#dissolving into the ground as we speak . I'm so tired
multeasers · 7 months
Man who is consistently in looney tunes ass situations : how am I in a looney tunes ass situation
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apocalypseornaw · 10 months
Prove It (Pt 4/5)
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Dean Winchester x Reader
Dean comes to Alicia's and the two of you talk. He begins to plan a redo of your anniversary to make it up to you
Warnings: cursing, mention of a person being killed
The drive from the bunker to Alicia's place would normally take about eight hours give or take but Dean managed to make it in five. His fingers drummed the steering wheel as he turned off the road onto her drive. Sam glanced at him sideways from the passenger seat “Just take a breath Dean. She just needed some space but she called you that means she's not as mad as she was” 
Dean shook his head “I'm not worried about her being mad, I'm worried about the fact that I hurt her. What if this was a final straw deal? What if she figures out she can do so much better than me? What if she just didn't want to break things off over the phone?” 
Sam shook his head “Dean she loves you. I know you hurt her, hell I even managed to hurt her in this because I took her for granted too but she loves you and you love her. You've made mistakes yeah but you're human man. She gets that, don't overthink just tell her why you wanted to grab a drink and calm your nerves a bit before driving. Tell her what she means to you. She's meeting you halfway by calling” 
Dean nodded slowly, Sam was right. That didn't stop his brain from offering him every single bad scenario that could happen when he parked next to your car and took a deep breath before climbing out the car.
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In the last four hours you'd taken a forty five minute nap, gotten Alicia to braid your hair and drank half a pot of coffee.
You were currently pacing a hole in the floor while carrying her cat in your arms. The cat was purring in contentment so it was giving you something to keep your mind off the fact that Dean was on his way.
Alicia eventually stepped in front of you to stop your repetitive movements. When you came to a stop she smiled gently and took the cat from your arms, sitting it gently down on the couch. “Sweetie, just take a breath. That man worships the ground you walk on. He'd do damn near anything for you and I know how much you love him. Just calm down”
The moment she got through speaking the rumble of the impala engine hit your ears. She grabbed your hand “C'mon. I'll walk out with you and if Sam's with him we'll give you two the porch for some privacy”
You walked out onto the porch and froze at the same moment Dean froze on the top doorstep. Alicia and Sam exchanged a knowing look before Sam said “Alicia, got some coffee or something?” She nodded and led him inside.
Dean couldn't take his eyes off you, only a few days had passed since he saw you but it felt like so much longer. “Hey sweetheart” a small smile flickered to your lips when he spoke “Hey baby”
You stood there for a second looking at him, God he always had the same effect on you. He was wearing that gray henley you always loved stealing, the stubble lining his jaw told you he hadn't shaved since two days before you left and he looked tired but he was here, right in front of you and any of the remaining anger you'd felt when you left the bunker quickly dissolved. 
“God I've missed you” you blurted out before launching yourself into his arms. He caught you without a second thought, wrapping both arms around you. “Sweetheart I am so sorry” he spoke into your hair as he held you. You nodded trying to swallow down the urge to cry. You leaned back enough to look up at him “We can talk about it, I want to talk and need to know what happened but can you please just kiss me first”
“Fuck yes” he mumbled before crashing his lips against yours. The kiss was gentle but passionate, his mouth lingering against yours in a way that made your knees weak. When he pulled away he rested his forehead against yours “I love you” you smiled “I love you too”
After a moment you took a deep breath then stepped out of his arms. His face fell a bit but he watched your every movement. “How did you forget?” You asked and he looked like you would've hurt him less by hitting him. “I'm an idiot?” Your jaw clenched at his words “Don't do that. Don't talk down about yourself like that Dean you know I hate it”
A hint of a smile played at his lips “You're always so quick to defend me, even when I mess up” you crossed your arms over your chest before saying “That's because I love you, hell I've defended you and Sam both for as long as I've known the two of you because you are good men. You're a good man Dean, you're a good boyfriend. I know you love me, I've never doubted that but sitting there waiting for you only to find out you're at a bar? That fuckin hurt Dean!”
Dean's heart flipped hearing you say he was a good man. No other person on earth's opinion would have mattered to him at that moment. He nodded because he knew it had hurt you he hated that it hurt you “We lost someone on the hunt” 
Your face softened at his words “Why didn't you tell me?” He motioned around Alicia's porch then shrugged “It wasn't losing someone as much.I'm used to it but she was your height, your build and had your hair color. She was torn apart. I couldn't even see her face. It was so bad and all I could think of was you. The fact that being with me puts a target on your back, I invite pain and loss by being in someone's life…”
He trailed off and you started to reach for him but he shook his head because he wasn't done “I guess I started to spiral a bit. Old insecurities popped up, I just needed to catch my breath before coming home. I didn't mean to forget and I would never purposely hurt you but sweetheart coming home to you gone? That damn near broke me. I can't lose you, please don't leave me again” his breath came out ragged and you were across the porch before he could draw another breath pulling him into your arms.
“I'm not leaving you ever Dean” you promised and he held you tight. He had to make it up to you, a do-over for your anniversary. He'd figure it out tomorrow but for tonight you were in his arms. 
@starkleila @fluff-lover @lacilou @suckitands33 @lyarr24 @decadentstrangernacho @nix-rose @irgendwas122 @deans-baby-momma @deans-spinster-witch @tas898
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[ shoyo hinata ]
"shoyo, slow down!"
you'd call out to him in desperation as you watch him run off into the distance with kageyama again. beads of sweat would trickle down your face as you'd pant, your hands on your knees to balance yourself.
despite being so tired of their antics, you'd still agree to walk shoyo home.. yet what you didn't anticipate was that you'd be forced to participate in their running competitions as well.
your boyfriend was speedy, to say the least but with kageyama there you might have as well entered him in a matador vs bull competition. or assume kageyama as the bull instead.
nonetheless, you'd grown exhausted as you jogged up the mountain. finally, you'd reach the top where they were both staring at you in confusion, their heads tilted sideways. it was as if they were asking 'what took you so long?', which only annoyed you further.
"uh, you okay?" shoyo would ask as he'd watch your exasperated form panting. he had gotten concerned earlier when he'd seen you vanish from his vision but his pride urged him to carry on for the sake of triumphing over kageyama, despite his desire to stay and wait.
"no, shoyo, i'm not."
you'd answer swiftly, rather irritated by the entire exchange. you didn't want to take your anger out on your boyfriend knowing he didn't mean to leave you alone like that but it would certainly make you feel better.
whatever, you'd catch your breath for a few seconds before beginning to trudge down the mountain, the cool breeze combing through your hair as you do so.
"hey y/n, wait!" shoyo would exclaim as he'd rush down to follow you, abandoning kageyama who'd simply taken the hint and left for his house in the opposite direction.
"go away shoy-"
"i didn't mean to leave you alone, i'm sorry."
taking a deep exhale, you'd turn around and wait for him to continue speaking. it was clear how you felt yet you repressed the thought of berating him anyways, shoyo was nice and didn't deserve to be yelled at for such a trivial thing.
"we can walk together tomorrow again, just please don't be mad at me." shoyo would hold an apologetic face as his hands would clasp together in a pleading way.
sighing, you'd nod.
"i'm not mad you're running off with kageyama, just- remember that i'm still here. okay?"
your gaze would avert to your feet as you'd kick the solid ground, the rubble swaying back and forth underneath your shoes as your hands would slip into your pockets.
the cool winds would continue to surround the two of you, enveloping you both as shoyo would inch closer to you in hesitance before wrapping his arms around you.
"we'll be okay, dummy."
without another moment, your arms would fasten around him in an embrace as snowflakes began to fall. the snowflakes coated his vibrant orange head in white, along with your h/c hair to be enshrouded by the small flakes.
your hand would move to swipe them off his head with a giggle, a smile spreading over your features which caused shoyo to smile as well, growing excited at the sight of seeing you happy.
as the snowflakes fell, shoyo would stick out his tongue in hopes of catching one. once it fell down on him mouth, he'd shiver at the coldness before the two of you would watch it dissolve in the saliva in fascination.
you, in turn would also open up your mouth and wait for the flakes to fall, shoyo finding your fascination adorable.
snow would pester the roads in white, piles beginning to form in obscure corners as the two of you ate snowflakes and shivered from the freezing taste for a second or two. it was ridiculous but in your eyes ( and shoyo's ), it was a cute way to end the day.
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avaritia-apotheosis · 9 months
Take Me Up, Cast Me Away
This was such a fantastic event, and I had an amazing time writing this fic for the wonderful @amanellow and their artwork is simply gorgeous. I could look at it all day. And YOU can look at it to over here!
I had a lot of fun writing this fic, and I really wish that I could have fleshed it out more but time just wasn't on my side. Nonetheless I'm still pretty happy with what came out!
[ Read this fic on AO3 ] ****
Danny wakes to a violet sky. It swirls and pulses with energy, stifling to breathe in the not-air. An infinite expanse filled with an infinite nothingness. He curls his fingers, feels the wet earth and the morning-dew grass prick his skin from beneath his gloves. 
He pulls himself up to his feet, flicks the dirt off his clothes, and sets off for the forest behind him.
Danny does not know where he is. The Ghost Zone, for certain; there is no place on earth with a sky quite like that. But he has never seen this part of the Zone before. There is something off about the plants here. They were too green. Too lush. Too alive.
He treks through the untrodden ground with aching familiarity, his feet guiding him better than his memory ever could. The trees part their branches for him as he passes, the boughs ever so slightly elevating in the air almost in the same way a soldier would salute. There is no wind here, but he hears the leaves rustle. And despite the noise and his movements, the forest is devoid of birdsong.
It has always been empty, now that he thinks about it.
The forest opens up to a large clearing and in the middle of it, a lake. The lake, Danny knows, has water of such purity that one should be able to see the bottom of the lake from the surface. ‘Should,’ being the key word here. There needs to be an end first before you can even try seeing it.
His feet take him to the edges of the lake, the water edge just barely grazing the tips of his boots. He breathes the not-air deeply, feeling that spark of energy electrifying his senses as he takes in the preternatural stillness of the water. 
Suddenly there is a ripple in the waters in front of him. The water pulls back from the shore, rising and rising and coalescing together to sculpt a figure from water. Light shines from the center of the water-creature before the water bursts into a spray of mist.
And just like before, The Lady rises from the lake.
Even half-submerged in the lake, the Lady stood at least a meter taller than him. She loomed over him in a way that commanded attention but not fear. Her skin was as clear and blue as the waters she came from, the hair cascading from her head as dark as the depths of the Marianas trench. Her eyes were the only part of her that differed. They were white. Burning, burning white, like the eyes of the sun that saw all. 
The Lady tilts her head in amusement. “And so you are here again, young Phantom.” 
No singing this time?
He feels his voice return to him. Huh. So he was allowed to speak this time. That was new. “It’s not like I want to be.”
She dissolves into the lake and appears closer this time, her sun-bright eyes boring into his own. “It is not about wanting , young phantom. For beings such as us, the question of ‘want’ is often taken out of our hands.”
He leans back. He’d step farther away but knows that his feet won’t be able to move. “Us?” 
She hums, voice echoing like raindrops in a cavern. “We are rare creatures, you and I.”
“You mean halfas?”
The Lady laughs, fingers pressed to her mouth to hide her smile. “No. Those are rarer creatures still. Though perhaps that is why it is drawn to you so.”
Danny pursed his lips, already tired of this. “Look, Lady, can you just tell me what you want from me?”
She dances back with a giggle. “I do not want anything with you.”
“Sure. Then at least tell me why I’m here so I can deal with it or at least let me have some decent sleep for once.”He rakes his hand through his hair in frustration. “It’s been seven nights since you’ve started appearing in my dreams and there’s only so much more I can take of this. I can’t exactly afford to lose even more sleep.”
“I would apologize on Their behalf if I could, but neither of us would really mean it,” The Lady said. “It was the only way to take you here without drawing his attention, I’m afraid. The window between sleep and dreaming is as fine as a spider’s thread. It needs time enough to lengthen, but what deceptive strength it has indeed.”
They. He. More questions left unanswered. “You’re not making any sense.”
She laughs again, the waves rippling around her. “I make perfect sense. You just don’t have the scope of knowledge to comprehend it.” A cold wind cuts through the air, making her pause. The Lady tilts her head as if listening to something, and frowns. She sighed, eyes half-lidded and almost…sad in their gaze. “Alas, I could only delay you here for so long.”
“So I get to wake up now?”
The shake of her head sends another spray of water into the air. “How young you are, sir Phantom. It is a pity. A great tragedy indeed.”
Her form bursts and disappears back into the water in a blink. And in the next, she emerges far too close to his face, sharp hands wrapped behind his neck. “You will find what you are meant to seek, young Phantom. Take it, for you have no other choice but to take it, as you will inevitably despise the misfortune it brings you.”
She drags him down into the lake.
Danny drowns.
Water fills the lungs he isn’t supposed to have as Phantom. He sings, deeper and deeper into the darkness, some unseen weight pulling him down by his legs. He struggles. Screams. Claws at his throat and shouts at himself to wake up wake up wake up wake—
Darkness shrouds his vision.
Then there is nothing.
The world shifts.
Danny wakes, dry and heaving, clawing at the ground beneath him. His shoulders quiver as he pushes himself up to his knees, forehead pressed against the freezing stone beneath. 
He’s been having these visions for seven nights now, but it always ended the same way each time. The lady was supposed to sing and he was supposed to wade into the lake and wake up. 
But Danny isn’t waking up.
This wasn’t a dream. This wasn’t a dream. It was obvious, it should have been obvious. Some part of his own subconscious must have been aware that this recurring dream held some piece of reality. But he didn’t want to believe it was true. Wanted to wake up and forget about this damn thing in the morning. Because if it wasn’t a dream, and all of this was real and happening, then what does that mean for him? 
If this dream-turned-not-dream ended differently, then something must be coming. It was textbook storytelling.
Then, Danny thought as he hauled himself up to his feet. Then what does that mean for Amity Park?
He cracked his neck to relieve the tension from between his shoulders, rubbing at his nape as he took stock of his surroundings. A long stretch of corridor greeted him on both ends, the stone tiles cracked and crumbling and crawling with overgrowth. Torches lined the stone pillars and regular intervals, flickering with a steady fire. Danny was vaguely reminded of Princess Dora’s castle.
Over here!
Danny whipped his head around. “Who’s there!”
There was no one. Did he imagine it?
This way!
And there it was again. A voice, almost melodic, echoed through the corridor. 
“Where are you?” Danny called out.
A blue light appeared to his right. Then another. And another. An entire line of floating lights bobbing up and down, forming a trail.
Well, it was as good a sign as any.
He followed the winding trail closely. Through the maze of corridors, grand chambers, great halls, etcetera, etcetera. Danny was definitely in a castle now, thought not any he’d seen before in the Ghost Zone. 
The strangest thing about this castle was that everything felt… interrupted, in a sense. A dropped platter here, scattered books there, a chair half-pulled out, a goblet of wine unfinished. It was as if everyone in the castle just suddenly disappeared.
Usually, places like these would be teeming with ghosts. 
The trail of little lights suddenly stopped in front of a wall. A large portrait hung on a place of honor, half-hidden by heavy red drapes that Danny pulled back to get a better look.
It was a man. Tall and broad shouldered, with long hair as gold as the frame that embellished his portrait. A crown sat on his head, marking him as king. Help up in his hand was a sword unlike any that Danny had ever seen but was also uncannily familiar. 
He reached up to touch the portrait, fingers brushing against the painted chain mail and red ermine cloak. 
“Who are you?” He asked aloud.
He is the King, the lights answered. The Master of this place. 
He floated up to stare eye-to-eye with this king. This human king with a portrait in a Ghost Zone castle. How strange. 
Painted blue eyes stared back, but revealed nothing.
“Is he here?” 
Yes, yes, yes! Cried the lights. You must meet the king! He has been waiting.
