Dear oves making and giving things to others as gifts, even when void has no reason to gift anything. Hy likes bats source, though isn't 'connected' to it by any means.
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Name: Malachi, Onyx, Ethos, Whysp Age: Panage, Chrono30 Prns: it/that, hy/hym, he/hes, ero/eros, lab/labs, vil/villains, vile/viles, twist/twisteds, carcino/carcinogens, doc/docs, med/meds Gender: boystoneric, mascfrill, genderjunk, hazeyboy, voidboy, virusgender, bluescreenerric Source: n/a TransIDs: transsupervillain, transantogonist, transevil, transharmful, transcancelled, transcharacter (dottore, genshin), permahigh, transarrested (Optional) Roles: .. maybe a persecutor/prosecutor of some kind?? Species: Human Personality: Cunning and mischievous, hy always has something up hes sleeve. Often wants to hurt others, though doc disguises these desires as simple jokes. Villains idea of a fun time is eating a Forever Weed Brownie and then laying on the floor all night. Twist has a big interest in speculative biology and gene manipulation, too.
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Name: Angelette, Marie/Mari, Penni, Ame Age: Perma12 Prns: she/her, they/them, sparkle/sparkles, wei/weir, love/loves, kyu/kyutes, kawa/kawas, silly/sillies, doki/dokis Gender: transgirl, seraphgender, angelbeing, angelector, angelgirl, angelcatgender, cutefrilled, madokacoric, jilacepinkic, sylvidolic, numnomzic Source: N/A TransIDs: transharmful, transmanipulator, transabuser, transcultleader, transworshipped, transcharacter (Ame & KAngel, NSO), transevil, transfallenangel (Optional) Roles: PERSECUTOR & PROSECUTOR IM SORRY TO SAY Species: Angel Personality: She has a tendency to speak, type, and appear as exceedingly cute and childlike, however doki definitely has a hostile side. Kyu regularly bullies and puts down others in private, and finds immense joy in hurting small things like insects. Wei views everyone else as 'lesser', and is proud of loves actions. Regularly kyu has to be stopped from acting on their harmful impulses. Kawa doesn't let other headmates take credit for sillies actions, loudly announcing them as dokis.
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Name: Robyn, Dulcis, Larette Age: chrono29 Prns: she/her, shey/shem, he/him, fae/faer, bow/bows Gender: Bigender Source: N/A TransIDs: N/A (Optional) Roles: no spoons. aghck. Species: Human Personality: She's the token Normie. He's supportive, but faer the most normal person you've ever met. Bow likes reading, especially gothic poetry, and enjoys analog horror. Shey also enjoy over analyzing said works on reddit. She'd love to be an author herself, but is a bit insecure about his writings.
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Name: Say, Sense, Telle, Lynn Age: Perma15 Prns: she/her, they/them, it/its, tv/tvs, static/statics, orange/oranges, blade/blades Gender: staticgender, aliengender, weirdkidgender, sketchgender, cringecoric Source: The Chattering Lack of Common Sense (ghost & pals) TransIDs: transinnocent, transfamily, iterconsang, trace (transkorean), transcharacter (monika, ddlc), transexperiment (Optional) Roles: no spooooons Species: Human Personality: Generally acts 'normal.' Tv is often a voice of reason in many situations, keeping others from doing unhinged or stupid things. It finds entertainment in that kind of thing, but doesn't want people to be irresponsible. They have fond memories of their brother Arc, even if their memories include Arc framing blade for murder. She listens to her source song often, as it's comforting.
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Name: Ganko, Chienne, Louve, Volk, Silah, Sobaka, Deva, Pomni, Wölfin, Hund, Bewachen, Ruhig Age: Perma27 Prns: she/her, they/them, he/him, shy/hyr, hy/hym, thy/thou, bark/barks, paw/paws, bang/bangs, pow/pows, Gender: Pangender Source: N/A TransIDs: transprogrammed, transbodyguard, transhitman, transrussian, transexomemories, transcolorblind (Optional) Roles: protector of some kind fs Species: Wolfgirl Personality: Always feels more secure with a gun on her, even if it's fake or a prop. Thy is always hyper-vigilant, watching for any sense of 'danger' to immediately get rid of. They see the world in a very black and white way, anything harmful being seen as evil and everything else seen as good. Really wants to learn Russian, if only for fun.
