#dissolving into dust
empyrean11 · 5 months
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Bisons social media admin feeling artsy, while the guys are busy scoring buckets of runs.
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lavender--milk · 6 months
inside of me there are 2 wolves. one wants so badly to worship like 12 different deities. the other just barely has the energy to devote to 1 😭
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felt sudden and strong longing for my childhood OTP 🥺
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rainesjupiter · 2 months
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Erdtree blessed daughter, O kindling sister, O lover of life.
The one who walked alongside flame. Death will meet you soon.
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nemkero · 2 years
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how am i supposed to move on with my life knowing i need to wait five months until i can see this movie
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coolerhope · 1 month
Gravity Falls His Dark Materials/Daemon AU
where Stanley's daemon falls into the portal with Ford while Ford's daemon stays behind with Stanley.
I'm thinking that Bill manages to drive a huge wedge between Ford and his daemon, maybe convincing him that daemons are just useless dust particles, that they are just basically shadow puppets illuminated on a wall. (Besides, Bill doesn't have a daemon so Ford doesn't need one either).
And then after Ford finds out about Bill's true colours, he locks his daemon away in a room somewhere in the house in a fit of paranoia/to protect it from Bill.
...And in the multiverse, Ford is very overprotective and would eviscerate anyone who would even attempt to touch Stanley's daemon.
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smashorpass50plus · 5 months
yall 1000% should get much weirder in my notes about what you wanna do to these meemaws and peepaws
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snickerdoodlesart · 11 months
the daily urge to turn your rain world ocs into a mod but not having the modding knowledge to do so.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 7 months
Vel: "Balthazar - I heard of a monk by that name once. He died a long time ago." Balthazar: "Oh, him? Yes, I decided to take his name for myself after taking his rib bones. Suits me better, I think."
Considering that Balthazar knows who Durge is, I wonder if he's familiar with how offended they get when other people start defiling their siblings' corpses? Bhaal's property should go in his temples, where it belongs. Are you doing this on purpose, sir?
Also what kind of undead is he anyway, a lich?
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randaccidents · 6 months
How does hearb loose his wings tho
No one knows. Soul found him already wingless. The only one who might have known was unconscious when it happened. And there are no remains in Apathy.
(OOC what happened is that. You don't need wings when all you are is the muscle that pumps blood. Neither do you need limbs. The wings were also something intrinsically linked to Heart's identity as the Emotional Side and the rejection of it destroys the wings. Just imagine them detaching and disintegrating, there is no description for such a loss :3 also I did not think about how it happened because none of the characters are awake for that process I just know theyre gone)
(They don't come back because I said so :P They don't come back because Heart has removed and then reintroduced a Fundamental Part of himself. The pieces no longer fit together cleanly. Something about being so intrinsically changed that the parts of you you loved most no longer fit you.)
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intertexts · 4 months
(vibrating at a frequency only dogs can hear but trying to maintain an air of cool and mystery) hey ros. hey my beloved friend and mutual. I hope the oneshot is fun. i hope episode 29 was fun. i need u 2 take a look at just the name of the next three episodes and let me know if you notice anything about them. smile emoji smile emoji smile emoji. explodes
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a-v-j · 1 year
*Drops this here and runs*
Nyxy vs Error
   “Damn abomination..!” Error shouts as he shoots another attack at Nyxy, They dodge and land behind Error and kicks him in the spine. Error yelps as he falls face first, his eyelights glare at Nyxy as he teleports away from them. “You disgust me..!” He hisses as he wipes the blood from his jaw, Nyxy just stares blankly as their eyes both turn jet black. Error summons a gaster blaster and hood onto it and floats above Nyxy. “Die..!” He yells as more gaster blasters appear and shoot towards Nyxy.
     Nyxy jumps back to fast and too far, they end up dragging their claws into the ground to stop them from getting to far. Their left black eye is now seen with a red glowing eye light. Their maroon hair is a crazy mess as it blows past their face and gaze, Error’s face scrunches up as he summons another blaster. “I hope you die knowing that no one loves you.” He grins darkly as he attacks Nyxy again as he uses his strings to try and hold Nyxy in place.