Waiting? For who?
It couldn’t be for him.
The lights lead him through a set of double doors, and he has to squint at the sudden onslaught of sunlight assaulting his vision. The sun doesn’t exist in the Ghost Zone, so why was it here?
Beyond the terrace was a land of desolation. Sparse trees and ruined forests, the ground beneath cracked like fragments of broken glass. As he flew over it, he saw rusted armor and broken weapons littering the ground. Swords and arrows, spears and siege weapons, broken shields and cut maces. A tattered red banner stood tall amongst the barrenness, the markings on the front so worn with time he couldn’t make out what it was supposed to be. An animal of some kind?
Strangely enough, like the castle itself, the field was empty. It appeared like the remnants of some kind of battle, but there were no bodies anywhere. Not even a skeleton. Despite that, the stench of death and decay was so overpowering it nearly made Danny gag.
At the center of the absent-carnage was a sword, embedded deep into the rocky earth. The same one he saw in the painting. 
Sunlight glanced off its polished blade, the hilt remained intact. There wasn’t a single crack or dent or even scratch on it. It was perfectly preserved, even as the other weapons around it weren’t. 
Some kind of force—whether it’s his own will, some unseen hand, or even the instinct to try and pull a sword from the stone because come on , everyone knew this story—made him wrap his hand around the hilt. And, with minimal force, he pulled the sword out of the stone.
“Huh.” He brandished the blade high in the air, watching the light reflect itself off it. He could see, vaguely, intricate markings etched at its center. He knew nothing about swords, but something about holding this one felt…right. It felt perfectly balanced. Almost as if it was made for him. 
Suddenly the ground trembled. Bits of rock and dirt began to levitate all around him, the hairs on the back of his neck rising like the hackles of a cat.
A void roared through the air like a horn of war. “WHO DARES?” It bellowed. “WHO DARES TO CHALLENGE ME?”
In the distance, riding atop a fiery steed was a mountain of a man. His hair blazed with green fire, his horned helmet bared open to reveal his death-mask of a face. His shoulders were twice as broad as Jack Fenton’s, and clad in black armor that seemed to ooze with shadow. 
The figure raised his hand in the air. A column of fire engulfed his arm before it dissipated, revealing a dark javelin. And with a fierce glare from his lone eye, the ghost begins to charge. 
Danny breaks to run and screams as a skeletal hand bursts from the ground beneath, trapping his leg in a vice grip. He fires an ectoblast to dislodge the hand, but more suddenly burst from the earth. Bony fingers start tugging at his legs, dragging him down and pinning him in place. Like a hydra, each one he destroyed only summoned two more to take its place.
A spark of pain radiates from his arm to his mind. A
Heavy like the toll of bells, the command resonates within his skull. Danny looks down at the sword, spies the faint white glow emanating from the blade, and brandishes the sword high. The daylight catches and— 
A spark.
A supernova. 
A blinding flash of light erupts from the blade. A torrential force that whips past Danny’s hair, slicing and disintegrating all of the skeletons into dust.
Whether the ghost looked caught off guard at the sight, Danny didn’t stick around long enough to find out.
He makes a mad dash to the castle— the forest— the tree line, anywhere as long as it was far away.
A rift appears in front of him. No, not a rift, a portal! The Lady waves from the other side, screaming at him to run faster.
Dread crawls up his spine. Every cell in his body screams at him for DANGER!
He turns around to look.
That beast of a ghost was still chasing him. Javelin hefted over his shoulders, the ghost pulled his arm back and threw.
Like lightning— impossibly quick, impossible to avoid—it hits its mark.
The momentum throws Danny back towards the portal just as it closes shut, his body skidding across the ground.
He screams. Lets go of the sword to grab at the javelin stuck to his chest, right above the space where his heart is supposed to be.
But there’s nothing there but air.
Danny paws at his chest, searching for that wound. No blood. Not even a scratch. It didn’t make any sense, he knew he got hit!
The Lady knelt down beside him, pressing her cold hands to his chest. “It’s started,” she murmured. “It’s time to wake up now.”
The alarm clock blinks a neon green 03:00. 
Witching hour, Sam would say. 
He opens up their group chat with Tucker, sending a wary glance at the pristine sword that was definitely not in his room before. 
[Had another dream, guys.]
[ It’s different this time, though]
[Hard to explain]
[Will tell you tomorrow]
[I got a bad feeling about this.]
“Sooooo let me get this straight,” Tucker drawls. “You’ve had this same dream for about a week now. At around the same time we’ve had a surge in ghost attacks, actually. And last night instead of getting stuck at the lake, you went through the lake, landed in a castle, found a sword, and had to run away from an evil scary ghost that— and let me emphasize this here— killed you.”
“He didn’t kill me. He just…threw a lance straight at my heart?”
“Killed you. Yeah.”
“Okay, dream killed me.”
“Semantics, schmanitcs.” Tucker shook his head, fiddling with his PDA. “But you got away, the Lady said something really foreboding and told you to wake up, and when you woke up you found that same sword in your room. Did I get all of that?”
“Pretty much.”
Tucker let out a low whistle, patting a hunched over Danny in the back. “You just can’t catch a break can you.”
Danny groaned, burying his head in his locker.
“But this sword looks absolutely wicked, though,” Sam chimed in. She had Danny’s phone clutched in her hands, fingers zooming in on the photo he took of the sword. “It looks, well, ancient. European broadsword, maybe? The engravings on it kinda look Welsh.”
Tucker leaned over Danny to look over Sam’s shoulder. “Any idea what it means?”
The words come naturally in Danny’s mind: Take me up and Cast me away.
Sam shook her head. “Not a clue.”
Danny sighed, leaning out of his locker. “It means—”
Something hard and heavy fell down on his head. “What the—” the second that he registered what it was, he pushed it back and slammed his locker shut, chest heaving as he covered the door with his entire body.
Oh thank god that the three of them met early enough in the morning that hardly anyone was at school. He had no idea how he was going to explain that being in his locker.
“Care to explain, Danny?”
He laughed nervously. “Hahaha, okay so…you know how I told you that I definitely left the sword at home?”
Sam and Tucker nodded.
“ Well… Somehow it ended up in my locker.”
“It what?!”
“What do you mean ‘somehow.’”
Danny quickly shifted to a more natural-looking pose the second he saw someone about to pass by. Hands in his pocket, back against the locker, and one foot behind the ankle. “Look, I know about as much as you do right now. I have no explanation for this.”
“It surprised me as well when it first happened. But you get used to it eventually. It’s quite handy.”
Danny whipped his head around, but found no one else in the vicinity but him and his friends. “Did you guys hear that?”
Sam straightened, surveying their surroundings. “Hear what?”
“The— the voice . Someone just said—”
Ah, my apologies for startling you. Unfortunately for your friends, only you can hear me as I am right now.
“I—” Danny pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a quiet, distressed, whine. “Guys, I think the sword is talking to me inside my head.” “Well, excuse me! While Excalibur might be a fine sword indeed, let me assure you that it and I are not the same.” 
Materializing in front of him—while somehow managing not to trigger his senses—was a ghost. Decked out in full armor, red cloak floating regally behind him, long hair that shone impossibly gold under the cheap fluorescent hallway lights, was the man in the painting. 
The ghost placed a hand over his heart and inclined his head, giving Danny a great view of the crown floating atop it. 
“It is a pleasure to meet my successor. I am Arthur, king of the Britons.”
Danny is many things— and crazy is starting to become one of them. 
There wasn’t much time to process what the heck was going on as the hallways started to fill with more students. So after relaying these sudden developments to Sam and Tucker— mainly that he’s currently being haunted by a long dead mythical British king—they quickly departed to first period English with Mr. Lancer. 
And that’s when the troubles started.
The ghost— King Arthur’s Ghost— had the decency to stay quiet and out of the way while Danny was in class. 
The same could not be said for his sword.
It turns out, Excalibur, the most legendary sword of, well, ever , was completely incapable of sitting still.
Somehow it managed to escape Danny’s locker and apparate it beneath his feet. He’d only just managed to cover it up with his backpack before Mr. Lancer could walk by and see that Danny brought a medieval weapon to school. Huh, weren’t they going to cover The Lady of Shalott next week? Maybe showing off the sword could give him some extra credit or something. 
Second, third, and fourth period weren’t much better. No matter where Danny tried to leave the stupid sword, it would reappear at his side at the most inconvenient of times. It was driving him up the wall with stress. He was half-tempted to skip fifth period just so he could find another rock to jam Excalibur into.
The second the lunch bell rang, Danny booked it to the most remote place in the school yard he could think of, sending a quick text in the group chat for his friends to meet him there.
“I’m sensing that you’re not very fond of Excalibur’s talents.”  
Danny glanced up at King Arthur (no, really, he still couldn’t get used to it) who was sitting on top of a tree branch. “Weapons aren’t exactly allowed on school grounds. Well, they’re not really allowed anywhere without a valid license, but schools are a definite no to that.” He shakes the sword at the ghost. “Say, would you mind taking this back?”
“It doesn’t work that way, I’m afraid.”
“Well then tell me how it does work!”
King Arthur shrugged. “It’s quite simple, really. I am bound to the sword. The sword is bound to those it finds worthy. Excalibur found you worthy when it let you pull it out of my grave. Therefore, the both of us are bound to you.”
Putting aside the knowledge that he apparently visited King Arthur’s grave in his dreams, what Danny was hearing is that the legendary sword Excalibur did not, in fact, come with a return policy. 
“Well then how am I supposed to deal with this?” Arthur floats down—annoyingly graceful—from the tree, and points at Danny's backpack. “It is quite simple. Simply keep the sword inside your bag.” Danny looks at his backpack, which was just big enough to carry a couple notebooks and not much else, and the sword that was half as tall as him. He held the two side-by-side in front of Arthur, shaking the two objects in front of his face. “You. Want me. To put this sword inside this bag.” 
Being a C-student aside, Danny wasn’t half-bad with calculations. And the math was just not mathing.
And Arthur had the nerve to look at Danny as if he was dumb. “ Yes .”
“You’re serious.”
“ Quite .”
Danny dropped his backpack to the ground with an exasperated sigh. “Fine. Fine!” He unzips it all the way, shoving his notebooks and pencil case to the back to make room for Ex-fucking-calibur. (What was his life even coming to?)
Danny held the sword up by its base, sheath and all, for Arthur to look at. “Let me just put this sword in my backpack, shall we? Because it’ll definitely fit.” 
He shoves the sword down into his backpack—
—and down—
—and down—
—until the sword…was completely gone. 
He wrenched open his backpack but couldn’t find one hint of Excalibur inside. “What in the Mary Poppins—”
Arthur looked smug, leaning over Danny with his arms crossed. “Did I not tell you? Excalibur’s sheath is as enchanted as the blade itself, and by Merlin’s machinations, it can transform almost anything into its sheath. All you need to do now to summon Excalibur is to reach inside and take it up.”
“And you didn’t think to tell me this earlier?!”
Tucker popped up from behind Danny, a lunch tray of the cafeteria’s version of cheeseburgers in hand  “Maybe ixnay on the whole yelling-at-the-tree, Danny? You’re lookin’...well, really not subtle.” 
“And you forgot to grab lunch.” Sam sat cross-legged next to Tucker, propping her black lunch back in front of her. She opened the Velcro flap and dug her hand inside, pulling out a couple bags of dried fruits and cucumber sandwiches. “It’s a good thing I packed extra.”
Danny caught the granola bar she tossed his way, ripping into the packet with his teeth. “Thanks, Sam.”
“Don’t mention it. Instead, we gotta focus on what’s actually important here: how did you get Excalibur from a dream, and how is any of this related with our increasingly growing ghost problem.”
“You think it's related?”
“It’s gotta be!” Tucker chimed in between mouthfuls of his burger. “There’s coincidence, and then there’s whatever this is. Didn’t your dreams start whenever we got hit with that really big wave?”
For over a month now, Amity Park’s been hit with a string of ghost attacks. At first it started off small, the usual rogues making their appearances every couple days before being punted back into the Ghost Zone. But then even minor ghosts—ghosts that seemed more like rabid animals wrapped in ectoplasmic skin—started slithering through the portal. And even if they were weak, they came in droves. A couple at one day, doubled the next, thrice more the day after and so on. Even when his parents locked down the portal, these ghosts still found a way to breach the human world.
Last week—when Danny’s dreams first began—was when Amity Park was nearly overwhelmed with a hoard of them. It took hours for their group to round all the ghosts up, and by the day’s end the thermos was bursting at the seam. 
“They are afraid.” Arthur nodded gravely, stroking his chin. “Like rats abandoning a flooding city, or birds taking flight before a storm. These ghosts flee the Infinite Realms because they know that danger is near.”
“Danger?” Danny echoed. He relays everything that Arthur said out loud. “But they’re ghosts for crying out loud. Usually, they’re the ones doing the scaring.”
“It is the instinct of all creatures to fear a predator. As you were called to wake me from my slumber, someone else had gone and awoke the greatest threat in the Infinite Realms.”
Danny’s mind flashes back to the rider with their pale white face stretched into a snarl. The hellfire of their hair. The sharpness of their aim. His chest ached with a phantom pain, his own hands ghosting over the spot where the javelin struck.
“It’s him, isn’t it.”
Arthur’s form straightens, shadows crossing his translucent face. His mouth was set on a grim line, eyes darkened as he stared off far into the horizon. A weariness seemed to have come over him, dark and heavy. “ Pariah Dark. ” There was a solemnity in his voice, the name barely above the whispers of the wind. “Or as I once knew him: Mordred.”
Arthur told them the story: father and son, king and usurper, meeting their ends on the blood-soaked fields of Camlann by each other’s hand. But while Arthur’s body was given to the Lady of the Lake (and it turns out Danny’s Lady of the lake was actually The Lady of the Lake) for safe-keeping, and his soul placed in a limbo-like stasis, Mordred’s only festered. 
His want for power, for vengeance, was so great he drew all the death energy around him like a black hole devouring all matter, transforming him into a powerful ghost in the Infinite Realms. There, he crowned himself Pariah Dark, and began his reign of terror.
Sam looked down at her apple with a frown. “But why didn’t Arthur help the ghosts back then? And this time find a way to actually finish the job.”
Arthur shook his head. “There is no death beyond death. That is why Pariah Dark was sealed in the Sarcophagus of Forever-Sleep by a group of powerful ghosts. And as for me: I am a king of men, of the living, and one prophesied to come back. I could not interfere simply because it was not my domain to interfere in. I am not fully a ghost, though not in the same way that Danny isn’t fully a ghost.” He gestures to his incorporeal form with a sardonic smile, even though Danny was the only one who could see. “That is why I am like this— a specter bound to my own weapon, meant only to guide and never to act. The time of the Once and Future King is not now, but I am needed all the same.”
“But why me?” Danny asked. 
“Heh. That is the question now, isn’t it?”
A loud, piercing alarm emitted from Tucker’s PDA, sending them all jolting upright. Tucker abandoned his burger, grabbing for his device. He pressed a series of buttons that opened the tiny slot at the top of his PDA, unfolding a mini satellite dish. “Red alert, guys. My sensors are picking up a huge influx of ectoplasmic radiation coming down from south-south-west, and coming fast. We need to head out. Now.”
What? But Danny didn’t sense anything— 
“Too late.” Tucker looked up just as screams erupted from the other side of the school courtyard. “They’re here.”
Storm clouds rolled in from the east. Lightning fractured the sky. Sharp winds howled and threatened to pull the trees apart. Terror and screams dogged at the heels of the ghost who summoned them.
A horse of nightmares. And riding atop it, a black knight.
Sickly green flames burst from the ground with every step his horse took. The flames spread, faster and faster, until it enveloped the whole courtyard inside a wall of fire, cutting off all escape. The students cowered behind upturned tables, heads down, bunched close to each other. Their fear so palpable Danny could almost taste it.
From behind the tree, Sam hissed, “What are you waiting for?”