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oc-smashorpass · 7 months
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Malachi Mulrennan is a 24 year old mercenary working to support his family in hard times. Between his father's death shortly after the birth of his sisters, and his mother's worsening health, he's taken on responsibility for the welfare of both his mom and all four of his younger siblings. Circumstances demanded he take on a job for a reclusive noblewoman, which leave him now haggard, furious, and struggling with his sense of duty more than ever. Oh, and the antlers and deer hide, he's got that too.
Despite all his troubles, Malachi is a deeply caring person who gives more than he asks to receive, and would love nothing more than a quiet, simple life. His temper needs some work, but it's hard to do that when your fae boon tends to metaphorically throw extra fuel onto the fire. Beyond that, he's good with his hands and excellent at caring for both children and animals. The world is awful but he's doing everything he can to get back home now and spend time with his sisters and brother while he still can.
oc by @mallowninja !
second art piece by @jeinu !
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isleofdarkness · 11 months
I AM SO EXCITED!!! Who all are they smuggling? Does the border get re-opened, causing chaos with maleficent getting magic? Oh hi hi I’m so exciteddd:)
The barrier doesn't get reopened- the situation got so bad that Maverick needed to take the risk and send Facilier to go collect them from Auradon (from Xavier's. He knew what they were going to do and had his staff ready to handle any possible outcome.) On top of their three siblings, they're taking civilians who are in the most danger- CJ, Gil, the Rasputins, Hadie, and a couple more. Aurora is trying to convince Maverick to send Mara, Molly, and Mordred, but Mordred is way too powerful to be unsupervised when fae leave the barrier and, while she isn't certain, she's worried the sudden influx of magic could cause Mara and Molly to have seizures. While Molly's are almost always one minute at most, Mara's seizures are always severe (Maverick remembers her having only one less than seven minutes long) and could very easily cause massive complications, so she can't send them. Chaos refuses to leave because he's needed and Agony refuses to leave him. Zevon also refuses to leave. Harriet is trying to get Uma and her brother to leave (it's gotten that dangerous) but they don't want to leave her alone against Maleficent.
Basically, they're taking the people who need off of the Isle right now but who don't need major medical care. The ones who need major medical care (Rick, Malachi, etc) are reserved for "Jane"'s pickups, where they can get instant access to medical care.
And no, Aurora, Maverick is not leaving the Isle. Neither is Harriet or Ginny. They won't leave until everyone else is safe.
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faun-the-hound · 29 days
More fantasy AU characters. (part 1)
Made with Tiefling Maker|Picrew
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Zoey (woodland fae), Levin (birdfolk), Malachi (ghost/tiefling), Nana (meif'wa), Lucinda (lunar witch(blood moon variant))
AU info for these guys under cut.
Zoey was once a member of a hidden druid grove that protected the World Tree, Yggdrasil. There are a number of druid groves hidden across the world, each protecting a different magical landmark that, in turn, hides the druids from hunters and slavers looking to imprison them.
The Yggdrasil Grove is one of the largest in the world, and the hardest to find in Ru'aun, a beautiful city built amongst the sprawling roots of the World Tree, the home of hundreds of fae, fauns and elves gifted with druidic magic. Zoey was a herbalist, gathering wild herbs from the surrounding forest, tending gardens and tending the sick and wounded.
While foraging one day, she came across a very young, very sick, birdfolk child, just a few months old. She brought him back to the apothecary, reasoning that, even with the law against bringing outsiders to the grove, her superiors couldn't turn away a sickly infant.
She was wrong.
Not only did they refuse to assist the child, they pulled Zoey before the Archdruids and exiled her from the grove. Breaking any law was to be punished, no matter the intentions behind it. Zoey left the grove with Levin in her arms, hiding herself amongst humans and trading the rare healing herbs she brought with her for food and shelter.
She was captured by hunters after only six months, imprisoned by the Callers of The Void while they waited for further instructions. A birdfolk woman named Aphmau released her and Levin shortly after, and, though wary, Zoey agreed to travel with her. Levin needed someone of his own species to teach him, after all, and Aphmau had the protection of a dragon. There was seldom anywhere safer. ----------
Meif'wa have always been a rare sight across Ru'aun, even rarer were they gifted with magic. Nana Ashida is one-in-a-million, truly a prize to be admired. She travelled for a long time, performing with her animated dolls for crowds of adoring fans. Until the Callers found her.
