#divebomb transformers robots in disguise
mgarmagedon · 6 months
A little question. Have you ever drawn rid2015 Airazor or Divebomb before? They are Fracture's minicons. (Just asking)
Not really man :V I always saw them as unnecessary goblins, because unlike Slipstream and Jetstrom, which were much more important to the story, Divebomb and Airazor didn't do much at all XD. We barely saw their characters and even there were ANY scenes with them, they were just Fracture's evil goblins! XD
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And IMO only because Drift needed a decepticon copy (to make more toys) with also 2 minicons, which is Fracture. Soo in any other circumstances I would say that he is lonely wolf and likes working solo, so he wouldn't have them, but, because Steeljaw could make him a pancake of him, he joined him XD
So i never drew until this day, I treat them as evil goblins that helps their master to kill ppl.
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Humanformed Steeljaw's other pack members
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driver270 · 3 months
Mini Mayhem II
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makeitzesty · 1 year
RID15 circus au(circus rivalry)
So, for this au Steeljaw's pack would have like a creepypasta/ creature feature circus deal going. Bee team genuinely wants the public to be happy, so a standard circus that the people love. (THIS IS ALL BASED OF A HUMAN FANTASY AU)
Bumblebee would have the wings of a wasp, with two more sets of small eyes and horns like his g1 self. Strongarm is a German Shepherd (anthropomorphic), Grimlock is a dinosaur hybrid, Drift and Jetstorm are oni, Slipstream is a human and Dragon born(lung), Sideswipe is a centaur yearling, Fixit is a serpent)
Steel jaw and Bumblebee are the ring masters, obv. Steel jaw would be very good at hypnotizing children with his voice.
Strongarm is a strongman, reference to that one episode where Fixit watches her lift something of a hundred or a few.
Sideswipe is the stunt man, another reference to where Jazz comes in and he talks about the biker gang jackets on TV. It's also just a very brash very sideswipe thing to do.
Grimlock is the clown, he's definitely clumsy enough and everyone can get a crack out of it.
Fixit was gonna be a clown, but I made him a magician. He's a tech wizard in the series, now he's just a wizard. Makes sense to me.
Drift is a tightrope walker. He would spin some sword tricks and do some skill stuff on the rope cause he just got that skill.
Slip+Jet are trapeze artists. They be fliers at spark, they'd make a good duo in both standard trapeze and flying.
Steeljaw's pack: (NOTE: Thunderhoof would be a centaur, Fracture would be a creature with spines on his back, a long whip like tail, and sharp teeth/claws. The rest would pretty much be furries with Rottweiler Underbite)
Thunderhoof is the circus horse(read bottom⏬) I could see him with lights and streamers prancing around with Fracture trick riding on his back.
Fracture is the jester. He would be like candy pop more like, with the black lines on the eye. He's hothic, don't even argue with that. He's also we'll equipped, with colorful fire, tricks, and such.
Divebomb + Airazor are the lion/tiger doing the hoops. Airazor is a spider, ik, but could still have the fuzzy neck thing and jump hoops with his cat friend.
Underbite is the muscleman. Pretty self explanatory, or a sword swallower. Idk what to do with the fact that he eats a lot so he could do both? I don't know.
Springload is tumbling. He's sticky, he's got the long ass legs. He'd have the little red hatter top hat with Quillfire, who he would also have throw quills at him on a roulette wheel.
And quillfire is knife throwing. He'd volunteer people from the audience, or Springload. He'd use his quills for sure, and sometimes throw them at Thunderhoof to have him dodge them.
Honorable mentions: (Raker would be a being with beetle wings, horns, and animalistic legs.Clipshade is a Rottweiler (anthro) and Windblade is a Griffin born meaning she's half Griffin)
Shadow Raker would be a human fly. (Dancers commonly at a brothel who would dance upside down on the roof) He is also skilled in several stunts such as trapeze and tightrope, which he has taught to Slip, Jet, and Drift.
Clipshade would be a clown, if you've ever read the comics. Or a mime.
Windblade would be a silk aerialist. I don't think I have to explain that much.
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viewbypieces · 2 years
Divebomb, grinning: Before you were what?
[Name]: Before I was-
Divebomb: What?
[Name]: Before I was inter-
Divebomb: Before you were interrupted?
[Name]: Cut me off one more time and I swear I'll-
Divebomb: What?
[Name]: *makes frustrated sound*
Jetstorm, nervously: Stop that. Before they hurt you.
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askvectorprime · 1 year
Dear Vector Prime, does Magmatron exist in the Viron cluster?