Because right now Danny should be going ghost and confronting that creature. Right now he should be figuring out a way to disperse the flames and lead the ghost away from the school. Right now he should have his thermos out and ready to send this ghost back to whatever hell it came from.
But there’s one fault in that scenario.
“I can’t go ghost.”
“ WHAT?!”
The ghost reared his horse up, the flames rising with every flap of the beast’s bat wings. “Hear me, I am the Fright Knight!” He bellowed. The dark timbre of his voice reverberated in the open air, carrying his words to what seemed like the entire city. “The Spirit of Fear, the Harbinger of Nightmares, the sworn vassal of the High Ghost King Pariah Dark. And I am here in front of you cowering mortals to deliver a message from my liege lord— and your future master.”
Danny pressed his back to the tree and screwed his eyes shut. Tries to draw up on that well-spring of power deep inside him, to coax it up and out so he can kick some ghost butt and go home. 
But there was nothing. 
“It was the javelin… how did I miss it? Danny, Danny! It is the work of Pariah Dark!” 
The Fright Knight surveyed the crowd with impassive narrowed eyes. “But such important words should be said to an incomplete crowd.”
“He has placed a curse on you!”
Tucker shook Danny by the shoulders. “What. Do. You. MEAN.”
“I don’t know! I can’t— it’s not working!”
All at once the earth began to rumble. Bolts of lightning struck the ground creating a network of deep fissures. And out of those features, skeletal green hands shot up, and an army of skeletons began to claw their way out of the ground.  
The back entrance to the school burst open as the students and faculty from within the building spilled into the courtyard. At their backs, swords brandished, were the skeletal remnants of knights.
There were five, no, ten skeletons that appeared behind Danny and his friends, armed with swords and shields. Sam quickly engaged her wrist ray, taking headshots at the closest skeletons. But with each skeleton she destroyed, two more seemed to crawl out and take its place. 
“They’re surrounding us, we can’t stay!”
“There’s no other place to hide!”
Arthur surged forward. “The sword, Danny! You cannot let them have the sword!”
It was useless. They were overwhelmed and thrown at the Fright Knight’s feet. It’s only by sheer dumb luck that Danny managed to snatch his backpack before they were taken. 
The Fright Knight loomed over them. If it weren’t for the helmet, Danny knew the ghost would have been grinning. “Well, well, well. It seems everybody has arrived.” He raised his arm in front of him, green smoke erupting from the palm of his hands to reveal a large gauntlet. 
“His Majesty Pariah Dark, high king of the undead, the tyrant of ages, master of the infinite realms, bids you all kind regards.” The lilt in the knight’s voice as he said ‘kind’ sounded as though he was amused at the notion. “And despite the grave crimes you mortals have committed against him, he has chosen to show you all his gracious mercy by not slaughtering you where you stand.”
“Crimes?” Someone whispers from the crowd.
Fright Knight tilts his chin up. “Someone has stolen what is rightfully his, and has scurried away like a rat into this realm to hide. But  my lord is fair and just. He will give this rat a chance to rectify his mistakes.” He threw down the gauntlet at Danny’s feet. (Something constricted in his chest as panic seeped into his skin. The Ghost knows— he knows . He feels a hundred eyes piercing the back of his neck like needles.) “The Great King Pariah Dark has issued thee a challenge, thief. A duel like the days of old. Accept and prove your worth.”
Fright Knight knew. Fright Knight knew. Danny scrambled back, loose rocks digging into the flesh of his palm. Other ghosts were able to peg what Danny was right away, so he shouldn’t be surprised that Fright Knight did too. But no ghost had dared to expose Danny’s human side, and so publicly. 
His breath quickens, sharp and shallow. Danny Fenton was supposed to be afraid of ghosts. He was not the type to be scurrying around nabbing things from some ghost king— and it wasn’t as if he did it on purpose! (The dreams came to him . The sword followed him.) When he takes the gauntlet—and he will have to take it—there will be questions. Accusations. They’ll all blame him for this mess, and god only knows what’ll happen if they somehow found out that he’s Phantom too!
He needs to figure out a way to get out of this with his identity still intact.
Fright Knight’s grunts drew him back to reality. “Take it, thief, while I still have some modicum of honor left in me.”
And that’s when Danny realized how silent everything was. 
How still. 
The faces of all his classmates, his teachers, his friends were stuck in an array of fearful expressions. Above, a flock of birds was frozen mid-flight. Around them the circle of flames were still as if they were statues themselves, the embers caught in midair. If he squinted, he could see a pale violet shimmer encapsulating the space around them. 
“Hurry, little halfling,” Fright Knight sing-songed. “These magicks can only last so long.”
Danny’s voice shook. “And if I don’t take it?”
(He knows the answer already.)
(He’s not sure why he bothers asking.)
“You dare to assume that you even have a choice. You will take it because that is the role you must play, and if you follow along with my King’s whims, then he swears on his honor to leave this place alone.” Fright Knight leaned down, his masked face—with an endless void underneath the helmet—looming over Danny. “And if you don’t, then my King will do what he does best, and conquer.”
Danny squeezed his eyes shut, taking in deep breaths to try and settle his pounding heart. 
He feels the weight of his backpack, heavy against his shoulders. A familiar song once again invades his mind: Take it up!
In a flash, he scrambles to his feet and puts distance between him and his enemy. He swung the bag over his shoulder and dropped it to the ground. Danny plunged his hand inside the bag’s impossible depths, searching, searching , and reaching out—
Excalibur reaches back.
(Before the universe began to exist, all matter was thought to have been condensed into a single point. A Singularity of burning heat and unimaginable density. And suddenly, something happens, and that single point of the universe explodes. Expanded. Became. )
A bright circle of light surrounded Danny, leylines of energy erupting from the epicenter that was his backpack. Runes, glyph, all unintelligible and at the same time so damn familiar etched itself within the matrices of this age old magic. 
 He pulls out Excalibur from its sheath and points it at Fright Knight. He feels Arthur’s presence settle like a cloak over him, guiding his stance into its proper position. Visions— memories of the days of old, of hours spent sparring in the fields and long battles flick through his mind in rapid succession.
His eyes burned. Not with heat, but with power; pure and unbridled.
(And the Universe in all its glory was born.) 
“Gee thanks, but not thanks,” Danny laughed. “See, this is what your boss got wrong: For one, I didn’t steal anything. And even if I did steal Excalibur, well, I certainly didn’t take it from Pariah Dark over there.”
With the tip of the sword, Danny lifted the gauntlet and threw it back at Fright Knight’s face. The Knight caught it with a growl. “And two,” Danny snarled. “Your master took something from me . Something that I’d very much like back, actually.”
The power behind Excalibur, the sword of prophecy, of destiny, of Once and Future, showed him something. It showed the weaves of Fate, the wheels of Time, the ebbs and flow of History itself. The various paths of his life were laid out before him like a series of branching paths that converged precisely at this predestined moment. 
Danny saw the path that was laid down for him eons before he was even born, and walked away from it. 
“So when you go and report back to him, tell him this: that I’m pretty sure I’ve read and watched enough stories to know how this is supposed to go, and I’m not gonna be playing any of his games. If he wants to prove himself worthy of Excalibur, then he’s going to have to come here himself and fight me. ”
Danny already defied Death once. Kings and Destinies shouldn't be that hard. 
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luvrl0sers · 2 years
Hi, I'd like to make a txt request, please
My songs are:
The shade - rex orange county
Shinunoga e wa - fuji kaze
20cm - txt
Tell me - sabrina claudio
Opening sequence - txt
I hope i did it right 💗 have a nice day!!
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❧𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖔𝖙 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖓𝖔. 34
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐢𝐬...
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐰𝐞 𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝...
“I was closin' all the blinds just so you could
sleep the night through
I was stayin' by your side
just so I knew you were okay”
“I would love just to be stuck to your side
Not with anybody else, anybody else
It's enough just to keep us occupied
Please don't go”
“You were holdin' out your hands,
hopin' I'd be there to hold to
I went out to Amsterdam
just so I could give you some space
But I kept openin' my door just to see
if you would walk through
But now I'm paintin' all my walls
just to see if you like the shade”
❧𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐞 - 𝐫𝐞𝐱 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐲
“mirror, mirror on the wall
who would give the most fairest love of them all?
no need to ask cause it's my darling”
“i want you to be my last
if i had to keep being separated
from you like this
i'd rather die”
“i choose you over three meals a day”
“"you don't know what you got till it's gone"
i'm sick & tired of repeating that same old cliche
oh, don't you ever say bye-bye”
“still, sometimes
my heart is being unfaithful
i don't need that corny shit anymore
i'll always stick with ya, my baby”
❧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐠𝐚 𝐞-𝐰𝐚 - 𝐟𝐮𝐣𝐢 𝐤𝐚𝐳𝐞
“since childhood, we would always
go around together
a summer that was hot, in the short time
i didn't see you my height that grew so much
my voice that heavily deepened
i too feel awkward from my head to my toes
i feel like a fish out of water
as much as my height has grown to you”
“my height & my feelings towards you that
have grown must have grown in sync with each other”
“when we stand next to each other
the shampoo scent that tickles the tip of my nose
i want to pat your head
i want to tickle your chin
when you're looking up at me”
“the number of your fluttering eyelashes
here like a math equation
i want to memorize them all one by one”
“when you need someone to take your side no matter what
if you just lift your head, at that place
i will always be there”
“i didn't know that your scent
your way of speaking, your small hands too
are all special
my heart that's looking at you
is very diffrent from before
i was shocked, is it that my height
my shoulders have grown
to fit perfectly with you
the distance between you & i
i want to be closer”
“so perhaps
would it be okay if i came closer?
one handspan more to you”
❧𝟐𝟎𝐜𝐦 - 𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰 𝐱 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
“help me understand you love
help me go the way you want me to go
'cause I can't guess the things that you're thinking so
help me understand you love
tell me everything you want me to know
'cause I can't fix it 'til I know that it's broke”
“mmm baby
tell me you, tell me you do
tell me you don't
tell me you will
then tell me you won't
can't take it”
“tell me what you want
so I can understand your love”
“help me understand you love
'cause you're going 'bout this all the wrong way
& I can't figure out what you wanna say
help me understand you love
everyday you've got a different excuse
for why you can't just come and tell me the truth”
“it's all out of my hands
i don't understand
'cause I know you won't talk to me
know you won't talk to me
i'm right here standing my ground
but I'll walk out if you're never gon' talk to me
never gon' talk to me”
❧𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 - 𝐬𝐚𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐨
“the movie begins in the scene where you and i ended
the build-up of a farewell walking along with you
opening sequence that rewinds back the incident”
“i can see you in my memory
dance with me”
“take one more,
chance on me”
“you in the faded film, your gaze that erased me
stay for me”
“countless memories fade & dissolve
someone stop this opening sequence,
no it's running through my head”
“i promised you till the end of the world
"that's so cliche"”
“there's nothing i can do,
blame on me”
“you & my tragedy”
“this scene that locked me up
the sequence that's like forever”
❧𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 - 𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰 𝐱 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
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thank you so much for your order! sorry for the long wait sweetheart i hope you enjoy it <3
sorry i feel like i put literally all the lyrics of evrey song but i just thought they ALL SCREAMED BEOMGYU :3
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marikorawralton · 5 months
Something Personal.
Most of the people who read my blog are close and personal friends, so I don't feel too bad about venting here.
Lately, I've felt so sad and miserable and drained all the time that some days I can barely move.
The world is a scary place and it's always changing in ways that make it colder and colder with each passing day. Every time I look outside, it feels like the sun doesn't come up all the way anymore. It feels like there's a vignette making everything in the corners darker and darker.
I think a lot of people would expect me to feel bad about the whole Middle East stuff or the stuff happening in Europe, but I ignore most of that. I was never much of a politically intelligent person, I'm not well versed with team red or team blue, I just vote one way and that's fine.
No, it's the way we all speak to one another that makes me feel so miserable.
Everything is the absolute worst, and there's no space for anything good. Even I fall into the pitfall of hating everything and trying to twist every small mistake into a massive crime.
This isn't about parody or mocking. That's fine. We can make fun of things, we can point out flaws, that's fine. Good, really.
It's more the bad faith way a lot of people engage with things. A lot of people these days take these small flaws and try to elevate them into something ten times worse than they actually are. They expect everyone around them to follow them down to hell to maintain this cynical ideal and if you don't dig with 'em, you're just as bad as the thing they hate.
I have this weird mindset where I hate misinformation and twisted words. I always feel the urge to correct or offer info when I can that I know or believe is true. Things that are... incorrect, and used to spread hate, are my worst nightmare.
Maybe that's a stupid thing to do, cuz it's bad to engage liars.
But not engaging liars helps them spread lies, so what the fuck, man.
I lose hope with people. I see nothing but people dividing themselves along worthless imaginary lines and I hate it. It feels so cold and lonely.
Some days, I just stop talking. I lose the energy to be able to talk. Nothing escapes my mouth, I just sit there with my jaw clenched, dizzy and half asleep. I just want to lie down. I want to sleep and never wake up. It all feels so bleak.
I'm scared and hateful of strangers now, because I fear what they'll think of me if I'm honest about who I really am. Hate these days isn't just a natural distaste and dissolving ties. If someone hates someone else these days, it's nothing less than a declaration of war. I see it all the time. You step out of line with someone and you're the worst person. You're a criminal. You're a monster.
It's the same kind of tactic you'd see in cults.
And even me saying this is opening myself up to pointed criticism and anger.
"Oh, are you talking about cancel culture?"
"Sounds like chud talk."
"What're you so afraid of?"
That's all stupid. The worst people in society hold all the power now , left or right, black or white, man or woman. People who are loud, who shout above everyone else, are the ones who are heard. It's terrifying. Anyone who doesn't feel that is either woefully ignorant or is part of the problem.
I'm just really tired of this cuz it's not even an internet thing anymore. My own fucking family operates this way. The only people I feel safe around anymore are my friends who are fully aware of my flaws and personal desires and fears.
I am afraid of opening up to anyone cuz it feels like if I start talking about the stupid shit I do and the stupid things I care about, they'd think I'm a fucking freak. I don't trust strangers like I used to. I can't do it anymore.
I've always struggled to relate to others, but now it's like, if you can't relate to anyone, you're all alone cuz so many imaginary lines have been drawn in the sand. People are so ridiculously firm in their beliefs that you can't find common ground, even if you can't connect 100%.
I feel so alone.
0 notes
what-the-honk · 3 years
warning(s): swearing
w/c: 2.1k
in-game, Platonic
Summary: Dream keeps annoying techno so techno tickles him but then it ends in a tickle fight between the two.
This is a request from @noxissleepy (can’t tag you for some reason) I hope it’s okay! <3
I got a little carried away with this one lmao-
Dream had been annoying poor Techno all day. Just causing general annoyances by tripping him up, throwing things at him, scaring him, and the like. They were currently taking a walk, Techno prayed that this would calm down his hyper friend who strode along happily beside him.
"Dream.." Techno spoke, stopping and closing his eyes as Dream threw a small twig at his head for the third time in the space of like five minutes.
"What?" Dream chuckled as he also stopped walking.
"You are seriously getting on my last nerve today" Techno replied, opening his eyes again and looking over at his friend who looked back at him with a smug look on his face. Techno looked at him for a further couple of seconds before looking away and shaking his head as he continued walking, the whole time Dream was chuckling to himself. Dream broke into a slow jog to catch up with his friend who was storming ahead by this point.
"Hey! Techno! Wait!" Dream called out, Techno just continued walking.
"Techno~" said in a sing-song voice "Techno!" He repeated, his friend still didn't react however, he just continued to walk, a neutral expression on his face.
Dream wasn't having any of it. He went quiet for a second, continuing to walk beside the other guy who was still awkwardly not speaking. A smile started forming on Dream's face as he thought of a smart and hilarious idea, or so it seemed to him at least.