She was very swiftly imprisoned, pushed to overuse her magic, experimented on and generally abused by the cultists. She escaped after two years with the help of a fellow prisoner, Lucinda, a bloodmoon mage. They weren't friends, particularly, but they needed each other's help to escape, parting ways shortly after.
Nana stopped her public performances after her escape, fearing being captured again. She set herself and her dolls up in a tavern, a rest stop for weary travellers, food, drinks and entertainment all throughout the night. Aph and her group wind up here while fleeing the Callers of The Void. Nana panics hearing that the Callers are involved, and when the group returns to the tavern later on, the building is abandoned and covered in cobwebs, seemingly left some time ago.
Nana later reappears at the camp Aph establishes on unclaimed land between kingdoms (eventually becomes Phoenix Drop), joining the camp and the fight against the Corruption and Void.
Lucinda returned home after escaping the Callers, her tower outside of Pikoro Village. She returned to her own research on the Corruption plaguing Ru'aun, her potions, magic and usual life. Until the Frostwalk (eastern) werewolves found her. They sought the power that came from lunar witches, being so linked to the Moon Mother.
She was furious, even more so when the werewolves threw a white-winged birdfolk and a young onyx tiefling into the cell with her. Aphmau and Zenix agreed to help her escape, if she helped them in return with their research in Pikoro.
Lucinda later joins them at their camp, using her magical prowess to assist in the research and banishing of the Corruption. ----------
Malachi was a child around nine-hundred years ago. A child ousted by his noble family for something he couldn't control- his horns. Small and broken, even as a child, nothing like the grand crowns that adorned his family usually. Sent away to a far smaller, far colder castle in the tundra that covered much of south Ru'aun, with a miniscule staff just big enough to keep track of the energetic child.
He wasn't all that bothered by the lack of people, lack of care, or lack of warmth. He didn't notice that he often went to bed hungry, or how angry the servants would get at his boundless energy and optimism. Until one servant couldn't take it anymore.
Malachi was watching the snow fall on the balcony attached to his room, stood on a chair and leaning over the railing, going on and on about how pretty the tundra was in the sunlight, glittering like a desert of diamonds. His handmaiden, accompanying him outside, was fed up with the endless talking, her patience wearing thin.
It happened too quickly to really react.
Blood splattered across the cobbles, right in front of two maids bringing in the laundry.
Malachi was broken beyond healing. He woke up, sure, but he wasn't himself anymore. A phantom, trapped in the castle by the innate magic within, finding himself with the ability to conjure monsters, demons and nightmares from the deepest depths of his former servants' minds, bringing their worst fears to life, even only as a illusions.
It didn't take long for him to be alone in the castle. He could still interact with the physical world, passing time by playing with his toys, and reading the stacks upon stacks of books in his library.
Nine-hundred years and many unwanted visitors later, Aphmau arrived, stumbled into the castle in the middle of a blizzard with the company of a tiefling and a faun, Zenix and Dante. At first, Malachi did what he always did, scared them with his phantasms, tried to drive them away, angry in his loneliness and afraid of the strangers taking his belongings.
When fear didn't chase them away, only angering the strangers, Malachi was forced to drop his disguise, caught in his phantasms and made to face them himself. To his surprise, Aphmau was enamoured with him, not afraid or angry at all. She saw him as the frightened child he had always been, offering kindness that had never previously been extended towards him.
The following day, she and her companions found someone to exercise the castle, freeing Malachi from the chains that held him there, and he left with them, helping their escape from the Frostwalk werewolves and joining them back at the camp.
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macaw-squawks · 11 months
hiii!! I am a Betty grof kin, but im a trans man and the name Betty makes me uncomfortable! Could i have some neos and masculine or neutral names? More specifically magic related?
Magic themed names + pronouns for a trans male Betty grof kin !
Requested by; 👒 anon
Hope this works, anon! I tried my best lol, let me know if you'd like any changes! :>
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praeyrp · 9 months
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Wanted ads:
To help you all get a feel for the type of wanted ads, and their faces, we have compiled a list of all current wanted ads on site. Over the coming days some of these ads will be teased in all of their glory. 