Dear Dinosaur Denominator,
Not to my knowledge, but there is one individual to whom he bears a very strong resemblance. Like Magmatron, he possessed a tripartite spark which could be split across three separate beast modes, each embodying a different facet of his personality: Overkill, the Gigantosaurus; Divebomb, the Quetzalcoatlus; and Splashdown, the Elasmosaurus. As a combiner, they could merge to form a monstrous beast mode referred to as the “Dinosaurer”, in addition to their robot mode combination. He was named Trypticon—after the monstrous beast from Cybertronian legend.
Trypticon was eternally loyal to the Predacon Council, and was the first leader of the cel that came to be known as the “Dinobots”, named for their prehistoric alternate modes. In fact, Trypticon considered it his right to command all saurian Predacons, using intimidation to recruit even experienced veterans like Reachout, and he demanded viciousness from all of his warriors.
For much of the Cybertronian Civil War, Trypticon's domineering and cruelty went uncontested, but eventually the other Dinobots had enough, and a number of them conspired to bring about his downfall. They prevailed by isolating Trypticon's three components and preying on their individual weaknesses. Overkill was provoked into a berserker rage by Sludge, Snarl and Terrorsaur, who put him down once his mind became consumed by blind anger. For Divebomb, Terranotron and Grimlock took advantage of his pride, luring him high into the sky until he was within firing range of the team's ship, the Megalosaur. As for Splashdown, it was simply a matter of isolating him on dry land, where he was vulnerable to Slapper’s earthquakes and Triceradon’s flame breath.
With Trypticon gone, the power vacuum he left behind drew the Dinobots into infighting. While they shared a sense of relief, some were angry over having been excluded from the scheme, and some took the chance to transfer to new positions within the Predacons. The remaining Dinobots, those who had taken part in the plot, disagreed over who was the team’s rightful leader, and squabbled fiercely until Grimlock was eventually accepted in the role. But once they began dealing with the Predacon Council directly, they had their worst fears confirmed, as it became apparent that the brutal methods they had attributed to Trypticon’s ideology were in fact endemic throughout the faction—and with it seeming increasingly likely that an errant ex-Dinobot would tip off the Council as to what had transpired, they begrudgingly made the decision to defect to the Autobot side. For this, they would pay a steep price, when Terrorsaur was slain by a Predacon bounty hunter… but it was their pursuit of revenge which ultimately united the team, and gave them a righteous purpose.
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sonicasura · 7 months
During the Corazon in TFP AU, RID2015 Edition, what if Fracture and his minicon-torpedoes were to encounter Zoro?
Thus resulting in an experience similar to when Drift met Mihawk.
Fracture is one of the few bots who doesn't underestimate Oceanic like Zoro. He often had jobs go horribly wrong for thinking that way and this encounter is no exception. Other than Bumblebee, Fracture had another bounty.
Ever since Oceanic became known, there have been those who wished to possess one for their own purposes. What people pay for just to obtain such an individual is massive and the bounty hunter couldn't resist. Zoro happened to be by himself when Fracture struck.
Airazor and Divebomb were given the task to unarm the swordsman to increase their chances. Smart strategy that in actuality was a massive mistake. Zoro decided to crush Fracture and his two Minicons within an inch of their life using just Sandai Kitetsu.
While Drift wishes to better himself, our bounty hunter here is the complete opposite. Fracture has nothing but sheer fury. Sandai Kitetsu left permanent marks on his frame that removing the affected plates could cripple him. Airazor and Divebomb are completely terrified.
They got multiple smaller cuts from said sword but the bloodlust it radiates being too much for them unlike Fracture. Zoro doesn't take kindly to those who try to take his blades. Sandai Kitetsu is even less so.
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fresh-san · 9 months
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Robots in disguise - Divebomb
Smiles pretty much around people he like (his brother Airazor, stepbrother Jetstorm,...)
He can be angry and heartless, but he doesn't want to show that side
Has piercings
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bones4thecats · 4 months
Transformers Robots in Disguise (2015) Characters
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This is the Transformers Robots in Disguise (2015) Character List. If you wish to find another, go to my Request Form and you may find other parts of my blog!