He stuck his foot out, tripping his friend up once again before immediately taking off running and cackling.
"You little- Dream!! Get back here!" Techno called after the guy, instantly taking off after him without hesitation. Dream's laughter turned more frantic sounding when he heard his friend's footsteps stomping on the ground behind him.
"No!! Techno I'm sorry! Leave mehe- HAHA! Leave me ahalone!" Dream replied, never once slowing down as he continued to run away from the other guy who wasn't far behind him.
"You can't run forever Dream" Techno said in a menacing tone, "I'm gonna get you eventually, why don't you make it easy for yourself and just stop running?" He continued.
"NO!" Dream practically screeched in reply, "never!"
"No? We'll see about that, see how long you can run for.. shall we? I can't imagine it'll be very long before you're all out of breath" Techno taunted his friend, he was going to get him back for being such an annoying shit all day, and he wasn't going to go easy on the guy.
"Shut- shut up!" Dream cried, he was already getting pretty tired and out of breath. "You're crazy!" He continued, still laughing uncontrollably due to nerves and also the fact that he found his own actions hilarious.
"Come on Dream, give up!" Techno said.
"N-No!" Dream replied. He ran until his lungs burned, but he knew that if he stopped running then he'd be done for. He had no idea what his friend was planning, but he knew it would be nothing good.
Unlucky for Dream however, he tripped over a rock causing him to stumble and crash onto the grass landing with a dull thud. He turned himself over to face his friend who had slowed to a walk. Dream watched in horror as Techno stormed towards him with purpose. Butterflies exploded in his stomach as he saw this, he knew that he was done for now.
"Techno- please wait- I'm sorry! I didn't- I didn't mean to-" Dream tried to plead with the guy while still giggling hysterically.
"My ass! I'll show you sorry" Techno replied with a smirk. Before Dream had time to do so much as even ask what his friend meant by this, Techno practically pounced on him, pinning him onto the ground. Dream let out a scream before dissolving into more frantic laughter.
"Wait for what? Christmas?" Techno replied sarcastically, only causing Dream to laugh even more as he tried to shove his friend off him.
"Fuck off!" He laughed, shoving his friend away from him but Techno easily managed to overpower the other guy.
Dream couldn't do anything but laugh hysterically as Techno just stared down at him with a menacing grin. Without warning, Techno attacked his friends sides, squeezing and poking them vigorously.
"Techno no! Plehehease dohohont!" Dream cackled.
"Why not?" Techno smirked,
"Fuhuck you! I hate you!" Dream could barely get any words out from laughing so hard.
"I should hate you for annoying me all day" Techno smirked as he roughly poked all over his friends ribs and sides causing him to thrash around in Techno's grip.
"I- I'm- I'M SORREHEHE!" Was all Dream could yell out.
"Stop! Techno please stop!" Dream cackled as he grabbed his friend's wrists, managing to stop him momentarily.
Techno just gave him a look, raising his eyebrows and smiling like he was waiting for an answer. Techno pulled his hands out of Dream's grip, wiggling his fingers on his sides causing Dream to start cackling again.
"Oh I do?" Techno smirked,
"YES!" Dream replied among other unintelligible nonsense.
"How much does this suck? Huh?" Techno smirked, darting his hands to his friends knees and squeezing them causing Dream to emit squeaky, high pitched sounding laughter.
"Haha! Listen to you!" Techno sniggered.
"Fuck you" Dream managed to say though all of the giggling.
"Huh?" Techno smirked,
"Yohohou are soho dead!" Dream spat out as his friend pinched all over his knees.
"Oh what are you gonna do huh? Tough guy" Techno commented sarcastically.
"I'M GONNA KILL YOU! STOHOHOP!" Dream shrieked with laughter when Techno shot his hands back to his sides.
"Oh you're gonna kill me huh?" Techno smirked,
"YEHEHES! YOU AHASSHOLE! PLEHEHEASE!" Dream cackled as he tried to slap and grab at his friends hands.
"Please huh? Beggars can't be choosers Dream" was all Techno replied, still squeezing his friends sides and wiggling his fingers on his ribcage.
"Are you still gonna kill me?" Techno sniggered, bringing the torment to a halt. His friend just breathed heavily and looked up at him.
"N-No.. oh my god.. please don't- please don't do that again" Dream puffed,
"Do what? This?" Techno smirked poking his friend in the ribs causing him to let out a slightly pained laugh.
"Agh- hahaha stooop" Dream whined as he folded his arms over his stomach.
"Move your arms" Techno smirked, grabbing the other guy’s arms and trying to pry them away from his body however they were practically glued to him.
"No" Dream sniggered, knowing what would happen if he did move his arms.
"No!" he repeated as his friend grabbed his knees causing him to reach forward, trying to push Techno's hands away.
Techno took this opportunity to grab Dream's sides again. Dream shrieked with laughter as he continued to try and stop his friend's merciless attack. Techno grabbed Dream's wrists and pinned them above his head.
"Techno.. please.. cut it out!" Dream pleaded, trying to sound serious but he couldn't stop the nervous giggling from escaping his mouth.
"Hm.. I don't think so" Techno sniggered as he used one hand to pin Dream's arms and the other to squeeze his sides and all over his torso.
Dream let out a high pitched squeak before dissolving into fits of laughter.
"TECHNO NOHOHO! NONONONONO PLEHEHEASE!" he cackled, tears flying from his eyes and down his face.
Techno said nothing and just laughed at his poor friend. He poked all over his ribs and stomach causing the other guy to start frantically wriggling and laughing.
"Can't breathe huh? Then how are you talking?" Techno smirked, stopping for a second to let his friend breathe.
"I- I hate you- I hate you so much" Dream said as he regained his breath.
"Huh?" Techno sniggered,
Without warning, Dream twisted his wrists out of his friend's grip in one swift motion. Before Techno could even comprehend what just happened Dream lunged forward and pushed him backwards.
"Shit!" Techno yelled, chuckling as Dream smirked and grabbed his friend's wrists, trying to pin him down.
"No!" Techno yelled as he tried to push his friend back with his feet. Dream reached down and grabbed Techno's knees causing him to dissolve into laughter as he kicked and tried to grab his friends hands.
"Dream nohoho!" He laughed,
"The tables have turned now, huh?" Dream smirked as he pushed his friend's legs down before perching himself on top of them. Techno let out a panicked yell mixed with some cackling as he tried to slap at the other guy.
"I'm not even doing anything" Dream sniggered as he watched Techno who was hysterical.
"Why are you laughing?" He asked but all he got in reply were more slaps and laughter.
"You're crazy" Dream chuckled as he slowly reached for Techno's sides. This only made his friend worse. His laughter got louder and more frantic and he desperately slapped at his friend's arms. Dream smirked and jabbed his friend in the ribs.
"Dream plehehease, I'm gonna throhow up!" Techno pleaded but Dream was having too much fun.
"Oh yeah? Sucks now that the shoe's on the other foot huh?" Dream retorted as he squeezed his friend's sides causing him to let out a yelp as he kicked and thrashed under his Dream’s weight. Had he not been weak from laughing so much he would have been able to throw Dream off.
"I'm pretty sure my shoes have stayed on the same feet" Techno said through his laughter.
"Smart ass" Dream scoffed, smirking at his friend who was hysterical.
"P-Plehease st-st-AHAHAH! STOHOHOP!" Techno struggled to say through his constant laughter.
"Sorry? I didn't catch that" Dream replied, deliberately trying to make things worse.
"NOHOHO YOU DICK!" Techno cried as Dream reached for his knees again.
"What?" Dream smirked,
"COME ON!" Techno continued to cackle as he tried to bring his knees up.
"You're not so smart now huh? You could've killed me" Dream said, grabbing onto Techno's sides again, wiggling his fingers vigorously.
"I wish I did!" Techno chortled whilst trying to grab Dream's hands.
Dream's attack came to a halt "I'm sorry?" He questioned earning only a nervous giggle from the other guy.
He grabbed each of his friend's wrists and pinned them above his head. Techno laughed hysterically as his friend used one hand to pin him and the other to tickle him.
"What did you say?" Dream smirked as he wiggled his fingers all over his friend's sides causing him to let out a shriek.
"No way, this is hilarious" Dream sniggered as he slowly inched his hands further up his friend's body towards his underarms.
"PLEHEHEASE! I- I CAHAHAHAN'T! I CAN'T STOHOHOP!" Techno screeched as he desperately tried to bring his arms down.
He pulled his knees up hitting Dream who was still perched on top of him.
"Then say it" Dream smirked, wiggling his fingers on his friend's sides.
"Say what?!" Techno questioned as laughter bubbled from his throat.
"Say you're sorry" Dream replied, lifting his hand for a second.
"Nohoho fuhuck yohohou!" Techno cackled as he tried to wiggle free but had no such luck.
"I guess I'll just have to keep tickling you then" Dream sniggered causing Techno's laughter to become more frantic as he shook his head, tears rolling down his red cheeks.
"NO NO PLEASE!" He begged as Dream continued to squeeze his sides,
"Then say you're sorry" Dream replied,
"I- HATE YOU! COME OHOHON!" Techno continued to laugh like a maniac as he wriggled and thrashed under his friend's grip.
"Just say you're sorry and I'll stop, that's all you have to do" Dream said in a nonchalant way as he wiggled his fingers on Techno's lower sides. This must have been a sensitive spot because Techno let out a shriek.
"YOU DIHIHICK!" Techno yelled but this only caused Dream to go harder on him. He squeezed around his ribcage causing Techno's laughter to peak, throwing in the odd gasp or hiccup.
"Huh? You know, if you just apologised and stopped being a stubborn little shit then I'd stop" Dream explained, the other guy continued to laugh, unable to say much.
"OKAHAHAY! I- I'M- I'M SORREHEHE" Techno finally caved in,
"Alright, fair enough" Dream sniggered. He let go of his Techno's wrists and moved to sit beside the other guy who dried his eyes, tears staining his face, breathing heavily.
"Oh my god" he groaned as he rolled over. Dream stood up and reached a hand out to help his friend up.
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thecraftymagician · 3 years
Let's get Rowdy
I used to write alot of fan fiction about 8 years ago OOF and I got inspired to get back into it. This is the first thing I wrote in regards to the Arcana with Julian and my MC. I'm still trying to figure out her personality among other things but I think it turned out alright. That being said it might be rough and I absolutely appreciate feedback.
(This is about the first time Julian takes MC to the Rowdy Raven pre-plague. You can insert yourself or your MC if you want to! ❤)
The sun has started to set by the time I get to the clinic. I knock rhythmically on the worn wood door. "Just a moment!" calls a muffled voice beyond the door, followed by grunts and groans accompanied by a heavy dragging sound. Just as I'm about to ask the door swings open. Julian stands in the doorway, panting as he tries to fix his hair. "Ah, MC! What brings you to my, er, neck of the woods so to speak?" I smirk and raise an eyebrow.  "Were you.. in the middle of something? I can come back later." His eyes grow wide as he blushes. "Huh-What? Oh! OH, no no it's not- the dog-" he stamers, stepping back and gesturing to a large sleeping mass on the ground. "Brundle here is supposed to be my guard dog though he's not the best at it. But I suppose falling asleep and blocking the door could be considered guarding, hm?" I can't help but laugh as the dog snores loudly just then as if to set in the point. He chuckles and I notice then that he has his coat on. "I'm sorry if you're in a hurry, but I'm glad I caught you before you left. Today was slow enough I was able to complete your order early." I hand him a basket full of remedies and medicines. While it's not my specialty I've learned enough from Julian's books to make most of what he needs. He takes the basket with a grin and takes it over to the counter, inspecting as he goes. "Ah, you even made extras? You're too kind, you didn't have to do that." I shrug and make my way over to the old pup. Even dead asleep he stretches into my pets and belly rubs. "Well you know Mrs. Fergus has a bad habit of breaking her jars, and besides I've heard chicken pox is going around so you can never be too safe. Isn't that right, Dr. Devorak?" He chuckles but makes a point to roll his eyes at the title. "And I presume there is not magic business in these, O great and powerful Magician?" I fane offense, gasping and holding my hand to my heart dramatically. "It was only one time! I was new to the recipe and used the wrong powder. You'll never let me live it down." Sighing, I swoon in faux distressed. There's a beat before he barks out laughing and I dissolve into giggles. "No but in all seriousness, thank you." "Of course, anything for you." He smiles, eyes dark and tired after a long day of helping people. "Oh, right! You were on your way out. I should let you get home." I stand up and adjust my cloak. "Oh I wasn't heading home! In fact I live just upstairs, too. I was actually just on my way to a tavern. The Rowdy Raven, do you know it?" I'm not as familiar with this part of town but I think I may have heard the name in passing. Nonetheless I shake my head no which makes him beam. "Oh, you'd love it! Such a lively joint, perfect after a long day. You're welcome to join me if you'd like." Considering all I really planned on doing after work was having dinner and rereading my astrology books.. I hadn't really gotten out much lately. I usually don't do much when Asra is on his adventures just in case he needs me in a pinch but what harm could a night out do? "I think I'll take you up on that. Let's go get rowdy!" He laughs at my enthusiasm and extends his arm out to me. I snake my own through his as we head to the door. "Will Brundle be okay?" Julian and I both look as the pooch twitches in his slumber. "Atta boy, now stay. Stay.. Such a good guard, yes you are! I'll be back later, don't wait up now!" With that he locks the door and we head to the tavern.
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Hey besties! I need your help! First off, I need some requests! Secondly, I need a name for my fan base. But moving onto the good stuff, part 3 is finished and I’m so proud of it. I’m so thankful to have such an amazing audience. Thanks to anyone that reads!!
Word count: 1150
Warnings: Talk of syringes, a few cuss words, restraining, mentions of child abuse/ neglect, and Loki being an ass. (Nothing against him, I love Loki.)
Please excuse any typos/spelling/grammatical errors I wrote this during a lecture at school :p
In Hiding, part 3/?
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Parts one and two links:
You were finally out of the compound, and you were running faster than you ever had. You climbed up countless trees and jumped from branch to branch, just trying to get as far away from the compound as you could. You didn’t know where you were and had no way of finding your way back to New York City.
It’s been 3 hours of constant running. At least you think it’s been 3 hours… You’ve finally found a tree to rest in. You shift into a stick to blend in. Unfortunately, you are a blue stick, but you were too tired to care.
Slowly, you drifted off into a deep slumber
—————Avengers POV—————
“We’re not stupid; she’s got a tracker. She’s stopped about 5 miles Northeast.” Bruce announces to the team.
“So when do we get her?” Natasha wonders aloud.
“I’m thinking night; the sun sets in about 2 hours…” Steve replies.
“It’s when she’ll least expect it,” Buck adds.
“Since she’s been running nonstop for about 3 hours, she’s probably asleep. We should go now, so she doesn’t wake before nightfall.” Says Tony.
“I don’t know, Tony. She’s probably pretty tuckered out. It’ll be harder for her to attack in the dark.” Natasha counters.
“She’s a shapeshifter; the kid probably has night-vision or something.” Tony murmurs.
“He's got a point, guys,” Bruce notes.
“We’ll take a vote. Say “aye” to go now, “nay” to go at night.” Steve says. “All in favor of now?”
“Aye,” Tony.
“Aye, ” Bruce.
“Aye, ” Loki.
“Aye, ” Peter.
“Aye, ” Wanda.
“Aye, ” Vision.
“Aye, ” Thor.
“That everyone?” Steve questions. A few nods are the reply. “Ok, how about people who think we should go at night?”
“Nay, ” Natasha.
“Nay, ” Clint.
“Nay, ” Steve.
“Nay, ” Bucky.
“Ha! We're going now. You all have 3 minutes to get what you need. Meet on the Quinjet.” Tony announces.
Clint moans but turns to get his things.
“You sure we got her this time?” Bruce asks Tony, turning to him.
“Now we know what she can do. The kid’s powerful, but there's one of her and ten of us. She's also asleep; we've got the upper hand.”