     They struggle against the strings grip and their body starts to bleed by their pressure. They grit their teeth as Error fires the blaster. Nyxy growls lowly as they tear from the strings and jump high up, they barely miss be ing hit by the blasters laser. Error groans as he sends a barrage of bone attacks towards Nyxy, “why don’t you just die..?!” He shouts at Nyxy. Nyxy barrels rolls under the barrage and jumps back up and dodged the sharp bone that was aimed for their head. They start to open their mouth while Error readied his next attack, he looks at them and his eyesockets went wide.
      Their mouth is open wide and when I mean wide, I mean, Wide. The ends of their lips wide open like a snakes mouth and inside their mouth a paser formed, Error stares in disbelief and shock. “WHAT ARE YOU!?” He yells as he blocks himself with a wall of bones when Nyxy shoots the laser from their mouth. “Your worst Nightmare.” They chuckled as they jump at him and slams his body into the ground, their hand holding his throat to the ground. Error struggles against their grip clawing at their hand, he tried to summon blasters but Nyxy holds Error’s wrists above his head with a death grip.
      They open their mouth once more as a laser forms, Error stares eyesockets wide in first time horror. They start to fire until—
      “Hey big boy, I’m hungry come make me a burger.” Averse appears infront of Nyxy leaning over close to their dying laser mouth. Error stares in utter disbelief and confusion, Averse looks down at Error and winks before Nyxy slams Error’s head into the ground once more knocking him out and stands up. Their body soon turns to normal and so does their eyes, they smile softly at Averse and chuckles. “You want chips with it?” Averse grins and nods, “he’ll yeah.” He climbs onto Nyxy and on his back and goes limp as Nyxy carries him. “What am I gonna do with you pretty boy?@ he rolls his eyelights, and thinks back to the voices. “You can always let me try that popsicle.” Nyxy’s face burns red as their hair flares up. “A-Av!” Averse grins before gritting his teeth a little, “I’m not lyin.”
     Nyxy walks them into a portal. As they walk into the portal Averse pouts, “you didn’t bail me out of jail today.” Nyxy grumbles “I was busy taking care of someone.” Averse glares holed into Nyxy’s head. “You could have saved that for later.” He huffs as Nyxy sets him down onto the couch, “Unless you want this house to be ruined and destroyed, I had to take care of that someone.” Averse grits his teeth once more as he grabs the remote and turns on the TV. Nyxy walks to the kitchen and begins the cooking. Averse is only pretending to be a child. He shook his head and switch through the channels, which is only full of MTT.
     Averse sniffs and he instantly drooled smelling the sweet and juicy sent of hamburgers, he grins widely as he gets up and walks to the kitchen. “What’s cooking, hot stuff?” Nyxy glares at him, “you bring one pun into this kitchen and papyrus will kill me.” Averse laughs as he thinks about killing papyrus if he does, “That’ll be hilarious.” Nyxy flicks him and he hisses, “Not it won’t if you go down with me, idiot.” Averse lovingly flips off Nyxy and sits on the counter, Nyxy continues to cook as Averse watches with content. This little sadistic stubborn cruel skeleton has gone soft, and more tolerant after meeting Nyxy, he thought.
     “So Error, tried to ruin the house?” He asks leaning and resting  his chin on his hand, Nyxy nods and sighs “He was hoping to try and destroy this Au. So I had to stop him or I’d have to find a new one in a diff world.” They shrug as they hand him a plate, chips and a burger. “Enjoy pretty boy.” Averse snickers, “still bad at flirts love.” Nyxy rolls their eye and huffs.
To be continued…
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Makes sense, rando hobo tries to destroy home, husbo protect, wife deescalates situation but, like, in a nyxy and averse way
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colorisbyshe · 7 months
cats will pretend to swallow their medication. walk away. face the most inconvenient possible spot and then spit it out.
to mock you, specifically.
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dustofthedailylife · 8 months
Atp, my favorite pastime activity is slapping rude customer supports some paragraphs in the face and reciting the legal norms when they're refusing to do what I legally have the right to get from them.
Because you're wrong bish and I know you are. Now do your thing - no matter how often you tell me you cannot do this - I know for a fact you have to do it. Don't mess with me.
Kind regards, your local law student (soon to be diploma lawyer) who takes no shit from you <3
They're usually really quiet really fast and do what I ask, as soon as I come around the corner with reciting laws *evil cackle* Studying law is absolute hell but the gratification you get from stuff like this makes it somewhat worthwhile.