If you desire more information on any of the wanted ads please hit us up and we will be glad to give you more information. 
Group & Misc:
Adrian: Furore pack 
Demetrio: The Syndicate 
Malachi: Siviv shifter Pack 
Matthias: The Order; a doomsday NOT cult 
Sarah: SF Black Market
Anyanka: Charlize Theron — FWB — angel 
Ophelia: Cillian Murphy — trauma-bond LI — dragon > open fae 
Talia: open face — slow burn LI — open species 
Adrian: Mädchen Amick — mauled TV personality — shifter 
Adrian: Gustaf Skarsgård — mauled shifter—hater — shifter 
Finley: Charles Michael Davis — baby daddy & murderer — demon
Ophelia: Michiel Huisman — former owner — vampire
Rafael: Jared Leto — ex—bf — hybrid 
Adrian: Famke Janssen — pack lawyer — open species 
Adrian: Mädchen Amick — mauled TV personality — shifter
Eleanor Zach Villa — bar manager — vampire 
Eleanor BIllie Lourd — event planner — witch 
Eleanor Marwan Kenzari — Cartel runner/babysitter — bound jinn
Matthias: Caitriona Balfe — head nun — open species 
Matthias: Anya Taylor—Joy — sunday school teacher — open species 
Matthias: Samara Weaving — sunday school teacher — open species 
Senna: Kwon Ji—yong — BFF & work husband — open species
Mei: Will Yun Lee — BFF/coworker & unrequited love — kitsune 
Ashton: Max Thieriot — Made family/brothers — hybrid
Danica: Don Benjamin — older brother — kitsune (open)
Elijah: Viola Davis — foster mother — open species 
Elijah: Avan Jogia — brother — dryad
Elijah: Natasha Lyonne — adopted sister — unicorn
Elijah: Jason Momoa — adopted brother/mauler — bear shifter 
Evander: Felicity Jones — daughter — witch 
Evander: Dan Stevens — son — wolf shifter 
Finley: Sebastian Stan — brother — unicorn 
Finley: Joe Keery — brother — unicorn 
Finley: Sarah Drew — 1/2 sister — banshee 
Isak: Ryan Hurst — brother — naga
Isak: Halsey — sister — witch 
Isak: Landon Liboiron — brother — naga 
Jake: Tobias Sorenson — brother — shifter
Jake: Barbara palvin — sister — shifter 
Maeve: Stella Maeve — bound spellbinder — spellbinder 
Maeve: Kit Harington — bound jinn — jinn 
Maeve: Natalia Dyer — "dead" daughter — shifter 
Matthias: Elizabeth Debicki — childe & pet — succubus
Rafael: Alice Braga — long lost mother — dead species 
Raphael: Alexander Vlahos — brother — eternal species 
Richard: Christina Hendricks — eventual ex—wife — selkie
Talia: Zach McGowan — adopted brother — cat shifter 
Talia: Alberto Ammann — adopted brother — cat shifter 
Talia: Miguel Ángel Silvestre — adopted brother — cat shifter 
Talia: Diego Luna — adopted brother — cat shifter 
Talia: Salma Hayek — adopted mother — cat shifter
Senna: Lee Pace — brother & crowned prince — ancient
Senna: Maria Brink — brother & crowned princess — ancient 
Senna: Dane DeHaan — 1st born son — faerie 
Senna: Toby Regbo — 2nd born son — faerie
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thetimelordbatgirl · 1 year
I was tagged by @disneyfan50 to do this uquiz for my OCs! And...while I will admit, uh, due to my ability to write angst, the results do match some of my OCs, my struggle with limiting the choices will be real here.
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you crave a hug that cracks your ribs... the feeling of your wandering soul being crushed back into the bones that can't seem to hold it. you need a hand gripping yours so tightly you almost fear it may leave a bruise, a reminder that you are here. and that you are not alone.
Given everything that Locket has been through so far in Marvel Descendants, including her childhood on the Area of The Lost with her father, the incident with Devlin Kilgrave, all the enemies she's either faced or keeps facing (one of which seems determined to haunt her until one of them is dead), this fits her as with life seeming out to get her constantly and her enemies trying to make her feel alone, sometimes a simple hand grab reminds her its not true and she's always going to have someone there for her.