“But she can-”
“We’ll be fine.”
—————Your POV—————
Flashback Dream
You were five again and back with HYDRA, tied to a chair, various syringes with God only knows what inside to your right.
You were trying to get away; you struggled against the grip of the ropes, but, to no avail, you weren't getting anywhere.
In walked three men, dressed in white lab coats. One was gruff and bald, the 2nd was taller and buff, the last man, was short and plump and cowered behind the other two.
“This is her? She's smaller than I hoped. I doubt she’ll survive.” One spoke loudly.
Not survive what? Tears began to drip down your face.
“I hate children.” Another one of them hissed before swiftly stepping forward and slapping you. “Shut up, vermin.” He seethed.
You stopped crying and whimpered.
“Weak.” The first man jeered.
“The first dose is ready, sir.” The 3rd man whispered.
“I’m excited to see what it does!” The 2nd man grabbed one of the syringes and forced it into your arm.
Almost immediately, you felt a burning sensation; white stars clouded your vision, and your entire body began to tingle, and then your eyesight was gone.
Startled awake, you found yourself face to face with Loki again.
“Hello there.” He grinned.
Frightened, you fell from your tree-top perch. You hit the ground with a thud, and were met by nine more faces, who you noted were more avengers. You were so screwed.
As fast as you could, you created clones and shifted them into the people before you.
“That’s not going to work this time!” Loki called down from the tree.
Clint hastily shot all of your clones, and you were left defenseless, but you weren’t about to give up. You tried to shift into an ant to hide, but you couldn’t turn. Damn it! They had predicted your every move. You were a goner.
You were paralyzed, not by Loki but by fear. You began to shake violently and cry. This is where it all ended.
“Uhhhhh… kid?” Tony calls out to you, lifting his mask. “You good?”
You continued to cry; you wouldn't dare speak.
“Grab her..?” Wanda suggests, pointing at you.
“Oh. Uh, yeah.” Steve steps towards you.
You attempt to wither away, but you are frozen. You continue to shake; sobs rack your body.
You're picked up bridal style by Steve and carried back to the Quinjet. You're limp in his arms and quiet, tears stain your cheeks, and your eyes are bright red.
“Finally, she stopped crying. It was annoying.” Bucky jeers.
“She, a kid! Don't be so insensitive.” Wanda retorts.
You're legs and hands are cuffed once more, and you're strapped tightly into a seat.
You've regained all of your senses, and now you're angry. Angry at yourself for letting this happen, angry at the Avengers for capturing you, especially angry at HYDRA for making you like this, and mad at your parents for selling you to evil people.
Thinking about it, you're infuriated. A spark is a newfound spark that ignites inside of you, and suddenly you're growling lowly.
Ten faces turn to you and stare. You lift your head and bear fangs. It took all of your energy to fight against Lokis's magic and shift even such a small part of yourself.
“You don’t give up, huh? Foolish.” Loki looks up at you and grins. “Oh well, all the more fun for me!” He taunts.
Your restraints are tightened, and your fangs dissolve in your mouth. Loki gets up and moves towards you.
“Giving up now, foolish girl?” He says as he grabs your jaw and jerks your face up, forcing your eyes to meet his.
In response, you narrow your eyes. The restraints tighten even more, and you're beginning to have trouble breathing.
“That's enough, Loki,” Thor yells from his seat. “Sit down.”
Loki looks up from you, rolls his eyes, but lets go of you. He looks back down to you as he's walking away, smirks, and loosens your restraints. You heave as you try to regain your breath, and the Avengers stare at you.
You're angered once more, but now you know the repercussions. You’re really fucked now.
“It’s going to be 30 more minutes!” Steve calls from the front of the jet.
30 minutes until the rest of your life is decided. Better savor them, as they may be your last. Wondering what happens next? You’ll have to read part 4, hopefully coming out tomorrow!
Thanks again for all the support, I’m so happy I get the privilege to write for such an amazing and kind audience! My requests are still open, and I really, really need people to send in requests. Thanks again, everyone! Have an amazing night/day and thanks for reading!!
@sweetpeaflower01 @kinny-away @mangobangi @oakiedokie @moonbaejpeg @coollemonsaresour @screechingshepherddeputygoth @cumulonimbus34
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inupibaldspot · 3 years
金継ぎ | KIN-TSUGI [ A Fruits Basket Fanfiction ]
Chapter 9
Tsubaki locked herself in her room for days. Akito would sometimes bang into the door as she cried for Tsubaki to open the door but there was no answer.
Often inside the room, the maids would hear Tsubaki coughing and sometimes moaning in pain, this was the impact off the curse of the servant who was denying her master.
However deep into the night there would be a knock on the door which was answered. Tsubaki only responded to Kureno and no one else. When he entered in room, Tsubaki would embrace him as he whispered comfort into her ear while wiping her tears, as she would then fall asleep in his arms.
However there was one night in particular which was different. Tsubaki was leaning against Kureno's shoulder as she felt a sudden emptiness making her turn her head to look at Kureno.
"You're here with me right now, right Kureno?" Tsubaki cupped his face as her voice trembled. No doubt someone left.
"Of course..." Tsubaki slowly turned away. The feeling she got right now was something she felt years ago, it was when Kureno's curse broke. She closed her eyes as a tear slipped. There was a pain within her as if her heart was ripped apart.
Kureno looked at her as pulled on his shirt, wiping her tears. "What's wrong?" Kureno's voice was gentle.
Tsubaki hesitated to speak but then she leaned into Kureno's chest. "How did you feel when the curse broke?" Someone's curse broke... but unlike Akito, Tsubaki did not know who until she saw the person face to face.
"It felt empty... Till that day I felt someone with me but all of the sudden I felt so alone." Kureno smiled looking at Tsubaki, playing with her hair. "I did not know whether I was sad or happy...frustrated or relieved."
"It is too complex for me to describe..."
"I see...."
 Tsubaki opened the window to her room. She sighed as she let the fresh air in as she then rested on the window sill.
She was yet to meet Akito or anyone else for that matter. However Tsubaki trembled as she imagined meeting Akito, for now she feels disappointed and hurt at Akito but if she were to meet her personally, Tsubaki knew all of these feelings will dissolve and be replaced with simply affection for Akito. That scared her.
Tsubaki listened to the gentle rustle of the leaves and the gentle breeze on her skin when all of the sudden she heard a commotion.
As much as she didn't listen, it was human nature to pay attention to the noise when an environment is otherwise silent. There seemed to be shouting, Tsubaki wondered if it was Akito.
Did she get into a fight with another zodiac members? Or is she simply throwing a tantrum... Tsubaki thought. Either way she did not want anything to do with it.
However her body betrayed her. Before Tsubaki could even register, she was walking towards the noise and there were continuous whispers I her mind. What if Akito gets hurt?
The scene which was in front of her horrified her. There was Ren who was holding a knife pointing towards Akito. Kureno and two other maids were also present.
Ren's hand shivered as she shouted. "I don't know what of Akira-san's you’re holding but give it back!" Her voice trembling. "It’s mine! Everything of Akira-san's belongs to me."
Tsubaki looked at the object she was referring to only to see a small box in Akito's hands. She vaguely remembered that box was given to Akito by the head maid to comfort the small child when Akira passed away. The head maid said that it contained Akira's soul.
"Mother, Calm down." Tsubaki stepped in. "We can talk this through-"
"Don't come in between me and Akira!" Ren shouted as she pointed the sharp object towards Tsubaki preventing her from taking another step in.
Kureno quickly grabbed Tsubaki as pulled her behind him. "Stay behind me..."
Akito sighed as she pulled a condescending smirk as she walked towards Akira. "If you really want it, I’ll give this stupid thing!" With that Akito threw the box up in the air.
Ren ran towards the box which was on the floor as she eagerly opened it. Her face then turned into a blank expression. "It’s empty..."
"That's right..." Akito smiled as tears slipped from her eyes. She looked away. "It has always been empty-" Akito swiftly turned as grabbed the knife, which was on the ground, as she raised it to stab it into Ren.
Akito suddenly stopped her action as she quickly faced Tsubaki. Tsubaki also had a similar expression. Once again there was a sudden feeling of emptiness. Someone's curse broke... Another end had come.
Ren looked at Akito, who stopped moving all together. "What's wrong? Weren't you going to kill me?"
"Shut up!" The head maid shouted, furious. "Why did you even bring a weapon here?" This caused another fight to break out between the two maids.
Akito slowly walked away leaving the room, looking weak. And when Ren and her maid left, there were only Kureno, Tsubaki and the head maid alone.
"Kureno-san please go to Akito." The head maid requested. "I want to talk to Tsubaki alone." The man gave a worried look but nevertheless agreed.
"Remember Tsubaki! You're supposed to serve Akito." The head maid starts as she looks at Tsubaki.
Tsubaki looked oddly unresponsive and empty. Her mind was still in daze but that did not stop the maid from continuing. "You all are bound by the bond and if you don't act properly you are no different from that monster cat-"
"I want to leave..." Tsubaki spoke.
The head maid gasped in shock. "What type of nonsense are you speaking Tsubaki-san?!"
"I'm honestly very tired..." Tsubaki spoke in a low voice. "Ever since I was young I followed what you taught and did whatever Akito said as if it was a law."
"But then when I was alone in the room for the past few days my mind went everywhere as I imagined all sorts of things." Tsubaki smiled. "I wondered if I had been born into a normal family, I would have known parental love. Spending mornings having breakfast with parents, doing the dishes and even having family outings at time. I always wanted to have something like that."
“I have realized that I have a person I love possibly more than I've loved Akito." Tsubaki wandered her mind to Kureno's gentle smile. She wondered if she left, he would go along with her. "But now I want to move out. I'm far too late for those experiences of my ideal family now but I can give that to my future children... I want to be my own person and build my own family with a person I dearly love...."
"B-but..." The head maid's voice stammered as she hands shaked. "If you were to leave just like the previous people who were bound was the servants you might die!"
Tsubaki turned away as she walked away. "I think...If I were to die while fulfilling that wish, my last thoughts would be 'I'm happy that I'm surrounded with people I love'."
Walking away Tsubaki noticed that it had started raining. The weather made the atmosphere quite dark.
Entering the hallways, she saw Kureno and Akito. They were embracing.
Ah... I forgot. Tsubaki thought as she felt her heart hurt at the sight. Even if I and Kureno were to love each other, we don't belong to one another. We belong to Akito.
Just as Tsubaki was about to walk away from the two Akito suddenly pulls out a knife, the one Ren had brought, as she impaled the object into Kureno's back.
Tsubaki brought her hands to cover her mouth from shock as her whole body went cold.
"Your kindness that half saved and half rejects me...Has been killing me!" Akito pulled away as she shouted. "So take responsibility and pay for it!"
Akito then walked out of the house and into the rain. "Atone with your death!" With those words she runs away.
Tsubaki rushed to his side, as he limped towards Akito. "Tsubaki... Forget about me. Go to Akito..."
Tsubaki stripped off her outer kimono as she placed it on Kureno's injury to prevent the blood from flowing out. "Don't be stupid!" She shouted as her lips trembled. "I'm not going to leave you."
"Somebody! Is anyone near?!" Tsubaki shouted.
Kureno looked at Tsubaki. The girl was crying as she kept turning her head around to search for the presence of other people. It's seemed as if Tsubaki seemed to be crying a lot these days. He disliked that.
Kureno weakly raised his hands as he cupped her face. "Are you crying for me?" He smiled at his own joke.
"Are you an idiot?! Who else is bleeding in my hands?" Tsubaki shouted. "Of course I'm crying for you."
"I'm happy...." Kureno left his conscious slowly drifting away as his vision started to blank. "Don't worry... I won't leave you... I already planned my future with you..."
Kureno knew he was never Tsubaki's top priority. She always priorities Akito.
Kureno knew Tsubaki's first love wasn't him. It was Hatori.
Kureno knew Tsubaki's kindness towards him. She was kind to all of the zodiacs.
But then more than other zodiacs she loved Akito. She never acted to have a relationship with Hatori even though they clearly loved each other when they were younger. She made sure to crush her feelings for Hatori because she knew Akito would never allow it.
Despite all that, Tsubaki finally turned to Kureno. She knew Akito would hate it yet she accepted Kureno's embrace. Even though she gave up on her love for Hatori, she expressed her love for him, Kureno. Even right now rather than Akito, she chose to stay by his side. Kureno was happy Tsubaki finally picked him over everyone.
 Tsubaki opened the door to Kureno's hospital room. She stayed there until Kureno regain consciousness after his surgery but was later forced by Kureno and Hatori both to go back home and rest for a while.
Going back home she took a bath, a small nap, made some food and even packed some to later feed Kureno.
Tsubaki noticed the man was lying in bed, his eyes closed. She smiled as she tried to walk as quite as possible as she placed the packed food on his table.
Walking towards Kureno, she took in his appearance. His brown hair which was quite messy and his face which looked a bit paler than usual, nevertheless she couldn't deny he was indeed attractive.
Rasing her hand she placed cupped his cheek as her thumb moved gently. Kureno shifted slightly as he tilted his head slightly. Tsubaki giggled at his actions. "So you're awake."
Kureno let out a small laugh as he opened one of his eyes. Tsubaki walked away with a smile. "Wake up. I got you some food." Making Kureno sit up as he leaned on his back.
While placing the food in front of Kureno, Tsubaki started. “I went to visit Tohru as well. It seems she has been recovering well."
"I see..." Kureno said as he picked up his chopsticks and picking up some rice from the bento box. "I glad that her injuries weren’t too serious."
"She kind of reminds me of you." Tsubaki laughed as Kureno gave a confused stare, his cheeks filled with food. "Both of you are incredibly kind and maybe abit clumsy... but I like both of you."
Kureno continues to eat his food before he starts speaking, his tone tense. "What about Akito? How is she?"
Tsubaki sighed as she looked outside the room. "Akito... Akito changed after meeting with Tohru. She has become calmer and gentle."
"Kureno, I feel like you might not want anything to do with Akito anymore." Kureno nodded when Tsubaki looked at him asking for confirmation. "But when I talked with Tohru...I realized that Akito was all this time very lonely. She has been raised with everyone around her telling she is special and nothing she does can be wrong..."
"I said those same things as well but now after seeing her again I want to rebuild my bond with Akito." Tsubaki bit her lips as she hesitated continuing. "I no longer want to see her as my master but rather treat Akito simply as my dear sister."
"There are many things she doesn't know about the outside so I hope that I can teach her and be by her side." Tsubaki looked into Kureno's eyes. "If I said I don't want to leave Akito yet stay with you... would you leave me?"
Kureno smiled as he placed a hand behind Tsubaki's head as he pulled her into an embrace. "I got you after so long, there is no way I'm letting you get away." Kureno kissed the top of her head comforting her. "Indeed I don't really want to personally be in contact with Akito now... but then I have nothing against you wanting to be with your little sister. I'll support whatever you want, Tsuabki..."
"Thank you-"
Tsubaki suddenly stopped speaking as she left something  leave her, all of her senses completely heightened as she turned around to see what was causing it.
Behind her stood a man, he resembled a Shinto priest, who was looking at her as he stood by the window. A gust of wind flew into the room as a dragon gracefully flew towards him.
The man spoke, his voice was so gentle and elegant. "Thank you for taking care of her till the end." By her, he probably meant Akito, their God.
As he then held onto the dragon who pulled him from the room as they flew away. Back to their God.
Tsubaki suddenly remembered every time Hatori and she were seen together, the people would gush saying how it's was nice for the souls to be reunited. As according to the ancient story and their past self’s, the servant and the dragon loved each other dearly, sometimes as friends sometimes as lovers.
"Tsubaki?" But the one she loves now is him.
Kureno’s voice brought her back into reality as she finally turned to look at him. "The banquet has... The banquet has finally ended." Tsubaki's voice cracked as tears continued to fall.