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᯽ Bumblebee ~ 🐝 ᯽ Strongarm ~ 🚔 ᯽ Sideswipe ~ 🏎️ ᯽ Grimlock ~ 🦖 ᯽ Drift ~ 🏯 ᯽ Slipstream ~ 🎋 ᯽ Jetstorm ~ 🎍 ᯽ Fixit ~ 🔌
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᯽ Optimus Prime ~ ⚔️ ᯽ Windblade ~ 🎐 ᯽ Ratchet ~ ⚕️ ᯽ Bulkhead ~ 💥 ᯽ Jazz ~ 🎷
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᯽ Steeljaw ~ 🐺 ᯽ Thunderhoof ~ 🦌 ᯽ Underbite ~ 🍴 ᯽ Fracture ~ 🔮 ᯽ Airazor ~ 🎉 ᯽ Divebomb ~ 🎊 ᯽ Clampdown ~ 🦀
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᯽ Vertebreak ~ 🐍 ᯽ Saberhorn ~ 🪲 ᯽ Shadow Raker ~ 🗡️ ᯽ Polarclaw ~ 🐻‍❄️ ᯽ Scorponok ~ 🦂 ᯽ Kickback ~ 🦗 ᯽ Starscream ~ 💫 ᯽ Nightstrike ~ 🦇 ᯽ Cyclonus ~ 💡 ᯽ Chop Shop ~ 🕷️ ᯽ Soundwave ~ 🔊 ᯽ Megatronus ~ 🎭
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saritamanyalu · 2 years
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Happy Pride Month 2022! 
Divebomb, Slipstream (c) Transformers Robot in disguise
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hellzballz · 2 years
Team Bee and S1 Steeljaw's pack family rolls
Team Bee:
Fixit is the Grandpa who's stories you actually need to text a safeword to get away from.
Bumblebee is the single mom 150% who tries so hard to be the "cool mom" but fails until he means business. He also thinks drinking coffee is a personality trait.
Sideswipe is the rebellious teenage kid who would be either popular or head of the gay kids table. Mom has to pick him up from the police sation on the weekly basis for doing something dumb.
Strongarm is the bossy older sister who looks up to mom and shares everything with him. Also the sister who will tattle on bro whenever he does something against the rules in the slightest. She's on his ass like Airachnid and the moon.
Grimlock is that one, um.. dull, uncle. If you have one you know, if you don't, you might actually have a decent family. Anyway he's pretty much the overly excited uncle that loves things he doesn't even know.
Drift is the grumpy uncle with a criminal record everybody is scared to ask about.
Slipstream is the quiet cousin nobody can really tease becuse he's just there and everybody expects him to snap. Basically like the quiet kid you have or had in your class.
Jetstorm is the extroverted, obnoxious cousin I know everybody has. The one thats always in your business, trying to relate to everybody. He means well tho.
(I'm not saying he's annoying he just tends to speak his mind more in the show when he can't help it)
Optimus is the biological Grandpa with the war stories.
Steeljaw's Pack(S1):
Steeljaw is the single pissed dad who's so fed up with everyone's shit he might actually go mental when the alcohol wears off.
(He and Bee are the divorced parents who would have killed each other if the damn kids didn't get in the way.)
Thunderhoof is the 50 year old uncle who keeps telling dad how to run the nuthouse and both are so tired of the other's shit they might just kill eachother.
Fracture is the aunt who talks shit about everyone and shows up to family events uninvided for gossip and money, but nobody cares because he makes good food.
Divebomb is the emo cousin who's obsessed with cats and drugs (I do not encourage this he just sounds stoned okay)
Airazor is the other cousin who tries really hard to be cool and a bad boy but will cry and out himself if stole money from Fracture. He also still believes in Santa because last time Fracture tried to tell him the truth he bawled for 2 hours straight.
Quillfire is the son who starts riots at school because he doesn't agree with their policies
Springload is the mentally unstable son who always acts drunk but that's just him. You can tell he has issues okay.
Clampdown is the cowardice brother who tries to be "normal" but lives in a crack house so he's whiney, nerdy, and worrysome.
Underbite is the mean just out of jail uncle who can't stop getting into street and bar fights.
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liaswritesrobots · 4 years
Scenario request! RID15 Fracture reacting to finding S/O on the floor in their house because they fainted. I passed out in my kitchen this May due to crazy blood sugar problems.
"Hey short stuff," Fracture called out as he entered your home without even a knock, something you've become somewhat accustomed to since the two of you started seeing each other, "I don't have any Autobot ass to beat today so I figured I'd come hang out with you all day." He says, deploying his minicons so they can all unwind and relax.
Divebomb and Airazor immediately make a dash to the couch and turn on the TV, flipping through channels hoping to find a good action movie or cartoon on. Fracture stands near the front door, wondering why you didn't call back to him, you normally say something when he comes in, even if you're busy you still at least say hi to him.
"Babe?" He calls out again, thinking  maybe you didn't hear him, but still, there's no answer. Maybe you're just in your room with some music on? Or taking a shower? Still, he can't help the rising feeling within his circuits that something is wrong.