No faceclaim so uh, have a treasure gif??? And Jayra is a no-brainer for this one, given she was raised with the same motto as her dad was: "there's no team in 'i'." and was basically punished for showing any signs she cared about her friends when younger until ultimately, the only way she knew touch was with her eventual girlfriend, though even that sadly wasn't enough to undo what her father drilled into her. But once taken off the Isle and to Auradon with her friends, Jayra soon learns how wrong her father was about everything and how she doesn't have to be alone, not with friends like hers around who love her for who she is, and with that learning, comes a new appreciation for the feeling of touch from her loved ones, especially when she reunites with her girlfriend finally after six months of being apart.
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cautiously. your teeth are bared, as they have been, your jaw aching for so long as growls slip free. you always have to defend yourself. you lash out in fear. you need someone who does not shrink back... a hand falling slowly to your shoulder, however briefly, in a reminder that you do not have to lunge. there is no danger here, now.
Throughout all alternate universes with Reese as a daughter of Hades, being guarded at all times is all Reese has ever known, given her father was basically a glorified roommate in the end to her, not bothering to raise her as she had to do that on her own, and whenever he did care to give her any attention, it was just to get angry at her, especially when she started becoming more of her own person instead of wanting to be like him. And sure, she did have a few Isle friends in each of these alternate universes, but even around them, Reese finds it hard to lower her guard, especially with Isle kids messing with her at times. Which means when it comes to finally being off the Isle in each alternate universe, Reese struggles completely around others at first, unable to trust that they do care about her due to everything really, and physical affection can get mixed reactions from her really. But with time, she does grow to lower her guard and does grow to see people do generally care about her unlike her dad, and despite her mixed reactions, she does grow to like physical affection, especially from her friends and eventual adopted family members in the alternate universes.
Have a green lightning gif for Malachi, since uh, he like Jayra and the rest of the OCs from Family Business/Evils Unfinished Business, has no faceclaim. I almost matched Malachi to 'fervently', given that does fit him, but I decided ultimately to match him with 'cautiously', given how Malachi's childhood of abuse at the hands of his mother and grandmother in the name of making him exactly like them, means Malachi is used to being guarded against everyone and everything, including his friends. But after being brought to Auradon along with said friends due to Alexander's proclamation, Malachi does start to lower his guard at least after some time and while he may be still getting used to physical affection, he does find himself appreciating it when he gets it from his friends.
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you need to be held as though you're going to break. you need someone to trace your scars like cracks in a wall, crumbling. their touch is almost painful; you've been without it for too long, without someone to hold you. but, you cannot bring yourself to pull away.
Being the only daughter of Gaston, the only times Jewel recalls being held is by her older brother, Gil, when her father and other two older brothers got too much sometimes in their abuse, but it was only when the three won't looking, which meant that it was sadly rare. And this in turn in Auradon, means Jewel isn't exactly used to touches such as being held, but over time, she slowly learns there are more gentle ways of being touched then her father's and two older brother's brutal treatment, thanks in part to her eventual girlfriend, Clarice.
While Jayla may vary in alternate universes when it comes to how she likes to be touched, when it comes to canon (Marvel Descendants) Jayla, she only recalls being held by her adopted mother, but then she sadly died while Jayla was young and she was left with her adopted father, whose touch was nothing but abusive, even on the night that Jayla ultimately decided to leave home in favor of SHIELD Academy. But despite what he did to her, Jayla does grow to love gentle touching with her new found friends over time and when it comes to finding her family finally, it turns out dragons love gentle touching as well.
Tagging for this challenge is a little hard as don't know many friends who do OC's, but uh, tagging @descendantofthesparrow , @miss617 , @shiningharmony and anyone who feels like doing it really.
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ezra-loves-flowers · 2 months
@ Hope World Dance Academy
Malachi was angry. Very angry. He'd been making stops at all the possible places he could think of that Skylar might be. Ezra had clammed up and stopped talking to him entirely. Apparently too frightened by his ire to be of much good to him. But that didn't mean he intended on letting him go. He'd worked hard to charm him and mold him into what he'd wanted him to me. Much as he'd done with Skylar. Only Ezra was not with child either. Which further fed his irritation. But he'd seen an oracle in New Orleans. One who'd told him Skylar would bear a child. He hadn't waited to find out to whom. He'd make sure it was his.