"It feels so complicated. I've always lived with this but now that it's gone so suddenly... so abruptly I-I..." Kureno pulled her into an embrace.
Her then cupped her face as he placed a light kisses on her forehead. "I understand..." Kureno spoke. "But then it means you're free, my love. With this I want to take this opportunity to say I'm going to dedicate all of my being to you..."
Kureno looked at her. Tsubaki could feel his gaze simply full of affection towards her. "Let's make a new bond...just between me and you. A bond which will make me the happiest person alive."
"Will you till accept me even..." Tsubaki kept crying but this time to was full of happiness as she held Kureno’s hands. "Even if I have nothing to give you other than my broken self" She has done many things wrong in her life which hurt many along the way, all because of her coward-ness and insecurities.
Kureno laughed lightly as he peppered her with kisses all over, her eyes, cheeks, forehead and finally her lips.
"That's all I ever wanted. I'll always be with you picking up all your pieces and make sure to fill you with nothing but my love."
Tsubaki looked at Akito was sitting down looking at the garden outside, beside her was a small package, a golden glow from the outside making her look so beautiful.
"Tsubaki..." Akito turned slowly as she looked at her. She opened her mouth as if to say something but closed it, only to suck in a deep breath. "I thought you won't come back?"
Tsubaki smiled. She is certain now. When she stayed away from Akito, Tsubaki wondered if she loved Akito simply due to the curse, but the way her heart warmed at the sight of Akito, what Tsubaki felt was genuine love. "How could I?"
"Tsubaki there is something I want to say..."
"What is it?"
"Can we start over?" Akito said, her voice barely audible. "I know the things I did to you were wrong and you might never forgive me...But still I want to see me grow into a better person..."
Tsubaki smiled as she cupped Akito's face. "Only if you call me onee-san... Like how you did when we were younger."
Akito's eyes glistened as she closed her eyes, bringing her hands to her chest in relief as she nodded her head.
Tsubaki turned to look at the package beside her. "Is this the gift Shigure bought?" Akito nodded. Truth is Tsubaki wanted to buy Akito a kimono as well, a gift for Akito who will embrace her true self from now on but it seems that Shigure was one step ahead of her.
"This is my gift for you..." Tsubaki pulled out a small rectangular box as she then opened it. It was a hair pin, beautiful sculpted as a red flower which would go well with Akito. Red always suited her.
Tsubaki smiled at Akito, which such a gentle yet doting expression. "Shall we get ready for the final banquet now?"
Tsubaki could hear loud voices from the room the door away connected. She turned back to look at Akito once more. The woman was dressed in a beautiful kimono even with light makeup adoring her face. Her gifted hairpin placed on one side of her hair.
"Akito, you look really beautiful rights now."
With that Tsubaki opened the door as she stepped in. "Good evening, everyone." Tsubaki bowed, when she straighten up she put on an elegant smile. "Akito is ready..." She then walked in and behind her Akito walked.
With Akito's entrance, everyone turned silent undoubtedly shocked at the reveal. "Hatori, where is Shigure?" Akito questioned.
Hatori snapped out of his daze as she shook his head. "I don't know..."
"Akito-san, don't tell me we have the same cross dressing hobby?!" Ritsu exclaimed in shock.
Akito's expression soured at the assumption. "No." She sternly denied as Tsubaki laughed. Akito never really was good with dealing with Ritsu and Ayame.
Akito elegant sat down as she faced the zodiac- no, former zodiac members. "Just as all of you were able to return to who you are, I'll return to my true self." Akito spoke. "You all are free..."
"I know I should have said something sooner but..." Akito bowed her head. "I apologize...." Besides Akito ,Tsubaki also bowed as well.
You don't have to forgive Akito but please do not let the past prevent you from having a future we always dreamed of. Please smile, please laugh, please experience love which we were not able to get when we were younger. Tsubaki thought.
Please have a happy future...All of you.
A woman turned around to look at a small girl who was clinging into her apron. The woman smiled at the tiny girl, who had glowing brown hair tied into a twin tail. "Are you done eating your pudding, Kaede?" She bent down.
Kaede smiled when her mother wiped the crumbs left on her cheeks. "Mama." She said once more. "I want to go visit Shiki-chan!"
The woman tiled her head as she smiled. "Do you love Shiki that much?"
The small girl nodded quickly as she raised her hands. "I love him thiiiiiis much! I love Hajime and Mutsuki as well! They told me Kaede is like a princess! "
Her mother laughed. "Let's not say that to papa, okay? I'm sure he'll faint if you say that."
The mother then hummed as she placed a hand on her face. "But I don't think we can go visit them if Kaede doesn't do her homework." She faked a pout.
The girl flinched as she took a step back. "Kaede will go do it right now!" With that the tiny girl ran away with sounds of tiny steps accompanying her.
The mother then walked to the living room, and in there she found her husband who had fallen asleep on the sofa. Smiling to herself, she raised her husband's head and placed it on her lap.
Noticing crumbs of the pudding on his cheeks as well just like Kaede, she smiled as she wiped them away. So clumsy… Her husband receiving her touch, leaned in. "You're not even asleep, Kureno. Stop acting."
Kureno slowly opened his eyes as he smiled looking at his wife's face. "Where is Kaede, Tsubaki?"
Tsubaki smiled. "She went to do her homework. Apparently she wants to visit Shiki."
Kureno sighed, disappointed. "Does that mean you're going to go away?" Kureno pouted.
"That's right." Tsubaki subconsciously started playing with Kureno's hair. "I heard Tohru is visiting as well so it's perfect."
"I'll miss you." Kureno smiled as he raised his hand and placed it behind Tsubaki's head. "Do come back quick." He said, as he pulled Tsubaki towards him, as he then kissed her. Tsubaki smiled as she leaned in, deepening the kiss.
"Ah!" A small voice exclaimed. "Papa move away from mama!" The girl rushed in as she started to pull Kureno away from Tsubaki.
Kureno started sobbing as he pretended to be pulled by Kaede’s strength. "Ehh? Why are you so mean to me?"
The girl huffed. "Because Mama is mine! And we are going to visit Shiki-chan!"
"Papa is sad that he'll be left alone."
Tsubaki's heart warmed up at the sight of her husband playing with her child. A scene she could have never have imagine when she was younger was reality now. From the bottom of her heart, she was happy.
A new bond which was accompanied with happiness and love embraced so gently which would remain for all eternity.
 -The End-
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junquisite · 4 years
Just Friends?
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GENRE : Fluff
WARNING : none?
NOTE : if any of you have seen 2 broke girls, this is vaguely inspired from that one scene in season 1 with Johnny. i won’t spoil further.
Mirae had always thought she was lowkey blessed with everything around her. She had been bullied in kindergarten for being tiny - a sad eyed baby named Donghun protected her and stuck with her. And stuck with her till university, 15 years later. She went to dorms, he rented an apartment, and took in a housemate a month later who instantly clicked with him named Park Junhee and she spent her first year vehemently hating the dorms. She also got scarily well with Junhee to the point of finding Donghun sulking way too many times about Junhee stealing his best friend away (Mirae and Junhee were in the same literature department when Mirae was majoring and Junhee was minoring and both Junhee and Donghun’s major was music production).
One year later, as much as she would have loved to move in with her best friend, or the love of her life as she liked to call him, she could not. So she looked for housemates and found the perfect house in the building next to Donghun’s and now loves them to death. They were one year younger than her, freshmen who had moved to Seoul together, childhood friends and on the first meeting Mirae had decided she would fight whoever even dared to make them sad.
She knew moving without telling the older men was a bad idea but she knew they would overreact - which she was proven right with when she went over to their apartment and told them she moved out of the dorm. They were happy until they heard she moved in with not one but 2 male housemates and then they lost it.
After a lot of yelling, threats and are you crazy?’s , they finally calmed down enough to agree to meet her two housemates - Kang Yuchan and Kim Byeongkwan. With the strong belief that ended up proving right, Donghun and Junhee ended up liking the two freshmen so much that the strict front they had decided to keep in front of them dissolved in less than 5 minutes.
They all ended up being close friends who would weekly trash one of the houses in the name of movie and game nights and they even added the soft spoken shy neighbour of Donghun and Junhee - Kim Sehyoon.
It was at one of those night-ins at Mirae’s where Junhee was cooking and she was helping him when it happened.
Junhee was telling her a story - all with his exaggerated gestures which she was thoroughly enjoying when suddenly he pointed a celery near her face and asked, “so what is your opinion over this Miss. Mirae?”
Her brain short circuited - that was the only logical explanation she had for what happened next. With maintaining eye contact with Junhee as he waited for her to answer, she leaned down slowly and bit the celery as she saw his eyes widen and saw him gulp audibly. They kept on staring at each other as she slowly chewed the celery, Junhee opening his mouth finally to speak when chan loudly called them.
“Noona! Hyung! What's taking you so long?”
And with that the moment dissipated.
For the next three days, Mirae avoided Junhee as much as she could (because she was a coward) and only met him with someone else besides her. 3 days later she was summoned by Donghun to their apartment and she took a  breath of relief when she went in and Donghun said Junhee was out.
They were drinking coffee on the couch when Donghun cleared his throat and turned to look at her.
“What happened between you and Junhee?” he asked and she choked on her coffee. After rubbing her back for a couple of seconds, he repeated his questions and she groaned.
“Mirae, Junhee has been sulking and whining to me about you avoiding him and I'm tired. So you are going to tell me what happened.” Donghun said as he stared her down with his arms crossed across his chest and she felt herself grow smaller in his gaze.
“Why don't you ask him?” she murmured and he sighed.
“All he does is turn red in his face, stammer and leave and i would like an actual response to my questions.”
At that even Mirae turned red and looked away and Donghun cursed.
“I'm not letting you leave if you don't tell me. And soon Junhee will be back so.” Donghun said with a smirk as he leaned back and saw a panicked expression fill out Mirae’s face.
A final look of resignation came over and Donghun knew he won.
“I fucked up.” she finally said and Donghun raised an eyebrow and she stared at him.
“I've known you for 15 years Mirae and I know how you exaggerate stuff. I'm gonna need a lot more than that to decide whether you actually fucked up or not.” Donghun said and Mirae rolled her eyes.
“We were cooking at Chan’s right? So we were talking and he brought this celery in front of me..” she said and Donghun nodded.
“You didn't bite it right?”
“I bit it!” Mirae said and Donghun laughed loudly while Mirae groaned.
“ i can't believe you actually did that!” Donghun exclaimed between his laughters and she hit him with a cushion as she got up and went to the kitchen mumbling.
“So what now?” Donghun asked as he followed her till there, still slightly laughing but stopping when she glared at him.
“I just keep wanting to kiss him and think of kissing him and I don't want to ruin our friendship and it's just very annoying okay?” she said and Donghun sighed.
Before he could speak anything though, they heard the main door unlocking and Junhee calling for Donghun while Mirae panicked in the kitchen.
“Quick, go hide in my room , I'll help you leave after he goes into his room.” Donghun said and Mirae ran to his room.
“Junhee-ya!” Donghun called the other to the kitchen who peeked in.
“Did you meet Mirae today?” he asked and Junhee pouted.
“No hyung. I don't think she even went to the class today.” he said with a pout and Donghun really wanted to hit these two.
Knowing from Junhee’s lack of alcohol tolerance and frequency in drinking, Donghun was very aware of the budding crush of his roommate on his best friend. And this was his chance.
“Junhee-ah can you pick a blanket from my room? Let’s watch a movie.” Donghun said and Junhee nodded, happily going to Donghun’s room.
As soon as Junhee entered the room, he heard someone ask, “Did Junhee go to his room?” and he looked up to come face to face with Mirae who looked equally confused to see him. They also heard the room door close and lock and they both looked at it, wide-eyed.
“TALK ABOUT STUFF!” they heard Donghun yelling from outside and both avoided each other’s eyes.
“Talk about what hyung!” Junhee yelled back and they heard Donghun groan from outside.
“MIRAE TALK ABOUT THE CELERY AND KISS THING, JUNHEE TALK ABOUT THE CRUSH THING!” They heard Donghun yell and they both flushed pretty quickly after hearing him.
A silence prevailed in the room for a short while until Junhee cleared his throat.
“About the celery thing.. It's okay there's nothing awkward between us so let’s just go back to how we were huh?” Junhee mumbled and Mirae would have agreed had she not heard Donghun yelling about the crush part to Junhee. From what she could figure out, there was a probability that Junhee had a crush on her and she almost wanted to laugh at themselves because they were totally meant to be. They were both cowards.  And it was clear from how Junhee was trying to preserve the friendship - he had totally missed the kiss part. So she was going to take a chance.
“We are not gonna move on from the celery thing Junhee.” she said as she took a few steps towards him.
“I can't stop thinking about that time - what could have happened had Chan not interrupted? Huh Junhee?” she said as he gulped visibly.
“N-nothing.” he stuttered and she chuckled.
“We would have kissed Junhee. Tell me Junhee, would you hate the idea of kissing me?” she asked as she was inches away from his face, standing on her tip-toes and trying to get him to accept.
“No! Obviously not Mirae!” Junhee siad, instinctively his hands coming up on her waist as she smiled.
“Then what's stopping you?” 
She reached forward to close to distance between them and felt his hands tighten on her waist as he deepened the kiss.
Standing in the middle of Donghun’s room with her hands in his hair and his on her waist, they kept kissing each other till they had to part for air. And when they did, they stood with their foreheads touching, breathing heavily and smiling stupidly.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” Junhee mumbled against her cheeks as he leaned down to kiss her again gently. 
“And you almost chose not to Park Junhee.” she said as she softly hit him on the chest and he laughed.
“Think Donghun will open the door now that we have sorted stuff?” he asked as he giggled and she shrugged.
“Lets try.” she said and they went to the door, ready to bang it till Donghun opened but they both stared at the door in disbelief as Junhee tried the doorknob and it opened.
“It wasn't locked?” she whispered and they both laughed even more as they left the room to stare at Donghun wearing his headphones and sitting on the couch.
He looked up at them as they came out of the room holding hands.
“You didn't lock the door?” Junhee said and Donghun smiled at them mischievously and said, “I was not going to force you to talk to something but I did want you to talk.”
Then he pointedly looked at their held together hands and smirked. “Guess it worked.” and they both looked away, smiling shyly.
“Some ground rules first.” Donghun said as he got up and stared the new couple down.
“No sex in this hosue. I have known her for 15 years and i DON'T want to know how she moans.”
By the time he ended his sentence, he was laughing loudly and the others were red in the face,  screaming at him.
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sainadazai · 3 years
When your crush is angry all the time
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I wanna be an intern too, you ragedy ann looking ass hoe 😠
Y/n pov
All goes well when you are ignorant is what my dear best friend would say to me now, as I sit in the very back of the class unfocused on how our teacher is introducing an activity I have no chance of participating in. All I knew was that when Mr. Aizawa walked up to the board and wrote names of people getting offers, I wasn't one of them. Not that I expected to be, considering I wasn't in the sports festival, let alone the school at all back then. 
However, I did notice a small inconsistency in the order of the most offers. I was pretty sure that boom boom had gotten first place in the festival, him being there is what convinced me to transfer, but his name was actually second on the board. 
Todoroki had taken the place of first as far as offers were concerned. Todoroki the nice boy who I used to meet when I snuck away from my fucking prison cell. Call me privileged for complaining about living in a mansion All my life, but I much prefer being here. With common folk. They ground me. 
I peeked up from my phone at the red and white head of hair in front of me, he didn't seem all that fazed. Although maybe it was just the lack of seeing his face that made me believe he couldn't care less about all but one of those offers. Still, his business is his, and my business is the new Ao3 update on my favorite chrollo lucilfer fanfiction. What a babe. 
I decided that the class as of right now would be of no importance to me, considering I will have no offers, and bakugou-the reason I came here- hates me like I'm a piece of gum stuck under his shoe.  Through that conclusion I allowed myself to dissolve into the world of hxh and forget about how boring this world is. 