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Divide and Dissolve — Systemic (Invada)
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Photo by Su Cassiano
Divide and Dissolve continues to provoke, even if some of the questions are becoming a bit familiar: Can instrumental music express a politics? Is there anything intrinsically subversive in the fact of women of color making heavy music? Is doom metal the right (sub)cultural space for indigenous-identified women wishing to promulgate a socially conscious, anti-colonial agenda? Systemic doesn’t provide any evidence or assertions that will settle those issues, even as the band’s public-facing discourse and promotional chatter strike ever more righteous rhetorical stances. This reviewer is down for the politics. The music is a more complicated proposition.
Doom metal is conventionally possessed of feeling tones that seem suited to Divide and Dissolve’s project: misery on tectonic scales, anger that smolders and simmers and then erupts into sudden conflagration. Other bands have coupled that tonal range with left-leaning socio-political messaging; for recent examples, see Forlesen’s ecologically minded folky doom, or Mordom’s application of glacially paced bum-out music to the problematics of dope addiction. Even more relevant are many of the records released by the Body over the last fifteen years — see especially No One Deserves Happiness (2016) or many of the cover songs compiled on Anthology (2011). Somehow the political content of the Body’s music is both more and less didactic than what Divide and Dissolve has succeeded in articulating, and certainly it’s a lot more compelling, aesthetically and ideologically. 
That’s not so damning a criticism, given the Body’s excellence, which is tough for any band to compete with. But it’s worth noting. Divide and Dissolve gets most didactic on Systemic with “Kingdom of Fear,” which includes a spoken word performance from poet Minori Sanchez-Fung. Over the band’s cool drone and occasional stirs of noise that evoke Earth’s more recent work, Sanchez-Fung intones, “In the kingdom of fear, a shadow hovers over my cover of leaves and violets,” and later, “I have pleaded to consult the chorus of night, to hold the strands of moon that tether me to beauty and let me rest.” The language isn’t straightforward enough to stir politicized passions, and while the images sustain a reading that underscores women’s productive powers, they collapse into an earth-mother symbolics that feels dated and a little soft, when a more militant response seems necessary to confront the injustices attending our current conjuncture. 
The record is better when the music does the talking, as it usually does for Divide and Dissolve. “Indignation” commences with a couple minutes of woodwinds, interlaced and gesturing toward symphonic textures, performed by Takiaya Reed. The inevitable, deafening entrance of Reed’s guitar sounds simultaneously like explosion and collapse, which is not easily done, and which is a fitting sonic complement to indignation: the emotion moves toward the world with aggressive rage, and also back into the person feeling indignant, who insists on the overriding validity of her feeling, her ideas, her sense of fairness. That’s the sort of interest that Divide and Dissolve is capable of generating. 
Of course, none of that relative complexity controls what a listener might tend to feel indignant about. Tune into the various permanently outraged talking heads on The Daily Wire, for instance, and you’ll hear a whole lot of indignation: Matt Walsh’s moronic (and always creepy) reactionary chatter about the status of the noun “woman,” or Candace Owens’ latest bit of semi-coherent clickbait (this reviewer was particularly grossed out by her defense of the cause of the American Confederacy on putative social class terms). Perhaps doom metal would not be the first choice to soundtrack those bits of rightwing bilge — but I can hear Moonsorrow’s insipid, Viking-obsessed, musical muscle-flexing whenever Walsh or Josh Hawley start yip-yapping about masculinity. 
But that’s me. Music’s nonrepresentational access to feeling may be its most distinct and its most powerful aesthetic property. In that aforementioned promotional chatter, much is made of Divide and Dissolve’s investment in the unifying power of non-verbal communication, and the undervalued extent of that non-verbal communication’s presence in our lives and experiences. But the non-verbal is still socially constructed and patently representational. See the recent transformation of the thumb-to-forefinger “OK” sign into an emblem for white power, which occurred through the functionality of social media-driven symbolics. Divide and Dissolve make heavy music, and these are indeed heavy times. To intervene effectively, the heaviness may need the iterative and representational power of the verbal. And when it’s invoked, that language may need to be political, focused and forceful. 
Jonathan Shaw
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avspol · 2 years
i think Polnareff's hair is naturally silver but NOT naturally straight. he has curly hair like sherry he just destroys it with products every morning. when avdol see's it down for the first time he's like ohh nooo it seems like i've set your hair gel on fire what a shame
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