He shoved Ezra through the door of Hope World Dance Academy. Storming in behind him. A looming presence that offset the frailty of the young fae.
Ezra stumbled into the lobby. Eyes wild and searching for anything or anyone. But Malachi was at his back a second later, his fingers closing around his neck and pulling him against him.
Malarchi turned an eye towards the fae behind the desk. "Where is he?" He demanded. Intent on finding Danny.
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oceanfaeparadise · 1 year
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Malachi loves outer space so he decided to go to the Planetarium that evening since he was done with work. The water Fae was excited to go, as he dressed in his best attire and out on a tad bit of makeup to enhance his features. He walked up the many sets of stairs as he see’s a handsome stranger holding the door open waiting for him to go through. He hurries up the rest of the stairs and smiles politely “Thank you so much kind stranger. I must say you clean up very nicely too”
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whimhaven · 2 years
Hi shanna! I hope you’re doing well, I need to catch up with your posts since I’ve been away from simblr for awhile >< I wanted to ask how you play with the high school ep? Because it’s always a disaster for me 😭 wondering if you have any tips to enjoy playing it w/o being overwhelming bc that’s why I never play w. It ;-;
hi fae ☺️ i actually just finished playing all of delilah & malachi's highschool years & i'mma be honest it was something lol. it was hard for me because i like to use poses in my gameplay a lot and it's too much going on at school to use so that sucked. i honestly liked prom and graduation from it the most.
i would say don't add to many classmates cause it's like unplayable 😭 also using the club feature to have all the teens stay together helped me a TON. otherwise i really hated it. hsy gives me my wedding stories vibes and i didn't enjoy that too much either.
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fvriva · 1 year
The Animus Vitrum Timeline
Animus Vitrum is a WIP project that I've had for a few years (you'll find it tagged on this blog and on @cinalilli under #anivi, #animus vitrum, #seades, #seasonal depression (the former name). It has a few splintered-off stories, casts, and timelines that I couldn't possibly hope to cover within the main scope of the story as a whole, all detailed below the cut.
I change things up a lot, but the vibe of the world of Tela has begun to solidify since 2019 into something with a shape. This is the shape it's in currently.
Animus Vitrum's calendar is based on a Tapestry created by the ineffable Weaver and their attendants, the Threadbearers. Each stitch and running thread is made from the fibers that make reality, time, and space. The Tapestry functions as historical record of events (to levels of detail that are somewhat inscrutable, sometimes even to the scholarly eye), a means of seeing events as they come together, and a means of divining the future as threads are spun into being.
WIP 1: [no official name], featuring Malachi Practice, snake oil salesman, and the Reptilarium
Humanity didn't appear on the world of Tela until a few thousand years into its recorded existence, Year 5036 in accordance with the Tapestry. On Earth, in the year 1816, an eccentric's house of reptiles, the guests, surrounding grounds, and resident animals were transported to the hostile magical land of Tela, where the powers-that-be (gods, fae, the land-lords, whatever term you want to use) began to take to hunting humans for sport, while others would endow them with immense magical abilities to help them survive. Some would only help the lizards, creating megafauna and intelligent reptilian creatures living alongside the humans of Earth.
This project follows (trustworthy, non-charlatan, reputable salesman of reptile-based tinctures and cures) Malachi Practice on his quest to hunt a particular creature thus effected for its physical properties.
WIP 2: [no official name], featuring Log Helfeather, son of the Bloodmaker and the Homunculus
After a few hundred years of moving around and being systematically toyed with by the landlords, humanity has begun to splinter into subspecies in order to survive. Most of these resemble stock fantasy races: elfs form contracts with lesser spirits that give them access to magic in exchange for caring for them, huldra can survive underground as a result of the first group of huldra being blessed with an Internal Light that keeps the swarming dark abated, and the vitra can turn the hearts of any living creature into glass that magic can be conducted through. Using these newfound adaptations to their new home, in the year 5600 they unseat the Seelie Queen and the Unseelie King, kicking off a war that resulted in humanity carving out a place of their own to survive in civilization.