Could my power beat Killua or go in a fight? I mean, it doesn't enhance my strength like they did trying to get into Killua's house so physically they must be stronger. 
"Y/n! Is there something you would like to share with the class?"
Mr.Aizawas voice seemed almost shot at me as my gaze rose from my phone in my lap to meet him at the front of the room. He looked displeased to say the least. Well good for him, im displeased too, I might not be able to beat a fucking twelve year old in combat. 
"You were grumbling, what's so important you had to tell us, hm?"
I thought it through for a second- just kidding, I never think anything through. 
"Oh, well I wasn't sure if I could beat Gon in a fight, but I'm not coming to the realization that if Chrollo is my boyfriend, I shouldn't have to fight anyone at all. I can just be a pretty face in the backgrounds and then after he wins for me i'll suck his-"
"Enough, y/n." Mr.Aizawa no longer held a tired looking face, his eyes were wide and an uncomfortable cringed was set on his face. As I peered at the rest of the class many also had shocked eyes, but unlike our teacher, held faint blushes. 
Minus midoriya, his face was completely red and his eyes void of life. I must've killed him, huh. 
In an attempt to regain some dignity, I tried to correct myself.
"I would....not suck his-?"
"Don't even say it, shitty princess !"
"Woah bakugou, you spoke to me on purpose!?"
"Shut up!"
"Hey, how come you call me princess, you like me or something?"
He growled at that, neither of us paying mind to the fact that everyone in the class was either dead from nosebleeds or extremely uncomfortable and staring at us.  
"Its cuz you act fucking entitled like a princess"
"I'll be your pillow princes-"
"Enough!" A robotic-like hand sliced the air in front of me. The voice sounded firm, almost more teacher-like than our teacher's voice. I followed my gaze up the hand, not failing to notice how as I drew up the guy's arm his muscles only seemed to get bigger and bigger and- iida? 
"Oh class rep-"
"Y/n this vulgar language and border-line harassment needs to cease immediately. I will not tolerante overtly sexual language and acts in this class-"
As he was speaking I noticed something ironic about the situation. If everyone here didn't like sexual jokes or banter, how were they so flustered at comments that objectively should be unknown to them. 
"How did you know what I meant, iida?" I rasped in a low sultry voice, allowing my fingers to dance up his arm starting at the wrist in front of my face. 
I heard a few chuckles from, who I would say are the only two people enjoying this situation: kaminari and...stinky mineta. Iida's face grew more red than previously and the arms in front of me began shaking. 
"Mr.Aizawa it seems I've disarmed the robot. Is there a restart button or something?" I question with a serious face using the search as an excuse to wonder my eyes all over his body. Perverted? Yes. Rightfully attracted to this giant hunk of a nerd. Yes ×10. 
"No, there is not." Todoroki, who was in front of me, finally turned around to address me. I guess he was unfazed by my words. Looks like someone here can be cool. Whether he is okay because he is more comfortable with sexual jokes, or because he has yet to pick up on them, its nice that somebody in here can still function. Otherwise, I'd feel like a nuisance. 
"Y/n I'm not really sure how to- let's just say to have detention with your m- midnight. Detention. Yeah." Aizawa publicly convinced himself of my punishment? 
"Now, back to this, even if you didn't get any offers ALL of you will have an internship" 
And so went on the class, kids chose their hero names, not me though. I wasn't even sure I wanted to be a hero at all, this was just a little less boring and sad than the way I lived before. This school had people who laughed in joy, not just to mask the pain. That was the real benefit, not being a hero, or being strong. Likely no one here realized that there were many places where none of this joy was possible. 
Some of the kids in class gave me suggestions for a hero name, but I didn't like them anyway. They lacked personality, and while I have many adjectives to describe my personality, my life, none of them are all that heroic. 
"Dark element"
"Girl who will die if her quirk doesnt like its environment" 
See, I'm not the best at this. Even bakugan names had some sense to it...well no. I'd say we're about the same, but still. Ugh. 
Bakugou pov 😠
She came up with no hero names. Fucking entitled brat. Everyone at this lunch table seems to have no problem with the fact that she is here, just happy to have another pair of tits to stare at like perverts. Their gross. I bet she doesn't even want to be a hero, she sure as hell doesn't act like it. We don't even know what her whole quirk is. Ive seen her do that plant shit a couple times, fucking with flowers or whatever. Still, there's more to it. Something we don't know, at least. Cuz in the middle of class she gets up and whispers to Aizawa and he just lets her go. Where the fuck does she go? 
Interrupts class, got into the school because her moms a teacher, won't use her quirk. What a nuisance, I can't believe she is not expelled yet. Plus those bullshit sex jokes are so shitty. She is obviously faking something when she does them. Not like midnight, who always at least seems like she means that gross shit. 
"Hey, who did you guys choose for your internship? I haven't chosen yet."
"The number three hero guy," I spoke, knowing I'm the only person here who already chose. 
"Really? Best jeanist! That's so cool, but are you sure that for you bakugou?" Shitty hair raised a shitty brow at me. 
"What the hell is that supposed to mean!?"
"Just that he seems pretty...uptight..for you?" Dunceface added, but he spoke like it was a question. Of course he is the hero for me, he is the highest ranting hero on my list. If I wanna be number one, I gotta train with the best. 
If I go to his agency I'm sure there will be a lot more action, since he is so high ranking. Then i'll get some real experience kicking villain ass, well, other than the USJ. 
"Of course he is the right option!"
Shit. It's her voice. I honestly should applaud her for using it less often around me but, how can one small girl be so goddamn annoying. I don't even know what she has to say and I already wish she would just put a sock in it. How can someone so entitled like her, probably never had to lift a finger, walk  over here and talk like she has something to say. 
"You're working with the best jeanist! So cool, one time he saved me from a group of rapist guys, it was awesome with all these strings everywhere and I could only see half of his face. Oh and he had goofy hair too!"
Oh. I didn't really know how to respond to the girl who looked so excited about almost being violated. Another thing wrong with her? I looked back at the other people at the table to see if they knew how to respond to something like that. 
Dunceface was frozen, tape arms were frozen, shitty hair was frozen, and alíen eyes were looking like a lost puppy and trying not to cry. 
It didnt seem like the shutty princess was exactly understanding how what she just yelled was making things weird. She just stood there expectantly. She kinda looked like she thought being raped was something that must happen to everyone. Did she think that? Wouldn't put it past her weird ass. 
"Uhm...anyways, i'm sure you'll do awesome, he likes to put boys in tight jeans. Wish I could intern too, I'd love to see that boom boom~" she winked. 
A perverted joke...and then she had the audacity to wink at me. 
"You wish you could see me in tight jeans, shitty extra!"
"I know...thats what a I just said." She dead panned, blinking a couple times at me. 
"Tch, screw you!"
"I would-" 
"Can it, i don't wanna hear your shitty voice anymore"
The girl stopped herself after my words, pushing all her hair behind her head, except for the two blond stands in the front. 
(You don't have to acknowledge these if you don't want, but I made it so that they change color depending on what element your using and I thought it was hot*if you have short hair, then you just got a lil nishinoya type thing 🥰)
Lifted her obnoxious hands that moved around while she talked and made a zipper-like motion over her lips. Then she just stood there looking at me. I really wanted to just let her stand there and go back to eating. Ignore her completely and let her hope fizzle out and die or something like that. 
Yet here I am, still looking at her. Silently. Wishing she made a stupid joke so that I could stop flickering between those images I'd seen of her dancing. How even though ballet is a princess fucking dance, the pictures felt nice. Like if I was watching it live I would probably be unable to criticize it. That pissed me off, because I want to hate everything about her, but I can't hate those photos. Where she looks like she is flying, without any need for a quirk.
I see her in that weird gown, and now, in the UA uniform. I see her looking respectable, formal, and serious. Then I see her stupid little smirk as she takes pride in being able to shut up for more than a minute. 
"Why are you still standing there?"
Instead of answering, she took her hand up again, made a pinch with her fingers and unzipped her mouth. 
"I was enjoying the look in your eyes."she smiled. 
The look in my eyes? Could she tell I was seeing two different people? What the hell does that even mean? Even said it without that shitty flirt voice. Like she meant it. 
"You tryna make fun of me?"I stood up from the table to get in her face.
"Not right now, maybe later, I gotta do something." She smiled sincerely at me, for a second as she walked away, I forgot about how this conversation started. What a wierd fucking girl. I'll never respect her as a hero. Tch. (Yes, its canon he tchs even in his thoughts) 
3rd person POV 
Y/n briskly walked out of the cafeteria with a new goal in mind. She would come to remember how maybe being oblivious was a benefit in some ways, but for now, she had a clear plan .
"Mr.Aizawa, let me do an internship."
"You weren't in the festival, I can't just hand you to a hero who has no idea what you can do, y/n."
"Well, you know what I can do, right?"
"No. I'm not doing internships. Stop asking."
"That's not what I meant! You can just tell them, or I could, it's not that hard to explain. Just say i'm all- powerful or some play on words like 'she's got all the right elements' hehe, see how i mimicked your voice there?" Y/n grinned like a child. She was proud of herself. 
"No. Still not happening."
"I wanna be an intern too, you raggedy ann looking ass hoe" 
"Y/n, it doesn't make sense, insulting me to get what you want?"
"Maybe it doesn't, but I bet you feel real insecure about your hair right now."
"You already have detention, what more do you want!"
"An internship, I wanna do one with kamui Woods, I have a good reason, too. As far as my quirk control, i'm the weakest with earth, the aspect that allows me to grow and manipulate plants and stuff. That's why I've only been using that part of it all month. Im trying to get her up to speed so I can start using all four at once. He is like a tres guy, right? He manipulates earth all day long. He could teach me a lot, and that aspect of my quirk would suit his well. Please!?!?!?"
If the girl had just asked again in a normal way, his answer would have been the same. However Aizawa was taken aback to hear how much thought she put into this. From the stories of the teachers lounge, he came to understand her big life goal, was to rely fully on a rich man or woman, and do nothing at all forever. Just to try and forget about the terrible life she was destined to have because of that quirk.
This side of her was something he could not even her mother had seen, and it prompted him to speak those words she wanted to hear so badly.
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nxnoire · 5 years
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Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
part 1 part 3
my second prompt for @badthingshappenbingo
Nathalie knocked on Adrien's door, wondering why the teen hadn't left his room yet. Adrien heard the knock, but it didn't register in his mind. It was a sound in the background of the noise in his mind. The tears in his eyes were a trillion times louder than the whisper of the knock.
Plagg nudged him, trying to gain any sort of reaction. "Adrien, you need to get up," he urged.
He looked his the black kwami with a blank expression. Blinking, he stood up and made his way over to the door.
Nathalie opened the door just as Adrien made his way to it. "It's time for school, Adrien."
"I'm staying home. I don't feel well," he said with a hoarse voice. He sniffled and rubbed his eyes, drying the ocean under his eyes.
Nathalie nodded and let him be, shutting the door without a sound. Adrien walked like a zombie back to his bed. He crawled under the warm covers, their calls irresistible in his state.
Plagg flew to his face. "What are you doing?"
"I'm staying home. There's no point in going, anyway."
"But–" Adrien turned over, cutting his kwami off. Plagg sighed, knowing Adrien was in no mood to argue. "Whatever helps you, Adrien."
At school, Marinette was getting overly worried. Adrien never missed school. His immune system was almost impenetrable, and on the off chance he did get sick, he always forced himself to go to school. Whatever he came down with must have been serious if it made him stay home that day.
Nino turned around to face the girls behind him. "Have you guys heard from Adrien?"
"No," both girls replied.
He hummed in thought. "He might be sick then."
"Or maybe he had an early photoshoot today," Alya suggested.
"No, he doesn't," Marinette chimed in. She knew every single photoshoot he would have for the next year, and his next one wasn't until tomorrow. Today was one of his only free days.
Alya couldn't help but smirk. "Oh, it's not on your calendar?"
Her pressing tone made Marinette stutter. "Ah, no-it's not-it's not like that!" Could she being herself to tell her best friends that she kept a calendar of everybody's events so she knew exactly where they were in case of an akuma attack? "I...uh-I never heard him say anything about-about a shrotopoot–I mean photoshoot!"
Nino shook his head with a smile. "I'm sure he just got a cold or something." He turned back around and prepared for class.
Alya smiled and listened as Miss Bustier began her lesson. Marinette followed suit, hoping Adrien was feeling okay.
"Adrien, it's time for lunch," Nathalie said, standing in front of the sleeping teen.
Adrien's eyes fluttered open, squinting at the bright sunlight filtering through his windows. He rubbed his eyes and looked at her, blinking to fix his blurry vision. He knew his father wouldn't be there, so what was the point of going? Hunger had abandoned his body, replaced by a comfortable emptiness. Eating was so much work. Why eat when he could just lay there and disappear?
"I'm not hungry," he muttered.
"If you're sick, food will only help you," Nathalie advised.
Arguing with the woman would only end with him losing. He gave in and got up, pausing as the world temporarily faded as blood rushes back to his head. Once the light-headedness stopped, he followed Nathalie to the lonely dining room.
He sat down in his chair in silence. His eyes fell to the meal waiting for him. It disgusted him. Whatever appetite he had left had run off somewhere to play games with the joy that had been exiled from his body. Hesitantly, he picked up his fork and looked at Nathalie, who was looking at her tablet.
She didn't look like his mother. Not one bit. Yet, he was supposed to believe she was mother figure in his life now. She loved him as if he were her son. He was supposed to love her like family as well but–
Tears brimmed at his eyes.
Why was he crying? What had he been crying all morning? He leaned to push through the dark and twisty depression. Was that not enough? Was being happier not enough?
A tear rolled down his cheek. He rubbed it away, trying to hide his sadness.
Why did he feel so horrible? Why couldn't he stop the urge to cry?
The dam he had been holding back for so long finally burst. He dry heaved, causing him to cover his mouth. Quickly, he stood up and ran out of the room, ignoring Nathalie's calls for him.
Tears rained down from his eyes. Without stopping, he ran into his bedroom and into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him. He fell back against the door and slid to the ground. Almost like instinct, he brought his knees to his chest and hugged them. In that moment he wished for the warmth his mother would always give him when she would hug him.
He was so touch-starved that it hurt. He missed her so much that it brought him physical pain. A thousand bricks sat upon his chest, but how could he possibly feel anything if there was a gap that replaced his heart?
Plagg stood on the other side of the door, deeply saddened by Adrien's depression. He knew that he couldn't do anything to help Adrien. Adrien needed professional help, but he didn't know how to bring it to him.
Nathalie walked into the empty room, hoping to help Adrien. Plagg noticed and flew into his camembert cabinet quickly. She blinked, thinking she had seen something fly by. Her eyes were just playing tricks on her, she figured. It didn't faze her. She walked over to the door and prepared to knock, but heard sobs erupting from the quiet room.
She stopped.
Adrien wasn't sick. He was in pain.
She knew it was due to his mother's absence. What other reason could it be for? There was now way he found out that Gabriel was Hawkmoth. It was impossible. With all of the precautions both parties took to hide any and all evidence, there was no way anybody should have been able to figure it out.
She knocked on the door. "Adrien..." What was she supposed to say? "I..."
"Go away."
"Adrien, I want to help–"
"I don't care."
Nathalie sighed. "Is it about your mother?" No answer. What else did she expect? "I'm going to talk to your father about this. I hope he will make time to talk to you." She turned and left, knowing very well Gabriel wouldn't be able to make time.
She hoped that Gabriel wouldn't change his mind and take advantage of Adrien's negative emotions. If he did, it would only harm the teen. The emotional effects of being akumatized were familiar to her. Even though she had wanted to be akumatized into Catalyst she felt negatively after she turned back to her regular self. It would be too much for Adrien to handle.