He tries not to show any concern, but with no answer after he's called out to you twice has him worried. He decides to go to your room to see if you're in there taking a nap or listening to music, but once he opens the door and sees you aren't there his panic becomes apparent. Slag, did the Autobots find out about your relationship and take you in for questioning? Did Steeljaw do something?
He rushes back towards the living room, looking around for any sign of struggle, but everything is in place, so obviously someone didn't break in. That's when he decides to check the kitchen and lets out a gasp that even Airazor and Divebomb can hear.
When he sees you laying on the floor passed out he rushes to your side, cradling you in his arms and checking your body for any marks you may not have had before. He notices you're still breathing and lets out a sigh of relief as Airazor and Divebomb come into the kitchen to see what all the commotion is about.
"OH SCRAP ARE THEY DEAD?!" Airazor yells out, placing his servos on his helm as his optics go wide.
"No," Fracture says picking you up bridal style, "Just passed out," He turns and carries you to your room, Airazor and Divebomb shuffling out of the way, and once there he gently places you on your bed and sits down beside you.
Later, once you wake up, you raise up and you're met with Fracture standing next to your bed cutting something up and Divebomb and Airazor curled up at the foot of your bed sleeping.
"About time sleepy head," he says after noticing you open your eyes.
"Fracture? What-"
"You passed out." He says, "I found you passed out on your floor. After checking for any marks I carried you here," he says handing you an apple slice, "I did a quick data search on what exactly could cause this and found out low blood sugar can make you faint," he places a plate of apple and orange slices down beside you, "You gotta take better care of yourself babe, you had those two worried sick." he says pointing at Airazor and Divebomb fast asleep, but the truth was that he was just as worried as they were, maybe even more.
"I know." You respond, hanging your head and taking a bite of the apple slice he handed you, "Sorry for worrying all of you."
"Yeah I know," he says trying to act cool about it, "Just… make sure you're getting enough insulin and eat alright?" He says in a softer tone, letting his worry slip through.
"Alright." You smile and take the plate of fruit into your lap then pat the spot beside you. He sits down and you lean against him, "I'm glad you came by then."
"Yeah, me too." he says, wrapping an arm around you as you eat the fruit he prepared for you.
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Some humanformers Fracture, Divebomb and Airazor
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I haven't gotten any human names for Fracture and Airazor, only Divebomb (Demone) so like any suggestions?
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vexwing · 4 years
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RID15 doesn’t get enough love.
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spark-gem · 5 years
Could you do a scenario RiD15 Fracture where fem human s/o is playing with Airazor and Divebomb and he sees her playing with his Minicons please?
This shouldn’t be that difficult
Yes, Airazor and Divebomb were cybertronians but for some stupid reason, the ship’s computer wasn’t displaying their life signals. To top off Fracture’s bad mood they weren’t anywhere in their normal spots around the ship! 
He needed them to locate their new target and do background research. He highly doubted they’d gone far from the ship since they were actually loyal to the bounty hunter.
Fracture exited his ship to find his missing minicons but found his S/O bent over a bush and rustling the branches next to them..
Not something he was expecting
“What are you doing?” He asks in a slightly judgemental tone, S/O’s head popped up, a concentrated look on their face, before shushing their cybertronian partner. 
Fracture’s face plates accurately expressed his offence before noticing the bushes rustling. Before S/O could comprehend anything, the bounty hunter scoops up S/O, lightly tossing them to the side, and punching whatever predator might be lurking to devour his S/O.
Only for Fracture’s fist formed servo to make contact with Airazor, yelping at the sudden action and causing Divebomb to come out of hiding.
Fracture grits his denta at his own screw up and looks down at his S/O for an explanation, who was proclaiming their victory over the current round of hide and seek.
A game.....they were playing a game. He finally realizes.
S/O ended up explaining to him that they were only going to play for half an hour so Airazor and Divebomb could take a break from their work. No one was allowed to hide inside the ship though because it wasn’t fair for S/O because they couldn’t access certain parts of it.
So they settled for being outside.
Fracture growls slightly irritated before trying to cool his annoyance. “Alright then....times up back to work.” Airazor and Divebomb immediately head back inside while S/O looked up with a mischievous smile.
“You can play with us next time.”
“Stop grinning......I’ll think about it.” 
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viewbypieces · 2 years
Divebomb: If Airazor and I were drowning, who would you save?
[Name]: You two can't swim?
Airazor: It's a hypothetical question, [Name]! who would you save?
[Name]: my time and effort.
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