This project is very new! In response to WIP 4, it focuses on Yule's brother, Log, as he goes backwards in time to meet the earliest traveling Worldsingers in a coming-of-age story about ancestry, remembering the past, and how it can help guide the future.
WIP 3: Animus Vitrum
Hundreds years still pass, and in the year 7386 the shadow of the former Unseelie King Ozymandius, who continues to cling to a point far off at the end of the Tapestry as his promised apocalypse, begins to rise again, summoning the last of his tools and lieutenants to service. Autumn Saffworth, the daughter of a long line of vitra, is herself born without a heart, her family offering it up to the Bloodmaker, the old King's fearsome necromancer spirit. As she learns to navigate this contract with a being she never asked to have, resisting the pull towards Ozymandius's side, she meets Vernon Helfeather: an unassuming boy that is more than what he seems. Vernon is a homunculus, created as a last-measure by Ozymandius at the end of the previous era's war, both as a breakthrough in humanity's ability to create sentient life through heartglass technology and as a potential way to end it at any cost. Together, they help each other discover their own agency and fight back against their destinies to end everything.
WIP 4: SLEIKIR and the Winter Court
Thousands of years pass, so much that the roots of the world have since eroded beyond recognition as technology and magic blend into indistinguishability. The year is 14131 and Tela has fallen into a state of nuclear winter, ruled by the Winter King's court in Hearthstone, the new capital of the world. The Winter King is a vampyr, a flame-themed vampire that subsists on Heat, the currency of this new world. Workers toil eternally in a world without day or night, only waking and sleep, for scraps of heat to earn all of their day-to-day needs. Sleep in particular is a rare luxury, with different dreaming packages available offering experiences and memories and revelries that our hero begins to learn how to manipulate free of cost.
Yule Helfeather, daughter of Autumn and Vernon, runs away from home and plunges into the Tapestry in a bullheaded display to show off her own abilities, landing herself in a future that she can never return from, at least the short way around. The story is a cyberpunk romp about her toxic romance with the Pietr, who turns out to be the Winter Prince, and betrays her as soon as he tires of her. Yule seeks revenge, and with the power of gay love and Monster Energy, she sets out to topple his empire.
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anx1oustig3r · 2 years
76 and 95 for Malachy . 15 and 92 for Delia >:)
76: What annoys them about the religious groups in their area?
The Fae don’t follow any of the traditional religious set ups that you find in that world. Gods do exist (bc we have yknow, mars and zeus traipsing around) but they don’t actively worship any and choose to ignore them. However, they’re strong believers in tradition, and Fae tradition differs plenty from Human.
Now for a long time the monarchy and aristocracy have been basically sucking up to Humans and the other non Fae who have a stake in merchant trading, and have been trying to push more rigid and restrictive views, particularly surrounding their practices of gender and sexuality. Malachy HATES this. He’s seen how negatively that’s impacted his sister, and had he lived to see Mireska as a preteen/ teenager, the way it would affect her would probably prompt him to flat out kill his brother in law. For him, the idea of having personal freedom taken away is worse than death.
95: Under what circumstances would they hug a complete stranger?
Malachy’s an aggressive shithead but he’s actually very friendly, particularly when he’s had a few pints. If you happen to be around him in the pub and he’s singing, there’s a high chance in about 5 seconds he’ll have his arms around you and be telling you “Ah! Yeer a grand aul’ chap so ye are!” even though he doesn’t know your name.
15: What’s their least favorite possession that they wish they could get rid of, but can’t / shouldn’t?
It’s a silver ring with sapphires. Lord Sunbreeze had given it to her not long after she started working for him. At the time, she was blown away. She’d never even looked at anything this expensive let alone actually have something like that. He told her it was because he was grateful to have her.
Now she can’t bare to look at it. It just reminds her of how quickly her life collapsed into this hollow shell. But she can’t throw it away either. Every time she looks at it she remembers a time where she did love her husband, and she can’t lose a memory like that.
92: What is something they are fine with that most people would be afraid of?
Being physically hurt. Delia had always been scrappy as a child, beating up neighbourhood kids for bullying her brothers, and this continued into adulthood. Once she broke her wings, she stopped fearing pain, and this made her a fantastic asset to her husband. She is near impossible to threaten, and attempts to attack her won’t have much effect, she’ll always fight back with the ferocity of a lion.
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