In the bathroom, Adrien leaned his head against the door, feeling worse than before. The tears had finally stopped flowing. Perhaps he had become numb to all of the pain again. For the time being, at least. The same thing would happen over again. He was stuck in an infinite loop of pain and suffering. There was no way to get out. He'd keep drowning in the cold waters, slowly inching towards death until the Grim Reaper finally arrived to take him to a safer place.
To a place with his mother.
Maybe that was the way out.
His thoughts came to a halt. He shook his head, wondering what had just come over him. Did he consider death? There was so much he had to do here. Even if he wanted to go, he couldn't.
But, it'd take all of the burden off his shoulders. Ladybug didn't even need her. She had proven time and time again that she could save Paris without him. Paris would be fine without him. Chat Noir didn't need to be here. Adrien Agreste would be better off disappearing. No more paparazzi. No more attention. No more stress.
His eyes widened. Was he seriously considering death?
No. He didn't want to die. He couldn't permanently leave this place. Even if it's be beneficial to him, he would want to come back to the life he built for himself.
He stood up and looked in the mirror at his disheveled self. For once, his image of perfect had dissolved with the tears. Thank god. He hated being perfect.
Was it possible to disappear for a while? He could run away as Chat Noir, but then he'd have to be on constant guard to maintain his hideout. Ladybug would need his help, and there was no way he could hold himself back from helping her.
There was another knock at the door.
"What do you want?" Adrien asked, his voice hoarse and quiet. He was tired of Nathalie bugging him. He was tired of people.
"Adrien," Gabriel said from behind the door.
Adrien's heart skipped a beat. His father had actually decided to come out his office to come talk to him! For once, his father cared enough to help him. Or did he? He paused, his hand hovering over the doorknob. "Are you here to lecture me again?" Adrien asked, trying not to get his hopes up.
"No. I'm here to talk."
He grabbed the doorknob and opened the door. In front of him was a sad face. Before Adrien could say anything, Gabriel embraced him a hug, something Adrien hadn't received from him in a long time.
Once they broke the hug, they walked over to his couch in silence and sat down. Adrien was hesitant to speak up, but he didn't have to.
"I know you miss her," Gabriel began, "We all do." He sighed sadly. "But we have to keep moving. Because one day, everything will go back to normal."
Adrien looked at him, confused. "How can anything go back to the way it was? She's dead, father."
"Yes, but–" he cut himself off, keeping his secret identity hidden. "Emotionally, we can return to normal."
"I did, and now I'm over here thinking about death!" He exclaimed angrily. His eyes widened. He wasn't one to raise his voice at others, and he hadn't meant to tell his father about that, either.
Gabriel looked at his son, ignoring the heavy statement. His eyes fluttered to the ring on his hand, which he had subconsciously began to toy with. Of course, he had ruled out the theory that Adrien was Chat Noir.
But thinking about it, maybe he was the young hero. The ring was the same. His depression could have been deepened by the weight of being Paris's hero.
Was it the right time to bring the question up? It was one of the only times he'd be able to. But was it really appropriate? His son was hurting and he was supposed to help him. However, if he was Chat Noir, he could get the Miraculous easily. He had to ask now. At least try.
"Adrien, I need to ask you something."
Adrien looked at his father, nodding.
"Are you Chat Noir?"
His stomach dropped to the floor. What was he supposed to say? If he said no, would his father believe him? If he said yes, what would the repercussions be? "I-i, uh...what makes you think that?"
Gabriel motioned to his ring. "The ring on your finger looks a lot like his. Not to mention you two look a bit similar."
Adrien didn't know how to counter that. The ring was the dead giveaway. How could he explain the sudden appearance of it? His father already showed suspicions toward it before. Could he easily shake them off again?
"Son, I wouldn't care if you were." He tried to make it seem as though he were the supportive father. "I would be proud to call myself the father of a superhero." He wouldn't be proud. He'd have been wanting to kill his son for close to two years. He would have been hurting his own son every single day, when the Miraculous was under his nose the entire time.
"Father..." Adrien looked at him and noticed something off about his expression. He inched away from him and hid his hands in his pockets, trying to hide the Miraculous. "Even if I were Chat Noir, I wouldn't be able to tell you. Superheroes have to keep their identities a secret or something like that."
"Wouldn't saying that be a way to hide your identity?"
"No matter what it is, I can't tell you whether I am him or not. Besides, I thought you were here to help me!" He stood up and threw his hands out of his pockets.
"If you aren't Chat Noir, take off your ring."
"No! I'm done talking about him!" He felt tears brimming at his eyes. "I just want to talk about Adrien for once," he muttered.
"Adrien...it's okay." Gabriel stood up and embraced his son in another hug. While holding his son, he looked at the ring, trying to hold himself back from snatching it.
"Why do you care so much about Chat Noir?"
"Because I'm curious, son. I'm worried for you, and need to know everything so I can help you."
Adrien pulled away and stepped back, trying to put distance between him and his father. If his father had evil intentions, he needed to be far away just in case he needed to escape. "I-I-" he stuttered. His eyes caught sight of Plagg, who looked terrified.
Something was wrong. He shouldn't be telling his father anything. For whatever reason, it wasn't safe. Gabriel noticed Adrien's shocked expression and turned to see what he was looking at. His eyes caught sight of a tail disappearing under the blanket of his bed.
A kwami.
He tried to act like he hadn't seen anything, but he knew his expression gave it away.
"I can explain–"
"No, I know what I saw, Adrien."
His heart pounded harder and harder. "How do you know...?"
Gabriel sighed. "I've become well-aquatinted with the Miraculous over my lifetime."
Adrien backed away. Plagg knew. Plagg could sense his father knew something. He should have kept the secret better. Adrien failed. His father wasn't safe, for whatever reason.
Something clicked inside of him. His father had possession of the Miraculous Spellbook. He never left his house. He seemed interested in the ring.
Could his father be– "Hawkmoth?" He muttered in shock, hoping he was wrong.
Gabriel moved closer to his son. "I hope you'll understand, Adrien. Once I get the Miraculous I can bring her back. We can finally live happily once again."
Adrien moved towards his window. "No! If you do that, it'll come with a sacrifice! It's not right! Terrorizing Paris, for what? Bringing a dead person back? She's dead, let her be dead like she should be! Who do you think you are, Frankenstein? You can't just bring people back and expect it to all be so perfect!" He was about to open the window but his father tried to take the ring.
"Give me the Miraculous and everything will be fine!"
"No!" Adrien ran to his bed and grabbed his phone, shoving it in his pocket. "I can't be here. Not with you, Hawkmoth." Tears rolled down his cheeks. "I can't. I have a city to save, and I cant leave them behind."
"Son, just do it."
"Plagg," Adrien muttered, causing the black kwami to fly out of the blanket. "Let's go." Adrien walked towards his door, but Nathalie opened it, shocked to see the scene unfolding in front of her eyes. Adrien backed up a bit, but stopped when he saw his father getting closer to him. "Nathalie, move." She didn't move.
"Plagg, claws out," he muttered, transforming in a bright flash of light.
As he walked away, his father managed to grab his wrist. "Adrien, don't go–"
"Sorry, Adrien isn't available now. You can leave a message for him, if you'd like."
Gabriel scoffed and tried grabbing the ring.
"Cataclysm," Chat muttered, causing Gabriel to stop. "You'll never get my Miraculous." He turned and walked past Nathalie, tears rolling down his cheeks as he left behind the last piece of home he had.
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jjbaconsumedmysoul · 7 years
I'm not sure if your requests are open or not, but can I get a modern day kakyoin x reader where they have a sleep over and it's super fluffy??
Kakyoin x Reader: “I’m All Yours”
“And you’re sure your parents are okay with this?”
He grabbed your hand, squeezing it reassuringly.
“Of course. I told them you needed somewhere to stay, and they’ll be out most of the night anyway.” Your eyebrows furrowed. You certainly didn’t want to intrude, however, the idea of spending the night with Kakyoin…
The sun was low in the sky, but its heat still beat down as the two of you walked back from school. It had been a long day, and you both had to stay after school for several hours because of club activities, so it was almost time for dinner. Your backpack was starting hurt you shoulders, and you fanned your heated face with your hand.
“How much farther is it?” You looked up at him, trying not to sound whiny. Still, he seemed to notice your discomfort.
“Only a few more minutes and we’ll get there. Do you need me to hold your bag?” Your face flushed as you began to stutter.
“I-I mean, my back is kind of sore, but you don’t have to if it’s too much trouble–” He cut you off as he swung your pack off of your shoulders and onto his own, laughing as he almost buckled under the weight.
“How many textbooks are in here?” You grimaced, “You’re stronger than I thought,”
“If it’s too heavy,” You began to speak, but he intertwined his fingers with yours, reassuringly.
“Anything for you.” His sweet smile always seemed to make your knees weak.
Air conditioning was most definitely the best invention ever created by mankind. You collapsed face down on the couch in exhaustion as you heard the thud of your book bag on the floor and the click of the fan. You felt the couch sink under Kakyoin’s weight as he sat next to you. A slight pressure ran across your shoulders.
“What are you–” You stopped yourself as a groan left your lips. His strong hands kneaded your back, catching the most tense and tightly knotted muscles and dissolving all the stress with his firm touch. Your entire body felt tingly and warm, but your mind raced with the implications of the action. He continued massaging your neck, your shoulder blades, your lower back. You wanted to tell him that he didn’t have to do that, that you didn’t hurt that much anyway, but all that escaped your lips was a low moan:
He suddenly paused, not removing his hands entirely. The spell over you seemed to lift, and you slowly sat up from the awkward position (though you certainly desired more of his touch). You groggily turned to face him. His cheeks were slightly rosy, and he sat rigidly, biting his lower lip as he pulled his arms to rest in his lap.
Neither of you said anything for a while, just rested there, relieved to be out of the heat. You leaned onto his shoulder, and he let out a sigh. Closing your eyes, you felt his fingers brush against yours, and you smiled at the comfort.
“You said pizza was fine, right?” You lifted your eyelids and turned to him to respond, but your mouth wouldn’t move. His long crimson lock of hair framed his handsome face, and his eyes seemed to sparkle in the afternoon sunlight that shone through the window. His gaze was tender, and his smile eager. You shook it off as quickly as you could. You hated how susceptible you were to his charms.
“Wonderful,” to your dismay, he stood from the couch, “I’ll order delivery now, if that’s fine with you.” You nodded as he leapt up from the couch. “And I might change out of my uniform if that’s alright with you,” You paused. You had never seen him wearing anything other than his uniform, and the thought of it kind of… well, it kind of made you drool. “You’re free to change as well, of course, I can’t imagine your outfit is comfortable.” Kakyoin smiled sweetly before walking out of the room to grab his phone. You sat there for a moment.
It was certainly much more comfortable wearing your tank top and shorts instead of that sweaty school uniform. You left the bathroom to set your bag back down in the living room, and noticed that Kakyoin was already lying on the couch. His tight green shirt left nothing to the imagination, but you refused to let your mind imagine anything further as you approached him.
“Pizza on it’s way?” You asked. His lips curled upwards in that slight smile you loved so much, and he sat up from the couch.
“Any minute now.” He paused, a mischievous glint coming to his eye, “(Y/n), do you like video games?”
“No, you press it like this,” You looked over at his controller as he rapidly fingered the buttons. His kart whizzed past a corner and through a dark tunnel. On your side of the screen,  Princess Peach was repeatedly running into a wall. His laugh was sympathetic, however. “Here,” he set his controller down and crouched behind you. His arms wrapped around your frame, taking command of the buttons. You hoped he wouldn’t notice how fast your heart was beating and how sweaty your palms had become, as he walked you through the game. You could feel his breath on the back of your neck, and your hair stood on end as you slowly relaxed into his chest. Rather than focusing on his instructions, you were eyeing his biceps. Your eyes glazed over as you began to daydream. Maybe it was just because you were a bit tired, but you completely lost your hold on reality.
You gasped as his fingers grazed against your side. You realised he had been calling your name for a while, but it was too late. He attacked your sides with tickles. You laughed furiously as you toppled over on the floor.
“K-Kak!” You gasped out “What are you d-doing?!” You lay on the ground, still giggling as he pulled his hands away. He leaned over you, his long lock of hair draping down. Your chest heaved as you caught your breath.
“You wouldn’t respond to anything else,” He smiled slyly, but hesitated. His eyes wandered down, as if they were inspecting your frame.
Suddenly, the doorbell rang.
“We could watch a movie.” You suggested through a mouthful of pizza. He smiled as he filled his plate.
“That would be lovely,”
“And we could grab some pillows and blankets,” You laughed “And make a fort!” He chuckled at your joke. Maybe you were a bit too excited about sleeping over. He slowly took a bite of the pizza, seemingly deep in thought. You stared at he licked the sauce off of his lip, but continued eating your own as he glanced back at you. You chatted for a while about the latest gossip at school and everything that had happened that day.
Once you were finished, he took your plate and threw it in the trash. You hopped up from the chair as he wiped his hands with a napkin.
“Do you have netflix–” He stopped you, tilting your chin to look into his eyes. Your hormones raged at his touch, and you gulped, somewhat confused by the gesture.
He had made advances like this all day, but you could never be sure that they were actually advances. Kakyoin was too smart for you, too handsome, too kind. That was probably why he was acting this way. His kindness.
He reached up, napkin in hand, to wipe a smudge of sauce from the edge of your lips. You stared at his caring smile, transfixed.
“Now we can watch the movie.”
You snuggled under the blankets Kakyoin had brought in, typing in the name of the movie into the search bar. It was something obscure you’d never heard of, but he said it was an amazing film, and you trusted him. Kakyoin dimmed the lights as he brought in a large bowl of popcorn. You gasped slightly (hoping he didn’t hear) as he slipped his arm around your shoulder. He pulled up the covers and reached for the remote. His hair brushed against your face as you nuzzled into him, and you could swear he smelled like cherries.
You were really enjoying the movie. It was sweet and a bit romantic. About halfway in, Kakyoin shifted a little. He leaned into you as his thumb gently stroked your shoulder. His other hand found its way under the covers to clasp yours.
Finally, the film ended. The credits scrolled by, underscored by gentle instrumental music. You two sat for a while, simply enjoying each other’s warmth. You didn’t want him to move to grab the remote, to turn on the lights.
But, slowly, he unwrapped his arm from your shoulders. You sighed as the blissful moment came to an end. However, you felt his fingers gently brush against your cheek. As you slowly turned to look at him, you noticed the faintest blush cross his face in the darkness. It was that same smile you had always loved, where his lips curled slightly up as he gazed into the distance. But this time, he was gazing at you.
You couldn’t imagine what your face must have liked like. You were mesmerised, transfixed. He slowly leaned in, as if giving you a chance to opt out, to shy away from his intimacy. But you wanted it more than anything.
His lips softly grazed yours. Your eyes closed, and you did your best not to shudder. His kiss was short, however, and he pulled away to measure your reaction. His expression seemed… uncertain, expectant. You wanted to say something, to tell him how much you cared for him, how much you wanted to be with him, but you were too scared to open your mouth. Words wouldn’t be enough, anyway.
You leaned in again, placing your hand on his firm bicep to brace yourself. His lips met yours again, this time more hungry than before. The hand that previously rested on your cheek slipped to comb through your hair, as the other hand clasped your hip. The moan that left your lips was barely noticeable, but it still seemed to urge him on as he pulled you closer. You gasped as your torso pressed against his, and he used the opportunity to tilt your chin, deepening the kiss. Your hand found its way up to his chest, fiddling with the thin fabric of his shirt.
But he slowed, giving your lips a soft peck before he pulled away. He looked into your eyes with an expression of sincerity.
“(Y/n),” You placed his hand on his soft cheek at his whisper. At this point, nothing held you back. You wanted to show him just how much you loved him. “You are the most wonderful person I’ve ever known–” but you pressed a finger to his lips, and his face grew red.
“Kak, you don’t have to say anything.” You removed your finger, and, instead, pressed your forehead to his.
“I’m all yours, and that will never change.”
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